Design and evaluation of grammar checkers in multiple languages Antje HELFRICH Bradley MUSIC NLG, Microsoft Corp. NLG, Microsoft Corp. 1 Microsoft Way 1 Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052 Redmond, WA 98052
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract This paper describes issues involved in the development of a grammar checker in multiple languages at Microsoft Corporation. Focus is on design (selecting and prioritizing error identification rules) and evaluation (determining product quality). is to create documents as efficiently as possible. Introduction We don’t want to distract, delay or bother people The goal of the project discussed here is to develop with a picky proofing component that points out French, German and Spanish grammar checkers linguistic issues most users don’t care about (even for a broad user base consisting of millions of if we could critique those with high precision1)or Microsoft Word customers – users who create eagerly highlights any “suspicious” sentence with a documents of all types, styles and content, using potential problem. Instead, we focus on critiques various terminology and dialects, and who want that are actually helpful to the majority of users proofing tools that help eliminate mistakes in an from their point of view and support them in their efficient and non-intruding fashion. ultimate goal of creating grammatically clean The fact that the user base is so broad documents efficiently. poses many challenges, among them the questions of which errors are most common among such a Researching the customer diverse set of users, and what types of input the The first step towards determining the feature set is grammar checkers need to be tested and evaluated to describe the target user of the grammar checker.