Election Observing
GUIDELINES FOR INTERNATIONAL ELECTION OBSERVING The International Human Rights Law Group Prepared by Larry Garber - THE INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW GROUP, established in 1978, is a nonprofit. public interest law center concerned with the promotion and protection of international human rights. The Law Group provides infor- mation and legal assistance to orga:,izations and individuals in cases of Ihman rights violatiols. Funded by foundation grants and individual contributions and assisted in its work by attorneys in Washington. D.C.. the Law Gi'oup offers its expertise on a pro bono basis. The International 1-luman Rights Law Group is a tax-exempt. Section 501(c)(3) organizatim incorporated under the laws of Washington. D.C. Charitable contributions in Support of the Law Group's program are tax deductible. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CHAIR: David Carliner: VICE-CHAIR: Robert 1-I. Kapp: TREASURER: Stuart LIemle: SECRETARY: Charles E.M. Kolb: Millard W. Arnold, lodding Carter, I11,Nancy Folger, Robert K. Goldman, (Rev.) J. Brvan I-lehir. Robert l-lerxstcin, Joan McEntee, Burt Neuborne. Roberts B. Owen. Steven M. Sehneebaum., Mark L. Schneider: ADVISORY COUNCIL: Richard B. Bilder Theo C. van Boven. Roberta Cohen, Martin Ennals, Thomas M. Franek. Hurst Ilannum, Monroe Leigh. Richard B. Lillich. Bert B. Lock- wood, Jr., Fali S. Nariman. Louis Pettitti, Charles R, von: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Amy Young: ELECTION OBSERVER PROJECT DIRECTOR: Larv Garber: UN REPRESENTATIVES: New York. Riehard N. Dean. Grant A. Hlanessian Design and Production: DorL: Howe Typesetting: EPS Group. Inc.. Baltimore. MD. Printed by: McGregor and Werner. Inc., Washington. D.C. ISBN: 0-931723-00-0 Copyright 1984 ,,, The International Human Rights Law Group AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON D C 20523 November 18, 1985 TO: LAC and ARA Geographic Office Directors FROM: LAC/AJDD, Roma D.
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