Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources PROVINCE of BRITISH COLUMBIA
Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ANNUAL REPORT for the Year Ended December 319 1960 BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES VICTORIA, B.C. HON. W. K. KIERNAN, Minister. P. 3. MULCAHY, Deputy Minister. J. W. PECK, Chief Inspector of Mines. S. METCALF& Chief Analyst and Assayer. HARTLEY SARGENT , Chief, Mineralogical Branch. K. B. BLAKEY, Chief Gold Comntisioner and Chief Commissioner, Petroleum and Natural Gas. J. D. LINEHAM, Chief, Petroleum and Natural Gas Conservation Branch. Major-General the Honourable GEORGE RANDOLPH PEARKES, V.C., P.C., C.B., D.S.O., MC., Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of British Columbia. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: The Annual Report of the Mineral Industry of the Province for the year 1960 is herewith respectfully submitted. W. K. KIERNAN, Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources. Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources Office, March 31st, 1961. A8 MINES AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES REPORT, 1960 LIST OF ILLUSTRATION%Continued DRAwrivcsContinued ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES, 1960 Introduction A Report of the Minister of Mines of the Province of British Columbia has been published each year from 1874 to 1959. Beginning in 1960, it is the Report of the Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources. The Annual Report records the salient facts in the progress of the mineral industry, also much detail about individual operations, including those undertaken in the search for, exploration of, and development of mineral deposits, as well as the actual winning of material from mineral deposits. The Annual Report of the Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources now contains introductory sections dealing with Statistics and Departmental Work, fol- lowed by sections dealing with Lode Metals; Placer; Structural Materials and Industrial Minerals; Petroleum and Natural Gas: Inspection of Lode Mines, Placer Mines, and Quarries; Coal; and Inspection of Electrical Equipment and Installa- tions at Mines and Quarries, each with its own table of contents.
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