Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1997 Daily Egyptian 1997 2-6-1997 The Daily Egyptian, February 06, 1997 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 82, Issue 90 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1997 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1997 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. -l.- ' J • Glyph: .-Black History: •~ ' Cousin Andy's .Businessman offers Coffeehouse open advice on changing again. DAILY ;J)YPTIAN work environment. imuk 3 ~ page Southern Illinois University at Carbondale J.. Vol. 82, N,l. 90, 12 p;igcs - - h /' 1 <l ) ------------------i IU'ltl'§illia•H'§le'Eltwl ~----------t-rp_=_,"_'"_'"_·._a_i_yc_1,,_·p_r_j;i_n_.c_u_m Student found guilty SEXUAL ASSAULT: County court finds resident guilty after one day of testimony. MARC (HASE lhitl' EGWTIAN Rtl'-1J;TlR ,\ fonner SIUC student wa.~ found guilty in county court Wednesday of se.,ually :L~s:mlting a Saluki fapress bus driver while the victim w,L~ dri\·ing along her bus mute last spring. Carbondale n:sident Mar.-hall Wheaton. who wa., an und~-cidcd fn:shman in spring I 9'Xl. wa.~ found guilty of two counts of SC:\• ual a.,-.:1ult after one day of testimony. ·Both count~ cam· a minimum of four years in prii,un each ·and a maximum of 15 years in prison without pmbation. Circuit Judge David Watt Jr. handed down the con viction after Wheaton waived his right to jury Monday.