Fifth Regiment New Hamp8hir£ Volunteer Infantry.


By WILLIAM CHILD, late Surgeon Fifth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, and Historian of Regiment.

THE Fifth Regiment was organized at Concord, the men being enlisted for three years. Edward E. Cross of Lancaster was appointed colonel, August 27, 1861, and at once entered upon the duties of the office. The regiment camped east of the Menimack river, near the lower bridge, the camp being called " Camp Jackson." Company A entered camp September 28, 1861, and the regimental organization was completed October 26. Colonel Cross was an experienced Indian fighter, and had been in the Mex- ican service, and his experience was valuable in organizing and disciplining the regiment. The renown gained by this organization is the heritage of no single locality, for its members were gathered from all parts of the State.

The regiment received its colors October 28, 1861, and the next day left for the front, arriving at

Bladensburg, Md., October 31, when it was assigned to the First Brigade, Casey's Division, Army of the Potomac. While at Bladensburg the regiment made a severe march to Lower Marlborough, to disperse armed bodies and prevent disturbance at the elections. The regiment was assigned to the First Brigade, Sumner's Division, Army of the Potomac, Novem- ber 27, 1861. It marched through Washington and , Va., November 28, and the next day camped near Alexandria, the camp being called " Camp California," where it remained until March 10, 1862. While here the regiment furnished men for scouting parties and picket duty, received instruction in engi- neering work, and was thoroughly drilled and djsciplined. On the loth of March, 1862, it left "Camp California," and on the 14th was assigned to the First Brigade, Richardson's Division, Second Army Corps. It participated in a reconnoissance to the Rappahannock river, March 28. On the nth of April the regi- ment was at Ship Point, near Yorktown, Va., and April 25 was temporarily detached from its brigade to construct siege material for the siege of Yorktown, upon which duty it was engaged until May 4, when the enemy evacuated the city. May 28 and 29, under direction of Colonel Cross, and assisted by details from the Sixty-fourth New York Volunteers and the Irish Brigade, the Fifth built the noted "Grape-vine Bridge" across the Chickahominy river. The other bridges having been swept away by a freshet, Sedgwick's Division crossed

" Grape-vine Bridge," May 31, in time to check the advance of the Confederate army in its pursuit of the Federal troops, thus saving the Union army from a disastrous defeat. On the night of May 31, the Fifth took position on the field of Fair Oaks, and the next day forty of its members were killed or mortally wounded. Here the regiment remained, skirmishing and doing picket duty, until June 28. During the next three days it was engaged at Peach Orchaid, Savage's Station, White Oak Swamp, and Malvern Hill, after which it camped at Harrison's Landing, Va., until August 16, the Band being mustered out on the 8th of August.

At South Mountain the Fifth was ii^ the reserve; but at Boonsborough, September 15, it was in the advance of the army, and two days later performed marked service at Antietam, losing in killed and wounded more than one third of those present. In the official reports, the Fifth is given the credit of having discovered and frustrated the attempt of the enemy to turn the left of the Second Corps. On the 2d of November the regiment skirmished at Snicker's Gap, Va. It was assigned to the First Brigade, First Division, Second Army Corps, November 12, remaining in that brigade until July 27, 1863. 210 FIFTH REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY.

On the I2th of December, 1862, the Fifth marched into Fredericksburg, and on the next day met with a fearful loss in its charge on Marye's Heights. Six color bearers were shot down, and of nineteen officers present, eight were killed or mortally wounded, and five others wounded. The dead of the Fifth were among the few found near the stone wall, so noted in that battle. In his official report, General. Hancock said: "Col. Edward E. Cross, commanding the Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers, severely wounded, behaved in the handsomest manner. The conduct of his regiment was heroic. Refusing to yield any ground, his brave officers and men died where they stood." The winter of 1862-63 was spent in camp near Falmouth, Va. The regiment left camp April 28, 1863, and was at Chancellorsville from the ist to the 5th of May. On the 7th of June a detail of about one hundred and thirty men formed a part of the picked force of infantry which accompanied the cavalry of the army, and acted as its support in the fight at Beverly Ford and Brandy Station, Va., June 9. The detail joined the regiment June 17, at Sangster's Station. On the 2d and 3d of July the Fifth lost heavily at Gettysburg, Pa. Colonel Cross, who was commanding a brigade, was mortally wounded on the 2d of July, and died that night at 12.30 o'clock. About the ist of August the regiment was ordered home to recruit, arriving at Concord August 3. Returning to the front, the regiment landed at Point Lookout, Md., November 14, where it remained until May 27, 1864, guarding rebel prisoners. On the 1st of June, 1864, the regiment joined the army near Cold Harbor, and was assigned to the

First Brigade, First Division, Second Army Corps. On the 3d of June, at Cold Harbor, it maintained its old fame, losing on that day forty-six killed or mortally wounded. Here the regiment charged, entering the rebel works, but was compelled to fall back, the troops on its flanks having failed to break through the rebel lines. The Fifth remained in the works at Cold Harbor until June 12, suff'ering constantly from the enemy's fire. On the i6th of June the regiment charged on the enemy's works at Petersburg, and was engaged in front of Petersburg until July 26, being in the Jerusalem Plank Road fight June 22. The James river was crossed July 26, and the regiment was engaged at Deep Bottom the next day, being mentioned in orders by General Hancock for its " gallantry in the capture of the enemy's battery." The regiment re-crossed the James July 29, and on the 30th arrived in front of Petersburg, participat- ing in the siege until August 12, when another march was made across the James ; on the i6th it was en- gaged at Deep Bottom; and on the 25th, at Ream's Station. Arriving at the old camp-ground in front of Petersburg, August 27, the regiment was engaged in the siege until the city was evacuated. On the iSth of October the regiment was placed in Fort Stedman, remaining there until about Novem- ber 15, when it was relieved and moved to the rear. In November, the regiment having been reduced below the minimum number necessary for a regi- ment, by the discharge of the original members, whose time expired October 26, became an eight company battalion, the members of Companies D and K being transferred to the other companies. About the ist of December, the Fifth was placed in Fort Welch, and on the 8th and 9th of December took part in the reconnoissance to Hatcher's Run, Va. Returning to Fort Welch, it remained there until February 5, 1865. Companies F and G, Second United States Sharpshooters, were transferred to the Fifth, January 30, 1865. During the remainder of February the headquarters of the corps was near the Wilkinson house. A slight loss was sustained at Fort Stedman March 25. During March most of the time was devoted to preparation for the final struggle. During the last of March the Army of the Potomac began the operations which culminated in the sur- render of Lee's army. In these operations the Fifth took an active part, being engaged at Dinwiddle Court House, Va., March 31, and at Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6. At Farmville, Va., April 7, the Fifth made its last charge. The enemy was strongly posted, and the ranks of the Fifth withered away until when it reached the last slope within a few feet of the enemy's works, the colors, supported by only a handful of men, were captured by the enemy, who dashed out in overwhelming numbers, and but few of those near the colors escaped death or capture. On the next day the colors and the prisoners lost with them were re-captured. On the 9th, Lee's army surrendered. On the 23d of May the Fifth marched in the grand i-eview of the Union army at Washington, and on the 28th of June was mustered out near Alexandria, Va.

The regiment was ever under excellent discipline, and was thoroughly prepared for any duty it might :

FIFfH REGIMENT NEW HAIVIPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 211 be called upon to perform. Hardly any writer, in describing the great battles of the Army of the Poto- mac, fails to mention the Fifth New Hampshire Infantry and the important services it rendered. The following is from "Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-65," by William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. Vols. " The one regiment in all the Union armies which sustained the greatest loss in battle during the

American Civil War was the Fifth New Hampshire Infantry. * * * It served in the First Division, Second Corps. This division was commanded successively by Generals Richardson, Hancock, Caldwell, Barlow, and Miles; and any regiment that followed the fortunes of these men was sure to find plenty of bloody work cut out for it. The losses of the Fifth New Hampshire occurred entirely in aggressive, hard, stand-up fighting ; none of it happened in routs or through blunders. Its loss includes eighteen officers killed, a number far in excess of the usual proportion, and indicates that the men were bravely led. Its percentage of killed is also very large, especially as based on the original enrollment. The exact per- centage of the total enrollment cannot be definitely ascertained, as the rolls were loaded down in 1864 with the names of a large number of conscripts and bounty men who never joined the regiment. » * *

Known to the corps and division commanders as a reliable regiment, it was the more often called upon to face the enemy's fire, or assigned to the post of danger."

The Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers was attached to First Brigade, Casey's Division, Army of the

Potomac, October 31, 1861 ; First Brigade, Sumner's Division, Army of the Potomac, November 27,

1861 ; First Brigade, Richardson's Division (became -Hancock's Division September 17, 1862), Second Army Corps, March 14, 1862; First Brigade, First Division, Second Army Corps, November 12, 1862, to July 27, 1863; at Concord, August 3, 1863; in District of St. Mary's, Department of Virginia and

North Carolina, November 13, 1863 ; First Brigade, First Division, Second Army Corps, June i, 1864.


Rappahannock River, Va. . . Mar. 28, 1862 Cold Harbor, Va. . . June 2-12, 1864

. . Apr. to May 1862 Siege of Petersburg, Va., 16 to Yorktown, Va. 25 4, June July 26 ; July Fair Oaks, Va. June I, 1862 30 to Aug. 12; Aug. 21 to Dec. 7, 1864; Dec. Peach Orchard, Va. June 29, 1862 10, 1864, to April 2, 1865.

Savage's Station, Va. . June 29, 1862 Jerusalem Plank Road, Va. . June 22, 1864

White Oak Swamp, (Glendale or Deep Bottom, Va. . July 27, Aug. 16, 1864 Charles City Cross Roads), Va June 30, 1862 Ream's Station, Va. Aug. 25, 1864 Malvern Hill, Va. July I, 1862 Reconnoissance to Hatcher's Run,

Boonsborough, Md. Sept. 15, 1862 Va Dec. 8, 9, 1864 Antietam, Md. Sept. 17, 1862 Ft. Stedman, Va. Mar. 25, 1865 Snicker's Gap, Va. Nov. 2, 1862 Dinwiddle Court House, Va. Mar. 31, 1865 Fredericksburg, Va. Dec. 13, 1862 Sailor's Creek, Va. Apr. 6, 1865

Chancellorsville, Va. . May 1-5, 1863 Farmville, Va. Apr. 7, 1865

Gettysburg, Pa. . July 2,3, 1863 ;'


Fifth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry.


Mustered into the service of the United States October 12 to 26, 1861, at Concord, by Seth Eastman,

Maj. 5 Inf., U. S. A. Organization completed October 26, 1861. The Band was mustered out August 8, 1862, at Harrison's Landing, Va. The original members who had not re-enlisted were mustered out October 29, 1864, at Concord, by William M. Graham, Capt. i Art., U. S. A. The regiment was made a battalion of eight companies, November 23, 1864. The re-enlisted men and recruits were mustered out June 28, 1865, at Alexandria, Va., by William B. Knower, Capt. 4 Art,, N. Y. V. Each man was a volunteer appointed or enlisted for three years unless otherwise stated.

; ; '61 '61, Abbott, Albion P. Co. B ; b. Stow, Me. ; age 23 res. Shelbunie enl. Sept. 12, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; wd. Sept.

17, '62, Aiitietam, Md. ; killed Deo. 13, '62, Fredencksburg, Va.

Abbott, Charles H. Co. K ; b. Alfred, Me. ; age 35 ; res. Kaymoud ; enl. Sept. 28, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. des. Uec. 13, '63. Died Apr. 11, 'SO, Haverhill, Alass.

Abbott, Charles S. Co. G ; b. Claremout ; age 21 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 27, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; discli. disab. Apr. 4, '62. Died June 25, '83, Cambridgeport, Mass. '62; '62, Abbott, Hiram T. Co. G; b. Goffstown; age 35; res. Charlestown ; enl. Mar. 22, must, in Apr. 20, as Priv.; wd.

June 1,'62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disoli. June 26, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Abel, John C. Co. E; substitute; , Can. ; age 22; res. Montreal, Can., cred. Gilford; enl. Sept. 29, '63 ; must, in

Sept. 29, '63, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 27, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

res. '61 ; Adams, Addison. Band ; age 39 ; Concord ; enl. Oct. 7, must, in Oct. 26, '61, as Leader ; must, out Aug. 8, '62, Har- rison's Landing, Va.

Co. substitute ; b. ; cred. ; '64 Adams, Albur J. B ; Canada age 19 ; Alstead enl. Aug. 30, ; must, in Aug. 80, '64, as Priv. ; wd. Apr. '60, Farmville, V'a. '65, and mis. 7, ; gd. from mis. Died, wds. Apr. 24, City Point, Va. Co. substitute b. Adams, Augustus. B ; ; England ; age 27 ; cred. Filzwilliam ; enl. Sept. 2, '64 ; must, in Sept. 2, '64, as

Priv. ; disch. June 12, '(io, near Alexandria, Va. Died Sept. 23, '91, Nat. Military Home, Ohio. Co. substitute Adams, Charles. H ; ; b. Germany ; age 23 ; res. , cred. Enfield ; enl. Oct. 6, '63 ; must, in Oct. '63, tr. '64, " 6, as Priv. ; to U. S. Navy Apr. 23, as an Ord. Seaman; served on U. S. S. Commodore Read": des. July 31, . j '65, Washington, D. C. .

Co. I ; b. Barton, Vt. ; age ; res. Canaan, cred. '62 Adams, Ephraim. 18 Canaan ; enl. Aug. 14, ; must, in Aug. 18, '62, as Priv.

wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. to 2 Co., Batt'l, 11. '64 • 2 V. C, Oct. 25, ; to 58 Co. ; to Co. I, 7 V. R. C, Dec. '64 disch June 22, '65, Washington, D. ij. P. O. al., Olcott, Vt. Co. A; b. Halifax, res. Adams, John. N. S. ; age 21 ; Boston, Mass., cred. Kensington; enl. Dec. 5, '63; must, in Dec. 5 '63 ' as Priv. ; des. Jan. 6, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. ' Adams, John. Co. G; substitute; b. Bo.ston, Mass.; age 21; res. Salem, Mass., cred. Gilford; enl. Sept. 29, '63; must, in Sept. '6!, as Piiv. tr. to '64, 29, ; U. S. Navy Apr. 19, as a Landsman; served on U. S. S. "Matthew Vassar," "Primrose"' and " Princeton " ; disch. Aug. 28, '65.

Adams, John L. Co. G; b. Newbury; age 44; res. AVilmot, cred. Wilmot; enl. Aug. 11, '62; must, in '62, • Aug. 11, ' as Priv.' '62, '63, wd. Deo. 13, Fredijricksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 2, Concord. Died Apr. 25, '86, Franklin. Adams, Jonas J. Co. A; sub.stitute; b. Carlisle, Mass.; age 44; res. Loudon, cred. Loudon; enl. Aug. 20, '63; • must, in Auge- 20, as Priv. app. Sergt. Sergt. June 1, 28, ' ' '63, ; ; Com. '65; must, out June '60. P. O. ad., Oran"e?

Joseph M. Co. F; b. Medway, IMass. ; age 21 ; res. Warwick, • Adams, Mass.; enl. Oct. 20, '61 ; mu^t. in Oct. 23, '61 as Priv ' ' captd. Mar. 29, '62, Rappahannock River, Va. ; released disch. '62, ' ; May 22, Washington, 1). C. Co. A; substitute; b. Hyde Park, Vt. age Adams, Milton A. ; 24; cred. Lancaster; enl. Sept. 30, '83; must, in Sept 30 '63 '^ 9, ' as Priv. ; des. Dec. '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '

Plaoide. Co. I ; b. St. Anne, C. E. ; age 44 res. Canaan enl. Sept. '61 ; • Adams, ; ; 12, must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ' re-enl and must, in Jan. 1, '64; de.". Dec. 6, '64, AVashington, D. C. Died Xov. 26, '80, Canaan. Co. A; substitute; b. Prussia; age res. Ahland, Arnold. 26 ; Albany, N. Y., cred. Keene ; enl. Oct. 13, '63 : musto". min ijct.Oct 10,1=1 '63, as Priv.; des. Dec. 9,-63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Co. A b. Boston, Mass. age res. Concord enl. '61 • ; 27 ; ; Aiken, Edmund. ; ; Sept. 9, must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Sergt wd June '62, tr. to Dec. '63 1, Fair Oaks, Va. ; L C, 12, ; unas'd ; app. 1 Sergt. ; disch. disab. May 12, '64. Died Au"\o- is '85 Con- cord. See 1 N. IL V. > > substitute b. Farmington res. Akerman, Joseph. Co. F ; ; ; age 32 ; Farmington, cred. Farmington '63 • ; enl. Aucb 14 o, mu.c.mnof , in Aug. 14, '03, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 15, '64, Concord. Died Aug. 7, 'S3, Corinth. Vt. Co. F; b. Erving, Mass.; age res. Erving, Mass.; enl. Albee, Elwin M. 20; Sept. 22, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, • as Priv." captd.; released. Died, dis. Oct. 9, '62, Annapolis, Md. Aldenkarchen, William. Co. E; substitute; b. Germany; age 26; res. New York city, cred. Warner; enl. Aug. 80 '68-

'63, '65; '65. ' ' must, in Aug. 30, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Jan. 11, must, out June 28, P. 0. ad., Providence R. I. ;;;


Aldrich, Ezra A. Co. I; b. Canaan; age 20; res. Alexandria; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 24, '62. '62 '62, Aldrich, Putnam. Co. B ; b. Lisbon ; age 28 ; res. Franconia, cred. Franconia ; enl. July 28, ; must, in Aug. 19, as Priv.

wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietarn, Md. ; July, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. disab. Nov. 20, '63, Concord. '61 '62, Aldrich, Sewell B. Co. B ; b. Canada ; age 28 ; res. Dalton ; enl. Oct. 4, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Sept. 17,

Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Jan. 29, '63. See V. R. C. '62, Allen, Alonzo. Co. E; b. Croydon ; age 23; res. Croydon ; enl. Aug. 19, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Sept. 11, '62. P. O. ad., Croydon.

Allen, George. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Albany, N. Y. ; age 25 ; res. Albany, N. Y., cred. Antrim ; enl. Sept. 1,'63 ; must, in Sept.

1, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. " Matthew Vassar," " William Bacon," " " '65. and Don ; des. Jan. 7,

Allen, George. Co. I ; b. New York ; age 21 ; res. New York city, cred. Piermont ; enl. Dec. 7, '63 ; must, in Dec. 7, '63, as

Priv. ; discb. July 11, '64, to accept promotion. See U. S. C. T. Allen, Mark. Co. H; b. Blue Hill, Me.; age 16; res. Wakefield; enl. Sept. 19, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; wd. Sept. '62, 17, Antietam, Md. ; re-enl. Feb. 15, '64 ; must, in Feb. 16, '64 ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out June 28, '65. Died May 6, '82, Stoneham, Mass.

Allen, Oscar D. Co. E; b. Croydon; age 18; res. Croydon; enl. Aug. 20, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Corp.; wd. Sept. 17,

'62, Antietam, Md. ; app. Sergt. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. See 1 N. H. V. Allen, Robert. Co. I; substitute; b. Glasgow, Scot; age 25; cred. Salisbury; enl. Aug. 20, '63; must, in Aug. 20, '63, as " " '64, Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar ; des. June 30, from Po- tomac flotilla. '61 '61, Allen, Samuel M. Co. H ; b. Brookfield ; age 21 ; res. Brookfleld ; enl. Aug. 28, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; wd. May,

'63, Chancellorsville, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; app. Sergt. July 23, '64 ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Wakefield. '61, Allen, "William G. Co. H ; b. Blue Hill, Me. ; age 20 ; res. Wakefield ; enl. Sept. 19, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 13, '62. Died Aug. 8, '65, Biddeford, Me. '63 Altenburg, Frederick. Co. G ; b. Hanover, Ger. ; agi- 27 ; res. Portsmouth, cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec.

5, '63, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 18, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. • '61 '61, Ames, Horace. Co. A ; b. Montreal, Can. ; age 40 ; res. Concord ; enl. Sept. 9, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Wagoner ; reduced '62 to ranks at his own request. Mar. 18, ; killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va.

; '61 ; '61, Ames, Thomas. Co. E ; b. Croydon ; age 30 res. Croydon ; enl. Aug. 26, must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. Died July 20, '62. Newport News, Va.

; ; enl. Jan. '64 ; must, in Jan. '64, Amidon, Amasa O. Co. H ; b. Gilsum ; age 20 res. Westmoreland, cred. Winchester 5, 5, as

Priv. ; wd. June 16, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Keene. See 15 N. H. V. and U. S. Navy. '61 '61, Amidon, Bd'ward. Co. E ; b. Johnston, K. I. ; age 27 ; res. Meredith ; enl. Sept. 19, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; wd. '63 '65. June 1, '62, Fair Oak-s, Va. ; des. Apr. 8. ; appreh. ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Lakeport.

; ; res. cred. enl. '63 Anderson, AndreAW. Co. B ; substitute b. Denmark age 22 ; Boston, Mass., Concord ; Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. Died Jan. 6, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; cred. enl. '64 ; must, in Sept. '64, as Priv. Anderson, Charles. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Canada age 32 ; Bethlehem ; Sept. 14, 14, des. Oct. 16, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '03 ; ; city, cred. South Newmarket ; enl. Dec. 4, must, in res. ; Anderson, Henry. Co. B ; b. , Ger. age 21 New York '64, •' Dec. 4, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, '64, as a Seaman ; des. Aug. 15, from U. S. S. Anacostia." '64 ; b. 22 cred. Peterborough ; enl. Sept. 9, ; must, in Sept. 9, '64, as Anderson, Osborne. Co. B substitute ; Chatham ; age ;

'64 '65 ; '65, ad.. South Priv. ; des. Nov. 14, ; appreh. May 12, disch. July 7, Concord. P. O. Chatham.

enl. '64 ; must, in '64, Anderson, Thomas. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Newport ; Aug. 10, Aug. 10, as '64, regt. f. r. Priv. ; received Aug. 10, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, to N. A. G. O.

; res. Milan ; enl. Dec. 4, '61 ; must, in Jan. 4, '62, as Priv. ; wd. Sept. 17, Andrews, Samuel A. Co. B ; b. Freedom age 24; '64, '62, Antietam, Md. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Beriin ; app. Sergt. ; killed June 7, Cold Harbor, Va.

; ; res. Chicago, 111., cred. Franklin ; enl. Aug. 19, '63 must. Andrews, William. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Boston, Mass. age 23 ; '64, in Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; killed June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. See S. S. S. Applin, Charles R. Co. B ; substitute. 2 U. '64 '64, ; b. ; age 22 ; cred. Winchester ; enl. Aug. 30, ; must, in Aug. 30, as Priv. Arew, Adrien. Co. B ; substitute Canada must, out June 28, '65. '04 in '64, b. St. John, N. B. ; age 23 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, Aug. 20, as Priv. Armer, James. Co. G ; substitute ; des. Mar. 23, '65. Armstrong, Francis. Co. A; substitute; b. Boston, Mass.; age 21; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Heuniker; enl. Aug. 19, '63; '65. must, in Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. ; must, out June 28, enl. Aug. '64 must, in Aug. '64, b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Dover ; 18, ; 18, as Priv. Armstrong, James. Co. G ; substitute ; '65 28, '65. des. June 9, '65 ; appreh. June 14, ; must, out June Oct. '61 must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. Can. ; age 22 ; res. Lebanon; enl. 9, ; 19, Died, dis. Ash, Robert H. Co. E ; b. Melbourne, Jan. 16, '62, near Alexandria. Va. Springfield enl. Sept. '64 must, in Sept. '64, substitute ; b. Scotland ; age 24 ; cred. ; 9, ; 9, as Priv. Atherton, Arthur. Co. B ; shot Oct. 20, '64, in attempting to desert. '61 '61, ; res. Lebanon ; enl. Aug. 23, ; must, m Oct. 12, as Priv. Mass. age 24 ; Atkins, William S. Co. C ; b. Northampton,

'must, out Oct. 29, '64. ,. „ , ,. , „ , , . ,, ,„. enl. ; 19 res. Franklin, cred. Franklin ; Aug. 11, 62 ; must, in Aug. 11, Atkinson Joseph Co. F; b. Chariestown, Mass. age ; '63, Alexandria, Va. '62 as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. Mar. 7, "20"; enl. Sept. 16, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Atwood Hiram G. Co. K; b. Antrim; age res. Antrim; Va. See State Sei-vice. '62, near Alexandria, • Jan. 30, . , . • j- ,. , „ ,«, must, in Oct.rv . io .«i -d Atwood Jeremiah S. Co. K; b. Antrim; age 55; res. Antrim; enl. Sept. 9, 61; 12, 61, as Priv.; disch. 1, Died Nov. 6, '81, Antrim. Yorktown, Va. . d'isab. May '62, ^ ,„ , Sept. '61 must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. killed ; age ; res. Lisbon ; enl. 19, ; 61, ; June Atwood, Joseph L. Co. C ; b. Landaff 26

' res. enl. Sept. 16, '61 must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; Atwood' Samuel H. Co!k; b. Hillsborough; age 18; Antrim ; ; wd. '64 '63, ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, ; tr. to Co. I ; June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; Julv 2, Gettysburg, Pa. wd. Mar. 31, '65, '65, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad.. West Henniker. Dinwiddle Court House, Va. ; disch. disab. July 18, '64 Acworth ; enl. Aug. 17, ; must, in Aug. '64, as substitute ; b. Italy ; age 23 ; cred. 17, Priv. ; re- Audroli, Joseph. Unas'd ; f. r. A. G. O. ceived Aug. 17, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent to regt. same date. N. Augustus, Francis. Co. G; substitute; b. France; age 30; cred. Canaan; enl. Aug. 16, '04; must, in Aug. 16, '64, as Priv. des. Oct. 12, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '64 ; cred. Mont Vernon ; enl. Aug. 10, must, in '64, Austin, Edwin. Co. G; substitute ; b. New Brunswick ; age 21 ; Aug. 10,

; '65, Annapolis, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. disch. June 20, Md. ;;


'61, wd. Austin, Hiram M. Co. E ; b. Newport ; age 18 ; res. Newport ; enl. Sept. 12, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; June 1,

'62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; Sept. 17, '62, Aiitietain, Md. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '61 ; cred. Dover ; wd. June 16, 'Qi, near Pe-

tersburg, Va. ; app. 1 Sergt. Jan. 11, '6.5 ; must, out June 28, '65. P. 0. ad., Newport.

; '64 ; Aug. '64, as Priv. ; must, Austin, John. Co. G substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 20 cred. Orford ; enl. Aug. 16, must, in 16, ; out June 28, '65.

Austin, Kendall. Co. A ; drafted b. Surry ; res. Alstead, '63 in Sept. '63, as Priv. ; cred. Alstead ; drafted Sept. 30, ; must, 30, '64, mis. Aug. 25, Ream's Station, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '6.i. P. O. ad., Kast Alstead.

Austin, Richard. Co. G ; substitute ; b. England ; age 23 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Aug. 24, '64 ; must, in Aug. 24, '64, as Priv. must, out June 28, '65.

Austin, Ruel G. Co. G ; b. Newport ; age 30 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 27, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Sergt. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. 2 Lt. Co. A, Mar. 4, '63 ; wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, wds. July 26, '63, Balti- more, Md.

Co. D ; drafted ; b. ; ; res. drafted 14, '63 ; must, Averill, John R. Washington age 26 Farmington, cred. Farmington ; Aug. in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv.; app. Corp.; tr.to Co. G, Nov. 20, '64; killed Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va.

Chase Co. H ; b. Sandwich ; age 18 ; res. Sandwich enl. Sept. '61 ; in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 18, Avery, E. ; 8, must, 19, '62. See Miscel. Organizations.

Co. H ; b. Sandwich ; age 21 ; res. Wolfeborough enl. '61 ; '61, Priv. ; wd. June Avery, Edgar. ; Sept. 23, must, in Oct. 19, as

I, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. > Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; des. Apr. 27, '63, near Falmouth, Va.

Co. B ; substitute ; b. , Eng. ; res. ; enl. Oct. '63 ; must, in Avery, Bd"ward. age 22 ; Boston, Mass., cred. Cornish 13,

Oct. 13, '63, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 18, '63, Concord.

Co. D ; b. Barnstead age ; res. ; enl. Sept. '61 ; in Oct. '61, as Corp. ; captd. June Avery, Prank L. ; 25 Rochester 21, must, 23, '64, '64. 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; released ; nmst. out Oct. 29, P. O. ad., Farmington. See 1 N. H. V. '63 Avery, George H. Co. D ; substitute ; b. Strafford ; age 19 ; res. Strafford, cred. Northwood ; enl. Aug. 11, ; must, in Aug. '63, '64 II, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. A, Nov. 20, ; app. Corp. ; killed Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va.

'61 '61, ; '62, Avery, John. Co. D ; b. Straiiord ; age 18 ; res. Rochester ; enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. wd. Sept. 17,

Antietam. Md. ; June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. wds. Nov. 12, '64, Alexandria, Va., tm. ex. Died Oct. 10, '93, Barnstead. See 1 N. H. Cav. '61, Avery, Steahen D. Co. D ; b. Epsom ; age 28 ; res. Rochester; enl. Sept. 19, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; wd. June 1,

'62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 28, '62. P. O. ad., Raeville, Neb. See 1 N. H. Cav. '63 Ayer, Joseph B. Co. D ; drafted ; b. Deerfield ; age 33 ; res. Deerfield, cred. Deerfield ; drafted Aug. 12, ; must, in Aug. 12,

'63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. B ; must, out June 28, '65. Died July 1, '92, Northwood.

Babb, Leonard. Co. B; substitute; b. Straffoi-d ; age 40; res. Farmington, cred. Boscawen ; enl. Aug. 19, '63; must, in Aug.

19, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 29, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; tr. to 7 Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C. ; re-tr. to regt. Dec. 22, '64 ; wd. Apr. 7,

'65, Farmville, Va. ; disch. Oct. 5, '65, to date July 7, '65, Baltimore, Md. See 6 N. H. V. Bacon, Charles H. Co. G; b. Lowell, Mass.; age 19; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 27, '62. Died July 25, '77, Claremont.

Bacon, Ovren. Co. H; substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Canaan; enl. Aug. 11, '64 ; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv.; app.

Corp. ; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; must, out June 28, '65. Baggott, Charles. Co. H; substitute; b. New York; age 20; cred. Croydon; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Akron, Ohio.

Baggott, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. New Hampshire; age 20; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, '64, '64, as Priv. ; received Aug. 21, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 26, '64, to regt. N. f . r. A. G. O. Bagley, Samuel. Co. B; substitute; b. Thornton; age 19; res. Manchester, cred. Henniker; enl. Aug. 19, '63; must, in Aug.

19, '63, as Priv. ; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. Died, wds. July 10, '65, Washington, D. C.

Bailey, Augustus. Co. F ; b. Hyde Park, Vt. ; age 18 ; res. Keene ; enl. Oct. 23, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 15, '62, near Alexandria, Va. '61 Bailey, Charles H. Co. K ; b. Andover, Mass. ; age 19 ; res. Hillsborough ; enl. Sept. 2, ; must. in. Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Died Nov. 14, '62.

b. ; res. enl. '61 ; '61, Bailey, David H. Co. K ; Washington ; age 18 Washington; Sept. 16, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 14, '62. P. O. ad., Kansas City, Mo.

b. age 22 res. Plaistow enl. Sept. '61 ; '61, ; Bailey, George W. Co. K ; Salem ; ; ; 16, must, in Oct. 12, as Corp. disch. disab. Oct. 22, '62, Newport News, Va. P. O. ad.. North Salem. See Miscel. Organizations. '61 '61, Bailey, Rufus H. H. Co. K ; b. Salem ; age 20 ; res. Salem ; enl. Sept. 16, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 4, '62, Washingiion, D. C. See 1 N. H. V. and Miscel. Organizations.

b. Can. ; age ; res. Orford ; enl. '61 ; '61, Baker, John A. Co. C ; Compton, 33 Sept. 9, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 7, '62, New York city. P. 0. ad., Weathersfield, Vt. Baker, Nathaniel B. Co. A; b. Farmington, Me.; age 24; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 14, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; '63. wd. sev. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 23, Supposed identical with Nathaniel E. Baker, Co. E, 18 N. H. V. Balch, Alfred. Co. B; b. Bath; age 22; res. Bath; enl. Oct. 14, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Corp.; tilled June 1, '62, Fail- Oaks, Va.

Fairlee, Vt. ; age 19 res. ; enl. Sept. '61 ; '61, ; '63, Balch, Newton A. Co. I; b. ; Lyme 23, must, in Oct. 15, as Priv. wd. May,

Chancellorsville, Va. ; July 27, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64.

; substitute ; b. London, Eng.; age ; cred. enl. '64 Balcomb, Henry. Co. D 35 Merrimack ; Aug. 10, ; must, in Aug. 10, '64, as

Priv. ; tr. to Co. A, Nov. 20, '64 ; des. Feb. 3, '65, New York city.

Francis Stone. Co. ; substitute; b. Baldwin, Charles, aims B Canada; age 19; cred. Lyme ; enl. Sept. 7, '64; must, in Sept. 7, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 18, '65, Burkeville, Va. b. Canada age enl. Dec. '63 '63, Ballard, George. Co. K ; ; 20 ; 7, ; must, in Dec. 7, as Priv. ; mis. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Co. ; b. Claremont ; age 35 ; res. Somersworth app. '61 Balloch, George W. D ; 1 Lt. Oct. 12, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61 ; disch. to date July 26, '62. P. 0. ad., Washington, D. C. See Miscel. Organizations.

Co. G; b. Hartland, Vt. ; age 28 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. '61, ; Ballou, Charles O. 6, as Priv. app. 2 Lt. Oct. 12, '61 ; must.

in Oct. 12, '01, as 2 Lt. ; app. 1 Lt. Co. K, Feb. 18, '62 ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Barnard, Hazen A. Co. F; b. Stoughton, Mass.; age 18; res. Concord; enl. Mar. 19, '62; must, in Apr. 20, '62, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 14, '62, West Point, Va. Supposed identical with Hazen A. Barnard, 2 Co. N. 11. H. Art. Barnes, George J. Co. H. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S. Barnes, Walter. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 20; cred. Manchester; enl. Aug. 12, '64; must, in Aug. 12, '64, as Priv.; received Aug. 12, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

b. Montpelier, Vt. ; ; res. '61 ; Bamett, Chancy W. Co. D ; age 18 Canaan, Vt. ; enl. Nov. 26, must, in Nov. 26, '61, as Priv. wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Sept. 27, '62, Harper's Ferry, Va. b. Montreal, Barney, Horace Co. C ; substitute ; Can. ; age 23 ; res. Montreal, Can., cred. Farmington ; enl. Aug. 14, '63 must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 19, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. ;;;


Barrett, Frederick. Co. F; b. Hinsdale; age 19; res. Winchester ; enl. Oct. 2, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Corp.; wd. Dec.

13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Framingham, Mass. '62 '62, Barrett, Guy Y. Co. F; b. Lisbon ; age 21 ; res. Lisbon, cred. Lisbon ; enl. Aug. 13, ; must, in Aug. 18, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 27, '62, Washington, D. C. '64 Barrigan, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Aug. 31, ; must, in Aug. 31, '64, as Priv.

received Aug. 15, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f . r. A. G-. O. Barron, Thomas. Co. B. See Terrance McGrath.

Barry, Dennis. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Brookline ; enl. Aug. 18, '64 ; must, in Aug. 18, '64, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Dec. 1, '64. Bartlett, Benjamin. Co. G; substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Alstead; enl. Aug. 6, '64; must, in Aug. 6, '64, as Priv.;

mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65.

Bartlett, Charles H. Co. D ; b. Ossipee ; age 21 ; res. Milan ; enl. Dec. 5, '61 ; must, in Dec. 5, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; des. Sept. 15, '62. '61 Bartlett, Daniel D. Co. I ; b. HUl; age 19 ; res. Hill ; enl. Oct. 1, ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 23, '62, near Alexandria, Va.

Bartlett, Israel. Co. B; substitute; b. Canada; age 23; cred. SuUivan ; enl. Sept. 5, '64; must, in Sept. 5, '64, as Priv.; captd. '65, '65 '65. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; re-captd. Apr. 10, ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., North Uxbridge, Mass. Barton, Andre'w. Co. H. See Thomas Smith.

Barton, Ira McL. Co. E ; b. Newport ; age 22 ; res. Newport ; app. Capt. Oct. 12, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61 ; resigned Sept. 6, '62. See 1 Inf. and 2 Co. H. Art., N. H. V., and Miscel. Organizations. '61, Barton, Sanford T. Co. E ; b. Croydon ; age 19 ; res. Croydon ; enl. Sept. 7, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; wd. June 1,

'62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 10, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Croydon. See V. R. C. '61 '61, Barton, Thomas H. Co. E ; b. VValpole ; age 22 ; res. Walpole ; enl. Sept. 18, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; app. Corp. killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. See 1 N. H. V. drafted '63 Batchelder, Samuel. Co. D ; drafted ; b. Hampton ; age 24 ; res. Hampton Falls, cred. Hampton Falls ; Aug. 10, ;

must, in Aug. 10, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. to Co. B ; captd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; re- '65 captd. Apr. 10, ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Hampton Falls. Bates, Samuel. Co. F; substitute; b. Vermont; age 19; cred. Kindge; en^ Oct. 1, '63; must, in Oct. 1, '63, as Priv.; app.

Sergt. ; returned to 4 Vt. Inf. Jan. 2, '65, as a deserter from that regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. '61 '61, Bates, Sidney T. Band ; b. , Vt. ; age 28 ; res. Hooksetc ; enl. Sept. 9, ; must, in Oct. 26, as 3 Class Muse. ; disch. disab. May 14, '62, near Richmond, Va. See 17 Inf. aud 1 H. Art., N. H. V.

; ; ; res. Bedford, Mass., cred. Claremont ; enl. Oct. '63 ; must. Bauman, Henry. Co. E substitute ; b. Germany age 22 New 3, " " in Oct. 3, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. William Bacon," Res- " " olute," and Fuchsia ; disch. Aug. 3, '65, as Quarter Gunner. '61 '61, Bean, Benjamin M. Co. E ; b. (iilford ; age 28 ; res. Meredith ; enl. Sept. 28, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. '62 '63, Nov. 11, '62 ; 1 Serg^. Nov. 20, ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. May 15, Concord.

; ; ; '61 ; umst. in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; Dec. Bean, Burnis B. Co. K ; b. Hollis, Me. age 21 res. Haverhill enl. Sept. 18, 12, wd. 13,

'62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Mar. 13, '63, Portsmouth Grove, R. I. P. O. ad., Saco, Me.

; ; res. Northwood ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Corp. Bean, Charles "W. Co. A ; b. Cambridgeport, Mass. age 21 5, '62. '62 ; '62 Sept. '62, Antietam, Md. Died, wds. Oct. app. Sergt. Feb. 23, ; 1 Sergt. 2 Lt. Co. H, Sept. 10, ; wd. 17, 10,

; ; ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. Bean, David B. Co. H ; b. Tuftonborough age 27 res. Tuftouborough 20, 19,

app. Corp. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Bean, George J. Co. D; b. Gilmanton; age 36; res. Rochester; enl. Oct. 25, '61; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as Priv. Died Sept. 9, '62, Newark, N. J.

; age ; res. Lebanon ; enl. Aug. 3, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. Bean, Harvey A. Co. C ; b. Granville, N. Y. 21 '64. '75, 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, Died June 3, Lebanon. '61; '61; Bean, John W. Co. 1; b. Vermont; age 28; res. Danbury ; app. 2 Lt. Oct. 12, must, in Oct. 15, app. 1 Lt. Co. A,

'62 '62 ; '64, ; resigned, disab. Sept. '64. 1 July 31, ; C:apt. Co. I, Dec. 16, wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. 20, Bvt. Lt.,

U. S. A., Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; Bvt. Capt., U. S. A., Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. P. O. ad., Nashua, Fla. See Miscel. Organ- izations.

; ; ; enl. '62 must, in Feb. '62, as ; Bean, Thomas P. Unas'd b. Concord ; age 14 res. Concord Feb. 24, ; 28, Muse. sent Mar. 21, '62, to regt., from Concord. N. f. r. A. G. O. See 1 Co., N. H. H. Art. '64; '64, Beardsley, Matthew O. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Bath ; enl. Aug. 17, must, in Aug. 17, as '64, Priv. ; received Aug. 17, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; seut Aug. 27, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; ; res. ; Oct. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, ; Beaton, Charles C. Co. F ; b. Lancaster age 23 Lancaster enl. 23, 26, as Priv. disch. disab. May 14, '62. P. O. ad., Lancaster. See 7 N. H. V. res. enl. Beck, James. Co. G; substitute; b. Livei-pool, Eng. ; age 21; Liverpool, Eng., cred. Loudon; Aug. 19, '63; must, in

Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 25, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; ; res. York, cred. Farmington enl. Aug. '63 Becker, Emil. Co. C ; substitute b. Cologne, Prussia age 29 ; New ; 14, ; must, in

Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 28, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; ; cred. Rochester ; enl. Aug. '63 ; must, '63, Beecher, John. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Roxbury, Mass. age 34 14, in Aug. 14, as " Vassar," " " Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew William Bacon," and Vau- " '65. Beecher, I, 15 N. H. V. and State Service. dalia ; disch. July 24, Supposed identical with John Co. Beede, Hiram P. Co. H. See 1 Regt. U. S. S. S. Beers, George C. Co. G; b. Grantham; age 20; res. Claremont; enL Sept. 12, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 10, '62. P. O. ad., Lawrence, Mass.

; ; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; disch. Beers Ira J Co. F ; b. Plainfield ; age 21 res. Plainfield 23, 23, disab. Sept. 25, '62. enl. Sept. '61 must, in Oct. '61, Beers, Nathaniel B. Co. G ; b. Hartland, Vt. ; age 40 ; res. Cornish ; 27, ; 12, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 1, '62. P. O. ad., Naugatuck, Conn. See 1 N. H. Cav.

; ; 22 res. St. John, N. B., cred. Epsom ; enl. '63 Belgea, William. Co. A ; substitute b. St. John, N. B. age ; Aug. 19, ; must.

in Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 9, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. enl. Oct. '63 must, in Oct. '63, Bell, Frederick. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 42 ; cred. Keene ; 1, ; 1, as Priv. ; wd. '65. Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. ; must, out June 28,

; city, cred. Newmarket ; enl. Dec. 4, '63 ; must, Bell, George. Co. C ; b. Dublin, Ir. ; age 28 res. New York South in Dec. 4, '64, Andersonville, '63, as Priv. ; wd. and captd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, dis. Sept. 11, Ga.

; ; enl. Sept. '64 ; must, in Sept. '64, as Priv. ; Bell, James. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 22 cred. Concord 1, 1, received

Sept. 1, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; ; ; enl. Sept. ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; Bemis, Arvin C. Co. G ; b. Chester, Vt. age 18 res. Charlestown 27, 161 disch. disab. Jan. 31, '63, Alexandria, Va. Supposed identical with Arvin C. Bemis, Co. B, 1 N. H. Cav. ;;;;;


'64, as ; ; ; cred. Temple ; enl. Sept. 5, '64 ; must, in Sept. 5, Bemis, Charles R. Co. B ; substitute b. New Hampshire age 30

Priv. ; wd. Apr. 7, 't)5, Farmville, Va. ; disch. disab. July 15, '65, Annapolis, Md. 12, ; enl. Sept. 12, '64 ; must. in Sept. '64, Bender, George W. Unas'd; substitute; b. Nova Scotia age 22; cred. Portsmouth ; '64, f. r. O. as Priv. ; received Sept. 13, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Sept. 23, to regt. N. A. G. '63, enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ; killed July 2, Bennet, Byron. Co. I ; b. Orange ; age 22 ; res. Dorchester ; 2, Gettysburg, Pa. '64, Priv. ; ; ; cred. ; enl. '64 ; must, in Aug. 10, as Bennett, Daniel. Co. H ; substitute b. Exeter age 18 Exeter Aug. 10, must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Exeter. '64, ; ; ; enl. '64 ; must, in Aug. 12, as Bennett, James. Co. B ; substitute b. Canada age 23 ; cred. Peterborough Aug. 12,

Priv. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 11, '64, Petersburg, Va.

; '61 ; in Oct. '61, as Priv. Bennett, John. Co. H ; b. Moultonborough ; age 35 res. Moultonborough ; enl. Sept. 25, must, 19, disch. disab. Apr. 27, '63. '64 Sept. '64, as Priv. Bennett, Joseph. iJnas'd ; substitute ; b. New York ; age 21 ; cred. Sunapee ; enl. Sept. 5, ; must, in 5, ; des. to the enemy Oct. 11, '64.

; ; '63 ; '63, as Priv. ; killed Benney, John. Co. A ; substitute b. India age 22 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 19, must, in Aug. 19, June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

; b. ; ; '63 Dec. '63, as Priv. Benney, Robert. Co. E Wales age 20 res. Portland, Me., cred. Acworth ; enl. Dec. 7, ; must, in 7, " " " '65. tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. William Bacon" and Don ; disch. Aug. 8, '64, tried Benson, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 25 ; cred. Rindge ; enl. Aug. 6, '64 ; must, in Aug. 6, as Priv. ;

for desertion. City Point, Va. ; found guilty and shot Jan. 6, '65, by sentence G. C. M. Bent, James W. Co. B. See 2 Begt. U. S. S. S. Benton, Samuel O. Co. E; b. Keene; age 32; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 29, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; wd. May,

'63, Chancellorsville, Va. ; app. Corp. ; killed Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Va.

; ; '63 in '63, Bergeron, Francis. Co. B ; b. Three Rivers, Can. age 42 ; res. Hanover, cred. Hanover enl. Dec. 2, ; must, Dec. 2, '65, '65. as Priv. ; mis. Apr. 6, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; returned ; nmst. out June 28, P. O. ad.. Fall River, Mass. Sept. '63 Bernstein, Solomon. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Warsaw, Poland ; age 25 ; res. Springfield, Mass., cred. Keene ; enl. 17, ;

must, in Sept. 17, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 19, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; b. ; res. '61 ; '61, ; '64, Cold Beiry, James. Co. A Loudon age 23 ; Loudon ; enl. Aug. 26, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. wd. June 3,

Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Montour, Iowa. Berry, James. Co. H; substitute; b. Holland; age 29; res. Boston, Mass., cred. 2 District; enl. Sept. 1, '63; must, in Sept. 1, " " '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Anacostia ; disch., reduction naval force, July 17, '65, from receiving ship, Washington, D. C, as a Seaman.

b. Ossipee res. Ossipee Sept. '61 ; Oct. '61, Corp. ; app. Sergt. ; disch. Berry, John W. Co. H ; ; age 23 ; ; enl. 12, must, in 19, as disab. June 15, 'S2. P. O. ad., Derry Depot.

; b. ; '64 ; '64, as Berthier, Augustus. Co. B ; substitute Switzerland age 27 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Sept. 5, must, in Sept. 5,

Priv. ; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; disch. June 15, '65, Philadelphia, Pa.

b. ; '64 in '64, Priv. des. Beyer, John. Co. H ; substitute ; Germany ; age 23 ; cred. Nashua enl. Aug. 22, ; must, Aug. 23, as ; Oct. 15, '64.

; b. ; res. ; enl. '61 ; '61, ; re-enl. must. Bias, James. Co. G Canada age 19 ; Charlestown Sept. 27, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. and '64 in Jan. 1, ; cred. Claremont ; des. Apr. 22, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61 '61, Biokford, Charles H. Co. B ; b. Durham ; age 18 ; res. Durham ; enl. Sept. 17, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. Died Aug. 11, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va.

; res. enl. '61 ; '61, ; disch. Biokford, Henry H. Co. H ; b. Barrington ; age 21 Jackson ; Sept. 18, must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. disab. Oct. 28, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Salem, Mass. '61 '61, Biokford, John B. Co. K ; b. Durham ; age 21 ; res. Durham ; enl. Sept. 17, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; captd. June 29, '62, Peach Orchard, Va. Died, dis. Aug. 20, '62, Richmond, Va.

b. age ; res. Portland, ; enl. Dec. '61 ; must, in Jan. '62, Priv. disch. Biokford, Nathan B. El. Co. B ; Milan ; 21 Me. 7, 4, as ; Feb. 8, '63, Falmouth, Va. P. O. ad., Washington, D. C. See Miscel. Organizations.

substitute b. Jersey ; age 25 ; res. Jersey City, N. J., cred. Lempster enl. '63 must, in Bickings, John. Co. H ; ; New ; Oct. 6, ; '65. Oct. 6, '63, as Priv. ; dishon. disch. .June 29,

res. ; enl. '61; '61, Bigelow, William. Co. H; b. Wheelock, Vt. ; age 24; Wheelock, Vt. Sept. 9, must.ln Oct. 19, as Priv.; des. Oct. 19, '61, Concord. '64 substitute b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Hanover ; enl. Sept. 12, ; must, in Sept. '64, as Priv. ; des. Birch, Charles. Co. A ; ; 12, to the enemy Dec. 1, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

; b. age ; res. Franconia, cred. Lisbon ; enl. Aug. 19, '62 ; must, in Aug. '62, as Priv. Bishop, Henry D. Co. B Lyman ; 23 19, '65, 'wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. June 13, near Alexandria, Va. P. 0. ad., Littleton.

; cred. Nashua ; enl. Aug. '64 ; in '64, ; substitute ; b. Ireland age 22 ; 20, must, Aug. 20, as Priv. des. Sept. Black John. Co. H ; 10, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '64 substitute b. Canada ; age 22 ; cred. Franconia ; enl. Sept. 10, ; must, in Sept. 10, '64, as Priv. ; Blair, Charles. Co. A ; ; des. to the enemy Dec. 1, '64, near Petersburg, Va. res. '61 Co. b. Lebanon, Me. ; age 36 ; Lebanon, Me. ; enl. Oct. 7, ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. Blaisdell, Benjamin F. H ; 23, disch. disab. Apr. 17, 'g3. Concord. P. O. ad., Manchester. res. Gilford enl. Sept. '61 must, '61, Blaisdell, Lyman F. Co. E ; b. Gilford ; age 20 ; ; 16, ; in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Va.

b. Peacham, Vt. ; age 37 ; res. Lisbon ; enl. Sept. 23, '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; Blake Benjamin Y. Co. C ; 12, wd. Sept. '62. 17, '6-2, Antietam, Md. ; app. Sergt. ; disch. disab. Nov. 28, See 1 Co. N. H. H. Art.

b. York ; age ; cred. Atkinson ; enl. Aug. '64 ; must, '64, substitute ; New 21 13, in Aug. 13, as Priv. Blake, Harry. Co. H ; '65 '65. app. Corp. Apr. 18, ; must, out June 28,

res. Hampton enl. Sept. '61 '61, ; Co. b. Hampton ; age 39 ; ; 24, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. disch. disab. Blake Oliver W. D ; ' Oct. 2.5, '62, Concord. P. O. ad., Nat. Home, Togus, Me.

Jan. 3, '63. P. 0. ad., Greenville.

; b. Malone, N. Y. ; age 80 ; res. Newport, Vt., cred. ; '63 Blanchard, Daniel. Co. B ; substitute Charlestown enl. Oct. 13, '64, Harbor, must, in Oct. 13, '63, as Priv. ; wd. and captd. June 3, Cold Va. Died, wds. July 18, '64, Richmond, Va.

Co. b. Canada ; age 31 ; res. Winchester ; enl. Oct. '61 ; in Oct. '61, Blanchard, Isaac, o/j'os Nelson Wood. F ; 23, must, 23, as '62, Oaks, Va. Died, wds. June 19, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. Piiv. ; wd. June 1, Fair enl. Sept. '61 '61, b. Croydon ; age 24 ; res. Croydon ; 3, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. ; wd. Blanchard John. Co. K ; '64. Died Dec. '88, June 16, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, 24, Croydon. '61, b. Sandwich ; age 43 ; res. Sandwich ; enl. Oct. 1, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. Died Blanchard, Thomas C. Co. H ; June 12, '62, Yorktown, Va. ;;;;;;



Blinville. Co. B substitute b. France ; George. ; ; age 29 ; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Sept. 2, '04 ; itiust. in Sept. 2, '64, as Priv. des. to the enemy Oct. 11, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Bliss, Charles H. Co. D; b. Suffield, Conn.; age 21 ; res. Rochester; enl. Sept. 26, '61; must, in Oct. 28, '01, as Priv.; wd. June 1, '02, Fair Oaks, '02, Va. ; Sept. 17, Antietam, Md. ; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, '64; cred. des. 10, '64, Dover; Mav- ' Pt. Lookout, Wd. P. 0. ad., Westfield, Mass. See 1 N. H. V. Bliss, Samuel F. Co. D b. Suffield, Conn. ; ; age 18 ; res. Rochester ; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Oct. 2 !, '61, aa Priv. ; des. Apr. 00, 62. Blodgett, Daniel Co. B b. Berlin W. ; ; age 21 ; res. '61 ; Berlin ; enl. Dec. 7, must, in Jan. 4, '62, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '62, 1-air Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 6, '62, New York city. Blood, Alonzo. Co. B. See 2 Kegt. IJ. S. S. S. Blood, George H. Co. B. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S. Bly, Asa. Co. H substitute b. Eppiug ; ; age res. ; 20; Raymond, cred. Raymond; enl. Aug.o 11, '68; must, in Au^. H, '63, as = . Priv. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ' - . Bodo, Stephen. Co. C b. ; Three Rivers, Can. ; ; age 25 res. Lebanon ; enl. Sept. 28, '61 ; in 12, '61, as Piiv. ; disch. . t- must Oct. 1, disab. May '62, near Yorktown, Va. . . Bogan, William. Unas'd substitute ; ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Dublin ; enl. Aug. 10, '64 ; must, in Aug. ID, '64, as Priv. received Aug. 10, '64, draft at rendezvous ; sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Bohonon, Simeon P. Co. I; b. Danbury; age res. 21 ; Danbury; enl. Sept. 11, '61 ; must, in Oct. lo, '61, as Piiv. ; wd. June l

des. to the 1 , '04, enemy Oct. 1 near Petersburg, Va.

Borden, Lyman. Co. II ; substitute b. Barnstable, Mass. ; '63 ; age 28 ; res. Barnstable, Mass., cred. New Boston ; enl. Oct. 15, ; '63, must, in Oct. 15, as Priv. ; reported on m. o. roll dated June 28, '65, as absent in arrest since MayJ 27, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. N. f. r. A. G. O. ' '

Boucher, Bozile. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Acton, Can. ; age ; '64 20 cred. Alton ; enl. Sept. 20, ; must, in Sept. 20, '64, as Priv.

des. Nov. '64 ; 22, ; appreh. dishon. disch. June 14, '65, Washington, D. C.

B. Co. D ; b. Natick, Mass. ; ; res. ; '61, Boulter, Joseph age 24 Dover enl. Sept. 30, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; wd. sev. 2.), '64, '64. Aug. Ream's Station, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, Died June 25, '84, Kittery, Me.

Co. B substitute ; b. ; '64 '64, Bouscay, Charles B. ; Canada age 20 ; cred. ; Weare enl. Aug. 31, ; must, iu Aug. 31, as Priv. must, out June 28, '65. Co. Bowers, Joseph. K ; substitute ; b. Scotland ; age 21 ; cred. Monroe ; enl. Aug. 12, '64 ; must, in Aug. 12, '64, as Priv. des. to the enemy Oct. 6, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Bowley, Benjamin F. Co. I; drafted; b. Exeter; age 22; res. Exeter, cred. Exeter; drafted Aug. 11, '63; must, in Aug. 11, '63, Priv. '64, as ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Corp. Nov. 1, '64 ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Exeter. See 6 N. H. V.

Bowman, Selwin R. Co. I; b. Vermont; age 21; res. Claremout; enl. Oct. 19, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 22, '62, Philadelphia, Pa.

Co. C ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age ; cred. Auburn '63 ; in '63, as Priv. ; des. Boxall, Isaac. 27 ; enl. Aug. 11, must, Aug. 11, Nov. 19, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '63 Boyce, Henry H. Co. F ; drafted ; b. Fitzwilliam ; age 23 ; res. Fitzwilliam, cred. Fitzwilliam ; drafted Oct. 3, ; must, in '63, '64 Oct. 3, a.s Priv. ; app. Corp. Oct. 23, ; captd. Mar. 25, '65, Ft. Stedman, Va. ; released 5Iar. 30, '65 ; disch. June 24, '65, Annapolis, Md. Died Nov. 29, '69, New York city. See 2 U. S. S. S.

; cred. '64 '64, Priv. ; Boyd, Henry. Co. 11 ; substitute ; b. Ireland age 32 ; Bath ; enl. Aug. 24, ; must, in Aug. 24, as app. Corp. des. Apr. 17, '65, while on furlough. Boyd, Thomas. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 23; res. Concord, cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 11, '62; must, in Aug. 18, '62, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. Boyd. See Bold.

b. ; 20 ; '64 in '64, as Priv. Boyle, Edward. Unas'd ; substitute ; London, Eng. age ; cred. Candia enl. Aug. 9, ; must, Aug. 9,

received Aug. 10, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

cred. ; Sept. '64 iu Sept. '64, as Priv. ; des. Boyleau, Pierre. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Belgium ; age 20 ; Amherst enl. 5, ; must, 5, Oct. 15, '64, Petersburg, Va. '63 b. Acton, ; 26 res. Rochester enl. Aug. 14, ; must, in Aug. Braokett, Moses D. Co. B ; substitute ; Me. age ; Milton, cred. ;

14, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. June 8, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Milton. See 1 N. E. Cav. '63 Haverhill, Mass. ; age ; res. Haverhill, Mass., cred. Mont A'ernon ; enl. Sept. 1, Bradbury, Daniel. Co. G ; substitute ; b. 24 ; '65. must, in Sept. 1, '63, as Priv. ; captd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; exch. Dec. 15, '64 ; must, out June 28, Died Nov. 11, '92, Nat. Home, Togus, Me. '64 '64, ; 24 cred. Manchester ; enl. Aug. 12, ; must, in Aug. 12, as Priv. Bradley, George. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Canada age ;

des. Oct. 15, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; appreh. ; executed Dec. 23, '64, by sentence G. C. M. '62 Bradley, John "W"., Jr. Co. E ; b. Woodstock, Vt. ; age 28 ; res. Newport, cred. Newport ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19, '62, Priv. tr. '63 as ; to Co. D, May 9, ; to Co. B, Nov. 20, '64 ; disch. May 17, '65, near Alexandria, Va.

Co. B ; substitute ; b. Connecticut ; age 21 ; cred. enl. '63 in '6i5, Bragg, Randall N. Nelson ; Sept. 25, ; must, Sept. 25, as Priv. disch. Oct. 10, '67, to date June 28, '65, Boston, Mass.

Patrick. Co. A ; b. Ireland ; age ; res. Boscaweu (Fisherville, enl. '61 ; Branau, 26 now Penacook) ; Sept. 9, must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Sept. 12, '62. P. O. ad., Charlestown, Mass. ;';,


'64 enl. 1-3, must, in Aug. 13, '64, as Priv. ; app. Branegan, John. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 28 ; ored. AVilton ; Aug. ;

Corp. ; des. Mav 1, '65, Washington, D. C. Priv. enl. Sept. 16, '64 ; must, in Sept. 16, '64, as Braun, Williain. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Austria ; age 21 ; ored. Wakefield ; des. Oct. 10, '64. '63 '63, des. Bream, Unas'd ; ; enl. ; must, in Dec. 9, as Priv. ; James. substitute b. Ireland Castle ; Dec. 9, ; age 20 ; cred. New

Dec. — . N. f. r. A. G. O. enl. Sept. '63 Brack, Daniel. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Naugatuck, Conn. ; age 22 ; res. Waterbury, Conn., cred. Laconia ; 29, ;

must, in Sept. 29, '63, as Priv. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

; ; '62 in Apr. 20, '62, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, Breed, Charles W. Co. B ; b. Unity age 18 ; res. Claremont enl. Mar. 13, ; must,

'62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; des. Oct. 1, '63. Breed, German N. Co. K; b. Peterborough; age 26; res. Peterborough; enl. Aug. 26, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Sergt. Died, dis. Mar. 27, '62, Fairfax Court House, Va.

'61 ; '61, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, Brennen, Peter. Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age 25 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Sept. 17, must, in Oct. 12, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Apr. 22, '63, Washington, D. C.

; '61 ; Oct. '61, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. Bresland, Joseph. Co. G b. Ireland ; age 23 ; res. Charlestown ; enl. Sept. 27, must, in 12,

13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Apr. 2, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Nat. Home, Wis. See 9 N. H. V. '64; in '64, as Priv.; Breyer, Henry P. Co. H; substitute; b. Michigaa ; age 19; cred. Keene ; enl. Aug. 15, must, Aug. 15, must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Detroit, Mich. '63; Brickett, Edwin. Co. D; drafted; b. Hampstead ; age 30; res. Derry, cred. Derry ; drafted Aug. 11, must, in Aug. 11, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. June 2, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. '64 '64, as Priv. Bridges, Frank. Co. H ; substitute ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 24 ; cred. Lee ; enl. Aug. 18, ; must, in Aug. 18, wd. Apr. 6, '65, Sailor's Creek, Va. Died, wds. May 5, '65, Baltimore, Md.

'61 ; '61, Died, dis. July Bridges, "William H. Co. I ; b. Wilton ; age 20 ; res. Wilton ; enl. Sept. 26, must, in Oct. 15, as Priv. 26, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. See 1 N. H. V. '64; '64, des. to Brier, Baptist. Co. H; substitute; b. Canada; age 22 ; cred. Hanover; enl. Sept. 9, must, in Sept. 9, as Priv.; the enemy Oct. 15, '64, while on picket near Petersburg, Va.

Briggs, Gilbert. Co. I; b. Orange ; age 26 ; res. Alexandria; enl. Sept. 13, '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. disch. disab. Jan. '63, Falmouth, Va. P. O. ad., Wilmot. ; 10, '64 Brook, Henry, alias George Greenwood. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Dorchester ; enl. Sept. 6, ; must, in

Sept. 6, '64, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 9, '64. '61, Bromley, Joshua R. Co. F ; b. Danbury ; age 29 ; res. Keene ; enl. Oct. 23, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, as 1 Sergt. ; killed June 6, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. '61 '61, Bronson, Ira T. Co. I ; b. Watertown, N. Y. ; age 21 ; res. Bath ; enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Oct. 15, as Muse. ; wd. Sept. '62, '64 17, Antietam, Md. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Lisbon ; app. Sergt. ; 1 Lt. Co. C, Oct. 28, ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Sedalia, Mo. Bronson, Jonathan E. Co. E; b. Canada; age 18; res. Bath; enl. Oct. 4, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and

must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Claremojit ; app. Corp. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Sergt. Jan. 11, '65 ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Sedalia, Mo.

Brooks, George. Co. G ; b. Charlestown ; age 21 ; res. Charlestown ; enl. Sept. 27, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl.

and must, in Feb. 19, '64; app. Corp. ; captd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; released Nov. 25, '64 ; disch. June 17, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Dorp, Neb.

Brooks, Michael. Co. D ; b. Ireland ; age 28 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Oct. 26, '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as Priv. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. 0. ad., Nat. Home, Togus, Me.

; ; ; '64 ; '64, Brooks, "William, Co. G substitute b. Canada age 23 ; cred. Richmond ; enl. Aug. 5, must, in Aug. 5, as Priv. must, out June 28, '65. '63 Broruillar, Joseph. Co. K ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; res. Canada, cred. Chester ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, '63, as Priv. killed June 18, '64, Petersburg, Va.

Brouchard, Alphonse. Co. A ; substitute ; b. France ; age 29 ; cred. Warren ; enl. Sept. 14, '64 ; must, in Sept. 14, '64, as

I'riv. ; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; disch. Aug. 12, '65, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass.

Brow, Charles. Co. F; b. Canada; age 44 ; res. Claremont; enl. Feb. 21, '62; must, in Feb. 28, '62, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62,

Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch disab. Mar. 25, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Died Aug. 1, '79, Weathersfleld, Vt. Brown, Albeit C. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 24; ored. Newbury; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv.; received Aug. 17, '64, draft rendezvous, Concord; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Brown, Albert "W. Co. G; b. Moullonborough; age 39; res. Claremont, cred. Claremont; enl. Dec. 18, '63; must, in Dec. 18, '63, '64, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. to 20 V. R. C. ; disch. July 14, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., South Newbury. Brown, Alfred. Co. A; substitute; b. Sweden; age 32; cred. Manchester; enl. Sept. 16, '64; must, in Sept. 16, '64, as Priv.; des. Nov. 19, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Co. B substitute b. Saxony, Ger. ; age res. Brown, Anton. ; ; 39 ; Boston, Mass., cred. Farmington ; enl. Aug. 14, '63 ; must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 30, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Unas'd substitute b. Indiana age 23 cred. Pittsfield '63 • Brown, Charles. ; ; ; ; ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aue. 20 '63 as Priv 6 g r v. des. May 30, '64, I'ort Royal, Va. ' . , , Brown, Charles. Unas'd. See Alphonse Denoyer. Co. I; drafted; b. age Brown, Charles "W. Sandown; 20; res. Fremont, cred. Fremont; drafted Aug. 11, '63; must in Aug '63, as '64, 11, Pnv. ; wd. July 27, Deep Bottom, Va. ; tr. to Co. H, 13 V. R. '65 C, Mar. 8, ; disch. July 16, '65, Concord P. O. ad., Rochester, N. Y. Co. B b. Bath age res. Brown, Edmund. ; ; 40; Lancaster ; app. Capt. Oct. '61 ; '6'' 12, must, in Oct. 24, '61 ; disch. Feb 15 Died Oct. 26, '82, Lancaster. ' b. Brown, Freeman. Band; Fremont; age 21; res. Fremont; enl. Sept. 13, '61 '61, • ; must, in Oct. 26, as 3 Class Muse mu.st out Aug. 8, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. P. 0. ad., Haverhill, Mass. See State Service. Brown, George B. Co. G; b. Claremont; age 18; res. Claremont; enl Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Corp.- ' app Serg-t. ; disch. disab. Sept. 6, '62. P. 0. ad., Contoocook. Co. D; b. Pittsburg; Brown, Harvey C. age 18; res. Pittsburg; enl. Nov. 30, '61; must, in Nov. 30, '61, as Priv.; wd Dec '62, Fredericksburg, Va. tr. to Batt'l, '64 13, ; 2 V. R. C, Apr. 19, ; '64, Ft. ; unas'd disch. Nov. 30, Monroe, Va., tm ex' P. 0. ad., Danbury. Brown, HoUis. Co. G; b. New Hampshire; age 28; res. Claremont, cred. Claremont; enl. Dec. 18, '63; must, in Dec. 18 '63 ' wd. '64, ' as Priv. ; June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Coip. ; must, out June 28, '65. Co. b. Dublin, Ir. Brown, James. C ; ; age 18 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Strafford ; enl. Dec. 4, '63 ; must, in Dec. 4, '63 ' as Priv. furloughed Sept. '64, ; 15, from Finlay Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C. ; des. date unknown.

Co. A ; substitute b. '64 • Brown, John. ; Sweden ; age 30 ; cred. Chesterfield ; enl. Sept. 13, ; must, in Sept. 13, '64, as Priv.' des. Dec. 14, '64, from Emory Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C. ; .


Bro-wn, John. Co. H ; b. Liverpool, Eng..; age 26 ; res. Boston, Mass., '63 ored. Kensington ; eul. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, '63, as Piiv. ; app. Sevgt. ; 1 Sergt. ; des. Apr. 6, '05, while on furlough. Brown, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. England; age 22; cred. Fitzwilliatn ; enl. Aug. 22, "64; must, in Aug. 22, '64, as Priv. 1.^ I. 1 . A, \j[. \J, Brown, Josiah S. Co. G; b. Moul ton borough ; age 44; res. Claremont, cred. Claremont; enl. July 23, '62; must, in Aug. 11, '62, as Priv. ; killed Deo. 13, '62, Fredencksburg, Va. Brown, Peter Unas'd b. Reading, ; Pa. ; age 21 ; ored. Castle ; enl. '63 New Dec. 9, ; must, in Dec. 9, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. — i-'l • I" J . A.* I.T. \J, Brown, Portus H. Co. E b. Canaan, ; Vt. ; age 18 ; res. Colebrook enl. '61 ; Sept. 9, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, b2, i redericksburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. re-enl. ; and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Berlin ; must, out June 28, '65. Supposed identical with Portus H. Bi-own, State Service. Brown, Ralph N. Co. G b. " Charlestown " ; ; age 29 res. ; Claremont, cred. Claremont ; enl. Aug. 12, '62 ; must, in Aug. 12, ^'^- ''^'^' ,• ^P?' ^°''P- ' '^"'y' Gettysburg, Pa. June 4, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. disch. disab. '65, ' ^ifi , ^'*^t\'- ; ; Feb. 7, Anuap- oils, Md. Died Apr. o, '86, Contoocook. Supposed identical with Ralph N. Brown, State Service. Brown, Thomas. Co. A b. Ireland ; ; age 20 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. '63 Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 28, '64, as an Ord. heaman ; served on U. S. S. "Minnesota"; disch. May 27, '65, from receiving ship,

Brown, Thomas. Co. K substitute b; ; ; New Hampshire ; age 20 ; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Aug. 22, '64 ; must, in 22, '64, o i Aug. , & > > as Priv. ; tr. to Co. H ; des. to the enemy Dec. 1, '64. Brown, Thomas. Unas'd b. ; England ; age ; cred. ; enl. '65 28 Alton Feb. 20, ; must, in Feb. 20, '65, as Priv. ; des. May 27, 65, Alexandria, Va. Brown, William. Co. B; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Amherst; enl. Aug. 10, '64; must, in Aug. 10, '64, as Priv.; des. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65. Brown, William. Co. H; substitute; b. Ireland; age 36; cred. Exeter; eul. Aug. 17, '64; must, in Aug. 17, '64, as Priv.; & 6 . must, out June 28, '65. > . ; > Brown, Co. b. Billerica, William B. G; Mass.; age 38; res. Salisbury, Mass., cred. Newton; enl. Dec. 5, '63; must, in Dec. 5, '63, as Pi-iv. ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Seabrook. Brownlow, John. Co. B. See Frederick Wright. • Bruce, Charles. Co. F substitute ; b. ; ; Ireland ; ; '64 age 25 cred. Danville enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 9, '64, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 12, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Bruce, Co. b. Thomas. A ; Sanbomton ; age 30 ; res. Franklin ; enl. Sept. 28, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 10, '62, near Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Franklin Falls. See V. R. C. Bryson, John. Co. I; substitute; b. England; age 28; cred. Deerfield; enl. Sept. 16, '64; must, in Sept. 16, '64, as Priv. Died, wds. Oct. 31, '64, City Point, Va.

Buoknam, George H. Co. A ; b. Brighton, Mass. ; age 25 ; res. Concord ; enl. Sept. 6, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. '62, June 1, Fair Oaks, Va. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

Buoknam, John W. F. and S. ; b. Lancaster ; age 27 ; res. Lancaster ; app. Asst. Surg. Oct. 22, '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, '61 '63 '64. app. Surg. June 1, ; disch. Oct. 26, Died Dec. 18, '70, Somersworth.

Bunnell, Lucius D. Co. A ; b. Claremont ; age 35 ; res. Concord ; enl. Sept. 10, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Apr. 8, '63. See V. R. C.

Burbank, Charles A. Co. B ; b. Fryeburg, Me. ; age 24 ; res. Bartlett ; enl. Oct. 18, '61 ; must, in Oct. 24, '61, as Priv. ; wd.

sev. June 29, '62 ; disch. disab. Aug. 15, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Manchester.

; ; '61 ; '61, Burbank, Isaiah W. Co. B ; b. Conway age 30 res. Gorhain ; enl. Oct. 14, must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; wd. June 1,

'62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 2, '63, Falmouth, Va. P. O. ad., Milan.

Burges, John A. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Belfast, Me. ; age 30 ; res. New York city, cred. Warner ; enl. Aug. 20, '63 ; must, in

Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 29, '63, Ft. Lookout, Md.

Burgess, Joseph W. B. Co. H; substitute; b. Massachusetts ; age 23; cred. Wilton; enl. Aug. 13, '64; must, in Aug. 13, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 9, '64, Washington, D. C. Burke, James. Co. H; substitute; b. Ireland; age 32; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Aug. 17, '64; must, in Aug. 17, '64, as Priv.; des. to the enemy Dec. 1, '64.

; ; res. ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, Burleigh, Charles W. Co. K ; b. Newmarket age 25 Portsmouth 28, 12, as Priv. disch. disab. Jan. 26, '63, New York city. P. O. ad., Warren. '61 '61, Burleigh, Edward. Co. K ; b. Newmarket ; age 21 ; res. Greenland ; enl. Sept. 2], ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 11, '62. '64; '64, Burmingham, Henry. Co. B; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21 ; cred. Tamworth; enl. Aug. 29, must, in Aug. 29, as '65 2H, '65. Priv. ; captd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; re-captd. Apr. 10, ; must, out June

Burnett, James, alias Frank Simpson. Co. I; substitute; b. ISrooklyn, N. Y. ; age 19 ; res. Brooklyn, N. Y., cred. Swanzey; '65. enl. Oct. 5, '63 in '63, as Priv. ; disch. May 25, P. O. ad., Roxbury, Mass. ; must, Oct. 5,

; enl. '61 ; '61, ; Burnham, Franklin. Co. K ; b. Enfield ; age 36 res. Plaistow ; Sept. 18, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. tr. to 19

Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C, Sept. 1, '63 ; disch. Oct. 12, '64, Providence, R. L, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Plaistow. Burnham, Henry. Co. D; substitute; b. Canada; age 23; res. Conway, Mass., cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 19, '63; must, in

Aug. 19, '63, as Priv.; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. to Co. A, Nov. 20, '64; reported on m. o. roll as absent in hosp., Manchester. N. f. r. A. G. O. Burnham, Henry A. Co. E; substitute; b. New York city; age 29; cred. ICeene; enl. Oct. 3, '63; must, in Oct. 3, '63, as

Priv. : shot for desertion May 9, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md., by sentence G. C. M. cred. enl. '63; Burnham, William D. Co. D; substitute; b. Epping ; age 26; res. Epping, Northwood; Aug. 12, must, in

Aug. 12, '63, as Priv.; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. May 16, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Ipping. '61, ; ; enl. Sept. 12, '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, as 3 Class Muse. ; Burnham, William N. Band age 26 ; res. Farmington must, out Aug. 8, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. eul. '64; in '64, Burns, Harry. Co. A; substitute; b. Pictou, N. S. ; age 30; cred. Tuftonborough ; Sept. 13, must, Sept. 13, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. re.s. Boston, Mass., cred. Merrimack; enl. Sept. 2, '63; must, in Sept. Burns, James. Co. A ; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22;

2, '03, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 13, '64; New York city. enl. '61; must, in '61, Burns, James. Co. G; b. Cloiirael, Ir. ; age 18; res. Ciarernont; Sept. 27, Oct. 12, as Priv.; wd. Dec.

13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; killed .luly 3. '63, Gettysburg, Pa. '63 Burns, John. Co. B ; substitute ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 23 ; res. New York city, cred. Claremont ; enl. Oct. 13, ; must, in '03, Oct. 13, as Piiv. ; des. Nov. 24, '64, Pt. Lookout, .Md.

; ; enl. '64 in '61, Burns, John. Co. G substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; cred. Alexandria Aug. 10, ; must, Aug. 10, as Priv. ; wd. '65, Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; di.sch. June 12, '05. '61 '61. Thomas. Co. ; b. Ireland ; 22 res. ; enl. Oct. 12, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; Burns, G age ; Claremont wd. June 1, '62, Fair '62, Oaks, Va. ; Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab, June 6, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. P. O. ad., Claremont. ;;;


'63 in '63, as Priv. Burns, 'Williain.. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. New Castle ; enl. Dec. 9, ; must, Dec. 9,

des. Dec. — . N. f. r. A. G. 0. '61, killed Burrell, Charles F. Co. G; b. Clarcnioiit; age 20; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 27, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, as Corp.; July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

BurroTVS, "William. Co. H ; substitute ; b. England ; age 87 ; cred. Brentwood ; enl. Aug. 23, '64 ; must, in Aug. 23, '64, as Priv.; '6:'), wd. Apr. 6, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; disch. June 14, '6.5, Baltimore, Md. P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass.

Bush, James. Co. substitute b. ; ; '63 ; '63, H ; res. as ; Canada cred. Aug. age 21 Canada, Concord ; enl. Aug. 19, must, in 19, l^riv. ^ ; must, out June 28, '65. Died July 2, '6."), Concord.

Bush, Peter. Co. B ; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 27 ; res. Laconia ; enl. Oct. 12, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. Sept. '62, 17, Antietam, Md. ; sent. Dec. 17, '62, to regt., from Chester Gen. Hosp., Chester, Pa. N. f. r. A. G. O. P. O. ad., Northfleld, Vt. Bushey, Co. substitute; b. Henry. A; Vermont; age 18; res. Bristol, Vt., cred. AVarner ; enl. Aug. 20, '63 ; must, in Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. Died, wds. Aug. 18, '64.

Buss, Henry T. Co. E; b. Aeworth ; age 18; res. Acworth ; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '02, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Jan. 1.5, '63, Baltimore, Md. Supposed identical with Henry T. Buss, Co. F, 1 N. 11. Cav.

Buss, James. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. ; ; '64 ; '64, Canada age 23 cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Aug. 9, must, in Aug. 9, as Priv. received '64, Aug. 9, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Bussell, George Co. [ ; b. Concord ; ; res. '63 '63, ; tr. H. age 24 Concord, cred. Exeter ; enl. Dec. 7, ; must, in Dec. 7, as Priv. to '64, " " " U. S. Navy Apr. 20, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Anacostia and Wyandank" ; disch., reduction naval force, July 31, '65, from receiving ship, Boston, Mass.

Butcher, Co. F ; b. Canada ; age ; res. '62 '62, ; '63, John. 30 Claremont ; enl. Feb. 13, ; must, in Feb. 28, as Priv. wd. July 2,

Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. disab. Nov. 12, '64, Concord. P. O. ad., Claremont.

Butler, Charles P. Co. D ; b. Hinsdale ; age 23 ; res. Chesterfield ; enl. Oct. 26, '61 ; must, in Nov. 12, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. F, Nov., '61 ; disch. disab. May 14, '62, West Point, Va. See Miscel. Organizations. Butler, Co. b. 9, Ezra. B; Canada; age 18; res. Stewartstown ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; tr. to Co. F, Nov. 2, '61. Died, dis. Apr. 16, '62, Ship Point, Va. See State Service.

Butler, Francis W. Co. K; b. Greenfield; age 20 ; res. Bennington; app. 2 Lt. Oct. 12, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61; app. 1 Lt. I, '62; '62 Co. June 10, Capt. Co. K, Dec. 15, ; wd. June 30, '64, Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. July 30, '64, Bennington. Butler, Henry S. Co. F; b. Hinsdale; age 26; res. Hinsdale; enl. Sept. 18, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 30, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Athol Centre, Mass.

Butler, James. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; age 21 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 19, '63 ; must.

in Aug. 19, '63, as I'riv. ; must, out June 28, '65. Butler, Patrick. Co. H; substitute; b. Ireland; age 26; cred. Acworth; enl. Aug. 15, '64; must, in Aug. 15, '64, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65. Butler, Slate C. Co. F; b. Hinsdale; age 21; res. Hinsdale; enl. Oct. 23, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nov. 14, '62, Wasiiington, D. C. Died Apr. 18, '63, Chesterfield. Butler, Thomas. Co. F; substitute; b. Canada; age 28; cred. Lyme; enl. Sept. 7, '64; must, in Sept. 7, '64, as Priv.; des.

Camp Distribution, Va. ; appreh. ; reported on m. o. roll dated June 28, '65, as absent in arrest. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 Butt, Charles. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 22 ; res. Montreal, Can., cred. Keene ; enl. Oct. 2, ; must, in Oct. 2, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 18, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. to date June 28, '65. Butt, Francis. Co. A; substitute; b. Germauv; age 24; res. Montreal, Can., cred. Hinsdale; enl. Oct. 2, '63; must, in Oct. 2, '63, as Priv. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. '63 Butzin, Mart n. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Liebau, Prussia ; age 26 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Farmington ; enl. Aug. 14, ; must. '63, " in Aug. 14, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 21, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar " ; killed Nov. 11, '64, by blowing up and sinking of U. S. S. "Tulip." '63 Byefleld, William. Co. A ; substitute ; b. New York city ; age 22 ; cred. Nelson ; enl. Sept. 30, ; must, in Sept. 30, '63, as " " " " Priv. ; tr. to S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman ; served S. S. Matthew Vassar," U. on U. Fuschia," and Mercury ; disch. Sept. 14, '65, as Quartermaster. Cahill, Philip. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 25; cred. Nashua; enl. Aug. 18, '64; must, in Aug. 18, '64, as Priv.; re-

ceived Aug. 18, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61 '61, Cain, Martin. Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; res. Gorham ; enl. Oct. 23, ; must, in Oct. 26, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 14, '62, Yorktown, Va. '61; Caldwell, Charles W. Co. E ; b. Alstead; age 19; res. Alstead; enl. Sept. 18, must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 15, '62.

; ; '61 '61, Cald'well, Shepard M. Co. E ; b. Hudson ; age 21 res. Alstead enl. Aug. 29, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fi-edericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 23, '62, Falmouth, Va. Call, Joseph. Co. B; b. Boscawen; age 25; res. Colebrook; enl. Sept. 16, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Corp. Died, dis. Apr. 23, '62, Ship Point, Va. '63, '64, Callard, C. Co. H ; must, in Oct. 11, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 27, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; ; '63 ; Cally, John. Co. C ; b. New York city age 21 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Strafford enl. Dec. 4, must, in Dec. 4, '63, as " " Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 22, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar ; killed Nov. 11, '64, by blow- ing up and sinking of U. S. S. " Tulip."

Cambur, Peter, a/ms Michael Crombia. Co. H; substitute; b. Canada; age 30; cred. Acworth ; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. '64. 11, '64, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Dec. 18, Cameron, Abram. Co. H; substitute; b. New Brunswick; age 20; cred. Manchester; enl. Aug. 10, '64; must, in Aug. 10, '65. '64, as Priv. ; must, out June 28,

Camp, Frank B. Co. C; b. Marshfield, Vt. ; age 18; res. Hanover; enl. Sept. 11, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va.; tr. to Co. E, 5 Art, U. S. A., Feb. 11, '63; re-enl. Jan. 29, '64; disch. Jan. 29, '67, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Etna.

; b. cred. Exeter enl. '64 Campbell, John. Co. H ; substitute Ireland ; age 21 ; ; Aug. 16, ; must, in Aug. 16, '64, as Priv.

wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; disch. June 15, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Ireland; res. Campbell, Henry. Co. A; substitute; age 30; Portsmouth, cred. Lyndeborough ; enl. Oct. 15, '63 ; must, in

; '64, ; Oct. 15, '63, as Priv. mis. June 1, near Old Church, Va. ; gd. from mis. disch. June 9, '65, Annapolis, Md.

substitute ; b. Bedford ; res. Campbell, John A. Co. D ; ; age 23 Bedford, cred. 1 District ; enl. Aug. 11, '63 ; must, in Aug. 11, '03, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 18, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Co. ; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; age 27 ; cred. East Kingston enl. '63 '63, Campbell, Thomas H. G ; Dec. 10, ; must, in Dec. 10, as '64, " Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 23, as an Ord. Seaman ; des. May 26, '64, from U. S. S. Commodore Read." res. '61, Canfleld, George H. Co. I; b. Fairlee, Vt. ; age 20; Lyme; enl. Sept. 19, '61; must, in Oct. 15, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 16, '63. Died July 13, '66, Lyme.

; b. ; res. enl. Sept. '61 '61, ; Canfleld, James. Co. I Fairlee, Vt. age 18 ; Lyme ; 16, ; must, in Oct. 15, as Priv. wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. Died, dis. Dec. 21, '62, near Alexandria, Va. ;;;


; res. '61 ; '61, Canney, Charles W. Co. D ; b. Tuftonborough ; age 18 Rochester ; enl. Sept. 17, must, in Oct. 23, as Priv.

app. Sergt. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. II 21, Canney, John P. Co. ; b. Tuftonborough; age 27 ; res. Tuftonborough; enl. Sept. '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; '62 '64. app. Sergt. Oct. 1, ; must, out Oct. 29, P. 0. ad., North Sandwich.

Card, James C. Co. K ; b. Woolwich, Me. ; age 38 ; res. Woolwich, Me. ; enl. Sept. 28, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; must. out Oct. 29, '64.

Carey, Charles. Co. A ; substitute b. Bath, Me. ; res. '63 '63, ; age 26 ; Bath, Me., cred. Hollis ; enl. Sept. 1, ; must, in Sept. 1, as J'riv. '64, ; wd. July 27, Deep Bottom, Va. ; furloughed Sept. 8, '64, for 30 davs from hosp., Alexandria, Va. ; des. Oct. 11, '64. P. O. ad., Portland, Me.

Carey, Gilman. Co. V ; b. Brandon, Vt. ; age 21 ; res. Keene ; enl. Oct. 2, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64,

Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. Supposed identical with Gilman Carey, State Service. P. O. ad., Chesterfield.

Carleton, Edward. Co. E ; b. Bath ; age 18 ; res. Bath ; enl. Oct. 5, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fiedericksbui'g, Va.

Carleton, Hiram W. Co. K; b. Plaistow ; age 23; res. Plaistow; enl. Sept. 21, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Carleton, Joseph A. Co. K; b. Lynn, Mass.; age 21; res. Atkinson; enl. Sept. 16, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd.

sev. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 7, '63, Falmouth, Va. '64 Carlson, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Gottenburg, Sweden ; age 23 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Sept. 8, ; must, in Sept. 8, '64, as

Priv. ; disch. Nov. 30, '6.o, Concord.

Carlton, Elijah S. Co. G ; b. ^Vest Fairlee, Vt. ; age 27 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 27, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. '62, wd. Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; tr. to I. C. July 1, '63 ; to Co. B, 10 V. 11. C. ; disch. Oct. 13, '64, to date Oct. 12, '64, Baltimore, Md., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Claremont.

Carlysle, James. Co. C ; b. Belfast, Ir. ; age 23 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Strafford ; enl. Dec. 4, '63 ; must, in Dec. 4, '63,

as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 10, '65, New York city. P. O. ad., Nat. Military Home, Ohio. '64 '64, Carpenter, Prank. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 21 ; cred. Sandwich ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. 20,

as Priv. ; received Aug. 23, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f . r. A. G. O. '61, Carpenter, William R. Co. K ; b. Leuipster; age 20; res. Hillsborough ; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv.; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Jan. 13, '63, Washifcgtou, D. C. Carr, Prank H. Co. B. See 2 Hegt. U. S. S. S. '64 '64, Carr, John. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Halifax, N. S. ; age 26 ; cred. Nottingham ; enl. Aug. 30, ; must, in Aug. 30, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65. '61 '61, Carraway, Joseph. Co. C ; b. Franklin, Vt. ; age 18 ; res. Orford ; enl. Sept. 9, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; wd. June '63. 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 14, P. O. ad., (loffstown. '63 '63, Carrick, Patrick. Co. G ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Upper Gilmanton ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 27, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. or Navy Dept.

; '62 '62, ; Carriel, Hiram. Co. B ; b. Charlestowu ; age 21 res. Claremont ; enl. Feb. 15, ; must, in Feb. 28, as Priv. des. Sept. 1. '62, Baltimore, Md.

; ; '64 in '64, ; Carrigan, Darby. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Ireland age 29 cred. Canaan ; enl. Aug. 8, ; must, Aug. 8, as Priv. must. out June 28, '65. '64 '64, Carrig'an, Hugh. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 19 ; cred. Littleton ; enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 9, as Priv. must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Lancaster. '64 '64, Carroll, Charles P. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. England ; age 24 ; cred. Milford ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19, as Priv.

received Aug. 19, '64, at draft rendezvous, New Haven, Coini. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; ; '64 ; in '64, ; Carroll, John. Co. B; substitute b. Ireland age 19 ; cred. Wentworth ; enl. Sept. 9, must, Sept. 9, as Priv. des. to the enemy Dec. 23, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '63 '63, Carroll, Robert. Unas'd ; b. Stamford, Conn. ; cred. Plaistow ; enl. Deo. 8, ; must, in Dec. 8, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 25, '63, from draft rendezvous, N. H. '02 '62, Carter, Charles. Unas'd ; b. Kittery, Me. ; age 21 ; res. Concord, cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 11, ; must, in Aug. 20, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 Carter, Prederick J. Co. E; substitute; b. England; age 21 ; res. Canada, cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. '65 '65. 20, '63, as Priv. ; captd. Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. ; returned May 16, ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Marvs- ville, Cal. '61 '61, Carter, Herbert. Co. D ; b. Bloomfield, Vt. ; age 1 8 ; res. Lancaster ; enl. Dec. 9, ; must, in Dec. 9, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 1, '62, Alexandria, Va.

res. '62 ; in '62, Carter, Oscar E. Co. F ; b. Jaffrey ; age 22 ; Manchester ; enl. Mar. 1, must, Apr. 20, as Priv. Died, dis. June 22, '62, Cold Harbor, Va. Carter, Reuben P. Co. H. See 2 Hegt. U. S. S. S. cred. 6, Charles. Co. II; substitute; b. Mont Vernon, Ohio ; age 22 ; res. Mont Vernon, Ohio, Nashua ; enl. Oct. '63 Cartland, ;

must, in Oct. 6, '63, as I'riv. ; des. ; appreh. ; reported on ra. o. roll dated June 28, '65, as absent iu arrest. Baltimore, Md. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

; \>. ; ; enl. '03 ; in '63, ; Cartouche, Marius. Co. A France age 21 cred. Dublin ; Nov. 24, must, Nov. 24, as Priv. tr. to U. S. " " " Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar and Fuschia" ; disch. Aug. 5, '65, as Ward Kooni Steward.

; Scotia; ; res. Scotia, cred. enl. Sept. '63 ; Caruthers, William. Co. H ; substitute b. Nova age 31 Nova Pelhara ; 2, must, iu '64, " " Sept. 2, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Auacostia and " " '64. Don ; des. Aug. 16, Casey, William. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 18; cred. Grafton; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv.; received Aug. 11, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord, and sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Oct. '61; in Oct. '61, Cass, Anson Co. F; b. Richmond; age 21 ; res. Richmond; enk 23, must, 23, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 5, '63, Alexandria, Va.

'61 ; iu Oct. '61, Cass, Randall P. Co. D; b. Hampstead; age 18; res. Plaistow ; enl. Oct. 22, must, 23, as Corp. ; killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Cassady, James. Co. B; b. , Can.; age 18; res. Lancaster; enl. Oct. 16, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Dec. 30, '61, near Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Lancaster. Cassemeau, Peter. Co. U; substitute; b. Canada; age 18; cred. Alexandria; enL Aug. 17, '64; must, in Aug. 17, '64, as

I'riv. ; must, out June 28, '65. '61; '61, as Priv.; Cassidy, Michael. Co. 15; b. Ireland; age 19; res. Lancaster ; enl. Oct. 7, must, in Oct. 23, wd. June 1, '62,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. Apr. 7, '63, Washington, D. C. '61 23, Cate, Augustus. Co. D; b. Rochester; age 18; res. Rochester; enl. Sept. 17, ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 24, '02. Died Dec. 13, '85, Spencer, Mass.

Co. G ; b. Franklin ; res. Franklin, cred. Franklin ; enl. Aug. 14, '62 ; must, in Aug. '62, Cate, James. ; age 32 14, as Priv.

app. Corp. ; disch. May 31, '65. P. 0. ad., Alton. ;;;


Cater, J. Co. D ; b. Farmington ; res. ; enl. Mar. '62 ; must! in Apr. 2, '62, as Priv. Died July Andrew ; age 20 Kochester 10, 13, '62, Ft. Wood, N. Y. H. '63 '63, Priv. Gates, Frank. Co. E ; b. Maine ; age 27 ; res. Damariscotta, Me., cred. Piermont ; enl. Dec. 7, ; must, in Dec. 7, as des. June 2, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

'61 '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Gates, G-eorge B. Co. H ; b. Berlin ; age 19 ; res. Berlin ; enl. Oct. 23, ; must, in Oct. 23, Feb. 19, '61; app. Corp. Oct. 24, '64; Sergt. Apr. 6, '65; 2 Lt. Co. D, May 1, '85; not must.; must, out June 28, '65, as Sergt. P. 0. ad., Bridgewater, Mass. Mar. '61 ; IS), '61, as Piiv. ; app. Corp. Gates, Schribner. Co. H ; b. Berlin ; age 21 ; res. Berlin ; enl. Oct. 14, must, in Oct. '64, Va. 7, '63; reduced to ranks Apr. 16, '63; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; cred. Gorham ; -wd. June 17, Petersburg,

app. Sergt. ; killed Apr. 6, '65, Sailor's Creek, Va. '64 in Sept. '64, as Gavanah, John C. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Massachusetts ; age 23 ; cred. Hanover ; enl. Sept. 9, ; must, 9,

Priv. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 11, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '63 must, in Sept. Gavel, Joseph. Co. A ; substitute ; b. France ; age 39 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. New Ipswich ; enl. Sept. 2, ; 2, '63, as Priv. Died Dec. 2, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. enl. Sept. '63 Gawley, Thomas. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Lockpoit, N. Y. ; age 20 ; res. Lockport, N. Y., cred. Merrimack ; 1,

must, in Sept. 1, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 30, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; ; ; '61 ; in '61, as Priv. Ghadborn, Bdmond B. Co. G b. Barnard, Vt. age 18 res. Charlestown ; enl. Sept. 27, nmst. Oct. 12, Died, dis. Apr. 24, '62, Ship Point, Va. Ghamberlin, Andrew J. Co. I; b. Atkinson; age 22; res. Danbury; enl. Sept. 12, '61; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Corp.; wd. '62, '63 ex. June 1, Fair Oaks, Va. ; tr. to 31 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C, Sept. 30, ; disch. Sept. 11, '64, Bermuda Hundred, Va., tm. See 1 N. H. V.

; ; '64 ; '64, Chapman, Gardner. Co. B ; substitute b. Canada ; age 28 cred. Wilton ; enl. Sept. 5, must, in Sept. 5, as Priv. disch. June 12, '65, near Alexandria, Va.

Chapman, Harrison. Co. D; b. Newmarket; age 21 ; res. Newmarket; enl. Oct. 22, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; des. Oct. 26, '61, Concord.

Ghappell, Charles. Co. D; b. Clarksville; age 21; res. Clarksville ; enl. Nov. 28, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd.

May, '63, Cliancellorsville, ; tr. '64 '63. Va. to Co. A, Nov. 20, ; disch. to date July 15, P. O. ad., Colebrook. Chase, Benjamin P. Co. E; b. Meredith; age 18; res. Meredith; enl. Sept. 16, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '01, as Corp.; app. '62 Sergt. Nov. 11, ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va.

Chase, Charles H., alias Charles Joyce. Co. I ; b. England ; age 32 ; res. Wilmot ; enl. Oct. 18, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as

Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 5, '62, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Newbury, Vt. Chase, Henry A. Unas'd; substitute; b. Cuba; age 25; cred. Salem; enl. Aug. 15, '64; must, in Aug. 15, '64, as Priv.; re-

ceived Aug. 16, '64, at draft rendezvous, New Haven, Conn. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Chase, Horace H. Co. E ; b. Bath ; age 29 ; res. Bath ; enl. Oct. 5, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. '61 John C. Co. C ; b. Campton ; age ; res. Campton ; enl. Sept. in Oct. '61, ; Chase, 27 6, ; must, 12, as Priv. disch. disab. Jan. 28, '63, Alexandria, Va. Chase, Luther A. Co. G; b. Clar'emout; age 18; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Corp.; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va.

Chase, Luther M. Co. C ; b. Littleton ; age 20; res. Littleton ; enl. Sept. 26, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. June I, '62, Fair '62, Oaks, Va. ; June 30, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; app. Sergt. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksbm-g, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 3, '63. Died June 17, '91, Milwaukee, Wis.

Co. H; b. Tuftonborough ; res. 11, ; 19, Chase, Mark Q. age 33; Tuftonborough ; enl. Oct. '61 must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; disch. to date Oct. 2y, '64, tm. ex. b. res. '61 Chase, Nathaniel. Co. H ; Alton ; age 39 ; Alton ; enl. Sept. 18, ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. II, '62. Died Sept. 5, '78, Alton. b. '61 Chase, Robert H. Co. G ; Cornish ; age 18 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 27, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. C, '62 '62, Mar. 1, ; captd. June 1, Fair Oaks, Va. ; released ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; app. 1 Sergt. ; 2 Lt. Co. K, July '64 1, ; not must, as 2 Lt. ; killed Aug. 25, '64, Ream's Station, Va.

Co. B ; substitute ; b. ; age 23 ; cred. Dorchester '64 William H. New Brunswick ; enl. Sept. '64, Chase, 5, ; must, in Sept. 5, '65, as Priv. ; mis. Apr. 6, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; gd. from mis. ; disch. June 2, '65, Baltimore, Md.

Chellis, Daniel. Co. I; b. Orange; age 20; res. Orange; enl. Sept. 25, '01 ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. May 27, '62, Baltimore, Md. Co. b. Kingston age 20 res. Kingston, cred. Kingston enl. '65, Cheney, Edward L. A ; ; ; ; Feb. 7, for 1 yr. ; must, in Feb. 7,

'65, as Piiv. ; wd. mis. Apr. '65, Farmville, Va. gd. mis. ; '65, and 7, ; from disch. disab. June 5, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad.. West Kingston. res. '61 Cheney, Ira D. Co. G ; b. Bradford ; age 24 ; Claremont ; enl. Sept. 27, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 11, '62, Concord. P. 0. ad., Lowell, Mass. b. Kingston age res. Kingston, cred. Kingston enl. '65, Cheney, William A. Co. A; ; 18; ; Feb. 9, for 1 yr. ; must, in Feb. 9,

'65, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Kingston.

b. res. Brookfleld ; enl. '61; Chesley, James C. Co. H ; New Durham; age 42; Oct. 12, must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; wd.

June 1, '62, Fair Oaks,»Va. ; disch. disab. Mar. 7, '63, Philadelphia, Pa.

b. age ; res. New Durham ; enl. '61 Co. H ; New Durham ; Oct. '61, Chesley, Jobn F. 35 14, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; wd.

June ], '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 28, '62, Providence, R. I. b. res. '61 Chesley, Lewis A. Co. H ; New Durham ; age 27 ; Wolfeborough ; enl. Sept. 18, ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Corp. '62 '62, app. Sergt. June 6, ; disch. disab. Nov. 3, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Rochester. res. 5, Chesley, William. Co. A; b. Northwood ; age 18; Northwood ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 9, '62, Alexandria, Va. b. Lancaster age 20 res. Lancaster enl. '61 Chessman, Sylvanus. Co. F ; ; ; ; Oct. 20, ; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co.

B, Oct. 31, '61 ; disch. disab. May 14, '62, Yorktown, Va. P. 0. ad., Lancaster.

;' F. and S. ; b. Bath age 28 ; res. Bath, cred. Bath ; app. 2 .4sst. Surg. '62 '62 Child, William. Aug. 13, ; must, in Oct. 19, ; app. '62 '64 '65. Asst. Surg, to date Aug. 13, ; Surg. Oct. 28, ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Concord. b. Canada; age cred. Lisbon enl. Childs, Frederick. Co. A; substitute; 21 ; ; Sept. 10, '64; must, in Sept. 10, '64, as Priv. must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Winchester, Rlass.

Co. I ; substitute b. Ireland age 29 ; cred. Gilmanton enl. Sept. '64 Childs John. ; ; ; 20, ; must, in Sept. 20, '64, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 10, '64.

b. Gilsum age ; res. Acworth ; enl. Oct. 21, '61 ; '61, ; Church, Azel H. Co. E ; ; 25 must, in Oct. 21, as Priv. tr. to 2 Batt'l, '04 '64, V. R. C, Apr. 16, ; unas'd ; disch. Oct. 21, Ft. Monroe, Va., tm. ex. Died Apr. 8, '93, Acworth.

b. age ; res. Dover ; enl. Oct. 3, '61 ; must, '61, Priv. ; '62. Church, Charles. Co. D ; Lee ; 21 in Oct. 26, as disch. disab. Aug. 0, See V. R. C.

substitute b. Canada ; age 20 ; cred. Alexandria ; enl. '64 ; in '64, as Priv. Churcut, Antoine. Co. H ; ; Aug. 11, must, Aug. 11, must, out June 28, '65. ;;;


'61 '61, '63, Cilley, Edwin B. Co. C ; b. Franklin ; age 30 ; res. Hill ; enl. Sept. 9, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Corp. ; killed July 3, Gettysburg, Pa.

Cilley, George B. Co. 1 ; b. Canaan ; age 20 ; res. Canaan ; enl. Oct. 11, '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 28, '62. P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass. Clancy, Patrick. Co. H; substitute; b. Ireland; age 2i; cred. South Newmarket; enl. Aug. 9, '64; must, in Aug. 9, '64, as '65, '65. Priv. ; mis. Apr. 6, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28,

Clark, Albert. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 30 ; cred. Keene ; enl. Aug. 11, '64 ; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv. ; mis. Mar. 31, '65, Diuwiddie Court House, A'a. gd. from mis. Died May 25, '65, Georgetown, D. C. ;

Clark, Augustus L. Co. K ; b. New Albany, Ind. ; age 29 ; res. Greenland ; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. wd. '62, July 1, Malvern Hill, Va. ; Dec, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Corp. Nov. 1, '63 ; wd. July, '63, Gettysbui-g, Pa. '64. app. Sergt. to date July 1, '(M ; must, out Oct. 29,

Clark, David Co. b. Atkinson ; ; res. '61 ; '61, ; K ; age enl. O. 20 Atkinson ; Sept. 18, must, in Oct. 12, as Sergt. wd. Sept. 17, '62, Autietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Mar. 16, '63. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass.

Clark, James. Co. C ; b. , Eng. ; age 25 ; res. New York city, cred. Dover ; enl. Dec. 3, '63 ; must, in Dec. 3, '63, Priv. '64, as ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; des. Feb. 21, '65, from hosp.

Clark, James. Unas'd ; substitute b. St. ; ; '64 ; ; John, N. B. age 28 ; cred. Nashua enl. Aug. 15, must, in Aug. 15, '64, as Priv. received '64, Aug. 15, at draft rendezvous, New Haven, Conn. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Clark, John. Co. A ; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; res. '63 age 20 ; Camden, N. J., cred. Upper Gilnianton ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. '63, 5, as Priv. ; tr. to S. '64, " " U. Navy Apr. 19, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar," Fu-schia," "Wyan- dank," " and Anacostia" ; disch. July 28, '65, as Seaman, from receiving ship. New York city.

Clark, John. Co. ; substitute ; b. '63 G ; ; res. , England age 21 Long Island, — cred. Londonderry ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. '63, 20, as Priv. ; des. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

Clark, John. Co. H ; substitute ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 21 ; cred. Exeter ; enl. Aug. 8, '64 ; must, in Aug. 8, '64, as Priv. ; must. out June 28, '65.

Clark, John B. Co. ; substitute b. ; cred. '64 '64, H ; 26 enl. ; Canada age ; Wilmot; Aug. 12, ; must, in Aug. 12, as Priv. app.

Sergt. ; must, out June 28, '65. Clark, Lewis T. Co. I. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S.

'64, received Sept. 3, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Clark, Thomas. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Galway, Ir. ; age ; res. New York city, cred. Laconia ; enl. Sept. 29, '63 in 26 ; must, '63, Sept. 29, as Priv. ; wd. June 19, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; des. Sept. 25, '64, while on furlough, from De Camp Gen. Hosp., David's Isl., N. Y. H.

Clark, Timothy. Co. F ; drafted ; b. ; age 42 ; res. Dunbarton, cred. '63 Boscawen Dunbarton ; drafted Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug.

19, '63, as Priv. ; disch. May 29, '65, AVashington, D. C. P. O. ad., Manchester.

Clark, Warren. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Fort Edward, N. Y. ; age 21 ; res. Fort Edward, N. Y., cred. Manchester ; enl. Oct. 6,

'63 ; must, in Oct. 6, '63, as Priv. ; des. May 1, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Clark, 'William. Co. C; b. Bath; age 18; res. Lisbon; enl. Sept. 26, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 30, '62,

White Oak Swamp, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 17, '62, New York city. See 1 N. H. Cav. '65. Clark, "William. Co. K ; app. 1 Lt. Dec. 11, '64 ; not must. ; declined appointment Jan. 13, '64 Clark, "William. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Pennsylvania ; age 19 ; cred. Wilton ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19, '64, as Priv.

received Aug. 19, '64, at draft rendezvous, New Haveu, Conn. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Clay, Jesse H. Co. H ; substitute ; h. Hooksett ; age 18 ; cred. Deerfield ; enl. Aug. 11, '64 ; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Pi-iv. must, out June 28, '65. Died May 20, '91, Deerfield. '62 Clay, Samuel H. Co. G ; b. Franklin ; age 23 ; res. Franklin, cred. Franklin ; enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 9, '62, as Priv. disch. Oct. 8, '62, AVashington, D. C. 3, Cleamott, Joseph. Co. E; substitute; b. Canada; age 19; res. Canada, cred. Charlestown ; enl. Oct. '63 ; must, in Oct. 3,

'63, as Priv. ; wd. June 17, '64, and died, wds. June 22, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '63 Clement, Enoch N. Co. A ; drafted ; b. Landafl: ; age 31 ; res. Lancaster, cred. Lancaster ; drafted Oct. 23, ; must, in Oct.

23, '63, as Priv. ; app. Prin. Muse. Feb. 1, '64 ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Norway, Me. '64 CliflEbrd, George. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19, '64, as Priv.

received Aug. 19, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61 '61, Clifford, Isaac B. Co. K ; b. Danville ; age 20 ; res. Plaistow ; enl. Sept. 30, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; wd. July 1, '62,

Malvern Hill, Va. ; Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Dec. 11, '62, Baltimore, Md. Died Mar. 1, '63, Plaistow.

CliflEbrd, Joh.n. Co. E; substitute; b. England ; age 28; res. Boston,- Mass., cred. Meredith ; enl. Sept. 29, '63 ; must, in Sept.

29, '63, as Priv. ; nmst. out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass.

; ; ; '63 Clifford, John C. Co. H ; substitute b. Woolwich, Eng. age 27 ; res. Canada, cred. Winchester enl. Oct. 6, ; must, in

Oct. 6, '63, as Priv. ; mis. Jan. 5, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. N. f . r. A. G. O. '61 '61, Cline, Albert. Co. I ; b. Lyme ; age 20 ; res. Lyme ; enl. Sept. 24, ; must, in Oct. 15, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 12, '62, Washington, D. C. Clink, Frederick. Unas'd; substitute; b. Germany; age 21; cred. Alexandria; enl. Sept. 16, '64; must, in Sept. 16, '64, as

Priv. ; des. —. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; '61 ; in Oct. '61, Clough, Jacob C. Co. H ; b. Eflfingham ; age 36 ; res. Effingham enl. Aug. 24, must, 19, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. disch. disab. Sept. 20, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. enl. '64 Clough, Monroe. Co. B ; representative recruit ; b. Vermont ; age 21 ; cred. Grafton ; Sept. 9, ; must, in Sept. 9, '64, '65 as Priv. ; wd. and captd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; re-captd. Apr. 8, ; app. Corp. Apr. 25, '65 ; disch. July 26, '65. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. Cobb, Jesse T. Co. E; b. Denmark, Me.; age 23; res. Newport; enl. Aug. 19, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as 1 Sergt.; disch. disab. Jan. 17, '63, Ft. Delaware, Del. P. O. ad., Vineland, N. J. See 1 N. H. V.

; enl. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Coburn, Henry. Co. D ; b. Swanzey ; age 18 ; res. Swanzey Oct. 8, 23, Co. F, Oct. 31, '61. Died, dis. Jan. 26, '62, near Alexandria, Va. Coburn, Lorenzo O. Co. K; b. "Gardner"; age 18; res. Winchendon, Mass.; enl. Aug. 30, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. July 6, '62, Annapolis, Md.

; enl. Sept. '64 ; must, in Sept. '64, as Priv. Cochran, John. Co. B ; substitute ; b. New Brunswick ; age 21 cred. Warren ; 9, 9, '81, wd. Apr. 6, '65, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. 16, '65, Baltimore, Md. Died Feb. 7, Nat. Military Home, Ohio. '61 '61, Cogswell, James. Co. A ; b. Colebrook ; age 44 ; res. Concord ; enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 28, '62, Ft. Hamilton, N. Y. H. Colby, Abner D. Co. F. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S. '63 Colby, Francis. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Salem, Mass. ; age 37 ; res. Salem, Mass., cred. Pittsfield ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in '63, '65. Aug. 20, as Priv. ; mis. Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, "Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, Died Jan. 28, '86, Nat. Home, Togus, Me. ; ;:


Co. B ; substitute ; b. ; age cred. enl. '64 ; must, in '64, as Priv. Colby, James. New York 19 ; Lancaster ; Aug. 29, Aug. 29, must, out June 28, '65. '63 Colby, Moses B. Co. D ; drafted ; b. Rockport, Mass. ; age 27 ; res. Newmarket, cred. Newmarket ; drafted Aug. 11, ; must.

in Aug. 11, '6.3, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. A, Nov. 20, '64 ; des. Mar. 28, '65. See 13 N. H. V.

'61 ; '61, ; Corp. Colcord, Joseph. Co. A ; b. Nottingham ; age 18 ; res. Nottingliara ; enl. Sept. 3, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. app.

wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., AVest Nottingham. '61 '61, Priv. Died, dis. Mar. Cole, Adin V. Co. C ; b. Newmarket ; age 18 ; res. Whitefield ; enl. Sept. 26, ; must, in Oct. 12, as 8, '62, Washington, D. C.

; '64 ; '64, as Priv. Cole, John. Unas'd ; substitute b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Aug. 24, must, in Aug. 24,

received Aug. 24, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f . r. A. G. O. '63 '63, Coleman, James. Co. 1 ; substitute ; b. Bristol, Eng. ; age 30 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Aug. 10, ; must, in Aug. 10, as

Priv. ; captd. June '64, Harbor, ; '64 ; '65. 3, Cold Va. exch. Dec, ; app. Corp. must, out June 28, '63 must, in Coleman, John. Co. H ; substitute ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 21 ; res. St. John, N. B., cred. Wilton ; enl. Sept. 2, ; '65, Sept. 2, '63, as Priv. ; des. June 1, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. gd. from des. ; reported on m. o. roll dated June 28, as absent ; sick. N. f. 1. A. G. O. Coleman. See Colman.

; ; ; '61, ; Dec. Collins, Charles N. Co. E b. Concord age 19 ; res. Newport ; enl. Sept. 17, '61 must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. des. 29, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. See 1 N. H. V. '61 '61, dis. Collins, David H. Co. C ; b. Rumney ; age 19 ; res. Rumney ; enl. Sept. 25, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. Died, Dec, 31, '61, Washington, D. C. '63 Collins, George. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age 38 ; res. Sandwich, cred. Pelham ; enl. Sept. 2, ; must, in Sept.

2, '63, as Priv. ; disch. May 26, '65, York, Pa.

b. ; ; '61 ; Oct. '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, Collins, George W. Co. C ; Hanover age 19 ; res. Hanover enl. Sept. 2, must, in 12,

'62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 15, '62, Concord ; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 16, '65, for 1 yr. ; cred. Sunapee ; wd. '65, '85, and mis. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; gd. from mis. ; disch. disab. June 19, Philadelphia, Pa.

b. ; '61 ; '61, as Priv. ; disch. Collins, Gideon W. Co. A ; South Kingston age 33 ; res. Kingston ; enl. Sept. 4, must, in Oct. 12, disab. Oct. 13, '62. '63 in Dec. Collins, James. Co. G ; b. New York city ; age 20 ; res. New York city, cred. Upper Gilmanton ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must,

5, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. from Harewood Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C, to Philadelphia, Pa., June 11, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61 '61, '62, Collins, Joseph. Co. F ; b. England ; age 25 ; res. Gilsum ; enl. Nov. 12, ; must, in Nov. 16, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 11, Falmouth, Va. Died Nov. 30, '87, North Attleborough, Mass. See 1 N. H. V. '63 '63, Collins, Michael. Co. A ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 19 ; res. New York city, cred. Meredith ; enl. Dec. 9, ; must, in Dec 9, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, '64, as an Ord. Seaman; served on U. S. S. "Anacostia"; disch. July 12, '65, from receiving ship, Boston, Mass.

Collins, Obadiah S. Co. A; b. Kingston; age 19; res. Kingston, cred. Kingston; enl. Feb. 9, '65, for 1 yr. ; must, in Feb. 9,

'65, as Priv. ; disch. June 6, '65, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Kingston. '64. Collins, Oscar. Co. C ; b. Enfleld ; age 19 ; res. Enfield ; enl. Sept. 4, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; must, out Oct. 29, P. (). ad., Enfield.

Collins, "William. Co. G; b. Sacket's Harbor, N. Y. ; age 33; res. Monroe County, N. Y. ; app. Capt. Dec. 11, '64; must, in '65 '65, Jan. 11, ; wd. sev. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. Died, wds. Apr. 29, '65, AVashington, 1). C. (Enl. Dec. 11, '53, for 5 yrs., as re-enl. 1.5, Priv., Engineers U. S. A. ; Dec '58, as Artificer; des. Mar. 18, '61, Washington, D. C. ; appreh. Mar. 4, '64 reduced to ranks; app. Artificer May 1, '64; Corp. June 10, '64; Sergt. June 20, '64; disch. Jan. 20, '6.5, to accept promo- tion in 5 N. H. V.) I substitute b. Collins, William. Co. ; ; Liverpool, Eng. ; age 22 ; cred. Milford ; enl. Aug. 22, '64 ; must, in Aug. 22, '64, as '65. Priv. ; must, out June 28, P. 0. ad., Nat. Military Home, Ohio. Co. substitute b. Colman, Charles. H ; ; London, Eng. ; age 25 ; ci-ed. Hinsdale ; enl. Aug. 16, '64 ; must, in Aug. 16, '64, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. Colman. See Coleman.

Colston, Charles P. Co. G ; b. AA^oodstock, Vt. ; age ; res. ; '61 41 Claremont enl. Sept. 27, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. disch. disab. Jan. 20, '63. See U. S. Navy and State Service.

Charles Co. A ; b. Foxborough, Mass. ; 22 res. ; Comey, B. age ; Wilmot enl. '61 ; Sept. 23, must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Batt'l, V. Pt. '64 '64, 162 Co., 2 C. May 1, ; disch. Oct. 12, Philadelphia, Pa., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Monroe, Iowa. Co. A b. Foxborough,,Mass. res. '61 Comey, Henry H. ; ; age 20 ; Wihnot ; enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 7, '62. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass.

Cornstalk, Francis. Co. H substitute ; b. Canada ; ; cred. ; age 23 Chesterfield ; enl. '64 Aug.h 17, ; must, in Aue 17 '64 aoas , , g , , Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. Co. G; b. Claremont; age 31 res. Cone, Lyman H. ; Claremont; enl. Oct. 9, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; Sent • wd i 17 '62, '64. > Antietam, Md. ; must, out Oct. 29, P. O. ad., AVeathersfield, Vt.

Conley, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. New London, Can. ; age 29 cred. ; Atkinson ; enl. Aug. 13, '64 13 '64 ; must, in Aug.s- as Priv. ; received Aug. '04, at draft rendezvou.s. > > 13, Conn. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Co. E substitute b. Holyoke, ; Mass. ; Conley, William. ; age 18 ; res. Claremont, cred. Acworth '63 ; enl. Oct. 3, ; must, in Oct

3, '63, as Priv. ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65. P. 0. ad., Claremont.

Connell, Cornelius. Co. H substitute b. Ireland cred. • ; ; ; age 20 ; Plaistow ; enl. Aug. '64 12, ; must, in Aug. 12 '64 as Priv a • i must, out June 28, '65. -^ > >

Co. H substitute b. Ireland age cred. • Connor, James. ; ; ; 28 ; ; enl. Wilton Aug. '64 ; 10, must, in Aug.o 10 '64 as Priv des to the enemy Dec. 1, '64. > > > Co. F; b. Ireland; age 28; res. Gorham enl. 2, Conray, Dudly. ; Oct. '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as Priv.- wd Deo 18 '62 ' • i '64, > Fredericksburg, Va. ; June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. Co. B substitute b. Woodstock, N. B. Charles. ; ; ; age Con-way, 23 ; cred. Raymond ; enl. Aug. 31, '64 ; must, in 31 '64 Aug ' Apr. '65, ' as Priv. ; captd. 7, Farmville, Va. ; re-captd. Apr. 10, '65 ; app. Corp. '65 Apr. 25, ; must, out June 28, '65. Co. B substitute b. Ireland age cred. Con-way, Charles. ; ; ; 22 ; Deerfield ; enl. '64 Aug. 23, ; must, in Aug. 23, '64, as Priv. ' ' '6.5, mis. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; gd. from mis. ; must, out June 28, '65.

Died, dis. Oct. 28, '64, City Point, Va, ;;;;


; ; res. ; enl. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 16, Cook, Prank B. Co. F ; b. Rochester age 18 Coucord Aug. 24, 23, '62, Harrison's Lauding, Va.

; ; res. '61 ; in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; wd. June Cook, George S. Co. H ; b. Sandwich age 22 Sandwich ; enl. Sept. 12, must, 19, 29,

'62, Savage's Station, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 11, '62, Baltimore, Md. See 18 N. H. V.

; b. Suffolk, ; '63 ; Cook, Henry. Co. H ; substitute Eng. age 29 ; res. New York city, cred. Seabrook ; enl. Aug. 10, must, in

Aug. 10, '63, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 15, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '62 '62, Cook, Jacob H. Co. A ; b. Wilton, Me. ; age 26 ; res. Concord, cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 5, ; must, in Aug. 5, as Priv. killed Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.

Cook, Wendell R. Co. G ; b. Chester, Vt. ; age 21 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 27, '61 ; inust. in Oct. 12, '61, as Corp. ; wd. Dec.

13, '62, Fredei-icksburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. ; 2 Lt. Co. H, Oct. 5, '63 ; 1 Lt. Co. A, Oct. 12, '64 ; not must. ; disch. Oct. 15, '64, as 2 Lt. P. O. ad., Claremont.

Cook, "Williaui W. F. and S. ; b. Boston, Mass.; res. Derry ; app. Maj. Sept. 24, '61; must, in Oct. 26, '61; wd. June 1, '62. '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; resigned July 17,

; b. ; '61 ; '61, ; Cook, William W. Co. G Windham, Vt. age 19 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 7, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. des. '63 '65. Aug. 12, ; appreh. Feb. 11, '65 ; des. Apr. 10, Died Feb. 1, '88, Claremont. " '63 Coolbeth, John. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; res. South Bolton," , cred. enl. Sept. 1. ; must, in — Hudson ;

Sept. 1, '63, as Priv. ; disch. May 11, '65, Washington, D. C. Coolen, Charles. Co. A; substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Hanover; enl. Sept. 10, '64; must, in Sept. 10, '64, as Priv.;

mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farraville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65. Coolum, Peter. Co. H; substitute; b. Canada; age 40; cred. Dublin; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv.; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. Died, wds. Apr. 30, '65, Annapolis, Md.

Cope, Bbenezer. Co. A ; substitute ; b. England ; age 20 ; cred. Bath ; enl. Aug. 23, '64 ; must, in Aug. 23, '64, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Sept. 30, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Co. A ; b. Sanbornton ; age 22 res. Concord (Fisherville, '61 '61, Copp, Luther. ; now Penacook) ; enl. Sept. 7, ; must, in Oct. 12,

as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 25, '62, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass.

Co. E ; b. Bath age 22 res. Bath enl. Oct. '61 ; in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; '62, Fred- Corey, Charles B. ; ; ; 10, must, 19, wd. Dec. 13, ericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Jan. 2, '63, Washington, D. C. '61, Corey, Charles H. Co. C ; b. Plainfield ; age 24 ; res. Plainfield ; enl. Sept.*16, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 6, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Plainfield. '61 '61, '62, Corey, William. Co. E ; b. Hanover ; age 26 ; res. Hanover ; enl. Oct. 16, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; wd. June 1,

Fail- Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 29, '62, Concord. See 18 N. H. V.

; ; ; '61 ; '61, Corliss, Matthe^w H. Co. 1 ; b. Alexandria age 31 res. Alexandria enl. Sept. 25, must, in Oct. 15, as Priv. ; wd. '62 June 29, ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. '62 '62, Corliss, Smith D. Co. F ; b. Meredith ; age 26 ; res. Franklin, cred. Franklin ; enl. Aug. 12, ; must, in Aug. 12, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 18, '62, Falmouth, Va. Cornell, Thomas O. Co. K; b. Ireland; age 33; res. Newton; enl. Sept. 16, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. sev. June

I, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Mar. 9, '63. '64 '64, Corney, Bd^ward. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Deerfield ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. 20, as Priv. disch. to date Apr. 7, '65. P. O. ad., Roscoe, N. Y.

'61 '61, '62, • Corser, Norman D. Co. C ; b. Bristol ; age 18 ; res. Bristol ; enl. Sept. 2, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; wd. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; re-enl. and nmst. in Mar. 29, '64 ; cred. Littleton ; app. Sergt. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must. out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Buena Vista, Col. '61 '61, '62, Corson, Alonzo. Co. A ; b. Milton ; age 30 ; res. Milton ; enl. Sept. 4, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, Fair '62 '64 '65. '89, Oaks, Va. ; des. July 27, ; appreh. Dec. 14, ; must, out June 28, Died Dec. 23, Milton.

; ; cred. enl. '64 in '64, Priv. ; Corson, Ira M. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Milton age 18 Milton ; July 28, ; must, July 28, as disch. May 24, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. Originally assigned to 11 N. H. V., but failed to join that regt.

enl. '61 ; '61, dis. Corson, Israel H. Co. A ; b. Milton ; age 44 ; res. Milton ; Aug. 30, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. Died, Apr. 19, '62, Ship Point, Va. '61 '61, Corson, Jaraes H. Co. A ; b. Lebanon, Me. ; age 18 ; res. Lebanon, Me. ; enl. Aug. 26, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. Died. dis. Jan. 8, '62, near Alexandria, Va.

; res. Wolfeborough ; enl. Sept. 10, '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; killed Corson, John F. Co. H ; b. New Durham ; age 22 19, June 30, '62, White Oak Swarap, Va.

; 18 res. Lancaster ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and Corson, Levi J. Co. B ; b. Lebanon, Me. age ; 20, '64, '64, must, in Jan. 1, '04 ; app. Sergt. ; wd. and captd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 6, Richmond, Va.

; res. Lancaster enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. Corson, William A. Co. B ; b. West Lebanon, Me. age 20 ; ; 9, 24,

wd. June 29, '62 ; des. Sept. 1, '62, Centreville, Va.

Ireland age 20 cred. Haverhill ; enl. Sept. 14, '64 ; must, in Sept. 14, '64, as Priv. ; app. Corster, John. Co. A ; substitute ; b. ; ; '65 '6.5. Corp. May 1, ; must, out June 28, '64 b. France ; age ; cred. Keene enl. July 5, ; must, in July Cotillard, Bugene, alias Peter Morran. Co. F ; substitute ; 31 ; 5, '64. '64, as Priv. ; disch. to date Nov. 18, '61 res. (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. Sept. ; must, in Oct. ; Boscawen 23, 12, Couch, Calvin P. Co. A ; b. Warner ; age 26 ' '64. '61, as Priv. ; must, out Oct. 29, P. O. ad., Newburyport, Mass. '64 in '64, ; b. Vermont ; age ; cred. Milford ; enl. Aug. 30, ; must, Aug. 30, as Priv. Coveney, John A. Co. B ; substitute 25 disch. June 5, '65, Concord.

; ; cred. Warren enl. Sept. 9, '64 ; must, in Sept. '64, as Priv. substitute ; b. Canada age 24 ; 9, ; Cowan, Charles W. Co. B ; '65. app. Sergt. Apr. 1, '65 ; must, out June 28, '61 in Oct. '61, as Priv. Eng. ; age 44 ; res. Hampstead ; enl. Sept. 23, ; must, 12, ; disch. Cowell, William R. Co. K ; b. Sutton, disab. Jan. 21, '63, Washington, D. C. cred. enl. Sept. '63 ; b. Holland, N. Y. ; age 22 ; res. Holland, N. Y., Alton ; 29, ; must, in Coyal, Michael. Co. E ; substitute

Sept. 29, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 24, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Craft. See Kraft. '64 appomtment. Capt. Dec. 11, ; not must. ; declined Crafts, Francis M. Co. F ; app. '61 ; '61 ; must, in Oct. 24, ; app. Capt. Sept. ; age 26 ; res. Milan app. 1 Lt. Oct. 12, Crafts Welcome A. Co. B ; b. Milan '65, '62 '64 ; Apr. '65 ; not must, as Col. ; must, out June 28, as Lt. Col. II, ; Maj. Sept. 6, '64 ; Lt. Col. Oct. 28, Col. 29, during the war Bvt. Maj., U. S. A., Mar. Bvt. Col., U. S. v., to date Mar. 18, '65, for gallant and meritorious conduct ; 2,;67, S. A., '67, for gallant for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; Bvt. Lt. Col., U. Mar. 2, and meritorious service in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. See 2 N. H. V. and Miscel. Organizations.

; ; ; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. F, Cragin, Clark. Co. D ; b. New Ipswich age 18 res. Jafirey 8, '61 '64. Oct. 81, ; must, out Oct. 29, '61 '61, '62 ; b. ; ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 27, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; wd. June 29, Craig, Joseph. Co. G England age 82 ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ;


'61 '62, disch- Crawford, Charles G. Co. D ; b. ClaiksviUe ; age Itj ; res. Clarksville ; enl. Nov. 28, ; must, iu Jan. 4, as Priv. ; disab. Jan. 22, '63, Washington, D. C. See 13 N. H. V. '62 in Aug. '62, Crawford, James L. S. Co. K ; b. Norfolk, N. Y. ; age 27 ; res. Lisbon, cred. Lisbon ; enl. Aug. 2, ; must, 2,

as Priv. ; des. Mar. 31, '64, Frederick, Md. '61 '62, Crawford, "William S. Co. D ; b. Clarksville ; age 20 ; res. Clarksville ; enl. Nov. 28, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 31, '62, New York city.

Cresley, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 18; cred. Rochester; enl. Aug. 18, '64 ; must, in Aug. 18, '64, as Priv.; '64, received Aug. 20, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; '64 '64, Priv. ; Crimmings, James. Co. H ; substitute b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Rindge ; enl. Aug. 6, ; must, in Aug. 6, as des. to the enemy Dec. 1, '64. '62 '62, f. r. Crocker, Robert B. Unas'd ; b. Pomfret, N. Y. ; age 22 ; cred. Franklin ; enl. Aug. 4, ; must, in Aug. 6, as Priv. N. A. G. O. '64, Crockett, Charles F. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Nova Scotia ; age 24 ; cred. Rochester ; enl. Sept. 7, '64 ; must, in Sept. 7, as

Priv. ; captd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; exch. ; disch. June 9, '65, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Bellwood, Neb. Crombia, Michael. Co. H. See Peter Cambur. '62, Crosby, John W. Co. K ; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 25 ; res. Milford, cred. Milford ; enl. Aug. 4, '62 ; must, in Aug. 4, as

Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. 2 Lt. Co. G, Mar. 4, '63 ; 1 Lt. Co. A, Jan. 6, '64 ; resigned disab. July 24, '64. P. 0. ad., Milford. See State Service.

'61 ; '61, ; disch. Crosby, Hiram G. Co. C ; b. Worcester, Mass. ; age 19 ; res. Lisbon ; enl. Sept. 16, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. disab. Nov. 29, '62, Alexandria, Va. See 1 Co. N. H. H. Art. '63 '63, Crosgrain, John. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Warner ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. 20, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 9, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; ; '61 ; '61, Sergt. Cross, Daniel K. Non-Com. Staif ; b. Hanover age 24 ; res. Hanover enl. Sept. 28, must, in Oct. 26, as Maj.

app. 2 Lt. Co. G, Feb. 1, '62 ; 1 Lt. Aug. 1, '62 ; disch. Nov. 14, '63. P. O. ad., Denver, Col. See Miscel. Organizations. '61 Cross, Edward B. F. and S. ; b. Lancaster ; age 31 ; res. Lancaster ; app. Col. Aug. 27, '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, ; wd. June

1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; Sept. 17, '62, Antietain, Md. ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; wd. July 2, '63, and died, wds. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

; ; '62 '62, Priv. ; disch. Aug. Cross, Francis L. Co. D ; b. Lancaster age 18 ; res. Lancaster enl. Feb. 11, ; must, in Feb. 15, as 6, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. Died Mar. 31, '84, Kansas City, Mo. Cross, Richard B. Co. H; b. J^ancaster; age 27; res. Lancaster; app. 1 Lt. Oct. 12, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61; app. Capt.

'62 '62, ; '62 '63, Va. Co. K, Feb. 17, ; wd. June 30, White Oak Swamp, Va. app. Maj. Dec. 14, ; wd. May, Chancellorsville,

app. Lt. Col. July 3, '63 ; cashiered Aug. 4, '64 ; disab. resulting from dismissal removed Jan. 16, '65 ; app. Col. Feb. 21, '65 '65. ; appointment revoked Apr. 29, P. O. ad., Laconia. See Miscel. Organizations.

; ; ; '61 ; '61, Priv. ; '62, Cross, W alden T. Co. C b. Newbury age 43 ; res. Hanover enl. Aug. 24, must, in Oct. 12, as wd. June 1, '62, '62 '62 Fair Oaks, Va. ; mis. June 29, Savage's Station, Va. ; gd. from mis. Oct. 3, ; disch. disab. Nov. 24, ; re-enl. and '64 '64, '65. must, in Jan. 4, ; wd. June 18, near Petersburg, Va. ; must, out June 28, Died Apr. 7, '83, Lebanon. CroweU, Henry H. Co. H. See 1 Reg-t. U. S. S. S.

Crowell, William. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Holliston, Mass. ; age 21 ; res. Middlesex, Mass., cred. Pittsiield ; enl. Aug. 20, '63 ; must, in Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. '61 .Crown, Andrew J. Co. F ; b. Topsham, Vt. ; age 33 ; res. Keene ; enl. Sept. 26, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 25, '62. P. O. ad., Providence, R. L See V. K. C.

Crowther, Samuel. Co. G ; b. Brighton, Lancashire, Eng. ; age 35 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 6, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as

Priv.; captd. Oct., '62, Harper's Ferry, Va. ; released; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. must, out Oct. 29, '64. Died May 24, '85, Claremont. '61 Cummings, Albert G. Co. A; b. Lebanon; age 18; res. Enfield; enl. Sept. 14, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as 1 Sergt.; app. 2

Lt. May 12, '62 ; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; app. 1 Lt. Co. F, Nov. 10, '62 ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va.

app. Capt. Mar. 1, '63 ; wd. May, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. ; disch. Oct. 6, '64. P. O. ad., Harrisburg, Pa. See 1 N. H. V. Cummings, Alexander. Co. B; b. Leeds, Can.; age 21; res. ; enl. Sept. 26, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as

Priv. ; re-enl. and nmst. in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Lancaster ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Groveton.

Cummings, Daniel. Co. G; b. Swanzey; age 33; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 6, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; must, out Oct. 29, '64. Died Aug. 4, '77, Keene. Cummings, Engrim J. Co. K; b. Parkman, Me.; age 19; res. Plaistow; enl. Sept. 18, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; '62, '63, wd. Sept. 17, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Jan. 4, Philadelphia, Pa. Died Nov. 21, '88, Plaistow.

Co. ; b. Parkman, Me. ; age 26 res. ; enl. '61 Cummings, Greenlief R. K ; Plaistow Sept. 18, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Wag- oner; must, out Oct. 29, '64. Died May 1, '82, Plymouth. Cummings, James. Co. B; b. Leeds, Can.; age 24; res. Northumberland; enl. Sept. 23, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; cred. Lancaster; app. Sergt. Jan. 1, '65; must, out June 28, '65. P. 0. ad., Lancaster. Cummings, John P. Co. A; b. Lebanon, Me.; age 22; res. Lebanon, Me.; enl. Oct. 8, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.;

app. Corp. Aug. 29, '63 ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; cred. Concord ; app. 1 Sergt. ; must, out June 28, '65. Co. A; b. Woodstock, Vt. Cummings, Owen T. ; age 23; res. Eufleld; enl. Sept. 19, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Pi-iv. ; app.

M. Sergt. Mar. 17, '63 ; must, out Oct. '64 ; app. '64 Q. 29, Q. M. Oct. 28, ; declined appointment Mar. 15, '65. P. O. ad., Harrisburg, Pa. * Co. B b. Leeds, Can. age res. Cummings, Robert. ; ; 18 ; Northumberland ; enl. '61 Oct. 8, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv Died, dis. Apr. 24, '62, Ship Point, Va. Cummings, Wellington. Co. B. See Robert Cummings.

Co. B b. Ireland age cred. • William. ; 44 Cummings, ; ; Northumberland '64 ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv wd ' June 17, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. to date July 7. '65. P. 0. ad.. Grange. Co. C b. Meredith age res. '61 Currier, George. ; ; 25 Orford enl. Sept. ; ; 4, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Sero-t. ' o" ; "'scn.aisao.disch. disab Julvjuiy 8, '62, Fairfax Seminary Gen. Hosp., Va, >

Curtis, Oren B. Co. F ; b. Syracuse, N. Y. ; age 25 ; res. Winchester ; enl. '61 • Sept. 16, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61 as Priv wd June 1, '62, Fan- Oaks, Va. disch. wds. Aug. '62, ; 29, to date Sept. 8, '62, New York city. P. O. ad., Winchester.' See

Cushing, Nehemiah. Co. A; substitute; b. Hingham, Mass.; age 33; cred. Nelson; enL Sept. 30, '63; 30 '63 j^ ' must in Sept r • as Priv. ; des. July 6, '64, Philadelphia, Pa. > > Co. E; substitute; b. Germany; Cushman, William. age 29; res. New Bedford, Mass., cred. Bennington enl Sept 1 '63- in Sept. '63, as Priv. tr. to ''' must, 1, ; U. S. Navy Apr. 20, '64, as a Landsman " ; served on U. S. S. Thomas Freeborn " " " '65. ' Yankee," and Fuschia ; disch. Aug. 3, Co. I; b. Canada; age res. Canaan; enl. Cutler, Ezra. 22; Sept. 23, '61; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv.; des. Oct. 19 '61 Concord. ' ' Co. drafted; b. Concord; res. Cutting, Asa D. D; age 27; Concord, cred. Concord; drafted Aug. 19, '63; must in Aug 19 ' '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. B, Nov. '84 out '65. 20, ; must, June 28, Died June 21, '88, Concord. ;; ;


Cuttings, Franklin R. Co. K ; b. Hanover ; age 28 ; res. Goshen ; enl. Sept. 20, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 25, '62. Dailey, 1, 1, Thomas J. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland ; age 23; cred. Rochester; enl. Sept. '64 ; must, iu Sept. '64, as Priv. received Sept. '64, 1, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Daily, Co. E ; b. Massachusetts ; '63 Prank. age 23 ; res. New York city, cred. ; enl. in '63, Piermont Dec. 7, ; must, Dec. 7,

as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. '64, " " " 19, as a Landsman ; served " on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar and Coeur de Lion ; des. Feb. 2, '65. Daily, Co. A substitute b. Joseph. ; Ireland ; ; age 21 ; cred. Exeter ; enl. Aug. 16, '64 ; must, in Aug. 16, '64, as Priv. ; mis. Apr. '65, Farmville, 7, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65. Dale, Henry. Co. F; substitute; b. Maine; age 25; res. Portsmouth, cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 20, '63; must, in Aug. 20, '63, as Pnv. wd. June '64, ; 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. disab. May 6, '65, Washington, D. C. Dalton, John. Co. A substitute b. ; ; Ireland ; age 35 ; cred. Rindge enl. '63 '63, ; disch. ; Oct. 1, ; must, in Oct. 1, as Priv. June 14, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. Dame, Charles H. Co. H b. Wakefield ; ; age 20 ; res. Ossipee ; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; killed June 30, 62, White Oak Swamp, Va. Dame, Robert S. Co. A b. ; Portsmouth ; age 21 ; res. Concord ; enl. Oct. 25, '61 ; must, in Nov. 1, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; 1 Sergt. Sept. 11, '62 2 Lt. Co. B, '62 ; Dec. 19, ; 1 Lt. Co. K, Mar. 3, '63 ; wd. and captd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; re- leased app. Capt. Aug. '64 ; 16, ; not must. ; disch. Oct. 6, '64, as 1 Lt. P. O. ad., Erie, Pa. See 1 N. H. V. Damon, Charles Co. I b. A. ; ; Amherst age 37 ; res. Amherst ; enl. Oct. 19, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Joseph. Co. E b. Damosh, ; ; ; Canada age 21 res. Lebanon ; enl. Sept. 19, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 3, '62, Concord. P. O. ad., Lebanon. Damzen, "William Co. substitute L. A ; b. Belgrade, ; '64 '64, ; Me. age 18 ; cred. Rochester ; enl. Aug. 12, ; must, in Aug. 12, as Pnv. '65. ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Brainerd, Minn.

Danforth, Nathan C. Co. A; b. Thetford, Vt. ; age "44"; res. '61; Boscawen (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. Sept. 19, must, in Oct. '61, Priv. 12, as ; disch. disab. Aug. 13, '63, Alexandria, Va. Died May 25, '88, Concord. See State Service. Danforth, Sylvanus Co. A; b. Boscawen "18"; B. ; age res. Boscawen (Fisherville, now Penacook); cred. Boscawen ; enl. Aug. '62 must, '62, 4, ; in Aug. 4, as Priv. ; disch. Jan. 16, '63, Falm&uth, Va. P. 0. ad.. West Concord. See V. R. C. Daniel, Henry. Co. C; b. Canada; age 20; res. Orford; enl. Aug. 30, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. Co. b. Daniels, George "W. E; Franklin; age 25; cred. Franklin; enl. Aug. 9, '62; must, in Aug. 9, '62, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. '62, Fredericksburg, 13, Va. ; dropped from rolls as a deserter Dec. 2, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Died Oct., '63, Bedford, P. Q. b. Daniels, James. Co. D; Canada; age 29; res. Rolliiisford ; enl. Oct. 3, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Corp.; app. Sergt. must, out Oct. 29, '64. Died Sept. 6, '75, Rollinsford. See 1 N. H. V. Daniels, William O. Co. E; b. Franklin; age 20; res. Franklin; enl. Sept. 25, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Wagoner; must. out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Franklin Falls.

Danielson, Daniel. Co. A ; substitute ; b. ; '64, Norway age 23 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Aug. 17, '64 ; must, in Aug. 17, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65.

Darling, James P. Co. E ; b. Croydon ; age 23 ; res. Croydon ; enl. Sept. 3, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. 0. ad., Derry D&pot. " " Darling, Warren K. Co. E ; b. Croydon ; age 18 ; res. Croydon ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, '61, Priv. ; disch. ' 9, in Oct. 19, as disab. Nov. 5, '62. See 2 Co., N. H. H. Art. and V. R. C.

David, James B. Co. K ; b. Amherst; age 26; res. Amherst; app. 1 Lt. Oct. 12, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61 ; disch. incom- petency Feb. 15, '62. P. O. ad., Somerville, Mass. See Miscel. Organizations and State SeiTice.

Davies, Charles. Co. K ; b. Hampshire, Eng. ; age 24 ; res. New York city, cred. Durham ; enl. Dec. 7, '63 ; must, in Dec. 7, '63, Priv. tr. '64, " " as ; to U. S. Navy Apr. 21, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. William Bacon" and "Yankee ; des. Sept. 20, '64.

Davis, Andrew J. Co. K ; b. Kingston ; age 28 ; res. Kingston ; enl. Sept. 21, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp.

tr. to 64 Co., 2 Batt'l, L C, Dec. 1, '63 ; disch. Oct. 15, '64, Hilton Head, S. C, tra. ex. P. O. ad., Kingston. '63 Davis, Charles. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Montreal, Can. ; age 22 ; cred. Rindge ; enl. Oct. 1, ; must, in Oct. 1, '63, as Priv.

wd. sev. July 27, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. ; disch. disab. May 20, '65.

; ; ; ; '63 ; '63, Davis, Daniel N. Co. A substitute b. Plaistow ; age 38 cred. Dover enl. Aug. 14, must, in Aug. 14, as Priv. disch. disab. Dec. 15, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '63 Davis, Daniel S. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Malone, N. Y. ; age 18 ; res. Holland, cred. Gilford ; enl. Sept. 29, ; must, in Sept. '65. 29, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 8, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, cred. '63 in '63, Davis, David O. Co. F ; drafted; b. Alton ; age 33 ; res. Durham, Durham; drafted Aug. 14, ; must, Aug. 14,

as Priv.; '63; Mar. 2.5, '65, Ft. Stedman, Va. ; mis. Apr. '65, Farmville, Va. gd. from mis.; app. Corp. Nov. 14, wd. 7, ; disch. disab. July 4, '65, Chester, Pa. P. O. ad., Newmarket. See 2 N. H. V. 21, '61, Davis, Edson. Co. I; b. Cambridge, Vt. ; age 41; res. Amherst; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 21, '62. P. O. ad., Amherst. See 1 N. E. Cav.

res. enl. Sept. 21, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; must, out Oct. Davis, George. Co. K ; b. Kingston ; age 40 ; Kingston ; 29, '64. Died Jlay 17, '66, Kingston. " ; " res. Sandwich enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; wd. Davis, Hezekiah H. Co. H ; b. Northfield age 45 ; ; 11, 19,

June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 29, '62, Concord. See V. R. C. cred. enl. '62 must, in Aug. '62, ; res. Manchester, Manchester ; Aug. 29, 29, Davis, Hilas D. Co. K ; b. Corinth, Vt. age 24 ; ;

'64 ; ; disch. disab. '64, near as Priv. ; wd. July, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; app. Corp. July 4, tr. to Co. G Dec. 24, Petersburg, Va. P. O. ad., Bradford, Vt. '64, b. St. John, N. B. ; age 19; cred. Barrington ; enl. Aug. 17, '64; must, in Aug. 17, Davis, James M. Co. A ; substitute; '8-5, ; 2cl, '65. Aug. Kensington. as Priv. ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. returned ; must, out June Died 20, '61 '61, ; ; res. Greenland ; enl. Sept. 17, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; killed Dec. Davis, Jacob. Co. K ; b. Newbury, Vt. age 30 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va.

res. Concord ; enl. Aug. 21, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. Sept. Davis, Jared M. Co. E ; b. Orford ; age 22 ;

'63 ; disch. '63, Concord. P. 0. ad., Haverhill, Mass. 3, ; wd. sev. May 3, '63, Chaiicellorsville, Va. wds. Nov. 12, '63 '63, Co. I ; b. ; age ; res. New York city, cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19, Davis, John. substitute ; Sweden 21 as Priv. tr. " ; to U. S. Navy Apr. 23, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; des. May 24, '64, from U. S. S. Commodore Read." '61 '61, Davis, John M. Co. K ; b. Middleton ; age 28 ; res. Nevvmarket ; enl. Sept. 26, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Corp. ; wd. Sept. '62, 17, Antietam, Md. ; disch. wds. Jan. 4, '63, Baltimore, Md. Died Dec. 25, '63. See 1 N. H. V.

Joseph M. Co. B ; b. Milan ; age 27 res. ; enl. Oct. '61 in '61, Priv. ; '62, Davis, ; Dummer 20, ; must, Oct. 24, as wd. Dec. 13,

Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Mar. 23, '63, Washington, D. C.

Richard Co. IT b. ; ; '61 Davis, R. ; Wheelock, Vt. age res. Wolfeborough ; ; '61 39 app. Capt. Oct. 12, must, in Oct. 19, ; resigned July 25, '62. Died Feb. 22, '85, Wolfeborough. ;;;;;


'61, Priv. Davis, Smith P. Co. H ; b. Tuftonborough ; age 29 ; res. Moultonborougb ; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, as

app. Corp. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 20, '62. Davis, Solon M. Co. K. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S. Davis, WiUiam H. Co. F. See 2 Keg-t. U. S. S. S.

Day, John. Co. I substitute ; ; '64 '64, ; ; b. Scotland ; age 21 cred. Gilmanton ; enl. Sept. 19, ; must, in Sept. 19, as Priv. re- ported on m. o. roll dated June 28, '65, as absent in arrest, awaiting sentence Gr. C. M.. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Dean, Silas P. Co. B; drafted; b. Greenfield; age 32; res. Londonderry, cred. Londonderry; drafted Aug. II, '63; must, in

Aug. '63, as Priv. ; '64 '65. 11, app. Chaplain Feb. 1, ; nmst. out June 28, P. O. ad., South Acworth. Dearborn, Abraham. Co. I; substitute; b. Exeter; age 26; cred. Exeter; enl. Aug. 11, '63; must, in Aug. 11, '63, as Priv.; tr. to 31 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C, Apr. 26, '64 ; des. July 30, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va. Dearborn, David J. Co. A; b. Chester; age 24; res. Chester; enl. Nov. 17, '61; must, in Nov. 21, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp.; '62, wd. June 1, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Sept. 21, '62, Sharpsbui-g, Md. P. 0. ad., Boston, Mass. See Miscel. Organ- izations.

Dearborn, Levi G. Co. A ; b. Woodstock ; age 22 ; res. Woodstock ; enl. Sept. 18, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Sept. 21, '62; Sergt. Nov. 1, '62. Died, dis. Jan. 22, '63, Falmouth, Va. Dechau, Joseph. Co. F; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Claremoiit; enl. July 9, '64; must, in July 9, '64, as Priv.;

wd. Oct. 18, '64 ; des. Dec. 5, '64, from Campbell Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C.

DeLacy, ; substitute ; ; '64 Sept. '64, Co. A ; b. Ireland ; enl. must, in James H. age 22 cred. Moultonborough Sept. 15, ; 15,

as Priv. ; app. Sergt. June 1, '65 ; must, out June 28, '65. Delair, George. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Columbia; enl. Aug. 31, '64; must, in Aug. 31, '64, as Priv.; received '64, at Aug. 30, draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '64, to ]-egt. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

;. Delaney, John. Co. F ; b. Ireland age 31 ; res. Concord ; enl. Oct. 7, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 29, '62.

Delmage, James. Co. G; b. Champlain, N. Y. ; age 26; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. See State Service. '62, Delury, William. Co. A; b. Ireland; age 24; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 3, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; Aug. 25, '64, Ream's Station, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. Died Aug. 26, '90, Concord.

Demeritt, Moses E. Co. F ; b. Nottingham ; age 21 ; res. Nottingham ; enl. Oct. 26, '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as Priv. ; tr.

to Co. B, Nov. 1, '61 ; disch. disab. Dec. 4, '62, Washington, I). C. See V. R. C. Denoyer, Alphonse, alias Charles Brown. Unas'd; substitute; b. France; age 29; cred. Keene; enl. July 6, '64; must, in '64, July 6, as Priv. ; disch. to date Nov. 18, '64.

Derby, Prank J. Co. I; b. Lyme; age 22; res. Lyme; enl. Sept. 24, '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 13, '62. Died Mar. 10, '63, Lyme.

Derush, Andrew J. Co. I ; b. Antrim ; age 34 ; res. Canaan ; enl. Aug. 21, '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 9, '62. P. O. ad., Canaan. See 18 N. H. V.

Derusha, Joseph. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Carroll ; enl. Sept. 15, '64 ; must, in Sept. 15, '64, as Priv. nmst. out June 28, '65. '64 Desell, William. Co. A ; sukstitute ; b. Canada ; age 18 ; cred. Brentwood ; enl. Aug. 23, ; must, in Aug. 26, '64, as Priv. must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Dallas, Or.

Deven, William. Co. G; substitute; b. Portland, Me. ; age 23; res. Portland, Me., cred. New Hampton; enl. Sept. 29, '63

must, in Sept. 29, '63, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 29, '63, Concord.

Dever, William. Co. A; substitute; b. Montreal, Can.; age 22; res. Montreal, Can., cred. Hollis ; enl. Sept. 1, '63; must, in '63, " " " Sept. 1, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar and William " Bacon ; disch. July 17, '65, as Seaman, from receiving ship, Washington, D. C.

Devlin, James. Co. II ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Rindge ; enl. Aug. 6, '64 ; must, in Aug. 6, '64, as Priv. ; app.

Corp. ; reduced to ranks Apr. 18, '65 ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Nat. Military Home, Ind.

; ; ; ; '63 ; Dewey, Ira P. Co. B ; drafted b. Williamstown, Vt. age 32 res. Hanover, cred. Hanover drafted Oct. 27, must, in

Oct. 27, '63, as Priv. ; captd. June '64, Cold Harbor, Va. par. Aug. 12, '64 ; must, out June 28, '65. Died Mar. 6, '88, 3, ; Hanover.

Dexter, Charles R. Co. C ; b. Damascus, Pa. ; age 22 ; res. New York city, cred. Durham ; enl. Dec. 4, '63 ; must, in Dec. 4,

'63, as Priv. ; wd. June 17, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; must, out June 28, '65.

Dickinson, Ethan A. Co. C ; b. Springfield, Vt. ; age 43 ; res. Lebanon ; enl. Sept. 10, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Died, wds. Sept. 5, '62. Dimass, Joseph. Unas'd; substitute; b. Spain; age 23; cred. Gilmanton; enl. Aug. 31, '64; must, in Aug. 31, '64, as Priv.

received Sept. 1, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Sept. 2, '64, to regt. K. f . r. A. G. O. Dion, Marshall. Co. D; substitute; b. St. Helen, France; age 21; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Aug. 10, '63; must, in Aug. 10, '63,

as Priv. ; captd. June 22, '64, Jerusalem Plank Road, Va. par. '64 ; '64 ; '64 ; Oct. 18, exch. Nov. 15, tr. to Co. F, Nov. 23, ; disch. to date Nov. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass.

Distler, John M. Co. C ; b. New York city ; age 23 ; res. New York city, cred. South Newmarket ; enl. Dec. 4, '63 ; must, in '63, '64, Dec. 4, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; sent July 11, '64, to regt., from hosp., Annapolis, Md. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Unas'd b. ; ; cred. '64 Dixon, James. ; substitute ; Ireland age 22 Gilford ; enl. Aug. 18, ; must, in Aug. 18, '64, as Priv. ; re-

ceived Aug. 20, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Co. B substitute b. St. Croix Isl., I. ; age 21 cred. ; '64 Dixon, Victor. ; ; W. ; Exeter enl. Aug. 18, ; must, in Aug. 18, '64, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. F. b. Boston, Mass. age res. Boston, Mass. Dodd, Charles. andS. ; ; 25 ; ; app. Adjt. Sept. 24, '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, '61; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. June 13, '63. Died, 1875, Boston, Mass. Co. b. Plainfield; age res. Orford; enl. Sept. '61 Dodge, Azro B. C; 34; 6, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 4, '62.

Dodge, Henry. Co. K ; b. Newcastle, Eng. ; age 22 ; res. New York city, cred. East Kingston enl. '63 ; Dec. 7, ; must, in Dec.

7, '63, as Priv. ; mis. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Co. II ; b. Wolfeborough age ; res. Wolfeborough ; enl. '61 Doe, Charles O. ; 21 Sept. 11, ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Muse. ; des. June 8, '63.

Dogherty, Charles H. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Mason ; enl. Sept. '64 17, ; must, in Sept. 17, '64, as Priv. des. Mar. 29, '65, Petersburg, Va. Unas'd substitute b. Ireland cred. Doherty, Charles. ; ; ; age 21 ; Barnstead ; enl. Sept. 2, '64 ; must, in Sept. 2, '64, as Priv. '64, received Sept. 5, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Co. I; substitute; b. Cork, Ir. res. Doherty, Daniel. ; age 18; Boston, Mass., cred. Canaan; enl. Oct. 6, '63; nmst. in Oct. 6,

'63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served " " " 20, on U. S. S. Anacostia and "Ohio ; disch. Julv•' 12, '65. b. Ireland cred. Doherty, James. Co. A ; substitute ; ; age 40 ; Lisbon ; enl. Aug. 19, '64 ; must, in Aug. 19, '64, as Priv. must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. ;;;;;


Doherty, John. Co. B; substitute; b. Ireland; age 34; cred. Epping; enl. Sept. 1, '64; must, in Sept. 1, '64, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 26, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Doherty. See Dorety. 1, Dohorty, Thomas. Co. B; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Auburn ; enl. Sept. 1, '64; must, in Sept. '64, as Priv.;

wd. Apr. 7, '05, Farmville, Va. ; disch. June 12, '65, near Alexandria, Va.

Dolan, James, Jr. Co. G; b. Milford, Mass.; age 19; res. Charlestown ; enl. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.;

wd. sev. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. July 25, '62, Concord.

Dolan, John. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 36 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Sutton ; enl. Aug. 20, '63 ; must, in Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 7, '64, while on furlough from McDougall (len. Hosp., Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. H.

Dolbear, Samuel. Co. K ; b. Norwich, Conn. ; ; res. enl. '61 ; '61, age 21 Milford ; July 22, must, in Oct. 12, as Corp.; app.

Sergt. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. See State Service.

Donaldson, Daniel. Co. C ; b. Canada ; res. enl. '61 ; in Oct. '61, Priv. ; re-enl. age 18 ; Orford ; Sept. 3, must, 12, as and must. in Jan. '64 1, ; cred. Hanover ; mis. Aug. 25, '64, Keam's Station, Va. ; returned ; captd. Oct. 5, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

par. Oct. 8, '64 ; killed Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. Donaldson, Edward. Unas'd; substitute; b. New York; age 21; cred. Sunapee; enl. Sept. 5, '64; must, in Sept. 5, '64, as Priv. ; received Sept. 5, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '04, to regt. N. f r. A. G. 0. Donaldson, James. Co. b. res. enl. '61 '61, C; Canada; age 27; Orford; Aug. 26, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv.; app. Corp.; '64, wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Cadott, Wis.

Donaldson, Samuel. Co. C; b. Canada; age 19; res. Orford; enl. Sept. 3, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 24, '62, Washington, D. C.

Donelly, Peter. Co. C; substitute; b. Pittsfield ; age 21; res. Pittsfield, cred. Dover; enl. Aug. 14, '63 ; must, in Aug. 14, '63,

as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; reported on m. o. roll as absent sick. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Donlen, Co. A substitute b. cred. enl. '64 ; must, in '64, Michael. ; ; Ireland ; age 19 ; Goft'stown ; Aug. 10, Aug. 10, as Priv. must, out June 28, '65.

Donnell, Co. ; substitute ; Ireland ; cred. Strafford ; enl. Sept. '64 ; in Sept. '64, as Priv. James. A b. age 25 ; 14, must, 14, must, out June 28, '65.

Donnelley, Michael. Co. I; substitute; b. England; age 24; cred. Moultonborough ; enl. Sept. 11, '64; must, in Sept. 11, '64,

as Priv. ; des. Feb. 12, '65. »

Donnelly, Daniel. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland ; age 28; cred. Bath; enl. Aug. 11, '64 ; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv.; received Aug. 11, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord, and sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 '63, Donnelly, Patrick. Co. B ; b. Ireland ; age 29 ; res. Candia, cred. Candia ; enl. Deo. 3, ; must, in Dec. 3, as Priv. ; wd.

June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. Jan. 2, '65, Washington, D. C.

Donohoe, John. Co. G; substitute; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 23; res. Newark, N. J., cred. Laconia; enl. Sept. 29, '63; must.

in Sept. 29, '63, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 30, '63, Concord.

; '64 ; in '64, as Priv. Donohoe, Patrick. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 cred. Rochester ; enl. Aug. 15, must, Aug. 15, must, out June 28, '65. Donovan, John. Co. F; b. Ireland; age 18; res. Concord; enl. Oct. 8, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; wd. July 1, '62,

Malvern Hill, Va. ; des. Jan. 27, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

'61 ; iu Oct. '61, as Muse. ; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Dore, John C. Co. K ; b. Milton ; age 25 ; res. Milton ; enL Sept. 4, must, 12,

Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 22, '62, Concord. See V. K. C.

; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. des. Sept. 12, Dorety, Marcus. Co. A ; b. Belfast, Ir. ; age 23 ; res. Concord 4, 12, ; '62, Washington, D. C. Dorety. See Doherty. Dorr, Simon L. Co. A; b. Wakefield; age 26; res. Concord; eul. Sept. 17, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp.; disch. disab. Oct. 23, '62. See V. R. C. Dow, Charles B. Co. K; substitute; b. Vienna, Me.; age 24; res. Princeton, Me., cred. Dover; enl. Aug. 14, '63; must, in '65, D. Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. G, Nov. 20, '64 ; disch. July 17, Washington, C. '62, ; enl. Oct. 2, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 30, White Dow, Daniel. Co. H ; b. Lyman ; age 22 res. Lyman ;

'64 ; ; killed '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Oak Swamp, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, app. Corp. June 8,

'64 in Sept. '64, St. John's, N. F. ; age 23 ; cred. Portsmouth ; eul. Sept. 8, ; must, 8, Downing, Charles. Co. A ; substitute ; b. '65. as Priv. ; must, out June 28, enl. '61 must, in Oct. '61, as Corp. ; age 23 ; res. Somersworth ; Sept. 18, ; 12, Downing, George W. Co. D ; b. Somersworth

; disab. Feb. '63, Falmouth, Va. wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; app. Sergt. disch. 6, Milton, cred. Centre Harbor; enl. Sept. 29, '63 must, Sept. Downs Hanson. Co. E; substitute; b. Milton ; age 37; res. ; m C. P. ad., Milton. 29, '63, as Priv. ; disch. July 12, '65, Washington, D. O. Downs, Henry. Co. A; b. Barnston, Can.; age "41"; res. Milton; enl. Sept. 3, '61; must, m Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 10, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. O. ad., Milton. See V. R. C. age 83; res. Milton, cred. Milton; drafted Aug. 14, '63; must, m Aug. 14, Downs John T H Co. D ; drafted; b. Canada; ''63, ; tr. to Co. A, Nov. 20, '64 ; disch. June 5, '05, Concord. P. O. ad.. as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

'61 must, in Oct. '61, Priv. ; ; res. Taraworth ; enl. Aug. 27, ; 19, as ; disch. Downs, Joseph. Co. H ; b. Tamworth age 18 disab. Dec. 1, '62. P. O. ad.. South Tamworth. '62 '62, '62, ; enl. Aug. 11, ; must, in Aug. 11, as Priv. ; killed Sept. 17, ; res. Epsom Dowst, James. Co. I ; b. Epsom age 30 ; Antietam, Md. Doyle, Doyle

cred. Milton; enl. Aug. 14, '63; must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv.; Doyle, Wiffiam. 'Co.K; substitute; b.'Dubihi, Ir. ; age 24; des. Jan. 1, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Dreug, Robert B. Co. A; substitute; b. England; age 29; cred. Surry; enl. Oct. 1, '63; must, m Oct. 1, '63, as Priv.; des. Dec. 9, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

'61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Drew, Frank P. Co. A; b. Lebanon; age 17; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 12, Pnv. ; disch. by writ of habeas corpus Feb. 15, '62. P. 0. ad., Salisbury. See 1 N. H. H. Art. and State Service. '61 '62, ; ; enl. Dec. 10, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May Drew, Nathan. Co. F b. Loudon ; age 43 res. Loudon ; 14, '62, Yorktown, Va. '61 '61, ; enl. Sept. 12, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Corp. ; Drew, V7"aH'=ir S. Co. A ; b. Manchester age 21 ; res. Concord ; wd. June 1,

'62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 9, '62, Bolivar Heights, Md. See 1 N. H. V. ;;;;;


'63 in Aug. Driscoll, Daniel. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Cork, Ir. ; age 31 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Milton ; enl. Aug. 14, ; must,

14, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 6, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. to Co. F, Nov. 20, '64 ; des. Jan. 6, '65, from hosp., Philadel- phia, Pa. '64 '64, as Driscoll, James. Co. A ; substitute; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 21 ; cred. Merrimack ; enl. Aug. 12, ; must, in Aug. 12,

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. Driscoll, James. Co. B; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. Grafton; enl. Sept. 9, '64; must, in Sept. 9, '64, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65. '64, Ducharme, Joseph. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 19 ; cred. Haverhill ; enl. Aug. 9, '64 ; must, in Aug. 9, as Priv. must, out June 28, '65. Ducy, Cornelius. Co. A; b. Ireland; age 21; res. Concord; enl. Aug. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; des. June 28, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Dudley, Charles L. Co. B. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S.

Dudley, George B. Co. H ; b. Brentwood ; age 20 ; cred. Kingston ; enl. Feb. 17, '65, for 1 yr. ; must, in Feb. 17, '65, as Priv. disch. June 21, '65, Philadelphia, Pa.

Dudley, William P. Co. E ; b. Newport ; age 19 ; res. Acworth ; enl. Aug. 19, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 17, '62, near Alexandria, Va. Dufert, John. Co. F. See L. Prevost. '64, Duflfey, Allen. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Prince Edward's Island ; age 21 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Aug. 24, '64 ; must, in Aug. 24,

as Priv. ; received Aug. 24, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Duffle, John. Co. K; b. Scotland; age 26; cred. Hampton; enl. Dec. 7, '63; must, in Dec. 7, '63, as Priv.; killed June 8, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

Dufree, Nelson. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 22 ; cred. Lisbon ; enl. Sept. 20, '64 ; must, in Sept. 20, '64, as Priv. ; re- ported on ni. o. roll dated June 28, '65, as absent in an-est, awaiting sentence G. C. M. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Dufur, Porter. Co. F ; b. Canada ; age 40 ; res. Concord ; enl. Oct. 5, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 8, '62, Fairfax Seminary, Va. P. O. ad,, Contoocook. See V. R. C. Dugan, John. Co. A; substitute; b. Ireland; age 26; cred. Acworth; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv.;

app. Corp. May 1, '65 ; must, out June 28, '65. '61 '61, as Dugan, William B. Co. F ; b. Medway, Mass. ; age 18 ; res. Warwick, Mass. ; enl. Oct. 23, ; must, in Oct. 23, Priv.; re-enl. Feb. 22, '64; cred. Winchester; must. in Feb. 23, '64; wd. June, '64; des. July 16, '64, while on furlough from McDougall Gen. Hosp., Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. H.

; ; ; enl. '63 must. Dumphrey, John. Co. K ; substitute b. Ireland age 23 ; res. Barrytown, N. Y., cred. Somersworth Aug. 14, ;

in Aug. 14. '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; reported des. June 16, '64, Washington, D. C. ; also reported tr. to New York June 16, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; 5, in Sept. 5, as Priv. Duncan, Eugene. Unas'd; substitute; b. New York; age 21 cred. Sun apee ; enl. Sept. '64 ; must, '64,

received Sept. 5, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Dunham, Thomas. Unas'd; substitute; b. New Jersey; age 19; cred. Mason; enl. Sept. 21, '64; must, in Sept. 21, '64, as

Priv. ; received Sept. 22, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord. N. f . r. A. G. O.

; ; ; ; '63 must, in Sept. '63, as Priv. Dunkley, Bbenezer P. Co. A substitute b. Milford age 44 cred. Keene ; enl. Sept. 30, ; 30, disch., insanity, Feb. 7, '65, Washington, D. C. '03 ; b. ; cred. ; enl. Oct. must, in Oct. '63, as Priv. ; des. Dunn, John. Co. A substitute ; Oxford, Mass. age 23 ; Nashua 6, ; 6, Dec. 9, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '64 ; enl. Sept. ; must, in Sept. '64, as Priv. ; must. Dunn, John. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Portsmouth 7, 7, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad.. New York city.

; ; ; ; '64 ; in '64, as Priv. Dunn, Samuel. Unas'd ; substitute b. Ireland age 26 cred. Concord enl. Aug. 16, must, Aug. 16,

received Aug. 20, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

; ; ; 23 cred. Greenfield ; enl. Aug. '64 ; must, in Aug. 9, '64, as Priv. Dunn, William. Unas'd substitute b. Ireland age ; 9, '64, f. r. received Aug. 9, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, to regt. N. A. G. O. Duntley, John H. Co. A; b. Milton; age 18; res. Milton; enl. Sept. 21, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '61. Miscel. '62, Antietam, Md. ; July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; must, out Oct. 29, P. O. ad., Milton. See Organizations. res. Milton, cred. Warner enl. Aug. 20, must, in Aug. 20, Duntley, Joseph H. Co. A; substitute; b. Milton; age 18; ; '63; '65. '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 18, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Rochester. Duren, John A. Non-Com. Staff; b. Concord; age 29; res. Keene; enl. Sept. 18, '61; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as Q. M. Sergt. ' '63 '63 ; captd. '64, Harbor, Va. ; released ; disch. Mar. '65. app. 2 Lt. Co. B, Apr. 1, ; 1 Lt. Co. I, Oct. 1, June 3, Cold 16, Died Washington, D. C, date unknown.

; ; res. Northwood ; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; killed June Durgin Joseph. Co. A b. Northwood ; age 42 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va.

age res. Andover, cred. Pittsfield ; enl. Aug. 19, '63 must. Durgin, Nathaniel S. Co. D; substitute; b. New Hampshire ; 25; ;

; A, Nov. 20, '64; wd. Apr. '65, Farmville, Va. ; disch. wds. July 19, '65, 'in Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; app. Coi-p. tr. to Co. 7, Manchester. P. O. ad., Cresco, Iowa. enl. '63 substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 33 ; res. St. Clair, Pa., cred. Haverhill ; Oct. 22, ; must, in Oct. 22, Dyer Frank Co. E ; ' '63, as' Priv.; des. Dec. 22, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '64 '64, ; b. Ireland ; age 28 ; cred. Lempster ; enl. Aug. 6, ; must, in Aug. 6, as Priv. ; des. Dver John Co. A ; substitute ' N. f. r. A. G. O. '61 '61, '64, ; res. ; enl. Aug. 13, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, Cold Dyke David K. Co. C ; b. Lyme age 23 ; Lyme ' '64. ad., Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, P. O. Lyme.

Bridgewater ; enl. '64 must, in '64, substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; cred. Sept. 16, ; Sept. 16, as Priv. Eagan, Michael. Co. A ; must, out June 28, '65. Eagan. See Egan. enl. Oct. '61 must, in Oct. '61, as Priv.; di,sch. disab. Basin Michael Co. B; b. Canada; age 28; res. Lancaster; 5, ; 23, May ' 14, '62. Eames Harvey. Co. C; b. Warren; age 21; res. Warren; enl. Sept. 9, '61; must, m Oct. 8, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 20, '62, near Alexandria, Va. Eastman Albert Co. E; b. Enfield; age 28; res. Grantham; enl. Sept. 20, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 3, '64. ad.. West Brookfield, Vt. '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, P. O. Concord; enl. Aug. '62; must, Aug. '62, Eastman Nelson G-. Co. A; b. Concord; age 34; cred. 11, in 11, as Priv.; disch. disab. Dec. 18, '62. See 1 N. H. Cav.

b. ; age 26 ; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook), cred. Concord drafted drafted ; Concord ; Eastman Reuben J. Co. D ; '64, '63 '63, as Priv. ; killed June 6, Cold Harbor, Va. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19, '63 drafted ; b. Danville ; age 34 ; res. Danville, cred. Danville ; drafted Aug. 11, ; must, in Aug. 11, Eastman, Sewall. Co. D ; '6.5, '65. '63, as Priv.; tr. to Co. B, Nov. 20, '64; captd. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; re-captd. Apr. 10, '65; must, out June 28, P. b. ad., North Danville. ;;;


Eastman, Co. A ; b. Hopkinton ; age ; res. Concord (Fisherville, '61 William "W. ; 27 now Penacook) ; enl. Sept. 9, must, in '61, Oct. 12, as Corp. ; disch. disab. Apr. 23, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Penacook. See V. K. C. Eaton, Co. b. Charles H. H ; Sandwich ; age 18 ; res. Sandwich ; enl. Sept. 8, 'Gl ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, '64; cred. Sandwich; killed June 18, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Eaton, b. Co. B Sandwich ; age ; res. ; Daniel 0. ; 29 Sandwich enl. Oct. 22, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. H, Jan. '62 '62, 9, ; wd. Sept. 17, Antietam, Md. Died, wds. July 2, '63, Frederick, Md. Eaton, b. Frederick P. Co. D ; Plaistow age 18 res. '61 ; ; Plaistow ; enl. Oct. 22, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Eaton, James T. Co. F; b. Chesterfield; age 42; res. Winchester; enl. Oct. 23, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 30, '62. Eaton, John H. Co. K b. Bennington ; ; age ; res. 19 Bennington ; enl. Sept. 2, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 9, '62, New York city. Supposed identical with John H. Eaton, Co. B, 2 N. H. V. Eaton, Stephen B. Co. A; b. East Kingston; age 34; res. Milton; enl. Sept. 4, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and must, Feb. '64 disch. m 19, ; June 29, '65, neai- Washington, D. C. Died Jan. 29, '92, Concord. Eckert, Jacob. Co. C b. Nuremburg, Ger. ; ; age 25 ; res. New York city, cred. South Newmarket; enl. Dec. 4, '63 ; must, in '63, Dec. 4, as Priv. ; des. May 28, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Edgerly, Charles E. Co. D b. ; New Durham ; age 36 ; res. Dover; enl. Sept. 24, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Wagoner ; disch. f , , b disab. May 7, '62. See 1 N. H. H. Art. - . ,

Edgerly, Henry I. Band ; b. Farmington ; ; age 22 res. Farmington ; enl. Sept. 12, '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as 3 Cla,ss

Muse. ; must, out Aug. 8, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Dover.

Edgerly, James B. Band ; b. Farmington res. '61 ; age 27 ; Farmington ; enl. Sept. 12, ; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as 2 Class Muse. must, out Aug. 8, '62, Harrison's Lauding, Va. P. O. ad., Farmington.

Edmonds, "William. Co. A; substitute; b. London, Eng. ; age 19; cred. Weare ; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. Edson, Charles G-., alias George Hancock. Co. C; substitute; b. Vermont; age 19; cred. Lisbon; enl. Sept. 15, '64; must, in '64, Sept. 15, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Ogden, Utah.

Cutler. Co. E b. Springfield, Vt. ; ; Edson, ; age 41 res. Enfield ; enl. Oct. 18, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Muse. ; disch. disab. Jan. 29, '63, Concord. Died Apr. 14, '81, Claremont. Ed-wards, Edward. Co. B; substitute; b. Halifax, N. S.; age 19; cred. Barnstead; enl. Sept. 1, '64; must, in Sept. 1, '64, as

Priv. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 12, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Edwards, George. Co. B; substitute; b. Canada; age 22; cred. Marlow; enl. Aug. 31, '64; must, in Aug. 31, '64, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65. Edwards, John. Co. G; substitute; b. Massachusetts; age 21; cred. Colebrook; enl. Aug. 31, '64; must, in Aug. 31, '64, as

Priv. ; reported on m. o. roll dated June 28, '65, as absent sick. N. f. i. A. G. O. Efflnger, Conrad. Co. A. See Anton Greger.

Bgan, John. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 37 ; cred. Hanover ; enl. Aug. 29, '64 ; must, in Aug. 29, '64, as Priv. ; des.

appreh. ; must, out June 28, '65. Egan. See Eagan.

Eioh, Englebert. Co. F ; b. Germany ; age 26 ; res. Manchester, cred. Piermont ; enl. Dec. 7, '63 ; must, in Dec. 7, '63, as Priv.

tr. to 162 Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C, Apr. 12, '65 ; des. Jixne 28, '65, Pt. Lookout, Md. Biginger, Daniel. Co. A; substitute; b. Germany; age 24; cred. Nashua; enl. Aug. 23, '64; must, in Aug. 23, '64, as Priv.;

app. Corp. ; must, out June 28, '65. '63 Eile, Charles. Co. D ; substitute ; b. Germanv ; age 34 ; res. Philadelphia, Pa., cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug.

19, '63, as Priv. ; killed June 6, '64, Cold'Harbor, Va. '63 Eldredge, Frederic A. Co. E ; drafted ; b. Pembroke ; age 26 ; res. Milford, cred. Milford ; drafted Sept. 2, ; must, in Sept.

2, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. Oct. 26, '64, to accept promotion. P. O. ad., Berlin Heights, Ohio. See 1 N. H. Cav.

; res. enl. '61 ; must, in '61, Priv. ; Eldridge, Henry. Co. H ; b. Belfast, Me. age 23 ; Freedom ; Oct. 1, Oct. 19, as wd. June 1,

'62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. wds. Dec. 2, '62, Concord. P. 0. ad., Wolfeborough. See 1 N. H. H. Art. '63 '63, Ellerback, Charles H. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Kingston, Can. ; age 21 ; cred. Keene ; enl. Oct. 2, ; must, in Oct. 2, as '64 '65. Priv. ; app. 1 Lt. Oct. 28, ; must, out June 28, P. 0. ad.. New York. enl. '63 Elliot, Charles. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Nova Scotia ; age 21 ; res. Nova Scotia, cred. Allenstown ; Aug. 20, ; must, in '64, " " Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 21, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Thomas Freeborn," Yankee,"

and " Fuschia " ; disch. Aug. 21, '65, reduction naval force. '61; '61, Elliott, John. Co. D; b. Gilmanton; age 44; res. Gilmanton ; enl. Oct. 26, must, in Oct. 26, as Priv.; captd. Mar. '62, 29, '62, Rappahannock River, Va. ; released ; disch. May 22, Washington, D. C.

res. Lancaster; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Corp. ; disch. Ellis, William G. Co. B ; b. Northumberland ; age 19 ; 9, disab. Mar. 23, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Lancaster. See 1 N. H. H. Art. Emerson, Jonathan P. Co. I; b. VVilmot; age 22; res. Wilmot; enl. Sept. 16, '61; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 6, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Concord. enl. '61; '61, Emery, Antoine. Co. C; b. Highgate, Vt. ; age 18; res. Hanover; Aug. 27, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv.; re-enl.

and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Emery, Stephen. Co. B; b. Bartlett; age 34; res. Bartlett; enl. Oct. 18, '61; must, in Oct. 24, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 1, '62,

; in '64 ; '64, 'Fair Oaks, Va. ; re-enl. Feb. 12, '64 ; cred. Upper Gilmanton must, Feb. 16, wd. June 1, Pamunkey River, Va. disch. disab. June 22, '65, Washington, D. C. 16, age cred. Chesterfield ; enl. Aug. '64 ; must. in Aug. 16, '64, as Priv. Emory, William. Unas'd; substitute; b. England ; 25; '64, to regt. r. 'received Aug. 16, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Aug. 27, N. f A. G. O.

; age ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Canterbury ; eul. Aug. 19, '63 ; must, in Engel, Peter. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Germany 20 Aug. '64, on S. S. " " 19, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 24, as a Landsman ; served U. Matthew Vassar,"' Fuschia," and " '65. Mercury " ; disch. Dec. 30, District '63 ; b. Canada ; age 32 ; res. Virginia, cred. 2 ; enl. Sept. 2, ; must, in Sept. English, William. Co. D ; substitute 2, '65 '65. ; '64, Station, Va. ; tr. to Co. A ; app. Sergt. Apr. 6, ; must, out June 28, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. wd. Aug. 25, Ream's cred. Washington enl. Oct. 13, Bnvides, James M. Unas'd; substitute; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 21; ; '63 ; must, in Oct. 13, regt. f. r. '63, as Priv. ; received at draft rendezvous, Concord, and assigned to N. A. G. O.

; enl. Sept. '64 ; in '64, Brickson, Gail. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Finland ; age 20 cred. Bath ; 10, must, Sept. 10, as Priv. ; disch. June 29, '65, Washington, D. C. Esbash, Jacob. Co. B; substitute; b. Canada; age 30; cred. Hanover; enl. Sept. 6, '64; must, in Sept. 6, '64, as Priv.; must. out June 28, '65. '63 '63, Bsintraut, John. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 40 ; cred. Troy ; enl. Oct. 1, ; must, in Oct. 1, as Priv. ; wd. June

18, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; entered Mower Gen. Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 19, '64 ; tr. to Trenton, N. J., Feb. 16, '65. N. f. r. A. G. O. ;;;


'64, as Bstey, William H. Co. B; substitute; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 21 ; cred. Nashua; enl. Aug. 31, '64; must, in Aug. 31,

Pi'iv. ; disch. disab. Apr. 27, '65, Ft. Lookout, Md. '64 '64, Priv. Eustis, James. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 26 ; cred. Meredith ; enl. Sept. 1, ; must, in Sept. 1, as

received Sept. 2, '64, at draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt.

Evans, Henry. Co. I ; b. Canada; age 21 ; res. Canaan; enl. Sept. 27, '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 16, '62, Annapolis, Md. P. O. ad.. West Randolph, Vt.

Co. A ; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; age ; cred. ; enl. '63 )nust. in '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Evans, John. 25 Manchester Nov. 27, ; Nov. 27, S. '64, " '64. U. Navy Apr. 21, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassal- " ; des. July 31, '63 Pagen, WUliam. Co. B ; substitute ; b. England ; age 21 ; res. Boston, Mass.. cred. Newbury ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. '63, 20, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 26, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61, Fairbanks, George W. Co. G; b. Vermont; age 24; res. Claremont ; eul. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 6, '62. P. O. ad., Charlestown. See V. R. C.

; '61 '62, Pales, James H. Co. C ; b. Canaan ; age 25 res. Hanover ; enl. Aug. 26, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 10, Bolivar Heights, Md.

Parewell, Frederick A. Co. F ; drafted ; b. Washington ; age 35 ; res. Keene, cred. Keene ; drafted Oct. 8, '63 ; must, in

Oct. 8, '63, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. Parley, "WUliam. Co. C; b. Ireland; age 22; res. New York city, cred. Rochester; enl. Dec. 28, '63; must, in Dec. 28, '63, as

Priv. ; wd. and captd. June 2, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; enl. 10 Inf., Confederate service; re-captd. Dec. 28, '64, Egypt Station,

Miss. ; enl. Mar. 16, '65, 5 Inf., U. S. V. ; must, in Mar. 22, '65 ; des. Apr. 14, '65, Alton, 111.

Farnum, Co. ; b. Lancaster, ; ; res. enl. '61 ; in Oct. '61, as Muse. George H. K Mass. age 21 Mont Vernon ; July 24, must, 12, '62, wd. Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; tr. to Y. R. C. ; unas'd ; re-enl. May 3, '64 ; unas'd ; disch. May 4, '67, ^Vashington, D. C, to re-enl. in Gen. Service, U. S. A. See State Service.

Farnum, Co. ; substitute ; b. Auburn ; cred. ; enl. '63 ; in Aug. '63, as Priv. LemueL D ; age 36 Exeter Aug. 11, must, 11, wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 21, '64, Alexandria, A^a.

Parr, Charles J. Co. C ; b. Littleton ; age 21 ; res. Boston, Mass. ; enl. Sept. 18, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '62, and died, wds. June 5, '62, Fair Oaks, Va.

Co. B b. Durham res. ; enl. '61 ; '61, ; Parr, John. ; ; age 40 ; Gorham Oct. 14, must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. disch. disab. May 14, '62. Died May 25, '79, Nat. Home, Togus, Me.

Theron Co. C ; b. Littleton ; age ; res. ; enl. Sept. '61 in 12, '61, Priv. ; re-enl. must. Parr, A. 21 Littleton 30, ; must, Oct. as and

in Mar. 29, '64 ; app. 1 Lt. Co. H, Oct. 28, '64 ; Capt. Co. G, May 1, '65 ; not must. ; must, out June 28, '65, as 1 Lt. P. O. ad., Littleton. See State Service. Parrell, John. Co. B; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Peterborough; enl. Sept. 7, '64; must, in Sept. 7, '64, as Priv.; des. to the enemy Dec. 12, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Farro, Leo. Co. A; substitute; b. Canada; age 23; cred. Langdon ; enl. Aug. 13, '64; must, in Aug. 13, '64, as Priv.; must. out June 28, '65. '64, Parry, James, Co. I ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 39 ; cred. Salem ; enl. Sept. 16, '64 ; must, in Sept. 16, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 10, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '61, Fassett, Albert A. Co. F ; b. Winchester ; age 40 ; res. Hinsdale ; enl. Oct. 23, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, as Corp. ; wd. July

i, '62, Malvern Hill, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 13, '63, near Alexandria, Va. P. 0. ad., Winchester.

Fay, James. Co. B; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Sullivan; enl. Sept. 29, '63 ; must, in Sept. 29, '63, as Priv.; des. Nov. 28, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Supposed identical with James Fay, unas'd, UN. H. V.

I ; ; '64 ; '64, ; Pay, John. Co. ; substitute b. Ireland age 24 ; cred. Grafton ; enl. Aug. 10, must, in Aug. 10, as Priv. app. Corp.

Sergt. Dec. 12, '64 ; must, out June 28, '65. '61 '61, Fay, Joseph B. Co. I ; b. Mason ; age 32 ; res. Amherst ; enl. Sept. 25, ; must, in Oct. 15, as Sergt. ; app. 2 Lt. Co. F, '63 '63 '64. '86, Mar. 2, ; wd. May, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. ; app. 1 Lt. July 3, ; disch. Oct. 28, Died Mar. 30, Amherst.

Pell, Robert. Co. K ; substitute ; b. England ; age 30 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Claremont ; enl. Oct. 7, '63 ; must, in Oct. 7, " " " " '63, as Priv. ; tr. to S. Navy Apr. '64, as Landsman ; served on S. S. Matthew Vassar and William Bacon U. 19, a U. ; disch. July 12, '65, as Seaman.

'61 ; '61, Peney, Lucius. Co. A ; b. Ireland ; age 31 ; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. Sept. 9, must, in Oct. 12,

as Pi-iv. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. See 1 N. H. V. Fensten, Peter. Co. B; substitute; b. Genoa, Italy; age 21; cred. Lyme; enl. Sept. 7, '64; must, in Sept. 7, '64, as Priv.; des. to the enemy Oct. 12, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Pemald, Le^wis C. Co. 1); b. South Berwick, Me.; age 21; res. Somersworth; enl. Sept. 25, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as '64. Corp. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, P. O. ad., Melrose, Mass. Ferrin, James H. Co. A; b. Warner; age 26; res. Warner; enl. Sept. 19, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 1, '62, '62 '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; app. Corp. Oct. 7, ; wd. Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. Jan. 1, '63; tr. to 2 Batt'l, V. R. C, Apr. 15, '64, unas'd; disch. Oct. 11, '64, Ft. Monroe, Va. Supposed identical with James II. Ferrin, U. S. Marine Corps. Field, Charles B. Co. D; b, Portland, Me.; age 28; res. Portland, Me.; enl. Oct. 26, '61; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as Priv.; des. Nov. 1, '61, Lower Marlborough, Md.

enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, dis. Pifleld, George. Co. C ; b. Dorchester ; age 18 ; res. Enfield ; 2, 12, as Priv. Died, Nov. 9, '61, Bladensburg, Mc\, '61 '61, '62, Pifleld, George W. Co. C; b. Orford; age 20; res. Orford; enl. Sept. 2, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; wd. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 18, '62. See 14 N. H. V.

; ; enl. Sept. '64 ; must, in Sept. '64, f. r. Finn, Daniel. Lfnas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland age 19 cred. Mason ; 1, 1, as Priv. N. A. G. O. '63 '63, Ireland age 20 ; cred. New Castle ; enl. Dec. 9, ; must, in Dec. 9, as Priv. ; supposed to Finnegan, Thomas. Unas'd ; b. ; have des. en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; cred. Lyndeborough ; enl. Sept. '64 ; '64, substitute b. Ireland ; age 21 9, must, in Sept. 9, as Priv. Finning, Daniel. Co. B ; ; des. to the enemy Oct. 12, '64. Pish, James. Co. E; substitute; b. New York city; age 22; res. Portsmouth, cred. Warner; enl. Aug. 20, '63; must, in Aug.

20, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 1, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. res. Lisbon, cred. Lisbon; enl. Aug. 13, '62; must, in Aug. 18, '62, as Priv.; wd. Fisk, Albus R. Co. C ; b. Littleton; age 19; '64 '65, '63, ; captd. May 30, '64 paroled Nov. 20, ; disch. disab. June 8, Concord. Died Feb. May, Chancellorsville, Va. ; 2, '78, Lisbon.

cred. Keene ; enl. '63 must, in Dec. 26, '63, as Priv. ; age 33 ; res. Keene, Dec. 26, ; Fisk, Sewell A. Co. A ; b. Massachusetts '65, wd. June 4, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. May 11, Washington, D. C. '61 '61, ; res. Hanover ; enl. Aug. 26, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Sergt. ; app. 2 Lt. Oct. Fitch, Everett S. Co. C ; b. Enfield; age 21 '64. '64, Harbor, Va. ; D, July '64; disch. Oct. 12, P. O. ad., 24, '62 ; 1 Lt. Mar. 1, '63 ; wd. June 3, Cold app. Capt. Co. 1, Boston, Mass. '63 must, in Aug. '63, ; age ; res. Albany, N. Y., cred. Wilmot ; enl. Aug. 20, ; 20, Pitch, John. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Ireland 24 " Read." '64, Landsman ; des. May 26, '64, from U. S. S. Commodore as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 23, as a ;;;;;


'64; '64, as Pitzaokley, Edward. Co. A; substitute ; b. England; age 23; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Aug. 23, must, iu Aug. 23, '65, Piiv. ; w4. Mar. 25, '05, h't. Stedman, Va. ; disch. June 15, Philadelphia, Pa. 22, 22, as Priv. Fitzgerald, Patrick. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. '64 ; must, in Aug. '64,

received Aug. 22, '64, at draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent Aug. 27, '04, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Flamm, Charles. Co. E; substitute; b. Germany; age 24; res. Hartford, Conn., cred. Franklin; enl. Aug. 19, '63; must, in

Aug. 19, '03, £is Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 11, '64, Washington, D. C. '61 '61, Flanders, Charles H. Co. D ; b. Gilford ; age 19 ; res. Gilford ; enl. Oct. 24, ; must, in Oct., as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 9, '62. P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass.

Flanders, George C. Co. I; b. Danbury; age 24; res. Danbury; enl. Sept. 14, '61; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Sergt. ; app. 2 Lt. '63 Mar. 7, ; resigned July 24, '63. P. O. ad., Danbury. Flanders, Hiram F. Co. A; b. Danbury; age 38; res. Loudon; enl. Aug. 29, '62; must, in Aug. 29, '62, as Priv.; wd. Dec. '62, 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; tr. to I. C. ; unas'd ; disch. disab. May 23, '64, Depot Camp, D. C. P. O. ad., Nashua, Fla.

Flanders, John S. Co. C; b. Hartford, Vt. ; age 18; res. Lebanon ; enl. Aug. 20, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. '65. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Sergt. Jan. 14, '65; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Lebanon.

Flanders, Samuel P. Co. E ; b. Gilford ; age 33 ; res. Gilford ; enl. Sept. 27, '61 ; must, iu Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. 5, '62, Concord. P. 0. ad., Gilford. See 1 N. H. H. Art. '64 '64, Priv. Flemming, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. New York ; age 20 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Aug. 22, ; must, in Aug. 22, as

received Aug. 22, '04, at Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Fletcher, Charles A. Co. E; b. Charlestown, Mass.; age 25; res. Franklin, cred. Franklin; enl. Aug. 11, '62; must, in Aug.

11, '62, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 20, '63, Concord. 5, '61, Fletcher, George S. Co. K; b. Hancock ; age 23; res. Lempster ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, as Corp.; wd. June

30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; app. Sergt. Aug., '62 ; wd. Dec. 13, '02, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. 1 Sergt. ; tr. to V. R. C. '04 Apr. 19, ; unas'd ; disch. disab. Aug. 20, '64, as Priv., David's Isl., N. Y. 11. Died Nov. 21, '07, Nashua. See 1 N. H. V.

Co. B ; b. Colebrook age ; cred. Lancaster ; enl. '65 ; Feb. '65, Priv. ; must. Fletcher, Richard. ; 20 Feb. 25, must, in 25, as out June 2H, '65. P. 0. ad., Lancaster. Fletcher, Warren H. Co. G. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S.

Flint, Edward T. Co. U ; substitute; b. Boston, Mass.; age 23; res. Bostpn, Mass., cred. Bedford; enl. Sept. 1, '63; must, in '63, " Sept. 1, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 22, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; des. July 18, '64, from U. S. S. Anacostia." '65. Flood, James W. F. and S. ; b. England; age 24; app. Adjt. Dec. 11, '04; must, in Jan. 22, '65; must, out June 28,

(Enl. Dec. 24, '60, at Boston, Mass., for 5 yrs., as Friv., Co. B, Batt'l Engineers, U. S. A. ; app. Corp. ; re-enl. July 11, '64

app. Sergt. Sept. 1, '64 ; disch. Jan. 20, '65, to accept promotion in 5 N. H. V.)

; ; '64 ; '64, Florence, Thomas. Unas'd substitute b. Canada ; age 22 ; cred. Mason ; enl. Aug. 17, must, in Aug. 17, as Priv. received Aug. 17, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Flury, Frederick. Co. I; b. Three Rivers, C. E. ; age "21 "; res. Canaan; enl. Sept. 10, '61; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv.; des. Aug. 30, '62. See State Service.

Plynn, Michael. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Fremont ; enl. Sept. 12, '64 ; must, in Sept. 12, '64, as Priv.

wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; must, out June 28, '65.

Flynn, Thomas. Co. A; substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Holderne.ss ; enl. Aug. 6, '64; must, in Aug. 6, '64, as Priv.; wd. Oct. 16, '64, Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. Oct. 27, '64, City Point, Va.

Fogg, Alvin. Co. K ; b. Sandwich ; age 31 ; res. Raymond ; enl. Oct. 10, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '01, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Aug.,

'02 ; disch. disab. Jan. 20, '63, York, Pa. P. O. ad., Exeter. See V. R. C. and State Service. '61, Fogg, John "W. Co. H ; b. Wolfeborough ; age 25 ; res. Wolfeborough ; enl. Sept. 21, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, as Sergt. ; wd.

June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; June 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 3, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Dover. See 1 Inf. and 1 H. Art., N. H. V. '64, Foley, James. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 25 ; cred. Moultonborough ; enl. Sept. 14, '64 ; must, in Sept. 14, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. FoUansbee, James B. Unas'd. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S. '01, Folsom, Thomas T. Co. E ; b. Gilmanton ; age 33 ; res. Gilmanton ; enl. Oct. 5, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; wd. sev.

June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; May, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Died, wds. May 26, '63, near Aquia Creek, Va. '61 Foote, Charles G. Co. I; b. Merrimack; age 21 ; res. Merrimack ; enl. Sept. 28, ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 9, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. " " '61 '61, Forbes, Erastus W. Co. B ; b. Lancaster ; age 18 ; res. Lancaster ; enl. Sept. 3, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 14, '62. P. O. ad., Gorham. See 14 N. H. V. Forehand, Lloyd D. Co. E; b. Croydon; age 18; res. Croydon; enl. Sept. 28, '61; must, iu Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; wd. June

1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 10, '62. P. 0. ad., Kearney, Neb. See V. R. C. res. Forrester, John R. Co. D ; substitute ; b. Rensselaerville, N. Y. ; age 30 ; Durham, N. Y., cred. Hampton Falls ; enl. Aug. '63 '04 '65 '05. 10, ; must, in Aug. 10, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. C, Nov. 20, ; app. Corp. May 2, ; disch. to date June 28, '61 Foss, Andrew J. Co. H ; b. Tuftonborough ; age 22 ; res. Tuftonborough ; enl. Sept. 17, ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

Foss, Benjamin H. Co. F; drafted; b. Dorchester; age 21 ; res. Keene, cred. Keene; drafted Oct. 8, '63; must, in Oct. 8, '63, " " " as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 26, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar and Heliotrope " ; des. July 6, '65. '62 Foss, George C. Co. E ; b. Goshen ; age 27 ; res. Newport, cred. Newport ; enl. Aug. 18, ; must, in Aug. 25, '62, as Priv. wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 16, '62, Washington, D. C. Foss, Joel S. Co. D; b. Strafford; age 45; res. Dover; enl. Sept. 18, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 9, '62. '61 Foss, John O. Co. H ; b. Gilmanton ; age 22 ; res. Gilmanton ; enl. Oct. 7, ; must, in Oct. 19, '01, as Priv. ; dishon. disch. June 4, '75, to date Aug. 11, '63. Died Feb. 4, '81, Danvers, Mass. '64 Foss, Joseph H. Co. A ; substitute ; b. New Brunswick ; age 21 ; cred. Keene ; enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 9, '64, as Priv. disch. disab. Nov. 8, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '64 Poster, Charles H. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Connecticut ; age 28 ; cred. Newbury ; enl. Aug. 6, ; must, in Aug. 6, '64, as

Priv. ; received Aug. 6, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Fowler, Harvey. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Bristol; enl. Aug. 24, '64; must, in Aug. 24, '64, as Priv.;

received Aug. 24, '04, at draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Fox, Charles. Co. H. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S. '63 Julius Co. K ; substitute b. ; 28 ; res. Tunbridge, Vt., cred. Lebanon ; enl. Oct. 12, ; must, in Oct. Pox, M. ; Canada age 12, '63, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 18, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. P. O. ad,, Thornton.

; '62 in '62, Fox, Russel F. Co. G b. Campton ; age 44 ; res. Plvraouth, cred. Plymouth ; enl. Aug. 13, ; must, Sept. 18, as Priv. Died, wds. ,Tan. 9, '63, Washington, D. C. 30 , '';;;;


Prainer, Joseph. Co. H. See Joseph Trainer. Francis, Charles. Co. A; substitute; b. Spain; age 23; cred. Alexandria; eul. Aug. 17, '64; must, in Aug. 17, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 28, '64, AVashington, D. C.

Co. F ; b. age 26 res. ; enl. '61 ; '61, ; tr. French, Daniel. Nottingham ; ; Newmarket Oct. 26, must, in Oct. 26, as Priv. to Co.

B, Nov. 1, '61 ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, and died, wds. Dec. 26, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. French, Jacob G. Co. E; b. Manchester; age 20; res. Franklin, cred. Franklin; enl. July 11, '62; must, in Aug. 11, '62, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 18, '62, Baltimore, Md. French, Jonathan L. Co. E; b. Manchester; age 19; res. Franklin; enl. Sept. 30, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; disch.

disab. June 25, '62, Annapolis, Md. ; re-enl. and must, in Aug. 11, '62 ; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; tr. to Co. G, May

11, '64 ; disch. May 31, '65, Alexandria, Va. '64; '64, French, Joseph. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Massachusetts ; age 24 ; cred. Mason ; enl. Aug. 19, must, in Aug. 19, as Priv. des. to the enemy Dec. 1, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '64 '64, Priv. re- Friery, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Aug. 23, ; must, in Aug. 28, as ; '64, ceived Aug. 23, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '64, "Prink , Hartwell. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Vermont ; age 44 ; cred. Spring-field ; enl. Sept. 16, '64 ; must, in Sept. 16, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. '61, re-enl. Frizzle, Charles H. Co. I ; b. Canaan, Vt. ; age 18 ; res. Lyme ; enl. Sept. 23, '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, as Priv. ; Feb. '64 14, ; must, in Feb. 1 6, '64 ; des. Mar. 30, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '62 '62, Charles Co. A ; b. Franklin ; age ; res. Franklin, cred. Franklin enl. Aug. 8, ; must, in Aug. 8, as Priv. Frost, C. 21 ;

wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Dec. 9, '62, Baltimore, Md.

B.' Co. E ; b. Royalston, Mass. ; ; res. Croydon enl. '61 ; 'must, in Oct. '61, as Corp. ; killed Frye, George age 24 ; Aug. 19, 19, May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. '64 Fuller, Charles. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Bermuda Islands ; age 30 ; cred. Candia ; enl. Sept. 12, ; must, in Sept. 12, '64, as

Priv. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 14, '64, near Petersburg, Va. FuUonton, George S. Co. li; b. Raymond; age 22; res. Raymond; enl. Oct. 12, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Nov. 27, '62, Washington, D. C.

Co. D ; b. Kennebunk, Me. ; age 27 res. Somersworth enl. Sept. '61 ; in Oct. '61, as Priv. Furbush, John H. ; must, 23, ; 19, disch. Mar. 25, '62, Warrenton, Va. Gage, Thomas W. Co. E; b. "Franklin"; age 21; res. "Franklin"; enl. Sept. 25, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; must, out Oct. 29, '64. See 1 N. H. V. Gahagan, Co. A; b. Ireland; age res. Concord (Fisherville, enl. '61 Anthony. 27; Penacook) Sept. 13, ; must, in Oct. now ;

12, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 3, '62. Died Jan. 16, '81, San Francisco, Cal.

Gahagan, Thomas. Co. A ; b. Ireland; age 18; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Soldiers' Home, Togus, Me.

Gallagher, Edward H. Co. I; substitute ; b. Salem, Mass. ; age ; res. Biddeford, '63 21 Me., cred. Windham ; enl. Aug. 11, must, in Aug. '63, '64, 11, as Priv. ; wd. June 16, near Petersburg, Va. ; disch. June 8, '65, Pt. Lookout, Md. Gallagher, John. Co. E; substitute; b. Allegheny, Pa.; age 23; res. Buffalo, N. Y., cred. Milton; en]. Aug. 14, '63; must, in

Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; '64 app. Corp. Oct. 23, ; reduced to ranks Jan. 11, '65 ; must, out June 28, '65. Galvin, Thomas. Co. A; substitute; b. St. John, 21 N. B.; age ; cred. Farmington ; enl. Aug. 15, '64; must, in Aug. 15, '64,

as Priv. ; captd. Mar. '65, Ft. '65 '65. 25, Stedman, Va. ; par. Mar. 30, ; des. May 4, Gardiner, Isaac L. Co. D; substitute; b. Rath, Me.; age 28; res. Portland, Me., cred. Derry; enl. Aug. 11, '63; must, in

Aug. 11, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. June '64, 17, near Petersburg, Va. ; app. 2 Lt. Co. I, Feb. 28, '65 ; mis. Apr. 7, '65,

Farmville, Va. ; returned app. '05 ; 1 Lt. Co. G, May 5, ; not must. ; must, out June 28, '65, as 2 Lt. Gardner, Charles. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Hill; enl. Sept. 16, '64; must, in Sept. 16, '64, as Priv.; des. r , ^ , Oct. 30, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. , , Garland, Alonzo B., alias John H. Garland. Co. A; substitute; b. Dover; age 19; res. Middleton, cred. Tuftonborough ; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11 '64, as Priv.; disch. June 14, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Brockton, Mass. See 14 N. H. V. Co. b. Ossipee; res. Garland, Alvah M. H; age 19; Ossipee ; enl. Oct. 21, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 1 '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Died, wds. June 29, '62, Portsmouth, Va.

Garland, James. Co. F ; drafted ; b. Poi-tsmouth ; res. ; age 22 Portsmouth, cred. Portsmouth ; drafted Aug. 10, '63 ; must, in '63, Aug. 10, as Priv. ; wd. June 18, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; must, out June 28, '65. Garland, John H. Co. A. See Alonzo E. Garland. Garland, Winslow O. Co. D; b. Somersworth; age 25; res. Somersworth; enl. Oct. 1, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61 as Corp ' killed Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. Gamett, George. Co. A. See John C. Haraly.

Garnett, George H., alias William Murphy. Co. ; substitute ; b. St. K Stephen's, N. B. ; age 22 ; cred. Hudson ; enl Aug 16 '64 '64, ; must, in Aug. 16, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. G, Nov. 20, '64 ; wd. Apr. '65, '65' 7, Farmville, Va. ; disch. to date June 4 P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass. Garvey, Luke. Co. D; drafted ;,b. Ireland; age 36; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook), cred. Concord; drafted Aue "63 20, ; must, in Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

Michael. Co. I; substitute; b. Canada ; age cred. Haverhill ; • Garvin, 21; enl. Sept.r 20, '64; must, in Sent.f 20 '64 aso^xiv.,Priv des. Nov. 6, '64, Washington, D. C. , , , ,

Co. • Gassett, Reuben. B ; b. Townsend, Mass. ; age 33 ; res. Dalton ; enl. Sept. 21, '61 ; must, in 23 '61 Oct. as Priv• disch • > disab. Nov. 13, '62. See V. R. C. .

Co. C b. Hartford, Vt. ;. res. enl. Gates, Ira H. ; age 22 ; Lebanon ; Sept. 19, '61 ; must, in '61, Oct. 12, as Wagoner ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. 0. ad., Lebanon.

Janaes S. Co. b. Claremont ; age 21 ; res. Claremont ; enl. '61 • Gates, A. G ; Sept. 27, ; must, in Oct. 12. '61 asa Privx iv. uiscn.disch ^ , disab. Sept. 3, '62. P. 0. ad., Everett, Mass. ' . , , Gay, George A. Co. K; b. Boston, Mass.; age 21; res. Newmarket; enl. Oct. '61 8, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61 as Priv app Sergt. Apr., '62 '62, ;' ; wd. June 30, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; app. Sergt. Maj. '62 Aug. 14, ; 2 Lt. Co. D, Sept. 1], '62 'killed Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. substitute; b. Canada; cred. Geebo, Joseph Co. C; age 19; Brentwood ; enl. Aug. 23, '64; must, 23 '64 in Aug. as Priv ' ' must, out June 28, '65. '

Co. B substitute ; b. St. Paul, Can. ; age ; cred. ; '64 • Michael. ; 21 Andover Genan, enl. Sept. 7, ; must, in Sept. 7, '64, as Priv. des. to the '6-1, Petersburg, ' enemy Oct. 11, near Va. ; appreh. ; hung for desertion Dec. 30, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

George, Andrew J. Co. C; b. Dalton; age 18; res. Lisbon, cred. Lisbon; enl. Aug. 13, '62; '62, • must, in Aug. 18, as Priv.' killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va.

Co. E ; b. Acworth ; age 21 ; res. Acworth enl. '61 ; ; Sept. '61. George, A. Morrison. 2, must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '62, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; Dec 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Corp. Nov. 1, '63; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Geneseo, 111. ; ; ;


George, Daniel Co. E; b. Acworth; W. age 18; res. Newport; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. Died Aug. 6, '76, Fitchburg, Mass. See 1 N. H. V. George, George Co. I b. '61 "W. ; Amherst; age res. 29; Amherst; enl. Sept. 18, ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as 1 Sergt. ; app. 2 Lt. Aug. 1, '62 wd. Sept. '62, Aiilietam, ; 17, Md. ; disch. disab. Mar. 7, '63. Died Dec. 2, '73, Washington, D. C. See State Service. George, Grovenor Co. b. North A. K Chelmsford, ; ; Mass. age 25 ; res. Hancock ; enl. Aug. 21, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. wd. Dec. '62, ; 13, Fredeiicksburg, Va. ; tr. to I. '63 C. July 1, ; to Co. A, 14 V. R. C. ; re-enl. Sept. 3, '64 ; cred. Orford disch. Nov. 14, '65, AVashington, D. C. P. 'O. ad., Haverhill, Mass. George, Co. Henry N. E; b. Acworth; age 18; res. Acworth, cred. Acworth; enl. Aug. 12, '62; must, in Aug. 12, '62, as > 5 s Priv. Died, dis. Nov. '62, > . . . 29, Falmouth, Va. 1 George, Joseph B. Co. E b. ; Audover ; age ; res. 25 Acworth,! cred. Acworth ; enl. Aug. 12, '62 ; must, in Aug. 12, '62, as o b i i > > Pnv. ; disch. May 31, '65. I George, Joseph O. Co. D drafted; ; b. Newburyport, Mass.; res. age 30; Kensington, cred. Kensington ; drafted Aug. 11, '63; must in Aug. 11, '63, as Priv. disch. ; disab. Jan. 18, '65, ^oncord. P. 0. ad., Amesbury, Mass. See 1 N. E. Cav. Germarsh, Israel. Co. G b. ; Canada ; age res. '62 25 ; Clareniont j enl. Mar. 24, ; must, in Apr. 20, '62, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 2, f , '62, . Newark, N. J. P. O. ad., Claremont. , Gerrish, Co. ] Charles. D; drafted; b. Dover; age 23; res. Dover, cred. Dover; drafted Aug. 14, '63; must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Pnv. wd. June '64, ; 3, Cold Harbor, ; tr. Va. to Co. A, Noy. 20, '64 ; to Co. F, 13 V. E. C, Mar. 8, '65 ; disch. July 6, '65, j- ... . . Concord. P. O. ad., Dover.

i Gerrish Henry P. Co. A b. ; Milton; age 34; res. Milton; eiiL Sept. 5, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Muse; ranked as Priv. Dec. '61 ' 18, ; disch. disab. Mar. 30, '63. See V. R. C. Gibbons, John. Co. K; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21 ; res. Salem, Mass., cred. Pembroke; enl. Aug. 20, '63; must, in Aug. 20, 63, as Pnv. mis. '64, ; June 8, Cold Harbor, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O. P. O. ad., Denver, Col. Gibson, Alvah "W". Co. K; b. Manchester; age 20; res. Plaistow ; enl. Sept. 16, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 6, '63, New York city. P. O. ad., Methuen, Mass. Gibson, Daniel. Co. A b. ; Shelburne, Vt. ; age 30 ; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. Sept. 28, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Sergt. wd. sev. Sept. '62, ; 17, Antietam, Md. ; di^ch. disab. Mar. 9, '63, Frederick, Md. P. O. ad., Nashua. Gibson, William Band H. b. ; ; ; Fremont age 22 res. Fremont ; enl. Oct. 7, '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as 1 Class Muse. must, out Aug. 8, '02, Hairison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Fremont. Gifford, George. Co. C age res. ; 23 ; Vershire, Vt. ; enl. Sept. ^6, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 14, '62, Washington, D. C. Supposed identical with George Gifford, State Service.

Gifford, John. Co. F ; b. England age res. ;i ; 40 ; Boston, Mass. enl. Sept. 13, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va^ Gilanders, b. Daniel. Co. B ; ; Richmond, P. Q. age 18 ; res. Milan ; enl. Oct. 7, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 28, '63. Gilchrist, Henry. Co. C; substitute; b. England; age 20; cred. Hanover; enl. Sept. 12, '64; must, in Sept. 12, '64, as Priv.; entered 2 A. C. Field Hosp., City Point, Va., Feb. 2, '65 ; furloughed May 7, '65. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Giles, John G. Co. D b. Sanford, INle. ; '61 '61, ; age 19 ; res. Rochester!; enl. Oct. 26, ; must, in Oct. 26, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. 15, '62, Warren ton, Va. i

Lemuel Co. G; b. ; ; res. ; '61, GUes, A. Claremont age 21 Claremont; enl. Sept. 16, '61 must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; wd. Sept. '62, 17, Antietam, Md. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. ;

Co. I substitute ; b. ; Gill, Albert. ; England ; age 23 res. New ^ork city, cred. Goffstown; enl. Sept. 1, '63 ; must, in Sept. 1, '63, as Priv. '64 '65. ; app. Q. M. Sergt. Dec. 17, ; must, out June 28,

Gillett, Lucian. Co. G ; b. Hartford, Vt. ; age 22 ; res. Lebanon ; enl. Sept. 17, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. Oct. 12, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md., tm. ex.

Gilligan, Michael. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Rochester ; enl. Sept. 20, '64 ; must, in Sept. 20, '64, as Priv.

' tr. to Co. G, Nov. 20, '64 ; must, out June 28, '65. Gilman, Alvin. Co. H; b. Sandwich; age 25; res. Sandwich; enl. Oct. 3, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17,

'62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Feb. 13, '63, Baltimore, Md. Died June 23, '90, Wolfeborough. '61 '61, Gilman, Chailes W. Co. H ; b. Tuftonborough ; age 22 ; res. Rochester ; enl. Sept. 4, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Sergt. wd. sev. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va.; des. Nov. 3, '62. P. 0. ad., AVolfeborough. See 1 N. H. V. Gilman, James M. Co. H. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S. Gilmore, Edwin C. Co. A; b. Lowell, Mass.; age 18; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook), cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 4, '62 ; must, in Aug. 5, '62, as Priv. ; disch. Dec. 31, '62. Died Aug. 8, '74, Fisherville (now Penacook). Gilpatric, Reuben B. Co. D; b. Dover; age 21; res. Dover; enl. Oct. 26, '61; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17,

'62, Antietam, Md. ; July, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; disch. disab. Jan. 4, '64. Died Nov. 16, '86, Portsmouth. '63 '63, Gilson, "William. Co. I ; substitute ; b. New Hampshire ; age 37 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. 20, as

Priv. ; app. Corp. Nov. '63 ; captd. June '64, Cold Harbor, Va. par. Mar. 10, '65. Died, dis. Mar. 22, '65, Annapo- 1, 3, ; lis, Md. '63 '63, Gleerup, Mauritz. Co. G ; b. Denmark ; age 22 ; res. New York city, cred. Newton : enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as " " " " Priv. ; tr. to S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. William Bacon," Currituck," and Don U. ;

disch. Aug. 8, '65. ! Glidden, Tristram. Co. A; drafted; b. Canada; age 24; res. Centre Harbor, cred. Centre Harbor; drafted Aug. 12, '64; '65. must, in Aug. 12, '64, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, P.i O. ad., Moultonborough. '61 '61, Glines, Charles H. Co. I; b. Peterborough ; age 19 ; res. Franklin ; enl. Sept. 16, ; must, in Oct. 15, as Priv. ; mis. Dec.

'62, Fredericksburg, Va. gd. from mis. ; wd. May, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 26, '63, Washington, 13, ; D. C.

; res. Boston, enl. 29, Glover, John. Co. G; substitute; b. Lancashire, Eng. age 32 ; Mass., cred. Centre Harbor; Sept. '63

must, in Sept. 29, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 24, '63, Pt. Lookcjut, Md. '61; '61, Godfrey, Orlando I. Co. G; b. Vershire, Vt. ; age 25; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 14, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv.; app.

Corp. May 9, '64 ; disch. to date Oct. 29, '64, tin. ex. P. O. ad.. Concord.

I b. Plaistow ; age ; res. Newton, cred. Newton ; enl. Sept. 8, '62 ; must, in Sept. 17, '62, Godkin, Benjamin W. Co. ; 32 as '64, Priv. ; wd. June 18, '64, Petersburg, Va. 'Died, wds. July 14, Philadelphia, Pa. Godkin, Charles H. Co. K; b. Plaistow; age 25; res. Plaistow; enl. Sept. 16, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 29, '62, Bolivar Heights, Md. See Miscel. Oi'ganizations.

Co. K ; substitute ; b. Switzerland ; age 23 ; res. New York, cred. Durham ; enL Aug. 14, '63 GoUiez, Edward. ; must, in Aug.

14, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 6, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. res. Goodall, Robert S. Co. F ; b, Cambridge, Vt. ; age 19 ; Fitchburg, Mass. ; enl. Oct. 23, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as

Sergt. ; wd. '62, ; re-enl. '64 ; Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. and must, in Feb. 19, cred. Keene ; wd. sev. Apr. 7, '65, Farm-

ville, Va. ; disch. Sept. 13, '65. See 1 N. H. V. cred. 9, Goodfellow, ^Charles. Co. A; suKstitute ; b. England; age 20; Rindge ; enl. Aug. '64 ; must, in Aug. 9, '64, as Piiv.- ' ' must.out June 28, '65. ;;;;;


fi, ; '65 ; '65, as ; disch. May Goodhue, Unas'd ; b. France cred. enl. must, in Ajn-. 6, Triv. WiUiam. ; age 20 ; Haverhill Apr. 6, '65, Boston, Mass.

'63 ; in '63, as Priv. Goodreau, Alexander. Co. E ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; res. Canada, cred. Plaistow ; enl. Dec. 9, must, Dec. 9, wd. and captd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. July 16, '64, Richmond, Va. Goodrich, "William H. Co. H. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S. Goodrow, Isaac. Co. E; b. Canada; age 23; res. Canada, cred. Plaistow; enl. Dec. 9, '63; must, in Dec. 9, '63, as Priv.; wi\. '64, June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. disab. May 16, '65, Alexandria, Va.

Goodwin, Asa D. Co. B ; b. Hiram, Me. ; age 25 ; res. Gorham ; enl. Oct. 14, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. Died Sept. 12, '62, Craney Isl., Va.

Goodwin, Franklin. Co. E; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; age 24; re.s. Philadelphia, Pa,, cred. Portsmouth; enl. Dec. 30, '63; must. in '63, Dec. 30, as Priv. ; mis. June 16, '64, Petersburg, Va. gd. from mis. ; captd. Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. ; sent ; '64, Oct. 9, to Salisbury, N. C. ; supposed to have joined Rebel Army. N. f. r. A. G. O. Goodwin, Franklin B. Co. D; drafted; b. Kingston; age 34; res. Kingston, cred. Kingston; drafted .Vug. 11, '63; must, in

Aug. 11, '63, as Priv. ; killed June 16, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Goodwin, b. " " '61 2:*, '61, Sergt. Georg-e F. Co. D ; Lebanon, Me." ; res. enl. in Oct. as age 25 ; Lebanon, Me."; Oct. 4, ; must,

app. 2 Lt. Co. F, Aug. 1, '62; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. 1 Lt. Co. D, Dec. 17, '6-'; Capt. Mar. 4, '6-i '63, wd. May, Chancellorsville, Va. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. See 2 X. H. V. Goodwin, John A. Co. D; b. Lebanon, Me.; age 18; res. Lebanon, Me.; enl. Oct. 18, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.;

wd. June 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; app. Corp. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Dover.

Goodwin, "William. Unas'd substitute b. ; cred. ; enl. '64 ; in Aug. '64, as Priv. ; ; Canada age 21 ; Wilton Aug. 29, must, 29,

received Aug. 29, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 31, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; '63 ; Gorbel, Henry. Co. C ; substitute b. Prussia ; age 38 ; res. New York city, cred. Farmington ; enl. Aug. 14, must, in

Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; wd. and mis. Aug. 25, '64, Ream's Station, Va. gd. from mis. Died. wds. Sept. 4, '64, Annapo- ; lis, Md. '63 Gordon, George. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Portland, Me. ; age 21 ; res. New York, cred. Deering ; enl. Sept. 1, ; must. In Sept. 1, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, '64, as an Ord. Seaman; served on U. S. S. "Anaoostia"; disch. to date May 21, '65. '64 '64, Gordon, Co. C ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; ; enl. ; must, in Sept. 13, as Priv. James. age 23 ; cred. Richmond Sept. 13, reported on m. o. roll as absent without leave since Nov. 6, '64. N. f. r. A. G, O. '62, Gordon, Joseph. Co. F; b. Gorham; age 21 ; res. Gorham; enl. Oct. 23, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; des. Dec. 12, Falmouth, Va.

; ; '64 ; '64, Gorham, Anthony. Co. C substitute b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Aug. 24, must, in Aug. 24, as '65. Priv. ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, Gorman, Thomas A. Co. B. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S. Goshet, Augrust. Co. A; substitute; b. France; age 30; cred. Acworth; enl. Aug. 10, '64; must, in Aug. 10, '64, as Priv.; des. to the enemy Jan. 7, '65, near Petersburg, Va. '61 '61, Goss, Samuel B. Co. F; b. Winchester: age 19; res. Winchester; enl. Oct. 2, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Corp.; app. Sergt.

Nov. 1, '63 ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Lyndonville, Vt.

Gould, Charles M. Co. E; b. IMiddleton, Mass.; age 23; res. Bradford; enl. Aug. 27, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Corp.; disch. disab. July 15, '62, Annapolis, Md. Gould, Emery S. Co. F; b. Warwick, Mass.; age 25; res. Winchester; enl. Oct. 23, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Sergt.; disch. disab. Feb. 5, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad.. New Haven, Conn. '61 '61, Gould, James. Co. I ; b. Lyndeborough ; age 23 ; res. Wilton ; enl. Sept. 26, ; must, in Oct. 15, as Corp. ; wd. June 3(1,

'62, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; des. Apr. 7, '63. Died Oct. 10, '70, Lyndeborough. See 1 N. H. V. Gould, "William P. Co. 13. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S. '61 '61, Gove, George S. Co. K; b. Raymond; age 20; res. Raymond; enl. Sept. 17, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Sergt.; wd. June

1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va.; app. 2 Lt. Oct. 7, '63 ; 1 Lt. Co. C, July 1, '64; not must.; disch. Oct. 12, '64, as 2 Lt. P. O. ad., Boone, Iowa.

; ; ; ; enl. '61 '61, Gowell, George B. W. Co. D b. Lebanon age 29 res. Somersworth Sept. 24, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 27, '62, Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. H. 23, Grady, Edward. Co. F; b. Chester, Vt. ; age 27; res. Chester, Vt. ; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

; enl. '61 '61, Graham, Charles E. Co. B ; b. Hereford, P. Q. age 18 ; res. Stewartstown ; Oct. 8, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Muse. disch. disab. Jan. 20, '62, near Alexandria, Va. See 13 N. H. V. and U. S. C. T. 9, 9, Graham, David. Co. B; substitute; b. Ireland; age 36; cred. Hanover; enl. Sept. '64 ; nmst. in Sept. '64, as Priv.; must. out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Canaan, Vt. '64 ; ; : enl. Sept. '64, Graham, Thomas. Co. C ; substitute b. England ; age 22 cred. Bridgewater 14, ; must, in Sept. 14, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. Graham, William. Co. C; substitute; b. England; age 24; cred. Richmond; enl. Sept. 14, '64; must, in Sept. 14, '64, as

Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. Apr. 6, '65, Sailor's Creek, Va. Died, wds. Apr. 21, '65, Annapolis, Md. Grapes, Oliver. Co. C. See Oliver Vine. '61 '61, Gravelle, Joseph. Co. I; b. Canada; age 21 ; res. Canaan ; enl. Sept. 25, ; must, in Oct. 1.5, as Priv.; re-enl. and must.

in Jan. 1, '64 ; des. Mar. 31, '04, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61 '61, Graves, Almon P. Co. E ; b. Unity ; age 20 ; res. Alstead ; eul. Sept. 13, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. K, 1 Art., U. S. A., Dec. 23, '62; re-enl. Feb. 27, '64, in Co. G, 3 Art., U. S. A.; disch. Feb. 27, '67, Ft. Warren, Mass., tm. ex. Died Oct. 30, '81, Alstead. Graves, Francis. Co. F; substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Hanover: enl. Sept. 9, '64; nmst. in Sept. 9, '04, as Priv.; re- ported on m. o. roll as absent without leave. N. f. r. A. G. O.

b. Tuftonbornugh ; age 29 ; res. Tuftonborough ; enl. Sept. 2, '61, ; '61 Graves, Janvrin W. Co. H ; as Priv. app. 2 Lt. Oct. 12, ; '62 '62, must, in Oct. 19, '61, as 2 Lt. ; app. 1 Lt. Feb. 17, ; wd. Sept. 17, Antietam, Md. ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. '03 '63 app. Capt. Dec. 14, '62 ; disch. disab. Apr. 20, ; re-app. Capt. Aug. 25, '(i3 ; must, in Sept. 18, ; disch. disab. Dec. 9, '64. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass.

; '61 ; '61, Graves, John H. Co. II ; b. Tuftonborough ; age 20 ; res. Tuftonborough enl. Sept. 20, must, in Oct. 19, as Sergt. Died, dis. Dec. 20, '61, Washington, D. C.

Gray, George. Co. A; substitute; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 23; res. Liverpool, Eng., cred. Warner; enl. Aug. 20, '63; must, in " '63, ; tr. Apr. 20, 'ii4, as S. " Anacostia" and " S. a ; served S. Don Aug. 20, as Priv. to U. Navy Seaman on U. ; disch. Aug. 8, '65, as Capt. forecastle. 19, '64, Gray, Osborn. Co. I; substitute; b. Finland; age 24; cred. Haverhill; enl. Sept. '64 ; must, in Sept. 19, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65. Gray. See Grey. ;; .;


; '61 ; '61, Priv. ; app. Sergt. Greely, George H. Co. C ; b. Hanover ; age 21 les. Lebanon ; enl. Aug. 29, must, in Oct. 12, as killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksbui'g, Va.

Green, Francis D. Co. B; b. Berlin ; age 25; res. Berlin; enl. Deo. 7, '61; must, in Jan. i, '62, as Priv.; app. Corp.; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va.

; ; '61 ; '61, Green, Gilman. Co. H ; b. Hillsborough age 28 ; res. Wilmot enl. Sept. 10, must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; app. Sergt.

wd. Sept. 17, '62, Autietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Dec. 29, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. See 1 and 10 N. H. V. '64 Green, Joseph. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Ii'eland ; age 21 ; cred. Lyme ; enl. Sept. 9, ; must, in Sept. 9, '64, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65.

Green, Joseph. Co. I; substitute; b. Ireland; age 32; res. New York city, cred. Claremont ; enl. Oct. 12, '63; must, in Oct.

12, '63, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Apr. 28, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61 Green, Co. A ; b. Pittsfield ; age 44 res. Pitlsfleld ; enl. Sept. must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; Samuel R. ; 11, ; 12, captd. June '62, 1, Fair Oaks, Va. ; exch. ; returned to duty Nov. 10, '62 ; wd. July 2, '63, and died, wds. July 29, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Green, William B. Co. I. See 2 Begt. U. S. S. S. '63 Greene, Prank. Co. G ; b. England ; age 17 ; res. Canada, cred. Acworth ; enl. Dec. 7, ; nmst. in Dec. 7, '63, as Priv. ; ti-. '64, to U. S. Navy Apr. 21, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. "Matthew Vassar" and "Tulip"; drowned Nov. 11, '64, by sinking of U. S. S. " Tulip."

Greenleaf, Albert F. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Newburyport, Mass. ; age 33 ; res. Rochester, cred. Rochester ; enl. Aug. '63 14, ; must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv.; app. Corp. Sept. 1, '64; disch. June 2, '65, Washington, D. C. Supposed identical with Albert F. Greenleaf, Co. H, 6 N. H. V. Greenwood, George. Co. B. See Henry Brock. '68 Greenwood, Nelson. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Merrimack ; enl. Sept. 1, ; must, in Sept. 1, '63, as Priv.

wd. June 17, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; captd. Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. par. Oct. 8, '64. Died Oct. '64, Annapo- ; 17, lis, Md.

Greger, Anton, o/ins Conrad Effinger. Co. A ; substitute; b. France; age 31; cred. Rindge; enl. Oct. 1,'63; must, in Oct. 1, '63, as Priv. Died Jan. 6, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Grennell, Chester. Co. G; b. Springfield, Vt. ; age 24; res. Claremont, cred. Claremont ; enl. Aug. 2), '62; must, in Sept. 17,

'62, as Priv. ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va.

Grey, George H. Co. C; substitute; b. Vermont; age 18; res. Charlesto*i, Vt., cred. Charlestowu ; enl. Oct. 18, '63; must, in " " Oct. 13, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 25, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar," Eureka," " " and Vandalia ; disch. July 18, '65, as an Ord. Seaman. P. O. ad., Cambridgeport, Mass. Grey, Thomas. Co. H; substitute; b. Montreal, Can.; age 24; res. Albany, N. Y., cred. Nashua; enl. Oiit. 6, '63; must, in

Oct. 6, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 30, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '63; Grey, William. Co. E; substitute; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 21; cred. Warner; enl Aug. 20, must, in Aug. 20, '63, as '64 '65, Priv. ; wd. June 17, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; app. Corp. Oct. 28, ; mis. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must. out June 28, '65. Grey. See Gray. '61 '61, '62, Griffin, IsraeL Co. H; b. Gorham; age 44; res. Jackson; enl. Oct. 14, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '68. Antietani, Md. ; disch. disab. Feb. 5, Griggs, Asel B. Unas'd. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S.

b. ; ; cred. Landaff ; enl. Sept. '64 must, in Sept. '64, as Priv. ; Grimes, John B. Co. B ; substitute ; Ireland age 23 1, ; 1, killed Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. Grison, Julius L. Co. A; substitute; b. Canada; age 32; cred. Goshen; enl. May 26, '64; must, in May 26, '64, as Priv.; tr. '65. to Co. B, May 1, '65 ; nmst. out June 28,

cred. ; enl. 5, ; nmst. in '64, Grogan, James. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland ; age 18; Dorchester Sept. '64 Sept. 5, as Priv.;

received Sept. 5, '64, at diaft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Guntner, John H., oKns Karl Sanivald. Co. H; substitute; b. Bavaria; age 22; cred. Monroe; enl. Sept. 16, '64; must, in '65. Sept. 16, '64, as Priv. ; wd. Apr. 6, '65, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Bristol, Tenn. '63 b. Rochester ; age 23 res. Rochester, cred. Rochester ; drafted Aug. 14, ; in Guppy, George F. Co. D ; drafted ; ; must, Aug.

14, '63, as Priv. ; app. 1 Lt. Co. F, Oct. 28, '64 ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; app. Capt. May 1, '65 ; not

must. ; must, out June 28, '6.5, as 1 Lt. P. O. ad., Dover.

; ; cred. ; enl. Sept. '64 ; must, in Sept. '64, Gurnett, Louis. Co. C ; substitute b. Canada; age 27 New London 15, 15, as Priv. '64 '65. app. Corp. Oct. 2.3, ; must, out June 28, '64 b. Bordeaux, France ; age 22 ; cred. Nottingham ; enl. Aug. 22, in Guyon, Alexander. Co. A ; substitute ; ; must, Aug. 22, '65. '64, ; 2.5, '6.5, Ft. Va par. Mar. 31, '65 ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Saratoga as Priv. captd. Mar. Stedman, ; Springs^ N. Y. res. Charlestown enl. Sept. '61; must, in '61, Hackett, George H. Co. G; b. Hanover; age 21; ; 27, Oct. 12, as Priv.; wd. '62, '63, June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; app. Corp. ; wd. Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; July 2, Gettysburg, ]?a. Died. wds. Nov. 12, '63, Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. H. Hackett, Michael. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 20; cred. Rindge; enl. Aug. 13, '64; must, in Aug. 13, '64, as Priv.; received Aug. 13, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '64; Haden, John P. Co. B; substitute; b. Canada; age 22; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Aug. 31, must, in Aug. 31, '64, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65.

; res. IMeredith enl. Sept. 28, ; must, in Oct. 19, Hadley, John L. Co. E; b. Holderness age 24; ; '61 '61, as Priv.; wd. June

1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; des. Nov. 29, '63, Concord.

res. Plainlield ; enl. Aug. 26, '61 must, in Oct. '61, Hadly, Leonard. Co. I; b. Columbia; age 36; ; 15, as Priv.; wd. Dec. 13, '63. '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Apr. 11, See 1 N. H. Cav.

; b. Ireland ; age ; ci ed. Weare ; enl. Aug. '64 ; must, in '64, Hagau, Arthur. Unas'd substitute ; 25 6, Aug. 6, as Priv. ; re- ceived Aug. 6, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. i. A. G. O.

substitute ; b. Iieland ; age 21 ; res. St. John, N. B., cred. Warner ; enl. Aug. '63 Hagan, Joshua. Co. B ; 20, ; must, in Aug.

20, '63, as Pi-iv. ; disch., insanity, Feb. 2, '64, Washington, D. C. Hagen, Charles H. Co. A; substitute; b. France; age 24; res. Temiessee, cred. Franklin; enl. Aug. 19, '63; must, in Aug.

19, '63, as Priv. ; killed Feb. 25, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md., while attempting to desert. Hagen, James. Co. E; substitute; b. Ireland; age 24; cred. Winchester; enl. Sept. 29. '63; must, in Sept. 29, '63, as Priv.; des. Nov. 26, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Hagle, John. Co. F. See John Hogle. enl. '64; '64, Hagley, Stephen. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Keene ; Aug. 16, must, in Aug. 16, as Priv.; le- ceived Aug. 16, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Haines, John. Co. G; b. Pennsylvania; age 21; res. Philadelphia, Pa., cred. Newton; enl. Dec. 5, '63; must, in Dec. o, '63, as

Priv. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. enl. '61 '61, Haines, Henry H. Co. E; b. Grafton; age 18; res. Croydon; Sept. 80, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv.; disch. disab May 14, '62. See 2 Co. N. H. H. Art. ;; ;


Co. E ; b. Grafton 19 res. ; enl. '61 ; in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Haines, Jeremiah. ; age ; Croydon Aug. 20, must, 19, Aug. 5, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. Died July 1, '71, Croydon. '61, Haines, Samuel. Co. F ; b. East Randolph, Vt. ; age 25; res. Concord; enl. Oct. 19, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; app.

Corp. ; disch. disab. Nov. 6, '62. P. O. ad., \\'eirs. See Miscel. Organizations and State Service. '6:^ must, in Haines, William. Co. C; substitute; b. Germany; age 24; res. New Yoi-k city, cred. Washington; enl. Oct. 13, ; Organizations. Oct. 13, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 16, '61, Petersburg, Va.; disch. Apr. 26, '65, Manchester. See Miscel. Haines. See Haynes.

'61 ; '61, as Corp. wd. Dec. Hale, Charles A. Co. C ; b. Sidney, Me. ; age 20; res. Lebanon ; enl. Aug. 28, must, in Oct. 12, ; '63 '63 '63, Chancellorsville, Va. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. Maj. Feb. 8, ; 2 Lt. Co. H, Mar. 1, ; wd. May, '65 28, app. 1 Lt. Co. E, July 2, '63 ; lesigned Aug. 11, '64 ; app. Capt. Co. F, Jan. 3, '65 ; must, in May 2, ; must, out June '65. P. 0. ad., Gettysburg, Pa. Hale, Daniel. Co. B. See Daniel Leathers.

; '64 in '64, as Priv. ; app. Haley, Daniel. Co. I ; substitute b. Ireland ; age 25 ; cred. Campton ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, Aug. 20, '65. Corp. Dec. 12, '64 ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, I''arniville, Va. ; returned ; nmst. out June 28,

; enl. Aug. 14, '63 Haley, James J. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Waterford, Ir. ; age 22 ; res. New York city, cred. Somersworth " must, ill Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 25, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; seived on U. S. S. " Thomas Freeborn disch. July 17, '05, as 2 Class Fireman, from receiving ship, Washington, D. C. Haley, 'William. Co. I; substitute; b. Ireland; age 35; cred. Fitzwilliam; enl. Aug. 31, '64; must, in Aug. 31, '64, as Priv.; disch. July 10, '65, Washington, D. C. '68 in Oct. Hall, Caswell J. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Richmond ; age 20 ; res. Winchester, cred. Winchester ; enl. Oct. 6, ; must,

6, '03, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. May 29, '65, Washington, D. C. Hall. Charles. Co. D. See Charles H. Nash. Hall, Charles. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Washington; enl. Sept. 1, '64; must, in Sept. 1, '64, as Priv.;

received Sept. 12, '64, at draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent same date to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

'61 ; '61, dis. Oct. Hall, Charles H. Co. E; b. Franklin ; age 19; res. Franklin; enl. Sept. 25, must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. Died, 3, '62.

'62 '62, ; vfd. Hall, David D. Co. I ; b. Berwick, Me. ; age 23 ; cred. Newton ; enl. Aug. 29, ; must, in Aug. 29, as Priv. Dec. '65 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. ; wd. June 17, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; tr. to 1 Batt'l, V. R. C, Feb. 20, unas'd; disch. July 10, '65, Providence, R. I. 1'. O. ad., Newton Junction.

; Hall, Ed-ward. Co. D ; b. Thornton ; age 48 ; res. Goshen ; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; must, in Nov., '61, as Priv. disch. disab. Feb. 8, '63, Falmouth, Va. P. O. ad., Orford. '61, Hall, Isaac H. Co. K; b. Plaistow; age 18; res. Plaistow ; enl. Sept. 23, '61; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv.; killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. '63 Hall, John P. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Exeter ; age 30 ; res. Exeter, cred. Hampton Falls ; enl. Aug. 10, ; must, in Aug. 10,

'63, as Priv. ; disch. to date July 8, '65.

; '61 '61, ; Ham, Paul. Co. F ; b. Sutton, Vt. age 24 ; res. Lisbon ; enl. Oct. 22, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. re-enl. and must, in '64 '65. Feb. 19, ; app. Corp. ; Sergt. Oct. 23, '64 ; must, out June 28,

1) ; '63 ; Ham, "William P. Co. ; drafted ; b. Farmington ; age 27 ; res. Farmington, cred. Farmington drafted Aug. 14, must.

in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. B, Nov. 20, '64 ; disch. June 22, '65, Concord.

Hamblett, Aaron. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Hudson ; age 19 ; cred. Salem ; enl. Aug. 15, '64 ; must, in Aug. 15, '64, as Priv. disch. June 9, '65, Washington, D. C. P. 0. ad., Derry Depot. '63 Hamilton, A Ivan. Co. H ; substitute ; b. North Yarmouth, Me. ; age 43 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Aug. 10, ; must, in Aug.

25, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. 1, Nov. 21, '63 ; disch. disab. Dec. 12, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Hamilton, Robert. Co. K; substitute; b. Scotland; age 29; res. Halifax, N. S., cred. 2 District; enl. Aug. 20, '63; must, in '64 Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; captd. June '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; released Aug. 25, '64 ; wd. ; app. Sergt. to date June 21, 3, ;

f urloughed Dec. 22, '64, for 30 days ; des. ; enl. and must, in Jan. 6, '65, under name of Robert Gait, as Priv., Co. D, 8 Vt. '6.5. Inf. ; must, out June 28, '63 '63, Hamlett, Thomas. Co. C ; b. Chicago, 111. ; age 23 ; res. Buffalo, N. Y., cred. Dover ; enl. Dec. 4, ; must, in Dec. 4, as '64, " " " Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 25, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar and Eureka " ; des. Oct. 18, '64. '63 Hamlin, Fred. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Finland ; age 24 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Warner ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. 20, '63, '64, " " '64. as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar ; des. May 23, '61 '61, Hamlin, Sylvester A. Co. G ; b. Charlestown ; age 22 ; res. Charlestown ; enl. Sept. 27, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Corp. disch. disab. Jan. 31, '63, Alexandria, Va. See 1 N. H. H. Art. '64 Hamly, John C, alias George Garnett. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Nova Scotia ; age 20 ; cred. Acworth ; enl. Aug. 17, ; must.

in Aug. 17, '64, as Priv. ; disch. Dec. 17, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Hammond, Isaac Ware. Non-Com. Staff ; b. Gilsum ; age 3U; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 25, '61; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as

Com. Sergt. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. Died Sept. 28, '90, Concord. '64 '64, Hampstead, Henry. Co. C ; substitute ; b. New Brunswick ; age 31 ; cred. Acworth ; enl. Aug. 10, ; must, in Aug. 10,

as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 15, '65, near Petersburg, Va. Hanagan, William. Co. C; b. Ireland; age 34; res. Lebanon; enl. Sept. 19, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. Dec. 13,

'62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Mar. 27, '63. See V. R. C. Hancock, George. Co. C. See Charles G. Edson. '63 Handy, Alpheus. Co. D ; drafted ; b. Richmond ; age 32 ; res. Fitzwilliam, cred. Fitzwilliam ; drafted Oct. 3, ; must, in '64 Oct. 3, '63, as Priv. ; wd and mis. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. gd. from mis. ; tr. to Co. E, Nov. 20, ; disch. disab. ; June 13, '65, Manchester. P. O. ad., AVestmoreland.

; ; '61 ; '61, Priv. ; '62, Handy, Georg-e B. Co. F b. Dublin ; age 18 ; res. Keene enl. Oct. 23, must! in Oct. 23, as mis. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. gd. from mis. ; disch. Apr. 25, '64. Organizations. ; See Miscel.

Handy, Jerome B. A. Co. D; substitute; b. New Hampshire ; age 18; res. Charleston, Vt., cred. Charlestown; enl. Oct. 13, '63 '65; ; must, in Oct. 13, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.; tr. to Co. B ; to Co. II, 13 V. R. C, Mar. 8, disch. July 1.5, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Fitzwilliam. '61 in Oct. '61, as Priv. Hannifen, Gregory. Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age 30 ; res. Winchester ; enl. Oct. 23, ; must, 23, ; wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Died, wds. May 13, '63, U. S. Ford, Stafford County, Va. enl. Sept. 15, '64; must, in Sept. 15, '64, as Priv.; Hans, Nelson. Co. C ; substitute; b. Sweden; age 24; cred. Peterborough; must, out June 28, '65. '61, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. Hanson, Aaron N. Co. H ; b. Ossipee ; age 21 ; res. Ossipee ; enl. Sept. 26, must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Lee. '63 must, in Aug. '63, ; ; Dover, cred. Dover ; drafted Aug. 14, ; 14, Hanson, Benjamin. Co. D ; drafted b. Dover ; age 25 res. '64, Annapolis, Md. as Priv. ; wd. sev. June 17, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. June 27, Sept. '64 must, m Sept. 7, '64, as Priv. ; ; cred. Hebron ; enl. 7, ; ; Hanson, Charles. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Quebec, Can. age 21 '65. captd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; re-captd. Apr. 10, '65 ; must, out June 28, ;;


Hanson, Israel. Co. C; substitute; b. Dover; age 18; cred. Dover; enl. Aug. 15, '64; must, in Aug. 15, '64, as Priv. ; must. out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Dover.

; '61 '61, Hanson, Joseph B. Co. B ; b. Moscow, Me. ; age 25 res. Milan ; enl. Oct. 4, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Wagoner ; must. out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Grinnell, Iowa. Hanson, Julius. Co. B; substitute; b. Denmark; age 22; cred. Pittsburg; enl. Aug. 29, '64; must, in Aug. 29, '64, as Priv.; des. to the enemy Dec. 25, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '61 Hapgood, Charles B. Co. I ; b. Shrewsbury, Mass. ; age ; res. Amherst ; app. Capt. Oct. 12, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, 30 ;

app. Lt. Col. Dec. 14, '62 ; Col. July 3, '63 ; wd. June 16, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; disch. Oct. 17, '64, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass.

Harden, Cyrus. Co. B ; b. Cumberland, K. I. ; age 25 ; res. Cumbei'land, R. I. ; enl. Oct. 8, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Corp. disch. disab. Jan. 23, '62, Washington, D. C. '64 Hardey, Patrick. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Andover ; enl. Sept. 5, ; must, in Sept. 5, '64, as Priv. ; re-

ceived Sept. 5, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Harding, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. England; age 23; cred. Claremont ; enl. Aug. 16, '64; must, in Aug. 16, '64, as Priv.;

received Aug. 16, '64, draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to legt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Hargrave, William. Co. B ; b. Toronto, Can. ; age 21 ; res. Toronto, Can. ; enl. Oct. 9, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Corp. des. May 18, '63, Germantown, Pa. Harr, Michael. Co. K. See Michiel Herr..

Harriman, Jacob A. Co. B ; b. Bartlett ; age 35 ; res. Randolph ; enl. Oct. 8, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Sept.

17, '62, Antietara, Md. ; tr. to Co. A, 9 V. R. C, Apr. 18, '64 ; disch. Nov. 16, '65, Washington, D. C. Harriman, Leander. Co. G; b. Claremont; age 44; res. Claremont, cred. Claremont; enl. Aug. 24, '62; must, in Sept. 18, '62, Priv. '63 as ; tr. to I. C. Sept. 1, ; to Co. B, 21 V. 11. C. ; disch. July 6, '65, Trenton, N. J. P. 0. ad.. Bellows Falls, Vt.

Harriman, Samuel. Co. D ; b. Conway ; age 45 ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Oct. 8, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. June 13, '62, White House Landing, Va.

Harring1;on, Co. B ; substitute ; b. England ; age ; res. York city, cred. enl. '63 ; must, in Benjamin. 21 New Sutton ; Aug. 20,

Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 28, "63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Harrington, Daniel. Co. K ; b. Waterford, Ir. ; age 23 ; res. South Berwick, Me. ; enl. Oct. 1, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as '62, Priv.; app. Corp. Apr. 16, '62; wd. June 1, Fair Oaks, A''a. ; d^sch. disab. Aug. 29, '62, New York city; re-enl. and

must, in Apr. 26, '64 ; cred. Meredith ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. to Co. D, 14 V. R. C, Oct. 21, '64 ; disch. July 28, '65, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad.. Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass. '64 Harrington, Edward. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Massachusetts ; age 22 ; cred. Dorchester ; enl. Sept. 3, ; must, in Sept. 3, '64, as Priv. ; received Sept. 3, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Harris, Charles. Unas'd; substitute; b. Manchester, Eng. ; age 24; cred. Gilmanton ; enl. Sept. 1, '64; must, in Sept. 1, '64,

as Priv. ; received Sept. 1, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '04, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Harris, Charles H. Co. F; b. Vernon, Vt. ; age 18 ; res. Gilsum ; enl. Oct. 23, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va.

Harris, Ed-ward. Co. C; substitute; b. Manchester, Eng.; age 21; cred. South Newmarket ; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug.

11, '64, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 6, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

b. ; '63 Harris, James. Co. G ; substitute ; Kilkenny, Ir. age 21 ; les. Boston, Mass., cred. Canaan ; enl. Oct. 3, ; must, in Oct.

3, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 14, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Harris, John. Co. 1 ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 29 ; cred. Amherst ; enl. Aug. 20, '64 ; must, in Aug. 20, '64, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Apr. 25, '65.

; ; '61 Harris, Joseph H. Co. C ; b. Randolph, Vt. age 26 res. Lebanon ; enl. Aug. 21, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as 1 Sergt. ; wd. '63. sev. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. June 8, P. O. ad., St. Albans, Vt. See 1 N. H. V. '64 Harrison, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 21 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Sept. 7, ; must, in Sept. 7, '64,

as Priv. ; received Sept. 8, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f . r. A. G. O.

; ; res. '61 Hart, Alfred W. Co. A b. South Berwick, Me. age 18 ; Milton ; enl. Sept. 20, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 28, '62.

; ; res. ; '61 Hart, Charles A. Co. G b. Claremont ; age 19 Claremont enl. Oct. 9, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 1,

'62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va.

; res. Hart, Charles B. Co. G ; b. Pomfret, Vt. age 20 ; Claremont; enl. Sept., '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. 27, '62. P. O. ad., Ferndale, Cal. See V. R. C.

substitute b. Ireland ; ; cred. '63 Hart, John. Co. E ; ; age 21 Cornish ; enl. Oct. 13, ; must, in Oct. 13, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman; served on U. S. S. "Matthew Vassar," "Primrose," and "Princeton"; disch. Aue. 21, '65.

Co. D ; b. Cambridge, Eng. ; age 31 ; res. Lancaster, cred. Lancaster enl. '62 Hart, Joseph. ; Aug. 8, ; must, in Aug. 8, '62, as

Muse. ; disch. disab. Mar. 21, '63, Baltimore, Md. Died Apr. 19, '76.

Harvey, James. Co. K ; b. Fryeburg, Me. ; age 26 ; res. Fryeburg, Me., cred. Freedom ; enl. Dec. '63 7, ; must, in Dec. 7, '63, '64, " " " as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. William Bacon and " Yankee ; des. Julv^ 18, '64. Co. I; b. Wilmot; age res. '61 Harvey, Jonathan H. 18 ; New London; enl. Sept. 28, ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 5, '62, near Alexandria, Va.

Co. C ; substitute ; b. New Hampshire cred. Winfleld S. ; age 18 ; enl. Hasham, Charlestown ; Aug. 9, '64 ; must, in Aug. 9, '65. '64, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, agi: res. Haskell, Daniel Co. C ; b. Hanover ; 23 ; Hanover ; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, W. 12, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '64 '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, ; must, out June 28, '65. HaskeU, Nelson E. Co. F; b. Troy; age 18; res. Troy; enl. Oct. 23, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 1 '62 ' '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 27, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Troy. See 1 N. H. Cav.

Co. C ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 18 ; cred. Dublin enl. '64 ; • Hassett, James. ; Aug. 9, must, in Aug.s 9, '64, as Priv des Mar. 18, '65, Beverly, N. J. . . ,

Co. ; h. Portsmouth ; age 19 res. Portsmouth enl. '61 Hatch, Walton N. K ; ; Sept. 27, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. May 4, '62, Fairfax Court House, Va.

Co. b. Germany; age 21; res. New York city, cred. ; Haury, Anthon. E; _ Stratham enl. Dec. 9, '63; must, in Dec. 9, '63, as '65. Priv. ; wd. June 18, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; disch. Aug. 2,

; 26 res. Dover enl. Sept. '61 must, '61, Hawkins, John D. Co. D ; b. Strafford age ; ; 21, ; in Oct. 23, as Priv. Died, dis. June 8, '62, Fair Oaks, Va.

b. Northampton, Mass. ; age 40 ; res. Milford, cred. Milford ; enl. '62 Hayden, Austin B. Co. K ; Aug. 4, ; must, in Aug. 4,

'62, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Jan. 7, '63, Alexandria. Va. Hayes, Charles. Co. B; substitute; b. Scotland; age 30; res. Scotland, cred. Franklin; enl. Aug. 19, '63; must, in Aug. 19,

'63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 28, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; b. ; ; res. Lebanon, Me. ; enl. Sept. 30, '61 ; must, '01, Hayes, George W. Co. A Dover age 18 in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. '


Hayes, James. Co. C; substitute; b. Ireland; age 32; cred. Bath; enl. Aug. 17, '64; must, in Aug. 17, '64, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Oct. '64 Sergt. '64 3, ; Nov. 1, ; 1 Sergt. Dec. 13, '64 ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; app. 2 Lt. Co. K,

May 1, '65 ; not must. ; must, out June 28, '65, as 1 Sergt.

Hayes, "William H. Co. H ; b. Farmington ; age 19; res. Wolfeborough ; enl. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 15, '62. Died Dec. 20, '85, Farmington. Co. A; b. res. '61 '61, William Milton ; age Milton; enl. in Hayes, H. H. 20; Sept. 11, ; must, Oct. 12, as Priv.; wd. June 18, '62, and died, wds. June 20, '62, Fair Oaks, Va.

Haynes, Albyn L. Co.B; b. Alexandria ; age 18; res. Alexandria ; enl. Sept. 25, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 17, '62, near Alexandria, Va. Haynes, Ervin "W. Unas'd. See 1 Regt. U. S. S. S. Haynes. See Haines. Hayward, Alvin G. Co. H. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S.

Co. E ; b. Alstead ; res. enl. If), '61 ; in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Hayward, Junius A. ; age 21 Alstead ; Aug. must, 19, May 11, '62, Yorktown, Va.

Hayward, Simeon F. Co. C ; substitute; b. North Bridgewater, Mass. ; age 32 ; cred. Kingston; enl. Aug. 9, '64; must, in '64, '65. Aug. 9, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Oct. 23, '64 ; must, out June 28,

Hazelton, Joseph "W. Co. I ; drafted; b. Manchester ; age 30; res. Chester, cred. Chester; drafted Aug. 11, '63; must, in Aug. 11, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. July 11, '64, City Point, Va. '64 '64, Hazlett, George. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 24 ; cred. Alstead ; enl. Sept. 3, ; must, in Sept. 3, as Priv. ; des.

Oct. .5, '64, Washhigton, D. C. Heald, Alfred W. Co. K; b. Dublin; age 25; res. Milford, cred. Milford; enl. Aug. 9, '62; must, in Aug. 9, '62, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 24, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Nashua. Healey, Harmon G. Co. I; substitute; b. New York; age 28; cred. Nashua; enl. Aug. 23, '64; must, in Aug. 23, '64, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65.

Heath, Addison W. Co. A; b. Plymouth; age 21 ; res. Holderness ; enl. Sept. 28, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Muse; app.

Prin. Muse. May 23, '63 ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. Died Oct. 23, '65, Holderness. See 1 N. II. V. I b. '61 Heath, George P. Co. ; Hopkinton ; age 18 ; res. Andover ; enl. Sept. 26, ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 11, '62, Yorktown, Va. Leroy S. Co. A; b. Plymouth; age res. Holderness; enl. Sept. '61 in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; tr. to Heath, 23; 27, ; must, Co.

F, Nov. '61 ; re-enl. '64 31, and must, in Jan. 1, '64; wd. June 26, ; tr. to Co. D, 11 V. R. C, Apr. 17, '65; disch. July 29, '65, Providence, R. I. P. O. ad., Ashland. See 1 N. H. V. Heath, Lorenzo. Co. C; b. Springfield; age 32; res. Orford enl. Sept. '61 must, '61, dis. ; 2, ; in Oct. 12, as Priv. Died, Oct. 11, '62, Washington, D. C. Heath, Moses C. Co. G; b. Bristol; age 32; res. Concord, cred. Concord; enl. Aag. 12, '62; must, in Aug. 18, '62, as Priv.; Dec. '62, wd. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. Way 31, '65. P. O. ad., Franklin. Samuel Co. F; b. Gorham 18 res. '61 '61, Heath, A. ; age enl. ; Gorham ; Oct. 23, ; nmst. in Oct. 23, as Priv. Died, dis. Nov. 14, '61, near Bladensburg, Md.

Co. F ; b. ; William H. Northumberland res. ; '61 ; Heath, age 37 ; Northumberland enl. Oct. 26, must, in Oct. 26, '61, as Priv. tr. to Co. Oct. '61 ; B, 31, ; disch. disab. Aug. 14, '62, Washington, D. C. Died June IS, '89, Lancaster.

Abel S. Co. C ; b. Norwich, Vt. ; ; res. '62 Hebard, age 43 Orford ; enl. Aug. 16, ; must, in Sept. 17, '62, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 1, '62, near Falmouth, Va. Robert. Co. C b. Jersey City, Hebert, ; N. J. ; cred. ; '62 age 23 ; Hanover enl. Aug. 28, ; must, in Sept. 11, '62, as Priv. ; o ' t , disch. May 30, '65, Washington, D. C. , , Hefferman, Michael, alias Michael Ryan. Co. I; substitute; b. New Brunswick; age 21; cred. Lisbon; enl. Sept. 21, '64; must, in Sept. '64, 21, as Priv. ; wd. sev. Mar. '65, 31, Dinwiddle Court House, Va. ; disch. Julv 15, '65, Washington, D. c! P. O. ad.. Asylum for Insane, Danvers, Mass. Henderson, William M. Co. II; substitute; b. Rochester; age 44 ; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Aug. 10, '63; must, in Aue 27 '63, as Priv. tr. ; to Co. I ; disch. disab. Dec. 12, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. John. Co. B substitute b. Hennesey, ; ; Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Sutton ; enl. Sept. 3, '64 ; must, in Sept. 3, '64, as Priv. ; app '65 Corp. Apr. 25, ; must, out June 28, '65. Co. G; substitute; b. Leith, Henry, James. Scot.; age 28; res. New York city, cred. Gilford; enl. Sept. 29, '63- must in '63, Sept. 29, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 5, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Henry, John. Unas'd. See John Thenry. Co. b. Henry, Samuel. G; Claremont ; age 28; res. Clareniont ; enl. Sept., '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch disab Sept._3, '62. P. O. ad.. East Berlin, Conn. See V, R. C. Herr, Michiel. Co. K b. Switzerland age res. ; ; 36 ; Switzerland ; enl. Sept. 23, '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, 12, as Pi-iv. ; disch. disab.

Franklin. Co. E b. Hersey, ; Grantham res. ; age 18 ; Croydon ; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in '61, Oct. 19, as Priv. ; killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. See 1 N. H. V. Co. A; b, Hersum, George L. Waterford, Me.; age 26; res. Milton; enl. Sept. 3, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61 as Corp • wd Sept. '62, Antietam, 17, Md. ; app. Sergt. Oct. 7, '62 ; 1 Sergt. Jan. 1, '63 ; 2 Lt. '63 '64 '• Oct. 3, ; 1 Lt. Co. G, July 2, t, notliu. , must. ; disch. Oct. 15„'64, as 2 Lt. Died Feb. 7, '90, Milton. y ,

Hervean, August. Co. C substitute b. Fiance ; '64 • ; ; age 25 ; cred. Dublin ; enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 9, '04, as Priv cantdt- Feb. 7, '65, while on picket. N. f. r. A. G. O. , Heustis, William E. Co. F; b. Quincy, Mass.; age 17; res. Keene; enl. Oct. '61 23, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Muse re-enl ' and must, in Feb. 19, '64; disch. disab. Sept. 1, '64. Francis. Co. B b. Guildhall, Vt. ; age 22 res. Lancaster ; Heywood, ; ; enl. Sept. 12, '61 ; must, '61 in Oct. 23 as Priv " ' Died dis. Nov. 25, '61, Camp Casey, Md. '

Co. C; subijtitute b. Ireland; • Hiam, Daniel. ; age 21; cred. Hanover; enl. Sept. 12, '64; must, in Sent 12 '64 r<< l- Privi '^v. wdwo. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. Died, wds. May 14, '65, Washington, D. C. . . ,

John S. Co. E; b. Lebanon age res. Lebanon; enl. Sept. '61 • Hibard, ; 28; 16, in ; must, Oct. 19, '61, as Sergt disch disab Jan. 17, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. O. ad., Springfield, Mass.

Hickman, William. Co. B ; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; age 21 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. '63 • 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, '63 as Priv tr. to S. Navy '64, " U. Apr. 23, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. " Commodore Read ; des. Aug. 12J '65, from receiv- ing ship, Boston, Mass. Co. substitute; Hicks, James. C; b. England; age 21; cred. Piermont; enl. .Sept. 14, '64; must, in Sept. 14, '64, • as Priv.* '65, '65. mis. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28,

Hicks, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland age 22 ; cred. Weave ; enl. Aug. '64 ; 31, ; must, in Aug. 31, '64, as Priv. ; received Aug. 31, '64, draft rendezvous, Concord; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. " Co. D ; substitute b. Conipton, Can. ; age 19 "; cred. '63 Stephen ; ; Hicks, L. Epping enl. Aug. 11, ; must, in Aug. 11, '63, as Priv. tr. to '64 '65 ; Co. C, Nov. 20, ; app. Corp. Jan. 10, ; captd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. par. Apr. '65 ; 16, ; disch! June 14, '65, Annapolis, Md. Died Jan. 27, '88, Los Angeles, Cal. See 6 N. H. V. and State Service. ; ;


Higby, George. Co. C; substitute; b. Scotland; age 22; cved. Bath; eiil. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, 'tjl, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 0, '64, neav Petersburg, Va. Higrgins, John. Co. A; substitute; b. Illinois; age 21; cred. Peterborough; enl. Aug. U, '04; must, in Aug. 6, '64, as Priv.; des. June 6, '6.5, near Alexandria, Va.

; res. 7, ; 2-3, '01, Priv.; Higgins, Franklin M. Co. B ; b. Livermore, Me. age 18; Milan ; enl. Oct. '01 must, in Oct. as wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 27, '02, Wasliiugton, D. C.

; res. ; '61 '61, ; '62, Hill, Bradley W. Co. F; b. Trov age 18; Swanzey enl. Oct. 23, ; must, in Oct. 23, as I'riv. wd. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Sept. 30, '02, Philadelphia, Pa. Supposed identical with Bradley W. Hill, Co. M. 1 N. II. Cav. '62, Hill, Elisha. Co. G ; b. Hinsdale ; age 24 ; res. Clareniont ; enl. Feb. 21, '62 ; nm.st. in Feb. 2S, '02, as Pi-iv. ; wd. Sept. 17, Antietaui, Md. Died, wds. Oct. 27, '62, Frederick, Md.

Hill, Thomas. Co. I ; substitute; b. England; age 18; cred. Bristol; enl. Aug. 23, '64; must, in Aug. 23, '04, as Pi-iv. ; des. Oct. 10, '04, near Petersburg, Va. gd. from des. Jan. '05; disch. Mar. 24, '05, by sentence G. C. M. ; 11, '63 Hilliard, Henry Co. B ; b. Colebrook ; age 25; res. Colebrook app. 2 Lt. JJov. 2, ; must, in Nov. 2.3, '63; dismissed S. ; Oct. 10, '64; disab. resulting from dismissal removed Dec. 13, '04; app. Capt. Co. B, Jan. 3, '05; must, in Feb. 7, '65; '6!5, '05 '05. captd. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; re-captd. Apr. 10, ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Lancaster. See 2 N. 11. V. Hilliard, Hiram. Co. B; b. Colebrook; age 20; res. Colebrook, cred. Colebrook; enl. Jan. 1, '04; must, in Jan. 1, '04, as

Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. jNIay 28, '65, Manchester. P. O. ad., Pittsburg. '61 '61, Hilyard, Thomas T. Co. B; b. Meredith ; age 35; res. Laconia ; enl. Oct. 8, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv.; wd. June 1, '62, '62, '04 '05. Fair Oaks, Va. ; Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, ^'a. ; app Corp. ; re-en), and mu.st. in Jan. 1, ; must, out .June 28, Died Feb. 18, '78, Laconia. '04; '64, as Hinkley, John W. Co. C; substitute; b. Wakefield ; age 18; cred. Rochester; enl. Aug. 19, must, in .\ug. 10,

Priv, ; killed Mar. 25, '6.5, Ft. Stedman, Va. Hinks, Thomas. Co. C; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Monroe; enl. Aug. 12, '04; must, in Aug. 12, '04, as Priv.; des. to the enemy Oct. 14, '04, near Petersburg, Va.

Co. ; substitute b. Ireland ; ; cred. ; enl. '64 ; mu,st. in '64, Priv. ; musL Hoban, John. C ; age 20 Rindge Aug. 9, Aug. 9, as out June 28, '05. '01 '01, Hodgdon, Charles H. Co. B ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age 19 ; res. KfRngham ; enl. Oct. 8, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. disch. Jan. 8, '62, neav Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad.. North Andover Depot, Mass. Hodgkins, Dexter. Co. F; substitute; b. Jefferson, Me.; age 23; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Aug. 10, '03; must, in Aug. 24, '63,

as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '04, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Corp. Feb. 14, '05 ; mis. Apr. 7, '05, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; app. Sergt. June 20, '65; must, out June 28, '65. res. .Sept. '01; '01, Hodgman, John B. Co. A ; b. Charlestown, Mass. ; age 22 ; iMilton ; enl. 20, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv.; des. July 28, '02, Baltimore, Md. Hoffman, "William H. Co. C; b. Lebanon; age 44; res. Lebanon; enl. Sept. 14, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '01, as Priv.; wd. June 1, '()2, Fair Oaks, Va. Died, wds. June 25, '82, Philadelphia, Pa. Hogan, James. Co. C; substitute; b. Louisiana; age 21; cred. Hanover; enl. Sept. 14, '64; must, in Sept. 14, '64, as Priv.; disch. June 2, '65, Washington, D. C.

; '64; '64, Hogle, John. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Stanstead, Can. age 29 ; cred. Barnstead; enl. Sept. 1, must, in Sept. 1, as Priv.

wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; disch. May 29, '65, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Boothbay Harbor, Me. '61 '61, Hoitt, Augustus J. Co. A ; b. Noi'thwood ; age 18 ; res. North wood ; enl. Sept. 26, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; re-enl. '64 '6.5. and must, in Jan. 1, ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Capt. Co. I, Oct. 28, '64 ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Lynn, Ma.ss.

Hoitt, Thomas L. Band; b. Barnstead ; age 33; res. Barnstead ; enl. Sept. 12, '61; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as 1 Class Muse; must, out Aug. 8, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Barnstead.

Holbrook, "William H. Co. F; substitute; b. Upton, Mass.; age 2] ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. New Durham; enl. Aug. 14, '64 '64, '05 '63 ; must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Mar. 1, ; captd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; released Mar. 2, ; discli. .lune 7, '65, Annapolis, Md. Holden, Amos T. Co. F; substitute; b. Waterville, Me.; age 23; res. Winchester, cred. Winchester; enl. Oct. 9, '63; must. '04. '64, in Oct. 9, '03, as Priv. ; captd. Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. ; par. Oct. 7, Died Nov. 9, Alexandria, Va. '01 res. enl. ; must, in '61, as Priv. ; disch. Holden, George R. Co. E; b. Langdon ; age 20; Langdon ; Oct. 10, Oct. 19, disab. May 15, '62. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass.

; res. ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; '63, Holden, Henry M. Co. E ; b. Langdon ; age 21 Langdon 16, 19, wd. May, '64. Chancellorsvilie, Va. ; app. Corp. ; must, out Oct. 29, P. O. ad., Langdon. age 21 cred. Newmarket; enl. Aug. 8, '64; mu.st. in Aug. 8, '64, as Priv.; Holden, Ralph. Co. C; substitute; b. England; ; des. to the enemy Oct. 14, '64, near Petei-sburg, Va. " 18 res. Charlestown enl. Fell. '62 must, in Feb. '62, as Priv. ; disch. Holden, Stephen L. Co. B ; b. Charlestown ; age ; ; 15, ; 28, Feb. 10, '63. P. O. ad., Aoworth. See Miscel. Organizations.

; 21 cred. Danville; enl. Aug. '64; must, in '64, Holding, James. Unas'd; substitute; b. Birmingham, Eng. age ; 19, Aug. 19, '64, r. as Priv. ; received Aug. 20, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Aug. 27, to regt. N. f. A. G. O. Holland, Barnard. Co. B; substitute; b. 'foronto. Can.; age 23; res. New York city, cred. Warner; enl. Aug. 20, '63; must. '64 '65, in Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. I, 12 N. Y. Cav., May 1, ; must, out July 19, Raleigh, N. C.

; city ; 44 i-es. York city, cred. Henuikei- ; enl. Aug. '63 age ; must. Holland, Joseph. Unas'd ; substitute b. New York New 20, ;

in Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 20, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Holler, Arthur. Co. D. See Arthur Ilortor.

; ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as 3 Class Died, dis. Holman, Jonathan P. Band ; age 22 res. Raymond 16, 26, Muse. May 3, '02, Camp AViniield Scott, near Yoi'ktown, Va. Holman, Reuben M. Co. C; substitute; b. New Brunswick; age 36; cred. Washington; enl. Aug. 19, '64; must, in Aug. 19, '65. '64, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. Oct. 23, '04 ; must, out June 28, res. Rochester; enl. Mar. 1, '62 must, in Apr. 20, '62, as Priv.; disch. wds. Holmes, John S. Co. F; b. Rochester; age 24; ; Nov. 20, '02, Ft. McHenry, Md. P. O. ad., Peabody, Mass. enl. '61 '61, Jefferson ; age 44; res. Tuftonborough ; Sept. 18, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; w

; cred. '64 Holt, Benjamin F. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Manchester ; age 18 Epsom ; enl. Aug. 31, ; must, in Aug. 31, '64, as Priv. disch. June 21, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Frankhn Falls. res. Holt, Charles. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Hamilton, Can. ; age 22 ; Hamilton, Can., cred. Milton ; enl. Aug. 14, '63 ; must, in '64, Aug. 14, '63, as Priv.; app. Corp.; mis. June 18, near Petei-sburg, Va. ; returned; app. Sergt. Oct. 23, '64; must, out June 28, '65. ;;;


Holt, Stephen H. Co. K ; b. Greenfield ; age 21 ; res. Francestown ; enl. Aug. 27, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; app. '63 '64, Corp. Nov. 1, ; Sergt. ; wd. June 6, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 21, '64, Washington, D. C. Hook, William L. Co. A; b. Concord; age IS; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 10, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; app. Sergt.;

re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

b. 18 res. enl. '61 ; ; Nov. Hooper, James W. Co. H ; Milton ; age ; Wolfeborough ; Aug. 24, must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. des. 30, '03, Concord. Hope, George. Co. H; substitute; b. Troy, N. V.; age 21; res. Waterford, Mass., cred. Nashua; enl. Oct. 6, '63; must, in

Oct. 6, '63, as Priv. ; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; disch. June 26, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Plainfield, N. J. Hopkins, George 'W. Co. I; b. Francestown; age 20; res. Francestown; enl. Sept. 21, '61; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Dec. 30, '62. P. 0. ad., Francestown. Hopkins, Henry J. Co. B; substitute; b. Plainfield, Conn.; age 19; cred. Alstead; enl. Sept. 30, '63; niu.st. in Sept. 30, '63, " as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 21, '64, as a Landsman; served on U. 8. S. "Thomas Freeborn and "Yankee"; des. Oct. 8, '64. '64 '64, Hopper, George. Co. K ; substitute ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Atkinson ; enl. Aug. 17, ; must, in Aug. 17, as Priv.

tr. to Co. G, Nov. 20, '64 ; must, out June 28, '65. '65, '65, Horn, William P. Co. A ; b. Milan ; age 34 ; res. Milan, cred. Milan ; enl. Feb. 15, for 1 yr. ; must, in Feb. 15, as Priv.

'65, ; '65, ad., wd. and mis. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; gd. from mis. disch. wds. June 19, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. Milan. '64, Hornby, George. Co. F; substitute; b. England; age 34; cred. Wentworth ; enl. Sept. 9, '64; must, in Sept. 9, as Priv.; des. Oct. 13, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

; '61 ; '61, Priv. Home, Charles H. Co. B ; b. Moultouborough ; age 18 ; res. Tuftonborough enl. Oct. 22, must, in Oct. 23, as

tr. to Co. H, Jan. 9, '62 ; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Mar. 16, '63, Concord. See V. R. C.

b. ; ; res. enl. '61 ; '61, ; Home, Wesley R. Co. D ; Farmington age 28 Farmington ; Sept. 27, must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. app.

Corp. ; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietara, Md. ; disch. disab. Nov. 18, '62. P. O. ad., Farmington.

Hortor, Arthur. Co. D; b. Taunton, Mass. ; age 21 ; res. Somersworth ; enl. Oct. 26, '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as Priv. ; dropped

as deserter Oct., '62; gd. from des. Aug. 16, '63; mis. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; returned; assigned to Co. H, Junn 17, '65; must, out June 28, '65.

; "43" ; '61 ; '61, Houghton, Abel. Co. F b. Thompson, Conn.; age res. Keene ; enl. Oct. 23, must, in Oct. 23, as Muse. ; disch. disab. Dec. 31, '62. P. O. ad., Keene. See V. E. C.

; ; ; '61 ; '01, ; Houghton, George B. Co. F ; b. Bellingham, Mass. age 18 res. Keene enl. Oct. 23, must, in Oct. 23, as Corp. tr.

to 29 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C, Sept. 16, '63 ; disch. Oct. 25, '64, as Sergt., Ft. Monroe, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad.. Flagstaff, Ariz.

Houlehan, John. Co. D; drafted; b. Ireland; age 28; res. Dunbarton, cred. Dunbarton ; drafted Aug. 19, '63; must, in Aug. '65. 19, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. C, Nov. 20, '64; must, out June 28,

alias ; b. ; '63 ; House, Joseph, Marvin H. Klock. Co. H substitute ; Fonda, N. Y. age 22 ; cred. Golfstown ; enl. Sept. 2, must.

in Sept. 2, '63, as Priv. ; must, out Jane 28, '65.

Houser, John. Co. A; substitute; b. Wurtemburg, Ger. ; age 22; res. Boston, Mass., ci-ed. Milton; enl. Aug. 14, '63; must, in

Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; disch. June 12, '65, Washington, D. C. " " '61 Howard, Charles C. Co. E ; b. Andover, Vt. ; age 35 ; res. Croydon ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 11, '62. See V. K. C.

Howard, Prank. Co. B ; b. New Brunswick ; age 28 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, '63 ; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 18, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; b. res. Howard, George. Co. K ; substitute , Spain ; age 25 ; New York city, cred. Pittsfield ; enl. Aug. 20, '63 ; must. '63, '64, " " in Aug. 20, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 21, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar," William Bacon," and " Wyandank"; disch. July 15, '85, as Seaman.

b. ; '61 Howard, Leonard W. Co. B ; Concord, Vt. age 19 ; res. Lancaster ; enl. Sept. 9, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; wd. '62, '62, June 1, Fair Oaks, Va. ; Sept. 17, Antietam, Md. ; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, '64 ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Wentworth. " Co. ; b. ; " 26 ; res. ; '62 ; Howard, Warren W. B Surry age Claremont enl. Feb. 27, must, in Feb. 28, '62, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 21, '63, Concord. See State Service. b. '61 Howard, William. Co. F ; Jamaica, Vt. ; age 45 ; res. Keene ; enl. Oct. 23, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. July 4, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va.

b. res. ; '61 ; Howe, Albert C. Co. G ; New Hampshire ; age 21 ; Newport enl. Sept. 27, must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. '62, '64. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; tr. to Co. B, 21 I. C, Sept. 16, '63; re-enl. Apr. 14, Drowned on or about May 21, '64, Newport. Supposed identical with Albert C. Howe, State Service. Howe, Benjamin. Co. E; b. Canada; age 24; cred. Acworth; enl. Aug. 23, '62; must, in Aug. 23, '62, as Priv.; app. 1 Sergt.; '64 Lt. '65 2 Lt. Co. H, Dec. 11, ; 1 May 1, ; not must. ; must, out June 28, '65, as 2 Lt. Died Apr. 7, '87, Hartford, Vt. Howe, Edward D. Co. C; b. Lebanon; age 18; res. Lebanon; enl. Sept. 18, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Corp.; killed June r i 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. . Howe, Edwin A. Co. E; b. Acworth; age 19; cred. Acworth; enl. Aug. 28, '62; must, in Aug. 28, '62, as Priv.; disch. Mar. 5, '63, Falmouth, Va.

Co. F substitute ; b. Stanstead, Can. ; age ; cred. Howe, Henry H. ; 21 Milford ; enl. Sept. 8, '64 ; must, in Sept. 8, '64, as Priv.

app. Sergt. ; des. June 8, '65, near Alexandria, Va. Co. E *. New Boston age res. Franklin Howe, John S. ; ; 18 ; ; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; killed June I, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Co. E; b. Canada; age res. Howe, Joshua H. 20; Acworth; enl. Sept. 1, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.- re-enl and must, in Jan. '64 cred. Claremont tr. to 1, ; ; U. S. Navy Apr. 27, '64, as an Ord. " Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Thomas " '65, Freeborn ; disch. July 17, from receiving ship, Washington, D. C. Co. F substitute age enl. Aug. '64 Howick, James. ; ; 24 ; 28, ; must, in Aug. '64, 28, as Priv., at Concord ; must, out June 2of bo. Co. D drafted b. Deerfield Charles E. P. ; res. Hoyt, ; ; age 25 ; Deerfield, cred. Deerfleld ; drafted Aug. 11, '03 ; must, in Aue '63, as Priv. wd. June '64, Cold II, ; 3, Harbor, Va. ; tr. to • Co. B, Nov. 20, '64 ; to 53 Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C. Jan 7 '65 disch. disab. Aug. 19, '65, Chester, Pa. P. O. ad., Deerfield. ' Co. D drafted b. Kingston age Hoyt, Blbridge. ; ; ; 32 ; res. Newton, cred. ; '63 Newton drafted Aug. 11, ; must, in Aua-ug. ii,11 '630.3. 8 > . as Priv. ; killed June 6, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Co. A b. Kingston age ; ; 18 ; cred. Hoyt, John W. Kingston ; enl. Feb. 9, '65, for 1 yr. ; must, in Feb. 9, '65, as Priv. mis '65, ' Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65.

L. Co. H b. Wakefield age ; • Hubbard, Charles ; ; 21 res. Brookfield ; enl. Sept. 5, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv ' diseli ' disab. Jan. 1, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass. See 14 N. H. V.

Co. F ; b. West Turin, ; ; • George. N. Y. ; '61 Hubbard, age 23 res. Winchester ; enl. Oct. 23, must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv '62 wd. June 29, ; disch. disab. Feb. 18, '63, Ft. Hamilton, N. Y. H.

Co. E substitute ; b. '63 ; Milton Sept. Hubbard, James. ; age 22 ; res. Dover, cred. Meredith ; enl. 29, ; must, in Sept. 29, '63 ' as Priv. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ' ;;;


'61 Hughes, Peter. Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age 36 ; les. Concord ; enl. Oct. 2, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 18, '63. Died Dec. 20, '88, Lancaster.

'65 '65, ; Hull, James H. Co. A ; b. Gloucester, Mass. ; age 21 ; cred. Kingston ; eul. Feb. 7, ; must, in Feb. 7, as Priv. disch. June 14, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. P. 0. ad., Ipswich, Mass. '61 '61, Humphrey, Mason W. Co. B ; b. Waterbury, Vt. ; age 20 ; res. Waterbury, Vt. ; enl. Sept. 12, ; must, in Oct. 23, as '63 Sergt. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fi-edericksburg', Va. ; app. Sergt. Maj. Mar. 1, ; 2 Lt. Co. C, Oct. 2, '63 ; 1 Lt. Co. G, Feb. 1, '64 ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

Co. A; b. age res. '61 ; must, in Hunt, Albert. Boscawen ; 45; Boscawen (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; eul. Sept. 18, Oct. 12,

'61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 4, '62, Baltimore, Md. 27, 27, Hunt, Charles. Co. D; b. Warner; age 18; res. Warner; enl. Oct. '63 ; must, in Oct. '63, as Priv.; captd. June 22, '64, '65 '65. Jerusalem Plank Koad, Va. ; released ; returned to duty Apr. 18, ; assigned to Co. E ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Contoocook.

Hunt, John H. Co. A ; b. Dorchester ; age 35 ; res. Franklin ; enl. Sept. 18, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. 24, '62. P. 0. ad.. Hill. See V. R. C.

Hunter, Damon B. Co. G; b. Salisbury, Vt. ; age 21; res. Claremont; enl. Oct. 9, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Died, wds. June 22, '62, Yorktown, Va. '64 '64, Hunter, James. Co. C ; substitute ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 40 ; cred. Strafiord ; enl. Sept. 14, ; must, in Sept. 14, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. '01, '62, Hunter, John H. Co. E ; b. Cornish ; age 21 ; res. Newport ; enl. Sept. 7, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; wd. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 8, '63, Ft. Monroe, Va. Supposed identical with John H. Hunter, Co. H, 1 N. H. H. Art. P. O. ad., Hartford, Vt.

Huntoon, Henry B. Co. C ; b. Salisbury ; age 21 ; cred. Franklin ; enl. Aug. 8, '62 ; must, in Aug. 9, '62, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 3, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Strafford. '61 '61, Huntoon, Oscar P. Co. B ; b. Bethlehem ; age 18 ; res. Whitefleld ; enl. Oct. 10, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; wd. June

1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; considered a deserter from on or about Jan. 5, '63. N. f. r. A. G. O. P. O. ad., Stoneham, Mass. '63 '63, Hurd, Charles T. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Somersworth ; age 21 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Aug. 10, ; must, in Aug. 25, as " " " " Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 21, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Commodore Read and Don ; des. Mar. 31, '65. P. 0. ad., Biddeford, Me. '63 Hurd, John. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Rochester ; age 35 ; res. Rochestei', ca-ed. Rochester ; enl. Aug. 14, ; must, in Aug. 14,

'63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 7, '65, Manchester. '61 '61, Hurd, Marshall P. Co. K ; b. Croydon ; age 19 ; res. Lempster; enl. Sept. 5, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. Died, wds. Sept. IS, '62, Mill Creek Hosp., Md. See 1 N. H. V. '61 '61, Hurd, Sumner P. Co. E ; b. Newport ; age 24 ; res. Newport ; enl. Sept. 16, ; must, in Dec. 18, as Priv. ; app. Sergt.

Dec. 19, '61 ; 1 Sergt. Apr. 17, '62 ; 2 Lt. May 12, '62 ; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; app. 1 Lt. Nov. 10, '62 ; wd. Dec.

13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; resigned May 27, '63. P. O. ad., Vineland, N. J. 6, Hurst, George. Co. I; substitute; b. Pennsylvania ; age 23; res. Philadelphia, Pa., cred. Gilsum ; enl. Oct. '63 ; must, in

Oct. 6, '63, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 20, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Huse, William. Co. C; substitute; b. Little Rock, Ark.; age 23; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Sept. 15, '64; must, in Sept. 15, '64,

as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Feb. 7, '65, near Ft. Welch, Va.

; ; ; Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. Hussey, William. Co. H ; b. Canada age 21 res. Wolfeborough enl. 7, 19, Died, dis. I)ec. 13, '61, near Alexandi'ia, Va.

; Sept. '61 ; in Oct. '61, as Priv. Hutoherson, Cyrus A. Co. K ; b. Hollis, Me. age 18 ; res. Plaistow ; enl. 23, must, 12, Died, dis. Aug. 22, '62, New York city. enl. Sept. 28, '61 in Oct. 19, Hutchins, Moses P. Co. E; b. Moultonborough ; age 24; res. Moultonborough ; ; must, '61, as

Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 10, '62, near Alexandria, Va. P. 0. ad., Lawrence, Mass. See 12 N. H. V.

; enl. '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Hutchinson, Appleton. Co. I b. Wilton ; age 32 ; res. Wilton ; Sept. 19, disab. May 14, '62, Y'orktown, Va. See 10 N. H. V. and State Service.

; ; enl. '61 must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; des. Hutchinson, Charles A. Co. B ; b. Milan ; age 19 res. Stratford Oct. 8, ; 23, May 1, '63, near Falmouth, Va. Died Feb. 10, '75, Swanville, Me. See State Service.

; ; ; enl. Aug. '64 ; must, in Aug. '64, Hyatt, George. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Canada age 21 cred. Peterborough 15, 15, as Priv.

received Aug. 15, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '04, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

; enl. '62 must, in Nov. '62, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Hyde, William. Co. I b. Dover ; age 43 ; cred. Somersworth ; Nov. 3, ; 18, May 1, '65.

'64 n)ust. in Sept. '64, ; Infant, James. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 24 ; cred. Marlow ; enl. Sept. 19, ; 19, as Priv. wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. Died, wds. Apr. 18, '65.

; ; cred. ; enl. Sept. '64 must, in Sept. '64, Priv. ; tr. Infant, Judson. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Canada age 21 Alstead 3, ; 3, as to

Co. F, Nov. 20, '64 ; must, out June 28, '65. Ingalls, Andrew J. Co. H. See 2 U. S. S. S. '61 '61, Ingalls, Melvin L. Co. C; b. Hanover; age 25; res. Hanover; eul. Sept. 6, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Muse; app. Prin.

Muse. Oct., '61 ; disch. Nov. 29, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. See 1 N. H. H. Art.

; ; enl. '64 must, in '64, Inshaw, John. Co. I substitute b. England ; age 35 ; cred. Windham ; Aug. 23, ; Aug. 23, as Priv.

des. Oct. '64, near Petersburg, Va. gd. from des. Jan. 11, '65 ; disch. Mai-. 24, '65, by sentence G. C. M. 10, ; cred. enl. Oct. '63 must, in Oct. '63, Irving, John. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Massachusetts ; age 26 ; Gilsum ; 1, ; 1, as Priv. ; tr. " " " " to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar," Wjandank," and William Bacon ; disch. Aug. 8, '65, from receiving ship. New I'ork city.

; '61 ; in Oct. '61, ; Ivers, William. Co. D ; b. Ireland ; age 30 ; res. Rollinsford enl. Sept. 26, must, 23, as Priv. disch. Oct. 9, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. O. ad., Lawrence, Mass. See V. R. C. '64 b. 23 cred. Brookline ; enl. Aug. 16, ; must, in '64, Jackman, George. Unas'd ; substitute ; New York ; age ; Aug. 16, as

Priv. ; des. Sept. 16, '64.

; '61 ; in Oct. '61, as Priv. Died, dis. f. r. A. Jackson, George H. Co. F age 18 ; enl. Oct. 23, must, 23, N. G. O. Jackson, Henry. Co. H; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; res. Wisconsin, cred. Bennington; enl. Sept. 1, '63; must, in Sept.

1, '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 5, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; ; ; res. city, cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. '63 Jackson, Lewis. Co. K substitute ; b. Portland, Me. age 31 New York 19, ; must. '65, in Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. G,.Nov. 20, '64 ; disch. disab. Mar. 12, near Petersburg, Va.

; enl. '61 ; in Oct. '61, ; Jackson, Milton S. Co. C ; b. Hinsdale, iJlass. age 19 ; res. Hanover ; Aug. 31, must, 12, as Priv. must. out Oct. 29, '64. Died Sept. 14, '92, Newport. Jackson, Oliver. Co. H. See 2 U. S. S. S.

Jackson, Richard. Co. G ; substitute ; b. London, Eng. ; age 24 ; res. London, Eng., cred. Harrington ; eul. Aug. 14, '63 ; must.

in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 17, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '64 Jackson, Robert. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Exeter ; eul. Aug. 22, ; must, in Aug. 22, '64, as Priv.

received Aug. 23, '64, at draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. ;;;;


substitute b. Jaeger, Franzmz Robert. Co. K ; ; Geiniany ; age 26 ; res. Springfield, Mass., '63 cred. Bradford ; enl. Aug. 19, ; '63 must . in Aug. '6.3, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Nov. wd. June '64, 19, 1, ; 16, Petersburg, Va. ; tr. to Co. I, June, '65 ; disch. disab,I. June 13, '65, Portsmoutli Grove, R. I. b. cred. Deerfield enl. '64 Jagers, S. J. Co. I ; substitute ; Germany ; age 30 ; ; Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19, '64, as Priv. ; must. out June 28, '65.

Co. E ; substitute ; b. Ireland age ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Washington '63 Oct. JamsB, John. ; 23 ; enl. Oct. in 13, ; must,

13, '63, as Priv. ; wd. sev. July 27, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. ; discli. disab. June 27, '65, Manchester.

James, Thomas. Co. A; b. Cornwall, Eug. ; age 36; res. Concord, cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 11, '02; must, in Aug. 11, '62, as

Priv. ; killed Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. '64 Jean, Clouin. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Havre, France ; age 20 ; cred. Lee ; enl. Aug. 17, ; must, in Aug. 17, '64, as Priv. des. Sept. 10, '64. '62 '62, Jefferson, Hiram. Co. C ; b. Lisbon ; age 18 ; res. Lisbon, cred. Lisbon ; enl. Aug. 18, ; must, in Aug. 20, as Priv.

captd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; enl. in 10 Tenn. Inf., Confederate service, while prisoner at Andersouville, Ga. ; re-

captd. Dec. 28, '64, Egypt Station, Miss. ; enl. in Co. C, 5 Inf., U. S. V., Mar. 16, '65 ; must, out Oct. 11, '66, Ft. Kearney, Neb. '63 Jenkins, Charles. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 26 ; res. New York city, cred. Charlestown ; enl. Oct. 2, ; must, in

Oct. 2, '63, as Priv. : app. Corp. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Sergt. ; 1 Lt. Oct. 28, '64; disch. disab. Feb. 18, '65. '63 Jenkins, Henry J. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Ohio ; age 21 ; res. Canada, cred. Francestown ; enl. Sept. 1, ; must, in Sept. 1, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 26, '64, 1 Div., 2 A. C. Hosp.

; ; ; '64, Jenkins, Thomas. Unas'd substitute b. England ; age 36 ; cred. Lempster ; enl. Aug. 12, '64 must, in Aug. 12, as

Priv. ; received Aug. 12, '64, at draft rendezvous ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Jenks, George B. Co. I ; b. Lyme ; age 21 ; res. Lyme ; enl. Sept. 18, '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Gofestown. '64 Jenness, George B. Co. F ; representative recruit ; b. Kochester ; age 39 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Sept. 6, ; must, in Sept.

6, '64, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad.. Centre Barnstead. Jenness, George H. Co. I; substitute; b. Dover; age 26; cred. Portsmouth; eul. Aug. 10, '63; must, in Aug. 10, '63, as tr. " Priv. ; to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman ; des. Nov. 30, '64, from U. S. S. Matthew Vassar."

Jenness, Job B. Co. I; b. Canaan ; age ; res. Canaan ; enl. Sept. '61 in '61, as Priv. ; wd. '62, 34 9, ; must, Oct. 15, Dec. 13,

Fredericksburg, Va. ; May, '63, Chancelloi sville, Va. ; July, '03, Gettysburg, Pa.; des. Feb. 12, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. P. O. ad.. South Danbury. " " Jenness, John. Unas'd ; b. Rochester ; age 29 ; cred. Rochester ; '62 '62, f. r. enl. Sept. 25, ; must, in Oct. 6, as Priv. N. A. G. O. See V. R. C.

Jennings, Ganfleld. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 22 ; cred. Ilolderness ; enl. Aug. 6, '64 ; must, in Aug. 6, '64, as Priv. must, out June 28, '65.

Jennings, Co. substitute ; b. ; '64 ; '64, D ; Brunswick age 21 ; cred. enl. Sept. Edward. New Lisbon ; Sept. 13, must, in 13,

as Priv. ; des. Oct. 14, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '63 Jewell, Blbridge B. Co. F ; drafted ; b. Winchester ; age 25 ; res. Wincliester, cred. Winchester ; drafted Oct. 6, ; must. '63, in Oct. 6, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; disch. Sept. 13, '64, Willet's Point, N. Y. Died Aug. 19, '90, Winchester. See 2N. H. V.

; ; '63 Jewell, George W. Co. K ; substitute b. Wales, Me. age 23 ; res. Medford, Mass., ci-ed. Acworth ; enl. Oct. 7, ; must, in Oct. '63, '64, 7, as Priv. ; wd. sev. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; ti-. to Co. G ; disch. disab. June 22, '65, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Joliet, 111. '61 Johndrew, Alexander. Co. C ; b. Morgan, Vt. ; age 21 ; res. Lebanon ; enl. Sept. 18, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; tr.

to Co. A, 4 Art., U. S. A., Oct. 19, '62 ; re-enl. Feb. 1, '64 ; disch. Feb. 1, '67, Ft. Washington, Md., tm. ex.

Johnson, Albert Co. F ; b. Northfield, Mass. ; age 19 res. Northfield, ; enl. '61 ; '61, O. ; Mass. Sept. 23, must, in Oct. 23, as

Priv. ; app. Serg-t. ; captd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, dis. Sept. IS, '64, Andersouville, Ga.

Alden Co. ; b. Hancock ; 19 res. Antrim ; enl. Sept. '61 '61, ; '62, Johnson, S. K age ; 0, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. wd. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 12, '63, Concord. P. 0. ad., Reading, Mass.

Unas'd ; b. '63 Johnson, Calvin. Massachusetts ; age 39 ; cred. Lebanon ; enl. Nov. 21, ; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv. Sup- posed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. i. A. G. O.

Johnson, Charles. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Sweden ; age 22 ; cred. enl. '64 '64, ; Weare ; Sept. 8, ; must, in Sept. 8, as Priv. disch. June 14, '65, Philadelphia, Pa.

Johnson, Charles B. Co. D ; drafted ; b. Portsmouth ; age 24 ; res. Portsmouth, cred. '63 Portsmouth ; drafted Aug. 10, ; must, in Aug. 10, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. C ; must, out June 28, '65. Died Oct. 5, '77, Portsmouth. See 3 N. H. V. '61, Johnson, Daniel. Non-Com. Staif ; age 18; eul. Oct. 22, at Concord; must, in Oct. 26, '01, as Prin. Muse. ; tr. to Co. C, as

Co. Muse, Nov. 1, '01 ; disch. disab. Aug. 29, '62, New York city. b. Johnson, David. Co. B; Meredith ; age 20; res. Wolfeborough ; enl. Oct. 15, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; tr. to Co. H, Jan. 9, '62; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 18, '62, Concord. P. 0. ad., Natick, Mass. Johnson, Edward Co. E; b. Newport; age res. Newport; enl. '01 '61, B. 18; Sept. 28, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 6, '02, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., San Antonio, Tex. Johnson, b. '61, Elijah W. Co. I; Lyman; age 34; res. Canaan ; enl. Aug. 23, as Priv.; app. 1 Lt. Oct. 12, "61 ; must, in to date Sept. '61, '62. 27, as iLt. ; disch. Jan. 28, P. O. ad., Nashua. See 11 N. H. V.

Johnson, Frederick A. Co. E ; b. Shrewsbury, Vt. ; age 33 ; res. Newport ; enl. Aug. 22, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.

wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, ; '64 Va. re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, ; tr. to S. Apr. 21, '64, as a Landsman U. Navv ; served on S. S. " " " " U. Matthew Vassar and Fusohia ; disch. Aug. 3, '65, as Carpenter's Mate. P. O. ad., Claremont.

Johnson, Oilman. Co. K ; b. Rye ; age 19 ; res. Greenland ; enl. Sept. 20, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must. in Feb. '64 19, ; cred. Rye ; tr. to Co. G ; app. Corp. ; must, out June 28, '05. P. O. ad., Newburyport, Mass.

Johnson, Ira Co. ; b. ; '01 '61, ; S. K Antrim ; age res. ; enl. Priv. '62, 18 Antrim Sept. 7, ; must, in Oct. 12, as wd. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. '64, Johnson, James. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 18 ; cred. Alexandria ; enl. Aug. 17, '64 ; must, in Aug. 17, as Priv. des. to the enemy Oct. 10, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Johnson, '63; must, in Oct. 1, '63, as Priv.; John. Co. G; substitute; b. New York; age 22; cred. Alstead ; enl. Oct. 1, wd.

June 22, '64, Jerusalem Plank Road, Va. ; des. Oct. 23, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '62 must, in Aug. Johnson, Levi. Co. ; b. ; cred. Claremont ; enl. Aug. 20, ; 28, '62, G Wallingford, Vt. age 35 ; res. Claremont, ad., Claremont. as Priv. ; app. Com. Sergt. Jan. 15, '05 ; disch. May 30, '65, near Fairfax Seminary, Va. P. O. '61 Oct. 12, '01, as Priv. wd. Johnson, ; enl. Sept. 2;!, ; must, in ; Sept. Lewis T. Co. A ; b. Springfield ; age 25 ; res. Wilmot '02, 17, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Jan. 5, '63. P. 0. ad., Wilmot Flat. '04 must, in Aug. 23, '64, as Johnson, ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Aug. 28, ; Priv. Michael. Unas'd ; substitute b. Ireland ; age 29 ; des. Sept. 6, '64. '61 must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; res. enl. Sept. 6, ; ; killed Johnson, Moses W. Co. A ; b. Concord ; age 20 Canterbury ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ;:;;


'63 Johnson, Peter. Co. 15 ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 24 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Hollis ; enl. Sept. 1, ; must, in Sept. 1, '63, " " " " as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar and Tulip ; disch. July 31, '6.5, as Seaman.

Johnson, Thomas. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Newburyport, Mass. ; age 22 ; res. Newburyport, Mass., cred. Bristol ; enl. Oct. 7, '63 '64 '65. ; must, in Oct; 7, '63, as I'riv. ; tr. to Co. tr,"Nov. 20, ; must, out June 28,

'61 ; '61, Johnson, Warren D. Co. I ; b. Danbury ; age 19 ; res. Uaubury ; enl. Oct. 4, must, in Oct. 15, as Priv. ; re-eui. and '64 '65. must, in Jan. 1, ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Mont Vernon. '63 Johnson, Co. ; substitute ; b. ; 27 ; res. York city, cred. Farmington ; enl. Aug. 14. William. G Norwich, Eng. age New ;

must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 30, '63, Concord. '64 '64, a-s Johnson, William. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 19 ; cred. Brookline ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. 20,

Priv. ; received Aug. 20, '64, at draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Johnson, William W. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Hampton; enl. Dec. S), '63; must, in Dec. 9, '63, as Priv.; des.

Dec. — . N. f. r. A. G. O. Jones, Albert. Co. I; substitute; b. Germany; age 22; res. New York city, cred. Warner; enl. Aug. 20, '63; must, in Aug. " 20, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 23, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; des. May 26, '64, from U. S. S. Commodore Read."

1, ; 1, Priv.; Jones, Alfred G. Cell; substitute; b. Massachusetts ; age 26 ; cred. Canaan ; enl. Oct. '63 must, in Oct. '63, as disch. June 21, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass. See Miscel. Organizations. '64, Jones, Charles. Unas'd; substitute; b. Platte City, Mo. ; age 21; cred. Rindge ; enl. Aug. 13, '64; must, in Aug. 13, as

Priv. ; received Aug. 15, '64, at draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent .\ug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

enl. '64 ; must, in Sept. 13, '64, as Priv. Jones, Edward. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. England ; age 24 ; cred. Warren ; Sept. 13,

sent Sept. 23, '64, to regt. ; des. en route- '64 '64, Jones, Frank. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Veruiont ; age 35 ; cred. Dorchester ; enl. Sept. 5, ; must, in Sept. 5, as Priv. killed Mar. 25, '65, Ft. Stedman, Va. '63 in Jones, George. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age 24 ; res. Portsmouth, cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Aug. 10, ; must,

Aug. 27, '6,8, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. '61 '61, Jones, George R. Co. .\ ; b. Lebanon, Me. ; age 44 ; res. Milton : enl. Sept. 9. ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Apr. 9, '03, Concord. P. O. ad., Milton. 20, '61 23, as discli. Jones, George W. Co. D; b. Rochester; age 23; res. Rochester; enl. Sept. ; must, in Oct. '61, Priv.; disab. Apr. 15, '63.

Jones, Henry. Co. I; substitute; b. Pennsylvania; age 23 ; cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv.. '65. app. Corp. ; des. May 28, Jones, Joseph. Co. F; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; age 22; res. Philadelphia, Pa., cred. New Castle; enl. Dec. 9, '63; must, in Dec. " 9, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to S. Api'. 20, '64, as served on S. S. " Freeborn and " Y'ankee "; U. Navy a Landsman ; U. Thomas des. Sept. 20, '64. '64 '64, Jones, Thomas. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Amherst ; enl. Aug. 18, ; must, in Aug. 18, as Priv. ; wd.

Apr. 1, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. wds. June 14, '65, Fairfax Seminary Gen. Hosp., Va. '64; '64, Jones, Walter. Co. C; substitute; b. New Y''ork ; age 19; cred. Mason; enl. Sept. 13, must, in Sept. 13, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65. 20, Jones, W^illiam. Co. B; substitute; b. Canada; age 31; res. liradford, Vt., cred. Loudon; enl. Aug. '63 ; must, in Aug.

20, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 28, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Jones, W^illis. Co. I); substitute; b. Livingston, Ky. ; age 35; res. Boston, JLass., cred. Newmarket; enl. .^ug. 11, '63; must.

in Aug. 11, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. C. T. Nov. 6, '63. N. f. r. A. G. O. '64; Jordan, Albert C. Co. C; b. Plainfield; age 18; res. Plainfied, cred. Plainfield ; enl. Mar. 22, must, in War. 22, '04, as

Priv. ; disch. June 14, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan., '72, Plainfield.

; '61 '61, '62. Jordan, Charles. Co. D ; b. Columbia ; age 29 ; res. Pittsburg enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Nov., as Priv. ; wd. May 31, Died June 10, '62, on steamer " Vanderbilt," en route from Harrison's Landing, Va., to New Y''ork city. '61 Jordan, Christopher C. Co. C ; b. Plainfield; age 21 ; res. Plainfield; enl. Sept. 18, ; nmst. in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to

5 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C, June 24, '63 ; disch. May 12, '64, New York city. Died Aug. 21, '65, Plainfield. Jordan, Bd"win C. Co. C; b. Plainfield; age 18; res. Plainfield, cred. Plainfield; enl. Mar. 22, '64; must, in Mar. 22, '64, as '65 Priv. ; wd. June 17, '64, near Peteisburg, Va. ; ti-. to Co. B, 18 Y. R. C, Jan. 28, ; disch. July 21, '65, AVashington, D. C. Died Dec. 23, '67, Plainfield. Jordan, James. Co. I; substitute; b. Ireland; age 25; cred. Deerfield; enl. Aug. 9, '64; must, in Aug. 9, '64, as Priv.; des. to the enemy Oct. 10, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Jordan, James F. Co. C; b. Plainfield; age 20; res. Plainfield, cred. Plainfield; enl. Mar. 22, '64; must, in Mar. 22, '64, as

Priv. ; disch. disab. June 21, '64, near Petersburg, Va. P. O. ad., Plainfield. '61 '61, Jordan, James W. Co. C; b. Plainfield; age 21; res. Plainfield; enl. Sept. 3, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 1, '62, Alexandria, Va. Died July 30, '87, Plainfield.

Jordan, Jarvis J. Co. C; b. Plainfield; age 42; res. Plainfield; enl. Aug. 31, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Sergt. ; disch. disab. Apr. 2, '63, Concord. Died May 20, '86, Plainfield. '64, Jordan, John H. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 35 ; cred. Rye ; enl. Sept. 1, for 1 yr. ; must, in Sept. 1, '64, as Priv. disch. June 18, '65, near Alexandria, Va. '64 '64 Co. G ; substitute ; age 23 ; enl. Aug. 17, ; must, in Aug. 17, as Priv., at West Lebanon reported Joseph, Andrew. ; on roll of .\pr. 30, '65, as absent in arrest awaiting sentence G. C. M. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 Joslin, Albert N. Co. F ; drafted ; b. Jaffrey ; age 33 ; res. Jaffrey, cred. Jaffiey ; drafted Oct. 3, ; must, in Oct. 3, '63, as

Piiv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out June 28, '65. Died Mar. 30, '83, Fitchburg, Mass.

Joslyn, Luther. Co. I; substitute; b. Maine; age 41 ; cred. AVestmoreland ; eul. Aug. 1'7, '64; must, in Aug. 17, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 8, '65, Washington, D. C. Joyce, Charles. Co. I. See Charles H. Chase. Junkins, Daniel B. Co. D; b. Wakefield; age 18; res. Lebanon, Me.; enl. Oct. 18, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; wd. 1, 13, June '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; des. Dec. '62, Fredericksburg, A''a. ; returned May, '65, under President's Proclamation; '65. assigned to Co. F ; must, out June 28,

Kanally, Daniel. Co. K ; substitute; b. Lancaster, Eng. ; age 21; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Keene ; enl. Oct. 7, '63; must, in

Oct. 7, '63, as Priv. ; mis. Jujje 22, '64, Jerusalem Plank Road, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O. Keaser, Orin S. Co. F; substitute; b. Massachusetts; age 22; cred. Plainfield; enl. Sept. 24, '63; must, in Sept. 24, '6.^5, as '64, " " Y'ankee," " Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 21, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Thomas Freeborn," Fuschia," and " " '65. Wyandank ; disch. Aug. 15,

; enl. Sept. '64; must, in Sept. '64, Keating, Thomas. Co. F ; substitute b. Ireland ; age 35; cred. Wentworth ; 9, 9, as Priv. disch. May 29, '6.5, Washington, D. C. '61 (Fishervil)e, Penacook) ; enl. Sept. ; Keenan, Francis. Co. A ; b. Ireland; age 25; res. Concord now 16, must, in Oct. 12,

'61, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '62, and died, wds. June 4, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. 246 FIFTH REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY.

age 22 res. Kingston, cred. Kingston drafted Aug. 11, '68 ; must, in Aug. Keezer, Daniel H. Co. D ; drafted ; b. Hanipstead ; ; ; ad., '(j4 '65, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. 11, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. C, Nov. 20, ; mis. Apr. 7, Farmville,

Haverhill, Mass. . '62 must, in Aug. 11, '62, as Priv._; age ; res. Franklin, cred. Franklin ; enl. Aug. 11, ; Keezer Reuben. Co. I ; b. Franklin ; 35 '65, David s '03, assigned to Co. I), 10 Regt. ; disch. June 28, 'wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; tr. to I. C. June 24, and Isl., N. Y. H. Died July 3, '82, Franklin.

must. Dec.

lo, in musr. in wi. a.-, uj.hb inv. -, ucs. Mar. (JIaremont ; enl. Sept. ; Kelley, James H. Co. G; b. Lowell, Yt. ; age 20; res. '3, '1)4, Pt. Lookout, Md. . enl. Oct. 22, '03 must, m Oct. 22, 63, as ; ; 27 res. Canada, cred. Lebanon ; ; Kelley John. Co. E ; substitute b. Canada age ;

'Priv. ; des. Nov. 17, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. enl. '(i3 must, in Aug. 10, 03, as ; ; ; res. cred. Concord : Aug. 19, ; Kelley, John. Co. K ; substitute b. Canada age 23 Canada,

; '63, from transport on Potomac river. Piiv. des. Nov. 14, . '04 must, in Aug. 20, '64, as Priv. re- ; substitute ; b. ; cred. BrookJine ; enl. Aug. 20, ; ; Kelley, John. Unas'd Ireland ; age 22 f. r. ceived Aug. 20, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. A. G. O. '61 must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Died. Kelley, Joseph W. Co. G; b. Clareniont; age 20; res. Oaremont; enl. Sept. 27, ; dis. May 15, '62. en route, from Ft. Monroe, Va., to Washington, D. C. ci-ed. Exeter; drafted Aug. 11, '63; must, in Aug. Kelley, Patrick. Co. D; drafted; b. Waterford, Ir. ; age 34; res. Exeter, '64 '05. 11, '03, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. C, Nov. 20, ; must, out June 28,

'04 in Sept. '04, as Priv. ; ; b. Ireland 39 ; cred. Barnstead ; enl. Sept. 3, ; nrast. 3, Kelley, Timothy. Co. F ; substitute ; age des. Oct. 11, '04, neai- Petersburg, Va. Dec. '63; must, in Dec. 28, '63, as Priv. Kelley William. Unas'd; b. Hartford, Conn. ; age 26; cred. Rochester; en). 28, N. f. r. A. G. O. enl. '63; must, in Kellner, Peter. Co. B; substitute; b. IIaml)urg, Ger. ; age 19; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Warner; Aug. 20, Freeborn "; des. Aug. 20, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 25, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on V. S. S. "Thomas Dec. 25, '64. '64; in .\ug. '64, as Priv.; Kelsea, Henry 0. Co. I; substitute; b. Landaff ; age 19; cred. Gilford; enl. Aug. 20, must, 20, must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Los Angeles, Cal. '63 b. ; ; res. city, cred. ; enl. Aug. 14, ; must, in Kemmel, Conrad. Co. C ; substitute ; Bavaria, Ger. age 34 New York Dover

'63, ; '64 H. V., Aug. 14. as Priv, app. 2 Lt. 1 Inf., U. .S. V., .\pr. 17, ; appointment revoked, and returned to Co. C, 5 N.

Sept. 24, '64 ; disch. June 14, '65, York, Pa.

; b. ; res. ; enl. '61 ; '01, as Priv. ; drowned Kendall, John L. Co. I Mont Vernon ; age 37 .Amherst Sept. 14, must, in Oct. 15, Feb. 24, '64, Ft. Monroe, Va.

; ; res. enl. '01 ; in '61, Priv. ; wd. June Kenerson, John P. Co. I b. Indian Stream ; age 32 (irafton ; Oct. 18, must, Oct. 19, as

30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; tr. to Co. A, 9 V. R. C. ; disch. Nov. 16, '65, Washington, D. C. 11 '61; '61, Priv.; Keniston, Caleb T. Co, ; b. Holderness; age 20; res. Wolfeborongh ; enl. Sept. 11, nmst. in Oct. 19, as disch. disab. Jan. 8, '62. See 1 N. H. H. Art.

Keniston, Brastus H. Co. D; b. Newry, Me. ; age 18; res. Hopkiiiton ; enl. Aug. 18, '62; nmst. in Aug. 18, '02, as Priv.; '04 '65. app. Sergt. Oct. 23, ; tr. to Co. A ; disch. May 30, V. O. ad.. West Campton. '64; '64, Kennady, John. Co. F; substitute; b. Ireland ; age 34; cred. Barnstead; enl. Sept. 3, must, in Sept. 8, as Priv.;

Apr. '65, Farmville, Va. gd. from mis. ; must, out June 28, '65. mis. 7, ; '62 Kennedy, Duncan. Co. A; b. Paisley, Scot. ; age 42; res. Pembroke, cred. Pembroke; enl. .\ug. 11, ; must, in Aug. 11,

; '62, ; '04, '02, as Priv. wJ. Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. app. Corp. ; killed June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. '03; Kennedy, Michael. Co. K; b. Belfast, Ir. ; age 24; cied. Durham; enl. Deo. 7, must, in Deo. 7, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 21, '64, as a Landsman; served on U. S. S. "Matthew A'assar" and "William Bacon"; app. Acting Master's

Mate Oct. 6, '64 ; des. Nov. 30, '64, from Potomac flotilla.

substitute ; b. Ireland age ; ci'ed. Milford '04 '04, ; Co. ; enl. Sept. in Priv. Oct. Kenney, John. F ; ; 25 2, ; must, Sept. 7, as des. 16, '64, near Petersburg, Va. res. '61; '01, Kenney, Joseph P. Co. B; b. Middletou ; age 23; Wolfeborongh; enl. Oct. 21, must, in Oct. 23, as Priv.; tr.

to Co. 11, Jan. 9, '02 ; disch. disab. Nov. 8, '02, Washington, D. C.

b. ; ; res. '61 ; '61, ; Kenney, Simeon B. Co. H ; Milton age 32 Wolfeborongh ; enl. Sept. 19, must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. re-enl. '64 '04, '04 and must, in Feb. 19, ; cred. Tuftonborough ; oaptd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; exch. Aug., ; must, out June 28, '05. Died Dec. 2^ '71, WolCeborough. Kereser, Edward. Co. I; substitute; b. Germany; age 19; cred. Merrimack; enl. Aug. 10, '04; must, in Aug. 10, '64, as '65. Priv. ; must, out June 28, substitute; b. cred. Oct. '63; '63, Kern, John. Co. B; France; age 21; Alstead ; enl. 1, must, in Oct. 1, as Priv.; killed June 3, '04, Cold Harbor, Va.

b. Hamburg, Gei'. ; ; res. Mass., cred. '63 Kerner, William. Co. C ; age 33 Boston, Londonderry ; enl. Dec. 4, ; must, in Dec. 4,

'63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. June 30, '65, Washington, 1). C.

; drafted ; b. Fletcher, Vt. ; age ; res. '03 '63, Kidder, Henry. Co. F 34 Keene, cred. Keene ; drafted Oct. 9, ; must, in Oct. 9,

as Priv. ; disch. May 20, '05, Concord. P. O. ad., East Jaffrey.

res. '61 ; '62, Kimball, Charles. Co. t; b. Wilmot; age 32; Wilmot; enl. Sept. 16, must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ; M'd. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; killed July 2, '03, Gettysbui'g, Pa. '61 Co. H ; b. Effingham ; age 44; res. Wolfeborougii ; enl. Sept. in '61, as Priv. Died, Kimball, Daniel. 29, ; must, Oct. 19, dis. June 4, '62, Turner House Hosp., Va.

; b. cred. ; '03 '03, as Priv. ; tr. Kimball, Daniel H. Co. K Canaan ; age 37 ; Hanover enl. Nov. 21, ; must, in Nov. 24, to Co. '64 G, Nov. 23, ; to 168 Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C, Apr. 17, '05 ; disch. disab. June 8, '05, Concord. Kimball, George W. Co. I; b. Canaan; age 20; res. Canaan; enh Sept. 16, '61; must, in Oct. 16, '01, as Priv.; wd. May,

'63, Chancellorsville, Va. ; killed July 2, '03, Gettysburg, Pa. b. Bradford, '01 must, in Oct. 23, '61, aa Kimball, Simuel A. Co. D; Mass.; age 44; res. Milton; enl. Sept. 19, ; Muse; disch. disab. Oct. 9, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. O. ad., Farmington. See V. R. C.

17, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. Kimball, William P. Co. K; b. Plaistow; age 18; res. Plaistow ; enl. Sept. '61 disab. July 10, '62, New York city. P. O. ad., Newton. ;;;;;


Kimball, William S. Co. A; b. Porter, Me.; age 27; res. Milton; enl. Au^. 29, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. sev. '64, June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 7, 'Gii ; re-enl. and must, m Jan. 5, '64 ; ored. Jackson ; captd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, dis. June 20, '64, Richmond, Va.

; '63 must, in Kimpel, Martin. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 22 res. New York city, cred. Canterbury ; enl. Aug. 19, ; " Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 25, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Thomas Freeborn"; des. July 31, '65, Washington, D. C. '61 '61, re-enl. Kinerson, Benjamin S. Co. E ; b. Goshen ; age 26 ; res. Grantham ; eul. Sept. 11, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; '65 and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; app. Sergt. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor. Va. ; tr. to 243 Co., 1 Batt'l, V. H. C, Apr. 1, disch. July 18, '65, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Wilmot Centre. '64; '64, King, Charles. Co. D; substitute; b. Bloomfield, Can.; age 20; cred. Brookfteld ; enl. Sept. 13, must, in Sept. 13, an '64 '64. Priv. ; app. Corp. ; tr. to Co. C, Nov. 20, ; reported on m. o. roll as Priv. absent without leave since Nov. 19, N. f. r. A. G. O.

King, Charles. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Newcastle, Eng. ; age 24 ; cred. Gilford ; eiil. Aug. 12, '64 ; nmst. in Aug. 12, '64, as

Priv. ; sent to regt. from N. H. N. f. r. A. G. O. King, Charles A. Co. G; substitute; b. New York; age 23; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Haverhill; en). Oct. 27, '63; must, in '63, Oct. 27, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 8, '64, Baltimore, Md. ; appi-eh. ; reported on m. o. roll dated June 28, '65, as absent, place unknown. N. f. r. A. G. O.

King, Harvey. Co. K ; substitute; b. Canada; age 21 ; cred. Alexandria; enl. Aug. 10, '64; must, in Aug. 10, '64, as Priv.;

des.; appreh.; returned to duty Jan. 21, '65 ; assigned- to Co. F, June 17, '65; nmst. out June 28, '65. '64, King, William H. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 28 ; cred. Brookline ; enl. Aug. 20, '64 ; must, in Aug. 20, as Priv. :

received .-Vug. 20, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Kingsley, John. Co. I; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; ored. Newmarket; enl. Aug. 9, '64; must, in Aug. 9, '64, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65.

Kinland, Owen. Co. I; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22 ; cred. Barrington ; enl. Aug. 16, '64; must, in Aug. 16, '64, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65. Kinsella, John. Co. 11; substitute; b. Ireland; age 23; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Antrim; enl. Sept. 1, '63; must, in Sept. 1,

'63, as Priv. ; captd. Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. par. Oct. '64 ; des. Nov. 14, '64, while on furlough. ; 8,

Kishot, Louis. Co. A ; b. France ; age 21 ; cred. Lebanon ; enl. Nov. 24, '(iJ ; nmst. in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy May '64, as " " " " '65. 8, a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar," Eureka," and Heliotrope ; des. July 6,

Kline, Augustus. Co. G; substitute; b. Hamburg, Ger. ; age 25; res. New York city, cred. Lyme; enl. Oct. 13, '63; must, in

Oct. 13, '63, as Priv. ; killed Juiie 16, '64, near Petersburg, V^a. Klock, Marvin H. Co. H. See Joseph House. '61 '61, Knight, Edwin A. Nou-Com. Staff; b. Thornton ; age 19 ; res. Franklin ; enl. Sept. 17, ; must, in Dec. 18, as Hosp. '63, '63 Steward ; disch. disab. Feb. 7, Falmouth, Va. ; drafted and nmst. in to date Aug. 19, ; assigned to Co. F ; app. '63 '65. Hosp. Steward Nov. 18, ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Lebanon.

; ; '61 ; '61 Knight, Luther M. F. and S. b. Fi-anconia age 49 ; res. Franklin ; app. Surg. Sept. 13, must, in Oct. 26, ; resigned May 28, '63. Died Feb. 3, '87, Franklin. '63 Knight, Thomas. Co. B ; b. England ; age 28 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv. ; des. Mai-. 18, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '64 Benights, Prank. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Greenfield ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19, '64, as Priv.

received Aug. 19, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 Knox, Hosea B. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Milton ; age 31 ; res. Milton, cred. Rochester ; enl. Aug. 14, ; must, in Aug. 14, '63,

as Priv. ; disch. May 30, '65, Washington, J). C. P. O. ad., Milton. See 3 N. H. V. and Miscel. Organizations.

; ; ; '61 Knox, William H. Co. D b. Canton, Mass. age 24 ; res. Somersworth enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. killed June 29, '62, near Fair Oaks, Va. "64 Kraft, Charles. Co. C ; substitute ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Jefterson ; enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 9, '64, as Priv. ; must. out June 28, '65. Kraft. See Craft. '64 Kuhlman, F., alias Jacob Miller. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 21 ; cred. Wilton ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19,

'64, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 6, '64. P. O. ad., A'^acaville, Cal.

Co. I substitute b. Norway ; 28 cred. enl. '64 ; '64, Kundson, Andrew. ; ; age ; Groton ; Aug. 15, roust, in Aug. 15, as Priv. des. to the enemy Oct. 10, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '61 Labarre, Octave. Co. C; b. Three Rivers, Can.; age 28; res. Three Rivers, Can. ; enl. Sept. 12, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as

Priv. ; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Feb. 13, '63, near Alexandria, Va.

res. ; '61 '61, LaBonta, John. Co. A ; b. .^^llenstown ; age 23 ; Concord enl. Sept. 4, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; wd. Sept. 17,

'62, Antietam, Md. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., AUenstown.

Co. B ; substitute ; b. France ; age 21 ; res. Windsor, Can., cred. enl. '63 Labouke, George. Canterburv ; Aug. 19, ; must, in

Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 28, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; ; res. Jaffi-ey ; enl. '61 ; '61, Lacey, Joseph S. Co. F b. Jaffrey age 19 ; Oct. 23, must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. Died May 10, '62, Yorktown, Va. b. Canada; res. '64; Lacours, Mitchell. Co. F; substitute; age 21 ; Washington ; enl. Sept. 1, nmst. in Sept. 1, '64, as Priv.

mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; nmst. out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Newport, Vt. '61; Ladd, Laroy S. Co. I; b. Bristol; age 21; res. Orange ; enl. Sept. 6, must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 29, '62, Peach Orchard, Va. Died, wds. July 1, '62. '64 Lafergee, Theodore. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. France ; age 27 ; cred. Lisbon ; enl. Sept. 14, ; must, in Sept. 14, '64, as Priv. '64, '64, received Sept. 14, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Sept. 23, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Co. H ; b. Quebec, Can. ; age 29 ; res. Detroit, Mich., ored. Exeter ; enl. Dec. '63 in '63, Laflferty, Edward. 7, ; must, Dec. 7,

as Priv. ; des. Nov. 15, '64, Alexandria, Va.

Lally, James. Co. D ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; cred. Lisbon ; enl. Sept. 16, '64 ; must, in Sept. 16, '64, as Priv. ; tr. to

Co. C, Nov. 20, '64 ; disch. June 27, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. b. cred. Lambert, Augustus. Co. D ; substitute ; France ; age 18 ; Alexandria ; enl. Sept. 16, '64 ; must, in Sept. 16, '64, as '64 '65, Priv. ; tr. to Co. E, Nov. 20, ; des. to the enemy Jan. 11, near Petersburg, Va. Lambert, Louis. Unas'd; substitute; b. France; age 26; cred. Bethlehem; enl. Sept. 16, '64; must, in Sept. 16, '64, as Priv. des. en route to regt. Lanagan, Stephen. Co. K. See Stephen Sanagan. res. 5, 11, Lang, Francis M. Co. B; b. Limerick, Me. ; age 37; Milan; enl. Dec. '61 ; must, in Jan. '62, as Priv.; wd. June

1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. Dec. 5, '64, near Petersburg, Va. P. 0. ad., Milan. Langley, George A. Co. H. See 2 Regt. U. S. S. S.

Langley, Samuel G. F. and S. ; b. Nottinghatn ; age 36 ; res. Manchester ; app. Lt. Col. Oct. 26, '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, '61 resigned Dec. 1, '62. Died Apr. 28, '69, Washington, D. C.

; age 19 cred. Manchester enl. '62 ; Langley, Thomas B. Co. G b. Swansea, Wales ; ; ; Sept. 12, must, in Sept. 12, '62, as Musc. disch. May 30, '65, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Nat. Military Home, Cal. . ,;,,;;;


; ; ; '63 LanULan, R. G., alias Thomas H. Lehman. Co. I substitute b. Hamilton, Can. age 27 ; cred. Epping ; enl. Aug. 11, ;

must, in Aug. 11, '63, as Pviv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Sept. 19, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. or Navy Dept.

enl. '61 must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; killed June La Point, Lewis. Co. B; b. Canada; age 19; res. Lancaster; Sept. 16, ; 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va.

'61 ; in Oct. '61, as Class Larkin, Albert M. Band ; b. Beekmantown, N. Y. ; age 18 ; res. Concord ; enl. Sept. 13, must, 26, 3 Muse. Died, dis. Apr. 23, '62, Ship Point, Va.

; cred. enl. Aug. '63 Larkin, Slkanah A. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Beekmantown, N. Y. age 38 ; res. New York, Concord ; 20, ;

must, in Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; diseh. disab. Feb. 25, '65, Troy, N. Y. P. O. ad., East Dickenson, N. Y.

; '61, ; 1 Oct. '61 Larkin, James B. Co. A ; b. Beekmantown, N. Y. age 29 ; res. Concord ; enl. Sept. 28, as Priv. app. Lt. 12, '63 '64 '64. must, in Oct. 12, '61, as 1 Lt. ; app. Capt. July 31, '62 ; Maj. July 3, ; Lt. Col. Sept. 6, ; disch. Oct. 12, P. O. ad., Everett, Mass. '63 '63, as Priv. Lary, Edgar. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; res. Canada, cred. Newport ; enl. Oct. 3, ; must, in Oct. 3,

wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. to date July 24, '04. P. 0. ad., Willimantic, Conn.

; enl. '63 must, in Aug. 20, Lasher, Benjamin. Co. B ; substitute b. Canada ; age 30 ; res. Canada, cred. Loudon ; Aug. 20, ;

'63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 30, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '64 in Jan. '64, as LatermouUe, David. Co. H ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; res. Claremont, cred. Claremont ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, 4, '65. Priv. ; wd. June 3. '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; Ir. to Co. B, 10 V. R. C, Jan. 24, '65 ; disch. to date June 26, P. O. ad., Claremont.

; ; '61 ; in '61, as Muse. Latham, Henry T. Co. G b. Griswold, Conn. ; age 31 res. Lebanon ; enl. Sept. 27, must, Oct. 12, disch. disab. Sept. 6, '62. See 1 N. H. H. Art.

; '63 in Dec. 4, Laude, Patrick. Co. C b. Cork, Ir. ; age 20 ; res. New York city, cred. South Newmarket; enl. Dec. 4, ; must,

'03, as Priv. ; disch. July 21, '65, AVashington, D. C.

; '63 in Aug. 20, Lavien, Bmile. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 30 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Warner enl. Aug. 20, ; must,

'63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 5, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; '63 in Oct. '63, as Lavigne, Philip. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; res. Canada, cred. Eindge enl. Oct. 3, ; must, 3,

Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; des. Sept. 5, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

; ; ; '61 ; '61, ; wd. Sept. 17, Law, Thomas H. Co. K ; b. Brookline age 18 res. Milford enl. July 13, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. '62, Antietam, Md. Died, wds. Oct. 13, '62, New York city. See State Service. 2, 23, 1 Lawrence, Amos. Co. F; b. Winchester ; age 22; res. Winchester ; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Sergt. ; app.

Sergt. May 6, '64 ; captd. Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. ; released ; disch. to date Oct. 29, '64, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Win- chester. Lawrence, Charles B. Co. F; b. Winchester; age 20; res. Winchester; enl. Oct. 23, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 21, '63, Alexandria, Va. Lawrence, Harry. Co. I. See Charles Stockwin. " " ; '61, Sergt. Lawrence, John W. Co. E ; b. Pepperell, Mass. ; age 39 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 30, '61 must, in Oct. 19, as '62 '62. app. 2 Lt. Co. C, Feb. 16, ; wd. July 1, '62, Malvern Hill, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 24, '62, to date Oct. 23, See State Service.

Co. F ; b. Winchester ; age ; res. Swanzey ; enl. Oct. 23, '61 in 23, '61, as Priv. ; killed Lawrence, Rodney. 19 ; must, Oct. on picket June 10, '62, near Fair Oaks, Va. '0-1 Lawson, Eugene. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Canada; age 18 ; cred. Charlestown ; enl. Sept. 7, ; must, in Sept. 7, '64, as Priv. wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Ya.. Died, wds. Apr. 8, '65, Burkeville, Va.

Peter L. Co. D ; substitute ; b. 20 cred. enl. '64 ; '64, Lawson, Sweden ; age ; AVentworth ; Sept. 10, must, in Sept. 10, as Priv.

tr. to C, Nov. '64 ; Co. 20, mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65. b. Leach, Charles W. Co. G ; Methuen, Mass. ; age 20 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 27, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. '62, wd. Sept. 17, Antietam, Md. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; app. 1 Sergt. ; killed June 17, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Learned, William S. Co. C; b. Orford; age 19; res. Orford; enl. Sept. 3, '01; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and in '64 must, Mar. 29, ; disch. July 8, '65, to date June 28, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Ruraney Depot. Co. B b. Nottingham Leathers, Daniel. ; ; age 22 ; res. Nottingham ; enl. Oct. 23, '61 ; must, in Oct. 24, '61, as Priv. ; wd.

June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, A'a. ; re-enl. '64 and must, in Jan. 1, ; app. Wagoner ; disch. June 29, '65, near Washington. D. C. name changed to Daniel Hale June, '67. P. O. ad., Nottingham Centre

Leathers, Joseph. Co. G ; b. Barrington ; age ; cred. Dublin ; enl. '03 32 Nov. 10, ; must, in Nov. 14, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June '64, Cold Harbor, Va. July '64, 3, ; 27, Deep Bottom, A^a. ; disch. to date Dec. 29, '64, P. O. ad., Barrington. Co. F b. Leathers, Levi. ; Nottingham age res. '61 ; 25 ; Nottingham ; enl. Oct. 26, ; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. B, Oct. '61 wd. June '62, 31, ; 1, Fair Oaks, A'^a. ; Sept. '62, 17, Antietam, Md. ; disch disab. Nov. 20, '03, Concord. P. O. ad., Nottingham. Charles S. Co. A b. " Boston, " " Leavitt, ; Mass." ; age 20 ; res. enl. '61 Concord ; Sept. 11, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. tr. to 31 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C, Sept. 26, '63 disch. '64, ; Oct, 12, Ft. Monroe, Va,, tm, ex. See State Service, Leavitt, George P. Co, li; b. Effingham; age "18"; res. Effingham; enl. 2, Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; wd June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. disch. disab. Oct. '62, ; 25, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O, ad,. North Andover Depot, Mass, See V. Ki. U. Co. A substitute b. Blance, John. ; New York Le ; ; age 21 cred. ; ; Mason enl. Sept. '64 13, ; must, in Sept. 13, '64, as Priv. r i must, out June 28, '65; > > Le Bosquet, William F. Co. K; b. Greenfield; age 19; res. Concord; enLSept. '61 17, ; must, in Oct, 12, '61, as Priv, Died, dis, July 30, '62, AA hite Oak Swamp, Va, S, Co, B; substitute; b, St. John, N. B. Lee, Hiram ; age 25; res, St, John, N, B,, cred, Milton; enl, Aug, 14, '63; must, in Aug, as Priv. tr. to 14, 63, ; L. &. Navy Apr. 24, '64, as a Landsman " ; served on U. S. S, Matthew Vassar" and "Eu- reka ; des, Aug, 20, 64, Grand, Edward, Co, E substitute b. France Le ; ; ; age 34 res. ; New York, cred. Bedford ; enl. Sept. 1, '63 must, r ; in Sept.i 1 '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 4, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. > . , Lehman, Thomas H. Co. I. See R. G. Lanman. Leighton, Gerome W. Co. I. See 2 Eegt. U. S. S. S. Co. C; b. Strafford; age Leighton, Lfvi A 28; res. Lebanon; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Sergt.; killed

Leighton, Samuel R. Co. D; b. Farmington age res. ; 19; Dover; enl. Feb, 18, '62; must, in Feb. 28, '62, as Priv.; app. Nov. 1, tr. to 20, Corp. '63; Co. A, Nov. '64; disch. Mar, .5, '65, tm, ex, P. O, ad., Dover, Co. D substitute b. Lenn, Henry, ; ; Germany ; age 21 ; cred. New • London ; enl. Sept. 15, '64 ; must, in Sept. 15, '64, i as Priv . des. Oct. 10, '64, near Petersburg, Va. > > Co. F; substitute; b. Ireland; Leonard, Michael. age 24; cred, Rochester; enl. Sept. 1, '64; must, in Sept. 1, '64, • i - as Priv • must, out June 28, '65.

Co. G substitute ; b. Posen, Prussia ; • Bmile. ; age ; Lesar, 35 cred. Keene ; enl, Sept. 30, '63 ; must, in Sept, 30, '63, ass Privx-riv, ' v f & . , , . , killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va, ;; ;


; ; ; cred. ; eiil. 'O^i ; '63, Leshure, Samuel. Co. B ; substitute b. Massaeh\isetts age M Keeiie Sept. 29, must, in Sept. 29, as '6.0, Priv. ; wd. June 16, '04, near Petersburg, Xa. ; disch. disab. June .5, Concord. Died July J, '92, Nat. Home, Togus, Me. 9, Leslie, George G-. Co. C; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 21; res. Orford ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '01, as Priv.; wd. June

1, '02, Fair Oaks, Va. ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Api-. i, '63. Died Jan. 22, 'S3, Chelmsford, Mass. Lewis, Albert A. Co. K; b. Waterville, Me.; age 30; res. Newton; enl. Sept. 19, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd.

sev. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 29, '82, Concord. P. O. ad., Atkinson Depot.

Lewis, Artemus M. Co. G ; b. Cornish; age 44; res. Claremont ; enl. Aug. 24, '(i2 ; nmst. in Sept. 17, '62, as Priv.; disch. Mar. 3, '63, Falmouth, Va. Died Deo. 17, '72, (ii-antliam.

Co. H; b. Seneca, X. Y. ; age res. : 'ii:S ; '63, Lewis, Charles. 34; Xew York city," cred. Dovei- enl. Dec. 0, must, in Deo. 5, as

Priv. ; disch. June 2, '6.5, Washington, D. C.

Lewis, Henry. Co. A; substitute; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 21 ; res. Boston, lALiss., cred. liow; enl. Aug. 19, '03; must, in Aug.

'63, as'Priv. ; tr. '64, " 19, to U. S. Navy Apr. 23. as a Landsman ; des. May 26, '61, from U. S. 8, Commodore Read."

Lewis, Horace O. Co. D; drafted; b. Dublin ; age 27; res. Marlliorough, cred. Marlliorongli ; drafted .Sept. 28, "03; nmst. m '03, Sept. 28, as Priv. ; wd. sev. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 12, '64, Washington, I). C^. Libbey, Alfred Co. D; b. Elliot, Me.; res. Elliot, enl. Oct. 9, '61 '01, ro-enl. A. age 19; Me.; ; must, in Oct. 23, as Muse; and must, in '64 '64 Feb. 19, ; cred. New Castle ; app. Prin. Muse. Oct. 23, ; must, out June 28, 'do. Died Apr. 27, '7ti, Chel- sea, Mass.

b. ; ; '61, Libbey, Henry W. Co. B ; Whitefield ; age 18 res. Whitefield enl. Oct. 20, '(il ; must, in Oct. 24, as Priv. ; wd. June

'62, Fair ; '02 1, Oaks, Va. ; prom. Corp. tr. to General Mounted Service V. S. A., Nov. 1, ; des. .Jan. 11, '03, Liverpool Point,

Va. ; appreh. ; dishon. disch. for desertion, to date Jan. 11, '63. P. O. ad., linrke, XL

Libbey, Orlando. Co. D; b. Elliot, Me.; age 26; res. Elliot, Me.; enl. Sept. 30, '01 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 8, '62, near Alexandria, Va. '61 Libby, Charles A. Co. II ; b. Tuftonborough ; age 21 ; res. Wolfeborough ; enl. Sept. 10, ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; discli. disab. June 15, '(i2, Yorktown, Va. P. 0. ad., Dell Rapids, S. D. 21, 19, Libby, Daniel. Co. 11; b. Tuftonborough; age 30; res. Tuftonborough; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Corp.; '64 '64. app. Sergt. ; 2 Lt. Co. G. Jan. 6, ; discli. Oct. 30, P. O. ad., Tuttonliorough.

Co. E ; substitute ; b. ; cred. ; enl. '63 '63, Priv. ; disch. Canada ; age Littleton Oct. 22, in 22, as Lichey, John. 24 ; must, Oct. disab. Apr. 22, '64, Pt. Lookout, Ud. , Ligere, Damian. Co. D; substitute; b. New York; age 28; cred. Warner; enl. Sept. 13, '64; must, in Sept. 13, '64, as Priv.

I tr. to Co. ; reported on m. o. roll dated June 28, '65, as absent in arrest. City Point, Ya. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61 '01, Lincoln, Lucian O. Co. F ; b. Chesterfield ; age 22 ; res. Chesterfield ; enl. Oct. 23, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Corp. ; disch. disab. July 7, '02, near Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Chesterfield. See 1 and 14 N. H. V. '61 '61, Lindsey, Freeman. Co. F; b. Newbury, Vt. ; age 29; res. Lancaster; enl. Oct. 20, ; must, in Oct. 26, as Priv.; tr. to '(il Co. B, Oct. 31, ; disch. Oct. 23, '64, near Petei'sburg, Va. P. 0. ad., Lancaster. '61 '61, Linton, Charles H. Co. B ; b. Farniington ; age 25 ; res. (jorliam ; enl. Oct. 14, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Died July 4, '02, on board transport. 21, 12, .Sergt. Lisoomb. Charles F. Co. C ; b. Lebanon ; age 18; res. Lebanon ; enl. Aug. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Corp.; app. '62 '02 '62. Maj. Sept. 11, ; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; app. 2 Lt. Co. D.^Oct. 1, ; 1 Lt. Co. A, Dec. 19, Died, dis. Jan. 0, '64, Pt. Lookout, Aid.

'63 in 24, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to S. Navy Liscup, Jacques. Co. A ; b. France ; age 26 ; cred. Nelson ; enl. No,'. 24, ; must, Nov. U. " " " " '65, Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman served on S. S. Matthew Va.ssar and Tulip ; des. July 31, Washington, D. C. ; U. '61; '61, Litchfield, Lewis K. Band; b. Lisbon, Me.; age 30; res. RoUinsford ; enl. Sept. 23, jnust. in Oct. 26, as 2 Class

Muse. ; must, out Aug. 8, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Winthrop, Me. See 1 N. H. V. '64 ; must, in Aug. '64, as Priv. 32 ci-ed. Rochester ; enl. Aug. Little, Archibald. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age ; 30, 30, des. Oct. 11, '64, Petersburg, Va. '01; in Oct. 23, as Priv.; June Little, Samuel. Co. B; b. Vermont; age 27; res. Stewartstown ; enl. Sept. 9, must, '61, wd.

1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; des. Oct. 10, '62, Boston, Mass. Supposed identical with Samuel Little, State Service. Little, Samuel B. Co. G; b. Newburyport, Mass.; age 33; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as 1 13, Sergt.; app. 2 Lt. Aug. 1, '62; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; Dec. '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 24, '02, Falmouth, Va. 15, 1.5, ; cred. Farmington ; enl. Aug. '64; must, in Aug. '64, as Livear, John. Co. I; substitute ; b. Liverpool, Eng. age 25;

Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. 3, '64. '61; must, in Oct. '61, as 1 Sergt.; Livermore, Thomas L. Co. K; b. Galena, 111.; age 19; res. Milford ; enl. Oct. 12, 12, '63 ; 1 Lt. '62 ; Capt. Co. E, Mai-. 3, : Maj. app. 2 Lt. June 10. '62 ; wd. June 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. app. Dec. 14, Oct. 28, '64; disch. Apr. 5, '65, to accept promotion. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. See 1 and 18 N. H, y. '04 ; cred. Gilmanton enl. Sept. ; must, in Sept. 10, ; b. London, Eng. age 20 ; ; 10, Livingston, William. Co. D ; substitute '65. '64, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. C, Nov. 20, '64 ; must, out June 28, '04 '64, tr. ; ; cred. Fremont ; enl. Sept. 12, ; must, in Sept. 12, as Priv. ; to Loane, John. Co. D ; substitute ; b. Ireland age 20 '64 '64. Co. E, Nov. 20, ; des. Deo. 11, 12, ; 18, must, in Oct. '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. ; res. Concord enl. Sept. '61 ; Lock, William D. Co. A ; b. Concord age 23; '64, Ream's Station, Va. par. Mar. '65; Oct. 25, '62; re-enl. and must, in Aug. 19, '63, as substitute; captd. Aug. 25, ; 5, must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., East Concord. See 1 and 16 N. H. V. Locke, Andrew W. Unas'd. See 8 and 11 N. H. V. '61 '61, ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Oct. 11, ; must, in Oct. 23, as 1 Sergt. ; wd. Dec. Locke, John H. Co. B ; b. Barrington ; age 21 '63, VVa.shington, C. Died June 15, '89, Portsmouth. See State 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 5, D. Service. Bristol; enl. 24, must, in Aug. 24, '64, as Priv.; Lodge, Thomas. Uuas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Aug. '04 ; '64, to regt. f. r. A. G. O. received Aug. 24, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, N. Bennington enl. '63 ; b. Manchester. Eng. ; age 32 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. ; Sept. 2, ; must. Loide James. Co. H ; substitute

ill Sept. 2, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 30, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. LoUey, George W. Co. C; drafted; b. Portsmouth; age 34; res. Portsmouth, cred. Portsmouth; drafted Aug. 10, '03; must. '64, Va. Died, dis. Oct. '64, Millen, Ga. in Aug. 10, '63, as Priv. ; captd. June 18, Petersburg, 15, Lomasing, Michael J. Co. B; substitute; b. London, Eng.; age 21; res. Canada, cred. Weare; enl. Sept. 2, '63; mu.st. in '65, Sept. 2, '63, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. ; des. Feb. 23, while on furlough. '61 ; ; res. Columbia; enl. Sept. in Oct. '61, Lombard, Orrin P. Co. I; b. Oxford County, Me. age 21 11, ; must, 15, as Priv. disch. disab. Dec. 11, '62. P. O. ad., Colebrook. '64; '84, Long, Charles. Co. I; substitute; b. Bavaria; age 32; cred. Che.sterfleld ; enl. Aug. 6, must, in Aug. 6, as Priv.; furloughed from 1 Div., 2 A. C, Gen. Field Hosp., Mar. 7, '65, City Point, Va. N. f. r. A. ft. O.

; ; ; res. ; enl. Sept. '61, as Priv. ; Capt. Oct. '61 Long, Charles H. Co. G b. Claremont age 28 Claremont 6, app. 12, ; must, in '62. Oct. 12, '61, as Capt. ; wd. Sept. 17, '82, Antietam, Md. ; resigned Nov. 6, P. O. ad., Claremont. See 17 Inf. and 1 Co. H. Art., N. H. V. ;;;


res. '63 Lord, Charles. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Levant, Me. ; age 22 ; Levant, Me., cred. Ilampstead ; eiil. Aug. 11, ; must, in Aug.

11, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Sept. 21, '64; must, out June 28, '65.

28, ; 23, Lord, Charles A. Co. L); h. Beiwiclr, Me.; age 29; res. Somersworth ; enl. Sept. '61 must, in Oct. '61, as Priv.; diseb. disab. Sept. 11, '62, New York city. Died June 14, '81, Ipswich, Mass. See State Service. 14, Lord, Frank. Co. D ; substitute; b. Miltou ; age 36; res. Haverhill, Mass., cred. Milton; enl. Aug. '63; must, in Aug. 14,

'63, as Priv. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

'64 '64, ; Loring', Peter. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 25 ; cred. Lyman ; enl. Sept. 10, ; must, in Sept. 10, as Priv. des. to the enemy Feb. 7, '65, near Ft. Welch, Va. '63 Lotter, "William. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 27 ; res. Springfield, Mass., cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in

Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; Sergt. Sept. 12, '64 ; tr. to Co. B, Nov. 20, '64 ; discli. Dec. 12, '64. to accept promotion. See U. S. C. T. 9, Lougee, Henry H. Co. F; b. Hebron, Me.; age 17; res. Campton ; enl. Aug. '62 ; must, in Aug. 11, '62, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 3, '63, Fairfax Seminary, Va. P. O. ad., Plymouth. See Miscel. Organizations. Lougee, John A. Co. L See 2 U. S. S. S.

Lougee, Co. I b. Fairlee, ; res. ; eul. '61 in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; wd. Sept. Philander. ; Vt. age 19 ; Lyme Sept. 19, ; must, 15, 17,

'62, Antietam, Md. ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. '61 '61, Loungeverns, Isaac. Co. C ; b. Canada ; age 37 ; res. Lebanon ; enl. Aug. 30, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Aug. 29, '62, New York city. Died Nov. 18, '75, Lebanon.

Love, Co. ; b. ; ; enl. '61 '61, as Priv. ; John E Orleans, La. 39 res. Gilraanton Sept. ; must, in Oct. 19, wd. G. New age ; 27, Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. Died, wds. Sept. 22, '62, near Sharpsburg, Md. '63 Lovejoy, Charles. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Vassalborough, Me. ; age 34 ; res. Dover, cred. Dover ; enl. Aug. 14, ; must, in

Aug. 14, '63, as Priv.; wd. June 17, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. disab. June 1, '65, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Lewiston, Me.

Lovejoy, Charles A. Co. I ; b. Plymouth ; age 20 ; res. Plymouth ; enl. Oct. 8, '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June '62 '62, 29, ; Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Lovejoy, John. Co. I. See 2 U. S. S. S.

Lovejoy, ; b. ; ; '61 ; '01, ; disch. Russell. Co. G Massachusetts age 42 ; res. Claremont eul. Sept. 27, must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. disab. Feb. 28, '63. See V. R. C.

Lovejoy, Co. A ; b. Lancaster ; ; res. enl. Sept. '61 ; in Oct. '61, as Corp. ; wd. June Samuel S. age 20 Concord ; 5, must, 12,

18, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Sept. 11, '62. Died Apr. 15, '88, Devall's Bluff, Ark. " Lovejoy, b. ; "35 '61 ; '61, as Priv. Warren F. Co. D ; Andover, Mass. age ; res. Rochester ; enl. Sept. 25, must, in Oct. 23, disch. disab. July 21, '62, Concord. See 1 N. H. V. and V. R. C. Lovell, Francis. Co. G; b. Canada; age 19; res. Canada, cred. Lee; enl. Dec. 28, '63; must, in Dec. 28, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, '64, as a Landsman; served on U. S. S. "Thomas Freeborn," "Yankee," and "Fuschia"; disch. Aug. 3, '65.

Loverin, I ; '61 ; '61, ; tr. Franklin. Co. ; b. Grafton ; age 21 res. Gi-afton ; enl. Sept. 9, must, in Oct. 15, as Corp. to 132 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C, Jan. 24, '64; disch. Oct. 15, '64, Harper's Ferry, Va., tra. ex.

Lowe, Co. b. ; ; '61 ; '61, Nathaniel F. B ; Frankfort, Me. age 19 ; res. Randolph enl. Sept. 19, must, in Oct. 23, as Corp.

app. Serg-t. ; 2 Lt. Co. D, Dec. 20, '02 ; 1 Lt. July 1, '63 ; disch. Oct. 30, '64. Died Feb. 3, '73, Dutch East Indies.

Lowell, b. ; ; '61 '61, Almon G. Co. E; Rindge age 19 res. Grantham ; enl. Aug. 29, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64.

Lucht, Co. b. ; '63 Ludwig. C ; substitute ; age 38 ; res. York, cred. Concord enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. 20, Germany New ; '63, as Priv. ; wd. and captd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, dis. Oct. 26, '64, Andersonville, Ga.

Lundguist, Co. b. Sweden ; res. enl. '61 ; in '62, Priv. ; Charles. B ; age 40 ; Milan ; Dec. 4, must, Jan. 4, as app. Corp. Died, dis. Sept. 10, '62, Newark, N. J.

Lusher, Barnard. Co. E ; substitute ; b. ; age ; cred. Haverhill ; enl. '64 '64, England 18 Sept. 15, ; must, in Sept. 15, as Priv. must, out June 28, '65. Lussoy, Co. b. res. '63 Edward. K ; substitute ; Canada; age 25 ; Montreal, Can., cred. Concord enl. in ; Aug. 19, ; must, Aug.

19, '63, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. Maj. May 6, '64. Died, wds. Oct. 15, '64, Philadelphia, Pa. '61 '61, Luther, Allen. Co. B ; b. Canaan, Vt. ; age 25; res. Canaan, Vt. ; enl. Oct. 28, ; must, in Oct. 28, as Priv. ; wd. July 1,

'62, Malvern Hill, Va. ; disch. disab. Aug. 13, '62, Georgetown, D. C. P. O. ad., Clarksville.

Lycurne, Co. E ; substitute ; b. Paris, France ; age ; res. city, cred. Gilford eul. Sept. '63 in Bmil. 22 New York ; 29, ; must,

Sept. 29, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 1, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Lyford, William O. Co. B; b. Laconia ; age 18; res. Laconia ; enl. Oct. 12, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Sergt.; app. 2 Lt.

Co. A, Nov. 10, '62 ; 1 Lt. Co. H, Mar. 2, '63 ; disch. disab. Nov. 6, '63. Supposed identical with William O. Lyford, Co. F, 2 N. H. V. Lynch, Charles. Co. G; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. Rochester; enl. Aug. 15, '64; must, in Aug. 15, '64, as Priv.; des. Sept. 8, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Lynch, Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Massachusetts ; age ; cred. enl. '64 '64, Henry. 21 Hanover ; Sept. 6, ; must, in Sept. 6, as Priv. '64, received Sept. 5, at diaft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f . r. A. G. O.

Lynch, John. Co. E ; b. Meath County, Ir. ; age 37 ; res. Concord ; enl. Oct. 2, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June '62, '62, 29, Peach Orchard, Va. ; Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; May, '63, Chaucellorsville, Va. ; June 3, '04, Cold Harbor,

Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. 0. ad., Northborough, Mass.

Ljmch, John. Co. F; substitute ; b. St. John, N. B. ; ; cred. '64 '64, age 21 Sanbornton ; eul. Aug. 29, ; must, in Aug. 29, as

Priv. ; des. Oct. 11, '64, near Petersburg, Va. L3mch, William. Co. F; b. Vermont; age 24; res. Hinsdale; enl. Sept. 15, '01; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; app. Sergt; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Hinsdale.

Lynds, George. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Nova Scotia ; age 21 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Sept. 3, '64 ; must, in Sept. 3, '04, as

Priv. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 15, '64, while on picket near Petersburg, Va.

Co. E b. Salem, Mass. ; res. '61 ; '61, Lynn, John. ; age 19 ; Bradford ; enl. Aug. 23, must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; re-eul. and must. in Jan. '64 1, ; cred. Dover ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. See 1 N. H. V.

Co. F ; substitute ; b. ; ; Lyon, David. Ireland '04, ; '64, age 40 cred. Windham ; enl. Aug. 30, for 1 yr. must, in Aug. 30, as '65, Priv. ; wd. Apr. 7, Favmville, Va. ; disch. June 19, '65, York, Pa.

Macoaboy, Co. ; b. ; '63 ; E city res. ; James. New York age 23 ; New York city, cred. Durham enl. Deo. 4, must, in Dec. 4, '63, " as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy '64, " Apr. 27, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Thomas Freeboru," Coeur de Liou," and " '65. "Macedonian ; des. Aug. 31, 29, Mack, Benjamin. Co. G; substitute; b. Longford, Ir. ; age 34; res. Valley Falls, R. I., cred. Laconia; enl. Sept. '63 ; must. in '63, Sept. 29, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 14, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61, Mack, Co. b. ; ; '61 ; in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '02, Jeremiah. K ; Ireland res. must, ; age 35 Epping eul. Sept. 30,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Mar. 7, '63, New York city. enl. Oct. 5, '63 must, in Oct. '63, Mack, Thomas. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; res. Ireland, cred. Springfield ; ; 5,

as Priv. ; des. Apr. 27, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. ;;;;;;


'63; '63, ; Mager, Loftus R. Co. B ; substitute; b. Ireland ; age 25; cred. Canaan ; enl. Oct. 1, must, in Oct. 1, as'Priv. disch. disab. Apr. 20, '65, Manchester. '64 '64, Mahanny, Daniel. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Lancaster ; enl. Sept. 2, ; must, in Sept. 2, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 15, '64, Petersburg, Va. Mahon, Patrick. Co. A; b. Ireland; age 22; res. Claremont; enl. ISIar. 22, '62; must, in Apr. 20, '62, as Priv.; des. Dec. 14, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Mahoney, John. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Mason ; enl. Sept. 3, '64 ; must, in Sept. 3, '64, as Priv. ; must. out June 28, '65. '64, Mahoney, William. Co. I ; substitute ; b. at sea ; age 28 ; cred. Peterborough ; enl. Aug. 6, '64 ; must, in Aug. 6, as Priv. ;

mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farinville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65.

Major, Williani. Co. (i; substitute; b. Queen Anne, Md. ; age 25; res. Queen Anne, Md., cred. Laconia; enl. Sept. 29, '03;

must, in Sept. 20, '68, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 22, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61, Maleham, "William B. Co. 11 ; b. AVolfeborough ; age 18 ; res. Wolfeborough ; enl. Aug. 24, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, as

Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 7, '63, Washington, D. C. Died Apr., '93, New Yoi'k city. Malenburg, John. Co. 1; substitute; b. Germany; age 32; cied. Richmond; enl. Aug. 6, '64; must, in Aug. 6, '64, as Priv. tr. to Co. D, 11 Y. R. Apr. '65 '65, I. ad., Brooklyn, C, 17, ; disch. July 29, Providence, R. P. 0. N. Y. '61, Malay, James. Co. G ; b. Ireland ; age 42; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 27, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; captd. June 30, '62, '62 '63. AVhite Oak Swamp, Va. ; returned Aug. 11, ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 28, See 1 Co. N. H. H. Art.

Malay, 'Patrick. Co. B; b. Galway, Ir. ; age 23; res. Northumberland ; enl. Sept. 26, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; tr. to

Co. F, Nov. 2, '61 ; wd. June'l, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. Dec. 20, '62, Falmouth, Va. See V. R. C. 16, 23, Mallard, Thomas J. Co. D; b. Tufton borough ; age 34; res. Rochester; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 28, '63. Died Oct. 31, '85, Salem, Mass.

; ; enl. '64 ; '64, as Priv. Malmberg, John. Co. I substitute b. Sweden ; age 23 ; cied. Goffstown ; Sept. 8, must, in Sept. 8, must, out June 28, '65. Manchester, John A. Co. B. See 2 U. S. S. S.

; res. enl. '61 in Oct. 12, '61, as Corp. Mann, Harrison T. Co. A ; b. Charle.stown, Mass. age 20 ; Bath ; Sept. 18, ; must, Died, dis. Dec. 21, '61, near Alexandria, Va. • '61 ; res. enl. must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Manning, Frederick S. Co. I b. Tunbi-idge, \k. ; age 26 ; Lyndeborough ; Sept. 25, ; '63, Priv. ; accidentally wd. Oct. 28, '61, Concord ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; killed July 2, Gettysburg, Pa. See 1 N. H. V. res. cred. enl. '63; nmst. in Aug. 19, Manning, John. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; New York city, Loudon ; Aug. 19,

'63, as Priv. ; des. Jlay 6, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '63 must, in Sept. ; ; res. cred. Pembroke ; enl. Sept. ; 2, Milfoi-d age 26 ; Milford, 2, Mansfield, Charles. Co. K ; substitute b. '63. as Priv.; des. Deo. 12, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; ; enl. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mansfield, Claude. Co. I ; b. New York ; age 27 res. Andover Oct. 18, 19, Feb. 13, '62. '62 '62, ; ; cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 11, ; must, in Aug. 11, as Priv. Mansur, Nathan. Co. A ; b. Canada age 40 res. Concord, '65. wd. sev. July 27, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. ; disch. June 17, P. O. ad.. Concord.

; ; enl. Nov. '63 ; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Manuel, Victor. Co. A ; b. France ; age 21 cred. Lebanon 24, '64, "Matthew Vassar" and "Primrose"; des. June 7, '65. Apr. 17, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Marcheso, Isaac. Co. F. See John B. Quintal, Jr. '63 '63, 20 res. Bristol, cred. Bristol ; drafted Oct. must, in Oct. 20, Marden, Edwin O. Co. E ; drafted ; b. Grafton ; age ; 20, ;

as Priv. ;• must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Bristol.

; res. Jefferson ; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Sept. 17, Marden, Elijah P. Co. B ; b. Jefferson ; age 23 16, '64 '02, Antietam, Md. ; app. Sergt. ; wd. May, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, ; cred. Whitefield '64 '65, app. 1 Sergt. ; wd. June 17, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; app. 2 Lt. Oct. 28, ; wd. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; app. 1 Lt. '65 '65, ad., June 10, ; not nmst. ; must, out June 28, as 2 Lt. P. O. Jefferson. 4, 15, Priv.; Sept. Marden, George O. Co. I; b. Grafton; age 19; res. Danbury; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as des. 6, '62.

; cred. Lancaster ; enl. Feb. 16, '65, for 2 yrs.; must, in Feb. 16, '65, as Priv. Marden, George W. Co. A ; b. Lancaster ; age 24 '65, wd. Mar. 25, '65, Ft. Stedman, Va. ; disch. disab. June 14, Concord. P. O. ad.. North Conway.

; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; app. Wagoner Marsh, Charles T. Co. A ; b. Loudon ; age 31 ; res. Concord 5, 12, '62 '64. Mar. 18. ; must, out Oct. 29,

; '61 ; in Oct. '61, as Marsh, Frank B. Co. G; b. Uxbridge, Mass. ; age 29 ; res. Claremont enl. Sept. 15, must, 12, Wagoner must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. 0. ad., Nashua. Marsh, John E. Co. F. See 2 U. S. S. S. '64 ; ; age ; cred. Columbia ; enl. Aug. 31, ; must, in Aug. '64, as Priv. Marshall, Charles. Co. F ; substitute b. Canada 21 31, wd. and captd. Mar. 25, '65, Ft. Stedman, Va. Died, wds. Mar, 27, '65, near Richmond, Va.

6, ; in Oct. 6, Priv. ; Marshall, John. Co. H; substitute; b. England; age 40; cred. Canaan ; enl. Oct. '63 must, '03, as wd. June '64. 16, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; dishoii. disch. Jan. 4, '71, to date Sept, 30, b. age res, Londonderrv, cred, Londonderry; drafted Aug. 11, '63 Marshall, John D, K. Co. D; drafted; Grafton; 26; ; '64; must, in Aug. 11, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. to Co. C, Nov. 20, to 131 Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C,

Jan. 9, '65 ; disch. wds. July 10, '6.5, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Londonderry.

; ; enl. '64 '64, Marshall, Joseph. Co, K ; substitute b, St, Johns, C. E. age 19 ; cred. Mason ; Aug. 18, ; must, in Aug, 18, as '64. Priv, ; tr, to Co. H, Nov. 23, '64 ; to 12 N. J. Vols. Dec. 4, N. f. r. A. G. 0.

; ; city, enl. '63 Marshall, William. Co. E ; b. Indianapolis, Ind. age 34 res. New York cred. Dover ; Dec. 4, ; must, in Dec. 4, '64. '64, '63, as Pi-iv, ; app, Sergt, Oct, 23, '64 ; tr. to Co. C, Nov. 28, Died Dec. 28, Baltimore, Md. 11, Marston, Albert S. Co. K; drafted; b, Portsmouth ; age 22 ; res. Portsmouth, cred. Portsmouth; drafted Aug. '63 ; must.

in Aug. 11, '63, as Priv.; tr. to Co. H; wd. Apr. 6, '65, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; app. Corp. Apr. 18, '65; disch. June 6, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. Died June 2, '91, Portsmouth. Supposed identical with Albert S. Marston, U. S. Navy. See State Service.

; res. enl. '61 ; must, in '61, Marston, Blias H. Co. D ; b. North Hamptoif; age 18 North Hampton ; Sept. 25, Oct. 23, as Priv.

'63 '63 ; '64. app. Sergt, Maj, May 12, ; Adjt. July 1, disch. Oct. 22, P. O. ad., Somerville, Mass. Martel, Felix. Co. L See Willie Martin.

; ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Strafford ; enl. Dec. '63 ; in Martin, John W, Co. E ; b. Dutchess County, N. Y. age 21 4, must, '64, " Deo. 4, '03, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; des. July 18, from U. S. S. Anacostia." '64 b. Ireland age 25 cred. Nottingham ; enl. Aug. 23, ; must, in Aug. 23, '64, as Priv. Martin, Joseph. Co. K ; substitute ; ; ; '65. tr. to Co. H, Nov. 20, '64; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned; must, out June 28,

b. ; age 21 cred. Lebanon ; enl. Oct. '63 must, in Oct. 22, '63, as Priv. ; tr. Martin, Patrick. Co. E ; substitute ; Canada ; 22, ; to U. S. Navy Apr. 21, '64, as a Landsman; served on U. S. S. "Thomas Freeborn" and "Yankee"; des. July 18, '64. :.;;;


45 ; res. Fitzwilliam, cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Jan. 1, 'G4 ; must, in '64, as Priv. Martin, Paul Co. ]) ; b. Richmond ; age Jan. 1, '65, wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. Nov. 19, '64, David's Isl., N. Y. H. Died Oct. 27, Fitzwilliam. See 6 N. H. V '63 must, in b. Fitzwilliam ; age 26 ; res. Fitzwilliam, cred. Fitzwilliam ; drafted Oct. 3, ; Martin, Philander. Co. D ; drafted ;

; '64 disch. disab. June 12, '65, Concord. Oct. 3, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 5, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. tr. to Co. C, Nov. 20, ; '61 '61, as Corp. killed Sept. ; res. Canaan ; enl. Aug. 27, ; must, in Oct. 15, ; Martin, Richard K. Co. I ; b. Grafton ; age 24 17, '62, Antietani, Md. '62, Martin, Willie. Co. 1; b. Canada; age 23; res. Canaan; enl. Sept. 25, '61; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Aug. 18, '62, Concord. '64 in Aug. '64, as Pnv. des. cred. Canaan ; enl. Aug. 16, ; must, 16, ; Maruize, Lindor. Co. K ; substitute ; b. France ; age 30 ; to be hanged; sentence commuted to to the enemy Oct. 28, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; appreh. ; sentenced by G. C. M. dishou. disch. and confinement for 5 yrs. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61 '61, as Priv. wd. June '62. ; ; enl. ; must, in Oct. 19, ; 1, Mason, Alden S. Co. E ; b. Haverhill ; age 25 res. Bath Oct. 7, '64. '72, '62 ; must, out Oct. 29, Died Apr. 24, Alanchester. Fair Oaks, Va. ; June 2!), ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. '02, enl. '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 29, near Alexandria, Va. Mason, Andrew. Co. F ; age 18 ; Oct. 23, res. Madison, AVis., cred. Bath; enl. Oct. 17, '63; must, ni Matluck, George B. Co. x\. ; substitute ; b. Wisconsin; age 36;

Oct. 17, '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 24, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Matthews, Joseph P. Co. H; b. Canada; age 38; cred. Lancaster; enl. Aug. 16, '62; must, in Sept. 20, '62, as Priv.; wd. 1. Art. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Apr. 27, '63, Providence, R. P. O. ad., Lancaster. See 1 N. H. H. '61; in '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Maxfleld, Daniel. Co. I; b. Warner; age 25 ; res. Wilmot ; enl. Sept. 30, must, Oct. 15, May 11, '62. P. 0. ad., Stowe, Vt. '61, ; ; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 27, Maxfleld, Stephen. Co. F b. Loudon age 27 ; res. Loudon ; 10, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. res. cred. Portsmouth; drafted Xng. 10, '63; Maxwell, William H. Co. K ; drafted; b. Portsmouth ; age 23; Portsmouth,

must, in Aug. 10, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; killed Apr. 6, '65, Sailor's Creek, Va. '64; in '64, Priv.; Maxwill, Robert. Unas'd ; substitute; b. Georgia; age 21; cred. Sun apee ; enl. Sept. 5, must, Sept. 5, as

received '84, Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f . r. A. G. 0. Sept. 5, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent enl. '63 May, Isaac A. Co. D; substitute; b. New Hampshire; age 25; res. New Hampshire, cred. Concord; Aug. 20, ; must. '64 f. r. in Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. C, Nov. 20, ; reported on m. o. roll as absent sick. N. A. G. O. Mazetti, Joseph. Co. E. See Joseph Mitt.

; '65, ; in '65, Priv. ; disch. McAllister, Miron B. Co. A b. Bedford ; age 18 ; cred. Lee ; enl. Feb. 4, for 1 yr. must, Feb. 4, as June 2, '65, Baltimore, Md. McCabe, John. Co. H. See Joseph Somers.

McCabe, Patrick. Co. G; substitute; b. Ireland ; age 34 ; res. Providence, K. I., cred. Gilford; enl. Sept. 29, '63; must, in

Sept. 29, '63, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65.

McCabe, Peter. Co. K; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21 ; cred. Wakefield; enl. Sept. 16, '64; must, in Sept. 16, '64, as Priv.; '65. tr. to Co. T ; must, out June 28,

; '64 '64, McCarthy, Daniel. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 30 ; cred. Hanover enl. Sept. 12, ; must, in Sept. 12, as Priv. des. to the enemy Deo. 9, '64. '64 McCarthy, Co. substitute b. cred. enl. Sept. ; nmst. in Sept. '64, as Priv. ; John. F ; ; England ; age 19 ; Warren ; 9, 9, mis.

Mar. 31, '65, Dinwiddle Court House, Va. ; returned; must, out June 28, '65. '64 McCarthy, Michael. Co. K ; substitaite ; b. Ireland ; age 25 ; cred. Newmarket ; enl. Aug. 8, ; must, in Aug. 8, '64, as Priv. tr. ; to Co. H ; wd. Api-. 6, '65, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; disch. May 30, '65, Washington, D. C. P. 0. ad., Nat. Home, Togus, Me. McCarthy, Patrick. Co. H; b. Ireland; age 37; res. Hanover, cred. Hanover; enl. Jan. 1, '64; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Nov. 9, '64, Willet's Point, N. Y.

'61 ; McCarty, Thomas. Co. B ; b. Glover, Vt. ; age 35 ; res. Stratford ; enl. Sept. 28, must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Juni' '62, '64. 1, Fair Oaks, Va. ; Sept. 17, '62, Antietani, jMd. ; June 17, '64, near Petei-sburg, Yn. ; must, out Oct. 29,

McCarty, Thomas. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Calcutta, India ; age 35 ; res. New York city, cred. Claremont ; enl. Oct. 3, '63 " must, in Oct. 3, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, '64, as a Landsman ; des. July 2, '64, from U. S. S. Anacostia." '64 McCauley, -John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 22 ; cred. Marlow ; ejd. Aug. 22, ; must, in Aug. 22, '64, as Priv.

received Aug. 22, '04, at draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

McCone, Co. b. Scotland; res. enl. Sept. '61 in '61, ; '62. John. D; age 35; Dover; 17, ; must, Oct. 23, as Priv. wd. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Feb. 28, '63. Died Jan. 9, '83, Dover. '61 McCormick, Co. ; b. Eastport, l\Ie. ; 24 res. ; enl. Oct. in Oct. '61, Priv. ; James. F age ; Gorham 2, ; must, 23, as must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Gorham.

McCormick, Co. JF substitute ; b. ; cred. '04 '64, Martin. ; Ireland ; age 41 Lancaster ; enl. Aug. 30, ; must, in Aug. 30, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Lisbon. See Miscel. Organizations.

McCoy, Co. substitute b. Ireland '64 '64, ; John. D ; ; ; age 24 ; cred. Richmond ; enl. Aug. 6, in 6, Priv. tr. to ; must, Aug. as '04 '65, '65. Co. E, Nov. 20, ; mis. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, McCrillis, '61 John R. Co. E; b. Dover; age 28; res. Meredith ; enl. Oct. 14, in Oct. '61, ; Sept. ; must, 19, as Priv. app. Corp. '62; 20, wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. Feb. 9, '03; wd. May, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. ; app. 1 Sergl. Nov. '63 '64 25, ; re-enl. aftid must, in Jan. 1, ; wd. sev. Aug. 25, '64, Ream's Station, Va. ; app. Capt. Oct. 28, '64 ; disch. di.sab. May 4, '65. P. O. ad., Marlborough, Mass.

McCrillis, Unas'd h. ; '04 '64, Philander. ; substitute ; Palmyra, Me. age 18 ; cred. Danbury ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19, as Priv. '64, ; received Aug. 20, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '01, to regt. N. f. r. A. U. O.

McCulley, Charles. Co. ; b. New York city 29 res. York city, cred. enl. '63 in 9, G ; age ; New Meredith ; Dec. 9, ; must, Dec. '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. June 11, '64, from Harewood Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C, to Phil- adelphia, Pa. N. f. r. A. G. 0. '()3 McCurdy, James R. Co. G; substitute; b. St. Andrews, N. B. ; age 21 ; cred. Newton; enl. Aug. 11, ; must, in Aug. 11. '63, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 18, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. 26, McDaniel, Staff ; b. res. enl. Oct. 22, '61; must, in Oct. '61, as Prin. Non-Com. Freedom age Freedom ; Ephraim. ; 42;

Muse. ; disch. disab. Oct. 31, '62, Bolivar Heights, Va. Died Feb. 1, '90, Windham. '03 must, in Sept. 25, '63, as McDermott, Co. substitute b, cred. Dublin ; enl. Sept. 25, ; Priv. Patrick. B ; ; Ireland ; age 26 ; '65, Philadelphia, Pa. P. ad., wd. June 16, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; Mar. 25, '65, Ft. Stedman, Va. ; disch. June 27, O. \Vorc6stGr iVItiss. enl. Sept. 18, '04; must, in Sept. 13, McDonald, Edward. Co. K; substitute; b. Ireland; age 24; cred. Tuftonborough ; '6L '65 '65. as Priv. ; app. Coi-p. Apr. 12, ; must, out June 28, • • ,^ ^ i „.o n '63 nmst. in Oct. as riv. enl. Oct. 1, ; 1, 03, 1 ; discli. McDonald, James. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; cred. Keene ; June 2, '65, AVasliington, D. C. , , tt i,- i c i. o ,o., cred. Hollis e"l. Sept. res. New Jersey, ; 2 63 ; must N. Y. ; age 20 ; McDonald, James. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Long Island, served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar '01, a Landsman ; and in Sept. 2, '03, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, as " " '65. Dragon ; des. June 30, ; ;


'64, ; L>4 '64; must, in Sept. 15, as McDonald, John. Co. E; substitute; b. St. John, N. B. age ; cied. Salem; enl. Sept. 15,

Priv. ; des. Apr. 18, 'eii, near Buikeville, Va.

; (xilford ; enl. Aug. 20, '64; must, in Aug. 20, '64, as McDonald, John. Co. F ; substitute; b. Glasgow, Scot. ago 20 ; wed.

Priv. ; des. Dec. 30, '64, while on furlough. '63; in Oct. 1, '63, as Priv. tr. to McDonald, Peter. Co. 15; substitute; b. Scotland; age 24; cred. Rindge ; enl. Oct. 1, must, ; " U. S. Navv Apr. 20, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; des. Oct. 10, '64, from U. S. S. Anacostia." '63; ; enl. Aug. 19, McDonald, 'Wiiliam. Co. IS ; substitute; b. Halifax, X. S. age 22; res. Rhode Island, cred. Concord; 111. '63, '65 ; Sergt. '65 ; June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Fernwood, must, in Aug. 19, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Jan. 1, Apr. 1, nmst. out McDufFee, Jabez. Co. D; li. Rochester; age 34; res. Rochester; enl. Sept. 16, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; des. Dec. '65, 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; reported May 10, '65, under President's Proclamation; disch. May 11, Concord. P. O. ad., Rochester. '62, ; '61 '61, as Priv. wd. McGann, Henry. Co. 13 ; b. Bangor, Me. ; age 18 res. Milan ; enl. Oct. .5, ; must, in Oct. 23, ; June 1, '64 Fair Oaks, ^'a. ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. ; re-enL and must, in Jan. 1, ; cred. Berlin ; wd. Apr. 7.

'65, Farmville, Va. ; disch. Aug. 22, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Worce.ster, Mass. 2(1, '64; in '64, as McGee, Frank, llnas'd ; substitute; b. Massachusetts ; age 21; cied. Concord; enl. Aug. must, Aug. 20, Priv.; received Aug. 20, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. \. O. O. 8, '64, McGee, James. Unas'd; substitute; b. England; age 28; cred. Canaan; enl. Aug. '64 ; must, in Aug. 8, as Priv.; re- '64. ceived Aug. 8, at draft rendezvous, N. II. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. X. 1. r. \. G. O. McGee, William. Co. E; res. Philadelphia, Pa.; app. 2 Lt. Mar. 1, '63; must, in May 13, '63; app. 1 Lt. Co. H, Nov. 16, '63; disch. Dec. 22, '61. '64, McGitigan, Hugh. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 24; cred. Dunbarton ; enl. Aug. 22, '64; must, in Aug. 22, as

Priv. ; received Aug. 22. '64, at di'aft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. X. f. r. A. G. O. '64; in 22, Priv.; McGlennan, James. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21 ; cred. Nashua; enl. Aug. 22, must, Aug. '64, as received Aug. 22, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. .0.

'64; '64, ; tr. McGowan, John. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Iieland; age 23 ; cred. Raymond ; enl. Aug. 9, must, in Aug. 9, as Priv. to Co. H, Xov. 20, '64; app. Corp.; des. Mar. 24, '65, near Petersburg, Ya,. McGrath, Terrance, alias Thomas Barron. Co. B; substitute; b. Ireland; age 25; cred. .^ndover; enl. Sept. 6, '64; nmst. in '64, '65 '65. Sept. 6, as Priv. ; captd. Mar. '65, Ft. Stednian, Va. par. Apr. 1«, ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Portsmouth. 25, ; '64; '64, McGregor, William. Co. I; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21 ; cred. Hill; enl. Sept. 9, must, in Sept. 9, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 30, '64, from Harewood (ien. Hosp., Washington, D. C. McGuire, Ed'Ward. Unas'd; substitute; b. England; age 22; cred. Mason; enl. .Vug. 19, '64; nmst. in Aug. 19, '64, as Priv.;

received Aug. 19, '64, at draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; '64; '64, McGuire. John. Co. K; substitute; b. Cape Breton, X. S. age 21 ; cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 8, must, in Aug. 8, as

Priv. ; tr. to Co. G, Nov. 20, '64; must, out June 28, '65.

McGuire, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 20; cred. Brookline; enl. Aug. 17, '64; must, in Aug. 17, '64, as

Priv. ; received Aug. 17, '64, at draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '64, McGuire, Philip. Co. K ; substitute; b. Ireland; age 35; cred. Kindge ; enl. Aug. 10, '64; must, in Aug. 10, as Priv.; tr. '64 '65. to Co. G, Nov. 23, ; reported on m. o. roll dated June 28, '65, as absent without leave since Mar. 4, N. f. i . A. G. O. '64, McGuire, Thomas. Unas'd; siibstitute ; b. Ireland; age 23; cred. Mason ; enl. Sept. 2, '64; must, in Sept. 2, as Priv.;

received Sept. 2. '64, at draft rendezvous, N. 11. ; .sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. X. f . r. A. G. O. McKeag, James. Co. I; substitute; b. Ireland; age 36; cred. Concord; enl. Sept. 7, '63; must, in Sept. 7, '63, as Priv.; wd. sev. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, dis. Oct. 1.5, '64, David's Isl., N. Y. H. '64; '64, McKee, Frank. Co. F; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Sept. 2, nuist. in Sept. 2, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Whitehall, N. Y. '64; '64, McKee, George. Co. I; substitute; b. New Yoi-k ; age 40; cred. Langdon ; enl. .Aug. 6, nmst. in Aug. 6, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65. '64; McKeever, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. St. John, X. B. ; age 25; cred. Tuftonborough ; enl. .Sept. 15, must, in Sept.

15, '64, as Priv. ; des. between draft rendezvous, N. H., and Galloup's Lsl., B. H., Mass. McKenney, Martin. Co. F; substitute; b. Ireland; age 36; cred. Freedom; enl. Sept. 2, '64; must, in Sept. 2, '64, as Priv.; killed Apr. 6, '65, Sailor's Creek, Va. '64 '61, McLeod, Allan. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 21 ; cred. Troy ; enl. Aug. 24, ; must, in Aug. 24, as Priv. ; disch. to date Dec. 14, '61.

McLoon, James. Co. E; substitute; b. Jackson, N. B. ; age 23; cred. Wakefield; enl. Sept. 13, '64; must, in Sept. 13, '64, as

Priv. ; wd. Mar. 2.5, '65, Ft. Stedinan, Va. . disch. June 9, '6ri, Philadelphia, Pa. enl. '64 '64, McMillan, James. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 25 ; cred. Franconia ; .Aug. 19, ; must, in .Aug. 19, as Priv. des. to the enemy Oct. 6, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '63; McMillan, James. Co. II; substitute; b. Scotland; age 29; res. Scotland, cred. Keene ; enl. Oct. 5, must, in Oct. 5, '63,

as Pi-iv. ; killed June 18, '64, near Petersburg, Va. 16, McMullen, Patrick. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 23 ; cred. Exeter ; enl. Aug. '64 ; must, in Aug. 16, '64, as Priv. received Aug. 17, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord; .sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; enl. 18, in '62, McMurphy, Henry. Co. C; b. Derry age 27; cred. Lisbon ; Aug. '62 ; must, .Vug. 18, as Priv.; wd. Dec. 13,

'62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Sept. 7, '63. P. O. ad., Laconia.

; res. enl. Sept. '61 '61, McNabb, Thomas. Co. I ; b. Lowell, Mass. age 22; Canaan ; 12, ; must, in Oct. 1.5, as Priv. ; wd. Dec.

13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, A'a. ; disch. disab. Nov. 3, '64, Philadelphia, Pa. enl. '64 '64, McNally, Henry. Co. F ; substitute; b. Ireland ; age 18 ; cred. Grafton ; Sept. 9, ; must, in Sept. 9, as Priv. ; nmst. out June 28, '65.

; ; ; enl. '63 '63, McNally, John. Co. A b. Ireland age 42 ; cred. Bath Nov. 24, ; nmst. in Nov. 24, as Priv. ; wd. June 5, '64,

Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. Apr. 22. '65, near Burkeville, ^'a. Died Apr. 7, '90, Hanover.

a^ia.? substitute; b. England age 21 cred. ; McNaughten, Donald, John Palmer. Co. K ; ; ; Gilmanton enl. Sept. 19, '64 ; musi. '65 '65. in Sept. 19, '64, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. I ; ap[i. Corp. Apr. 9, ; mnst. out June 28, McPherson, James. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age.24; ci-ed. New Hampton; enl. Aug. 17, '64; must, in Aug. 17, '64,

as Priv.; received Aug. 18, '64, at draft rendezvous, X. H. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. enl. Sept. '61; McQuestion, Henry N. Co. I; b. Merrimack; age 30; res. Mont Vernon ; 18, nmst. in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. June 6, '62, Newport News, Va.

res. Deerfield, cred. Deertield ; drafted Aug. 11, '63; must, in Mead, Benjamin. Co. D ; drafted; b. Deerfield; age 37; Aug. 11, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. July 4, '64. '63 ; ; I'es. Ma.ss., cred. Stratford ; enl. Dec. 4, ; must, in Dec. '63, Mead, John. Co. E ; b. Galway, Ir. age 21 Boston, 4, as Priv. " tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 21, '64, as a Landsman ; des. July 31, '04, from U. S. S. Matthew Vassar."

; res. Milford, cred. Milford ; drafted .Sept. '63; must, in Meahsr, John. Co. A; drafted; b. Burke. X. Y. age 22 ; 2, Sept. 2, '03, Piiv. Sergt,; June 28, '65. .See State Service. as ; app. must, out ;;;


b. ; res. city, ; '63 Mears, Michael. Co. K ; Ireland ; age 27 New York ored. Dover enl. Dec. 7, ; must, in Dec. 7, '63, as Priv.

'64, ; '64 '64 wd. June 16, near Petersburg, Va. app. Corp. Sept. 1, ; Sergt. Oct. 23, ; tr. to Co. E, Nov. 20, '64 ; must, out June 28, '65.

res. '61 ; '61, Melcher, Charles G. Co. F ; b. Lancaster; age 20; Concord ; enl. Sept. 23, must, in Oct. 23, as Wagoner ; must. out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Elkhart, Ind.

; ; enl. '62 ; '62, Melendy, John B. Co. K ; b. Amherst ; age 23 res. Milford, cred. Milford Aug. 9, must, in Aug. 9, as Priv. disch. disab. Jan. 19, '63, Washington, D. C. P. 0. ad., Milford. '62; '62, Melia, John. Co. G; b. Galway, Ir. ; age 44; res. Lancaster; enl. Mar. 11, must, in Apr. 20, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nov. 10, '62, New York city. Mellan, George W. Co. D; b.' Lebanon; age 19; res. Rochester; enl. Sept. 18, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '01, as Priv.; app. '64. Sergt. ; wd. June 6, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, P. O. ad., Great Falls. '01; '61, Mellen, Edwin. Co. D; b. Milton: age 23; res. Soniersworth ; enl. Oct. 26, must, in Oct. 26, as Priv.; wd. June 1, '64. '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; Dec. 1.3, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, P. O. ad., Detroit, Mich. See Miscel. Organizations.

; ; enl. '63 must, in Melliot, Peter. Co. I substitute ; b. Montpellier, France ; age 39 ; res. New Y'ork, cred. Seabrook Aug. 12, ;

Aug. 12, '63, as Priv. ; captd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, dis. Aug. 29, '64, Andersonville, Ga. enl. '63; nmst. Mercier, Charles. Co. K; substitute; b. Montreal, Can.; age 22; res. Montreal, Can., cred. Strafford ; Aug. 14,

'63, ; '85. in Aug. 14, as Priv. tr. to Co. G ; must, out June 28,

; '64, re- Mergan, John. Unas'd ; substitute; b. Ireland; age 23; cred. Nashua enl. Aug. 18, '64; must, in Aug. 18, as Priv.;

ceived Aug. 18, '04, at draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '64 '64, as Merlenchon, Antoine. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. France ; age 26 ; cred. Lisbon ; enl. Sept. 14, ; must, in Sept. 14,

Pi'iv. ; received Sept., '64, at draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent Sept. 23, '04, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61 '61, Merrill, Aratus H. Co. D ; b. Livermore, j\le. ; age 23 ; res. Milan ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as Priv. ; wd. Dec.

13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. May 27, '63, Portsmouth, R. I. See 1 N. H. H. Art.

; '63 '63, Merrill, Asa. Co. I substitute ; b. Bangor, Me. ; age 25 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Aug. 10, ; nmst. in Aug. 26, as Priv.

app. Coi-p. Jan. 1, '65 ; must, out June 28, '6.5. P. O. ad., Livingston, Mont.

; '61; Merrill, George W. Co. C; b. Groton ; age 20; res. Orford enl. Sept. 10, must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. Dec. 13.

'62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Corp. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; nmst. out Oct. 29, '64. Co. 1); b. Dover; age res. Dover; enl. Sept. '01 '61, Merrill, John, Jr. 28; 19, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; wd. accidentally. Died, wds. Feb. 12, '62, near Alexandria, Va. 9, Merrill, Samuel P. Band; b. Barnstead ; age 24; res. Concord; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as 2 Class Muse; must, out Aug. 8, '62, Ilarrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., \Vas]iington, D. C. b. '01 Merritt, William. Co. C; Connecticut; age 45; res. Hanover; enl. Aug. 22, ; nmst. in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 9, '62. Co. I; b. Messer, George A. New London ; age 23 ; res. New London ; enl. Sept. 23, '61 ; must, in Oct. 1.5, '61, as Priv. ; discli. Oct. 25, '04, Washington, D. C, tin. ex. P. O. ad.. Potter Place. Co. substitute; Miles, Dudley W. H; b. Epping; age 40; ored. Eppiug ; enl. Aug. 11, '63; must, in Aug. 11, '03, as Priv.: disch. disab. Apr. 21, "64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Supposed identical with Dudley W. Miles, Co. B, 4 N. H. V. Miller, Co. b. Pittsburg, Pa. res. G ; age 21 '03 Adam. ; ; Lebanon, Pa., cred. Madison ; enl. Dec. 10, ; must, in Dec. 10, '63, as '65. Priv. ; disch. to date June 28, Miller, Co. A substitute b. Augustus. ; ; res. Germany ; age 26 ; New city, cred. York Henniker ; enl. Aug. 19, '63 ; must, in '63, Aug. 19, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 9, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Co. li. Miller, K substitute ; Switzerland ; Charles. ; age 27 ; cred. ; '63 Sutton enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. 20, '03, as Priv. tr. to Co. app. Corp. ; Apr. '05, H ; wd. 7, Farniville, Va. Died, dis. Apr. 29, '65, Annapolis, Md. Miller, Co. B b. Dalton '01 Frederick. ; age ; res. Daltoii ; ; 21 enl. Sept. 20, ; must, in Oct. '61, '6" 23, as Priv. ; des. June 1 "' Fair Oaks, Va. P. O. ad., Dalton.

Miller, Paul Co. F; substitute; b. Germany; age cred. 19; Plainfield ; enl. Sept. 7, '64; must, in Sept. 7, '64, as Priv.; r i des Oct. 10, 64, near Petersburg, Va. . .

Sept. MUler, William. Co. C b. Lebanon age res. ; ; 19 ; Lebanon ; enl. Sept. 10, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Diedj^i^u, disu.,-,. May 3, 62, Alexandria, Va, ^^^^^^' ^' ^"''''''''''® ^- ^^"^^a; age 21 cred. Hebron enl. ' Sept. '64; ; ; 3, must, in Sept. 3, '64, ^Hune°28 '65 as Priv. ; must. Miller, William. '^Co^ F^;^substHnte b. ; Canada; age 22; cred. Dublin; enl. Sept. 3, '64; nmst. in Sept. 3, '64, as Priv.; des. Miller, Co. K;b. Chicago, William. 111.; age 21; res. Chicago, Rl., ored. Freedom; enl. 7. Deo. '63 ; must, in Dec. 7, '63 as ' Pnv. ; des. Sept. 6, '64, from hosp.. Concord. ' '^'''''' ^^^S^er^u:^:JS^^^^t\^J^^i:;tl^ft^ sept. «, .64, as Priv.; ''"^'"°"^^ ^"^- '''' '^^^ --t'- '^'^'^^Mi2,%^\i6'j:^;'^:^,:EJL:::: ''' o^*- ivei, as mv.; disd.. Mmer, Albert Co. E b. Lemp.ster age res. ; ; 24; Croydon ; enl. Sept. 2, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; 1 '6-' lair wd. June Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Aug. '62, 18, Concord. P. O. ad., Parker, S. D. See 2 Co. N H H Art Mmer, ^zra^K Co. E; b. Lempster; age res. 18; Marlow ; enl. Sept. '61 9, ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv."; killed June 1, '62, ^Co^ Miner, Perrj. E^ b^ Lempster; age 20; res. Marlow; enl. Sept. 5, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. May

Mitchell, Alonzo Co. I; b. Canada; age 29; res. Canaan; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv.; , re-enl. andu mustmus,.,. m Jan. 1, '64; killed July 27, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. , , Mitchell Andrew J Co. D b. New ; Durham age ; res. ; 27 Dover ; enl. Sept. 19, '61 ; in Oct. 23, '61, must, as Priv. ; disch 62. Supposed ' identical with Andrew J. Mitchell, Strafford .Dover. -„T-^ 1. in ''tt' Guards. P. 0. ad., Mitchell, Henry Co. K; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 26 ; ; '64 • cred. Bristol enl. Aug. 16, ; must, in Aug. 10, '64, S >i as Priv.iv. trti. to Co. G, - . , , , Nov. 20, '64 ; killed Apr. 7, '65, FarmviUe, Va. ;;; ;


Mitchell, Thomas E. Co. H ; b. New Durham ; age 29 ; res. New Durham ; enl. Sept. 10, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as. Priv.

app. Corp. Nov. '61 ranks Nov. '(i2 ; apj). 1 '04 '64, ; 19, ; reduced to 21, Sergt. Jau. 23, ; wd. June 16, Petersburg, Va. disch. Nov. 14, '6-1, Washington, I). C, tui. ex. P. 0. ad.. South Wolfeborough. Mitt, Joseph. Co. E ; substitute ; b. New York ; age 30 cred. ; enl. '64 ; '64, ; ; Alstead Sept. 13, njust. in Sept. 13, as Priv. wd.

xVpr. 0, '65, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; disch. to date June 28, '05. MoUoy, William. Co. B; substitute; b. Ireland; a^e 22; res. Buffalo, N. Y., cred. Epsom; enl. Aug. 19, '63; must, in Aug. '63, 19, as Priv. ; des. May 30, '64, Front Royal, Va. Monette, "William. Co. G; substitute; b. England; age 23 ; res. New Bedford, Mass., cred. Claremout; enl. Oct. 3, '03 ; must, '63, in Oct. 3, as Priv. ; mis. Apr. '65, ; 7, Fannville, Va. returned ; must, out June 23, '65. Monroe. See Munroe. Mooar, Co. I b. HoUis Jacob W. ; ; age 30 ; res. Hollis ; enl. Sept. 25, '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Feb. 10, '64, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Manchester. Moody, Andrew J. Co. H; b. Newport; age 32; I'es. Newport, cred. Newport; enl. Aug. 27, '62; must, in Sept. 30, '02, as Pnv. wd. Dec. '62, ; 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. War. 19, '03, Alexandria, Va. P O. ad., Amherst. Moody, Co. b. Charles Clareraont ; T. 11; age 18; res. Manassas, Va. ; enl. JIar. 18, '62; must, in Apr. 20, '62, as Muse; disch. Apr. 19, '65, Burkeville, Va., tni. ex. P. O. ad,, Nashua. Moody, George W. Co. G; b. Claremout; age 16; re.s. Claremont; enl. Sept. 9, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '01. as Muse; disch. disab. Aug. 28, '62, New York city. P. O. ad., Claremont. Moody, John H. Co. I. See 2 U. S. S. S.

Moody, J. Co. substitute ; ; ; Horace. F ; b. '63 Enfield age 18 res. Enfield, cred. Enfield ; enl. Sept. 24, ; must, in Sept. 24, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 21, '64, Washington, D. C.

Mooney, Levi J. Co. 1; b. Lyndon, Vt. ; age 25; res. Lyme; enl. '61 '61, Sept. 12, ; must, in Oct. 15, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17. '62, '02, Antietam, Md. ; des. Oct., Newark, N. J. P. O. ad.. West Canaan.

Moore, Addison P. Co, G; b. Putney, Vt. ; age 24; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 18, '01; must, in Oct. 12, '01, as Priv.; disoli. di.sab. Nov. 11, '62, Washington, D. C. P. 0. ad., Claremont. Moore, Daniel. Uuas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. Exeter; enl. Aug. 22, '64; must, in Aug. 22, '64, as Priv.; re- ceived '04, Aug. 23, at draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Moore, Co. I; substitute; b. James. Scotland; age 23; cred. Andover ; »enl. Sept. 3, '64; must, in Sept. 3, '04, as Priv.; re- ported on ra. 0. roll as absent in arrest. City Point, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Moore, Co. C ; b, Littleton ; res. '61 ; '01 William ; age Littleton ; A. 20 ; app. 2 Lt. Oct. 12, nmst. in Oct. 12, app. 1 Lt. Co. E, '02; '02 Feb. 23, Capt. Co. H, Nov. 10, ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. See Miscel. Organizations.

Moore, William B. Co. 1); drafted; b. Lowell, Ma.ss. ; age 30; res. Milton, cred. Milton; drafted Aug. 14, '63 ; must, in Aug.

14, '03, as Priv. ; wd. '6-1, '64 June 3, Cold Harbor, Xa. ; tr. to Co. C, Nov. 20, ; disch. May 23, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Milton. Moore. See Mooar.

Co. B substitute; b. Ireland 1, 1, ; Morarty, ; ; age enl. John. 19; cred. Canaan ; Oct. '63 ; must, in Oct. '63, as Priv. app. Corp. must, out June 28, '65. Died Nov. 20, '79, Thompson, Conn. 10, Moreau, Jules. Co. K; b. Nancy, France ; age 24; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Aug. '03; must, in Aug. 25, '03, as Priv.; wd. '64, '64. June 17, Petersburg, Va. ; tr. to Co. F, 19 V. R. C, Aug. 9, '64 ; des. Nov. 1,

Morgan, Charles D. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Soiithbridge, Mass. ; age 37 ; res. Connecticut, cred. New London ; enl. Aug. 20, '03 ; must, in Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 8, '64, Fort Trumbull, Conn. P. 0. ad., Noroton Heights, Conn. Morran, Peter. Co. F. See Eugene Cotillard.

Morrill, Co. B ; b. Manchester ; 21 res. ; enl. '61 ; '61, ; Richard S. age ; Concord Aug. 2, must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. tr. to Co. '61 '62. ' F, Nov. 2, ; disch. disab. Blay 14, Died Nov. 5, '62, Epping.

1 ; 20, ; 15, Morrill, Stephen. Co. ; b. Montreal, Can.; age 22 res. Danbury ; enl. Sept. '61 must, in Oct. '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 5, '03, David's Isl., N. Y. H.

Morris, Edward F. Co. G; substitute; b. Oxford, Conn.; age 21 ; res. New Hampton, cred. Laconia; enl. Sept. 29, '03; must.

in Sept. 29, '63, as Priv. ; des. June 1, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. '63 Morris, John. Co. H ; substitute ; b. England ; age 21 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Warner ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. 20,

'63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; killed Apr. 7, '05, Fannville, Va.

; ; ; '64 ; '64, Morris, Levi. Co. F ; substitute b. New York ; age 27 cred. Fitzwilliam enl. Sept. 2, must, in Sept. 2, as Priv. des. Dec. 30, '64, while on furlough from hosp. Morris, Michael. Co. E; b. Ireland; age 30; res. Meredith; enl. Sept. 18, '01; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 24, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va. Died Api-. 15, '90, Lake Village. 2, Morris, Patrick. Co. B ; substitute; b. Ireland; age 24 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Fitzwilliam; enl. Oct. '03 ; must, in Oct.

2, '63, as Priv. ; killed June 22, '64, Jerusalem Plank Road, Va.

; ; I., cred. ; enl. '63 Morris, William. Co. B ; substitute b. Wales ; age 21 res. Providence, R. Keerie Oct. 2, ; must, in Oct. 2, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, '64, as a Seaman; served on U. S. S. " Anacostia" and "Moccasin"; disch. July 13, '65.

Deerfield enl. 31, '64 in 31, Priv. ; Morrisey, James. Co. F; substitute; b. Ireland; age 18; cred. ; Aug. ; must, Aug. '64, as app.

Corp. ; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. Died, wds. May 10, '65, Annapolis, Md. Falls; enl. '03; Morrissey, John. Co. K; b. Dublin, Ir. ; age 29; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Hampton Dec. 7, must, in Dec. 7,

'63, as Priv. ; mis. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 ; ; cred. Henniker ; enl. Aug. in ; age res. China, Me., 20, ; must, Aug. Morrison, Allen. Co. B ; substitute b. China, Me. 28 '64. 20, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 22, N. f. r. A. G. O. or Navy Dept.

; ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Class Morrison, John G. Band ; b. Essex, Vt. ; age 24 res. Northwood 9, 26, 2 Muse. must, out Aug. 8, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. P. 0. ad., Haverhill, Mass. See 1 N. II. H. Art.

cred. Bethlehem enl. Sept. 14, ; must, in 14, sub.stitute b. age 26 ; ; '64 Sept. '64, Morrison, Thomas. Co. E ; ; New Brunswick;

as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. P. 0. ad., Pemberton, N. J. enl. Aug. '64 must, in Aug. '64, ; ; cred. Raymond ; 31, ; 31, as Priv. Morrison. Thomas. Co. F ; substitute b. Ireland age 20 ; must, out June 28, '65. Morritz, Emil. Co. D; substitute; b. Athens, Greece; age 37; res. New York city, cred. Salem; enl. Aug. 11, '63; must, in

'64 ; disch. disab. June '65, Washington, Aug. 11, '63, as Pi'iv. ; tr. to Co. E ; to IQ Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C, Aug., 19, D. C. Morse, Aurin. Co. B; b. Randolph; age 18; res. Randolph; enl. Sept. 13, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 4, '62, near Alexandria, Va.

; ; ; (Fisherville, enl. '61 Morse, Benjamin P. Co. A b. Thetford, Vt. age 24 res. Concord now Peuacook) ; Sept. 9, ; must, in '63. Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. sev. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Mar. 30, P. O. ad., Penacook. '61 '61, Morse, Calvin. Co. H ; b. Otisfield, Me. ; age 43 ; res. Gorham ; eid. Oct. 2, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 8, '02, near Alexandria, Va. Died Nov. 29, '87, Gorham. '61 '61, Morse, George. Co. F ; b. Alburgh Springs, Vt. ; age 22 ; res. Concord ; enl. Sept. 28, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; tr.

to Co. I, 9 V. R. C, May 28, '64 ; disch. Nov. 18, '65, Washington, D. C. ;


Morse, Nathan. Co. I. See 2 U. S. S. S. 23, 23, Morse, Nelson. Co. H; substitute; b. Canada; age 28; cred. Lisbon ; enl. Aug. '04 ; must, in Aug. '64, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. 19, '64.

; ; enl. '63 ; '63, Morton, Andrew. Co. B ; b. Pennsylvania ; age 23 res. Erie, Pa., cred. Northwood Dec. 28, must, in Dec. 28,

as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. '63 Morton, Charles. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Quebec, Can. ; age 22 ; res. Quebec, Can., cred. Durham ; enl. Aug. 14, ; must, in '65. Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; captd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; excli. May 20, '05 ; must, out June 28,

Mott, Perkins F. Co. K; substitute; b. England; age 2.S ; cred. Warren; enl. Aug. 24, '64; must, in Aug. 24, '04, as Priv.; '65. tr. to Co. H ; api^. Corp. ; disch. to date June 8,

Moulton, John P. Co. C ; b. Lyman ; age 45 ; res. Littleton ; enl. Sept. 26, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Sept. 17,

'62, Antietam, Md. ; re-enl. and must, in 1, '64 June '04, near Petersburg, Va. ; disch. disab. '65, Jan. ; wd. 17, May 3, Man- chester. P. O. ad., Littleton. See State Service. Mountain, John. Co. K; substitute; b. England; age 20; cred. Mason; enl. Sept. Ifl, '04; must, in Sept. 19, '64, as Priv.; tr.

to Co. G ; must, out June 28, '05. '04; '64, Mudoan, Martin. Co. K; substitute; b. Ireland; age 25; cred. Brookline ; enl. Aug. 20, must, in Aug. 20, as Priv.; des. to the enemy Oct. 6, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '64; 11, Muggett, John. Co. E; substitute; b. New Hampshire; age 20 ; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Aug. 11, must, in Aug. '04, as

Priv. ; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Earmville, Va. ; disch. to date June 28, '65.

Co. substitute ; ; '63 must, in Muir, Richard. H ; b. Germany age 29 ; res. New York city, cred. Franklin ; enl. Aug. 19, ; Aug.

19, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 5, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Mullen, Daniel. Co. K; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 13, '64; must, in Aug. 13, '64, as Priv.; tr. to Co. G, Nov. 20, '64; must, out June 28, '65. P. 0. ad., Mopkinton, Mass. Mullen, Francis. Co. D; drafted; b. Mouaghan, Ir. res. cred. drafted Aug. 11, '03; must, in Aug. ; age 32; Exeter, Exeter; '03, '64, '64 '65. 11, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, Cold Harboi-, Va. ; tr. to Co. C, Nov. 20, ; must, out June 28, '04 '04, Mulligan, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Halifax, N. S. ; age 23 ; cred. Atkinson ; enl. Aug. 29, ; must, in Aug. 29, as

Priv. ; received Aug. 81, '64, at draft rendezvous, N. H. ; sent Sept. 12, '04, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Mulligan, Martin. Co. D; b. New Haven, Vt. ; age 32; res. Madbury; enl. Sept. 27, '01; must, in Oct. 23, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 17, '03. P. O. ad.. North Bosoawen. See Miscel. Organizations.

Munroe, Jesse. Co. 1; substitute; b. Canada; age 23; cred. Lyndeborough ; enl. Sept. 1, '03; must, in Sept. 2, '63, as Priv.; app. '64, '05 Corp. ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Sergt. Feb. 17, ; mis. Apr. 7, '05, Earmville, Va. ; returned ; must. out June 28, '05.

Munroe, Sydney. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Canada; age 25 ; res. York, enl. '63 ; must, in Sept. '63, New cred. Weare ; Sept. 2, 2,

as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; Sergt. Apr. 10, '65 ; must, out June 28, '65. '03 Murphy, Alvin B. Co. D ; drafted ; b. Biddeford, Me. ; age ; res. Portsmouth, cred. Portsmouth ; drafted Aug. 10, 22 ; in '03, must, Aug. 10, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. and captd. June 3, '04, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. July 22, '04, Richmond, Va. Murphy, Henry. Co. K; substitute; b. Ireland; age 28; cred. Lisbon; enl. Aug. 13, '04; must, in Aug. 13, '64, as Priv.; tr.

to Co. G, Nov. 20, '64 ; killed Apr. 7, '65, Earmville, Va. Murphy, Hugh. Co. B; substitute; b. Ireland; age 27; res. New York city, cred. Newbury; enl. Aug. 20, '63; must, in Aug. '63, 20, as Priv.; app. Corp. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; des. June 23, '64, Geriiiantown, Pa.

Murphy, James. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Massachusetts ; age 2(J ; cred. Brookline ; enl. Aug. 20, '04 ; must, in Aug. 20, '64, as

Priv. ; entered Gen. Hosp., J., '64 '05. Beverly, N. Oct. 7, ; tr. to White Hall, Pa., May 12, N. f. r. A. G. O. Co. I substitute Murphy, John. ; ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 20, '04 ; must, in Aug. 20, '64, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 15, '04. Co. substitute K ; ; b. Scotia ; '64 John. ; '64, Murphy, Nova age 19 ; cred. Barnstead enl. Sept. IQ, Priv. ; must, in Sept. 16, as '04 tr. to Co. G, Nov. 20, ; must, out June 28, '(i5. Murphy, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. Winchester; enl. Aug. 31, '64; must, in Aug. 31, '64, as Priv.;

sent to regt. from N. H. N. f . r. A. G. O.

Lawrence. Co. 11 ; b. Nova Scotia; age ; res. enl. '61 '01, ; Murphy, Gorham ; Oct. 14, in Oct. 41 ; must, 19, as Priv. wd. June 1, '02, Fair Oaks, Va. Died, wds. June 15, '62, Yorktown, Va. Co. K substitute b. Ireland '64 Maurice. ; ; age 22 Murphy, ; ; cred. Kensington enl. ; Aug. 11, ; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv. '64 '65. tr. to Co. a, Nov. 20, ; must, out June 28, Murphy, Peter. Co. D; b. Ireland; age 25; res. Dover; enl. Oct. 8, '01; must, in Oct. 23, '01, as Priv.; wd. sev. Sept. 17, '02,

Antietam, Md. ; disoh. disab. Feb. 5, 'oij. Murphy, William. Co. K. See George II. Garnett. Co. b. Murray, Charles H. B; substitute; Orange, X. Y. ; age 21; cred. Alstead; enl. Sept. 3, '63; must, in Sept. 3, '63, as

Priv. ; tr. to 31 Co., Batt'l, '64 2 V. R. C, Apr. 2U, ; disch. Nov. 30, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va.

Murray, David. Co. K ; b. Williston, Vt. ; age 36 res. ; Williston, Vt., cred. Rollinsford ; enl. Dec. 7, '03 ; must, in Dec. 7, '63, as Pnv. tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. '04, as " " ; 19, a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar," William Bacon," "AVyan- " "' dank," and Marblehead ; disoh. Sept. 20, '05, as Boatswain's Mate. Murray, Co. B; substitute; b. John. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 23; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Concord; enl. Ana-. 19, '63; must, in & Aug. 19, '03, as Priv. ^ des. Nov. 28, '03, Pt. Lookout, Md. ' ' Murray, John. Co. D b. New York i-es. ; ; age 37 ; New Castle ; app. Capt. Oct. '61 '01 12, ; must, iu Oct. 26, ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Iredencksburg, Va. Murray, Joseph. Co. K; b. Montreal, Can.; age 21; res. New York city, cred. Exeter; enl. Dec. 7, '03; must, in Dec. 7, '03, as Pnv.; mis. June '64, 3, Cold Harbor, Va. gd. from mis. ; 18,' ; furloughed from Jarvis Gen. Hosp., Baltimore, Md., Feb. ' ' 65 ; des.

Murry, James. Unas'd; substitute; b. Montreal, Can.; age 21; cred. Sutton; •' enl. Sept. 2, '64; must, in Septf '64 as Priv received Sept. 2, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord '64, ' > ; sent Sept. 12, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Myears John. Co. B substitute; b. ; Valparaiso, Chili; age 22; cred. Manchester; enl. Sept. 9, '64; must, in Sept.-f 9, '64 as Pnv.; des. to the enemy Oct. 13, '64, near Petersburg, Va, . . Myers, Charles. Co. F substitute b. ; ; England; age 24; cred. Fitzwilliam enl. ; Sept. 1,'64; must, in Sept. 1, '04, as Priv.; reported on ni. o. roll dated June 28, '05, as absent sick. N. f. i. A. G. O. '^y^^^- ^°- H .S'ij^stit"',^ ^- Winooski, Vt. age res. ; ' ; 20 ; Keene, cred. ; enl. '63 ,9P^^^^^.' Winchester Oct. 6, ; must, in Oct. 0, 03, as Pnv. tr. to 30 Co., Batt'l, ; 2 V. R. C, Apr. 20, '04; disch. Nov. 28, '05, Ft. Monroe, Va. Myers, Walter Co.B; substitute; b. Newark, N. J.; age res. 23; Newark, N. J., cred. Rindge ; enl. Oct. 2, '63; must, in Oct. '63, 2, as Pnv. ; des. Nov. 28, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Myour, Levi. Co. K substitute b. Canada ; ; ; age 19 ; cred. Goffstown enl. '64 '64, ; Aug. 8, ; must, in Aug. 8, as Priv. ; tr. to to. 1 des. June '05, ; 30, while on furlough from Emory Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C. Naglee, John. Co. H substitute b. Ireland ; ; ; age res. 27 ; New York city, cred. Swanzey ; enl. Oct. 5, '63 ; must, in Oct. 5. '63 ' as Pnv. ; des. Nov. 30, '63. :;;


'64, Naroisse, Daniel. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 18 ; cred. lliclimoiid; enl. Aug. 30, 'til ; must, in Aug. 30, as Piiv. des. '64 '65, '6.5. Oct. 13, ; returned May 17, under President's Proclamation ; assigned to Co. F ; must, out June 28, Nash, Charles H., alias Cliarles Hall. Co. D; drafted; b. Hallowell, Me.; age 37; res. Milton, cred. Milton; dratted Aug. 14,

'63; must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; wd. and captd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. Aug. 10, '64, Richmond, Va.

; b. res. '61 ; '61, ; Nash, John W. Co. G Chesterfield ; age 32 ; Charlestown ; en\, Oct. 9, must, in Oct. 12, as Piiv. killed June

1 , '62, Fair Oaks, Va.

Nason, William B. Co. H; b. Dover; age 38; res. Wolfeborough ; enl. Sept. 11, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19. '61, as Priv.; wd. Sept. '62, 17, Antietam, Md. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Dover. See 1 N. H. V.

Neal, "William. Co. B ; substitute b. Ireland ; cred. '64 ; !1, '64, Priv. ; des. ; ; age 18 Lyman ; eul. Sept. 9, nm.st. in Sept. as to the enemy Oct. 20, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Nesbit, John. Co. A; substitute; b. Bangor, Me.; age 3.3; res. Bangor, Me., cred. Deering; enl. Sepf. 1, '63; must, in Sept. 1, '63, as Priv. ; disch. May 22, '65, Baltimore, Md. '61 Nettleton, George. Co. G ; b. England ; age 20 ; res. ; enl. Sept. in '61, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. Claremont 27, ; must, Oct. 12, '02, wd. Sept. 17, Antietam, Md. ; app. 2 Lt. Co. E, Nov. 10, '62; wd. Dec. 13, '02, Fredericksburg, Va. Died. wds. Dec. 23, '62.

Nevers, Charles Co. b. Charlestown; 21 res. '61 '01, I'riv. ; killed H. G; age ; enl. in Oct. as Claremont; Sept. 27, ; must, 12, June 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va.

Nevers, Daniel J. Co. I ; b. Charlestown ; age res. ; '02 ; '62, Priv. ;

Ne"well, William J. Band; b. Barnstead ; age 33; res. Northwood; enl. Oct. 7, '61; must, in Oct. 20, '01, as 1 Class Mu.sc.; must, out Aug. S, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Phillip's Station, Neb. '61 Newman, Thomas. Co. D ; b. Compton, Can. ; age 24 ; res. Stewartstown ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 23, '02, Ship Point, Va. '63 Levi. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Hesse-Cassel, Ger. ; age 21 ; res. Waltharn, Mass., cred. Londonderry ; enl. Aug. 14, Newspaun, ;

must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; captd. June 3, "64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died June 14, '64, Richmond, Va. '01 Newton, Charles B. Co. C; b. Hadley, Mass.; age 18; res. Orford ; enl. Sept. 2, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 3, '62, Alexandria, Va.' '62, Newton, George A. Co. G; b. Plainfield ; age 18; cred. Claremont; enl. Aug. 26, '62; must, in Sept. o, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 15, '63, Baltimore, Md. Nicholanvich, Peter. Co. C; substitute; b. Russia; age 25; res. New York city, cred. Henniker; enl. Aug. 19, '63; must, in

Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; mis. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; '61 '61, as Priv. ; disch. Nichols, David H. Co. G ; b. Andover, Mass. ; age 27 ; res. Claremont enl. Sept. 16, ; must, in Oct. 12, disab. Feb. 7, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Reading, JNlass. See V. R. C.

; ; ; ; enl. '64 ; in Aug. '04, as Nichols, George. Co. K ; substitute b. Nova Scotia age 22 cred. Manchester Aug. 8, must, 8,

'65 ; '65. Priv. ; tr. to Co. I, Nov. 20, '64 ; app. Corp. Jan. 15, ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. returned ; must, out June 28, Nichols, Henry A. Co. I; b. Amherst; age 37; res. Amherst; enl. Sept. 25, '61; must, in Oct. 15, '01, as Corp.; wd. June '63. 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 4, P. O. ad., Dorchester, Mass. enl. 2, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. Nichols, James. Co. K; b. Peterborough ; age 28; res. Peterborough; Sept. '61; must, '64, June 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; tr. to L C. July 1, '63 ; assigned to Co. G, 10 Regt. ; disch. disab. Feb. 23, New York city. Died Mar. 13, '81, Peterborough. '61 '61, as ; 18 res. Worcester, Mass. ; enl. Sept. 16. ; must, in Oct. 12, Nichols, Samuel A. Co. A ; b. Worcester, Mass. age ;

Priv. ; des. Oct. 13, '61, Concord. Nichols, William H. Co. C; b. Orford; age 20; res. Orford; enl. Sept. 25, '61; mu.st. in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; des. Oct. 9, '62, Bolivar Heights, Va. '61, tr. ; res. Lancaster ; enl. Oct. 25, '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, as Priv. ; to Co. Nicholson, George H. Co. F ; b. Bartlett age 18 ; '62. B, Nov. 1, '61 ; disch. disab. May 10, See 15 N. H. V. 12, enl. Sept. 28, '01 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv.; Niles, Charles. Co. A; b. Georgetown, Mass.; age 32; res. Dunbarton ; disch. disab. June 25, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. See V. B. C. '63 in Aug. '63, as ; ; cred. Hampton ; enl. Aug. 10, ; must, 10, Nims, Theodore S. Co. D ; substitute ; b. New York age 32 '04 o. roll as absent sick. ; '64, Harbor, Va. gd. from mis. ; tr. to Co. E, Nov. 20, ; reported on m. Priv. mis. June 3, Cold ; N. f. r. A. G. O. '04 in Sept. '64, as Priv. ; Liverpool, ; age 20 ; cred. Epping ; enl. Sept. 10, ; must, 10, Nolan, Andy. Co. E ; substitute b. Eng. des. to the enemy Feb. 1, '65, near Petersburg, Va. '64 in '64, as Priv. des. ; b. England ; age 20 ; cred. Lempster ; enl. Aug. 24, ; must, Aug. 24, ; Nolan, James. Co. K ; substitute to the enemy Oct. 6, '64; gd. from des.; des. Jan. 11, '05, from hospital near Petersburg, Va. substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Richmond; enl. Aug. 0, '64; must, in Aug. 6, '64, as Priv.; tr. Noonan, David. Co. K ; '65, to Co. F ; disch. July 3, AVashington, D. C. '64 in '04, b. Hook, N. Y. ; age 17 ; cred. Wakefield ; enl. Sept. 14, ; must, Sept. 14, substitute ; Red Norcutt, Winslow. Co.'E ; '64. as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Dec. 22,

; '61 must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; killed Dec. 13, Norris, Thomas. Co. K; b. Ireland; age 20; res. Plaistow enl. Sept. 23, ; '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Nourse. See Nurse. '01 '01, Berwick, Me. ; age 21 ; res. North Berwick, Me. ; enl. Oct. 2, ; must, in Oct. 2b, as Nowell, Charles H. Co. D ; b. North ' Priv. ; des. Nov. 1, '61, Lower Marlborough, Md. "29": '61; in Oct. '61, as Sergt.; app. 1 Noyes Baron S. Co. E; b. Newport; age res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 18, must, 19, ' '62, P. 0. ad., Claremont. See V. K, C. and State Service. Sergt. ; disch. disab. Nov. 4, Ft. Monroe, Va. '61, "18" res. Canterbury; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv.; disch. Nudd Warren B. Co. A; b. Canterbury: age ; disab. Nov. 21, '62. P. 0. ad.. Concord. See V. R. C. enl. Deo. 9, must, Dec. 9, '63, as Priv.; Nuo-ent Francis Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 23; cred. Hampton; '63 ; m

des. Dec. — . N. f. r. A. G. O. '61; in '61, as Priv.; wd. June '62, Nurse Ezra S Co. F; b. Littleton; age 34; re§. Whitefield; enl. Oct. 19, must, Oct. 23, 1, ' '62, D. C. See 8 N. H. V. Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 13, Washington, '61 '01, res. Bethlehem ; enl. Sept. 24, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv.; wd. June 1, Nurse, Jesse B. Co. C ; b. Bethlehem ; age 18; ' Apr. '64; disch. '65, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; tr. to I. C. June 9, '63 ; assigned to Co. A, 15 Regt., L C. ; re-enl. 10, Nov. 15, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Manchester. 11, '61, as Class Nute, David H. Band; b. Milton; age 26; res. Farmington; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, 2 Muse; must. out Aug. 8, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. Died Mar. 20, '89, Farmington. '61, res. Milton enl. Oct. 10, '61; must, in Oct. 19, as Corp. ; wd. June 1, '62, Nute, Morrill. Co. H ; b. Milton ; age 19; ; and died, wds. June 2, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. 33 258 FIFTH REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY.

.32 enl. Oct. '61 ; in '61, ; Sept. Nutt, Ezra. Co. H ; b. Wolfeborough ; age ; res. Wolfeborough ; 12, must, Oct. 19, as Priv. wd. '64, 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; tr. to 132 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C, Jan. 23, '64 ; disch. Oct. 20, Harper's Ferry. Va., tm. ex.

; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. Nutt, Henry. Co. B ; b. Wolfeborough ; age 28 ; res. Wolfeborough 21, 23,

H, Jan. 9, '62 ; disch. disab. Jan. 12, '62, near Alexandria, Va. Nutt, William H. Co. G; b. Claremont; age 18; rgs. Claremont; enl. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; tr. to Co.

G, 5 Art., U. S. A., Oct. 29, '62 ; re-enl. Feh. 24, '64, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. Sept. 15, '65 ; disch. Feb. 24, '67, Little Rock, Ark., tm. ex. '63 Nutter, Charles A. Co. F ; drafted ; b. Newington ; age 32 ; res. Portsmouth, cred. Portsmouth ; drafted Aug. 10, ; must.

in Aug. 10, '63, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. ; killed Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. " " '61 '61, Nutter, Luman S. Co. A ; b. Milton ; age 18 ; res. Milton ; enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; wd. July 1,

'62, Malvern Hill, Va. ; disch. disab. Sept. 25, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Milton. See V. U. C. '61 '61, Nutter, Thomas H. Co. A; b. Milton; age 43; res. Milton; enl. Aug. 29, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 20, '63. Died Jan. 17, '85, Dover. Oatwell, Charles. Co. E; substitute; b. Canada; age 22; cred. Hanover; enl. Sept. 15, '64; must, in Sept. 15, '64, as Priv.; des. May 1, '65. '63 O'Brien, John. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. New London ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug.

20, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 28, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

O'Brien, John. Co. K ; substitute; b. Ireland; age 36; cred. Alexandria; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv.; '65. tr. to Co. 1 ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, Died 1865, Concord. '64 '64, O'Brien, Robert. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; cred. Kludge ; enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 9, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 6, '64, near Petersburg, Va. O'Connell, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 37; cred. Hinsdale; enl. Aug. 18, '64; must, in Aug. 13, '64, as Priv.; des. to the enemy Oct. 0, '64, Petersburg, Va. '63 O'Connor, James. Co. B ; b. New York city ; age 21 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv. ; tr.

to U. S. Navy Apr. '64, as Ord. served S. S. " " ; '65, receiving 25, an Seaman ; on U. Thomas Freeborn disch. July 17, from ship, Washington, D. C. Ohlson. Tellif. Co. E; substitute; b. Norway; age 20; cred. Grafton; enl. Sept. 14, '64; must, in Sept. 14, '64, as Priv.; mis. '65, '05. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; liiust. out June 28, P. O. ad., Charlevoix, Mich.

Oliver, Harry. Co. D ; substitute ; b. Hamburg, Ger. ; age 28 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Aug. 17, '64 ; must, in Aug. 17, '64, as

Priv. ; tr. to Co. E, Nov. 20, '64 ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65. O'Neil, Daniel. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 25; cred. Amherst; enl. Aug. 18, '64; must, in Aug. 18, '64, as Priv.; re- '64, ceived Aug. 18, at draft rendezvous, Conooi-d ; sent Aug. 29, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Oram, William. Co. G ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; les. Boston, Mass., cred. New Castle ; enl. Dec. 9, '63 ; must, in Dec. 9, '63, as

Priv. ; des. Mar. 5, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Ordway, Bben. Co. A; b. AVarner; age 21; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 21, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. Maj', '63,

Chancellorsville, Va. ; July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. ; nmst. out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Concord. See 1 N. H. V.

b. ; '61 ; '61, Ordway, Nahum W. Co. B ; Gorham ;"age 27 res. Milan ; enl. Oct. 20, must, in Oct. 24, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 2, '62, Snickersville, Va. ,

Orr, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Halifax, N. S. ; age 19; cred. Raymond; enl. Aug. 20, '64; must, in Aug. 29, '64, as Priv.; '64, received Aug. 30, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Osgood, Charles B. Co. F. See 2 IJ. S. S. S.

b. ; ; '61 '61, Osgood, Daniel W. Band ; Charlestown, Mass. age 20 ; rea. Raymond enl. Sept. 16, ; must, in Oct. 20, as 3 Class

Muse. ; must, out Aug. 8, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. Died May 16, '78, Raymond. Osgood, David T. Co. K; b. Raymond; age 20; res. Raymond; enl. Sept. 18, '61; inust. in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 21, '62, Concord. P. O. ad., Gloucester, Mass. '63 Osgood, Jasper. Co. K ; drafted ; b. Milford ; age 27 ; res. Milford, cred. Milford ; drafted Sept. 2, ; must, in Sept. 2, '63, '65. as Priv. ; tr. to Co. C ; app. Sergt. June 18, '65 ; must, out June 28,

Osgood, John B. Co. K ; substitute; b. Porter, Me. ; age 19; cred. Barnstead; enl. Sept. 20, '64; must, in Sept. 20, '64, as '65, '65. Priv. ; tr. to Co. I, Nov. 20, '64 ; mis. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Hiram, Me. '61 Co. ; b. Raymond ; age 27 ; res. Deerfield ; enl. Sept. '61, ; Osgood, Joseph B. A 9, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va.

O'Shea, Walter. Co. G; b. Ireland; age 19; res. Charlestown ; enl. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. sev. '62, '63 Sept. 17, Antietam, Md. ; tr. to L C. Sept. 1, ; to Co. B, 21 V. R. C. ; re-enl. Apr. 20, '04 ; tr. to 5 Independent Co.,

V. R. C. ; des. Sept. 29, '65, Trenton, N. J.

Osmer, Nathan R. Co. E; b. Thetford, Vt. ; age 36; res. Newport, cred. Newport; enl. Aug. 19, '62; must, in Aug. 19, '62, as

Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

; ; ; res. '61 ; '61, Otis, George W. Co. D b. Farmingtou age 18 Farmington ; enl. Sept. 3, must in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; tr. to 96

Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C. ; disch. Sept. 17, '64, Annapolis, Md. P. O. ad., Farmington. '61 Otis, William. Co. D ; b. Somersworth ; age 18 ; res. Dover ; enl. Oct. 8, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. May 7, '62, Yorktown, Va. '64 Otto, John. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Baden, Ger. ; age 40 ; cred. Derry ; enl. Aug. 8, ; must, in Aug. 8, '64, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. '04 '65. I, Nov. 20, ; must, out June 28, Page, John "W. Co. I. See 2 U. S. S. S. '61 Paine, Joshua. Co. A; b. Orange, Vt. ; age 22; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 5, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp.

Nov. 28. '61 ; des. Apr. 10, '63, Falmouth, Va. See 1 N. H. V. 14, Palin, Charles. IJnas'd; substitute; b. France ; age 42; cred. Weare ; enl. Sept. '64 ; must, in Sept. 14, '64, as Priv.; sent Sept. 23, '64, to regt. from draft i-endezvons. Concord. N. f. r. A. G. O. b. res. '61 Palmer, Ira. Co. D; Lisbon; age 29; Lancaster; enl. Dec. 28, ; raiist. in Jan. 4, '62, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 21, '62, Washington, D. C. Palmer, John. Co. K. See Donald McNaughten. Palmer, John T. Co. B; b. Lisbon; age 38; enl. Sept. 26, '61, at Concord; must, in Oct. 23, '01, as Priv.; disch. disab. Dec. 28, '61, near Alexandria, Va. '63 Parker, Albert. Unas'd ; b. Canada ; age 25 ; cred. Claremont ; enl. Dec. 29, ; must, in Dec. 29, '68, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Co. B; b. AVhitefield; res. ; '61 '61, Parker, Bailey A. age 20; Whitefield enl. Oct. 19, ; must, in Oct. 24, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 18, '62, near Alexandria, Va. b. '61 '61, Parker, Byron H. Co. C ; Lisbon ; age 27 ; res. Lisbon ; enl. Sept. 21, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Corp. ; killed June 1, '02, Fair Oaks, Va.

; ; '61, Priv. ; Parker, Charles. Co. C ; b. Littleton age 22 res. Littleton ; enl. Sept. 20, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, as des. Oct. 10, '62. P. O. ad., Compton, Can. '63 Parker, Charles H. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Exeter ; age 36 ; res. Dover, cred. Rochester ; enl. Aug. 14, ; must, in Aug. 14,

'68, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; des. Oct. 30, '64, while on furlough from hosp. ;;;


; ; '04 '64, Parker, Edmond. Co. B ; substitute ; b. New Bruuswiok ; age 21 cred. Newport enl. Aug. 10, ; must, in Aug. 10, as I'riv. '65, '65 ; captd. Mav. 25, Ft. Stedmaii, Va. ; par. Mar. 20, ; reported Apr. 3, '65, at Camp Parole, Md. ; furloughed Apr. 4, '65. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61, Parker, Isaac A. Co. A ; b. Bow ; age 20 ; res. Bow ; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, as Corp. ; disch. Oct. 26, '61, by writ of habeas corpus, Concord. See 1 N. H. V.

Parker, Major B. Co. C ; b. liaverliill ; age 25 ; res. Lisbon ; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 3, '02, near Alexandria, ^^a. See 1 N. H. II. Art.

Parker, Co. substitute b. '64 '64, ; tr. Samuel. D ; ; Canada ; age 19 ; cred. enl. in to Lisbon ; Aug. 13, ; must, Aug. 13, as Priv. E, '64 Co. Nov. 20, ; wd. Apr. 0, '05, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; must, out June 2S, '65. P. 0. ad.. Sandwich.

Parker, Thomas C. Co. C; b. Canada; age 10; res. Hanover; enl. Aug. 80, '01; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as INI use. ; mis. June 29, '62, Savage's Station, '02 Va. ; gd. from mis. Oct. 10, ; re-enl. and must, in Jan 1, '64 ; cred. Claremont ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

Parker, Warren M. Co. F; b. Antrim ; age res. enl. '61 '61, Priv.; app. Coi-p. 18; Keene; Oct. 23, ; must, in Oct. 23, as killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

Co. ; b. ; '61 '61, Parks, James W. 1) Brookhaven, N. Y. age 27 ; res. New York city ; enl. Oct., ; must, in Oct. 23, as Sergt. app. 2 Lt. Co. B, '62 '62 '63. Feb. 18, ; 1 Lt. Co. C, Sept. 18, ; resigned, disab. Jan. 13,

Parmelee, Co. ; drafted b. INlass. ; ; '63 Charles F ; Grafton, res. drafted Oct. 10, H. age 32 ; cred. Claremont, Claremont ; in '63, '6-5. must, Oct. 10, as Priv.; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned; must, out June 28, P. 0. ad., Claremont. See State Service. '63 Parmelee, Co. ; drafted ; b. ; 22 res. ; drafted Oct. ; must, in Edward A. F Walpole age ; Claremont, cred. Claremont 10,

Oct. 10, '63, as Priv. ; wd. sev. and captd. Mar. 25, '05, Ft. par. ; disch. '65, Annapolis, Md. Stedman, Va. ; disab. June 26, P. 0. ad., Claremont.

Co. K ; b. Holly, ; age 18 res. ; -30, '61 ; '61, as Priv. Pare, Noah. Mount — ; Winchendon, Mass. enl. Aug. must, in Oct. 12,

app. Corp. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. '63 '63, Parody, Frederick. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Quebec, Can. ; age 42 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Oct. 0, ; must, in Oct. 6, as Priv.

tr. to V. R. C. .\pr. 15, '04, and assigned to 30 Co., 2 Batt'l ; disoh. Nov. 28, '65. '61 '61, Parrish, James C. Co. H ; b. Charlestown ; age 18; res. Charlestown ; enl. Oct. 17, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv.; app. '64* Corp. ; le-enl. and must, in Jan. 1 , '64 ; cred. Newport ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. disab. May 5, '65, Alex- andria, Va. P. O. ad., Canaan, Vt.

Parrish, William B. Co. G; b. Charlestown ; age 23; res. Claremont; enl. Sept., '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Sergt.; disch. disab. Sept. 0, '62. See 2 N. H. V.

Parrott, Daniel P. Co. H ; b. Lynn, Mass. ; age 34; res. Sandwich; enl. Oct. 3, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '01, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 30, '03, near Alexandria, Va. See V. R. C.

; '63 ; '63, Parson, Samuel. Co. H ; substitute b. England ; age 24 ; res. England, cred. Weare ; enl. Sept. 2, must, in Sept. 2, as Priv.; captd. June 3, '04, Cold Harbor, Va. Died Oct. 18, '64, Andersonville, Ga. Pascal, Joseph. Co. B; substitute; b. Canada; age 27; cred. Plainfield; enl. Sept. 25, '63; must, in Sept. 2.5, '63, as Priv.;

captd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; re-captd. Apr. 10, '65 ; must, out June 28, '65.

Patrick, Joel. Co. G ; b. Claremont ; age 27 ; res. Claremont; enl. Oct. 9, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 15, '62, Claremont.

Patrie, Prank. Co. D; substitute; h. Canada; age 33; cred. Langdon ; enl. Aug. 13, '64; must, in Aug. 13, '64, as Priv.; tr. to

Co. E, Nov. 20, '64 ; wd. Mar. 25. '6-5, Ft. Stedman, Va. ; disch. June 21, '05, Philadelphia, Pa. Patterson, Charles R. Co. C; substitute; b. Sweden; age 28; res. Cleveland, Ohio, cred. HoLlis; enl. Sept. 1, '63; must, in Sept. 1, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 21, '64, as a Landsman; served on U. S. S. " Anacostia," " Don," and "Wil- " '6.5. liam Bacon ; des. July 31, Patterson, James W. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 24; cred. Grafton; enl. Sept. 9, '64; must, in Sept. 9, '64, as Priv.; received Sept. 9, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Co. C substitute ; b. Ir. ; ; '63 ; '63, Priv. ; Paul, John. ; Tyrone, age 20 ; cred. Concord enl. Aug. 19, must, in Aug. 19, as con- fined at hard labor at Norfolk, Va., by sentence G. C. M. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Paul, Julius B. Co. G ; b. Claremont ; age 38 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 27, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to I. C. '63 July 1, ; to Co. F, 13 V. K. C. ; disch. Oct. 26, '04, Concord, tm. ex. Died July 3, '75, Windsor, Vt.

Peabody, Daniel A. Co. T ; b. New Boston ; age 19 ; res. Amherst ; enl. Sept. 19, '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Coi-p. ; disch. disab. Oct. 2, '62. P. 0. ad., Amherst. See 2 N. H. V.

Peabody, Miles T. Co. K ; b. Antrim ; age 21 ; res. Antrim ; enl. Aug. 29, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '01, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Jan., 'oij '64, ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. L '^i- Died Nov. 8, Alexandria, Va. '61 Pearl, Charles L. Band ; b. Farming-ton ; age 28; res. Farmington ; enl. Sept. 12, ; must, in Oct. 26, '01, as 3 Class Muse; disch. May 11, '02. Died Jan. 8, '88, Boston, Mass.

Pearl, Rufus K. Band ; b. Farmington ; age 23 ; res. Farmington ; enl. Sept. 12, '01 ; must, in Oct. 20, '01, as 3 Class Muse.

must, '62, ; '63 out Aug. 8, Harrison's Landing, Va. drafted and nmst. in Aug. 14, ; assigned to Co. D ; app. Sergt. Maj. '64 '65 Oct.. 23, ; 2 Lt. Co. F, .Tune 10, ; not must. ; must, out June 28, '65, as Sergt. Maj. Died Jan. 11, '89, Farmington.

Pearson, Thomas R. Co. I; substitute; b. Leeds, Eng. ; age 26; res. Leeds, Eng., cred. Swanzey; enl. Oct. 5, '63; must, in

Oct. 5, '03, as Priv. ; disch. May 17, '65, Concord. Peaslee, Edwin J. Co. I. See 1 U. S. S. S.

Peavey, Co. ; b. age 20 res. ; enl. '01 ; '61, Priv. ; John L. D New Durham ; ; Dover Sept. 27, must, in Oct. 23, as disch. disab. Jan. 14, '62.

Peck, Cephas. Co. H ; b. Lemington, Vt. ; age 33 ; res. Lemington, Vt., cred. Hampstead ; enl. Dec. 5, '63 ; must, in Dec. 5, '03, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 18, '04, Pt. Lookout, Md. Pecker, James. Co. K; b. Salisbury, Mass.; age 22; res. Raymond; enl. Oct. 12, '01; must, in Oct. 12, '01, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 10, '02. P. O. ad., Lynn, Mass.

Pedro, Co. E substitute b. St. Isl, cred. ; '04 '64, John. ; ; Michael Azores ; age 25 ; Gilford enl, Sept. 13, ; must, in Sept. 13, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '05.

Peeling-, Georg-e. Co. K ; b. Brighton, N. Y. ; age 20 ; res. Boston, cred. enl. Dec. '03 '63, Mass, Dover ; 7, ; must, in Dec. 7, as

Priv. ; de,s. Nov. 10, '64. P. O. ad., Joliet, 111.

Pelton, Edward. Co. C; b. Northampton, Mas's. ; age -32; res. Hanover; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; mui3t. out Oct. 29, '84. P. 0. ad., Hanover.

; '64 ; in Sept. '64, as Priv. Penman, Samuel. Co. F ; substitute ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Springfield enl. Sept. 3, must, 3, des. Sept. 28, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Pepper, Thom.as. Co. E; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. New Durham; enl. Sept. 14, '64; must, in Sept. 14, '04, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65.

'61 '61, ; Perci-val, Georg-e E. Co. C ; b. Lebanon ; age 18 ; res. Lebanon ; enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. wd. and captd. June 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. Died, wds. July 1, '62. Perkins, Arthur H. Co. I; b. Danbm-y; age 19; res. Danbury; enl. Oct. 19, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; app. 2 Lt, '63 Nov. 1, ; disch. Nov. 6, '64. P. O. ad., Danbury. . ;:



; eiil. '61 in Nov. '61, as Pi-iv. ; wd. Dec. Perry, Harvey M. Co. D; b. Henniker; age 26; ves. Clarksville Nov. 26, ; must, 26, '63, (). Cohinibia. 13, '62, Fredei-icksburg, A^a. ; disch. wds. Nov. 5, Boston, Mass. P. ad., '61 '61 naist. in Oct. 12, ; killed Dec. 13, b. Vt. ; ; res. Lebanon ; app. Capt. Oct. 12, ; Perry, James B. Co. C ; Cabot, age 27 '62, Va. Fredericksburg, , ,,,,.-,, '61, Priv. wd. Sept. li, An- ; ; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; mnst. in Oct. 12, as ; 62, Persons, James. Co. C ; b. Lyme ; age 22 res. Lyme

tietam, Md. prom. Corp. ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; '63; Jnust. Pervere, Benjamin. Co. F; substitute; b. New Hampshire; age 32; res. Vermont, cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 19, m

Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Co. E. See John Pedro. Peters, John. i .^ •(id; must, in Aug. 20, Ob, as Peters, John. Co. G; substitute; b. Italy; age 25; res. Italy, cred. Dunbarton ; enl. Aug. 20, '64, S. " Commodore Read." ; 26, from U. S. Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 23, '64, as an Ord. Seaman des. May '63 Charlestown enl. Oct. ; must, in Oct. b. ; 22 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. ; 6, Peterson, Prank. Co. I ; substitute ; Norway age ' " July served on U. S. S. Commodore Read ; disch. 6, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 23, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; 16, '65, from receiving ship, Boston, Mass. enl. '64 must, in Aug. 10, '64, as Priv.; Peterson, John. Co. E; substitute; b. New York; age 20; cred. Newport; Aug. 10, ; must, out June 28, '65.

'62 must, in Aug. 9, '62, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. Pettengill, Amos A. Co. G ; b. Enfield ; age 33 ; cred. Franklin ; enl. Aug. 8, ; Falls. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. May 31, '65, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Franklin '61 '61, Sergt. wd. Deo. 13, ; ; enl. 21, ; must, in Oct. 15, as ; Phelps, Charles H. Co. I ; b. Amherst age 19 ; res. Amherst Sept.

'62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. See State Service. '61 '61, wd. Dec. enl. ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; 13, Philbrick, Reuben 0. Co. K ; b. Antrim ; age 19 ; res. Antrim ; Sept. 17,

'62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Chesham. '64, ; enl. '04 ; must, in Aug. 12, as Priv. Phillips, Barney. Co. E ; substitute; b. New York; age 19 ; cred. Monroe Aug. 12, des. Apr. 17, '65. '64 in Sept. 14, '64, as Priv. Phillips, John. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 21 ; cred. Grafton ; enl. Sept. 14, ; must,

mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 2tS, '65. '61 '61, Wagoner; disch. Pickering, Charles B. Co. H; b. Gilford; age 31 ; res. Gilford; enl. Oct. 18, ; mnst. in Oct. 19, as disab. Dec. 21, '02, near Falmouth, Va. P. O. ad., Laconia.

; res. ; enl. '81 ; in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; mis. Pickering, George W. Co. D ; b. Rochester age 25 ; Rochester Sept. 23, must, July 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. gd. from mis.; disch. disab. 11, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. O. ad., Rowley, Mass. ; Oct. Pierce, Andrew J. Co. G; b. Claremout; age 19; res. Clareinont; enl. Sept. 10, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 28, '62, Annapolis, Md. P. O. ad., Claremont.

'64, '64, ; Pierce, Charles H. Co. F ; substitute ; age 16 ; enl. Sept. 2, at Portsmouth ; nuist. in Sept. 2, as Priv. disch. June 21, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. Pierce, Daniel. Co. G; b. Unity; age 42; res. Charlestown; enl. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 8, '62, near Alexandria, Va. Supposed identical with Daniel Pierce, Co. F, N. H. Y.

Pierce, Eli P. Co. B; b. Barnet, Vt. ; age 42; res. Whitefield ; enl. Dec. 25, '61; must, in Dec. 25, '61, as Priv.; wd. June '62, 1, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 13, '63, Alexandria, Va. Supposed identical with Eli P. Pierce, Co. B, 6 N. H. V. '61 Pierce, George. Co. F; b. Dummerston, A'^t. ; age 42; res. Hinsdale; enl. Oct. 23, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Dec. 22, '62. P. O. ad., Hinsdale.

Pierce, Horace T. Co. }p ; b. Chesterfield ; age res. Keene ; Oct. 12, '61 '61; H. 37; app. Capt. ; mnst. in Oct. 26, resigned Jan. 29, '63. Died Jan. 7, "77, Keene. See 1 N. H. V. b. Pierce, John C. Co. D ; Lebanon ; age 22 ; res. Rochester ; enl. Sept. 18, '61 ; raust. in Oct. 23, '61, as Corp. ; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Jan. 14, '63. P. 0. ad., East Rochester. Pierce, Joseph. Co. E; substitute; b. Ireland; age 19; cred. Richmond; enl. Sept. 13, '64; must, in Sept. 13, '64, as Priv.;

wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; disch. May 3, '65. b. '61 Pike, Edward P. Co. G; Newport; age 29 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 10, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Corp. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64, as Priv. Died Nov. 27, '86, Berkeley, Cal. Piney, Joseph. Co. I; b. Canada; age 21; res. Lyme; enl. Sept. 18, '61; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv.; des. Oct. 19, '61, Concord. Pinkham, Andrew J. Co. D; b. Dover; age 18; res. Dover; enl. Sept. 30, '61; raust. in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 9, '62. See V. R. C. Co. b. '61 Pinkham, John P. A; Milton; age 24; res. Milton ; enh Sept. 4, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, tr. '63 Va. ; to 52 Co., 2 Batt'l, 1. C, Nov. 6, ; disch. Oct. 13, '64, as Corp., Philadelphia, Pa., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Milton. Co. substitute; Pitchenger, Henry. K; b. Montreal, Can.; age 22; cred. Rochester ; enl. Sept. 17, '64 ; must, in Sept. 17, '64,

as Priv. ; tr. to I, Nov. '64 o. roll '65, Co. 20, ; reported on m. dated June 28, as absent in arrest. N. f. r. A. G. O. Co. substitute; b. Pitsley, AWilliam. E; Canada; age 29; cred. Groton ; enl. Aug. 12, '64; must, in Aug. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 2p, '65, Washington, D. C. Place, Alonzo. Co. A; substitute; b. Carroll; age 24; res. Littleton, cred. Littleton; enl. Oct. 24, '63; must, in Oct. 24, '63,

as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. '64, as an Ord. '64, " 27, Seaman ; des. Aug. 27, from U. S. S. Thomas Freeborn." See 15 N. H. V. and Miscel. Organizations.

Place, Ira S. Co. D; b. Sandwich; age 19; res. Farmington ; enl. '61 Sept. 21, ; raust. in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 14, '62. Died July 26, '88, Dover. Place, Co. F drafted b. Haverhill James P. ; ; ; age 32 res. ; Milton, cred. Milton '63 ; drafted Aug. 14, ; must, in Aug. 14, '63,

as Priv. ; wd. and mis. '64, Cold ; June 3, Harbor, Va. returned ; i\iust. out June 28, '65.

Pontin, Paul. Co. K substitute; b. Nantes, France ; ; age cred. 29; Portsmouth; enl. Aug. 10, '63 ; must, in Auc. 25, '63, as

Priv. ; tr. to Co. I, Nov. 20, '64 ; des. Dec. 6, '64, Washington, D. C.

PoUatscheck, Jacob. Co. H b. Bohemia ; age ; res. ; 24 New York city, cred. '63 Chester ; enl. Deo. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, '63, '65 as Priv. ; mis. Apr. 7, ; returned ; nmst. out '65. June 28, ,

Poor, George M. Co. C ; b. Hooksett ; age 20 res- ; '61 ; Orford enl. ; Sept. 3, nmst. in Oct. 12, '61 , as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 26, '62, New York city. See V. R. C. Porier, John. Co. K; substitute; b. Quebec, Can.; age 28; cred. Hampton Falls; enl. Aug. 10, '63; nmst. in Aug. 25, '63,uo, as b j, • - , Priv. ; des. Dec. 3, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Porter, Pestus C. Co. D ; b. Somersworth ; age ; res. '61 '61, 18 Berwick, Me. ; enl. Oct. 26, ; must, in Oct. 26, as Priv. ; killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, A"a. Snppo.sed identical with Festus Porter, Co. D, 2 N. H. V. substitute; Porter, James. Co. A; b. Halifax, N. S. ; age 28; res. New York, cred. Mason; enl. Sept. 2, '63; must, in Sept. '63, " 2, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. '64, as S. " " Navy Apr. 21, a Landsman ; served on U. S. Matthew Vassar and Tulip " ; lost Nov., '64. by blowing up of the " Tulip." ;


Powers, John. Co. I; substitute ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 21; res. St. Johu, N. B., ored. Wilmot; eul. Aug. 20, '63; must, in

Aug. 20, '03, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 21, '64, as a Landsman; served on U. S. S. "William Bacon," "Yankee," " '65, and Fusohia" ; disch., reduction naval foi-ce, Aug. 7, as Seaman. '63 Pratt, Eugene L. Co. F ; drafted ; b. Winchester ; age 21 ; res. Winchester, cred. Winchester ; drafted Oct. 8, ; must.Mn

Oct. 6, '03, as Priv. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

Pratt, John. Co. B ; substitute; b. Moscow, Russia; age 21; res. Moscow, Russia, cred. Bedford; eiil. Aug. 20, '68; must, in

Aug. 20, '83, as Priv. ; killed Dec. 14, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Prendible, Thomas. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Montreal, Can. ; age 21 ; cred. Moultouborough ; enl. Sept. 12, '64 ; must, in Sept.

12, '64, as Priv. ; disch. June 0, 'i55, Washington, U. C.

Prentiss, John J., Jr. Co. G; b. Claremont; age 18; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; disch.

Nov. 20, '62, Washington, D. C, to accept promotion, as 2 Lt. ; commission found to be bogus. P. 0. ad., Chicago, 111.

Prescott, George B. Co. D; drafted; b. Rumney; age 30; res. Deerfield, ci-ed. Deerfield ; drafted Aug. 12, '63; must, in '63, '6.5. Aug. 12, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. E, Nov. 20, '64 ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Deerfield.

Prescott, Sewall. Co. A; b. Grafton ; age 34; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 21, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 19, '62, Ft. MoTIenry, Md. Preston, Harry. Unas'd; substitute; b. Pennsylvania; age 19; cred. Nashua; enl. Aug. 24, '64; must, in Aug. 24, '64, as

Priv. ; received Aug. 24, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. ().

Prevo, Alfred. Co. I); substitute; b. Canada; age 22; cred. Holderness ; enl. Aug. 10, '64; must, in Aug. 10, '84, as Priv.; tr. to 2(», '84 Co. E, Nov. ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65. a/ja.s .lolin Prevost, L., Dufert. Co. F ; substitute; b. France; age 40; cred. Keene ; enl. July o, '84; must, in July 5, '64, as

Priv. ; disch. to date Nov. 18, '64. Joseph. Co. D; substitute; b. age cred. enl. .Vug. '84; nmst. in '84, Prew, Canada; 19; Keene; 19, Aug. 19, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 13, '84, from picket line, Petersburg, Va. '82 Price, James. Co. A ; b. Newburyport, Mass. ; age 27 ; res. Concord, cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 11, ; must, in Aug. 11, '62, '63, as Priv. ; mis. May 3, Chancellorsville, Va. ; returned; wd. June, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. May 30, '6.5. P. O. ad.. Concord. Prower, Batice. Co. H. See Baptist Brier.

Purrington, Charles D. Co. B; b. Sandwich; age 21; res. Milan, cred." Milan ; enl. July 23, '82; nmst. in July 2.5, '82, as

Priv. ; des. Nov. 28, '63. P. O. ad., Milan. 2l), '61 '61, Purrington, David H. Co. B ; b. Sandwich; age 22 ; res. Milan ; enl. Oct. ; must, in Oct. 24, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 3, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad.. Concord. See 8 N. H. V.

Pushee, Charles S. Co. I; b. Lyme; age 23; res. Lyme; enl. Sept. 13, '81 ; must, in Oct. 15, '81, as Wagoner; wd. July 27, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. ; nmst. out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. 12, 12, Putand, William. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ohio ; age 21 ; cred. Merrimack ; enl. Aug. '64; must, in Aug. '64, as Priv.;

received Aug. 12, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '84, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Putnam, George H. Co. G; b. Claremont; age 21; res. Claremont; enl. Oct. 9, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '81, as Priv.; app.

Corp. ; killed June 8, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. '61 Putnam, Oscar. Co. C ; b. Enfield ; age 18 ; res. Enfield ; eul. Aug. 28, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 15, '82, Washington, D. C. '61 '61, Putney, John P. Co. I ; b. Danbury ; age 18 ; res. Sutton ; enl. Sept. 30, ; must, in Oct. 15, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 26, '62. Supposed identical with John F. Putney, 2 Co., N. H. H. Art. Putney, "William W. Co. I; b. Wilmot; age 21; res. Wilmot, cred. Wilmot; enl. Aug. 11, '62; must, in Aug. 11, '62, as

Priv. ; wd. Sept. 17, '82, Antietani, Md. ; disch. wds. Dec. 23, '82, Frederick, Md. See 1 N. II. Cav. 25, Quimby, Albert. Co. B ; b. Franconia; age 28 ; res. Franconia, cred. Franconia; enl. July '82 ; must, in Aug. 19, '62, as

Priv. ; app. Corp. Died, dis. Apr. 28, '83, Washington, D. C. 26, Quimby, Albert H. Band; b. Barnet, Vt. ; age 31; res. Littleton; enl. Oct. 7, '61; must, in Oct. '61, as 1 Class Muse. must, out Aug. 8, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. Died Sept. 4, '60, Littleton. '81; Quimby, Enoch J. Co. A; b. "Hartford, Vt." ; age 44; res. Loudon; enl. Aug. 28, must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; acci-

dentally wd. Mar., '82, 'Wanenton Junction, Va. ; disch. wds. May 24, '62, Alexandria, Va. See V. R. C. Quinn, Charles A. Co. F; b. Iladley, Mass.; age 24; res. Keene; enl. Oct. 23, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietani, Md. Died, wds. Nov. 17, '62, Sharpsburg, UA. '63; '8.3, Quinn, Peter. Co. F; substitute; b. Ireland; age 26 ; res. Concord, cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 20, must, in Aug. 20, as

Priv. ; captd. June 3, '84, Cold Harbor, Vn. par. Dec, '64 ; returned to duty Mar. 12, '85 ; must, out June 28, '65. ;

; ; ; app. Lt. Oct. '61 ; in 12, ; Quinn, Samuel S. Co. F ; b. Hadlev, Mass. age 21 res. Swanzey 2 12, must, Nov. '61 wd. July ], '62 '62, Malvern Hill, Va. ; app. 1 Lt. Co. D, Aug. 1, '62 ; Capt. Dec. 17, ; not must, as Capt. ; resigned Feb. 17, '63, as 1 Lt. P. O. ad., Keene. See 1 N. H. V.

; ; city, cred. ; enl. Dec. '83 ; must, '63, Quinn, William. Co. K ; b. Scotland age 22 res. New York Hampton 7, in Dec. 7, as

Priv. ; mis. .lune 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. gd. from mis. ; tr. from Mt. Pleasant Gen. Hosp., 'Washington, D. C, to New ; York, June 21, '64. N. f. i. A. G. O. res. Quintal, John B., Jr., alias Isaac Marcheso. Co. F ; b. Quebec, Can. ; age 22 ; (iuebec, Can., cred. New Castle ; enl. Dec.

9, '63 ; nmst. in Dec. 9, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 4, '84, and died, wds. June 9, '84, Cold Harbor, Va. '61 ; ; res. Alstead ; enl. Sept. 27, ; must, in Oct. '81, Ramsay, Charles H. Co. G ; b. AValtham, Mass. age 18 12, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 30, '62, Washington, D. C. 5, must, in res. enl. Sept. '81 ; Oct. '61, Ramsay, Rodney H. Co. G: b. Langdon ; age 18; Charlestown ; 12, as Priv.; app. Corp. Dec. '62; .Sergt. Nov. I, '63 re-enl. and nmst. in Feb. 23, '64; app. 1 Sergt. June 17, '84; 1 Lt. Oct. '64; 25, I 28, '65 '65 captd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; re-captd. Apr. 9, ; app. Capt. Co. E, May 5, ; not must. ; must, out June 28, '85, as 1 Lt. P. O. ad.. South Charlestown. Ramsey, James A. Co. E; b. Roxbury, Mass.; age 20; res. Alstead; enl. Sept. 17, '81; must, in Oct. 19, '81, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 31, '82, Washington, D! C. P. O. ad., Geneseo, 111. See 18 N. II. V. res. Groton; enl. Oct. 26, '61; must, in Oct. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd. 1, Rand, George H. Co. C ; b. Groton ; age 20; July '62,

Malveru Hill, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 24, '63, Baltimore, Md. '61 '61 C'o. res. Gorham ; app. 1 Lt. Oct. 12, ; nmst. in Oct. 26, ; resigned Rand, Moses W. F; b. Portland, Me. ; age 34; Apr. 26, '62. :Mason eul. '64; must, Rand, William H. Unas'd; substitute; b. Pennsylvania; age 23; cred. ; Aug. 25, in Aug. 25, '84, as '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Priv. ; received Aug. 25, '84, at draft rendezvous ; sent Sept. 12, '61 '61, 19 ; res. Moultouborough ; enl. Oct. 5, ; mu.st. in Oct. 19, as Priv. Randall, Converse C. Co. IT ; b. Fayette, IMe.; age Died, dis. Oct. 27. '82, Bolivar Heights, Va. See State Service.

: res. Somersworth, cred. Somersworth ; drafted Aug. 14, RandaU, Daniel. Co. F; drafted; b. Somersworth age 24 ; '83; must. par. Oct. '64. Died, dis. Oct. 13, '84, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; captd. Aug. 25, '64, Ream's Station, Va. ; 7, Annapolis, Md. Randall, Henry B. Co. II. See Henry B. Rendal. '65, enl. Feb. 8, '65, for 1 yr. ; must, in Feb. 6, as Priv. mis. Apr. '65, Randall, John A. Co. A ; b. Lee ; age 18 ; cred. Lee ; ; 7,

Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65, ;;


2'^ '61 '61 Eandlett, Nathan H. Co. C ; b. Ipswich, Mass. ; age ; res. Lebanon ; app. 1 Lt. Oct. 12, ; must, in Oct. 12, ; app. '62 '63. Capt. Co. E, Sept. 8, ; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. jNIar. 2, P. O. ad., Lebanon. See V. R. C.

; res. ; '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; disch. Eanlett, Howard M. Co. F b. Stratham ; age 25 ; Strathaui enl. Oct. 23, 23, disab. Aug. 3, '62, New York city.

Bansom, Milo M. F. and S. ; b. Virgil, N. Y. ; res. Lisbon; app. Chaplain Aug. 12, '62; must, in Sept. 23, '62; resigned Jan. 27, '83. Died Aug. 17, '66, Odessa, N. Y.

Co. E ; substitute b. ; ; cred. ; enl. '64 in '64, Priv. Rathn, Matthew. ; Germany age 21 Rindge Aug. 10, ; must, Aug. 10, as

wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; disch. June 12, '65, near Alexandria, Va.

18, ; 19, Rawson, Isaac P. Co. E; b. Croydon ; age IS; res. Croydon; enl. Sept. '61 must, in Oct. '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and '64 " must, in Jan. 1, ; cred. Claremont; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 27, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Thomas Freeborn"; disch. July 17, '65, as Seaman, from receiving ship, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Grantham. Ray, Oren. Co. A; b. Alexandria; age 19; res. Alexandria; enl. Aug. 26, '61; nmst. in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 30, '62, Ft. McHenry, Md. 20, 20, Rayme, Lewis. Co. E; substitute; b. Canada; age 25; cred. Gcshen ; enl. Aug. '64 ; must, in Aug. '64, as Priv.; wd.

Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; must, out June 28, '65. '64 Ready, John. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Sunapee ; enl. Sept. 2, ; must, in Sept. 2, '64, as Priv. ; mis. Apr.

6, '65, Sailor's Creek, Va. gd. from mis. ; disch. June '65, Washington, C. ad., Littleton. ; 8, D. P. O.

Reagan, Richard. Co. K; b. New York city ; age 19; res. Plaistow ; enl. Sept. 20, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd.

July, '63, Gettvsburg, Pa. ; June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out (^ct. 29, '04. Supposed identical with Richard Rea- gan, Co. I, 18 N. H. V.

Redmond, Thomas. Co.]; substitute; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; ag« 23 ; res. New York city, cred. Brookline; enl. Sept. 1, '63; " " "; must, in Sept. 1, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Anacostia" and Don des. Sept. 20, '64. '61 '61, Reed, Charles H. Co. K; b. Stoddard; age 22; res. Stoddard; enl. Aug. 30, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 15, '62. '61, '61 Reed, Dexter Gr. Co. E ; b. Newport ; age 22 ; res. Newport ; enl. Aug. 22, as Priv. ; app. 2 Lt. Oct. 12, ; must, in Oct. '61, '62 '62. 19, as 2 Lt. ; app. 1 Lt. Way 11, ; wd. June 1, 62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; resigned Nov. 6, P. O. ad., 'West Burke, Vt. See 1 Inf. and 2 Co., H. Art., N. H. V. '61 '61, Reed, George. Co. G ; b. Claremont ; age 18 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 27, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 9, '62, Newark, N. J. Reed, Henry. Co. E. See Henry Wrede.

; '61 ; '61, Reed, John A. Co. F ; b. Westminster, Vt. age 19 ; res. Keene ; enl. Oct. 23, must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Died, wds. June 24, '62, Philadelphia, Pa.

Reed, John G. Co. F ; drafted; b. Merrimack ; age 20; res. Merrimack, cred. Merrimack ; drafted Oct. 14, '63; must, in Oct.

14, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, \''a. ; app. Corp. ; wd. Api-. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; disch. May 29, '65, Washington, D. C. P. 0. ad., Merriraaclv. "45"; Reed, Levi P. Co. G; b. Elmore, Vt. ; age res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 10, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nov. 2.5, '62, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., South lloyalton, Vt. See V. R. C. Reed, William. Co. 15; b. Newport; age 33; res. Newport; enl. Sept. 20, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nov. 23, '62, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Bethel, Me. See V. R. C. and State Service.

Reid, William. Co. E; substitute; b. Canada; age 25; cred. Acworth ; enl. Aug. 15, '64; must, in Aug. 15, '64, as Priv.; des. Aug. 5, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Charles. Co. A ; b. Ireland ; age 32 ; res. Boscawen (Fisherville, enl. '61 Reilly, now Penacook) ; Sept. 26, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, '64, as Priv. ; app. Coi-p- 1 wd. June 4, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. Died Apr. 4, '82, Concord. Reilly. See Riley. Reimann, Sigmund, alias Leopold Reimann. Co. C; substitute; b. Germany; age 27; res. Montreal, Can., cred. Franklin; '63 enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to S. '64, " U. Navy Apr. 25, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Mat- thew Vassar," "Eureka," and "Ella"; disch. July 31, '65. P. O. ad., Cleveland, Ohio. Co. K; substitute; b. Glen's Remmington, Allen. Falls, N. Y. ; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv., at West

Lebanon ; tr. to Co. I. Died, dis. Feb. 8, '6.5, City Point, Va. Rendal, B. Co. H b. Wolfeborough age res. ; ; 24 ; '61 Henry Wolfeborough ; enl. Sept. 7, ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as 1 Sergt. . . 8 > app. 2 Lt. Feb. 17, '62 ; resigned Sept. 6, '62.

Co. D b. Tuftonborough age ; les. Reynolds, T. ; ; ; '61 Andrew 27 Dover enl. Sept. ; 14, must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 2, '63, Concord. Supposed identical with Andrew T. Reynolds, U. S. Navy. Reynolds, Charles. Co. E; substitute; b. Ireland; age 23; cred. Gilford; enl. Aug. 16, '64; must, in Aug. 16, '64, Priv. • as ' must, out June 28, '65. Reynolds, Charles W. Co. K; b. Durham; age 21; res. Newmarket; enl. Oct. 12, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. May, '62; wd. '63, May, Chancellorsville, Va. ; captd. June H, '64, Cold '64 Harbor, Va.; exch. Dec. 14, ; assigned to disch. '65, '65, Co. 1 ; May 29, to date Feb. 22, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Detroit, Mich. Co. H; substitute; b. Reynolds, George. England; age 25; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Washington; enl. Oct. 13, '63; must in Oct. '63, as Priv. tr. 13, ; to U. S, Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman served " " " ; on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar and William " 4* Bacon ; des. July '65.

Co. B; b, Northumberland; • Rhodes, Bldad A. age .20; res. Lancaster; enl. Dec, 4, '61; must, in Deo '61 as Priv app Sergt. Jan., -62 wd. '62, ; July 1, Malvern Hill, Va. ; Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. Feb. 8, '63, Frederick City', Md P. O. ad., Clarejuont. " Rice, Charles Co. E b, Lowell, Mass. age res. Plainfield ; ; 18 ; ; enl. Sept. 21, '61 ; in must, Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Dec 13 62, Iredericksbui-g, \ a. May, '03, Chancellorsville, '04, ; Va. ; June 16, near Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. Julv 8 '64 J J Wash- ington, D. C. > Rice, Richard J. Co. I; substitute; b. North Adams, Mass.; age 20; res. Princeton, Ind., cred. Lyme; enl. Oct 6 '63- must '03, > m Oct. 6, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 20, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. . Co. K substitute; b. Nova Scotia Rice, Stephen. ; age res. ; 21; Boston, Mass., cred. Hampton; enl. Aug. 10, '63- must in as tr. Aug. 10, 63, Pnv. ; to Co. I ; des. Jan, 11, '65, near Petersburg, Va. Rice, J Co. E b Brooldyn, N. Y. age res. Thomas ; ; ; 33 Boston, Mass, ; app, 1 Lt. '61 Oct. 12, ; must, in Oct. 19, '61 ; app. - PI' Capt. Co. B, Feb. 16, '02 resigned '02. > ; Sept. 10, P. O. ad., Jersey City, N. J. Unas'd substitute b. Rich, John. ; ; Canada ; age 20 ; cred. Concord enl. '64 ; Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. 20, '64, as Priv. ; received Aug. 20, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord sent ; Aug. 27, '04, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Co. F; b. New Hampshire; Rich, Rienzi O. res. • Winchester, cred, Winchester; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv killed June 17, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ' Richards, Abraham H. Co. D; drafted; b. Rindge; age res. 28; Fitzwilliam, cred. FitzwilUam : drafted Oct. 3, '63; must in Oct. 3, '03, as Pnv. captd. Aug. '04, ; 16, Deep Eiottom, Va. ; released Sept, 1, '64 ; tr, Co, E, '64 fo Nov, 20, ; disch. June 8, '()5, -Vniiapolis, Md. ;.;;


res. ; '61 '61, Bichards, Freeman. Co. 11 ; b. Searsport, Me. ; age 21 ; Freedom enl. Oct. 22, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; wd.

June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 2, 'u2, Concord.

Richards, George A. Co. F; substitute; b. Canada; age 18; cred. Colebrook ; enl. Aug. 29, '64; must, in Aug. 29, '64, as

Priv. ; returned to 4 Vt. Inf. Dec. 31, '64, as a deserter from that regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Richardson, Daniel. Co. C ; b. Dracut, Mass. ; age 27 ; res. Dracut, Mass. ; enl. Nov. 10, '61 ; must, in Nov. 10, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. May 7, '62, near Yorktown, Va.

Richardson, Nehetniah. Co. D; drafted; b. Pelliam; age 32; res. Derry, cred. Derry ; drafted Aug. 11, '63; must, in Aug. '63, 11, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '84, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. to Co. E, Nov. 20, '64 ; niis. Apr. 7, '65, Faiinville, Va. ; returned must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., West Windliam.

Ricker, James M. Co. H; b. Wolfeborough ; age 23; res. Wolfeborougii ; enl. Sept. 20, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 14, '63, Alexandria, V;i.

S. Co. D ; b. Milton ; age 20 ; res. enl. '61 ; in '61, as ; Lt. Apr. Ricker, John Milton ; Sept. 23, nmst. Oct. 23, Sergt. app. 2 '62 '62 '62 '65 '65, 13, ; 1 Lt. Co. B, Sept. 11, ; Capt. Co. C, Dec. IS, ; Maj. Mar. 15, ; not must. ; wd. sev. and captd. Apr. 7,

Farmville, Va. ; re-captd. Apr., '65; disch. May 15, '05, as Capt. Bvt. Maj., U. S. V., for gallant and meritorious conduct at Keam's Station, Va., to date from Mar. 13, '65. Drowned Nov. 4, '74, while on furlough from Nat. Home, Wis. See 1 N. H. V.

Ricker, Co. D ; b. Rochester ; age ; res. Rochester enl. '61 ; in '61, Priv. ; wd. Sept. 17, William. 28 ; Sept. 23, must, Oct. 23, as

'62, Antietam, Md. ; June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64.

; '64 '64, Rideour, Frank W. Unas'd substitute ; b. New Brunswick ; age 23 ; cred. Lisbon ; enl. Aug. 13, ; must, in Aug. 13, as Priv.; received Aug. 13, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Co. E ; substitute ; b. ; res. enl. '63 ; Oct. 22, '63, Ridlon, George. Canada age 23 ; Canada, cred. Jefferson ; Oct. 22, must, in

as Priv. ; app. Corp. Oct. 23, '64 ; must, out June 28, '65. Riley, James. Co. E; substitute; b. Ireland; age 19; cred. Newmarket; enl. Aug. 8, '64; must, in Aug. 8, '64, as Priv.; must. out June 28, '65.

Riley, James. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 18 ; cred. Hill ; enl. Sept. 13, '64 ; must, in Sept. 13, '04, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 17, '65.

; ; '63 '63, ; Riley, James. Co. G substitute b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Swanzey ; enl. Sept. 29, ; must, in Sept. 29, as Priv. des. Nov. 25, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. , '64, Riley, James. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 21; cred. Weare ; enl. Sept. 2, '64; must, in Sept. 2, as Priv.; received

Sept. 2, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Riley, John. Co. F. See 2 U. S. S. S. Riley, Richard. Co. E; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. Hinsdale; enl. Aug. 10, '64; must, in Aug. 10, '64, as Priv.; re- ported on m. o. roll as absent in arrest since Mar. 29, '05, City Point, Va. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Riley, Thomas. Co. F; substitute; b. England; age 25; cred. Winchester; enl. Aug. 31, '64; must, in Aug. 31, '64, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65. Riley. See Reilly. '64 '64, Priv. re- Roarke, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 19 ; cred. Danville ; enl. Aug. 18, ; must, in Aug. 18, as ;

ceived Aug. 19, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Roarke. See Rouarke and Rourke.

; ; '84 ; must, in Sept. '84, as Priv. ; re- Robba, Antoni. Unas'd substitute b. France ; age 23 ; cred. Warren ; enl. Sept. 14, 14,

ceived Sept. 14, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Sept. 23, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Robbins, Isaiah, Jr. Co. F; drafted; b. Surry; age 23; res. Keene, cred. Keene; drafted Oct. 9, '03; nmst. in Oct. 9, '03, as

Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. disab. May 28, '85, Manchester. P. 0. ad., Nashua. See Miscel. Organi- zations.

; ; enl. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Roberts, Charles A. Co. H ; b. Ossipee age 24 res. Ossipee ; Sept. 4, 19, Dec. 24, '62, Providence, R. I. P. 0. ad., Gilmanton Iron Works. '61 '61, as Priv. app. Sergt. disch. ; b. Milan 21 ; res. Milan ; enl. Oct. 7, ; nmst. in Oct. 23, ; ; Roberts, George H Co. B ; age '63, '64 declined. Died Jan. 28, '71, Milan. disab. June 0, Concord ; app. 2 Lt. Co. I, Dec. 11, ;

; ; Portland, ; enl. Oct. 18, '81 ; must, in Nov. 12, '61, as Muse. Roberts, James H. Co. K ; b. Topsham, Me. age 13 res. Me. disch. Sept. 8, '62, Camp Defiance, Md. Died, dis. Mar. 14, '64, Ft. Sumner, Md., while a member of Co. C, 1 Me. H. Art. Supposed identical with James H. Roberts, Co. B, 17 N. H. V. '61 must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Roberts, John D. Co. G; b. Orford; age 32; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 27, ; Oct. 28, '62, Harper's Ferry, Va. P. O. ad., Newport. See 1 N. H. Cav. '64, ; ; cred. ; enl. Aug. 24, '64 ; must, in Aug. 24, as Priv. Roberts, Walter. Co. E ; substitute ; b. England age 21 Nashua must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Delmar, Del. '81 must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. b. age 22 ; res. Charlestown ; enl. Sept. 27, ; 12, Robertson, Richard R. Co. G ; Charlestown ; disch. disab. Mar. 25, '82, near Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Charlestown. See 1 N. H. Cav. '61 res. Charlestown enl. Sept. 27, ; must, m Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Robertson William B. Co. G; b. Charlestown; age 19; ; disch. disab. Mar. 25, '62. Died Sept. 17, '70, Charlestown. '61, ; enl. Sept. '61 ; mnst. m Oct. 15, as Priv. ; disch. disab. ; res. Canaan ; 19, Robie, Charles. Co. 1 ; b. Corinth, Vt. age 29 Oct. 29, '62. Supposed identical with Charles Roby, Co. F, 5 N. H. V.

res. Claremont, cred. Claremont; enl. Aug. 29, '62; must, in Sept. 17, '62, Robinson, Charles D. Co. G; b. Acworth ; age 18;

as' Priv. ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. '61 ; enl. .Aug. 26, ; must, m Oct. 12, 81, as Priv. ; res. Concord 18 ; Robinson Daniel W. Co. A ; b. East Concord age disch. disab. May 14, '62. P. 0. ad., Wautoma, Wis. See 1 N. H. Cav. '65 must, in Apr. 2o, '85 must, out June '65. ; app. Asst. Surg. Feb. 28, ; ; 28, Robinson Don A F. and S. ; age 28 res. Milan ; enl. Aug. '61 must Oct. 12, '81, as Priv.; Robinson! Henry M. Co. A; b. Boston, Mass.; age 21; res. Concord; 27, ; m V. R. disch. disab. Jan. 13, '63, New York city. P. O. ad., Salem, Mass. See 1 IS. H. V. and C. '61 '61, enl. Oct. 12, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; disch. b. Deerfleld ; age 18 ; res. Raymond ; Robinson Samuel H. Co. K ; C. disab. Nov. 6, '82, Falmouth, Va. P. O. ad., Raymond. See V. R. enl. Aug. 15, 64; must, in Aug. 15, 64, as Priv.; Robson, Henry. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 25; cred. Brooklme ; regt. ,N. f. r. A. G. O. sent Aug. 27, '84, from Concord to . cred. Keene drafted Oct. '63 must, Oct. '63, as ; Keene, ; 9, ; m 9, ; res. drafted ; b. Corinth, Vt. age 31 Roby Charles Co. F ; Priv. Died, dis. June 24, '64, Washington, D. C. Supposed identical with Charles Robie, Co. I, 5 N. H. V. Roby. See Robie. Roda,

Rogers, -^ , „ _ '62, city. Corp. ; app. 1 Sergt. ; disch. disab. Aug. 29, New York '61 '61, ; res. Dover ; enl. Oct. 1, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Sergt. Died, dis. Dec. 5, Rogers, Charles P. Co. D ; b. Alton ; age 38 '61. See 1 N. H. V. ;;;


'61 '61, as Rogers, Charles O. Co. H ; b. Moultonborough ; age 20 ; res. Moultonborough ; enl. Oct. 22, ; must, in Oct. 23,

Priv. ; des. July 23, '63, from McDougall Gen. Hosp., Ft. Schuj'ler, N. Y. H. P. O. ad., Grafton.

; '64 '64 ; Apr. Rogers, Frank. Co. E ; substitute b. Spain ; age 26 ; cred. Candia ; enl. Sept. 6, ; must, in Sept. 6, as Priv. mis. '6.'), 7, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Santa Cruz, Cal. '63 in Rogers, James. Co. C ; substitute ; b. New York ; age 27 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Cliester ; enl. Aug. 11, ; must, Aug.

1 1, '63, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 22, '64. '62, Rogers, James F. Co. E ; b. Langdon ; age 29 ; res. Langdon ; enl. Oct. 21, '61 ; must, in Oct., '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Sept. 24, '62. P. O. ad., Jamaica Plain, Mass.

Rogers, James M. Unas'd; b. Hartland, Vt. ; age 30; res. Clareraont; enl. Mar. 12, '62; must, in Mar. 12, '62, as Priv.; sent Mar. 21, '62, from Concord to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Rogers, Oscar W. Co. E ; b. Acworth ; age 21 ; res. I.angdoii ; enl. Oct. 16, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. July 28, '82. Died Feb. 4, '92, Walpole. '63 Rollins, Amos P. Co. D ; substitute ; b. Maine ; age 18 ; res. Gardiner, Me., cred. Canterbury ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug.

19, '63, as Priv. ; wd. sev. June 17, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. June 21, '64, Annapolis, Md. '63 Co. K ; substitute ; b. County, ; 25 ; res. County, N. Y., cred. Dover ; enl. Aug. 14, Romer, John. Putnam N. Y. age Putnam ;

must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 26, '64, Washington, D. C. '63 Ross, Alexander. Co. 13 ; b. England ; age 22 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. '64, Navy Apr. 23, as a Landsman ; des. May 26, '64, from U. S. S. "Commodore Read."

Roth well, Jeremiah. Band ; b. Lancashire, Eng. ; age 23 ; res. Dover ; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as 1 Class

Muse. ; must, out Aug. 8, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad , Dover. See State Service.

Rouarke, John. Co. A; substitute; b. England ; age 21; cred. Wilton; enl. Aug. 19, '64; must, in Aug. 19, '64, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65. Rouarke. See Roarke and Rourke. '64, Roumon, William. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cied. Brookline ; enl. Aug. 18, '64 ; must, in Aug. 18, as Priv.

wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; disch. disab. Aug. 12, '65, Washington, D. C. Rourke, Peter. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. Acworth; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv.;

received Aug. 11, '64, at di-aft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Rourke. See Roarke and Rouarke.

Rouse, O-wen L. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. New York ; age 21 ; cred. Amherst ; enl. Aug. 9, '64 ; must, in Aug. 9, '64, as Priv. '64, received Aug. 9, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f . r. A. G. O.

Co. A; b. P'ranldin ; res. '61 ; '61, Priv. ; disch. disab. Rowe, Charles C. age 18 ; Franklin ; enl. Sept. 21, must, in Oct. 12, as Oct. 10, '62. P. O. ad., Franklin. Ro-we, John W. Co. A; b. Andover; age 44; res. Franklin; enl. Oct. 11, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 12, '62. '62 '62, Ro"We, Jonathan S. Co. I ; b. Brentwood ; age 21 ; res. Brentwood, cred. Brentwood ; enl. .A.ug. 30, ; must, in Sept. 17,

as Priv. ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va.

Co. E ; b. Centre '81 ; '61, ; disab. Rowe, Lucian. Harbor ; age 33 ; res. Gilford ; eul. Sept. 28, must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. disch. Apr. 15, '63, Hampton, Va. P. O. ad., i^aconia. Rowell, Henry. Co. G; b. Claremont; age 19; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '81, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 25, '62.

Rowell, John, Jr. Co. F; b. Pittsburg; age 19; res. Pittsburg; enl. Nov. 30, '61 ; must, in Jan. 1, '62, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 29, '62, Newark, N. J. P. O. ad., Colebrook. '61 '62, Rowen, Patrick. Co. E; b. Ireland; age 40; res. Gilford; enl. Sept. 27, ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. July 19, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va. Rowley, Richard. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 29; cred. New London; enl. Aug. 20, '63; must, in Aug. 20, '63, as

Priv. ; delivered to Provost Marshal Oct. 29, '63, Long Island, B. H., Mass., as a deserter from U. S. Navy. Roy, Gilbert. Co. A; b. Canada; age 31; cred. Lisbon; enl. Nov. 24, '63; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv.; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

Roys, David R. Co. G;.b. Claremout; age 18; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 6, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; re-enl. and nmst. in Jan. 1, '64; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Claremont.

Co. substitute ; b. ; '63 Rubyour, Edward. C ; Stockholm, N. Y. age 19 ; res. Stockholm, N. Y., cred. 2 District; enl. Sept. 1, ;_ must, ill Sept. 1, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 23, '64, as a Landsman; served ou U. S. S. "Freeborn," "Yankee," and "Fuschia"; disch., reduction naval force, July 27, '6.5, as an Ord. Seaman.

Runkel, John Co. I; substitute; b. Germany; age 23 ; res. Chicago, 111., cred. Claremont ; enl. Oct. 6, '63 Oct. 6, ; nmst. in '63,

as Priv. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. '61 Russell, Augustus G. Co. I; b. Spri uglield ; age 20; res. Spring-field; enl. Sept. 10, ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv.; wd. '62, Sept. 17, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Feb. 6, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Grafton. See 2 Co., N. H. H. Art. 5, Russell, Francis A. Co. B; b. Milan ; age 25; res. Milan; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 1, '62,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; des. Nov. 2, '62, Snickersville, Va.

Russell, George W. Co. K; b. Borden, Va. ; age 26; res. Newmarltet; enl. Oct. 12, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; app. '62 Sergt. Oct., ; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, '64 ; cred. Madbnry ; app. 1 Sergt. ; killed June 17, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Co. C substitute ; b. Ireland ; res. '63 Russell, John. ; ; age 24 Boston, Mass., cred. Franklin ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. 20,

'63, as Priv. ; tr. to '64, " " U. S. Navy Apr. 23, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Read disch. Aug. 1, '65, Commodore ; from receiving ship, Boston, Mass.

Co. D b. Ireland age 42 res. ; enl. '61 '61, '63. Ryan, John. ; ; ; Dover Oct. 8, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 26, P. O. ad., Dover. See V. R. C.

Co. E ; substitute ; b. ; ; cred. Ryan, John. Ireland age 21 Concord ; enl. Aug. 18, '64 ; must, in Aug. 18, '64, as Priv. ; app.

Sergt. ; des. j\Iar. 28, '65. Ryan, John. Co. E; substitute; b. Ireland; age 20; cred. Nashua; enl. Aug. 18, '64; must, in Aug. 18, '64, as Priv.; dropped Apr. 17, '05, as a deserter. Co. K; b. Chester; Ryan, John C. age 26; res. Atkinson; enl. Sept. 19, '61 ; inu.st. in Oct. 12, '61, as Corp.; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericlisburg, Va. Died, wds. Jan. 7, '63, Washington, D. C. Co. J) substitute b. Ireland Ryan, Michael. ; ; ; age 22 ; ci-ed. Groton ; enl. Aug. 6, '64 ; must, in Aug. 6, '64, as Priv. ; tr. to

Co. E, Nov. 20, '64 ; must, out June 28, '65. Ryan, Michael. Co. I. See Michael Hefferman. Patrick. Co. E substitute b. Ireland Ryan, ; ; ; age 40 ; cred. Nottingham ; enl. Aug. 22, '64 ; must, in Aug. 22, '64, as Priv. mis. Apr. '65, 6, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65. Co. b. Ryder, Warren. A ; Newbury, N. Y. ; age 23 ; res. Buttermilk Falls, Orange County, N. Y. ; app. 1 Lt. Dec. 11, '64 must, in Jan. 22, '65; killed Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. (Enl. Sept. 3, '61, for 3 yi-s. as Priv., Co. B, Batt'l Engineers, U. S. A. re-enl. '64, ; Feb. 5, as Sergt. ; app. 1 Sergt. ; disch. Jan. 20, '65, to accept promotion in 5 N. H. V.)

Sabreville, Gilbert B. Co. F ; b. Clarenceville, Can. ; age 19 ; res. Alburgh, Vt. ; enl. Oct. 23, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. '62, ; wd. June 1, Fair Oaks, Va. ; des. Nov. 30, '62. ;


Saltmarsh, ; res. '63 Co. F ; drafted ; b. Hooksett age 29 ; Concord, cred. in Andre^w. Concord ; drafted Aug. 19, ; must, Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. April 19, '65, Burlreville, Va. '03, Sampson, Charles H. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Rhode Island ; age 35 ; cred. 2 Uistiict ; enl. Sept. 2, '63 ; must, in Sept. 2,

as Priv. ; \vd. June '64, Petersburg, ; to I, '65 '65, 10, near Va. assigned Co. June 17, ; reported on ni. o. I'oll dated June 28, as absent sick. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Sanagan, Stephen. Co. K; substitute; b. New York city; age 23; res. Xew York, cred. ,4ntrim ; enl. Sept. 1, '03; must, in

Sept. 1, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. I, Nov. 20, '64 ; must, out June 28, '6o.

Sanborn, Augustus D. Co. E; b. Franklin ; age 18; res. Franklin; enl. Sept. 11, '61; must, in Oct. 1!), '61, as Corp.; app.

Sergt. ; 2 Lt. Co. H, Oct. 20, '62; 1 Lt. Co. B, Dec. 20, '62; Capt. Co. G, Feb. 1, '64; discli. Oct. 30, '61. P. O. ad.. New Haven, Conn. See 1 N. 11. V.

Charles Co. C; b. Sanbomton age res. Plymouth; enl. Sept. '(il '01. ; discli. Sanborn, B. ; 33; 18, ; must, in Oct. 12, as I'riv. disab. Mar. 10, '62, near Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Campton. See 18 N. H. V.

Charles S. Co. II; b. Moultonborough ; age res. Sandwich; enl. '61 in Oct. '61, Sanborn, 35; Sept. 16, ; must, 19, as Priv.;

wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Feb. 13, '63.

P. Co. E ; b. Franklin ; 21 res. ; enl. '61 nuist. in '01, as dis. Sanborn, Horace age ; Franklin Sept. 20, ; Oct. 19, Priv. Died, May 6, '62, Yorktown, Va. '61 Sanborn, Jeremiah. Co. C; b. Vermont; age 28; res. Hanover; enl. .\ug. 22, ; nuist. iu Oct. 12. '61, as I'riv. Died, dis. Aug. 14, '62, Newport News, Va. Sanborn, Joseph H. Co. K; b. Brookfield; age 18; rea. Greenland; enl. Sept. 10, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61. as Corp. Died, dis. Aug. 10, '62, New York city. Sanborn, William. Co. K. See Woodbury Smith. '01 William J. Co. I; b. Fremont;' age res. enl. Oct. ; '61, ; Sanborn, 20; New Hampton ; 17, must, in (Jet. 19, as Priv. wd. '62; June 29, Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Dec. 18, '62, Baltimoi'e, Md. P. O. ad., Plymouth. See Miscel. Organizations.

Sanders, Albert. Co. C; b. Wentworth; age 24; res. Orford ; enl. Sept. 17, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, A'^a. Sanders. See Saunders. Sanivald, Karl. Co. 11. See John H. Guntner. • Sargent, Charles. Co. K; b. Warner; age 29; res. Concord, cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 1, '62; must, in .4ug. 1, '62, as Priv.; wd. July, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; tr. to Co. F; disch. June 21, '05, Concord. P. O. ad., Keene.

Sargent, Charles B. Co. H; b. W'olfeborough ; age 19; res. AVolfeborough ; enl. Oct. 21, '61; nuist. in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.: '62, wd. Sept. 17, Antietam, Md. ; killed July 2, '03, Gettysburg, Pa. '61 Sargent, Charles H. Co. G; b. "Haverhill, Mass."; age 23; res. Clareniont; enl. Oct. 9, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 9, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Lynn, Mass. See State Service.

Sargent, George P. Co. K ; b. Raymond ; age 43 ; res. Raymond ; enl. Sept. 21, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June. '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; app. Corp. Nov. 1, '63; Sergt.; 1 Sergt. to date June IS, '64; must, out Oct. 29, '64. Died Dec. 30, '65, Raymond.

Sargent, John. Co. H ; b. Wolfeborough ; age 33 ; res. Wolfeborough ; enl. Sept. 25, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 22, '61, near Alexandria, Va. Sargent, John H. Co. K; b. Danville; age 22; res. Danville; enl. Sept. 19, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; des. Dec. 13, '63, from hosp.

Satler, Prank. Co. E; substitute; b. Germany; age 21; cred. Groton ; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv.; des. to the enemy Oct. 10, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Saulpaugh, George. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Dublin, Ir. ; age 32 ; cred. South Newmarket ; enl. Aug. 29, '64 ; must, iu Aug. 29.

'64, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. ; must, out June 28, '65. Saunders, Alvin. Co. G; substitute; b. Canada; age 22; cred. Colebrook; enl. Aug. 29, '64; must, in Aug. 29, '64, as Priv. reported on m. o. roll dated June 28, '65, as absent without leave since Dec. 6, '04. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Saunders, Daniel J. Co. A; drafted; b. Charleston, Vt. ; age 28; res. Concord, cred. Concord; drafted Aug. 19, '63; must, in

Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 15, '03, Pt. Lookout, Md. P. O. ad.. East Rochester. Saunders. See Sauders. '63 Sa'wyer, Charles. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 24 ; res. Canada, cred. Jefferson ; enl. Oct. 22, ; must, in Oct. 22, '63,

as Priv. ; mis. June '64, Cold Harbor, Va. gd. from mis. ; disch. to date Deo. '64. P. ad., 3, ; 6, O. Bradford, Vt. '61 Sawyer, Frank P. Hand ; b. Alton ; age 22 ; res. Alton ; enl. Sept. 10, ; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as 3 Class JIusc. ; must, out Aug. 8, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Lymi, Mass.

h. 2.i ; res. '63 Sa'wyer, Henry. Co. F; drafted ; Richmond; age Winche.ster, cred. Winchester; drafted Oct. 6, ; must, in Oct. '85. 6, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 10, '04, near Petersburg, Va. ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Worcester, Mass. res. cred. 11, Sa'wyer, Joseph B. Co. D; drafted; b. Exeter; age 35; Exeter, Exeter; drafted Aug. '03 ; must, in Aug. 11, '63,

as Priv. ; tr. to Co. E, Nov. 23, '64 ; to Co. G, 18 V. R. C. Died, dis. June 4, '65, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Scanlan, John. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; res. Exeter, cred. Exeter ; enl. Aug. 16, '64 ; must, in Aug. 16, '64, as '05. Priv. ; app. Corp. Jan. 11, '05; must, out June 28,

Schalbern, Henry. Co. I; substitute; b. Hamburg, Ger. ; age 24; res. Canada, cred. Plainfield ; enl. Oct. 6, '63; must, in Oct. '63, '64, S. 6, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. "William Bacon," "Currituck," " " '6.5. and Don ; disch. Aug. 8, res. Scheiner, Lucus. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Baden, Ger. ; age 26 ; New York, cred. IMilton ; enl. Aug. 14, '63 ; nmst. in Aug.

14, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 28, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. res. city, cred. Schmidt, Henry. Co. H; b. Hanover, Ger.; age 18; New York Upper Gilmanton ; enl. Dec. 5, '63;, nmst. in

Dec. 5, '63, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 18, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Schmidt, Oscar. Co. G. See Oscar Schneider. b. age cred. enl. '64; Schmidt, William. Co. E; substitute; Germany; 30; Rindge ; Aug. 10, must, in Aug. 10, '64, as Priv.: des. Sept. 16, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Schneider, Frank. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 20 ; cred. Chesterfield ; enl. Aug. 12, '64 ; must, iu Aug. 12, '64, as

; '64, Petersburg, ; '65 Priv. des. to the enemy Oct. 10, near Va. returned June 1, ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Buf- falo, N. Y.

; b. Debreczin, Hungary ; age 29 ; res. New York city, cred. ; '63 Schneider, Oscar. Co. G substitute ; Gilford enl. Sept. 29, : must, in Sept. 29, '63, as Priv.; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Ya..; des. Aug. 31, '64, from Armory Square Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C. '64 b. ; age 22 ; cred. Rindge ; enl. Aug. 10. ; must, in Aug. 10, '64, as Priv. ; Schner, August. Co. E ; substitute ; Germany des. Sept. 16, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

; S. ; age 25 cred. Farmington enl. Aug. '64 Cumberland, N. ; ; 15, ; must, in Schofleld, William. Co. G .substitute ; b. Aug. 15, '65. '64, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, ;


'64 '64, ; b. ; age ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Aug. 10, ; must, in Aug. 10, Schoppmeyer, Edward. Co. H ; substitute Germany 34 '65. '75, city. as Priv. ; must, out June 28, Died Sept. 17, New York '63 in 6.5, cred. Durham ; enl. Dec. 4, ; must, Dec. 4, ; Brooklyn, N. Y., Soott, Austin. Co. G ; b. Brooklyn, N. Y. age' 19 ; res. 20, '65. Priv. ; wd. June 17, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; disch. July as ,„ „, „ , -n i as Priv. killed ; enl. Sept. 27, '61 ; must, m Oct. 12, 61, ; ; res. Claremout Scott, Charles N. Co. G ; b. Springfield, Vt. age 25 ; June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. i , a oa >ao t b-i must. Cincinnati, Ohio, cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 20, ; Scott, James. Co. B; substitute; b. Lexington, Ky. ; age 23; res. '64, served on U. S. S. " Thomas Freeborn and in Aug. 20, '83, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 21, as a Landsman ; des. 21, '64. P. O. ad., Hinsdale. "Yankee"; Aug. . ^ „« -aq drafted Sept. 63 must, in Sept. 30, 63, as ; b. Hinsdale ; res. Hinsdale, cred. Hinsdale ; 30, ; Scott James M. Co. F ; drafted '65. P. ad., Hinsdale. '65, Farmville, ; returned ; must, out June 28, O. Priv. ; mis. Apr. 7, Va. , -n ^ '64 must, in Sept. 64, as Pnv. must. ; ; cred. Roxbury ; enl. Sept. 7, ; 7, ; Scott, Michael. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Ireland age 21

June 28, '65. • out . ^ „„ .„, -r. t i t i '61, as Pnv. disch. disab. enl. Oct. 16, '61 ; must, m Oct. 23, ; age 37 res. Chesterfield ; Scott, Otis H. Co. F ; b. Chesterfield ; ; Dec. 22, '62, Providence, R. I. P. O. ad., Chesterfield Factory. S. S. S. Soott, William W. Co. G. See 2 U. . /^ • „. ,„, . ,«, t. .4 t i ^ '61, Pnv. wd. July ; enl. Oct. 24, '61 ; must, in Oct., as ; N. ; age 22 ; res. New York city Sears, Lee C. Co. D ; b. Auburn, Y. F, Dec. 62. '62 '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. 2 Lt. Co. 14, 1, '62, Malvern Hill, Va. ; app. Sergt. Mai. Oct. 2, ; wd. Dec. 13, Died, wds. Jan. 11, '63, Washington, D. C. ^ ^ .. .<,q ^ ,„,,,, b, b6 must. city, cred. Walpole enl. Oct. ; substitute ; b. York city ; age 22 ; res. New York ; Seldner, "WiUiam. Co. I ; New

in Oct. 6, '63, as Priv. ; des. May 30, '64, Front Royal, Va. • . „ ,„. t, i as Triv. wd. ; enl. '64 ; must, m Aug. 6, 64, ; ; ; Rindge Aug. 6, Selvoir, Michael. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Venice age 26 cred. '65, Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; disch. Sept. 1, Concord. • ^ , <., », t> j '61 in Oct. as Pnv. wd. ; ; res. ; enl. Sept. 7, ; must, 12, 61, ; Severence, Charles E. Co. G ; b. Claremont age 25 Claremont '62, P. ad., Claremont. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 27, Baltimore, Md. O. '61 '61, as Pnv. app. ; ; res. Claremont ; enl. Oct. 9, ; must, m Oct. 12, ; Severence, Charles L. Co. G b. Claremont age 22 ; disoh. Oct. 12, ; tr. '63 ; to Co. D, 10 V. R. C. ; Corp. to date Aug. 1, '62 ; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. to L C. July 1, '64, Baltimore, Md., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Claremont. '63 must, in Aug. 14, '63, ; b. Limerick, Ir. ; age ; cred. New Durham ; enl. Aug. 14, ; Sexton, Cornelius. Co. F ; substitute 23 " " " " Vassar and Primrose ; des. as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew July 7, '64. enl. '64; must, in Aug. 16, 64, as Shanley, Charles. Co. E; substitute; b. Ireland; age 19; cred. Tuftonborough ; Aug. 16,

'65 '65, ; '65, Baltimore, Md. Priv. ; app. Corp. Mar. 5, ; wd. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. disch. disab. July 24,

Sergt. . . , , , , , . _ '61 in '61, as Sergt.; Shapleigh, George R. Co. D; b. Lebanon, Me.; age 27; res. Rollinsford; enl. Oct. 3, ; must, Oct. 23,

app. 2 Lt. Oct, 4, '63 ; 1 Lt. Co. B, Feb. 1, '64 ; killed June 16, '64, Petersburg, Va. See 1 N. H. V. '64 '64, Priv. des. Sharp, John. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 23 ; cred. Roxbury ; enl. Sept. 7, ; must, in Sept. 7, as ; Mar. 23, '65, Little York, Pa.

; ; ; enl. '61 ; '61, Sergt. ; disch. Shattuck, Charles C. Co. G b. Plainfield age 19 ; res. Newport Sept. 27, must, in Oct. 12, as May 25, '63. P. O. ad., San Francisco, Cal. See 1 N. H. H. Art. and Miscel. Organizations.

; ; '61 ; '61, ; tr. Shaw, Albert G. Co. B ; b. Moultonborough ; age 27 res. Carroll enl. Oct. 22, must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. to Co. H, Jan. 9, '62. Died, dis. July 23, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Shaw, Alonzo W. Co. D; b. Hampton; age 27; res. Hampton; enl. Sept. 23, '61; must, in Oct. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd. Sept.

17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Nov. 20, '62. P. O. ad., Hampton. See 1 N. H. H. Art.

; ; res. ; enl. '61 ; '61, Shaw, George W. Co. H ; b. Moultonborough age 18 Moultonborough Oct. 22, must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. Died, dis. May 21, '62, Alexandria, Va.

b. ; '62 '02, Shaw, Ira. Co. H; Cabot, Vt. age 44 ; cred. Freedom ; enl. Aug. 15, ; nmst. in Aug. 15, as Priv. ; wd. sev. Sept. 17,

'62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Dec. 19, '62, Falmouth, Va. Died Jan. 17, "90, Effingham Falls. Shaw, John, Jr. Co. E; b. Lacouia; age 22; res. Franklin; enl. Sept. 25, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 29, '62, Washington, D. C.

b. ; res. '62 '62, Shaw, John "W. Co. I ; Newton ; age 44 Newton, cred. Newton ; enl. Sept. 5, ; must, in Sept. 17, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 19, '62, Washington, D. C.

Shaw, Noah. Co. H; b. Freedom ; age 21; res. Freedom; enl. Oct. 3, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 1, '62,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 28, '62, Concord. P. O. ad., Effingham Falls. See 1 N. H. H. Art. '61 Shaw, Orrin D. Co. K; b. Newmarket; age 19; res. Newmarket; enl. Sept. 2.5, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; wd. Dec.

1-3, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 28, '63, Georgetown, D. C. P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass. '61 Shaw, Patrick. Co. F; b. Cork, Ir. ; age 40; res. Keene ; enl. Sept. 18, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; des. Dec. 13, '62;

gd. from des. ; des. Jan. 27, '65, near Petersburg, Va.

Shea, Patrick, alias Patrick.Welch. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; res. Northfield, Vt., cred. Canaan ; enl. Oct. 3, '63 ; '63, " " must, in Oct. 3, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 23, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar and

"Fuschia " ; disch. disab. Oct. 15, '64, Norfolk, Va. P. O. ad., Lawrence, Mass.

Sheehan, Cornelius. Co. G; substitute; b. Canada; age 25; cred. Chesterfield; enl. Sept. 9, '64 ; must, in Sept. 9, '64, as

Priv. ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '65.

Co. K ; b. Syracuse, N. Y. ; age 29 ; res. Elraira, N. Y., cred. enl. '63 '63, Sheely, Daniel. Hampton ; Dec. 7, ; must, in Dec. 7, '65, '65 as Priv. ; wd. Apr. 6, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; assigned to Co. F, June 17, ; must, out June 28, '65. b. res. '61 Shepard, Stephen. Co. C ; Canada ; age 44 ; Canaan ; enl. Sept. 12, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va.

res. '61 ; Sherbum, Henry H. Co. I ; b. Canaan ; age 20 ; Canaan ; enl. July 27, must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. May 6, '62, Yorktown, Va. '62, Sherman, Henry H. Co. F ; Priv. ; assigned to company Aug. 23, Newport News, Va. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Co. F ; b. Lisbon ; age ; res. Lisbon, cred. Lisbon enl. '62 '62, Sherman, Israel G. 25 ; Aug. 15, ; must, in Aug. 15, as Priv.

wd. Dec. 13, '82, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 29, '63, Concord. b. Shethron, Anthony. Co. G ; Canada ; age 20 ; res. Montreal, Can., cred. Alstead ; enl. Dec. 7, '63 ; must, in Dec. 7, '83, as

Priv. ; captd. on picket Feb. 12, '65. N. f. r. A. G. O. P. 0. ad., Keeseville, N. Y.

Sholes, Blisha S. Co. G ; b. Groton, Conn. ; age 45 ; res. Claremont ; eul. Sept., '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Dec.

13, '02, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Apr. 2, '63, Alexandria, Va. See V. R. C. '61 '61, Short, Bphraim. Co. C ; b. Plainfield ; age 45; res. Plainfield ; enl. Sept. 20, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 20, '82, near Alexandria, Va. P. 0. ad., Plainfield. ;;;;


'61 '61, ; Short, John S. Co. C ; b. Plainfield ; age 18 ; res. Plainfield; enl. Sept. 18, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. re-enl. and must. '64 '65. in Jan. 1, ; cred. Lebanon ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Unity. '63 Sigerson, Michael. Co. I ; b. Ireland ; age 19 ; res. Newburyport, Mass., cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Dec. 9, ; must, in Dec. 9, '63, " " as Priv. ; tr, to U. S. Navy Apr. 27, '84, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Thomas Freeborn " and Van- " '65. dalia ; disch. July 25,

; '65, ; '65, Silloway, James W. Co. A b. Kingston ; age 24; cred. Kingston ; enl. Feb. 9, for 1 yr. must, in Feb, 9, as Priv. disch. June 6, '65, Washington, D. C. P. 0. ad., Danville.

Silsby, Henry S. Co. G ; b. Chester, Vt. ; age 18 ; res. Claremont, cred. Claremont ; enl. Aug. 11, '62 ; must, in Aug. 11. '62, as

Priv. ; tr. to Co. ; '64 D, 3 V. R. C, to date May 1, '64 re-enl. Sept. 3, ; disch. disab. Aug. 24, '65, Albany, N. Y. P.' O. ad., Claremont.

Silver, David. Unas'd; substitute; b. England; age 25; cred. Goffstown ; enl. Aug. 10, '64; must, in Aug. 10, '64, as Priv.; received Aug. '64, 10, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. i. A. G. 0.

Silver, "William C. Co. A ; b. Concord ; age 21 ; res. Concord ; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Sergt. ; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. wds. Sept. 24, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad.. Concord. See 1 N. H. V. Simmons, Jam.es. Co. B. See 2 U. S. S. S.

Simmons, Samuel S. Co. C substitute ; b. Buffalo, ; I'es. Buffalo, cred. ; enl. '63 ; N. Y. age 25 ; Y., Rochester Aug. 14, N. ; in '6.3, must, Aug. 14, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. ; disch. July 15, '64, to accept promotion. See U. S. C. T. Simon, Henry. Co. G; substitute; h. Canada; age 21; cred. Sunapee; enl. Sept. 1, '64; must, in Sept. 1, '64, as Priv.; des. Dec, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Co. B ; substitute b. Scot. ; ; '63 ; '63, Simonds, Harlow. ; Dundee, cred. enl. 14, as age 23 Rochester ; Aug. 14, must, in Aug. Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 18, '64, Brattleboro, Vt.

Simonds, James P. Co. I ; b. Franklin ; age 37 ; res. Franklin, cred. Franklin ; enl. Aug. 12, '62 ; must, in Aug. 14, '62, as

Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. 19, '62, Ft. MoHenry, Md. See 3 N. 11. V. " " " '63 '63, Simonds, John G. Co. ; substitute ; b. Vermont " ; age 22 ; cred. Charlestown enl. Oct. ; must, in Oct. 2, A ; 2,

as Priv. ; app. 1 Lt. Co. K, Oct. 28, '64 ; tr. to Co. B ; disch. disab. June 2, '65, to date May 15, '65. P. O. ad., Melrose, Mass. See 4 N. H. V. and State Service. Simons, James M. Co. I; b. Alexandria; age 18; res. Alexandria; eul. Sept. 20, '61; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. '64 and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; app. Sei'gt. Dec. 12, ; must, out June 28,*'65. P. O. ad., Meredith. Simpson, Frank. Co. I. See James Burnett.

Simpson, James. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Grafton ; enl. Sept. 9, '64 ; must, in Sept. 9, '64, as Priv. must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Nat. Military Home, Dayton, Ohio. Simpson, William. Co. H; substitute; b. Canada; age 23; cred. Hill; enl. Sept. 16, '64; must, in Sept. 16, '64, as Priv.; des. Oct. 31, '64, Ft. Stedman, Va.

Sinclair, "William. Co. K; substitute; b. Scotland ; age 30; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Chichester; enl. Aug. 19, '63; must, in •' Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman ; des. July 31, '64, from U. S. S. Matthew Vassar." '63 '63, SissoB, John. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; res. Canada, cred. Londonderry ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19,

as Priv. ; wd. June 16, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; disch. disab. May 30, '65, David's Isl., N. Y. H.

Sleeper, Bdivard A. Co. D; b. Plaistow ; age 22 ; res. Plaistow ; enl. Oct. 22, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 24, '63, Falmouth, Va. P. O. ad., Plaistow.

Smart, Charles H. Co. A; b. Concord; age 22; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Sergt. ; wd. June 1,

'62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. 25, '62, Bolivar Heights, Va. P. O. ad., Peabody, Mass. See 1 Inf. and 1 Cav., N. H. V. '61 '61, Smith, Alpha P. Co. A ; b. Holderness ; age 21 ; res. New Hampton ; enl. Sept. 11, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; wd. '62 '62. June 30, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; disch. disab. Sept. 10, P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass. See 1 N. H. V.

; '64 ; '64, Priv. Smith, Charles. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Canada age 27 ; cred. Lempster ; enl. Aug. 12, must, in Aug. 12, as ; '65. mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, cred. enl. '63; Smith, Charles. Co. K; substitute; b. Portsmouth, Ohio; age 28 ; res. Boston, Mass., Concord; Aug. 20, must.

in Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 28, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '63 ; age ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Milton enl. Aug. 14, ; must, in Smith, Charles J. Co. G ; substitute ; b. IJremen, Ger. 23 ; '65. Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; disch. July 11,

; ; ; res. Canada, cred. Piermont ; enl. Oct. 6, '63 ; must, in Oct. 6, '63, as Sm.ith, Chester. Co. I ; substitute b. Canada age 20 '64. Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. to date Aug. 1, P. O. ad.. Cherry River, P. Q. '61, ; ; res. enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, as Priv. ; des. June, Smith, Daniel C. Co. I b. Straiford, Vt. age 28 ; Canaan ; '62, from hosp. N. f. r. A. G. O. Smith, Dustin B. Co. F. See 2 U. S. S. S.

des. to the enemy Sept. 25, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Smith, Bleazer W. Co. K; b. Portsmouth; age 24; res. Greenland; enl. Sept. 19, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; app. '63, '62 '62 wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Mar. 16, Concord. P. O. ad., Corp. Sept. 22, ; Sergt. Nov. 1, ; Lynn, Mass.

; enl. Sept. '61; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv.; tr. to P. C. Co. I; b. Mario w ; age 18; res. Walpole 19, 15, Smith Ferdinand r. ~ ^ . ^ .„. , , , ^ ,„, . __ „ ^ ._, „._,„.,. Co. E, 5. Smith, Prank wd. Sept. Smith, George. must, out June 28, '65. cred. Strafford enl. Sept. '64 must, in Sept. '64, ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 26 ; ; 13, ; 13, Smith, G-eorge T. Co. H ; substitute ' '65 June '65. as Priv. ; app. Sergt. May 1, ; must, out 28,

; cred. Gilford ; enl. Sept. '63 must, in Sept. 29, '63, as Priv. ; b. Galway, Ir. age 28 ; 29, ; Smith George "W Co. G substitute ; '64 '64 Jan. '65, while furlough. '64, par. Nov. 2, ; exch. Dec, ; des. 4, on captd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; '61 '61, as Priv. re-enl. and ; must, in Oct. ; must. ; ; res. Plymouth ; enl. Oct. 3, 15, Smith, George W. Co. I ; b. Bath age 27 ' '64 must, out June 28, '65. in Jan. 1, '64 ; tr. to Co. H, Jan. 18, ; app. Wagoner ; '63 ; cred. Surry ; enl. Sept. 29, must, in Sept. '63, as Priv. ; Smith, Henry. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Canada age 19 ; ; 29, des. Nov. 28, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61, ; ; enl. Oct. 23, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. Smith, Henry. Co. F ; b. Newport ; age 33 res. Troy 27, '62, Washington, D. C.

; ; enl. Aug. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; Smith, Henry H. Co. E ; b. Holderness ; age 20 res. Lebanon 31, 19, mia. June '64. '64, ; Died July '91, Boston, 16, near Petersburg, Va. ; returned ; app. Sergt. must, out Oct. 29, 5, Mass.

; ; 32 cred. Fitzwilliain enl. Aug. 31, '64 ; must, in Aug. 31, '64, as Smith, Henry J. Co. G substitute ; b. Canada age ; ; Priv. must, out June 28, '65. ;;


Smith, Isaac. Co. A; b. JMaiiie; age 30; les. Waterborough, Me., ciei]. Bath; eiil. N^ov. S.'i, '03; must, in Xuv. 25, '63, as Priv. des. Sept. 27, '04, from Emory Gen. Hosp., Washirigtou, D. C. P. O. ad., Ossipee. Smith, Isacher W. Co. G; substitute; b. Newmarket; age 24; cred. Raymond; enl. Aug. 30, '(j-i; must, iu Aug. 30, '64, a.s 25, '64; 7, gd. from mis.; resigned May '-'7, '65. P. O. ad., Priv.; app. 2 Lt. Co. G, Nov. mis. Apr. '65, Farmville, Va. ; Boston, Mass.

; ; '62, ; Smith, Jam.es. Co. C ; b. l^isbou age 21 res. Lisbon, cred. Lisbon ; enl. Aug. 18, '62 ; must, in .-Vug. 18, as Priv. killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. '64 '64, Smith, Jam.es. Co. 11 ; substitute ; b. London, Eiig. ; age 38 ; cred. Fremont; enl. Sept. 12, ; nmst. in Sept. 12, as Priv. '1)5, wd. .-Vpr. 6, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; discli. .luly 17, '65, Washington, D. C.

Smith, James. Co. I; substitute; b. Halifax, N. S. ; age 18; res. Bo.ston, Mass., ci-ed. Canaan; enl. Oct. 6, '03; must, in Oct.

6, '68, as Priv. ; diseh. July 15, '65, Washington, L). C. '63 in Smith, Jam.es. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Calcutta, India ; age 24 ; res. Lowell, Mass., cred. Loudon ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, '63, '65. Aug. 20, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. F ; app. Corp. ; umst. out June 28, Smith, James B. Co. G; b. N^ew Hampshire; age 33; cred. Nelson; enl. .A,ug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv.; must. out June 28, '65. 1-1, '63, li. ; .Aug. must, iu as Smith, James W. Co. K; substitute; Canada age 28; cred. Soniersworth ; enl. '63; Aug. 14, Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '61, as a Landsman; served- on U. S. S. "Matthew Vassar " and '' William Bacon "; disch. July 14, '65, from receiving ship, Boston, Alass. Died Jan. 28, '1)2, Bcston, Mass. '63; Smith, John. Co. 11; suKstitute ; b. London, Fng. ; age 27; res. New York city, cred. Claremont ; enl. Oct. 13, must, in 6, Oct. 13, '63, as Priv.; wd. July 27, '61, Deep Bottom, Va. ; .\pr. '65, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; m. o. roll reports no disch. fui-uished. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; ; '64 ; Smith, John. Co. H substitute b. Prince Edward's Island ; age 19 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Sept. 12, nmst. in Sept. 12,

'64, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; must, out June 28, '65. '61, '62. Smith, John. Co. I; b. Maine; age 27; res. Franklin; eid. Oct. 3, '(il ; nmst. in Oct. 1.5, an Priv.; killed June 29, Peach Orchard, Va. '63 '(i3, Smith, John. Co. K ; sub.stitute ; b. Belgium ; age 25 ; res. lioston, Mass.. cred. Weare ; enl. Sept. 2, ; must, in Sept. 2,

as Priv. ; disch. Apr. 19, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '63 Co. K ; substitute ; b. Wicklow, Ir. 24 ; res. York city, cred. Gilford ; eul. Sept. 29, ; must, in Sept. Smith, John. ; age New '63, S. '64, " " William Ba- 29, as Priv. ; tr. to V. Navy Apr. 19, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar" and " con ; disch. July 11, '6.5, from receiving ship, Boston, Jlass. '64, re- Smith, John. Unas'd ; substitute; b. Ireland ; age 23; cred. Lempster; enl. Aug. 6, '(U ; must, in -Vug. 6, as Priv.; ceived .\ug. (i, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord; sent Aug. 27, '61, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Smith, John C. Co. K; substitute; b. Gilford; age 18; cred. Gilford; enl. Aug. 24, '64; must, in Aug. 24, '6-1, as Priv.; tr.

to Co. 1 ; disch. Aug. 10, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Canterbury. Smith, John S. Co. A; b. Jackson; age 29; cred. Bath; enl. Nov. 25, '63; must, in Nov. 25, '63, as Priv.; wd. June 17, '64, '65 '65. near Petersburg, Va. ; app. Corp. May 1, ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad., Etfingham. 14, Smith, Joseph. Co. C; sul)stitute ; b. Canada; age 22; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Bochester ; enh Aug. '63 ; must, in .\ug. '63, '64 '65. 14, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Corp. Oct. 23, ; must, out June 28, '62, Smith, Luther. Co. C ; b. Wentworth ; age 21 ; res. Lyme ; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 29,

Peach Orchard, Va. ; May, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. ; June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, A'a. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Wentworth. See State Service.

(i, Smith, Michael. Uiias'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 23; cred. Langdon ; enl. Aug. 6, '64; must, in .\ug. '64, as Priv.: received Aug. '64, '64, 6, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; .sent Aug. 27, to regt. N. f. r. A. (i. O.

Smith, Nathaniel. Co. (i ; b. Cornish; age 18; res. Cornish; eid. Sept. 29, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp.: '62, wd. July 1, Malveri} Hill, Va. ; Sept. 17, '62, .\nr,ietam, Md. ; wd. and captd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, \'a. ; releaseil '65 Feb. 28, ; disch. Apr. 8, '65, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Springfield. Smith, Norris. Co. F. See 2 U. S. S. S. " " Smith, Oliver P. Co. F; b. Whitefield ; age 18; re.s. Whitefield : eul. Dec. 27, .'61; must, in Jan. 4, '62, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 30, '62. P. O. ad,, Whitefield. See 17 X. H. V. and 1 N. H. Cav. Smith, Oscar. Co. G. .See Oscar Schnei

Smith, Robert. Co. I; sulistitute; b. Scotland ; age 26; res. New York city, cred. Canaan; enl. Oct. 6. '63; must, in Oct. 6, '63, as Priv. Died July 17, '61, David's Is]., N. Y. U. substitute; b. '61 Smith, Robert J. Unas'd; Canada; age 10; cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 13, ; must, in .Vug. 13, '61, as Priv.; received '64, Aug. 13, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. (i. O.

Smith, Samuel O. Co. E; b. Acworth; age cred. ,\cwortli ; enl. .Vug. '62; mu.st. 39; 28, in Aug. 30, '62, as I'riv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 28, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., .'Vcworth. Smith, Co. H; b. Conway; age res. enl. '61 Stephen D. 27; Conway; Aug. 30, ; must, in Oct.. 19, '61, as Sergt. ; reduced to ranks; des. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, ^'a. Co. A substitute b. Smith, Thomas. ; ; England ; age 21 res. Boston, ; Mass., cred. Henniker ; enl. Aug. 19, '63 ; must, iu Aug. '63, 19, as Piiv. ; tr. t(^Co. H, Mar. 1, '(i5 ; wd. Mar. 31, '0.5, Dinwiddle Court House, Va. ; disch. ,lune 6, '65, Washington,

Co. .substitute; b. Smith, Thomas. G; Rnglajid; age 29; re.s. Boston, Mass., cred. .Manchester; enl. Oct. 6, '63; must, in Oct.

6, '63, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 23, '63, Concord. alias Smith, Thomas, Andrew Barton. Co. II; substitute; b. England; age 29; enl. Oct. 6, "63, at Concord; must, in Oct. ' '63, ' as Priv. ; disch. June 6, '65, Washington, D. C. Unas'd; sub.stitute b. St. Smith, Thomas. ; .lohn, N. B. ; age 22; cred. 14, Soniersworth ; enl. Au". '63 : must in Ann- 14 '63 »• i ^ ^ . as Priv. ; dos. Oct. 27, '03, Concord. "William. Co. K; substitute; b. St. X. Smith, John, B. ; age 27; cred. Gilford; enl. .Vug. 16, '04; '64 ^ must, in -Vukc 10 as Priv.; disch. June 16, '65, Washington, D. C;. > > Smith, William. Co. G; substitute; b. Germany; age 23; re.s. Boston, Mass., cred. Meredith; enl. Sept. 29, '63; must in Sept. 29, '63, as Pnv. wd. June '64, Cold ; 8, Harbor, Va. ; app. Sergt. ; wd. '05, sev. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; must, out June 28, Oo. Co. H substitute b. William. ; Smith, ; England ; ; age 27 cred. Lyme ; enl. Sept. '64 '64, 14, ; must, in Sept. 14, as Priv. ; des to the enemy Feb. 0, '05. Co. K; b. Boston, Mass.; Smith, William. age 27; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Exeter; enl. Dec. 7, '63; must, in Dec. 7, '63 as Priv. ; des. June 1, '64, Port Royal, Va. Unas'd; substitute; Smith, William. b. Irelaiul; age 23; cred. Newmarket: enl. Aug. 15, '64; must, in Aug. 15, '64 as Priv. ; received .Vug. 16, '04, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. , ;;


; cred. Leinpster Smith, W^oodbury, alias William Sanborn. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Rochester age 18 ; res. Haverhill, Mass., ;

eul. Oct. '(13 in '(i^, a.s Priv. ; wd. and June '64, Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 17, '64, 7, ; must, Oct. 7, captd. 3, Cold Richmond, Va. Smith. See Sclimidt. '6.S, tr. SniflB.ns, Charles. Co. G; substitute; b. Connecticut; age H5 ; cred. Keeue ; enl. Oct. 1, '63; must, in Oct. 1, as Priv.; to Co. K, 9 V. R. C, June 30, '65; disch. July 15, '65, Washington, D. C.

Snow, Charles. Co. B; b. "Massachusetts"; age 30; res. Bloomfleld, Vt. ; enl. Sept. !J, '61; mvist. in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.;

app. Corp. ; killed Dec. 13, '02, Fredericksburg, Va. See State Service. 2, Snow, Co. F; b. Walpole ; res. ; enl. Oct. '61 in Oct. 23, '61, as Sergt. ; disch. disab. George M. age 45; Walpole ; must, July 7, '62, Washington, D. C. Snow, Henry. Co. H. See Thoniaa 11. Thompson. Snow, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. iS'evv York; age 22; res. Xevv York city, cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 20, '63; must, in Aug.

20, '63, as Priv. ; des. Xov. 7, '63, I.ong Island, B. H., Mass. '04, Snow, William. Unas'd; substitute; 1). England; age 22; cred. Xewport ; enl. Aug. 17, '64; nmst. in Aug. 17, as Priv.; received Aug. 17, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Snyder. See Schneider. '61 '61 I, '62; Somes, Rinaldo R. Co. 11; iige 25; res. Laconia ; app. 2 Lt. Oct. 12, ; must, in Oct. 24, ; app. 1 Lt. Co. Feb. 16, resigned Jinie 10, '62. P. O. ad., Chelsea, Mass. Sept. '63 in .Sept. Somers, Joseph, alias John McCabe. Co. U ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Brookline ; enl. 1, ; n)ust. 1, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 25, '64, as a Landsman; served on U. S. S. "Matthew Vassar," ' Anacostia," " Don," " " " '65, Ord. Seaman, from receiving ship. New York city. Eureka," and Connnodore Read ; disch. July 28, as an Died Apr. 5, '89.

; enl. '61 in Oct. '61, as Priv. Spalding, George M. Co. K ; b. Peterborough age 23 ; res. Peterborough ; Aug. 28, ; must, 12, '03 app. Sergt. Nov. 1, ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, A''a. '62 in Aug. '62 as Priv. Spalding, John "W. Co. Iv ; b. :A[ilford : age 26; res. Milford, cred. Milford ; enl. Aug. 4, ; must, 4, '64; '64, wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va" ; app. 1 Sei-gt. Nov. 1, '63; 2 Lt. Co. C, Feb. 1, wd. June 3, Cold Harbor.

Va. ; '64. '65, JSJilf'ord. disch. disab. Nov. 5, Died Sept. 2, , '61 in Oct. '61, as Priv. app. Corp. Spaulding, Alfred. Co. C ; b. Plainfield ; age 22 ; res. Plainfleld ; enl. Sept. 18, ; nmst. 12, ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. Died Sept. 4, '69, Plainfield. '6 in Sept. '64, as Priv. wd. Spaulding, Charles. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 22 ; cred. Lyme ; enl. Sept. 9, 1 ; must, 9, ;

Mar. 25, '65, Ft. Stedman, Va. ; disch. disab. July 29, '65, Washington, D. C. '64, ; '63 in Aug. 24, '63, as Priv. ; wd. and captd. June 3, Spaulding, Henry. Co. F ; b. Andover age 18; euh Aug. 22, ; must, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 26, '64, Richmond, Va. Sept. '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Spaulding, Paige. Co. C; b. Washington, D. C. ; age 24; res. Hanover; enl. 2, Died, dis. Aug. 16, '62, David's Isl., N. Y. H. Spaulding, "William. Co. G; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Bristol; enl. -Vug. 23, '64; must, in Aug. 23, '64, as Priv.;

mis. '65, from mis. ; disch. June 27, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. Apr. 7, Farniville, Va. ; gd. Spead, Leonard. Co. F. See 2 U. S. S. S. '61 '61, Pnv. wd. June ; enl. Aug. 30, ; must, in Oct. 12, as ; Spencer, Charles F. Co. C ; b. Royalton, Vt. age 19 ; res. Orford ;

29, '62, Peach Orchard, Va. ; killed .Sept. 17, '02, Antietam, Md. '63; b. S. ; res. Windham, cred. Barnngton ; enl. Aug. 14, Spencer, James B. Co. 1 ; substitute; Cape Breton, X. age 24; '65; July '65, Washington, D. C. must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv.; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; Feb. 14, disch. 15, P. O. ad., Raymond. '64 must, in '64, as Priv. ; cred. Newbury ; enl. .Aug. 15, ; Aug. 15, Spencer, William. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Canada; age 21 must, out June 28, '65. enl. '63 nmst. in Dec. ."i, ; 19 res. York city, cred. Greeidand ; Dec. 5, ; Spencer, William. Co. H ; b. Maitland, Can. age ; New des. IMay '64, from U. S. S. "Commodore Read." '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 23, '64, as an Ord. Seaman; 26, '64; '64 as Priv.; app. 27; cred. Weare ; enl. Aug. 10, must, in Aug. 10, Sparing, Henry. Co. E; sulistitute ; b. Germany; age Corp. Jan. 11, '65; reduced to ranks May 24, '65; must, out June 28, '(i5. '61, I'riv. Died July SpofFord, John P. Co. K; b, Danville; age 42; res. Danville; eid. Sept. 17, '61; must, in Oct. 12, as 13, '62, Savage's Station, Va. cred. Gilsum drafteil Oct. '63 must, in ; res. ; drafted b. Woodstock, Conn. ; age 24 Gilsum, ; ^ Spooner Calvin W Co. F ; ; '73, Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 7, '63, as Priv.; tr. to Co. A, Apr. 8, '64; disch. INIay 31, '65, Alexandria, Va. Died Dec, Isl., B., cred. Dover enl. Dec. '63 1!. ; res. Afanan N. ; 7, ; b. Mauan Isl., N. ; age 30 Grand Spi-ague, James. Co. K ; Grand "64, PI. Lookout, ]\Id. must, in Dec. 7, '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 18, ,, , enl. .Vug. 11, '64 must, in Aug. 11, 64, as 1 riv. b. England ; age 18 ; cred. Goffstown ; ; ; Sprigge, Oliver. Co. E ; substitute ;

must, out June 28, '65. • , ., i i oi ..i t, .Marlow enl. Aug. 31, 64; must, ni .\ng. 31, 64, as Pnv.; Springer, Albert. Co. G; substitute; b. Germany ; age 24 ; cred. ; '65. des. ; appreh. ; must, out June 28, . , , , .« enl. Aug. 18, must, in Aug. lb, as Pnv.: Stanley, William. Co. B; b. Littleton; age 18; res. Lisbon, cred. Lisbon; 62; 62, disch. Apr. 19, '63, Falmouth, Va. ^, _ „..,„, ^ „-.,., „ , t , '6o mu,st. in Nov. as Pnv. wd. July ; enl. Nov. 2t, ; 2(, 63, ; age 21 ; ore.,, ,„, ,> ,. , re.s. Lyme; enh Sept. 3, hi; must, in Oct. 12, 61, as Pnv.; disch. Stark, Isaac G. Co. C; b. Hopkinton, N. Y'. ; age 32; '62. V. disab. Sept. 10, See 8 N. H. . ,. „ . ,„. '61 must, Oct. 2(), 61, as b Class Muse; must, out Aug. Starkey, Martin T. Band; age 24; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 16, ; m

'62, Harrison's Landing, Ya. • ,-, 8, - „. i i-> ^ , . > Alstead enl. Dec. i, 03 must, in Dec. i 63, as Pnv. Can., cred. ; ; , ; ; age 21 ; res. JNlontreal, St. Dois, Albert. Co. G ; b. Canada 28, '65. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out June wd. ,- , ,w , > -ui <. enl. Sept. 19, 01 must, in Oct. 12, 61, as Coi-p.; disch. Ma.ss. ; age 22; res. Portsmouth; ; Stearns, James. Co. K ; b. Chelsea, Dec. '87, Portsmouth. disab. Jan. 24, '63, New Y'ork city. Died 12, • ,• . .^ , ,., ,n, ,, , ,• enl. must, in Oct. 12, 61, as Inv. disch. ; 36 ; res. Cornish ; Sept. 27, 61 ; ; disab. Stearns, Stephen L. Co. G ; b. Cornish age Nov. 2, '63. Died Apr. 18, '90, Cornish. cred. South Newmarket; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, m Aug. 11, '(i4, Steffens, Louis. Co. E; substitute; b. Germany; age 21 ; '65, Washington, D. C. as Priv. ; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farniville, Va. ; di.sch. disab. June 14, '63 must, in Aug. '63, ; enl. Aug. 20, ; 20, as Priv. ; ; 34 ; cred. Concord tr. to Steno, Victor. Co. D ; substitute b. France ; age '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. N. f. r. A. G. O. Co. E ; reported on m. o. roll as absent sick since Jlay 26, Stephens, Samuel. Co. H; substitute; b. St. John, N. Bl; age 23; cred. Manchester; enh Oct. 6, '63; must, in Oct. 6, '63, as S. S, " Read " disch. '65, Commodore ; Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 23, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. July 28, from receiving ship, New York city. ;; ;


; ; '61 ; '81, as Priv. Stephenson, John H. Co. K ; b. Lyndeborough age 27 ; res. Lyndeborough enl. Aug. 24, must, in Oct. 12,

wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericlcsburg, Va. ; tr. to 12 Co., 2 Batfl, I. C, Nov. 1, '63 ; disch. Oct. 11, '64, tm. ex. Died July 17, '07, Lyndeborough. See State Service. '63 '63, Stetson, James. Co. H ; substitute ; b. St. John's, N. F. ; age 23 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Oct. 0, ; must, in Oct. 6, as Priv. Died in a fit Jan. 4, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Stevedore, Bnos. Co. K; substitute; b. Maine; age 20; cred. Convpay ; enl. Sept. 19, '64; must, in Sept. 19, '64, as Priv.;

tr. to Co. F ; must, out June 28, '65. '61 '61, Stsvens, Atnos. Co. I ; b. Grafton ; age 24 ; res. Grafton ; enl. Sept. 13, ; must, in Oct. 15, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 11, '62, Alexandria, Va.

b. ; '61 ; '01, Priv. ; Stevens, Andrew W^. Co. K ; Greenfield ; age 21 res. Bennington ; enl. Sept. 16, must, in Oct. 12, as wd.

June 1, 62, Fair Oalss, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 2, '63, Falmouth, Va. See 1 N. H. V. and V. R. C. '63 Stevens, Charles D. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Vermont ; age 20 ; res. East Corinth, Vt., cred. Haverhill ; enl. Oct. 27, ; must.

in Oct. 27, '63, as Priv. ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. "23"; '61 '61, Stevens, Charles H. Co. G; b. Andover; age res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 30, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv.; wd.

Sept. 17, '62, .\ntietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Jan. 5, '63, Frederick, Md. See V. R. C.

I substitute ; b. ; ; res. Randolph, N. Y., cred. Swanzey ; enl. Oct. '63 Stevens, Edward S. Co. ; Randolph, N. Y. age 22 6, ; '63, must, in Oct. 6, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; des. Sept. 30, '64, from hosp.

Stevens, Bliphalet B. "W. Co. I; b. Kingston; age 25; res. Brentwood, cred. IJrentwood ; enl. Aug. 30, '62; must, in Sept.

17, '62, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; killed July 2, '03, Gettysburg, Pa. '62 '62, Stevens, George H. Co. G ; b. Salisbury ; age 25 ; res. Franklin, cred. Franklin ; enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 9, as

Priv. ; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Jan. 23, '63. See V. R. C. '64; '64, Stevens, Henry. Co. C ; substitute; b. England; age 22; cred. Jaffrey ; enl. Aug. 10, must, in Aug. 10, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65. '63 '63, Stevens, Horatio. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Corinth, Vt. ; age 42 ; cred. Enfield ; enl. Sept. 30, ; must, in Sept. 30, as Priv. Died, dis. Julv 12, '64, Washington, I). C. Supposed identical with Horatio N. Stevens, Co. C, 2 N. H. V., and Co. K, 4 N. H. V.

Stevens, John^H. Co. G ; b. Andover; age 21; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 16, '01; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; tr. to 2 '64. Batt'l, 1. C, 'Soy. 10, '63; re-tr. to regt. Mar. 11, '64 ; disch. disab. Sept. 5, Died May 5, '86, Franklin. '61 '62, Stevens, Joseph. Co. G; age 45 ; res. Cornish ; enl. Sept. 27, ; nmst. in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 8, near Alexandria, Va.

Stevens, Joshua N. Co. C ; b. Enfield ; age 44 ; res. 'I'hetford, Vt. ; enl. Sept. 9, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 3, '62, Newark, N. J. '62 '62, Stevens, Reuben. Co. G ; b. Sutton ; age 44 ; cred. Fi-aukliii ; enl. .-Vug. 8, ; nmst. in Aug. 9, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 27, '62, near Falmouth, Va. Stevens, "William. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Nashua; enl. Aug. 20, '64; must, in Aug. 20, '64, as Priv.;

received Aug. 20, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Stevens. See Steffens and Stephens. Stewart. See Stuart. '62 '62, Stickney, Solon. Co. B ; b. Lyman ; age 21 ; res. Lyman, cred. Lyman ; enl. Aug. 12, ; must, in Aug. 18, as Priv. disch., imbecility, Sept. 25, '62, Harper's Ferry, Va. '64 '64, Stillwell, Robert H. Co. F ; substitute ; age 20 ; enl. Sept., ; must, in Sept., as Priv., at Concord ; des. June 23, *65, from Div. Provost Guard. '01 '61, Stinson, Edward G. P. Co. I ; b. New London ; age 17 ; res. New London ; enl. Sept. 21, ; must, in Oct. 15, as Priv.

wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. Died, wds. Aug. 1, '63. '61 Stockwell, Charles S. Co. E; b. Croydon ; age 19 ; res. Croydon ; enl. Sept. 14, ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Jan. 16, '63, Washington, D. C.

; ; res. '61 ; '61, Stockwell, Henry H. Co. E b. Croydon ; age 21 Croydon ; enl. Sept. 12, must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '62, and died, wds. June 5, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. See 1 N. H. V. '61 Stockwell, John G. Co. E ; b. Croydon ; age 21 ; res. Croydon ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 26, '62, Bolivar Heights, Va. See 1 N. H. V.

Stockwin, Charles, alias Harry I.,awrence. Co. I ; substitute ; b. England ; age 21 ; res. New Bedford, Mass., cred. Hampton ;

'63 '63, ; ; '04 '65 enl. Aug. 10, ; must, in Aug. 10, as Priv. app. Corp. 1 Sergt. Nov. 6, ; 2 Lt. Co. F, May 1, ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Ogdensburg, N. Y.

; ; b. Quebec, Can. ; age ; res. '63 Stoddard, Norton. Co. A substitute 21 Quebec, Can., cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must. in Aug. 19, '63, as Priv.; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

; res. '63 Stoltz, Franz. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Pmssia age 21 ; New York, cred. Farmington ; enl. Aug. 14, ; must, in Aug. 14,

; '64, ; captd. '64, '65 '63, as Priv. wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. Aug. 16, Deep Bottom, Va. par. Apr. 1, ; disch. May 25, ; '65, New York city. Stone, Abel H. Co. F; drafted; b. Saoo, Me.; age 29; res. Concord, cred. Concord; drafted Aug. 19, '63; must, in Aug. 19, '64, '64 '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 17, near Petersburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. Oct. 23, ; 1 Sergt. Mar. 19, '85 ; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farm-

ville, Va. ; disch. Juije 2, '65, Baltimore, Md.

; b. Cornish ; age ; res. ; enl. '62 '62, Stone, Cornelius H. Co. F 18 Manchester Feb. 12, ; must, in Feb. 28, as Priv. ; captd.

.July 26, 'd'i par. ; exch. ; re-enl. and must, in Mar. 29, '64 ; cred. Claremont ; wd. sev. June '64, ; ; 3, Cold Harbor, Va. disch. June 8, '65, New York city. P. O. ad., Tacoma, Wash. Stone, Francis. Co. B. See Charles Baldwin. Stone, Hosea S. Co. B; b. Canada; age 18; res. Lancaster; enl. Sept. 21, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; tr. to Co. A, '62 '64 '65, 4 Ai-t., U. S. A., Oct. 18, ; re-enl. Feb. 1, ; des. July 21, Camp Berry, D. C. ; disch. July 12, '88, to date July 21, '65, without character, by reason of desertion. See State Service. res. Stone, John. Co. G; b. Middleton, Mass. ; age 36; Andover, Mass., cred. Kensington; enl. Dec. 10, '63; must, in Dec. 10, '04, '65, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 16, near Petersburg, Va. ; Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. Died, wds. Apr. 20, '65, City Point, Va.

Co. K ; substitute ; b. Waltham, Mass. ; age 19 ; res. AValtham, Mass., cred. Rochester enl. '63 Stone, Lyman. ; Aug. 14, ; must. '63, '64, in Aug. 14, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; assigned to Co. F, June 17, '65 ; must, out June 28, '65. '01 Stone, Sydney C. Co. F; b. Keene; age 26; res. Keene ; enl. Oct. 23, ; must, in Oct. 23, '81, as Priv.; wd. June 1, '62, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. wds. Sept. 8, New York city; drafted and nmst. in Oct. 8, '63 ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. '65. returned ; must, out June 28,

; substitute b. Wurtemburg, Ger. ; ; res. cred. ; enl. Sept. '63 Storm, Charles. Co. G ; age 33 New York city, Laconia 29, ; must. '64, in Sept. 29, '63, as Priv. ; captd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; escaped ; disch. Aug. 16, '65, Concord. P. O. ad.. New Orleans, La.

; '61 '61, tr. Straw, Alonzo D. Co. B ; b. Meredith age 21 ; res. Alton ; enl. Oct. 22, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; to Co. F,

'61 '02 '62, ; Nov. 2, ; Co. 11, Jan. 1, ; wd. June 1, Fair Oaks, Va. ; May, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Elton, Neb. ;;;;


'62, Stra-w, Lorenzo D. Co. E; b. Unity; age 18; res. Unity; enl. Aug. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 1,

Fair Oaks, Va. ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Streeter, Charles H. Co. G; substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Sutton; enl. Sept. 3, '64; must, in Sept. 3, '64, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65. Died Apr. 25, '85, Chihuahua, Mexico. '61 Streeter, Ezra F. Co. F ; b. Wisconsin ; age 25 ; res. Westmoreland ; enl. Oct. 23, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; discli. disab. April 15, '62, Ship Point, Va. Strickland, William H. Co. B. See 2 U. S. S. S.

Strong, Lewis J. Co. C ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; res. Enfield ; eul. Aug. 27, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 9, '62, Newport News, Va. P. 0. ad., Enfield.

Co. K ; b. Northampton, Mass. ; res. ; '62 '62, as Priv. ; re-enl, Medad. age 29 ; Concord enl. in 21, Strong, Jan. 21, ; must, Jan.

and must, in Feb. 19, '64 ; killed June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. '63 James. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Castle, Eng. ; 22 res. Jersey J., cred. ; enl. 14, ; must. Stuart, New age ; City, N. Dover Aug. '63, in Aug. 14, as Priv. ; wd. June 16, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; des. Oct. 26, '64, from Lovell Gen. llosp., Portsmouth Grove, R. I.

Studley, Braddock G. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Fall Uiver, Mass. ; age 26 ; res. Fall River, Mass., cred. l.oudon ; eul. Aug. 20, '03 in '63, '63 '64. ; must, Aug. 20, as Priv. ; admitted to Post Hosp., Concord, Oct. 16, ; des. June 4,

Sturtevant, Edward B. Co. A; b. Keene; age 33; res. Concord; app. Capt. Oct. 12, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61 ; wd. June 1,

'62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; app. Maj. July 30, '62; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. See 1 N. H. V. '62, Sturtevant, Hiram S. Co. B ; b. Claremont ; age 27 ; res. Claremont; enl. Dec. 11, '61 ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; discli. disab. Oct. 18, '62, near Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Fairlee, Vt. '63 in Sturtevant, William. Co. F ; drafted ; b. Cornisli ; age 36 ; res. Claremont, cred. Claremont ; drafted Oct. 10, ; must, '63, Oct. 10, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65.

Sudelot, Henry. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 27 ; cred. Bristol ; enl. Aug. 9, '04 ; must, in Aug. 9, '64, as Priv. ; app.

Corp. ; must, out June 28, '65. '63 '63, Sullivan, Daniel. Co. G ; b. Ireland ; age 26 ; res. New York city, cred. Acworth ; enl. Dec. 7, ; must, in Dec. 7, as Priv. des. Mar. 5, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

; '64 '64, Sullivan, Daniel. Co. G substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Windham ; enl. jVug. 29, ; must, in Aug. 29, as Priv. '65, '65 '65. captd. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; re-captd. Apr. 9, ; app. Sergt. ; mjjst. out June 28, '61 '61, Sullivan, Plorance. Co. F ; b. Cork, Ir. ; age 21 ; res. Rollinsford ; e"nl. Oct. 2, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '64, '64. wd. Juue 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, P. O. ad., Lawrence, Mass. 14, Sullivan, Henry G. Co. G; substitute; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 22 ; res. Liverpool, Eng., cred. Dover ; enl. Aug. '63 ; must. '63, " " in Aug. 14, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar," Prim- rose," "Commodore Barney," and "Sabine"; tr. to U. S. S. "Vermont," Dec. 8, '65; not taken up on rolls of "Vermont." N. f. r. Navy Dept. '64 Sullivan, James, alias James White. Co. C ; substitute ; b. England ; age 22 ; cred. Alexandria ; enl. Aug. 10, ; must, in

Aug. 10, '64, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 12, '64, near Petersburg, Va. P. O. ad., Boston, Mass. '64 '64, Sullivan, James. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Winchester ; enl. Aug. 31, ; must, in Aug. 31, as Priv. must, out June 28, '65.

; ; '64 '64, Sullivan, James. Co. H ; substitute ; b. New Brunswick ; age 20 cred. Unity enl. Sept. 13, ; must, in Sept. 13, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65.

Sullivan, Jolm. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Cork, Ir. ; age 24 ; res. New York city, cred. Barrington ; eul. Aug. 14, '63 ; must, in

Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; captd. Aug. 25, '64, Ream's Station, Va. ; enl. in Co. C, 1 Foreign Batt'l, Confederate service, Oct. 12, '64, Richmond, Va. N. f. i. A. G. O. '64 '64, Sullivan, John. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Colebrook ; eul. Aug. 31, ; must, in Aug. 31, as Priv. des. Mar. 1, '65, City Point, Va.

Sullivan, John. Co. I; substitute; b. Cork, Ir. ; age 24; cred. Surry; enl. Sept. 30, '63; must, in Sept. 30, '63, as Priv.; tr. to Apr. '64, as des. '64, from S. S. " Thomas U. S. Navy 27, an Ord. Seaman ; July 27, U. Freeborn."

; eul. '61 ; '61, ; Sullivan, John S. Co. D ; b. Farraington ; age 32 ; res. Candia Sept. 21, must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. wd. June

1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. wds. Jan. 28, '63, Concord. '63 Sullivan, John T. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age 24 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Loudon ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in " Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 27, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; des. Dec. 20, '64, from U. S. S. Thomas Freeborn."

; ; b. ; 27 res. citv, cred. ; enl. '63 ; Sullivan, Michael. Co. C substitute Austria age ; New York " Newport Oct. 3, must, in Oct.

3, '63, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. Died May 21, '87, Keyport, N. J.

Sullivan, Michael. Co. G; substitute; b. Ireland; age 24; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Somersworth ; enl. Aug. 14, '63; must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman; served on U. S. S. "Matthew Vassar" and "Prim- " '65. rose ; des. Mar. 23, res. ]\Iass., Sullivan, Michael. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; Boston, cred. Claremont ; enl. Aug. 19, '63 ; must, in '65. Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. (x, Nov. 20, '64 ; app. 1 Sergt. ; must, out June 28, '64 Sullivan, Murtz. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Auburn ; enl. Aug. 11, ; must, in Aug. 11 , '64, as Priv. ; app. '65. Corp. Apr. 12, '65 ; must, out June 28, Sullivan, Samuel. Co. C; substitute; b. Camden, N. J.; age 23; res. New York city, cred. Francestowu; enl. Sept. 1, '63;

must, in Sept. 1, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 28, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. ci'ed. enl. Aug. '64 '64, Sullivan, William. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 35; Epping ; 8, ; must, in Aug. 8, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 6, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '64 Summerfleld, Walter. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Aug. 12, ; must, in Aug. 12, '64, as

Priv. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 6, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

; res. Philadelphia, Pa., ; '63 Summers, Charles. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Liverpool, Eng. age 23 ; cred. Hinsdale eul. Oct. 3, ;

nmst. in Oct. 3, '63, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 30, '63, Concord.

; ; ; res. Montreal, Can., cred. ; '63 Summers, Frederick A. Co. I ; substitute b. Germany age 27 Claremont enl. Oct. 13, ;

must, in Oct. 13, '63, as Pi'iv. ; des. May 24, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

eul. '61 ; '61, Sutton, John G. Co. B ; b. Barnston, Can.; age 22 ; res. Lancaster; Sept. 23, must, in Oct. 23, as Coi'p. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; cred. captd. June '04, Cold Harbor, Va. par. Nov., '64; disch. disab. '65, Berlin; 3, ; May 27, Bristol, Pa. P. O. ad., Lancaster. res. Franklin, cred. Franklin; enl. Aug. 12, '62; must, in Aug. 12, '62, as Sweat, George P. Co. F; b. Franklin ; age 20; '62, Priv. ; wd. sev. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. Died, wds. Oct. 7, Sharpsburg, Md. Sweeney, James. Co. G; substitute; b. Ireland; age 39; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Sept. 6, '64; must, in Sept. 6, '64, as Priv.; disch. July 15, '65, Washington, D. C.

; ; cred. ; enl. Aug. '64 must, in Aug. '64, as Sweeney, Patrick. Co. G substitute b. Ireland ; age 22 ; Nashua 17, ; 17, Priv. des. Sept. 25, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

; ; ; enl. '64 ; must, in '64, Sweeney, William. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Newfoundland age 23 cred. Rindge Aug. 6, Aug. 6, as

Priv. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 6, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ;;;


'64; '64, as Piiv. S-weet, George E. Co. G; substitute; b. Conway; age 18; cred. Conway; enl. Aug. 29, must, in Aug. 29, ; must, out June 28, '65. '64 in Aug. 31, '64, as Priv. ; ; 21 cred. Mason ; enl. Aug. 31, ; must, Sweney, John. Co. G ; substitute b. St. John, N. B. age ; must, out June 28, '65. '62 in Feb. '62, as Priv. wd. ; res. Lancaster ; enl. Feb. 25, ; must, 28, ; S-wenor, Edward. Co. B ; b. Three Kivers, Can. age 35 ; '63 re-enl. .Apr. 14 V. B. C), July 1, ; 9, Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; tr. to 1 Co., 1 Batt'l, I. C. (subsequently Co. B, '64; des. July 18, '64. P. O. ad.. East Sherbrook, P. Q. '61 must, in Oct. '61, as Corp. disch. res. Portsmouth ; enl. Sept. 13, ; 23, ; Sweetser, Frank C. Co. B ; b. Portsmouth ; age 22 ; disab. Jan. 5, '63. '61; must, in Oct. '61, as Pnv. wd. Dec. Swift, Prank. Co. K; b. Lowell, Mass.; age 22; res. Lowell, Mass.; enl. Sept. 28, 12, ; '72, Xat. Military Home, Ohio. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 28, '63, Concord. Died Oct. 27, '64 '61, as Pnv. received ; cred. Bristol ; enl. Aug. 11, must, in Aug. 11, ; Swift, Joseph. Unas'd ; substitute b. Ireland ; age 21 ; ;^ f. r. O. Aug. 11, '64, at draft rendezvous. Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt. N. A. G. '61 Oct. '61, as Corp. killed July ; b. ; res. Concord ; enl. Sept. 7, ; must, in 12, ; Sylvester, George W. Co. A Concord ; age 21 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. See 1 N. H. V. '61, des. Dec. '62, enl. 23, '01 ; must, in Oct. 15, as Pnv. ; 4, Sylvester, Joseph. Co. I ; b. Canada ; age 37 ; res. Canaan ; Aug. Falmouth, Va. .A.ug. '64 must, in Aug. 16, '64, as Priv. Died Sykes, Arthur. Co. C; substitute; b. England; age 21 ; cred. Xewport; enl. 16, ; Dec. 2, '64. '63 in Aug. '63, cred. Dunbartou ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, 19, Talbot, Joseph. Co. H ; substitute; b. Canada ; age 22 : res. Canada,

as Priv. ; des. Dec. 5, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Talcott. See Tolcott. '61 in Oct. '61, as Priv.; des. Oct. 1, '62. Tallman, David F. Co. C; b. Lyme; age 21 ; res. Orford ; enl. Sept. 10, ; must, 12, P. O. ad., Lyme.

; eul. '03 must, in Oct. '63, as Priv. Tarbox, Frederick. Co. C ; substitute 1). IMassachusetts ; age 20 ; cred. Kindge ; Oct. 1, ; 1, des. Oct. 18, '63, Concord. 16, 23, as Priv. Died, dis. Tattersal, James. Co. F; b. England; age 45; res. Hinsdale; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, May 3, '62, West Point, Va. Taylor, Andrews B. Co. H; substitute: b. Great Barrington, Mass.; age 18; res. Great Barriugton, Mass., cred. Clare-

mout ; enl. '63 '63, ; '64, dis. .Tuly '64, Ander- Oct. 3, ; must, in Oct. 3, as Priv. captd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, 16, sonville, Ga. Oct. 0, Taylor, Charles. Co. A ; substitute; b. Susquehaima, Pa.; age 21; res. Susquehanna, Pa., cred. Manchester; enl. '63 ; 1'. must, in Oct. 6, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to S. >favy Apr. 20, '64. N. f. . A. G. O. or Navy Dept. '63; Taylor, Edwin S. Co. F; substitute; b. Effingham; age 23; res. Effingham, cred. SomerswoiMi ; enl. Aug. 14, must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. May 15, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. 19, Taylor, Prank S. Co. E ; b. Roxbury, Mass. ; age 25; res. Newport; enl. Aug. 22, '61 ; must, in Oct. '01, as Priv.; re-eul. '04 '65. and must, in Jan. 1, ; cred. Milton ; must, out June 28, P. O. ad.. Central Falls, R. I. 7, Taylor, John. Co. C ; substitute; b. res. Baltimore, I\Id., cred. Springfield; eul. Oct. ; must, in Oct. Maryland ; age 24; '63 '03, 7, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 1, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Taylor, Roland. Co. G; b. England ; age 33; res. Concord (Fisherville, uoav Penacook) ; enl. Sept. 27. '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 2, '63, and died, wds. July 11, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

Taylor, Thomas. . Co. C; substitute; b. Ireland; age 40; cred. I\eene;enl. Oct. 1, '63; must, in Oct. 1, '63, as Priv.; must. out June 28, '6.5.

Taylor, William. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Albany, N. Y. ; age 24 ; res. Albany, N. Y., cred. Laconia ; enl. Sept. 29, '63 ; must, in '63, " " " Sept. 29, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '04, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar and William " Bacon ; disch. Aug. 11, '6.5, as Seaman, from receiving ship. New York city. '01 Tebbetts, George B. Co. I ; b. New Ipswich ; age 20 ; res. New Ipswich ; enl. Sept. 20, ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. disch. disab. Sept. 13, '62, New York city. Died Apr. 24, '67, Mason. b. '61 Tebbetts, George S. Co. K ; Newmarket"; age 20 ; res. Newmarket ; enl. Sept. 19, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; killed June 30, '02, White Oak Swamp, Yn. Tebbetts, Noah. Co. I; b. Rochester; age 21; res. Rochester, cred. Rochester; eul. Feb. 21, '65; must, in Feb. 21, '65, as

Priv. ; disch. June 15, '05, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Biooklyn, N. Y. See 15 X. H. V. Tebbetts. See Tibbetts. '63 Tenney, Carlos K. Co. A ; .substitute ; b. Toronto, Can. ; age 21 ; res. Hoyalton, Vt., cred. Nashua ; enl. Oct. 0, ; must, in '03, Oct. 6, as Priv. ; wd. June 17, '04, Peterslinrg, Va. ; captd. ,'Vug. 10, '64, l)eep Bottom, Oct. '04 near Va. ; par. 9, ; must. out June 28, '05. P. O. ad., C^onoord. 0, Co. suKstitute; b. ; cred. Daltou ; enl. Aug. '04 in '64, Terreance, Garrett. G; Germany; age 37 ; must, .\ug. 6, as Priv.; must, out June 28, '65. '03; Tewksbury, Sumner P. Co. E; drafted; b. Milford, Mass.; age 21; res. Cornish, cred. Cornish ; drafted Oct. 19, must.

in Oct. 19, '03, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '05. P. O. ad.. Deny Depot. See 3 X"^. H. V.

Co. B ; b. Franconia ; 28 res. (Jorham enl. Sept. 13, '01 must, '61, Thayer, Thomas S. age ; ; ; in Oct. 23, as Priv.; wd. .sev.

June 1, '02, Fair Oaks^ Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 19, '63, near Falmouth, Va. P. O. ad., Lancaster. '01 Thebeaux, Peter. Co. C ; b. France ; age 20 ; res. Littleton ; enl. Sept. 20, ; must, in Oct. 12, '01, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '02, '04 '64, Fair Oaks, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, ; wd. sev. June 0, Cold Harbor. Ya. Died, wds. June 18, '64, Wash- ington, D. C. b. 9, Thenry, John. Unas'd; Montreal, Can. ; age 22 ; cred. Atkinson ; enl. Dec. '63 ; must, in Dec. 9, '63, as Piiv. ; supposed

to have deserted en route to regt. Dec. — . N. f. r. A. G. O.

Thomas, James. Co. H ; substitute; b. England ; age 25; res. England, cred. 2 District ; enl. Sept. 1, '63; must, in Sept. 1, '63, " " as Priv. ; tr. to LI. S. Navy Apr. 21, '64, as a Landsman ; served IJ. S. S. " on William Bacon and "Yankee ; des. Oct. 8, '64, from " Yankee."

b. ; '03 Thomas, James. Co. H ; St. John, X. B. age 21 ; res. New York city, cred. Newton ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, '63, Priv. '64, '65 as ; captd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; released May 5, ; disch. June 0, '05, Concord. P. O. ad.. Ft. Fair- field, Me.

Co. H; b. Tuftonborough ; res. enl. Sept. 10. '61; in Oct. 19, '61, Thomas, Samuel. age 25; Wolfeborough ; nmst. as Priv.; disch. disab. May 11, '02. Died Aug. 9, '84, Tuftonborough. '03; Thompson, Charles. Co. H ; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; res. Canada, cred. Wilton; enl. Sept. 2, must, in Sept. 2,

'63, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '05.

; '64; must, in Aug. '64, Thompson, George. Co. G; substitute; b. England; age 21 ; cred. Brookline enl. M\g. 19, 19, as

Priv. ; des. Oct. 12, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

'61 ; in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Sept. Thompson, George P. Co. A ; b. Wilmot ; age 22 ; res. Wilmot ; enl. Aug. 26, must, Va., ex. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; tr. to 2 Batt'l, V. R. ('., Apr. 15, '64; disch. Oct. 11, '64, Ft. Monroe, tm. P. O. ad.. Concord. ;;;


; enl. '04 '64, Thompson, James. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. St. John's, N. F. age 20 ; cred. Hancock ; Sept. 14, ; nmst. in Sept. 14,

as Priv. ; sent Sept. 23, '64, to vegt. N. f. i . A. G. O.

b. ; res. ; enl. '(J3 must, in Thom.pson, John. Co. B ; substitute ; Ireland ; age 22 Salem, Mass., cred. ilancliester Aug. 19, ;

Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 17, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; des. Jan. 6, '(i.5, from Mower Gen. Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa.

originally assigned to 4 N. U. V., but failed to join that regt., and was assigned to T) N. 11. X. '64, Thompson, John. Co. G; substitute; b. England ; age 19; cred. Grafton ; enl. Sept. 9, 'U4 ; must, in Sept. 9, as Priv.; disch. June 6, '65, Washington, ]). C.

; substitute ; ; '63 Thompson, John. Co. H b. Yorkshire, Eng. age 21 ; res. Albany, N. Y., cred. Surry ; eid. Oct. 3, ; must, in

Oct. 3, '03, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 10, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. Thompson, John. Co. H; substitute; b. New York; age 18; cred. Nashua; enl. Aug. 24, '64; must, in Aug. 24, '04, as Priv.; des. Oct. 15, '64, near Petersburg, ^'a.

Thompson, John. Co. H; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21 ; cred. Hinsdale; enl. Sept. 9, '64; must, in Sept. 9, '64, as Priv.; ex- ecuted Dec. 10, '64, by sentence G. C. M. Thompson, Joseph S. Co. F. See 2 U. S. S. S. '01 Thompson. Nathan B. Co. K; b. Haverhill, ]\lass. ; age 23; res. Plaistow; enl. Sept. 18, ; must, in Ocl. 12, '61, as Priv.; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

Thompson, Otis. Co. G; b. Hiram, Me. ; age 34; res. Charlestown ; enl. Oct. 9, '01; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as I'riv. ; killed July 2, '03, Gettysburg, Pa. Thompson, Thomas H., a/ja.« Henry Snow. Co. H; substitute; b. Ireland; age 20; cred. 11)11; enl. Sept. 9, '64; must, in '64, '05 Sept. 9, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Apr. 18, ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., lioston, Mass. Thom.pson, William. Co. A; substitute; b. Prince Edward's Island; age 24; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Bedford: enl. Sept. 1, '63 '63, ; must, in Sept. 1, as Priv. Died, dis. July 18, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Thompson, William. Co. C; substitute; b. England; age 20 ; res. Boston, j\Iass., cred. Wilniot; enl. Aug. 20, '03; must, in '03, " " " Aug. 20, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as a Landsman ; served on II. S. S. Matthew Vassar and Prim-

rose" ; des. Mar. 21, '65, from "Primrose."

Thompson, William C. Co. K ; .substitute; b. Queen's County, Ir. ; age 30; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Aug. 10, '63; must, in

Aug. 10, '63, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 5, '63, Long Island, B. IL, Mass. b. '64, Thompson, William S. Co. H ; substitute; England; age 33; cred. DeSrfield ; enl. Aug. 31, '64; mu.st. in Aug. 31,

as Priv. ; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Ya. ; must, out June 28, '65.

Thorns, James B. Co. I; b. Franldin ; age 18; res. Franklin; enl. Sept. 2, '01; must, in Oct. 15, '01, as Priv.; re-enl. and '64 must, in Jan. 1, ; des. Mar. 31, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. P. O. ad., Franklin Falls. '01 Thornton, Bernard. Co. A; h. Manchester, Eng. ; age 32 ; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. Sept. 13, ; must.

in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 29, '62. Died Dec. 5, '84, Concord.

; '62 '02, Thornton, Samuel J. Co. F ; b. Claremont ; age 21 ; res. Claremont enl. Mar. 4, ; must, in Apr. 20, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 15, '03, Alexandria, Va. Died Oct. 8, '74.

; '01 '01, ; Thornton, Stephen M. Co. E b. Croydon ; age 18 ; res. Grantham ; enl. Sept. 27, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Corp. tr. to '63 '6.5, Co. B, 21 I. C, Sept. 7, ; re-enl. Apr. 14, '64 ; disch. Nov. 14, Trenton, N. J. P. O. ad., Bainbridge, N. Y. See 1 N. H. V.

; res. ; '63 ; Thurston, Andrew J. Co. B ; substitute b. Eaton ; age 36 ; Effingham, cred. Rochester enl. Aug. 14, must, in

Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; wd. sev. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 25, '64, Washington, D. C.

b. ; res. ; enl. '61 ; in '61, ; Thurston, George W. Co. F ; Eaton ; age 20 Carroll Oct. 23, must, Oct. 23, as Priv. wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Died, wds. June 12, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. '61, Tibbetts, Charles. Co. H; b. Wolfebo rough ; age 28; res. Wolfeborough ; enl. Sept. 4, '61; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 3, '62, Fairfax Station, Va. '61 '61, Tibbetts, Charles B. Co. H ; b. Wolfeborough ; age 18 ; res. Wolfeborough ; enl. Oct. 21, ; must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. '63. wd. sev. Sept. 17, '62, Antietani, Md. ; disch. disab. Apr. 6, P. O. ad., Wolfeborough.

Tibbetts, Charles H. Co. G; substitute; b. Ossipee ; age 18; cred. Wolfeborough; enl. Aug. 12, '04; must, in Aug. 12, '04,

as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Wolfeborough. '61 '61, Tibbetts, Ezra. Co. H ; b. Wolfeborough ; age 40; res. Wolfeborough ; enl. Sept. 17, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; wd.

May, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, '64; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Wolfeborough. Tibbetts. See Tebbetts.

; '61 in Oct. '61, TibbUls, Chester F. Co. G; b. Sharon, Vt. age 44; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 16, ; must, 12, as Priv.; wd. '63 Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; tr. to I. C, ; to Co. H, 10 V. R. C. ; disch. Oct. 1, '64, Washington, D. C, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Claremont. See State Service. '64; '64, Tighe, James. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 23; cred. Monroe ; enl. Aug. 12, must, in Aug. 12, as Priv.; sent Aug. 27, '04, from Concord to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Tilton, James F. Co. H; b. Franklin; age "34"; res. Franklin; enl. Sept. 13, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; app.

Coi-p. ; disch. disab. Dec. 19, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va. See 1 N. H. V. '64; Tilton, Jobn S. Co. A; substitute; b. Germany; age 22 ; cred. Holderness ; enl. Aug. 6, must, in Aug. 6, '64, as Priv.; disch. June 28, '65, Washington, D. C. Tilton, Rufus A. Band; b. Weld, Me.; age 25; res. Raymond; enl. Sept. 9, '61; must, in Oct. 26, '61, as 3 Class JNIusc. must, out Aug. 8, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. P. O. ad., Salem Depot.

b. cred. ; enl. '62 in '02, Tilton, Timothy. Co. B ; Sandown ; age 44 ; Fremont July 26, ; must, July 20, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 24, '63, Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. H. '61 I b. ; ; res. Grafton ; enl. Sept. 6, must, in Oct. '61, as Priv. ; disch. Tinkham, Laroy. Co. ; Lyme age 35 ; 15, disab. July '63 1, '62, Washington, D. C. ; re-enl. and must, in Oct. 5, ; cred. Lyme ; assigned to Co. A ; wd. sev. July 27, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. Died, wds. Aug. 16, '64, Alexandria, Va. Tirrell. See Tyrrell. '01; '61, Titcomb, George P. Co. I; b. Boscawen; age 20; res. Danbury ; enl. Sept. 21, must, in Oct. 15, as Corp.; disch. disab. Oct. 31, '62. P. O. ad., Salisbury. Toben, James. Co. G; substitute; b. Ireland; age 32; cred. Bristol; enl. Aug. 6, '04; must, in Aug. 6, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Dec. 2, '64. '64 '64, substitute b. aige 35 ; cred. enl. Sept. ; must, in Sept. as Priv. ; Toben, James. Co. H ; ; Ireland ; Pembroke ; 2, 2, must. out June 28, '65. res. York, cred. enl. '03; Toerber, Frederick. Co. I; substitute; b. Bremen, Ger. ; age 21; New North Hampton; Aug. 10. '64, must, in Aug. 10, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 16, '64, and des. Sept. 10, near Petersburg, Va. '61 '61, Vt. ; age ; res. Plainfield ; enl. Sept. 19, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. Died, Tolcott, Charles L. Co. E ; b. Brandon, 21 dis. Apr. 18, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. '63 ; ; ; cred. Chester ; enl. Dec. must, in Dec. '63, Tondrier, Louis. Co. C b. Quebec, Can. age 33 res. Quebec, Can., 3, ; 3, as '65 '65. '83, Priv. ; captd. Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. ; released Apr., ; disch. to date June 28, Died Apr. 30, Newport.

35 ; ,;;;;


Toothaker, S. Co. D ; drafted ; b. Oroiio, Me. ; age ; res. Claremont, cred. ' ; 14, '63 Jotham 30 Clavemout drafted Oct. ; '65. must, in Oct. 14, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June IG, '64, neav Petersburg, Va. ; tr. to Co. E, Nov. 20, '64; must, out June 28, P. 0. ad., Claremont. See 3 N. H. V. '63 '63, Torsey, Timothy. Co. A ; b. Maine ; age 38 ; cred. Lisbon ; enl. Nov. 24, ; must, in Nov. 24, as Priv. ; mis. June 1, '64, '65. near Old Church, Va. ; returned ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farraville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, Died Aug. 31, '68, Nat. Home, Togus, Me.

Tovey, Walter H. Unas'd; substitute; b. Wales; age 22 ; cred. Lisbon; enl. Sept. 13, '64; must, in Sept. 13, '64, as Priv.;

sent Sept. 23, '64, to regt. ; des. en route.

Towne, Blbridg-e. Co. F ; b. Roxbury, Mass. ; age 32 ; res. Keene ; enl. Oct. 23, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May, '63, Chaucellorsville, Va. ; June 4, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. July 1, '64, Alexandria, Va.

Towne, Matthew T. Co. E; b. Newport; age 30; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 18, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Corp.; disch disab. Dec. 24, '62, Washington, D. C. Died Sept. 28, '83, Clai-emoiit. See State Service.

; '61 '61, Townsend, Sampson "W. Co. H ; b. Grafton, Me. age 20 ; res. Wakefield ; enl. Sept. 17, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Corp.

app. Sergt. ; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; app. 2 Lt. Co. E, Nov. 16, '63; wd. elune 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. wds. Sept. 6, '64. P. 0. ad., Stoneham, Mass. '63 Tracy, Henry. Co. G ; b. Brooklyn, Conn. ; age 23 ; res. Hartford, Conn., cred. New Castle ; enl. Deo. 9, ; must, in Dec. 9,

'63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; des. Sept. 19, '64, Philadelphia, Pa. '64, Trainer, Co. ; substitute ; b. New Brunswick ; age 23 ; cred. Bridgewater enl. Sept. 14, '64 ; must, in Sept. 14, Joseph. H ;

as Priv. ; reported on m. o. roll dated June 28, '65, as absent in arrest, City Point, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Trask, Charles M. Co. D; b. Brookfield, Vt. ; age 24; res. Stewartstown ; enl. Nov. 28, '61; must, in Jan. 6, '62, as Priv.; app. Hosp. Steward Feb. 8, '63; 2 Asst. Surg. June 1, '63; disch. Dec. 27, '64. Died June 27, '91, White River Junc- tion, Vt. Trask, Daniel W. Co. F; b. Keene; age 19; res. Keene; enl. Oct., '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; wd. June, '62, Fair

Oaks, Va. ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; May, '63, Chancellorsville, ; re-enl. '64 ; in Feb. '64 Va. Feb. 22, must, 23, ; disch. to date June 28, '65. Died Dec. 22, '69, Keene.

Trask, Co. F ; b. Keene ; age ; res. Keene, cred. Keene ; enl. '63 in '63, as Priv. William H. 43 Dec. 18, ; must, Dec. 18,

captd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; exch. ; disch. June 2, '65, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Keene.

Travers, Prank. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Scotland ; age 40 ; cred. Bristol ; enl. Aug. 17, '64 ; must, in Aug. 17, '64, as Priv. ; app.

Sergt. ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. gd. from mis. ; reduced to ranks May 23, "65 ; reported on m. o. roll as absent ; without leave since June 12, '65. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Trickey, Joseph. Co. C ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; res. Canada, cred. Chester ; enl. Dec. 3, '63 ; must, in Dec. 3, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 17, '04, near Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. Aug. 4, '64, Alexandria, Va.

Trickey, Joseph. Co. D ; b. Rochester ; age 41 ; res. Rochester ; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp.

wd. May, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.

Trimble, Joseph. Co. G ; substitute ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Aug. 19, '64 ; must, in Aug. 19, '64, as

Priv. ; des. Sept. 15, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Trocha, Co. G ; substitute b. France cred. Bristol ; '64 Delphus. ; ; age 19 ; enl. Aug. 12, ; must, in Aug. 12, '64, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 16, '64.

Troper, Garibaldi. Co. A ; b. France ; age 22 cred. '63 ; Nelson ; enl. Nov. 24, ; must, in Nov. 24, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. '64, as a sei-ved " " " " "'; 19, Landsman ; on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar," Coeur de Lion," Macedonian," and Stonewall disch. Nov. 30, '65, as an Ord. Seaman.

Trottier, Peter. Co. II ; b. Three Rivers, Can. ; age 29 res. ; VVolfeborough ; enl. Oct. 2, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. wd. June '62 '64. 29, ; must, out Oct. 29, Supposed identical with Peter Trottier, State Service.

Trudell, • Peter. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age cred. '04 20 ; ; enl. Lyman Aug. 30, ; must, in Aug. 30, '64, as Priv. wd. ' Apr. '65, 6, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; disch. June 2, '65, Washington, D. C. True, AugTistus A. Co. PI. See 2 U. S. S. S. Tucker, Andrew. Co. H substitute b. city ; ; New York ; age 21 ; res. New York, cred. Newbury '63 ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Aug. '63, as Priv. tr. 20, ; to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, '64, as an Ord. ; " Seaman served on U. S. S'. Anacostia " ; des. Aug. 29 ' '65, from receiving ship. New York city.

Tucker, Edwin. Co. I b. Enfield age res. enl. '61 • ; ; 39 ; Lyme ; Sept. 12, ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Muse. ; re-enl. Feb 14 '64 ' must, in I- eb. 16, '64 ; wd. '64, ' June 17, near Petersburg, Va. ; must, out June 28, '65. Tucker, John L Co. E; b. Meredith; age 25; res. Laconia; enl. Oct. 10, '61 ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 11, '62, Concord. Tucker, Otis. ' TuUy,

captd Apr. 7, '65, Farmville Va. re-captd. Apr." 9, '65 must, '65. ; out June 28, Died Dee. 25, 75", Memphis, lenn. Turkey, Allen. Co. substitute; b. H; Canada; age 19; ored. Brentwood; enl. Sept. 7, '64; 7 must, iu Sect <, "64^-r, aaas xnv.Priv must, out June 28, '65. i' Turner, Stephen. Co. C substitute; b. ; Canada; age 23; cred. Rindge enl. • ; Oct. 1, '63; must, in Oct. 1, '63, as Priv des Nov. 1, '03, Long Island, B. H., Mass. ' ' Tuttle, Charles A. Co. F, b. Newmarket; age res. 23 Nottingham ; ; enl. Oct. 26, '61; must, in 26, '61, Oct. as Priv.; tr.! tov^ '61 , Co. a, Nov. 1, ; disch. Jan. 8, '62, near Alexandria, Va.

Tuttle, ^^ ^- L«« ' 31 i-es- Lee enl. '61 ' ; Oct. 12, must, ^S^ ; ; in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Died, -^y^^^f^^f- jj5°- dis. July 19, '62, Twitohell, Jonathan C. S. Co. B b. Milan age res. ; ; 27 ; Dummer ; enl. Oct. '61 • 20, ; must, in Oct 24 '61 as Priv nm-. ^'^ '''' '°'' '''''''''' ^^^ '"" '' ^^^^ ^^P'" ^°- ''' 0<=*- ^8> '^i tr. to ^'o.' S';" mu's7oul rn:'2'8:-6™"p. a Id",- ^allmi ' ; Twitohell, O'Neil R. Co. B; b. Milan; age res. 23; Dummer; enl. Oct. 4, '61; must, in Oct ''3 '61 as Spr^t nnr^ 9 T + Sept. '62; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Autietam, ^'q' 8, Md. ; app. 1 Lt. Co. I, Dec. 18 '62 Capt. Co. A Oct 1 '63 must out Oc^ '64 re-app. Capt. Co. A, Oct. '64 '65 ' ' ; 20, ; must, in Mar. 8, must, ; out Jmie 28, '65. D ed Auo 2 '73 Dummer Twombly, Stephen B. Co. A b. Milton age res. ; ; 26 ; Milton ; enl. Sept. 3, '61, L Priv app 2 Lt Oct 12 -ei'- m,„t in ^^ ' Oct. 12, '61, as 2 Lt. resigned '62. ' ; May 10, P. O. ad., Milton. See 1 N. H. H Art Twoihbly, Stephen L Co.D; b. Dover age "21"; res. ; Somersworth; enl. Sept. '61; • r 20, must, in wOct. 23,^u, '61,uj., as > Tyrrell, Sylvanus Co. G Tj. Vienna Ohio age M ; 18 ; res. ; Claremont; enl. Sept. 17, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, • r asao j.Priv.nv. , , app. Sergt. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. 0. ad., Chicago, 111. , , , Tyson, William. Co. C; substitute ;b. Canada ; age 29 res. Boston, ; Mass., cred. Rindge; enl. Oct. 2, '63; must, in Oct. o '63, "' as Priv. ; des. Nov. 28, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Underhill, William Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age cred. 19; Strafford; enl. Aug. 20, '64; must, in Aug. 20 '64 as Priv. '64, ' ; received Aug. 23, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '64, to regt N. f. i. A G O ;;;;;


'61, Upton, William H. Co. D ; b. Albany, Me. ; age 28 ; res. Stratham ; enl. Oct. 1, '61 ; must, in Oct. 23, as Corp. ; app. 1

Sergt. ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va.

Urnbaok, Co. ; b. Pottstown, Pa. ; age ; res. city, cred. enl. '63 ; must, in Dec. Adam. E 21 New York Durham ; Dec. 4, 4, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; reported on in. o. roll as absent sick since June 3, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. Valentine, Benjamin C. Co. G; substitute; b. England; age 38; cred. Alexandria; enl. Aug. 17, '64; must, in Aug. 17, '64,

as Pi'iv. ; iiiust. out June 28, '65.

Co. A ; b. Milton ; res. '61 ; '61, ; disch. disab. Varney, Alonzo ; age 18 Milton enl. Sept. in Priv. M. ; 17, must, Oct. 12, as Oct. 2, '62, Concord. P. 0. ad., Haverhill, Mass. See 1 N. H. H. Art.

Varney, Benjanain. Co. I ; substitute ; b. ; ; ; '64 '64, Canada age 18 cred. Warren enl. Sept. 7, ; must, in Sept. 7, as Priv. '6u, wd. Apr. 6, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; disch. to date June 28, '65.

Varney, Charles Co. H ; b. Exeter ; res. '61 ; in '61, as ; disch. disab. W. ; age 21 Effingham ; enl. Sept. 4, must, Oct. 19, Priv. May 11, '62.

Varney, P. Co. D ; b. Middleton ; res. ; Lt. '61 ; '61 ; resigned Samuel age 41 ; Rochester app. 2 Oct. 12, must, in Oct. 26, Apr. 13, '62. P. O. ad., Rochester.

Veasey, Lucius. Co. b. ; res. ; enl. '61 '61, ; Sept. G ; Claremont age 32 ; Claremont Sept. 27, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Corp. wd. '62, 17, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Apr. 13, '63. P. O. ad., Windsor, Vt.

Veasey, William Co. ; substitute b. cred. enl. Sept. '64 in Sept. '64, as H. F ; Northumberland 19 Berlin ; ; must, 2, ; age ; 2,

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. P. 0. ad., Groveton. See 8 N. II. V.

Velie, Edg-ar B. Co. F ; app. 2 Lt. '64 ; Jlar. '65. Deo. 11, ; not must. declined appointment 5,

Velon, John. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Prussia ; cred. ; enl. '64 must, '64, as Priv. ; shot ; age 20 Sandwich Aug. 16, ; in Aug. 16, for desertion Oct. 24, '64, by sentence G. C. M., near Petersburg, Va. '61 Verry, Oratus J. Co. F ; b. Calais, ; ; enl. '61, ; disch. Dec. Me. age 19 ; res. Swanzey Sept. 9, ; must, in Oct. 26, as Priv. 13, '61, near Alexandria, Va. (minor). P. O. ad.. West Swanzey. See 16 and 18 N. H. V. '64, Victor, Marquis. Co. H ; substitute ; b. ; 26 cred. Sullivan ; enl. Sept. '64 ; must, in Sept. as Priv. Canada age ; 5, 5, must, out June 28, '65. Vincent, John. Co. G; substitute; b. Canada; age 30; cred. Newport; enl. Aug. 19, '64; must, in Aug. 19, '64, as Priv.; killed Apr. 7, '65, Farrnville, Va.

alias 26, ; 12, Vine, Oliver, Oliver Grapes. Co. C ; age 18; res. Littleton ; enl. Sept.* '61 must, in Oct. '61, as Priv.; des. July

or Aug., '63; enl. under name of Oliver Vine, Aug. 17, '63, for 3 yrs., at Frederick, Md. ; must, in Oct. 29, '63, as AVagoner

Co. 1, 3 Md. Inf. ; must, out Sept. 7, '65, as Priv. Vogle, Jacob. Co. H; substitute; b. Switzerland; age 23; res. New York, cred. Fremont; enl. Aug. 11, '63; must, in Aug. '63, 11, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 15, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '64 '64, Priv. Volkmann, Henry. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Bavaria ; age 35 ; cred. Lempster ; enl. Aug. 6, ; must, in Aug. 6, as killed Apr. 7, '65, Farrnville, Va. '63 ; res. Boston, Mass., cred. New Durham ; enl. Aug. 14, Vondurre, Francis. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Brunswick, Ger. age 23 ; ; '64, must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; killed June 3, Cold Harbor, Va.

; ; Pa., cred. Henniker ; enl. Aug. '63 ; must, in Von Bik, Max. Co. C ; substitute b. Holland age 30 ; res. Philadelphia, 20, '64. Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. ; wd. June 16, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; disch. to date Sept. 5, P. O. ad., Louis- ville, Ky. '62, ; ; '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Feb. 13, Vose, Bd"ward. Co. 1 ; b. Amherst age 24 ; res. Amherst enl. Sept. 16, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 25, '62, Falmouth, Va. Vose, Franklin. Co. F; substitute; b. Canada; age 37; cred. Westmoreland; enl. Aug. 18, '64; must, in Aug. 18, '64, as '65 '65. Pi-iv. ; app. 1 Sergt. Oct. 23, '64 ; reduced to ranks and tr. to Co. G, Mar. 19, ; must, out June 28, '61, '62, ; ; Sept. '61 ; must, in Oct. 15, as Corp. ; wd. Sept. 17, Vose, George. Co. I ; b. Amherst age 19 ; res. Amherst enl. 14, '63 '64 must. Antietam, Md. : Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. ; 2 Lt. Co. F, Oct. 6, ; 1 Lt. July 3, ; not disch. Oct. 29, '64, as 2 Lt. See 1 N. H. V. '64 '64, Priv. disch., ; ; ; cred. ; enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 9, as ; Wade, Orin. Co. I ; substitute b. Canada age 35 Canaan imbecility, Dec. 23, '64. '64 '64, Priv. 18 cred. Exeter ; enl. Aug. 17, ; must, in Aug. 17, as Wadleigh, Prank. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Kingston ; age ; Died, wds. Oct. 5, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

'61 must, in Oct. '61, as Corp. ; killed Dec. ; ; 22 res. Keene ; enl. Oct. 23, ; 23, Wait John H. Co. F b. Woodstock, Vt. age ; 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. See 1 N. H. V. Waite, Charles. Co. D; substitute; b. Germany; age 19; cred. Bristol; enl. Aug. 11, '64; must, in Aug. 11, '64, as Priv.; ' '64 '65, D. C. tr. to Co. F, Nov. 20, ; disch. June 9, Washington, '63 '63, ; cred. Keene ; drafted Oct. must, in Oct. 9, as ; ; b. age res. Keene, 9, ; Waite, George W. Co. F drafted Dublin ; 23 '65, Manchester. Priv. ; wd. Aug. 25, '64, Ream's Station, Va. ; disch. disab. May 31, Claremont; enl. Sept. 27, '61; must, m Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Wakefield, Harvey M. Co. G; b. Ludlow, Vt. ; age 52; res. Died, dis. July 25, '62, New York city. '61 must, Oct. 19, '61, as Sergt.; tr. to Co. Walcott, Luther. Co. E; b. Chesterfield; age 37; res. Gorham; enl. Oct. 16, ; m

F,' Dec. 1, '61 ; disch. Mar. 25, '62, near Manassas, Va. , , ^ cred. Gilsum drafted Oct. must, in drafted; b. Taunton, Mass.; age 21; res. Gilsum, ; /, 63; Waldron Albert H Co. F ; ad., Stoddard. '64, Va. ; disch. May 12, '65, Concord. P. O. Oct. 7, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 16, near Petersburg, enl. Oct. '63; must, m Oct. 2, '63, as Priv. substitute; b. Ireland ; age 21; cred. Springfield; 2, Walker, Charles. Co. C ; roll as absent without leave since Apr. 2, '6o. N. t. r. A. G. O. wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; reported on m. o.

29. Petersburg, Va. tr. toCo. 1; des. Mar. '65, near • , „ . -,, ,n, ^ r. ^ io .ni o .j. '61 must, in Oct. as Serg-t. app. ; ; enl. Sept. 11, ; 12, 61, ; b. Boston, INLass. ; age 23 res. Durham Walker, Thomas H. Co. K ; II. 1.5, resigned 11, '63. P. 0. ad., Newmarket. See 2 N. V. 2 Lt. Dec. '62 ; June _ „„ ,„, '68, Priv. des. June near '63 ; must, in Feb. 7, as ; 26, 63, b. Strafford ; age 23 ; enl. Feb. 7, Walker, William A. Co. K ;

Green Springs, Va. . . . ,„ „, , 1., ,,.< n '64 must, in Aug. as Priv. ; cred. Lisbon ; enl. Aug. 13, ; 13, 64, substitute ; b. Ifeland ; age 41 Wallace, Alexander. Co. K ; '65. '65, ; returned ; must, out June 28, tr. to Co. 1 ; mis. Apr. 7, Farrnville, Va. Wallace, George. Co. E; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Troy; enl. Aug. 6, '64; must, m Aug. 7, '64, as Priv.; must. out June 28, '65. '63 ; cred. Canaan enl. Oct. 12, must, in substitute ; b. St. John, N. B. age 19 ; res. Boston, Mass., ; ; Wallace, Heni'y. Co. K ; Oct. 12, '63, as Priv.; des. Apr. 15, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61 '61, res. Wolfeborough ; enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; killed Wallace, John^C. Co. H ; b. Deerfield ; age 40 ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. '62 Y. ; 19 res. Concord, cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 9, ; must, in Aug. 9, '62, Wallace, William D. Co. A ; b. Syracuse, N. age ; '63, ad.. Concord. as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. July 28, Concord. P. 0. ;; :;


'64; '64, as Walsh, Nathaniel. Co. F; substitute; b. Halifax, N. S. ; age 39; cred. Freedom; eul. Sept. 1, must, in Sept. 1, '65.. Priv. ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, 1, '63, Priv. wd. June Walter, John. Co. E; substitute b. Germany; age 20; cred. Rindge; eiil. Oct. '63; must, in Oct. 1, as ;

3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disoli. July 11, '65, New York city. P. O. ad., A^olla, Cal. '63 '63, Wands, John. Co. B ; substitute ; b. New York ; age 21 ; res. Oauada, cred. Epsoin ; enl. Aug. 19, ; must, in Aug. 19,

as Priv. ; des. Oct. 27, '63, Boston, Mass. '63 Warburton, Thomas. Co. I; drafted; b. Dover; age 26; res. Exeter, cred. Exeter; drafted Aug. 11, ; must, in Aug. 11, '63, '64 '65. as Priv. ; app. Sergt. ; wd. June 16, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; app. 1 Lt. Co. A, Oct. 28, ; must, out June 28, P. 0. ad., Exeter. Ware. See Weare. '61 '61, Priv. Warren, Charles A. Co. H ; b. Wolfeborough ; age 21 ; res. Wolfeborough ; enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Oct. 19, as wd. June 1, '62, and died, wds. June 2, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. '64 '64, Washburn, Joseph. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Compton, Can. ; age 44 ; cred. Pittsburg ; eul. Sept. 6, ; must, in Sept. 6,

as Priv. ; disch. June 20, '65, Washington, I). C. Died Nov. 8, '72, Pittsburg.

Waters, Daniel. Co. F; substitute; b. Edinburgh, Soot.; age 21; res. Edinburgh, Soot, cred. Somersworth ; enl. Aug. 14, '63 '64 '65 ; must. i)i Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 9, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; app. Corp. Oct. 23, ; Sergt. Mar. 20, ; mis. '65, '65. Apr. 7, Farmville, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, '64, Waters, William. Co. F ; substitute ; b. England ; age 26 ; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Aug. 30, '64 ; must, in Aug. 30, as Priv.; des. Oct. 11, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '64 '64, Watkins, James. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Hill ; enl. Sept. 9 ; must, in Sept. 9, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65.

; ; ; '63 Watson, Andre'W P. Co. F drafted ; b. Farinington ; age 33 res. Farmington, cred. Farmington drafted Aug. 14, ; must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Pi-iv. Died, dis. July 19, '64, Washington, D. C. '64 '64, as Watson, Charles. Co. K ; substitute ; b. England ; age 20 ; cred. Wentworth ; eul. Sept. 13, ; nmst. in Sept. 13,

Priv. ; tr. to Co. I ; must, out June 28, '65.

Co. K; substitute; b. ; cred. Lisbon; eul. Sept. 21, must, in Sept. 21, '64, as Priv. Watson, John. New Brunswick ; age 21 '64;

tr. to Co. 1 ; wd. Mar. 31, '65, Dinwiddle Court House, Va. Died, wda. May 30, '65, Washington, D. C. Watson, Ora D. Co. F; substitute; b. Quebec, Can.; age 28; cred. Meredith; enl. Aug. 31, '64; must, in Aug. 31, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 10, '64, City Point, Va.

Watson, Rufus. Co. K; b. Deerfield ; age 23; res. West Xewbury, Mass.; enl. Sept. 18, '61; must, iu Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. '61 '61, '62, Way, Lucius. Co. I; b. Lempster; age 26; res. Wilton; enl. Sept. 19, ; nmst. in Oct. 15, as Priv. ; wd. Sept. 17,

Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Oct. 9, '62. P. O. ad., Wilton.

; ; '01 ; '61, Weare, Joseph H. Co. F; b. Dalton ; age 21 res. Whitefield enl. Oct. 19, must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 10, '62, near Alexandria, Va. '63 Co. K ; b. Washington, D. C. ; age ; res. Washington, D. C, cred. Freedom enl. Dec. ; must, in Dec. Weaver, Henry. 21 ; 7,

7, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. I ; must, out June 28, '65.

Webb, George O. Co. G; b. Westminster, Vt. ; age 45; res. Claremont ; enl. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. June 15, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Webb, James. Co. C; substitute; b. New Brunswick; age 26; cred. Candia; enl. Sept. 10, '64; must, in Sept. 10, '64, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. Died Feb. 11, '92, Nat. Soldiers' Home, Va. Webb, Lucius C. Co. G; b. Claremont; age 18; res. Claremont; eul. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; discli. disab. Apr. 13, '63. P. O. ad., Canaan, Me. '61 '61 Webber, F. and S. ; b. Rumney; age 40; res. Somersworth; app. Q. M. Sept. IS, ; must, in Oct. 26, Bdmund M. ; disch. Oct. 25, '64. Died, Apr. 28, '91, Somersworth. See State Service. Webber, Jacob. Co. E; substitute; b. Germanv; age 30; res. New York city, cred. Hinsdale; enl. Oct. 2, '63; must, in Oct. 2, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. July 24, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md. '6.5, Webster, John C. T. Co. I; b. Kingston; age 18; cred. Kingston; enl. Feb. 7, for 1 yr. ; must, in Feb. 7, '65, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 22, '65, Concord. res. '61 Webster, Silas B. Co. B ; b. Thornton ; age 44 ; Thornton ; enl. Sept. 28, ; nmst. in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 11, '62, Alexandria, Va.

Weeks, Elijah. Co. C; substitute; b. C'orinna, Me.; age 26 ; res. Richmond, Jle., cred. New Durham; enl. Aug. 14, '63; must.

iu Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; disch. June 16, '6.5, Washington, D. C. Weeks, John P. Co. K; b. Greenland; age 18; res. Greenland; enl. Sept. 16, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. '62 '62. Jan., ; disch. disab. to date July 13, P. O. ad., Greenland.

; ; res. city, '03 Weinrich, William. Co. G b. Waldeck, Ger. age 29 ; New York cred. New Castle ; enl. Dec. 9, ; must, in Dec.

9, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Haibor, Va. ; tr. to New York from Harewood Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C, June 16, '64. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Weir. See Wier.

Co. C ; substitute ; b. Baden, Ger. ; age ; res. New York city, cred. '63 Weitman, Charles. 25 Farmington ; enl. Aug. 14,

jnust. in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 28, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md.

Cfi. I ; b. Pa. ; ; res. Weitman, Henry K. Lancaster, age 33 Lebanon, Pa., cred. Madison ; enl. Dec. 10, '63 ; must, in Dec. 10, '63, '64, '65, as Priv. ; wd. July 27, Deep Bottom, Va. ; disch. disab. July 14, Fairfax Seminai-y, Va. Died, dis. July 30, '65, Lebanon, Pa.

Co. F ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age ; cred. Swanzey enl. '64 Welch, Alonzo G. 22 ; Aug. 30, ; must, in Aug. 30, '04, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 6, '64, City Point, Va. substitute Welch, David Co. F ; ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Wilton ; enl. Sept. 3, '64 '64, W. ; must, in Sept. 3, as Priv. '64 '65 app. Sergt. Oct. 23, ; reduced to ranks Apr. 2, ; discli. Aug. 17, '65, Concord. Welch, George G. Co. F. See Alonzo G. Welch. '61 Co. I ; b. Thornton ; age 38 ; res. Danbury ; enl. Sept. Welch, Hiram. 14, ; nmst. in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '62, Va. disch. disab. '62, Philadelphia, Fair Oaks, ; Aug. 4, Pa. Supposed identical with Hiram Welch, Co. I, 5 N. H. V. (must, in to date Aug. 11, '63), and Co. I, 15 N. H. V.

Welch, Hiram. Co. I; substitute; b. Thornton ; age 40; res. Newton, cred. enl. 11, Newton; Aug. '63 ; must, in Aug. 11, '63, as Priv. must, out June '65. identical ; 28, Supposed with Hiram Welch, Co. T, 5 N. H. V. (must, in Oct. 15, '61), and Co! I, 15 N. H. V. Co. D; b. Dover; age 25; res. Dover; enl. Sept. '61 Welch, John. 28, ; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; killed June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. See 1 N. H. V. I substitute John, Co. ; ; b. St. N. B. ; age 22 cred. Welch, John. ; Peterborough ; enl. Aug. 10, '64 ; must, in Aug. 10, '64, as

Priv. ; des. Dec. 6, '64.

Wp]"h, Michael Co. C; substitute; b. Ireland; age 29; cred. Sutton; enl. Sept. 12, '64; must: in Sept. 12, '64, as Pi-iv. des. Mar. 7, '65, near Petersburg, Va. ;;


Welch, Patrick. Co. H. See Patrick Shea.

Welch, Patrick. Co. I; substitute; b. Ireland; age 40; cred. Bristol; enl. Aug. 10, '64; must, in Aug. 10, '64, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 10, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '04 '64, Welch, Thomas. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Andover ; enl. Sept. 6, ; must, in Sept. 0, as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Feb. 6, '65, near Petersburg, Va. Welch, William. Co. I; substitute; b. Canada; age 25; cred. Landaff; enh Sept. 10, '64; must, in Sept. 10, '64, as Priv.; ninst. out June 28, '65.

Welch, William B. Co. F ; b. New Hampshire ; age 18 ; res. Hinsdale ; enl. Sept. 17, '01 ; must, in Oct. 23, '01, as Priv. ; wd. '62, Sept. 17, Antietam, Md. ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. ; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Welch. See Welsh.

Wellet, Co. C ; substitute b. ; 2t) ; res. '63 ; Joseph. ; Quebec, Can. age Quebec, Can., cred. Pittsfield ; enl. Aug. 20, must, in

Aug. '03, ; " " 20, as Priv. tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 22, '04, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar ; des. Jan. 18, '05, Navy Yai-d, Washington, 1). C. P. O. ad., San Jacinto, Cal.

Wells, Co. I ; b. Hill ; age ; res. Orange enl. Sept. '61 ; in Oct. '61, as Sergt. ; wd. June '62, Albert A. 23 ; 13, must, 15, 30, '63, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; Dec. 13, '02, Fredericksburg, Va. ; May 3, '03, Chancellorsville, Va. Died, wds. May 15, Potomac Creek. Va. See 2 X. H. V. Co. 19, Wells, George H. K; substitute; b. New York; age 20 ; res. Buffalo, N. Y., cred. Henniker; enl. Aug. '63 ; must, in

Aug. 19, '03, as I'l-iv. ; killed .June 3, '04, Cold Harbor, Va. '61 Co. K ; b. Plaistow ; age ; res. Plaistow Oct. 12, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, ; disch. Feb. 15, Welsh, Richard B. 45 ; apii. Capt. '02. See 1 N. 11. H. Art. Welsh. See Welch.

b. ; res. enl. '01 in '01, as Priv. Died July Wentworth, George G. Co. D; Alton ; age 21 Dover; Sept. 21, ; must, Oct. 23, 14, '62.

; '64 '04, ; Wentworth, William H. Co. A b. Milton ; age 19 ; ci-ed. Barnstead ; enl. Jan. 21, ; must, in Jan. 21, as Priv. mis. June 3, '04, Cold Harbor, Va. gd. from mis. Died, dis. Aug. 19, '64, AVashington, D. C. ; West, Orin. Co. I. See 2 U. S. S. S. '01; '61, Westgate, John, Jr. Co. C; b. Plainfield ; age 26; res. Orford ; enl. Sept. 9, nmst. in Oct. 12, as Priv.; wd. Aug.

25, '64, Ream's Station, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. 0. ad., Clarenfont. Weston, William.. Co. E; b. England; age 18; res. Bath; enl. Oct. 9, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '01, as Priv.; wd. June 1, '62, '04. Fair Oaks, Va. ; Dec. 13, '02, Fredericksburg, Va. ; May 3, '03, Chancellorsville, Va. ; must, out Oct. 29, P. O. ad., Lisbon. enl. '01 nuist. in Oct. '01, as Sergt.; wd. Wetherbee, Charles W. Co. G; b. Alstead; age 33; res. Claremont; Sept. 12, ; 12, June 1, '62, and died, wds. June 2, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. See 2 N. H. V. res. enl. Sept. 19, '61 must, in Oct. 15, '61, as Priv.; disch. Wetherbee, Joseph. Co. I; b. Mont Vernon ; age 31 ; Wilton; ; disab. May 11, '02. Supposed identical with Joseph Wetherbee, Co. M, 1 N. H. Cav. '04, ; enl. Mar. '04; must. iji Mar. 30, as Priv. Weymouth, Calvin H. Co. D; b. Clinton, Me. age 32 ; cred. Newmarket; 30,

tr. to Co. E, Nov. 20, '04 ; disch. disab. June 7, '05, Concord. P. O. ad.. Great Falls. enl. '61; nmst. in Oct. '61, as Corp.; Wheeler, ICorlis C. Co. F; b. Tunbridge, Vt. ; age 28; res. Lebanon; Aug. 24, 23, '63 to di.sch. disch. disab. Feb. 10, '62, near Alexandria, Va. ; drafted and must, in Aug. 19, ; cred. Concord ; assigned Co. B ; disab. Dec. 19, '03, Pt. Lookout, Md. See 1 N. H. V.

res. Charlestown ; enl. Sept. 27, '01 ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.; Wheeler, George A. Co. G; b. Charleslown ; age 18; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 10, '62, Falmouth, Va. 3, res. ; app. Asst. Surg. Jan. '65 ; not must.; declined appoint- Wheeler, John. F. and S. ; b. BariLstead; age 30; Barnstead ment Jan. 25, '65. P. O. ad., Pittsfield. '64 '64, .'^t. N. F. ; age 20 ; cred. Goffstown ; enl. Sept. 14, ; must, in Sept. 14, Wheeler, Thomas. Co. 1 ; substitute ; h. John's,

as Priv. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 15, '04, neai- Petersburg, Va. '61 nmst. in Oct. '01, Whitaker, William. Co. F; b. Ashford, Conn.; age 27; res. Stoddai-d; enl. Oct. 23, ; 23, as Corp.; '64 '63 '04 ; cred. Keene ; app. 2 Lt. Co. D, to date ISIar. 1, ; disch. app. 1 Sergt. Mar. 3, ; re-enl. and must, in Mar. 29, Nov. 10, '64. P. O. ad., Ashford, Conn. See 1 N. H. V. Whitcher, Roland C. Co. B; substitute; b. Manchester; age 31; res. Manchester, cred. Rochester; enl. Aug. 14, '63; must.

; '05, Concord. P. 0. ad.. Concord. in Aug. 14, '03, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '04, Cold Harbor, Va. disch. May 25,

; enl. .\ug. '64; must, in Aug. '04, as Priv. Whitcomb, Oliver P. Co. F; substitute; b. Canada; age 18; cred. Groton 11, 11, ; must, out June 28, '65. White, James. Co. C. See James Sullivan. enl. '64 must, in Aug. '04, ; Amherst ; Aug. 31, ; 31, as Priv. X. B. age 27 ; cred. White, John. Co. F ; substitute ; b. St. John, des. Oct. 11, '04, near Pete]-sbnrg, Va. . cred. Exeter; enl. Aug. 16, '64; must, in Aug. 16, '04, as Priv. White, John. Co.G; substitute; b. London, Eng. ; age 24; Died, dis. Jan. 5, '65, near Petersburg, Va. res. cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 1, '02; must, in Aug. 1, '62, as White, John. Co. K; b. Down County, Ir. ; age 44; Concord, Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 12, '02, Washington, 1). C. b. Cleveland, Ohio; age 28; res. Cleveland, Ohio, cred. Franklin; enl. Aug. 20, '63; must, in White, John. Co. K ; substitute;

Aug. 20, '03, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 1, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '04 ; ; Hampton ; enl. Sept. ; nmst. Sept. '64, as ; Pa. age 19 cred. North 7, m 7, White, John. Co. K ; substitute b. York, '64, Priv. ; des. Nov. 30, Pt. Lookout, iMd. '04 '04, Pi-iv. Rochester enl. Aug. 15, ; must, in Aug. 15, as ; app. Corp. Oct. substitute ; 23 ; cred. ; White, Patrick. Co. C ; age '6.5. 23, '04 ; must, out June 28, White, Peter. Co. B; substitute; b. France; age 22; res. France, cred. Chichester: enl. Aug. 19, '03; must, in Aug. 19, '03, as Priv.; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 24, '04, as a Landsman; served on U. S. S. "Matthew Vassar," "Eureka," and "Ella"; des. Apr. 15, '05. '01 '61, enl. Sept. 2, nuist. in Oct. 12, as Pnv. ; disch. disab. White, William S. Co. G; b. C^ornish; age 21 ; res. Cornish; ; ' Mar. 26, '63, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. 0. ad.. East Jaffrey. See Misoel. Organizations. White, Wyman S. Unas'd. See 2 U. S. S. S. , . , , , eul. Aug. must, 11, Whitehouse, John. Co. F; substitute; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 21; cred. Auburn; 11, 64; m Aug. '64, '65, gd. from mis. ; disch. disab. Sept. 29, Baltimore, Md. as Priv. ; wd. and mis. Apr. 7, '05, Farinville, Va. ; '61 res. Dover ; enl. Oct. 15, ; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Muse. ; tr. to Co. Whitehouse, Joseph H. Co. D ; b. Dover; age 17 ; '02 '64; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Charlestown, Ma,ss. H ; to Co. B, Mar. 18, ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1,

; enl. Sept. '01 ; must, in Oct. '01, as Priv. ; Whiting, Henry A. Co. C ; b. Bangor, Me. ; age 29 ; res. Lisbon 30, 12, discli. Mar. 2, '62, by sentence G. C. M. '01 must, in '01, Whitney, John. Co. A ; b. Hopkintou, Mass. ; age 31 ; res. Concord ; enl. Sept. 16, ; Oct. 12, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 16, '62, Sharpsburg, IMd. Whitney, Milo L. Co. A; b. Lowell, Mass.; age 29; res. Franklin; eul. Sept. 28, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '01, as Priv.; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ;;;


Whittemore, Nelson. Co. G; b. New Haven, Conn.; age "44"; cred. Claremont; enl. Aug. 21, '62; must, in Sept. 17, '62,

as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. June 25, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. P. O. ad., Reading, Mass. See V. R. C. '64; '64, as Whitten, Joseph. Co. F ; substitute ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 37 ; cred. Sutton ; enl. Aug. 27, unist. in Aug. 27,

Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 14, '65, near Petersburg, Va. 2, Whitten, Joseph. Co. H; b. Limerick, Me. ; age 44 ; res. Moultonborough ; enl. Sept. 21, '61 ; must, in Oct. '61, as Priv.; '62, wd. June 1, Fair Oalis, Va. ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 19, '64 ; captd. Aug. 25, '64, Ream's Station, Va. Died Jan. 3, '65, Salisbury, N. C.

"WTiittle, Ira. Co. H b. ; ; res. ; '61 ; in '61, Priv. ; ; Wolfeborough age 42 Wolfeborough enl. Sept. 17, must, Oct. 19, as wd.

June 30, '62, White Oak Swamp, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '04. Died, dis. Apr. 6, '64, Philadelphia, Pa.

"Wier, Thomas. Co. C; b. Grafton, ; res. '61 in Oct. '61, as disch. disab. Vt. age 45; Enfield; enl. Aug. 23, ; must, 12, Corp.; May 1, '62. P. O. ad., Enfield. Wiggin, '61 '61, James Co. ; b. res. enl. Sept. ; in Priv. P. H Moultonborough ; age 28; Wolfeborough ; 24, must, Oct. 19, as

app. Corp. ; disch. disab. Sept. 16, '02, Washington, D. C. Wilcox, Melvin S. Co. E; b. Newport; age 19; res. Newport; enl. Sept. 23, '61; must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nov. 28, '62, Ft. Delaware, Del. P. O. ad., Newport. See 1 N. H. 11. Art.

Wildberger, ; August. Co. C substitute ; b. Schaffhausen, Switzerland ; age 23 ; res. New York, cred. Milton ; enl. Aug. 14, '63 ; must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 30, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. Wiley, Moses, Co. ; '63; Jr. C ; substitute b. Cape Cod, Mass.; age 28; res. Salem, Mass., cred. Barrington ; enl. Aug. 14, must, in '63, Aug. 14, as Priv. ; disch. May 26, '65, York, Pa. Wiley. See AVilley and Wylley. Wilkins, Elijah R. F. and S. ; b. De Pevster, N. Y. ; age 39 ; res. Lisbon ; app. Chaplain Oct. 5, '01 ; must, in Oct. 20, '61 resigned June 18, '02. P. O. ad.. Concord. Wilkins, Philip. Co. ; '01 ; '01, C ; b. Littleton ; res. Littleton enl. Sept. in Oct. Dec. age 21 ; 30, umst. 12, as Corp. Died, dis. 18, '01, near Alexandria, Va. See State Service.

Willand, Herbert J. Co. D; b. Lynn, Mass.; age 23; res. Somersworth ;. enl. Oct. 1, '61; must, in Oct. 23, '61, as Priv.; must, out Oct. 29, '04. Willard, '01 Charles ; ; '61, ; H. Co. A ; b. Epsom ; age 35 res. Concord enl. Sept. 4, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 23, '62. See V. R. C. Willard, Charles Co. ; '(i3 '03, ; H. A b. Pembroke ; age 30 ; cred. Loudon ; enl. Dec. 16, ; must, in Deo. 10, as Priv. wd. June '64, 4, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. disab. Dee. 25, '64, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Loudon. See 12 N. 11. V. Willard, George ; ; res. cred. ; '63 '63, H. Co. C ; drafted b. Keene ; age 24 Keene, Keene drafted Oct. 9, ; must, in Oct. 9, as Priv. ; wd. July 12, '64, near Petersburg, Va. ; disch. May 5, '65, Washington, D. C. Supposed identical with George H. Willard, Band, 2 N. H. V. Willey, Carlos Co. h. ; '01 ; '61, ; C. B ; Canaan, Vt. age 18 ; res. Stratford ; enl. Sept. 18, must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Died, wds. June 30, '62, I'hiladelphia, I'a. Supposed identical with Carlos C. Willey, State Service. Willey. See Wiley and AVylley. Williams, Adelber. Co.F ; substitute; b. New Hampshire; age 19; cred. Keene; enl. Oct. 1, '03; must, in Oct. 1, '63, as

Priv. ; disch. disab. June 6, '05, Concord.

Williams, ; ; ; ; '04 Charles. Co. F substitute b. New Brunswick ; age 38 cred. Gilmanton enl. Aug. 29, ; must, in Aug. 29, '64, as Priv. ; must, out June 28, '(i5.

Williams, George. Co. E ; b. St. Stephens, Can. ; age 21 ; res. New York city, cred. Durham ; enl. Dec. 4, '03 ; must, in Dec. 4, '03, as Priv. " " " " ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 21 , '04, as a I.andsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew Vassar and Yankee ; des. Sept. 20, '64. Williams, George. Co. I; substitute; b. England; age 18; cred. Piermont; enl. Sept. 14, '04; must, in Sept. 14, '64, as Priv.; des. to the ejiemy Dec. 2, '04.

; ; enl. '61 ; '61, Williams, George W. Co. B ; b. Concord, Vt. age 33 res. Littleton ; Oct. 17, must, in Oct. 23, as Priv. disch. disab. Feb. 2, '62, near Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Littleton.

Williams, T ; age ; cred. Haverhill ; enl. Sept. 10, '64 ; must, in '04, Hans C. Co. ; substitute b. Denmark ; 23 Sept. 10, as

Priv. ; des. to the enemy Dec. 23, '64.

Williams, Henry. Co. C; substitute; b. St. John, X. B. ; age 22; res. Boston Ma.ss., cred. 2 District; enl. Sept. 2, '63; must.

iu Sept. 2, '03, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 21, '63, Concord.

Williams, Menry B. Co. C ; substitute; b. Bristol, Eng. ; age 21; res. Bristol, Eng., cred. Sutton; enl. Aug. 20, '63; must, in " " Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; ti-. to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, '64, as a Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Don ; des. Apr. 7, '65.

Williams, James. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland ; age 21; creJ. Sullivan ; enl. Sept. 3, '64; must, in Sept. 3, '64, as Priv.; received Sept. 3, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord; sent Sept. 12, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Williams, John. Co. D; substitute; b. Ireland; age 29; cred. New Hampton; enl. .-i-Ug. 10, '04; must, in Aug. 10, '64, as

Priv. ; tr. to Co. F, Nov. 20, '64 ; wd. Apr. 7, '6.5, Farmville, Va. ; disch. June 16, '65, Baltimore, Md.

; res. St. B., '63 Williams, John. Co. H ; substitute ; b. St. John, N. B. age 32 ; John, N. cred. Weare ; enl. Sept. 2, ; must, in '63. Sept. 2, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 30, ci'ed. '64 Williams, John. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 23 ; Wilton ; enl. Aug. 12, ; must, in Aug. 12, '64, as Priv.; wd. Apr. 7, '05 ;»disch. disab. iFune 28, '65, Concord. Williams, John, 2d. Co. IT; substitute; b. Niagara, Can.; age 23; res. Newburyport, Mass., cred. North Hampton; enl. '03 '63 '03, Aug. 10, ; must, in Aug. 10, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. I, Nov. 21, ; des. Nov. 28, Pt. Lookout, Md.

40 cred. ; enl. Aug. '64 Williams, Samuel. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Nova Scotia ; age ; Richmond 13, ; must, iu Aug. 13, '04, as '65. Priv. ; tr. to Co. I ; mis. Apr. 0, '05, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; returned ; must, out June 28, Died Feb. 3, '92, Haverhill,

; res. Grafton ; enl. Sept. '01 ; must, in Oct. '61, Williams, Simeon H. Co. I ; b. Grafton ; age 23 23, 15, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 8, '02, Newark, N. J. Williams, William. Co. K; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; res. New York, cred. Salisbury; enl. Aug. 20, '63; must, in Aug.

20, '03, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 28, '03, Pt. Lookout, Md. Wilson, Benjamin S. Co. K; b. Pepperell, Mass.; age 19; res. Hillsborough; enl. Sept. 19, '01; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as '63 '04, promotion. Priv. ; app. Sergt. Maj. Oct. 27, ; disch. Apr. 20, to accept See Miscel. Organizations. res. Boston, Mass., cred. Merrimack; Wilson, Charles. Co. H; substitute; b. Norway ; age 33; enl. Sept. 2, '63; must, in '64, " " Sept. 2, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 23, as a Landsman; served on U. S. S. William Bacon," Yankee," and " '65, Fuchsia" ; disch. May 7, as an Ord. Seaman. Wilson, Charles. Co. H; substitute; b. New York city; age 22; res. Springfield, Mass., cred. Gilsum; enl. Oct. 6, '63; must. '83 '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. m Oct. 6, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 30, cred. Barnstead enl. '64 ; b. Montreal, Can. ; age 23 ; ; Sept. 16, ; must, in Sept. '64, Wilson, Charles. Co. K ; substitute 16, as '65. Priv. ; tr. to Co. I ; must, out June 28, Wilson, Charles A. Co. C; substitute; b. Dantzic, Prussia; age 23; res. Boston, Mass., cred. Webster; enl. Aug. 20, '63; '64, des. Jan. '05, must, in Aug. 20, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 17, Petersburg, Va. ; 10, Portsmouth Grove, 11. I. ;;;;;


Up.sala, 28 res. Boston, Mass., cred. eiil. Aug. 14, '63 Wilson, Charles B. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Sweden ; age ; New Durham ; ;

must, in Aug. 14, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; des. July 30, '64, from hosp. Wilson, Frederick A. Co. I; b. Amherst; age 20; res. Amherst, cred. Amherst; enl. Aug. 30, '62; must, in Oct. 1, '62, as

Priv. ; wd. July, '03, Gettysburg, Pa. ; INIar. 31, '6o, Diiiwiddie Court House, Va. ; disch. July 3, '65, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Jamaica Plain, Mass.

; res. '61 ; '61, ; Wilson, George M. Co. K ; b. Topsham, Vt. age 42 ; Plaistow ; enl. Sept. 16, must, in Oct. 12, as Corp, disch. disab. Mar. 10, '62, near Alexandria, Va. Died Sept. 12, '90, Haverhill, Ma.ss. Supposed identical with George M. Wilson, V. R. C. '63 '63, W^ilson, Henry. Co. 6 ; substitute ; b. Cork, Ir. ; age 24 ; cred. Meredith ; enl. Sept. 29, ; must, in Sept. 29, as Priv.

wd. June 22, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; des. July 13, '64, from Emory Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C.

Co. K ; substitute b. London, Eng. ; res. Eng., cred. Dunbarton enl. Aug. 19, '63 ; must, in Wilson, Henry. ; age 24 ; London, ;

Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 30, '63, Pt. Loolvout, Md.

Co. K ; substitute ; b. Brunswick cred. ; enl. '64 ; must, in Aug. 12, '64, as Wilson, Henry. New ; age 27 ; Keene Aug. 12, '6.'5. Priv. ; wd. June '64, Jerusalem Va,. I, '64 22, Plank Road, ; tr. to Co. Nov. 20, ; must, out June 28,

Wilson, James. Co. E ; substitute ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age 20 ; res. Williamsburg, N. Y., cred. Hinsdale ; enl. Oct. 2, '63 " " must, in Oct. 2, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 19, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served oji U. S. S. William Bacon and " '64. Tulip" ; des. Aug. 31, '65, Wilson, John. Co. A ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Concord ; enl. Feb. 6, '65 ; must, in Feb. 6, '65, as Priv. ; mis. Apr. 7,

Farmville, Va. ; gd. from mis. ; des. June 6, '65, near Alexandria, Va.

12, ; '64, W^ilson, John. Co. E; substitute; b. Canada; age 18; cred. Monroe ; enl. Aug. '64 must, in Aug. 12, as Priv.; des.

Sept. 6, '64, Petersburg, Va. gd. from des. ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. gd. from mis. ; reported on m. o. roll as ab- ; ; sent without leave since June 17, '65. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 '63, Wilson, John. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Liverpool, Eng, ; age 24 ; res. New Hampton ; enl. Sept. 29, ; must, in Sept. 29,

as Priv. ; reported on m. o. roll dated June 28, '65, as absent sick. N. f. j. A. G. O. " ," '63; Wilson, John, Co. H; substitute; b. Dublin, Ir. ; age 25; res. Pattertown, — cred. Nashua; enl. Oct. 6, must, in Oct. 6, '63, as Priv. Died Jan. 7, '64, Pt. Lookout, JMd. '63 Wilson, John, 2d. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 22 ; res. Liverpool, Eng., cred. Bedford ; enl. Sept. 1, " must, in Sept. 1, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 20, '64, as an Ord. Seaman ; served on U. S. S. Anaoostia" ; des. July 31, '65, from navy yard, Washington, D. C. '64 '64, Wilson, Joseph. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. England; age 22 ; cred. Claremont ; enl. Aug. 16, ; must, in Aug. 16, as Priv.

received Aug. 16, '64, at draft rendezvous, Concord ; sent Aug. 27, '61, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Co. F ; substitute ; b. England ; age 27 ; cred. Brookline enl. '64; in '64, Wilson, Lewis. ; Aug. 20, must, Aug. 20, as Priv. disch. June 13, '65, Washington, D. C.

Wilson, Solomon. Co. B ; b. Shelburne ; age 40; res. Shelburue, cred. Lancaster ; enl. July 22, '62 ; must, in July 25, '62, as

Priv. ; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds.'Dec. 15, '62, Washington, D. C. '61 '61, Wilson, Stephen D. Co. I; b. Lyndeborough ; age 19; res. Hillsborough; enl. Sept. 25, ; must, in Oct. 15, as Priv.; des. Aug. 30, '63, Washington, D. C. Supposed identical with Stephen D. Wilson, Co. G, 2 N. H. V. Winch, John L. Co. F; substitute; b. Hancock; age 18; cred. Winchester; enl. Sept. 9, '63; must, in Sept. 29, '63, as Priv.; disch. May 12, '65, Baltimore, Md. P. O. ad., Swanzey. W^indham. See Wyndham, Winship, William B. Co. G; b. Lexington, Mass.; age 18; res. Franklin; enl. Sept. 30, '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv.;

wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Mar. 21, '63, near Alexandria, Va. See Miscel. Organizations. '63 Winslow, Jesse C. Co. F ; drafted ; b. Lyme ; age 34 ; res. Keene, cred. Keene ; drafted Oct. 9, ; must, in Oct. 9, '63, as

Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Va. ; mis. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va, ; returned must, out June 28, '65. '63 '63, Winters, George, Co. G; b. Chicago, 111. ; age 21 ; cred. Lebanon ; enl. Nov. 19, ; must, in Nov. 19, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 2, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. '61 Witham, Joseph. Co. K ; b. Nottingham ; age 44; res. Nottingham ; enl. Oct. 12, ; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 10, '62, near Alexandi'ia, Va. Name changed to Joseph Davenport, July, '66. P. 0. ad., Nottingham.

Co. B ; substitute ; b. Ft. Covington, N. Y. ; age 26 ; res. Boston, Mass.. Wolff, Christopher M. cred. New London ; enl. Aug.

19, '63 ; must, in Aug. 19, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. sev. Aug. 25, '64, Ream's Station, Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 3, '64, Washington, D. C. Wood, John A. Co. E; substitute; b. New Hampshire; age 26; cred. Keene; enl. Oct. 1, '63; must, in Oct. 1, '63, as Priv.;

wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; must, out June 28, '65. P. O. ad., Longwood, Fla. '64 Wood, Levi. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Nashua ; enl, Aug. 8, ; must, in Aug. 8, '64, as Priv. ; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va. Died, wds. May 20, '65, Annapolis, Md. W^ood, Nelson. Co. F. See Isaac Blanchard.

Wood, William. Unas'd; b. Portsmouth ; age 21; res. Concord, cred. Concord ; enl. Aug. 11, '62; must, in Aug. 13, '62, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. Wood, William S. Co. F. See 2 U. S. S. S.

Woodard, Joseph. Co. E; substitute; b. Vermont; age 21 ; cred. Winchester; enl, Oct. 1, '63; must, in Oct. 1, '63, as Priv.; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 12, '64, en route from City Point, Va., to Alexandria, Va.

b. ; res. enl. '61 ; Woodbury, Van Buren. Co. E ; Grantham ; age 18 Grantham ; Sept. 23, must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 9, '62, near Alexandria, Va.

; b. ; res. Woodford, Charles B. Co. A Westbrook, Me. age 19 ; Franklin, cred, Franklin ; enl. Aug. 8, '62 ; must, in Aug. 9,

'62, as Priv. ; killed Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.

: '61 Woodman, John J. Co. B ; b. Nottingham ; age 24 ; res. Nottingham enl. Oct. 23, ; must, in Oct. 24, '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 29, '62, Alexandria, Va. Died Mar. 29, '86, Concord.

Woodman, John L. Co. D; drafted; b. Manchester ; age 21; res. Deerfield, cred. Deerfield ; drafted Aug. 12, '63; must, in '63, '64, Aug. 12, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. to Co. E, Nov. 20, '64 ; disch. disab. Dec. 31, '64, Washington, D. C. Died Apr. 18, '92, Manchester. Co. 1 substitute b. Ireland cred. enl, '64 '64, Woods, John. ; ; ; age 22 ; Bath ; Sept. 13, ; must, in Sept. 13, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 6, '64. '61 '61, Woods, William. Co. G; b. Nashua ; age 19 ; res. Charlestown ; enl. Sept. 27, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv. ; wd. Sept.

17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; re-eul. and must, in Feb. 19, '64; app. Sergt. ; killed June 17, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Woodward. See Woodard.

; res. (Fisherville, enl. Sept. '61 ; in Wooley, Samuel. Co. A ; b. England age 42 ; Concord now Penacook) ; 17, must, Oct. 12, '62. '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 1, '62, Malvern Hill, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 30, '63; Woolsey, John. Co. C; substitute; b. England; age 24; res. New York city, cred. Wilmot ; enl. Aug. 20, must, in Aug.

20, '63, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 19, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. ;:


'63 must. ; cred. Rochester ; drafted Aug. 14, ; Worcester, Ichabod. Co. F drafted ; b. I^banon, Me. ; age 28 ; res. Rochester, '63, '05, Philadelphia, Pa. in Aug. 14, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. disab. May 18, '63, as Pnv. des. ; ; Sept. '63 ; must, in Sept. 2-5, ; Wrede, Henry. Co. E substitute ; b. Germany ; age 22 ; cred. Surry enl. 25, WTNoY. 27, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. enl. Sept. '64; must. Wright, Frederick, aKas John Brownlow. Co. 15; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Dorchester; 6,

in Sept. 6, '64, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 9, '64, en route north from hosp., City Point, Va. '01 in Oct. 23, '61, as Pnv.; disch. disal). Wright, George. Co. B; b. Canada; age 25; res. Littleton; enl. Oct. 17, ; must, Feb. IR, '63. P. O. ad., Philadelphia, Pa. , ,,. „. as I nv. enl. Aug. 11, '64 ; must, in Aug. 11, 64, Wright, John. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Somerswortli ; des. Dec, '64, near Petersburg, Va. . r >pq '63 must, in Dec. o, as cred. Greenland ; enl. Dec. 5, ; 03, Wunder. Andrew. Co. I; b. Germany; age 33 ; res. New York city, '0.5, Md. I O. ad., '65; July Baltimore, . Pi-iv. ; captd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. par. Dec, '64; exch. Apr., disch. 5, ; Nat. Military Home, Ohio. Co. F. See 1 U. S. S. S. Wyatt, David C. r> . ^ ,,„,.inust. in Oct. Scot., cred. Swanzey ; enl. Oct. 3, 63 ; Wyllie, John. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Scotland ; age 31 ; res. Port Robinson, roll absent wounded since June 16, 04. 5, '03, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. June 16, '64, Petersburg, Va.; reported on m. o. as N. f. r. A. G. O. Wyllie. See Wiley and Willey. '61, as Priv. disch. disab. ; ; ; enl. Sept. .0, '61 ; must, in Oct. 12, ; Wyman, Aaron A. Co. K b. Byron, Me. age 30 res. Goshen ; Jan. 27, '63, Falmouth, Va. Supposed identical with Aaron A. Wyman, 2 Co., N. H. H. Art. must, in Sept. Wyman, Alonzo. Co. G; substitute; b. Manchester; age 26; res. Manchester, cred. Gilford; enl. Sept. 29, '63; '65, on '63 '04, par. Nov. '64 ; des. Feb. 7, while 29, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Nov. 1, ; captd. June 3, Cold Harbor, Y». ; 26, furlough. P. O. ad.. North Greenwich, N. Y. '63 must, in Sept. '63, ; ; cred. Alstead ; enl. Sept. 30, ; 30, Wyman, Harvey V. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Stockbridge, Vt. age 21 " Vassal'," " Eureka," and " Helio- as Priv. ; tr. to U. S. Navy Apr. 25, '64, as a Landsman ; served on U. S. S. Matthew " trope ; disch. Julv 15, '65, from receiving ship, Portsmouth. P. O. ad., Ingalls, Mich. '61; must, in Oct. 12, '61, as Corp.; disch. Wyman, Jesse H. Co.'C; b. Albany, Vt. ; age 27 ; res. Lebanon; enl. Aug. 28, disab. May 29, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Denver, Col. Wyndham, James. Co. I; substitute; b. England; age 20; cred. Piermont; enl. Sept. 14, '64; must, in Sept. 14, '64, as

Priv. ; must, out June 28, '65. '63. Yagier, George. Co. C ; app. 2 Lt. Mar. 2, '63 ; not must. ; appointment revoked June 2, Yates, William. Co. B; b. Greenwood, Me.; age 35; res. Milan; enl. Oct. 7, '01; must, in Oct. 23, '01, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '02, Autietam, Md. Died, wds. Sept. 27, '62. '01 '61, Priv.; apyi. Yeaton, Ebenezer P. Co. D; b. RoUinsford ; age 23; res. Rollinsford; enl. Sept. 13, ; must, in Oct. 23, as

Sergt. ; wd. June 3, '04, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 28, '64, Alexandria, Va. Died May 23, '05, Rollinsford.

; ; ; '01 ; in '01, as Priv. ; left York, Lawson A. Co. B b. Bethel, Me. age 20 j-es. Milan ; enl. Oct. 22, must, Oct. 24, sick June 29, '62, Savage's Station, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O. Died July, '02. '63; Young, Alexander. Co. H ; substitute; b. Georgia, Vt. ; age 18; res. Georgia, Vt., cred. Keene; enl. Oct. 0, must, in

Oct.. 6, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. Apr. 6, '05, Sailor's Creek, Va. ; disch. June 2, '05, Washington, D. C. '61, Young, Alfred. Co. C; b. Three Rivers, Can.; age 21; res. Orford ; enl. Aug. 19, '61; must, in, Oct. 12, as Priv.; app.

Coi-p. ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. '63 Young, David, Jr. Co. D ; drafted ; b. Deerfield ; age 33 ; res. Deerfield, cred. Deei-field ; drafted Aug. 12, ; must, in Aug.

12, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. to Co. E, Nov. 20, '04 ; disch. May 30, '05. P. O. ad., Deerfield.

b. ; ; '61 ; Young, B. Woodbury. Co. E ; Lisbon age 21 res. Lisbon ; enl. Oct. 18, must, in Oct. 19, '61, as Muse ; must, out Oct. 29, '64. P. O. ad., Springfield, Mass. '62 Young, Prank. Co. F ; b. Brandon, Vt. ; age 18 ; res. Claremont ; enl. Feb. 10, ; must, in Feb. 28, '62, as Priv. ; app. Corp. disch. Feb. 14, '05, near Petersburg, Va. Co. b. Barnstead; res. Deerfield; enl. '01 '01, Young, Hiram A. A; age 19; Sept. 5, ; must, in Oct. 12, as Priv.; wd. June 1, '02, and died, wds. June 17, '02, Fair Oaks, Va. res. '61 Young, Jeremiah. Co. H ; b. Alton ; age 44; Wolfeborough ; enl. Sept. 9, ; must, in Oct. 19, '01, as Priv. ; wd. June 1, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Committed suicide Sept. 26, '62, Wolfeborough.

Co. b. ; age 19 res. ; enl. '61 ; '01, Young, John E. G ; Canada ; Claremont Sept. 6, must, in Oct. 12, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. ; wd.

captd. '64, ; exch. '64 '6.5, and June 3, Cold Harbor, Va. Dec, ; disch. Feb. 15, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Claremont. Co. substitute; b. England; res. Young, Lambton. G; age 24; Montreal, Can., cred. Upper Gilmanton ; enl. Sept. 29, '63;

must, in Sept. 29, '63, as Priv. ; des. June 1, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.

Co. ; b. Landaff; age ; res. Bath ; enl. Oct. '61 ; '61, Young, Samuel O. E 31 4, must, in Oct. 19, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. 1, '62, Pt. Lookout, Md. P. O. ad., Woodsville.

Co. I substitute b. Germany ; age 24 cred. Windham ; enl. '64 ; , Zeh, John. ; ; ; Aug. 31, must, in Aug. 31 '64, as Priv. ; claimed as a deserter Jan. 11, '05, by .52 y. Y. Vols. N. f. r. A. G. (). FIFTH REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 281



(Jriginal members . . . officers, 38; enlisted men, 940; total, 978 Band .... " 24 u 04 Recruits officers, 12 " " 1,495 " 1,507 " gained by transfer from 2 U. .S. is. S. Jiu '65 30, * •' 4 ' " 49 " 53 Total strength 2,562 Killed or died of wounds, original mejjiber.s . officers, lU ; enlisted men, 156 ; total, 172 " " " recruits " 2 " " 108 " 110

Total killed or died of wounds 282 Died of disease, original members otiicers, 1 ; enlisted men, 86 ; total, 87

Band " " o 11 ' " recruits ..... 46 '

Drowned, original members . Died, accidental wounds, original members . Committed suicide " "

Executed, for desertion, recruits . " cause unknown, " Killed while attempting to desert, recruits Died, cause unknown, original members " " " recruits . ...

Total deaths

Mustei-ed out, or disch. to date Aug. 8, '62, Band, original members " " " " Oct. 29, '64, original membeis " ' " " .June 28, '6!}, " " " " " " recruits . Discharged on othei' dates, original members .... " " " " " Band .

'• ' '• recruits

Dishonorably discharged, original members . " " recruits ... . . Lost by transfei-, original members " " recruits . . . . Deserted, original members " recruits .....

Captured and not finally accounted for, reoi'uiLs . " " " Others " original members .



'62, ; men, ; total, 40 Fair Oaks, Va., June 1, original members, officers, — ; enlisted men, 40; recruits, officers, — enlisted — " " 10, — ' •' 18, " Peach Orchard, Va., June 29, '62,

White Oak ) ^ o/^ ./. i Swanip,Va.,[J™^30,'62, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, '62, 10 Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62, 37 Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, '63, 5 Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63, 24 2

Cold HarLioi', Va., June 3, '64,

1 • 6, ' 3

' 7, '•

8, •• 1

Petersbiu-g, Va., June 16, '64, 1

" " 17, " 3

Iti, " 1

Jerusalem I'lank ) j „i .^m J""« ^2, 64, Road, Va., | Petersburg, Va., June 30, '64, Deep Bottom, Va., July 27, '64, " " " Aug. 16, " Ream's Station, Va., Aug. 25, '64,

Petersburg, Va., Oct. 5, '64, " " " 16, "

" Dec. 14, " Ft. Stedman, Va., Mar. 25, '65,

Dinwiddle C. 11. , Va., Mar. 31, '65,

Sailor's Creek, Va., Apr. 6, '65, 1

Farmville, Va., Apr. 7, '65, 1

Totals 16 1.56