Volume.21 2012 issn 1739-5089 The Official Magazine Of The TOurisM PromotiOn OrganizaTiOn fOr asia Pacific ciTies Volume.21 2012 Volume.21 China | Dalian Korea | Yeongju China | Tianjin | Korea gunsan Youhao Square, Dalian Tourism Promotion Organization for Asia Pacific Cities TPO is a network of Asia Pacific cities and a growing international organization in the field of Tourism. It serves as a centre of marketing, information and communication for its member cities. Its membership includes 68 city members and 32 industry members representing the private sector, educational institutions and other tourism authorities. TPO is committed to common prosperity of Asia Pacific cities geared toward sustainable tourism development. Geoje, Korea TrenD & analysis 52 Great Potential for MICE Tourism 55 The Importance and Impact of Food Tourism TPO neWs 58 Industry News 62 Organization News 64 Best Tourism Product The Official Magazine Directory scope of the Tourism 70 TPO Objectives & Members Promotion Organization for Asia Pacific Cities publisHeD by TPO Secretariat 2012 Volume.21 # 1208, Geoje 2 Dong, Yeonje Gu, Contents Busan 611-807, Korea tel : 82-51-502-2984~7 Fax : 82-51-502-1968 Website : www.aptpo.org e-mail :
[email protected] tpo focus Destination GuiDe publisHer Hwan-Myung Joo 06 culture 20 special Representative city of nortHeastern Director of planninG Launy Choi KyusHu eDitor in cHief Myung-Hyo Chung Oita, Japan eDitorial Director Jin-Joo Shin eDitor Su-Jin Kim, Jae-Hyuk Jung, Seon-Ae Yu travel Dalian 07 port city HiDDen in tHe continent intern Su-Mi Jung Colorful aDventure of malaysia Soccer, fashion and woman.