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Op Op Op Op Op Op Op Op ! F ra s ALBERTA er R BRITISH Isaac iv Lake er COLUMBIA Bowron Lake Provincial Park 120°30'0"W 120°0'0"W 119°30'0"W 119°0'0"W 118°30'0"W ! Dunster 16 Mount Robson Lanezi OP Provincial Park Lake Mount Robson ! 53°0'0"N ¯ Hargreaves Trap Site Ghost "/ Lake KP 450 Rearguard !. JASPER ! "/ !. NATIONAL 53°0'0"N Tête Jaune Cache Mitchell RK 500 PARK Lake Cariboo Mountains Moose Lake Provincial Park OP16 !.KP 400 OP5 ! VALEMOUNT !. KP 500 ! F Cedarside r a s e r ! R iv er ! ! Albreda "/ N ! Albreda o Quesnel r !. th Lake T h RK 550 o m p so Hobson n Lake R ive 52°30'0"N r 52°30'0"N r Horsefly e iv Lake R Azure KP 550 fly !. orse Lake H Angus ! Chappel Horne "/ Lake ! Crooked OP5 Lake Clearwater Mcdougall Tisdall Lake Lake Lake !. RK 600 Kostal Lake Wells Gray Provincial Blue River Murtle Kinbasket Park Lake "/! Blue River Lake OP23 C C o 52°0'0"N l l e KP 600 !. u a m r w b i Schoolhouse Lake a a t 52°0'0"N R Provincial Park e r i v R e Mahood iv r e Lake r "/ ! Finn Eagle Canim Lake ! Tumtum Creek Mahood Falls Lake !. ! ! Canim Lake ! RK 650 ! ! Avola ! Taweel KP 650 Clearwater !. "/ ! ! Upper Seymour Provincial KP 700 McMurphy ! Park !. River Provincial Deka Lake Park ! OP5 Blackpool ! ! ! RK 700 Blackpool Birch !. ! "/ Island Vavenby Roe Lake! Sheridan 51°30'0"N 24 Lake ! OP OP23 Bridge RK 750 !. Lake 51°30'0"N ! Little Fort "/ Bonaparte ! Darfield Lake Darfield Simpcw ! Adams KP 750 !. Lake ! Seymour Arm Chinook Cove ! 120°30'0"W 120°0'0"W 119°30'0"W 119°0'0"W 118°30'0"W ! Vidette ! Anstey Hunakwa Bonaparte VillageBarriere / Hamlet "/ New Pump Station (Proposed) City / Town / District Municipality Provincial Park BRITISH Provincial ALBERTA ! COLUMBIA Park !. KilometreLouis Post Creek (KP) "/ Pump Station (Reactivated) Indian Reserve / Métis Settlement Dawson !. Grande !(2 Reference5 Kilometre Post (RK) Creek Prairie OP "/ Existing Pump Station National Park FIGURE 5.4-2 !(97 !(43 Existing Trans Mountain Pipeline ! !1 Highway Provincial Park AIR QUALITY AND ACOUSTIC Edmonton ! ( Prince Trans Mountain Expansion Project George !(16 Hinton ENVIRONMENT STUDY AREA Edson Proposed Pipeline Corridor Railway Protected Area / Natural Area / BOUNDARIES - Quesnel Red Provincial Recreation Area / Wilderness Valemount Jasper Deer *# Terminal HARGREAVES TO DARFIELD Air Quality RSA Provincial Park / Conservancy Area Blue River 2 Williams !( ! Lake Pump Station (Pump Addition, Station TRANS MOUNTAIN !(97 Calgary "/ Provincial Boundary Darfield !(1 Modifications and/or Scraper Facilities) Acoustic Environment RSA EXPANSION PROJECT !(2 "/ Kamloops ! ! ! ! MAP NUMBER PAGE Projection:! NAD 1983 UTM 11N. Routing: Baseline TMPL & Facilities: provided by KMC, 2012; Proposed Pipeline Corridor V6: provided by UPI, Aug. 23, 2013; Transportation: IHS Inc., 2013, BC 201310_MAP_TERA_AIR_00472_02_REV0 SHEET 2 OF 4 Kelowna Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, 2012 & Natural Resources Canada, 2012; Geopolitical Boundaries: Natural Resources! Canada, 2003, AltaLIS, 2013, IHS Inc., 2011, BC FLNRO, 2007 & DATE TERA REF. REVISION !(3 ESRI, 2005; First Nation Lands: Government of Canada, 2013, AltaLIS, 2010 & IHS Inc., 2011; Hydrology: Natural Resources Canada, 2007 & BC! Crown Registry and Geographic Base Branch, 2008; Vancouver December 2013 7894 0 (Burnaby) Hope Parks and Protected Areas: Natural Resources Canada, 2012, AltaLIS, 2012 & BC FLNRO, 2008; ATS Grid: AltaLIS, 2009; Edmonton TUC: Alberta Infrastructure, 2011; Canadian Hillshade: TERA Environmental Consultants, 2008;! US Hillshade: ESRI, 2009. SCALE PAGE SIZE DISCIPLINE USA ! 1:650,000 11x17 AIR/NS ! ! ! ! ! ! DRAWN CHECKED DESIGN This document is provided by Kinder Morgan Canada Inc. (KMC) for use by the intended recipient only. This information is confidential and proprietary to KMC and is not to be provided to any other recipient AJS TGG TGG without the written consent of KMC. It is not to be used for legal, engineering or surveying purposes, nor for doing any work on or around KMC's pipelines and facilities, all of which require KMC's prior ! written approval. Km ! ! 0 5 10 15 20 25 ! Although there is no reason to believe that there are any errors associated with the data used to generate this product or in the product itself, users of these data are advised that errors in the data may be present. ALL LOCATIONS APPROXIMATE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "/ Marble Range Chasm Bonaparte Provincial Provincial Park Provincial OP5 Park Park Adams Loon Lake Lake 121°30'0"W Hihium 121°0'0"W 120°30'0"W 120°0'0"W 119°30'0"W Lake Porcupine Meadows k e Provincial Park 51°0'0"N Cre ss ri C Black Pines 51°0'0"N OP97 "/ Edge Hills ¯ Provincial Arrowstone Park Provincial Park Little 99 Shuswap OP Lake 1 !. OP KP 800 CACHE Kamloops SALMON Lake r CREEK e ARM v i R n o s p ASHCROFT m o Th H !. Kamloops th T RK 850 u a "/ So t h C o m r e p F e Tunkwa r k 1 s a OP o s n Provincial e KAMLOOPS r R R Park i i v v e e r r OP5A 50°30'0"N OP12 5 OP OP97 50°30'0"N LOGAN LAKE KP 850 !. 8 OP Stump Lake Stump "/ lmon Rive r Sa RK 900 !. Stein Valley Provincial VERNON Park Nicola Lake Douglas OP5A Lake !. KP 900 LAKE MERRITT COUNTRY OP1 Pennask Okanagan Lake 50°0'0"N Lake Nahatlatch RK 950 Lake !. 50°0'0"N Trepanier Provincial Kingsvale Park WEST "/ KELOWNA KELOWNA Missezula PEACHLAND Lake Okanagan Mountain 97 Provincial Park KP 950 !. OP SUMMERLAND RK 1000 OP5A !. er Riv F n e r e a 49°30'0"N s m e la r 5 Harrison OP u Lake R T i v 49°30'0"N e r PENTICTON PRINCETON Skaha Lake !. KP 1000 S 3 O HOPE i OP m k a i RK 1050 "/ l n !. k a a g Hope a m n e R e n i 3A v R OP e 3 r OP iv e E.C. Manning r KENT 7 Provincial KEREMEOS OP Wahleach Park Lake Ska gi OLIVER t R i "/ ve KP 1050 Skagit Valley r !. Wahleach Cathedral Provincial Provincial Park Park 121°30'0"W 121°0'0"W 120°30'0"W 120°0'0"W Village / Hamlet "/ !. New Pump Station (Proposed) City / Town / District Municipality BRITISH ALBERTA !. Kilometre Post (KP) COLUMBIA "/ Pump Station (Reactivated) Indian Reserve / Métis Settlement Dawson !. Reference Kilometre Post (RK) Grande !(2 Creek Prairie "/ Existing Pump Station National Park FIGURE 5.4-3 97 Trans Mountain Pipeline (TMPL) !( !(43 Edmonton Trans Mountain Expansion Project (!1 Highway Provincial Park AIR QUALITY AND ACOUSTIC Prince Proposed Pipeline Corridor George !(16 Hinton ENVIRONMENT STUDY AREA Edson Railway Protected Area / Natural Area / BOUNDARIES - Quesnel Proposed Power Line Valemount Red Provincial Recreation Area / Wilderness Jasper Deer Provincial Park / Conservancy Area BLACK PINES TO HOPE Terminal Air Quality RSA Blue River 2 *# Williams !( Lake !(97 Calgary Pump Station (Pump Addition, Station Provincial Boundary Darfield !(1 "/ Acoustic Environment RSA TRANS MOUNTAIN EXPANSION PROJECT !(2 Modifications and/or Scraper Facilities) Kamloops MAP NUMBER PAGE Projection: NAD 1983 UTM 11N. Routing: Baseline TMPL & Facilities: provided by KMC, 2012; Proposed Pipeline Corridor V6: provided by UPI, Aug. 23, 2013; Transportation: IHS Inc., 2013, BC 201310_MAP_TERA_AIR_00472_03_REV0 SHEET 3 OF 4 Kelowna Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, 2012 & Natural Resources Canada, 2012; Geopolitical Boundaries: Natural Resources Canada, 2003, AltaLIS, 2013, IHS Inc., 2011, BC FLNRO, 2007 & !(3 DATE TERA REF. REVISION Vancouver ESRI, 2005; First Nation Lands: Government of Canada, 2013, AltaLIS, 2010 & IHS Inc., 2011; Hydrology: Natural Resources Canada, 2007 & BC Crown Registry and Geographic Base Branch, 2008; December 2013 7894 0 (Burnaby) Hope Parks and Protected Areas: Natural Resources Canada, 2012, AltaLIS, 2012 & BC FLNRO, 2008; ATS Grid: AltaLIS, 2009; Edmonton TUC: Alberta Infrstructure, 2011; Canadian Hillshade: TERA Environmental Consultants, 2008; US Hillshade: ESRI, 2009. SCALE PAGE SIZE DISCIPLINE USA 1:650,000 11x17 AIR/NS DRAWN CHECKED DESIGN This document is provided by Kinder Morgan Canada Inc. (KMC) for use by the intended recipient only. This information is confidential and proprietary to KMC and is not to be provided to any other recipient AJS TGG TGG without the written consent of KMC. It is not to be used for legal, engineering or surveying purposes, nor for doing any work on or around KMC's pipelines and facilities, all of which require KMC's prior written approval. Km 0 5 10 15 20 25 Although there is no reason to believe that there are any errors associated with the data used to generate this product or in the product itself, users of these data are advised that errors in the data may be present. ALL LOCATIONS APPROXIMATE 123°0'0"W 122°30'0"W 122°0'0"W 121°30'0"W Garibaldi Provincial Park Alexandra Bridge Provincial Park FIGURE 5.4-4 SQUAMISH M am q AIR QUALITY AND ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT u a STUDY AREA BOUNDARIES Stawamus Chief m ¯ HOPE TO WESTRIDGE R PO1 Provincial Park i v 49°40'0"N e TRANS MOUNTAIN 99 r 49°40'0"N PO Shannon Falls EXPANSION PROJECT Provincial Park !. Kilometre Post (KP) In d ia n !. Reference Kilometre Post (RK) R P i i v tt Trans Mountain Pipeline (TMPL) e R r i v Trans Mountain Expansion Project e k S e r Cre e Proposed Pipeline Corridor Furry y m *# Terminal o ur "/ Pump Station (Pump Addition, Station Ri v Modifications, and/or Scraper Facilities) e r Harrison "/ New Pump Station (Proposed) C Lake o q F "/ Pump Station (Reactivated) r u a i s t "/ Existing Pump Station e l r a Pinecone Burke m Provincial Park R 1 Highway i (! R v i e v r Railway er Chehalis Mount Lake Air Quality RSA Seymour Coquitlam 5 Provincial Lake Golden Ears PO Acoustic Environment RSA Cypress Park Provincial Park Indian City / Town / District Municipality Provincial Arm KP 1000 !.
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