The Rev Jan

Mathieson on her recent visit to Nepal,

hands over a cheque for the community people below.

From the picture below it looks just like you have described to us during recent services.


FROM THE MANSE……. 125 Greenwood Road Clarkston G76 7LL

0141 579 9997 [email protected]

Dear Friends, I expect that most of you will have played a game of I Spy.... either as children or with your own children or grandchildren. It is an age-old way of helping to pass the time on a long journey and even, sometimes, brings to our attention things we might not otherwise have noticed.

On my recent visit to Nepal, where I had the privilege of representing the Church of at the General Assembly of the United Mission to Nepal in Kathmandu, I found myself on a very long journey. I had been visiting some remote mountain villages in the far west of the country and had been high in the hills. Now I was in a jeep, being driven down the very narrow mountain roads which often disintegrated into no more than tracks and which were sometimes blocked by rockfalls so the jeep had to drive closer to the edge of the mountain than I would have liked in order to proceed.

The journey would take me to Dalghadi in the centre of Nepal from where I was to get a flight back to Kathmandu. But Dalghadi was a nine hour journey away and so I played a variation on the game of I Spy to pass some of the time.

My jeep wasn’t the only vehicle on the road. Also making their way up and down the mountain-side were the big trucks and lorries that delivered to the folks in the mountain villages and surrounding areas everything they need, from bottled water and food to fabric for sewing, items for their homes, personal items and much else besides. What I found fascinating about these lorries was not so much how the drivers managed to pull over to the inside to let vehicles like mine pass (I tried not to think about that!) but rather that they all had names across the top of the windscreen or emblazoned on the top or front of the lorry. There were quite a number of Road King and one or two The Road of the King. I was both amused and unsettled to see another lorry coming towards us bearing the message Best of Luck!

Interestingly I also spied a number of lorries with the name – or message- Glory of God. Maybe that was particularly appropriate. The drivers of these lorries spend every day surrounded by the glory of God in spectacular landscapes of majestic mountains and

3 wide open skies. Looking up and around, whether playing I Spy or not, you could not help but notice God’s glory in creation.

In the city of Kathmandu both the surroundings and the traffic were very different: jeeps and lorries shared the roadways with motorbikes (lots of motorbikes!) and minibuses; bicycles and carts being pulled by oxen or donkeys. Here it was very dusty and the female police-officers directing the traffic all wore face masks to prevent them breathing in the dust. Here vehicles were identified by the colour of their registration plates: red for private vehicles; green for tourist vehicles; white for government vehicles and black for public vehicles. It made spotting a bus or a taxi or the UMN jeeps quite straightforward but I did find the names of the mountain lorries more interesting and amusing.

Yet I think there was also something much more significant about these badges of identity. I like to think they were also a declaration of the faith and the values of the drivers.

That made me wonder about how willing we are to declare our Christian faith in our communities and in the increasingly secular society of our country. I don’t think that we necessarily want stickers for our vehicles though, mind you, window stickers saying Williamwood Church might not be a bad idea! However, perhaps we should be more ready to say that we are ‘Church folk’ and to speak of our beliefs more often. For us, as Christians, worship has an important place in our lives. In encounter with God and with one another we become the Church and find, guidance, encouragement, strength and motivation to live our lives in God’s way, following Christ our Lord. How often do we speak of what worship means to us – and how often do we invite others to come with us to worship with us so that they might discover its significance in their lives too?

Most of all, of course, we reveal our identity as Christians by the kind of people we are. Galatians 5:22 describes our badge of identity in the list of the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. A few verses later we are enjoined to have no self-conceit, no provoking of one another, no envy of one another.

That is quite a list! Striving to live out these qualities in our lives and in our life together as the Church is part of what identifies us as Christians: as people who have responded to the invitation and challenge of Jesus – follow me. I wonder if it may not be these qualities seen in a community of faith, more than anything else, that first attracts others to find out more about the Church and about Christian life and faith. So, as we begin a new session of Church life here at Williamwood, here’s another challenge. Could you identify which of these qualities you find most difficult to display and make a decision to work at it until it becomes easier?

In this and in other ways we renew our commitment to witness to the Christian gospel by who we are as well as by what we do.


As we return to regular Sunday worship after the summer break we declare anew that God is at the heart of all living as, together, we discover again the glory of God who is with us wherever we travel and through whatever circumstances we must make our journey.

I look forward to seeing you back in Church – and why don’t you invite others back again or to come with you for the first time? For those unable to come to services, even temporarily, we’ll be pleased to supply CD recordings of our services so you can join in our worship at home or in hospital – just ask you elder.

I hope you have enjoyed this glorious summer-time and that in it your livin’ has been easy, as the song says. As we move into the season of autumn and harvest may you know the richness of God’s grace as together we travel The Road of the King, our Lord Jesus Christ who leads us into the world and into the life of God.

May God bless you all

Jan (Parish Minister)

LEARN about……

The has a series of booklets in the Learn series which deal with a variety of aspects of faith and belief; practice within our Church and issues that are important in our Church today. All these volumes are available to order (see the Church of Scotland website). Here we continue to dip into two of them and consider some of the questions they raise for us.

Exploring Faith Think of a time when you were shaken by doubt and you didn’t know what you believed any more.

 What might have brought on this experience?  What emotions did you feel at the time?  What did the experience teach you about yourself and God?

 Read Psalm 56 ( trust in God under persecution) Read Psalm 69 (prayer for deliverance from persecution) Read Psalm 71 ( prayer for life-long protection and help)


Eldership Discipline is a key marker of the Church of Scotland and features in the declaration and affirmation of the elder at ordination

 What do you know of the role of the elder in maintaining Church discipline in earlier times?  How is that continued in the role of the elder now and in what ways does it contrast with the role of the elder now?

 The call to holy conduct has been an important aspect of Church life from its very beginning. Reflect on your own understanding of what holy living is in twenty-first century Scotland.


In the Spring edition of Inspire you would read about a proposed visit to Oberammergau in 2020 to see the Passion Play which is performed there, by inhabitants of the village, every ten years.

A number of people have expressed an interest in the visit and now some further provisional plans have been made.

Most importantly the dates for the visit are 9-16th September 2020.

The holiday is to the Austrian Tyrol and Oberammergau and we would stay in the small Austrian town of Arzl in the Arzlerhof Hotel which has a swimming pool, spa area and garden bar. We also spend one night in Oberammergau itself which is just under two hours away. Of course, a ticket to the play is included in the trip. A visit to Innsbruck and some other places are also included.

The holiday is organised by McCabe Pilgimages, a firm based in London with over thirty years experience in this sort of travel. (The founder director is Alistair McCabe whose father was a minister. Our own minister got to know Alistair when they were both Trustees of the UK Committee of Dr Graham’s Homes in Kalimpong where Alistair was born.)

The holiday departs from airport and the cost includes everything except some lunches. The cost of the holiday is £1,525. There are a limited number of single rooms available for a supplement of £195. If you are travelling alone, you can request a room share and McCabe’s will pair you up with another single traveller (or you can find a ‘buddy’ in our group before you book) A £200 deposit is required with booking; a further £400 is payable in May 2019. The balance is due eight weeks before travel. If you cancel before the end of April 2019 deposits are refunded in full. 6

Our Minister is currently approving the draft brochures, customised for Williamwood Parish Church. The final brochures should be available very soon, perhaps by the time you are reading this and they will contain lots of other information and booking forms.

Our group may be joined by folks from Wellington Church in Glasgow and from a congregation further north.

It promises to be a fantastic experience. If you think you’d like to join it you would be very welcome. Pick up a brochure – and start saving up!

Local Church Review Dear All,

In the November 2016 edition of Inspire we printed a copy of the Action Plan for our congregation to guide us through the next five years. This was the culmination of much work and discussion by the Kirk Session, a small working group appointed by the Session and of meetings with the LCR Visiting Team from Glasgow Presbytery. You may remember a congregational meeting with the Team of visitors earlier in 2016. You may also remember having filled in a questionnaire/survey about our congregation.

Since the Action Plan was drawn up the Kirk Session have had the ‘headings’ from it on the agenda of Session meetings and, as a congregation, we have already done – or are doing – many of the things we said we would do. We’ve also done a great many other things besides!

Now, at roughly the half-way point of the LCR cycle, we will have a follow-up visit by the Congregational Development Officer of Glasgow Presbytery, Rev Hilary MacDougall. All congregations are visited between the Local Church Review visits to see how they are getting on and to see what help, if any, they need. This also allows Glasgow Presbytery to know if there are significant changes since the LCR was completed.

The small working group will be getting together soon to review our Plan prior to the meeting with Hilary and the Kirk Session will also have a chance to contribute to the discussion. We expect the meeting with Hilary will be in October and the members of the small working group and other office-bearers will take part. If you have anything you’d like to ‘feed into’ these discussions please speak to your elder, a member of the working group or to the Minister.

The LCR Working Group members are: Robert Coulter; Carole Ferguson; Lorna Goudie; Grant Keyes; Moira McGeoch; Margaret Robertson along with the Minister.


This is advanced warning – I’m looking for some support and help!

Last year, the Moderator “Slept Out” in Princes Street Gardens on the coldest night of the year to support the work of Social Bite and to highlight the plight of the homeless. Many ministers and Church folk joined him and together they raised both awareness and funds.

This year, as someone who likes a good sleep and the comfort of her bed, I’m being asked to do likewise – aaargh! Which is why I need your support and help ... please remember me in your prayers.

But please would you consider joining me? There's warmth in numbers!

This year there are to be four places to sleep out and there is also going to be a “Wee Sleep Oot” for younger people (details to be released soon). Could you involve your youth organisations? Local schools? As well as enthuse lots of grown-ups to join in?

The date is Saturday 8 December. I wonder if, at a time of year when we will be remembering a young, homeless couple having their firstborn welcomed into the world in an outhouse, you might consider making this your Christmas project?

The aim is to set Scotland off down the road to ending homelessness through a route that has been tried and tested in other parts of the world. It is ambitious, and aims to bring together all sorts of groups working in this area. It will also be a long term commitment – but for the sake of the all too many on our streets, we need to go down it.

While I might be worrying about being left out in the cold, alone for one night, there are far too many for whom that happens every night of the year. Let's not live with that. Let’s be radical and help things to change.

Date: Saturday 8 December 2018 Where: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, Aberdeen Why: to end homelessness Details: www.sleepinthepark.co.uk Who: all ages through the Big and Wee Sleep Outs

Thank you for taking the time to read this – and please do consider what you might be able to do where you are.

Wishing you every blessing,

Rt Revd Susan M Brown Moderator General Assembly of the Church of Scotland



DEATHS: Alexander Cleland - on the 18th May 2018 Doris Murch - on the 12th July 2018


If anyone would like the name of a loved one written in the Book of Remembrance, in the Iona Chapel, please see me or contact me on 571 8849 and I will be happy to do this for you.

Thank you Sheila McDonald


Keep Praying! ~~ Keep Praying! ~~ Keep Praying! A reminder that the “Prayer Circle” is still active and praying for people and situations in need of prayer. If we have a prayer request it is phoned round the group so that praying can begin immediately. If you value the power of prayer and would like to accompany us on our prayer journey, or if you have a prayer request, speak to Lorna on 571 8821 or Anne on 644 4776 and get more information.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” Philippians Ch.4 v.6

Lorna 571 8821 Anne 644 4776 Prayer Circle Co-ordinators

There is always something of interest in the Life and Work

In the most recent edition Ron Fergusson pays tribute to the National Health Service. “It’s not so long ago since we were celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the National Health Service – a truly revolutionary event. Talk about making a difference! There is something biblical about giving new sight to the blind. And there is something fundamentally Christian about providing a national health care system that is free at the point of delivery.”

If you would like to receive the magazine please contact Sheena McLean on 638 1686 or by e-mail at [email protected]



The Sunday School trip to Kelburn Country Park in Largs was a great success ending with a very competitive and energetic game of rounders. (Photographs are at the back of Inspire)

Sunday School has been running through the summer holidays. Deborah has been preparing crafts and games for the youngsters who have attended. Thank you to Deborah and everyone who has assisted during the summer and the young people who have attended.

Sunday School starts again on the 2nd September and the Sunday School leaders, teachers and helpers are looking forward to seeing the children back with all their usual enthusiasm and energy. If there is anyone who would like to join the Sunday School team as a teacher/helper then please get in touch with me as you would be made very welcome. Also, if there are any children you know of who may like to join the Sunday School please give their parents my telephone number.

Maureen McCulloch Superintendent (639 5939)

Rainbows start back after the summer on Thursday 6th September 2018. The 2nd’s meet at 5.20pm in the session house and the 1st’s at 6.30pm in the large hall. We are looking forward to our new rainbows joining us and to seeing all the returning rainbows after the summer.

Both our units are now full and we have a lengthy waiting list with places for 2021 included! Please get in touch if you have any questions. E mail addresses are [email protected] and [email protected]

Jean, Kirstin and Carole



Just before the last Inspire was issued some of the boys took part in the Glasgow Battalion Sports Competition at the Emirates Arena. They all did well but one of them, Oliver Linich, did extremely well in winning a medal in 2 of the Senior events.

At our Display on 14 May the Guest of Honour was Rev. Alastair Cherry, who is well known to us at Williamwood. Rev. Cherry is a former Chaplain of the 231st B.B. Company at Stamperland Church. The following boys won an award, which were presented by Mrs Cherry:-

Gold Medals for Attendance – Andrew Brown, Ross Gordon, Oliver Linich and Harry Ross. (For attendance on Monday nights, at Sunday School and at Church parades)

Best Group: “Pine” – Harry Ross (Leader), John Connor, Euan Scrimgeour, James Bryars and Ross Gordon.

Lomondside Trophy: Winner – Euan Scrimgeour Runner up – Fergus Meikle (This year the boys had to submit a photograph of a tree, but being creative with the photo)

Linich Cup - Winner – Andrew Brown Runner up – Oliver Linich (An award based on knowledge of the Christian faith)

Best Junior: Winner – Hamish Wyper Runner up – Ross Gordon Best Intermediate: Winner – Euan Scrimgeour Runner up – Euan Clubley Best Senior: Winner – Andrew Brown Joint Runners up – Oliver Linich and Harry Ross Best All Round Boy: ‘Wilson Cup’: Winner – Andrew Brown

We are now looking forward to the new session, which starts on Monday 3rd September at 6.45pm in the Church Halls. All boys in primaries 4, 5 & 6 are welcome and will enjoy a variety of activities of interest, value and fun whilst in the B.B. If you know of any boy who doesn’t have a B.B. connection, why not encourage him to join the “128”? I am more than happy to discuss the Section with the parents of any potential member.

Ross McGhee 638 4883 Officer-in-Charge, Junior Section


3rd WILLIAMWOOD BROWNIES We finished last session with two very exciting weeks! On the second last week we held our very own Royal Wedding. Each Six had to try and guess what Meghan’s dress would look like and they each dressed up one member in their design. We played wedding games and finished with the wedding banquet in the small hall.

For our last evening of the session, on Wednesday 23rd May, we had a fabulous BBQ at Greenbank Gardens- the weather was very kind to us and it was an excellent way to end the Brownie year.

Lorna, Fiona, Karen and Alison (the Owls)



As we look ahead to our new Session starting on October 16th we would like to thank all those who have supported us on many occasions throughout our last year, and especially at our most recent one - our Coffee Morning in June. We really do appreciate your support.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to anybody who would like to join us in our New Session. Meetings are on a Tuesday evening at 7.30pm in the large hall, where we enjoy socializing with one another and are entertained by a variety of speakers covering a large range of topics. There are always refreshments to follow. If you would like to see a syllabus please get in touch with the Guild Contact listed at the back of this magazine.

We are at the moment making plans for a concert on Sunday 18th of November to celebrate Williamwood Church Guild's 80th Anniversary, and have booked a fiddle orchestra to play in the Church on that evening. We hope that past and present Guild Members and members of the Congregation and Community will all join with us for this special celebration. Keep the date free and watch this space!

The website is still up and running, however some of you may have noticed that there have been no updates or information changes over the summer months to the website. This is because it was running on an old set up that needed to be refreshed……simply put….it’s broken. I cannot remove or change anything at the moment.

Richard Staniforth (Margaret Robertson’s son in law) has been rebuilding and modernizing the set up. This should give us a more modern platform with some added features. (All a bit “double dutch” to me) I know Richard has been spending quite a bit of time over this as well as working and family life but hopefully the new system will be up as soon as possible, then I will have to take some time to add everything and update things. I will try to keep you up to date via the weekly bulletin. Until then keep an eye on the Facebook page which is not affected by this.

Joan Black


DOORS OPEN We are re-Launching Doors open.

We begin the new session by being part of the East Ren Doors Open weekend, at the beginning of September. That weekend and for the week following we'll have the Christian Aid exhibition Uprooted on display. Then our doors stay open until next summer.

The Church is open for visitors from Monday – Friday between 10am and 11.45. Everyone is welcome at Doors Open. Why don't you make it a regular morning stop - and tell others about it too. You meet the most interesting people!

We're introducing a book exchange trolley where you can 'take one, donate one' or take one and give a small donation. You can browse the books while having a coffee/tea. There will also be a copy of the Bible Reading fellowship's publication New Daylight on display which has a suggested Bible reading and a very short reflection for each day. You can have a look at this; discuss it with others who have come along; take it into the Iona Chapel to consider on your own or make a note of the reading and have a look at it at home.

We would be delighted if anyone would like to join the team of volunteers. It doesn’t matter if certain days do not suit you or if even only 1 day a week or month is what you would like – that can easily be sorted out for you. If you would like more information please contact me and I can give you any information you want.

Sheena Mc Lean Tel: 0141 638 1686 e-mail: [email protected]

First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who assisted with the “house-to-house” collection back in May – the 1st year boys in the Boys’ Brigade Company Section, Deborah Clark, Lauren Linich, Oliver Linich, Alan Brown and Andrew Brown - all who delivered the empty envelopes and the members of the congregation who then went and collected the filled envelopes.

Thank you also to the members of the congregation who handed in donation envelopes. The total amount raised in our part of the Parish (we cover 65% of it, St Aidan’s do the other 35%) was £914 (£1,040 last year and £1,140 in 2016). We expected the total to be down again this year as a few years ago the law on charities collecting from houses displaying “no cold calling” notices changed and we are no longer allowed to collect from them. We also had less collectors again this year and were unable to cover all of our area. It was, however, a better result than we expected so thanks again to everyone who helped. 14

Forthcoming events planned are as follows:-

Sponsored Swim – Saturday 6 October 2018 (evening) in Eastwood Baths (see below)

Art Exhibition & Sale – Saturday 9 March 2019 in Carmichael Halls

Christian Aid Week – Sunday 12 to Saturday 18 May 2019

The Clarkston Committee’s annual Sponsored Swim is on Saturday 6 October in Eastwood Baths. Swimmers may complete up to 20 lengths of the pool at any time convenient to them between 5.30pm and 7.30pm. Armbands can be worn but children under 8 years of age need to have a competent adult swimmer accompanying them. Sponsor Forms and more information on the event will be available from either Anne or Ross from early September.

Christian Aid Representatives Anne Clark 644 4776 Ross McGhee 638 4883

Recently the Kwenderana Committee was delighted to recognize the enormous contribution Shena Dougall has made to our partnership with Ekwendeni. It was after Shena spent several months working in the hospital there that her energy and enthusiasm was the catalyst to forming the link which became Kwenderana and it was with this in mind that a small presentation was made to Shena who is now our Honorary Patron.

The Kwenderana Committee which is made up of members of the four local Churches, Busby, Greenbank, Giffnock South and Williamwood note that Fiona Gunning of Williamwood has resigned and we thank her for all that she has done over the years she served the committee.

The committee is looking at the way forward and was pleased to welcome and be guided by the visit of the Convenor of the World Mission Council, the Very Rev. John Chalmers and the local development secretary, Carol Finlay. As the partnership goes forward the committee hopes to strengthen the links with Williamwood High School and Queens Park Football Club both of which have supported the work in Ekwendeni recently.



To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 1918 armistice ending the First World War in November we need lots and lots of poppies for the proposed church decoration. If you would like to help there are copies of the easy knitting pattern in the vestibule and a box for the finished poppies.


At the culmination of our 80th anniversary celebrations Williamwood Church had a display of wedding dresses. All the dresses had been worn over the decades either by brides married in Williamwood Parish Church or by members, or relatives of members, from our congregation. We showed 28 wedding dresses highlighting the change in style over the decades. We even had four generations of dresses from one family! The display took place during the week beginning Monday, 18th June, 2018. This was a very successful social event and we would like to thank everyone who looked out their dresses and photographs for the occasion, as well as everyone who helped and supported this event.

(There are lots more photographs on the Facebook Page)



We have certainly enjoyed good weather this summer; however the lack of rain to date has made the ground very hard and stunted the growth of weeds, (shame)! We have continued working on the area at the Seres Road side, and hope to finish this by the middle of August. This should make this side easier to keep tidy and also keep the path clear for the nursery to use to access their play area. There is one dead tree outside the choir room windows and the large tree at the same side will need its lower branches removed. This will be a job for tree surgeons and I will pass this information on to the property committee. We also hope to put up a small storage shed outside the kitchen window where some things can be stored, along with the few remaining things which were removed from the old shed before it collapsed and was removed.

Ian McKenzie has been unable to help this year but I would like to thank him for all his help over the past few years, especially the large hedges.

Many thanks to everyone who has come along to help out and the next gardening dates are Tuesday 31st of July, 14th and 28th of August and 18th September.

Joan Black


As many of you are aware, I walked the 23.3 miles from Glasgow Green to Balloch at the end of April for the charity "Who Cares? Scotland. This was a difficult but worthwhile walk to raise funds for this worthwhile charity. I met, walked and talked with some really nice young people. I raised £490 and would like to thank everyone at Williamwood Church, family and friends for their generous donations.

Maureen McCulloch



A big thank you to those listed below who are providing the flowers in the Church over the next three months.

AUGUST 5th Alastair Denholm 638 2939 12th Ella Gibson c/o Evelyn 638 3490 th 19 Alastair Denholm 638 2939

26th Elizabeth and Jim Purvis 620 3529

SEPTEMBER nd 2 Irene Russell 638 6795 h 9 Irene Heffron 630 2020 16th Pat Marshall 638 1367 23rd Christine Kemp 638 2935 30th Irene Nimmo

OCTOBER 7th Shena Dougall 638 5317 14th Anonymous st 21 Anne Hodge 638 1199 28th Tony Drysdale 638 0438

MONTHLY CAR ROTA (same every month) 1st Sunday Christine 638 2935 Anne 639 0020 Mary 258 8447 Kemp Buchanan Montgomery 2nd Sunday Fiona 577 5761 VACANT Anne 639 3594 Gunning Hiddleston 3rd Sunday Elizabeth 620 3529 Gordon 638 5425 Anne Reid 638 5267 Purvis King 4th Sunday Murdoch 638 1199 Ross 638 4883 Jean Simms 638 6764 Hodge McGhee 5th Sunday Jennifer 571 2317 Mairi 638 1095 VACANT Barr McIntyre



I have received an e mail from Ottawa, Canada via the minster, from a Margaret Ruppel. She is transcribing the taped memories of her father Doug Ruppel and his younger life and her research has brought her to our own Williamwood Church. He had a special connection with the Rev J. Stanley Pritchard, and he stayed with the Monteith family at number 6 Golf Road. The group photo is of the Monteith family and Doug Ruppell is in the front left. Can you help put a name to the others in this picture? Also do you recognize the couple in the picture? Do you remember a Doreen Rain who was a neighbour of the Monteiths?

IF YOU CAN HELP IN ANY WAY PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WITH JOAN BLACK - [email protected] or phone 0141 638 5433


DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 10th August Local Church Review group meets 16th August Social Evening for Youth &Children’s Work Leaders and Visiting Elders 1st & 2nd East Renfrewshire Doors Open Weekend September 2nd September Services with Holy Communion at 11am and 12.30pm

1-9th September Christian Aid Exhibition: Uprooted in the church (Dates tbc) 11th September meets

16th September Service with Re-dedication of Sunday School; Youth Organisations; the Guild 19th September Meeting of the Kirk Session 7th October Service of Thanksgiving for Harvest 9th October Presbytery of Glasgow meets 10th October (tbc) Congregational Board meets 28th October Elders’ Conference following morning service October – (Date Local Church Review Follow-up meeting with Presbytery tbc Congregational Development Officer 11th November Remembrance Sunday 24th November Christmas Fair (tbc)

We look forward to seeing you on the First Sunday in September 11.00am – 12.00mid day and / or 12.30pm – 1.00pm in the Iona Chapel



HARVEST THANKSGIVING - Sunday 7 October 2018

Members of the congregation wishing to donate harvest goods for the benefit of the needy of Glasgow are invited to bring them along to the morning service at 11.00am on Sunday 7 October 2018. They will be gratefully received during the service.

Listed below are items which will be useful in the care of the above.

CANNED DRIED DRINKS OTHER Soup Breakfast Cereal Tea Preservatives Meat Soup Coffee Toiletries Fish Biscuits Fruit Juice Vegetables Fruit Puddings Rice Fruit Sugar Custard Pastas Pastas Oats


The proposed centres we are supporting this year are Talbot Association, Wayside Centre and the local Food Bank.

Monetary donations can also be made to support Farm Africa and envelopes will be available at the end of each pew.

If you are unable to be at the service and still wish to make a donation, please contact Helen on 0141 577 6872.

Thank you for your continued support.

Helen McKenzie

The Next Inspire is due out in November Please submit articles by Sunday 20th of October 2018


Inspire Caveat: With the exception of the contact details at the end, the Inspire is published on our website, please note if you are submitting an article and wish something not to appear online please indicate this on submission.




WEDNESDAY THURSDAY OSCARE PRE-SCHOOL 7.00am – 9.00am OSCARE PRE-SCHOOL 7.00am – 9.00pm CLARKSTON NURSERY GROUP 9.99am -1.30pm CLARKSTON NURSERY GROUP 9.00am -3.15pm OSCARE AFTER SCHOOL 3.00pm – 6.00pm MOTHER AND TODDLERS 9.45am -11.30am 3rd BROWNIES 6.30pm -7.45pm OSCARE AFTER SCHOOL 3.00pm – 6.00pm THE GUIDES 7.30am -9.00pm RAINBOWS 6.30pm -7.30pm SENIOR GUIDES 7.30am-9.30pm CHURCH CHOIR 7.30pm - SESSION HOUSE

FRIDAY SATURDAY OSCARE PRE-SCHOOL 7.00am – 9.00am McCARTHY SCHOOL OF DANCE 9.00am-5.45pm CLARKSTON NURSERY GROUP 9.00am -3.15pm (Age 2 ½ - P6) OSCARE AFTER SCHOOL 3.00pm – 6.00pm (Including NEW Cheer Competition Class) 128th BB ANCHOR BOYS 6.30pm -7.30pm 128th BB SENIOR SECTION 7.40pm 128th BB COMPANY SECTION 7.40pm (OR AS ARRANGED)

DURING THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS OSCARE WILL BE USING THE CHURCH PREMISES EVERY MONDAY – FRIDAY FROM 7.00am – 6.00pm Inspire Editor: Joan Black 18 Seres Road, Clarkston 0141 638 5433 / [email protected] 23