Report by Director of Development and Regeneration Services

Contact: Mr S McCollam Phone: 0141 287 6017

APPLICATION TYPE Full Planning Permission

RECOMMENDATION Grant Subject to Condition(s)

APPLICATION 06/03430/DC DATE VALID 20.10.2006

SITE ADDRESS 65 Street G12 8QF

PROPOSAL Erection of extensions and recladding works.

APPLICANT The AGENT Page And Park Architects Estates And Building Department 49 Cochrane Street University Avenue GLASGOW Glasgow G1 1HL G12 8QQ

WARD NO(S) 14, Hillhead COMMUNITY 02_022, Hillhead COUNCIL


AREA Glasgow West

ADVERT TYPE Affecting a Conservation PUBLISHED 10 November 2006

Area/Listed Building



Letters of representation has been received to date from Hillhead Community Council and Friends of Glasgow West, expressing the following viewpoints.

• The existing building line at Southpark Avenue and Hillhead Street would be broken which will adversely affect streetscape.

• Views of the university will be obscured.

• The extension adjacent to Southpark Avenue, by reason of proximity, massing and style, will adversely affect the Wellington Church, a Category A Listed Building.

• Use of coloured glazing is not suitable for the setting of the adjacent Reading Room to the south, a Category A Listed Building.

• Regrading of topography adjacent to Southpark Avenue is considered to be unnecessary and may impact on the setting of the Reading Room.

• The proposed row of regular trees is not in keeping with the irregular planting on site. PAGE 2 06/03430/DC

Heritage and Design: No objection subject to conditions. Land Services: No objection subject to conditions. Landscape and Environment: No objection subject to conditions. Environmental Protection Services: No objection subject to conditions.


The site is that of the ‘Hub’ refectory building located at Hillhead Street within the campus of University of Glasgow and within Glasgow West Conservation Area. The building was constructed in the early 1960’s using sectional concrete external finishes and is reflective of design characteristics of its time. Whilst not a listed building itself, buildings of significance in the immediate vicinity of the Hub include Florentine House, a 2-storey, 3-bay classical villa (Category B Listed Building) to the north, Wellington Church (Category A Listed Building) and a terrace of 5, 2-storey and basement houses at 65-73 Southpark Avenue (Category C(S) Listed Buildings) to the east, the Reading Room (Category A Listed Building) to the south, and a 3-storey and attic corner block at 1 University Gardens (Category B Listed Building) to the west.

The existing format of the building comprises 5 levels incorporating a small mezzanine level suspended from the 3rd floor and a plant room overhead at roof level. Arising from the nature of surrounding topography, the building has a single-storey appearance at the main entrance onto Hillhead Street and a stepped 3-storey appearance onto Southpark Avenue. The ground floor on the main south facing elevation is partially obscured by existing topography, essentially lending the appearance of a basement level.

Full planning permission is sought to extend both ends of the existing building and re-clad the remaining elevations. The indicated works show the extension of Levels 02 and 03 on the west elevation, which would create a 2-storey appearance on Hillhead Street with a building line marginally exceeding that of the adjacent buildings at 53 Hillhead Street to the north. Floors 01, 02 and 03 are to be extended in an easterly direction onto Southpark Avenue to create a new façade parallel with the line of the existing boundary wall immediately adjacent to the public footway.

Proposed external finishes comprise a new façade system to the south elevation which utilises the proportion of the existing upper level fenestration. The pattern of fenestration is extended downwards to approximately the mid point of the building, after which it is inverted to create a staggered pattern of glazing. The intervening solid panels are to be glazed with coloured background to create an overall colour pattern of green/greys and blues to the new façade. It is proposed to modify the rear elevation by providing a parapet at roof level of equivalent height to the remodelled south façade and continuing the vertical emphasis of windows at upper level through to rear ground level (Level 02). Proposed external finishes on the modified rear elevation comprise an insulated render system, PPC aluminium curtain walling and windows, and a horizontal arrangement of obscured coloured glazing above windows at Level 02 to reflect the colours of solid panels to be used on the south elevation.

The primary treatment of the extended areas of the building is natural stone with fenestration of vertical emphasis to reflect that incorporated on the remodelled south façade. Horizontal bands of coloured panels will feature between window openings which is also reflective of that to be incorporated in the south elevation. The parapet level of the extended areas will extend approximately 1.5 metres above the level of the remodelled north and south façades.

It is intended to rationalise the extent of external stair access within the grounds and provide a re-graded landscape and plaza, incorporating functional ‘sitting out’ spaces between the Hub and the Reading Room to the south, in addition to the partial removal of the existing retaining wall adjacent to the public footway on Southpark Avenue. The proposed re-grading works will also open up Level 01 as viewed from the south.

The accompanying landscaping plan acknowledges that the proposals will necessitate the removal of 10 trees, five of which are mature, although are not considered by the applicant to be good specimens and generally of poor form. Proposed additional planting comprises semi-mature trees at the new plaza, in addition to 14 trees in the vicinity of the car park area to the rear.

Within the delineated planning unit, parking provision for five cars, two lorry loading bays and 30 bicycles, 18 of which will be sheltered, have been indicated. Land Services have no adverse comments regarding the proposals. PAGE 3 06/03430/DC


The Development Plan comprises the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan and the Glasgow City Plan, adopted August 2003. There are no specific policies of relevance to the application proposal in the Structure Plan.

The site lies within an area designated as a Civic, Hospital and Tertiary Education policy principle within the Glasgow City Plan. The following policies are of particular relevance to the current proposals:

• DEV 9 Civic, Hospital and Tertiary Education • DES 1 Reinforcing Local Character and Identity • DES 2 Urban Design • DES 3 Building Design and Materials • DES 4 Design Statement • HER 1 Conservation Areas • HER 3 Design Standards for Listed Buildings and Properties in Conservation Areas • TRANS 4 Vehicle Parking Guidelines


The principal planning issues to be addressed in this particular instance are considered to be whether the proposals are appropriate having regard to the requirements of Sections 25 and 37(2) of the Town and Country Planning () Act 1997 and Section 64 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997, and are consistent with the provisions of the Development Plan. It shall also be necessary to determine whether the proposals are appropriate, having regard to any other material planning considerations, including matters of impact on the aesthetics of the adjoining Listed Buildings and its setting within the Glasgow West Conservation Area.

With regard to the planning history of the site, planning permission was previously granted on a larger planning unit incorporating the current application site for refurbishment and a larger scale of development (04/00779/DC) which was subsequently amended (04/03340/DC).

As established within the previous applications, the existing dining facility is no longer considered to meet modern standards for either students or staff and requires very substantial upgrading to meet modern health and safety, and food hygiene standards. Whilst addressing this, the opportunity also exists to focus on redressing the aesthetics of the otherwise unremarkable and perhaps outdated appearance of the building.

Existing floorspace amounts to 4017 square metres with the proposed extensions amounting to an additional 1280 square metres. Although the premises are currently unoccupied, it is proposed to continue the previous use as a university dining facility, in addition to providing ancillary student facilities comprising a book shop, student services and a pharmacy/GP practice.

Policy ‘DES 1 - Reinforcing Local Character and Identity’ acknowledges the extent of built heritage from the Victorian era which provides the City with a strong sense of place. It is recognized that contemporary development has added to the visual interest of the City and there remains significant opportunities for further good quality contemporary design, subject to policy requirements. By extending the existing building towards Hillhead Street and Southpark Avenue, it is considered that the proposals will have the effect of reconnecting the building with the original street geometry.

Similarly, policy ‘DES 2 - Urban Design’ acknowledges that high standards of urban design is necessary to complement and reinforce or enhance existing urban settings through the relationships of building form, urban grain, architectural style, street frontages, spaces, greenery, activities and circulation/movement patterns. The new façade is considered to complement the adjacent Reading Room by reflecting its vertical window emphasis whilst the proposed stone finish to the ‘book-ends’ will create a pleasing contrast with the main building PAGE 4 06/03430/DC

Policy ‘DES 3 - Building Design and Materials’ establishes the Council’s commitment to encouragement of the highest possible quality of architecture and design in conjunction with the requirements of policies DES 1 and DES 2. In achieving this, exploration of contemporary interpretations of the City’s tradition of architecture modelling and ornamentation will be encouraged. Contemporary designs should complement or re-interpret traditional building form and style. Use of appropriate high quality materials will be required in achieving the requirements of policy DES 3. Proposed external finishes are considered to be reflective of the character of the original building whilst providing an elegant, high quality facelift which will benefit its setting.

The applicant has included a Design Statement, as required by policy DES 4, which establishes the design characteristics of the existing structure and principles of the proposed works, in addition to the examination of the proposed landscaping works.

Arising from the location of the site within the Glasgow West Conservation Area, it shall be necessary to have regard to policy ‘HER 1 - Conservation Areas’. The policy acknowledges that improvement of sites that detract from the character of the area should enhance the area as a whole, whilst ensuring that significant views are safeguarded. It is considered that the proposed new build and re-cladding works, in addition to the excavation and landscape works, will reconnect the ‘Hub’ building with its historic context and landscape setting and enhance views across this part of the Conservation Area.

Whilst it is proposed to remove a number of trees on-site, the large mature lime tree located to the east of the Reading Room appears to be free of any significant structural or health issues and currently makes an important contribution to the setting. As it would not appear necessary to remove this tree, it is considered appropriate to ensure its retention, which can be addressed by a condition of permission.

The design of the proposed works, the relationship to its setting and use of external materials are therefore considered to be appropriate in meeting the detailed interrelationships established in policies HER 1, HER 3, DES 1, DES 2 and DES 3 of the Glasgow City Plan.

In respect of other material considerations, the letters of objection received from Hillhead Community Council is summarised and commented upon as follows:

• The existing building line at Southpark Avenue and Hillhead Street would be broken, which will adversely affect streetscape.


The existing building is discordant with the established street and plot patterns. It is considered that the proposals will reconnect the building with the existing street geometry and make a positive contribution to streetscape.

• Views of the university will be obscured.


Notwithstanding the view of the Community Council, it is considered that the proposals will not obscure views from existing thoroughfares.

• The extension adjacent to Southpark Avenue, by reason of proximity, massing and style, will adversely affect the Wellington Church, a Category A Listed Building.


It is considered that the scale of development proposed in conjunction with the proposed building line will enhance the urban grain of its setting and contribute positively to streetscape definition. The design of the proposals draws inspiration from both the existing format of the ‘Hub’ premises and the adjacent Reading Room and is regarded as a positive contemporary interpretation of prevailing design features.

• Use of coloured glazing is not suitable for the setting of the adjacent Reading Room to the south, a Category A Listed Building. PAGE 5 06/03430/DC


The proposed remodelled façade is considered to represent elegant, high quality and vibrant design in pleasing contrast with the main building, which will enliven this part of the University campus.

• Regrading of topography adjacent to Southpark Avenue is considered to be unnecessary and may impact on the setting of the Reading Room.


It is considered that the proposed re-grading works will help open up the site in addition to further views of the Reading Room whilst introducing a more functional space.

• The proposed row of regular trees is not in keeping with the irregular planting on site.


It is considered that the proposed regular planting line will complement the linear nature of the development and vertical window emphasis.

In conclusion, the proposed development, by reason of appropriate design, scale and massing, would not impact negatively on characteristics of its setting or the Glasgow West Conservation Area, and would accord with policies DEV 9, HER 1, HER 3, DES 1, DES 2, DES 3, DES 4 and TRANS 4 of the City Plan. Having regard to the foregoing and the favourable consultations received on file, it is recommended that planning permission be granted for the proposed development, subject conditions.


01. The development shall be implemented in accordance with drawing number(s):

L-(PL)01 L-(PL)02 GA (PL2-)01 GA (PL2-)02 GA (PL2-)03 GA (PL2-)04 GA (PL2-)05 GA (PL2-)10 GA (PL2-)11 GA (PL2-)12 G1086 (PL2-)20 G1086 (PL2-)21

as qualified by the undernoted condition(s), or as otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority.

Reason: As these drawings constitute the approved development.

02. Samples and manufacturer's literature on all exterior finishes, including external walls, roof, external windows and doors and all items of hard landscaping shall be submitted for inspection and written approval of the Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development.

Reason: In order that the works do not detract from the appearance of the building.

03. Prior to the commencement of development, revised drawings shall be submitted showing full details of levels of proposed works and their relationship to adjacent topography for the written approval of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

04. Details of bicycle parking provision, including shelter details, shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority prior to the commencement of works. The facilities hereby approved shall be provided before the use of the premises commences.

Reason: In the interest of traffic safety and to safeguard the amenity of the surrounding area. PAGE 6 06/03430/DC

05. External security shutters shall not be permitted in the development hereby approved.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the surrounding Conservation Area.

06. A scheme of landscaping, including species, sizes and quantities, shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority in writing prior to the commencement of works on site. The proposals shall include the retention of the large mature lime tree located to the east of the Reading Room.

Reason: In order to protect the visual amenity of the surrounding area.

07. A maintenance management schedule for the landscaping scheme shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority prior to the commencement of any works. The landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved management schedule.

Reason: In order to protect the visual amenity of the surrounding area.

08. On receipt of written approval the landscaping proposals including planting, seeding, turfing and hard landscaping shall be completed by the end of the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the building(s) or the completion of the development, whichever is sooner. All landscaping shall be maintained in the approved form.

Reason: In order to protect the visual amenity of the surrounding area.

09. Any trees or plants which, within a period of five years from the completion of the development, die, are removed, or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species unless the Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.

Reason: In order to protect the visual amenity of the surrounding area.

10. Disposal of Cooking Odours/Fumes

(a) All cooking smells, noxious fumes or vapours from the premises shall be disposed of by means of suitable ducts carried up the rear wall and terminating at a point 1 metre above eaves level or as otherwise agreed with the Planning Authority. The duct shall be free from any obstruction such as plates, cowls, or caps or any other deflections at their termination points. Full details of all ventilation measures shall be submitted to and approved in writing with the Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development.

(b) A ventilation and filtration system incorporating at least the following elements shall be installed and operational prior to the start of the use hereby approved. The elements to be included are:

(i) Canopies - A suitable canopy (or canopies) shall be located above all cooking appliances.

(ii) Air Flow - The canopy face velocity shall be not less than 0.5 m/s.

(iii) Primary Grease Filtration - Labyrinth (baffle) grease filters shall be installed within the canopy or canopies.

(iv) Air Input - A suitable air input system shall be provided by means of a pleated inlet filter, supplying clean filtered air equivalent to at least 80% 'make-up' of the extracted air.

(c) A maintenance and management scheme for the ventilation and filtration systems including all aspects referred to in (a) and (b) above shall be submitted to, and shall be approved in writing by, the Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the use hereby approved and shall thereafter be implemented as approved. PAGE 7 06/03430/DC

(d) Mechanical and electrical installations shall be suitably arranged to ensure that the ventilation system is in operation during periods when the premises are open for the preparation and/or cooking of food.

Reason: In order to safeguard the property itself and the amenity of the surrounding area.

11. Light from the use of the facility shall not give rise to:

(a) An "Upward Waste Light Ratio" (maximum permitted percentage of luminaire lux that goes directly to the sky) in excess of 15%

(b) A "Light Into Windows" measurement in excess of 10Ev (lux). (Ev is the vertical luminance in lux.)

(c) A "Source Intensity" measurement in excess of 100 Kcd (kilocandela). (Source Intensity applies to each source in the potentially obtrusive direction out of the area being lit.)

Reason: In order to safeguard the property itself and the amenity of the surrounding area.

12. Noise from or associated with the completed development (the building and fixed plant) shall not give rise to a noise level, assessed with windows closed, within any dwelling or noise sensitive building in excess of that equivalent to Noise Rating Curve (NRC) 35 between the hours of 0700 hours and 2200 hours and Noise Rating Curve (NRC) 25 at all other times.

Reason: In order to safeguard the property itself and the amenity of the surrounding area.

13. All mechanical ventilation and air conditioning plant shall be suitably isolated from the structure of the building and fan units positioned in a ducted system shall be isolated from the ducting by means of flexible connections.

Reason: In order to safeguard the property itself and the amenity of the surrounding area.

14. To minimise structure borne noise or vibration, lifts and/or hoists, including doors, guide rails and ancillary plant and machinery shall be suitably isolated from the structure of the building.

Reason: In order to safeguard the property itself and the amenity of the surrounding area.

15. Suitable provision shall be made for refuse storage facilities including provision of appropriate refuse bins. Full details shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority prior to the commencement of works.

Reason: In order to safeguard the property itself and the amenity of the surrounding area.


01. Prior to the installation of the lighting system, the applicant should submit certification from a member of the Institute of Lighting Engineers, or other suitably qualified person, to the Planning Authority confirming that the proposed system will satisfy the requirements of Condition 12 above.

02. Prior to commencement of use of the facility, the applicant should, following the testing of the lighting system, submit certification from a member of the Institute of Lighting Engineers, or other suitably qualified person to the Planning Authority confirming that the system complies with its design specification.

03. Prior to the installation of the ventilation system for the disposal and treatment of cooking odours from the premises, the applicant should submit certification from a member of the Heating and Ventilating Contractor's Association or other suitably qualified person, to the Planning Authority, confirming that the proposed system will satisfy requirements of Sections (a) and (b) of the condition relating to the disposal of cooking odours/fumes. PAGE 8 06/03430/DC

04. Prior to the commencement of the use hereby approved, the applicant should, following the testing of the installation, submit certification from a member of the Heating and Ventilating Contractor's Association or other suitably qualified person, to the Planning Authority, confirming that the installation meets its design specification.

05. It is recommended that the applicant should consult with Environmental Protection Services (Environmental Health) concerning this proposal in respect of legislation administered by that Department which is likely to affect this development.

for Director of Development and Regeneration Services DC/ SML/t/1 21/02/2007


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PAGE 9 06/03430/DC