SP RI NG 20 17 BIP_Sping 2017 Catalog_Cover I.indd 1 9/25/16 6:49 PM Customer Service Contents Call 1-800-343-4499 Brookings Institution Press Rights and Permissions Short History Series 6 Brookings Classics 8 Contact Kristen Harrison at 202-536-3604 or e-mail permissions@ brookings.edu Geopolitics in the 21st Century 10 Marshall Papers 16 Book Proposal Submissions Brookings Bestsellers 30 Brookings Essays 33 Contact Bill Finan at 202-536-3637 or e-mail
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[email protected] Center for Economic and Policy Research 40 Center for Transatlantic Relations at JHU SAIS 41 The Brookings Institution is a private nonprofit organization devoted to Institute of Latin American Studies 42 research, education, and publication on important issues of domestic Organisation for Economic Co-operation and foreign policy. Its principal purpose is to bring the highest quality independent research and analysis to bear on current and emerging and Development 44 policy problems and to offer practical approaches to those problems Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung 45 in language aimed at the general public. World Trade Organization 47 In its conferences, publications, and other activities, Brookings serves Index 52 as a bridge between scholarship and policymaking, bringing new Sales Information xx knowledge to the attention of decision-makers and affording scholars greater insight into public policy issues. The Institution’s activities are carried out through five core research programs (Economic Studies, Foreign Policy, Governance Studies, Metropolitan Policy, and Global Economy and Development), as well as through the Brookings Institu- tion Press, which publishes about forty books a year.