Digestive Diseases and Sciences https://doi.org/10.1007/s10620-019-05989-6


Yoga as a Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Adrijana D’Silva1 · Glenda MacQueen2,3 · Yasmin Nasser4 · Lorian M. Taylor1 · Jef K. Vallance5 · Maitreyi Raman1,4,6

Received: 24 July 2019 / Accepted: 3 December 2019 © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

Abstract The aim of this state-of-the-art narrative review is to evaluate the current evidence about the efectiveness of as therapy for IBS and explore its potential mechanisms of action. The current literature suggests yoga is efective and safe and may target multiple mechanisms involved in treatment of IBS. Evidence from randomized controlled trials identifed yoga as more efective compared to pharmacological treatment and equally efective as dietary interventions or moderate-intensity walking. Improvements were seen in both physical health (IBS symptom severity, gastric motility, autonomic and somatic symptom scores, and physical functioning) and mental health outcomes (, anxiety, gastrointestinal-specifc anxiety, and quality of life). Given favorable changes in IBS-related physical and mental health outcomes, preliminary data supports yoga as benefcial in this population. However, the relatively low-quality evidence resulting from heterogeneity of study designs, interventions, and outcome measures limit our ability to make specifc recommendations about the use of for patients with IBS.

Keywords Irritable bowel syndrome · Quality of life · Physical and mental health · Yoga

Introduction predominant (IBS-D), constipation predominant (IBS-C), or IBS with alternating stool pattern or mixed (IBS-M). In Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointesti- addition to GI symptoms, patients with IBS frequently report nal (GI) disorder afecting 12% of the Canadian population decreased quality of life (QOL) resulting from psychologi- [1]. The underlying causes of IBS are thought to be multi- cal, most commonly depression and anxiety disorders, and factorial, with both central and peripheral origins. Physical chronic conditions such as chronic fatigue and fbromyal- symptoms include abdominal pain, altered bowel habits, gia [3]. Twenty percent of patients with IBS have one or bloating, and fatulence [2]. IBS can be further classifed into more diagnosed psychiatric disorder [4], and the prevalence three subtypes based on stool consistency as either diarrhea of adverse early life events and suicidal ideation is higher

* Maitreyi Raman 2 Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research and Education, [email protected] University of Calgary, 3280 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 4Z6, Canada Adrijana D’Silva [email protected] 3 Department of Psychiatry, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, 3280 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, Glenda MacQueen AB T2N 4Z6, Canada [email protected] 4 Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department Yasmin Nasser of Medicine, Cumming School of Medicine, University [email protected] of Calgary, 3330 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 4N1, Lorian M. Taylor Canada [email protected] 5 Faculty of Health Disciplines, Athabasca University, 1 Jef K. Vallance University Drive, Athabasca, AB T9S 3A3, Canada [email protected] 6 University of Calgary, 6D33 TRW Building, 3280 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 4N1, Canada 1 Department of Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, 3280 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 4Z6, Canada

Vol.:(0123456789)1 3 Digestive Diseases and Sciences among patients with IBS compared to the general population Yoga is a mind–body-breath discipline that traditionally [5, 6]. The symptom burden of IBS results in reduced work includes components of yogic postures or , struc- productivity and increased absenteeism; work absenteeism tured breathing (), and (Dyana). is twofold greater among patients living with IBS compared There is evidence that yoga has physical benefts (reduced to the general population [7]. pain, improved energy levels, muscular strength, and fex- Currently, there are few efective treatments for IBS. Clin- ibility) and mental health benefts (reduced , anxiety, ical treatments focus on symptom relief targeting pathophys- and depression), while also developing body awareness for iology, such as accelerated transit time, visceral hypersensi- an overall improved sense of well-being [26–28]. Yoga may tivity, and dysbiosis of the gut microbiota. Evidence-based have a modulating efect on the nervous system by reducing therapies to treat IBS symptoms consist of physical activity the over active sympathetic nervous system found among interventions, elimination diets, including but not limited to IBS patients and increasing the parasympathetic response a low-FODMAP (fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides, through the relaxing and calming effects of structured and polyols) diet [8], increasing dietary fber [9], prebiotics breathing and complete relaxation [29]. For these reasons, and probiotics [10], and pharmacological therapies includ- traditional yoga practices may be a benefcial therapy to ing antispasmodics [9], secretagogues [11], antidepressants improve IBS symptom management. [12], antidiarrheals [13], 5-HT4 agonists [13], and antibi- Yoga is increasingly popular in Western cultures. The otics [10]. Overall, dietary and physical activity interven- US National Health Interview Survey from 2002 to 2017 tions [10, 14–16] and pharmacological therapies [17] have found practicing yoga or similar MBIs such as tai chi or demonstrated the promising results in IBS. The main bar- qigong increased from 5.8% in 2002 to 14.5% in 2017; most riers to using these therapies are accessibility, difculty in commonly among individuals with acute and chronic pain, adherence, side efects, and challenges determining which , and depression [30]. According to a 2008 survey therapy is efective for multi-symptomatic patients [18, 19]. [18], yoga is a preferred therapy among 77% of IBS patients, A variety of therapies may be efective for some patients surpassing hypnotherapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, and the with IBS, but these therapies have been inefective and have use of suppositories. Here, we present a narrative review of not demonstrated long-term efcacy. yoga as therapy for IBS together with potential mechanisms of action. Mind–Body Interventions

Up to 50% of people with IBS seek non-pharmacological Current Evidence for Yoga as Therapy treatments to manage their symptoms [20]. Mind–body interventions (MBIs) target psychological factors contrib- The limited studies examining the efectiveness of yoga to uting to IBS symptoms and may be useful adjunctive treat- treat IBS symptoms suggest yoga is generally safe and ben- ments in IBS. Among MBIs, cognitive behavioral therapy efcial. A meta-analysis of 301 RCTs in both healthy adults (CBT) and hypnotherapy are the most widely accepted by and those with a medical condition reported no diferences IBS patients, with CBT tested more rigorously in multi- in serious or non-serious adverse events between individuals ple randomized controlled trials (RCTs) [21]. CBT helps practicing yoga, individuals who exercised, or those who patients make the connection between thoughts, emotions, received usual care [31]. A 2016 that con- and physical symptoms and to modify thinking behavioral sisted of six RCTs examining traditional yoga practice as patterns to enhance psychological and physical health [22]. therapy for adult and adolescent patients with IBS concluded CBT improves symptoms and psychological distress, lead- that yoga was a safe and feasible treatment option for IBS ing to an improvement in QOL among patients with IBS patients [32]. [23, 24]. Similarly, gut-directed hypnotherapy research has Detailed methods and fndings from four RCTs in adult also reported reductions in IBS symptoms and psychological patients with IBS are presented in Table 1 and discussed distress, with improved QOL. Hypnotherapy directs patients here. Taneja et al. [33] compared the efectiveness of an to control physiological responses and symptoms not typi- unsupervised yoga intervention including 12 postures and cally under conscious control [25]. Psychological treatments breathing twice a day for 2 months to loperamide 2–6 mg/ are moderately efective (e.g., demonstrate medium efect day for 2 months in 22 males with diarrhea-predominant sizes) for relieving symptoms of IBS and have small efects IBS. After 2 months, both groups showed improvements in on psychological distress and QOL [23, 24]. Treatments the primary outcome of bowel symptoms scores with lower such as hypnotherapy or CBT programs have been poorly scores indicating less symptom frequency and severity disseminated and few patients have access to these treat- (yoga: 1.55 ± 1.81; loperamide: 2.75 ± 1.48, p < 0.001; Tal- ments. This warrants the investigation of alternative MBIs ley’s Bowel Disease Questionnaire) and secondary outcomes with increased accessibility. (anxiety p < 0.05, gastric motility p < 0.01, and physical

1 3 Digestive Diseases and Sciences Not reported Not Adverse event event Adverse outcomes Not reported Not Compliance treatment: Yoga: 5% Conventional 0% Attrition - ence between the ence between groups with respect symptom bowel to (TBDQ), state score (STAI), anxiety and gastric motility, fexibility physical in all improvements these outcomes over time the for emerged - of auto measures nomic reactivity No signifcant difer No Both groups showed Both groups showed diferences No Results (secondaryResults outcomes) - - autonomic autonomic symptom showed score a marginally signifcant in decrease inter yogic groups vention as compared - theto conven tional group at 2 months comparison between groupsshowed a signif - higher cantly expiratory- to-inspiratory - (parasympa reactiv thetic ity) in the group at yoga 2 months The overall The overall Subsequent Results (primary Results outcomes(s)) 1 and 2 months Baseline, Assess - ments 20–50, ROME 20–50, ROME II, IBS-D only Males only, Males only, Inclusion criteria group- (lopera mide 2–6 mg/day 2 months) for Conventional Conventional ( n = 12) Comparison groups = 30.9 ± 6.79 (right- pranayama nostril breathing) two for twice a day months Average age of both age Average (12 asanas) plus Yoga ( n = 9) Intervention Characteristics the and fndings from selected studies [ 33 ] Taneja et al. et al. Taneja (India) 1 Table Study

1 3 Digestive Diseases and Sciences pants = 2; (yoga combina - tion = 1) com - plained of lower pain that back aggravated. was alleviated Pain within a week and the partici - pants completed the program. the to related intervention. events adverse prompted patients to discontinue the (fu, catastudy - surgery, ract and other diag - noses). Death of a wait-list group control a patient due to arrestcardiac at also home was reported Three particiThree - events adverse No Other reported Adverse event event Adverse outcomes group: 90% Yoga: 90% Yoga: Combination Compliance group: Yoga: 24% Combination 21% Attrition ments in yoga and ments in yoga combination groups in HADS and IBS- to compared GAI group at control 6 and 12 weeks in the Autonomic Score Symptom and yoga between groups, and control combination and groups at control 12 week ment use decreased during signifcantly and yoga 6 for week combination groups the to compared control. tasks,reactivity no there were within the changes group or between the groups in the - blood pres diastolic heartsure, and rate, blood pressure - Signifcant improve Signifcant diference Medicine and supple - In the sympathetic Results (secondaryResults outcomes) IBS-SSS and IBS-QOL improvement and in yoga combination groups when to compared the control group at week 12 6 and week diference yoga between and combina - tion groups. group Within of changes and yoga combina - tion showed signifcant improvements 6 and at week 12 week Signifcant signifcant No Results (primary Results outcomes(s)) 6 and 12 weeks Baseline, Assess - ments female, 18 female, and above, III ROME criteria, all IBS types Male and Inclusion criteria = 41.2 ± 12.8 age - interven (Yoga - tion and conven tional treatment) ( n = 26) = 45.8 ± 12.9 age group (current and lifestyle care plus advised to 60 min walk three times per week) Average Average Combination group Average control Wait-list ( n = 27) Comparison ule (body-breath- mind) supervised session 60 min three for times per week 12 weeks Average age = age Average 45.8 ± 12.7 Mod - Yoga Remedial ( n = 25) Intervention (continued) [ 34 ] Kavuri et al. et al. Kavuri (USA) 1 Table Study

1 3 Digestive Diseases and Sciences two reported two events adverse related not were theto - interven tion. patients Three reported events. adverse One serious related event a major to depressive episode, with non-serious two (a mild events self-reported depressive episode and loss unwanted of weight) Yoga: The Yoga: group in the yoga FODMAP: Adverse event event Adverse outcomes classes: 14.9 ± 7.99/24 classes practice: 2.62 ± 0.68/3 sessions ance: the self- reported 100 visual analog scale the nutrition - ists-reported 100 visual analog scale Yoga group Yoga home Yoga 96.3 ± 38.2 min FODMAP: - compli Diet 70.7 ± 32.0 on 67.7 ± 2.3 on Compliance 13.8% Yoga: 5.81% FODMAP: Attrition - signifcant between- group diferences on the SF-36, that the yoga except a sta - group showed signifcant tistically in the improvement component physical subscale reveal did not dif - between-group but within- ference, group comparison statistically showed - signifcant improve both ment for groups cant between-group on only diference one IBS-QOL subscale (decreased the 12 for at week groupFODMAP of avoidance due to some foods) on thescores the HADS for the group for yoga subscale anxiety but after 12 weeks, no between-group the for diferences subscale depression signifcant between- group diferences 12, but a at week signifcant difer ence at week 24 of ence at week group for the Yoga scores BAQ No statistically statistically No The CPSS and PSQ signif - Statistically lower Signifcantly statistically No Results (secondaryResults outcomes) - - signifcant group difer ences at week 12 or at week IBS- 24 for SSS, but a sig - statistical nifcance was in the found of decrease for symptoms both groups within group improvements observed were in three of the IBS-SSS fve categories in including yoga of duration pain, bowel satisfaction, and interfer ence with life No statistically statistically No Signifcance Results (primary Results outcomes(s)) 12 and 24 weeks Baseline, Assess - ments female, female, 18–75, ROME III criteria, all IBS types Male and Inclusion criteria reported diet Average Average = Not age Low-FODMAP ( n = 24) Comparison - reported vised group session 75 min twice weekly 12 weeks. for class One weekly of yoga consisted and yogic postures breathing, the second explored philosophy yoga and meditation, including meditation and Yoga (deep sleep Nidra - tech relaxation Also given niques). 3.5-hour video for home practice. Average Average = Not age super ( n = 24) Intervention (continued) [ 35 ] Schumann et al. et al. Schumann (Germany) 1 Table Study

1 3 Digestive Diseases and Sciences Not reported Not Adverse event event Adverse outcomes 14.2 ± 2.0/16 classes 13.8 ± 3.1/16 classes Yoga: Yoga: Walking: Compliance Yoga: 14.3% 8.6% Walking: Attrition - PHQ-15 patient health question sensitivity index, visceral nifcant decreases nifcant decreases in IBS severity visceral measures, sensitivity (VSI), of and severity somatic symptoms (PHQ-15) nifcant decreases GI in overall negative symptoms, afects, and state (STAI) anxiety Yoga showed sig - showed Yoga sig - showed Walking Results (secondaryResults outcomes) Talley’s bowel disease questionnaire disease bowel Talley’s TBDQ a signifcant in decrease IBS severity measures, visceral sensitivity, of and severity - somatic symp Walking toms. showed signifcant in decreases GI overall symptoms, negative afect, and state anxiety Yoga showed showed Yoga Results (primary Results outcomes(s)) 16 session (8 weeks), 6 months Baseline, Assess - ments female, female, 18–65, ROME III criteria, all IBS types Male and Inclusion criteria Body responsiveness scale, VSI BRS Body responsiveness questionnaire, body awareness - vised, 60 min of 16 biweekly sessions) intensity, super intensity, IBS global assessment of improvement score, score, improvement of assessment global IBS IBS-GAI ( n = 10) Average age = age Average 39 ± 15.0 (moderate Walking Comparison - = 34.7 ± 11.6 age vised group 60 min of 16 biweekly sessions, plus home practice Average Average super yoga Iyengar ( n = 17) Intervention state-trait anxiety inventory, inventory, anxiety state-trait STAI (continued) [ 37 ] perceived PSQ perceived scale, stress CPSS cohen perceived SF-36 35-item short survey, form of life, IBS-QOL IBS quality scoring system, IBS-SSS IBS severity IBS-D IBS-diarrhea, GI gastrointestinal, scale, BAQ and depression HADS anxiety questionnaire, stress naire-15, naire-15, Shahabi et al. Shahabi et al. (USA) 1 Table Study

1 3 Digestive Diseases and Sciences fexibility p < 0.01) with no signifcant between-group dif- to the low-FODMAP group, the yoga group experienced a ferences (anxiety p = 0.65, gastric motility p = 0.149, and statistically signifcant improvement in anxiety at 12 weeks physical fexibility p = 0.372). The autonomic symptom and improved body awareness at week 24. Improvements in score (e.g., diarrhea, constipation, or abdominal pain, uri- anxiety within participants in the yoga group continued at nary disturbances, headaches) showed a marginal decrease week 24. Participants included both males and females of (p = 0.051) and a significantly higher parasympathetic all IBS subtypes, and explorative subgroup analysis revealed reactivity measured by the expiratory-to-inspiratory ratio similar intervention beneft across all subtypes of IBS. Over- in the yoga intervention compared to loperamide (yoga: all, yoga was found to be as efective in symptom reduction 1.71 ± 0.22; loperamide: 1.44 ± 0.16; p = 0.05). as the low-FODMAP diet and more efective at improving Kavuri et al. [34] investigated the benefts of a 12-week mental health scores and body awareness. In comparison supervised yoga program consisting of posture, relaxation, with dietary interventions like the low-FODMAP diet shown breathing, and meditation (and participants were asked to to reduce physical symptoms such as pain and gas, yoga reduce their prescription medications and supplements use may reduce stress, leading to downregulation of sympathetic for IBS, if any, to 3 days week) compared to a combina- dominance, resulting in reduced symptoms of anxiety and tion group (the same yoga program and conventional treat- depression [27]. ment including continued medication, if any) and an advice In a study by Shahabi et al. [37], 16 sessions of super- only wait-list control group (continuation of medications, vised delivered over 12 weeks were com- if any, and advice to walk 60 min three times per week for pared to a biweekly supervised outdoor moderate-intensity 12 weeks). The conventional treatments and medications walking program. Iyengar yoga is a systematized form of were not described. Seventy-eight males and females of all Hatha yoga utilizing postures where emphasis is placed on IBS subtypes were assessed at six and 12 weeks; however, awareness and precision of body alignment during postures, no diferences between IBS subtypes were examined in this often with the aid of props [37]. Twenty-seven males and study. Signifcant improvements in the yoga and combina- females of all IBS subtypes (yoga: 17; walking: 10) com- tion groups compared to the wait-list group were found at pleted the study. No diferences between IBS subtypes were six and 12 weeks for multiple outcomes. There was a signif- explored. Both interventions were found to be benefcial. cant diference between both yoga and control groups (mean Yoga demonstrated a signifcant decrease in IBS severity diference = 226.31 ± 16.; p < 0.001) and combination and measures, visceral sensitivity index, and severity of somatic control groups (mean diference = 189.72 ± 16.63; p < 0.001) symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire-15). Supervised in IBS symptom scores (IBS Symptom Score Severity). walking showed signifcant decreases in overall GI symp- There was a signifcant diference between yoga and con- toms, negative afect, and anxiety following the three-month trol groups (mean diference = 56.53 ± 5.71, p < 0.001) and intervention. However, after a six-month follow-up of 20 between combination and control groups (mean differ- participants using a questionnaire, continued efcacy of ence = 44.95 ± 5.65) in QOL (IBS-Quality of Life). In addi- walking was found compared to Iyengar yoga. Yoga partici- tion, anxiety, depression, GI-specifc anxiety, autonomic pants expressed that it was difcult to continue to practice symptom score, hip and trunk flexibility, and handgrip yoga and use props without supervision, and walking was strength all signifcantly improved in the yoga and combi- more easily integrated into daily life. Although the practice nation groups. Prescription and nonprescription medica- of yoga appears benefcial for patients with IBS, unsuper- tion, as well as herbal and dietary supplement use decreased vised yoga not requiring props may be more feasible. When signifcantly by week six and at week 12 for the yoga and designing future yoga interventions, ofering an acceptable combination group compared to the wait-list group; most of yoga practice to IBS patients and measuring maintenance the participants in these groups either stopped or reduced over time should be considered to examine long-term efects medication and supplement use. There were no signifcant and benefts. diferences between yoga and combination groups in any of Studies comparing the efects of yoga and moderate-to- the examined outcomes. vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) in Schumann et al. [35] examined the efects of a twice other populations report yoga may be as efective as or more weekly supervised Hatha yoga, meditation, and efective than MVPA at improving a variety of health-related program. Hatha yoga includes breath control, physical pos- outcome measures in both healthy and diseased populations tures, and meditation, and Yoga Nidra is a whole body deep [38]. Comparable benefts between yoga and MVPA were relaxation technique [36]. This group was compared to a seen with improvement in disease-specifc symptoms (e.g., group who received three sessions of nutritional counseling diabetes, multiple sclerosis, kidney disease), cholesterol and on the low-FODMAP diet. After 2 months, both interven- blood glucose levels, and indicators of oxidative stress, but tions were equally benefcial at 12 and 24 weeks in reducing yoga was more efective than MVPA in reducing symptoms IBS symptoms (IBS Severity Scoring System). Compared of fatigue, anxiety and depression, and improving social

1 3 Digestive Diseases and Sciences functioning, QOL, and sleep [38]. A meta-analysis of 22 four RCTs included a total of 174 adult participants recruited RCTs comparing the efects of yoga to physically active and from GI clinics [33–35], psychiatry ofces [34], primary inactive controls among older adults [39] revealed signif- care practices [34, 37], online [35, 37], and by local press cant efects favoring yoga for physical function outcomes [35, 37]. The heterogeneity of recruitment sites is important (e.g., balance, lower body fexibility, lower limb strength) as patients recruited from psychiatry ofces may have more and health-related quality of life outcomes (e.g., depres- severe comorbid psychiatric disease compared to patients sion, perceived mental health, sleep quality, and vitality) recruited from GI clinics and general practitioner ofces. compared to inactive controls (e.g., wait-list controls, edu- However, patients recruited from GI clinics or primary care cational booklets) and lower limb strength, lower body fex- practices may have greater medical comorbidities that may ibility, and depression compared to active controls (walk- increase perceived stress. All studies used an active control ing, aerobics) [39]. It should be noted that meta-analyses group, including a rigorous low-FODMAP control group have identifed a robust efect of exercise on depression, and [35]. Finally, the yoga intervention was developed and deliv- depression and anxiety beneft estimates for exercise may be ered by an experienced yoga instructor in three studies [34, underestimated due to publication bias [40, 41]. 35, 37]. Adherence was reported in three studies (62–90%) Yoga appears comparable to, and in some studies more [34, 35, 37], and two studies reported self-reported adverse efective than, CBT and -based cognitive ther- event outcomes [34, 35]. apy in reducing stress and improving QOL [42], but other lit- Limitations of the published studies include variable erature suggests CBT is more robust at improving QOL and sample sizes, intervention heterogeneity, the use of various reducing depression symptoms specifcally when compared comparison groups, as well as inconsistencies in reporting to selective serotine reuptake inhibitors [43, 44]. Investi- acceptability, compliance with therapies, and adverse out- gations into mindfulness-based stress reduction therapies comes (Table 1). All yoga interventions described earlier among healthy adults revealed that yoga accounted for the included both postures and breathing, but interventions var- largest efect on reduced psychological symptoms, stress, ied in practice, delivery, and duration. Practices included tra- and improved well-being when compared to meditation ditional Hatha yoga and Yoga Nidra [35], Iyengar yoga [37], alone [45]. Among individuals with IBS, mindfulness-based a Remedial Yoga Module [34], and twelve selected yoga therapy inclusive of postures, diaphragmatic breathing, and postures [33]. Except Yoga Nidra, which is a deep relaxation meditation was more efective in reducing IBS symptom technique, the other yoga practices have commonalities as severity and improving QOL compared to CBT [46]. These they involve a set of similar postures but vary in the length fndings suggest yoga may have benefcial efects in IBS of the hold for each posture, as well as the use of props like patients, where postures, breathing relaxation techniques, blocks or yoga straps. The comparison groups varied and and meditation are integrated into a single therapy. included conventional treatment [33], supervised walking Overall, yoga is a safe and efective therapy to improve at moderate intensity [37], a low-FODMAP diet [35], and outcomes of people with IBS. Benefcial efects of yoga a combination group of yoga plus conventional treatment were seen on both the physical (e.g., symptom severity) and [34]. Three interventions were supervised by a certifed mental health (e.g., anxiety) outcomes among patients with yoga instructor and incorporated meditation [34, 35, 37]. all IBS subtypes. Given the heterogeneity of study designs The interventions also varied in length from two months conducted to date, it is difcult to quantify the level of efec- [33], 12 weeks [34, 35], and 16 sessions delivered over tiveness. The heterogeneity of yogic practices adds further the course of three months [37], making it challenging to complexity to developing clear recommendations at the cur- defne the ideal intervention length for this population. IBS rent time. patients from USA, India, and Germany were included in the reviewed trials. Since risk factors and prevalence of IBS Strengths and Limitation of Yoga Literature in IBS difer across geographical regions [47], the fndings from these studies may not be generalizable to other countries, There are several strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed and yoga acceptability and accessibility may have regional studies. Strengths include the use of homogeneous criteria diferences. Three studies are largely represented by women to confrm diagnosis of IBS, diverse recruitment strategies (84.5–93.3%) limiting the generalizability of fndings to resulting in the examination of varying degrees of symptom male patients with IBS. severity, use of active control groups, mostly supervised interventions, and an attempt to monitor compliance and Potential Mechanisms of Action report adverse event outcomes. Diverse recruitment criteria were applied to include both male and female participants The interplay of the brain–gut axis in the pathophysiology of in three out of four studies [34, 35, 37], and all IBS subtypes IBS has been well established [48]. The brain and the enteric were included based on Rome criteria in all four studies. The nervous system communicate through both the autonomic

1 3 Digestive Diseases and Sciences

Table 2 Potential mechanisms Therapeutic targets for IBS Description of potential mechanism(s) of yoga for IBS Psychological health, self-regulation, and the stress Increased parasympathetic nervous system response activity, counteracting the stress-induced activity of the sympathetic nervous system and improved regulation of the HPA system [59] Increased gamma amino-butyric acid (GABA) levels in the thalamus correlated with improved mood [60, 61] Reduction in depressive and anxiety symptoms [36, 62, 63] Increased self-awareness and improved behav- ioral correction processes when regulating emotional responses to stress [64] Increased positive reappraisal reduces the nega- tive impact of prolonged and repeated high stress-related neuroendocrine activity [65–67] Reduction in levels [68, 69] Structural brain changes in areas enhancing sen- sory awareness (sensory cortex and insula), attention (anterior and posterior cingulate), memory (hippocampus), and emotion regula- tion (orbitofrontal cortex) [70–72] Immune function and infammatory processes Regulates autonomic function through increased stimulation of the vagus nerve to reduce pro-infammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-2, c-reactive protein); reduction in tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-⍺) and Interferon- gamma (IFN-g) [73] Adverse early life events alter the gene expres- sion of specifc cell signaling proteins to cause colonic motor dysfunction in adulthood [74]. Changes in the global modifcation of histones (H4ac and H3K4me3) and silencing of several histone deacetylase genes (HDAC 2, 3, and 9) is seen in yoga compared to controls [73] Silencing of pro-infammatory genes (RIOK2 and COX2), reversal of pro-infammatory gene expression patterns that are related to cell cycle regulation and DNA damage changed expression, and an increase in antivi- ral gene expression (IRF-1) [75–77] Increased activity of anti-infammatory gluco- corticoid receptor (GR), which indicates a change in HPA axis in terms of responding better to cortisol and inducing a faster stress response [78]

nervous system and the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal in the impairment of this signaling [55], demonstrating a (HPA) axis, and through this bidirectional signaling, the connection between GI function, stress, and psychological brain can afect intestinal epithelial permeability [49–51], processes [56]. motility and fuid secretion [52], immune function [53], Several potential mechanisms for the effectiveness and gut microbial composition [54], all of which have been of yoga have been proposed, and we summarize these in found to be dysregulated in IBS. The HPA axis plays a major Table 2. MBIs targeting anxiety-related afective and behav- role in the biological response to stress, and dysregulation ioral processes using relaxation techniques have been found of the HPA axis is often observed in individuals with anxi- to reduce stress. This decrease results in reduction in stress- ety and depression [36]. An altered stress response, either induced modulation of nuclear factor kappa B activation psychological or environmental (e.g., life events) or physi- leading to subsequent reduced mRNA expression of pro- ological (e.g., infection, infammation), may be involved infammatory genes [57]. MBIs have also been shown to

1 3 Digestive Diseases and Sciences modify genetic expression involved in infammatory reac- References tions and reduce cortisol levels induced by stress (50). These fndings demonstrate MBIs can infuence physical health and 1. IBS Global Impact Report. 2018. infammation through modifying cognitive processes. Over- 2. Drossman DA. Diagnosis and treating patients with refrac- tory functional gastrointestinal disorders. Ann Intern Med. all, MBIs are associated with better psychosocial (e.g., lower 1995;123:688–697. anxiety) and physiological adaptations (e.g., lower cortisol, 3. Gracie DJ, Hamlin JP, Ford AC. Longitudinal impact of IBS-type greater Th1 cytokines) [58]. Yoga appears to be an efective symptoms on disease activity, healthcare utilization, psychologi- Am J therapy providing IBS symptom relief and improving cog- cal health, and quality of life in infammatory bowel disease. 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