FACULTAT DE PSICOLOGIA, CIÈNCIES DE L’EDUCACIÓ I DE L’ESPORT BLANQUERNA. UNIVERSITAT RAMON LLULL ANNEX TO THE ERASMUS + INTER-INSTITUTIONAL AGREEMENT with the University of Genoa Key Action 1 – mobility for learners and staff – Higher education Student and Staff Mobility 1. Information about higher education institutions 1.1 Institutional details Name of the Institution UNIVERSITAT RAMON LLULL FACULTAT DE PSICOLOGIA, CIÈNCIES DE L’EDUCACIÓ I DE L’ESPORT BLANQUERNA. Erasmus code E BARCELO16 Institution website http://www.blanquerna.edu/ca/fpcee International Students webpage http://www.blanquerna.edu/ca/fpcee/relacions-internacionals Information for incoming http://www.blanquerna.edu/ca/fpcee/relacions- students internacionals/incoming/mobilitat-d%27estudiants/estudiants- erasmus Course catalogue http://www.blanquerna.edu/ca/fpcee/graus 1.2 Main contacts Institutional Coordinator Prof. Dr. Carlo Gallucci, Erasmus Institutional Coordinator and ViceRector for International Relations and Students Universitat Ramon Llull Contact details c. Claravall 1-4, 08022 Barcelona.
[email protected] Tel. +34 602 22 31 Other useful contacts Eva Cañas Rovirosa, Mobility Unit. Faculty Erasmus Coordinator FPCEE Blanquerna C/Cister 34, 08022 Barcelona.
[email protected] Tel. +34 93 253 3166 Fax. +34 93 253 3031 Page 1 of 3 2. Recommended language skills Subject area Language of Recommended Type of mobility Instruction language of instruction level* Psychology / CAT/ES B1 Student mobility Education *Level according to Common European Framework of Reference for languages ( CEFR), see http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/resources/european-language-levels-cefr 3. Additional requirements The mother tongue of the Universitat Ramon Llull is Catalan, the use of which does not rule out the use of Spanish language, as the right of all members of the university community to use either language is respected.