Growth and Variation in Eurypterus Remipes Dekay
Bull. geo!. Instn Univ. Upsala: N. S. 4, 6: 81-114, 1974 GROWTH AND VARIATION IN EURYPTERUS REMIPES DEKAY By H. E. Andrews, ]. C. Brower, S. ]. Gould, and R. A. Reyment Andrews, H. E., Brower, ]. C., Gould, S. ]., Reyment, R. A.: Growth and Variation in EurypteruJ remipes DeKay, Bull. geo!. Instn Univ. Upsala, Vol. N. S 4, pp. 81-114. Th e statistic al analysis of two subspecies of Eurypterus remipes shows that both of them display very high integratio:� among all measures considered. The prosomal set of variables are highly integrated with the body set. There is little allometry in bivariate growth sequences. As best known at the present time, trilobites show an analogous leve! of integration; there is therefore reason to suspect that the gr owth relationships here recorded are wide-spread among some arthropods. Ontogenetic growth is analysed for E. remipes remipes, after the establishment of growth stages by a stepwise multivariate technique. Canonical correlation is used to examine the pattern of integration between head and body. This is, again, exceptionally high. Other methods of multi variate statistics are applied the analysis of the underlying relationships between variables. The palaeoec ology of the Fiddlersto Gr een Member (Bertie Formation, Upper Silurian) is discussed. H. E. Andrews, Department of Geology, \'(/ellesley Colle�;e, \'(/ellesley, Mass., U.S.A., S. ]. Gould, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A., ]. C. Brower, Department of Geology, Syracuse University, U.S.A., R. A. Reyment, Paleontologiska Institutionen, Uppsala Unit;ersitet. Su,eden. INTRODUCTION remipes and the E. tetragonophthalmus of Fischer Ever smce Mitchill (1818) recorded the first de Waldheim (synonym E.
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