Reports by Country - 2008
Reports by Country - 2008 AFGHANISTAN (C1906) The Human Cost: The Consequences of Insurgents Attack in Afghanistan, 04/07, $10 67 pgs. $10.00 (C1806) Lessons in Terror: Attacks on Education in Afghanistan, 07/06, 145 pgs., $10.00 (334X) Blood-Stained Hands: Past Atrocities in Kabul and Afghanistan’s Legacy of Impunity, 06/05, 141 pgs., $20.00 (1603) “Enduring Freedom” Abuses by U.S. Forces in Afghanistan , 03/04, 62 pgs, $10.00 (1505)” Killing You is a Very Easy Thing for Us” Human Rights Abuses in Southeast Afghanistan, 07/03, 101pgs. $7.00 (C1411) “ We Want to Live As Humans” Repression of Women and Girls in Western Afghanistan, 12/02, 50 pgs. $7.00 (C1402) Paying For the Taliban’s Crimes: Abuses Against Ethnic Pashtuns in Northern Afghanistan, 04/02, 17 pgs. $3.00 (C1407) All Our Hopes Are Crushed: Violence and Repression in Western Afghanistan, 10/02, 52 pgs. $7.00 (C1305) Humanity Denied: Systematic Violations of Women’s Rights in Afghanistan, 10/01, 25 pgs. $3.00 (C1301) Massacres of Hazaras in Afghanistan, 02/01, 12 pgs. $3.00 (C1007) The Massacre in Mazar-I Sharif, 11/98, 17 pgs. $3.00 (C318) Towards a Political Settlement in Afghanistan, 8/91, 7 pgs. $3.00 (810) The Forgotten War: Human Rights Abuses & Violations of Laws of War Since the Soviet Withdrawal, 2/91, 168 pgs. ISBN 0-929692-81-0, $15.00 AFRICA (A1713) Sub-Saharan Africa: Letting Them Fail: Government Neglect and the Right to Education for Children Affected by AIDS, 10/05, 57 pgs., $10.00 (2556) Protectors or Pretenders? Government Human Rights Commissions in Africa, 01/01, 428 pgs., ISBN 1-56432-255-6 $25.00 (A1001) Clinton Administration Policy & Human Rights in Africa, 3/98, 19 pgs., $3.00 (A606) Human Rights in Africa & U.S.
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