DANIELLE ROSENBAUM Third-Generation Horse Lover Wins Big

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DANIELLE ROSENBAUM Third-Generation Horse Lover Wins Big MARCH 2013 PASSOVER THE JEWISH LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE FOR ARIZONA DANIELLE ROSENBAUM Third-generation horse lover wins big IsraelisElections vote for new future SPECIAL SECTIONS: The customs,Passover the food, the fun Growing experience for kids,Camps time for parents Spring special WYPJL\WWLY L`LSPKZ\YNLY` ^P[OMHJLSPM[ 6MMLY]HSPK [OYV\NO (WYPS a new you turn back the hands of time Dr. Woods was trained at Johns Hopkins Hospital and the University of California at Irvine. He specializes in: Face lift Dr. Robert H. Woods, MD BOARD CERTIFIED Brow lift Eyelid Surgery AMERICAN BOARD OF FACIAL PLASTIC AND Rhinoplasty RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY L a s e r S k i n Resurfacing 9767 N. 91st St. | Suite B102 | Scottsdale, AZ 85258 480. 314.0100 Paid Advertisement Thirteen Years of Zeros—and They’re Celebrating! ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE Why the market’s upcoming milestones won’t be gratifying for retirees By Thomas K. Brueckner, CLTC COMING FINANCIAL STORM? ast week, two of the three major that reinvested dividends have histori market indices, the DJIA and FDOO\SOD\HGDODUJHUROHLQHQKDQFLQJWKH S&P 500, were being touted on PDUNHW·V\LHOG:KLOHWKDWLVWUXHLW·VLP WKH ÀQDQFLDO QHWZRUNV IRU WKHLU SRUWDQWWRQRWHWKDWVWRFNKROGHUVXVXDOO\ Lrecent advances to within sight of their reinvest their dividends during their ac DOOWLPHKLJKV7KH6 3LVQRZMXVW FXPXODWLRQ \HDUV DQG EHJLQ UH VK\ ZKLOH WKH 'RZ -RQHV ,QGXVWULDO ceiving that dividend income nearer to $YHUDJHLQGH[LVEXWEHORZLWVWRS and throughout their retirements, render PDUN 0HDQZKLOH WKH 1$6'$4 LV LQJ WKLV DUJXPHQW IDU OHVV YDOLG LI RQH LV QRZKHUHWREHIRXQGVWLOODVWXQQLQJ VHUYLQJFOLHQWVRYHU0RUHLPSRUWDQWO\ EHORZLWVDOOWLPHKLJKLQ0DUFKRI ZKDWUHWLUHHZLOOVLWLGO\E\DVWKHPRQH\ So what does this mean and why are the LWWRRNWKHP\HDUVWRVDYHLVGHSOHWHG EURNHUDJH ÀUPV FHOHEUDWLQJ" )RU RQH E\KDOI³WZLFHLQWHQ\HDUV³WHOOLQJWKHP WKLQJLWPHDQVWKDWROGHULQYHVWRUVKDYH VHOYHVWKDWVXFKORVVHV´DUHRQO\RQSDSHUµ 7KH RYHUZKHOPLQJ PDMRULW\ RI RXU KDG ]HUR JURZWK³]HUR³IRU QHDUO\ VR ORQJ DV WKRVH GLYLGHQG FKHFNV NHHS RZQ FOLHQWV HLWKHU JRW RXW RI ULVNEDVHG \HDUVDVWKH6 3ÀUVWORVWRILWVYDOXH FRPLQJ"&DVHLQSRLQW%DQNRI$PHULFD·V KROGLQJVDORQJWLPHDJR³KDYLQJORVWWKH GXULQJWKH´7HFK:UHFNµDQGSRVW VWRFN SULFH IHOO IURP WKH PLGV WR MXVW VWRPDFKIRU´WKH:DOO6WUHHWFDVLQRµ³RU VHOORII7KHQDIWHUIXOO\UHFRYHULQJ DERYH VKDUH GXULQJ WKH PRQWKV RI PDLQWDLQ DQ DJHDSSURSULDWH DQG PXFK WKRVHYDOXDWLRQOHYHOV\HDUVODWHULWORVW WKH 0DUNHW 0HOWGRZQ RI DQG DOO VPDOOHU KROGLQJ LQ D VLPSOH ORZFRVW D VWDJJHULQJ RI LWV YDOXH DPLG WKH WKH ZKLOH PDQDJHPHQW NHSW WHOOLQJ WKHLU 6 3 LQGH[ IXQG ZLWK DW OHDVW D 0DUNHW 0HOWGRZQ RI FRXUWHV\ SULQFLSDOGHSOHWHGVKDUHKROGHUVWKDWWKH\ \HDU LQYHVWPHQW KRUL]RQ XVXDOO\ LQ D RI WKH VXESULPH PRUWJDJHKRXVLQJ had no intention of cutting their dividend 5RWK ,5$ DV WKH ODVW PRQH\ WKH\ ZLOO GLVDVWHU5HPHPEHUWKDWIHZHUWKDQ SD\PHQWV1RVRRQHUKDGWKHVWRFNSULFH HYHUVSHQG7KHEXONRIWKHLUUHWLUHPHQW RI HTXLW\ PXWXDO IXQGV RXWSHUIRUP WKH IDOOHQ RYHU WKDQ PDQDJHPHQW DQ VDYLQJV KDV EHHQ UHSRVLWLRQHG LQWR VDIH PDUNHW LQ DQ\ \HDU SHULRG PHDQLQJ QRXQFHGWKH\ZRXOGEHFXWWLQJGLYLGHQGV PRQH\DFFRXQWVZKRVHYDOXHVJUHZZKHQ WKDW RI IXQG LQYHVWRUV DFWXDOO\ GLG E\ D ZKRSSLQJ +DYLQJ ´RQO\ ORVW WKHPDUNHWDGYDQFHGEXWZKRVHSULQFLSDO ZRUVHRYHUWKHODVWWKLUWHHQ\HDUV SULQFLSDO RQ SDSHUµ LQYHVWRUV WKHQ ORVW DQG DOO SULRU JDLQV ZHUH SURWHFWHG IURP 8QGRXEWHGO\VRPHRQHZLOOSRLQWRXWWKDW the dividend income that many needed to WKHYRODWLOLW\RIWKHODVWWKLUWHHQ\HDUV³DV YDOXDWLRQLVRQO\SDUWRIRQH·VJDLQVDQG VXVWDLQWKHLUUHWLUHPHQWV ZHOODVDQ\\HWWRFRPH $113.90 ´7KLUWHHQ<HDUVRI=HURVµ Bernanke Unlike most investors, none of Strategic Asset Conservation’s nearly 600 clients have lost money Pledges $81.20 Indefinite Tech Bear to the stock market in the last 13 years. We’ve never had a consumer complaint in any regulatory Wreck $78.40 Stearns Bernanke NASDAQ Enron Bail-out 5048 pts Scandal Pledges jurisdiction, in over 23 years in private practice. We achieve these results by practicing “safe QE2 European S&P 500 WorldCom GM & Bankruptcy Chrysler U.S. Loses Debt Crisis 1468 pts 9/11 AAA Rating money” strategies that deliver a portion of the market’s gains with no risk of market losses. To $52.15 Bankrupt S&P 500 Iraq Wall St U.S. U.S. ObamaCare 1426pts War Bailout (-3%) learn more about these and our many other unique approaches to leveraging assets, both for you Housing Passes Home Passes Market House prices Slides ²22% National and your heirs, visit us at go2knight.com. $37.22 Debt $15 'RZQ Subprime Trillion NASDAQ Indonesian Collapse 3020 pts Tsunami Hurricanes $33.87 (-40%) 9.50% Katrina & Rita &KHDSPRQH\ 8.25% 'RZQ Fiscal Are you protected from the storm? 'RZQ VSDUNVPRUWJDJH BP Oil Cliff OHQGLQJ Spill Prime Interest Rate 'RZQ 4.0% 3.25% To learn more and to request a complimentary financial assessment, call (480) 661-6800. (OHFWLRQ<HDU (OHFWLRQ<HDU (OHFWLRQ<HDU (OHFWLRQ<HDU 1/3/2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Sources: :DOO6WUHHW-RXUQDO, Lipper, Dalbar, )RUWXQH, Market Watch, Oil-Price.net, USAGold.com, Money Café, This is Money ACCREDITED BUSINESS ® 2011 Finalist % 2AINTREE $R 3UITE 3COTTSDALE !: s s WWWGOKNIGHTCOM 4 MARCH 2013 | ARIZONA JEWISH LIFE Paid Advertisement Thirteen Years of Zeros—and They’re Celebrating! ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE Why the market’s upcoming milestones won’t be gratifying for retirees By Thomas K. Brueckner, CLTC COMING FINANCIAL STORM? ast week, two of the three major that reinvested dividends have histori market indices, the DJIA and FDOO\SOD\HGDODUJHUROHLQHQKDQFLQJWKH S&P 500, were being touted on PDUNHW·V\LHOG:KLOHWKDWLVWUXHLW·VLP WKH ÀQDQFLDO QHWZRUNV IRU WKHLU SRUWDQWWRQRWHWKDWVWRFNKROGHUVXVXDOO\ Lrecent advances to within sight of their reinvest their dividends during their ac DOOWLPHKLJKV7KH6 3LVQRZMXVW FXPXODWLRQ \HDUV DQG EHJLQ UH VK\ ZKLOH WKH 'RZ -RQHV ,QGXVWULDO ceiving that dividend income nearer to $YHUDJHLQGH[LVEXWEHORZLWVWRS and throughout their retirements, render PDUN 0HDQZKLOH WKH 1$6'$4 LV LQJ WKLV DUJXPHQW IDU OHVV YDOLG LI RQH LV QRZKHUHWREHIRXQGVWLOODVWXQQLQJ VHUYLQJFOLHQWVRYHU0RUHLPSRUWDQWO\ EHORZLWVDOOWLPHKLJKLQ0DUFKRI ZKDWUHWLUHHZLOOVLWLGO\E\DVWKHPRQH\ So what does this mean and why are the LWWRRNWKHP\HDUVWRVDYHLVGHSOHWHG EURNHUDJH ÀUPV FHOHEUDWLQJ" )RU RQH E\KDOI³WZLFHLQWHQ\HDUV³WHOOLQJWKHP WKLQJLWPHDQVWKDWROGHULQYHVWRUVKDYH VHOYHVWKDWVXFKORVVHV´DUHRQO\RQSDSHUµ 7KH RYHUZKHOPLQJ PDMRULW\ RI RXU KDG ]HUR JURZWK³]HUR³IRU QHDUO\ VR ORQJ DV WKRVH GLYLGHQG FKHFNV NHHS RZQ FOLHQWV HLWKHU JRW RXW RI ULVNEDVHG \HDUVDVWKH6 3ÀUVWORVWRILWVYDOXH FRPLQJ"&DVHLQSRLQW%DQNRI$PHULFD·V KROGLQJVDORQJWLPHDJR³KDYLQJORVWWKH GXULQJWKH´7HFK:UHFNµDQGSRVW VWRFN SULFH IHOO IURP WKH PLGV WR MXVW VWRPDFKIRU´WKH:DOO6WUHHWFDVLQRµ³RU VHOORII7KHQDIWHUIXOO\UHFRYHULQJ DERYH VKDUH GXULQJ WKH PRQWKV RI PDLQWDLQ DQ DJHDSSURSULDWH DQG PXFK WKRVHYDOXDWLRQOHYHOV\HDUVODWHULWORVW WKH 0DUNHW 0HOWGRZQ RI DQG DOO VPDOOHU KROGLQJ LQ D VLPSOH ORZFRVW D VWDJJHULQJ RI LWV YDOXH DPLG WKH WKH ZKLOH PDQDJHPHQW NHSW WHOOLQJ WKHLU 6 3 LQGH[ IXQG ZLWK DW OHDVW D 0DUNHW 0HOWGRZQ RI FRXUWHV\ SULQFLSDOGHSOHWHGVKDUHKROGHUVWKDWWKH\ \HDU LQYHVWPHQW KRUL]RQ XVXDOO\ LQ D RI WKH VXESULPH PRUWJDJHKRXVLQJ had no intention of cutting their dividend 5RWK ,5$ DV WKH ODVW PRQH\ WKH\ ZLOO GLVDVWHU5HPHPEHUWKDWIHZHUWKDQ SD\PHQWV1RVRRQHUKDGWKHVWRFNSULFH HYHUVSHQG7KHEXONRIWKHLUUHWLUHPHQW RI HTXLW\ PXWXDO IXQGV RXWSHUIRUP WKH IDOOHQ RYHU WKDQ PDQDJHPHQW DQ VDYLQJV KDV EHHQ UHSRVLWLRQHG LQWR VDIH PDUNHW LQ DQ\ \HDU SHULRG PHDQLQJ QRXQFHGWKH\ZRXOGEHFXWWLQJGLYLGHQGV PRQH\DFFRXQWVZKRVHYDOXHVJUHZZKHQ WKDW RI IXQG LQYHVWRUV DFWXDOO\ GLG E\ D ZKRSSLQJ +DYLQJ ´RQO\ ORVW WKHPDUNHWDGYDQFHGEXWZKRVHSULQFLSDO ZRUVHRYHUWKHODVWWKLUWHHQ\HDUV SULQFLSDO RQ SDSHUµ LQYHVWRUV WKHQ ORVW DQG DOO SULRU JDLQV ZHUH SURWHFWHG IURP 8QGRXEWHGO\VRPHRQHZLOOSRLQWRXWWKDW the dividend income that many needed to WKHYRODWLOLW\RIWKHODVWWKLUWHHQ\HDUV³DV YDOXDWLRQLVRQO\SDUWRIRQH·VJDLQVDQG VXVWDLQWKHLUUHWLUHPHQWV ZHOODVDQ\\HWWRFRPH $113.90 ´7KLUWHHQ<HDUVRI=HURVµ Bernanke Unlike most investors, none of Strategic Asset Conservation’s nearly 600 clients have lost money Pledges $81.20 Indefinite Tech Bear to the stock market in the last 13 years. We’ve never had a consumer complaint in any regulatory Wreck $78.40 Stearns Bernanke NASDAQ Enron Bail-out 5048 pts Scandal Pledges jurisdiction, in over 23 years in private practice. We achieve these results by practicing “safe QE2 European S&P 500 WorldCom GM & Bankruptcy Chrysler U.S. Loses Debt Crisis 1468 pts 9/11 AAA Rating money” strategies that deliver a portion of the market’s gains with no risk of market losses. To $52.15 Bankrupt S&P 500 Iraq Wall St U.S. U.S. ObamaCare 1426pts War Bailout (-3%) learn more about these and our many other unique approaches to leveraging assets, both for you Housing Passes Home Passes Market House prices Slides ²22% National and your heirs, visit us at go2knight.com. $37.22 Debt $15 'RZQ Subprime Trillion NASDAQ Indonesian Collapse 3020 pts Tsunami Hurricanes $33.87 (-40%) 9.50% Katrina & Rita &KHDSPRQH\ 8.25% 'RZQ Fiscal Are you protected from the storm? 'RZQ VSDUNVPRUWJDJH BP Oil Cliff OHQGLQJ Spill Prime Interest Rate 'RZQ 4.0% 3.25% To learn more and to request a complimentary financial assessment, call (480) 661-6800. (OHFWLRQ<HDU (OHFWLRQ<HDU (OHFWLRQ<HDU (OHFWLRQ<HDU 1/3/2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Sources: :DOO6WUHHW-RXUQDO, Lipper, Dalbar, )RUWXQH, Market Watch, Oil-Price.net, USAGold.com, Money Café, This is Money ACCREDITED BUSINESS ® 2011 Finalist % 2AINTREE $R 3UITE 3COTTSDALE !:
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