"Racial and Religious Democracy"
Stanford Law Review Volume 72 June 2020 ARTICLE “Racial and Religious Democracy”: Identity and Equality in Midcentury Courts Elizabeth D. Katz* Abstract. In our current political moment, discrimination against minority racial and religious groups routinely makes headlines. Though some press coverage of these occurrences acknowledges parallels and links between racial and religious prejudices, these intersections remain undertheorized in legal and historical scholarship. Because scholars typically study race and religion separately, they have overlooked the legal significance of how race and religion coexist in both perpetrators and victims of discrimination. By contrast, this Article demonstrates that the intersection of racial and religious identities has meaningfully influenced legal and political efforts to achieve equality. Drawing from extensive archival research, this Article unearths forgotten yet formative connections between racial and religious antidiscrimination efforts, at the local through federal levels, from the 1930s through the 1950s. To examine these links, this account * Associate Professor of Law, Washington University in St. Louis. For helpful comments and conversations, I thank Gregory Ablavsky, Susan Appleton, Tomiko Brown-Nagin, Kevin Collins, Nancy F. Cott, Danielle D’Onfro, Daniel Epps, Edwin M. Epstein, Trudy Festinger, Estelle B. Freedman, Trevor Gardner, Smita Ghosh, Robert W. Gordon, David A. Hollinger, Darren Hutchinson, John Inazu, Howard H. Kaufman, Zachary D. Kaufman, Amalia D. Kessler, Pauline Kim, Michael Klarman, David Lieberman, Kenneth W. Mack, Wilson Parker, Kyle Rozema, Debra Bradley Ruder, Rachel Sachs, Mark Storslee, Brian Tamanaha, Steve Tulin, Michael Wald, and participants in the Washington University in St. Louis School of Law Faculty Workshop, the Stanford Law and History Workshop, the Berkeley Law and History Workshop, Stanford Law School’s Fellows Workshop, the Stanford University Department of History’s U.S.
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