Veterans Getting Discharge
■ r Complete Local News Of A Populatip/ Of- THE WEATHER I Cloudy, scattered showers to 18,556---- day, cloudy, warmer tomorrow. A ■ ■ h ■ - Enter,■(! na second oIbsm mall matUr, January 31, 1925. at the PoBt Office at Elizabeth. Mew Jersey, under the Act of MA'r^Hv-a. 1879, Vol. XXI, No. 1084 ESTABLISHED 1924 HILLSIDE, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1945 OFFICIAL NFAVNPAPKIt OF TIIE TOWNSHIP OF HILLSIDE PRICE FIVE CENTS Beno Now Stationed “Morrie” Walker Gambling In Central Pacific Stops Veterans Eligible Fathers Invited To Wearing the Purple Heart, the In Field Service Ameiican Defense Ribbon, the Asi lit Subscription War Dads Meeting Monday Fred Morris Walker, 19 years old, More Veterans atic Pacific Ribbon with two Battle son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker, ■^lyr*—^■«*++d—tb#- — infantry— Combat of 1484 North Broad street, left Fnds,Show Badge, P.F.C. Martin L. Beno, S e t t ir c Arthur Muller W ill early last month for. the South Racket Hllclflc nren with— thr— American whose wife, Mrs. Isabel E. Beno, Take Applications a son or daughter serving or who and mother, Mrs. Susan Beno, re Woman Suspicious has served in the armed forces .or Field Service. He is attached to the side at 22H Silver in rom in The ‘Hillside Chapter of ’the who has been designated to act in medical division, and will engage Getting Discharge side at 228 Silver avenue, Hillside Continues N. J„ is now stationed at a base Of Working Way American War Dads w ill meet next the capacity of a War Dad by in ambulance driving and advanced in the Central Pacific.
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