Help, Mayor's Plea in Big Bond Quota
u BACK UP "TWrMVtTWII YOUR BOY l(Vrt—YOU LEND 2ND YOUI MONEY" WAR •' Buy an Additional LOAN V Band Today IvyMor* Snbepenknt - leaber Ww tot* Today XXXV. —No. 4 nrud us Koi-nml r\w» matter hKl Every Friday "I Mm lViat Office, WoiKlbrlrtge, N. .1. WOODBRIM.E, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 16. nt lR Qrntm St., Wnodbrldge, N. J. PRICE FIVE CENTS jpinie Low Scene From Seniors9 Mystery Play Ordinance •e, Rises Curbs DogAll Help, Mayor's Plea lv Nation Freedom In Big Bond Quota p,^rage I* Consider* .h No Animal To Be Per- Township Asked For ',|,ly Under That In^ mitted To Run With- They Give Their Lives _^. nmparablc Localities $510,000 In 3 Weeks; out Being Leashed Neiis 1st Subscrnta ''•'.'"'vnlii?--- Although juv* WOOUBRIDGE—Dog owners in You Can Lend Your Money WOODSRIDGE —Th« __ I ,ni, ni-.v, especially among e Township will have to pur- Uak of Telling 1510,000 in United ..", ,.,-in,,. II. general ram- iise tt'Hshos for their pets, if the To the readers of The Independent-Leader: Sutc<t War Bonds during- the n«t I, this country in' 19fS Hinance introduced on first read- throe weeks ait Woodbridg* Town- ,,,.,,. fewer offenses in g at a meeting cf ftfe lloiird of The lSybillion second war loan is the responsi- .«hip's part in the 11.1000,000,600 lk'i, iii (iroportion to pop I'alth is f'umHy adopted ;it the bility of nvery one of us. ."ipcond War,Loan campliign got ,n;,i, ,n most parts of the ssion May 10.
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