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Mere Christianity Pdf, Epub, Ebook C. S. LEWIS SIGNATURE CLASSIC: MERE CHRISTIANITY PDF, EPUB, EBOOK C. S. Lewis | 256 pages | 12 Apr 2012 | HarperCollins Publishers | 9780007461219 | English | London, United Kingdom C. S. Lewis Signature Classic: Mere Christianity PDF Book Though I do not agree with all of it, it was nevertheless insightful and good to read. Why do you think Lewis has chosen to describe this apotheosis with these images? Lewis's greatest works dealing with such issues as Christian apologetics, pain, love, and the after life. They thought that would mean I'd be able to see the difficulties-able to remember what Christianity looks like from the outside. Minimum Order: 25 copies per title. I think I'll have to return to this part in a few years' time, maybe more than once. I enjoyed all Lewis's works in it. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. Jul 08, Lynne Williams rated it really liked it. Unfortunately young people today are not educated so much as they are t Reading this book, while a pleasure and a challenge, made me think of the dumbed down nature of the modern education system in our country. His most distinguished and popular writings include his seven-part fantasy series for children The Chronicles of Narnia ; the science fiction Space Trilogy ; the apologetical The Problem of Pain , The Screwtape Letters , Miracles , Mere Christianity , and The Four Loves ; and the autobiographical Surprised by Joy and A Grief Observed What makes Mere Christianity. Lewis, for heaven's sake! As he explains in the preface he avoids denominational disputes and at the same time recognizes that there are indeed different interpretations to be reckoned with. In , Lewis transferred to Cambridge, where he had been awarded professorship in the new chair of Mediaeval and Renaissance Literature. It's not a romanticized look at nature or an emotionally heart-wrenching collections of testimonials of survival of what should've been certain doom. This isn't the same boxed set I have and read but it will do until I find and enter mine. One has the picture of a strong man stooping lower and lower to get himself underneath some great complicated burden. Add to Basket. It was the latter which Lewis presented in his popular work Mere Christianity , adapted from a series of radio talks he made for the BBC from to , and which has become one of the most influential Christian books of modern times. They say that God became Man. A Grief Observed. He comes down; down from the heights of absolute being into time and space, down into humanity; down further still, if embryologists are right, to recapitulate in the womb ancient and pre-human phases of life; down to the very roots and seabed of the Nature He has created. I hope I can be enlightened then. Lewis however approaches the theme of Mere Christianity with the eye of a storyteller. Why does Lewis see Pride as the greatest sin, "the utmost evil," in comparison with which "unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that are mere fleabites"? C. S. Lewis Signature Classic: Mere Christianity Writer The Screwtape Letters 3. Lewis as the "New to You Author" square. Amazing book. Lewis cites other Christian teachers who share his perspective but does not name them. In , Lewis transferred to Cambridge, where he had been awarded professorship in the new chair of Mediaeval and Renaissance Literature. Why does Lewis so vehemently reject the view that treats Jesus as a historical rather than a divine figure? I can empathize - no, I can feel his angst, his confusion, his bitterness, throughout the pages, as he progresses from being at a total loss to a satisfied peace. They are struggles and choices that are made while we are alive on here on earth. Almost finished listening to the Problem of Pain. Their education has not prepared them for it nor developed in them a thirst for the kind of thinking that comes from the mind of a man like C. This is a compendium of many C. This also completes the "L" author of the A-Z author reading list I'm working on this year. A Grief Observed The preceding books in this collection give me an insight of Lewis's intellectual prowess and amazing reasoning ability, but none can compare with this short but intense account of his own grieving on his wife's death. Lewis became known as 'Jack' as a young child after he adopted the name of his pet dog who was killed by a car. The concept presented was not made to be taken seriously and Lewis even says as much in the preface. Lewis , so I considered this to be a new author for me. In this way Lewis makes hell out to be almost like purgatory, which you can escape at any time if you can only change your state of mind. This was an interesting short book to read. Total for copies: Save. The only thing that can be said against it is it's too big: smaller print, smaller pages, smaller margins, thinner paper, would have given us a tome much easier to handle. Once the element of competition has gone, pride has gone. Why does Lewis insist that part of the self must die in order to truly repent? He does not make absolutely clear the centrality of the gospel and belief in Jesus Christ as the only way to eternal life. Average rating 4. Retail Price: Choose Options 0. This book title, The C. Has it clarified any theological confusions you may have had, or changed your own beliefs about how to live as a Christian? Did ye never know a lover of books that with all his editions and signed copies had lost the power to read them? Every one has heard people quarrelling. This book is a collection of seven books. In fact, I will give you myself: my own will shall become yours. It's diary kept by Lewis after the passing of his wife to keep from losing his head. Our minimum order quantity is 25 copies. I also have a greater respect for math, now since he lays everything out logically like a math equation. Lewis, I was married at the age of 20 to a man I didn't love' -- but many from serious enquirers whom it was a duty to answer fully. View 2 comments. It's a hard read; again, well above my I. Details if other :. Members shared an enthusiasm for narrative tales, myths, legends - particularly Norse, Celtic, folkloric and mediaeval material - and fantasy fiction. Why does he feel we should we "aim at Heaven" rather than at earth? And the remarkable thing is that since I stopped bothering about it, she seems to meet me everywhere. Why we might forget the thousands of facts offered in a typical apologetics books, who could forget Lewis' word picture critiquing society's sexual excesses by imagining a civilization that has strip teases though with food rather than sex. The notions will all be knocked from under our feet. All cultures, he says, have a moral code and those codes are remarkably similar. For the most part with the exception of one chapter, Lewis breaks no new ground in his arguments and has nothing earth-shattering. The box set includes: 'Mere Christianity' 'The Screwt…. It's another difficult read Booklot Philadelphia, PA, U. C. S. Lewis Signature Classic: Mere Christianity Reviews The collection contains the following books: 1. For some reason—the merciful good sense of God is the only one I can think of—I have stopped bothering about that. Does this seem to you exaggerated? Clive Staples Lewis was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably one of the most influential writers of his day. Author: C. And the other man very seldom replies: 'To hell with your standard. Jun 28, Robert rated it it was amazing Shelves: non-fiction , art. We are never safe, but we have plenty of fun, and some ecstasy. Rejecting the boundaries that divide Christianity's many denominations, 'Mere Christianity' provides an unequalled opportunity for believers and nonbelievers alike to absorb a powerful, rational case for the Christian faith. Shipping Savings. Expected to ship within 4 hours from Australia. Boxed together for the first time, here are the signature spiritual works of one of the most celebrated literary figures of our time. It's another difficult read The C. What was the sense in saying the enemy were in the wrong unless Right is a real thing which the Nazis at bottom knew as well as we did and ought to have practised? Though he was not orthodox his statements about total depravity are un-Calvinistic yet thought provoking to me , I appreciate his insight I would go so far as to say brilliance and imagination. Orders that do not qualify for free shipping will be verified prior to order processing. Unfortunately young people today are not educated so much as they are trained to take proficiency tests. A great book for meditation and perspective. John Lennox. Lewis Biography. Miracles: Similar to Mere Christianity in that Lewis appeals to his knowledge of various non-Christian philosophies to explain why genuine miracles are very possible. I think it was a very enjoyable book. One example of this was his criticism of efforts to keep divorce hard to achieve in England as an effort to manufacture the quality of Christian marriage in secular people. To date, the Narnia books have sold over million copies and have been transformed into three major motion pictures.
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