16 Pages Price 20,000 Rials 1.00 EURO 4.00 AED 39th year No.13370 Tuesday APRIL 23, 2019 Ordibehesht 3, 1398 Sha’aban 17, 1440 IRGC: Iran to close Nasrallah Thrower Hadadi wins Iranian cinema captures reality Hormuz Strait if it is denounces gold at Asian Athletics of life: Italian cinematographer barred to use it 2 Sri Lanka blasts 13 Championships 15 Luca Bigazzi 16

Trade at TSE, IFB up 80% Iran, Pakistan should boost in a year TEHRAN — The value of trades at Tehran tional Exhibition of Exchange, Banks and Stock Exchange (TSE) and Iran’s over-the- Insurance of Iran (IRAN FINEX 2019) which counter (OTC) market, known also as Iran kicked off at Tehran Permanent International ties against enemies’ will Fara Bourse (IFB), rose 80 percent during Fairgrounds on Monday, IRIB reported. the past Iranian calendar year (ended on Referring to 80 percent growth of fi- March 20, 2019), head of Iran’s Securities and nancing in the country’s capital market Exchange Organization (SEO) announced. during the past year, the official also noted See page 2 Shapour Mohammadi made the remarks that it indicates the good status of this in the inaugural ceremony of 12th Interna- market. 4

Knowledge-based companies create 140,000 jobs: official TEHRAN — Iranian knowledge-based companies focused on the job creation companies have created job opportunities for young generation. for 140,000 applicants until the end of “125,000 individuals were employed in the Iranian calendar year 1397 (March 20, knowledge-based manufacturing compa- 2019), an official with the vice presidency nies and the rest were attracted to emerging for science and technology announced, knowledge-based firms,” he said. IRNA reported on Wednesday. Over 4,200 knowledge-based companies Seyyed Mohammad Sahebkar Kho- are now active in Iran, of which 2,400 are rasani said that the knowledge-based manufacturing firms, he added. 11

‘Stab in the back’: Hamas blasts UAE, Israel joint drills TEHRAN — Palestinian resistance move- ties with Tel Aviv after years of secretive ment Hamas has blasted the United Arab dealings, Press TV reported. Emirates for sending its pilots to train “The joint drills in Greece between together with Israeli air force, calling the Emirati and Israeli forces are painful, move a “stab in the back” for Palestine hard-hitting and a great disgrace,” Hamas and the Islamic world. spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said. Earlier this month, Emirati pilots “This move encourages Israel to con- traveled to Greece to partake in a mil- tinue its atrocities against Palestinians itary exercise that also featured Israeli and amounts to a stab in the back of the fighter jets. The Persian Gulf sheikhdom nation of Islam as well the Palestinian khamenei.ir has been testing the waters for official people.” 3 ARTICLE The fears and hops of emancipation in the West: Prof. Stephen Eric Bronner ARTICLE Rooholamin Saeidi Setareh Behroozi led him to visit Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Su- sions: Kant put it best, perhaps, when he Researcher and writer By Rooholamin Saeidi Tehran Times journalist TEHRAN — Professor Stephen Eric Bronner dan, and Darfur. called for the abolition of those self-created is a noted political theorist and Distinguished Following is the text of his interview with “artifices” that keep humanity in a subaltern Professor of Political Science, Comparative Liter- Asre-Andisheh Magazine: state. Another way of saying the same thing Reproduction of ature, and German Studies at Rutgers University ‘Emancipation’ plays an important part is the abolition of reification and the myriad Knowledge-based in New Brunswick. in Critical Theory of international relations. ways in which people are turned into things— racism in the West Currently, he is Director of Global Relations But it is said that this concept is somehow whether by capitalists treating workers as a technologies can at the Center for the Study of Genocide, Conflict vague and ambiguous. How do you define mere “cost of production;” or authoritarian political systems treating people as subor- he terrorist attack which took place Resolution, and Human Rights at Rutgers Uni- emancipation and how do you evaluate its decrease flood dinate to the state; or religious institutions in New Zealand was a tragedy that versity, and member of Executive Committee of role in Critical Theory? imposing dogma upon them. Any meaningful unfortunately has been epidemic the UNESCO Chair for Genocide Prevention. A: Emancipation can never be complete: losses T Professor Bronner is the Executive Chair of U.S. no system can ever actualize all the possibil- understanding of “critique” needs a positive in the world and we witness different purpose. Such is the legacy of Kant Hegel examples of it all over the globe occa- Academics for Peace and an advisor to Conscience ities of freedom. As such, emancipation is ecent floods saturated the grounds in and Marx for critical theory. sionally. But once again it revealed the International. His activities in civic diplomacy a regulative ideal that has different dimen- 6 dry regions, though it also brought hypocritical, discriminatory and unfair Rgrief and pain for the residents. Western governments’ treatment of other New emerging technologies and knowl- nations. ‘Google’s move to shut press TV’s YouTube channels overt, blatant act of censorship’ edge-based companies suggest up-to-date Without a doubt, if such an attack TEHRAN (FNA) — Steven Sahiounie, author government’s stepped-up pressure on Iran Below is the full text of the interview: ways to turn the threats of flood into op- portunities. had happened in a Western country or if and political commentator, says Google’s refusal and an all-out propaganda campaign against How do you assess Google’s move to shut From mid-March to April 2019 wide- the lifeless bodies in those two mosques to explain why it shuts Press TV’s account proves the country, which includes targeting Iranian Press TV’s YouTube channels? spread flash flooding affected large parts had belonged to the Europeans or the the move was not based on legal basis, indicating media.” A: Google has blocked Press TV and Hispan of Iran, most severely in Golestan, Fars, Christians, Western politicians would a censorship policy pursued by the American Steven Sahiounie is an independent Syrian TV’s access to their official accounts on the tech- Khuzestan, Lorestan, and other provinces. have reacted more firmly and decisive- tech giant. American political analyst and writer based in nology company’s platforms, including YouTube Iran has been hit by three major waves of ly. But since those innocent people who In an exclusive interview with FNA, Sahiou- Lebanon. He has been covering the Middle East and Gmail, without prior notice, citing “violation rain and flooding over the course of two were killed in Christchurch were Muslims, nie outlined the Goolge’s motive, saying “The cruises since 2011 and has published several ar- of policies”. Certainly, this is an overt and blatant weeks which led to flooding in at least Western politicians and western media Google ban seems to be in line with the U.S. ticles in numerous media outlets. act of censorship. 13 just expressed cold condolences and tried 26 of Iran’s 31 provinces according to to ignore the incident. the officials. They even intentionally refrained According to Energy Minister Reza Ar- from referring to it as a terrorist attack Traditional European parties are worried dakanian recent heavy rainfalls in Iran because from their viewpoints, terrorism By Mohammad Nazemi in 2014, a small contribution of European citizens movements in Europe can stand More and more has filled 70 percent of dams and resulted is only associated with Islam and Muslim TEHRAN — There is not much time left until the has allowed nationalist movements throughout influential in the European Parliament. This could in restoration of drained wetlands across Jihadists. No one will forget that many European Parliamentary elections. Meanwhile, Europe to conquer more than 100 seats in the be an introduction to serious challenges in the the country. of world leaders participated side by side traditional European parties are concerned about European Parliament. Many experts and ana- Eurozone and the European Union. On the other hand, the heavy rain- in the Rally for unity against terrorism in the decline in political participation in the elec- lysts of European affairs believe that nationalist It should not be forgotten that the White House falls destroyed many urban and rural Paris after those bloody terrorist attacks in tion and the victory of nationalist parties: parties parties will also have a strong presence in the will directly and indirectly support nationalist par- infrastructures of water, electrics, tele- 2015 among them was Netanyahu whose whose presence in the European Parliament can European Parliament this time. ties in this election. People like US President Donald communication and transportation net- government is a real perpetrator of State threaten the existence of the European Union Although, depending on the number of seats Tramp and US National Security Advisor John Bolton works. It also caused agricultural loss. terrorism. and the Eurozone. in the European Parliament, power will remain in are calling for the collapse of the euro area and the In mid-April, the Agriculture Minister Taking the Christchurch tragedy into During the European Parliamentary elections the hands of the traditional parties, but nationalist weakening of the European Union. 13 Mahmoud Hojjati said Iran’s agriculture consideration, we should admit regretfully sector has suffered an economic loss of that even in 21st century the life of people 130 trillion rials (nearly $3 billion) as who live in developed western countries a result of extreme flooding which has seem more valuable and more precious than inundated many provinces. those of others. For example, the murder The head of Technology Development of Jamal Khashoggi was represented as a Easter Sunday Council of Water Drought, Erosion and En- catastrophe by western media so public vironment Naderqoli Ebrahimi introduced opinions all over the world especially in celebrated some new technologies to help people and western countries paid remarkable at- flood-stricken regions. tention to it. Portable water filters and But no one sympathizes with Yem- at Tehran’s purifiers eni people who have been killed in- Supplying purified water in nocently since Saudi Arabia attacked Saint Gregory flood-stricken regions is one of the their homeland and those children main challenges after the occurrence who are starving to death! So it seems of natural disasters. S o m e that the public conscience in the West Church knowledge-based companies manufac- awakens selectively and it is indicative ture portable water filters and purifier TEHRAN — The Saint Gregory the Illumi- to the fact that the West still tends to packages, which provide drinking water nator (Surp Grigor Lusavoritch) Church in marginalize the poor people of the and water for sanitation when there is Tehran hosted hundreds of Iranian Christians global south and disregard them. Per- no access to public water system. on Sunday for the Easter celebrations. haps what the suffering of the Yemeni The product can meet the de- Jina Abdian This year the Orthodox churches cel- people illustrates more than anything mands of flood stricken and decrease ebrate Easter on the same Sunday when is that humanitarian action is always the usage of water bottles, which is Roman Catholics and Protestants mark the overshadowed by power politics and IRNA/ neither economic nor environment holy festival. political interests. 7 friendly. 11 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y POLITICS APRIL 23, 2019 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS Rouhani to No third country can affect visit Kurdistan on Wednesday Iran-Pakistan ties: Rouhani POLITICS TEHRAN – President Rouhani will travel desk POLITICS TEHRAN – President and Pakistan and is claimed by both sides. to Kurdistan Province on Wednesday to desk meet with people at Esteghlal club stadium in Sanandaj, Hassan Rouhani said on ‘New chapter in Iran-Pakistan the provincial capital. Monday that Iran and Pakistan are deter- ties’ Rouhani will be accompanied by a number of ministers mined to expand relations and no third During a meeting of high-ranking del- and top authorities of his administration, ILNA reported country can undermine their friendly ties. egations of Iran and Pakistan, Rouhani on Monday. In a joint press conference with Paki- said that a new chapter has been opened During his visit, the president will inaugurate a number stani Prime Minister Imran Khan in Tehran, in Iran-Pakistan relations by Khan’s visit of structural and economic projects. Rouhani said that the two countries have to Tehran. According to the governor of Kurdistan Province, the aim capacities to expand economic relations. He also said, “Iran and Pakistan will of Rouhani’s trip is to accelerate the process of Kurdistan’s He also said that Iran is ready to sell not allow interference in their brotherly development. oil to Pakistan. and friendly relations.” Rouhani also said security at common The president went on to say that the borders featured high in talks with Prime U.S. has caused the most harms to the Hatami due Minister Khan. economy and security of the region through “The issue of security at borders was military interventions. in Moscow on another issue we discussed. Unfortunately, “Under the current situation, the re- we witnessed brutal acts by terrorists in gional countries should take decisions and Tuesday the past months. We are happy that the draw up plans independently and in line Pakistani side has called groups which take with their interests,” he opined. inhuman actions ‘terrorist’ and counters Commenting on expansion of econom- POLITICS TEHRAN – Defense Minister Amir Hatami them as terrorists,” he explained. ic relations, he called for using national deskwill leave Tehran for Moscow on Tuesday On February 13, the so-called Jaish currencies in bilateral trade. to attend the eight Moscow Conference on International ul-Adl group whose members use Paki- Khan said that Pakistan seeks to find a Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan (L) in a joint press conference with Iranian President Security. stan’s soil as a hiding place, carried out mechanism to expand economic ties with Hassan Rouhani, Tehran, April 22, 2019. Hatami’s visit comes upon the official invitation of his a terrorist attack against Iranian border Iran especially in gas and oil industries. Russian counterpart, Sergey Shoygu, Mehr reported. guards, killing 27 servicemen and injured by the Indians. fight against terrorism. He said though terrorists are making He is scheduled to deliver a speech to security experts 13 others. They were traveling between Khan invites Rouhani to visit Khan added, “We are ready to coop- efforts to cause harm to friendly relations at the conference. the cities of Zahedan and Khash, in south- Pakistan erate with Tehran to settle the issue of between the two countries, Pakistan is According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the conference east Sistan-Baluchestan province, when Rouhani also said that Khan has invited Afghanistan through dialogue and political determined to fight them. “will encompass the problems of utmost significance in terms their bus was targeted in a suicide car him to visit Pakistan, expressing hope it ways, because peace in Afghanistan will Prime Minister Khan arrived in Tehran of shaping views on the international security. Separate ple- bomb attack. would happen in the near future. be useful for the people of Afghanistan late on Sunday after first visiting the shrine nary sessions will offer space to exchange views on modern Iran, Pakistan to establish rap- ‘Militants should not be allowed who have been suffering for 40 years and of Imam Reza (AS) in the northeastern military challenges and threats, including the improvement id reaction force against terrorists to use Pakistan soil to commit ter- will also be useful for the people of Iran city of Mashhad. of the arms control system.” Rouhani revealed that the two countries ror acts’ and Pakistan.” It is the first time that Khan is visiting will form a rapid reaction force to fight For his part, Khan said that militants Elsewhere, he said that the issue of Iran since he was elected prime minister terrorism at borders. should not be permitted to use the Paki- Kashmir can be resolved politically and in August 2018. Hungarian, Iran to increase electricity ex- stani soil to commit terrorist acts. through dialogue. Tehran, Islamabad ink health Swedish envoys port to Pakistan by 10 times “Terrorism is the most important reason “Military solution is not the answer to agreement Elsewhere, Rouhani said it was agreed for my trip to Iran. Differences would not the Kashmir issue. We need dialogue to On Monday, the Islamic Republic of bid farewell that Iran to increase export of electricity be increased if there was no terrorism. It find a political solution.” Iran and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Pakistan by ten times. is the issue of terrorism which has caused The prime minister said if the Kashmir signed a memorandum of understanding in to Zarif He also expressed hope that relations differences and it was important to take issue is settled the entire Indian subcon- health and medical fields in the presence POLITICS TEHRAN – Ambassadors of Hungary between Gwadar and Chabahar port cities this trip,” the prime minister remarked. tinent will benefit from it and in that case of Rouhani and Khan. deskand Sweden, Janos Kovacs and Helena would be expanded. The prime minister said, unlike Afghan- Iran can reach the Indian and Chinese The MOU was signed by Iranian Health Sangeland, met on Monday with Foreign Minister Moham- Gwadar is owned by Pakistan and Chaba- istan where terrorism is not annihilated markets through the Pakistani soil. Minister Saeed Namaki and Special As- mad Javad Zarif to bid farewell to him at the end of their har by Iran. The Pakistan port is being despite NATO’s presence in the country, Since independence from Britain in 1947, sistant to the Pakistani Prime Minister on diplomatic mission in Tehran, ISNA reported. developed by the Chinese and Chabahar Pakistan has made great achievements in Kashmir has been divided between India National Health Services Zafarullah Mirza. In an interview with IRNA last year, Kovacs said that over the past couple of years, “I did all in power to help improve bilateral relations and I will do so afterwards, too.” Sangeland has also said Sweden and Iran are expanding IRGC: Iran to close Hormuz Strait Ambassador: Creators of terror groups their relations in the field of economy and their economic ties will be even more strengthened in the future. if it is barred to use it label IRGC terrorist organization POLITICS TEHRAN — Islamic POLITICS TEHRAN – Iran’s am- It was the first time the U.S. has declared deskRevolution Guards deskbassador to The Hague an element of a foreign government to be Iran says attaches Corps (IRGC) Navy chief Alireza Kazemi Abadi says those who have a terrorist organization. warned on Monday that Iran will close the created the al-Qaeda and Daesh (ISIL) Minutes after Trump’s announcement, no value, credit to Strait of Hormuz if it is barred from using it. terrorist groups are now calling Iran’s Is- the Iranian Supreme National Security U.S. exemptions “The Strait of Hormuz is a marine passage lamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) a Council named the United States Cen- and we will close it if we are barred from terrorist organization. tral Command (CENTCOM) a terrorist using it,” he said in an interview with the This is while they themselves believe organization, and the U.S. government a POLITICS TEHRAN – Foreign Ministry spokesman Al-Alam news network. that the IRGC has fought against Daesh sponsor of terror. deskAbbas Mousavi said on Monday that Iran He noted that Iran will take counter Salami as the commander of the Islamic terrorists more than others, Kazemi Abadi It also condemned Trump’s move as does not attach any value or credit to the United States’ actions in case threats are posed against Revolution Guards Crops (IRGC), Tangsiri said, Mehr reported on Monday. “baseless” and warned of the consequences exemptions on Iranian oil exports. the country. said it is a decision that has nothing to do He said under the Islamic Republic’s of its move for peace and security in the “Due to the illegality of the specified sanctions, the Islamic The Strait of Hormuz is a strategic ar- with designation of the IRGC as a terrorist constitution, the IRGC is part of Iran’s Middle East. Republic of Iran has not attached any value or credit to the tery linking Middle East crude producers to organization by the U.S., noting that the armed forces and is tasked with protecting In recent months, the Trump adminis- exemptions on sanctions and will not do so,” Mousavi said, key markets in Asia Pacific, Europe, North world knows the real supporters of terrorism. the Islamic Revolution. tration has sought to impose “maximum Mehr reported. America and beyond. A third of the world’s In a decree issued on Sunday, Leader of The ambassador also said Iran has pressure” on Iran, after abandoning the He added that Iran is in constant contact with its partners sea-borne oil passing through it every day. the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khame- always been targeted by terrorist groups. nuclear deal brokered during the Obama to hamper the impacts of U.S. sanctions. On July 3, 2018, President Hassan nei, as the commander in chief, promoted Last week, the United States officially administration. Even before news emerged Earlier, the U.S announced that it is not extending any Rouhani hinted Iran could disrupt oil flows Salami to the rank of major general and designated the IRGC as a “foreign terrorist of a possible terrorism designation for the waivers exempting importers of Iranian oil from U.S. sanc- through the strait in response to U.S. calls appointed him to the commander of the organization”. The move came after U.S. IRGC, more than 970 Iranian entities tions and there will be no grace period for those economies to bring down Iran’s oil exports to zero. IRGC. Salami replace President Donald Trump’s declaration a and individuals were already under U.S. to comply. Commenting on appointing Hossein who held the position for about 12 years. week earlier. sanctions. U.S. unable to zero out Iran’s Rouhani congratulates Salami on new post oil exports: POLITICS TEHRAN — President Hassan Rouhani The president further admired Salami’s predecessor, deskhas congratulated the new commander Major General Jafari, for his sincere service in office. ex-diplomat of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC). In the Sunday decree, Ayatollah Khamenei advised Major In a Monday letter to Major General , General Salami to fully upgrade the IRGC’s capabilities and POLITICS TEHRAN – A former Foreign Ministry Rouhani highlighted the major role that the IRGC plays in preparedness in all fields, while paying due attention to the deskspokesman believes that the United States countering threats against the country. IRGC’s “internal gem”, that is piety and insight. is not capable of forcing Iranian oil exports to zero. In a decree on Sunday, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei also called for major steps to be In an interview with the Arman newspaper published Ayatollah Seyed , commander-in-chief of the taken under the new command towards all-out improve- on Monday, Ramin Mehmanparast said the global energy Armed Forces, granted Salami the rank of major general ment of the IRGC. market has certain restrictions and removing Iran from the and appointed him as the new IRGC chief. Besides Rouhani, other top officials, including First market is practically impossible. In his letter to the new commander, Rouhani expressed Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri, Majlis Speaker Ali Lari- “Everyone is well-aware that if it was possible for the the hope that wise employment of the IRGC’s capacities jani, Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Raisi, and Foreign Minister Americans to drive Iran’s oil exports to zero, they would and the great potential of its popular forces would mark the Islamic Republic’s power in the face of hostile plots and Mohammad Javad Zarif congratulated Salami on his new have done so in the previous years,” Mehmanparast argued. stronger unity among the country’s armed forces and boost threats, according to the president’s official website. position in separate letters. He added that the U.S. is merely waging a psychological war against the Iranian nation through such declarations. U.S. is ending Leader: Iran, Pakistan should boost ties against enemies’ will exemptions to POLITICS TEHRAN — Leader of blow that the English colonizers dealt to For his part, Prime Minister Khan referred the Indian subcontinent, saying, “Muslims deskthe Islamic Revolution the region,” the Leader said. to his talks in Tehran with President Hassan ruled India for about 600 years and the Iran sanctions: Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in a Monday Ayatollah Khamenei also underlined the Rouhani, who was also present in the meeting influence of Iranians on them (Indians) was Pompeo meeting with the visiting Pakistani Prime significance of security at the Iran-Pakistan with the Leader. “In the negotiations, many so great that the Indian official language Minister Imran Khan stressed that Tehran border, saying, “The terrorist groups behind issues were resolved and Pakistani ministers became Persian.” POLITICS U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Islamabad need to fortify their mutual insecurity at the borders are being nourished also had good talks with their Iranian Khan said the plundering of the Indian desk said on Monday the United States is not ties to the dismay of their shared enemies. with the enemies’ money and arms. One of counterparts.” subcontinent happened during the British extending any waivers exempting importers of Iranian oil Underlining the works of figures such the goals of anti-security moves at the Iran- The prime minister also referred to colonialism. “The British plundered all the from U.S. sanctions and there will be no grace period for as Muhammad Iqbal and Muhammad Ali Pakistan border is to poison mutual ties.” centuries-old relations between Iran and Indian riches, destroyed their education those economies to comply. Jinnah, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Good system,” the prime minister lamented. “We’re going to zero. We’re going to zero across the board,” relations will benefit both countries. But Ayatollah Khamenei says, “The terrorist Further in his remarks, Khan said certain Pompeo told reporters after the White House announced such relations have serious enemies, against groups behind insecurity at the borders countries don’t like Pakistan and Iran to have the end to waivers in order to put more pressure on Iran. whose will, cooperation and relations in close ties but “we can overcome problems.” “There are no (oil) waivers that extend beyond that period, various sectors should be enhanced.” are being nourished with the enemies’ He added, “We will try to make the two full stop,” Reuters quoted Pompeo as saying. “The rule of the Muslims marked the money and arms. One of the goals of countries’ relations stronger than the past, The move is the latest in which the administration of zenith of the Indian subcontinent’s power and anti-security moves at the Iran-Pakistan and will be in constant contact with the U.S. President Donald Trump has staked out a hardline splendor, while destroying this outstanding government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” position on Iran. Islamic civilization in it was the severest border is to poison mutual ties.” I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y APRIL 23, 2019 INTERNATIONAL ‘Stab in the back’: Hamas blasts Putin, Kim on track to meet by UAE, Israel joint drills end of April Russia’ President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim 1 Emirati and Israeli pilots flew togeth- Arab nations to change their decades-long Jong Un are on track to meet by the end of April, Kremlin spokes- er as part of Iniohos 2019, Greece’s largest strategy of having no diplomatic relations man Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday. annual military exercise, which was carried with Israel, which he branded as a mistake. Last week the Kremlin said that Kim Jong Un would travel out at the Andravida Base in the Peloponnese The tiny Persian Gulf state’s foreign to Russia this month, announcing the first Russia-North Korea between April 1 and 12. minister, Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, summit since Kim came to power in 2011, Reuters reported. The drills also saw forces from the United and the country’s national security adviser States, Italy, Cyprus, and almost the entire paid a not-so-secret visit to Israel on a direct Hellenic Air Force (HAF) carry out complex flight from Abu Dhabi to Tel Aviv in January, air operations. The drills further featured according to Israeli media reports. naval and ground forces. In October 2018, Israel’s culture and Arrests at London climate- “The objective of the exercise is to provide sports minister Miri Regev paid a historic realistic operational training in conditions visit to the Emirates. That same month, change protests top 1,000 that resemble a complex, multi-threat combat Benjamin Netanyahu became the first Is- environment to maximize the operational raeli prime minister to visit Oman in more TEHRAN — The number of environmental campaigners arrested capabilities of the Air Force,” the HAF said than 20 years. during eight days of direct action in London topped 1,000 on in a statement. In November 2018, then chief of staff of Monday, police said, adding that Waterloo Bridge, one of the Israeli pilots flew a fleet of seven aircraft the Israeli military, Gadi Eisenkot, report- sites blockaded by the protests, had re-opened to traffic. over central Athens during the exercises. The edly made two secret visits to the United Climate group Extinction Rebellion has targeted sites in fleet consisted of F-35 Lightning, F-4 Phantom, Arab Emirates, where he met with senior central London, such as Oxford Circus and Parliament Square, Mirage M-2000 and Tornado fighter jets. officials. in a campaign of non-violent civil disobedience with the aim of This is not the first time Israeli and Emirati In June, the New Yorker magazine re- stopping what it calls a global climate crisis, Reuters reported. pilots have flown together. Air forces from ported that Israel had maintained a secret Police said 1,065 people had been arrested in connection with the two sides also participated in the Red but extremely close relationship with the the protests, and they had charged 53 with offences including Flag exercise hosted by the U.S. Air Force in known to have secretly developed expan- driving force behind the emerging Arab-Is- UAE for more than two decades, with a obstructing the highway. Nevada in August 2016. Those drills featured sive ties with Tel Aviv over the past years. A raeli alliance. special focus on intelligence sharing and Oxford Circus and Parliament Square were re-opened to traffic representatives from Pakistan as well. growing obsession to confront Iran’s growing In late March, Anwar Gargash, Emirate’s military cooperation, including potential on Sunday, they said, while Waterloo Bridge was cleared overnight. The UAE, along with Saudi Arabia, is influence in the region is said to be the main minister of state for foreign affairs, called on weapons deals. Police had appealed to activists to move to Marble Arch, where they are allowing protests to continue. Swedish teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg addressed crowds at Marble Arch on Sunday, urging them to Sudan protesters to Saudi Arabia, UAE: ‘Please keep your money’ never give up their campaign to save the planet. TEHRAN- Sudanese protesters have called on Saudi Ara- “The timing of their aid says a lot about their intentions. bia and the United Arab Emirates to “keep their money” a Why did they wait until now? Why did they not call on Omar day after Riyadh and Abu Dhabi offered to send Khartoum al-Bashir to stop when he was killing our people. Their mon- Kremlin says too early $3bn aid. ey will only create problems for us,” said Alsadiq, who was Hours after the oil-rich Persian Gulf Arab states made born in Saudi Arabia. to speak of possible the announcement on Sunday, demonstrators at the sit-in According to al Jazeera, The military removed al-Bashir outside Sudan’s military headquarters in the capital started earlier this month after months of anti-government protests cooperation with Ukraine chanting: “We don’t want Saudi support.” during which dozens of people were killed. “They are lobbying and using money to try and control The two Persian Gulf countries, in a joint statement, after election Sudan. We have enough resources to look after ourselves said $500m would be deposited in Sudan’s central bank and our interests,” Adil Gasem Alseed, a trader, told Al Ja- to “ease the pressure on the Sudanese pound and achieve The Kremlin said on Monday that it was too early to speak about zeera on Monday. more stability in the exchange rate”. possible cooperation with Ukrainian President-elect Volodymyr “We can rebuild our country without their help. We say The rest of the aid money will be sent in the form of food, Zelenskiy, but added that Moscow respected the choice of the thank you, please keep your money,” the 52-year-old said. medicines and fuel derivatives, the statement added. Ukrainian people. Other protesters said Sudan needed good leadership and Many demonstrators at the sit-in said they suspected Ukraine has entered uncharted political waters after near not foreign aid. the two countries of trying to influence the ruling military final results show Zelenskiy, a comedian, winning Sunday’s “We have the resources. With good leadership, we can transitional council with the aid. presidential election by a landslide, dramatically upending the look after our country,” Hanan Alsadiq, a university student, Sudan’s head of the transitional military council, Lieu- country’s ground troops when Khartoum sent its soldiers political status quo in the ex-Soviet republic. told Al Jazeera. tenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, was the head of the to Yemen as part of a Saudi-led coalition. (Source: Reuters)

Davutoglu sharply criticizes Erdogan’s AK Party Modi condemns Sri Lanka TEHRAN- A former prime minister and close idential and parliamentary elections in June attacks, says he can defeat ally of President Tayyip Erdogan strongly last year in which Erdogan won the executive criticized the ruling AK Party on Monday, presidency but saw the level of support for the ‘terrorists’ blaming policy changes and an alliance with his party fall. nationalists for its poor performance in Tur- There were no signs of a lira reaction to TEHRAN- After condemning key’s local elections last month. Davutoglu’s statement. The currency had the series of deadly bomb at- In his first major public challenge to Er- weakened in early trade and stood at 5.8334 tacks on Sri Lankan churches dogan since leaving office three years ago, against the dollar, from a close of 5.8170 and luxury hotels on Sunday Ahmet Davutoglu, himself an AKP member, on Friday. that killed more than 200 slammed the party’s economic policies, me- In recent years there has been repeat- people, Indian Prime Minis- dia restrictions and the damage he said it ed media speculation that prominent AKP ter Narendra Modi told voters had done to the separation of powers and politicians such as Davutoglu might break that they needed to elect him to institutions. away to establish a new political party, but to a second term as only he can Davutoglu, a high profile figure in the party, no such development has materialized and beat the “terrorists” threaten- served as prime minister between 2014 and Davutoglu’s statement did not refer to any ing India. 2016 before falling out with Erdogan. prospect of a new party. “Should terrorism be The AKP lost control of the capital Anka- Instead, it stressed the need for reform finished or not?” he told an ra and Turkey’s largest city Istanbul in the within. “I call on our party’s executives and election rally in the western elections on March 31. relevant bodies to assess all these subjects state of Rajasthan. “Who can in terms of voter levels and the party’s iden- The AKP and the Nationalist Movement “The election results show that alliance and our future vision sensibly and with cool do this? Can you think of any tity,” Davutoglu said in a 15-page statement. Party (MHP) formed an alliance before pres- politics have caused harm to our party, both heads,” Davutoglu said. name aside from Modi? Can anybody else do this?” According to Reuters, Modi and his ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have promoted the government’s national security record as a vote winner in India’s staggered general election There is ‘ample evidence’ of Trump collusion, Schiff says that began on April 11 and will end on May 19. Votes will be counted on May 23. TEHRAN- There has been “ample evidence of collusion in now president of the United States would not only not stand In particular, Modi’s muscular stance against Pakistan, plain sight,” says a top U.S. lawmaker in response to attacks up and resist Russian interference in our election but would which New Delhi says backs armed Islamist militant groups, by a Trump administration official. welcome it goes well beyond anything Nixon did.” had boosted support for the BJP in a tightening election race California Democratic Representative Adam Schiff made After the special counsel’s report about the outcome of where opposition parties have focused on weak jobs growth the comments in reaction to White House counselor Kelly- investigation found no collusion between Trump and Russia, and low farm incomes. anne Conway’s attacks. Democrats are taking steps that could lead to the impeach- Tensions between India and Pakistan peaked earlier this year “I use that word very carefully,” he told ABC. “Because ment of the president. after a February suicide bomb attack in disputed Kashmir that I also distinguish time and time again between collusion, “Impeachment is likely to be unsuccessful” without bi- killed 40 Indian paratroopers, and was claimed by an Islamist that is acts of corruption that may or may not be crim- partisan consensus, Schiff said, adding that his committee militant group based in Pakistan. Modi then sent warplanes to inal, and proof of a criminal conspiracy. And that is a has to decide soon “what is the best thing for the country.” Pakistan to bomb a purported training camp, in India’s first distinction that Bob Mueller made within the first few House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler such aerial strike since 1971. pages of his report. In fact, every act that I’ve pointed to also said that “obstruction of justice, if proven, would be Indian officials say that three Indian nationals are known to as evidence of collusion has now been borne out by the impeachable.” be among the dead in the Sri Lankan attacks. No group has yet report.” Press TV reported. “This is very, very, very serious. I believe that the first claimed responsibility. The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has step is to have Representative Jerry Nadler continue to open “In our neighboring Sri Lanka, terrorists have played a bloody been a target of President Donald Trump and his staff. up this investigation to better understand this. We are just game. They killed innocent people,” Modi said. “The obstruction of justice in particular in this case is say in every way this is more significant than Watergate,” getting this document,” Ohio Democratic Representative far worse than anything that Richard Nixon did… I would he noted. “And the fact that a candidate for president and Tim Ryan told CNN.

Egypt to host African Sri Lanka minister says local group linked to deadly attacks summits Tuesday on Sudan, TEHRAN- Sri Lanka’s health minister has Jama’ath, a hardline local organization, 23 as a day of national mourning following Wickremesinghe in October. The move trig- claimed that a local organization was linked had devastated the entire country, AL the worst attack in the nation since its civil gered a weeks-long political crisis that ended Libya to the string of bombings that killed nearly Jazeera reported. war ended a decade ago. only when the Supreme Court overturned 300 people and wounded 500 others. “Unfortunately, despite all these revela- Senaratne’s criticism of President Sirisena, that decision. Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi will lead two emergency Rajitha Senaratne on Monday blamed tions by the intelligence units we could not who heads the security forces, comes a day There were fears the attacks could spark summits with other African leaders Tuesday to address events President Maithripala Sirisena’s government avert these attacks,” Senaratne, who is also after Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesin- a renewal of communal violence, with police in Sudan and Libya, his presidency said. for failing to act on intelligence shared 14 the cabinet spokesman, said. ghe acknowledged that “information was also reporting late on Sunday there had been The leaders will focus on “the evolution of the situation in days before the multiple blasts that targeted He hinted at a possible role of an interna- there” about possible attacks. a petrol bomb attack on a mosque in the Sudan”, where protests continue after the military toppled pres- churches and luxury hotels across the island tional network in the Easter Sunday attacks “We must also look into why adequate northwest and arson attacks on two shops ident Omar al-Bashir, and on “stemming the current crisis” in nation. that have shocked the island nation. precautions were not taken,” he said on owned by Muslims in the west. Libya, where commander Khalifa Haftar is leading an offensive Speaking at a press conference in the No group has claimed responsibility for Sunday. Christians, Muslims and Hindus form on Tripoli, the presidency said in a statement. Sisi is also current capital Colombo, Senaratne said that fail- the attacks so far. Ties between the two leaders are at an nearly a quarter of the South Asian nation’s president of the African Union. ure to act against National Thowheeth The government on Monday declared April all-time low following Sirisena’s sacking of 23 million population. (Source: AFP) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 4 ECONOMY APRIL 23, 2019

STOCK MARKET Over $547m worth of commodities TEDPIX 204321.9 IFX 2494.56 Sources: tse.ir, Ifb.ir traded at IME in a week

ECONOMY TEHRAN — During Furthermore, 1,886 MT of various com- CURRENCIES deskweekdays ending up to modities were traded on the side market of IME. USD 42,000 rials April 18, approximately, 378,167 million As previously announced, the value of tons (MT) of commodities worth over $547 trades at IME rose 52 percent in the past EUR 47,200 rials million were traded at Iran Mercantile Ex- Iranian calendar year (ended on March 20, GBP 54,574 rials change (IME). 2019) from its previous year. According to the report from IME Inter- As reported, the worth of trades at three AED 11,437 rials national Affairs and Public Relations Depart- markets of IME, i.e. physical market, deriva- ment, last week, on the domestic and export tives market and financial market, hit 1.786 Source: cbi.ir metal and mineral trading floor of IME, 84,352 quadrillion rials (about $42.5 billion) in the MT of various products worth close to $194.7 past year. million were traded. Over 24.84 million tons of commodities On this trading floor, 73,300 MT of steel, valued at 884.3 trillion rials (about $21.05 COMMODITIES 6,100 MT of copper, 4,400 MT of aluminum, billion) were traded at the physical market Brent $73.76/b 120 MT of molybdenum concentrates, 12 MT of IME, showing seven percent fall in the of precious metal concentrates, 240 MT of amount and 77 percent rise in the worth of WTI $65.55/b zinc ingot as well as 1 kg of gold bullion were trades year on year. OPEC Basket $70.81/b traded by customers. IME, a commodities exchange located The report declares that on domestic in Tehran, was founded in 2006. IME trades Gold $1,280.40/oz and export oil and petrochemical trading in agricultural, industrial and petrochemical floors of IME, 291,929 MT of different com- products in the spot and futures markets. It Silver $15.09/oz modities with the total value of $369 million feed stock, 82,957 MT of bitumen, 76,659 MT slaps waxes and 10 MT of argon were traded. is mainly a domestic or regional market with Platinium $911.05/oz were traded. of polymer products, 26,468 MT of chemical Moreover, the agricultural trading floor the aim to become more international in the On this trading floor, 104,000 MT of VB products, 2,140 MT of sulfur, 1,200 MT of witnessed trading of 5 kg of saffron strands. future. Sources: oilprice.com, Moneymetals.com China’s Bank of Kunlun to continue Inflation rate at 30.6%: Trade at TSE, IFB co-op with Iran statistical center up 80% in a year ECONOMY TEHRAN — Directors ECONOMY TEHRAN — The 1 IRAN FINEX is the most prestigious event concentrating deskof China’s Bank of Kunlun deskStatistical Center of on finance industries in Iran. It is the most important event in announced that the bank will continue coopera- Iran announced that the inflation rate in this field in the region that brings together all the companies tion with Iran, Mehr news agency reported. the twelve-month period ended on April operating in the financial sector under the same roof. The Chinese bank announced that it will 20, which marks the end of the first Iranian In this edition of the four- continue cooperation with non-sanctioned calendar month of Farvardin, stood at 30.6 day exhibition, the latest Iranian banks for transactions and also pay- percent, IRNA reported. achievements of banking ments related to non-sanctioned goods. The inflation rate in the mentioned period industry, insurance, and capital In this due, Central Bank of Iran (CBI) shows a 3.7-percent rise from the figure of market is being showcased. expounded on the latest situation of bank- of Iran-China Joint Chamber of Commerce the twelve-month period ended on the last after 26 years. Vice-President for Science ing cooperation between Iranian banks and Majid-Reza Hariri said: “Iran and China re- day of the previous month. The inflation rate stood at 9.8 percent in and Technology Sorena Sattari, China’s Kunlun Bank. sume their joint banking relations from today”. As reported, the average goods and that year according to the Statistical Center Finance and Economic Affairs The CBI’s statement released on Monday “We needed a new plan for our banking services Consumer Price Index (CPI) stood at of Iran and at nine percent according to the Minister Farhad Dejpasand, notes that following the recent negotiations relations with China following the new round 169.3 in urban areas and at 180.1 in the rural Central Bank of Iran (CBI). Head of Central Insurance of made with chief executives of China’s Kunlun of U.S. sanctions imposed on November 4, regions in Farvardin, indicating 3.7 percent But since the last year’s calendar Iran Gholamreza Soleimani, Bank, no change has been made to the policies which impacted our ties,” he said, “the issue and 5.8 percent increase, respectively, month of Khordad (ended on June 22, and Central Bank of Iran of the Chinese bank regarding transactions of is resolved now and financial transactions compared to the previous month. 2018), when the inflation rate stood at (CBI) Deputy Governor Akbar non-sanctioned goods with non-sanctioned becomes operational today via China’s Bank In the Iranian calendar year 1395 (ended 10.2 percent, as announced by the CBI, Komeijani attended the Iranian banks.” of Kunlun, as the only bank operating between on March 20, 2017), Iran could manage the country’s experiencing double-digit inaugural ceremony of the On December 10, Deputy Head and speaker Iran and China.” to experience a single-digit inflation rate inflation rates again. exhibit. Iran’s Securities and Exchange Mohammadi said this Organization (SEO) Head exhibition is not just limited Shapour Mohammadi speak- to the capital market, while it Plastic products main item exported to Iraq ing in the inaugural ceremony is considered an important event ECONOMY of IRAN FINEX 2019 in the country’s financial market. TEHRAN — Iranian held exhibitions and effective marketing.” officials met their Iranian counterparts Ardakanian, Iraqi Minister of Electricity deskcommercial attaché to Iran and Iraq are determined to boost to discuss different areas of cooperation Louay Al Khateeb, Iraqi Trade Minister Iraq named plastic products as the major their trade ties and to meet this target, between the two neighbors. Mohammad Hashim Abdul Majid Jasim, goods Iran exports to its neighbor Iraq, many delegations from each side have been In that visit, an Iran-Iraq business Iranian Industry, Mining and Trade Tehran hosting intl. beauty & Tasnim news agency reported on Sunday. recently visited the other side. forum was also held at the place of Iran Minister Reza Rahmani, Head of Basra Nasser Behzad also said that demands Heading a high-ranking economic and Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines Chamber of Commerce Majed Mozan, and clean exhibit for these Iranian products is growing in political delegation, Iraqi Prime Minister and Agriculture (ICCIMA). Gholam-Hossein Shafeie, the chairman ECONOMY TEHRAN — The 26th edition of International the Iraqi market. Abdul Mahdi visited Iran on April 6 and The event was attended by several senior of ICCIMA, along with representatives of deskExhibition of Detergents, Cleansers, Hygienic He has previously said: “Iraqis demand 7. The visit came after Iranian President officials from both sides including Iran’s private companies. and Cellulose Products and Related Machinery (Iran Beauty and for Iranian goods has increased and as Hassan Rouhani’s landmark visit to Iraq First Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri, During the business forum, the two sides Clean) kicked off at Tehran International Permanent Fairground expected Iran’s non-oil exports to its western in March. Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi called for further expansion of the trade on Monday, Mehr news agency reported. neighbor will go up in future thanks to the During their stay in Tehran, the Iraqi as well as Iranian Energy Minister Reza ties between the two countries. Some 265 domestic as well as foreign companies from South Korea, Germany, India, China, Turkey, France, Italy and Spain are taking part in the four-day exhibition, which will wrap up on April 25, Head of Iran International Exhibitions Company China manufacturers taking all necessary measures to survive trade war Bahman Hosseinzadeh said. Manufacturers in China facing trade barriers are deploy- suffer losses,” said Wills Yuan, a salesman at Ningbo Yourlite Exhibitors are showcasing their brands across a wide range ing an array of moves to try to keep foreign customers Import & Export Co in Shenzhen, which produces LED lights. of services and products, including detergents and cleansers, - giving discounts, tapping tax breaks, trimming work- Shenzhen Smarteye Digital Electronics Co, a maker of hygienic and cellulose products, perfume, cologne, skincare prod- forces and, occasionally, shifting production overseas surveillance cameras, which are not on the U.S. tariff list, ucts, commercial and advisory services and related production to skirt tariffs. was able to drop prices because of the tax break, according lines, machinery and equipment, he added. Tit-for-tat tariffs from the China-United States trade to sales manager Simple Yu. According to the official, attracting local and foreign invest- war have been costly for many. Adding to the strain “We save a lot on costs, so we can sell at a low price,” ment, finding new sales representatives and markets, increasing on Chinese manufacturers have been European Union he said. exports, becoming familiar with the latest standards in the field, duties on Chinese products ranging from electric bikes Exchange rate concern introducing the capabilities of Iranian companies and prepar- to solar panels, Reuters reported. But Smarteye has worries, including increasing rent and ing the ground for scientific and research cooperation between March brought some encouraging news for manu- labor costs that led it to trim its workforce. producers are among the objectives pursued by this exhibition. facturers. Industrial output rose at its fastest rate since Yu said he’s also concerned about the trade war’s po- mid-2014 and exports rebounded more than expected, while tential effect on the yuan-dollar exchange rate. “Before it first-quarter growth was better than expected. was 6.9 per dollar, now it’s 6.7 per dollar. We worry that India central bank holds up to Still, some manufacturers who depend on U.S. sales are Unavoidable price hikes it will go to 6.5.” struggling. At the Canton Fair in southern China this past California-based ACOPower has increased prices about Electric bike makers have reacted nimbly to European $43 billion of excess capital week, they put on a brave face, but feared they will need to 10-15 percent on some of its made-in-China, solar-powered anti-dumping duties of between 18.8 and 79.3 percent take more measures to survive if Beijing and Washington refrigerators, said founder Jeffrey Tang. imposed in January. Many have started assembling some A panel named by India’s central bank to study its capital structure fail to seal a trade deal. “We have no choice,” he said. “We must increase the price.” bikes in Europe; Zhejiang Enze Vehicle Co does so in Poland is likely to identify excess reserves of up to 3 trillion rupees ($43 Botou Golden Integrity Roll Forming Machine Co lost Tang says his portable fridges cannot be made affordably and Finland. billion), or 1.5 percent of gross domestic product, Bloomberg some U.S. customers when tariffs pushed up prices for its in other countries. But if there’s no trade agreement, and “We take the battery, frame, and the other parts, package reported citing Bank of America Merrill Lynch. machines making light steel girders and bars for building tariffs rise, the equation could change. them up separately and send them over to be assembled by The view from BofAML lends itself to a debate over Reserve frames, according to Hope Ha, a saleswoman. “Maybe I’ll just ship all the components to Vietnam to partners,” said sales rep Dylan Di. Bank of India’s reserves, with one school of thought believing It now offers an 8 percent discount as a sweetener. do the assembly.” Anhui Light Industries International Co, which makes that the monetary authority holds surplus capital that can be “We have to give discounts because they pay high tar- Aufine Tyre rented and filled a warehouse last year in products ranging from plastic protractors for math to movie handed over to the government and the other saying the RBI iffs,” said Ha. California in anticipation of anti-dumping duties, which theater popcorn cups, says it has lost more than 1 billion has insufficient reserves. Ball bearing maker Cixi Fushi Machinery Co gave long- were later imposed. In another move to circumvent tariffs, yuan $149.2 million) after U.S. President Donald Trump BofAML’s note comes as the panel led by former central bank term customers a 3-5 percent discount, according to rep- it will soon open a plant in Thailand to make tires. raised import taxes. Governor Bimal Jalan prepares to submit its report in the coming resentative Jane Wang. Jane Liu, a sales manager, said Aufine plans to send 50 Still, company representative Han Geng is optimistic weeks. While finance ministry officials have supported transfer But that was not enough, so the company suspended a containers a month from Thailand, with 220-240 tires in the trade war will get resolved. of surplus reserves to help the government meet budget goals, a product line generating $30,000 monthly revenue, she said. each, and later expand. “It’s not good for America, not good for China,” he said, central bank-backed thinktank found that the RBI’s capital buffer “We will wait for the agreement and then we will see Some companies at the fair cheered Beijing’s move to expressing the view that Trump knows the trade war is that’s below the global average capital to asset ratio. again,” she said. Now, the focus is on its main market, the trim China’s value-added tax to 13 percent from 16 percent hurting business and “he will end it”. “Our stress tests throw up a range of one trillion rupees plus Middle East. at the start of April, and its pledge of tax rebates for exports. When that day comes, Han said, “We will sell to America only from contingency reserves,» Indranil Sen Gupta, chief Some have been able to pass along increased costs. “Things like this give us some protection or else we would again... We need to make money. Everybody loves money.” India economist at BofAML, said in the note. According to him, India’s central bank maintains higher contingency reserves as a percentage of its total book compared to its peers in Brazil, Russia and South Africa and a lower cap will release more funds. As such, if the cap is halved to 3.25 percent from 6.25 percent, South Korea early export data points to more chip woes currently, that will release 1.3 trillion rupees, Sen Gupta added. South Korean exports slumped further this March, according to the Korea Customs Service. the country’s technology sector after Samsung Along with revaluation gains which range from 3 billion rupees month, according to preliminary data, led Semiconductor exports through April Electronics reported estimated first quarter to 1.8 trillion rupees, India’s central bank would be in a position to by a drop in shipments of computer chips. 20 were down 24.7 percent on the prior operating profit down 60 percent, hit by a slump transfer the excess reserves to the government which can be used As reported by Financial Times, exports corresponding period, offsetting a 4.1 per- in prices of memory chips and display panels. to recapitalize the country’s struggling state-run banks, he said. totaled $29.7bn in the first 20 days of April, cent increase in car shipments and despite Several other major South Korean companies India’s central bank books revaluation gains on the foreign down 8.7 percent from the same period a improvements in shipments of telecoms including Hyundai Motor, LG Display and currency assets and gold holdings. Those holdings are currently year ago and following from a 5.2 percent equipment. chipmaker SK Hynix are slated to report their just above $400 billion. year-on-year fall for the preliminary data in The data comes amid a rocky month for first quarter financials this week. ADVERTISEMENTS


U.S. can’t realize “Zero Iran China stands by Iran, opposing unjust U.S. sanctions

ENERGY TEHRAN — Chinese foreign ministry announced oil” plan: Source deskon Monday that the Asian country is consistent about opposing unilateral U.S. sanctions against Iran, Reuters re- By Ebrahim Fallahi on the country’s oil industry, the source noted ported on Monday. that there is no need for any urgent actions. Speaking in a press conference, Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang TEHRAN – Following reports that the U.S. “We do not need urgent action. We have said China’s bilateral cooperation with Iran was in accordance with is planning to end the waivers on Iranian oil been monitoring and analyzing all possible the law. sanctions, a source with the Iranian oil min- scenarios and conditions for the advance of our The announcement comes amid reports that Washington is ex- istry said Washington cannot drive Iranian country’s oil exports…. We are prepared for pected to end waivers which allowed buyers of Iranian oil continue oil exports to zero. any situation and it is not like Iran is waiting shipping the commodity. “Just as the U.S. couldn’t go through with for U.S. decisions to export its oil.” He said. In May 2018, Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from an inter- the claims of zeroing Iran’s oil exports on In May 2018, Donald Trump withdrew national deal with Iran, formally known as the Joint Comprehen- November 4, it can’t achieve its goal in the the U.S. from an international deal with Iran, sive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and in November the sanctions were next 10 days, ten months or even next ten formally known as the Joint Comprehensive reimposed on the country’s oil sector. years.” the source told Tasnim news agency Plan of Action (JCPOA), and in November Shortly after the sanctions took effect, the U.S. government grant- on Monday, the sanctions were reimposed on the coun- ed exemptions to eight countries, allowing them to temporarily Earlier on Sunday, Washington Post try’s oil sector. continue buying Iranian oil. reported that U.S. Secretary of State Mike Trump then announced his plan for driving China is a major importer of Iranian oil and was one of eight Pompeo is going to announce that “as of May Iranian oil exports to zero, however short- buyers who were granted a waiver by the United States to continue 2, the State Department will no longer grant ly after the sanctions took effect, the U.S. buying Iranian oil. sanctions waivers to any country that is cur- government granted exemptions to eight The country maintained its imports after November. China’s rently importing Iranian crude or condensate.” countries, allowing them to temporarily January imports remained above the 360,000 bpd while India also Following that report, Reuters confirmed continue buying Iranian oil. scaled back imports in January to 270,500 bpd. the news, citing a source familiar with the The news comes at a time that the market Earlier on Sunday, the Washington Post reported that U.S. Sec- matter. is already at a tight state and various factors retary of State Mike Pompeo will announce that “as of May 2, the Asked about Iran’s possible actions in are already contributing to the supply-de- State Department will no longer grant sanctions waivers to any response to U.S. plans for tightening the grip mand imbalance. country that is currently importing Iranian crude or condensate.” China also announced that it will continue banking cooperation with Iran, Mehr news agency reported. Iraq committed to the OPEC+ deal, Aiteo declares force majeure on oil supply from As reported, Directors of China’s Bank of Kunlun announced that the bank will continue cooperation with non-sanctioned Iranian banks says ministry spokesman Nigeria’s 150,000 bpd Bonny Light pipeline for transactions and also payments related to non-sanctioned goods. In this due, Central Bank of Iran (CBI) expounded on the latest ENERGY Iraq is committed to the ENERGY Aiteo Eastern Explora- situation of banking cooperation between Iranian banks and China’s deskglobal supply cuts taken desktion and Production has Kunlun Bank. by OPEC and its allies and any decision to declared force majeure on crude oil supply The CBI’s statement released on Monday notes that following the raise or decrease production must be taken through Nigeria’s 150,000 bpd Nembe Creek recent negotiations made with chief executives of China’s Kunlun collectively by OPEC, an Iraq oil ministry Trunk Line, a key oil pipeline connected to Bank, no change has been made to the policies of the Chinese bank spokesman told Reuters on Monday. the Bonny terminal, after a fire broke out regarding transactions of non-sanctioned goods with non-sanc- “Iraq does not take a unilateral decision at the facility on Sunday, the operator said. tioned Iranian banks.” to compensate for a reduction in the oil “We are constrained to shut-in injection market for any reason,” Asim Jihad told as well as other related operations into the Reuters, when asked on whether Iraq is NCTL,” Aiteo said. “In accordance with Bullish bets in the oil market ready to raise its output to compensate for ward trend in March, falling by 210,000 standard procedure, we requested the other The pipeline was previously shut Feb- a potential shortage in Iranian oil supplies. barrels per day compared to February injectors to do same,” the operator added. ruary 28, following a leak from a point double since October The United States is expected to to the lowest production levels in five Shell, Nigeria’s biggest producer, pumps a drilled by suspected oil thieves. The NCTL announce on Monday that buyers of months. large chunk of the Bonny Light crude produced has been a major target of thieves siphon- Hedge funds are betting rising tensions around the globe will keep Iranian oil need to end imports soon or The steep drop was a result of several in the eastern division of the Niger Delta ing crude. fueling oil’s rebound this year, Bloomberg reported. face sanctions, a source familiar with factors, including measures taken by the through the NCTL. Bonny Light is one of In May last year, Shell had declared force Money managers boosted optimistic wagers on West Texas In- the situation told Reuters, triggering a Oil Ministry to reduce output in state-run Nigeria’s key export grades, with production majeure on exports of Bonny Light due to a termediate crude to the highest since October in the week ended 3 percent jump in crude prices to their fields in line with an OPEC agreement, at 200,000-250,000 bpd. leak on the NTCL. April 16, according to government data released Friday. Total long highest so far this year. and also unplanned interruptions due Investigations on the cause of the fire are Nigeria’s crude and condensate produc- and short positions swelled to the most in six months, a sign the Iraq’s oil output continued a down- to bad weather in southern Iraq. ongoing, but Aiteo said it suspected sabotage. tion was just under 2 million bpd in March. rally is luring back investors after 2018’s late-year crash. The U.S. benchmark has jumped about 40 percent this year. Oil has wavered since nearing $65 a barrel in New York for the first time in five months on April 9. While OPEC output cuts have pushed prices higher, it’s unclear how long the cartel and its part- Oil hits 2019 high as U.S. prepares to end Iran oil waivers ners will sustain the curbs. The Trump administration, meanwhile, Oil topped $74 a barrel on Monday, the highest since November, percent to $74.31 a barrel, the highest since Nov. 1. It was up purchases for six months. faces a pivotal decision on Iranian sanctions, and conflicts in Libya, with the United States set to announce a further clampdown $1.94 at $73.91 at 0847 GMT. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is due make an an- Algeria and Venezuela remain wildcards. on Iranian oil exports, tightening global supplies. U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude climbed by as much nouncement on Monday, the Washington Post said. “You could see the balance swing a few million barrels in either According the United States is expected to announce that as 2.9 percent to $65.87, the highest since Oct. 31, and was Another drop in Iranian exports would further squeeze direction in the next few weeks,” said Leo Mariani, an analyst at buyers of Iranian oil need to end imports soon or face sanctions, last up $1.51 at $65.51. supply in a market already tightened through the U.S. sanc- KeyBanc Capital Markets. “The potential for more supply outages a source familiar with the situation said, confirming an earlier In November, the U.S. reimposed sanctions on exports of tions against Iran and fellow OPEC member Venezuela, plus is incredibly high, but the market is also increasingly uncertain.” Washington Post report. Iranian oil after President Donald Trump unilaterally pulled voluntary cuts led by the Organization of the Petroleum Ex- The net-long WTI position -- the difference between bets on “This does bring a lot more uncertainty in terms of global out of a 2015 nuclear accord between Iran and six world powers. porting Countries. higher prices and wagers on a decline -- rose 10 percent to 303,366 supplies,” said Olivier Jakob, analyst at Petromatrix. “It is a Washington, however, granted waivers to Iran’s eight main An end to the exemptions would hit Asian buyers hardest. futures and options contracts, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading bullish surprise for the market.” buyers - China, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Iran’s biggest oil customers are China and India, both of which Commission said. Long positions climbed 8.4 percent, while shorts

Brent crude, the global benchmark, rose as much as 3.3 Italy and Greece - that allowed them to continue making limited have been lobbying for an extension to the sanction waivers. declined 6.5 percent.

N.I.O.C 1398.419 National Iranian Drilling Company First AnnouncementFirst Announcement Why are natural gas prices crashing? Call for publicCall for public tender tender (First/Second publish) publish) is in fact pretty far behind last year, but you can One -Stage tender By Nick Cunningham N.I.O.C One -Stage tender have as much gas as you want and as soon as Subject of Tender: P/F “MI CO.”, MUD CLEANER & SHALE SHAKER National Iranian Subject of Tender: you want it. That’s what’s killing the market.’’ 1398.419 P/F "MI CO.", MUD CLEANER & SHALE SHAKER Drilling Company Shrugging off low levels of storage, natural gas prices have continued to plunge. The U.S. entered The Marcellus and Utica Shales (classified by  Tender descriptions: this past winter with natural gas supplies at a the EIA as the “Appalachia Region”) continue to pump out the nation’s largest amount of gas, Tender No. Estimated value 15-year low. Paltry levels of gas in storage, just The Tender holder Registration No. through national electronic tendering system /Indent No. (Rial) ahead of the peak winter demand season, pushed with production above 30,000 million cubic feet per day. Output is expected to rise by another Tender No. :FP/09-98/002 prices up to the highest level in four years. A National Iranian Drilling Company 3,197,190 5,895,780,000 cold snap in November led to a jump of around 353 million cubic feet per day in May, according Indent No.:08-22-9745081 30 percent in a week, an increase so fast and to the EIA’s Drilling Productivity Report. so quick that it forced at least one trading firm storage remains remarkably tight. Natural gas The Permian is adding huge volumes of new  Qualitative evaluation of tenderers out of business. By mid-November, prices had inventories stood at 1,247 billion cubic feet (Bcf) supply as well, a byproduct of the oil drilling frenzy. The Permian is now the U.S.’ second Qualification process will be done in plain mode in offers opening session according to presentation of climbed as high as $4.80/MMBtu. as of April 12. Notably, despite the large increase valid practice certificate / legal documents (certificate of corporation/ supply announcement up to Worryingly, the rest of winter still lay ahead. of 92 Bcf from the week earlier, gas inventories largest shale gas producer, expected to top latest changes) which should be related to tender subject. Method Gas supplies in storage were at their lowest lev- were still 414 Bcf below the five-year average, 14,000 million cubic feet per day next month. 1- Applicants who have more than 4 in process contracts with NIDC are not allowed to participate in However, much of the Permian’s natural gas this tender. els in a decade and a half, and demand had and also at multi-year lows for the time of year. 2- Applicants which have more than 2 in process contracts with NIDC in similar subject ( exclusively steadily increased year-after-year as gas-fired Why are prices hovering close to their lowest is going up in smoke because there is not enough same subject) are not allowed to participate in another tender power plants replaced shuttered coal plants. levels in years, even though inventories have been pipeline capacity to move all of the gas to market.  Purchasing & Submitting The surge in LNG exports and petrochemicals decimated? The gas glut in the Permian has become so acute that prices recently crashed deep into also amounted to a new source of demand that The answer largely comes down to record levels The distribution of the documents will be started one day after the publishing of second didn’t exist in its current form only a few years of production, with output continuing to rise on negative territory. The state has relatively lax advertisement and ended on the following tenth day thereof. ago. To top it off, there were several rounds an ongoing basis. Analysts and gas traders have standards on flaring, allowing producers to simply Hall No.:113, 1thfloor, Foreign Procurement Dept., Distribution Place of extreme cold that swept across the North largely shrugged off low storage levels, expecting burn off gas they can’t capture. Permian drillers National Iranian Drilling Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN – Tel : 061 34148601 American continent, forcing millions of people that the “injection season” – the months between were flaring gas at the rate equivalent to the entire Tender Document Distribution by  Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt in the Company to crank up the heat. April and November when demand is season- residential demand in the state of Texas at the amount of 510,000 Iranian Rials under account number Yet, despite that backdrop, prices shockingly ally soft – will see storage levels fill up quickly, end of 2018, according to Bloomberg. Surely, 4001114004020491 (Shaba No. IR the volumes of gas going up into the air have Submitting Method 520100004001114004020491) in name of “NIDC Incomes fell back rather quickly. A few weeks after the replenishing depleted stocks. Centralized Fund” issued by I.R. of Iran Central Bank. November price spike, Henry Hub spot prices ‘‘This is a very bad development here’’ for gas climbed since then.  Submitting format Request for the purpose of dropped below $4/MMBtu. By February, prices futures, Bob Yawger, director of the futures divi- Still, with the Permian and Marcellus adding receiving Tender Documents. fell below $3/MMBtu and remained there, with sion at Mizuho Securities USA, told Bloomberg record gas supply, along with a revived Haynesville Closing date .Days after the last time of Purchasing 35  the market eyeing the end of the winter demand in an interview. ‘‘This is below the multi-year low Shale, the U.S. continues to break new records season. Now, with temperatures rising, prices and we are basically in no man’s land right now.’’ for gas output. That means that prices have little Documents Receiving Method Hall No. 107, 1stfloor, Tender Committee, Operation Address building, National Iranian Drilling Company, Airport recently plunged as low as $2.50/MMBtu. He we on to say ‘‘We have just a lot of gas chance of climbing significantly higher in the square, Ahwaz, IRAN. However, the price decline comes even as production in this country,’’, adding that ‘‘Storage short run. Tel: +98-61-34148580 +98-61-34148569

 Tender Guarantee World’s biggest sun-seeking solar farm constructed in the Netherlands Value of guarantee 295,000,000 Rial/ 6,211 Euro Bank guarantees or guarantees issued by non-bank institutions that obtain activity license from the central bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Dutch engineers are building what will be the China, the UK and Japan. islands, each of which will be 140 meters in diam- Type of guarantee world’s largest archipelago of islands made up According to the Guardian, in a development eter, is due to be finished by November, once the Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt under account number 4001114006376636 (Shaba No. IR 350100004001114006376636) in name of “NIDC saving account” by the central bank of Islamic of sun-tracking solar panels. that is to become the largest of its type in the migratory season for birds has come to an end. Republic of Iran. Growing resistance to the construction of world, construction will begin this year on 15 Arnoud van Druten, the managing director of Duration of credit & quotation Tender Guarantee should be valid for 90 days and extendable maximum for one time in initial validity wind turbines or fields of solar panels on land solar islands on the Andijk reservoir in north Floating Solar, a solar panel supplier, said: “We duration. has led the renewable energy industry to look for Holland. The islands, containing 73,500 panels, would like to have started earlier but because of (Foreign Procurement Dept.) (Foreign Procurement Dept.) alternative options. Large islands of solar pan- will have the sunflower-like ability to move to the environmental issues regarding bird seasons, More of this & other tenders are accessible by click on: www.nidc.ir http://sapp.ir/nidc_pr More of this & other tenders are accessible by click on: els are under construction or already in place face the light. there is only a limited period in the year, these three www.nidc.ir http://sapp.ir/nidc_pr تهران تایمز نوبت اول 3/2/98نوبت دوم 98/2/4 تهران تایمز نوبت اول 3/2/98نوبت دوم in reservoirs and lakes across the Netherlands, The first phase of the project, involving three months, that we can put anything in the water.” 98/2/4

ساعت: 17:00 امضاء صفحه آرا: ساعت: امضاء مسئول صفحه: ساعت: امضاء ادیتور: ساعت: امضاء سردبیر:

I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 6 INTERNATIONAL APRIL 23, 2019 The fears and hops of emancipation in the West: The great sin of Amano prof. Stephen Eric Bronner By Hossein Yari 1 Where does emancipation originate The resurgence of religion is a complicated from? Does it have its origins in Marxism matter. Religion has inspired secular visions TEHRAN - The silence of the Interna- or can we trace it back before Marxism in of emancipation and utopia notions of eman- tional Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Western thoughts? cipation that abolish alienation yet, at the against non-core nuclear activities of A: In my opinion, the desire for freedom same time, it is tied to a traditionalist and Saudi Arabia indicates that it is non- has anthropological roots. It goes back to the other-worldly frame of reference. Religion autonomous. Riyadh, as a center for the beginnings of civilization with Socrates insist- is indeed still “the sigh of the oppressed” but development of terrorism in the West ence upon questioning authority, with slave it is also still “the opium of the masses.” For Asian region, and the main sponsor of revolts, bread riots and the hope of education. all that, the issue is not religiosity or the be- terrorist and extremist groups (such as What emerges in modernity is not the desire lief in God, but rather the political activities ISIS), is seeking to expand its nuclear for freedom, but the belief explicitly stated of churches, mosques, and synagogues that program. by Hegel that this desire is rational. identify their particular beliefs with those Donald Trump’s government’s sup- Who do you consider to be the agent of of the community at large. Dogmatism and port for Saudi Arabia’s nuclear activities has raised doubts over emancipation? If this ideal is necessary to be ambition of this sort is what demands resist- the issue. Undoubtedly, everyone knows well that the nature of implemented, then who is responsible for it? ance by those committed to a better world. the Saudi regime is not peaceful. Hence, Saudi Arabia’s nuclear A: Let me put it this way: there is no longer How do you predict the future of activities are also dangerous for the international community. a prefabricated agent like the revolutionary emancipation considering current world situ- These activities certainly do not have a peaceful aspect. proletariat or Lenin’s vanguard party. But it ation? Are you still optimistic that there are Everyone knows well that basically Amano has never done is still the case that working class solidarity opportunities to criticize Capitalism and Impe- his real job as IAEA Director General. Unfortunately, the IAEA is the precondition for revolutionary activity rialism and to offer emancipatory manifesto? Director General has committed a great sin. Undoubtedly, he whether that activity takes the form of a national A: Prospects for emancipation have always will be responsible for the dangerous consequences of continuing front or not. It is also the case that some form been “bad” but they have also always erupted the destructive nuclear activities of the Saudi terrorist regime. of political organization is necessary as well unexpectedly. That was true in 1917 and in The absolute obedience of Amano from Washington and Tel as a theory that targets specific institutions 1968 and in 1989 and in 2011, and it is true Aviv has already existed! While only a week remained to the and explains the goals of the revolutionary today. Liberal society still makes it possible to official announcement of U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA, we enterprise. criticize capitalism and imperialism but that witnessed Netanyahu’s nuclear show against the Islamic Republic How do you explain the disappointment society is imperiled. The more progressive of Iran. In this nuclear and missile show, he argued that Iran, and pessimism of Frankfurt School’s the first the society the better the chance for radical contrary to the JCPOA terms, has moved towards the production generation as regards emancipation? From resistance. That is what history shows. And of nuclear weapons! their viewpoint, is it possible to implement for good reason— a single taste of freedom The claim was so ridiculous that even some of Washington emancipation by alienated one-dimensional is never enough; it always sparks the desire and Tel Aviv allies decided not to take any positions on it. men in modern societies? for more. Meanwhile, once again we were witnessing the passive stance A: The pessimism of the Frankfurt School, How do you evaluate Islamic revolution taken by the IAEA. Eventually, after a few days of silence, the IAEA, in the first instance, derives from the failures of of Iran as a movement for emancipation and in an indirect and prudent response that came after the claims of the international uprisings in the aftermath of The Iranian Revolution was successful insofar against imperialism? What is your idea as a the Zionist Regime’s Prime Minister against Iran, emphasized the Russian Revolution, its totalitarian degen- critical theory thinker about Islamic revolution that it had “no credible indications of activities in Iran relevant eration, and the rise of fascism. The reduction as a sovereign state was established whose and its capacity for emancipation? to the development of a nuclear explosive device after 2009”. of culture to a commodity that targets the government was not indebted to one of the A: Emancipation and anti-imperialism are A spokesman for the International Atomic Energy Agency lowest common denominator, imperils critical Western “great powers.” not the same same thing. The Iranian Revo- said in a statement that its board of governors had “declared reflection, and tends to eliminate opposition, lution was successful insofar as a sovereign that its consideration of this issue was closed” after it was pre- is key to the emergence of “one-dimensional” tion.” That is helpful if both participants in the political legacy of the Enlightenment, state was established whose government was sented with a report in December 2015. “The Agency evaluates society. Adorno and Horkheimer would essen- the conversation share the same (liberal) as- investigate the (changing) contradictions not indebted to one of the Western “great all safeguards-relevant information available to it. However, it tially view resistance in terms of affirming the sumptions. Attacking a fascist for engaging in of capitalism and imperialism, and concern powers.” There as something unique about is not the practice of the IAEA to publicly discuss issues related genuine subjectivity of the individual through a “performative contradiction,” would result themselves with the foundations of solidarity Iran’s ability to fit the republican form of to any such information,” he added. sophisticated forms of art but Marcuse saw in him responding “so what”? and emancipatory purpose. government into a religious frame of refer- Interestingly enough, Yukio Amano didn’t want to take any hope in the groups most “marginal” to the What do you mean by “domesticated” Today we witness that many European ence: different factions contest one another positions beyond the IAEA’s indirect statement, so that the Zionist functioning of society (intellectuals, women, when you refer to some Critical Theory thinkers young men are attracted to ISIS and other for power, citizens vote, the judiciary has and U.S. authorities would not blame him for that! people of color, and the colonized) and be- such as Habermas? Do you think they have extremist groups like PEGIDA. What is the a certain degree of independence, regular Finally, the IAEA Director General must be accountable for lieved that they might serve as a “catalysts” forgotten the ideal of emancipation? reason of this peculiar phenomenon from your elections take place, and the army is subor- his discriminatory policies and practices regarding Saudi Arabia’s for a dormant yet still exploited working class. A: When I speak about the domestication of viewpoint? Don’t you think that they look dinate to the state. In short, whatever the nuclear activities. It seems that emancipation has lost its critical theory, which incidentally became the for a revolutionary emancipation manifesto obvious limits, the revolution realized the importance to famous contemporary critical title of an excellent book by Michael Thompson, which they cannot find in Western societies? goal of national self-determination for the thinkers like Jurgen Habermas or Andrew I was referring to the general scholasticism, A: The reactionary wave of our time exists Iranian people. Linklater. they don’t have any revolutionary the preoccupation with subjectivity, and the in the Occident and the Orient. Underlying Of course, there are deficits with respect motivations, they accept status quo dominated lack of concern with the institutional obstacles both, in my opinion, is a (paranoid) fear of to civil liberties, freedom to run for office, and The vague fate of British- by liberal capitalism, and what they look for in to emancipation as well as the revolutions modernity that primarily infects pre-modern institutional accountability. Corruption ex- Japanese trade relations their theories such as ‘ideal speech situation’, of 1989 and 2011 that are so much a part of classes and the less economically developed ists along with capital punishment, outdated ‘communicative action’, ‘inclusion’, ‘ethical our world. In short, I was referring to the sectors of society. it makes sense that these sexual prohibitions, religious dogmatism, and universality’, ‘ethical cosmopolitanism’ and retreat of critical theory from the social and premodern classes should embrace premodern the unequal treatment of women and minori- By Bastian Harth ‘obligation to foreigners’ seem too idealistic the political in favor of the philosophical and ideologies of racism, sexism, xenophobia and ties. Other issues of this sort, pertaining to and utopian. Don’t you think that their strat- the aesthetic. As I argued in Reclaiming the the like (often brought together in the form of the rule of law, can be raised as well. Even egies for emancipation are not feasible and Enlightenment, which appeared in Farsi trans- conspiracy fetishism) to explain to what has were these matters fully addressed, however, Asia Times - Brexit was supposed to happen by the end of accessible in a power-orientated and wealth- lation, any meaningful notion of socialism occurred to their traditional forms of life and emancipation would remain incomplete. That March, but uncertainty prevails. The United Kingdom has orientated world system? requires commitment to the liberal rule of the disappearance of “the good old days.” I is because emancipation or freedom is ever been granted permission to delay its exit from the European A: Thinkers like Habermas mistake the law and republican institutions. tried to talk about this in my most recent book reducible to any set of social institutions. The Union until the end of October, months after the European need for liberals to make sense of their world We consider you as belong to the New The Bigot: Why Prejudice Persists. concept speaks to the moral autonomy of the elections in May. Also, Prime Minister Theresa May announced with the assumption that everyone is privi- Critical Theory who intend to return to Marx- Today we witness a ‘religious turn’ in individual, his or her ability to think differ- that she would step down after Brexit has been finalized but leging liberal rationalism. So, for example, ist tradition and legacy and to revive radical the world even in Western societies. How do ently, embrace unpopular beliefs, and challenge a “no-deal” scenario persists. Habermas suggests that there are certain emancipation and utopian thought. Would you you evaluate ‘the return of religion from exile’ existing norms or, as Kant might have said, While Brexit has caused many sleepless nights, policy-makers pragmatic universals that underpin commu- please explain your position? What changes in relation to emancipation? Can religion and emerge from the kind of ethical immaturity across the Indo-Pacific region share the view that Brexit might be nicative practice (allowing anyone to enter the do you look for in New Critical Theory? religious beliefs play a role in implementing whereby people are unable to make crucial a “blessing in disguise” for improving strategic partnerships with discourse, providing arguments for a claim, A: Yes; there has been a revival of radical emancipation? life-decisions as they wish. Emancipation is the United Kingdom. Tokyo-based policy-makers, in particular, proving willing to change one’s opinion in critical theory, and figures like Marcuse, in A: There has indeed been much discussion regulative ideal not a fact: the real question have echoed a resounding “yes” – called the “Tokyo Consensus” the light of evidence etc). To deny any of this Latin America and elsewhere in what was of the “post-secular” society. Quite clearly the is whether Iran is on the right path and, at – as Japan-UK relations regarding military cooperation have in attempting to communicate would, in his the third world. New forms of critical theory religious turn has been strengthened by the the end of theirs citizens will have to make not been this comprehensive since before World War I.Both view, result in a “performative contradic- need to re-establish their connection with decline of Marxism as a theory of resistance. that determination. have engaged in defense equipment cooperation, joint research and development missions, and the UK has even deployed its Typhoon fighter aircraft to Misawa Air Base in Japan. But while Japanese policymakers continue to focus on the strategic and political partnership with the UK, Japanese com- Has the Chinese economy hit its low point panies in the UK continue to suffer.In the Harvard Business Review, Paul Maidment wrote that “…the prolonged uncertainty has been agonizing for [Japanese] businesses affected by the at 6.4% growth? political process.” Many Japanese companies are relocating their European headquarters to EU countries to continue By Luo Xuan Second, an aging population has weighed on the inelastic business as usual within the single European market and to demand for housing, thereby eroding the potential of the maintain their financial passport rights. Meanwhile, big car Global Times - China’s GDP rose 6.4 percent in the first housing sector as a growth driver. Apart from a decrease in manufacturers such as Honda, Toyota, and Nissan have been quarter, matching the fourth quarter of last year. The market the amount of labor, the numbers of high school graduates closing manufacturing plants or halted their production lines has reached the bottom earlier than expected in the begin- and newly registered marriages have also been on a down- of certain cars – potentially threatening the employment of ning of 2019, and the economy also has hit its low point. ward spiral since 2013. A trend of falling inelastic demand more than 10,000 British workers. However, in both the long and short run, the economic revival for housing has followed as a result. Accordingly, earlier this March, Koji Tsuruoka, the Japanese has been lackluster. International experience has shown that peaks in the ambassador to the UK, spoke on behalf of Japanese companies, In the long run, after a 40-year growth miracle, the Chinese working population nearly coincide with peaks in home prices. warning Britain of the dangers of not negotiating a “promising economy remains far from finishing its task of shifting gears. For instance, the U.S. labor force reached its peak in 2007 post-Brexit deal.” Only eight out of 180 economies worldwide have achieved while home prices hit the ceiling in 2006. Japan’s labor force He said, “These are all global companies and therefore they a 30-year-straight high growth miracle. Besides China, the peaked in 1992, while the nation’s home prices were at their have other possibilities other than staying… they may relocate. other seven economies ended their high growth period within peak in 1990. The fading demographic dividend and weak Or they may combine or consolidate. But you can’t make those 40 years. Some have fallen into ultra-low growth or ended growth momentum for homes suggest the fundamentals of decisions until you know what’s going to happen next. This is up in recessions. the housing market have changed dramatically. The golden very important.” Sharp economic slowdown happened in Japan, which era of an overall expansion has come to an end, which has He also said that most Japanese companies want to expand failed to transform its economy. Since the bubbles in the An aging population will result in a systemic decline in been replaced by the silver era of structural optimization. their businesses in the UK and elsewhere but without knowing stock market and real estate broke in the early 1990s, Japan’s the economy’s potential growth capability. There are two For example, there has been a trend of the economy shaking what is going to happen next regarding the UK-EU relationship, GDP growth has hardly passed 3 percent, and even dipped direct implications for the economy.First, population aging its dependence on the housing sector. potential investments continue to be stalled. Some Japanese below zero in some periods. The country got caught in its “lost has pushed up labor costs and led manufacturing to shift out Over the short term, the economy is indeed seeing signs firms have continued to invest in their UK businesses, but overall, three decades,” with GDP growth in 2018 under one percent. of the country. A Deloitte report showed that China’s labor of stabilization, essentially driven by the steadying of social investment has stagnated since Brexit. South Korea is one typical example of a smooth slowdown. costs had soared fivefold over the 10 years since 2005 and financing. This indicates an expansion of credit in the real Japanese companies in the UK accumulated an annual in- Its GDP growth has been below 5 percent since 2003 and 15-fold since 1995, indicative of a drastic surge in the cost economy, while a rebound in the Manufacturing Purchas- vestment of $158 billion, including 634 Japanese firms which stabilized at around 3 percent over the past seven years. of labor. Currently, Vietnamese workers’ average pay has ing Managers’ Index (PMI) is merely an outcome. If the report annual sales of $68 billion, employing 150,000 workers. China will be no exception. Since its GDP sunk below 7 yet to reach half of what their Chinese counterparts make economy’s short-term prospects are judged from a long-term Thus, Japan remains the second-largest foreign direct investor percent in 2015, it will be difficult to get back that speed. on average. Rising labor costs surely have seen many big point of view, the first quarter GDP growth - unchanged from in the UK with more than 1,300 Japanese companies having Even the stimulus package only let it bounce back to 6.9 global factories moving out of the country. the previous quarter’s 6.4 percent - clearly indicates a brief shops across the country. percent. One key variable is that the population dividend China has been going through a deep shift over recent respite amid a larger economic cycle of deceleration. History The warning by the Japanese ambassador has not been the has been phasing out. Since the size of the Chinese labor years, with many factories shifting toward Southeast Asia. shows that over the course of a short-term policy-enabled first. In 2016, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe warned that force first showed a decline in 2012, the number of workers “Made in China” is stealthily becoming “Made in Myanmar” economic uptick amid a larger cycle, the pace, continua- the UK would become a “…less attractive destination for Japa- has decreased for seven consecutive years by an average of and “Made in Vietnam.” For example, Swedish cloth- tion and extent of economic stabilization tend to be weak, nese investment.” Earlier, in January 2019, he also warned the three to four million annually. The employed population ing retailer H&M has moved its garment manufacturing especially as time elapses. UK that “the world is watching” at a joint press conference with in 2018 saw a decline and the trend is expected to con- facilities from China to Myanmar, while Microsoft has Compared with the last cycle in 2015, the current round Prime Minister May. In a survey by the Japan External Trade tinue. The Chinese population is also aging. Seniors above relocated Nokia smartphone production from China to of economic stabilization is expected to be weaker, more Organization in 2017, Japanese companies across Europe cited 60 years old number 250 million and that number will be Vietnam, and Samsung has also moved its China factories mercurial and short-lived. The larger population cycle will Brexit as their number one concern. 480 million in 2050. to Vietnam. also turn out to be a bigger drag on growth. ساعت: امضاء صفحه آرا: ساعت: امضاء مسئول صفحه: ساعت: امضاء ادیتور:ADVERTISEMENTS ساعت: امضاء سردبیر:

II NN TT EE RR NN AA TT II OO NN AA LL DD AA II LL YY APRILAPRIL 23, 2019 ANALYSISADVERTISEMENT & INTERVIEW 7 Scandinavian political economy Reproduction of racism in Case Study of Sweden and Norway the West By Hadi Ajili * & Hanif Ghaffari * In this respect, we are confronted with 1 This arrogant attitude stems from colonial period which data, with each containing a “message” in has long lasting implications for post-colonial era. In post-colo- TEHRAN - Study on international politi- the above three areas (economy, domestic nial era that we are experiencing nowadays, great powers try to cal economy of two countries, Sweden and policy and foreign policy) for both Sweden continue and justify the military and economic subordination of Norway, in international interactions allows and Norway. Obviously the impact of these the global south by powerful western interests and global hier- us to examine political economy of these three areas on each other is not equal, and archies of domination and subordination, past and present, are two countries as the case study for further based on time, location and nature of the made possible through the social construction of racial, gendered understanding of macro patterns of inter- subject, they change. So in the international and class differences. national political economy. political economy of both countries Sweden We can make sense of Islamophobia clearly in this frame- Thus, understanding the power of influence of and Norway, we are faced with numerous work. In post-colonial era we are witnessing the continuity and international developments in two economic variables and components that change the persistence of colonial forms of power and control. So although and political areas in internal relations of orientation and behavior of the economies of the era of formal colonial imposition by force of arms is largely countries refers to one of the necessities in the two countries in the international system over, the systematic inequality still persist on a global scale. this research. The present research displays in different time periods. Such terrorist attacks as we saw in New Zealand done by how a constant pattern such as the welfare However, in this regard, we also saw con- western extremists, prove that modern school of thoughts like state pattern can change under influence of stants and principles that are not changed liberalism have failed miserably to eradicate racism, extremism, global relations or loses its some principles, even by international conflicts. For exam- violence and religious intolerance although they have claimed to i.e. the vice versa of this rule is true. In other ple, observance the principle of neutrality do so. Western governments by adopting contradictory policies words, we face impact and effectiveness of in foreign policy Sweden is an issue to which and double standards not only pave the way for creating, nurturing the two sides of the exchange. all parties are committed in this country. and arming terrorist groups like ISIS, but also spread the sense Without doubt, movement toward pattern of domain (such as the Caribbean, the Baltics was the main aim of this research. However, Or that the overall welfare state structure of hatred, violence and racial supremacy in their own societies. welfare state generates behaviors, patterns or Scandinavia), you have to process doc- due to lack of organized English literature is fixed in social and economic equations We should bear in mind that the cruel terrorist who invaded and considerations at the area of foreign pol- umented data for analysis of international on the Scandinavian region (especially po- of Scandinavian countries. the two mosques and killed more than 50 innocent Muslims icy of Sweden and Norway, which we will and political behavior of it. Thus the research litical economy of the region), actually no Next topic that is discussed in this re- cold-bloodedly, has been raised in western societies where citizens examine them in this research. However this in the field of political economy – due to the applied research in our country, at least in search is social democracy model and then are constantly deluged with messages against Islam and Muslims. multi-variable equation has not yet on the dynamic and applied nature of this domain the form of a doctoral thesis, has been done welfare state (as the product of thought and So when the old policy of spreading “phobia” and hatred has stage of final settlement and in some cases – has fruitful results. in our country. action arising from social democracy). In targeted Islam and Muslims with an unprecedented intensity, the relation between Norway and Sweden International political economy deals However, the author hopes that given this respect, we are facing the historical and it is not strange that we witness such barbaric killings. It seems has not yet defined with the developments with the concerns and important areas of the relative mastery of language resources theoretical evolution. How Social Democracy that as long as power politics dominates international system, in the new world at the area of international economic and political relations between the and the Nordic countries, a comprehensive as a school of thought has grown over the past perpetual peace and security will be unachievable. political economy, definition for what going on various actors in the international system, thesis on the subject can written that would century and what is product of realization In contrast to western schools of thoughts, Islam preaches is required to understand this complexity and particularly the governments. While private provide a source for future research in the and the rule of such thinking on the structure equality, justice, unity and brotherhood. The Quran says: O’ man- the reason for creation of some ambiguities. and multinational corporations have under- field of “political economy of Scandinavia”. of welfare state. kind we created you from a single pare of a male and a female Definition for political economy of Norway gone dramatic developments subject to large When it comes to international political Basically, the study of international po- and made you into nations and tribes that you may know each and Sweden as two countries with the most changes such as globalization, public policy economy, automatically a combination of litical economy of both Sweden and Norway other. It says let there be no compulsion in religion. welfare worldwide reveals the necessity to in different countries is also affected by such “economy”, “internal policies”, “Interna- without regard to the concept of social de- It is exactly on the basis of such inclusive Islamic rules and conduct this research. trend. On the other hand, study of mutual tional Relations” arise. Therefore, types of mocracy and the welfare state is not possible. norms that we see in Arba’een Pilgrimage millions of people Since Norway and Sweden have a distinctive reflection of the domestic and international view of different countries about the issue of International Social Democrats historically gather annually from all over the world with different races, re- pattern in their welfare services, measure- issues of different countries of the world in the economics or international relations affect faced many ups and downs and structural ligions, colors, gender or social class and they practice living in ment of the relation between these distinc- domestic and international fields affect their their overall international political economy changes and a lot of thought has occurred a transnational society. Another example was the war against tive patterns and common patterns which political and economic behavior are among fundamentally. among the Social Democrats. ISIS in Syria and Iraq where many Muslim fighters from different have conventionalized at the international the main things that are considered within This rule is also true about the Scandina- Social Democrats have historically faced nations gathered and stood shoulder to shoulder to establish a economy is considered a major concern. the framework of theories of international vian countries. Assessing the relationship many ups and downs and a lot of intellectual transnational army which defeated ISIS and could release the Ultimately, this research is the necessity political economy for proper justification. On between the economy and domestic policy and structural changes have occurred among two occupied countries. for our country to use the interactive pat- the other hand, Scandinavia has politically and foreign policy in the Nordic countries in the Social Democrats. Social Democracy’s That is why western politicians or extremists and racists fear tern existing in Scandinavian countries at and economically unique characteristics in the this research is the main concern. Here the shift from revolutionary thought against Islam so much as the fastest growing religion in the world be- the area of international political economy. international system and even Europe. Scan- concepts and categories like “welfare state” capitalism to a reformist thinking under cause the allure of Islam is attracting many people all over the however, there are huge differences between dinavia is like an island in northern Europe, and “Keynesian economics” rise. Also here capitalism has abolished many of the basic world even in secular European countries. For example France, our country and Scandinavian countries in including Sweden, Norway and Denmark. with specific behaviors of Sweden and Nor- principles of the movement and replaced it the E.U.’s most stridently secular state facing Western Europe’s terms of geographical position, population What is common to these countries is way in the international system, including with questions, concerns and goals. largest Muslim population, has proved to be the most difficult size and financial facilities, it can use some adherence to the model of the welfare state the efforts of the two countries to create a Changes in the main objectives and ap- national case. It is interesting that bobby Said pays attention to of the patterns of welfare state in our country in these countries – an issue that affects and democratic peace among European coun- proaches of the Social Democrats, in Europe this fear in his book “A Fundamental Fear: Eurocentrism and and some of the behavioral patterns of Nor- is affected by the concerns of the actors in tries, mediation in international conflicts led to changes in behavior, speech and ac- Emergence of Islamism” and writes: way and Sweden in international relations to their foreign policy. In other words, as long and efforts to create peace in the world are tion in the welfare state-based community. The idea that the Islamic resurgence represents a return of the progress the political and economic relations as the economy, and domestic and foreign considerable. Essentially welfare state community rose repressed does not take only a political form. At a more diffuse of our country in international system. policies of Scandinavian countries, especially Scandinavian countries are characterized from social democracy rather than social- level, the Islamic revival signals a cultural anxiety in the West. Introduction Sweden and Norway is not analyzed accurately, in the field of domestic policy by issues in- ism. The welfare state does not intend to be The West sees in Islam the distorted mirror of its own past. It International political economy concept no accurate and comprehensive picture of cluding overall commitment to the welfare against capitalism and liberalism. Here the marks the rebirth of the God they had killed so that Man could is relatively new and dynamic issue in inter- “international political economy” of these state on the one hand and disagreements concept of mixed economy (social-liberal) live. The Islamic resurgence marks the revenge of God; it signals national relations. When speaking of political countries can be achieved. over policies such as increase or decrease of rises, which has specific and unique char- the return of faith, the return of all that puts into questions the economy in International Relations, naturally, Existence of welfare states in Scandinavia, income taxes on the other hand. We have to acteristics of its own. idea of the progressive liberation of humanity. by integration of basic economic and political and some components and specific econom- reach reasonable composition and aggregation * Hadi Ajili - Assistant Professor, Public As a conclusion, the return and resurgence of political Islam is data and consequently, the definition and ic and cultural ideas are what distinguish of the economic behavior, and domestic and relations, Allameh Tabataba’i University, an undeniable reality and the Christchurch attack can be conceived interpretation of foreign policy actors in the Scandinavia from other European regions. international behavior of Nordic countries, Tehran, Iran as a response to it. But the resurgence of Islam and its growth international system are involved. Evaluating of the relation between the welfare allows us to analyze the economic, political * Hanif Ghaffari- PhD student, Public can be considered as a menace and threat only to power-hungry When you want to review a country’s state and economic and international behavior and international impact and deterrence each Relations, Allameh Tabataba’i University, politicians and racists because invite and embrace warmly all political economy, or beyond, a particular of the two countries, Sweden and Norway of areas on two other areas. Tehran, Iran open-minded people with different ideas from all over the world.

First Announcement N.I.O.C 1398.340 National Iranian Drilling Company Call for public First Announcement tender (First/Second publish) Washington’s Propensity for N.I.O.C Call for public teTwonder (F iStagesrst/Second pu (semiblish) compressed) tender Subject ofTwo Tender: Stages (sem (TUBINGi compressed) tend PIPESer 5-1/2” National Iranian 1398.340Subject of Tender: (TUBING PIPES 5-1/2" Drilling Company Recklessness in Yemen  Tender descriptions: Registration Tender No. Estimated value TEHRAN (FNA) - According to its support of the Saudi campaign The Tender holder No. throughnational elect /Indent No. (Rial) Oxfam, international aid agencies and at the UN, which is prolonging the ronictendering system National Iranian Drilling TenderNo. PFP/AZD/97/023 human rights groups, the decision conflict. Even if Saudi Arabia balks Company 3197403 18,400,200,000 by President Donald Trump to veto at ending its airstrikes, it can’t keep Indent No: 48-22-9722005 a Congress resolution to end U.S. up the war without U.S. weaponry,  Qualitative evaluation of tenderers military support for the Saudi-led war intelligence, and logistical help. The on Yemen sends a sobering message Trump administration should stop to Yemeni families caught in the dai- this bloodshed. Method Based on minimum scoring (60) made in award criterion reflected in the tenderers pre-qualification forms. ly hell of war: “U.S. administration As for the UN, the suffering in 1. The tenderers who have more than four (4) active contracts with NIDC are not allowed to attend in this tender. simply does not care. They see the Yemen will not stop unless the world 2. The tenderers who have more than two (2) active contracts with same subject (exactly compliance with this subject) with NIDC are not allowed to attend in this tender. end to their suffering a little further body stops supporting Saudi Arabia out of reach.” with top seats at the Human Rights  Purchasing & Submitting The aid agencies warn that Council and tacit consent. Yemen Tender Document The distribution of the documents will be started one day after the publishing of second advertisement and end Trump’s decision to continue U.S. needs more than joint statements Distributionby ed onthe following tenth day thereof. Company military involvement will escalate the and emergency food aid appeals. UN Distribution Place A) Hall No.:316, 3thfloor, Foreign Procurement Dept.(DRILLING PROJECTS), ongoing war in the trouble-plagued statements need to follow with actions National Iranian Drilling Company, After Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN.06134148329 region. They also say the weapons and aid has to reach the Yemenis. Submitting Method B) jomhouri street , yaghma alley nioc 8th building floor no : 04 room no 428 –tehran - used by the Saudis in the reckless This entire war has gone by with- iran .02166700249 bombing of mostly civilian targets, percent compared with 2009–13. They expressed deep concern at the out much comment and resolution  Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt in the amount of ……Iranian Rials und including schools and hospitals, Currently, the U.S. is one of the larg- devastating impact this conflict has at the Security Council. In fact, the er account number 4001114004020491 (Shaba No. IR520100004001114004020491) in name of “NIDC Incomes Centralized Fund”issued by I.R. Of Ir are largely from the United States: est arms suppliers to Saudi Arabia. had on civilians, especially Yemeni opposite has happened as Saudi Ara- an Central Bank. F-15 fighter planes, Bell helicopters, Justifying U.S. arms sales to Saudi children. bia’s depleted stores of munitions  Submitting format Request for the purpose of receiving Tender drones, air-to-surface missiles, M60 have been hastily replenished by Arabia, Trump has repeatedly said They reminded the Saudis and Documents. battle tanks, laser-guided bombs and that if the U.S. doesn’t sell weapons, their allies of their obligations to- permanent members France, the Documents Closing date  14 Days after the last time of Purchasing. heavy artillery. the Chinese and the Russians will wards children affected by the war, UK and the U.S. These past months - Receiving Method H However, Trump’s veto on April sell them. His argument is basically and called on them to engage con- despite evidence that these weapons Hall NO.107,1st floor,Tender committee, Operation building, National 16 is designed to ensure the uninter- irrelevant, and avoids the question of structively with the Special Repre- have been used to massacre civilians Address Iranian Drilling Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN. rupted flow of these American-made whether the U.S. wants to be complic- sentative for Children and Armed - they have continued to supply Saudi Tel: +98-61-34148580 +98-61-34148569 weapons into the war zone described it in supporting the killing of civilians Conflict to implement their commit- Arabia with arms. by the United Nations as the “world’s in Yemen. The United Nations, aid ments and obligations.At any rate, In these difficult times, the people  Tender Guarantee worst humanitarian disaster”. agencies and Congress think the U.S. Trump’s veto only encourages a Saudi of Yemen should realize that no one is Value ofguarantee 920,000,000 Rial/ 19,320 Euro In its latest report released last should not be and that’s the real argu- regime that has shown a propensity going to help them if they don’t help month, the Stockholm Internation- ment here: The U.S. being complicit for recklessness in Yemen, a reck- themselves. America’s aggression Type ofguarantee  √ Bank guarantees or guarantees issued by non- bank institutions that obtain activity license from thecentral bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. al Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) in Saudi war crimes lessness that the Armed Conflict which began with Obama continues  √ Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt under account number 4001114006376636(Shaba has also said that arms imports by That said, in a statement released and Location Event Data Project under Trump and will certainly be No. IR350100004001114006376636) in name of ″NIDC saving account″ by the central bank of Islamic Republic of Iran. Middle Eastern countries increased April 17, the 15-member UN Secu- says has killed more than 70,000 extended to the next administration. “NIDC saving account” by the central bank of Islamic Republic of Iran. by 87 percent between 2009–13 rity Council reiterated their call on in Yemen just since January 2016. Imperial Washington has flat-out Duration ofcredit "ation Tender Guarantee and and 2014–18 and accounted for the warring parties to fulfil their At least 10,000 people were killed gone mad in its delusional self-right- quotation should be valid for 90 days and extendable maximum for onetime in initial validity duration. 35 per cent of global arms imports obligations under international just in the past five months. eousness and ridiculous claims that (Name of department) (Name of department) in 2014–18. Saudi Arabia became the wanton destruction inflicted on More of this & other tenders are accessible by click on: human rights law and interna- As the war grinds on and civil- More of this & other tenders are accessible by click on: www.nidc.ir http://sapp.ir/nidc_pr the world’s largest arms importer tional humanitarian law, including ian casualties mount, the Trump Yemen and the veto by Trump are www.nidc.ir http://sapp.ir/nidc_pr تهران تایمز نوبت اول 3/2/98نوبت دوم in 2014–18, with an increase of 192 ensuring the protection of civilians. administration must answer for justified. 98/2/4 تهران تایمز نوبت اول 3/2/98نوبت دوم 98/2/4 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 8 ADVERTISEMENTS APRIL 23, 2019

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The Tehran Times new pocket-sized glossary is now available on the market. The reader-friendly is a rich source of the most common journalistic terminology collected by the daily’s retired staff. Tel: It can benefit a wide range of tastes from students to 021 - 430 51 450 professional journalists. Persian equivalents have been given for all entries, including idioms and expressions. The glossary also includes example sentences for entries the authors thought it would be a bit difficult to learn. Advertising Dept: For more information contact: [email protected] 021 - 430 51 450 +9821 430 51 450 Tel: www.tehrantimes.com [email protected] I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y APRIL 23, 2019 SCIENCE 9 TRAPPIST planets may be habitable in weirder Fish under threat release ways than we thought, new studies find chemicals to warn others of danger Fish warn each other about danger by releasing chemicals into Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small that’s hundreds of times stronger than the the water as a signal, research by the University of Saskatchewan Telescope (TRAPPIST)-1 is one of the most Earth’s to keep the radiation at bay, which has found. fascinating planetary systems discovered so doesn’t seem plausible. The researchers discovered that wild fish release chemicals far. Located just 40 light-years away, seven The TRAPPIST planets called ‘disturbance cues’ to signal to other fish about nearby dan- roughly Earth-sized planets are orbiting a Interestingly enough though, that doesn’t gers, such as predators. red dwarf star, with three of them within the necessarily rule out life. Other studies have The findings may have implications for fish conservation habitable zone. Now, two new studies have suggested that the TRAPPIST planets could be efforts across the globe. looked at the habitability of these planets, water worlds, and deep oceans could protect “Disturbance cues may help to explain why some fish popu- with a focus on radiation from the star and also life from this radiation. lations crash after they decline past a certain point,” said Kevin tides caused by the other planets. Strangely The planets are also tidally locked, mean- Bairos-Novak, a graduate student member of the research team. enough, these factors could help make them ing one side always faces the star while the While researchers have been aware that fish release chem- more liveable. other never sees the light of day. Normally icals into the water for 30 years, this is the first time their use One of this system’s quirks is that all seven that would suggest that each face is either has been studied. of its planets, dubbed TRAPPIST-1b through too hot or too cold for life, but in this case -1h, orbit very close to the star, and each other. it could help. Especially with tidal forces at In fact, all of them could quite comfortably play, as the second study investigates. fit between Mercury and the sun. That might Just like the Moon does to Earth, the sound like it’d be way too hot for life, but planets could be affecting the tides of any luckily TRAPPIST-1 is a relatively cool red water on the surface, as well as molten rock dwarf, so its habitable zone is much closer. underground. The flipside to that is that it’s a very “It’s such a unique process that no one’s active star, throwing off far more high-en- Other studies have suggested that the thought about in detail before, and it’s kind of ergy particles than our own sun does. This amazing that it’s actually a thing that happens,” radiation has the potential to break apart TRAPPIST planets could be water worlds, says Hamish Hay, lead author of the study. complex molecules that are important to and deep oceans could protect also life The team found that the two innermost life, effectively sterilizing these planets from this radiation. TRAPPIST planets orbit close enough to- before life can even get started. gether that they can raise powerful tides on High-energy particles is widely considered to be the best candidate these particles in the TRAPPIST-1 system each other, which could be strong enough to The findings, involving researchers from the university biology One of the new studies set out to model for life in the system. can be up to 1 million times more than the fuel volcanic activity. That in turn can help department and the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, are just how high-energy particles like protons “You expect that the particles would get particles flux on Earth.” sustain an atmosphere. published in the Journal of Animal Ecology. move after they’re released by TRAPPIST-1. trapped in these tightly wrapped magnetic Here on Earth, our magnetic field helps That kind of tidal heating could also Fish signaled most when in the presence of familiar fish, but By simulating their interactions with the star’s field lines, but if you introduce turbulence, shield us from these potentially dangerous help transfer heat to the cold night-side signaled far less or not at all when in the presence of strangers, magnetic field, they found that the protons they can escape, moving perpendicularly to particles, so maybe a similar thing is happening of the planets, potentially making them or when on their own. would bombard the fourth planet, TRAP- the average stellar field,” says Federico Fra- on TRAPPIST-1e. But the team calculated more habitable. The signals provoked a ‘fright response’ in fish they knew, in- PIST-1e, in particular. Unfortunately, this schetti, lead author of the study. The “flux of that the planet would need a magnetic field (Source: newatlas.com) cluding freezing, dashing about and then shoaling tightly together. Fish use this behavior to defend themselves against predators. “When minnows were present alongside familiar minnows, Team discovers flower that seems to Long-term study shows continuing they were much more likely to produce signals that initiated close grouping of nearby fish, a strategy used to avoid being eaten remember when pollinators will come calling impacts of Deepwater Horizon oil spill by predators,” said Bairos-Novak, who is now at James Cook University, Australia. Disturbance cues are voluntarily released by prey after being chased, startled or stressed by predators. Fathead minnows, caught at a lake, were placed in groups with familiar fish, unfamiliar fish or as isolated individuals. The research team then simulated a predator chase. The fish responded by shoaling, freezing and dashing when they received a signal from a group they knew. But they did not take significant defensive action when receiving cues from unfamiliar fish or isolated minnows. (Source: eurekalert.org)

Hawaiian hibiscus flower Can you remember what you did yesterday? plexity of the flowers thrilled us,” he said. Nine years ago - April 20, 2010 -- crude oil nematodes, snails, worms, and others -- swim, thought extinct rediscovered If not, you might want to take a lesson from So did their tendency toward thigmonasty, began leaking from the Deepwater Horizon hop, and crawl among the grass blades or Nasa poissoniana, a star-shaped flowering or triggered movement. drilling rig into the Gulf of Mexico in what burrow in the underlying root zone. by drone plant from the Peruvian Andes with an While other plants may curl their leaves turned out to be the largest marine oil spill The team studied these organisms by unusual skill set. or catapult their seeds, many species of in history. A long-term study suggests the measuring their abundance and biomass A hibiscus flower species was rediscovered in the Hawaiian is- These plants can gymnastically wave Loasoideae move their stamens: long, skin- oil is still affecting the salt marshes of the in heavily oiled, moderately oiled, and oil- land of Kauai a decade after it was last seen alive. The island of around their stamens — the organs they ny filaments that are capped with pollen. Gulf Coast and reveals the key role that free areas of Louisiana’s Barataria Bay, Kauai is known as a biodiversity hotspot in the Hawaiian islands. use for fertilization — to maximize the Loasoideae stamens start out splayed, marsh grasses play in the overall recovery using both surface plots and shallow cores. During a late January drone surveillance of the Kalalau Valley distribution of their pollen. More sur- bunched up in groups and tucked within of these important coastal wetlands. Sampling took place at roughly 6-month on Kauai, Hawaii, researchers rediscovered a small colony of prisingly, a study published last month the flower’s petals. Over the course of the Conducting the study was a multi-in- intervals between 2011 and 2016. three Hibiscadelphus woodii (H. woodii) on a vertical cliff face. in Plant Signaling and Behavior suggests flower’s life, the individual stamens swing stitutional research team funded in part The researchers’ early sampling showed It was in 2009 that the species was last seen alive, and has since that individual plants can adjust the tim- one by one into the center of the flower, by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, that nearly all the plants in heavily oiled been listed in the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species as an ing of these movements based on their where they stand tall and offer fresh pollen a 10-year independent program estab- areas died, while benthic microalgae and extinct relative of the hibiscus. previous experiences with pollinators. In to insect visitors. lished through a $500 million financial burrowing invertebrates suffered significant Previous efforts to propagate H. woodii failed despite using other words, they remember the past, and It takes less than three minutes for commitment from BP. The team began reductions. Their later sampling showed several different methods, so the rediscovery gives hope, not just try to repeat it. a Loasoideae stamen to travel from the sampling soon after the spill was finally that marsh recovery was led by benthic for the H. woodii, but for other species believed to be extinct as The discovery joins others recently outside in — nimble by plant standards. contained, and continue their work today. microalgae and Spartina -- which began well. Furthermore, it also highlights the importance of drone painting an ever-broader picture of what In certain species, this movement can Their most-recent article -- in Estuaries to show significant above-ground growth surveillance in botanical surveys, particularly in rough terrain. plants can sense, learn and do. The study, be provoked by light and temperature, and Coasts -- reports on the first six and a within two to three years. “Drones are unlocking a treasure trove of unexplored cliff although small and preliminary, “presents or by the pollinators themselves. When half years of sampling post-spill. Importantly, it was only after Spartina habitat, and while this may be the first discovery of its kind, I a promising and intriguing new system to a bee rummages around for nectar in Johnson, an assistant professor at VIMS started its comeback that recovery of the am sure it won’t be the last,” said Ben Nyberg of the National study plant memory,” said Peter Crisp, a the flower’s center, it triggers the next and expert in salt marsh invertebrates, says invertebrate community began in earnest. Tropical Botanical Garden. plant geneticist at the University of Min- stamen to come sweeping in, ready for “Our study highlights the crucial role that “Plants are the foundation of salt marshes,” H. woodii grows as a shrub or small tree, and produces yellow nesota who was not involved. a new bee, or the previous bee’s return. plants play in the recovery of important explains Johnson. “Marsh grasses facilitate flowers that turn purple as they mature. It was first discovered in Nasa poissoniana belongs to a subfamily In this way, the flowers maximize their links in the Gulf of Mexico’s coastal food colonization by burrowing invertebrates; 1991 on a cliff in the Kalalau Valley, and was officially named in of plants called Loasoideae. They’re known chances of transferring pollen to many web.” Those links ultimately connect to the fuel the food web, provide animal habitat, 1995. This increased the hibiscus to seven species, all of which for their polychrome blooms, as well as different flowers. fish and shellfish that support the region’s bind the soil, and slow water flow. Without can only be found in the Hawaiian islands. By 2012, another for the “really painful” stinging hairs on Divided into several groups economy and culture. plants there is no marsh, and there is no discovery in Maui became the eighth hibiscus species, but by their stems, says Tilo Henning, one of the For this latest study, the researchers di- Plant-like organisms marsh recovery following a spill without then six had already gone extinct. study’s lead authors. vided Nasa poissoniana into several groups. Two plants dominate healthy Gulf Coast plants leading the way.” The cliff location in which H. woodii grows is not typically The complexity of flowers “Pollinators” — in this case, humans with salt marshes -- the smooth cordgrass Spar- The team’s findings have important accessible to humans and animals such as goats that typically Dr. Henning, a researcher at the Botanic probes — visited the first group every 15 tina alterniflora and the black needlerush implications for responding to any future pose a threat, but invasive plant species, introduced animals, and Garden and Botanical Museum in Berlin, minutes, rustling the flowers’ nectar-con- Juncus roemerianus. Also abundant on the spills. Fleeger says “our findings indicate rock slides do affect the species. In fact, it was the falling boulders has been working with Loasoideae for nearly taining parts. They bothered the second marsh surface are single-celled, plant-like that mitigation strategies for any future in the late 1990s that led to the species’ demise. two decades, along with his collaborator group every 45 minutes. Other groups were organisms that scientists collectively refer spills should include the planting of foun- (Source: techtimes.com) Maximilian Weigend of the University of left alone, as controls. to as benthic microalgae, while a suite of dation species such as Spartina.” Bonn in Germany. From the start, the “com- (Source: NYT) small invertebrates -- amphipods, copepods, (Source: natureworldnews.com) Mind-boggling image shows An exotic microbe and an unusual extraction process may add up to how far into space humanity’s an economical way to make a promising biofuel voice has actually reached Taking a step closer to a “green” replacement for fossil which was isolated from a naturally occurring reser- It’s the big mystery: Intelligent life should be out there in the uni- fuels, a research team that includes a chemical engineer voir of high-pressure carbon dioxide, by adding genes verse, so why haven’t we found any evidence for it? This question at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) has developed for the production of isobutanol. They then showed is called the Fermi paradox, and there are a few potential answers. a novel process using an unusual solvent and an exotic how supercritical carbon dioxide could overcome Space is super-duper big, and humanity’s reach into it? It’s microorganism that may make it possible to manufac- two important problems that plague conventional super-duper small. ture isobutanol and other biofuels more economically. biofuel production methods: low yields and bacterial The galaxy in the image is a reconstruction of the Milky Way, Isobutanol, like ethanol, is an alcohol, but its lower water contamination. if it were about 110,000 light-years in diameter (more recent solubility (which reduces the risk of corrosion associated Timko, who received a National Science Foundation research suggests it’s even bigger than that). with many biofuels) and higner energy density (which CAREER Award in 2016 for his work with biofuels, ana- The itsy-bitsy blue dot is how far our radio signals have travelled translates to increased miles per gallon), have created lyzed the process and showed that the biofuel could be from Earth - a diameter of about 200 light-years. considerable interest the compound’s potential use as made using five times less energy compared to traditional The invention of radio was the work of many great minds over a gasoline additive and even a gasoline replacement. manufacturing processes, making it less expensive, more the course of several decades during the 19th century, but the But manufacturing isobutanol, which is typically pro- efficient and more environmentally friendly. first transmission was made in 1895. Radio broadcasting came duced using biotechnology, has proven difficult and costly. In a paper published recently in Nature Communi- “We’ve done the calculations to prove that this process along a few years later. “With the growing threat of climate change and our cations (“Engineered Microbial Biofuel Production and works and it works well,” he said. “We had an intuition The first intentional radio transmission to space, called the dependence on fossil fuels and petroleum-producing Recovery Under Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”), Timko that this would work but the question was if it would be Arecibo message, wasn’t until 1974, but we’ve been leaking radio countries, there is increasing interest in using isobutanol and colleagues describe a novel method for producing energy efficient. Turns out, it is. The art of the research signals into space for over 100 years. as a gasoline additive in place of ethanol, which can sig- and extracting isobutanol that uses supercritical carbon has been creating the extraction technique. Many of those are probably garbled by the ionosphere. Even nificantly lower a vehicle’s fuel efficiency,” said Michael dioxide as a solvent and a bacterium that can thrive in Virtually every way to separate mixtures had pre- those that aren’t (like Earth-space communications), by the time Timko, associate professor of chemical engineering at this harsh, antimicrobial liquid. viously been tried on isobutanol, but we came up with they’re 100 light-years away, are so attenuated and weak that WPI. “But we haven’t found an environmentally friendly, High-pressure carbon dioxide the right process.” they’re basically undetectable anyway. efficient, or inexpensive way to produce it.” The team genetically engineered the bacterium, (Source: phys.org) (Source: sciencealert.com) ADVERTISEMENTS


Fire-hit Mandarin Oriental Floods submerge Hyde Park reopens after $130m renovation historical places When a luxury hotel spends $130 million on a refurbishment, it shouldn’t need to close its doors for at least another decade or two. Unless it catches fire immediately afterward -- which in Lorestan is what happened at London’s Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park in June 2018 when the paint was barely dry on its long-awaited renovation. province HERITAGE TEHRAN — Recent many of these sites have not been explored deskfloods have hit some so far, there is no longer possibility for historical places in Lorestan province, exploring them. That’s why we had witnessed western Iran, a local official responsible several emergency explorations over the past for archaeology affairs has said. couple of years in the area before Seymareh “With the rise of water, held back by Dam was inaugurated.” Seymareh Dam, a total of 20 historic A couple of weeks ago, heavy rainfall sites, which are situated adjacent to the and flash floods hit tens of age-old cultural river banks of Seymareh River, have been heritage sites across the country. submerged,” Mehr quoted Mohammadreza Back on April 7, Mohammad-Hassan Mohammadian as saying on Sunday. Talebian, a deputy for the Cultural Heritage, The flooding has mainly affected Handicrafts and Tourism Organization, ancient sites across Kuhdasht county, he announced that in Lorestan province, said, adding “17 of the sites have national damages add up to more than 500 billion heritage status.” rials (nearly $12 million) in the area of Regarding to possible damages, the cultural heritage, while other provinces official underlined, “Luckily, there are no are also estimating the amount of losses. problems with the Kuhdasht bas-relief A total of 730 historical structures have carvings, however, when a flood strikes been suffered from the recent floods in 25 The five-star hotel had only been open a week when historical hills and submerges them, their provinces, Talebian said, adding, based welding work apparently sparked a blaze that led to the ancient layers will be washed away.” on surveys conducted so far, they need a hotel’s evacuation and required more than 100 firefighters “Water penetration is causing credit worth of 3 trillion rials (around $71 to put it out. disturbance of ancient layers, and since million) to be rehabilitated. A view of Seymareh Dam in western Iran Fortunately, no one was hurt, and fire damage was apparently relatively minor, but it closed the hotel for a further nine months, meaning very few guests actually Historical objects, sites found in Neyriz Iran’s foreign arrivals up 52.5% y/y glimpsed its new appearance. With doors re-opening once again this month, visitors can once again experience the latest, opulent chapter in a hotel that’s been serving the UK capital since 1902. The 12-story venue, located in London’s upscale Knightsbridge neighborhood, employed designer Joyce Wang to reimagine its suites, with Wang infusing the spaces with a mix of contemporary and classic influences. There are plant-filled private terraces with sweeping views of the London skyline, mid-century modern chairs and cavernous marbled bathrooms. Even the smaller suites, located in the building’s turrets, are super chic and come with opulent amenities, such as GHD hair straighteners and Nespresso coffee makers. Another big change is the spa. The vision of New York designer Adam D. Tihany, it’s now home to 13 individual treatment rooms, an “Oriental Suite” with two massage HERITAGE TEHRAN — Rem- cheological studies and cultural heritage, TOURISM TEHRAN — The num- Earlier this month, the official said that beds and something called a Rasul water temple -- a steam desknants of some 100 his- Moradi explained. deskber of international U.S.-led sanctions, targeting Iran’s econ- room used for skin conditioning treatments. torical sites, structures and objects have “For instance, some evidence has come tourists visiting Iran surged 52.5 percent in omy, has failed to lessen foreign arrivals Tihany’s also overseen what the hotel describes as a been found during a recent archaeological to light that shows human presence goes the past Iranian calendar year 1397 (ended to the Islamic Republic, adding “Decrease “light refurbishment” of the hotel’s two-Michelin-starred survey conducted across Neyriz county, down in time to the Stone Age in Posht- on March 20) from a year earlier, deputy in Iran national currency value has made Dinner by Heston Blumenthal -- plus the other eating Fars province, southern Iran. kuh township, which can be more detailed tourism chief has said. Iran tour packages more competitive.” spaces, including the 1920s-themed Rosebery and Bar “An archaeological exploration, which through further studies.” “A total of 7.8 million foreign nationals The 2019 Travel Risk Map, which shows Boulud. is currently underway in Neyriz county, In this project, works related to the 5th visited Iran during the past year that shows the risk level around the world, puts Iran David Hogg, who reviews luxury hotels via his has so far found over 100 aging relics and millennium BC were identified in Poshtkuh a 52.5 percent increase year on year. The among countries with “insignificant risk”, SantoriniDave website, says the refurbishment puts the sites, which date from 40,000 years ago to area and in a boundary between provinces country hosted 5.1 travelers in 1396,” CHTN a category where the UK, Denmark, Swit- Mandarin back at the top in the UK capital. the late Islamic era,” senior archaeologist of Fars, Kerman and Yazd, he explained. quoted Vlai Teymouri as saying on Saturday. zerland, Norway, and Finland are placed in. “The Mandarin Oriental’s recent renovations will make Hassan Moradi said, IRNA reported. Neyriz is reportedly mentioned in the Outbound passengers added up to The country boasts hundreds of his- it the go-to place to stay in London for the next several The outcomes include old hills and ar- Persepolis administrative archives of the 7 million during the past year, which is torical sites such as bazaars, museums, years,” he tells CNN Travel. eas, mines, aqueducts, bathhouses, mills, Achaemenid Empire. The city was known lessen from a year earlier, the official said. mosques, bridges, bathhouses, madrasas, (Source: CNN) ponds, Abanbars (subterranean aqueducts), for its armorers, which has been connected “Some ten million Iranians traveled mausoleums, churches, towers, and man- castles, and cemeteries, which can yield to the historical evidence of iron mining oversees in 1396,” Teymouri said as he cited sions, of which 22 being inscribed on the

“important information” in terms of ar- in the region. financial strains among reasons behind. UNESCO World Heritage list.

ROUND THE GLOBE N.I.O.C 1398.420 National Iranian First Announcement Drilling Company Samarra archaeological An ancient mystery — or a First Announcement Call for public tender: city Call for public tender: hoax —at Lake Powell? Two-Stages (compressed-semi compressed) tender renewal N.I.O.C Two-Stages (compressed-semi compressed) tender renewal Samarra archaeological city is the site of a powerful Is it a remarkable discovery or a clever hoax? Subject of Tender: (Provision of Three tugboats and a guided ship for National Iranian 1398.420 Subject of Tender: (Provision of Three tugboats and a guided ship for moving drilling rigs) Islamic capital city that ruled over the provinces of the A hiker in southern Utah has found what appear to be old Spanish moving drilling rigs) Drilling Company Abbasid Empire extending from Tunisia to Central Asia coins possibly dating back to the time of the conquistadors and perhaps  Tender descriptions: for a century. even earlier, long before the voyages of Columbus. Estimated Tender No. Located on both sides of the River Tigris 130 km north The big question the National Park Service is trying to answer is, The Tender holder Registration No. through national electronic tendering system value /Indent No. of Baghdad, Iraq the length of the site from north to if they’re real, what are they doing in southern Utah? (Rial/Euro) south is 41.5 km; its width varying from 8 km to 4 km. “This is very exciting,” said park service archaeologist Brian Har- (6,779,850) National Iranian Drilling Company 3/191/447 SH K97/– 06 / 33 – 5274 mon. “I’ve never seen anything like this in my career.” AED The mystery began last September when a hiker from Colorado

made the discovery near the Halls Crossing Marina on Lake Powell.  Qualitative evaluation of tenderers Park officials are keeping the exact location secret because of the pos- sibility there are other undiscovered artifacts in the area. They’ve been 1-Based on minimum scoring made in award criterion reflected in the tenderers pre-qualification forms. (60 keeping the two coins under wraps, too — deliberately not publicizing score) – Technical evaluation (60 score) 2- Tenderes which has a four active current contract with NIDC, will not be allowed to participate in other the find — because they aren’t sure yet what to make of it. Method When the Deseret News learned about the coins, though, Harmon tenders . confirmed the find and showed off the coins. They’re being kept in 3-Tenderers which have a two active current contract with same subject (exactly same subject) with NIDC, will Page, Arizona, in the archives of the Glen Canyon National Recreation not be allowed to participate in other tenders. Area. Museum technician Lisa Riedel carefully unwrapped them while wearing white gloves.  Purchasing & Submitting “Well, we’re just trying to not touch them and (not) get oil from The distribution of the documents will be started one day after the publishing of second advertisement and hands or whatever else, dirt” on them, Riedel explained. “For being ended on the following tenth day thereof. in the elements, they look really well-preserved.” Distribution Place …… The two small coins — one about the size of a quarter and the Tender Document Distribution by Company People visit the Great Mosque and its giant spiral minaret other smaller than a dime — definitely give the appearance of being Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt in the amount of 990,000 Iranian  ancient. They don’t appear to be gold; they are slightly greenish in Rials under account number 4001114004020491 in name of “NIDC Incomes in Samarra, Iraq Submitting Method . Centralized Fund” issued by I.R. of Iran Central Bank color, suggesting the presence of copper. . Submitting format Request for the purpose of receiving Tender Documents  It testifies to the architectural and artistic innovations “They’re very thin,” Riedel said. “We’re guessing one is probably that developed there and spread to the other regions of silver and one is maybe copper.” Closing date .Days after the last time of Purchasing 14 

the Islamic world and beyond. The 9th-century Great According to Harmon, the coins were found in a popular tourist area that st Documents Receiving Method Hall No. 107, 1 floor, Tender Committee, Operation building, National

Mosque and its spiral minaret are among the numerous has at times been underwater in the decades after the Glen Canyon Dam Address Iranian Drilling Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN. remarkable architectural monuments of the site, 80% was built in the 1960s. The Colorado hiker, whose identity is being kept Tel: +98-61-34148580 +98-61-34148569 of which remain to be excavated. confidential, told the park service that he spotted the coins just lying on the Samarra was the second capital of the Abbasid Caliphate ground. He was not using a metal detector; their use is illegal in national  Tender Guarantee after Baghdad. Following the loss of the monuments of recreation areas and other lands administered by the National Park Service. Baghdad, Samarra represents the only physical trace of “There was a lot of trash around,” Harmon said. “He thought they Value of guarantee 266,766 AED or 3,051,000,000 IRR the Caliphate at its height. (the coins) were maybe medallions from a wine bottle or something. So, Bank guarantees or guarantees issued by non-bank institutions that obtain The city preserves two of the largest mosques (Al- modern trash. He picked them up, took them home. When he started activity license from the central bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Malwiya and Abu Dulaf) and the most unusual minarets, looking at them, he’s like, ‘Hey, these might actually be something very Type of guarantee Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt under account number as well as the largest palaces in the Islamic world (the old and very important.’ He did a bit of research on his own on the 4001114006376636 in name of “NIDC saving account” by the central bank of Caliphal Palace Qasr al-Khalifa, al-Ja’fari, al Ma’shuq, internet and figured out that they were old Spanish coins.” Islamic Republic of Iran. and others). The Colorado man’s research brought him to a startling conclusion. Duration of credit & quotation Tender Guarantee should be valid for 90 days and extendable maximum for Since the war in Iraq commenced in 2003, this property He told the park service that he believes the larger one matches coins one time in initial validity duration. has been occupied by multi-national forces that use it from the 1660s and the smaller one matches coins from the 1290s, (Name of department) as a theatre for military operations. two full centuries before Columbus. With that realization, he decided (Name of department) More of this & other tenders are accessible by click on: www.nidc.ir http://sapp.ir/nidc_pr (Source: UNESCO) to turn them over to the park service. More of this & other tenders are accessible by click on:

تهران تایمز نوبت اول http://sapp.ir/nidc_pr 3/2/98نوبت دوم Source: deseretnews.com) 98/2/4www.nidc.ir)

تهران تایمز نوبت اول 3/2/98نوبت دوم 98/2/4


Knowledge-based technologies Tehran to host colloquium on optical wireless communications

TECHNOLOGY TEHRAN — Shahid Beheshti University of can decrease flood losses deskTehran will host the 2nd West Asian Collo- quium on Optical Wireless Communications (WACOWC) on 1 The product can meet the demands seeds by spraying them through aerial me- April 27 and 28. of flood stricken and decrease the usage of chanical means such as a drone, plane or WACOWC aims to bring together researchers from academia water bottles, which is neither economic nor helicopter, is also a great way to cultivate and industry to share their findings in the emerging fields of environment friendly. the saturated regions after the flood. OWC. The workshops and invited keynote speeches will be held Tillage technology Besides, the aerial seeding is an effec- on the sideline of the event. Some fields were corrupted due to ero- tive method to reduce erosion hazards and sion caused by the recent fields. There are suppress growth of invasive plant species. different methods for renovating the fields, Iranian knowledge-based companies have which were destroyed. already the knowledge and equipment to The Iranian knowledge-based companies meet this demand for flood stricken area. provide methods for tillage system in order The major advantage of aerial seeding to prepare the fields for next seeding. is the efficient coverage of a large area in Tillage that is deeper and more thorough the least amount of time. Aerial seeding is classified as primary, and tillage that is facilitates seeding in areas that otherwise shallower and sometimes more selective of would be impossible to seed with traditional location is secondary. methods, such as land that is too hard to documenting via drones reach by non-aircraft or ground conditions Unmanned aerial system would be a great being far too wet. help in imaging and estimation of the loss According to data from the United Na- and damages during the natural disasters. tions Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, The 2nd West Asian Colloquium on Optical Wireless Com- Such estimations and images would be a these staggering figures are the total eco- munications (WACOWC), which is hosted by Shahid Beheshti great help to prevent future losses and control like satellites, members of the public can Aerial seeding nomic and human impact of global disasters University in Tehran, follows the successful 1st event in Isfahan the damages. actually own drones. Aerial seeding, as a technique of sowing from 2002 to 2012. With a steady growth in in 2018. WACOWC aims to bring together researchers from aca- In past two decades, the satellite imagery annual climate-related disasters, emergency demia and industry to share their findings in the emerging fields was great solution to monitor natural disas- New emerging technologies and knowledge- management strategies are of high priority. of OWC. The colloquium will also include workshops and invited ters. In contrast, drones can capture aerial based companies suggest up-to-date ways to Disaster management technologies is a must, keynote speeches. High quality and original technical papers are imagery at a far higher resolution, more which should be on high agenda to decrease welcome to be presented at WACOW2019. quickly and at much lower cost. And un- turn the threats of flood into opportunities losses in the future. All organic visible light communications (VLCs), channel mod- elling and characterization, channel capacity analysis, diversity techniques, dimming, data communications and localization in VLCs, free space optics (indoor, outdoor and under water), National ICT festival Startups to attend TIBF, update hybrid RF/OWC technology, MIMO for OWC, hybrid IR/VLC slated for May cultural ecosystem technology and modelling of various noises in optical wireless communications are amongst the conference topic. TECHNOLOGY TEHRAN – The 8th TECHNOLOGY TEHRAN – About Professor Rafael Pérez Jiménez from Universidad de Las Pal- desknational festival on in- desk50 to 100 cultural mas de Gran Canaria, Spain, and Professor Anh T. Pham from formation and communication technology startups will attend the 32nd Tehran University of Aizu, Japan, are keynote speakers of the event. (ICT) will be held on May 17, Mehr reported International Book Fair (TIBF), the TIBF on Monday. spokesman Ayyub Dehqankar said, IRNA The festival will be held in six sections reported on Wednesday. namely top startups in the field of ICT, e-ser- The startups at the TIFB, which will Tech tent: Do we want our vices, e-business, research on ICT, top ICT open on April 24 and will run until May companies, space technology and space-based 4, aim to promote the culture of using cities to be smart? services. ban and rural management can compete at modern technologies. Armenia, are scheduled to attend the For the first time, startups providing the space-based section of the festival. By their participation, the startups book fair. These days it seems every city wants to be smart. That seems to space-based technologies and services, will The applicants that use GPS, communi- will pave the way for new technologies China, which is the special guest of mean putting sens ors in everything and collecting vast amounts compete at the festival. cation bandwidth and remote sensing sat- in the publication industry, he said. the event this year, will participate in of data with the aim of making urban life more efficient and The space-based startups active in different ellites as well as producing and designing Over 800 publishers from about 30 the Tehran book fair with 78 publishers environmentally friendly. fields of agriculture, insurance, oil, healthcare, space technologies will be competing at the countries, including Japan, Germany, and a number of writers, translators and In Milton Keynes, we visit the Electric Vehicle Experience energy, crisis management, environment, ur- space-based section of the festival. India, Russia, Serbia, Lebanon and book illustrators. Centre. It is part of the town’s campaign to get more of its mo- torists to go electric. Visitors are shown a variety of cars, get information about range and charging options and - for a small fee - they can even borrow a car for a few days. Knowledge-based companies If they decide to buy a car, the local council may offer a charg- er on a lamp-post - also for a small fee, of course - or point the motorist to charging stations nearby. create 140,000 jobs: official There is even a plan to build a fast charging station which will give a full charge in five minutes, though that depends on new 1 In mid-April, the vice presi- Iranian calendar year 1397, which ended technology expected to arrive in electric vehicles over the next year. dent for science and technology Sourena on March 20, he announced. Brian Matthews, head of transport innovation at Milton Sattari announced that the number of Sattari said that the knowledge-based Keynes Council, hope to al- knowledge-based companies were 3,000 companies sold 900 trillion rials (about lay common concern such ones during the Iranian calendar year 1395 $21 billion) of products during the past as “the price of the vehicles, (March 2016-March 2017), it increased to year. how they will charge them, 3,338 ones during the Iranian calendar This is while the figure was 600 trillion and range anxiety”. year 1396 (March 2017-March 2018). rials (about $14 billion) during the Iranian It seems to be working. Knowledge-based companies exported calendar year 1396 (March 2017-March Uptake of electric vehicles in $450 million of products in the previous 2018). the town is running at twice the UK average. Milton Keynes’ other smart city initiatives include a trial of Do we really need it? On the excess of technology delivery robots that take small One of the banes of listicle journalism is the outright pro- of most of us—especially those of us with children who are grocery orders to customers motion of goods that we are told that we “must have.” Are learning about the world. Children learn the stark difference along the town’s pavements. you sick of being told about the ten or twenty “must-have between “hungry” and “starving” and between “I need” and There are also autonomous gadgets” that you just “can’t live without”? Thankfully, due “I want” through parents and it is these lessons which we pods that will soon be shuttling drivers between car parks in an to limited time and finances, most of us are doing just fine, impart to children the differences between these feelings and attempt to keep traffic out of the town center. breathing and walking about planet earth without a foldable desires. These same lessons could be easily translated into One thing they have not tried is electric scooters. They are keyboard and miniature speaker. How do we do it? technology and consumer review sites—but the opposite is now common in U.S. and Chinese cities, but illegal on British First, it is important to understandthat most of the cul- happening whereby the Saturday morning brightly-colored streets under a law dating back to the 19th Century. ture surrounding tech—to include writing on tech—has cereals and toys for children have now be adapted for an adult We visit Paris, where a clutch of e-scooter rental firms - many more to do with recommending good technology over less audience as we are constantly being told what we “can’t live from California - are competing for business. excellent to bad tech. From the birth of listicles, however, without” and the “tech gadgets that will transform your life.” Parisians seem enthusiastic about this relatively cheap and tech journalism has become inundated with content that From social media influencers to social media platforms, green way of making short journeys. But there are already prob- pushes product, acting as a reference point for those of us we are caught in a non-stop crossfire of recommendations of lems emerging. who spend a significant amount of time researching tech. new-and-improved technology and apps that are mediated The pavements are cluttered with dozens of scooters. Peo- Where the marketplace, the hallway, the café and the gym by the ever-changing parameters of speed and privacy. Cer- ple are riding them without helmets, sometimes with children were once the social milieu for exchanging ideas on bur- articles on each published daily leaving us caught between tainly, privacy issues are driving much of the recent wave of perched on the front. It also looks as though there is an invest- geoning technology in the 1990s, today everyone is plugged learning about new technology. From these articles, we must software re-design that specifically sets out to protect privacy ment bubble that could see firms go bust, leaving the city with into their tech devices, isolated within a hermetic bubble of read further to then educate ourselves on the contiguous as app development companies like Retro Cube and Jum- a mess to clear up. sound reading up on tech news. Learning about new tech issues of safety, quality, durability, relevance, upgradability bo know too well. In fact, China’s WeChat platform is facing And while we have heard plenty of enthusiasm for the idea of word-of-mouth is becoming as difficult as asking for direc- and so forth. We are told that social media is transforming an exodus over privacy issues as other platforms like Apple’s using technology and data to make cities a lot smarter, in Toronto tions when your smartphone battery has died. As most of the trading world even as social trading sites and algorith- Maps app is being redesigned with privacy as a central focus. there is something of a backlash. us have experienced, people will walk right by you, even as mic trading verge towards the destruction of older market Where privacy was once viewed as a technical feature is more The Canadian city has done a deal with a division of Google you stand in full apologetic finger gesture left with the eery analysis culture. New technology manifests a plethora of and more being addressed as a cultural factor as people called Sidewalk Labs. It plans to turn a stretch of land on the feeling of being invisible as you attempt to ask a stranger information which is not just telling us what we “need” but are more steadfast in wishing to maintain their privacy for waterfront into a smart district: a city “built from the internet” for information. Human interactions are becoming rarer this information is being put forth by a cultural industry firmly more reasons than simply protecting bank information. is how the promoters describe it. today as technology grows and further divides us from real established in telling us that we need something in the first Aside from the ever-constant given of consumerism, what But privacy campaigners are suing the government, claiming life interactions. Similarly, the culture of tech advice has place. If not this technology, then four seconds later there is driving our need to be constant consumers of tech must that the plan will involve handing over sensitive personal data migrated from the real cultural spaces of interaction to the will be another technology that we “absolutely must have.” be discussed within a cultural framework just as much as to a private company. journalistic sites of recommended purchases and tech news. Whenever I come across these sorts of articles that attempt from a purely technological perspective. As the expansion of Brenda McPhail from the Canadian Civil Liberties Association So how can consumers know that they will get any bet- to convince the reader that we would drop stone-cold dead software and hardware technology shows no sign of waning, explains the group’s concerns about giving free rein to a firm in ter sound quality or longer battery life from Apple’s Air- without a certain tech object, the first thing I think is, “Do we need to balance how we choose to update our technology the business of collecting vast amounts of data. Pods than from an off-brand competitor? From over-ear we really need it?” This is a simple enough question, but against the greater resources of money and time. “Online, we increasingly understand that comprehensive data headphones to in-ear devices, there are literally dozens of it is an important question which plays into the everyday (Source: forbes.com) collection that permits very granular monitoring of people’s activ- ities and behaviours is harming individuals and groups,” she says. “We question why on Earth we think it’s a good idea to import that big data model into our city streets.” Things you must do to prevent eye diseases caused by constant use of smartphones The organisation behind the Waterfront Toronto scheme says While we all are aware that the constant eye diseases by the time you hit 50s. Here prevent irreversible eye diseases by the darkness. that it has not yet received a plan from Sidewalk Labs, but once usage of smartphones, tablets and other are things that you must know and do to time. Always switch on the Blue Light filter If you wear glasses, then opt for high it does it will ensure that the public has a fair opportunity to electronic items have an adverse effect on prevent this from happening. on the display settings of the smartphone. quality lens with Blue Light and UV filters. provide meaningful input on the proposals. our eyes, we really don’t do much about it. Blue light from smartphones and other Opt for high-quality screen protec- It is a good habit to wash your eyes The technology industry often assumes that developments This is because our lifestyle and work simply devices is the prime concern. According tors with Blue Light filters. If your work at regular intervals throughout the day to such as smart cities are uncontroversial and that everyone will doesn’t allow us to discard these devices. to the optical chemistry research at The involves constant stares at laptop screens feel relaxed. welcome something that could improve urban life. Now, a research by the University of Toledo University of Toledo, blue light transforms then go for regular eye checkups. Do not shy away from wearing night But the public has grown sceptical about technology over is warning people that the constant long vital molecules in the eye’s retina into cell Consult a doctor to get a proper eye- glasses or glasses with UV/Blue Light filter recent years, so we can expect to see further battles like the one time exposure to smartphones and other killers. drop to help nourish your eyes. if required. underway in Toronto. devices could speed up blindness and other Simple measures at a young age might Don’t stare at screens in complete (Source: gadgetsnow.com) (Source: bbcnews.com) ADVERTISEMENTS


Earth Day: What is it and After deluge Helmand River how do people mark it around the world? springs back to life Earth Day has now reached its 49th year, and according to the Earth Day Network (EDN) over one billion people ENVIRONMENT TEHRAN — After 18 change have resulted in the dryness of in 192 countries are thought to have taken part in this deskyears of dryness the al- the river over past years contributing year’s event. most dead Helmand River returned to to biodiversity loss, and sand and dust Celebrated every year on April 22, the global day of life following recent torrential rainfalls, storms. environmental action is thought to be the largest secular YJC reported on Saturday. Based on the latest data published on observance in the world. Helmand River which starts in the Monday by National Drought Warning Each Earth Day, individuals and organizations from Hindu Kush Mountains in Afghanistan and Monitoring Center affiliated to Iran’s across the globe participate in action intended to world feed the Hamouns in Iran and Afghani- Meteorological Organization since the towards a healthier environment for future generations. stan. The Hamouns are transboundary start of the current water year (September When did Earth Day get started? wetlands on the Iran-Afghan border made 23, 2018) the whole country received The celebration marks the anniversary of the birth of up of three lakes: Hamoun-e Helmand, 290.1 millimeters of rain. the environmental movement in 1970. which is entirely in Iran, Hamoun-e Sa- The number amounted to 114.1 mil- Modern environmentalism is largely credited as starting bari on the border, and Hamoun-e Puzak, limeters in the previous water year and with the publication of Rachel Carson’s bestselling book almost entirely inside Afghanistan. 198.3 millimeters in the long-term, the Silent Spring – documented the effects of the indiscrim- Helmand River is the longest river in data indicated. The numbers show a inate use of pesticides – in 1962. Afghanistan and the primary watershed drastic increase of 154.3 percent com- After selling 500,000 copies in 24 countries, the book for the endorheic Sistan Basin. Sistan pared to last water year. It also reveals sparked a growing public awareness of environmental Basin is an inland endorheic basin en- a 46.3 percent increase compared to matters that crystallized in the first Earth Day. compassing large parts of southwestern long-term means. The initial concept came to US senator Gaylord Nelson Afghanistan and minor parts of south- The province of Sistan-Baluchestan after witnessing the impact of a massive oil spill in Santa eastern Iran, one of the driest regions also received 106.7 millimeters of rain in Barbara, California. in the world and an area subjected to the same period which indicates 382.4 Nelson wanted to channel the energy of the anti-war prolonged droughts. percent rise compared to last water year movement into action for the environment, and this cul- Dam construction, depriving the river and a 6.4 percent increase compared to minated in 20 million Americans taking to the streets to from its water right, coupled with climate the long-term averages. demonstrate for a environment What has Earth Day achieved over the years? The first Earth Day united Americans from across the political spectrum, and within a year the action had led Asiatic cheetah kept in captivity may possibly reproduce to the formation of the United States Environmental Pro- tection Agency, as well as the Clean Air, Clean Water and ENVIRONMENT TEHRAN — Asiatic cheetah, also Nonetheless, the method didn’t prove to be effective Endangered Species Acts. deskknown as Delbar, which is being kept much worldwide, but we take our chances, he suggested. Earth Day 1990 was credited with giving a significant in captivity at Tehran’s Pardisan Park may possibly Commenting on Iran, another Asiatic cheetah living boost to recycling efforts worldwide, paved the way for reproduce within the next 50 to 60 days, deputy chief in captivity at Pardisan Park, Zohrabi noted that the the 1992 UN Earth Summit. for natural environment and biodiversity directorate young cheetah appears to be ready to mate, so that it At another milestone, Earth Day 2000 chose to address at the Department of Environment (DOE) has said. is most suitable for her to conceive naturally. the growing issue of global warming and the switch to Artificial insemination was performed on Delbar Listed as critically endangered by the IUCN, the clean energy sources. some time ago and whether the procedure has been Asiatic cheetah is among the rarest cats in the world For the 40th anniversary of Earth Day in 2010, the successful or not will be clear within the next two months, at subspecies level, with fewer than 50 believed to network behind the celebration launched a campaign to IRNA news agency quoted Zohrabi as saying Monday. remain in Iran. plant one billion trees, a target that was achieved in 2012. Artificial insemination is a method of treating in- Roads fragmenting cheetahs’ habitats are the main In 2016, leaders from 175 countries used Earth Day as fertility by inserting semen directly into a womb. threats for the species, while guard dogs and stray the backdrop for signing the historic Paris climate agree- DOE’s priority is to safeguard the precious Asiatic dogs, drought spells, decreasing population of the prey ment, which aims to stop the planet from warming 2C cheetah in its natural habitat, however, taking oth- species to support the cheetahs, and habitat loss are above pre-industrial levels. er measures such as captive breeding should not be also other factors endangering the sparse population What does Earth Day look like today? overlooked, Zohrabi highlighted. of the cheetahs in the country. Earth Day has turned its attention to big environmental Last year (March 2018-March 2019) Delbar was Abbasabad-Mayami road, linking north-central issue of the moment: plastic pollution. physically prepared for mating with Kushki (the male Semnan to Mashhad, northeastern province of Kho- Its goals include supporting efforts around the world to Asiatic cheetah in captivity), however, possibly due to sperm into Delbar’s cervix for the purpose of achiev- rasan Razavi, is one of the deadliest roads for Asiatic eliminate single-use plastics, and drive support for tighter Kushki’s old age, the two didn’t breed, he regretted. ing a pregnancy, and the results will be announced cheetahs as 8 cheetahs have been killed in this area regulations concerning plastic disposal. Zohrabi went on to say that “that’s why we introduced within 60 days.” over the past 10 years. “EDN will educate millions of people about the health and other risks associated with the use and disposal of plastics, including pollution of our oceans, water, and wildlife, and about the growing body of evidence that de- Tehran to host intl. flower, plant exhibit composing plastics are creating serious global problems,” SOCIETY TEHRAN — The 17th attend the vent, Mohammad Ali Mokhtari, way for an economic boom as well as said the organization’s president Kathleen Rogers, in a deskInternational Exhibi- director general of Tehran Gardens and increase in production in plant industry, statement. tion of Flowers, Plants, Park Equipment Green Spaces Organization affiliated to he added. “EDN has built a multi-year campaign to End Plastic and Related Industries will be inaugurated the Municipality has said. Concurrent with the flower and plant Pollution. at Tehran’s Goftegoo Park on April 28, Encouraging the public to keep plants exhibition, he explained, beautiful flower “Our goals include ending single-use plastics, promoting ISNA news agency reported on Sunday. and grow them in their houses and pro- arrangements will go on display across alternatives to fossil fuel-based materials, promoting 100 per cent Some 260 domestic companies as well viding the public with plant growing tips the city of Tehran. recycling of plastics, corporate and government accountability as 17 companies from Germany, Belgium, are among the objectives of the exhibition, Visitors can buy plants at the exhi- and changing human behavior concerning plastics.” the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Turkey, Mokhtari highlighted. bition on the last day of the event for In the lead up to the events 50th anniversary, EDN Armenia, Russia and Switzerland, will Additionally, the event will pave the reasonable prices, he concluded. is also launching an “ambitious set of goals to shape the future of 21st century environmentalism”. N.I.O.C 1398.361 National Iranian (Source: The Independent) Drilling Company

The other side of the coin: First AnnouncementFirst Announcement WORDS IN THE NEWS environmental benefits Call for publicCall tenderfor public tender (First/Second (First/Second publish) publish)-- RETENDER RETENDER One -StagesOne -Stages (semi (semi compressed) compressed) tender tender N.I.O.C Subject of Tender: PART FOR OIL WELL DRAWWORKS MODEL National Iranian Global Water Shortages Subject of Tender: PART FOR OIL WELL DRAWWORKS MODEL E-2000 for Drilling Rig of flooding 1398.361 E-2000 for Drilling Rig Drilling Company (March 25, 1999) Tender descriptions: Monday March 22 was World Water Day: serious water Tender No. Estimated value shortages are expected in the next century. Corinne Podger The Tender holder Registration No. through national electronic tendering system from BBC Science reported. /Indent No. (Rial/Euro) It’s hard to imagine a global shortage of water, when oceans Tender No.: FP/17-97/047 14,390,568,451 National Iranian Drilling Company 3,196,957 cover three-quarters of the world’s surface. But the United Indent No.: 48-22-9622027 Rial Nations expects two billion people will face severe water crises in just twenty-five years time. The UN and the World  Qualitative evaluation of tenderers Water Council are launching a World Water Commission, charged with the task of finding urgent solutions to the impending crisis. The commission’s new chairman, Ismael R Based on minimum scoring ( 60 Points ) made in award criterion reflected in the tenderers pre-qualification forms. Method Serageldin, told reporters the water equation is “simple but 1- Applicants which have more than 4 in process contacts with NIDC are not allowed to participate in this tender . deadly” - more water must be found to supply an extra three 2- Applicants which have more than 2 in process contacts with NIDC in similar subject ( exclusively same billion people who will be alive by 2025. Verbal conflicts subject) are not allowed to participate in another tender ENVIRONMENT TEHRAN — Following spring downpours, leading have already erupted over water in the Middle East and  Purchasing & Submitting Northern Africa, and tension is also mounting about access deskto devastating flood in western, southwestern, and northern Iran, the country suffered loss of 300 trillion rials to the Ganges on the Indian sub-continent and the Mekong Tender Document Distribution by Company The distribution of the documents will be started one day after the publishing of River in Indochina. (approximately $7 billion), however, the benefits of the flooding second advertisement and ended on the following tenth day thereof. cannot be ignored. The Commission’s first task will be to find ways of making Distribution Hall No.:113, 1thfloor, Foreign Procurement Dept., National Iranian Drilling Company, Issa Kalantari, chief of the Department of Environment (DOE), told Place Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN 061-34148656 -06134148615 desalination - removing salt from sea water - cheaper and more Khabaronline that rainfalls have economic benefits for the country effective. It will also develop techniques to locate and tap twice as much as agriculture sector. While DOE chief regretted the Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt in the amount of 510,000 Iranian Rials under  underground water reservoirs, and introduce water recycling casualties caused by the flooding he highlighted that the benefits of the Submitting account number 4001114004020491 (Shaba No. IR 520100004001114004020491) in name of Method . “NIDC Incomes Centralized Fund” issued by I.R. of Iran Central Bank in cities and villages world-wide. Mr Serageldin said these floods are 10 times more than the losses they inflicted upon the country. . Submitting format Request for the purpose of receiving Tender Documents  goals must be achieved by 2025. Otherwise, he warned, the The flood waters would bring back wetlands and rivers to life and inevitable alternatives were famine and water wars. revive Zagros forests, and also recharge surface and groundwater Closing date .Days after the last time of Purchasing 14  Words resources, Kalantari added. Documents Receiving Method Hall No. 107, 1stfloor, Tender Committee, Operation building, National Iranian Drilling face: if you face a difficulty, you have to deal with it The head of Technology Development Council of Water, Drought, Address Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN. launching: they have started it working Erosion and Environment at Science and Technology vice Presidency Tel: +98-61-34148580 +98-61-34148569 charged with: its job is to Naderqoli Ebrahimi said that during wet spells recharging groundwater equation: there are two parts to the problem: people and resources must become a priority.  Tender Guarantee water. They must be considered together before the whole Directing floodwaters to aquifers and plains and proper watershed situation can be understood and aquifer management would help in compensating decreases in Value of guarantee 720,000,000 Rial/ 15,133 Euro groundwater resources, Ebrahimi noted. verbal conflicts:attacks in the media Bank guarantees or guarantees issued by non-bank institutions that obtain activity license from the In regions where proper watershed and aquifer management plans central bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. erupted: broken out were conducted flood has slight loss and water has entered ground- Type of guarantee Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt under account number 4001114006376636 ( Shaba No. IR access: deciding who is allowed to use the water water resources naturally, he highlighted. 350100004001114006376636) in name of “NIDC saving account” by the central bank of Islamic task: a piece of work that must be done Mohammad Fazeli, an official with Energy Ministry, also said that Republic of Iran. locate: discover or find floodwater can play a role in dissolving chemicals in farming lands. Duration of credit & quotation Tender Guarantee & quotation should be valid for 90 days and extendable maximum for one time in initial validity duration. tap: make use of The increase in the amount of water after floods will promote in- recycling: processing water so it can be used again dustries and tourism in flood-hit regions, he added. (Foreign Procurement Dept.) (Foreign Procurement Dept.) water wars: actual wars involving fighting Fazeli went on to explain that while floods have destructed infra- More of this & other tenders are accessible by click on: www.nidc.ir http://sapp.ir/nidc_pr (Source: BBC) More of this & other tenders are accessible by click on: تهران تایمز نوبت اول http://sapp.ir/nidc_pr 3/2/98نوبت دوم structure, and damaged houses, farming lands, crops and livestock in www.nidc.ir98/2/4 the short-term, its long-term benefits outweigh the losses. تهران تایمز نوبت اول 3/2/98نوبت دوم 98/2/4

I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y APRIL 23, 2019 WORLD IN FOCUS 13 Nasrallah denounces Traditional European parties are worried

Sri Lanka blasts 1 Washington’s support for the British withdrawal from TEHRAN — The secretary general of the niversary of establishing Imam Mahdi Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement on Scouts. the European Union suggests that Trump intends to repeat this Monday denounced Sri Lanka blasts, stress- Earlier, Hezbollah condemned the terrorist experience in other European countries. ing that culprits lack innate human nature. blasts which targeted churches and hotels As Telegraph reported, The established centre-left and cen- “Followers of all the heavenly religions agree in Sri Lanka and claimed hundreds of in- tre-right blocs in the EU Parliament are likely to lose their com- on the concept of the emergence of a savior, nocent victims, denouncing endangering bined majority in May’s European Elections, according to the despite the differences over his identity”, the believers at the places of worship on latest polling.Polls indicate that these two large pan-European Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said. the glorious holidays. blocs, which are comprised of a host of allied parties from each “Believing in the emergence of the savior In a statement issued on Sunday, Hezbollah EU country, will lose seats under a tide of populist support.While gives people hope to confront oppression; reiterated that terror might never hold any the centre-right European Peoples’ Party (EPP) and centre-left however, despair leads surrender and loss”, religions identity, calling on all believers Socialists & Democrats (S&D) are likely to remain the largest he added. who follow the various religious creeds parliamentary groups, experts warn that their current position Nasrallah also talk about Lebanon internal to stand united in face of this dangerous of dominance is now “threatened”. affairs and said ”all parties agree that Lebanon scourge whether represented by individuals The loss of their combined majority is thanks to the rise of the is suffering from a deep financial crisis.” or fabricated entities. liberal Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) “All the Lebanese parties are concerned with “On Imam Al-Mahdi (P) Birthday, Hezbollah and Eurosceptic Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF).These coping with the economic crisis”, Nasrallah hopes that Holy God grant the oppressed two blocs are forecast to make the largest gains in the election, added. all over the world the imminent apparition leading experts to warn that the new Parliament could be more Hezbollah on Monday marked Imam of the Imam, so that all mankind enjoys fractious with majorities harder to come by. Mahdi (P) Birthday and the 34th an- security and peace.” In any case, senior EU officials are busy monitoring European parliamentary elections. They worry about increasing the power of nationalist and anti-European currents in different countries. Greece, France, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Hungary and ... are among the countries in which nationalist movements have grown World witnessing ‘Widening Rift’ between EU, U.S.: UN expert significantly in polls. With no doubt, the presence of extremist TEHRAN (Tasnim) — A UN rights expert said the Eu- International law applies, with equal force and effect, to movements in power can lead to many social and security crises ropean Union’s stance on US’s recognition of Syrian Golan every state, and to everyone. This rule requires submission in the Green Continent. Heights as Israeli territory shows that there is a “widen- by all to the rule of law, whether great or small. As Justice As noted above, the growth of extremist parties in multicul- ing rift” in strategic policy between Washington and the Robert Jackson argued, with understated eloquence, in tural societies is going to lead to increased attacks on Muslims 28-member bloc. Nuremberg in 1945: “We must never forget that the record and immigrants in general. In this case, we will witness the oc- “The EU position is consistent with its long-standing on which we judge these defendants is the record on which currence of continuous security crises in the United Europe. The policy that annexation of territory is illegal. It also affirms history will judge us tomorrow. To pass these defendants a social and economic crises of Europe are now tied to each other. its position that occupations are meant to be temporary, poisoned chalice is to put it to our own lips as well.” It means that as social crises in Europe are strengthened, the and the occupying power gains no authority to claim sover- Does the American endorsement of Israel’s claim on security crises would increase.The common denominator of the eignty over any of the land, “Michael Lynk, the UN Special the Golan Heights foretell Benjamin Netanyahu’s more Europe’s security and social crises will be the creation of social Rapporteur on situation of human rights in the Palestinian recent promise to annex parts of the West Bank if he was insecurity in Europe. This is what many experts of political and Territory, told Tasnim in an interview. re-elected to power in the Israeli elections earlier this month? security affairs in Europe have seriously warned about. He added, “We are witnessing a widening rift in stra- This now appears to be a real likelihood. And it would be The main question here is whether senior European officials tegic policy between the United States and the European just as illegal. will be able to confront nationalist parties in the European Par- Union. This rift has always existed to a smaller degree over In 1941, American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt liamentary elections? Will the status of traditional parties in policy towards the Israeli occupation of Palestine, with the and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill issued the Europe be strengthened again in the near future and after the Europeans more vocal towards the necessity of following Atlantic Charter, an early guide to the modern world order. European Union becomes more willing than it has been European Parliamentary elections, or will there be new and se- international law in ending the occupation, and the USA In it, the Charter proclaimed that: “they desire to see no in the past to assert the importance of the international rious challenges for the EU and the Eurozone? more protective of Israel’s violations on international law”. territorial changes that do not accord with the freely ex- principles for a final settlement, including: self-determi- Michael Lynk is Associate Professor at the Faculty of pressed wishes of the peoples concerned.” President Donald nation; equality and justice for all peoples; the rights of the Law, Western University, in London, Ontario. He joined the Trump’s recognition of the Israeli claim to the Golan walks Palestinian refugees; and the centrality of human rights U.S. attempts to blacken Faculty in 1999, and has taught courses in labour, human us back to a darker world, and belies the solemn promise of and the rule of law. rights, disability, constitutional and administrative law. He international law that was forged with so much suffering How should the international community, particularly Huawei will fail served as Associate Dean of the Faculty between 2008-11. over the past 80 years. the UN, react to this? The following is the full text of the interview: European Union’s Foreign Policy Chief Federica A: Accountability is the one large missing piece of the Global Times — The Times reported on Saturday that according US President Donald Trump on March 25 recognized Mogherini said the 28-member bloc does not recognize puzzle for the international community. International law to a UK source, the CIA says that Huawei has taken money from Israel’s “sovereignty” over Golan, a Syrian territory that Israeli Golan as part of Israeli territory. She added, “In has been clearly stated on many occasions by the Security the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and China’s state intelligence has been under Israeli occupation since 1967. What is your parallel, the five EU Member States who currently sit in Council and the General Assembly. Yet, for too long, the network. The vague information has a clear purpose: To further take on the move? the UN Security Council – which are the United Kingdom, Israeli occupation has been shaped much more by power blacken Huawei. A: Annexation and territorial conquest in the modern France, Germany, Belgium, and Poland – expressed this than by justice. world is strictly prohibited under international law. Today, common position”. How much do you think such a unilateral Almost 39 years ago, the United Nations Security Council they are regarded as a political calamity from an earlier age, decision could jeopardize global security? adopted resolution 476 in June 1980. The resolution con- when war was an acceptable cornerstone of state policy, A: The EU position is consistent with its long-standing demned the Israeli settlements and the Israeli annexation and national borders were regarded as mutable frontiers policy that annexation of territory is illegal. It also affirms of Jerusalem as illegal. The Security Council then affirmed rather than fixed and inalienable boundaries. This absolute its position that occupations are meant to be temporary, its: “…determination in the event of non-compliance by prohibition applies whether the territory in question was and the occupying power gains no authority to claim sov- Israel with this resolution, to examine practical ways and acquired in a war of aggression or a defensive war – the ereignty over any of the land. means in accordance with relevant provisions of the Charter point is to remove all incentives for any country to imagine We are witnessing a widening rift in strategic policy be- of the United Nations to secure the full implementation of expanding its borders through force. tween the United States and the European Union. This rift this resolution.” Thus, the American recognition of Israel’s 1981 declara- has always existed to a smaller degree over policy towards Israel remains in serial defiance of the direction of the tion of annexation over the occupied Syrian Golan Heights the Israeli occupation of Palestine, with the Europeans more international community. And the United Nations, not- is a significant step backwards for international law and vocal towards the necessity of following international law withstanding a rich menu of powers at its disposal to bring diplomacy. The United Nations Security Council voted in in ending the occupation, and the USA more protective of recalcitrant states and organizations in line with modern December 1981, in Resolution 497, to condemn Israel’s Israel’s violations on international law. norms of behavior, has not acted upon its own promise. annexation declaration and to reaffirm the modern principle This current rift may have positive consequences for International law, as well as the best interests of Palestinians that: “the acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible.” the search for peace in the Middle East, but only if the and Israelis alike, have suffered as a result. The U.S. has spared no effort to attack Huawei, which is obvi- ously more than just concerns about information security. There are many ways to ensure information security, and it is easy for U.S. technology to prevent Huawei from being used to gather Abe’s ruling bloc suffers rare losses in Japan’s by-election intelligence. But there has been no evidence proving Huawei Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s ruling on Monday morning. previous month. Top government officials vowed on Friday espionage, and it is difficult for the U.S. to let the whole world bloc has suffered two rare losses in by-elec- The defeats in the polls come after Japan’s In Okinawa, Tomohiro Yara, a freelance to go ahead with the tax rise, barring a big believe such a fake story. tions, an apparent warning from voters ahead Olympics minister, Yoshitaka Sakurada, re- journalist backed by several opposition parties economic shock. Washington has three major purposes for blackening Hua- of a national election for parliament’s upper signed a year before the Tokyo Olympics. and running on an anti-US base platform, Such a “double election” might help take wei’s name. First, it wants to attack Huawei and win time for the house later this year. A vice transport minister also quit over a defeated a former cabinet minister. advantage of weakness among the fragment- U.S.’ 5G technology. The U.S. worries that Huawei’s devices will Sunday’s defeats in a lower house by-elec- separate gaffe. In Osaka, Shimpei Kitagawa, backed by ed opposition parties, but could also spark quickly become popular worldwide and thus will set a standard tion in Osaka, western Japan, and another “The cabinet support rate is maintaining the Liberal Democratic Party or LDP and the opposition to cooperate on candidates. in the 5G era. The U.S. wants the world’s most developed areas on the southern island of Okinawa - host to a certain level, but if they do not eradicate its junior partner Komeito, lost to Fumitake “Abe must be wondering which suffers to separate from Huawei’s influence. It wants the West to achieve the bulk of US military in the country - were laxity and conceit, the upper house elec- Fujita from Nippon Ishin. more from weakness - LDP/Komeito or the high-tech decoupling with China. the first such losses since Abe returned to tion will perforce be a difficult fight,” said Speculation is simmering that Abe will opposition,” said Sophia University political Second, the U.S. has to fight to the end because it has sent office in December 2012, except for one an editorial in the conservative Yomiuri call a snap lower house election in tandem science professor Koichi Nakano. its requests to its allies. It wants to set a precedent that U.S. uncontested poll. newspaper. with the upper house poll, possibly after “A double election will also potentially allies prioritize U.S. interests and demands. Some Western “Each individual [ruling] Liberal Demo- In a survey by public broadcaster NHK announcing the postponement of a sales galvanise the opposition into action ... so countries are still hesitating, and Washington worries that cratic Party member must take the results to released this month, support for Abe’s cabinet tax hike to 10 percent from eight percent it’s a double-edged sword.” they will stay neutral in U.S.-China competition and gain a heart and buckle down,” Abe told reporters was at 47 percent, up five points from the scheduled for October. (Source: Al Jazeera) strategic initiative. Third, Washington did not use Huawei’s devices in 4G, and it is resolute in not using Huawei’s 5G devices as well. This means the 5G network in the U.S. is highly likely to fall behind China’s 5G ‘Google’s move to shut press TV’s YouTube channels overt, blatant act of censorship’ construction. The U.S. does not want its allies to surpass it in 5G. 1 The message was: “Your Google Account was there; however, when similar censorship is carried out by During the later stages of 4G construction, China surpassed disabled and can’t be restored because it was used in a way the U.S. tech companies, such as Google, they remain silent. the U.S. in 4G network coverage and speed. This triggered China’s that violates Google’s policies”; However, Google has so Real news are facts, gathered carefully, and can be prov- leading mobile payment system. But the U.S. still leads China in far refused to provide any explanation for disabling Press en, given enough time for research. It is vitally important modernization. What will happen if European countries, which TV’s account. This is the clear-cut proof this action is not that everyone has access to the facts, regardless of political match the U.S.’ modernization progress, follow the example of based on any reason or legal basis, otherwise they would policies, and biases. If people have access to news they can China in 5G, not the U.S.? Washington does not want to worry easily offer a specific explanation of what Press TV did make up their own mind. about this. wrong, or how it violated any Google policies. The mere Detention of Press TV’s journalist in January 2019, It is ridiculous for a superpower to use almost every legal fact of not explaining, explains it all. This is baseless press and now Google’s blocking Press TV’s accounts; Are they and diplomatic tool to attack a high-tech company. This is censorship, and all journalists and media should be con- intrinsically connected? unprecedented in human history. But the U.S. may still lose cerned, because they may be the next. Barry Grossman A: When Marzieh Hashemi was detained in USA for 10 its war against Huawei. This is because the U.S.’ accusations is an international lawyer, and he explained, “Google in days, I feel that was an act of intimidation. It was directed are groundless and untenable. Huawei is in the best financial fact now is a company for Alphabet Inc. That is the parent at her personally, and her employer Press TV. The U.S. situation of any company, and the U.S. has had doubts about company. It is a massive conglomerate of nothing which government has an openly hostile attitude to Iran. The U.S. Huawei’s security risks for years. How can Huawei risk its came to be one of the wealthiest corporations in the world policy towards Iran is to interfere in domestic operations, reputation to gain but a little money from state intelligence essentially by cleverly usurping what ultimately are public to stir up dissent, political unrest, and disobedience, with and the army? Besides, Europe used Huawei’s devices in 4G, assets, namely the control of the internet, the ability to A: In 2017, a number of media, often critical of Western the ultimate goal of what the U.S. calls “Regime Change”. do they not remain safe? search it and to operate essentially as a gateway for almost policy, claimed that their Google-directed traffic sank as Instead of interacting with Iran and its people, to foster As China is labeled a strategic competitor by the U.S., Europe any and all use of the internet”. The Google ban seems to much as 63 percent in the wake of a Google algorithm change good diplomatic relations, and build bridges of greater un- has become a card that the U.S. is eager to play. We believe Europe be in line with the U.S. government’s stepped-up pressure designed to stop “fake news”. However, many of corporate derstanding; the U.S. foreign policy on Iran is adversarial will cherish its independence. Countries that follow the U.S. on on Iran and an all-out propaganda campaign against the media’s news outlets such as, the New York Times, Wash- and heavy handed. Many experts have said that the U.S. the Huawei case are merely buying Washington’s favor, and will country, which includes targeting Iranian media. ington Post and CNN did not suffer. How does Google, or foreign policy on the Middle East is written in Tel Aviv, eventually lag behind and become a puppet. Press TV aims to serve as the voice of the voiceless, any other body, define “Fake News”? Is it news based on lies, and the same appears to be the case for Iran. The so-called European countries should not be deceived by the U.S. and questioning the policies adopted by the West. How does without facts, or is it news based on facts which make the Jewish State of Israel has a goal of eventual war on Iran, must understand all the environmental factors of Huawei’s case.If a Western non-government company which claims to U.S. policies look bad? The mainstream media in the U.S. and they are trying to convince the U.S. Congress and U.S. they believe such false information that alleges Huawei is funded provide free services get involved in silencing the alter- are quick to point a finger of blame at countries which are administrations of the need for eventual war, which may by the PLA, they are just like a kindergarten child at the mercy native media? seen as adversaries to the U.S. when they find censorship devastate all those involved. of their U.S. teacher. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 14 WORLD SPORTS APRIL 23, 2019

Young confident misfiring Mbappe’s title, but PSG need to Man United will be ready for City breathe new life into Qatari project Manchester United’s players are well aware of the importance After being the star of France’s 2018 World Manchester United in the last 16. of Wednesday’s Premier League clash against champions Man- Cup triumph, Kylian Mbappe has been the That, combined with being knocked out chester City and need no extra motivation after a 4-0 hammering standout player for Paris Saint-Germain in in the League Cup quarter-finals, means at Everton, defender Ashley Young said. a Ligue 1 title-winning campaign that has Tuchel in his first season has actually done Sixth-placed United’s chances of finishing in the top four were been slightly marred by the manner in which worse than Unai Emery, his unloved pre- dealt a blow at Goodison Park and the nature of Sunday’s defeat they limped over the line. decessor. prompted manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer to issue an apology to PSG finally wrapped up the title on However, according to sports daily L’Equi- fans ahead of the clash with their city rivals. Sunday after second-placed Lille failed to pe, Tuchel has agreed to extend his contract “We know how important that (derby) is going to be. If you beat Toulouse, having not won any of their to 2021. Thoughts have already turned to can’t get yourselves up for the Manchester derby, there’s some- previous three games when the opportunity the future, with new signings needed at the thing wrong,” Young told the club’s website. to confirm a sixth French crown in seven Parc des Princes. “I’ve got confidence that we’re going to be ready for Wednes- seasons was there. Time for a clear-out? day... we’ve got to dust ourselves down fairly quickly and go again The Qatari-owned club can still make it a Mbappe is the one man they really cannot this week... we’ve got four games left, we’ve got four wins to get. domestic double, with the French Cup final afford to lose, but is it time for a clear-out It’s going to be tough but I’m sure we can do it.” to come against Rennes next weekend, yet elsewhere? United, who have 64 points from 34 games and sit two points this will not be remembered as a vintage year. Some of the excitement of the early part of adrift of Arsenal in fourth, face Chelsea, Huddersfield Town and While Neymar once again went missing the decade has gone, replaced with a staleness. Cardiff City in their final three matches of the season. due to injury at the crucial point, Edinson The days of Thiago Silva, Edinson Cavani and (Source: Mirror) Cavani has struggled with fitness too, and Marco Verratti are maybe ending. coach Thomas Tuchel has regularly lashed Youri Djorkaeff, a World Cup winner for out at the lack of depth in his squad. France and a PSG star in the 1990s, offers The 5-1 capitulation at Lille a week ago a frank assessment, suggesting real change was the worst league result for PSG since is needed higher up. Brighton players have not Qatar Sports Investments bought the club “If you’re not great in every compartment, in 2011, and the first time they had let in five from the bus driver to the girls who clean the downed tools, says Hughton in a league game since 2000. shirts, you will go nowhere,” he told Ligue 1 A record-breaking 14-match winning run Podcast, ‘Le Beau Jeu’. Brighton & Hove Albion players cannot be accused of not car- with which they started the season now seems “Paris Saint-Germain, after many years ing about retaining their Premier League status as they look to like a long time ago, the latest Champions without success, have to rebuild everything, avoid the drop with four games left in the season, manager Chris League failure clouding Tuchel’s first cam- restart from scratch, because the foundations Hughton said on Monday. paign in charge. Mbappe, at least, has been recently that “he doesn’t realise how good tional domestically. However, the problem are not good. You cannot expect to one day The south-coast club sit three points above the relegation a constant, revelling in his status as a World he is, he can go much further”. is that as long as they keep failing in the win the Champions League without these zone but have endured a severe dip in form in 2019, winning Cup winner and hardly ever being rested. He He is also not used to losing, and may Champions League, domestic success for a foundations.” only two of their last 14 league games to fall from 13th to 17th only turned 20 in December, but has now have upset some of his teammates with his club backed by a Gulf state will continue to The Qatar project needs a breath of fresh in the standings. Brighton have also failed to score in their last won three Ligue 1 titles in a row. assessment of last week’s defeat at Lille. “We ring hollow. air, and all eyes will be on president Nass- five league matches, including the 0-0 draw at Wolverhampton Mbappe has 36 goals in 40 games this played like beginners,” he said. The title has effectively been in the bag er al-Khelaifi and sporting director Antero Wanderers on Saturday. “I don’t think anybody could accuse a season, with 30 in the league. And, frighten- Hollow ring for some time, but their season has been Henrique. group of players at Wolves on Saturday of it not meaning enough ingly, his team-mate Daniel Alves told RMC To be fair, they have usually been excep- winding down ever since their exit against (Source: AFP) or downing tools,” Hughton told reporters ahead of Tuesday’s trip to Tottenham Hotspur. “Absolutely that’s not the case. “We’re a team of our level playing in the Premier League and, Blazers ignore trash talk, refs to beat United’s foundations at risk unless up until probably the last month or so, we’ve been in a decent enough position in the league. Thunder Solskjaer rids club of ‘weeds’ “Probably our poorest period came at the worst time, but that happens when you’re playing in a division as difficult as this one and when you are the level of club that we are. “We have to find formulas and pull out results to get the points that we need.” Hughton, who spent over two decades as a player at Totten- ham, said he was looking forward to playing at the new White Hart Lane stadium which opened this month. “I was there all in all for 27 years and I have lots of memories as a player and as a coach,” Hughton said. “I’m looking forward to going there. How much I’ll enjoy it will be down to the performance the team put in but I’m hoping I can enjoy it.” (Source: Reuters)

Sterling to pay for funeral of teenager who ‘touched his life’ With their starters heading to the bench we’re not gonna go out here and get in any Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said prior to the last eight games and five successive away with 40 seconds left, Game 4 in hand and shouting matches and back-and-forths and humiliating 4-0 thrashing by Everton losses -- their worst run on the road since a 3-1 series lead in their pocket on the way all that stuff. We’re gonna focus on the stuff there would not be wholesale changes to 1981. Seldom can a Manchester derby -- they England star Raheem Sterling is to pay for the funeral of former back home, the Portland Trail Blazers had we need to focus on that’s gonna give us Manchester United personnel in the close host title-chasing City on Wednesday -- have Crystal Palace youth player Damary Dawkins who he says was an opportunity to bask in their 111-98 win a chance to win the game. I was proud of season, but Gary Neville, for one, believes been less eagerly anticipated by United fans. an “example to us all”. over the Oklahoma City Thunder a little. But how our team stuck to that.” he should think again. Neville, United to the core and an inte- Dawkins died aged 13 of leukaemia in March -- Sterling had there was no celebrating, no trash talking, Lillard, who started 0-of-6 and didn’t United’s millionaire stars such as Paul gral member of Alex Ferguson’s side that supported a campaign to find a suitable stem cell donor for him. no taunting, no dunks at the buzzer. It was, make his first shot until 1:15 left in the Pogba and David de Gea put up a display accrued eight Premier League crowns and According to an appeal page, Dawkins did receive a stem cell as Damian Lillard said, all business from first half, cooked once again in the third described by the British press on Monday two Champions League trophies, was ex- match a few days before Christmas but he relapsed in February. start to finish. quarter, finishing with 24 points on 7-of-19 as “abject”, “an apology” for a performance, coriating in his criticism of the players. His family had set up a GoFundMe page to raise £15,000 “After Game 3, we were in the locker shooting plus 8 assists. with the team derided as being generally “If you’ve got weeds in the garden, you’ve ($19,400) to give Dawkins the “best send off and celebration of room saying they lived at the free throw Guard CJ McCollum was essential in “rudderless” and “spineless”. got to get rid of them,” said Neville, who has life” -- but Sterling has assumed all the costs himself. line and all this stuff, but Game 4, we’re not putting the Thunder away, scoring 27 on However, whilst it came five years to the become a respected pundit for Sky Sports. “Damary was a special young man who touched a lot of lives, talking to nobody but ourselves,” Lillard 10-of-20 shooting. A number of times, day when a 2-0 defeat by the same opponents “There’s some Japanese knotweed at including my own. Positive until the end, he was an example said. “Referees can call it how they want Lillard and McCollum were vocal with cost David Moyes his job, it is not Solskjaer that football club and it’s attacking the to us all,” said Sterling, who will attend the funeral on Friday. to call, we’re just going to worry about teammates, once pulling forward Zach who is being targeted but the under-per- foundations of the house. It needs deal- Sterling paid tribute to Damary by lifting his England shirt to ourselves. Collins aside for an animated conversation forming Pogba and his team-mates. ing with properly. “I don’t need to name reveal a picture of the two of them together following his second “After last game, it was a big deal being after the second-year player was called for The World Cup-winning midfielder, af- names, you know who they are.” goal in the 5-0 win over the Czech Republic in their Euro 2020 made out of the back-and-forth and we defensive three seconds. ter a series of encouraging performances Former England international midfielder qualifier in March. weren’t emotional about it -- we were just “We’re a lot more mature than we were when Solskjaer first assumed the reins Jermaine Jenas, who has also turned to Their close relationship echoes that of former England inter- competing,” Lillard continued. in past years,” McCollum said. “We can in December, has returned to being the punditry since hanging up his boots, turned national Jermain Defoe and Sunderland fan Bradley Lowery, “We were just passionate about the handle adversity. We understood what non-existent presence so often the focus on the players as well. who died of a rare form of cancer aged just six in 2017. game as well. But like I said earlier, we we wanted to accomplish tonight and we of Jose Mourinho’s ire -- although it was The 36-year-old said such is the neg- Defoe, who was playing for Sunderland at the time, forged didn’t really engage in it because our focus didn’t want anything to get in the way. the Portuguese coach who was sacrificed. ativity in the team that even the younger a close bond with the youngster -- he has his name tattooed on was our team. Multiple times we had discussions about His and Nemanja Matic’s failure to shore talents have been sucked into the vortex his right arm -- and carried the boy he described as his “best Like I told you guys, we’re not gonna not saying anything to anyone. up midfield has been a contributing factor to of supine performances. friend” onto the pitch at Wembley for an England international come out here and go crazy on the referees, (Source: ESPN) United’s miserable run of six defeats in their (Source: Guardian) with Lithuania. (Source: Eurosport) Zidane bemused as Spanish press round on Bale F1 esports champion Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane is bemused by his not playing well enough and it will happen again this season,” team’s fans’ attitude towards Gareth Bale after they booed it said, omitting to mention Bale’s two goals, including a Brendon Leigh crashes in the Welsh forward during Saturday’s 3-0 La Liga victory stunning overhead kick, in last year’s Champions League over Athletic Bilbao. final with the game finely poised. on-track debut When quizzed on why a player who has won four Cham- “He keeps on saying ‘good morning’ rather than ‘buenos pions Leagues in five seasons in Madrid – including scoring dias’ when he arrives at the training ground; that’s if he even Formula One’s inaugural esports champion Brendon Leigh crashed decisive goals in two of the finals – is given such a hostile says anything,” Marca said. during his on-track racing debut at the weekend. reception by fans Zidane said; “I don’t know. Honestly, I “The thing is that Bale’s lack of sporting value is also Leigh, 19, has won both esports championships held by F1, don’t understand it.” now on a par with his lack of economic value. He’s a very in 2017 during its first championship and in 2018 as part of Bale came on as a substitute after being left out from expensive player and given the way football is, there’s the Mercedes team he still belongs to. He became something the start for the second consecutive game by Zidane and many players who are a level below salary wise who con- of a viral sensation during the first final for wagging his finger irked the Bernabeu faithful by missing a one-on-one chance. tribute a lot more.” tauntingly at a rival driver. The reaction was in stark contrast to the one that greeted In 2016 Bale was given a new deal through to 2022 that Leigh was competing in BRSCC National Formula Ford 1600 Isco, who came on to the pitch at the same time as Bale to made him the third-best paid player in world football, but at British circuit Snetterton, his first taste of competitive sin- much delight from the stands. injuries – he has missed 86 games since joining the club - gle-seaters. The Englishman had three days of testing ahead For his part, Bale shrugged off missing the presentable and a perceived failure to assimilate with Spanish culture of the weekend. opportunity by unselfishly teeing up Karim Benzema for have drawn criticism. After finishing fourth in the opening race on Saturday, Leigh his hat-trick but that did not saved him from a mauling by paper continued. The same newspaper reported recently “The club aren’t too optimistic about being able to sell endured a nightmare Sunday, crashing into the barriers early on local media on Monday. that Chelsea’s Belgian forward Eden Hazard will be signed him so are willing to listen to a loan offer,” Marca said. in race two, before car trouble forced him to retire from race three. “The intention is to sell him, but there’s no offers forth- to take Bale’s place in the squad. “They want to rid themselves of Bale’s salary, or at least a Leigh will race again in the series at its Oulton Park meeting coming,” read the front page of Marca, accompanied by a A scathing opinion piece in the paper went further. part of it and add an option to buy like they did with James on May 11. picture of the 29-year-old Bale looking sullen. “Madrid, or rather their president, have been procrasti- Rodriguez to Bayern.” (Source: BBC) “They’re now open to the idea of loaning him out,” the nating with Bale. He finished last season as a substitute for (Source: Reuters) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y APRIL 23, 2019 SPORTS 15

Poupak Basami the first woman to represent Esteghlal look for fourth Iran at Asian Weightlifting Championships successive victory over Al Hilal After two rounds of fixtures, Al Hilal looked to be in a strong position to advance to the last 16 having won both their games, TEHRAN — Poupak Basami wrote SPORTS while Esteghlal were still seeking their first win of the campaign deskher name into the history book as after conceding late to draw 1-1 with Al Ain on Matchday Two. the first Iranian woman who participated in the Asian When the sides met in Doha Weightlifting Championships. two weeks ago, the difference Basami took part at the 55 kg weight category and was five points and a win for Al failed to win anything but made history as the first Ira- Hilal would have made it highly nian woman participating in the Asian championships. unlikely that the Iranian giants She is the first but is not the only Iranian woman in would catch them, but Esteg- the event as six other women have traveled to Ningbo, hlal then blew Group C wide China to partake in the prestigious competition. open by posting a 2-1 victory Iranian men’s weightlifters are well-known in the to move within two points of sport and have won eight gold medals at Olympics so the Saudi team. far. Mohammad Jafar Salmasi won Iran’s first Olympic The result continued a re- medal at 1948 Summer Olympics. cent trend in the fixture as last However, the Iranian women’s weightlifters have year Esteghlal claimed a pair a long road ahead and it seems female development of 1-0 victories over Al Hilal to program launched by Iran’s Weightlifting Federation progress from the group stage last year will help them to do more in the near future. while the two-time runners-up Basami originally competed in basketball and was exited after suffering a disap- playing in Iran’s Super League in the past years but pointing campaign. changed her sport. On Tuesday, the sides lock horns once more in a potentially The Iranian sportswomen have shown that they crucial clash in Abu Dhabi, where an Al Hilal victory would have the potential to make the nation proud after put them back on course for the last 16. However, if Estegh- shining in the international events in the last years. lal secure a fourth successive win over their opponents they The women’s futsal team have won the back-to-back leapfrog them in the standings and suddenly Al Hilal’s hopes titles in the Asian Futsal Championship and women’s of advancing will be in doubt. kabaddi won a gold medal in the 2018 Asian Games (Source: the-afc) after beating world giants India in the final match in Jakarta, Indonesia. Kimia Alizadeh became the first Iranian woman to win a medal at the Olympic Games after claiming Farzin Noori suspended for a bronze medal at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro. Archer Zahra Nemati won a gold and a bronze anti-doping violation medal at the 2012 Paralympic Games and a gold and a silver medal four years later in Rio. Shooter Sareh Javanmardi also won a bronze in The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has suspended London and two gold medals at the 2016 Paralympic the Iranian powerlifter Farzin Noori for four years for committing Games. an anti-doping violation. President Hassan Rouhani has recently said that The athlete who competes in the up to 72kg class returned an supporting women’s sports are top priorities for the adverse analytical finding for 19-Norandrosterone in a urine sample government and it’s the time to see a bright future provided on 9 December 2017 following an out of competition for the Iranian women. test in Dubai, UAE, prior to competing at the 2017 Asian Youth Para Games. The test was conducted by the Asian Paralympic Committee as part of its testing programme for the event. This substance is included on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) 2017 Prohibited List under the category S1.1B Endogenous Thrower Hadadi wins gold at Asian Ganjzadeh wins gold at WKF Karate1- Anabolic Androgenic Steroids when administered exogenously. Athletics Championships Premier League As a result of his violation, Noori will be ineligible for com- petition for four years from 9 December 2017, the date of the test, to 8 December 2021. This means the athlete is not eligible to qualify or compete at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. All his results obtained from 9 December 2017 and onwards will be disqualified including forfeiture of any medals, points, records and prizes. The IPC would like to remind all athletes the principle of strict liability applies to anti-doping matters. Therefore, each athlete is strictly liable for the substances found in his or her sample, and that an anti-doping rule violation occurs whenever a pro- hibited substance (or its metabolites or markers) is found in his or her bodily specimen, whether or not the athlete intentionally or unintentionally used a prohibited substance or was negligent or otherwise at fault. As a signatory of the World Anti-Doping Code (WADC), the IPC remains committed to a doping-free sporting environment at all levels. The IPC, together with the International Federations and the National Paralympic Committees, established the IPC Anti-Doping Code to prevent doping in sport for Paralympic athletes, in the spirit of fair play. The IPC Anti-Doping Code is in conformity with the general principles of the WADC. SPORTS TEHRAN — Iranian taking it step by step,” Hadadi, whose SPORTS TEHRAN — Sajad Taravat Khaksar claimed a bronze medal (Source: Paralympic.org) deskdiscus thrower Ehsan early-season 67.19m effort in Chula deskGanjzadeh from Iran in the female kumite -55 Kg, beating her Hadadi claimed a gold medal at the 23rd Vista, California, 10 days ago has him claimed a gold medal at the World Karate Japanese opponent Sara Yamad 2-0. edition of the Asian Athletics Champion- sitting third on the world season’s list, Federation (WKF) Karate1-Premier League Hamideh Abbasali took Iran’s third ships in Doha, Qatar on Sunday. told iaaf.org. “I’m still waiting on who in Rabat, Morocco on Sunday. bronze in the female kumite +68Kg after Group C: Al Hilal SFC v Hadadi, the 2012 Olympic silver medal- will succeed me in Asia.” In the male kumite +84kg final match, defeating Ayaka Saito from Japan 4-0. ist, controlled the competition from the His compatriot Behnam Shiri came Ganjzadeh defeated Turkey’s Alparslan The Karate1-Premier League- is the Esteghlal FC opening round and, with victory secured closest, hitting 60.89m in round two. Yamanoglu 2-0. His compatriot Ali As- most important league event in the world as he entered the ring for the competition’s Still, each of Hadidi’s five measured ghar Asiabari lost to Ukraine’s Stanislav of Karate. It comprises of a number of the Saudi Arabia’s Al Hilal can seal qualification to the 2019 AFC final throw, the 34-year-old gentle giant throws sailed further, underscoring Horuna 9-8 in the male kumite -75kg final. most prominent Karate competitions and Champions League Round of 16 with a win over Iran’s Esteghlal released a 65.95m championships record his Asian dominance. Saleh Abazari won a bronze medal endeavors to bring together the best Karate at Mohammed bin Zayed Stadium on Tuesday. to collect his sixth continental title. Jordan’s Musab Al-Momani won the in the male kumite +84kg after beating athletes in the world in an open champion- Two-time runners-up Al Hilal have reached the knockout “I’m not so young anymore, so I’m bronze medal with a throw of 58.27m. EgyptianTarek Mahmoud 2-0. ships of unprecedented scale and quality. stages nine times in the past 10 years, but they were eliminated in the group stage last year. Coach Zoran Mamic’s men fell to a 2-1 defeat to Esteghlal in Doha two weeks ago, after starting their Continental campaign Asian Club Volleyball Championship: Iran’s Varamin beaten by Panthers with back-to-back victories over Al Ain and Al Duhail. Mean- Terrific Michel Kubiak steered Panasonic Panthers to a pay off impressively as the Iranians stormed on to win while, Esteghlal’s win came after an opening day 3-0 reversal at hard-fought five-set win against powerhouses Varamin the comfortable set 25-17, forcing the Japanese to play Al Duhail and a 1-1 draw with Al Ain. Municipality after rallying from 11-14 down in tie-breaker in the decider. Al Hilal’s chances will be boosted by the return of star mid- to stun the Iranians in their last top-8 playoff match at the Varamin got off to a flying start in the deciding set to fielder Abdullah Otayf after a two-month injury layout. 2019 Asian Men’s Club Volleyball Championship at the lead 4-1 and stretched it to 10-7 before Panasonic Pan- Domestically, Esteghlal have won their last two matches to University of Taipei (Tianmu) Gymnasium on Monday. thers gradually pulled their game together to play cool climb up to second in the Iranian Pro League table, five points Polish Michel Kubiak chipped in with 24 points in- under pressure. As the Iranians led commandingly 14-11 behind arch-rivals Persepolis. Al Hilal similarly find themselves cluding 20 attacks for the Panasonic Panthers’s 25-19 to need only one more point to win the set and match, second in the Saudi Pro League, although just a point behind 19-25 25-12 17-25 16-14 victory, while Kunihiro Shimizu the Japanese did not give up easily. Kubiak saved one their own city rivals Al Nassr. made good company after contributing 18 points including matchpoint through his spectacular spike and Tubasa (Source: the-afc) 17 attack hits. Setter Hideomi Fukatsu assisted with 3 Hisahara did likewise a moment later with a thundering points from his solid blocking. Javad Hosseinabadi led attack at the wing. Varamin Municipality with 22 points including 20 kills It turned sour for Varamin as the Iranians eventually let from 40 attempts. Behram Ebrahimi bagged 13 points the victory slip through their fingers. Javad spiked out in Fowler to be named new including 4 stuff blocks. a critical moment to help the Japanese close the margin at Brisbane Roar boss - sources Cultural and Sports Club of Varamin Municipality of Going down one set, the Iranians improved on defence, 14-14 before Hisahara and Akihiro Uamauchi successfully Iran and Japan’s Panasonic Panthers have initially been with Javad Hosseinabadi and Seyed Arash Taghavi punc- blocked Ehsan Daneshdoust to give the Japanese one point expected to set up a final showdown in this topflight com- turing the Japanese defence with a series of thundering ahead. Hideomi Fukatsu produced a solid block against Robbie Fowler will be appointed as the new manager of A-League petition, but had to first test mettle against each other in blows. Panasonic Panthers put their acts together to come a sharp blow from Javad to foil all Iranians’ comeback side Brisbane Roar, sources close to the former Liverpool and the top eight playoff match on Monday, with team rankings up with solid blocks from Shimizu and Shirasawa, but the efforts. Panasonic Pathers captured the tie-breaker win England striker have told ESPN FC. being confirmed at the end of all playoff matches on the Iranians hit back from back-row attacks with scintillating 16-14 and the exhausting match. Fowler is expected to be presented on Tuesday, ahead of Bris- same day for quarter-final matchups. blocks to capture the set win 25-19. “We did well in the first and third sets, but missed in bane’s final game of the A-League season at home to Adelaide Against powerhouses Varamin Municipality, Panasonic To everyone’s surprise, the third set turned out to be the second and fourth sets. I think we served well, but United on Thursday. Panthers replaced the hard-hitter Tatsuya Fukuzawa with a one-way traffic, with Shimizu and Kubiak thorns in the in the fifth set we never gave up easily and that’s why we The appointment ends a long search by the Roar for a replace- Polish Michel Kubaik, who joined the Poland national Iranian side. Both clearly annoyed the Iranian efforts, won the match. After trailing 11-14 in the fifth set, my ment for John Aloisi, who resigned in December, with Fowler team to land the back-to-back world title in 2014 and 2018. unleashing a barrage of fierce spikes which always baf- players just wanted to win the match and they fought set to begin work in June. Also strengthening Panthers was left-hander Kunihiro fled the oppositions. The set ended 25-12 in favour of hard, playing every part of the game well and we won The 44-year-old, who played for both North Queensland Shimizu and fast attacker Akihito Yamauchi. Powerful the Japanese side. eventually. Our service and good reception are the key Fury and Perth Glory and had a spell as player-coach of Thai hitter Seyed Arash Taghvi and Javad Hosseinabadi led Holding a 2-1 advantage, Panasonic Panthers played points to our team’s success in this match. Kubiak played side Muangthong United, is tasked with reviving a side that has the charge for Varamin. with confidence and consistency in the fourth set, but the in this match for the first time in the tournament and I struggled badly in recent months. Panasonic Panthers’ Shimizu and Kubaik were on fire Varamin Municipality’s offence changed the momentum. think he played well, but he still needs some more time Fowler, who made his Liverpool debut at the age of 18 in 1993, throughout the first set, contributing many key points for With Javad and Rasoul Najafi attacking devastatingly to to adjust himself to the following matches,” Panasonic went on to score 183 goals in 369 games during two successful the team’s 25-19 win. Kenji Shirasawa’s dazzling serves help Varamin stay a seven-point clear at 22-15, Panasonic Panthers’ head coach Shinji Kawamura commented after spells with the club. He also played for Leeds, Manchester City, and Shimizu’s exceptional attacks also played part of key Panthers fielded Tatsuya Fukuzawa and Issei Otake to the match. Cardiff and Blackburn before moving to the A-League in 2009. weapons for the team’s win. improve on their attacks. Still, their attempts did not (Source: asianvolleyball) (Source: ESPN) Prayer Times Noon:13:03 Evening: 20:03 Dawn: 4:50 (tomorrow) Sunrise: 6:21 (tomorrow) APRIL 23, 2019 ART&CULTURE I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y www.tehrantimes.com Managing Director: Ali Asgari Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Ghaderi Iranian cinema captures reality of life: Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 [email protected] Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051450 Italian cinematographer Luca Bigazzi Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 By Manijeh Rezapoor www.eshterak.ir Distributor: Padideh Novin Co. Tel: 88911433 TEHRAN — Italian cinematographer Luca Bigazzi Webmaster: [email protected] has said that talking about the reality of life is one Printed at: Hamshahri No. 3 - ISSN: 1017-94 of the main characteristics of Iranian movies. “Every time I see Iranian movies I have the Tehrantimes79 Tehrantimesdaily feeling of reality. It is not fiction, it is reality with a real structure,” Bigazzi told the Tehran Times No. 18, Bimeh Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran on Sunday during an interview at Tehran’s Charsu P.o. Box: 14155-4843 Zip Code: 1599814713 Cineplex, which is hosting the 37th Fajr International Film Festival. Bigazz is attending the event and has held two workshops and one master class on cinematography at the festival on April 19, 20 and 21. “Iranian cinema is about real life with a very personal view, and this is very, very important in cinema; it is actually one of the most important things in cinema, and this is a type of cinema I am greatly interested in,” he added. GUIDE TO Iranian cinema is exactly on the borderline between documentary and fiction cinema, said SPIRITUAL AWAKENING Bigazzi who worked with the legendary Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami in his 2010 film “Certified Copy” starring Juliette Binoche and When the world gratifies you, your defects are British opera singer William Shimell. hidden and no one can hurt you. “Collaboration with Abbas was a fantastic Imam Ali (AS) experience. He was a great director and every day he surprised us with new ideas and new perspectives. The movie was shot in Italy, but it was an international movie because he was not speaking about Italy or Iran, he was speaking about humanity,” he added. On his opinion about the Fajr festival, Bigazzi said, “The Gourmet” published “This is one of my favorites, really, because I see some in Persian fantastic films by many directors not just Abbas but Luca Bigazzi attends a press conference during the 37th Fajr International Film Festival at Tehran’s also many other good directors from Iran.” Charsu Cineplex on April 21, 2019. (FIFF/Farnaz Azizi) CULTURE TEHRAN — Chinese writer Lu Wenfu’s desk1988 novella “The Gourmet” has recently been published in Persian Doc to chronicle history of motorcycle “Getting to Know China” at Tehran by Qoqnus Publications in Tehran. in Iran Intl. Book Fair Marzieh Behradfar has translated the book from its original language into Persian. Winner of the National Best Novellas Award, “The Gourmet” follows the lives of two cousins, Zhu, who is rich and obsessed with good food, Front cover of the Persian and Gao, who is the manager version of “The Gourmet” by of a restaurant that used to Chinese author Lu Wenfu. be a hub of excellent cuisine. The book will be unveiled during the 32nd Tehran International Book Fair, which will be held from April 24 to May 4.

Varesh festival to review films from Azerbaijan

ARTTEHRAN — A lineup of eight movies from deskAzerbaijani filmmakers will be reviewed at the 9th Varesh Short Film Festival, the organizers Organizers unveil a poster for the 32nd Tehran International Book Fair on April announced on Monday. This old photo shows an Iranian man with a motorcycle. 17, 2019. (Fars/Hamid Tavakkoli) The lineup includes “Chovkan”, a documentary film by ARTTEHRAN — Director “A team of four researchers have ARTTEHRAN — China on Wednesday. Rafig Guliyev, “Heritage” by Fariz Ahmedov, and “Baku deskFarahnaz Sharifi plans been assigned to study 500 editions of deskwill attend the 32nd Cao Wenxuan, children’s book in the Mirror of Time” by Natalia Zavoznenko. to study the history of the motorcycle in Iran old magazines published over the past Tehran International Book Fair as writer and the winner of Hans Also included are “Trace of Gula” by Shamil Aliyev, in a documentary, which will be produced 120 years in order to gather information the guest of honor with the motto of Christian Andersen Award, Mai Jia and “Shaki” by Vugar Islamzade. by Hamid Qezlu. about the topic,” he said. “Getting to Know China”, the organizers and Xu Zechen are among the writers. The festival will be running in the northern Iranian city “The vehicle has not received any According to the information collected announced on Monday. China’s pavilion at the book fair of Babol in Mazandaran Province from April 29 to May 3. concern in Iran at all,” Qezlu said in a by the team, Iran’s customs office has The motto have been chosen to will host special programs including press release published by the Documentary registered the first import of a motorcycle encourage Iranian people to be more meetings, during which the latest and Experimental Film Center (DEFC) into the country in 1912. familiar with China through reading, offerings from Chinese authors will on Monday. The first group of motorcycles was a representative of the China National be unveiled. Zombies to star at Cannes “107 years have passed since the first imported into Iran from India and Russia, Publications Import and Export (Group) In addition, China plans to organize Film Festival, but no Netflix motorcycle was imported into Iran, and Japanese motorcycles were introduced Corporation said in a press conference exhibitions of handicrafts, paintings and while there has not been even one page in Iran in 1957. held at the Iran Cultural Fairs Institute hand-written books by Chinese artists or Tarantino of reliable information about the history of Qezlu said that motorcycles were in Tehran. on the sidelines of the book fair. the motorcycle in the country,” he added. frequently used in Iranian movies during A delegation composed of about Over 800 publishers from about 30 The idea to make the documentary titled the 1960s. 200 Chinese cultural figures and countries, including Japan, Germany, PARIS (Reuters) — Bill Murray fighting off zombies and “Motorcycle” flashed through Qezlu’s mind Research on the subject is expected officials as well as 94 publishers from India, Russia, Serbia, Lebanon and an Elton John biopic tracking the singer’s early days will be while reading a book about the role of to be completed by July and shooting will the country will attend the Tehran Armenia, will also participate in the among the highlights at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, motorcycle in modern Tehran. begin immediately afterwards, he stated. book fair, which is scheduled to open event, which will run until May 4. though Quentin Tarantino’s hotly-anticipated latest outing looked set to miss out. Unveiling the line-up for the 72nd edition of the cinema showcase, festival director Thierry Fremaux described the selection “Willow Tree”, “Children of Heaven” to “Sunday in Budapest” offers selection of as a “romantic and political” mix highlighting a colorful array of characters, from the walking dead to painters and migrants. screen at SUFISIN festival in Konya Latin American poetry in Persian One major name not to make the list, however, was Tarantino, whose “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” was hotly tipped to make it to the festival, held in May on the French Riviera. The movie, starring Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Margot Robbie, was still in post-production, organizers said. “Quentin Tarantino’s film is not ready...but he is sprinting” to finish it, Fremaux told a news conference, adding there was a slim chance it could yet make the line-up. “I wish him luck, I wish him to be ready, I wish above all that he will make a beautiful film, what I’ve seen of it so far is magnificent,” Fremaux said. The May 14-25 festival will kick off with U.S. director Jim Jarmusch’s latest film, “The Dead Don’t Die”. One of the 19 contenders for the Palme D’Or top prize, the tale of a small town under siege from zombies boasts a star-studded cast including Murray, Tilda Swinton, Iggy Pop, Danny Glover and Selena Gomez. Spanish director Pedro Almodovar - who presided over the jury at Cannes two years ago, a spot handed this year to Mexico’s Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu - will also be in contention for the top award with “Pain and Glory”. Front cover of “Sunday in Budapest”. A scene from “The Willow Tree” by Iranian director Majid Majidi. The movie, which reunites actors Penelope Cruz and Antonio CULTURE TEHRAN — The Irani- tavio Paz, and Victor Jara,” Rahmati told Banderas, tracks the travails of a filmmaker. ARTTEHRAN — Ira- “Children of Heaven” follows the deskan publishing company the Persian service of MNA on Monday. Britain’s Ken Loach, 82, who won the Palme D’Or in 2016 desknian Oscar-nomi- lives of two siblings, nine-year-old Ali Anima has published a book titled “Sunday “Due to lack of sources in English, I even with “I, Daniel Blake”, returns with “Sorry We Missed You”. nated director Majid Majidi’s films and his younger sister Zahra, who are in Budapest”, which contains a selection made use of the Turkish translations of some Terrence Malick will also enter the competition with “A Hidden “The Willow Tree” and “Children forced to share one pair of shoes after of poems from Latin American writers. of the poems. For example, Jara is most fa- Life”, set against the backdrop of World War Two. of Heaven” will go on screen at the an unfortunate accident. The poems have been selected and mous in Turkey, and I used Turkish sources Newcomers in contention include France’s Justine Triet with 2nd SUFISIN-Sufi Cinema Days in The movie received a nomination at translated into Persian by Hamed Rahmati. in the translation of Jara’s poetry,” he said. “Sibyl” and Senegalese-French director Mati Diop’s “Atlantique.” Konya, Turkey, the organizers have the Oscars in 1998, but it failed to win. The book will be put on display by the pub- Rahmati noted that most of the selected As last year, Netflix films will be conspicuously absent from announced. The festival, which will be held lisher during the 32nd Tehran International poems are from more famous poets and Cannes, with the online streaming and media group at odds with “The Willow Tree” is about Yusef, a from May 3 to 5, will screen movies Book Fair, which will open on Wednesday. added, “For example, five poems by Paz the festival over its rules requiring productions to be shown in blind middle-aged university professor, on the themes of Sufism, religion and “The book contains works by 19 poets and three by Borges are included in the French cinemas. who regains his vision after surgery. mysticism. including Pablo Neruda, Jorge Borges, Oc- book while others have one or two.”