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[email protected] Ph. 0044 (0)7(0)7770770 887597975979 - www.bestnetwww.bestnetasia.comasia.com - www.amasia-tecwww.amasia-tech.comh.com Soft Drinks Internationa l – February 2010 ConTEnTS 1 news Europe 4 Africa 6 Middle East 8 The leading English language magazine published in Europe, devoted exclusively to the Asia Pacific 10 manufacture, distribution and marketing of soft drinks, fruit juices and bottled water. Americas 12 Juices & Juice Drinks 20 features Energy & Sports 22 Waters & Water Plus Drinks 23 Poised For Global Growth 26 The functional water category has Carbonates 48 seen dynamic growth over recent years. However, consumption of Packaging 38 most brands tends to be concentrat - ed in a small number of countries. Environment 40 Richard Haffner assesses whether Logistical Benefits 30 fortified waters are likely to offer a The beverage can offers benefits to People 42 major growth prospect for the the entire supply chain, especially in its impact on logistics, writes Events 43 industry or if they might simply be a niche category. Shaun Kelly. Bubbling Up 45 Innovative Ideas 34 An early look at what’s on offer for the beverage industry at the International Materials Handling Exhibition, IMHX, which takes place at the NEC, UK, in November. regulars Comment 2 BSDA 18 Science Monitor 21 The Grape Juice Project 28 In this, the third and final part of From The Past 44 his report from Brazil, Kelvin King Buyers Guide 46 introduces the innovative Grape Global Packaging 36 Juice Project that is helping to Richard Corbett assesses how the Classified 49 enhance category perception and packaging market has perfomed national branding.