North Pacific Union September 15 1969 VOL. 64, NO. 37 COLLEGE PLACE Gleaner WASHINGTON 15151,7' FAR EAST HARVEST Thousands in the Far East have been motivated by the promise, "Every effort made for Christ will react in blessing upon ourselves."—Christ's Object Lessons, p. 354. "God could have reached His object in saving sin- ners without our aid; but in order for us to de- velop a character like Christ's we must share in His work. In order to enter into His Joy,—the Joy of seeing souls redeemed by His sacrifice, we must participate in His labors for their redemption."— Desire of Ages, p. 142. Seldom has there been a period in the history of Christianity when the evidences of the workings of the Holy Spirit has equaled what is happening in the Far East today. 1,,, JOY - HAPPINESS - LOVE "The offering from the heart that loves, God delights to honor, giv- , , ing it highest efficiency in service for Him"—Desire of Ages, p. 65. g g \ N "The more we bring to God's treasure house, the more we shall gN have to bring; for He will open ways before us. increasing our ors ik N substance . ."—Our High Calling, p. 197. N 4 i,, A vi N N N N ..51515151N MAKE YOUR SEPTEMBER 27 THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERING A REAL "LOVE-HAPPINESS" GIFT. NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER NOTICE Official organ of the North Pacific Union A city-wide evangelistic crusade will Conference of Seventh-day Adventists be conducted in Knoxville, Tennessee, by the Detamore Evangelistic Team, Editor: Mrs. Ione Morgan "Tr la opening November 23 to December 20. Box 248, College Place, Wash. 99324 Phone: JAckson 5-6030, Walla Walla If you know of any interest—family, Managing Editor: L. W. Crooker friends or f o r m e r members in the Phone: BElmont 5-4121, Portland 201atea" Knoxville area, please contact Elder Everett E. Cumbo, Ministerial Secre- Second class postage paid at College Place, Washington. Published weekly, 50 issues each tary of the Georgia-Cumberland Con- year, at the College Press. Subscription price 52.00 a year. ference, Box 1400, Decatur, Ga. 30032. NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS: All material must be channeled through September 21 your local conference office. (Manu- La Sierra College Alumni scripts originating outside the North Pacific Union Territory must be sent OREGON CONFERENCE Free membership in the La Sierra to the Union Conference office in College Alumni Association is n o w KEZI, Eugene, Channel 9, 9 a.m. Portland, Ore.) available to all former students and The Heavens Are Telling graduates of the former La Sierra Col- KMED, Medford, Channel 10, 9:30 a.m. NORTH PACIFIC lege. If you are not currently receiv- Planet in Rebellion UNION CONFERENCE DIRECTORY ing "Alumni News Briefs," please write 1544 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Ore. 97214 KPTV, Portland, Channel 12, 10:30 a.m. to La Sierra College Alumni Associ- Phone: 235-4121 (Area 503) Where Were You? HHES, 2101 N.E. Flanders, Portland 97232 ation, Box 8125, Riverside, California Phone: 234-0503 UPPER COLUMBIA CONFERENCE 92505. E. R. Walde President KXLY, Spokane, Channel 4, 9:30 a.m. L. W. Crooker Secretary-Treasurer Attention, Loma Linda T. M. Ashlock....Sabbath School, Pub. Relations Escape Into Space Robert Babcock Civilian Chaplain, University Alumni Ft. Lewis, Wash. Cascade Network, 10:00 a.m. Gerald Brass MV, National Servicemen's KIMA, Yakima, Channel 29 Several of t h e university alumni Organization, Temperance KEPR, Pasco, Channel 19 associations are in the process of pre- D. E. Caslow Lay Activities, Radio-'TV, Medical KLEW, Lewiston, Channel 3 paring new directories and need as J. W. Griffin Associate Auditor Battle for the Mind many accurate names and addresses as J. R. Hoffman Evangelist possible. Please send information to C. P. Lampson Publishing WASHINGTON Sunny Liu Ministerial Assistant, the Alumni Affairs Office, Loma Linda MV Assistant University, Loma Linda, California W. L. Massengill Trust KTNT, Tacoma, Channel 11, 1 p.m. 92354. M. E. Rees Stewardship How Never To Be Tired Office Manager, Home Health Education Serv. W. H. Shephard Religious Liberty, Industrial Relations, Self-supporting Institutions Sunset Table dio's Finest Hour T. W. Walters Educational W. E. Wasenmiller Auditor Standard Time (Add one hour for daylight saving time) OICE OF PROPHECY Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 with LOCAL CONFERENCE DIRECTORY Coos Bay 6:20 6:07 5:55 H.M.S. RICHARDS ALASKA—J. C. Hansen, President; Richard Medford 6:14 6:02 5:50 Roberts. Secretary-Treasurer; 718 Barrow Portland 6:14 6:01 5:48 Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. Telephone, Seattle 6:14 5:59 5:45 Radiobroadcast Topics 272.3833. Spokane 5:55 5:40 5:26 October 5 IDAHO—G. W. Liscombe, President; Duane Walla Walla 5:57 5:44 5:30 Huey, Secretary-Treasurer; P. 0. Box 7667, Wenatchee 6:06 5:51 5:37 Dial Heaven Boise, Idaho 83707. Telephone, 375-7524. Yakima 6:06 5:52 5:39 October 12 MONTANA—G. C. Williamson, President; Boise 6:98 6:35 6:23 Warren Dick, Secretary-Treasurer; P. 0. Pocatello 6:34 6:21 6:09 The Missing Babylonian Box 743, Bozeman, Mont. 59715. Telephone, Billings 6:18 6:05 5:51 October 19 587-3101 and 587-3102. Make wills and be- Havre 6:24 6:09 5:54 quests payable to the Montana Conference I Talk With a Miracle Association of Seventh-day Adventists. Helena 6:32 6:18 6:04 Miles City 6:07 5:53 5:40 October 26 OREGON—W. D. Blehm, President; R. C. Missoula 6:41 6:27 6:13 Life After Death Schwartz, Secretary; Vernon J. Jester, Juneau 7:07 6:47 6:27 Treasurer; 605 S.E. 39th Ave., Portland, Oregon 97214. Telephone, 236-2187. Make Ketchikan 6:54 6:36 6:18 wills and bequests payable to Western Ore- Anchorage 6:10 5:48 5:26 By H. M. S. Richards, Jr. gon Conference Association of Seventh-day Fairbanks 6:04 5:38 5:13 Adventists. Add one minute for each 13 miles west. UPPER COLUMBIA—R. C. Remboldt. Subtract one minute for each 13 miles east. President; I. E. Gray, Secretary-Treasurer; W. 1025 Indiana, Spokane, Wash. 99205. COPY DEADLINES Telephone, FAirfax 6-1550. Upper Columbia Book and Bible House Phone: FA 7-6631 or FA 6-1550. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send your new address Announcements Should Be in with ZIP CODE NUMBER, to North Pacific Union And Articles Local Conference WASHINGTON—W. L. Murrill, President; Gleaner, Box 248, College Place, Wash. 99324. B. L. Cook, Secretary-Treasurer; 4414 Include name and old address as it appeared For Issues of Office by Woodland Park Ave. N, Seattle. Mailing on previous issues (if possible send address Address: P. 0. Box 1585, Seattle, Wash. label). Sept. 22 Sept. 12 98103. Telephone, MElrose 2-5862. POSTMASTERS: Send Form 3579 to North Pacific Sept. 29, No Paper Union Gleaner, Box 248, College Place, Wash. Washington Book and Bible House,• P. 0. Oct. 6 Sept. 26 Box 1526, Seattle, Wash. 98103. Telephone, 99324. CPT3286 MElrose 2-7656. Oct. 13 Oct. 3 2 NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER Secondary Teachers' Convention JOYCE GRIFFITH cation convention August 24-27. More than 400 faculty members and families from the nine academies and nine ju- nior academies in the Union attended the quadrennial conference. A strongly spiritual tone pervaded the entire conference, with a team of North Pacific Union personnel, Elder Author, educator, a n d classroom four outstanding Christian educators G. D. Brass, youth leader, and Dr. T. W. teacher—Dr. Earl V. Pullias made a centering their presentations around Walters, education secretary, talk over deep impression on Adventist teachers the conference theme, "Effective Teach- plans and accomplishments of the ses- attending the secondary education con- ing for the 70's." sion in the main lobby of the con- vention at Warm Beach Camp, August Keynote speaker, Dr. W. A. Howe, vention hall. 24-27. associate secretary of the General Con- Warm Beach Camp north of Everett, ference Department of Education, set ventist secondary teachers to prepare Washington, provided the setting for the pace with his talk, "Teachers for to lead the world in the field of edu- the North Pacific Union secondary edu- These Times." Dr. Howe Urged Ad- cation. In another presentation, "Cur- Speakers for the 1969 quadrennial conference were, from left: Dr. George Akers, academic dean, Walla Walla Col- lege; Dr. Jack Provonsha, professor of philosophy of religion and Christian ethics, Loma Linda University; Dr. Earl V. Pullias, professor of higher education, University of Southern California; and Dr. W. A. Howe, secretary, Department of Education, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Vocational arts teachers from the academies met in one of sixteen group meetings at the conference. This section (upper right) was directed by Dorrald Adolph, Laurelwood Academy. Some 400 Adventist teachers and administrators attended the convention held at Warm Beach Camp, East Stanwood, Wzshington. Meetings were held in this room (lower left) overlooking the beach. "Cedar Lodge" (lower right) housed the cafeteria, main meeting room, and lobby area for the convention. Warm Beach Camp is a facility owned and operated by the Free Methodist Church. VOL. 64, NO. 37, SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 3 riculum—Whither Bound?" he referred to current trends in Adventist secon- dary education that are meeting the challenge of these times. Dr. Jack Provonsha, professor of phi- A MESSAGE FROM losophy of religion and Christian ethics at Loma Linda University, presented THE PRESIDENT OF two talks at the convention on the subject of the "identity crisis" young THE GENERAL CONFERENCE people are involved in today as part of their seemingly futile effort to find themselves.
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