Bibliografia Cronológica Sobre Teoria Da Cor
Bibliografia Cronológica sobre Teoria da Cor Compilação efetuada por José Luis Caivano com a assistência de Paulina Becerra Colaboradores: Juliana Agostinelli, Rodrigo Amuchástegui, Gracia Cutuli, Mario Echegaray, Julieta Garavaglia, Mabel López, Cristina Manganiello, María Luisa Musso, Manuel Net, Andrea Pappier, Pablo Valle PARTE 1: c.360 B.C. - 1960 AUTOR [birth-death]. Year of publication of 1st edition or year of writing. Title. Language (City of publication or writing, Country: Publisher). Posterior editions. {subject}. Translations and posterior editions in each language. PLATO [428-347 BC]. -360 (circa). Timaios. Greek (Athens, Greece: manuscript). Greek ed., “Timaios”, in Platonis opera omnia, vol. VII, edited by Gottfried Stallbaum (Gotha-Erfurt, 1838). Greek ed., “Timaios”, in Platonis opera, vol IV, edited by John Burnet (Oxford, England: E. Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1905). {natural philosophy}. English translation by Benjamin Jowett, “Timaeus”, in The Dialogues of Plato, vol. II (Oxford, 1871), reprinted in MacAdam, ed. 1970. English translation in Greek-English bilingual ed. by R. D. Archer- Hind, The Timaeus of Plato (London: MacMillan, 1888). English translation by Francis Macdonald Cornford, Plato’s Cosmology. The Timaeus (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1937). French translation by Thomas-Henri Martin in Greek-French bilingual ed., Études sur le Timée de Platon (Paris, 1841). French translation by Albert Rivaud in Greek-French bilingual ed., Timée-Critias, in Oeuvres completes, vol. X (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1949). French translation by Luc Brisson and Michel Patillon, Platon. Timée / Critias (Paris: Flammarion, 1992). German translation by Otto Apelt, Platons Dialoge Timaios und Kritias (Leipzig, 1922). German translation by R. Kapferer and A. Fingerle, Platons Timaios oder Die Schrift über die Natur (Stuttgart, 1952).
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