Gleairconference NORTH PACIFIC UNION at Last!
JULY 2 1973 GleairCONFERENCE NORTH PACIFIC UNION At Last! . There is a way out of tested recipes, this new information. Just take a ever-increasing meat prices LIFE AND HEALTH supple- look at the table of contents: and ever dwindling meat ment is packed with valuable Vegetarianism—a New Concept? supplies. r- Is Man Designed to Eat Meat? Here is an attractive, up-to- Why Be a Vegetarian? date scientific treatment of Is a Nonflesh Diet Adequate? vegetarianism. Never before Plant Foods and Your Diet have so many people been But What About Protein? interested in thinking this Still Skiing at Eighty-Four? matter through. From its Something New and Different beautiful cover to its taste- Now, How? Order today through your local Book and Bible House or Adventist Book Center. Only $1.50 Name Address City State Zip Ith Here Now Gleaqpi' Official organ of the North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 10225 E. Burnside Box 16677, Portland, Oregon 97216 255-7300 (Area 503) July 2, 1973 Volume 68 Number 13 Editor Cecil Coffey Managing Editor Larry Canaday Copy Editor Helen W. Cross Alaska Roving Editor Morten Juberg Contributing Editors: I. C. Hansen, Alaska; D. G. Albertsen, Idaho; Ron Press Women Russell, Montana; Mike Fellows, Oregon; R. E. Eckerman, Upper Columbia; J. D. Everts, Washington. Tap SDA Eskimo The Alaska Press Women recently thing beautiful, I just cannot keep Contents chose Grace Slwooko, an Eskimo from doing something. Writing them Press Women Tap SDA Eskimo 3 writer from Gambell, to be the first down answers this thirst in my lonely NPUC Realigns Departmental Structure 4 honorary member in the group's ten- life." People in Transition 6 Senior Survival Seminar 10 year history.