“Paper is poverty.... it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.” - Thomas Jefferson 1788 DGC Magazine “XeroBank provides the fastest commercial anonymity network in the world.” Editor’s Note Why did you start this magazine and what’s it all about? This online magazine caters to users of digital gold currency, digital gold and other pure digital currencies. You won’t find any information on PayPal, charge cards or merchant accounts anywhere in my magazine. Although DGCs have been around for over a decade, it is not always easy to uncover quality information using a search engine or random online forum. A Google or Yahoo search never seems to offer any reliable current data on the rapidly changing world of digital gold currency. Would you like to learn more about the operation of a DGC account? Join us each month and let me show you the practical uses for digital gold currency. DGC Magazine will provide clear descriptions of how the systems work, why there is gold bullion backing each digital unit and how to take advantage of this safe and innovative global payment method. Each issue I’ll include interviews with well known Industry professionals and other business leaders in related fields. Do you have a suggestion, comment or complaint? Email me anytime. Mark Herpel
[email protected] DGCMagazine.com | March 2008 Issue |3 Pecunix® is a gold based currency and payment solution that allows people on opposite sides of the world to make and receive payments instantly via the Internet. Because gold has an internationally agreed value, Pecunix is a system that is perfectly suited to the specific demands of e-commerce.