Conservation Landscaping for the Lake Tahoe Basin for Erosion Slope Stabilization - Shrubs Control
Conservation Landscaping for the Lake Tahoe Basin For Erosion Slope Stabilization - Shrubs Control Cornus sericea or stolonifera (red twig or red osier dogwood): native, 3’- 8’ height, Physocarpus spp. (ninebark): adapted, 4’-6’ height, sun to part shade, Amelanchier alnifolia (western shade to sun, high water needs, spreads by suckers, red branches, white flowers moderate to high water needs, fall serviceberry): native, 4’-6’ height, sun color, native to western states to part shade, moderate water needs, followed by blue berries, red leaves in white blooms followed by blue-black fall, many adapted choices fruit Prunus besseyi (western sand cherry): adapted, 4’-6’ height, minimal to moderate water needs, drought Holodiscus discolor (creambush): native, Ceanothus cordulatus (whitethorn): tolerant, suckers, fragrant white 6’-12’ height, sun to part shade, medium native, 5’ height, full sun, minimal water blossoms, native to western states water needs, very hardy to a variety of needs, drought tolerant, high fire risk, conditions evergreen, golden spring blooms, thorny Prunus emarginata (bittercherry): Lonicera involucrata (twinberry): native, native, 4’-12’ height, sun to part shade, 5’ height, sun to part shade, high water moderate to high water needs, white Ceanothus velutinus (tobacco brush): needs, yellow flowers followed by dark blooms followed by red fruit, forms native, 4’ height, sun to shade, moderate fruit and striking red bracts thickets water needs, drought tolerant, high fire risk, evergreen, white blooms Slope Stabilization
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