The download of this Blog is at 4:17 pm July 24, 2013 – which the page with Andrea’s e’mails is being tampered with - 8:04 PM (7 minutes ago) Andrea IT IS RIGHT NOW 4;19 PM IN THE Grenadier AFTERNOON OF JULY 24, 2013 to me Considering you started it, I'd say you shouldn't fuck with us. So stop it. "Life is a shipwreck. But we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats." — Voltaire 8:11 PM (1 minute ago) JW Grenadier <
[email protected]> IT IS RIGHT NOW 4;19 PM IN THE AFTERNOON OF JULY 24, 2013 to Andrea, AEB66, aharman, Ben, bduffett, cpatterson, crubin, evadas, hjenquine, jtran, jwinkler, llevi, mjwesq, arlene, David, asimpson, info, jcthomas, sjohnston, wshaw, jkloch, jmcgrath, Randy, Cc:, Rachel I started it - It is ya'll who started it yesterday morning with your e-mail - and the comments that I had forged your Grandmothers signature - etc etc - I didn't start this fight - Ilona started it - and ya'll have jumped in - and I am not going anywhere - and the Truth isn't changing - So I suggest maybe ya'll don't FUCK WITH ME - and MY GIRLS - So maybe you should stop it – The Dirty Secret of Ilona Grenadier & Jerome Heckman ~ Keller Heckman LLP 1 This Blog is about the legal system in the State of Virginia - and how Ilona Grenadier - Grenadier, Anderson, Starace, Duffett & Keisler, P.C. has managed to get away with the mis- management of the Sonia Grenadier Trust & being Disingenuous with the Circuit Court of Alexandria -She lied in Court - Filings - Stole Money & involved in Forged signatures for Sonia Grenadier Trust to give her control.