Recall Gorby's Peace Prize
Time to Recall Gorby's May 1991 Vo14, No 5 $4.00 Peace Prize ((0 Liberty! wliat crimes are committea in tfiy nanu!" -Mme !R.gfana Are youcapable,hard-working, anddedicatedto individualliberty? Would you like to take an active role in achieving a freer society LEADERS for yourself and your children? Underits NonprofitManagementProgram,theInstituteforHumane Studies awards fellowships to outstanding men and women to assist their transition from the business or academic world to the AND market-orientednonprofitsector. Supportedby a stipendfrom IHS and working on-site at a suitable nonprofit organization, fellow ship recipients gainhands-onexperience innonprofitmanagement DOERS and administration. Think tanks, institutes, foundations, and citizen action groups are constantly on the lookout for success-oriented individuals to fill positions at every level as organizers, fund-raisers, and managers. TO The Institute for Humane Studies is plugged into an extensive network of market-oriented organizations around the world and works closely with them in tailoring each Nonprofit Management WORK Fellowship to the recipient, and in placing fellows in the nonprofit sector. Ifyou want to workdirectly for freedom, aNonprofitManagement Fellowship is a unique opportunity to move in that direction. Toobtaina fellowship application, writeto: NonprofitManagementFellow ships, Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University, 4400 Uni FREEDOM versity Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444. Applications accepted year-round. After graduating from Johns Hopkins, Kris Mauren was on the man agement track at a major hotel corporation, based in Hawaii. But he was restless. Today, after an intensive training program under an IRS Nonprofit Management Fellowship, Kris is Executive Director ofthe Acton Institute for the Study ofReligion and Liberty.
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