Happy Birthday Arnold:

A Hey Arnold & Story


Nelson Christian Amador The paramount pictures logo and presentation starts and it's in very 90's colors and effects.

And all of a sudden you see the old Hey Arnold intro playing out, and as bites and pieces are playing, a lot of the effects are turning orange and yellow.

As the intro is playing other aspects, Arnold is chasing Helga and Helga has Arnold's blue hat and Arnold and Gerald are chasing them.

As Helga is running, Helga bumps into a giant and Helga starts screaming as a lot of Reptar green chocolate falls on her and the rugrats start laughing at her. And Arnold gets his hat back.

Everything zooms out and shows the Hillwood skyline and all the buildings are covered in Nickeloaden slime. And the words "Nickeloaden" show up.



The bell rings and all of a sudden a lot of kids in the school start getting out school.

Arnold starts walking to the bus and he starts taking the house back to the boarding house.

Arnold gets off the bus and starts heading inside his house.

YOUNG ARNOLD Mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, I'm home.

Arnold goes upstairs in his room and he sees a note in his room, Arnold looks at the note and he starts reading it.

YOUNG ARNOLD (CONT'D) This should be really interesting. And I have never been this neighborhood before. Sounds really far.


Arnold is in the car with his parents.

MILES SHORTMAN I'm glad we are back home Arnold, There is a lot you need to know about who our friends were. 2.

YOUNG ARNOLD So where are we going dad? and does grandpa and grandma know that we are gone.



Grandpa comes home and he is shocked out of his mind.

PHIL (GRANDPA) Oh no not that place...That place is weird....SHORTMAN!!!!!!!!


Back in the car with the parents.

MILES SHORTMAN You will really love our friends Stu and Diana Pickles. And they are really nice people Arnold and they have really good friends as well.

YOUNG ARNOLD So how far do they live?

MILES SHORTMAN Maybe an hour I guess. It will be fun.


The car parks in front of the pickles house in normal neighborhood.

Arnold and his parents get out of the car. And Miles knocks on the door. And the door opens.

Stu ends up answering the door.

STU PICKLES Miles, Stella you guys are here, I'm glad you guys are here. Come in.

Arnold and his family come into the house and Arnold sees all of the adult characters. 3.

MILES SHORTMAN Thanks for letting us come with you guys Stu, This is our son Arnold and since we got back from San Lorenzo. And we haven't spent a lot of time with Arnold and so Stella and I want to expand his world and meet all of you.

DIANA PICKLES Oh that's wonderful Miles, And you are so handsome as well.

And the rest of the adult characters.

DREW PICKLES So what school do you go to Arnold?

YOUNG ARNOLD PS 118 in Hillwood.

CHARLES FINSTER Oh I know where your talking about. That's a really cool city.

HOWARD DEVILLE Oh yeah, that city is growing like crazy.

STELLA SHORTMAN Anyway Arnold is going to be watching all of our kids while we are away. And I'm sure he is going to do a great job.

YOUNG ARNOLD I hope so. The last time I took care of a baby was when I was helping Mr. Kokoshika this shouldn't be too bad.

ELIZABETH DEVILLE That's wonderful Arnold, I know you will do a great job.

MILES SHORTMAN Arnold if you need anything, your welcome to call me for help.

YOUNG ARNOLD Alright okay dad.

CUT TO: 4.

Arnold is home alone and he walks over to the baby pen and Arnold sees all of the babies.

YOUNG ARNOLD (CONT'D) Awwwwwwwwwwwe you guys seem really nice.

Arnold sits down and Tommy comes up to him.

YOUNG ARNOLD (CONT'D) What's your name little guy?

BABY TOMMY Tommy....

YOUNG ARNOLD Awwwwwwwwwwe.

The rest of the rugrats are playing with Arnold.


Arnold starts feeding all of them and changing their dippers.

YOUNG ARNOLD (CONT'D) Well that was really crazy.

All of a sudden, as Arnold is done, Angelica sets a bunch of traps for Arnold.

YOUNG ARNOLD (CONT'D) Oh what's your name sweetie? I'm Arnold, I really like your doll.

TOLDLER ANGELICA Back away, Centha is mine!!!!!!

YOUNG ARNOLD It's okay Angelica, I'm not taking anything away from you. And what do you got in your hand?

Angelica does an evil laugh.

TOLDLER ANGELICA I'm going to get you and the dumb babies in trouble football head!!!!!

YOUNG ARNOLD Hey that's nice very nice Angelica. 5.

Angelica does an evil laugh and she ends up throwing a pepsi bottle at Arnold and hits Arnold in the head.

Arnold lands on his back and gets hit really hard and lands on his back.

Arnold gets up and all of a sudden, an alarm starts going off like crazy.

YOUNG ARNOLD (CONT'D) What that?!...


All of a sudden a lot of semi truck starts pouring a lot of pepsi and AW root beer.

Arnold starts feeling the soda getting poured on him really bad.

YOUNG ARNOLD (CONT'D) Oh no!!!!!!...

YOUNG ARNOLD (CONT'D) This aint good.

Arnold starts running away from the root beer and pepsi come into the house.

Arnold starts rounding up all babies on the wooden tables and the soda is starts flooding the whole house.

YOUNG ARNOLD (CONT'D) Oh no this is terrible!!!!!!!...

Arnold starts sailing on the tables with the rest of the babies.

YOUNG ARNOLD (CONT'D) Don't worry nothing bad is going to happen to you guys. And...

Arnold turns around and all of a sudden, Angelica has a gun full of ice cream and she starts firing at Arnold.

Arnold gets hit really bad and some ice cream gets into his mouth. And Arnold gets shot real bad and starts sinking into the root beer and pepsi as more gets flooded in the house.

The babies see Arnold sinking.

All of a sudden, the babies don't say anything they end up saving Arnold using a cord. 6.

Chucky and Tommy start pulling Arnold out of the soda.

They find a way to get him on the table.


Phil and Lil start throwing a lot of things at Angelica and hits her in the head bad and knocks her out.

Phil takes the ice cream launcher and Angelica starts chasing them.


Phil and Lil get back to Tommy.

BABY PHIL We got Ice cream toy.

BABY TOMMY Good. We need to save foot-ball head.

BABY CHUCKY Tommy, he only has hair that makes him look like he has a football head.

BABY TOMMY Okay. Give him a lot of ice cream. we need to save him.


The house starts growing bigger and bigger. And Susie and her parents start running and see the house.

SUSIE uh oh!!!!!....


More soda and ice cream gets into the house and giant ice cream balls show up every-where.

And the babies end up giving ice cream to Arnold non stop.

BABY TOMMY Come on Don't die big kid with football head.

BABY CHUCKY Um Tommy, huge problem. 7.

The babies turn back and the house starts falling apart badly.

BABY TOMMY Oooooooooooh noooooo!!!!!....


The house gets filled up with ice cream and soda that all of a sudden, the Pickles explodes a lot of soda and ice cream starts blasting all over the neighborhood.

A lot of people are screaming and gulps of ice cream gets blasted in their face and damages their cars and their houses as well.


The babies and Arnold are on the table and they fly out of the house as Ice cream and soda get everywhere.

BABY TOMMY (CONT'D) Wow!!!!!!!!!....


Arnold having a stomach ache and feeling big time pain.

The babies crawl to Arnold.

BABY CHUCKY Tommy do you think he is okay?

BABY LIL Yeah is he alright?

BABY TOMMY I'm sure he will alright.


Angelica flys out of the house with ice cream and soda all over her and she walks over to the babies.

BABY TOMMY (CONT'D) That was a lot of fun.

TOLDLER ANGELICA Fun for you dumb babies but not for the football head, and I'm glad I got him in trouble.

BABY TOMMY Then we have to hide him. 8.


The babies push the table and hid Arnold in the bushes and Arnold is still in big time pain from eating too much ice cream.


The adults and Arnold's parents come back.


HOWARD DEVILLE Oh my word!!!! Where are the kids?!....

The babies start crawling to the parents and making baby noises.

DIANA PICKLES Well at least nothing happened to the kids.

MILES SHORTMAN Oh boy lets hope Arnold is okay.


Arnold in the bushes and he is still in pain.

STELLA SHORTMAN Oh dear!!!!!....


Miles and Stella put Arnold in the car. And Arnold still is in pain.

As Miles and Stella leave the house and drive off, the babies see the car leaving.

BABY CHUCKY Do you think we are going to see that big kid again Tommy?

BABY TOMMY I'm really sure we will Chucky when we grow up and we will remember him forever!!!!....

The babies start laughing. 9.


Title sequence

The song Memories we share By Cut Copy plays in the sequence.

And all of sudden they show all the memories of both Rugrats and Arnold's lives and showing all the events in both Hey Arnold and Rugrats and All Grown up.

The title sequence shows the subtitle "Paramount pictures presents"

And all of a sudden they show a birthday cake appears. And then all of a huge reptar starts eating the ice cream.

The reptar does a huge burp and the rugrats as teenagers are riding reptar and chasing Arnold and Gerald and Helga.

Arnold keeps on running and Arnold and Helga start jumping from different giant foods and jumping from object to object.

Arnold falls off the objects and more the main sub-title shows up and it says "Happy Birthday Arnold: A Hey Arnold & Rugrats Story"

Arnold keeps jumping off from giant foods and a lot of people are dancing in the background.

And all of a sudden are sliding down through a chocolate milkshake and a lot of alcohol starts showing up such as beer, and other beverages.

And a lot of other characters are swimming in the alcohol.

Teenager Tommy has a big smile and he starts creating reptar chocolate ice cream.

Arnold's 21st party is going really wild and people are dancing and doing other crazy things.

All of a sudden Arnold gets trapped inside of Helga's locket and the locket is flying around the city and Helga grabs Arnold and kisses Arnold on the lips.

Arnold turns back and he sees Lila and Tommy shows up and pushes Arnold toward Lila.

Lila disappears and Arnold starts falling into a gigantic reptar chocolate flavored ice cream cake.

And the last subtitle of the sequence shows up. 10.



The bus comes and drops off Arnold and the rest of his friends.

Arnold and his friends start heading into the school.

GERALD JOHANSON Man I can't believe your turning 21 man and you can finally drink.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh yeah me too Gerald. I really believe it's going to be really good.

SID Oh hey for sure, I can't wait to see what kind of food is going to be there.

STINKY PETERSON Oh hey, I really hope your grandpa and grandma make some good food, they always make good food.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN You do realize my parents are home and have been home since 6th right Stinky.

STINKY PETERSON Oh well-la-quers wow time has really flown by.

EUGENE HOROWITZ Yeah it seems like just yesterday we just got back from San Lorenzo all those years ago.

HAROLD BERMAN Guys, who cares about the trip all those years ago, it was a bad trip, and I remember I didn't eat for weeks.

STINKY PETERSON But your always hungry Harold. 11.

HAROLD BERMAN Oh by the way Arnold, I will defiantly get some meat from Mr. Green today and he wants to wish you happy birthday as well.


GERALD JOHANSON Have you told Helga about your birthday Arnold?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN No I haven't Gerald, but I will really soon, I know Helga and Lila are teachers at a high school somewhere not to far from here. And they are student teachers.

STINKY PETERSON That seems weird Arnold, I thought Helga hated student teaching because of her sister.

GERALD JOHANSON Yeah why in the world would she do that?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I don't know Helga is crazy sometimes and I haven't talked to her in forever. I'll try to call her though.


Inside the college and everyone heading to class.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Lets just get through this class and hopefully this weekend break is going to be really fun.



Helga and Lila get out of the car and are car-pooling.

LILA SWAYER Oh this school looks really wonderful and really amazing Helga. 12.

Helga starts looking around and she sees kids causing trouble and doing dumb things.

HELGA PATAKI Yeah this place looks good alright. Yeah this ain't going to go so well.

Helga and Lila walk into the schools and more chaos is happening.

LILA SWAYER Oh wow this place is really crazy ever so much.

HELGA PATAKI Today is going to be a living hell.

They keep on walking and a lot of kids get into the class-room.

The rugrat characters walk into the classroom.

TOMMY PICKLES Oh spring break is coming, I can't wait for this great weekend.

CHUCKIE FINSTER I don't know about Tommy, we still need to find a way to sneak out of the neighborhood.

TOMMY PICKLES Dude, it will be fun, we can try to build reptar I guess since we have no car.

CHUCKIE FINSTER Dude that sounds stupid!!!!!! And your father would kill you!!!!!

PHIL DEVILLIE Guys our guest teacher is coming. And I hear she is really mean.

Angelica and Susie walk into the room.

ANGELICA PICKLES No she is not, I will do a lot of bad things to her, she won't last a day. 13.

SUSIE CARMICHAEL Well lets hope this last day goes well.

The bell rings and Helga walks into the class.

HELGA PATAKI Alright losers listen up...I'm your guest teachers and Mr. Ramirez is out and you can call me Ms. Pataki. Now just because Mr. Ramirez, I will seriously not tolerate bull-shit in this classroom.

ANGELICA PICKLES I'm not a loser in this classroom, I am fabulous and you will not tell me what to do.

Helga gets really mad and walks over to Angelica.

HELGA PATAKI You must be Angelica, I know who you are sweetie!!!!! And I can tell that you are a bitch and your full of shit!!!!! and If I hear one word out of you, I will have to slap you!!!!!!...

ANGELICA PICKLES Yeah right!!!!!!! You can't hit me!!!!!

HELGA PATAKI Not but I can give a detention though missy!!!!! and believe me that is not the worst thing ever.

ANGELICA PICKLES You don't scary me one bite. And...

Helga all of a sudden bitch slaps Angelica really hard.

HELGA PATAKI Shut up and listen and respect your elders!!!!!!

HELGA PATAKI (CONT'D) Anybody else want to mess with me.

Everybody in the classroom is really scarred. 14.

HELGA PATAKI (CONT'D) Good. Now everyone turn to page 44 on US history.

Everybody in the classroom starts turning their pages.



Helga is grading papers.

HELGA PATAKI Wow these are really not bad kids, despite their crazy and wild behavior. Man I wish I had a different job.

Helga's cell phone starts ringing and Helga answers her phone.



Arnold by the swimming pool at his college.



Helga in the classroom.

HELGA PATAKI Arnold, Football head, how did you get my number?


Arnold around the pool.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Well Olga gave it to me, listen Helga my birthday is coming up and my parents and my grandpa and grandma and the boarders are throwing a huge party and I was really wondering if you can come.


Helga in the classroom. 15.

HELGA PATAKI Arnold, I would love to, but why are calling me, why haven't you called Lila, don't you like Lila more then me?


Arnold at his college on his phone.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Helga, I have thought about Lila, and she never has really loved me a lot even when were kids, and she wasn't there as much like you were. Like even though you were mean to me when were kids, you were always there and helped me everything and gave me hard feed-back which was extremely hard to do. Helga i really want you to come.


Helga in her classroom.

HELGA PATAKI Oh yeah I did Football head. Look Arnold I don't know if I will be able to go, I am not seeing my parents and seeing Olga, she drives me crazy. And my parents look down on me still.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN You can just stay at my house.

HELGA PATAKI Arnold, your grandpa and grandma would kill you if you had a girl over.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN My parents wouldn't.

HELGA PATAKI What are you getting at here Football head?


Arnold at his college. 16.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I just really want you to come Helga. And I miss you a lot.

HELGA PATAKI I will think about it Arnold. I have to go, but I appreciate you calling me.

Helga hangs up the phone.

As Helga hangs up the phone, Behind the wall, Tommy and Chuckie and the twins are in the back room.

TOMMY PICKLES Oh this is great. Ms. Pataki is going to a party, we need to crash it.

PHIL DEVILLIE Yes I agree man, What I can do Tommy?

TOMMY PICKLES Do you have any chocolate reptar bars?

PHIL DEVILLIE Absolutely man, I have kept them in my freezer forever.

LIL DEVILLIE We also have a lot of milk and things as well.

LIL DEVILLIE (CONT'D) Do you think Dil and Kim will come along?

TOMMY PICKLES Of course they will. This is going to be great.

CHUCKIE FINSTER This really is going to be stupid!!! And also Tommy, you have no plan on how everything is going to work.

TOMMY PICKLES Oh I have a plan and it will work.

CUT TO: 17.

Helga is in the student lounge and she is getting herself some coffee.

And Helga is drinking some coffee.

Lila walks into the lounge.

HELGA PATAKI Hey how is your class going?

LILA SWAYER It's going really bad, all the students are animals. Now I understand how bad Mr. Simmons had it.

HELGA PATAKI Ah Lila you do realize that when we were kids, we were animals and trouble makers as well.

LILA SWAYER I know. How is yours going?

HELGA PATAKI Great. I got to slap a kid and almost put her in detention and it felt great to do.

LILA SWAYER Helga that is oh so awful, you could get fired. This PC culture is crazy.

HELGA PATAKI And I was also talking to Arnold.

LILA SWAYER Arnold!!!!! How is he doing?!...

HELGA PATAKI He is doing good Lila, His 21st birthday is coming up and he wants us to be there.

LILA SWAYER Oh that's oh so awesome, I can't wait.

HELGA PATAKI Only problem however, I'm not staying with my parents when I go to Hillwood. 18.

LILA SWAYER You could always stay with me.

HELGA PATAKI I don't know about that, your so girly and all the things I'm not. And Ms. perfect.

LILA SWAYER That's not true Helga, I don't think I was ever perfect. I tried to do everything to fullest.

HELGA PATAKI I find that hard to believe. oh okay, we will try to stay at Arnold's house I guess.

LILA SWAYER Oh that's a great plan Helga.



Arnold, Gerald, Stinky, and Sid walk into the restaurant and they grab a seat.

GERALD JOHANSON Oh wow that class was really boring.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Yeah you said it Gerald.

SID Yeah for me, I almost fell a sleep in that class.

STINKY PETERSON Well fell-lers I'm really hungry and hopefully they have something really good to eat.

SID Yeah lets just hope Harold gets all the meat or so.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN He probley will Sid.


Everyone starts eating and Harold comes. 19.

HAROLD BERMAN I was able to get some meat for your party man.


HAROLD BERMAN And I really hope it's good. Because I have herd that Rhonda's fancy parties in her new apartment are not good.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Why you say that Harold?


Harold is at a fancy party and he sees all the food is really tiny and Harold is wearing a suit.

Harold is looking around.

HAROLD BERMAN Oh my god there is no real food or beer here!!!!!

Harold sees an open seat and he sits down and Rhonda sits with him.

RHONDA WELLINGTON Harold are you enjoying yourself at the party?

Harold is really scarred.

HAROLD BERMAN Rhonda there is like no meat here, and there is no beer.

RHONDA WELLINGTON That is because it's a fancy party Harold and many of Facebook friends from other places do not like alcohol.


Harold looks around he sees nobody drinking and people eating salads.

RHONDA WELLINGTON Harold are you alright? 20.

Harold is still really scarred.

HAROLD BERMAN Oh my god!!!!! I can't be here...This place is soooo dry....I have to get out of here.

Harold all of starts screaming and running out the door and running through the hallway.

Harold keeps on running and Rhonda causes him.

RHONDA WELLINGTON Come back here Harold.

HAROLD BERMAN No I'm not going back there, your party is awful. And it's a living hell. I just can't.

Harold keeps on running and Eugene sees him.

EUGENE HOROWITZ Harold how is the party?

HAROLD BERMAN Buddy turn back while you still can. that place is so dry with no alcohol.

Harold accidentally bumps into Eugene and Eugene falls through the elevator and hits his head very badly.



Harold keeps on running and Harold turns the other way and starts running through the city.

RHONDA WELLINGTON Come back here Harold!!!!!!

HAROLD BERMAN No I will never go to those fancy non alcohol parties.

Harold keeps on running and all of a sudden sees a strange car.


Oskar puts the pedal to the medal and drives off. 21.

RHONDA WELLINGTON Harold one day I will drag into one of my parties and you will like it.


Inside the car.

HAROLD BERMAN Thank you so much for picking me up.

OSKAR KOKOSHKA Your welcome, you will really like where I'm going to take you.

HAROLD BERMAN Man I hope there is real food.

OSKAR KOKOSHKA Oh there is real food alright.

Oskar smiles and he chuckles.


Harold is another party that Oskar and Harold is drinking a lot of alcohol Europe and eating tons of meat.

Oskar is sitting with him and music is playing very loudly.

OSKAR KOKOSHKA (CONT'D) You see, One of Arnold's friends, I have fun as well. And enjoy my culture as well.

Harold feels really stuffed.

HAROLD BERMAN I think I am ready for some dancing.

OSKAR KOKOSHKA Of course you are little buddy.


Harold starts dancing with a lot of girls and dancing with them.

HAROLD BERMAN Wahooooooooo!!!!!!!

CUT TO: 22.

Rhonda is outside and gets into the party.


Harold looses his track into dancing and all of a sudden the girl he is dancing with starts spinning him around like crazy.

Harold starts screaming.


Oskar is cracking up and laughing hysterically.


Harold gets let go and flown up in the air lands in the ocean and a huge splash happens.

Everyone in the party starts leaving and running away.

OSKAR KOKOSHKA Oh no!!!!! My party fell apart!!!!!!!....


Harold is in the water and he knocked out.


The gang in the restaurant and back to the present.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh Harold that's awful!!!! And what sucks even more is that you were with Mr. Kokoshka. Was Eugene alright?

HAROLD BERMAN Eugene was okay, he only had a head injury but I heard that Shenna picked him up later that day and he is fine as always.

STINKY PETERSON Well-laquers!!!!! That was a crazy story Harold and I'm glad your alright. 23.

HAROLD BERMAN Yeah me too Stinky. Lets just hope and pray that Arnold's party is successful because I never want to run out of another party ever again.

SID I always wonder why Shenna haven't tied the knot and they have liked each other for years.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Maybe that's a question you will have to ask Eugene Sid.

GERALD JOHANSON By the speaking of relationships, Did you call Helga Arnold?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I did call Helga and she maybe can come. And I don't know you guys, I was on the phone with Helga and Helga sounded really sad and really depressed and I don't know, I really want to make sure she is happy that she comes back here.

GERALD JOHANSON Damn dude. I mean I knew Helga was mean and all to you, but my goodness we had no idea.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Yeah like she told me everything that her family does not notice her at all and that she has always had problems with them.

SID What is she doing now?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN She is a teacher at a high school 60 mins away from here in the suburb I think. And it's in some neighborhood that I think my parents took me to in 6th grade.

GERALD JOHANSON Did going there ended up being good? 24.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Sadly not really Gerald, it was awful and I got a ice cream stomach.

HAROLD BERMAN Oh that sucks!!!!!!


SID And you haven't been back there since?


STINKY PETERSON Oh my goodness.



Tommy gets home and he opens the door.

TOMMY PICKLES Mom, dad, I'm home.

DIANA PICKLES How was school?

TOMMY PICKLES Oh it was really good mom.

STU PICKLES Oh that's great Tommy. Well anyway your mom and are going to Hawaii this week and do not mess up anything in the house.

TOMMY PICKLES Don't worry dad I won't.


Tommy is in his room and is drawing a picture of Reptar in his room.

Tommy hears a knock at the door.


Dil walks into the room.

DIL PICKELS Dude, is it true that you and Chuckie are going to crash a party in Hillwood?

TOMMY PICKLES It is little brother and best of all, is that I think our teacher was going to and we will crash it big time.

DIL PICKELS And I have also been working on a lot of science stuff as well to create a big dinosaur as well. Do mom and dad know your doing this?

TOMMY PICKLES Nope. And that is what makes all of this fun.

DIL PICKELS So when do we start?

TOMMY PICKLES Very soon little bro.


Tommy and Dil start heading to Chuckie's house and Tommy knocks on the door.

Chuckie opens the door.


Tommy and Dil come into the house and Kimi.

KIMI FINSTER Tommy, Dil, you guys are here. I herd about you guys plan. And I want in.

CHUCKIE FINSTER I still believe this plan is foolish. And I'm surprised Angelica didn't get detention.

KIMI FINSTER Are Phil and Lil and Susie coming? 26.

TOMMY PICKLES They should be on their way soon.


The kids are eating pizza and drinking a lot of soda.

They the door bell and Tommy walks over to the door and answers it.

TOMMY PICKLES (CONT'D) Susie, you guys are here, come right in.

SUSIE CARMICHAEL So Tommy I hear this crazy plan of yours to crash a 21st birthday.

SUSIE CARMICHAEL (CONT'D) That sounds Hilarious and I want in.



Everybody is in the room eating.

TOMMY PICKLES Alright guys my parents just left and I know you guys parents will leave as well. And I purpose, we create a giant reptar dinosaur.

SUSIE CARMICHAEL And how is that going to happen?

TOMMY PICKLES Simple, Dil will make the chemicals and then get some eggs and create a dinosaur through that. And he also some other chemicals as well.

DIL PICKELS It's true I watched a lot of Jurassic park movies and it's possible to create reptar.

CHUCKIE FINSTER And that's just a movie. 27.

LIL DEVILLIE Well I think that's a great plan, and I know knowing you jokers it will work.

TOMMY PICKLES Oh yeah. Shall we get started?

KIMI FINSTER Lets do this.


All of a sudden all the kids are in the garage and Dil is making a lot of chemicals.



Dil hands Tommy a random bird egg.

TOMMY PICKLES Can anybody hand me green chemical XXXXX 89Turbo stew.


Phil hands Tommy the stew.

Tommy starts mixing everything.

LIL DEVILLIE Oh this is going to be so funny.

CHUCKIE FINSTER And we are all going to go to jail and not graduate from high school...UGH....Oh Tommy...


Tommy and the rest of his friends are doing the experiment and putting everything in the pot.


The Kids eating more pizza and drinking more soda.

CUT TO: 28.

Later that night and all of a sudden, a dinosaur is created.

And all the kids start running to the pot.

TOMMY PICKLES (yelling in excitement) It's beautiful!!!!!



Arnold walks into the boarding house.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Mom, dad, I'm home.

STELLA SHORTMAN Arnold your home. We are really glad that you are home.

Arnold walks into the kitchen.

And Miles and Stella are making him some food.

MILES SHORTMAN Your really going to like what we are making Arnold, we are making some Mexican food.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh thanks dad.

Grandpa walks into the door with excitement and wearing a sombero.

PHIL (GRANDPA) Oh I am so excited for this birthday party shortman!!!!, And you will be finally be able to drink a beer and grandma is also making some margaritas as well.


Gertie starts making a lot of margaritas.

GERTIE (GRANDMA) Oh these are really going to be really good.

And Gertie does a huge laugh. 29.


Arnold is in the kitchen.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh that sounds really wonderful grandpa. By the way did you hear by any chance of what Mr.Koshka did to Harold did you grandpa?

PHIL (GRANDPA) Oh damn, I didn't shortman. But I herd that your friend got really drunk and wasted and danced with a lot of girls. I have always known that kid to be really nuts.

MILES SHORTMAN Well I don't know dad, I did some crazy things back when I was Arnold's age.

MILES SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Oh Arnold, that reminds me, who are you inviting to your party?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I don't know dad. I did invite Gerald and a lot of my old friends and everyone is coming.

PHIL (GRANDPA) What about the one girl that is teasing you and making fun of you and calling you football head.


PHIL (GRANDPA) Yes. Is she coming.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I don't know grandpa, I talked to her on the phone and right now is really busy. And she is trying to be a teacher to prove that she can be Olga.

PHIL (GRANDPA) Oh shit, That's a little bite of pickle short-man. 30.

MILES SHORTMAN Well why don't mom and I take you to her school, plus I think since being back from San Lorenzo I have played golf with her dad a couple of times, and we always have fun.


Miles playing golf with Bob and Miles is playing really well.

MILES SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Oh look at that I got an eagle.

Bob is really mad and really angry.

BOB PATAKI Oh and I thought the old man was worse.


Back in the kitchen.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh wow that's really super dad. I can't believe you know how to play golf right away.

MILES SHORTMAN Oh there is a lot of things you don't know about what potions were put in to your mom and I's brain.

PHIL (GRANDPA) Yeah I figured Miles. But non the less, this birthday will be great.

Stella walks into the kitchen.




Stella gives Arnold a kiss on the fore-head.

STELLA SHORTMAN (CONT'D) I can't believe my baby boy is going to be 21. 31.

STELLA SHORTMAN (CONT'D) What kind of cake do you like?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Um you know I really don't know mom. Any one is fine.

STELLA SHORTMAN Oh that's wonderful. Because I believe dad and I are going to get you a cake chocolate cake with alcohol in it. And not just any alcohol ones from overseas. America's are not as great as it use to be.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Alright okay mom.

MILES SHORTMAN Yeah don't worry Arnold, I will help you with finding your girlfriend.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Helga is not my girlfriend dad.

MILES SHORTMAN I know son, but you should try to talk to her again.


Arnold goes into his room and his room is really different and he has a lot pictures of his friends and him in his room.

Arnold lays down on his bed. And Arnold starts sleeping.



Arnold runs downstairs and he comes down for breakfast.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Morning everyone.

The rest of the boarders come downstairs and they all say good morning.

ERNIE POTTS How did you sleep big guy? 32.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I slept really good Mr. Potts.

SUZIE KOKOSHKA Oh that's great Arnold. I'm really sorry about what Oskar did your friend Harold.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh that's okay Suzie. Harold is used to it and he always bounces back I think.

MR. HYUNH Well that's good Arnold, I herd Mr. Green that the parties that Oskar throws no American has bounced back from the booze.

Oskar finally comes into the room.

OSKAR KOKOSHKA Hey Arnold, How is my little buddy.

OSKAR KOKOSHKA (CONT'D) Oh my mistake, you not little anymore. Is your friend Harold doing alright?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN He is doing alright Mr. Kokoshka.

OSKAR KOKOSHKA Oh okay. good. Because I can tell he was having fun and he needed some man-ley help especially running away from that rich girl with black girl.


OSKAR KOKOSHKA Yes Arnold. I can tell that girl has grown into a big upset young lady just like Suzie.

SUZIE KOKOSHKA Oskar!!!!.....

OSKAR KOKOSHKA What?!....It's true Suzie.

Grandma and Grandpa come into the kitchen. 33.

PHIL (GRANDPA) Good morning everyone.

The boarders and Arnold say good morning to him.

GERTIE (GRANDMA) So Arnold are you ready to see that one girl or so?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I don't know grandma.

PHIL (GRANDPA) What do you mean you don't know. You have this in the bad short man. I think your mom and dad also prepared a suit for you to wear when you go see her.



Arnold goes into a new section of the boarding house and sees his parents.

MILES SHORTMAN Hey Arnold, You excited?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I believe so. dad, do you really believe this is going to work?

MILES SHORTMAN I'm sure it will sport. Mom and I will be with you every step of the way. And it turns out I know where Helga is teaching it.

STELLA SHORTMAN I'm sure your going to do really well Arnold.


Arnold has a suit and has flowers and a card in his hand.

Arnold gets into the car with his parents and the parents start driving him.


Arnold's parents start driving through a lot of places. 34.

Arnold is looking at the window.


They finally get to the high school.

Arnold gets out of the car.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN But I don't know what class she is teaching in.

MILES SHORTMAN I'm sure she is inside somewhere I believe. Break a leg.

Arnold's parents drive off.

Arnold takes a deep breath and Arnold walks into the school.


Arnold is in the school and a lot of high school kids are running in the hall-way.

Arnold keeps on looking around.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Man at this rate, I'm like never going to find her.


Arnold keeps on looking around and goes around the courtyard.

Arnold keeps on walking and he sees a lot of different people.


The Rugrats finally get to school and they see Arnold looking around.

CHUCKIE FINSTER Who in the world is that guy?

TOMMY PICKLES I don't know. But he looks someone we knew.

The rugrats get out of the car and they start heading to school. 35.


Arnold keeps on looking around and Arnold hears Helga's voice as she is in her classroom.

HELGA PATAKI Alright you guys, I don't really ask very much, just write an essay about your spring break and what you plan to do after graduation. And that's it. And....

All of a sudden, Helga's world starts to slow down and Helga sees Arnold through window.


Helga's worlds gets back up to speed.

HELGA PATAKI (CONT'D) Alright class, that's it for today and have fun.

All of the teenagers run out of the school. And Arnold knocks on the door.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I'm not late am I Ms. Pataki?

All of a sudden, Helga gets really excited and she runs up to Arnold and hugs him.

HELGA PATAKI Oh Arnold...How did you know I was here?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN My parents drove me here. And your dad played golf with big bob I believe as well.

HELGA PATAKI I am not surprised. So what brings you to this high school that I teach it.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN And I don't know Helga I just really wanted to see you and I got you flowers and a card.

HELGA PATAKI Oh Arnold that is so nice of you. And they are beautiful. 36.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN So you want to get out of here?

HELGA PATAKI Absolutely.


Arnold and Helga get out of the high school and they start walking to the parking lot.

HELGA PATAKI (CONT'D) So your parents came and dropped you off I guess.


HELGA PATAKI Yeah I have noticed that, they really seem like they really want to help you.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh yeah for sure.

Arnold and Helga get to Helga's car and they get into the car and Helga starts her car.

HELGA PATAKI So where to? Lunch?


All of a sudden, Helga starts driving her car and she backs out.

HELGA PATAKI Buckle up Foot-head, your in for a wild ride.

Helga all of a sudden puts her gas on the pedal and they start going really fast on the high way.

HELGA PATAKI (CONT'D) Wahooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!


Helga's car going really fast on the highway. And driving through suburb and driving to the mall.

CUT TO: 37.

Helga drives down a hill and she goes into a parking garage.

Helga parks her car and Helga and Arnold get out of the car and they start walking.


Arnold and Helga are walking in the mall and they are looking through a lot of different stores.


Arnold and Helga go into a fancy restaurant and they get seated.

HELGA PATAKI (CONT'D) Well Arnold I believe this is really nice that you are taking me out to lunch and I'm just really glad you are with me.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Of course Helga. You really mean a lot to me.

HELGA PATAKI So what has been going on in Hillwood since I left?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Still more of the same, people doing crazy things, I try to help people and my grandma and grandpa are still goof balls and my parents always try to help me when I can a lot more.

HELGA PATAKI Sounds like they are like your grand-parents on steroids. I figured.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN What about you Helga?

HELGA PATAKI I don't know Arnold, I haven't seen my parents in a while, and it's mostly because Wolf-gang is working for my dad and they have been spending a lot of time together. 38.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Your dad and wolf-gang? Why?

HELGA PATAKI It's really complicated. But anyway my dad is getting old and Wolf-gang being Wolf-gang really wants to take my dad's company into the future. And that sounds great and all but my dad really wants me to date Wolf-gang just because he has managed so many people and even has a lot of success.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN That sounds so stupid. You don't like Wolf-gang do you Helga?

HELGA PATAKI Hell no Arnold, I can't stand him, I couldn't stand when we were in 4th grade, I even hate him more now, and also he is even more a moron now.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN What about Olga?

HELGA PATAKI Olga is even worse now, she even works for Wolf-gang in another company and Olga hits on him a lot.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh god!!!!!! And your parents Olga is the successful one.

HELGA PATAKI Yeah. And yeah I just really don't want to see them. And the only I talk to is my mom and that's it.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh no yikes I'm sorry Helga.

HELGA PATAKI It's okay. It just goes to show how things are more messed now more then ever.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Well I'm here for you. And I always will be. 39.

HELGA PATAKI Oh Arnold. You are so sweet.

Helga touches Arnold's hands.


All of a sudden a woman with blue strap shirt and black hair and sliver high heels sees Arnold and Helga talking and she goes inside the restaurant.


Helga and Arnold turn around and see her walk in.


HELGA PATAKI Phoebe, your here. I didn't think you were going to make it.

PHOEBE HEYERDAHL I'm just glad that I was able to get off work, the office was crazy.

Helga hugs Phoebe.


Phoebe ends up hugging Arnold and Phoebe sits down.

PHOEBE HEYERDAHL (CONT'D) And I hear your birthday is coming up. And I believe you really like what I got you.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh I can imagine.

PHOEBE HEYERDAHL So how is Gerald?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Gerald is fine Phoebe. Why you ask?

PHOEBE HEYERDAHL I don't know I just haven't really seen him in a long time. And I really think about him a lot. 40.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh that's good Phoebe.

HELGA PATAKI So when is your party?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN In 3 days from now I believe.



The rugrats come and they start going to an office building in the city.


The rugrats get to the main floor.

TOMMY PICKLES Hi I'm here to see Mr. Wolf-gang.

OLGA PATAKI Sure I will go get him.

Olga gets up and opens his door.


Wolfgang in his office wearing a green suit and tie and gold neck tie.

Olga walks in.

OLGA PATAKI (CONT'D) Some teenagers are here to see you Wolf-Gang.

WOLFGANG Send them in.

The rugrat characters walk into the office.

WOLFGANG (CONT'D) Make it quick, I have a lot of shit that I really have to do.

TOMMY PICKLES Well anyway thank you taking the time to see you us Mr. (MORE) 41.

TOMMY PICKLES (CONT'D) Wolfgang and I believe last night my friends and created a dinosaur and not only did we create a dinosaur, we also created new reptar chocolate as well and it even turns people's tongues green as well.

TOMMY PICKLES (CONT'D) Show him Chuckie.

Chuckie ends up showing Wolfgang his tongue.

TOMMY PICKLES (CONT'D) And I believe we maybe able to create some with alcohol in it as well sir.


Wolfgang has a shocked look on his face.

PHIL DEVILLIE So what do you say man. Do we have a deal?

WOLFGANG Get the hell out of my office!!!! You stupid teenagers!!!!!! Get out!!!!!


Tommy and his friends end up getting out of the office.

WOLFGANG Reptar chocolate. what a freaking joke. Like that's ever going to sell.

Wolf-gang's cell phone rings and Wolfgang answers the phone.

WOLFGANG (CONT'D) Hello? Ah Mr. Pataki, yeah no worries chocolate stuff is going really well. And no I haven't seen Helga at all today. Wait?!...She is with who right now?!... 42.

WOLFGANG (CONT'D) Interesting...The Football face is in this part of town...Yeah no worries Bob, I will find Helga really soon. bye, bye.

Wolfgang hangs up the phone and Olga walks in.

OLGA PATAKI Who was that?

WOLFGANG Oh it was father. And He is such a tool, he really thinks that I'm in love with Helga but really I love you sweet-heart. Him and his big voice.

OLGA PATAKI Yeah Helga was never perfect or as successful as well me. Or what I was either.

WOLFGANG Yeah I herd she was with the football face around the mall, Oh I don't care what happens I'm going to hurt him so bad that he will never be able to see Helga ever again. And make things according to him like I actually like her.

OLGA PATAKI Sounds cruel but then again it is Helga and her history serves her right. And she also never carried about my success and was always jealous of my success.

WOLFGANG All I need is to really ruin Arnold really badly in a way where he does not realize we are using him.

Olga looks at her iPhone and sees her calendar.

OLGA PATAKI I hear his birthday is very soon, and he wants Helga to be there. I will take care of Arnold.

WOLFGANG Good I will deal with Helga. 43.

Wolfgang does a really evil smile on his face.



Arnold and Helga walk out of the mall. And Arnold and Helga are holding hands while walking.


Arnold and Helga are walking through a park that is there.


Arnold and Helga are laying down on the grass and they are looking at the stars.

Arnold and Helga are laughing and all of a sudden, Helga slowly looks into Arnold's eyes.

All of a sudden, Helga starts making out with Arnold and kisses him on the lips and start making out on the grass.


Arnold and Helga start dancing in the park and they start slow dancing and spinning in circles like crazy and doing other dance moves.

Arnold lowers her and rises Helga up. Helga starts laughing.


Arnold and Helga in Helga's car.

HELGA PATAKI Oh wow that was really fun Arnold. Thank you so much for everything.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Your welcome Helga.

Helga does a sexy moan and she lays on top of Arnold.

HELGA PATAKI I just don't want this night to end between us my love.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Me neither Helga.

CUT TO: 44.

The Rugrats are in the same park and are walking.

TOMMY PICKLES Man can't believe our reptar candy flopped in the meeting room.

PHIL DEVILLIE I know man, that was awful.

CHUCKIE FINSTER Well what did you expect, a new car?!... Thats all bosses act.

LIL DEVILLIE That's not true Chuckie.

TOMMY PICKLES Hey guys look.

The rugrats see Helga in the car with Arnold.

TOMMY PICKLES (CONT'D) Isn't that Ms. Pataki and she with a guy in the suit we earlier today.

PHIL DEVILLIE Yeah man. What should we do.

TOMMY PICKLES I know we can take a picture.

The rugrats hid in the bushes.


All of a sudden all of the rugrats start taking pictures of Arnold and Helga.

HELGA PATAKI What the?!....

The rugrats start laughing and Arnold gets out of the car.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Hey come back here you little brats!!!!!!!

The rugrats start running off.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Yeah you better run you punks!!!! 45.

HELGA PATAKI It's okay don't worry about it Arnold, they are just some stupid kids.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Yeah I guess your right Helga.

HELGA PATAKI Want to see my apartment?



Helga starts driving Arnold to her apartment.

Helga turns her car off and they both get out of the car.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Oh wow this is your place?

HELGA PATAKI Yeah it's not much. But it is home.


Arnold and Helga walk into Helga's apartment. And Arnold is really amazed at how girly Helga's room.

Arnold also really notices a lot of pictures and places.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh wow your place is really nice Helga. And I really love the style of your room.

HELGA PATAKI Oh thanks Foot-ball head.

Arnold keeps on looking around and she sees a lot of pictures with her with a lot of other people.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Wow this is really incredible.

HELGA PATAKI Can I get you anything to drink Arnold?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh I'm good Helga. 46.

Helga finds a soda in her fridge and she starts drinking the soda.

Helga sits by Arnold on the couch. Helga lays next to Arnold.

HELGA PATAKI So are you happy with how our lives turned out?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I don't know, I mean I know my parents are alive and safe and live here. But I also feel like there is also something else that is missing as well.


ARNOLD SHORTMAN I kind of don't know. maybe a girlfriend or something.

HELGA PATAKI Well I'm sure you will find someone football head.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I really hope so.

As Arnold is laying down with Helga, all of a sudden, Wolf-gang opens the door.

Arnold wakes up in shock.

WOLFGANG Well hello Football face. Sleeping with my girl.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh hey Wolf-gang, no nothing happened.

HELGA PATAKI Oh Wolf-gang your here sweetie. I'm sorry I was going to call you but I ran into Arnold and spend the day with him.

WOLFGANG Yeah. Where is your ride Arnold?!... 47.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh that's a good question Wolfgang. I know my parents drove me to this part of town and...

WOLFGANG Oh that's right your parents. I'll drive him home Helga.

Arnold gets up on his feet.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Good night Helga.

HELGA PATAKI Good night Football head.


Arnold and Wolfgang go outside.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Well it was nice to see Helga. And I didn't know you guys were close.

Wolfgang pushes Arnold against the wall.

WOLFGANG I'm on you to Football Face, and also you ever come to my apartment ever again uninvited I will kill you not just in beating you up but also your reputation and everything, I have so many connections and way more money and thats what Helga really likes a lot.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Your wrong Wolfgang.

WOLFGANG Really?!...Stay away from my girl, and Helga is mine and you had many chances but she likes me now Arnold.

Wolfgang goes back into his apartment and Arnold starts walking away.

Arnold gets an Uber on his phone and Arnold starts heading back to Hillwood.

CUT TO: 48.

Arnold walks back into his house and he starts walking up to his room.

Arnold starts going to sleep in his room.



Arnold is having coffee and Arnold's parents show up.

MILES SHORTMAN Hey Arnold, how was seeing Helga?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN It went alright dad. But sadly she is with Wolfgang and they have been seeing each other for quite some time.

MILES SHORTMAN Oh I'm sorry sport. You going to see her again?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I don't know dad.

Stella and grandpa and grandma come into the kitchen.

PHIL (GRANDPA) Wait what happen?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Helga is with wolfgang. Grandpa.

PHIL (GRANDPA) Oh no that's awful, I'm sorry short man. Have you thought of ways to get Helga back?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Sadly no grandpa.

STELLA SHORTMAN Well you could try to prove her parents wrong.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I don't know if that would go to well mom. Plus Mr. Pataki has never liked me and he's never even liked grandpa and grandma before you and dad came back. 49.

PHIL (GRANDPA) Yeah it is true he is sadly a big ball of flaming fire.

MILES SHORTMAN But maybe you can try to think about another girl you want to invite to your birthday Arnold.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I will see what I can do on that dad.


Arnold goes outside and he starts walking around Hillwood.

Arnold starts walking to a park and he walks through the park.


Arnold walks through a lot of neighborhoods and Arnold comes across Helga's house.

Arnold looks up and he keeps on walking.


Arnold walks by the baseball field and Arnold keeps on walking.


Arnold keeps on walking and Arnold sees Lila's house.

As Arnold keeps on walking, Lila pokes her head out of her house.



Lila comes out of her house. And she gives Arnold a really hug.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Lila what are you doing here?

LILA SWAYER I'm back in town for your birthday Arnold. It's going to be oh so much fun. 50.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Yeah defiantly for sure.


Lila and Arnold are by the public swimming pool and laying down next to each other.

LILA SWAYER So are you excited for your birthday?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I'm starting to. But last night was crazy though. And I just can't believe Helga is with Wolfgang.

LILA SWAYER That doesn't make any sense. Wolf-gang was always such a jerk.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I know Lila, but I guess things get really complicated and really confusing when we grow up. And problems get harder to solve. Not even with my parents being home from San Lorenzo I feel like things have gotten worse.

LILA SWAYER Is there anything you want me to Arnold?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN No it's okay Lila.

LILA SWAYER But Helga being Helga, she has always never really made up her mind about you that much. And I really believe she likes you Arnold. And I think I haven known all this time.

LILA SWAYER (CONT'D) Arnold, I think I have something to show you.

Lila all of a sudden grabs her purse and she takes out Helga's old locket. 51.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Wait a minute. This is the golden locket that saved my parents and...

Arnold finds a way open it and it finally has Helga's black writing inside of it.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) This is Helga's hand-writting and it's a picture of me what I use to look like in 4th grade.

Arnold starts taking a look at Helga's words and reading everything to himself.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Wow!!!!!!! my god, I freaking had no idea Helga really cared about me that much even back then. But she was so mean to me back then.

LILA SWAYER I think it's mostly because Helga was very insecure about herself and also because of her up-bringing. Helga had a really hard life when we were kids Arnold.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh my god!!!! I feel like such a complete idiot. I wish there was something I can do.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) How long have you known about this Lila?

LILA SWAYER I have known for a long time Arnold. I just never said anything.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Maybe I can go see her today and tell her how I really feel. Thank you for telling me Lila.

LILA SWAYER Oh your all so welcome Arnold.

CUT TO: 52.


Gerald, Stinky, Sid, and Harold start walking into Big Bob's beepers

GERALD JOHANSON I hope Arnold is doing okay.

SID Yeah same here Gerald.

STINKY PETERSON Well-leqers it's a new phone gadget.

HAROLD BERMAN Who cares about phones, I am hungry.

GERALD JOHANSON Well I guess we will go in and see.

The boys go into the store.


Bob walks out of the store and a lot of people in suits are clapping.

BOB PATAKI Thank you everyone, Well this year has been a really successful for Big bob's beppers and even though in this company we don't sell bebbers no more, We have created a new product and we are getting into the chocolate industry and I ran into some teenagers that may help me and my company. And these kids are something, they created. And so they are from suburbs part. Everyone give a big round welcome to Thomas Pickles.

Everybody in the company starts clapping and Tommy and Chuckie get on stage.

TOMMY PICKLES Thank Mr. Pataki, Well it is true ladies and gentlemen we have created new type of chocolate using green stuff from a dinosaur.

CUT TO: 53.

To the Boys in the crowd.

SID What?!....Something is not right here!!!!!...Making a dinosaur is impossible.

GERALD JOHANSON I agree Sid, and also, we don't know this fool and his friends.

HAROLD BERMAN Well to give him a credit, he does have nice hair and his hair is well blue. And his muscular. Maybe we can try to get know him. Plus he maybe on good food that helps him get muscles.

STINKY PETERSON Harold I don't think that's such a good idea.

HAROLD BERMAN Oh come you guys, I'm hungry and this must know some stuff. Come on.


The speech finally ends and Tommy and his friends get off the stage.

CHUCKIE FINSTER Well that went well.

TOMMY PICKLES Oh it went great. Lets get out of here.

As they are leaving, Tommy sees Harold and he stops.

HAROLD BERMAN Hi Mr. Pickles we all really loved your speech. And I guess your new here. My name is Harold and these are my friends Gerald, Stinky and Sid.

TOMMY PICKLES Oh pleasure to meet you guys. And you guys look like good people and very funny looking people as well. 54.

TOMMY PICKLES (CONT'D) These are my friends Phil, Lil, Chuckie and Kim and Sussie.

As Sussie sees Gerald, she gets a really huge crush on him.

CHUCKIE FINSTER Pleasure to meet you guys. So do you people live here?

HAROLD BERMAN Of course we do man we do a lot of fun things. Your welcome to come with us.

PHIL DEVILLIE Alright okay.


Gerald and the boys start hanging out with the rugrats and doing a lot of fun things around Hillwood.

And some of the things they do are really silly and really crazy.

And the rugrats are laughing like crazy.


The rugrats and Gerald and the boys are inside of a restaurant.

TOMMY PICKLES Oh wow that was a lot of fun you guys. And I really enjoyed meeting you guys a lot.

HAROLD BERMAN Oh it's nothing Thomas. Your town is your town.

TOMMY PICKLES Oh you can call me Tommy. It's no big deal.

GERALD JOHANSON I have a question though however. Why work for Big Bob?

TOMMY PICKLES I don't know, he seems nice I think. 55.

STINKY PETERSON Well not to disappoint you dinosaur man but Big Bob is sadly not that nice of a person. And he is kind of a jerk as well just from word of mouth as well.

LIL DEVILLIE That's odd we like never noticed before. But we did run into one guy with blonde hair in a green suit and tie and he was a big time jerk I think to us and he was not nice.

SID I think the person your talking about is Wolfgang, he use to be a big bully here when all of us were kids.

TOMMY PICKLES Yeah we also had someone similar to that Wolfgang person name Angelica. By the way has anybody texted her?

KIMI FINSTER Not really Tommy, But she could be anywhere though.

HAROLD BERMAN Yeah I can see that.

TOMMY PICKLES Oh by the way Harold...You don't by any chance know someone who has a big football shaped head that lives here. Do you?

GERALD JOHANSON Yeah we do, his name is Arnold and he is our best friend...Why?

TOMMY PICKLES Well I don't know if he remembers us but when he was like in 6th grade right after he got back from San Lorenzo he actually baby-sited us when we were really little. And his parents knew my parents as well. 56.

STINKY PETERSON Wow you don't say. Well you know, do you guys want to come Arnold's 21st birthday party?

TOMMY PICKLES Are you kidding, we all would love to. Where is it?

SID It's at his boarding house in town, you can't really miss it.

TOMMY PICKLES Alright okay, Sweet, we all will be there. Also what does Arnold like?

GERALD JOHANSON That's a good question. He will just like it if you guys come.

SUSIE CARMICHAEL That's wonderful. And I'm also looking forward to seeing you there as well stud.

All of a sudden Sussie kisses Gerald on the check. And Gerald is under Sussie's spell.

SID Gerald are you okay?

STINKY PETERSON Do you think inviting them was a good idea?

HAROLD BERMAN Probley not.

SID Yeah we are so dead!!!!...




The rugrats start walking at night. 57.

TOMMY PICKLES Oh wow guys I really loved meeting those guys. And I really believe I know what we are going to do for Arnold as well.

CHUCKIE FINSTER And what would that be Tommy?

TOMMY PICKLES Very simple, we just have to find someone that loves science and someone that really loves chocolate.

PHIL DEVILLIE And where are we going to find those things.

TOMMY PICKLES This elementary school. Come on you guys.


Mr. Simmons in his classroom and all of a sudden he hears knock at the door.

Mr. Simmons goes to answer the door.

ROBERT SIMMONS Can I help you kids?

TOMMY PICKLES You sure can. Hi I'm Tommy Pickles and need your science expertise to help bake a giant.

ROBERT SIMMONS Oh I don't know If I'm a good baker you guys, I'm just an elementary school teacher.

TOMMY PICKLES It's for Arnold and he is turning 21.

Mr. Simmons has a smile on his face.

ROBERT SIMMONS Oh that's wonderful I will help you kids, when do we start?

TOMMY PICKLES Very soon. 58.

TOMMY PICKLES (CONT'D) We also need someone who knows a lot about chocolate as well.

ROBERT SIMMONS I think I maybe can help you guys there.


All of a sudden, Mr. Simmons is in the car with Rugrats. And the Rugrats start driving really fast and Tommy is really excitement.

Mr. Simmons starts screaming.

TOMMY PICKLES I love this car. it's like a roller coaster.

ROBERT SIMMONS I think I'm going to be really sick.


They get to an apartment building and they get out of the car and Mr. Simmons is not feeling really well.

CHUCKIE FINSTER Are you okay mister.

ROBERT SIMMONS Oh I don't think so. I think I'm going to vomit.

All of a sudden, Mr. Simmons throws up.

CHUCKIE FINSTER Do we have any ginger ale we can give to the elementary school teacher.

PHIL DEVILLIE I have something Chuckie.

Phil gives Mr. Simmons the ginger ale and Mr. Simmons starts drinking it.

ROBERT SIMMONS Thanks kids. By the way who are you kids, do you kids know Arnold? 59.

LIL DEVILLIE We sort of do, he baby sat us when we were really little back when he was in 6th grade.

ROBERT SIMMONS Oh well I only taught from 4th to 6th grade and I haven't seen him in years. So anyway one of my former students leaves here.

They start walking up to the building.


Mr. Simmons knocks on the door and a young man with black hair answers the door.

CHARLIE WARKOL (CHOCHLATE BOY) Mr. Simmons. Long time no see. What are you doing at my apartment with these other teenagers.

ROBERT SIMMONS Ah it's a little complicated. Are you invited to Arnold's birthday by any chance?

CHARLIE WARKOL (CHOCHLATE BOY) Of course I am Mr. Simmons Why?

ROBERT SIMMONS You realize that I am not true teacher anymore and you can just call me Robert right?

CHARLIE WARKOL (CHOCHLATE BOY) Oh I know that. But you will always be Mr. Simmons to me. So what do I have to do?

ROBERT SIMMONS Do you still love Chocolate?

CHARLIE WARKOL (CHOCHLATE BOY) Are you kidding, I love chocolate. Chocolate is my life. And I would love to make a giant ice cream birthday cake for Arnold.

TOMMY PICKLES Excellent. We will get all the stuff and you deal with the chocolate stuff. 60.

ROBERT SIMMONS And what do I do?

TOMMY PICKLES You carefully read the recipe stuff.

ROBERT SIMMONS I can do that.


All of a sudden, everybody in the apartment starts working on the chocolate cake and doing different roles in the house.


Chocolate boy starts working on the ice cream and making ice cream with a lot of chocolate related toppings.


Tommy and his friends start creating the chocolate crumbs and the chocolate sauce on the cake.

And the song give me the time plays by Ne yo.


Mr. Simmons start working on the frosting and drawing Arnold and drawing the blue and dumping cookie dough and orreos and M&Ms.


Susie starts making more ice cream and Chocolate bars on the cake.


Lil and Susie start dumping a lot of alcohol on the ice cream and Lil and Susie start laughing and cracking up.

SUSIE CARMICHAEL This is really going to be all the girls all wasted and then a lot of crazy things will happen.

ROBERT SIMMONS Oh my word what have I just got myself into....

CUT TO: 61.

The Song Waiting for Love by 3T plays in the background while they keep on pouring more alcohol and booze on the cake

The cake gets done and Rugrats steel one of Mr. Potts construction stuff and they find a way a giant freezer. And they start laughing and cracking up.

ROBERT SIMMONS (CONT'D) Oh dear....I'm going to be in so much trouble...



Ernie starts heading to work and he notices on his construction stuff is messing.

ERNIE POTTS What the?!...


The construction people start gathering around.

ERNIE POTTS (CONT'D) What the hell happen last night?

CONSTRUCTION WORKER 1 Well apparently last night someone created a giant birthday cake with a lot of chocolate and ice cream and achool.

ERNIE POTTS That's interesting because Arnold's birthday is really soon. Maybe that cake has something to do with his birthday.



Wolfgang is in the swimming pool and he is in the pool with Olga.

WOLFGANG Ah Olga You are always so lovely and so beautiful as well. Very soon I will be the head CEO at your dad's company. 62.

Wolfgang is making out with Olga in the pool and all of a sudden, Angelica comes and she is in very beautiful bathing suit.

WOLFGANG (CONT'D) Ah Angelica your here. I'm glad you were able to come as well. Why don't you be a good girl and be in this hot-tub with me.

Angelica smiles and she starts kissing Wolfgang. But all of a sudden Helga comes. Wolfgang sees Helga coming.

WOLFGANG (CONT'D) Oh Helga is coming. hide.

They both go underwater and Helga walks to Wolfgang.

HELGA PATAKI Hey Wolfgang.

WOLFGANG Helga. baby. I am glad you are here.

HELGA PATAKI Yeah. Anyway you didn't hear anything about the cake that was made yesterday did you?

WOLFGANG No of course not sweet-heart. Helga you look tense why you don't take all your clothes off and be in the hot tub with me.

HELGA PATAKI Well gee that sounds amazing wolfgang but I may have some other things to do but I will be back very soon.

WOLFGANG Alright okay Helga. Let me know if you change your mind.

Helga leaves the pool and Angelica and Olga come out of the pool.

OLGA PATAKI Look at her, not knowing any better, thinking being a teacher is the way to go, 63.

WOLFGANG Yeah I agree, you will always better then her. It's too bad when I take over her dad's company she will then find out the hard way how much I like you Olga.

ANGELICA PICKLES Well she did mention the cake getting baked and I think the dumb kids from neck of the woods are here.

WOLFGANG Well why don't you girls go after Arnold and find out where he is, that way we can get Helga to hate Arnold again. This is going to be perfect.



Arnold is walking to the bowling ally.


Arnold is inside the bowling ally.

Arnold is bowling by himself and Gerald shows up.

GERALD JOHANSON Hey man, how is everything going for your party?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Good. We are going to start decorating very soon.

GERALD JOHANSON Did you hear about your birthday cake?


GERALD JOHANSON You don't know. Someone found a way to bake a giant ice cream birthday and it's kept in a freezer right now. 64.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN What the?!...That's crazy we don't know anybody that would be able to bake a giant cake.

GERALD JOHANSON Yeah maybe it's for something else.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I will be right back, I will get us some soda.


Arnold starts walking to get some soda.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Just some Dr. Pepper jugs.

Arnold turns back and Helga is behind him.


ARNOLD SHORTMAN Helga what are you doing here?

HELGA PATAKI I changed my mind and I'm here for your birthday.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Helga that's great!!!!...

Arnold gives Helga a really huge and Helga gives in and puts her arms around Arnold.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) But what about Wolfgang?

HELGA PATAKI Wolfgang doesn't know I'm here.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Awesome-ness Gerald and I were just starting to bowl. And your right on time.


Arnold and Helga and Gerald start bowling and a couple of rounds go by and they eat a lot of junk food. 65.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Oh that food was so good.

GERALD JOHANSON Yeah tell me about it.

HELGA PATAKI Yeah those sodas were also really good as well.


As Arnold, Helga, And Gerald keep on talking, Olga walks into the bowling ally and sees Helga.


They are sitting down but Olga shows up.

OLGA PATAKI Hello baby sister. And hello Arnold.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh hi Olga. Are you here to bowl as well, we can get some more pizza and soda and things like that.

OLGA PATAKI That's really nice of you Arnold. But I eat fancy food now.


HELGA PATAKI What do you want Olga? What are you doing here?

OLGA PATAKI Oh well my mom and dad told me you were here in the city Helga. And Wolfgang wanted me to look for you.

HELGA PATAKI Well I'm safe Olga I'm with Arnold and Gerald and we are having fun. And we don't need your self importance!!!!!... 66.

OLGA PATAKI I thought you would say that, you know just because your with Wolfgang Helga, you haven't really changed that much, your still that angry little girl that is angry at everything. And it's pathic you want to be a teacher as well, since last I checked I was a better student teacher when you were little.

HELGA PATAKI Well at least I'm not a know it all like you are!!!!!!

OLGA PATAKI Well good!!!!! because you lack brain cells and common knowledge and you will always be dumb!!!!

HELGA PATAKI Well at least I'm not a cry baby like you are!!!!!! And you know what if I wasn't in front of Arnold right now I would grab this bowling ball and throw at your face!!!!!

OLGA PATAKI I would love to see you try baby sister.

HELGA PATAKI Well bring it on college girl!!!!...

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Girls stop!!!!!

Arnold breaks up the fight and breaks them up.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) How about tomorrow I can go to Helga's house and maybe you two will get a long.

OLGA PATAKI Well that's really nice of you Arnold, I'm sure my mom and dad would love to see you. And I'm always impressed with you Arnold unlike my sister. We would be honored if you came Arnold. 67.

Olga turns to Helga.

OLGA PATAKI (CONT'D) I will see you at home.

Olga walks away.


Olga gets outside and Wolfgang is outside.

OLGA PATAKI (CONT'D) He bought it.

WOLFGANG Good dinner is going to be create and it's time to impress that football face once and for all.


Inside the bowling ally.

Helga starts clam down.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Helga are you alright?

HELGA PATAKI I'm fine Arnold. But are you nuts Football head, Wolfgang is going to be there and he will kill you if your around me.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I don't care Helga, I'm coming and I want to be around you more and Wolfgang is not going to stop me.

HELGA PATAKI What about my dad?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I'm not freaking scarred of your dad anymore, I went to Central America and found my parents. Your dad does not scary me what so ever.

HELGA PATAKI Wow you have balls football head. Do you want me to pick you up?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN No I will walk to you. 68.



Arnold is getting on another suit and tie.

MILES SHORTMAN Where are you off to now?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I'm going to see Helga again and I'm having dinner with her and her family and her sister.

MILES SHORTMAN Oh that's great Arnold. Need any help with anything?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN No I'm good dad.

MILES SHORTMAN Well good luck big guy.



Arnold walks outside and he calls a lyft car and Arnold gets into the car.

The car starts taking Arnold.


Helga and her parents and her sister.

Bob starts checking his watch.

BOB PATAKI He should be here soon.

WOLFGANG I'm telling you Mr. Pataki he won't show up.

OLGA PATAKI I'm pretty sure he will Wolfgang.

MIRIAM PATAKI Well to give him some slack it is hard to get to the Wellington building. 69.

HELGA PATAKI Guys there he is.


Arnold starts running really hard.

Arnold starts breathing heavily and gets to them.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I'm sorry I'm late.

MIRIAM PATAKI Oh no your on time young man. I'm glad you were able to come with us to this building.



Everybody in the place is eating. Rhonda starts walking and she is in a very beautiful dress.

RHONDA WELLINGTON Arnold you are here with Helga and her family. I'm glad you finally came to my building.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh your welcome Rhonda. I'm glad you invited Helga and I.

RHONDA WELLINGTON Oh non-sense Arnold you are always welcome to come here.


Rhonda walks away.


Everybody starts eating fancy food.

BOB PATAKI So Arnold I bet it must be really strange having your real parents back. 70.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN It kind of is. But they have lived in the boarding house since 6th grade so I think they have adjusted really well Mr. Pataki.

MIRIAM PATAKI I herd your mom use to be a scientist.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I know my dad also was one as well Mrs. Pataki.


OLGA PATAKI So what are you doing right now Arnold, what are you studying?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Well Olga, right now I'm just studying to be a therapist since I'm really good at helping people with problems.

OLGA PATAKI Oh that's great Arnold.

WOLFGANG Ah that's stupid!!!!!...I'm actually going to go look around. You want to come with me Helga?

HELGA PATAKI No thanks Wolfgang.

Wolfgang gets up and he starts looking around the apartment.

As Wolfgang is looking around, Angelica is also inside the building looking around.

ANGELICA PICKLES How is the night going?

WOLFGANG Really good.

ANGELICA PICKLES Do you want to find somewhere where we can have privacy. 71.

WOLFGANG That would be wonderful.

Wolfgang and Angelica start walking to another room that in Rhonda's apartment.


Arnold and Helga start walking around Rhonda's apartment and they see more of the fun things including the billiards and dart and the huge TV room and other elements.


Helga and her family eating dinner.

BOB PATAKI I really wonder where Helga and the football head man went.


Arnold and Helga are doing fun in the room and laughing.


Arnold and Helga see indoor swimming pool and Arnold jumps in the pool and Helga gets splashed and Helga starts laughing.

Arnold and Helga are in the water and all of a sudden they start swimming closer and closer to each other.


Rhonda finds Arnold and Helga.

RHONDA WELLINGTON I knew I would find you guys in here.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Do you want to come in as well?


Rhonda jumps in the water.

And everybody in the water starts splashing each other and swimming.


Rhonda, Arnold, Helga are laying down. 72.

RHONDA WELLINGTON (CONT'D) Oh wow that was a lot of fun. And the best part, your birthday is tomorrow Arnold.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Yep. I can't believe I'm going to be 21.

RHONDA WELLINGTON And you will have a giant ice cream cake as well.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN How do you know about that?

RHONDA WELLINGTON Arnold everybody in town knows. Don't deny it, it's for your birthday.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh that's right. Gerald said the same thing.

HELGA PATAKI Well I'm sure you won't finish all of it. I'm certain.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Of course I will Helga. I still want to know who is behind that cake. I'm sure it's chocolate boy.

RHONDA WELLINGTON Arnold I don't think chocolate boy is not that smart to build a cake on his own. let alone build a giant chocolate ice cream cake.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Then I'm sure somebody or some people must have helped him.


ARNOLD SHORTMAN Harold knows a lot about meat not cake Rhonda.

RHONDA WELLINGTON Oh that's right. 73.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Well overall, my birthday is going to be really fun tomorrow night. And I think my mom and dad are doing something as well.



Wolfgang keeps on making out with Angelica in Rhonda's room.

WOLFGANG Oh this is so great. Nothing ever could ruin this.


Arnold, Rhonda, and Helga start walking upstairs and heading to Rhonda's room.

RHONDA WELLINGTON You guys will really like my room a lot, I defiantly have a lot of cool stuff that I want to show you guys.


Wolfgang keeps on making out with Angelica in bed. And all of a sudden, Arnold, Rhonda, and Helga open the door.


ARNOLD SHORTMAN What's going in here?

Wolfgang gets shocked and caught in bed with Angelica.

Helga sees Wolfgang in bed with another woman. And Helga gets really sad and really shocked.

WOLFGANG Come on baby it's not that what it looks like. Just let me explain.

Helga starts crying and tears come down her eyes.

HELGA PATAKI (crying) No don't touch me. (MORE) 74.

HELGA PATAKI (CONT'D) I'm an idiot for ever believing my dad that you are a good guy. And your nothing but a liar and complete shit head!!!! And I never want to see you again and oh god I can never do anything right and I'm so stupid!!!!!!!....

Helga starts crying and tears are in her eyes and she is running out of the room.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Helga!!!!!!!....

Arnold starts running after Helga and Helga keeps on crying.

Wolfgang gets up and Rhonda blocks him.

RHONDA WELLINGTON You try to get through me, I will punch you in the face for what you did.


Helga runs out of the Wellington building and it starts raining and rain starts falling down on Helga.


Arnold runs out of the building and he looks around.


Arnold all of a sudden, hears Helga crying and Helga is behind a building.


Arnold slowly starts sit next to Helga.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Helga I'm so sorry...Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?

HELGA PATAKI (crying) No Arnold... (MORE) 75.

HELGA PATAKI (CONT'D) I just don't know what to do, nobody truly loves me, my family and my sister don't care about me and my sister is always going to be better then me. And Football head I don't know what to do.

Helga keeps on crying and Arnold hugs Helga really tight and Arnold takes off his coat and covers Helga and Helga keeps on crying.

All of a sudden, Arnold ends up picking up Helga in his arms.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Come on lets get the hell out of here. How about you stay at my house.

HELGA PATAKI Oh Arnold....


Arnold gets to his bed room and he opens up his couch with his remote and sets Helga on there. And Arnold changes out of his suit and he starts going to sleep.

All of a sudden, Helga get ups and she lays on top of Arnold and Helga starts making out with Arnold and smooching him like crazy and Helga takes off her dress and throws her dress on the floor and they keep making out for the rest of the night.



Arnold is sleeping with Helga in his bed. And Helga kisses Arnold on the lips.

Helga moans on Arnold.

HELGA PATAKI Morning football-head. Happy Birthday.


Arnold finally wakes up in shock. 76.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Oh boy what am I going to wear, the whole house is not and...

Helga clams Arnold down.

HELGA PATAKI Hey it's okay football head. Everything is going to be taken care. I'm sure your grandpa and grandpa and boarder people and your parents are taking care of everything Arnold.

HELGA PATAKI (CONT'D) Come on lets get up.

Helga pulls Around out of bed.


Arnold and Helga in the kitchen and they are having coffee.

All of a sudden, Grandpa and Grandma come downstairs. And so do the parents.

PHIL (GRANDPA) Morning shortman.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Morning grandpa.

PHIL (GRANDPA) Oh where are my social skills, it's your birthday Arnold. Happy Birthday Arnold!!!!!!!

Everybody in the boarding house starts going crazy and making party noises.

Grandma revels a really huge sign that says "Happy Birthday Arnold!!!!"

And everybody says Happy birthday to Arnold.

MILES SHORTMAN Happy Birthday Arnold!!!!!....


HELGA PATAKI Happy Birthday Arnold. 77.


STELLA SHORTMAN Did you wish for anything huge for your birthday?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I don't think I did mom. I think all I care about is all of you guys and hopping that my birthday party is fun.

PHIL (GRANDPA) And I'm sure it will be shortman.

HELGA PATAKI So you have you thought what kind of party is going to be and what people are going to wear Football head?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh my god I haven't decide that. Oh boy we have to do that. We got to everything ready.

ERNIE POTTS Don't we worry we are all going to help you Arnold!!!1...

Arnold runs out of the room.


All of a sudden, everybody in the boarding house starts getting ready for the party and setting up the decorations and food.


Stella and Miles get the achool and other food.


Grandpa and grandma start making the food and cooking up a storm.


Arnold and Helga get the punch ready and getting the drinks ready.

CUT TO: 78.

More pieces of the party gets put together and Arnold and Helga start setting up the outdoor games.


Arnold starts setting up the music and the DJ and Arnold starts messing around.


Miles and Stella start looking through pictures of Arnold and they find a lot of Arnold baby pictures and Arnold's pictures from 4th grade and 5th grade and high school and middle school.


Grandpa and Miles start putting the pictures on the wall. And grandma and Stella start setting up a huge wall.


The rest of the boarders set up more pieces and Ernie builds more platforms on the building.


The pieces of the party are almost in place and Arnold is on his phone and he presses a button his phone and all of a sudden, a huge giant sign shows up in front of the boarding house that says "Happy Birthday Arnold."


Some of Arnold's friends start hearing the noses come from Arnold's boarding house. And people start getting dressed and putting a mix of fancy and causal clothes.


Gerald starts getting a suit.


Phoebe getting on a dress and the rest of girls in Arnold's friend circle start getting ready and putting on make up.


The boys in Arnold's group getting ready and getting on suits and ties and bow ties.


The sun starts going down. 79.


Arnold starts putting his neck tie and Arnold sees a light blue neck tie and a blue suit jacket with dark blue dress shoes.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh that's interesting suit.

Arnold puts on the suit and puts deodorant and cologne.

Arnold starts combing his hair and putting gel in his hair.


Arnold walks downstairs and everything is all set and Arnold is amazed and Arnold starts looking around the boarding house.

Arnold sits down on the couch and all of a sudden the door bell goes off. And Arnold walks to the door and everybody is at the door.

GERALD JOHANSON We are not late are we?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN No man your on time. Come right in.

All of a sudden, Arnold and Gerald do their signature handshake.


Everybody is in the party doing very different things. Such as drinking, socializing, and getting food, and then other people are looking Arnold's baby pictures and pictures from when Arnold and his friends were in 4th and 5th grade.


Arnold is on the roof of the boarding house. And Gerald stands his next to him.

GERALD JOHANSON Dude this is a really great and really amazing party my man.


The rest of the boys walk towards Arnold. 80.

STINKY PETERSON Yeah Arnold, this party is sure really nice and really fancy. And I can't you, your grandparents and your parents did all this. I really wonder what your cake is going to like.


All of a sudden, Tommy goes outside and runs out and all of a sudden his houses gets smashed as reptar comes out.

TOMMY PICKLES It's Reptar!!!! Yes!!!!!!

Reptar starts walking to Tommy and lowers his head. And Tommy starts climbing on to Reptar and there is platform on Reptar.

TOMMY PICKLES (CONT'D) Alright boy, it's time to pick everybody and start riding to Hillwood. Wahooooooooooooo!!!!!!

All of a sudden, Reptar starts moving at a normal speed.

TOMMY PICKLES (CONT'D) (yelling in excitement) I'M KING OF THE WORLD YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!


All of a sudden Tommy comes to all the houses and picks up all of his friends.

Arnold picks up Chuckie and picks up Phil and Lil and Sussie.

PHIL DEVILLIE Thanks for picking us up.

TOMMY PICKLES But we still need to pick up more people. Giddy up Reptar.

All of a sudden Reptar does a dinosaur roar. And he starts moving.

TOMMY PICKLES (CONT'D) Wahoooooooooooooo!!!!! This is going to be so fun!!!!!

CUT TO: 81.


Arnold keeps on going on and all of a sudden, everybody in the party starts hearing a big earthquake.

Some of the boarders notice.

ERNIE POTTS What the hell?!....

OSKAR KOKOSHKA Oh wow that is a dinosaur and it's headed this way!!!!!....


Arnold runs to the edge and grabs a telescope and Arnold sees Reptar walking in Hillwood.



Arnold with his friends.

GERALD JOHANSON Arnold you didn't invite more people did you?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN No Gerald, I don't know those people and I have never seen or met them before in my life.

SID We you better have a plan fast because they are heading over here in a giant green T-Rex. oh god!!!!!!

STINKY PETERSON And also that big giant green dinosaur those teenagers are riding on have a giant cake as well that has your name Arnold.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh no that can't be good...

CUT TO: 82.

The rugrats keep on heading to Arnold's boarding house and they have the giant green chocolate ice cream.

TOMMY PICKLES Alright get ready to drop the ice cream cake.

CHUCKIE FINSTER Sure thing Tommy.

All of a sudden the dinosaur comes and is front of the boarding house and everybody is shocked out of their mind. And people making crazy statements.

TOMMY PICKLES Fire in the reptar everyone!!!!

Tommy starts laughing and cracking up.


All of a sudden, Reptar drops the giant chocolate green ice cream cake on the boarding.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh my god that is a giant ice cream everybody take cover and look out!!!!!!

Everybody starts going crazy and yelling and all of a sudden, the giant ice cream smashes on top of the building and no damage is done. And the cake starts growing really tall.

HAROLD BERMAN Oh my god that is one huge cake!!!!!

PHIL (GRANDPA) Holy shit!!!!!!

ERNIE POTTS God all mighty that cake is gigantic!!!! Somebody or some other people must love Arnold a lot.


Arnold with his friends.

SID Arnold what's going on? 83.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I really don't know you guys, I didn't know anything about this and...


All of a sudden, the rugrats jump off the reptar and Tommy starts sliding on Reptar's head and Tommy does 4 backflips and lands on his feet and Tommy is wearing a willy wonka type of outfit and wearing a fancy suit and a green top hat and has golden cane.

TOMMY PICKLES Thank you everyone, We weren't really invited but we are just kids that also know Arnold as well from a very long time ago.

The rest of the rugrats show up in fancy outfits. And Tommy starts bowing and taking his top hat and shows his hair as well. Tommy starts laughing and chuckling.

PHIL (GRANDPA) This is not funny kids, you just crashed a party riding on a dinosaur and we have questions and we want to answers blue hair boy!!!!...

TOMMY PICKLES Oh don't worry you will get them sir. By the way where is Arnold? Anybody seen Arnold? Hey Arnold!!!?

Tommy starts looking and Tommy all of a sudden takes out some wine and a wine glass.

TOMMY PICKLES (CONT'D) There he is. Hey you? Come be here with me. I have a lot of things to share about you my man.

Susie grabs Arnold and drags him.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Hey stop it!!!? Get your hands off me you crazy hot girl in gold and purple dress!!!!! Ah let go of me!!!!

Susie finally drags Arnold to Tommy. 84.

TOMMY PICKLES Thank you so much Sussie. And man after all these years after you baby sat all of us all those years ago and how fun things were. Especially when my house blew up in soda and root beer...

All of a sudden everybody starts laughing and cracking up in laughter.


Even Harold, Sid, Stinky, and Gerald are laughing.

HAROLD BERMAN Oh my god that is soooo funny...


All of a sudden the boarding house are laughing.

OSKAR KOKOSHKA Man I really didn't know you could blow up a house with a lot of sweets and ice cream and candy.

They keep on laughing and cracking up.


Tommy is cracking up and he all of a sudden puts his arm around Arnold. And Tommy is drinking wine.

TOMMY PICKLES Yeah it's funny...So yeah Arnold and I go way back Especially because we remember his outfits and then...

All of a sudden Arnold wakes Tommy in the face with a wine bottle.

CHUCKIE FINSTER Tommy!!!!!! Oh god!!!!! This is not going so well.


Tommy is on the ground.

TOMMY PICKLES Ooooh that got to hurt. nighty, night... 85.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Look pal!!!!! I don't even know who the freaking hell you are!!! But showing up to my party un-invited is not good social skills and are not good manners.

TOMMY PICKLES I thought riding on reptar was funny...

Tommy keeps on laughing and cracking.

TOMMY PICKLES (CONT'D) And also creating your cake was easy because we had help from your old elementary school teacher and chocolate boy.


TOMMY PICKLES Duuuuuuuh.....

Tommy starts cracking up in laughter and Tommy is just really wasted.


Mr. Simmons is on reptar and all of a sudden Mr. Simmons falls off reptar and he screams and he falls down and lands on the chocolate cake. And Ice cream and frosting get splashed everywhere.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Mr. Simmons!!!!!

Arnold runs and climbs up to his cake and pulls Mr. Simmons.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Mr. Simmons are you alright sir?

ROBERT SIMMONS I'm fine Arnold, I have been through worse. These teenagers are crazy and I think one of got dropped on his dead has no brain cells and I think those kids even drank 99 beers before they got here by riding that green dinosaur and I don't even think they are not 21!!!!!!!!!... 86.


Tommy, Phil and Lil start laughing and cracking up like crazy.

TOMMY PICKLES (laughter) Oh that's just way too funny...


Helga runs up to them.

HELGA PATAKI Alright you brain dead kids listen up and listen good!!!! This is 21 and only party and you kids need leave right now or I will call your parents right now!!!!!!!!! And I will even tell them all of you were drinking underage and riding a big dinosaur to get here as well!!!!!

Tommy, Phil, Lil, and Kim and Sussie keep on laughing and not taking Helga seriously.

TOMMY PICKLES (laughter) Oh hi Ms. Pataki we didn't know you were at this party as well. This not just keeps getting better and better and way too funny.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Ms. Pataki? Helga you know these kids?

HELGA PATAKI Sadly I do Football head and they look like they not listening to a word I'm saying...

The rugrats keep on laughing and cracking.

TOMMY PICKLES (laughter) Uh oh!!!!!!!...I think somebody needs be thrown in the giant cake and cool down.....

All of a sudden reptar grabs Helga and Helga starts screaming. 87.

HELGA PATAKI Hey!!!!!! Let me go!!!!! You put me down right now!!!!! Or will suffer the social consequences. And this is not funny!!!!....

Reptar drops Helga screams and she falls into the giant cake and gets head in the cake.



Helga gets really mad and really angry and making mad sounds.

Arnold helps Helga up.


HELGA PATAKI NOO!!!! I'm not okay they just dumped me into a giant chocolate ice cream cake. And these kids are out of control.

The rugrats keep on laughing.


Other people at the party.

PHIL (GRANDPA) Yeah I will admit, that one kid is dressed like Willy Wonka and wearing a top hat as well.

Phil starts laughing.

PHIL (GRANDPA) (CONT'D) I like these kids.


The rugrats keep on laughing at everything.

The rugrats stop laughing. 88.

TOMMY PICKLES But you know on a serious note everyone, I know all of us do not know Arnold too well but our only memory of Arnold is that he did baby sit us when we were little and when we herd Arnold was turning 21, we then right away started planning Arnold's birthday and started planning on seeing him. And then we also remember Arnold's parents being nice and really kind to all of our parents as well. And anyway, my friends and I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday Arnold because we all know how great and amazing of a person Arnold truly is.

Everybody in the party starts saying "awwwwwwwwe"

Arnold finally walks over to Tommy and his friends.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN You really mean that buddy..I don't know what to say, I thought I was an awful baby sitter and I was the reason your house got blown up.

TOMMY PICKLES Nah it was nothing man, it got re-built years later.

TOMMY PICKLES (CONT'D) Come here buddy.

All of a sudden Arnold hugs Tommy.

TOMMY PICKLES (CONT'D) Alright everyone, lets keep this party going and don't worry about the cake, it will not melt we even used some special stuff that makes ice cream not melt at all just like in Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory.

Tommy and the Rugrats start laughing.


Everybody in the party starts laughing and cracking up.

And the party starts going to normal levels. 89.


Arnold is standing up and Helga walks up to Arnold wearing normal clothes.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I'm sorry that your dress got ruined by the cake.

HELGA PATAKI It's okay Football-head. I guess those kids really like you.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Yeah I guess so, everyone is starting to like them and they are really fun and really funny kids, even if they made a giant cake and rode on a big dinosaur.


The rugrats start socializing with other people in the party.


Arnold and Helga with each other.

HELGA PATAKI Arnold, there is something that I really want to tell you.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN What's that Helga?

HELGA PATAKI Arnold, I know we have known each other for a long time, and I know when we were kids I wasn't a very easy person and also i just wanted to tell you that...

Helga gets really shocked and turns around and sees Olga and Wolfgang.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN What's wrong Helga?...

Arnold also turns around.

WOLFGANG Well hello Arnold...Great party so far but there is something that you have that belongs to me. 90.

HELGA PATAKI I really don't like you anymore Wolfgang and I love Arnold and there is nothing you can do about it!!!!!!...

WOLFGANG Oh I don't know about that sweet heart. Because after all, what freak invites teenagers with a giant dinosaur and lives in a boarding house!!!!!!...

Wolfgang chuckles and Olga laughs as well.

OLGA PATAKI Yes Arnold, it is really weird that you love my sister even though she has never loved you back and always treated you like garbage and called you names as well. And you should look for another girl other then my sister!!!!!

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Hey that's not freaking true you little shit!!!!!!

Arnold goes up to Olga and all of a sudden Wolfgang takes out a blaster gun and fires bubble gun with achool and ties up Arnold really bad.

Arnold tries to get free and feels how wet he is.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) I can't get free.

WOLFGANG Oh good Football face, that's because I put advanced things in my bubble gum gun and fired it at you so you don't free. It's really fitting you are 21 now and I take your special present away from you as well and Helga will be mine. Even though I love Olga a lot more cause she has more skills.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN In your dreams wolfgang!!!! And also Helga is not stupid she is smart and has way more brains then you do!!!!!! 91.

OLGA PATAKI Oh don't be silly little Arnold, I was always better then Helga and everybody knows it. Don't be sad Arnold, Helga had a lot of problems.

Olga comes up to Arnold and she kisses Arnold on the lips and kisses Arnold for a long time. And Olga touches Arnold on his shoulders. And Olga starts licking Arnold and Arnold tries really hard not to give in.

OLGA PATAKI (CONT'D) Oh you smell so good Arnold you smell...like a jaguar and a lion as well.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN You will never...be...Anywhere as good as Helga.

OLGA PATAKI Good bye little Arnold...And you are coming with us Helga.

Olga grabs Helga and Helga tries to get free and Wolfgang puts Helga on her shoulder.

HELGA PATAKI Arnold!!!!!!......

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Don't worry Helga I'm going to save you...I'm coming Helga!!!!

Olga and Wolfgang leave in a fancy green car with a cobra on it. And the car drives off.


Arnold tries to get free and everybody comes to rescue him.

SID Oh wow he is tied up like crazy.

Everyone tries to use a cutting tool to cut the gum but nothing is working.

The rugrats come and they have something.

CHUCKIE FINSTER Stand back everyone, we have something. 92.

Chuckie fires the spray at the bubble gum and the bubble gum dies and Arnold starts breathing more normally again.

TOMMY PICKLES He's alive!!!!!!

Arnold starts breathing heavily. And the boys come up to him.

GERALD JOHANSON Are you okay Arnold?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Just trying to catch me breath but other then that, I'm fine.

EUGENE HOROWITZ But wolfgang and Olga have Helga and he is gone!!!!!!

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I'm going to get her back Eugene, And I will not rest and lay down cause Helga is in trouble and I have save her, and Helga has always saved me and now it's time for me to save her!!!!!!

Everybody starts cheering.

OSKAR KOKOSHKA But what are you going to ride?!!...

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Oh that's a good question Mr. Kokoshka...

TOMMY PICKLES Take Reptar he can go really fast and he is friendly take him!!!!


TOMMY PICKLES Go, Go, Go!!!!! Your woman needs you!!!!!!

Arnold all of a sudden starts running really fast and Arnold jumps up in the air and grabs on to Reptar and Arnold climbs up on Reptar

Arnold gets on the reptar and starts riding on Reptar and Reptar does a huge T-Rex roar and Reptar starts running 93. really face and everybody in the boarding house starts cheering and going wild like crazy.

GERALD JOHANSON Go Arnold Go!!!!!!!!!!

PHIL (GRANDPA) Go Short man!!!!!!!


LILA SWAYER Arnold go save Helga and run like the wind!!!!!!

Reptar starts running and going really fast and running through everything.

Reptar starts doing a lot of giant jumps in the air and Arnold sees the sky and clouds and the sunset.

Reptar keeps on going really fast and running and does another T-Rex.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Come on Reptar!!!!!! Ya, Ya!!!!

Reptar keeps on going really fast and crashing through a lot of buildings.

Arnold starts lousing his balance and Arnold starts sliding.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Oh boy this dinosaur is really hard to ride. Oh boy!!!!!

Reptar keeps on making sounds and keeps on running really fast at 400 miles per hour.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Don't worry I'm coming Helga!!!!...


Wolfgang and Olga get to the airport and they pull Helga out of the car.

WOLFGANG Get her in the plane.

Wolfgang and Olga and Helga get in the plane. 94.

Helga sits down and she looks at the window.

Helga gets really happy.

HELGA PATAKI Arnold!!!!!...

WOLFGANG What?!....

Wolfgang and Olga go outside and see Arnold.

WOLFGANG (CONT'D) Oh this just keeps getting better and better. Time to smash that football face once and for all and is his big green dinosaur he is riding on!!!!!

Arnold gets to the airport and he sees a small airplane. Arnold closes his eyes and flash backs to ones of his dreams that he had.

Arnold gets on the air plane and he puts the goggles and Arnold starts to the air plane and Arnold starts chasing Wolfgang and Wolfgang's plane takes off.

The airplane take off and Arnold is gaining up on Wolfgang's jet.

Wolfgang tries to crash on to Arnold's airplane and one of Arnold's engines start getting busted really bad.


Wolfgang starts laughing at Arnold as his plane is breaking down.

Arnold gets out of the airplane he jumps on to Wolfgang and Arnold holds on for dear life and Arnold uses his cell phone and opens the baggage part of the plane.

Arnold climbs into the plane and Arnold starts running in the airplane.

Arnold finds a way to open the main door and Arnold busts into the jet.

Helga turns around and sees Arnold.

HELGA PATAKI Arnold!!!!!!!....

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Helga!!!!!!... 95.

Helga runs up to Arnold and hugs him really tightly.

HELGA PATAKI I really thought I lost you forever.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Come on lets get out of here Helga!!!!

Wolfgang and Olga show up.

WOLFGANG Not really football face!!!!!! You may have broken into my private jet but you still need to fight me and knowing you I'm sure fighting has never been your strong suit!!!!!!!

Wolfgang gets really angry and he throws a lot of punches and Arnold defends himself really well. Wolfgang grabs a cane and throws more cane attacks at Arnold and whacks Arnold.

Arnold defends himself and punches Wolfgang in the face and kicks him in the stomach.

All of a sudden gets ready to tackle Arnold. And Helga gets really scarred.

HELGA PATAKI Football head look out!!!!!!

Olga screams and tackles Arnold really badly and scratches him really bad with her fingers.

OLGA PATAKI Oh I'm going kill you like a little spider Arnold.

Arnold grabs Olga's shoulders and pushes her a side.

Arnold gets tackled by Wolfgang bad and Wolfgang punches Arnold in the face 7 times. And Arnold gets really beaten up really badly.

Arnold kicks Wolfgang in the face and Wolfgang throws more attacks at Arnold and Wolfgang hits Arnold with his staff.

Arnold gets knocked out to the ground and Wolfgang tries to cut Arnold with his cane. 96.

Arnold gets up and he punches Wolfgang in the face and jumps up in the air and throws 4 different kicks. And Arnold throws 9 different punches at Wolfgang.

Wolfgang grabs Arnold by the arm slams him against the wall and slams his head very badly and Arnold is in huge pain.

WOLFGANG Face it you lost Arnold, you can't ever beat me, and I will take your girl as well. And there is nothing you can do to fix that.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN No!!!! There is everything I can do to fix that.

Arnold all of a sudden jumps in the air kicks Wolfgang in the face 14 times in the stomach and punches him in the face 20 times.

Wolfgang gets angry and Arnold grabs Wolfgang's cane and whacks Wolfgang in the face and knocks him out really badly.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) That is for trying to take away my girl!!!!...

Helga runs over to Arnold and hugs him.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) Come on lets get off this plane. And also find some para-shots as well.

All of a sudden Olga shows up.

OLGA PATAKI Not letting you go anywhere Arnold...Also your making a big mistake by choosing my sister over other girls....Also Helga is stupid and angry and mad all the time, she will never provide any value to you and why don't you just leave her here with me and I can take her somewhere she does not have to bother you again. And why don't you go back to your boarding house with the other losers?!.....

Helga gets really sad and Arnold looks at Helga and tears come down her eyes. Arnold looks back at Olga. 97.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN You know what Olga!!!!!...I always thought you were really nice and smart...But it turns out I was wrong about you...And your wrong about Helga!!!!!....And she is not stupid and you know what!? your right Helga did get angry and mad at me a lot when I was little but you know Helga means a lot to me, she got me out of a lot of trouble, she saved me when I didn't ask her to save me, Helga even though never would admit it, she also loves me a lot and now I love her back more then ever!!!! And she was rough around the edges and was mean and insecure but that's because she was around stupid and arrogant people like you and telling her what to do and treating her like a child and treating her like she is less then you are!!!!!!! Maybe because she is not "other girls!!!!".... This girl cares about me a lot more then what people like you give her credit for and that's fine with me!!!!! And you know what Helga will always be different and I don't care what you people say!!!!!!

Olga starts to get really angry and Olga tries to tackle Arnold really bad and Helga grabs a fire extinguisher and hits Olga in the head.

HELGA PATAKI Leave Arnold alone Olga!!!!!...

Arnold and Helga walk away and they grab para-shoots and they jump out of the air plane and they start sky-diving.

All of a sudden, Helga and Arnold push their para-shoots and they start para-shooting down.


Arnold and Helga land on the ground softly and they land on the runaway.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Wow what a landing. I am glad everything is all over. 98.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN (CONT'D) So what is that you wanted to tell me Helga?

Helga walks up to Arnold and looks into Arnold's eyes and notices Arnold's beat up marks and Helga is looking for words.

HELGA PATAKI Arnold....I just wanted to tell you that I don't hate you...And...I love you Arnold and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I can never stop thinking about you as well...

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I love you too Helga.

Arnold kisses Helga on the lips on the airport runaway.

As Arnold and Helga are kissing, all of a sudden the rugrats and other characters come.

TOMMY PICKLES Hey buddy it's time to get back to your party.

HELGA PATAKI I guess we better get back to our boarding house.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Yeah for sure.



Everything in the party starts to slow down and Gerald takes over at DJ.

GERALD JOHANSON Sounds like love is in the air, and here is something for my man Arnold.

All of a sudden, Gerald puts on Waiting for love by 3T.


All of a sudden, Arnold and Helga start slow dancing and spinning each other. 99.

Arnold and Helga start slow dancing for waiting for love.

And they keep spinning in circles and Helga slowly lays her head on Arnold's chest.

Arnold and Helga keep dancing with her and does some dance moves very slowly and lowers her.

Arnold and Helga are slow dancing under a disco ball and the whole dance room start doing a lot of sparkling colors.

Arnold and Helga keep on dancing and both of their eyes start sparkling.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN So what kind of dreams do you really have Helga?

HELGA PATAKI Well you know...my dream is to be the first female president and then also travel the world.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN That's funny because that's my grandpa's dream he always says that is his dream.

HELGA PATAKI Oh wow I never knew that.

HELGA PATAKI (CONT'D) What about you?

ARNOLD SHORTMAN I don't know what my dreams are. But I'm willing to go anywhere with you Helga.

HELGA PATAKI Oh Arnold....


Gerald is sitting down and Sussie sits next to Gerald.


GERALD JOHANSON Yeah in a little bit.

GERALD JOHANSON (CONT'D) I don't know I'm kind of waiting for my girl I believe. 100.

SUSIE CARMICHAEL But don't you think I can be your girl.

GERALD JOHANSON I don't know it's just...


Phoebe all of a sudden sees Susie with Gerald and Phoebe marches over there.

PHOEBE HEYERDAHL Move it bimbo, he is mine and he is not for sale.

Phoebe smooches Gerald on the lips.



Phoebe helps Gerald up.

PHOEBE HEYERDAHL (CONT'D) I think is time that you danced with me.

GERALD JOHANSON It would be an honor sweet heart.


Everybody starts to slow dancing especially Gerald and Phoebe and Arnold's parents.

The camera zooms out and shows the boarding house.


Arnold kisses Helga on the lips on the dancing floor.


The end credits start playing and a lot of Hey Arnold elements start to showing up. And the credits keep on going on.

FADE TO: 101.


Arnold and Helga start walking Phoebe and Gerald.

GERALD JOHANSON Boy that was such a great party.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN Yeah it said it man. And that cake that Tommy and his friends made ended up being really good.


The rugrats are laying down and they are completely buzzed.

PHIL DEVILLIE Oh that chocolate cake was soooo good.

TOMMY PICKLES Oh yeah it was really good. It's a shame Angelica didn't come or did she?....


Angelica finally shows up to the party in her dress and nobody is there.

ANGELICA PICKLES What the?!....I'm late?!....

Mr. Simmons shows up and he is really buzzed.

ROBERT SIMMONS I can't believe I helped those fools make that cake.

All of a sudden Mr. Simmons bumps into Angelica and Angelica starts screaming and she falls into the giant ice cream cake.

ROBERT SIMMONS (CONT'D) Oh dear!!!! I am so sorry.


They get Angelica out of the cake and she has frosting all over.

Cruly finally shows up and he starts eating Angelica and licking her. 102.

CURLY Oh you taste so good pretty lady.


Arnold and the rest of the friends see Curly on Angelica.

GERALD JOHANSON Look at that, looks like Curly did find a new girlfriend.

KIMI FINSTER I guess we have a weeding to do as well.


Curly enjoys licking Angelica.


ANGELICA PICKLES This can't be happening right now...

The credits keep on going.



There is a weeding taking place and weeding music is taking place and Arnold and Helga are getting married.

Bob walks Helga down the ill.

BOB PATAKI Well she is all your Arnie.


BOB PATAKI Oh sorry about that.

ARNOLD SHORTMAN That's okay Mr. Pataki.


Arnold and Helga's weeding is going on and Bob sits next to Miles. 103.

BOB PATAKI Man I can't believe Helga is married and just like that she is gone.

MILES SHORTMAN Well I think they are going to have marriage Bob. They are going to have fun on their honey moon.

BOB PATAKI Where is their honey moon by the way?

MILES SHORTMAN I'm not sure but Stella and I handled it though. And I think there are more people that really want to meet Arnold and Helga.

BOB PATAKI Like who?

MILES SHORTMAN Lots of them. But I know very well and I trust them a lot. You have nothing to worry about Bob.


The rugrats are getting reptar ready.

CHUCKIE FINSTER Perfect he is almost done.

TOMMY PICKLES Awesome chuckie.

Grandpa goes outside.

PHIL (GRANDPA) What the hell is doing on out here?!... I thought we were going to use my car for the just married sign and we are we using a dinosaur again?!....

TOMMY PICKLES Don't worry we have a huge platform. nothing will go wrong. I think.


Curly walks by the weeding and he sees Reptar. 104.

CURLY Awwwwwwe such a good dinosaur, Ah I have to give you some creese.

All of a sudden, Reptar smells the cheese and he starts chasing Curly all over the city. And Curly starts screaming and yelling.

TOMMY PICKLES Oh noooooo!!!!!!

Tommy and the rugrats get into cars and they start chasing after Reptar.

CHUCKIE FINSTER No!!! Bad Reptar bad boy!!!!!! Don't eat the nerdy kid!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!


Phil and Lil and grandpa don't have a car.

PHIL DEVILLIE Well there goes Reptar.

PHIL (GRANDPA) That's what happens you bring a dinosaur to a city you little buffoons!!!!!!


Sheena is part of Helga's bridesmaid and she is on her phone and she looks out the window and orders a new limo on her phone.

We also get a glimpse of Sheena's phone as she sees Eliza Thornberry on her phone.

Sheena smiles.


Arnold and Helga run out of the church and they are happily married and the limo goes off.



Party music is playing in the background and Lila and Shenna start talking. 105.

LILA SWAYER Can't believe Arnold and Helga are married. And they will do oh so much together.

SHEENA Yeah I agree Lila, oh by the way, I was able to help with their limo situation through my phone and I think since they are going on some adventures, I think I have known this person name Eliza Thornberry who travels all over the world and I think I have known her for almost a long time.

LILA SWAYER Even during 4th and 5th grade.

SHEENA Oh yeah. there is a lot people don't know about me Lila.

Rhonda joins the conversation.

RHONDA WELLINGTON What are you guys talking about?

LILA SWAYER Well just what Arnold and Helga might do on their honey moon and what adventures they may go on.

SHEENA And I also know some people that may want to be around Arnold and Helga as well. And she goes on trips a lot and talks to animals.

RHONDA WELLINGTON I don't believe you Sheena, nobody can do that.

SHEENA I don't know, you maybe surprised. The world is really big and really crazy and exciting.


Sheena walks over to Eugene.

SHEENA (CONT'D) You want to go on a trip with me Eugene? 106.


SHEENA 3 months from now and going to explore the world and may get Arnold and Helga connected with the Eliza Thornberry. You in?

EUGENE HOROWITZ Of course. It's Arnold. Why wouldn't I.

SHEENA Perfect.

All of a sudden, a waiter slips and drops the cake on Eugene and Eugene's head gets stuck and Eugene can't get free.

SHEENA (CONT'D) Oh no!!!! Eugene!!!!!

Eugene falls down and gets a lot of reptar chocolate and ice cream all over his face.

SHEENA (CONT'D) Are you okay Eugene?



The final credits start rolling on.