MDR49001 22 August 2007 TC-2007-000135 : Hurricane DEAN

Dean made landfall on 21 August near to Chetumal, a Mexican city of about 150,000 people, near the border with Belize.

The storm lost some of its power over land and Dean passed off the southern coast of Grand Cayman but did not was downgraded to a Category 3, although forecasters warned that winds and rain were cause as much damage as was expected. Nevertheless flooding, still a threat. and general damage was reported in the Cayman Islands.

Position at 6 AM 2,000 families affected 22 August 2007

Cayman Islands On Friday morning 17 August, Dean passed between St. Lucia and , affecting Jamaica Haiti these islands and the nearby island of .

Mexico Belize

Dominica Martinique Saint Lucia Hurricane Cat 5 Hurricane Cat 4 On Sunday 19 August the of the hurricane passed south of Jamaica. Hurricane Cat 3 The Jamaican National Emergency Office (ODPEM) confirmed that 4,594 persons occupied 191 shelters across the island. There are reports of floods, Hurricane Cat 2 roofing damage, damage to water supply systems, especially in areas of St. James, St. Thomas, St. Catherine, Kingston & St. Andrew, Portland, Hurricane Cat 1 St. Mary and Clarendon Tropical storm Tropical depression In Belize, assessments are still taking place to determine the full extent of the damages Countries affected by Dean 0250 500 km

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