News and information for blood donors WINTER 2016

ParalympicParalympic successsuccess thanksthanks toto youryour donationsdonations #REPRESENT#REPRESENT launcheslaunches withwith LADYLADY LESHURRLESHURR “The“The timetime isis nownow toto givegive bloodblood andand savesave aa life”life” It’s our 70th anniversary! WELCOME

A message from Ian Trenholm, chief executive Hello,Hello, andand welcomewelcome toto thethe WinterWinter 20162016 editionedition

s we look back over the year, we new technology, such as our app, to make Acelebrate the fact that our blood it as easier to view all donation venues ARE stocks have remained healthy and in your area, book an appointment, and consistent – providing patients with review your donation history. lifesaving transfusions when they have As we head into the cold winter months, needed them. On their behalf, I would we do tend to see blood stocks dip as YOU like to offer my sincere thanks for your continued support. “Thank you again for Every year presents new challenges. The demand for blood has been dropping your dedication to blood by about 4 per cent a year – both here GOLD and across the world – and we expect and platelet donation. the trend to continue. This sounds like I wish you health and good news, and in many ways it is. The fall is thanks to improvements in clinical happiness for 2017” BLOODED? practice and by our working more efficiently with hospitals to ensure that people stay indoors and are distracted blood is used appropriately for patients. by the festivities over Christmas and Only a precious few people donate platelets While slightly fewer donations are the New Year. We know that time is required overall, we need more donations particularly precious at this time of – golden cells that help the blood to clot. from certain groups. There remains a year, but, if you can, please do book an particular need for universal blood and appointment to donate. 60% of their donations are used to treat people platelet types - O negative and A negative Thank you again for your dedication to with cancer. We need more donors with - and we still have a long standing blood and platelet donation. I wish you shortage of black and Asian donors, who health and happiness for 2017. l A negative and AB negative blood groups. are more likely to have rarer blood types. We have also needed to change Write and tell us your news, views and interesting or sessions, which has meant asking some unusual donor stories. donors to go to a different venue. I know The Editor, The Donor, NHS Blood and Transplant, Oak Find out now to see if you can help, please visit this can be disappointing and may be less House, Reeds Crescent, Watford, WD24 4QN or email [email protected] or call 0300 123 23 23 convenient for you. We are investing in The cost of producing and publishing this magazine is less than half the price of a second class stamp. The Donor is published by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT). Reproduction in whole or part is strictly forbidden without the prior permission of NHSBT. Larger print versions are available via the website. Design and production: Reproduction: Portland Media (London). Printed in the UK.


More A negative platelet Breakthrough in the manufa cture of platelets donors needed

Many patients need platelets becoming sensitised. You may have heard that O negative blood can be given so a potential new way to Cedric Ghevaert, a consultant haematologist at NHS Blood and to any patient. Well A negative produce them on demand is Transplant said, “Making megakaryocytes platelets can also be given to an exciting development and platelets from stem cells for any patient requiring a platelet transfusion has been a long standing transfusion. We particularly need challenge because of the sheer numbers more A negative blood donors to esearchers at NHS Blood and we need to produce to make a single unit start donating platelets at one of RTransplant and the University of for transfusion. We have found a way our donor centres. Cambridge have developed a new to ‘rewire’ the stem cells to make them For more information visit: method to produce platelets in the become megakaryocytes a lot faster and laboratory in large numbers for the more efficiently. It’s a major step forward or call 0300 123 23 23 first time. towards our goal to one day make blood Billions of platelets are circulating in cells in the laboratory to transfuse to production of laboratory platelets to the our blood and they are vital because they patients.” scale required for transfusion and we still stop bleeding, for instance when you cut The significance Above: Coloured BSIP DR AMAR/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY But please don’t stop donating platelets! need more platelet donors to donate as your finger. They may be given to patients This breakthrough is important for a scanning electron It will take many years to develop the regularly as possible. l having cancer chemotherapy, transplants, number of reasons. Firstly, donated micrograph megakaryocyte, major surgery and trauma. But how are human platelets only last seven days, the giant bone Platelets helped save my life! platelets made? which is why we ask our platelet donors marrow cells that When Andy Jackson was 18 he was diagnosed with to donate as regularly as possible. Also, produce platelets chronic myeloid leukaemia. He was told that a bone What are platelets? whenever a patient receives a platelet (thrombocytes) marrow transplant was his only option. Platelets are formed from giant ‘mother transfusion, there is always some risk, Andy takes up the story… cells’ known as megakaryocytes that although it is very low, of transferring an “About three months after I was diagnosed with are themselves formed from stem cells infection. Finally, patients who receive chronic myeloid leukaemia I was fortunate enough in the bone marrow. The platelets ‘bud’ “Joining the register is really easy, all to find a suitable donor. When I received my bone off the megakaryocytes – they are the marrow transplant it was just like having a blood round objects on the surface of the we need to do is take an extra sample transfusion; it was over in a couple of hours. Then it megakaryocyte in the picture – and was a case of having to wait and hope that the donor eventually join the blood circulation by when someone gives blood” stem cells would accept my body. passing through the small vessels in the “In the weeks and months following the transplant, ”I now work for Bloodwise, a charity that has been bone marrow. regular platelet transfusions may become I received platelet transfusions to help bolster my working to beat blood cancer since 1960. In April this Our researchers have found a novel way sensitised to them, making it difficult levels which had been depleted by my treatment. year we became the official charity partner for NHS to switch stem cells grown in a laboratory to find suitable donors in future. The “Platelets and blood transfusions are easy to take Blood and Transplant. We are really looking forward into these megakaryocytes with a very production of platelets in strictly controlled for granted, but they were vital for me in my recovery. to working with them to raise awareness of the need high efficiency so making it possible conditions in the laboratory could make I can’t thank my bone marrow donor, or the donors for blood and platelet donors and raising awareness to produce large numbers of platelets them more available, safer and precisely who donated platelets, enough for their generosity. about blood cancers.” l outside the body. matched to the patient, stopping them


hen Helen Vincent went into What are you waiting for? labour in January 2012, it Wchanged her life in more ways than she expected. With a desperate shortage of donated organs, register. It might be one of those things you The early stages of Helen’s labour it’s now more important than ever to sign up think you’ll do another time. If you, your child progressed normally, however her son as a potential donor or anyone close to you ever needs an organ, Zac became stuck. Doctors decided to you’ll know the desperation felt by families complete the delivery using forceps and round 6500 people are waiting for on the transplant list.” subsequently Helen lost one and a half a organ transplant across the UK litres of blood. She takes up the story. Aand some will die before they get “Having lost so much blood, my iron the transplant they desperately need due Beth’s story levels had dropped dramatically. The to a shortage of organ donors. When Beth Dykes doctors decided to give me two units of Most people support organ donation, but sadly died aged too many (37%) who want to be donors say 21 after a brain they haven’t got round to joining the NHS haemorrhage, her AA chancechance conversationconversation Organ Donor Register. family were in no This winter NHS Blood and Transplant Xxxxxx xxxxxxx doubt that she would have wanted to xxxxx Beth xxxxx How a blood transfusion led to a new role for donors very well. I have since gone on to will be asking people to think about the be an organ donor as they had discussed xxxx nurse Helen Vincent become the clinical donor centre manager incredible gift they could give by highlighting organ donation during a family dinner. at Gloucester and I still the lives saved and Jim Walker, Beth’s stepfather said: blood to boost them. enjoy seeing our regular transformed through “Without that conversation, we would have “Before I had Zac I was working as a blood and platelet donors. organ donation and been lost. We feel we are quite strong but trauma nurse at the hospital where he It amazes me how they transplantation. without knowing that’s what Beth wanted, it was born. I would often give my patients donate so selflessly even Like 3-year-old would have been an impossible decision at a transfusions and I was very familiar with though they will never Freddie McDonald devastating time.” how to give someone the vital blood meet the person who they from West Yorkshire, Beth’s organs and tissues went on to save they needed. After having Zac I thought have given the chance of who received a liver and improve the lives of four people. more about the selflessness of donors, as survival to.” transplant in 2015. Jim has also become a blood donor. He I knew what it was like to have my own Helen often tells her Freddie, xxxxxx Mum Emma said: “Freddie’s organ donor added: “Since Beth passed away, I have life saved by a transfusion.” After the birth of story to donors to thank them and give is our hero. Until you are a family waiting xxxxx xxxx xxxx started to give blood. It was something xxxxx xxxx After her maternity leave, Helen went baby Zac (above) them an insight into the difference they for a donor you can never understand the that I had always thought about doing, but on to work at the Royal Orthopaedic mum Helen are making. She continued, “I feel proud importance of signing the organ donation never got around to making the effort. I now Hospital in and it was during (pictured top with to work for NHSBT and to be able to Zac and partner do it every three months, as it’s my way of a chance conversation with a member of give something back to the donors who Help turn an end into a beginning by starting a conversation Steve) lost a lot of ‘donating’ whilst I’m alive and it makes me our Tissue Services team that she decided blood and needed helped me. I will never get to thank them today with your family, friends or colleagues. Join the NHS feel closer to Beth.” to look for a role at NHS Blood and a transfusion to in person.” Organ Donation Register, and make sure you share your decision As an organ donor you could save or Transplant. recover Helen relishes every moment she with your friends and family. Visit or transform up to nine lives. So, what are you spends with her family. She knows that call 0300 123 23 23. l waiting for? l New role wouldn’t have been possible without the In December 2013 Helen joined us as a generosity of blood donors. l FACEBOOK: nhsorgandonor • TWITTER: @NHSOrganDonor using the #YesIDonate session sister with our Worcester team. INSTAGRAM: @nhsorgandonor • YOUTUBE: nhsorgandonation She said, “I got to know my team and the


Left: Blood collected in bottles was A 1960s session, shipped unrefrigerated. left, looks quite Above: Early recruitment advertising. different to a Do you have a memory of blood modern donor donation that you’d like to share? centre, above. Right: Tea and If so, please email us at biscuits after a [email protected]. session in the 1950s. It’sIt’s ourour 70th70th anniversary!anniversary! oday we take it for granted that Looking back at seven Right: Tdonated blood is there when it’s decades of saving lives Donated needed. But it wasn’t always so. blood is Our modern blood service has its roots transfusions were fairly commonplace! transported in insulated in the Second World War and even earlier bags and – and 26th September 2016 marked the Casualties containers. day 70 years ago that the National Blood It wasn’t until 1940 that donated blood Transfusion Service (the forerunner of NHS was needed on a large scale, when injured Blood and Transplant) came into being. troops returned from Dunkirk. This, plus The push to develop a blood transfusion the many casualties of the Blitz, led to service came with the outbreak of the blood banks being set up in London, using treat patients prompted the establishment Above: At Filton Second World War. Until then, the British “The value of having stored blood of a national blood service… and the rest we have the Red Cross had organised voluntary is history! largest blood ready to treat patients processing centre donations and by 1926 a national network So much has changed in those 70 years in the world. of donors had been developed. It was a prompted the establishment of – we now have plastic blood packs not Right: Sessions fairly basic system - there was a distinct glass bottles, specially engineered donor and equipment lack of knowledge around screening, a national blood service” chairs rather than beds, and all kinds have come a long testing and grouping. methods for storing blood developed of sophisticated testing and processing way. Also, the service was unable to during the Spanish Civil War. methods that ensure blood donation is store blood, so direct donor to patient The value of having stored blood ready to now safer than ever. l

8 THE DONOR WINTER 2016 WINTER 2016 THE DONOR 9 WINTER APPEAL DONOR PROFILE HelpHelp toto fillfill upup thethe stockingstocking AA dayday toto rememberremember John Fuller’s 100th donation thisthis ChristmasChristmas will be a day that he and his wife Jacqueline will t is always a challenge to collect the right It is always never forget Iamount of blood to meet patient needs a challenge over the festive period, so with Christmas to collect the ohn, a regular blood donor, donated falling on a weekend this year, creating an Jevery three or four months. In April he extended bank holiday, we need to plan right amount was about to give his 100th donation. His carefully. of blood to wife, Jacqueline, had a heart condition that There are very specific blood group meet patient had been worsening and she had recently requirements for the period between needs over been placed on the transplant waiting list. Christmas Eve and New Year. So we are the festive John takes up the story. having to book specific time slots now period, and “My wife Jacqueline had been suffering for the donors with these blood groups to with a heart condition for many years and ensure that their donations reach hospitals this year is no her condition had slowly worsened. When in time. different I booked my appointment for my 100th We’re asking these donors, if they can, to donation I had no idea the date I had booked would be anything other than an ordinary day. and by donating their heart they have John’s wife “On that day, at 4am in the morning, the given my wife the chance of a future. The Jacqueline proudly book an appointment. If we do call you, we telephone rang. My first reaction was one least I can do is donate some blood.’ So holds his certificate would really appreciate it if you could find of displeasure until I answered the phone I drove home and went to the time to donate. and the voice on the other end said to me the donor session. ‘Could Also, from now until 23rd December we ‘This is the hospital, there is a possible I donate now rather than need to make sure that we have a steady heart for Jacqueline.’ She had been on the later?’ I asked. ‘Yes of Ask a friend to donate in 2017 supply of blood, so if you haven’t done so transplant list for just two months. course’ came the reply. “I hope you can We are asking all of our loyal blood donors to encourage a already, please make an appointment to Life changing understand that my 100th family member or friend to pledge to give blood in 2017. give blood in the next few weeks. After all, “Those words started a day which donation does have New Year’s Resolutions are typically about giving up, but we’d the gift of life is the most precious gift you changed our lives for ever. By the end importance to me, not like more people to give. Our committed donors are already can give! of the morning Jacqueline was in the because of the donation aware of the value of giving blood and platelets, but just 3 per All blood groups are important, but we’re operating theatre, and for the first time itself, but because of the cent of the eligible population actively give blood. appealing particularly to O-neg, B-neg and I had time to think. One of my thoughts day it was made on, and the importance of This means that we don’t have enough new donors coming A-neg donors to make an appointment, and was of my blood donation. It was booked blood without which the heart transplant forward to provide the right mix of blood to match patients’ those with rare blood types. for that evening, the time when she would could not have been carried out.” needs, and to replace people who can’t donate anymore. Visit or call 0300 123 23 be coming out of theatre. At first I thought Jacqueline is now recovering well thanks Please spread the word, and encourage someone you know to 23 to find your nearest session. You can ‘I’ll just have to miss it this time.’ Then I to the generosity of an organ donor and take up this life saving habit! l also download the app by searching ‘NHSGiveBlood’ in the app store. l thought, ‘No! Someone has lost their life blood donors. l

10 THE DONOR WINTER 2016 WINTER 2016 THE DONOR 11 DIGITAL UPDATE Paralympics Update • Paralympics Update • Paralympics Update • Paralympic

PAUL BLAKE Former soldier won gold in the CORIE MAPP 400m at Rio, a It’s a massive hit! doesn’t know how triumph of ambition much blood he Since we launched our online blood donor We have also recently launched push and training. But received after he messaging via our Mobile app as a new his life began account service on in November lost both his legs 2013 over one million of you have registered channel to keep in touch with you. uncertainly. Paul, in 2010 when an who has cerebral New animation improved explosive palsy, is a twin Have you ever wondered what happens to device (IED) in and in the womb your donation once you’ve given it? Afghanistan nearly suffered twin-to- We’ve created a short animation that killed him. But thanks to blood donors and twin transfusion Left: You can explains what we do with your donation. the care he received, he survived. Now he’s syndrome. This register online via Click on the link below to watch ‘The involved in two para-sports, bobsleigh and sitting meant his brother, Alex, took nearly all his blood, our wbsite. journey of a blood donation’ animation volleyball, and won gold for Great Britain in the Below: A still from leaving Paul seriously ill. He received his first on inaugural World Cup Para-bobsleigh last January. transfusion at a few hours old; more followed. our new animated Corie says, “Blood donors save lives. More film about the the-donation-process/after-your-donation/ He said, “Blood saved my life, I can’t thank journey of blood the-journey-of-a-blood-donation/ l donors are needed from the black community so donors enough…they do an amazing job. Blood n that time, the online service, which I’d urge everyone to do their bit.” allows you to book and change donors help people when they need it most.” Iappointments in real time, has grown to become one of the largest of its type in the world with over two million Competing, thanks to you appointments booked so far. Four incredible sportspeople showed their support for blood donation during this As part of the service you also have the year’s Paralympic Games. They have all received blood. Here are their stories… ability to download our NHSGiveBlood Mobile app that allows self service MARTINE NICK BEIGHTON appointment booking. Nearly 90,000 of you WRIGHT lost 80 needed blood after he have used the app in the last month alone! per cent of her suffered devastating blood when she was injuries from an Text alert success! injured on the Tube Improvised Explosive Mike Stredder, Director of in the 2005 7/7 Device (IED) in Our new text message service, telling Blood Donation said “While London bombings. A Afghanistan. Thirty you when your blood donation has donors don’t get to meet the tourniquet stemmed operations and 36 been sent to a hospital is proving a people who have benefited the bleeding from units of blood followed. But Nick has gone on big hit. from their blood, our texts to her badly injured to compete as a Paralympic rower at London Helen Phillips said “I was delighted donors will remind them that legs and saved 2012 and Para-canoeist in Rio 2016. He said, “I to get this text as it brought home to me the idea that hospitals and patients rely on their donations.” her life but sadly remember after I had come round…and my red my donation was going to be used by real people. The Feedback from you on social media has been very both legs had to blood cell count was very low, I could hardly see whole thing suddenly felt more personal.” positive as you proudly share your texts with friends. l be amputated above the knee. Martine said, straight, my hearing (was) blurred and I felt truly “Thanks to people who give blood, the blood I awful. (After) a blood transfusion I felt, literally, FACEBOOK like I had come back to life. Everything was sharp TWITTER needed was there for me. I’ve done so much since then: got married, had my son, competed at the and clear, an incredible feeling.” Paralympics (in the GB sitting volleyball team).” 12 THE DONOR WINTER 2016 WINTER 2016 THE DONOR 13 PG

omething’s missing the diversity of the population because become dedicated platelet donors.” onfusion was sparked around the here’s been an international deline in ne blood blood types vary across communities and The need for more blood donors is globe this summer, as As, Bs and donors but, thanks to an intriuin ampain this patients need well-matched blood. We constant though – so, please encourage Os disappeared overnight from iconic summer, numbers have been boosted particularly need new A negative and O family and friends to follow your lead, and locations, signs and brands. No, it wasn’t negative donors, and people willing to give blood. l an act of vandalism, but an imaginative way to show how important blood donors video (YouTube: Represent feat. Lady Above: a selection re eate latelet rs eee are, against a background of a 30 per cent Leshurr) patients from around the world of the images from the issing Type artist Lady coming from the black drop in new blood donors around the thanked blood donors for ‘fi lling the gaps’, campaign Leshurr helped us launch community. world compared to a decade ago. highlighting that in a world without As, Bs #Represent this October, a I really hope it will We joined forces with 25 blood donor and Os, they would not be here. collaboration with MOBO make a difference services across 21 countries to launch Across the ‘Missing Type’ countries, aimed at boosting blood and bring about real the ‘Missing Type’ campaign, with digital which cover one billion of the world’s donation rates amongst change and help those media helping to spread the message. population, there are differences in the young people, especially that need it most. The The Sydney Opera House, the Giant’s numbers of donors and blood groups most those with black and Asian time is now to give Causeway and Abbey Road were just in demand, but all share the need for more heritage. blood and save a life.” a few locations that removed letters to new donors. The campaign, part of Lady Leshurr, The campaign also support our cause, along with big brands In England, the focus is on attracting our annual Black History featured a competition including Cadbury, Tesco and Microsoft. more young and black and Asian donors. Month celebrations, featured Lady Leshurr in a with two lucky winners getting their hands on The campaign got heads turning and the Mike Stredder, director of Blood Donation, music video celebrating how black and Asian a pair of VIP tickets to this year’s MOBO Awards public talking with over 54,000 mentions said, “Thanks to the generosity of our people are becoming more represented in all kinds ceremony in Glasgow. of #MissingType globally across social current donors, hospitals have the blood of occupations. The fi nal reveal is that only 3 per With half of all current blood donors aged media. In England, the campaign inspired needed to treat patients and there is not cent of blood donors are of black or Asian heritage, 45 and over, more young donors are needed, 24,000 people to register as new donors. a crisis in blood stocks. Despite overall a huge underrepresentation. especially black and Asian. Only 3 per cent of those blood use in hospitals declining, we need Leshurr, who took home this year’s best fermale who gave blood in the last 12 months were of ieet eas l more young donors to safeguard blood act award, said, “I jumped at the chance to be black or Asian heritage. Every second, three people receive a life- donation for future generations. And it’s involved with MOBO and NHSBT to lead the You can fi nd the full video on YouTube or on the changing blood transfusion. In a moving vital the blood donor community refl ects ‘Represent’ fi lm’; it’s a cause close to my heart #Represent campaign page of l 1 THE DONOR WINTER 2016 WINTER 2016 THE DONOR 1 CROSSWORD

Complete the crossword. The first and last rows spell out a blood-related word. Send this phrase on a postcard or in a letter together with your name, address and daytime phone number to: Crossword Competition, The Editor, The Donor, NHS Blood and Transplant, Oak House, Reeds Crescent, Watford, WD24 4QN. You could win an “amazing” NHS Blood and Transplant prize. Answers and the winner’s name will be in the next issue. All entries must be received by January 31st 2017.

ACROSS DOWN 7 Kind (6) 17 Heavy rain (6) 1 Greek geometer (6) 13 Aloneness (8) 8 Foreign-looking (6) 19 Lack of hair (8) 2 Outdoor garment (8) 15 Slow musical 9 Scheme (4) 21 Armoured 3 Once every twelve movement (6) 10 Stony matter in vehicle (4) months (6) 16 Firm (6) avalanche (8) 22 Prejudiced (6) 4 Vessel for drinker (6) 17 Arid territory (6) 11 Folly (6) 23 Element (6) 5 Horny material 18 Very clever 12 Leader of on foot (4) person (6) congregation (6) 6 District of Venice (6) 20 Record (4) 14 Succulent plant (6)