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The Ledger and Times, April 14, 1958

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selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper APRIL 12, 1958 First,.. Largest • with Circtilation In Local News The City Largest and Circulation In Local Pictures The County

United Press IN OUR 79th YEAR Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon, April 14, 1958 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXIX No. 89 Commercial Fishing Growing Accountants Seen & Heard In Importance In The Valley Will Meet THREE - WAY RAMS SEEN

Around Murray Commercial tatting is grow- Len pounde, hasang a value ef ing in econicernec importance in more than a miXion dollars. the Tenneesee Valley, TVA said Wholesale prices varied from 1 today. ex cents a pond for carp, to Several holes in the city streets average theusarel 2'7 cents ThundaY have been repaired but there In an year a a peund for catfisb. Here IN GOVERNOR AMINAPON are still plenty more to go. etensnercial ti herenen take five Other cernimercsal species are Million pounds of penegarne flisth enn.11, drum, buffalo, ten d from TVA lakes. T b e main- eurgeon. Dr. William Doss Atomic Accident -Let's all hope for a good stretch stream lakes are the greatest TVA said there is very little To Open Office Here Reported In Russia Combs, Viaterfield. Wyatt To of sunny weather 91.) the city. producers, with Kentucky Lake mmercial fishing on tributary street department can put in aoccurating for about half the ekes. Dr. W..ilam T. Loss will, open COPENHAGEN, Ds arnark some unanterupted paving sverk. tatal catch. In his business, the commer- nis office Tuesday, Ake 15 for Democratic Nomination — The conservative newspaper Seek Chiropractic at Aware:flag to the U. S. rah cial f.ahermen uses gill netts, ' he of Berl rigsk e Tid erade" reoofteel Service, 1111 Main Street. DOPE TALKS — Bar- and Wildlife the Ten- trammel nets, hoop nets, snag Itiday a recent Soviet nuclear Th• city council put in a mare- Dr. Doss is a graluate of the By JOE IS CUSS • , ineeehsenes of his admiriatrr - (Upper), 19-year. nessee River ranks nigh ameng enes, arid trot lines. He fishes arms lest ended in a "at eaetious thssei session laet Fr:dray The Chiropiactic College, In- United Press Staff Correspondent ticno which be listed-ear-1.e 1- ta. Sr of the late come- inland waiters as a source of throughout the year but makes. Lincoln Meecow re- meeting started at 7:00 p.m. and accident." It queed Theseece--1 the .Democrate. building,. sehesee1thanc -e;4 • 'I Al- Burn's, refused to commeartal fish. Within the his best catches in May and aianapolis. liedana. com- liptoma- i conainued unrtil 11:30. ports received through nominati en for rovernor next come els .cut. and sre. e., it he narcotics trial of Mi.eaissippi Basin it ranks sec- June. He is licensed and regu- eeting his poe. graduate work tic chanr.els. year apoeared to be a three-way the -state amusement .tax K (lower), 26, in fear ond only to t h e ?Mississippi lated by the state in which he 3. Linetn College, he entered The nexspaper .'aid tteav as Bort Combs. He h :a s me weeds c. se ..1 Incriminate herself, River itself, surpassing such operates. .he anned forces and served in race rr. I --What/iv e r criticism might be -dieceeed :he Soviet Union has I or meteepolitan newel Angeles judge de- he Medical Corps at Killeen Presten burg vas totes% announced ,f directed at the city cou.ncil, it rivers as the Ohio, the Missouri, G•ill nets are single-wall nets :et succeeded in pre-luring a • eientiereng (The Louisville Cour- case till the D. A.1) ataree, Killeen, Texas. ho candidacy for the 3:ate's certa inky cannot be said that the Il,linou the Cumberland, and of various rneah size. Rah are we:Heel:de eats-nee or hy'Jrigen Jeteenell-heir edits-eerie wri.- - d get papers which Fur the past two and tine-het *hes efece. tier they do not put in time on the ,thers. °aught by the gills when they opponents ad- tect her. Mack is years, Les Doss was associated! teemb." . Combs' announcemen ^I masied ers, legislative of job. They normality meet twice Last year the yield from TVA peke their heads tba-ough the ath selang heroin. Iwith Lr. Tisdale's Chiropractic i 11 said a "dangeassu,a increase a week of political activity which; tereeraeor backea bills, the some time lakeeeinis mil- opetengs. Tranunseeneeteeetre has admitted being -each me in lidpkinsvilie. Vern—if thej reetkeetshee Palliasse-11We- -the "neItstia-a -rtabel -Coate ear APPeatlethlas three nets in one—es fine mesh (International) three meetings a month has not ,as fhe months he has praciced Soviet Union was meet likely ;rig with major enteaeministra- 'state attorney general. been net sandeviched between two unusual. Bethel Richardson for Dr. William G. Aberna hy in the real reason Prenter ticn candidates at Louisville and Combs, in his statement, in- course - mesh nets. Fish pass his Health Center in Aurora. Krhunhichev decided to suspend the annual Jefferson - Jaekson cirectly teek a - s!ap at the Harold Hurt through the course mesh push IChandler forces on such mailers Accountants from throughout Kentucky. arms teets." Day dinner a; Lexington. IRK WEEK Incidentally city couneidsnen on- the fine meeh through the ap- Kentucky will hold their annual _ Dr. Doss will maintain his The Berengske Tide:1de said as the governor's - campaign to • et $300 a meeting. posite coins emeste and i r. The race will be the second e Western Kentucky Conference on office its Aurerasethree days. a that iitteillhaSion was supported push through he General As- T.a, V framed in the peeket thus tor Combs, 46. who was defeated Wins Contest form- Accounting at the Kenlake Hotel week. by reports from Oslo and Stock- sembly a "ripper restdene Chicago's"s We hope reader. will excuse by Gov. A. B. Chandler in the ed. Hoop nets are set on the —April .17, 18, 19, 1958. This holm that radioecrevity in cer- at state Treasurer Henry, itute of Tea= sk the sorry appearance of t h e 1955 Democratic primary. In his bottom; fist enter through fun- conference is sponsored by Ky. tain areas of ;arose two countries and his opposition to the Court arena ion short eried paper recently. The new . Harold Hurt, son of Mr. and 5 1 Sunday announcement, the form- Ship- nel openings and are unable to Soc. of CPAs. Registration will [Red Cross Course had increased 25 per cent. of Appeals. wurk from 70 ment of ink which came Mrs. leuford Hurt, w o is the er appellate court judge said. week 'in find their way out. A trot line begin Thursday afternoon, fol- Tidende me:leaned the recent OI am oppieed to all forms years. proved to be for summer Larributh College Speaking Con- Will Begin Tonight in part. "I am opposed to the hours in 100 use, is a single, low line wath short lowed by a President's Reception son on foreigners' travel 'In of ripper legislation which would- airnal-prosaded ener- rather than the winter test yesterday in Paris, Tenn. ehilosophy of the present admln- offi- ink we hook - bearing hnes suspended in the early evening. Technical The Red Cross Instructors ,orahern Rusea "apparently the deprive the people's elec.ect production. stropped have been using all fainter. Mr. Hurt wtas one of I h r istration, which permits our state cenalitutional rights The from it. The fieherman may use sessions, covering current topics Svern course will begin at seven Soviet government wanted to cials ef their - summer ink, which speakers, who spoke on Lam- government to .be used for the legless ure and • cent in 1850 to six wee ahipped up to 500 hooks, whidh are bait- of 'interest to accountants, will o'clock tomeht, Monday, April prevent foreigners from report-. or duties .The by =intake. is much bath College arid the value of benefit of a few political fag- the must be free from 1950. thicker in ed. A snag line as similar but begin Friday morning. Among 14, at the Murray State College ing .41 the uneasiness arid fear judiciary this kind of weather, a Christian higher education. ontes." domination by rh e executive making the - hacks are not baited and the recreational features will be pool. caused aireersg Soviet citizens by it almost unfit for use The second place went to Miss Combs was the second candi- trench cf the government." he ort had it that thereto A fast are closer together. Fish are —a Golf Tournament at Ken- Mrs Joe Pace, executive sec- the accidents." telepherie June Margrave of Gleason, date to formally announce his said. trouble for a teair call to Memphis hooked by contact. tucky Dam Village Course, a retary of the Callowax County brought Tenn. Third place went to Miss candidacy for the May :959 pri- In a more direst blast at the n one of the early in more winter if*, 90 Sane oommercial fishermen Fishing Contest, a Banquet, and Red Craws Chapter. tkges all maybe Jane Kemp of Puryear, Tenn. mary. Wilson W., Weett. former gasernor; he said "a: ,the last ws, but I didn't catch we Will get things dress and ice their catch and Square . Dance. who are holders of a current Mr. Hurt now represents the Mother's Club To mayor of Louisville, 'entered the session cf ,he legislature a mili- straight now. deal direetly with consumers; Advance registrations indicate senior life saving certificate and entire Paris District and swill race as an anti-adMinistra eon tant group of loyal De:nacre s net Swim:. Mike Wal- others sell fish live weight to a registration of 150 will be are Interested to enroll for Leis Put On Show represent the district in t ii candidate April 9. and dedicated Kentuckians insist- -TV interview show, e wtheleselers. About half of the present for the three-day pro- instructors course. Newspaper presses use a differ- conference oontest which will be Lt. Guy. Harry Lee Weerfielci el the.dic.atorial tactics of our s April 19. will be Valley catch is consumed 'easi- gram. Bethel Richardson -- CPA Louis Gekspie, Water Safety ent consbeency ink during the The Mother's Club of Faxon o almost certain to be the present governor at great sacri- held at laarhuth College, Jack- ly; the diver halt of _Murray — is General Chair- ost immedately to a eurnmer and is 'hipped to *twee Represenaive for West- School is sponsoring he "Grand candieeti of the slate adrneds ra- the winter, just ere Tense, on May 2. Man of the meeting. Mr. Kenneth ecee.te teh. mselve ." spot on a weekday Lubin centers outside the Vatiey. ern Kentucky, sell be the in- Ole Opry" Saturday night, April tion, not like cans use a thicker oil in Some 600 peeple were present Goode — but he has yet announc- Combs lost to Chandler by ly gave up on his Catfish is the mos t popular CPA. Mr. J. H. Shack- structor. 19 at 7:30. Many acts will be the sumnaer than they dip in the to hear the district -oft. The elford — ed his candidacy — 18.121 votes in the 1955 primary .nterview United Arab species and orenprises the bulk President of the Ken- featured with local persons tak- winter. Laaribut h Cledlege Chen- was tucky Society e'ec.iun. resident Nesser—Mike& of the total catch. of Public Account- ing the part of many Grand Ole Combs. Wyatt and sta•e Rep. present and rendered ants, and Comb.• said he would visit tr cancelled out orP t hr ee TVA said that through the Dr. Thomas Hogancamp Country Club To Opry oars. Fos,er Ockerman, Lexing.on, met numbers. s -every city, ccun'y and hamlet s.aive dates with him, years the —Head of the Department of with 13 insurgent state sena ors Thank you Mrs. Lois Curd of ourreneretal catch has Hold Meeting A deep fat fryer will be 'ha Kentucky as soon as possible" packed up Dr. Luther Gobbel, president Business Administration at Mur- and 13 representatives of the and Maarray route twia for the kind increased steadily, resulting from given away at intermission. Tick- he had matte an inten- of Lambert College, was present ray State College, will participate l9- 8 General Assembly a: Louis- . Ne. note. increased demand.. more element There will be an urgent gen- ets are one sate 10 cents each sive'eaur of the state to deter- and spoke. in the pregram. ville Saturday. Former governor mine 3all and Deal Arnid fish ng gear, improved r efrig eral meeting tonight at 7:30 of or three for 25 cents. Everyone "whom 'he people want I out of !he The Mberay area was well The Senior s'udents in Business and senator Earle C Clements NBC-T1 We'll have twi, at the Junior erarem. a n d better marketing the Calloway County Country is- invited to attend this event to runefcr governor..,and I am ceremonies rt.-presentee in Paris. Administration at Murray State also attended the mee ard" — a Conservation Club camp this facilities. TVA biologists say Club at the Court House for an evening of entertainment, c :Winced 'he pesple want me College will be guests for the There were rep r.- s•emming ,nflict. NBC-TV will aurnmer The nine y ear old that present records indicate an All members are urged to at- and at the same time aiding be thee nex gieernor" Saving technical session on Friday. from the meeting :ha many Saylight Time opirsed that he was old enough average harvest of about 12 tend this meeting. the Mother's Club. year by etching all leaders cf the anti-Chandler wing , to go to camp, in spite of the pounds a year from each acre on ef the party expresed doubt a•ideo tape for queseon that we raised. Funeral Of of commercial fishing water, but Religious •h t Wyatt woted ; that remain on sten* that studies inekeate standing Emphasis be as seong Aged a candicate as Combs. woman In other words, you'll" piptiliatl,,ns of harvestrtille fish Week Set At Jury List Is Released By College • Some of those le:ending said t •- St•e all your NBC-TV The smallest has evidently come Mrs. running as high as 140 pounds Cohoon 'hey believed Wysot would be e same time no matter to the concikeion that the jelly an acre, thus indicating that at severely handicapped by his live. est the bettem of the jar is much the presre rate of remerval there Religieue Emplhais Week, a sheriff For May Court Term asses Away non - denorhinatianal program Louisville affiliatio eland migh. sweeter than that on top. He is little danger of depleting the a es NBC-TV Moscow Held Sunday apt-snared by not be able to capture the so- rammed the spoon clear to the resource. t Ii e •Rerigietis ed a 28.8 Trendex called"out in he state vote for bottom of a new jar of jelly Biologists Oteancil of Murray State College. The Jury list for the May Beane, ',Aisle Lewis, Roy Ham- • Mrs. J. B. Jia-dan, age 81, pas- ABC-TV's Lawrence say that commercial hat reason. this week instead of taking it fishing is one begins tomorrow. term of Court has been lin, 0. L. Cain Jr.. Grant Styles. sed away Sunday afternoon at i and CBS-TV's hour of the manage- In a statement released shortly off the top. Mrs Attie Cohoon, age 71, ment tools nas years speaker will be releaser! ',y Zheriff Callen Stub- Ocus F. Boyd. John Porter Far- ja10 at her home in the Browns 15.8 for "Oh, Susanna", relied on to hold after Combs made his announce- passed away suddenly from a non-game Bishop Henry from North. Ca CO- ble!. •... etse cenertunity. Mrs. Jarcion Gun. Will Travel'. apeeles in check, so ment, Wyatt said that the Combs' Looks like the Democrats in heart attack Friday morning at that game line. Bishop Henry will conduct Th-. Grand and Petit jurors Lynn Lawson, Graham Bibb. had been in ill health for the "Look Here" will dist fish may increase in statement "makes absolutely no Kentucky are having a hard 945 at the home of her daughter, numb's noon devotions at 12:10 pin. • 11 II ,elected from the follow- Max Walker, Rafe Brooks, Ham- par. tete yetbre: • Perkins on April 20. as in any body of water chanre in my- plans." adding, tame this year on selecting a Mrs. Bernice Garlaele 87 Buck- Vesper services; at G:45 p. m -% pton W. Brooks, W. S. Murdock, Survivors include her husband there is just so much living several weeks ago when I talked candidate for gs'vernier . We ner street, Madisonville, Ky. April 15. 16, and 17 the re- ered Barber. Phillip Mitchell. Garnett L. Morris, Edwin Shoe- J. B. Jordan: one esn. Merritt 11 reorn for fish. to him he ciearty was not a agree t h a the She was 'the widow of the cital hall of the Fine Are hele- rter Charlton L. W. Paschall, maker, Harold Douglas, Floyd Jentan: a daughter-in-law. Mrs. pickina are candida e. His Mind mus. have - mightily slim late Charlie Cohoon who passed ing in campus. eoebe! Scarbrough. J. B. Jones, Lawson. M or g a n Orr. C. D. Annie Jordan, all of Br lwas thus tar. been changed by a few straws away in 1940. She is survived Something new this year will Fobert L. Smith, Melvin H. Mor- Scruggs Charlie Hornbuckle. Mrs. Grove, several nieces and neph- by three daughters, Mrs. Rudy Don Collins on, Tellus Howard, Lube T. G. C. Ashcrate. Lloyd Allbritten, that were put in the wind by Th• passing of Rupert Outland be discussion groups led by fac- ews, and a grandson, 2nd Lt. Fitts, Murray,. Mrs. Roy Pittman; Thurmond. Ed Frank Kirk, Mike Festus L. Story. Norton Foster. one of his friends. I have great certainly came as a shock to Soon To Graduate ulty members 4the oollege. James A. Jur:len statiened in. Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Bernice Gar- Falwell, Parvin Blalock, Carl E. George Upchurch. respect fir him and wish he his many friers* The death of These groups will meet inritnedi- mem. Germany. land, Madisonville. Ky.; one son, Lockhart.- Gene Geurin. Hill Adams, Ira could have won in 1955 when a clean and aggreseeve young ately after Vesper services each . Mrs. Jordan was a meenber Thomas Cohoon, Madisonville; OKMULGEE. Okla. — Don P. C. L. Hale, Jack White, Tree- Keel, Harell Broach, Neal Starks, he had .the full state organisation man always ciente as a great night. All who wish to a r e of the Antioch' Churcie if Ctussit two half sisters, Mrs. Eugene Collins of Murray is man Cavitt. W. A. Bourland, Jack Colston. Lloyd Workman. behind him — he's an awfully the shock. among the cordiality invited to remain and were funeral serv.ces will be Cole. Mrs. Ray Colley; four half 163 prospective graduates in Ben Purdom, Claude Anderson, Walter Conner. Ceylon Myers, nice fellow." • ‘. the take part in these interest held Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. With brothers, George, Harland, Rufus 29th graguating class at Okla- W. D. (Gat) Clopton, Buren Albert Enix, Ray Munday. Mar- Officially, no selection of a Norman Levine certainly fulful- groups. candidate Dro, Irarvey Elder officiating. and Brent Johnson all of Paris, homa State Tech, Okmulgee. ac- Poyner, Luther Geurin. D. C. vin Hill. to represent the anti- led his respensibility as a Burial will be in the church police Tenn., ten great grandchildren cording to Grady Clack, registrar. Chandierites were made during officer the cemetery. other day when and one great-grandchild. Students will be completing he -rebel" meeeng. 'The intution bold Mr. Ace% e pallbearers are Howard him tin put down Mrs.. Cohoon was a member work in courses- ranging from And Mrs. Joe failed to endorse any candidate the license and Paschall. Edwin Jerian. Charles avg pur- numiber of an auto- of the Grape Vine Baptist Church eight weeks to 24 month courses. added that any of the three Pace Return Home Peden, Stevre Steeled. Jtrkan motitle, the ocoupares of which in Madisonville. The funeral was Certificates of accomplishment potential candelates — Combs: tims awl Jordan and Buck. Mayfield. had :stopped for directions. The conducted Sunday afternoon at will be presented by director Wyatt or Ockerman — would be - The J. H. Churchill Fun( sal- y 1st license number latter led to the 2:30 at the Elm Grave Baptist L. E. Covelle at ceremonies to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pace re- acceptable as a nominee. . Clement-. II me is in charge of the ar- arrent. of two young men who Church with Rupert Utley, M. T. be held April 18 at 8:00 p.m. in turned Frisky night f rom a who wi'h ex-Gov. )change • thought they were pretty smart Robertson and Lewis Joiner offi- the school chapel. weeks vacatio rerip to Florida. Lawrence W. Wetherby backed rangements whore friends may Combs call until the service hour. by beating a hiitel bill. ciating. Burial was in the Elm Immediately following the ex- They spent- most of their time in 1945, was non-com- mittal Grove Cemetery. ercises, a reception for graduates in Tanga. St. Petersburg and following the meeting. say- lsurance ing he wan Rev. T. H. Thacker has made a Nephews of the deceased acted and their families will be held Clestahater. no, an "active-Can- Spencer Edwards place for himself in the oorn- as pallbearers. in the student activity building. While the Paces were in Tam- didate" Jor any office but pledged writing his munity in a cem-aparitively *sort • The Max H. Churchill Funeral Many graduates will be unable pa, they visited with Mr. and aid an the -faction "in any Die This Morning capacity." time. Home had charge of the arrange- to attend the functions since Mrs. W. K. Jeffrey and family. Shortly he will ments. they have left school to accept The Jeffreys are natives of Har- after - the Louisville Spencer Edwards. age 67. pass- pow-wow. Chandler spoke at ( The bronze plaque which was employment. Several, however, din. Ky., bet have rnade their ' away at his Verne. Murray a Jefferson-Jackson dent in- presented to the Murray Menu- will leave their new homes to home tor the past, several years Day fund- LFD 2. 'his morning at 9:30 raising banquet at Lexington: ifig gni tacturing Company lass come in return to Okmulgee for the even- in Tampa where they are re- from complications. following a Pelitical observers had and was "re-presented" by Ron- Weather, ing. - tired. The Jeffreys children all pre- long illness. dicted that Waterfiatd, expected He of the aki Churchill, president of the gnaduated from Murray "State is survived aby his widow. le be Chandler's chaice Jot the Mrs. Thenie Murray Chamber ,4 Commerce. - Report College and are wee known in Cochard Edwards; to each FIVE DAY FORECAST nomination, might announce his one daughter. Mrs Cie Hale. The plaque was presented some- By UNITED PRESS Murray. candidacy during the proceedings. PFD I. Murray; two sons. Hall lders. In hme last month, but it took He did not speak at the meet- Edwards, Madisonville. Lynn S. about three Or hour weelas to answer Southwest Kentucky —Increas- ing. Edwards, Bear, Ky.; two brothers, ger', the actual plaque manu- By United Press ing cloudiness and mild, chance Vet Man To Be Chandler took little notice of Jeff Edwards and Newitt Ed- factured. of showers by afternoon or night. KENTUCKY Temperatures Here April 23 the "rebel" meeting, focusing wards both if Dexter; ten grand Mostly cloudy and mild with for the five-day period, Tuesday most of his attention on the children and three step-grand The plaque is a lvandtcome item showers likely tonight and prob- through Saturday, will average accomplishments of his admin- children. and we feel sure that Verne ably ending Tuesday. High today near the state normal of 56 B. D. Nisbet. a contact repre- istration. He was a member of the West Kyle and all the folks at the 68, low tonight 45. degrees. Little change in tem- sentative of the Kentucky Dis- His only comment on the in- Fork Btptist BOY OF THI `MAR — Lindley Ruddick, 15, Seymour, Ind., Church .where the stove plant appreciate this ges- peratures until warmer Friday abled Ex-Service Men's Board, surgents' meeting was high school student, looks real, real pleased in "I'm in funeral will be conducted Wed- ture from the lemon. 5:30 temperatures: and Saturday. Precipitation will will be present on April 23 at favor of primaries. Some a.m. as he holds plaque naming him "Boy of the Year." Lindley I think every- nesday afternoon at 1:30. Burial average fourth the American Legion one ought Bowling Green 45, Paducah 49, one to one half Home to is winner from among some 600,000 members of Boys Clubs to run that wants will be in the Chapel Hill Ceme- Speaking of Ronald, he attended assist to run. Covington 43, Hopkinsville 45, inch with rain Tuesday. in veterans and their depend- of America. The award Is in recognition of his "outstand- If you're a rebel. yotr tery in Graves County. the State Chamber of Commerce ants ought Louisville and Lexington 44, and extreme east portion early Wed- with claims. ing service to home, church, school, community and Boys to, in that rebel pri- Friends may call at he Max meeting lest week, along with London 39. , inesday, and possibly again about He will be at the home from clubs:" during 1957. (international Bound photo) mary." H. Churchill Funeral Home until L. D. Miller, executive-secretary. Evansville, Ind., 46, Saturday. 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Chandler lauded the chief ac- the funeral hour. or 847 •

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e 1 PAGE TWO LEDGER & TIMK.. - MURRAY, KENTUCKY .MONDAY — APRIL 14, 1958 •11•111EAM• MONDAY Weekend Sports THE LEDGER & TIMES Love For Summary ,r Al Oerter Jim Smith PUBLISHED by LEDGER & TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, Inc II Consolidation of the Murray Ledger. The Calloway Time, and The 13y UNITED PRESS Baseball Season Times-Herald. October 20, 1928, and the West Kentuckian, January Shooting Is Saturday Passes The Sought By 1, 1942. DALLAS Tex. - Chris von Saltza of Santa Clara, Calif.. JAMES C. wipaAms, PUBL.SHER Near Tragedy set her second American record Magic Mark Pro Teams We reserve the right to reject any Advertising, Letters to the Editor, in the women's Naeonal AAU 6t Public Voice items which, in our opinion, are not for the best indoor swimming championships. By JERE COX Will Open Today 'interest of our readers. United Press Sports Writer By BILL HENRY LAWRENCE, One NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES: WALLACE WITMER CO., 1368 By RICHARD GLASS ST. LOUIS - The St. Louts Kan. — United Press Sports Writer Monroe, Memphis, Tenn.; 2o0 Park Ave., New Yor.,$,- 307 N. Michi- United Press Sports Writer Hawks took the fourth game of by one they went by the boards: By FRED DOWN ing duties before a sellout crowd STEUENVILLE, Ohio dB -He gan Ave., CI-ocago, 80 Bolyelon St., Soston. Al LANTA t - Four years their series V.i:h the Boston the 15-foot pore vault, the four- United Press Sports Writer of more than 28,000. Whether is a small college basketball ago Ed Garlingt_on's hive for Celtics, 110-109, to win the 1958 minute mile, the seven-foot high President Eisenhower lends his slugger Ted Williams would be player who has gained national Office, Murray, Kentucky, for Entered at the Poet National Baste:ball Association jump. Now the 200-foot discuss famous grin - and apparently in the Red Sox' lineup remained recognition and acclaim. Second Class Matter shooting almost resulted in his I blindness. title. throw has been mastered by his equally-famous luck with the questionable. He is suffering with He is sought by National Bas- HAVE TOOL: SUPSCRIPTION RATES: fry Carrier in Murray. ;eat week 20g, VW • a 6-3. 232-pound giant who is neather - to baseball today to a severly twisted left ankle. ketball Association teams to play em's, orbital month 85c In Calloway and adjoining counties, per year, $3.814 Todat, with a new pair te of QUANTICO, Va. -Glenn Davis at his best when the pressure is helk get the major leagues', first ,professionally. Open Title Defenses lawn rollers. where, 35.50.- ---- glassesseet new tick powder fee- Ohio State cempteeed a five greatest. - coast-:o -coat season off to a He is Jim Smith, 6-6 centet Some 225,000 fans are expected , and Po his digs, and growing set of gold-medal performance in the Twenty-year old Al Orrter,* flying start. on Steubenville's small college MONDAY — APRIL 14. 1958 to flock to Tuesday's eight open- cailtsiss.s on his hand, shoulder Marine Corps school relays. senior at Kansas Universi.y Long-range forecasts of rain national championship team. ers when the world champion and line he is ready to resume his achieved his self-described "life's 'and cold weather in many of Smith led the Barons to a 24-1 Milwaukee Braves and American ONE ROOM ortunis as a tournament trap- STILLWATER. Okla. - Rus- goal" • last Saturday. when he the nine cities involved in open- record last season and gained League champion. New York ate bath, THOUGHT FOR nastier. sian wrestling champions defeat- heaved the discus' 202 feet, six ers today and Tuesday were the attention of numerous NBA BIBLE Yankees begin defense of their one rev In :he I549 North American ed American champions, 5-1, for inches at the Arkansas Relays revised to indicate there would scouts who would like to sign Wherefore also he is able to save to the qtles and the West Coast's long- I Cie!: target illampionships at :he their second straight win in ser- in Fayetteville. becoming the be clear Skies and temperatures him for their club. $2.00 each p awaited entry into big league uttermost them that draw near urtc. Cod sholtuag center el Vandalia, Ohio, ies. first man to pass the magic between 50 and 60 degrees. Fair Sought by Knicks add water is ball becomes official. A sellout We have seen utterly corrupt. mefi. trans- Garlanaloa broke 347 straight Sunday mark. and mild weather was promised According to one college offi- Hotel, 301ks crowd of 23,60e will see the through him. 7:73. c.aY MOM to move into a, JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Luis That might come in for dispute for Washington, D.C., today when cial, the New York Knicker- transplanted Dodgers and Giants FURNISHED saints. The day of mir- teur-way tie for first place and Ayala of Chile upset Mervyn from .he West Coast where less Eisenhower makes his ceremonial bockers will draft Smith in formed into great open in San Francisco. the bah, private come out second best in the Rose of Australia in tains! of sisan two weeks ago Rink Babka first pitch. first round of the annual player acles is by no means past. On Friday the league record shootoff. Mailers tennis tournament. of Southern Cal tossed the latter Then the Boston Red Sox' selections. • ' of more than 90,000 fans will be off the field and into a mud Frank Sullivan and the Senators' Smith said the Eyesight Gets Worse established. Harlem Globe- CROS GREENSBORO, N.C. - Dark- puddle. Some said it aotually trotters offered him .. The Yankees..., overwhelming $2,000 to ACRO The winner of some two-score horse Bob G.oalby beat San Snead was over -200 feet, but it officially make the annual tour with the IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED • favorites to win a nine's pennant stamping by tow strokes to win the Great- was measured at slightly in College All-Stars. However, sta:e titles in his Dixie in 10 years under he r 4 %tine :I, out el-Greensboro Open gulf tourna- excess of 198 feel, still better said he decided to complete l‘kdrr New City Hall and Gas Building $120,000 &rounds. Garlington dropped -are sending , their his competition because ment. than the old world record of education. pumice of in 1954 1956 pitching hero, 13- u'.* Sewer P:..nt Expansion $125,000 his eyesight was getting progress- 194"leet, six inches by Fortune Hank Kuzma, Smith's coach, 13 -Singing against the Red Sox' Williard 1k-14,4)111i! continued BOSTON - The Montreal Ca- Gordien oliiMinnesota in 1953.-- has no fears' about his .big Planning and Zoning Commission with ely worse. But he Nixon in Boston. The Yankees' star hunt quail and to train his nadiens beat the Boston Bruins, I iles Pressure becoming even a bigger star IS- N I it!'I versatile is side- 16 -Minnie, Professional Consultation 3-0, to take a 2-1 lead in the Oerter, Who beat Gurdien to in the pro ranks. dogs, . lined with a pulled muscle in .) Is -I'sirs Stanley Cup hockey finals. win the ID56 Olympics in Mel- "Jim is one of the t, fro-Wasirs The tick powder he used then his left leg but his, absence greatest • bourne, thrieves on pressure. clutch performers IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED was a powerful one, and-it would be more than balanced that I have 23-lalaud ...SPRINGFIELD. Mass. - The "My practice throws are never ever seen,' Kuzma said. N.-alter ub:ed his -rime -Ite if Williams doesn't play for Bos- "I've 25-S." 4 e Indiathal Expansion. Springfield Indians defeated good," Oerter says. '* can always seen the best cieveloped "hundreds of little ulc- the ton. individuals since (pi Hershey Bears. 4-0, to trail, 2-1, do at least 10 feet be:ter in 1947 •play in New Yerke Phile 27—(11rl's r Isiriewaiiis, Curbs, Gutters_ firs ors Ihe-rienevueane" _Almost '-T-he Braves --with-or sellout - 2' inthe American Hockey League a meet.7-It's Oa competition adelphut and Kansas City, -and' It -Itrritkf: somg areas . he underwent months crowd of 46,000 assured at Mil- I.hen Widened Streets in playoff finals. that does it." Jim could hold his own 33-1, ,f. injections and medication be- waukee - will open with south- in that muOne Continued Home Building. Although Oerter as tfast 35- Co 1. - company." re the condition was cured. paw star Warren Spahn (21-11) to give credit for a "perfect Frank Sullivan Smith earned his Aimee for Murray. ' a new addition to his opposing Bob Friend (14-18) of recognition Minor League Baseball sidewind" ttiat acted as an air- Red Sox the hard way at collection of glasses - he :ravels the Pittsburgh Pirates. a small sehoCl City Auditorium foil and held the discus level with an enrollment with 13 pair for various uses Results Detroit at Chicago slighely over for his record throw in Arkansas. _500 hr Id. trp-ttr shooting agam.--- - Tne remainder of Thesday's i: might well be that his real ' The college, In February Garlingtun went program has Detroit at Chicago, which is just spur was some 2,006 mites die.- across t h e Ohio to Sarasota. Fla.. for his first By UNITED PRESS Kansas City at Cleveland and River from :ant in California. Weirton, W. Va., competitive shooting in five years Southern Association Washington at Baltimore in the doesn't have Years Ago Today Oerter had long dreamed of a fieldhouse or gym of its Ten arid won with 91 of 100 birds Memphis 4 Little Rock 3 (1st) and Philadel- own. becoming the first man to reach The team works out Ledger 8c Times File in doubles. In the event, the Memphis 5 Little Rock 1 (2nd phia at Cincinnati and Chicago whet ever 200 feet with the platter and it can on high senuol miexitvr.emust. break two pigeons Birmingham 4 Atlanta 2 at St. Louis (night) in the 'Na- floors. was confidonty aiming for it in the area. Murray High School captured 10 top ratings 'out of eituch .fly from' tee trap at the Nashville 9 Chattanooga 6 tional. One of the gyms near the end of this season. used to practice in Regional Music Festival held at -zone time at different angles. Ne wOrleans 3 Mobile 0 The big West Coast opened last season. fourteen entries in the hut then Babka came close and was s,.1 poorly lighted Instrument.keeling confident, ,he set his American Association will find 21-year old Dan Drys- the team Murray State College Friday and Satin-day'. Oerter knew he had to hurry. had to use a white ball. s,ghls for Vanciaiia again". Charleston 1 S.. Paul 0. 15' inns. da.e, a native son, going for ioloists who received a superior rating were Joan Love, The pressure was on and he met 524 Points (Only game scheduled.) the Dodgers against Ruben Go- Williams and 'William McElrath. won't tournament- it. But none of this :legg Austin. Jerry "But I be mez of San Juan, P.R., and the affected is hands Coordination and Timing Smith. He poured Vocalist rating were-Jerry William!:. excellent, and Anna ugh." he said. -until my Giants. A total of 110 reporters 514 p iints ire hard for tne gun, and I've Oecter is a technician of his through the hoop in 25 games luth Billington. good. gr; •••• will cover this game. Drysdale trade. "Coordination and timing and pulled in 589 Robert Lee Woodall. 26. died at 3:00 Sunday morn- ge. a good callus on my shoulder Pedro Ramos 'had a 17-9 record while Gomez rebounds, al- Whatever 1are the big things in throwing n,i,s: half' of the aLthe Murray -Hospital complications following r the butt, and one on my Senators had a 15-13 mark in 1957. team's total upper right lip f1rom sighting Happened To the discus," -he said. "It takes iebounds for the season. an appendectomy N't ednesday night. a lot of practice to learn to Ramos take up the pitch- Smith blames L41 I ine.pregres mg. and the Pedro DROBNY DEFEATS PATTY himself' for the Survivors include his wife, one daughter and two eye5--are nit main thing. balance :he body while spinning." one defeat the team suffered ADOLPH KIEFER AIX - EN - PROV&NCE .1/1 - ions. The strength of the discus at the opening of . Jareekav Drobny at Egypt wisigi- the season. Company has opened of- Many Delays ihrow comes mostly from the He said "You know The Rock Wool Ins%lation ped Budge Patty ef Las Angpsies this is si, Scarborough, deltoid muscle at the top of the Catholic school, and just fices here ir Murray. accordipg ter H. M. -The.. bird leaves the trap at and Paris, 7-5,6-3, Sunday in before By l.,n.ted Press shoulder. Oerter scientifically sel- the .game we' lost, I a'te manager. The office is located at Room 105 Gatlin Build- around 50 or 60 miles an hour. the final of the Atx-en-Prov- meat. ected the "mettle,' method of I: was on Friaay and we ng. There's delay while the eye tells Back in 1936, a teen-ager in ence Ineernational tennis turna- lost kr weight lifting to develop this tha. night to Mount St. Marys." C. Lowry. head of the Social Science Departz 'he brain, and the brain tells"41licago could slir Irina p pool mere. Gerderar Mulkey of Miami, Dr. C. muscle and works out regularly. Smith said his biggest thrill Whiteside' in Sock and .our. pointing, hand and Your at the Lake Shore Athletie Club Ea., and Mimi Arneld of Red- AEI nent will appear as Sheridan The native of New Hyde Park, was gaining the small college .i.gger finger. There's a 'ime and crack every listed worid weeed City, Calif., wen the mix- 3uskin's production of "The Man NS ho Came To Dinner", N.Y.. will receive his degree championship in the first small teet . in the trigger. one in the back-stroke record on the books ed cieubles charnerenshep. the College Auditorium. in business administration flex. school ratings by May 6 and 7 in spring: one in the ignition and in just a practice swim. That the United the Tigers of winter, and then head for a Press. Scoring five- runs in the fourth inning, another in :he time it takes was before young Adolph Kiefer career in public relations vol FERRARI WINS GRAND PRIX Memphis State spoiled the opening game of the season 'he charge to catch the bird. began to compete in earnest. decision a continuation of discus le e SYRACUSE, Italy 121 Willie Jones' Son Dies °CT • NI 'or the Murray Thoroughbreds by taking a 7-4 "Your lead has to compensate Thereafter he wrote his .own i'ort more with the New York .-c Muss:. -1 !tab. driving the only BROOMALL. Pa. IP -Tim- .n a Saturday afternoon designed for' football for all thees things. In :he backstroke records into the books his sullen Club. It's a safe bet Ferrari ,ii the event, v.ton the othy Jerete, three-year-old son meantime the bird. is heading and swept the Olympic crown that ne'll than baseball, show up again at Grand Prix of Synacuse ttnrd basemen Itantez _ -tram-yen and-your -Mat it WO meters in 1936 - wale the 1960 Olym- Sunday. Willie Jones PUs. Ted Williams Sec of 12 starters finished the of the Iststindelptit'a Milks, *Tlith is spreading out. If you're late new record of 1:05.9 that' stood flied But in the, immediate Red Sox Sunday of pneumonia. Realtor in getting the shot there, the until 1952. future there is a duel "The n pattern will be 90 wide it might Whatever happened to Adolph shaping with Babka a: the National of I not tatich the bird." Kiefer? Today. now 39. he still Collegiate championships in die tacit Garlingtrin has hunted since lives in Chicago where he makes Berkely, Calif., June 13. II out!" he was a boy on a 1.306-acre swimming pool and water ski It soles "It's geina to be some farm near Cedartown. Ga. gear match," Best Reason - Oerter said, "I - feel like I can't •"Now Rail...for it." the pad. Rr met FURNEY TAKES ROAD RACE in the ----strovirclaes PALM SPRINGS. Calif. ni - ,c quick, d Dan Gurney of Riverside. Calif.. npped ai EXHIBITION 1 pnd, Iii 1 driving a Ferrari, won the lith World bits) to ,nnual Pam 0 Springs road race a nail d Sunday. Carr :I Shelby of Dal- the er001% I Baseball Results las. Tex., Lnisihed second in a VO la' Maseraii. Your Family gathered _ - vieth flit hand stil itee r. Loser-Ktc - By UNITED PRESS W.nner gon ne ge Should Have belle and Richmond, Va. People 60 to 80 At At Baltimore, Md. porierts 0100.00e 010-1 5 1 Cs.. 000 200 010-3 5 1 Int. 000 206 03x-.5 8 0 Bait: . 011 000 000-t-2 8 2 Tear Out This Ad away fro F • rn.e. Schroil (6).porter- Babe, Jeffcoat (4). lc-mei:Len door. Le:d i Ui and Da:0,y. Pailits•ni (7). Wight (8) and Detterer. and mail it today . to find "I'm I Alt, "Pk 1.1, I8,. C .rees. James (11, a n d Peppas, Harelernan (5), Lralk- out how you can still apply for RINIct an)'i 110;•• JAI•• .• Coates. be killed C. meriand. WInner owski (9) and Tnandro, Gins- a $1.000 life insurance policy SiffMOS/ Mt!SillilD For a r ts • L ,ser --Forrs:eles. HRs to help take care of berg (7). Winner -Klippote.n. final ex- him. lie hnson. Leer -Hershman. penses without burdening your FOR HOSPITAL CARE • FOR SURGICAL RENEFITS .._s hesitated. At Columbus. Ohio At Las Vegas, Nev. family. been so • You handle the entire trans- to nee it 14 Blue Cross and Blue Shield give Pitts. 004 300 071-15 0 IN) (a)0 lue 000-1 3 0 action by mail with OLD AMER- the kind Marta G•is. Int. 100 100 000- 2 7 2 Los 000 00x-4 of reliable protection your family needs. A. 202 7 0 ICAN ,,f KANSAS CITY. No Here's How You May Apply: "inert." a Daniels. Geese 18) and Pollee, Drett, Ph:limps (6), 'and Nee- obligation, No one will call oh Children of members are covered by their going". Kravitz (8). Pepper, Gibbon (51e man. parents' family Plan from age MgDovitt, Bessent (9) and you!, - 30 days to GROUP. Ar• there 5 or more persons where you His fit Rand. furtive g Arreye (8) and Cabala It:gnats:in: Winner - McDevitt. Write today, simply giving your 19 years. work? Ask your employer about forming a El,. ever he a (6,. Winner -Darnels. Loser - Ler_T e--Drett. HR -Wade: - name, address and year,of birth. If you belong to a Group Plan, you may Cioss•Blue Shield Group. Wit Ram .Popper. KR; -S)cinner. Thomas At Philadelphia Mail to Old American Inseetance o,,,eocontinue protection when you retire or 2. New FAMILY OR INDIVIDUILL• Apply noes, if you ore o got It all Yet 012 001 - 04--Io 14 2 Co.. 3 .West- 9th, Dep.. L416B, ' change jobs. Dependents of deceased Kentuckian, 65 or under and in rfane ou strixe eeeinst CBS pace before 001 000 618- 5 8 2 Kansas City. Mo. Group members may also good heol/h. Us* DISTOIRTION-Tr:hnietans on At Omaha, Neb. keep their pro- IC. below, herr Will statiuns were Ford, Shantz (4), Dinner (8) coupon WI3EM-TV in Chicago. This and other CHB C:eve. 010 000 025-8 11 1 'stection. Children who become 19 years of -Jack!' ••• • • •••• • • • • n and Ber ra. Sanford, S.nem , ,ns sick: Gil operating on -emergency napta San Fran. 000 301 001-d 8 2 age may continue. (6) and b =plata. Winner --.F ,rd. It's Ms! — — Grant, W.:helm 16), Lerrein 'Loserlifia -Berra, Eradicate Prevent you!" (8) and Nix -n. Br iwn (6). Bisu or. IS YOUR FAMILY Leaf* IK Werthington. Birrrrkde Gris- USE THIS HANDY COUPON - MAIL IT TODAY! • 111 that amp s MI (9) and Testa. Winner - At Kansas City, 1st. game. PROTECTED FOR HOSPITAL weather I Murray Lumber Co. Inc. 14-rn:Jri.- lete,e HRs' Sr. 1...,11.n 000 000 010---1 6 I AND SURGICAL CARE • "Custer -Verrr.r., Jab:, nett; -Avila. Kans. City' 003 110 20x-7 7 4 BLUE CROSS HOSPITAL PLAN, INC. thing wit "EVERY FOOT A SQUARE DEAL" At Milwaukee Barnes, Jickessin (5), Clark IF AN INCURABLE 231 WEST MAIN STREET MURL-4 in any 10 Past pilot 104 East Maple St. Phone 262 Dieneit 000 020 001-3 11 0 (3) and H. Sarth. U r b •tr n, The LOUISVILLE 2, ICY. Destructive Termite CONDITION DEVELOPS? thin mein 'NI Ow. 011 022 01x-7 8 3 Trucks (9) -and WSmth. W.n- FREE INSPECTION Please send me information and an application for Blue born will 11111•11 fMr H Bunning (5). Fey tack Ayr -47. Urban. Lo,ser - Barnvs. Hr hal Apply Now! Cross Blue Shield. I am a Kentuckian, 65 re, Lary (7) and Wilson.' Bur- HR TERMITES or under and and champ 1. IF WE SELL IT WE SERVICE IT ••e, Th 'v.-bridge (6) and Cran- At kens. City. 2nd game 14 in. in good health. For ft .11. Winner -Burdere. Loser Se L. 000 020 000 000 00-2 8 1 — Licensed & Insured — moved, ru Banning. - Pafke, But- K'. C. lUk:,100 OW 000 01-3 13 II NAME_ • ran throti 1 SAM KELLEY WITROSS llyrrre. Leivenginke adapt (5), W,41- ' toonser•d by your ward the Kentucky hoer:solo!. howling r At irituanspous. Ind. rmer (9), .y. McDareel (12) arid ADDRESS (C>BILBREY'S Phone 441 The tops •000 200 241-9 Kett, 10 0 Leindrith (1). Maze:. 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I • A- • ‘ • ir

o 7-7"5"Ss. , , • RIL 14, 1958 MONDAY APRIL 14, 1958 LEDGER & TIMES— MURRAY, KENTUCKY PAGE THREE ith most stisfying - intimte, bright pitals. The results were excellent and off-the-cuffy. in most., of them. In one .keries Jack Paar I recall one eyeing on the Good News of 50, 45 were relieved'. In some show in which Jonathan Winters cases, psoriasis cleared in two By and Cliff ("Charlie Weaver") weeks. • Juices Up Arquette exchanged unpleasan- For Psoriasis By chemical name the new tries in a session almost un- drug is 9-alpha-fluoro-16 alpha- ams elievably funny; another in hydroxypredenisolone. Hs trade TV Season which Genevieve, Paar's French Sufferers name is -aristocort transcino- vocaliSt, pursued a protesting lone." It is available only by Ile per word for one day minimum of 17 weeds for 00. — Is par ward for throe days. 01ri111ed ado are payable In advanorm L HENRY Gypsy Rose Lee with a pair doctor's prescription, needless to Sports Writer of hair clippers; shows in which say; since all adrenal hormones sE, Ohio ail -He Hermione Gingold and Hans By DELOS SMITH and their 706 Otive. Ptvune 131-W after arrangements now. Will mow at By WILLIAM EWALD derivatives are danger- :tullege basketball Corutied exchanged urbane syl- Wilted Press Science Editor ous in untrained —FOR RENT 5:00 p.m. A13P any time or will make contract United Press Staff Correspondent hands. is gained national lables; and a couple of outings NEW YORK Ill'I - Cheery 1 to mow regularly. A17nie NEW YORK IIP/ - There's not acclaim. in which Bsitain's Peter Ustinov news. for psoriatic people is that FURNISH:ED APT., electric heat, much doubt that the NBC-TV DI HAIRCUTS IN FILM by National Bas- HAVE TOOLS, Will Rent. Wax- private spun out anecdotes in an Ameri- pharmaceutical science has come bath & entrance. Water NOTICE "Jack1 Paa,r Show" has shot tion teams to play vacuums, can accent. across something (at last!) which ers, orbital sanders, furnished. Pb. 1067-W. A14F most of the juice into a TV LEXINGTON, Va. IP - Singer The Paar allow has proveded seems to work for them. lawn rollers. Starks Hardware, season that has seemed squeezed Pat Boone, Tommy Sands and Smith, 6-6 center a generous showcase for young Psoriatic people don't need be 1* , and Poplar. Phone- 1142. Ma Stresses Rebuilt Ilse new. out and sand-dry. Gary Crosby will get GI haircuts .e's small college Services Offered I comics like Mort Sahl, Milt told their disease, psoriasis, is TFC West Ky. Mattress Mfg. Co., The Paar show has its faults. here in the next few days for non.ship team. Kamen, Shelley Berman, Paul one of the most demoralizing of Pad]bnah, Ky. Murray represen- Musically, it falls below the their roles in the film "Mardi e Barons to a 24-1 Lynde nd Elaine May and Mike man's, diseases, in addition to ONE ROOM with 2 beds, priv- WILL clean up trash and haul tative Tabers UphoLstery Shop, late evening standard set by the Gras," which deals with the ,ason and gained Nichols. It also has shown off being one of the most historical' ate bash, $4,00 each per bed. away. Also general hauling, 101 N. 3rd. Phone 549. TFC old Steve Allen "Tonight" show romance of a Virginia Military if numerous NBA older comics - Lou Holtz, Henny and one for which little can be Also one room with two beds, floor waxing and house clean- with its very hip and swinging Institute cadet. ould like to sign The FIX IT SHOP!, now open. Youngman, Georgie Jessel - to done, $2.00 each per week. Hot and ing. L. D. Foster, phone 1176. singers, Steve Lawrence, Edyte club. Specializing in repairing lawn advantage. s lt is a patchy, spectacular, and aski water in. all rooms. Al5P Gone and Andy Williams. It by Knicks Beale mowers, power we and motors, Strangely enough, Paar, a gift- undightly skin eruption of un- has had its arid stretches in • one college offi- Hotel, 301 1;2 Main. Call 9109. electric & gas appliances. Back ed soft-sell comic, sparks his known cause with the ability WANT YOUR YARD mowed which nothing much has happen- v York Knicker- Hendon's Ser. Stk. Wahwit show best when he plays to maintain itself indefinitely. FURNISHED APT., 3 roughs arid this summer? Call Jimmy Wil- of on ed at all. It has had its strained straight .raft Smith in the Clyde Hendon, man for his guests. Slime All sorts of remedies have been bath, private entrance, adults. liams at 1103 and make your St. Phone 82. moments, particularly when Paar of the annual t. • his show's most engaging mo- tried over centuries but none player operator. TFC and his sidekick, Dody Goodman, ments have occurred when Paar has worked consistently. Answer to Saturday's Puts'e were feuding. he Harlem Globe- CROSSWIDAD PUZZLE CARD OF THANKS just sat back and set up a hust- Discovered Accidentally And even worse, it has had- d him $2,000 to We wisiti to express our ap- ings for Winters, Jim -Backus, The new remedy was discover- ACHOSt: :4-- A I: 51“-cion a RD Ira and still has - its terribly em- ual tour with the . 0 preciation to all those who were Minnie Pearl. and Robert Briscoe, ed by accident. 1-Dr. Seymour 1-Fabulou• bird -311 -t0isator al raugo , barrassing moments when guests ars. However, he so kind and generous in their formei mayor of Dublin. Bernstein and his associates of , 4 .. lillr sons by iti hasp •g• CM Min and regulars have fawned over td to complete his li- Puwdrres1 ti ks M glf11114 DOM contributions to us in the loss of Pretended Embarrassment the Lederle Laboratories of Pearl pumice 41: A:rm. it irsT- Paar, reassuring him to the MUD WROR our tisane by fire. About the only regular among River, N.Y., were experimenting 12-111hIll 4S-littartraual MCQU5 TEARS FOR CHERYL-' !la Tur- point of nausea about his like- • -Sitirth's coach, 17. so.aing voice - performances 114 =IOU of you find such Paar's stable that I remain un- with the molecule of cortisone, 11-14riphiiiil Ise 47orlirlight beyond - U000 BUMP] May each ner weeps in car after leaving ability and the worth of his about his .big star enthused about is Elsa Maxwell, one of the 28 hormones manu- vela...ran 'Measure TAW OUPD :ii friends It your time of need. Juvenile court in Los Angeles show. n a bigger star 15- Number 41ti-Poreraair• who appears each Tuesday to factured and secreted by the 16 -V44.41wurker •pronoun - T E 9 !l3112MIR III Lamton Peeler & Family without her daughter Cheryl. Intimate and Bright gush about the Duke and DuChess adrenal glands. -- L 8) 9 Is -Fairs 62-Tiny particle MAD f..11:1M0 MO The 14-year-old must remain I wish Paar would stop worry- e of the greatest 241- Waldo 41 Region angum or of SOmething or Other. She When supplied from the out- 21-f•nrent trollop.) 54 Horn LAND TRANSFERS In custody till a hearing April ing and quit, fishing fur verbal ners miumau MOWN strikes me as a kind of side to victims of arthritis and that I have 23-Iskitgl In IL cuts 24 in the fatal stabbing of posies from his guests. For elderly, Mrslitetrancan 14 Tahlelani PINAU N151111 Jerry Mack Vaughan and the Cuzma said. -I've Stum- i verfed Elvis . Presley, gyrating related diseases, (thus, augment- 25-14rod coating , 57-Ship channel Shirley Jane Vaughan to T. C. Lana's. boyfriend. Johnny record, he's going fine. When his individuals sive (pi I panato. Onternattottail her mental pelvis with calculated ing the output of their own 117-(lirl'a name 4-South Miller and Ethel Miller; lot. show clicks, it is TV as its New Yorks Phil- ri..t r•,, larr..e DOWN exuberance while Paar pretends adrenals) Cortisone will reduce -.4-43444.14414 Lade Crreenfreid- and- 0. -E. Kansas City, ^wiel- et - nreaktaet food rodent -QUICKIES shock and embarrassment. . 'painful -swellings and limber stiff 33- Ph hes f om te-ii arnine signal Greenfield to Haywood Rose and by kenRiynolds She attacks obvitius sitting I joints. But after a time it causes d his owr. in that moving +oat I Poem 41--Brook 3 -Piot secretly 7-Uppermost Minnie Rose; lot. ducks like Jayne Mansfield and "side effects" which can be Part John H. Hunter to Ira Kemp Linda Christian, the worse than the Kt his recognition 3 1$115.!: MI5 0 7 9 aill 11-4.iestua of oblivious to disease. ri. and Robbie Nell Kemp; 761/s at a small schos.1 0:MIS moths fact that the members of the The Lederle scientists wanted 111 5-Poker stake acres. :men: slightly ovtr 12 , 01,4 international silly set she toadies to change the modecule in a tit 10-Told talerhoods Witham E. Dodson and Juana to belong to an ever more absurd way that would retain the good • 11-Vehicles Dodson to Bruce Futrell and branch effects t, which is just a Emu R 7 .III 17-Goes in of humanity. and eliminate the bad. Ohio River 19-Wan Zora Mae Futrell; lot. But to get back to Paar and They added fluorine and hy- from 21-04ocraelns MOTHERHOOD 'MST'—Mrs. Va., Cecil B. Hopkins and Myrtle his show, despite its deficiencies, droxyl atoms to it. Animal trials doesn't hare 21 al lar WI 24 22-War god Edith Helm, the Oklahoma ir gym of its iiiir Mg 24-Latvlasi omit of Hopkins to Waiter W. Wells and it remains the most fascinating showed that this remodeled cor- own. currency woman who became the first to Wells; 10 acres. program on tisone was relatively irks out whet ever 29 26-Petty rider Deha the magic lantern. free of achieve motherhood following a iigh Nil Wiliiii „.11 Gratlf)Ing R. L. Jones to George D. At its best, it's a little like having side effects, and then Dr. Joseph scnuol floors' imsma -Strike kidney transplant, sits in plane a 29 a spontaneous L. Holander One of the gyms MI IIIu .30-lioctrinen l'hompson and Mache Pauline party in your of the arthritic In Boston just before taking off ice 32-Hawaiian Thorns's;an ; lot. living room, a party shot through clinic of the University of Penn- in last season, wreath for home, The transplant was lIghted the team 111116iiiIII ei-Mate. name William T. Outland and Eve- with flavor, wit and verve. sylvania trace it in people. received from her sister two -rloa ante, I imagine that this season, Where Psoriasis Comes In white ball.' laitM 0041all SNIT, lyn Outland to Mason Thomas years ago. The batty ts 3 week.s Points 4, .6 4 -01,eningg and Nerene Thsmas; 1st. Paar has kept more people awake That is when psoriasis came old here. (international) :: kthletle group of this MIR" ua111 44- Jackie _n Ssis at to than coffee. He seems finally in. A small. Percentage of arth- affected 47 :.:.: 44 )0 SI 42- Pretiovition soured 514 prints 148III 44 -in a row Cherlie Burkeen; 44 interest in to have found his niche with ritics also have psoriasis, yet 44-Meadows :his late evening the bulk of psoriatic people hoop in 25 games ni253 44-Sitehurn an 80 acre tract of land. offering and are FISH N' CHIPS who 588 rebounds, al- 52llI Nil so-Afternoon Joe Murton and Sue Morton knows? - with a little luck, not arthritic. Of Hollander's arth- PLATE LUNCHES party eventually, he may drive ritics, 17 were psoriatic. In 13 ! the team's total QMIIIIIIII 51-Pee to W. 0. Presison and Alta V. old PIZZA the season. Distr. by United attars Syodiests, Inc. Is Pressom lot. Charlie - Chan movies out of of the 17, psoriasis cleared at ;es himself for the business. once - and the arthritic was ALWAYS BEST ST THE the team suffered relieved. When the drug was ng of the season. withdrawn, both diseases came SOUTHSIDE MUST BE A TRICK back. u know this is a • 01. and just before WribelMti By now the drug has been DRIVE-IN t 'eel in several t • lost, I a'te meat. LONDON IP - Are Londoners hundred f th e Hazel Road Phone 1482 psoriatic in a 'riaay and we lost kt nearsighted? Suspicious? Or just number of 13687 Mount St. Marys." INOZAAMIXIMLXI:t stay-at-homes? By closing time his biggest thrill AY1V AWAYWW1 By WILLIAM FULLER Wednesday night, nobody had the small college taken tdvatifige of an advertise- in the first small tau ment printed on a four-by-five gs by the United inch card in the window of a MURRAY LOAN CO. Westend store offering two free be W. Main ,St. Tolephone 13C e?" NI rm.!" We neara the row ut Inc en- I "You told me When Ve first "Their Ledger Want Ads keep them real busy roundfflp tickets to a French ones' "YOUR HOMS-CWNED LOAN CO.' Son Dies ''ND UP. rt Jack and when we got there tri., sses• st- •ril t''• • 441 coat you — I've been here since Monday!" resort to the first applicant. L, Pa. IT -Tim- anstiondeu, waving ,t-chcruft was taxiing siowle to. 110 not know that he money nad his ward the far thy ee-ye a r- ;Id son sublisaCtufte curi. end of the short been stolen from me. is ttua mak NANCY by Ernie Bushman'', strip. As we watched it turned. • Marta?" scra n Willie Jones Remits got slowty to fus The engines roared louder now as "I knew there was 'elpfira Phillies, fried aroueo!" money. I the airplane started neck down didn't know where at came from. STOP--- WHAT'S -WRONG ?— sneumonia. Ratite: dm as ne was ordered. WHAT'S the strip, gathering speed. The I thought Jack Wag dead and I "The red velvet pad in the back GOING- ON THIS IS WHAT wings dipped as the little plane thought that I, as his of VI,LIT chart. flaolez! widow. had The mid toeght to becom. airborne. And a right to it" HERE? THEY DO ON die tacit at the top is lOWC. Take then finally, with the wind. -But even after .you knew whipped palms at the end of the where it had come from TELEVISION! F1-ittle7 removed you still the tack and strip dangerously close. it got off wanted it?" od .1 on the tioor. the ground. It fought valiantly "Yes. I . I guess so." "Now get your Wagers behind for altitude. And then, as it "Don't forget, Ramey.," I the pad. Rip it oar" said. seemed that It would clear the "You had more or iess declared Re sighed, ecpiared his trees by :inches a rust of wind war on Marta_ And on me, be- itt.lkTir ana theft with one slatted one wing down into the cause I was. on her side, We • quick, downwara motion ne top of a palm. were abducted, remember? We ripped away the thin red velvet Marta screamed and burled her were threatened. I was beaten. pad. Thomiand dollar bills turn-- face against my chest as the air- When war is declared it is more Died to the lest of the chair and plane cataKilted end over end or less customary to fight back." a nalt dozen fluttered eently to and crashed, "Ah, yea, the the floor. finally, into two of abductions," he the empty shacks beyond the air- said. "The questionings, the Fri ten moved to the chair, strip. Before we could move the beatings." He shook his head. gathered up the loose bills and plane exploded in a blinding flash 'Political expediencies' Politics with him left nand- the other of fire. The heat was so intense Is a Jungle, Dolan! Jungle tactics hand still nela the submachine that the demolished shacks, in must be employed it one is to gsn ne started scooping up loose ABBIE an' • spite of the downpour niazed into succeed! To be of aid to my poor SLATS by Raeburn Van Buren belle and tufting them in the flame and the practically people I must first battle pockets of his Coveralls. disinte- my -fty grated remains of the airplane hack Into ascendency, using a I'M YELLING FCR MERCY, KEERECT! HAVING MADE A 'Finally he finished and backed what- and the remnants of the shacks ever methods I may find to be ex- SLATS, CAN'T YOU FORGIVE SACkFUL 0' THEM MYSELF - away train the chair, toward the DEBBIE TRILL'? were a funeral pedient!" A SMALL GIRL A ESIG I'M NOT HOLDING ANY door. pyre for Jack YEAH-THIS IS THE s"CK, Forbes and his money. His voice had taken on the MISTAKE GRUDGES. "I'm going now. Need I may SLATS SCRAPPLE — deep, sonorous, rabble, rousing OK.2 theat anyone who follows me We sestet around and watched. will tones that I had heard be killed?" There was nothing else we could the night In I had been aboard the Teresa. For a moment no one answered do. a very short while the "Please, Starnes." I said. "Spare him. lie seemed dinapboilapd. He twisted Masses of hissing metal RS any long speeches. I don't hesitated. His pertormaiffk had that had once been the Beech- think we Mild take it!" been so successful that he hated es-rift's ongines were all that was "Ah, yes," he said. "I to see it end. left of the airplane. had for- gotten. You are tired. You are Marta broke the allene e. We all went back to the house. hungry. If you will both come to "Jaelt- she said. "Where are you We went into the living room. y Apply: the Teresa you will find food, hot going?" !tames stopped by Alfredo's body. water, clean clothing" He Wag His face twisted In a crafty, He stood staring at it for a mo- on, where you looking at Marta.. "We will let furnve grin. "Where no one win ment. Then he shook his head. ortmng o BIuS bygones he bygones. eh, Marta? ever he able to find me! Not you, "Poor Alfredo," he murmured. We shall sail for Miami wherl not Mimes not "Manuel! Lear' Take the thesponce. I've him to the storm has gone. got Will you come, st, if you ore o it all planned. fly Lears Teresa. He will have a proper Marta?" plane out of here and nobody burial!" id health. Use I know ft galled him, het here will ever see me again" he Lear said, -Now wait a---" said to me. "And, you, -Jack!" too, of Marta said. "You're Ramez interrupted him. "I course, Dolan." LIL' ABNER sick! (live the money to Ramez. should have you shot. Yr Al Capp But I am I could have kissed •11•11111. ••••• ••••1, It's his! Marta_ You're sick. Let us help a generous man. The money Is Right there. you!" gone and Hhinf!!-A JOB LIKE THAT -AN YO'COME TO T)-4' nothing I can do now "Thanks, Ramez." she said THEM ',ear 'poke. "You'll never get will bring 'NEW PEOPLE"WON'T TAKES WILLINGNESS it back. That's-as I steadily, "but 1 really don't like TO RIGHT MAN,BC -/PT-An • that airplane oft the ground in think you would GO BACKT''k\kADISE PARK: say it, Dolan- It much aboard your hOat. I have SHED ONES weather like t4p95 Forbes!" APPOINTS'Yd .-SDESHUL the way the hell bounces. There my own boat now, up in the Mlle. ONLESS FH.CRIME WAVE GUTS TO STAENia,1117.) "Listen, Lear! I can fly any• has been enough )NE I NVESTY-GATORy- violence. Help I suppose this is my estate now. I STOPS—SO'GOTTA thing with. wings and an engine MAr11)91 with Alfredo AGIN TH'GUNS-0'15-1-'• We Rail as think like to stay and look 0'CRIME in any kind of weather! I'm the soon STOP if!! -4 as the weather breaks. Just things over. Tinian, of course, UN IN PARADISE 7 best pilot you or anybody else in stay mat of my sight, Lear. I may want to go with you!" WORLD!! this room will ever See! I was I - have corne to dislike your fare!" I grinned. "I think Pit stick born with the nhillty to fly." ;on for Blue I When they had gone he started around awhile. And now, Ramez, He hacked through the door to sit In the chair under and the money had if you'll excuse hs. . . and disappeared been 1T)1 He made an expression He stood. He took Marta's For a tong minute no one of distaste, moved away and sat hand and kissed it, He straight- moved, no one spoke. Then we all in Another chair. ened. e ran through the driving rein to- He spoke to Marta: "1 RM no "As you wish," he said. And ward the atratrin The wind was hypocrite. I cannot say that I am then he left tis. more fiercely howling than ever. sorry that your husband Is dead. "Dolan," Marta said, "you're a The tops of the coconut palms Bet may I extend my sympathies Jerk!" were bent tow before its force, yoti?" to "Yeah," I said. "Kiss me, and baby." palm fronds screamed "Nor am I a hypocrite." Marta She kissed me. through the alr. said, "I - need nO eympathy." THE END :NT


• - ._r


PAGE FOUR LEDGER & Timms _ MURRAY, • KENTUCKY MONDAY — APRIL 14, 1958 ocial Calendar Miss Bette Lou Stamps Becomes S Bride Of Jimmy Doran Friday egllistr,Wri"11 Monday, April 14 In bnpressiveCharch Ceremony steel I The Sigrnia Department of the SIX Murray Weman's Club win meet BIG! Fir SCOTT'S Newest Fashions at the chide house DRUG at 703- in the _The program will be • a exhibit and checueeion of con- LADIES temporary art even by t h e -mirray State Art department., DA S Sunglasses H ,stesses will be Mesdames James Parker, Vernn Cehoon, Max Ceok and Louis Nerliek. APRIL 14th THRU • • • o' pastel Lc The Enzelian Class of t h e colors Fese Baptist Church will meet . APRIL 19th in the home of Mrs. Ebp Mc- Unite oon, 503 Olive Street at 7:30 in the evening. S The Matte Belle Hayes Circle of the Fine Meth, Church will meet at 7:30 an the evening Se( in the reea:tcna hatA •of the Buy one Item at its regular church. price ...Add 1 cent and get two The Bethany Smiley Scheel Class of the Pt Baptist Church Arc well meet in the home of Mrs: Came, Hendon. Olive Street at [2' CHECK LIST 7:00 an the even:Inge-Mrs. C. (7).• Use this ad as }our shopping Bob MII Benduram's group will be is list. Check the square and • bone br edeerge. ditches, • • * • order in advance if you wish. e:c., but Tuesday, April 15 Your Druggist will gladly lay lien bet Circle It of the WSCS. Feet away -your order to be picked Methx1Le, Church wll. meet at 2:30 in the afternoon in the up at any time during the Sale He's tai home of. Mrs. Bun- Swann. 403 loseeohice svelte-nth llkh street. a "Vote . ei • • _e_. Famous CLriea tans Oast. A personal Cirev,I of the First 3detivechst -irritating Church'ts WSCS win meet in non • Smallest the eocial hall a the church at safegua.d for eat his 2:30 in the afternoon. -*igisseir daintiness. cams * • • • Your choice • 12-0z. that tha of necklaces Reg$1.19 MetistAse WSCS Cirele II be_ will meet in the home ,:if Mrs. pins or earrings Appa rut J. B. Wits,in at 2:30 in thf after- much ol noon. Mrs. J. E. James wil: be to eat h hostess. 57c MOUYN WASN MRS. JIMMY DORAN fl Chlorophyll 12-oz. . 258° We 1"911111.11111.114010711111PL... - .. • raMINPV" WM& are The t.*usie Department El 69c Rubbing Alcohol dr has reoo of the In an isvp-essive cererneny,' and tulle over taffeta de= CHECK THESE Murray Woman's Mule will meet Physicians & Surgeons Pt &s: I Oc BEAUTY NEEDS! • fr. m its :Miss Bette LiAl Sam. cki.ugh- with a bouffant Airt with scal- at 7:30 in .the evening a: the- ten of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Seped lace panels. A feature of 1--1 45c TOOTHPASTE dub house The peeignam will Stimps. was married to Mr. the dress was, long pointed Walgreen large Tube Perfection Ray Mu be "Music WLive WItIS." 246c Hee- J.mrny Franklin Doran, son of sleeves ending in pearl desigrvs. pleasure eetees will be Mesdames N. 69c MINERAL OIL B. Mr and Mit; Th'.imas CLfees Her sweetheart neckline w a s what he Elks. Ghndel Reaves, Wolgrtien W. S. Deraa, Frey. April -11 at self-appliqued in lace and seed Pint 210c HAND rests on Sarr Vermin sts isen. B Men's or_ Ladies' seem 'o'clock in the everting in pearls: The silk illusion veil was 55c iron fere Furgertsn. Mteses Lillian Tate BISMAIIINE TABS2:56c ' the En , Grove Baptist Church. etbine length and the 'tiara ing sift and Made-:yn Lamb. 0 Bottle of 100 LEATHER • • • * , The detible ring ceremony was featured a leaf design wit h CREAM at:ached pert, nned by the Rev. M. T. pearls. The bride's bouquet was 39c BORIC ACID is..abeut Powder or Crystal S-oz. BILLFOLDS With The Dorcas Class of the First Roberts et before a large group a caecade of white Butterfly Ei 2400 heart of lanolin steered of relatives and friends. roses. spray Your choice of about th Repose Church win meet a: the The orchids and Fenter- 39c SUPPOSITORIES 4,An c to soften and protect • ' couple repeated the vows under ed with a purple many Murray EA:citric Building at 6:30 orchid. Her Adult or Infant .2.s..-.• L ..... your hands. MI the evening. A a wrought iron arelh decorated jewelry eke:masted of a mimature 0 styles & Metter - Leaves hands It is ger Daughter pa: luck -with plurriesus a n d greens. etiver--lie-art lecke? arid STIliall lik INK TABLETS grains 2 rit chnner will silky soft McClure he served. If bringing mother Burn'ng tapers arid of caltured pearl •a rrings. a gift Holland Linen finish cORMULA 2r 11 131"uquets El 210° 20 & fragrant. (se guesses bete i ,-rig flowers _ were fashiened from •_h groom. 19c SPEED SHAVE 9-Ounce 1.1 number .if guet4ts in to into the arch and tw standards 29c Wool I A sign it Miss Louise Sines served as 41,11, CREAM Phe. ne 1610. I of sock tulips and chrysanthe- El 10-oz Po-Do. Aerosol 2i110c Carter E maid of teeter She wore an •• nrarns were placed el either SPONGE I 7 79c Bobbie Bath will give aqua crestallthe taffeta dress de- 5c Fruit Drops or Mints SHAMPOO I side. A seven-branch candle - 8-Ounce The sip The WM1: of signed with low bodice Your choice by Luxury - L sU Lanolin ; Pine or the rrst Baptist bra read directly behind and lines, wood an Church bouffant skirt and a low seoup- 2i3O c floral scented. . have its general Was decorated with term and 55c BABY SHAMPOO qr Ece rich meerng ed neckline covered for a fluffy L this afternecn at 2:30 oahre. Farreibs pews_ were mark- Physicians & Surgeons. 4-oz‘jinlilr Murray —at—the eellar effect with two crurch. The program. ed with white satin bows. brased e "Fstermg Wide well be folds of taffeta. Her tam was. even try arcie V. Prue:keg the cerenveny. made of aqua net and taffeta 0 Mc BODY MASSAGE 4,a9i GIne la sr • •. • Wa•ters presented a pro- ve"ith peer. She earned a cas- Physician & Surirjoraons16-cra Ajai age in. The Murray gram music including -My cade of ;emit Scnsaten ruses. A.sesernbiy of 0 Ilamb ea• for G.-le wit: meet in HeaHeart Ever Fas_hiNi.." by Bach: $I•WilntW N Miss Juilth Ann IN•was, jun- Saybrooks the L idge Hai: at 7:30 in the Du Bitt Die Ruh" by Schubert; Pint Baxter a Etude In E Maier".; ior bridesmaid, wore an aqua England even:rig 19c Zinc Oxide Oats psis arid - dress des „sened in the fashion of lir( ty stir, Cher de Lune". Deteassy. ,in size Keller Antibiotic the dress worn by the maid 0 1/12-os. y retu i Mrs Her ed Glenn D Tan sang . 4 teener. Her beequet Re;ular ~Because" by cimartie:ie d was pink 98c SHAVING BONS agrie St-neat. et roses • :-Oh Pr m:'-e- Me" try K 'yen. and she wore or lotion by Briargate pink resebude in her Ail Jimmy II rsk ng -•he Yews. she wing hair. 9 Serving ;3 2k TR. IODINE bil Acing •71.•'S The L_ rd's Prayer". les brother as best serape. H ENDS ,rrks- and man was Th rrs Dsran. Ushers El U.S.P. Quality 1-oz...... 2i304 gress the 71do:SE were Dallas T. Deran. Ge..ege- TLESDAY .nn.. ...Wedding March" 59c Po-Do Nair Dross NOW! Ed Welder ip, Rey Albert Weseh- AYTINAL Regular $5.59 Aytinal 260. rher woe v. ere used. JR. L L1 5-oz. Bottle est: and J iiri Michael 111 Rayburn. Vutanuns & The- bride. even In marriage _The bride's 'mother was 111 attir- SUPER POTENT EmpireV•11.tabl--29c Brisk The new by her father. wore a waltz- ed in a LiLS Ann MINERALS Vitamins & model of im- Hand or : _be eerne• --SeneeLie-e • -at ierrted- navy wont yr. olds. ---- 230c. ntiny -awe- _th a broth-sib 3 to 12 pie can detail in back 3k CASTORIA and accented at 013;:itito!)eo 290 ample fo RITA the necicLne with a large white 2' Ola-Beron-12 MINERALS Ei Mild, Children.. 3-or- 2:wP in° rik pique , OLAVRONI2 minerals collar. Her accessares vitamins, 9 -1 1 45c BABY OIL di) I ith its blood building liver,.1 11 A eil The Ber were navy, and while. She wore Reg. $2.99 The family Physicians HAYWORTHi T F 399 & Surgeons 5-oz L:VW 3 into the K F) sake a esurple orchid corsage. iron and coPper. plus the vitamin. Geriatric Elixir fatigue-fighting 0 -198c Diaper Rash Oint, op ack DIAMOND RINGS Mrs. Dsrare 413ottle 1002 p Mason F metier of the 12 or dram Physicians& Surgeons 1 1 2 oz L 1 i 44 b groin. ds 'Se a Beliciano origt- Vitamin B-12 2F 560 ie rig nal twe piece sue in seafoom crsh Ser FIMIK green. Her hat was in a match- ing COLD Driving shade and her FIGHTERS AT SAVINGS! gel a et. were beige. She _were a %%Ilse $3.50 FASHION RITE e,..251 SINATRA orchid cormoge. Dietary Supplement 80's L ig int kind War: en Immediately f ellswing t h e 11- 29c Calamine LOTIONacsm, Bu rrnan ceremeny. the -1-or COW' couple left on an 1 Plain or phenolated a little eau unarm eenced wedding trip. Fir „ of Mrs. . $1.59 MOTH PROOFER KIM her going away outfit, the bride A SPIRIN Blain* $300.00 these a - Youthcraft design - 111 Pine scented 10-oz Aerosol 216° Darrell navy word with navy Wedding Ring $175 and white 98c Ant, Roach Spray 2,99, out care NOVAK aerevemetee. She wore a vehlte • plastic d entsoirrt Se, str,•, Arse& Dolph I Across •.• P.1.,*1 Tax orcted °corsage. • used for Always Easy Credit at $1.49 INSECT SPRAY 0,0150 .5 WALGREEN is the la The couple will make their ri Walgreen fl Non DDT l2-oz. Aerosol L Grain D Anefrin .P. . home at 1100 Main Street while Antihistaminic Best wis attending .Murray Si,te Pre-Electric Antihistamine ( FURCHES College. 69c :70 4 roan Wit Out 4 town guests included c H ASPIRIN COUGH Shave lotion 4-oz. Po-Do- 2 COLD fatt_ seves ra JEWELRY Mrs. L B. Summers of teuft'nt Nharne SYRUP • Fla., ar.d Mrs. John F. Story, 49c Saccharin Tabs TABLETS matirION TABLETS August TecHNeauirelte- 5. 4th St. Ph. 1934 Paris-, Tenn. Effervescent 250's 1,4 gr. LEITIELTMED rt°tPlePerV90 Tube 2 F and one Ei 25c TOOTH BRUSH l'Xe 20'994 week. Rehearsal Dinner of 24. :90C Voludent Oval or tufted . a 13°kfl. °C that rem Melsnd Mrs T C Doran were 2.26c 100 at 2 fc 50c 1 hosts *or the Stamps - Doran s...,T7, 7 29c C LOR BOO coca The Ten wedding -retiaanaal dinner Theirs- T DArlgreen Guaranteed (or -TT lett: V. I will be -; ANNOUNCEMENT day evening at their th crayonS..... home on •••.,Tome- This wik •• the 'Lynn Grove COSMETIC BAG Highway. El a ry fur Dimmer was served Purpse buffet FILM i 1 Durable plastic - 9° Syst ern. • DR. WILLIAM T. DOSS ' dtaie and the hone, was decorat- ouNo. 127120 IL 620 9C8hrcomIcee_Clarteer Scoop ed threughout in spring flowers 3R 884 to Announce the Opening and pink roses. The guests were 0 Qualify Glory Poly Packed seated at card tables which held fl PACK ROLL PACK El CLOTHiSLINE of His Office Individual rose 89c198c centerpieces. Tough fihre 50 ft Present were MialS Bette Irei NYLON H3SIERY DISH TOWELS E] Values Up to $2.49 ri 29c BABY PANTS Pt For the Practice of Chiropractic Stamps. Jimmy Doran, Miss cinfrrir=§ Vil1in2=3 Louise Jenes, Mes Judi t I J Frnbossed plastic 2i45* Re's-. M. 109 T. Robertson, ri 63c Rubber Gloves S tut his 1111 Ma]_n Struct Da las T. Deran, George Ed 5115 guage-denier 31"A Packof (I TOOLS Quality by "Test Rite" and, mu, Waldrop, M ; k eer. — wow' 2996 Appointment. s. Rayburn. Roy • rain bock By Wantherly, Mss le:Lan Waiters, Many different 99 Fever Thermometer L today 68 Thomas Doran, E] Silver lit GOLF BALLS Oral or rectal . ... Hours Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Mrs. L.. D. Sum- ,i. tools at say.nlings c nesclay n mers, Mr. arid High compression for i Mrs. Glenn Do- ' 3ogF 99c Your them: oy Poly Nair Brush ..B:00 ran, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Doran, longer, truer 9:00 am. p.m. .. •Phone 115 dris•es with breathing bristles 2P Some Mrs. John D. Stamps and the Lssaisvill hosts. S. duoah 5 Covirsga or Hopkinev Eva

• • • `"-7"."'""ill"...01101111,141k...... ;.e.O.serfeTWerre