Iraqi Red Crescent Organization

The Internally Displaced People in

Update 26

16 September 2007

For additional information, please contact: In Iraq: 1. International Relation Department manager [email protected]; Mobile phone: +964 7901669159; Telephone: +964 1 5372925/24/23 2. Disaster Management Department manager [email protected]; Mobile phone: +964 7703045043; Telephone: +964 1 5372925/24/23 In Jordan: Amman Coordination Office: [email protected]; Mobile phone (manager):+962 796484058; Mobile phone (deputy manager): +962 797180940 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007


Iraq has been through multiple wars and oppression for over three decades. Towards the end of 2003 and 2004, Iraq became the battle ground and regional arm conflict to settle scores with different factions.

Insurgents bombed the Holy Shrines in Sammarra in March 2006. This attack ignited sectarian and ethnic arms conflict throughout Iraq on a scale never seen before. Thousands of Shiites had fled Sunni areas and vice versa. Christians also fled from Sunni areas to . These recent events, in addition to decades of severe oppression and sanctions fractured the integrity of the civil order and society in Iraq.

Recently in Kurdistan, the safe haven for many Iraqis became involved in armed conflict too. Both the Iranians and Turkish military were bombarding the border villages with artillery shells for days and weeks. Thousands of villagers left their homes and migrated inland for fear of their lives thus compounding the refugee problems in Kurdistan.

The Oxfam Organization reported that there are eight million Iraqis in need of urgent help. This number constitutes one third of the population in Iraq. Two million of those Iraqis are internally displaced throughout Iraq. Two million Iraqis are externally displaced in a number of neighboring countries. As of 31 August 2007, more than 77 percent of the internally displaced Iraqis were women and children under the age of 12 (see table 1 and 2, and chart 1 and 2 for detailed data). In addition to their plight as being displaced, the majority suffer from disease, poverty and malnutrition. Children do not attend schools and are being sheltered in tents, abandoned government buildings with no water or electricity, mosques, churches, or with relatives.

The Iraqi Red Crescent Organization (Iraqi RC) thus has a mammoth task to alleviate the suffering of this vast number of Iraqis. The Iraqi RC continues to be the only effective relief agency able to work throughout Iraq with little or any problem. The Iraqi RC has 5,000 employees throughout Iraq with 300 offices or representatives and 95,000 volunteers.

The following updated statistics on the Internally Displaced People (IDP) in Iraq was compiled by the Disaster Management Coordinators in the eighteen Iraqi governorates in cooperation with the army of Iraqi RC volunteers. The Iraqi RC statistics showed that the number of IDP increased by 71.1 percent in August. The vast majority of this increase (96.4 percent) was in (see table 3 for distribution of IDP by governorates). Also, children constituted 51.3 percent of total IDP- a 12.6 percent increase since 31 July 2007.

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 2 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

Table 1: Monthly increase in the numbers of Internally Displaced People for 2007

Month % % % Number of Families Number of individuals 2007 children women men January 85,368 447,337 36.5 33.2 30.3 February 99,714 498,916 37.8 33.0 29.2 March 106,779 575,773 38.5 32.6 28.9 April 116,032 852,310 33.9 34.8 31.3 May 140,607 1,024,430 37.0 33.1 29.9 June 142,260 1,037,615 37.5 32.8 29.7 July 152,002 1,128,086 38.7 31.9 29.4 August 282,672 1,930,946 51.3 25.8 22.9

Chart 1: The number of internally displaced people per month for 2007


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y y h il y e y t r r c r a n l s a a r p u u u u ru a A M J J g n b M u a e A J F Month

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 3 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

Table 2: Monthly increase in the numbers of Internally Displaced People for 2006 Month % % % Number of families Number of Individuals 2006 children women men March 6,615 46,409 39.5 29.9 30.6 April 11,879 87,300 44.6 32.0 23.4 May 19,138 125,169 41.9 31.1 27.0 June 23,450 149,772 41.9 31.3 26.8 July 28,027 174,056 41.2 31.5 27.3 August 32,409 191,169 42.0 33.9 24.1 September 42,255 358,537 28.2 37.2 34.6 October 54,728 447,214 30.4 36.2 33.4 November 65,703 380,213 40.2 31.9 27.9 December 75,943 408,319 39.4 32.0 28.6

Chart 2: the number of internally displaced people per month for 2006




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l t r r r r h ri y e ly s e e e rc p a n u u e M u J g b b b b a A J u m to m m M A te c e e p O v c e o e S N D Month

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 4 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

Table 3: Distribution of Internally Displaced People by Governorate

No. Governorate Number of Number of % % % families individuals children women men

1 3,644 16,881 63.5 19.3 17.3

2 Muthanna 1,263 7,956 47.6 27.1 25.3

3 Thi qar 2,250 13,127 46.7 28.1 25.2

4 Diwanyah 5,064 30,597 30.1 34.0 36.0

5 Basrah 3,478 17,738 46.3 30.4 23.3

6 Mousil 15,063 239,547 25.2 37.1 37.7

7 Kerbala 5,120 20,402 46.4 27.5 26.1

8 Diyala 4,668 28,159 26.4 38.6 35.0

9 Babil 7,573 58,417 52.5 25.3 22.1

10 5,110 35,770 25.0 40.0 35.0

11 9,055 65,056 20.5 39.7 39.9

12 Missan 7,100 96,975 28.6 42.9 28.6

13 Wassit 8,946 53,676 58.8 22.7 18.5

14 Anbar 12,500 97,934 39.5 30.7 29.9

15 Saladin 14,174 120,678 63.1 20.1 16.8

16 Baghdad 169,666 969,827 63.2 20.1 16.7

17 1,940 13,580 42.9 29.5 27.6

18 Sulaimaniyah 6,058 44,626 67.9 12.5 19.6

Total 282,672 1930946 51.3 25.8 22.9

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 5 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 6 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

The problem of the Internally Displaced People Several factors contribute to the hardships and worsening situation of the Internally Displaced People (IDP). Firstly, people forcefully abandoned their homes as a result of the escalating military operations and the infighting between different political factions. Secondly, becoming displaced, they were un- welcomed in their new neighborhoods. Hosting communities fear job competition and draining of the already depleted resources. Thirdly, families left their homes and properties carrying with them few personal belongings, which resulted in increased poverty and vulnerability. Facing these circumstances, some displaced families were displaced again. Some families were even displaced for three times. Different governorates took measures that restricted the settlement of IDP within their area. For example Kerbala governorate received only the IDP originally born in Kerbala; same in . Shelter is a major problem. The IDP may be classified into five categories according to shelter: Families who dwelled with relatives: This has been causing more problems to the host families. Houses become over populated when a displaced family resides with relatives. Also, both families may suffer from shortage of food. Families who sheltered in governmental buildings: These families are exposed to mortar attacks and suffer from lack of essential services, food, water and electricity. In addition, there is the risk of unexploded ordinance or bombs in these buildings. It is important to mention these IDP families may be evicted at any time. Families who rented apartments: These families are suffering from extreme raises in rent costs as a result of increasing demand. Families who built mud houses on vacant lands: This action had encouraged their relatives to do the same. This is a violation of the law, as these mud houses are built on land that does not belong to the IDP families. Some IDP started occupying empty houses, which is also illegal. Families who are being sheltered in the Iraqi RC tents set-up in a number of mosques to accommodate displaced families.

Displacement resulted in major changes in the population demography. The education sector was negatively affected by the flow of the displaced people into the different governorates. Schools witnessed significant increase in the number of students in each classroom. Many schools are operating in two shifts to accommodate the growing number of students. There is also shortage in educational materials and stationary. These factors contributed to decreased quality of education in the host communities. Children and women amounted to 77 percent of all IDP. The men who were the bread winners are no longer part of the family. They either fled or joined armed groups. Most of the displaced women are uneducated and most of the men are elderly. This is becoming a serious social problem. The IDP has limited access to health care. The lack of health care coupled with the increasing needs is having serious effects on the life of women and children. Pregnant women, infants and children are unable to get the required medical care and criminal abortion became the norms. The psychological wellbeing of the IDP is another major concern. The horrors of daily killings and explosions have a serious impact on the children and the women. Some IDP families took refuge with armed groups as they represented the true authority of the land for them. Some teenagers who lost loved ones joined the armed groups and started taking revenge from innocent people from different ethnic groups. Rape, armed gangs, theft, drug addiction was a common place among IDP. The overall picture is that of a human tragedy unprecedented in Iraq's history.

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 7 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

Iraq RC assisting the Internally Displaced People

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 8 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007


% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 3,644 16,881 63.5 19.2 17.3

Displacement locations From: Baghdad and . To: Kirkuk and Alhaweejah (Alaskri Avenue, Hiteen Avenue and Althawrah Avenue).

Branch activities

The branch received 1,250 shares of food items and 1,000 shares of non-food items including blankets, jerry cans, kerosene heater, kitchen set, and lantern. Distribution plans were developed according to the surveys of the volunteers and ration cards.

The branch distributed the food and non food items in the following regions: o Alrashad o Imam Alqasim o Alwista, o Laylan o Aliskan o Wahid Min Huzairan o Takiyah jabari o Azadi o Domes o Alhawija o Raheem o Alnidaa avenue o Dibis o Awa o Alaskar o Qadir Kram o Taba o Alasra wa Almafqudeen district o Alzab o Baklir o Alqadisiyah o Ghirnata o Arafa o Alnasir o Baghdad road o Shaterlo o Alhurriyah o Nawrooz region o Tise'n o Alshorjah o Dour Alrai o Alkhdra'a district o Alwihda o Alamal Alshabi o Almusalla o Taza o Biryadi

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 9 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007


% % % Number of IDP Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 1,263 7,956 47.6 27.1 25.3

Displacement locations From: Alyousifiyah, Abu Ghraib, Falluja, Almahmoodiyah, Alswaera, Aldors, Altaji and Saladin. To: Alwarka avenue, Alsamawa district, Alhilal avenue, Alrumaitha district and Alkhudhir district.

Branch activities The branch carried out a survey to assess the housing conditions of the IDP. Results indicated that 107 families lived in abandoned buildings or houses, 794 lived in rented houses, 371 lived with their relatives/host families. Volunteers carried out household visits and delivered relief items to IDP families to ensure that needs were met. Relief parcels contained 14 food and non-food items. The non-food items included: kerosene heater (in winter) and thermos (in summer) as well as four blankets, kerosene stove, kitchen set, jerry cans, and lantern. The branch also distributed Eid gifts. The branch prepared information sheets to be filled by IDP. Information is being updated daily. The branch received and distributed 1,000 shares of food items and 500 shares of non-food items and distributed them to the IDP according to the distribution plan.

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 10 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

3. Thi qar Governorate

% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 2,250 13,127 46.7 28.1 25.2

Displacement locations From: Baghdad, Abu ghraib, Anbar, , Kirkuk, and Hilla. To: Alfajir avenue, Alnasiriyah district, Alrefa'ai district, Souq Alshiyokh district, Alchibaish and Alshatrah.

Table 4: Distribution of IDP in Thi qar governorates by districts No. Governorate Number of Number of % of % of % of men districts families individuals children women 1 Alnasiryaih 735 3900 50.3 25.4 24.4 2 Alrifa’e 602 3715 42.9 30.1 27.1 3 Souq Alshyikh 352 2084 46.9 27.6 25.5 4 Alchibayish 265 1747 54.5 26.1 19.4 5 Alshtrah 296 1681 38.2 32.8 29.0 Total 2,250 13,127

Branch activities The branch carried out a survey to assess the need of the IDP. Distributed food items to 2,052 families. Distributed 1,139 shares of food items and 616 shares of non-food items. Each IDP family received two shares of non-food items. A field survey carried out by the branch in the Altar region indicated that there are 110 displaced families. The branch set up camps in Alnasiriyah, Alfajir and Alrifa'i. The branch distributed 490 hygiene kits to the IDP.

Needs: non food items

IDP receiving food and non-food items in Thi qar Governorate

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 11 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

4. Diwanyah Governorate

% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 5,064 30,597 30.1 34.0 36.0

Table 5: Distribution of IDP in Diwaniyah governorate by city No. City Number of displaced families Percent 1. Diwaniyah proviance 2,062 40.7 2. Daghara 115 2.3 3. Sineyah 164 3.2 4. Shafe’eah 44 0.9 5. Shameah 290 5.8 6. Mahnawea 39 0.8 7. Salaheah 15 0.3 8. Gamas 306 6.0 9. Hamza 892 17.6 10. Sadeer 91 1.8 11. Shanafeah 417 8.2 12. Efak 247 4.9 13. Sumer 113 2.2 14. Nafer 19 0.4 15. Badeer 228 4.5 16. Karama camp 22 0.4 Total 5,064 100

Displacement locations From: Alexandria, Aladhamiyah, Almashahdah, Altarmiyah, Abu ghraib and Alnahrawan. To: Diwaniyah (the whole governorate).

Branch activities The branch set up the Al-karma camp in Alsaniyah suburb (15 km to the west of Diwaniyah). The camp has 78 tents to house 106 IDP families. These IDP are in need for health center, nonfood items and electricity generators (50 kv). The branch supplied 579 families with food items The branch covered the needs of food and non-food items for 1,878 displaced families: o 210 shares of food items were distributed o 184 displaced families received blankets, kitchen set, lantern, kerosene heater, kerosene stove and water jerry cans. o 728 IDP in the regions of Efak, Al Bider, Sumer suburb, Alhamza, and Alsadir received Eid gifts o 370 IDP families sheltered in Alkarma camp received Eid gifts Needs Food and non-food items Hygiene kits Clothes for children, women and men.

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 12 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

5. Governorate

% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 3,478 17,738 46.3 30.4 23.3 Displacement locations From: Baghdad (Abu ghraib, Allatifiyah, Almahmoodiyah), Anbar (Falluja, , Alhaswah), Saladin (Samarra, Tikret), Babil, Diyalah, Kirkuk (Alhaweeja) and Mousil. To: Alqibah, Alzubair, Alhwaira, Alqurnah, Abi Alkhaseeb, Shat Alarab, Aljumhooriyah, Alharithah, Alfaw, Um Qasr, Almadeena and Alma'aqal. Branch activities: The branch had set-up camps and tents in several areas of the governorate to accommodate displaced families. These areas included: o Tents in Alder suburb (Bani Asad school) o A camp in Safwan region (56 tents), which was also supplied with food and non food items o A camp in Alzubair district, including 40 tents, in cooperation with the governorate council and the directorate of displacement and migration Volunteers distributed 400 shares of food items and 100 shares of non-food items The branch cooperated with the municipal council in Alzubair district in listing IDP numbers. Seventy displaced families where located in district. Tents were set-up in Shat Alarab region to make it as a joint operation room in the district. Field assessment was carried out to monitor the needs of the IDP. The head of branch participated in a coordination meeting held with UN coordinator in the west of Iraq, representative of , World Health Organization representative, human rights office, the directorate of displacement and migration, and the multinational forces in Basra to discuss the case of IDP.

Needs • Food items • Non-food items

IDP families in Basra receiving their shares of food and non-food items

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 13 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

6. Mousel Governorate

% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men

15,063 239,547 25.2 37.1 37.7 Displacement locations From: Baghdad, Alwihda avenue, Aldora, Samarra, Dohuk, , Albayaa, Erbil and Mousil. To: Qaraqush, Bartallah, Palestine Avenue, Alwihda Avenue, Sumer avenue, Alzuhoor Avenue, Alshurtah Avenue, Alquds Avenue, Alandalus Avenue, Alhamdaniyah district, Almasarif Avenue, Alnoor Avenue and Alkarama avenue.

Branch activities Distributed food and non food items to the displaced families. Carried out field visits to cover the needs of the IDP. Set-up a camp in Bab Alshams region- 5 km from the governorate center. The camp shelters 389 families. All families received shares of food and non food items. Constructed a clinic for the women and children to monitor the health situation of the IDP families. Delivered a convoy loaded with non-food items and medical items from the Headquarters to be distributed to the families in the camps. Prepared three meals to the displaced families in the camp to be distributed according to the formats to be filled by these families. These formats were developed by the volunteers in Mousel branch. Received relief items from NGO's including ICRC, Erbil branch, human rights center- Turkmen Front. 250 families were found living in the presidential palaces complex and they were in need for medical and non food items

Iraqi RC volunteers assisting the IDP's in Mousil Governorate

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 14 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

7. Kerbala Governorate

% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 5,120 20,402 46.4 27.5 26.1

Displacement locations From: Falluja, Allatifiyah, Almahmoodiyah, Samarra and Aldoor. To: Ein Tamur, Alhur suberb, and various places in Karbalaa (random shelter).

Branch activities

Branch volunteers visited the IDP in their areas to monitor their needs Relief items were distributed in various regions The branch had set-up camps for IDP and provided them with food and non food items.

IDP receiving relief items from Kerbala branch

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 15 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

8. :

% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 4,668 28,159 26.4 38.6 35.0

Displacement locations From: Baghdad (Alkamaliyah, Alamil avenue,.Altalibiyah, Alubaidi, Ur Avenue, Altaji, Aldora, Alhusainiyah, Alkifah, Alsadr city), Alnahrawan and Diyalah (Baquba). To: Baquba, Alkhalis, Khaniqeen, Almuqdadiyah, Dali Abbas, Mindili, Kanaan and Balad rooz.

Branch activities Carried out field visits for the IDP. Some families are being sheltered in the state institutions or in rented houses, while others are being hosted by relatives. The state institutions lack water and electricity services. Some IDP resided in mud houses that lack essential services. Most families are without supporter and suffer from severe poverty. Alkhalis district received the families from Alimarat, Alkhwailis, Hibhib, Alhadeed, Saif Saad, Alhwaish. Baladrooz districts received the families from Alassiri suburb, Sodoor, Alrafah village, Alaskiri suburbs, Imama Mansour, Alsadraniyah, Mindili suburb, Albazanyah, Qazaniyah, Alsadoon avenue, Alrisala village, Alahmadiyah village and Alikhlas. The branch distributed relief items to the IDPs. Needs Food items Medical items Non food items Hygiene kits

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 16 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007


% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 7,573 58,417 52.5 25.3 22.1

Displacement locations From: Baghdad (Abu ghraib, Allatifiyah, Aldora, Almahmoodiyah, Alsaiydiyah, Khan Dhari, Alghazaliyah, Albayaa, Alshurta, Alrashidiyah, Almadaen), Kirkuk, Diyalah, Almusayab (Jurf Alsakhar) and Anbar. To: Babil (governorate center), Alkifl, Alqasim, Almusaiyab, Jurf Alsakhar, Alsaddah, Altaleeah, Almahaweel Alneel and Almidhatiyah.

Branch activities Celebrated a circumcision party for 85 IDP kids. Most IDP families were supplies with the food and non food items. Branch volunteers distributed food items to 2,000 families and non food items to 1,000 families. Assessment showed that there are 70 families living in a complex in Nile district, 63 in Almidhatiyah, 46 in Khekan (Aljawadiyah), 82 in the complex of industry high school, 24 in Alfayadha complex, 19 in Alaskari Avenue and 47 in Alhashimiyah complex. These families are in need for sterilizers, insecticides and a generator.

Needs: 3,000 non food items 3,000 food items Hygiene kits

Providing relief items to the IDP in Babil Governorate

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 17 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

10. Najaf Governorate

% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 5,110 35,770 25.0 40.0 35.0

Displacement locations From: Talafar, Falluja, Alyousifiyah, Almahmoodiyah, Baghdad (Abu Ghraib, Aldora, Altarmiyah, Altaji, Alamiriyah), Samarra, and Mousil. To: Najaf (governorate center).

Branch activities The branch carried out an assessment in Najaf, which showed that there are IDP families in six regions. These are: o Alakhshab region in Almanathira district. o Altajawiz region in Almanathira district. o Alnidaa suburb. o Altajawiz region behind Alnasir suburb. o The region behind Alkufa stadium. o Um khashim Albarakiyah region. The branch covered the needs of 4,569 displaced families of food and non food items. Committees were established for assessment, distribution and monitoring. The regions that received the relief items were: o Governorate center o Alkufa district and its suburbs o Almanathira center and its suburbs o Almanathira office o Alhaidariyah office The branch provided food and non food items to the IDP in Al-Manathira camp set up by Ministry of Displacement and Migration. A total of 2,000 food and non food items shares were distributed. Needs Non food items for 800 displaced families. Food items for 800 displaced families. Hygiene kits.

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 18 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007


% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 9,055 65,056 20.5 39.7 39.9

Table 6: Distribution of IDP families in Duhok Governorate by region Region Number of Number of % % % Families Families Families Individuals Children Women Men from from various Mousel areas Emadiyah 394 2,291 17.7 37.4 44.8 181 213 Aqra 2,269 18,312 21.4 39.5 38.9 2219 50 Duhok center 2,037 14,004 22.3 38.0 39.7 1404 633 Smail 1,431 9,322 12.0 46.3 41.9 1140 291 Shaikhan 1,107 8,624 25.8 36.0 38.2 1020 87 1,817 12,503 20.0 39.7 40.3 807 1010 Total 9,055 65,056 20.5 39.7 39.9 6,771 2,284

Table 7: Distribution of IDP families in Duhok Governorate by ethnic group Region % % % % Kurdish families Christian families Arab families Others Emadiyah 42 56 2 0 Aqra 96 4 0 0 Duhok 70 25 5 0 Smail 79 17 2 2 Shaikhan 91 8 0 1 Zakho 78 18 3 0

Displacement locations From: Baghdad, Mousil, Diyalah and Babil. To: City center, Alimadiyah district, , Aqrah district, qasara, Faida and Smail.

Branch activities The branch distributed food and non food items to the families who were displaced from the middle and western governorates to Duhok city center, Qashfar village, Horsik in Smail, Dihi village, Aradan village, Shiladizi region, Sarsank suburb, Betana village, Enkishi region, Dawoodiyah village, Zakho district, Dartoo camp, Milabrawn camp, Faida camp, Telseen village, Misqalata village, Alhusainiyah camp. The branch distributed tents to the IDP to replace the old ones in the regions of Dishit Mili.

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 19 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

IDP families receiving relief items in Duhok

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 20 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

12. Missan Governorate

% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 7,100 96,975 28.6 42.9 28.6

Displacement locations From: Mousil, Baghdad, Abu ghraib, Almadaen, Albunook, Aldora, Altaji, Alexandria, Samarra, Alnahrawan, Beji, Alhaswah, Diyalah, Kirkuk and Falluja. To: Missan governorate, Alrwaba,old Alhussian avenue,Alhassan Alaskari Avenue, Alufoofiyah, Alkahlaa (Alsaffa, Alsarai, Altaleea, Shaheed Almihrab, Alalwa, Aldhlima), Almijar (Almua'alimeen, Alsina'a, Alrawdha, mia'a Dar, Aljumhooriyah Avenue, Alsukar Avenue, Alimam Almahdi Avenue), Almaymoona (Abu Sabe', Alqasim Avenue), Qala'at Salih, Kumait, Ali Algarbi and Ali Alsharqi.

Branch activities: The branch cooperated with governorate council, districts and suburbs councils, and humanitarian organizations in the local community, Directorate of Displacement and Migration to cover all the needs of the IDP. An assessment and field visits were carried out to the IDP gatherings to monitor their needs. Food parcels and non food items were distributed to the following regions: Alantiryah, Qalaa Salih, Almaymona, Aladil, Almajar, Alizair, Almurashah, Alkahla'a, Alkhair, governorate center, branch building, Ali Algharbi, Kumait, Ali Alsharqi, Alsalam, Almijabbas. The branch set-up a camp of 30 tents on Alimara road inside the factory building and distributed food and non food items. Another camp of 40 tents was set- up on Alimara road- Basra. Branch assessments concluded that there are 50-60 families living in the governmental buildings and old schools. The branch distributed 528 food items and 125 non-food items. Needs Food items Non food items Hygiene kits.

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 21 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007 13. Wassit Governorate

% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 8,946 53,676 58.8 22.7 18.5 Displacement locations From: Alnahrawan, Abu ghraib, Falluja, Allatifiyah, Alyousifiyah, Alhawija, Aldora, Diyala, Albayaa, Altarimiyah and Talafar. To: Kut city centre (Aljihad Avenue, Anwar Alsadr, Alizah, Alshuhada, Aldhubat district, Alsharqiyah, Alimam Ali avenue), Alnumaniyah district, Alhai district, Alaziziyah district (Alzubaidiyah suburb and Alahrar suburb.

Branch activities The branch coordinated with the municipality, Directorate of Displacement and Migration, Electricity Directorate, Oil Products Directorate, Health Directorates in the governorate and Solidarity and Peace Organization to give all facilities to the IDP. A total of 2,500 shares of food items were distributed to the IDP. A camp has been set-up in the Fun City in Kut since 9 March 2007. The camp accommodated 18 families who are in need for food, non food and medical items as well as a generator (100kv). Branch assessment reported that 600 displaced families were located in Aljawadain Avenue and other 110 families in Alhakeem Avenue. These families requested food, nonfood and medical items and generator (100kv). Needs -Non food items. -Food items. -Hygiene kits.

IDP families receiving relief items from Wassit branch

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 22 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007 14. Anbar Governorate

% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 12,500 97,934 39.5 30.7 29.9

Displacement locations From: Alnahrawan, Basrah, Alhilla, Karbalaa, Samarra, Baghdad, Alshaab,Alrashidiyah, Alkadhmiyah, Alshila and Alzubair. To: Alkarma, Ramadi, Alsoofiyah, Heet, A', Alrutba, Falluja, Alamiriyah, Alsaqlawiyah and Dhiraa Djlah.

Table 8:Number of beneficiaries in Anbar governorate distributed by region No. Region Number of beneficiaries 1 Amiriyat Alfalluja 750 2 Heet 1525 3 A’ana 516 4 Kubaisa 520 5 Albaghdadi 145 6 Hasa 135 7 Albu Farraj 329 8 Alqariyah Alasriyah 540 9 Alsaqlawuyah 550 10 Rawa 145 11 Alsofiyah 350 12 Aljulan 200 13 Alshuhada 250 14 Falluja (governorate center) 280 15 Algazwan 450 16 Alkarma 500 17 Dhra’a Dijlah 380 18 Alnia’imiyah 180 19 Alhabaniyah 350 20 Alqa’em 205 21 Birwana 150 22 Alubaidi 210 23 Alrumana 110 24 Aukashat 100 25 Alrumadi 2 250 26 Alrumadi 1 200 27 Alankoor 100 28 Zangora 200 Shamiyah 40 Total 9,660

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 23 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

Branch activities The branch field assessment reported that 200 displaced families were found in Zangoora region. A distribution plan was developed to provide them with food items. The volunteers and the staff of the Eskan and Almal’ab office carried out field assessment and located 200 displaced families. These families received from the branch 100 shares of non food items. Alta’meem office distributed 53 shares of non food items to the IDP. Aljazeera office (Albu Farraj) distributed food and non food items to the IDP in Albu Diab region. Heet office distributed 500 shares of food and non food items to the IDP in the city. Alsuhada office distributed 235 shares of non food items and 800 shares of food items to the IDP in Alrisala and Alsuhada. Alankoor office distributed non food items to the IDP. Iraqi RC office distributed 300 shares of food items and 150 shares of non food items to the IDP. Altaqadum office distributed 50 shares of food items to the IDP.

Needs Food items, non food items, medicines, medical items, first aids, drinkable water, water sanitation items and hygiene kits.

IDP families receiving relief items in Anbar governorate

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 24 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

15. % % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 14,174 120,678 63.1 20.1 16.8 Displacement locations From: Basrah, Thiqar, Baghdad (Almadaen, Ur avenue, Abu Dsheer, Alshaab, Alamiriyah, Alshila and Alzafaraniyah. To: Samarra', Beji, Tikret, Alalam, Balad, Aljibairiyah, Alkhadraa, Alqatool, Alsikak and Albu Rahman.

Branch activities Distributing food and non food items to the IDP's. Samarra' received 73 displaced families and the branch planned to set up a camp for them. There was coordination between Samarra' office and Oil Products section and a number of truck drivers to provide oil products to the IDP. The number of beneficiaries from this activity increased to 2,114 citizens. Relief activities carried out by Alqadisiyah office: o Assessed and surveyed the needs of IDP in veterinary houses and distributed non food items (kitchen set and hygiene kits) to 36 displaced families. o Distributed non food items to 400 displaced families. o Distributed 50 jerry cans filled with potable water and 37 food parcels to the IDP in Door Albaitara region. o Coordinated with sewing women house to distribute the first stage distribution to the IDP. Aldhulo'iyah office distributed 200 gas coupons to the IDP in coordination with Samarra' gas factory. The office had also set-up a tent to one of the families who had their house destroyed by the military forces. The office also carried out a survey of the 13 displaced families in the region and delivered food items to them after preparing suitable shelters for them. The branch prepared a distribution plan to distribute 2,500 food and non food items to Saladin offices. Altooz office coordinated with Alsunni endowment directorate to distribute 113 food shares to the IDP. The branch set-up three camps: Alsiniyah, Alqadisyah and Almu’alim. The first was set up for receiving relief items to the seized Alsiniyah people. Alqadisyah camp sheltered 33 families and Almu’alim camp sheltered 10 families. Food and non food items were delivered to these camps. The branch set up camps in Sukhaira, Aljalam, Alafraz and Alsayaoiyah and sheltered 10 families who are in need for food and non food items and generator (6kv). Prepared buildings for the IDP in Emara, Alshati,, Alfanar, AlAlemamain, Almughrub, Alhaman, Aljazeera, Alhaj khalaf, Alhaj Taha Alabtal amd Alhinaidi, in addition to 10 houses and they were in need for food and non food items and generator (30kv). The branch facilitated the transfer of the oil products and making oil stations for the IDP. It also facilitated the transfer of ration cards from their previous areas to the present ones. The branch participated in collecting food donations and distributing them to the IDP. It also carried out field assessment to all the camps and the buildings to monitor the needs of IDP. The Bejee office set up 15 tents to shelter 25 displaced families from Baghdad (Al-Amil, Al-Baiyaa', and the Al-Shurta Al-Khamisa). The tents were set in a school in Hay Al-Nafut in Bejee. This location was chosen due to the availability of water and electricity resources. Food and non-food items were distributed.

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Distribution of non food items to the IDP in Saladin Governorate

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 26 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

16. Baghdad Governorate No. of Families No. of Individuals % % % Children Women Men

169,666 969,827 63.2 20.1 16.7

Displacement locations: Regions that witnessed displacement from and to them are: Abu Ghraib, Alhaswa, Basrah, Diyala, Alnasiriyah, Alimara, Falluja, Alzaidan village, Alfursan village, Alsadr city, saladin, Saiydiyah, Aldora, Allatifiyah,Alkadhimiyah, Alshila, Ur avenue, Hor Rajab, Alwihda, Alshaab, Albayaa, and Alamiriyah. Branch activities Camps were set up in the following regions: Sab'e Albour, Alkhadraa camp, Alkamaliyah camp, Um Altubool camp, Alhaswa camp, Alshamae'iyah camp, Alwahda camp, Altarimiyah camp. The branch distributed food and non food items to the IDP regularly and randomly. Carried out an assessment for the mosques, namely: Najma, Burhan Aldin and Aljami'a suburb mosques, to register the number of the IDP living there. A total of 155 families sheltered in these mosques.

Iraq RC volunteers providing Psychological Support to the displaced children

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 27 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

Table 9: Number of IDP families receiving food and non food items from each office Number of Number of % % % Office individuals Families Children Women Men 1. Altarmiyah 24,850 7,400 32.6 40.0 27.4 2. Alrasheed 5,519 950 38.4 32.6 29.0 3. Abu Ghraib 12,712 2,450 40.2 30.7 29.1 4. Alhurriyah 5,000 1,000 56.0 22.0 22.0 5. Nafaq alshurtah 6,410 1,600 45.2 29.5 25.3 6. Alzuhoor 2,450 550 36.7 34.7 28.6 7. Abu dsheer 8,180 1,850 51.3 30.6 18.1 8. Alhaswa 25,515 4,450 22.8 38.8 38.4 9. Alshula 5,950 1,650 42.0 31.1 26.9 10. Haifa St. 2,440 750 36.9 33.6 29.5 11. Alkadhimiyah 4,700 1,100 42.6 34.0 23.4 12. Almshahdah 5,600 1,200 46.4 32.1 21.4 13. Aldora 5,350 1,050 48.6 31.8 19.6 14. Almakasib 7,050 1,000 40.4 34.0 25.5 15. Alamiriyah 5,100 1,375 39.2 32.4 28.4 16. Almahmoodiyah 6,531 800 46.3 30.8 23.0 17. Alsaidiyah 4,370 900 43.5 32.5 24.0 18. Hai Aljihad 2,700 800 35.2 33.3 31.5 19. Ali’lam 4,259 750 61.0 22.3 16.6 20. Alshurtah alkhamisah 1,940 500 35.6 33.5 30.9 21. Sab’e qusour 81,949 14,569 65.2 19.1 15.6 22. Raghiba khatoon 27,928 4,130 71.6 15.4 13.1 23. Hai tariq 63,220 8,954 72.4 14.7 12.9 24. Diyala br. 33,518 5,683 66.9 17.6 15.5 25. Baghdad aljidida 14,669 2,468 66.9 17.6 15.5 26. Alma’amil 27,962 4,334 69.4 16.2 14.5 27. Almada’en 15,168 1,996 72.4 14.0 13.6 28. Alkasrah 15,370 2,435 69.1 17.4 13.5 29. Algiriat 18,458 3,821 60.9 22.3 16.8 30. Alkarrada 52,213 7,459 72.7 15.1 12.1 31. Alfadhil 31,235 5,678 63.6 21.1 15.3 32. Alsilaikh 42,361 7,890 63.1 20.2 16.8 33. Alsadriyah 24,666 4,457 67.7 17.3 15.0 34. Alsadir 1 64,741 12,340 63.0 20.8 16.2 35. Alsadir 2 113,376 17,664 69.4 16.0 14.6 36. Alshama’iyah 25,722 3,839 71.1 16.7 12.1 37. Alsha’ab 22,036 3,678 67.1 17.2 15.7 38. Alza’faraniyah 14,031 2,334 67.1 17.9 15.1 39. Alrashidiyah 16,582 2,494 70.4 15.5 14.1 40. Alhussainiyah 37,952 6,784 65.1 18.8 16.1 41. Alameen 16,208 2,657 65.8 18.3 15.9 42. Alurfali 33,639 6,445 66.0 19.8 14.2 43. Aladhamiyah 30,197 5,432 66.8 18.4 14.8 Total 969,827 169,666 63.2 20.1 16.7

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 28 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007


% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 1,940 13,580 42.9 29.5 27.6 Displacement locations From: Baghdad, Baquba, Mousill and Alrumadi To: , Darato Avenue, Dashti Hawlair district

Branch activities Distributed 642 food items shares to the IDP in Erbil branch. Distributed 250 food items shares to the IDP in . Distributed 348 shares of food and non-food items to the IDP in Sideekan suburb- and branch building. Distributed 1,130 shares of food and non food items to the IDPs in Soran district and the neighboring areas and to the families coming to the Erbil branch asking for assistance. Carried out a field assessment in cooperation with ICRC, according to the joint cooperation agreement that was signed between Iraqi RC and ICRC for the assistance of IDP. The assessment concluded that there is a need for setting-up a camp in Alkhazir region. Other needs included tents and bathrooms. The relief operations were presented in video/audio media particularly space channels. Set up a camp in Al-Khazer region (40 km to the west of Erbil governorate center. A total of 200 tents were installed. Non-food items were distributed to the IDP families including clothes, gifts, toys and drawing copybooks.

Erbil branch distributed non food items to the IDP

Iraqi Red Crescent Organization; Disaster Management Department 29 The Internally Displaced People in Iraq; update 26; 31 August 2007

18. Sulaimaniyah Governorate

% % % Number of Families Number of Individuals Children Women Men 6,058 44,626 67.9 12.5 19.6

Displacement locations From: middle and south of Iraq. To: Baiwata, Rania, Diza citadel.

Branch activities Distributed 760 portions of food and non food items to the Arabic and Kurdish families displaced from middle and south of Iraq. Distributed 200 cartoons of food items to 100 families displaced from Mindili. Distributed 828 cartoons of food items to 414 Arabic families displaced from middle and south of Iraq. Distributed 111 shares of food items to the Christian families displaced from inside the governorate. Distributed 18 ICRC shares to Arabic families displaced from middle and south of Iraq. Sulaimaniyah branch got ‘thank you’ letter from the Kildanian patriarch agency in Sulaimaniyah for the branch assistance to the Christian families. Cooperated with the Governorate and the Trade Room in Sulaimaniyah, which donated some of the relief items distributed in Bashdar, Rania, Diza citadel, Baiwata regions. The branch set-up a camp to the IDP in Darabandi Bazian and Awai Hama regions. The branch distributed food and non food items to Qalawa camp, which sheltered the Arab families. The camp was set up by these families themselves.

Needs Food items. Non food items.

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