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All the News of All the Pointe$ Every Thursday Morning ~ws rosse Pointe Home of the News Complete News Coverage of A.ll the Pointes ------_. -~--- ..~--~--_._----_._---._------VOL. 39-NO, 19 '.blilhed.s'Olt OWeeSecondat Dcl,oil,Clo.. MotterMiehllonot the GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN,.__ ~~... THURSDAY.. MAY II. 1978 $~~Oop;r.~"/:o, 32 Pages-Two Sections-Section_ One

------_ ...._--- , HEADLINES South High Swimmers Have Undefeated Year MaSSltVe CaplftaZ'Schools to of the , ""'"'III8IJ8IIE2-;r-::: Boost Sum WEEK IIIBIIIIIC:=;~=:;;;Improvements For Service As Compiled by the But Trustees Will Exam- Grosse Pointe Ne". ine Cost Questions Eyed by GPW in Future; Board Thursday, May 4 of Man a ge r s THE UNITED NATIONS Along with Consideration of New Fiscal Year Meeting Slated peace mission into Southern Today Lebanon has to date cost the Budget. Which Includes Two Mills for lives of eight UN soldiers. Work Throughout City, Council By Susan McDonald But the UN Security Coun- to View Adoption of "Vith time running out cil still voted yesterday to 'Decade of Progress' on local budget dead- send 2,000 )nore troops into lines, the School Board the area to keep peace be- By Roger A. Waha agreed Monday, May 8, tween the Israelis and Pales- As a part of its 1978-79 fiscal year budget pro- tine guerillas. UN Seeretary- to increase its contribu- posal, the Woods Council will consider adopting a tion to The Pointe's na- General Kurt Waldheim told two mill capital improvement levy for the new the council that Palestine tionally acclaimed Youth fiscal year and also a proposed 10-year program, Liberation Organization chief Service Division, (YSD), Yasser Arafat had "assured including the 1978-79 year, to be financed by a to a full one-quarter of me of his cooperation" in special tax levy. ------its total' 1978-79 budget, preventing more killings of The objective in adopting thus tentatively grantin,~ UN troops by Palestinian the total program, which will Housing the division. at least one be viewed on Monday, May forces. more y~ar of existence. 15, is to put future councils But the trustees made it • • • on record regarding the Question Friday, May 5 clear Monday they intend to plan with such councils re- take more time to examine WHOLESALE P R ICE S viewing the program each the service with an eye tll took another steep climb in Formulateel fiscal year and having the possible cutbacks and ccono- the month of April with a opportunity to shift listed mies before they agrec to 1.3 percent rise, the largest ... priorities and the amount of Woods Council to Con- pay the 30 percent - the - gain in 41 months, the Labor KIENLE, DAVE ZIMMER, PAT COYLE, TOBY money indicated for city- The South High School swimming team re- sider Propo(al for Pri- share that's proposed for the Department reported yester. cently completed its first undefeated season LINDHEIM, MARK SUTHERLAND and NICK wide improvements, said City schools in 1979-80, day, An increase in food cost since 1968. Members of the team are, in the first TROST; and fourth row, LISA COLLETTI, Administrator Chester E. Pe- mary Ballot at May coupled with a fluke - hike tersen, who calls the plan a At least one of the five row, (from left to right), JERRY COYLE and (manager), PETER DEVER, JED KUHN, STEVE 15 Meeting participating municipalities fop jewelry contributed to SODERBERG, MIKE BE~NARD, BOB CHAp. "Decade of Progress," the price increase. Govern- JEFF MEASELLEj second row, ROB WOOD, In relation to the proposal, had threatened to pull out ELLE, BOB BROWNELL, LENNY BARTOSZE- Roger ~. 'Waha of the YSD if the Board had ment analysts were unani- ACE DICKSON, BILL BRADFIELD and KEVIN Mayor Benjamin W. Pinkos By mous in their appraisal that CHOWN; third row, STEVE MAKOS, JOHN. WICZ, RANDY SINGEL YN and coach CARL said at a recent budget meet- A proposed referen- not agreed to increase its the new dose of inflationary HESSBURG, RANDY WALWORTH, STEVE SCHOESSEL. ing that the city should in. dary ballot question on contribution from the cur- pressure poses a serious dieate its commitment tow. senior citiz~ns housing in rent 20 to 25 percent of the problem. Higher wholesale · D BIN B d ard a tax effort in that direc. The Woods was drafted budget. prices are bad news for con. Drive for Marme rum., ug e etv u get tion prior to the 15th. for the council's consider- Cites Concerns sumers since they eventually Variety 01 WQrk t. t 't M d M The Shores had argued its a IOn a I s on ay, ay contribution of $13,200.82 result in higher retail price~. Corps to Partici pa te in A pproved gr~~, w~h~av;e:~l:n\~~~l p~~ 15, meeting after a ses- was too high,. because few ...... C Licen.se sion between City Attor- Shores youths were actually Saturday, May 6 · IDS. In GP Park more receptive. We should ney George Catlin, City processed for crimes through THE UNEMPLOYMENT Ulld.er-way Memorla I a Y erVlce ~:~a~ ~r;:r~:::~t~~~t j~~~ : Administrator Chester E. the YSD, rate for April. has dropped --~---- piece of the program. If a Petersen, C au n c ilman The Shores is expected to to its lowest level in three Precision Group to Arrive from louisiana for May Total Needed to future council decides to Alex Bardy of Gabby's Run George Cueter and mem- stay with the YSD, no\\( tilat and a half years, 'the Labor 29 Ceremonies: Center Urges Citizens City Placed at .$3,- throw it out, it will have to bers of the Senior Citi- the schools have agreed to Department reported. yester- Circulates Petitions to to Attend Service 875,000, Which Is ::i~~er to the people," he zens Commission on Mon- the 2f> percent allocation, or day, The April rate of six Have Que'stion Placed day morning, May 8. $40,743.20, next )'(,ar, percent, surprised some gov- The annual ceremonies in memory of Pointers $425,000 Higher The proposal which runs Commission members had Trustee William Huette- ernment economists, who on Primary Ballot h th '1' . th W Id W K d Than for Current through fiscal year 1987-88, previously met on Monday, man said he was "concerned said the job situation has im- w 0 gave elr lves ln e or ars, . orea an would raise an estiml!ted $4,- April 17, to seek the coun- that The Shores ~\'ould take proved faster than they had By Roger .A. Waha Vietnam will be held on the lake side terrace and Year 225,258 over 10 years, accord. eil's assistance to place this s~ch .a ~~rrow view of the expected from looking at The owner and opera- lawn of the War Memorial on Memorial Day, Man': ing to a report prepared by matter directly on the ballot SituatIon. other econorilic figures, In tor of Gabby's Restau- day, May 29, at 11 a.m. By James J. Njaim Mr. Petersen. The focus of but the solons felt the ques- "Juvenile crime finds its Michigan, unemployment fell rant, 19299 Mack avenue, All citizens are urged to Fa.mily P~rticipation Cam- The Park Council at a planned improvements is in tiOD, as proposed, was too way to Lakeshore road, (in to 6.6 percent, down sharply I \",ho expressed an inter- attend this service, which pal.gn chaIrman ?f Grosse public hearing Monday the area of reIjef sewer and I(eneral, i.e., asking voters The Shores), sooner than from the figures of a year est in having a Class C will be held indoors in the POinte War MemOrIal's board M . ' water main work, the widen- if they favor privately-fund- som~ of our smaller, less pre. ago. In April 1977, Michi- adJ'aeent Fries Ballroom in of directors ay 8, gave lts approval ing of streets and street re- liquor license for his es- . to th 1"78 79 fl' l' d f ed housing. tentlOus neighborhoods," :\lr. gan's rate was 7.3 percent. case of rain, say Center of- e '" - s c a pair an lor resur acing. tablishment in the past, ficials. Scouts Help Out budget of $3,875,000, as It's projected over this Council members in an in. Huetteman said, *' *' *' is currently conducting a ' The service will- conclude compared to $3450 000 period that an average of formal poll indicated they The trustees also express- Sunday, May 7 petition drive for the is- The 4th Marine Aircraft with Volley, Taps and Echo for the 1977-78' Y ~ a r over $4O~,OOOwill be need.cd wouldn't be a.d v e r s e to ed apijJehension about the THE suance of one additional ~inbg prum and ~Uglfe Corps and Benediction by Rev. which ends on June 30 for the Improvement.s, with placing the question on the Y~?'s !future .financing. . l has denied an export license license in The Woods. IS .emg f own In or the Allan Zaun, veteran's chair- . the proposed two mdl levy ballot but requested the I hope w~ re .not s~y!ng to an Ann Arbor firm trying servIce from New Orleans, man, Grosse Pointe War T~e tax levy of 19.50 for 1978-79 raising $393,858. commission to become more here that we re Just glvmg to sell $2.8 million worth of With the drive, Alex Bar- La., and Gen, Robert S.' Memorial m111s, ($19.5~ per $1,000 For the new fiscal year, specific regarding a proposed the YSD one more, year:' earth scanning equipment to dy, who has owned and oper. Raisch, USMCR, will conduct' State Equahzed Valua- $221,100 is listed for the see- site and method of financing Robert Warner said. He the People's Republic of ated other restaurants in The the military part of the cere. Assisting in raising and tion, SEV), remains un- ,ond phase of northeast relief Hence, the meeting on th~ urged the division's board. of China. Citing a possible Pointe, hopes to have this mony which will include a lowering the flag, seating changed. storm sewer work at Briar- 8th managers, (composed of five breach of national security, question placed on the Aug- concert by the precision those in attendance and dis. Although the tax levy re- cliff drive from Morningside . Many Variabies city managers and one School the government saia the sale ust 8 primary ballot. Drum and' Bugle Corps. tributing com m emorative mains the .same, The Park's t? Van K, Van !< from Per- The proposal asks the fol- Board represcntative}, to de- future status To do so, he must have a programs will be troops of flen place to Blalrmoor ourt may aff ect the .Many Take Part Boy and GI'rl S~outs from state equalized factor has in. " c lowing question: Do you (Coptinued on Page 2) Or Sl'X Chines'e scientists, who minimum of 1,500 signatures f ~ and Mornmgslde from Moor h~ve been living in Ann Ar- of registered voters submit- A~tIng as master? cere- The Pointe communities. creased. from 1.15 in 1977.to land to Woods lane. - favor the creation of a momes and presentIng the 1.23 thiS ye,ar du~ to the In- (On the first phase of such building authority by the Celltc~Drh'e bor since April 11, to learn ted to city offires by the end dignitaries taking part in the Wreaths will be placed crease~ s~lIlng p~lce of prop- work, the city is seeking City of Grosse Pointe Woods how to use the equipment. of the month. Then, the sig- service will be former Me- under the bronze plaques in erty Within the cIty. The rate $200000 in unencumbered for the purpose of construct- Needs S:lO.,OOO The government, according natures mU$', be verified be- morial Boa r d President the Memorial's foyer which needed to meet the levv' is ' . ing senior citizen housing to cables sent to the com- fore the ql,estion is placed Frank P. McBride Jr. honor those who served and 18.70 mills, plus .80 of a -mill (ContInued on Page 2) for Woods residents only, As of Monday, lIIav 7. pany, also is afraid the on the ballQt. The invocation ,viII be gave their lives ,for ci~i~ens {or debt service, making the ------to be financed by a revenue $1l8.l5L27 had been' re- Chinese will convert the Up to Council given by the Rev. George E. of today and theIr families. total 19.50 mills. City Changes bond issue not to exceed ceivcd from 4.820 donors in equipment to military use. If the questl'on whl'ch asks , Andrews III, chaplain of The wreaths, which are Under thc Park City Char- $4,500,000 to be re.paid the War Memorial's 1978 an- ...... citizens if they favor the University Liggett School gifts of the Auxiliaries of ter, the tax limitation for op- Budget Date from rentals; such housing nual Family Participation Monday, l\lay 8 adoption of an ordinance and a member of thc War Grosse Poi n t e American crating millage is 20 mills, to be located in Ghesquiere Campaign. This compares THE ORGANIZATION of amending the city code to Memorial board. Legion Post 303 and VFW as compared to the 18.70 Park on approximately three The City Council is sched- acres of land to be furnished with $108,062.77 from 4,982 Petroleum Exporting Coun- provide that the council may Taking part in the cere. Alger-Hoffman Post 393, mills as reflected in the new uled to adopt a new budget contributors at the s:une tries, (OPEC), will freeze approve or signify its ap- monies will be units from wiII be placed in the Alger budget. for the 1978-79 fiscal year at to the building authority by point in the drive last 'Year. crude oil prices for the rest proval of the issuance of one VFW Alger-Hoffman Post House by the Auxiliaries, Still Disputed a meeting on Monday, May the city? Working hard to get the of 1978, reported OPEC Sec- additional license within the 393 under the command of ------Allowance has been made 22. rather than Monday, !\fay There are many variables remaining monies to mect retary General Ail Jaida community, passes, the ordi. William Furlage and Grosse N Ic. C for increased costs of wagcs, 15, as originally scheduled. in relation to the proposal the necessary goal of $150,- yesterday. After an informal nanee is amended auto mati- Pointe American Legion 1 ort 1 ..OnCel.t supplies, sew age disposal The public meeting will be becoming a reality-a point 000 are teams of voluntecr two.day meeting of OPEC cally, said -City Attorney Post 303, Commander Doug. 51 IT. I and insurance, which are as held at City Offices, 17147 which is recognized by all telephone. campail(ners who oil ministcrs in Taif, Saudi George Catlin, las Schrieves. ale( onl~ 1t follows: Maumee avenue, at 7:30 p.m. officials and com~ission are members of the Senior Arabia, Janda told reporters Then the council will have A brief addre~s will be Wages, $85.000: sewage Copies of the proposed ~embers and one w.hlch was Men's Club captaincd by 1\Iar- budget are available at city Viewed at the meetmg, "an increase was not even to decide if, in fact, it willi made by John R. Nicholson, North High School Bands disposal. $158,000; pension tin Hutchinson and Ed Gore. offices. (Continued on Page 8} discussed," OPEC sources (Continued on Page 6) first vice-president and and Orchcstra will present costs, $65,000: highway ap. I ~like :llaher Chevrolet has said hardline members of ------their annual Spring Concert propnatlOns... $16000'. ; msur- made its telephones avail. the 13.nation cartel pressed D. I · P' G tonight, May 11, in the Per- ance, $37.000; contingency, able on Saturdavs as have for either a compensatory m YSlS rogram ets. forming Arts Centcr, 707 $30.000; and supplies and Schools I,nprove Rllnkill~' the Junior Leagu~ of price hike or a switch in Vernier road. equipment, $22,000. and the Grosse Pointe Gar- the pricing mechanism to B t f D· P t The amount of $43,200 is den Cenler. compensate for recent de. OOS ro m tnlter elr Y The conc('rt. which starts budgeted for debt scrvice of In Assessment Progra,n John R. Nicholson, chair. clines in the dollar, at 8 p.m., will feature the the 1967 Recreation Improve- man of the 1978 drive, is verv • • • The Saint John Hospital zlers" and "The Gaylords," Symphony Orchestra playing ment Bond Issue, which in- By Susan McDonald third in math last school grateful for all the roopcr~- 'i-uesday, May 9 Guild will hold its 18th An- There will be an open bar Dvorak's Symphony in G eludes redemption of $30.000 Statewide test scores com. year, tion being given to the cam. DAVID BERKOWITZ, 24, nual Stag Dinner Party on and valct parking will be Major. Op. 88, Allegro and of outstanding bonds. With piled by the Michigan depart- "I'd say this represents a paign and to the progrcss of of Yonkers, N.Y.. pleaded Tuesday, May 23, at the Ral. available, the Polovetsian Danccs from the paymcnt to be made duro ment of education show pretty significant improve- the drive so far, guilty yesterday to all six eigh House. Gifts which will be pre. "Prince Igor" by Borodine. ing the 1978.79 fiscal year, Pointe public schools moved ment, especially in the upper While over $30,000 still is "Son of Sam" murders in a Proceeds from this event scntcd that evening include Other srlcctions feature Tile Park will havc redeemcd up this year to a number elementary reading. wherc needed to reach the goal 11(' ycar long reign of terror will be uscd for the develop. a , courtesy thc ConcNt Band playing $225,000 of the $570,000 bond four ranking in the Michigan we've put heavy emphasis," hopes that familirs will send with his ,44 caliber rcvolver. ment of a dialysis program 'I of Rinke Pontiac.GMC Co.; a "Caravelle" by Forsblad. issur. Educational Assessment Pro. said the schools' J)irector of in their tax dedurlibh' Itift The lonely postal worker, for patients suffering from 1978 Monza, courtesy of "Bandan('cs" by Keyes and In the new budgct is thc gram.. Research and Devclopment now in' \\ hatever rat('gory who Sllid hC' was driven by kidney failure. This new pro. I Merollis Chevrolet; and two "Music :l1:.n" sC'k('lion~ bv sum of $13,000 in property The tests were taken by Roger McCaig. they feel they can .InO the howling dcmons, appeared gram will service patients RCA videotape recordcrs. Willson. . l:lxc<; to b(' p:lid 10 Detroi( Michigan's fourth and sev- "We've been working hard Center dl'scrv('s, so t hat a calm through thc two hour from the entire northeastern General chairman of this ThC' Symphony Band will, f:lr th:lt ~ortion of Wi'1dmill enth graders at the beginning to focus our efforts on basic successful announcement can and 28 minute proceer'!:lgs metropolitan area. cvent is Kennclh Adler. His play "Finalc from Svmphnn\' lomte 111rk and adjunct of this school year, They skills and it's showing, I'd be made on ~lemorial Day. as he cnterC'd plea~ before Proceeds from last )'ear's co.chairmen are Anthony Gi- I No. ,.," bv Shostakovi('h i parking lots loeated within mcasure basic skills in math say it's due to excellent three different judgcs. Dur- Stag Dinner made possible I orgio and Leo ,Kalyvas,. ! "The Gillll1;lt Seventh" b;! lha~ dIy's limits. and reading. teachers and sound manage. ing the proceedings, it sur. the purchase of a CT Scan. Other commlttce chairmen Sou~a and "Chorus Line" bv 1 he ass('ssC'd valuatwn of The average scores of ment," he addcd, Correction faced that Berkowitz also ner, which is now operational I and co.chairmen include the lIamlisch. . , this property is still under I Pointe students place the Test results l'.e based on may have been responsible at Saint John, following: dinn('r chairman,:... displlt('

GPW GRANTS USE OF PARK Big Capital Improvement Plan Eyed in Woods The Woods Council at its the Grosse Pointe Co-opera. regular meeting Monday, tive Nursery School the use (Continued frem Plge 1) In the overall 1O.year pro. mates will change over the Federal Revenue Sharing May I, unanimously granted of the Lake Front Park for a •~' OPENING fHURSDAY, MAY 11 ' drain funds of the munici. posal to be financed by a IO.year period, the advant • funds also are apt to increase mothers apd childrer from picnic on June 2. ...: • NOW ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS FOR DINNERS pality from Wayne County special tax levy, $473,600 ages of a special tax levy as on a fiscal year basis be. for Briarcliff drive, Milk worth of work is viewed for discussed during budget cause the city's tax effort

#:l ~~~ " River.Morningside. ) 1979.80. This includes the re- hearin~s were cited. would be grel\ter. Other Funds Eyed placement and lowering of Mr. Petersen felt now was (Mother's Day) ~ ~:.:/!/'~~\'1; Other Improvements FORE • ) t.~ \ .t Meanwhile, $172,758 is sewers, Brys drive from a good time to propose such At the same time, Mr. PRO .ALL SPICIAL LVNX TIGRESS listed for street resurfacing Goethe to Marter, and Haw- a program because the city :: G R ass E - J~ (,11 i;:' POINTE Petersen noted if the city ROYAL DAISV: I".SO OZ. 3 W~~O~2:0NS: and/or repair of Emory thorne from Marter to- the isn't near its 20 mill tax levy went the bond issue route ~ telephone f~~~ 19767 Mack Ave. court, Clairview court, Berns east city limits. limit. (A total of 13.77 mills, for the lO-year program, the RAM GOLDEN GIRL CLUBS REGRIPPED ':' 881.8540 ~~#' at Allard court, Young lane and Ida Advantages Cited including the two mill capi. taxpayer would have an addi. '7.10 DZ. '3.00 eo. lane. ' ME'anwhile, in 1982.83, for tal improvement levy, is pro. tional two mills in debt servo BLUE MAX: '9.'7 OZ. CLUBS REFINISHED • example, a total of $438,300 For 1978.79, the city also posed for 1978.79.) ice for 25 years. PGA:".60 OZ. '9.91 00. is proposed for the connec- is planning $633,640 in other "The auditors encouraged Finally, in the overall area tion of water main dead.ends ROV AL DAISY GOLF CLUBS CLUBS REPAIRED capital improvements from the city to adopt a lO-year of future c"pital improve. FOUR WOODS, EIGHT IRONS: AT MODERATE PRICES. .other funds, (i.e., excluding and for the replaement and ,program as it's g'ood fjscal ments not included in a spe. the two.mill levy). lowering of sewers. '172.31 GOLF GLOVES BV: planning and would help sta- cial tax levy but as part of For example, officials hope While officials are well bilize the tax rate," he said. LADY SPALDING: PARKER. RAM, EDMONT, Apologies the ov~rall budgeting pro. 3 WOODS, 8 IRONS: ROYAL DAISY. for Community Development aware that such cost esti. With the additional levy, cess, Mr. Petersen said the '110.00 LADIES FOOTlES: Block Grant monies for city is contemplating several In our Grosse Pointe News advertise. southwest relief storm sewer WILSON PATTY BURG '1.11 . actions. 3 WOODS, 8 IRONS: LADIES TOTE BAGS: .' ment last week, May 4th, the name work in the area of the They include the possibil . Board Boosts YSD '116 •• 1 FROM'2.10 ea. Southwick should not have appeared. Seven.Mack parking lot and ity of installing additional Raymond, Linville and Bour. GOLF SHOES BY: PUTTERS BY: boat dockage facilities at the FOOT.JOY, GIlEEN.JOY, AM LYNX lOYAL DAISY nemouth, for the widenin~ of (Continued from Page 1) I Administrator -chester E. Lake Front Park, a proposed ROYAL DAISY, PRO.SHU. I., . Lochmoor boulevard, Mack " Petersen and Det. Lt. Jack velop a reaso~ab~e level of Patterson. The Woods is the fishing pier, enlarging the to the west city limits, and stand.by generator facilities for the ramping of sidewalks s~P.P?rt that Will msure the managing municipality of the IHE SPORI NOOK, LID. diVISion's long.term stab. YSD at the municipal building, in. 1845 FLEETWOOD AT MACK west of Mack, Bournemouth 'l't " . stalling a stand.by generator to Huntington. I I y. Mr. Petersen told the for the DPW and installing a GROSSE POINTE WOODS , '. Other funds scheduled to Board President John Board the YSD has won na- salt storage facility at DPW be tapped for projects in Bruce agreed. tional acclaim for its work 881.4774 headquarters toward taking 4 Blocks So. of Vernier Rd. Across from Bonanza. 1978.79 include the water. "We all share concern that with young criminals. He Gro/Je Pou:u ParmJ Hours' 9 ro 5.30 advantage of the state's WE HONOR: VISA, MASUR CHARGE, AMERICAN EXPRESS sewer enterprise fund, the our action does not sound said the four officers, two of lower rate for salt. municipal improvement fund the death knell of the YSD, whom work out of each high and the highway budget. but we all have a responsi- school, spend about 41 per. , ~i!Jt!!li!J~6~i!;MJ.i!;~6~i!Jt!!li!;'""i!JMJ.i!J~6~i!~i!;MJ.i!J~i!J~i!~i!JC ~ bility to our CO!lstituents to cent of their time on school- .~ ~~ . ~ take a long hard look at the related problems or super- .~ ~ YSD, the service it provid('~, vising school functions. The rf:i:~~i:Hi!:~:}i:*~:~~i:;::::;{:::;::~:j::'t ~ ~ the needs it filh, and to do remainder of their time is 'Q ~ it when we haVl~the time to spent on regular, police examine these things, with. duties. '~ ~ out budgets staring us in the Meeting Called face," Mr. Bruce said. This year, the division's .~ ~ ill m The Board took its vote budget will jump to $162,973, .~ TAKE SPRING LIGHTLY ~ Monday, after hearing a pres. an eight percent increase :::::::• /Machine washable slacks for the m::::::: entation from Woods City over this year's expenditure :.~ Make the switch to a ~ of $150,927. ~~~~~: c=r :::~::ft~.e golfer, the gardener or :ii~iii , ~ lightweight vested suit from ~ A survey of school admin- ':it) our Madison collection and ~ Park Budget istrators conducted by Super- • ill }C enjoy a season of comfort. ~ intendent Dr. William Coats Light weight, '-perma_nent press .:~ You'll find a handsome ~ showed the YSD provides (Co!1tinued from Page 1) several "critical" services to poplin in tan or Breton "ed, 17.00. . ~ selection of solids, stripes ~ come, The Park mayor may high schools in The Pointe, Sailcloth in natural, navy. yellow, ;.~ and plaids to choose from. ~ not be reimbursed for part such as investigation of com- , :':~ All are tailored in a cool tl\ or all of the taxes already plaints on campus, preven. ,white and kelly green, 21 )0. JiC polyester and wool blend. ~ paid. tion and prosecution of Both fabrics are prefinished and student drug abuse and pro- . !ot Suits from $175 !\ CETA Plan Helps viding security for school ready.to wear. ~ ~ Reflected in the 1978-79 functions. ' ~~ ~ fiscal budget is the federally "However, it should be ,:'1 ~ financed Comprehensive Em- noted that much of the ~C ~ ployment T r a i n i n g Act, (YSD's) activity involves the "'ill ~ (CETA), adopted by The type of routine police work ..,!ot ~ Park to relieve unemploy- which should be provided by ~:~ ia ment in the city. the respective police depart- 882.8970 ~~ ~ Only residents of The Park ment regardless of the de- ~~ ~ are eligible to participate in gree of our financial support :.:~ ~ t\ this program provided they of. the program," Dr. Coats , h h said. ~:~ ~ can prove that t ey ~v~ Mr Petersen called a meet. ~:~ t' ..-" ~ been unemployed for a mml" ing ~f the YSD b a a r d of m~m of 15 wee.ks, as reo managers for Thursday., May ~f~r~ J ~quued by regulations set by 11, in Tile Woods municipal the federal government. offices, 20025 Mack avenue, 1 ~ The city has nine persons at 10 a.m. at which time the Open Thursday Et'enings "il 8:45 ::~ ~ employed under Title VI and School Board's action, will be %. W ~~ ~ pays the employes from city discussed. .oL::::;:;~:;:;:;:?;:;:~;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:;:;:~:~:;=~;:;:;:;:~:;:;:;:;:~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:;:;~;~;:;:;:;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;;~:;:;::::' -.~ ~ coffers. The Park, in turn, is ~~ tl\ reimbursed t h r a ugh the :~ ~ CETA program. Reimburse- ~ ment 'from this source for .~ 1978-79 is est i mat e d at J~" ~ $60,000. , The SE}V is determined each year by the State Board ...~:.( I~ of Equalization, (SBE), and ,~ ~ is based on market values :'~ ~ obtained in each municipal • .:ill WOODWARDAV[ . SOMERSET MAll ~ ity. '. ~ 1 ';71 \\\Kld\\,ml ,-\\'1' , Phone 9f>.l-111K1,[H.'trOll, -l1l22b ~ ~ ~ The Park completed a re- assessment program .which A heritage of $;':;miW1i:jr¥it1];1=N@?i~l~!f:imit~~~~;ll:t*~~m;Hl:i¥@i:)lbrought 1972 assessments up • • to the SEV, which gave a factor of 1.00. This factor uncotnprotnl~lng fi Allen-Edmonds ..•when you :::::::was increased by four per. cent in 1975, five percent in '. quallt)r. 1976 and six percent in 1977. ~~~~~are ready for ifji The increase for 1978 is 4 seven percent, which raised j\~\~ the finest. LLE N ~\\~\~~the factor to 1.23, from last ~;:::::... .::.::.::.: year's 1.15, for a total SEV ...... DMONDS :::::::of about $103,000,000...... ~~.:.:. m This hikes the tax levy to .~.:.:.: approximately $2,000,000 or ...... ):.:.:.. ,.:.:.:.: about $114,000 more than the current year. Help Pay Cost J~~~.:::::: The following is a break . down of the new fiscal year budget, which begins July 1: Administration and Gen. eral - $427,300; Pub lie Safety, (police and fire de. partments) $1,256,000; :-••... Parks and Recreation - 'I $167,000; Public Works - $1,353.700; Employe Pension ~~m~ and Insurance - $460,000; Contingency - $30,000; Cap. ital Improvement Appropria. g BISCA YN E ill tion - $40,000; H i g h way Fund Appropriation - $81,- 000; and CET A - $60,000. I...... :::k Calf i~::~:::: Revenues are expected to oo;~:~~~::: be raised from these sources: :'.:~~m $77...... :. Property Tax - $2,000,000; ~:~:~:~:~.~:~Miscellaneous Revenue-$l,- f.=::~ : 743,500; Appropriation of ;::::::: Confidence. It's what you'll get from Allen- :::::::Surplus - $73,500; and Fed. eral Revenue Sharing-$58.- I ~~=~~Sy~~~~~o~"t::si~tl~~~';,ff:~~~IC:I~~ance. .1\\\ 000. The laUer amount, it was ;••:j:j.:::~:j And the feel of great quality. With Allen-Edmonds, :::::;:pointed out, will be used to ~"'" you'll enjoy much more than great comfort. tm help partially pay the cost ?:j:j:' You'll enjoy great confidence. For which there ::::::;of strect lighting. This $58.- 000 is included in the Public :;:::: can be no price. ,....:. Works budget. AII.n;~~~~~:',~~~',:'~~~b1.In 11 III Grosse Pointe News I ~Published Every Thursday by Robt. B. Edgar D/BI A Anteebo Publishers ~!:! 99 Kercheval Avenue ~teiI's. ~~Grosse Pointe, Mich. 48236 The Scotch that never varies. Phone TU 2.6900 Second Cia.. Postaoe pold at BlENOEO SCOTCH WHISKY B8 B PROOf ,SCHENlEY IMPORTS CO. NY, N Y Dotrolt, Michlgon. Sobs"'o"on Rahs $8.00 per year via mail. Address all Mall S..bscrlptlon., KERCH'VALAT S::::I:~OGROSS' POINT> 11 Chonoe of Addr.ss forms 3579 to 99 Kercheval, GrOSSI Polnl. farms, I~:::: 0Pt''1 Thlmday EI,t''1mgl '/,1 8.4~ ::::::'Mlch, The d.ad.!n. fa. n..... copy Is Monday naan. All od • .,tisi"ll copy ", ..st b. III t~..::::::=:::::::::::;:;:::;::::::=:=:=:;=:::=::::::::::;:;:;=;::=;=;=::;:;=;=:=::::;:;:::;::;::::::::::::::::;:::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~:~:;:~:~:~:~:r:~" the H.... s Office by T.... doy noon " to hn"re '''Slrtlon.

,. _ ,6",_~ .. _ .. • + \ P.CJe Three Thur~day, May I I, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS PROFIT ANGLE Live fdght SOPHISTICATED And some citizens answer Take care of the common straightened circumstances Skateboard SALE!! Juvenile Pair Julie Harris Receives the call of duty only when it sense end and your worries may sound a lot better, but makes a noise like a dollar. will take care of themselves. it's just as bad as being poor. ACS lOGAN KRYPTONIC Arson Suspects Warm Welcome Home GULLWING SIMS OJ'S Two 15-year.old Park boys, reported to have been in the By Susan McDonald old in "The Member of The Charles Helin Mansion, in Distinguished actress Julie Wedding," TRACKER FIB£RFlEX SANT A CRUZ Windmill Pointe drive a day Harris came "home" to her Since then, she's captured Why is McDonald East the largest before the March 18 fire native Grosse Pointe last four Tony Awards and two which destroyed the building weekend to honor the school Emmys for an amazing var- RENTA CARagent on the eastside? VillAGE CYClERY and resulted in the death of "that gave me my start in iety of roles on Broadway. 22316 HARPER 0 a City firefighter, are pos. the theater" with a special Miss Harris and her jour. (Bel 8 & 9 Mile) __ ~ sible arson suspects, accord. performance of her acclaim- nalist husband Walter Car. Because they offer • better rates Sf CLAIR SHORES - 777-03S7 B ing to information released ed one.woman show, "The roll now live in Arlington, by Park Police Chief Henry Belle of Amherst." Va. Coming up for the ac. better service .' more cars • cleaner O. Coonce on Monday, May The occasion was the l00th tress is the role of Mrs. How. 8. anniversary of University ard Taft in "Upstairs at The Liggett School, which drew White House" in June. They .".n ,en1 8. 12 and 15 REMODEL T~e. chief said the pair ~re alumni from across the coun. The University Liggett paltense' Fo,d "an, with ,pedol specI~lcal1y char~ed with try to a three-day celebra. School centennial was cele. JOte, with ."tended vacation" ~nteru~~ an occuP.le~ dwell. tion in The Pointe. brated with dozens of reo all wily equipped. mg without permiSSIOn and H' hI' ht f th k d unions throughout the week. NOW! have been filed against with 19 I~ o. e :-vee e!l free Pick.~p and D.liv,ry Wayne Co u n t y Juvenile was an Evenmg with JUlIe end. New York Assemblywoman Call Phil Gavan Court authorities. There is Mary Elizabeth Brier Good. no definite proof that the hue, Class of '38, spoke at a lIew \ocal building teenagers are connected with Friday, May 5 luncheon, the 885-4000 -..,.~ codes require that setting the fire, but they are school's Choral Society per. -B~&.iMg- four property be being questioned in the mat. formed Hadyn's "The Crea. updated' prior to ter, Chief Coonce empha. tion" Friday evening and 1.RENT'A-CARI f)~"J. ADDITIONS selling or. re.rentinf. sized. television actor Max Gail Jr, '9 REMODELING Enioy this impro'.e. Park Fire Chief Phillip hosted a grand birthday 16901 MACK NEAR CADIEUX 777 -6840 S:;:'l ment white you are Costa said that the fire, party on the school campus 6.int in your home~ which completely destroyed Sunday, May 7. (V(NINCS G' TU1."44 the building and its contents, (AST SIDE AND was definitely established as GROSSl 'OINrES arnon by state Police of the Fire Marshal's Office in UPDATE YOUR BATHROOM, KITCHEN, Lansing and by Lt. James Palmer of the Park Fire De. PLUMBING and ELECTRIC partment, who aided in the investigation. Memberships available in TWO & All HOME OFFICE SERVI(ES City Firefighter Richard Photo by Wendy K. Settle PAINTING Tucker, 45, died of internal JULIE HARRIS injuries in Bon Secours Hos. Harris" which included a pri. pital after' a chimney col. vate showing of the play at lapsed and crashed through the Punch and Judy Theater an open doorway, knocking Saturday, May 6, followed by down an exterior wall and a reception for the star . showering him with building The slightly-built actress ...)EWEI;Rii .. stones. He was the first fire- was literally mobbed with fighter in City history to die greetings from old friends, in the line of duty. former classmates and auto. City and Farms firemen graph seekers after her per. :::::: Enjoy the facilities of BOTHLakeshore AND Wimbledon ~::: ,APPRAISALS and equipment aided The formance - all of which she ~" ' ',.,- ..' 'P;11;~i:I.. Park department in battling shrugged off with an ex- the flames . hausted smile. J .'.. Certified Appraisals -~;; ,f. ' "It all goes so fast, there're It; * 7 Courts * 3 Surfaces Ii Park Firefighter Robert , • Phot()gr~phicI~~iifi~ti~~" Nemens was overcome by so many old friends to see in ill • smoke and fatigue and Park such a short time," she said. ifl: 'ELASTURF GRASSTEX OUTDOOR CLAY COURTS Police Officer Eugene Mag- "But I really do enjoy com. I ., ~~t?inm.enPed'by All Pfinci1':!fl::: nee suffered arm and chest ing back. It was at this school "TrtSurance .Companie$., ".;

BONOR ALBERS Richard T. Albers of The Shores was recipient of the LAKESHORE Northwood Institute Automo. WIMBLEDON Tenn;s House This Week's tive Replacement Education Racquet Club Award recently at a conven. 23125 Marter Rd. 20250 E. 9 Mile Rd. tion in . Mr. Albers St. Clair Shores 48080 Bell Ringers pioneered the use of data St. Clair Shores 48080 Prices EHective May 11, 12 and 13 processing in the aftermar. ket field, according to the Ih:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;=:::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::;::::::::::::::i1 CLOSED SUNDAY Institute. • We Close Wednesdays at 1 p.m.


~!~!~~!~~t£~R~$1.98 LB. U.S.D.A. CHOICE BONELESS ROLLED SIRLOIN TIP ROAST $1.69 LB. U.S.D.A. GRADE A WHOLE S.LB. BAG FRYING CHICKEN LEGS $3.98 With flags and banners flying, (No Backs Attached) the enthusiasm of pompons and AVAILABLE ON ONE DAY'S NOTICE cheers, we proudly usher in .. . Michigan Week - OVEN READY 8ftt Saturday, May 20 SlUFFED IURKEYS"'" LB. thru Saturday, May 27 Just as our pleasant peninsulas "The Original" invite you to look around them ...... _....__. we Invite you to look around STUFFED PORK ROLLS our in-store tribute. Each day (In A Foil Pan Oven Ready) 98~. will be a celebration of our glorious state, and we'll have EXTRA fANCY RE,O RIPE a lively troop of talented CALIFORNIA WATER- mimes for everyone's enjoyment, 79C Clowns of Silence, the Pontiac ASPARAGUS LB. MELON 15~B. 4-H and C.A.M.P. Group. FRESH CHIQUITA BANANAS SNO-WHITE 98C .. MUSHROOMS LB. 19~B. Grosse Pointe Thursday, May II, 1.978 '. Page Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS ...', _._-~------...... GOODJUDGEMENT TEMPUSFUGIT ... , 'Schools -1m R k · Common sense is a com. Many a guy loses his ....., prove an, lUg modity that will pay you chance bee au s e he never ..' . big dividends if invested knows it's too late until it is .. , WEEKDAY OPEN I ,.... (Continued from Page 1) I everything we cover in the judiciously. too late . ' ~mastered 75 percent or more elementary schools," 1\Ir. Mc.I------...... HOURS I of the objectives in reading Caig said. .."', MON., TUES., SUNDAY this year. In the previous With the exception 0'1 three "- t? WED., THURS. year, only 79.8 percent mas. to five question dealing with f.": 9 A.M. to 7 p.M. 10 A.M. • tered the reading. metrics, he said all test areas .,.~ FRIDAY In the fourth grade math arc included in the school ,., TO ... 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. category, this year's 94 per. system's curriculum . .,., cent mastery level represents The students were not pre. II<> SATURDAY a slight decline from last pared or coached for the o A.M. to 6 P.M . 5 P.M. .."'"... : year's 95,6 level. Mr. McCaig state tests as they were for II said this was probably due the more recent Metropol . ...', to the fact that the state itan Achievement Tests ad . . P,ices Good Th'lI TII.S., May 161 ., test illcludes questions on ministered. in. elementary III We Reserv. th. RighI to So",!' pl'lIple think that rose wine~ hlu'e an untJi, • ... metrics. which were not in. schools thiS spring, Mr. Mc- .. Umit Ouonlities Phone 885-9839 tin"ui!ohed taste. thai there is reall~' 1I0lhinl/; ~I,ceiul ... troduced in The Pointe ele. Caig noted. about ro"e wines to gi\c them their own charu{'tl'r. fl' mentary curriculum until af. Prior to taking the Metro. ""Yo This mi/olht he hccausI' tht'~. are incoml)lete red win.'~ .. ter the tests were taken this I politans, students were given .. i:t year. sample test questions to prac. in a wa\. Tht'\ an" made from the same grape, a~ r.-d tice on. wine~. 'bul Ih'e f.'rmenlation proc!'s ... lusts onl~' lon~ enough 10 "h'e Ihl' wine the appropriate pink eolorin/( . 'lO... ,~ . Seventh gra.ders showed But the schools did try out ... Improve~ents In both math an experimental preparation .'onethl'les". roses remain appealinj;\ to man~ ".-opl.' ....~ ~nd re~dtng ..Mast.e~ ~f read. program of a slightly differ- 011 man\' oc{'asions. and ,,'e are amollg them. \VI' I'an .. mg Jumped slgmflcantly, ent nature at one school - recom,";end ~ome Cine roses Ihal WI' arl' sur!' you will ... from 75 percent to 88.4 this Brownell _ before the state enjo~'. 00 • year and math increased tests were administered last .. (~ome ill and lalk 10 us at P-\KKIE'S I>.\KT\ ... from 72.7 to 76.6 over the- fall. Mr. McCaig reports there .. SHOPPE. I i2;).} \laek. eornt'r of "it. Clair. 88;)-0626; ...' two.year span. , was a more marked increase "". we'll be happy 10 recommend !lome win"" we think ....., Mr. McCaig said the state in the scores at that school. you'll enjoy. We feature a full selection of importt'd assessment test "is a good "Principals were urged to .... and domestic wines and can sugge~1 an appropriall' .., one," developed mostly by examine the test data from .... selection of Mother's Day giving. Or perhaps Mother .-.~. state educators and designed last year and compare them .., to test basic life skills. to the overall school system ,,'ould enjoy one of our custom j;\ift baskets. creatt'd '"', especiall~' for her .• 'ree deli\'ery ~er\'iCI!. lIours; 10-1«I .., "But it's not a full.range and -otate levels to determin~ ..."', NICE THINGS fOR NtH PEOPlE test. It cannot be used to probable ~reas of. wea~~ess, ."on .• Thur.~ 10-1 I "ri .• Sal. "" evaluate the quality of the Mr: McCaig eltplamed. Early HELPFUL m.vT: lit. LOWREY'S school system because it says revIews were to be concen . .' 79 \lam full flamred red ""ines "'ill imprO\'e ",'ilh ...•• nothing about social science, trated on ~hose weak areas, ... ' 3.0Z. art and music, etc. It doesn't but t~ey dId not u.se sample !JOllie ag~, ..' BEEF \5-CT. $-199• ... TABLE come close to touching on ~~~:~,~ons from tne actual .., JERKY TIN ...•.' TRIMMED LB• The administration hopes .. Dinner Part to see more schools adopt a ...Oil. Y similar preparation program SAFE FLUE ... next year, Mr. McCaig said. Chimney Sweep .....' v.. -LOIN-9 TO 11 IN PKG . The administrator noted ... ticket chairman, Walter Di. ... that The Pointe's ranking ..... Giulio, MD. had improved at a time when J 8 Chimney fires in the .. PORK CHOPS L8.$1.39 More are ticket co-chair- achievement levels across the ...• man, C I iff 0 r d Carpenter, state are improving . Grosse Po;ntes last year .... TENDER, BABY John Cueter, Alphonse San- "We have not only kept ..... tino, MD, Gennaro DiMaso, up with the trend, but in • could have been pre_vented ' c ...... MD, and W. Peter McCabe, creased our relative standing by regular chimney deaning ... BEEF LIVER L8.69 MD. Publicity Chairmen are as well," he said . ... WITH PEPPERIDGE FARM STUFFING George Cueter and Pepper "We've got good students, The byproduds from the burning of wood or ... Whitelaw. parents who value the im . .. portance of education, excel. coal - creosote and soot - are highly ". s Tickets for this event are flammable and accumulate in the chimney .. STUFFED PORK CHOPS L8. $100 and may be purchased lent teachers and sound sup. ... l.39 port systems - everything causing the possibility of a SERIOUS FIRE. .' from any guild member or .. you need to have a good .... WEST VIRGINIA BRAND by contacting the guild office ... at 881-8200, extension 547. school system . .. l-LB. "We're moving ahead with Phone 881-5893 5) 59 For persons afflicted with .. PORK SAUSAGE ROLL • more coordination and focus ... End-Stage Renal Disease, a on the basics and the teach- ..... SMOKED, SLICED chronic irreversible kidney ers have cooperated extrem • .. disease with renal failure, ely well," he said ...... l-LB. renal dialysis is a must. ... PKG. $1• 89 HOME SPECIAL ... ARMOUR STAR BACON In order to sustain life, Hill Merchants ..... GORTON'S, FROZEN their blood must be artifici...... ally "cleansed" of impurities Plan Festival and OFFER .. a minimum of three times a ... l-LB. $2 29 week. Nothing short of a kid- PKG. • $24.95 .. HADDOCK FILLETS ney transplant can prevent The Hill Merchants Ass'n., GARAGE .. the necessity of such dialy. an organization of shop own- Ii...., D.IET OR "REGULARc,' sis . ers and merchants located in ., the Kercheval on-the-Hill dis- ~ .. GUTT .... C'LEANI!D .- In Saint John's service trict, will conduct its annual .. area, approximately 70 per. Hill Spring Festival on Fri . Serving the Grosse Pointe Ar~a ... cent of patients suffering day and Saturday, May 12 .. SEVEN-UP from renal failure select and 13, along the business ..... chronic and self-dialysis, both strip of. Kercheval avenue . We are able to serve the Grosse donz only in a health facility. During the event, there Pointe homeowners this spring. .."", .... A net increase of 25-30 will be a sidewalk display of ... renal dialysis patients is ex- art work by members of the ,'" Grosse Pointe Artists Ass'n. on pected annually in the ser. '" 15 vice area due to population and hot dog and shish kebab Leaves and ice build up in your ...."' $ street vendors . changes. Currently, only one gutters and downspouts have "- "The purpose of the .. IMSTAMT 8.01.$4 89 6-12-0Z. out of 10 hospitals in this caused many problems during the " JAR • area offers any type of Spring Festival is to pro- "" SANKA chronic dialysis service, Saint mote shopping in the Hill winter months. .... CANS district and help celebrate -'V John reports . ,... Library, Week," said Ed ... I The hospital is planning a Kiska, president of the Hill SAVE COSTLY REPAIR BILLS ... ~ NEW MILL major chronic maintenance Merchants Ass'n. and owner "" and home dialysis training of Kiska jewelers, 63 Ker. facility for out-patient treat. cheval avenue . CALL: Mitchell A. M. Painting ... 16-0Z. 79C! ... ,KLUSKINOODLES PKG. " ment which will be located in Free coffee and daisies the new .Clinical Office for the ladies will be avail- 881-5105 -.. REGULAR OR KING SIZE 1, Building. able at the festival which 12-0Z. With this new program, runs during business hours Monday thru Friday 8:30 to 5:30 .'.. on both days FRITO CORN CHIPS R:;. BAG Saint John will become the nor t h eastern metropolitan ASSORTED STRAINED area center for kidney dialy- .. sis, furthering its develop. .. 4,S-OZ. ment as a Regional Health GERBER BABY FOODS JAR Care Facility, officials add. GREEN GIANT TUMACDER NA~IED 12-0Z. Pointer Oscar Tumacder. ANNOUNCE"1ENT iNIILETS CORN CAN MD, was recently appointed 'I1lf vice-chief of the vascular !' UTSCHLER KITCHENS OF NAPPANEE, INDIANA, manufacturers PLANTERS surgery section at Grace O"a.l • of fine cabinets since 1895, in its continuing effort to better serve its Hospital Division of Harper . .11 Yz-OZ. C Grace Hospitals. Dr. Tumac- customers; has appointed CUSTOMCRAFT INC., of Grosse Pointe as its 99 exclusive dealer in this area. TAVERN NUTS CAN der received his medical de- gree at the University of the OLD ENGLISH LAVENDER Philippines and completed ~o not be misled by imitators ot similarities in names; CUSTOMCRAFT INC. his internship at Pontiac IS the sole dealer, in Wayne County, for MUTSCHLER KITCHENS OF . YARDLEY BAR SOAP 4:fR~51.00 NAPPANEE, INDIANA. WASHINGTON RED OR GOLDEN GreatLifeN CUSTOMCRAFT, established in 1956 and a member of the American Insti- tute ot Kitchen Dealers, is a complete MUTSCHLER CABINET DESIGN "11r.rd Flat CENTER with four well qualified and experienced kitchen designers and DEUCIOUS APPLES ~Paint an Intenor DeSIgner on its staff. A tough, cIurahIe CUSTOMCRA~T, in its Grosse Pointe showroom, has a complete display finish tor • H'gheSI Oual,'v flit of kItchen cabmets, bathroom vanilies and wall furniture systems manu- esteriorwood • ~~~s~"UI flal factured by MUTSCHLER KITCHENS OF NAPPANEE, INDIANA. and 1IIdaI. • PerfeCI lor wood Siding s~'''''g:es. and st1a~es - rough If you are planning to build a new home or remodel your present kitchen, do and smOO!t1 C wood 5'dll'9 yourself a favor and inspect the cabinetry preferred by discriminating I .81ISle' peel and I chajjo:, res.~slilnl I people: MUTSCHLER KITCHENS OF NAPPANEE, INDIANA; available, in .. ideal 10r areas this area, only from CUSTOMCRAFT INC. above t>r1C.lc and s.lone • Easy to app'y .. Free of 'ead For kitchen design service and a quotation on your particular kitchen, call . "'azards CUSTOMCRAFT INC. or visit their showroom .

I) tt W •• uJ>PO" th.G_•.. ;.,~ Poinl. Jayc .. 's (, I \ 81ICE-o\.THON t 'or R.y .. ~ r" Syndrom •.

Lochmoor Hardware GAOSSE POINTE 18332 MACK 881-1024 . 20779 MACK ot 8 MI. VISIT OUR 885-0242 • SHOWROOMS W,ndow Repo" & Morn'enonce ROCHESTER • !WIN IVIRY DAY. SUN, 10 to 4 336 MAIN 652-1444

_"., • ... oW b • . _.. .,...... - • .. • - '- . p $ ; • 0 ... ,. ;as. - • • ..

Thursday, May II, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five

..' ';

" > ,.,

ll).m.But\\s It~. 70 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48236 (313) 886.4883 Monday - Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Open Thursday Evenings 'till 9:00

From our collection of'lamps in various style!! and sizes. we oft'(lll'a Variely tdghlights the latest patterns of cutton fabrics. perfect for unique choice of designs, reOecting a charisma and Ollir for fresh stretching in the use or wall treatments - beautiful dl"Signs from style. Sweden, Finland. Holland. Germany,, and Indonesia.

FURNITURE LAMP GRAND OPENING MANUFACTURERS: MANUJ!'ACTURERS: Knob Creek Wildwood MAY 13 & 15-19 Baker F. Cooper Drawing every day, with For your convenience, we also Hekman Haeger refreshments, and balloons Sarreid Mario offer the unique design services Rosenthal - Netter Chapman for the children. of Lambert-Brow Interiors, Inc. Wing On May 13 - live music .Kittinger and special drawing!

( ,.'",',


,~_~ __ -.. __ '.t.< .,. .«« ea', or be n° ------~-_..._._ .._--~ = ...... , .. . .

P.ge Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May II,' 1978 BONORED CHEMIST Students Sing I ALUMNI HONORED North High School senior The semi-annual anthol-, City resident Dr. Frances Liggett Sets Pops Concert Robert McCampbell has been ogy, "Young America Sings," I M. LePlante-Sosnowsky is Gabby's Seeks Class C License selected a winner of the 1978 will ~ontain poems written chairman of the second an. University Ligg~tt Middle and Rob Swaney on the vio. American Chemistry Society maintaining the same "high owned it from 1956 to 196 by four Austin Catholic Pre- nual distinguished lecture School students under the lin and guitar, "You Light (Continued from Page 1) Detroit Section Chemistry standards of quality and ser. In his prepared materi paratory School students, series and awards day spon. direction of Nora Kelly and Up My Life:' "We Are the issue one additional docu. Award, based on his per- vice," along with making ad- for presentation to the cou Tim Mulligan, Matthew Car. sored at Wayne State Uni. Sharon Seaver will present a Champions" and "Jive ment, and, if so, to whom. It's formance and potential in ditional improvements to the cil this January during t roll, Thomas Lewis and Wil. versity by the Education Spring Pops Concert on Talkin' " featuring Mary possible, pending further de. science competition. property without considering special hearing, Mr. Bar liam Bolton. Alumni Ass'n. in May. Thursday, May 11, at 8 p.m. Fisher, Rob Ryan, Bill Tet. velopments, that a hearing, ------major increases in food said that Gabby's is a 0 The school band will per. telbach and Hadley Fink in similar to the one held this prices. purpose building. form "The Fifth of Beetho. a disco dance' and Frank January when the council ap- When asked if he foresees "In the past 10 years the ven," "Feelings," "Percussion Pen iran on the drums. proved the issuance of a C on Parade," "Theme from Eighth graders will con- license to Grosse Pointe ilny problems if his establish. have been several unsucce ment is granted a license, ful operations which result SWAT" and "Star Wars" at clude the program with Woods Recreation, could be e.g., citizen complaints when in failure and bankruplc the school, 850 Briarcliff "Could It Be Magic," "I held. the restaurant was known as and Gabby's has been abl drive. Write The Songs," "Black If the council issues one Blazo's, Mr. Bardy cited the to operate presently at Each class glee club has Water" and "Listen to The additional Ii c ens e, which change in the quality of the break-even point but with th special numbers prepared Music." Jeff Jones, Noel would make five Class C li. customers over the lasl three increased cost of operatio for the concert. Sixth gra. Haberek, Mike Maypon, Rob censes in the community, years. in the immediate future, th ders will present "Mister Swaney and Rich DelGrosso (the city could have up to "This place is no longer a Class C license is desperatel Bach," "Hey Jude" and will accompany the eighth 15 pending council approval), hangout for teenage kids," needed," he said. "The Long and Winding grade glee club on guit'lr, the state Liquor Control Road." bass and drums. Commission also would have he said. Rather, since the Noting that Gabby's ha The seventh graders will Others performing will be to give its okay. Blazo days, an attempt has been "so much a part of th the special eighth grade been made to alter the over. community, (e.g., involved i sing "Classical Rock," "Dusl Mr. Bardy, who's been at in The Wind" featuring singing group and the Middle all picture by setting the the co-op program with th the restaurant for three David Wu, Dianne Alcantara School string ensemble. business up as a family- high schools in the area) years including some time as oriented restaurant. that its continued operatio a consultant when the estab- Will Redecorate is a necessity," Mr. Bardy in lishment was known as Land. "The dinner business is the dicated that the fixed Oper mark, bought the business in key to the operation. People ating cost for Gabby's fisca May 1976. want to have a cocktail with year ending this April 3 Faced with a "tremendous their meals," slated Mr. shows rent, $54,624, taxes, overhead," Mr. Bardy cited Bardy. $16,562.95, and insurance, the rising cost of utilities "Gabby's will continue to $13,969. "which have been monumen- be a family.oriented restau. Totaling $85,155.95, he said tal in the last two to three rant. There will be no cock- an additional cost of approxi. years." tail lounge, (plans call for a mately $15,000 a year is Change In Quality service bar), and it will be needed "to maintain the At the same time, Mr. Bar. a well lit restaurant, (as award.winning appearance of dy noted that the new min- against the dim atmosphere Gabby's and its landscaping." imum wage "has been a real of most cocktail lounges), He also stated that the burden," increasing his pay- catering to the family trade." anticipated value of the roll by some $450 per week Saying he has personally building ana property Is over and well over $20,000 per received favorable word of . M $518,000. year. He indicated he em. mouth on the drive, r. Citizens interested in cir. • ploys around 60 people. Bardy indicated if he's suc- culating petitions may call With the growing costs of cessful in obtaining a C Ii- Mr. Bardy at 882-5990. • operating the establishment, cense, he plans to redecorate Mr. Bardy feels a Class C the interior of the building l , license will help him toward including new carpeting and Board Fires furniture. Gym Teacher *************************~ fa~~ti~~o cited his banquet COME SEE A SPECIAL EXHIBIT OF The School Board voted CHARACTER JUGS FROM ROYAL DOULTON * Cl'EAN.' RITE I Sftl"NGr, " *'* BardyWhilehasbornbeenin Detroit,a part Mr.of unanimously, May I, to ter. The Pointe area for most of minate the' employment of Remarkably detailed, colorful portrayals of historical ~ his life. A graduate of South - POOL * an 18-year veteran of its teaching staff, Elmer L. and fictional persons, these are truly unique collector ~~gdh~~:o~i:~t~~~~ h:e~i:~: *' POOL SERVICE ....~...o. OPENINGS! ~ Lepp, a physical education items you will be proud to display. Our exhibit ~ rant in Mack avenue in The instructor at Poupard Ele- illustrates the various stages involved in the ~ "'t. $1 I 0 Woods, the Hawthorne House mentary School. -a.. '. * in Kercheval avenue in The The tenure ch~ges were painstaking production of the jugs as well as ~ ' SPECIAL -a.. Farms and the' Jacobson's filed against Mr. Lepp on current styles in the collection. Included are *' \ ~ St. Clair Room in Kercheval February 28 ,by Assistant -a.. ~ avenue in The City. Falstaff and Captain Ahab, shown here, plus Superintendent for Instruc. ~ ...... "VlCEI- ...... "One think I've found in tion Dr. Joseph Spagnoli and Don Ouixote, King Henry VIII and Merlin, to name ACID WASHES 1" talking to people is that they Po u par d Principal Peter -a..* . ..,.. remember the Hawthorne a few. Visit our store exhibit and start your Wharton. ;: • POOL (OVERS ~ I House," said Mr. Bardy, who The school trustees heard collection of Royal Daulton character jugs. several hours of public tes- Mav 18th thru 20th. *' • CHEMICAlS ..,.. timony from school adminis- trators, a parent and Mr. * . EQUIPMENT REPAIR ~ SEWIR Lepp before deciding the case. Representing the school * & REPlACEMENT 1" IROUILE? administration in the pro. *' -lEAKS ~ ceedings was attorney Doug. CLOSINGS ~ C.I las West, while Michigan Jacob SonS * . Education Ass'n. staff memo MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY 14 *'-a.. .~~ bers ~chard Lang and Pat- -rick Laughlin represented . GROSSE POINTE: *' ,.,...... ,..'~"" '~ Mr. Lepp. PLUMBINGaHE1TINC The association has not * 642-6088 _... 885.6499:, yet determined whether or not it will appeal the Board's t*************************115304 KERCHEVAL' VA 209070 ruling to the Michigan Ten. ure Commission, Mr. Laugh- lin said. The charges included gross inefficiency in performance of classroom duties and in. subordination. After the vote was taken Monday, Board President John Bruce noted that "it ,was a very hard decision for us to make." "It was one of the most difficult things the Board of Education has had to face. We ,certainly have some reo spect for the time Mr. Lepp has spent in our school sys. tern," Mr. Bruce said. Trustee Rob e r t Warner was absent from the meeting and did not vote on the ten. ure charge. Church Slates Bach Cantatas

The choir and a chamber orchestra will present two of Johann Sebastian Bach's Cantatas, (Nos. 34 and 68), at tlJe Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church of De. troit, 8625 East Jefferson avenue, on Sunday, May 14, at 11 a.m. All Weather Wilson The noted Cantatas are "0. Well-Spring of Eternal Joy" and "For God So Loved The Nylon OFF World." Deborah Atkinson. 25% Donald Bliss, Barbara Hawk- sley and Thomas Parker are the soloists. Robert Hawks- DUCKSTER JACKETS ley is the chorus and orches- tra director. The presentation is part of % the celebration of Pentecost 15 0FF RACQUETS Sunday, ("The Festival of The Holy Spirit"), and in rec, ognition of Mother's Day. The public is cordially in. Selected Tennis Shoes vited to attend. Tred II 25% CIF Jack Purcell 15% OFF 8110 MEN'S SPORT SHOES Old Maine Trotters 20% OFF



.1 •

Thursday, May II, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven

The Kmhnal On-The-llill Assol'ialion WELCOMES W.M. BURNS Ltd. furniture

Distinctive Gifts for the Bride and all occasions! aihe Sign °ihe Mermaid

boys girls .. \1~[!!J~~ 1S1b01?CiI@l0 I . 882-1610 110 Kercheval TU 1-7227

for ~~ ub j: ~(g'? ~ ~ outl Won't You Jorn Us ~);: During / : !~.~: i!.~..••...... {~~. Library Week? ~ 0" II:. Festival Speciall ~t!; .:: i BROWSE IURU SHIRTS '8€' ~O,,~ , Custom o OUR STACKS made-to-your I 20%OFF y measure I OF All JEWELRY " 97 KERCHEVAL on-the-Hill ~II, BARGAINS A Picard-Norton serVice, With a wide selectlon of fabncs and EARRINGS NECKLACES BRACE.LETS ., styles from which to choose ~ ""! You will enjoy reading RINGS STICKPINS CLUTCH PINS CHARMS 1 Stop In and be measured soon our novel prices MONEY CUPS KEY RINGS - h SECOND SERVE-secClnd to none IN STYLE AND VALUE from 19.50 1, MAY 11, 12, 13 ONLY F.aturlng .econdl, ~ Irregulars, manufac- ....r~{f~ picard-710l'ton Remember Mom's Day turers' clououtl In ;s May 14 % QUALITYTEIIIIIS APPAln (o;~;QQ: 92 Kercheval - On The Hill ~ ... for Ihe entire femlly. ,.. ~ Hours 9 'td 6 dally • 882-8251 ;) ::l:~!'tl:~':~~~~~~~~~~[q1 115 Kercheval On-the-H.II .•..:::.:.:.:.: ... SpecIal Orders Not Included 1M ThIS Scle ~.:..... :...: 886-7688 . :."0 ~~ -:;[~:~rj~j~jjjjj For HIli Days Only FINE FOOD FRI.-SAT. - May 12, 13 I A group of ...... :...... plus .. Trad has her very SUMMER 20% ...... (al'Orlle SKIRTS OFF :t..... ::'::::"';':':':'~ (some blouses to match) NICE THINGS ::~JJ'.' :':;:;:;':':':';;FRAGRANCES - m.....t.i:.:..i::.:.~:::~:::...:~::..:::::.:. for NICE PEOPLE ':::::=~:::' I~1~~I~]SOAPS t~Ir..": :':':::::::~ii~i: also an array of ...... f;!~jj:1:.~~~[ SUMMER ...... : . % P.S. Don't forget to CANVAS BAGS 20 OFF check our 50% OFF SAt. 1!~I~!!!!I!I~!j!~!~ir.''.;~~~'.' TABLE 1!!ll!~l!111!111~1!: .. I . . . ~ - -- - APOTHECARY SHOP . 121 Kercheval, on the Htli SaUllE 117 KERCHEVAL, on-the-Hm ~ ...~: ~ .. [~ OPEN MON -Fill 9-7 - SAT 9-6 107 KERCHEVAO: C:0II-THE-HILL D::'~:ry 881-5688 881-6833

FRJ SAT ONLY SPECIAl FRI & SAT. ONlY SPRING RING SALt Come browse at J 00 Rings - While La Strega ... , I';:;';-;:;:;:::.' They Last ... ONL Y We're Offering

Fri.-Sat. Only pe;ny- MANY ,.:. ::~.~. $10 w8Ight :::::..:'.:":;::' Fred Perry .....: . Example: a reg. 129.50 FESTIVAL ..:;:::;. ::. ;:.:.;.. :. SPORT 14 Kt. Peridot Rmg .' .:.:.:.' .' 6 pennyweights - $60 SPECIALS Choos. from SapphIres - C,Innes ." SHIRTS - Cameos - Pearl RlnS' and more Select Group of Men's & ladles' WATCH ES•.• 40% OFF 200/00H OTHER "IN STORE" SPECIAlS .:.::.

carl sterr Kiska ~" lnf ~/ ulJrr ('{""".,. Jewelers Phone 63 Kercheval ON- THE-HIU 886-2066 63 t:r;,~al-2.lt'ega (,rOIlIl(' Pomt" farms IN THE COLONIAL FEDERAL 8lDG In t~e Colon "I 884 8663 L lIollr~: 9 10 .'l:30 885-5755 federol BuddIng -

-,., ... ~ - we ... ~! ..... = e!. • _ « « • Ed ...... - • « ..... eM...... ~... _. • • • • 4 5 50L ,: a c

Page Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May I I, 1978 CLASS APPROVED BY WOODS Library Week Events Slated Ipwp to Hear GPF Officer A request from Woods Council at its regular meet. Se,w;rs Eye Housing ; senior citizens for a Bridge ing Monday, May 1. The cost A trivia contest, just.for. : class consisting of eight les. judged in several categories Leaves Force is placed at $120 with the fun book cover' judging, a Social Worker (Contluued from Page 1) rents-not to the community : sons, each two hours long, including design and effec. monies to come from the day of amnesty and open tiveness. The first step is having and its taxpayers in total. : was approved by the Woods The Farms Pollee Depart. seniors' recreation fund, house entertainment are just the council place the ques. The overall objective is to , Both contests may be en. Grosse Poi n t e Parents ment will lose "one of its a few of the events everyone tion on the August 8 pri. have the proposed complex, tered at Central Library, 10 Without Partners, (PWP), finest well trained officers" is invited to join during mary ballot. Then the ques. whatever form it may, (or Kercheval avenue. will hear social worker Dr. tion is will the voters an. may not), ultimately take, saId Chief Robert Ferbe~ LAKESHORE ROAD 707-Magnificent view of Lake Grosse Pointe Library Week, Dorothy Kirby discuss "Self when Officer Thomas Kelly St. Clair from this Spanish type home! This uni. Monday, May 8 through Sat. A full day of amnesty will Discovery _ Using Transac. swer in the affirmative? pay its own way with the hope of even having some leaves the force on Sunda~', que offering has 6 bedrooms, 5 baths, an impres. urday, May 13. be held all day Saturday at tional Analysis to Know One's If the question receives May 14. approval, many other hur. necessary money in reserve. sive sunken living room, dining room and much, The Trivia Contest is based the Park and Woods Branch. Sell" at its next meeting Fri. Officer Kelly, 37, is relir. dIes will have to be met In relation to this, officials much more. upon facts about best.selling es. It will begin at 5 p.m. Fri. day, May 12, at 7:30 p.m. ing after 12 and a half years books and authors. Winners day and continue all day including the formation of also are aware of ever.in. LOCHMOOR-Vacant lot, .110'xI72'. Choice site! get paperback copies of the Satu11ay at the Central The meeting, to be held at a building authority, neces. creasing costs on an annual of service with The Farms to move to Dallas, Tex Branch. Persons may return the War Memorial, 32 Lake. sary feasibility studies, pub- basis. ALLARD, ideal for retirees! Super brick ranch fea. World Almanac or Guinness where he plans to go int~ all overdue books without shore road, will be followed lic hearings, et al. At the same time, if the turing living room with natural fireplace large Book of World Records. the retail automobile busi. paying usual fines. by an afterglow. During the discussion, it proposal for housing passes. country kitchen, rec. room and 11h car garage. Entrants may determine it's a possibility voters also ness. Friday's open house at Nationally, PWP boasts a was agreed that the propo. how their artistic judgments might consider a charter "Most of my family and D. DAY Central Library will feature total membershio of 159,240 sition should make it clear REALTY stack up against others in amendment concerning the friends are in Dallas," Offi. entertainment by "The Bot. per.>ons in 951 chapters. The the proposed complex would 886.3300 the community in the Book disposal of park property, cer Kelly said. "That's the tom of The Hill Gang" in. annual PWP convention will be on land furnished by the main reason for the move." -JI.Cover Survey. Covers will be city and funded by revenue pending fur the r develop- ~-======eluding Thomas Kern of be held in , During Officer Kelly's ten. ~~~~,ledged on the revenue bonds newness and solidness. For the customer it allows his eyes 10 or if the issue stands alone. explore more important things like the sizes of the rooms and I Intermediate JUNIOR CLI~ICS ~. Mr. Catlin also cited the window. and door locations. ;' 1:00-2:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday difference in interest rates if the issue is on its own or Too often we've seen our customers walk away from a Advanced 4:00-5:00 p.m. if the city guarantees it. home thot fit their specifications perfeclly, simply because Ihe Beginners Concerned over eml,ha. carpets were dirty, worn and the wolls with hair line crocks and sizing there will be no at::':. In need of a fresh coot of point. From experience we've seen EVENING CLASSES 5:00-6:00 p.m. tional taxes to residents if houses sell for $5,000 more when we know that all the seller the plan becomes a reality, did was invest less than $2,500 for paint OR? carpet! :,,' Beginners Intermediates & one citizen asked if the bal. Thousands of area residents have been plagued this Sometimes it's hot economically feasible for this invest. lot proposition can indicate ,: 6:30-8 p.m. Advanced past winter by rising utllfty costs, roof ice dammi.ng, ment so this is where Grosse Pointe Real Estate Co. has come , this. ceiling cave Ins,' sagging eaves and moisture laden .up with another scoop - or fringe benefit for people listing scaling paint. Mr. Catlin said it cannot, , Classes will be under the direction of John Cook,BillStruck, " with our company. We have mode arrangements for installation : . while noting such a stipula. We can help you fortify your homes' defenses against of as much carpeting and painting as you might need to put : Judy Preston al1d Aggie Guastella who are members of tion could tie the hands of the unrelenting forces of Mother Nature next year your house in top selling profit potential. When you sell your while minimizing exterior painting maintenance and the building authority. lie : the professionals with the United States Professional Tennis home then you can pay for your decorating out of your proceeds. reducl.ng utility costs. suggested, however, the in. Just think of it. List with Grosse Pointe Real Estote Co. 882.0087 : Association. Class size will be limited and applicar.ts will be ';, Our preventative maintenance services, include reo tention should be made and you get this selling profit that probably pays for our Com. :fi accepted on a first call basis. For further information call: roofing, rainware & insulated aluminum siding and trim. clear it would not cost addi. I tional tax dollars. mission. Grosse Pointe Reol Estate Co. - The fanto>!ic Real, For those who cannot afford to have maintenance Estate Co.! work done twice. please call 882.3100. J!llan Campaign ..~ 774-1300 eg~ 776-6290 J41 dlaring UDSS On costs such as police- fire protection, trash pickup, , . ~Mlf.NANCE & ALTERAlIO.t 882-3100 et aI., Mr. Catlin said these WIMBLEDON L~~!~!!! CONTRACTORS • ROOFING. SIDING could be services offered by Mom will love it Racquet Club ~, t!b KODAK TRIMlITE INSTAMATICTM28 , , 20250 E. 9 Mile Rd. 23125 Marter Rd. :;' ••• THE HOUSE DOCTORS • ENCLOSURES the city to the citizens with 17111 E. WMRBI. DETlIOIT• .cIllGAIII 4IZ24 the building authority reim. Camera Olltfit :~ St. Crair Shore5 48080 St. Clair Shore5 48080 b -INTERIOR REMODELING bursing the city for costs and So she can relive her precious moments :m",IU. 9111~;..;:~~ I' H~"l !II ,ur im;!;';;':;:.";;;'~'ljKiifbU;i';;~ passing such costs into the again and again. Featuring: • Big. colorful pictures • Automatic >~,..,QltP.osure . • Pocket size convenience Tropitone ...For the best of • Complete with film and ~ patios at just $399. f1ipflash )f~ Just Crafted for the outdoors by Tropitone. this 5.~;ece set is virtually indestructible, the strong $5495 aluminum frames have a bonded thermoplastic See it at ... finish, the table top is high'strength acrylic and for chairs have durable hand.tied 5/8" vinyl lacing. your place in This set in camel is in stock now along with a matching spring base chair at $89 and the The chaise. now just $129. the~un And this is just part of the Midwest's largest selection of patio furniture. CAMERA CENTER So come save soon on the good stuff. • •• Open Thursday Evenings We guarantee you can't buy it for less.

17114 Kercheval, in the Village 885-2267 Umbrellas from :1'f9. 15' If It's Nautical Browse But Nice ... the ship's We've Got it! wheel Nautical Gifts & Boo, Supplies


• ror .~tn Ind SCRIMSHAW "omtn • "~ttrproot • \\ Indprool • 5.bln ~ncl dllt JEWELRY rf'prllfnt • !'ioc.o1:'s IInfef arId • Rings • Earrings told, UUo a nt'a& " ('"OIJilt • ldnl lor FOOT. • Tie Tacks 8ALL. SSOW. M081LE a"d all • Stick Pins oUldoor Jports. • Bracelets • Pendants • Belt Buckles etc. SETH THOMAS QUARTZMATIC CLOCKS

• Nautical Ship'. Whul ° Ship', Wh.el. IDmp•... All ';Ie.' All S'.e. 18" to 60" • Char'.: America" • Ship', Wheel a"d Ca"adia" Table•. aH .ire. Gr.at la~•• & Caa~tal /'-- . " ° Ht" Thom05 -=- ~ ...__ -~,--2--.,.., j-. 8orom.ton

81RMINGHAM / ROVAL OAK / NORTHLAND / EASTLAND I WESTLAND I ANN ARBOR (State Road. 1/2 mile North of Briarwoodl '9605 Mack TU 2-1340 0,...... , I ,.•. OPEN 10 A.M. to 9 P.M.(BI RMINGHAM TUES. AND WED, UNTI L 5:30) I PALM BEACH AND NORTH PALM BEACH (WORRE LL'S) Thursday. May II. 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS 'age Nine KAUFMANN WINDOW and DOOR CORP. AlUIIJlUI .' ':'::' ;, ALUI JlUI . Troop Cites Eagle Scouts 1_STO. WIJlDOWS•• • " STOll IDOORS , • 2 & 3 Track 1i ,~. Pre-hung Avall- ' , I • Self Storing able for Easy '. Screens Installation i • Baked Enamel • Tempered ~': Mother's Finishes Safety Glass " ~ • Special Sizes • Baked Enamel Finishes AvaIIable '. 1"or H" Doors - INSTALLAlH)frII AVAILA&U- CALL 893-2000 13211 WI. Elliott • otlroit, Midi. 41211 1111$1' Oult SIrt'OW..fOOM • , .LOCJ{S SOuTH OF McNJCHOLfJ Day Gift Guide.

The families of Parcells School's Boy Scout Troop recently met and held a pot luck dinner at the school, 20600Mack avenue, to honor and pre- .$14 Good looking, sent awards to the troop members. Scouts PETER great fitting, belted MOGK, (left), and JIM LAWLIS were awarded polyester slacks In scouting's highest honor, the rank of Eagle Scout. sizes 8 to 18. The Bronze Palm progress Award was received by Mark Brownell Earns Rolain, and the rank of Life Scout was awarded to Hank Music Honors Bonnah, Alan Guest and Jer- ~9 Short sleeve ry Loughlin, while the Star For the first time in the ~use In summery Scout rank went to Bob J,>er- history of the middle school, prints. UltrlBnB~ kin and Phil Ugorowski. . both Brownell's I Concert polyester In sizes New Second Class Scouts Band and its Orchestra won 8 to 18. are Andy Guest and Jim First Division ratings in the Huetteman. State Band and Orchestra Gary Bengtsgn, Todd Bin- Festival Saturday, May 6, at kowski, Dave Jennings, Paul L'Anse Creuse. Navarre, Chris Schade, Mike This was the first time Skuris, Paul Smith and Bruce the Brownell Band had com- Veenstra became Tenderfoot peted at the state level. The Scouts. Orchestra has won First . Division ratings in four pre- vious years of competition. GPW Approves Both groups are conducted Hike in Rates by Christina E. Judson. Principal William Chris- An ordinance amending tofferson said strong support the city code to provide a from the musicians' parents new schedule of fees for was evident at the competi- rates to be charged for water tion. service was unanimously ap- "Our students really came proved by the Woods Council through with flying colors," at its regular meeting Mon- Mr. Christofferson said. "We day, May 1. are extremely proud of our Effective July 1, an in- band and orchestra and their crease of $2.40 per thousand director." cubic feet, of sewer and To earn the opportunity to . Woodrow W. Woody' wish•• to announce water consumption will trans- compete in the festival, both tha'. Hillcr .. ' Country Club I. accep'lng pire, raising the present rate groups had achieved super- appllc.'lon. for prlv.... "CI... A" (non- from $7.50 per thousand cu- ior ratings in District 12 fes- •• ock) Non.A ...... b.. m.mberahlp(.) for bic feet to $9.90. tival competition in March. GoU, T.nnl •• Swim .nd He.I'h Club prlv- This will increase the min- lIeg••• W. al.o h.ye a Group Plan th•• re- imum bill, (1,500 cubic feet), Judges Pick duc •• the Inltlon f.... follow.: from $11.25 to $14.85 over a three-month period, or a Top Soloists 1•• Applicant $1000. $1.20 per month hike. 2nd Appllc.nt 500. A main reason for the hike Three North High School 3rd Applicant 300. include increases by the students were among 7(}mu- 4'h and addltlon.1 200. Wayne County Board of Pub- sicians designated by State lic Works, operator of the Solo and Ensemble Festival Northeast District System, For further information regarding private membership judges to audition for Youth or Public Banquet facilitiescall or visit the clubhouse which raised its sewer rate Arts Festival. in person for sewage disposal and its Each year, five high school rate for excess flow, effective musicians are selected to 772-2240 463-0555 July 1. perform solos with a sym. GROESBECK NEAR CASS The Wayne County Board phony orchestra at the Youth of Public Works also in- Arts Festival. creased the operations and MOUNT CLEMENS Kimberly Judson, cellist, 2 Miles North of Mefro Pkwy. maintenance rate on January 1. Robert Reed, cellist, and Kathryn Thomas, flutist. wer~ nominated by their judges Saturday, April 1. Nearly 6,000 students from 600 high schools entered in The JCPenney preliminary screening events during January and Febru- Towel for Mom. ary this year. All three of the students $5 The really thick. are members of North's Sym- thirsty JCPenney towel in phony Orchestra. combed cotton polyester. Hand towel ... 3.50 . ~ Orchestra Hall Wash This Coupon Worth Coupon No. 1 cloth ... 1.50 Good Through I~. Concert Slated $3 • 00 OFF REGULAR PRICE May 31, J978 ; when applied to this "CHUCK HOLE" Special The Pointe Chapter of the Society for the Preservation Adiu~1ca!!!!!ad!!! C!~!!I!!~!!',m;pecr and Encouragement of Bar- tires for cuts. and air press.ure, exarmne sl10ck absorbers for leaks.. G.M. Passenger Cors Only! berShop Quartet Singing in j ro OIv6id additional accounlir'lg. touP'O'" Iftutt M preMnlN at time order is wriU.n.) America will join with the South High School Symphony This Coupon Worth Coupon NO.2 Orchestra for two concerts titled "Bach 'to Barbershop" A FREE ~~~d3~~r~~~~ : on Sunday, May 14. ~ LUBRICATION .: Performances will be held ~ With Purchase of Oil Change & Filter And This Coupon f: at Orchestra Hall. 3711 :1 (G,M. Pauenger Ca" Only) ;: Woodward avenue, at 2 p,m. :~ (to aVOld ocIdilio,.ol Clcc.... nting. [OUP'01' mU'l' M P"'t""t" 01 time .r.r " .linen.) r~ and 7:30 p.m. Tickets arc $5...... '~"':;x;;;:tl~ ..... l'::.\; ~.>o " .. "''' ...... "' ...... "' ...... -;,.~ .," I Honored guests will be the . This Coupon Worth Coupon NO.3 Good Through " 1971 International Quartet ~ 10. off of ,he regular price of an May 31, 1978 ~ Champions, "The Gentle. S 00 men's Agreement." LIke II? Charge It. ~ ENGINE TUNE-UP SPECIAL ; U.e your JCPenney • UPlACE SPAR~ PlUGS • REPlACE fUel ALTER • REPLACE DiStRIBUTOR POINTS • ADJUST CA'-URETOR Charge Card . • REPlACf DISTRIBUTOR CONDENSER • CLEAN" INSf, BAlUn TERMINALS • INSPfCT .. CLEAN PCV VALVE • CLEAN AIR CLEANER RLTER (G.M. POllenger Cor< Only) 2 (10 oVCHd ocIditiol'lol accounting, tG'lIpon mll'l' .... preMnt.d a' time ord., it wrinen I

..... '"' .. "' ...... " • ;. "'...... ;>OW" •

Shop JCPenn.y Gro... Point. Wood. - 7 Mil.' a. Mack Mon. 'hru S." 9:30 a.m. 'tll 9 p.m. Sund.,. noon ••115 p.m.

_-._.~ __ • cln --- ~ -...... ", -..- Page Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursd,y, MIY II. 1978 ., WINS HEa NUMERAL 0' GP'W Approves The Athletic Department PLAIT TREES Alert Citizen Prevents of Bowdoin College has an. w. UTo Meet Your Health Needs. Grant Parley nounced that Amy H. Wood. Pllorget Fiery Disaster in City house of The Shores has Landscaping' The Woods Council unani. been awarded a varsity nu- We Cover The Pointes. " City police said it was the 12-year.old admitted try- mously approved a motion to meral for her participation "just short of miraculous" 823-8662 HARK'NESS PARK ing to light the fire "to send one or more officials on the women's squash team. I 0 that a garage which had been scare his friend." to a management training completely doused with gaso. PHARMACY DEVONSHIRE PHARMACY . "Leaves and clothes line seminar as part of the Wilyne , 20315 MACK DRUGS 15324 E. Jefferson line did not catch on fire in County Community Devel. , Cranford lane Wednesday, were used as a wick. It was , 884-3100 16003 MACK 822-2580 just short of miraculous that opment Block Grant Pro- N E I G H B 0 RHO 0 0 C L U B , May 3, when two City youths gram T h u r s day through I, 881-0477 apparently tried to ignite ignition did not take place," \ Saturday, June 1 to 3, at the , , Lt. Van Tiem said. "Plain the structure with a clothes Briarwood Hilton near Ann TEN N I S eLl N I C S line al.d matches. luck prevented a haIf-dozen deaths." Arbor. The two youths, one eight. years-old, and the other 12, Police identified the two . This program, which will REGISTRATION DATE have been referred to the boys they believe were in. be conducted by an inter na. r\ , volved in the incident after tional consulting firm, Kep. SATURDAY~ MAY \ ( Youth Service DivIsion for 13~ 1978 I counseling. questioning several neigh. ner - Trego, is geared 1 toward upgrading the de. 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 NOON The resident, who request- bors in the Cranford lane I area. velopment program. , . ed that her name be with. \ At the Neighborhood Club \ held, reported seeing young- Each community was in. I vited to send two represen. 17150 Waterloo I sters trying to set the fire Two Cho lIenge tatives to the conference with . in a garage at the rear of the be the county assuming those A limited number of registrations may available ,i home at about 8:45 p.m. GPS Trustees after registration date, for further information Wednesday. costs assigned for the actual \ call 885-4600. I When police arrived at the training, two nights lodging. , Three incumbent trustees, I scene, they said the gasoline two luncheons and coffee (councilmen), wiII be chal. I• fumes inside the enclosed breaks. lrnged for another chance I garage were so intense that I to serve a two.year term on Each community, mean. CLINICS BEGIN TIm I'I'EEK OF Jill.IE 19 I "an explosion would have I the Shores Council when while, will be responsible certainly occurred had a AND END BY JULY 21 • voters go to the polls on for transportation and other , match been lit." t Don't Suffer another Hot Summer! Tuesday, May 16. meals. 'However, these costs "If the flame had ignited, are. reimbursable from com. both boys would certainly SeelQng to oust at least munity development admin. have been killed and the two current members of the istration funds. f"OONING CLINICS entire garage and adjoining council are Vito P. Cusenza Air Condition The council had difficulty building would have gone up and Ms. M. A. Bartoszewicz. ADULTBEGINNEHt- Basic Strokes in selecting members to at- in flames," said City Lt. Det. Ms. Bartoszewicz beat the tend because of other con. Mon. ,Wed. ,Fri. 9:30-10:30 A.M. G.P.South $17.00 Robert VanTiem. 4 p.m. Monday, May 8. dead. flicts so attendance was left Tues. & Thurs. 10:00-11:00 A.M. G.P.South $11.00 "Several elderly persons line by filing her petition NOW wide open, although Adrhin- living there would have had before the time limit ex- istrative Aide Gerard E. ADULTINTERMEDIATE- Advanced Strokes little chance to escape," he pired. McNamara, because of his added. Mon. & Wed. 8:30-10:00 A.M. E1worthy $22.00 Unchallenged for the posi. involvement with the block 527-1700 :~:~ATES Lt. Van Tiem said the Mon.,Wed.,Fri. 10:30-11:30 A.M. G.P.Sputh ~ $22.00 tion of president, (mayor), grant program, was given a walls and floor of the garage Tues. & Thurs. 8:30-10:00 A.M. G.P.South $22.00 @ is Gerald C. Schroeder, who nod by the solons. had been methodically doused announced his intention early ADULTADVANCED- Review of Strokes & Strategy brqont PRE-SEASON with gasoline. Police said for another two.year term. Unchallenged for another Spanish Youths Tues. & Thurs. 8:30-10:00 A.M. E1w9rthy $26.00 two-year term as Village Tues. & Thurs. 10:00-11:30 A.M. E1worthy $26.00 Center Course clerk is Edmund M. Brady To Visit Area YOUTHBEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE- Grades 3 4 ~ _ DElUXE Helps Women Jr., who, witl\ Mr. Schroeder & and the three incumbent Would you like a little bit Mon. ,Wed. ,Fri. 8:30- 9:30 A,M. G.~:South $17.00 trustees, made known his of Spain in your home this Mon.,Wed.,Fri. 9:00-10:00 A.M. G.P;North $17.00 Always wait listed, the intention for re-election at summer? The Juventud Y Tues. & Thurs. 11:00-12:00 NOON G.P.South $11.00 Grosse Pointe War Memorial about the same time. Cultura organization, based Ass'n., in order to meet the Asking voters to retain in , gives Pointers the YOUTHBEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE- Grades 5 & 6 ~ i~ ~". H;& L:~:::::::'

Moh. & Wed. 6:00- 7:00 P.M. G.P.South $20.00 Hold Workshop Tues. & Thurs. 7:00- 8:00 P.M. C.P.South , $20.00 Mon. & Wed. 7:00- 8:00 P.M. G.P.North $20.00 For Teachers Tues. & Thurs. 8:00- 9:00 P.M. G.P.North $20.00 Tues. & Thurs. 8:00- 9:00 P.M. G.P.South $20.00 15304 ICUCl1EVAL • VA 2.9070 The Alpha Mu Chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma So- ciety and the public schools' department of instruction 14330 E. WARREN at J:halmers joined forces recently to Off Chalmen.Ford Freeway Exit sponsor a reading workshop for school personnel. The workshop, "Adoles. cent Literature," was design. ed to help teachers present PHIL'S MKT. a survey of new authors and • Family PAK Meats new books, examine the con. • Carry Out Catering tent, language and problems For Your of censorship presented by • Home Freezer Service • Homemade Sausages Shopping Pleasure Our 822-3310 recent adolescent literature Specials are Good For int and examine various genre • Convenien'i Food Center One Fall Weelr-EVERY THURSDAY 10 WEDNESDAY! and themes found in adoles. cent literature. HAVING A PARTY? Values Good One Full Weel< Thru May l7, 1978 Workshop leader is Ruth Let Us Help You Plan It THE CHOICE PLACE Moline, formerly of the Chilo Supply us with the number of on passbook dren's Literature Depart. people in your party - We Over 35 Years Selling U.S.D.A. ment of Wayne State Uni. will gladly supply you with versity and a specialist in CHOICE BEEF the suggested amount of food: • adolescent literature. Quality at Reasonable Prices The course was made pos. ROAST BEEF PHIL'S FAMILY PAK MEATS sible by a grant of $300 from SLICED . SQVlngs. the Alpha Mu Chapter in Ground Beef from memory of the late Jennie In Special Gravy-Heat & Serve Dombrowski, a former teach- er in The Pointe school PARTY BAKE HAM GROUND system. Boneless - Sliced - frayed NO DANK CAN MAKE ~ ROUND MOST ACCIOLI 12 Lb. Fresh Bulk Pak JlGOOD In Meat Sauce Phil's Country Style THAT STATEMENt -tREASONS Ready.to-Eat- Heat & Serve At D & N your passbook savings will earn 5.25% per year, daily to see your good SLICED ROAST TURKEY FRESH interest, the highest interest rate anywhere on insured neighbor agent Boneless in Special Gravy ~...... ,..." SAUSAGE passbook savings. Plus - we'll compound your interest quarterly KOSHER STYLE Six 1.Lb. Paks % for an effective yield of5.35 per year. No bank can make that CORNED BEEF ce statement because no bank wi 11pay you as much as we will. So why Serve Hot or Cold PATIcO Beef $127 settle for less? BAKED BEANS - JELLO MOLD STEAKS LB. Try Our Kitchen Fresh Fine for Barbecuing with Your Favorite Marinade POTA TO SALADS See us tirst. COLE SLAW Phil's Home Made BAKED BEANS GERMAN POTATO POLISH SALAD CAR • HOME MACARONI SALAD 6SAUSAGEpound average Pak LIFE' • HEALTH ~__IE~ Every Day Features Land.O-Lakes Fred J. Zelewski STUFFED PORK CHOPS 18538 Mack Ave. STUFFED CHICKEN BREASTS BUTTER IT AllAN MEAT BALLS A Good Place to Save. 882.9308 with $8 or more Purchase G:rEQUAl "OUSI~G I.,I<.. a !lOod n";ghbor, in Tomato Sauce SIOI.. Form i"h .."., Phil's Special LENDER KRAUT & KiElBASA Center Cut Stuffed GROSSE POINTE OFFICE, 19307 Mack Avenue ""'1 '.'/l1li MEAT LOAF STUFfED CABBAGE HOOVER-11 MILE OFFICE, 26681 Hoover Road A PORK ESUc._.-...... ' .1 .. VEAL PARMESAN WARREN-12 MILE OFFICE, 8424 E. Twelve Mile Road STAn FAlUI All Food Comes in Foil Pans CHOPS lN8t111A1'lCE CONPAlIlIES "0•• Offk•• r Br.o., ... o., UII.o4. OVEN.READY 6 loa Box - IndividuallV Packed ,

Thursday, May I I, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS 'age Eleven

NEW POLICY The futility of giving out Hospitals Approve Pact .Foreign Group Phi Beta Kappa Cites Students Perhaps our statesmen will 'free advice to others doesn't some day discover that hon. seem to be much of a check. Visits St. Paul The nation's oldest honor on Monday, May 8, at Ford ship by Martin Stearns, dean esty is also the best politics. mate. Toward Containing Costs fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa, Auditorium, of the college of liberal arts Saint Paul L u the r a'n honored. f 75N highth Sschoolth U.sen- The students were awarded at Wayne State University The presidents and chief for their patients and be Church, 375 Lothrop avenue, 10rs rom or , ou , m. executive officers of Saint agents for study and respon- hosted six:visitors from other versity Liggett and Our Lady certificates com m ending and vice.president of Phi Classic English Tudor Jo~n Hospital, D~troit, and sible representation regard. continents at an evening en- Star of the sea High Schools their outstanding scholar. Beta Kappa. '.-". Samt Joseph Hospital, Mount ing medical and moral prob- counter session and dinner ------C Ie men s, a!1n~un~ed.last lems as they affect the de. at the church Friday, May 5. week that their Institutions livery of health care. have reached a formal agree. . The visiting group of Dr. ment which they believe will Sa~nt John is a 55G-bed Jorge Corzo from Bogota, have a major impact on the hosPI.tal loc~ted on Detroit's Columbia; Jerome Sarkar of development of health ser. eastSide..Samt Joseph H~spi- Ramna, Dacca, Bangladesh; vices for nor the a s t ern tal-East ~s a 168-bed faCility Mrs. Dorothy Lawton of Wayne, Macomb and 81. Clair located. In Mount Clemens, Tawa, Wellington, New Zea. Counties. and Samt Joseph Hospital. land; Marga Kiesel of Nurn. . West is a 3OO-bedfacility 10- berg, G e r man y; Martha ThiS announcement was cated in Clinton Township. Kimaro of Moshi, Tanzania, made by James T. Farley and Rev. Nobuyuki Shigeno head of Saint John, and Sis: This agreement is in keep- of Osaka, Japan, arrived in ter Anna Suttman, head of ing with recent guidelines the Detroit area on Sunday, Saint Joseph. proposed for health care April 30, and will be travel. This agreement shall lead pla~ning by the. Greater De- ing throughout Michigan this 15231Windmill Pointe Drly. to a planned cost effective trolt Area Hospital Council, month. By owner. First offering of this gracious home in development of the health Inc. . Their trip is considered a services provided by both ----- mission to Michigan Luther. prestige location. Five spacious bedrooms, three health care facilities today Public library ans. The Michigan Lutherans baths up, including servant quarters wilh private and in the future. are asking the group to serve entrance. Large sunken living room with marble The pact was promoted by Receives Grant as a consulting team by the members of the religious offering their new insights fireplace. Beautifully panelled library with large communities of both hospi. The Grosse Pointe Public and learning about the Chris. bay window. Country kitchen with new built-in tian Gospel. tals and approved by both Lib r a r y received official appliances, remodeled 1977. Separate breakfast boards of trustees. word last month that it will Saint Paul's is only one of five churches in Michigan room, formal dining room with bay window. First The Sisters of Saint Jo- be the recipient of a grant of seph, who sponsor Saint John $700 from the Michigan that the group will visit. floor powder room. Elegant central hall and stair- They also wiU travel to the Hospital, and the Sisters of Council for the Arts. case. Screened porch. Attached two car garage, Charity of , who western part of the state, sponsor Saint Joseph Hospi- The grant has a two-fold the Bay area, southwestern with side street access. New gas furnace instc;lIed tal, have a history of encour. purpose - to defray part of Michigan and the northern 1976. Large corner lot. Fenced, backyard. Full aging cooperativ~ planning the cost of a creative drama. recreation area. wherever their Sisters are tics workshop for school.age After a Memorial Day basement with pantry, recreation room Wilh fire- located. children, and to help fund a celebration at Weber Center place, and three quarter bath. This "Memorandum of Un- variety show produced by in Adrian, the six will return derstanding" pledges both Marjorie Brown for the chil- to their respective countries. Realistically priced at $139,500. Owner will con- hospitals to coordinate hos. dren of the community on I sider either a conventional sale or land contract pital services, maintain and Saturday, May 13, in all three Don't buck the future-if I to eligible purchaser. By appointment only. Days increase their efficiency, en. library agencies. you can't beat it reverse your 777-0400. Evenings 331-4212. sure economical health care It will be presented at the direction and become part of it. ------I Central Branch, 10 Kerche- val avenue,' at 10:30 a.m., Outdoor Lesson Woods Branch, 20600 Mack avenue, at 1 p.m. and Park For UL Pupils Bran<:h,15430Kercheval ave- nue at 3 p.m. University Liggett School, Marjorie Brown's Story. (ULS), sixth graders recently tellers is headeq by a dedi. returned from the Proud cated young woman com. LISTEN CAREFULLY Lake Recreation Center in mitted to the world of chil- ilford where they partici- dren's theater and its close patet;!.in a week.long outdoor relationship with children's AS ONE GREAT TRI b. education program. The pro- literature. Her talented ram, designed by ULS young people have toured the eachers, is a regular part of various libraries in the met- INTRODUCES ANOTHER. he sixth grade curriculum. ropolitan area and have been Meet a trio called J.A.M. Three engaging young musicians who keep enthusiastically received. About 78 students attended the beat going in the New Detroit ..• after dark. Native Detroiters all, amp this year, along with The program will offer a arole Johnson and Rich variety of theatrical mo- and new Manufacturers checking customers. let them tell you why. elGrosso, camp coordina. ments. It draws from the rs, six other ULS faculty world of children's literature embers and 17 junior and and makes it come alive. It nior students from the Up- intends to give the children MANUFACfURERS r School who acted as an experience in professiQllal l!Ounselors for the week. theater and an exploration of < Field activities planned for the various media. ~~a!t'!!fIr~~!~~L~~;.s ~x~~~~ ~~~tLh says it is: The . h day covered compass thriftiest way for me to check. I pay $2.50 for 20 checks and that's that. No service rk, survival, bioecological The funds to support this dies, (of marsh, river and project are provided by the charges, no additional fees if my balance stays above $50, no nothing. I like to keep my g), mathematics and meas- Michigan Council for the finances just like my drumming: Simple and clean. Manufacturers Thrift Checking does ments, (river currents, Arts as part of their on-going shadows, use of belium Community Assistance Pro- it for me. . .. oons to measure wind gram, which is designed to respond to community needs !'\ JPovements), population stud- NEW PREFERRED CHECKING. JIM DAMBERG .;~, (relating man to forest by wistance in the develop- If you'll excuse the pun, this guitar player picks Preferred Checking. I don't think ment and completion of arts \ ;'~mmunity), and conserva- there's a better banking deal anywhere. My money grows at the highest bank rate .' ..1100. projects and activities . ~. Recreational activities were possible, and there's no service charge with my checking. You see, unlike my "ptional each afternoon for Richard Plans esteemed colleagues here, I've been able to accumulate a few dollars in my e campers. Archery, arts lifetime, so I was able to deposit $500 in a daily interest savings account. And nd crafts, hiking "out of Flower Sale unds," fishing, photog. once I did that I qualified for checking that lets me write as many checks as I phy, Indian games and The Richard Elementary want without a service charge. And what with managing this group, I write a ield games were among the pportunities available to the School PTO will hold a lot of 'em. students after their morn- flower' sale just in time for 'ng's work. Mother's Day. Saturday, May NEW TOTALBANK. MIKE BELITSOS Students 'provided their 13, in the school gym, 176 Well, what would you expect? These guys say 1can hardly keep track of own entertainment each eve- McKinley avenue, from 8 the beat, so it figures I couldn't keep track of checking charges and ning. Dramatic skits, present- ed by each "tribe" of camp- a.m. to 12 noon. things like that. So, naturally I opted for Manufacturers new Totalbank. ers, were the highlights of In addition to banging For a flat $2.50 a month, I get unlimited checking, a line of credit, the evening program. baskets and flats of im. In addition, the children patiens, petunias, marigolds overdraft protection and more. And that's what I call sweet music. had campfires, scavenger and begonias, there will be a Every banking selVice I need for just $2.50 a month. hunts, relays and an all-camp variety of fresh fruits and counselor hunl vegetables on sale. INTRODUCING CHECKBOOK HELPER. A nice new feature in all three new f LAW OFFICES J Manufacturers Checking accounts that helps J.A.M. (and everybody else) make checkbook balancing easier by listing paid checks on :;;11-- your monthly statement in the order you write I~ them. And special features like that keep us in tune with more and more new customers every day. Like J.A.M. Three guys who make sweet music for us. While we make banking sweet for them.

1'111;: NE:"a~. y'ET HAD AN IMPULSIVE tfouSE

BuYfi~ I (.(M.ON'r CUfU:..... 32W Did you rellll, unders'lInd your IllS' relll es'II'e 'rllnsllc'ion? i. This time-why not let us assist you by prepar. j' i ing, explaining and attending your rear estate L I closing. Full legal representation for a customary fee of $150.00. I MANUFACTURERS


17650 E. 9 Mile Rood, Eost Detroit, Mlehigan .1021 w•• t of Kelly Road ~ ~ 774.3300 ~uh"r11arv "f Manulac lurNS Nal1onallorporalion, Member f.O.I.C.

t Thursday, May II, 1978 Page Twelve GROSSE POINTE NEWS Pair Arrested with Weapons Ruthers Open 25th Season Man to Stand Trial for B.E Dirty Have Your Carpets & Nathan Moore of Dike rested by Park police after a Two men were arraigned Coonce identified the sus. By Joe Fromm bell, manager of the Indians, street, Detroit, was bound woman, whose name was not Carpet? Rugs Professionally peets as Michael R. Pickard, for his 20th straight year as before Park Municipal Judge The Babe Ruth LeaRue of over for trial in Wayne given, called authorities and 25, and John Schaltz, 26. both a manager. Beverly Grobbel on Satur- the Farms and City opened County Circuit Court. sched. stated that a burglar eon- $AVI CLEANED of East Jefferson avenue, De. up its 25th year with official The Indians. Angels and fronted her in her house a day, May 6, on warrants White Sox opened up the uled for Thursday, May 18, 20% We Have The Correct Method troit. ceremonies at Kerby Field following an examination be. few minutes after she had charging them with carrying on Saturday, May 6. Farms major league season with vie. ON CASH To Clean Your Corpel fore Park Municipal Judge returned from driving her The chief said one of the Mayor James H. Dingeman tories on Saturday. We do oH types of carpet repair concealed weapons. Bot h children to school. • suspects. when searched by threw out the first pitch to John Heidt and John Beverly Grobbel on Friday, & CARRY CALL FOil FIlEE ESTIMATE were released on $5,000 per. She said she entered her police, was found to have a City Mayor John L. King. Keane of the Indians com. May 5. sonal bond pending an exam. home and heard a noise on East Side Carpet Cleaners large knife in his pocket and bined in pitching a no.hitter Moore's bond of $20,000, RUG ination date scheduled for Gordon Wood. the first the second floor and called the other. a revolver, but did as the Indians downed the two sureties, was continued CLEANING 14111 Kercheval Ave. 822-1481 'Yednesday, May 17. president of the league in Yankees, 5.1. Heidt went the out to find out who was not specify the type of a and he was remanded to the OWNED AND OPlRATED 8Y THE 8ABICH FAMILY SINCE'1948 1953 was honored at pre. first four inninRs and picked there. The burglar, later Police Chief Henry knife ur its length, nor the custody of the Wayne Coun. game ceremonies. Other for. up the win. Steve Groehn identified as Moore, appear. make and caliber of the gun. ty Sheriff's Department un. mer league officials and sup. gave up only two hits for the ed at the top of the stairs The chief also didn't say porters honored were Bob Yankees but was a victim of til trial date. and pointed a gun at her, which of the pair was carry- Weyhing, Joe VonSchwarz, poor fielding support. Moore is accused in two ing which weapon. John Moran. Chris Cotzias, telling her to remain where warrants, the burglary of a Bill Pankhurst, Mark Sabre Keane drove in two runs she was and not to scream. Pickard and Schaltz were with a bases loaded single. Park residence on Thursday, and C. L Taylor. The woman fled out the arrested at the Dobb's House, Heidt doubled for the only April,27, and the commission front door and called police The league vice-president, an eatery located at 15412 other hit by the Indians. The of a felony with a gun. The from a neighbor's house. All John Brooks. pre s e n t e d East Jefferson, when a cus. lone run by the Yankees latter charge, on conviction units were dispatched to the tomer noticed one of the awards to Bob Vens for his came on walks; of the felony. carries an auto. 1200 block of Balfour. and a men with the gun and called work in constructing the new The Angels defeated the matic two years in prison, dugouts and to Chuck Camp- search was made of the area. authorities. Red Sox 4-1 behind the four- no parole. plus whatever Several police officers spot . - F ...... r hit pitching of Scott Suck. sentence is imposed by the ted the suspect about a block , ling. Brian Dalby and Don trial judge. Keller led the Angels' ll-hit away. The 'accused man was ar- attack with two hits each. -I Officer Barry Oleksyk gave Eavestroughs Kip Saile drove in a run for chase on foot and pursued the Angels and sparkled de. the suspect across a front fensively at his shortstop Experts Hel p yard on Buckingham and position. over a fence and apprehend. SEAMLESS The Red Sox threatened Rose Growers ed him in the rear yard. The when John Meier hit a ball policeman approaChed him down the third base line Two of the top master with his service revolver with bases loaded that would growers of fine roses in this drawn and the man dropped POINTE SCREEN & SASH, lJC.t have gone for a triple but it area will be the speakers at a shopping bag he was carry- t was foul by inches. Suckling the Thursday, May 18, meet. ing and surrendered. retired Meier to end the 20497 MACK ~~ TU 1-6130 l ing of the Men's Garden Club At The Park station, a threat. of Grosse Pointe at the Cen. search of the bag brought tral Library, 10 Kercheval out the gun belonging to the avenue, at 8 p.m, suspect. The bag also can. They are' Forrest Geary tained several items of jew. and Angelo Taveggia. Both elry, a small sum of cash and ~IPlEtCIl.ULt[]lln~...have been selected as the a wallet, all taken from the Outstanding Consultant Ro. woman's house. I ~ Ff)~ ~I'E~I4I..~()~ sarians by the Great Lakes The woman told Park' po. District. They will share lice that she observed the their knowledg,e and provide same man walking on Bal. GE 25" diagonal COLOR TV with GE QUALITY-BUILT BIG.CAPACITY answers to growing good four near her house as she 21.7 CU. FT. SIDE-BY.SIDE VIR "Broadcast Controlled" Color! roses. was taking her children to Adjusts color/tint automatically NO-FROST REFRIGERATOR.FREEZER Mr. Geary, a former presi- school. 60 times a second! 52S BOND dent of the local garden club, Moore is believed to have willi purcllase has been president of the De- committed a holdup in De- I troit Rose Society, the Grosse troit a short time before NEW 78 CAPRICE 2DR NEW 78 CAPRICE 2DR. Pointe Rose Society. and The Park burglary and is Auto. Tr-.. pwt.lteer •• pwr. Ilrllces. elK. docIe. tI:c.~~'!~ -t.!...,'-. pwr.llr .... Me. I secretary of the Great Lakes wanted by Detroit police for Jl5 VI EIllI.. Whl. covtI'l. tlntlCl 01_ IIOdy SidI will .. - -.IIM -' .. ~. rICh! wsw. ~~o~.ce~~kt~:518 IUd.wsw. ~overl. wlnil anllnnl. bumper strIps. 5tk. : Rose Society. investigation and question. , He has exhibited roses at ing in this matter. local, state and national $5060 $5495 I shows and has conducted 'Buddy' Days' classes in the adult educa. tion programs. Set at South Mr. Taveggia also holds NEW ?8 CAPRICE 2DR. membership in the Grosse To help middle school stu. Air COnd .• AulD TrIM. pwr. I.r .• pwt. IlrIta. Pointe Rose Society, the De. tIeC. clock. 30S VI. Olx. lOt • Ihd. bits, TIntIcl dents through the often Glw. EI«. RR DefoG •• s-t Mlr LH Rem • RH troit Rose Society and the traumatic transition into high MIn. tllS. T_Tont p.lnl. SportWIIr. town. 5/8 6.73 cu. ft. freezer with 3 Ice 'n Easy trays, , American Rose Society. He is school, South High has ar- ~rli~it~,1;li~'_'8mpr. Rub Strips, KIl. storage bin. Energy.Saver switch • .4 ad- an accredited judge as well ranged a series of "Buddy as one of the best exhibitors, justable shelves • Rolls on wheels • Auto- Model YM9424PC Days" for incoming ninth and a winner of many troph. $5673 $5788 matic;. Icemaker available at extra cost. O/stressed pecen finish on hardwood solids, graders. , wood composition board and simulated wood ies. He grows about 400 rose The students w1ll be wel- eccenls. bushes, mainly hybrid teas. STILL ONLY $579~~ com e d by administrat~r.s, ... ''II CAltlUCI The discussion will give taken on a tour of the school pointers on growing, fertiliz- and will visit classes with a 2M.LAD •• '19" diagonal/YA736BWD.. .' .ing, watering and' spraying. South student. . Air Cond •• auto ". _ ..... pwr. br.... Jl5 Come in for free VI. elec. clock, ""'. CIl"IfSo Dill. INt • SlId. B hSo Walnut finish on high impact plastic All rose lovers in the area "Buddy Days" for Brownell ~IRnT~~~EIec. ARADefoo.. 5/8 Rad. WSW. IMI as well as friends of the Middle School students are ~.-" NIt adfo, Bmpr. Rull. SITIIII< UfIo Microwave Demonstration :lY.,OptIOllo VInyl Roof, Vinyl "nell $Ut. S!k. gardeners are invited to Friday, May 12, and Monday, attend, May 15. On Friday, home. room sections un" and uG" '5840 , Cook. lhree woy' are to meet from 8:30 to 11 - lasl by time - fosl by NH Writers a.m. at the South Library. 1emperatvre ~FOI"mance.- Sections "B" and "J" will - slow with outo. TELEVIS'ON Win Awards meet from 1 to 2:55 p.m. on NEW '78 CAPRICE4DR. NEW 78 CAPRICE 4DR malic "Simmer 'N Friday. Men ..... to Ir.",.pWI'. _,..,. •• _. 1Ir1lln. 35Il\/I, t.lrCond.. Auto Tr.. , _ ...... _.IIr ..... VI. Cook" selli n9 North High School junior On Monday, Brownell stu. elK. cloa, Db. SMI .. SlId. 1111._. _ Iodt&. tInltII Elec. clo

1. _ __ er_ _~_--.l.-. I __~ . ~_ h. - « - _._~--~~_.._------.. Thursday, May lit 1978 GROSSE,POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen

No sane person ever goes NECESSARY EVIL to a confidence man for con. B f' HIe D · P'll T lk IMPROVEMENT Money isn't everything, but elle It e ps enter rIve I O' btltuar.les I ow a It will be up to the coming fidence. generation to make the kind it sure comes in handy while There will be a special date and add to the safety of Work SlOp1 Set of history that's worth reo you're trying to make a liv. added performance of Grosse Fries Theater stage. :------peating. ing. Pointe Theater's "sold out" F~lIowing the ~usical pro. MRS. ELIZABETII Grosse Pointe and the De- There will bc an all day I OPENING 800N- f "H 11 D 11 ". F' duchon, the cast In costU'lle UMSTED PATTEE troit Athletic Club. Pillow Talk Workshop at the run 0 e 0 0 y In rles will move up into the betH. Memorial services for Mrs. Mr. Baker is survived by War Memorial, 32 Lakeshore 99 Another location for Theater, 32 Lakeshore road. room for a party with the Pattee, 68, of The Park, were his wife, Frances; two daugh- road, on Monday, May 22, nARS or CONTINUOUS on Monday, June 12, to as. patrons, involving impromptu held Monday, May 8. at the ters. Mrs. Arthur Woodruff from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with S!RVLC! MERIT BOOK CENTER sist the War Memorial's singing, dancing and refresh. Grosse Poi n t e Memorial and Mrs. Frank Palerno; and Cindy Carson in charge. 1978 Family Participation nlcnts. Church. Arrangements were eight grandchildren. . d dl d b th G 'ff' The workshop offers an F un d Drive a.n , in. particu. The tl'ckcts for the bene. han eye rl Ith, Me m 0 ria I contributions 1 f h 1 h d d J ff F I' opportunity to fashion an aI', to re urms , re 19 t, up. fl't are $12.50 I'ncludl'ng the Wa e an e rey unera may be made to the Amer- original pillow in deSign. and £ASTIATE show (regular, $5.50), plus Home. ican Lung Ass'n. colors of your choice in SHOPPIN& CENTER Think big - make elabor. the party. A total of $7 is She died Saturday, May 6, Interment was at Wood. needlepoint. The fee is $12, ate plans for the future - income tax deductible. at Bon Secours Hospital. lawn Cemetery. plus expenses of yarn and Watch for opening date forging ahead in faith and For further information, An active churchwoman, • • • canvas. confidence. call 881-7511. Mrs. Pattee was a member of MRS. PALMER ANDERSON ------the Grosse Pointe Memorial NEFF Workers are asked to Church for the 18 years she Memorial services for Mrs. ~:i~~arl:~f:' lunch and coffce FROLUND HAS MOWERS FOR lived in The Park. Neff, 51, formerly of The She was a past president Ponite, late of La Jolla, Cal., \ of the Women's Ass'n. of the were held Friday, May 5, at EVERY Saint James Church, La NEED AI SPECIAL Memorial Church and presi. Jolla. dent of the Elizabeth Ket. She died Wednesday. May SPRING SALE PRICES'. chum Group. She held the 3. in La Jolla. post of Deacon of the church Mrs. Neff was a research and also was active in the audiologist at the Naval Re. Detroit Presbytery for 15 gional Hospital. San Diego. years. She is survived by her hus- Mrs. Pattee is survived by band, Dr. W. Dewey Neff; her husband, Walter E.; two one son, Dr. Edwin B. daughters, Mrs. Ed war d Knights; and one daughter, Bohnslav III and Mrs. Ron. Jessie B. Knights. aId Athey; three sons, Wal. Memorial contributions may ter E. Jr., Frederick Milton be made to the K. Brooke and James Umsted; seven Anderson Memorial Fund, grandchildren and one sister, Brown University. Provi- M e m 0 ria I contributions dence. R.I. may be made to the First Cremation was in La Jolla. United Methodist Church, • • * Newport. Ark. 72112. MRS. MARGARET Cremation will be in New. RICHARDSON MAYER port, Ark. Services for Mrs. Mayer, • • • 64. of The Park were held ROBERT EARLE STRANGE Wednesday. May 10, at the Services for Mr. Strange, Verheyden Funeral Home 27. formerly of The Woods, and Saint Paul's.on.the-Lake'. late of Crawford Bay. British shore Church. Columbia, were recently held She died Saturday, May 6. in Crawford Bay. at her home. He died Tuesday, April 25, Mrs. Mayer is survived by in Crawford Bay. her husband, AlfI:ed J.; one Mr. Strange is survived by son, Alfred; three daughters, his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Margaret, Christine and Mrs. Robert Strange; his wife, Annette Knoll; one sister and Mary Ester; two daughters, two grandchildren. Model 11302 Shyla Dawn and Lorelle; two Interment was at Wood- 20" Deluxe Push brothers and one sister. lawn Cemetery. reg. $209.95 • • * GERALD D. BAKER 95 Services for Mr. Baker, 75, Cottage Doctor Sl84 of The Shores were held Model 12304 Tuesday, May 9, at the Ver- Heads Society 20" Self Propelled heyden Funeral Home. reg. $269.95 He di:ld Saturday, May 6. Douglas A, Sargent, MD, S at the Belmont Nursing of Lothrop road, was chosen S2394J Home. president-elect of the Mich. Before his retirement in igan' Psychiatric Society at • Mow 'trim close' to either side ... 1956, Mr. Baker was the vice- its annual meeting last with or without Grasseatcher! president in charge of sales month in Ann Arbor. and advertising for the A member of the psychiat- • Choose from self propelled or push models! Bundy Tubing Co. He was a rie staff of Cottage Hospital; Located belween the 100 and 400 Towers on Ihe L-2 (second lobby) level of • Eflllf1feSs Single lever Height adjustment! I 1926 graduate of the Naval Dr. Sargent is medical direc- the Renaissance Cenler. Malor credit cards accepted. Valet parking at Ihe I Academy and a member of tor of the Grosse Pointe Psy- Jefferson Avenue entrance. Hours: 10:00 a,m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday.Saturday. • Standard Equipped with large capacity the Senior Men's Club of I chiatric Clinic. Grasseatcher! • Yersatie! Use for leaf pick up, too! • Fast. Pun & Go starting! Seymour Cadillac says:

MocIet123S1 22" 5elf Propelled reg. $329.95 28495 WE'VE GOT NEWS FORYOU:

Choose between AND IT'S YOURS Effortless Self-Propelled or Push Models ... Each at Special Savings!

0' COUIS., Fro/unds com- pletely auemble and pre- servIce everythrng 1hey sell ~.t!~ FREE!! As Detroit's Renaissance Cadillac - - - pI', 'eady 10 "'e ,m- "The Lown Mower People" I med,alely. '-""ff 11'0$ a i(QJOn dealership Seymour Cadillac has much 19815 Mack ave., in the Woods 1ft/WI' .. ".. Ie-OInt' ,han ...prin ~ 197~ in more than just passing interest in all the 'h,,,,"n/tn. n lh'tnHl. ~ ;:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sal. 8Mon.Iii 4Ihrup.m_Fri.Sunday8 to 69 Iii , __ wonderful things now happening in our great "new" city.

,;' In fact. we're so excited about it, for the past 2 years we've published a ~ M W•• upport bi-monthly "Renaissance News" so all -~'Ih. G..... "~ Poinl. Joy, .... 3-county Detroit can have a continuing r 'l. B1KE.A- THON up-date. And we'd like to add YOU to I tl¥ ' for lI.ye. t-: -J Synd .. m•• our mailing list, too. So please mail in the coupon below and your free subscription to the Renaissance News will ..JACOBSEN begin immediately. DEALERSHIP PRESIDENT GtVEN "SPIRIT OF DETROIT" AWARD. SUPER BIG TICKET As publisher of the Renaissance News Seymour Cadillac President John R. BAGGER Seymour was presented the coveted "Spirit of Qetroit" award by the SALE assemhled Detroit City Council in special session. Then-Council 95 President Carl Levin Now 5229 Reg. called the paper "the r~\ best. most positive • BETWEEN THE HANDLE CATCHER presentation of new • 3 BUSHEL GRASS BAG Detroit" he had • BRIGGS & STRATTON ENGINE ~et seen . • QUICK CHANGE HEIGHT ADJUSTERS • BALANCED WEIGHT DISTRIBUTlON- MOWER WON'T TIP BACK EVEN 32149 WHEN BAG IS FULL ------SAVE $20.00 NOW!

SA S ON THE SELF PROPELLED 21" MODEL 00 95 VE 40 'Reg. s32995 - NOW $289 Model 42174 I would like a FREI-. ,ut>,,:ripll0n t" lhc Renal"ance New,_ Name _

Addre"" _ Wl' t>dic\ C In DCI"'Il. oInd 01 COUfI'. Frolund, com- City SldlC ZLp _ Dcllllll t>c II",C, plele'r assemble and pre- "The Lawn Mower People" 'ervICe everylh,ng they ,el/ In lI' , .. i", ffady to UJf ,m- 19815 Mack ave'r in the Woods medIately. Mon. thru Fri. 8 to 6 Sal. 8 Iii 4 p.m. Sunday 9 Iii I ~------~------~----

~ ------_._~~~--~..-.._-_.._---_..._-.-.-...-....-....-. _.-..-, . ..~_..,.,...... -,7ft" _ - -_ .. _ .. _.- • _ .. • .. • • _ .... « .. ,. .. 4, ,.=- .. Page Fourteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May II, 1978

VENDOR LICENSE REQUEST NIXED GRADUATION PARTIES A request for a refuse the Woods Council at its Nutrition Site Has Busy May Plan to Attend MML Parley Weddings Private Parties vendor license from Willie regular meeting Monday. a crafts class on Thursdays The Woods Council by a Hall of Algonquin, Detroit. May 1. The city already has Wayne County CommunIty Policy statements and res- : Any Parties at all College is presenting a' course at 10:30 a.m., also provided 5-1 vote gave its members olutions to be adopted by the was unanimously denied by four such licenses. by the Office on Aging. Disco and City Administrator Ches- in Interpretive Reading to membership will be consider. BARTENDERS LTD. older Americans at the Out- dancing every Monday after- ter E. Petersen permission Wayne County Nutrition Site noon also is reported very to attend the annual conven. ed at the session. "THE POUR PEOPLE" housed at the Grosse Pointe popular. tion of the Michigan Munici. Councilman Thomas Fahr- Have your next affair with usl FROM Woods Presbyterian Church, Future speakers and pro- pal League, (MML), Septem. ner cast the lone dissenting . SANDWIOiES grams for May include "New For Information call - 19950 Mack avenue. ber 14 to 16 at the Grand vote on the motion, He felt . TO STEAKS I The class will be taught Concepts in Lawn Care and Hotel, Mackinac Island, with there was no need in permit- . Lou Hyde - 1-488-3771 Gardening" by Jean Rice of the reimbursement of all or CARRY OUT by Marianne Liss starting ting all members of the coun- Tuesday, May 16, and meet. Hawthorne Road on May 16. necessary expenses. cil to attend the meeting. Mike Mon.gh.n - 888.8884 ing each Tuesday following "Flowers and the Part They RAM'S HOR ~!~I~~~.. the 12 noon hot lunch pro- Played in History," by Mary Lou Boresch, on Thursday, RES'AURAN' p'iS(ounl 1.0%'U~), gram. The course. covering O\IIMli..... 0tdI, May 25, and Folk Dancing "Merchants of Mack" 17410 MACK AT ST. CLAIR 1 A.m••tO ,.m.. poetry, choral reading and drama, is free to Wayne taught by Kate Obenour on present I STUTT GARTER HOFF DAILY SPECIALS WE ARE FAMOUS FOR County residents age 60 and Thursday, May 18. OUR DESSERTS I over. Four health programs are The 2nd Annual WH.I Thra., 1.,10 & 11 " Fresh Strawberry ShMce,e During February and scheduled for May. Blood RESTAURANT • Fresh Strawberry Pie March, Wayne County Com- Pressure will be taken Thurs- Baked Beef Short Ribs • 8anana Cream P.e munity College presented a day, May 11 and May 25. Dinner & Auction with tomato sauce' • Coecanul CreBim Pill popular class on Self.Defense "Everything You Ever Want- in-tha-Village IFri., I., 12 • FrUit Pies • Chocolate or Banana Torte Cake for Senior Citizens. Currently ed to Know About Diabetes," Where you name the Price' Scallops or Lake Perch .. Eclal's the college is providing a taught by Wayne County No minimum Sids' specializing in Tartar sauce & wedge of • Watermelon.&' Canteloupe sewing class on Tuesday Public Health Nurse Ensi ,lemon' (hom MellICO) mornings. Shore, transpires every Tues- 28.. , 7 p.m. Sit. • M,le High Lemon Meringue P., .a, 811.. ,.., 13 I 14 delightful a • Gmo's HOI Fudge Cake Other classes at the Nu. day. Roast Chicken, .. Cheesecake With strawberries trition Site include an exer- Hearing tests and tips on Grl"l rllill 'Inl Cllb 1/2 chicken, bread stuffing, or bhJebemeS cise class taught each Wed- how to avoid hearing aid • Banana S phIS. . ~ Proceeds to benefit the Foun- GERMAN. cranberry sauce' nesday at 10:30 a.m. by Kate frauds will be given by Pat STUTT 1.1. a rill., lay 15 I 16 • Sundaes. a,herbets. ere Obenour of the Wayne Jorgenson of Moorland Road dation for exceptional Children , HUt .. ..., Dallyf and the Grosse Pointe Fra- AMERICAN GARfER U.S.D.A. CHOICE County Office on Aging, and on Tuesday, May 30. "Old Wed. - Vegetable Man and The Devil," a film ternal Order of Police. HOfE DELMONICO STEAK Thurs. - Chicken Noodle Charbroiled to Order Fri. - Shrimp Chowder showing the negative and CUISINE positive attitudes on aging '10 per perlOn Includ.. Above Wed. Ihru Tues.' speclsls In. Sat. - Navy Bean CIub Sched ules Dinner, Win. and family elude soup or juice, saled or cole Sun. - Chicken Noodle will be presented by Kare~ delightful dining slow. vegelable. choice of potatoes, Keeler of the Northeast Auction Action. roll an d butt ... Mon. - Split Pea Tennis Clinics Daily LUNCHEON at its fine It Tu",s. - Tomato Rosemarie Guidance Center on Friday, ead DINNER May 19. SPECIALS HOU~S: YOUR WE FEATURE OSCAR Registration for the Neigh- 11 a.m. 10 9 p.m, For additional information GET YOUR CARR\' OUT SERVICE CHO/(J lAYER'S BAIt8ECUED I.S' borhood Club's summer ten- nis clinics is Saturday, May or to make reservations for TICKETS NOWI Plenty of Private Parking-Rear of Restaurant as-I.02 13, from 9 a;m. to 12 noon the daily lunch program call 1682S KERCHEVAL AVE .• in the ViI"'ge 886.6855. 886-4532between 10 a.m. and Call: 884.9400 or 881.8692 or send at the club, 17150 Waterloo check to 20961 Mack. G.P. Woods. avenue. 2 p.m. Clinic information is avail- able at the club and no reg- John's meOlteQQanean lounGe istration can be taken prior NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 16390 East W~rren Ave.! 885-8887 / Open 7 Days lla.m .• 2a.m. to the 13th. Registrations, ONA though, will be accepted Mother's Day Celebration - Sunday, May 14 after the 13th for those PROPOSED TEN-YEAR Roast Spring LAMB (served every Sunday) 3.95 classes which still have open- Roast DUCK with orange sauce 4.25 ings. CAPITA.L IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Baked HAM with fruit sauce 3.95 In addition, the Com- complete dinners munity Tennis Club is get. FOR TH E CITY OF ting set for another season. OPEN HOUSE Mothers Day Spedal This club offers a referral BROlleO ChOice "16 OZ." new YORk service for tennis players BAKED HAM wI fruit sauce ~rn.!iSt'niutt IInnbs 1><1 .•. • with ongoing ladder tourna- .lth€n13n sweet potatoes, soup & salad 3.95 StRIP Steolk !,,"u .... ""'p& .. 5J5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the City of Grosse Pointe ~Il€€k SqU31l€ PIZZA ments in ability groups and BAKED LAMB wi green beans Woods will be meeting on the 15th day of May, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. at the Municipal 5\1. I.Gf.. a double elimination tennis rice, soup & s.tlad '_' '.' 3.95 ChOice "10 oz." n€W YORk tournament. Building, 20025 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woo~, Michigan, for the purpose, Supcr~ '"1,. ~I ., ,fC'('\.. 5I1uVf~1 • l.rr('11 1'(1)p('f.Onlon.umb StRIP Steak "nduhooblJn .. "h 1""'''''' ~.45 Monthly newsletters and among other things, of cond\Jcting a Public Hearing on the adoption of a proposed '1U'JlfooIH4.\ncho ..u:s .••••.•• J.ii 6.9!» ROAST DUCK wI orange sauce Ten.Year -Capital Improvement Program which is to be financed by a special tax potatoes. soup & salad...... 4.25 awards for each month's C1Ic'est: l;n-rk ~u~~e-Gre~n • winners are provided, and levy within the General Fund Budget of the said City. The schedule of capital P~r.Omon."W1room •..•. 3.50 6.~O O€lmonrco Steak SolnOwlCh on Bun improvements proposed to be made. starting with the fiscal year 1978-79 and , : .."hpo'''''' _ __ ._._. __ __ L9' the fee is $3 per individual. Chet"'''~': Grel"k SalJ5.llf.Onion~ Oolily SpeCial SOUPIidt wi,h ,Ii<1 .. __ __ ' _._ 195 Emory ct.; Clairview ct.; Berns Ct.; Young Lane; D

( he •• • am en • ••••••• ••••• sm n An ne e•• b tr. • ••• ft.- ••• - p p • p » $ 5 ass 5 5 S P , ssp a» 5 S , • & $ , , p ; p ; • , P $ • • •• a. s •• p » P $ P » » p » p p p > p p p P" F rr- ~ ...--~ - -

, Thursday, May II, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen

highlight for Toledo de fen. Baltimore Orioles clobbering sively was the completion of the Twins, 11-2. NHS Harriers Win Two Meets Little League Results an unassisted double play by Mike LaRue of Baltimore Rusty Knowles. went 4-for-4 to aid the By Kim Rogers secutive track duel meet. CHICKEN * SHRIMP * RIBS Nortl) High School com. North won 14 out of 17 \ Richmond and Albany Oriole attack, Geoffery Tisch. Thrifty Bucket of Chicken .• till /In(v $4.95 GP PARK 3.2, and the Cardinals down. played their first game of bein pitched no hit ball for peted in two Bi.County events and was especially Shrimp Dinner...... • till on/~' By Joy Williams ed the Dodgers, 4.0. Chris the season on Tuesday, May three innings. The Orioles meets this past week, defeat. strong in the field events, $3.95 In Park Little League ac. Astfalk h.ad three singles for 2, with Richmond winning, stole 22 bases. ing F r as e r, 120-36, and winning all five events. Rib Dinner ...... •.... "ill /Jn/~',$5.95 lion Monday, May 1, Paul the Cardinals. ' 2.1. Tim Nugent and Eric Mark Germain hit a two. L'Anse Creuse, 130.22. Vier won both the high Rentz and Steve Carrier In Minor League action, Restum shared the pitching run homer for the Twins North ran against Fraser jump and long jump with at home, on Tuesday, May 2. ." M w•• upper! again matched home runs in Michigan beat Purdue, 9.7 duties for Richmond while who had only three hits. leaps of 6', 1" and 20', %", '.": tho G...... The meet was highlighted by i'" Poi" •• Jaye.. - leading the' Pirates to a 16-1 in extra innings. Philip An: Kirk Haggarty went the dis. In other games, the Yan. respectively. The discus event '( BIKE.A.THON POINTE WHARF Joe Vier's leap of 6', 6" in I'ictory over the Red Legs. tonson homered in the win- tance for Albany. kees clipped the A's, 3.1, and was won by Stewart with a ,t .. for R.y •• the high jump, ranking him 18310 MACK Doubles were hit by Rentz, ning runs in the seventh Albany took the lead in the the Tigers beat the Indians: throw of 121', 11". Meehan , Synd ...", •. as one of the best high ~ 885-4453 885.4790 Niko Eklund and Stuart inning. Bill Yates and Mike first inning on a double by 11.10. won the pole vault with a jumpers in the Bi.County Whitney of the Pirates and Ward also had home runs Rob Wimsatt but then Rich. The Reds shutout the Cubs, jump of 13.feet, while Me. League. Tim Caputo of the Red Legs, Cor Michigan. Joe Carrion mond came back to score 5.0, on Thursday, May 4. Brien took first in the shot Vier also won the 120'yard The Giants deCeated the had a triple for Purdue and twice in the fiCt1:Jwith RBI's John Menzo of the Reds put with a toss of 50', 9W'. high hurdles with a time of Do d g I.' r s. 21-2, pn the Dave Davies doubled for going to Scott Fleming and struck out 16 and gave up 15.5 and later was on the In the running events, strength of home runs by Michigan. Mike Dingeman. Lynn Vis. two hits, going all six innings. 440.yard relay team of Joe Dave Denis took first in the Jim Arnold and Tony Tocco. Ohio State defeated Min. mara, Nugent and. Greg Jim Seagram knocked in Aesy, Bob Barrett and Bob two mile run with a time In extra innings the Cardi- nesota, 19-12, on th(' strength Goetz also contributed to the two runs with a double. Lossman which won with a of 9:44.3. The 880'yard relay nals beat the Braves, 7-6. E, of home runs, by Todd Her. Richmond hitting effort. Shelly Ireland and Keith time of 46.0. team of Long, Lassman, J. OIde had a home run for mans, Rick Urso, Ashraf Buffalo and Rochester met 1,'eltz had two hits each for Tech and Nerdrum won with the Cardinals and Albert Shaalan and Greg Parcells. for the first time on Wed. the Reds. John Long also had a good a time of 1:33.6. Ament hit a double in the Navy beat Notre Dame, nesday, May 3, with Buffalo In other action, the Dodg. day, winning the 100.yard '-----.GROSSE POINTEandAREA-----I dash in 10.6 and the 220-yard Brandt won the aBO-yard eighth to drive in Olde with 7-4, on Thursday, May 4. The winning, 3.0. David Barlow ers edged the Braves, 2-0, run with a time of 2:04.2 r======. the winning run. go.ahead run was scored on was the winning pitcher al- and the Pirates knocked off dash with a time of 23.2. Bob Piche, Ron Fergie, Mike while in the mile run, Ham. CANTATAS FOR PENTECOST In Minor' 'l:eague action, a bunt by Gary Reeder. Mark lowing only one hit by Ro. the Phillies, 7-0. mer took first with a time Dale and Karl Tech were Nos. 34 & 68 Ohio State defeated Michi. Thomas of Notre Dame dou. chester, a triple by Mike Action on Suo'day, May 7, of 4:32.6. gan, 10.5. Greg Parcells and bled in two runs. Fozo. saw the Yankees slip by the part of the mile relay which by In the loo.yard dash, Loss. Clayton Guensch had home Army pitchers Doug Lucas, The scoring punch for BuC. Tigers, 1-0. Joe Carroll of won with a time of 3:36.2. The 8aO-yard (elay was man placed first with a time JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH runs Cor Ohio State. Minne- Don Berg and Martin Saad falo came off the bats of the Yankees went all six inn. of 10.5 and later Lang won Sunday, May 14, 11:00 A.M. sota beat Indiana, 13-9, on a combined for a no.hlt victory Todd Hawthorne, Mat t ings and gave up three hits. won by North with a time Chorus & Chamber Orchestra of 1:33.4. Members of this the 220-yard dash with a Robert Hawksley, Conductor home run by Chip Ranno. over Michigan State, 1-0. Frame, Ted Kolp and Tim Twice the Tigers had the time of 23.9. In the American League, Mike Kortschak scored the Kirchner. bases loaded. A key hit, relay were Long, Lossman, Tech and Piche. Tim Kelly Tech won the 44O.yard run JEFFERSON AVE. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH the White Sox topped the only run of the game on a Syracuse played its first which never came, would 8625 E. Jette rson at Burns Athletics, 4-2. Harry Potter triple by Berg. game on Saturday, May 6, have won it. Paul Navarre won the 330-yard low hur. with a time of 51.5 and an. and Paul Hawk had extra- Air Force came from be- by handing Toledo its second knocked in the lone run for dies with a time of 40.8. chored the mile relay team -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=.=.=. -:- -l base hits for the Athletics hind to score siX runs in the defeat, 18-0. Jerry Henry was the Yanks. North did well in the dis- of Piche, FergIe and Dale to tance runs as Steve Brandt Fint Entliah while Eric Greiner's double fourth inning apd five in the winning pitcher, striking While the Yankees were win with a time of 3:41.5. PRESBYTERIAN and Beau Kelly's triple com- the fifth to beat the Marines, out 14 batters. winning, the Indians out. won the mile run with a In the final event, the 440- Ev. Luth.ran CHURCH bined to drive in the winning 16-9, in' a rain.shortened The hitting effort for Syra. scored the Twins, 20-15, and time of 4:31.2 and Ed Ham. yard relay' team of Vier, 19950 Mock Avenue mer took first in the two Nerdrum, Lassman and Long runs across in the fifth. ball game. Jamie Lightbody cuse came from Tarek Ela. the Orioles dumped the A's, Church (halfway between mile run with 9:53.9. . took first with a time of 45.6. The Senators downed the had a home run and Steve layli with a home run and a 11-4. Vernier Rood at Wedgewood Morass ond Vernier Roods) Yankees, 11.7, jn spite of the Addy and Teddy Evans dou. single, Michael Finch with In the National League on In the field events, Mike Coach Tom Gauerke is hop- Drive, Gro .. e Pointe Woods Grosse Pointe Wvod. outstanding effort of Bob bled for the Marines. a triple and a single and the 7th, the Phillies scored McBrien won the shot put ing for a good showing by 884-504Q 886.4300 with a throw of 49', 9", while Dodge, who accounted for In American League ac. Mark Nesler with a bases an upset over the Reds, 13-8, North when they compete Church Services Jim Stewart won the discus all seven Yankee runs. Dodge tion, the Senators beat the loaded double to drive in and the Dodgers humbled the in the Oxford Invitational on 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. had a three.run homer in Athletics, 14-1, on a grand three runs. . Cubs, 7.0, while the Braves event. Joe Meehan won the Saturday, May 13, at Oxford pole vault with a leap of Sunday Church School the fourth inning and one in slam home run by Evan Laura Pikielek had two scalped the Pirates, 4-3. at 12:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. the sixth, as well as a triple Lintvedt. Harry .Potter had hits for 'TOledo. I 12',6". . North then traveled to Constant use will wear Rev. P. keppler with the bases loaded in the a home run for the Athletics The following game on Jog"erS Fonn Rev. Larry Michels second inning. He then stole only score. Saturday, it was Miami nptch. ~ L'Anse Creuse on Thursday, away anything - especially -~_. ---- 9:30-Edueation Hour, home. Jon Verbiest drove in Erie Greiner pitched the nig its second. win of the Rlll1uing Club May 4., to win its 82nd eon- friends. For Adults, Youth and three runs with a triple for White Sox to a 15-6 victory season over Richmond, 6-3. Children -. . the victorious Senators. over the' Indians. Larry Law Steven Gedman was the win. CHRISTIAN l1:00-Worship Hour, In another game the Ori. and Mark Fikany hit doubles ning pitcher striking out 12. The Neighborhood Club's Nursery and Children's ales beat the Indians, 16.6. for the Indians. 'I'he big bats for Miami first run for fun ,was a suc- SCIENCE Learning Center The Marines downed Mich. .The Orioles downed the were Gedman, Semple, Paul cessful experience for the 23 CITY OF First Church or Christ, Dr. Robert C. Linthicum igan State, 5.1, on Tuesday: Yankees, 20-8, on doubles by Sutherland, Meredith Cle- runners who at.tended, ac- Scientist Rev. David J. Eshleman cording to the club. )[ay 2. The Marines' Jamie Brad Peterson and Jack land, Chris Fisher and Cliff All age groups were rep. GroS8() Pointe Farms Lightbody and Chi-is' Gross Twomey. Yankee doubles Grabowski. resented and half the group 282 Chalfonte hit home runs and Steve were hit by Bob Dodge and I TIm Nugent and Joe Agley ~rnllllr Jniutr 1Jfarmn near Kerby Road Addy hit a double. First Pat O'Leary. led the hitting for Richmond. finished the longer, three. mile course. The next run for ServIces The Grosse Pointe baseman Brian Aardema GP FARI\IS In the final game of the MICHIGAN fun will be held on Saturday, Sunday 10:30 A.M. made an unassisted double By John C. Brooks day, Albany handed Buffalo Wednesday 8:00 P.M. play for the victors. The season opener for the its first loss, 24-7. Joe Mooney l\'!ay 20, at 9 a.m. starting from the Neighborhood Club. Sunday School 10:30 A.M. Unitarian Army defcated Not r e Class "C" Farms Little was the winning pitcher and Infant care pt'ovidec:l Dame, 9-8, in spite of two League eight- and nine-year- received some fine defensive For furth('r information, Summary of The Minutes Church home runs by Dave Em. old players was an exciting help from Brian Brooks and call 885-4600. merich, one a , game between Miami and Kirk Haggarty. May 1, 1978 GROSSE POINTE 17150 Maumee for Notre Dame. Jay Henze Toledo on Monday, May 1, Key hits for Albany came 881-0420 had a triple for Army, and at Brownell Field. Miami's from Kirk Haggarty, Rob BAPTIST CHURCH 21336 Mack Avenue 11:00 a.m.-Worship Dan Hallums hit a triple Lloyd Semple pitched a no. Wimsatt, Matt Aldrich and The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Grosse PolDte Woods Service for Notre Dame. hitter to bring his team to a Mike Semack. A Wlrm Welcoml "Family Planning in Navy topped Air Force, 6-0 win over Toledo. GP WOODS.SHORES Present on Roll Call: Mayor James H. Dingeman, Awaits You Haiti" I 17-8, behind the pitching of Lea~in~ the hitting attack By Steven Rusing Morning Wonlllp Councilmen Harry R. Fruehauf, Jr., Jack Henry Stokes l\lark Cervenak and Joe for MIamI were Steven Ged. Teams in the Woods-Shores M. Cudlip, Joseph L. Fromm and W. James 11:00 a.m'. Sundav School Rev. Fred. F. Campbell Page. Sterling Maury had a man, Paul Sutherland, Sem. Litt~e League played on Mast. 9:<45 a.m. , double and Dylan Cole went pl.e, Ray Echlin and Chris Wednesday, May 3, with the Evening Service three.for.three for Navy .. F1SI!er. ------Those Absent Were: Councilwoman Nancy J. 7 p.m. Marty Hoffman, John Boaz . BI1I~' Gryzenia was the los- Waugaman and Councilman Lloyd A. Semple. Hul'Hry and Evan Frakes had tri- 109 pItcher for Toledo. A Immediate Possession Councilman Semple later arrived at the All 5orvlce. pIes for Air Force and Dale meeting.) Rev. Wm. Taft First Church of IVerkema also went three- All Pointes ... for.three. Mayor James H. Dingeman presided at the WE SPECIALIZE IN Understanding In play on Wednesday, Has Banquet_ meeting. ~[ay 3, the Braves scored 12 FOR LEASE BIBLE STUDY 882.5327 Councilwoman Waugaman was excused from at. and Christian Friendship runs in the third. inning only At the a~ All Pointes Grosse Pointe War tending the meeting. ' t? lose to t?e Pirates, 16-14'1 Swim Club banquet held Kercheval and Maryland "CHRIST Memorial 15,700 sq. ft. (former aulo showroomand service bi~ilding) Steve. ,CarrIer had _an out. _Monday, May 1, coach Les The Minutes of the Regular Meeting which was. standlOg day \\'Ith two Roddis and his assistant Parking 10,000 sq. ft 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. held on April 17, 1978 were accepted as submitted. FELLOWSHIP" Classes home.rs, one a. grand slam, Elaine Schmidt presented The Minutes of the Budget Study Meeting which was (a non denomination a. t:-IPle, a. slOgle .and a awards in spedal recognition held on April 24, 1978, were accepted as submitted. Church) \\alk. Jeff KlIne, ChrIS Ross to the team members for Special Yale. and Harper, !\lather's Day Service and Paul. Rentz hit doubles their individual triumphs The Council granted the appeal of Mr. Edward St. Clair Shores, nr 11 Mi. Cor the PIrates and Charles this season. Nowicki' of LaBelle Road, from the determination of WHEAT SCHOOL Ilaechler and Brian Kerman Ninety.seven Achievement the Inspector regarding the portion of the inspection SUNDAYS 10:30 A.M. had doubles and JeCf Lucas Certificates were awarded 821.9191 of his property pursuant to the provisions of the City's 294.8713 a triple for the Braves. and forty-three C a a c h e s Propert)- Maintenance Code pertaining to the paved John Ludlam, Pastor . ~he Red Legs went eight Award Patches were pre- driveway, thereby waiving the requirement that cer- .:~'_.~' it f '> Inmngs to beat the Giants, sented for leadership, dedi- tain designated driveway slabs be replaced. ------cation and effort. .~. )j~ /. ~. Ten trophies were awarded The Council approved the low bid of the Paul G. St. James swimmers who were cited THE GROSSE POINTE Thoen Company in the total amount of $6,496.27, for as most valuable high point the construction of a "Tn turn.around at Belanger Lutheran Church ~' A pleasant drive ... • winners in their respective PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM Avenue and the Mack A venue alley. "On The Hill" "~~l : A table with a view age groups. Mcl\lilIan near Kercheval of freighters passing All Pointes' top' 10 swim- The Council approved the low bid of the S & L TU 4.0511 The Grosse Pointe ... and the most mers this season are Dick SPECIAL NOTICE Landscaping Company in the total amount of $1,897.40 SUMPTUOUS Clarke. Ursala Nerdrum, Bill for the necessary landscape repairs at the sites of Worship Services MEMORIAL CHURCH Luberto, Amy Bartoszewicz. water main repairs throughout the City. The Council 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. United Presbyterian Joe Schmidt, Anne Vanker, ABSENT VOTER BALLOTS approved the low bid of the Vanopdenbosch Con- (Nursery, both services) 1&Lake Shore Road Kurt Boerner, Gina Bar. struction Company in the total amount of $3,372.75, Sunday School 9:30 a.m. ~sunday toszewicz, Sean English and for the necessary cement repairs at the sites of water For information night or Kathy Nally. main repairs throughout the City. day Nil 882.5330, dial a ANNUAL ELECTION Rev. George E. Kurz prayer 882.8770. Jbrunch The club's special thanks Rev. George M. ScheUer was given to board members. MONDA Y, JUNE 12, 1978 The Council adopted a resolU'tion authorizing Worship Service ~ onBluewater Country I president Dendis Woods. the City Attorney to pursue on behalf of the City, 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. vice-president Kathy Luberto, val"ious matters pertaining to the Agreement to Lease St. Paul Ev. 10:30 Study Hour 10:30 - 2:00 treasurer Don Schmidt, mem- RegistC'Ccd qualified Electors of The Grosse with the U.S. Postal Service regarding the parking Recognition of Youth bership Barbara Ryszewski lot located at Mack ana Calvin Avenues adjacent to Lutheran Church Pointe Public School District who cxpect to "Lord :'Ilake 2\lc an In- and secretary Joann Tsan- the U.S. Post Office. 881-6070 strument oC Thy Peace" be absent from the District. or who are con- Chalfont. and Lothrop galias, I Ray H. Kiely The All Pointes'Swim Club fined t(1 home or hospital by illness or dis- The Council adopted a resolution requesting the Worship - 9:30 and 11:00 City Attorney to prepare a proposed Amendment to Sunday School - 9:30 I has. for the last 10 years, ability. nla~. apply for Absent Voter Ballots , b('en coached by Mr. Roddis'l the City's Zoning Ordinance which would clarify the Nursery Both Services I At the banquet, club memo dail~', :\1onday throu,l.;h Thursday. 8:00 a.m. to provisions oC S('clion 400.1 concerning permitted uses Rev. K. R. Lentz, TH.D. in one-family residential districts . The Grosse Pointe ; bers thanked him for his I .L~O p,m., Frida.\- fl:OO am. to 4:00 p.m., begin- Rev. Paul E. Christ ' dedic~tion and per~evcran~e. Congregational ning May 15. ]978. The Council adopted a resolution authorizing the Church I Hill Association to conduct its proposed Kercheval. Grosse Pointe I Lay day for return of Absent Voter on-the-Hill Spring Festival on May 12 and 13, 1978, G,o'U~fl~d'nl. American Baptist KWiKEE SNO-WHITE LAUNDROMAT subject to specified clean-up requirements. METHODIST Church and DRY-CLEANING Applications is Saturday, June 10, HO CHALFONTE at LOTHROP The Council adopted a resolution authorizing the CHURCH 16300 E. WARREN, Cor. THREE MILE DR. 1978, from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Worship Services and "DetroIt's first, fmest & best equipped" Mayor and City Clerk to sign on behalf of the City, 21 1 Moroll Rood Self-service for laundry & rug washing a Quit Claim Deed pertaining to the property located Church School

\ i Pege Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May II, 1978 Cirosse J>ointe ~evvs Know Your Schools Reception SeJ for Retirees Pllbli!hed Weekly By Robert B. Edgflr By Dr. William Coats, Sixteen long.time employes Five professional staff DI81 A Anteebo Pllbli.rhm of the Grosse Pointe Public members slated to begin reo Superintendent of Schoo" School System will be honor- tirement in June are Mar- ed by the Board of Educa- garet Casteel, counselor at OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT ISpring is the time of the awards on the basis of aca- tion at a community retire. South High School; Mary Lu 99 KERCHEVAL AVE. year when our students demic excellence as demon- ment reception Thursday, Eyster, fourth grade teacher Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48236 begin to reap the harvest of strated on the American May 18, in the lobby of the at Poupard School; Dorothy Stcond Clan POltagt Paid at Dttroil, Michigan their studies. Honors, awards College Test. auditorium of North High Kennel, on leave from teach- By Pat Rousseau Cla.r.rified Advertising & SlIb!Cription.r 882.6900 llnd recognition activities of Congratulations also are in School, 707 Vernier Road, at ing kindergarten at Richard; For Mother's desk . , . lovely various kinds are being an- order for South High senior 4 p.m. Lois Lusty, teacher consult. elegant address books start at Display Advertising, 882.3500 • Editorifl1882-0294 nounced almost daily. Elizabeth Gray. The National Included in the group of ant in the Department of $12j the Goodluck Kitchen Witch Therefore, I would like to Merit Scholarship Corp. has honored guests are 10 who Pupil Personnel; and Alice win get mother's cooking off to Use this column to 'add my anncunced that she is the will retire at the end of the Wellpott, an English teacher a good start $7.50 at The League {~ congratulations to a sampling winner of a $1,000 scholar- current year, three who re- at South High. Shop, 98 Kercheval. C'"I."''' of our students whose excel. ship, based on outstanding tired during the year and Three olher staff members lence in many activities has scholaslic performance. Eli- FULLY PAID CIRCULATION three who retired last sum. who retired last summer Remember Mom •on May 14th . Per- recently been recognized. zabeth is one' of South High mer, prior to the beginning prior to lhe beginning of Mtmber Mich. Prell Associalion and National Edilorial AlSOC. Some examples follow. School's 1978 M(>ritFinalists. sonally Yours will give 20% off jewelry for of the 1977-78year. the 1977-78 year will be this special occasion, 84 Kercheval. ROBERT B. EDGAR ... EDITOR and PUBLISHER Patrick Kelly, a senior at Robert McCampbell, North honored on the 18th. They WILLIAM ADAMO .... ADVERTISING MANAGER ... North High SchOol, has been senior, has been chosen as are William A. Raupagh and ~.~ JOANNE Ill/RCAR ..... CLASSIFIED MANAGER Fragrant scented .linings for '~ o).#' elected president of the one of the winners of the Liggett Sets Betty ReehilI, former teach- CREDIT MANAGER M i chi g a n Ass'n. of the 1978 American Chemistry shelves, drawers and closets at JANET MUELLER . FEATURE. SOCIETY EDITOR ers at Monteith, and Norma Distributive Education Clubs Society, De t r 0 i t Section, Summer Camp Priest, formerly of the Mason Seasons of Paper, 115 Kercheval. ANN WALLACE...... SOCIETY of America, an organization ROGER A WAHA. .NEWS EDITOR High School C hem i s try staff. consisting of over 4,000 stu. Award. A gift certificate •from The Greenhouse JAMES J. NJAIM .. . NEWS University Liggett School, Olhers' being honored are SUSAN McDONALD .. EDUCATION, NEWS dent members. The committee's selection (ULS), 1045 Cook road, will for Mama ... treat her to a manicure,hair.do, North High seniors Shawn was based on Robert's high three administrators, Law- WENDY K. SETTLE...... NEWS. SPORTS again open a day camp to all rence Kennedy, assistant' su- facial and pedicure or a very special gift from ~lARY LORI~IER ADVERTISING P. Lakin, John P. Willison performance and outstand- area res ide n t s Monday ing potential in science. perintendent - per son nel, among the "lovelies" in their boutique. What PAT ROL'SSEAU . . ADVERTISING and Daniel P. Connors are through Friday June 19 better way to show her how much' you care, CHARLES DICKSON ADVERTISING the recipients of the 1978 Robert was a recipient of slated to retire July 31; John through July 28. Three week Rohrer, principal of Ferry 117 Kercheval, 881-6833. PHYLLIS NEAL.... . ADVERTISING Legislative Merit Awards in "The Handbook of Chemis- sessions, June 19 through )0 MULHERIN. . .. CLASSIFIED SUPERVISOR the amount of $1,000. Three try," presented to winners. School, who will retire June July 7 and July 10 through 30; and John Hammel, prin- '. The •Sign of the Mermaid DOROTHY SCHIMANSKY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING South High School seniors, I have just learned that July 28, also are available. SHIRLEY ARNOLD . . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING who also will receive Michi, Mary Nelson, a senior at cipal of Monteith School, who . really is' thinking spring. That TAMMY POLK...... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING gan Legislative Merit Awards South High, 'has won a cov. University L i g get t day retired last December. . " beautiful store looks like a gar- ANNE MULH ERIN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING for 1978, are Lisa M. Col- eted scholarship to the Par- camp is held on the 43.acre Five members of the non. . den . • . place mats and napkins MICHELLE PEARCE...... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING letti, Sara J. Cartmill and sons School of Design in Main' Campus. Facilities in. instructional staff are among are kaleidoscopes of color ..• it FRAN BACHA. . CIRCULATION MANAGER. Paul E. Dembry. . clude two gymnasiums, eight the retirees. They are Mary DOLORES FIKANY CIlOCULATION' . is a great place to be ... 75 Ker- The students received the I am also delighted to re- tennis courts, several base- Collins, cook-manager at Par- '.• -cheval. port that "North Pointe," the ball diamonds, track facili- cells Middle School; John student newspaper al North ties, two heated outdoor Elder, plal1t manager at YOUNG CLOTHES• invite you to stop in High, recently re\.t!i\icli a swimming pools and a mod. North High School' Jose. First Class Rating for EA- ern bath house. 'phine Kasperek, c~feteria and browse their wide selection of summer Letters to the Editor cellence in the High School worker at Pierce Middle sports wear . . . all sizes available, 110 Ker- Journalism Contest from the Day camp activities extend cheval. beyond the school campus to School; Anne Loush, secre. Columbia .Press Ass'n. in tary to the director of busi- (Editor's Note: The fol. and also to School Board The m e m b e r s of the New York City. outlying areas for overnight • • lowing letter, a copy of which President John Bruce and trips, canoeing excursions ness affairs; and Albert Ver. Special for Mother's Day at Isabelles •.. League of Women Voters of In add i t ion, we have straete, head engineer. at was sent to the NEWS, was Superintendent of Schools Grosse Pointe urge the city and nature studies, and some. Gould sweaters in white and ivory, also lovely learned that South's paper, Barnes Elementary School. selection of other items as scarves, jewelry, sent to aU the Poi~te mayors Dr. William Coats. It is dated administrations of the Grosse the "'Tower," is the best Class times to the Detroit metro. with copies to city managers, Thursday, May 4.) Pointes to continue to sup- A newspaper in Michigan by politan area, for field trips Guests of honor and mem- blouses, etc. See you soon. 104 Kercheval .•• port the Youth Service Di- the Michigan Interscholastic to view industry, commerce bers of the Board of Educa- 886-7424. vision, (YSD). Press Ass'n. The "Tower" and cc.mmunity services. tion will greet friends in a \ has been selected as the top reception line from 4 to 5 The Sign of the Mermaid• We hope that the number The junior camp is struc- p.m. The program will con. newspaper foul' times in the tured for four-and five.year. is really celebrating spring • M& M DISTRIBUTING CO. of YSD officers will not be tinile in 'the auditorium reduced. The loss of person- six years the award has been oIds, who have not as yet from May 15 thru May 18 . _ .".11. . Cleaning Materials & Equipment presented 'l.n a competitive where brief remarks will be from 11 until 4 each day. , nel will only delay the han- completed kindergarten, and made by Superintendent Dr basis. . They have a garden room dling of problems-not solve is in session half-days from William Coats and member~ any problems. South senior Jackie Tien, 9 a.m. to 12 noon five days filled with marvelous' white co.managing editor of the a week. of the Board of Education. WE DELIVER We think the early peak. paper, was named as the wicker and enchanting gift Music for the occasIon will -ideas. Don't miss it .. '. they ing and early tapering off State's outstanding student Junior campers may regis- be provided by South High 884-0520 of the' drug problem in journalist. ter for a minimum three- students under the direction promise ambrosia and nectar' Grosse Pointe was largely Even this very limited week program or a full six. of Russell Reed and Mary too! due to education. The YSD week season. An eight to one 16734 E. WARREN DETROIT, MI. 48224 sampling will demonstrate, Hoeks. Light refreshments helped not only the schools, I think, the range and quality camper/counselor ratio al. will be served. Meet•Isabelle Bar):'att . . . but also the adult commun- of our students' achievement. lows for individual and per- she is Ginny Bowen's partner in ity to combat the drug prob. Friends and colleagues of Grosse Pointe can be proud sonal attention for junior Aiteca de Oro but is really in lems that. were created. of them. campers. the public schools' retirees are cordially invited to at. Grosse Pointe because she com- While the drug problem The full-day camp is for. tend the reception. mutes between Azteca in the is better, we do have "B & youngsters between the ages Bahamas and Miami. She will E's" and vandalism. These Woods Okays of six and 13. Full-day camp- know no city boundaries, be at Azteca, 74 Kercheval, ers are grouped according to Cinema League Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- from one Pointe to another. Bid of Group age and atten4 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. five days a week. day, May 10, 11 & 12. Ginny The YSD has helped the To Vietv Egypt calls her the "Maltese Dynamo." young. people in the com- A Woods Beautification Full-day campers may regis- Commission recommendation, ter for a minimum three- Just under 5' tall she will be munities to have a better originally tabled at the The Grosse Pointe Cinema gubt~e to sophIStiCated ~ashlOn understanding of the police. week program or the full six- League will present "Let's wearing Azteca fashions so all March 20 council meeting, week camp season. The full. Go to Egypt!" a super-6mm , you petite ones can see how They have taught the young' was unanimously approved !~aqMnces .. , JJiJta CRLCCl. CltatteQ. about their rights and where day camp counselor/camper movie by Pierre and Elfrieda these new style.s will look on their rights end, about their by the solons at their reg. ratio is one to 10. Palmentier, when it meets you. responsibilities to the com. ular meeting Monday. May 1. in the War Memorial's Fries CBo~qkese, Cakon. CRochas. On the recommendation, Activities offered include vUadam munity, and about the varie. swimming, tennis, archery, Auditorium, 32 Lakeshore RETURNS TO POINTE ties of ways to seek help to the council voiced no objec. road, on Monday, May 15, at tion to the commission using gymnastics, trampoline, arts Former Farms resident been based with the adver. CDwA. 'JJo~eQQ. CUQtllnaJ[ solve their own problems. and crafts, golf, individual 8 p.m. The film was photo- Victor Kenyon is returning tising agency in New York 50 percent of the proceeds graphed in November and to The Pointe as executive For instance, we do have from its Saturday, May 20, and team activities, nature since 1966. He and his wife, studies, canoeing, sailing, c~vers a 1,000 mile journey creative director of the J. child abuse. We do have al- flower sale at city. hall to Martha, are members of the Russell Stover coholic parents. The young- campcraft, field trips and w~th an Egyptologist, up the Walter Thompson Co., De. defray the cost of bed.ding River Nile. troit office. Mr. Kenyon has Country Club of Detroit. CANDIES sters know they can't suc- and plant material in the city overnight camping. Spec~ny Wrapped ror cessfully "run away" to De- and 50 percent for the devel- For further information, Fea{urea are some of Mother's Day gifting troit-they will be found. So opment of the Veterans Mem- call the camp office at 884- Egypt's greatest temples, they seek help instead. orial Parkway. 4444. such as Kom Ombo, where • Un",,,. Gift .OU'IOUI • Itroh'. Ie. Cr•• m crocodiles were worshiped Weare pleased We are aware of the ever Iand adorned with jewels, and to announce that • Q... lit,. C•• m.llc .IAUflQUI increasin'g budgets within • D.i1,. .ntl lund.,. •• W YO•• '''II the. temple of Khnum, partly • 10'Jl,I.nlor CI'I•• n Diseoun' on Pr•• crlptions city government. However, One View from the Capitol buned under the city of the League of Women Voters By William R. Bryant Jr. Esna, which saw the worship of Grosse Pointe feels the of fish. Peter C. Higbie Notre Dame PHARMACY YSD is the responsibility of the entire community, not The issue 'of homeowner question whether the pres. There are scenes of colos- just the school system. We and automobile' insurance ent pool mechanism in auto- sal beauty in the Temple of believe any cut in the. YSD availability is continuing to mobile insurance should be Karnak, with its impressive Thomas Nihem budget would be false econ- be a hot issue. scrapped or whether we avenue of rams, which in an- omizing that the .community A former bill, HB 5196, as should wait for the Supreme cient times extended to Lux- will regret in the future- amended, drew such fire that Court to order the legisla- or, and dramatic closeups of of our GrossePointe office and pay more for in the years the sponsor, Rep. George tion to overhaul the entire wall carvings at the temple have been elected to come. Cushingberry of Detroit, put automobile insurance statute, of the cow-goddess Hathor in a new bill with the same which they will, eventually. at Dendera, built during the Sincerely, Vice President - Sales basic provisions as the pre- I am trying to find a rea- Ptolomy period of Queen Peggy Hodak, vious amended one. sonable and workable solu. Cleopatra and the Romans. President The new bill is HB 6322 tion to the problems of de- The site of Egypt's 5,000- Grosse Pointe, MI 48230 and within minutes of its in. cent residents of Detroit and year-old former capital city 16980 Kercheval troduction it was reported other urban centers in their EARNS LETTER of Memphis, with its alabas. (313) 886-1200 out of committee. need for adequate, affordable ter sphinx, and the world's Jacques Beaudoin of The The bill does at least two homeowner and automobile oldest stone monument, King Pointe recently earned a var- things which make me op- insurance. 16926 Kercheval, in-the-village Djoser's step pyramid at Delroll' New Yo, •• Chicdgo sity letter in Soccer at Olivet pose it. It requires com. Sakkara, are visited. Shop Doily 8.30 om to 9 pm (Men. II"...... 1 .885-2154 College this year. A sopho. I will continue that effort. Sot 8 30 . 7 00. ~ ndoys - Holiday, 9 30 - 4 panies to accept nearly all Of special interest are more at Olivet, he is the son applicants, then allowing But I will not accept a bill Packag.d Liquor D.al.r which installs a system which scenes photographed in the Firstof Michigan of Dr. and Mrs. Jacques Beau. companies to "cede" policies Valley of Queens and the Fln.st Import.d, Dom•• tic Win•• , B.ers doin of Three Mile drive. to a pool mechanism called will not work or provisions which force suburban Wayne Valley of Kings, where the an insurance facility. celebrated tomb of Egypt's Corporation And it makes all compan- County residents to foot 311 Members New YorkStock Exchange,Inc. the bill so that Delroit resi- boy king Tutankhamun is 10- ies write at the same rate caled. for a given classification dents can get cheaper in- surance. The Cairo portion of the throughout all of Wayne movie features a visit to the County. lovely mosques of Moham. Further, there is serious John Pingel med Ali and Sultan Hassan, and to the famous Egyptian Heads Admen Museum, which still contains almost 3,000items discovered FURNACES John S, Pingel of Peach in King T uta n k ham un's Fresh Frying Fresh Tender- Youn!;, Tree lane, president of Ross tomb, which are not on tour & BOILERS Roy, Inc., Detroit, was re- currently in the United The jewelry industry is concerned about the quality of CHICKEN CALVES ...... cently elected chairman of States. craftsmanship and the way jewelry businesses are run. In the board of the American The camera focuses on the order to provide a higher degree of craftsmanship and bet- LIVERS LIVER Association of Advertising city of Aswan and the great ter business techniques, the manufacturing jewelers and Agencies, the chief elective monuments at Abus Simbel. silversmithsof America have set up the Jewelry Institute, a $22~. post within the association. rescued from the walers of 5918. U.S.D.A. non.profit educational center for jewelry and silver products BUTTER Election of new officers the Nile when Lake Nasser Prime & Choice was crealed. manufacturers. One problem in the industry has been that I-lb. (4 quarters) ECKRICH took place in an executive Boneless There also are delightful the market has been growing but the number of skilled or READY TO EAT session at the association's semi.skilled workers hasn't been sufficient. Hopefully, the IMPO.IID COOKED New York Style 60th Annual Meeting at the sailings on ancient feluccas $1.19 lB. past the strange rock forms Jewelry Institute will train workers so as to preclude the Camelback Inn, Scottsdale, lowering of the quality of manufactured jewelry. HAM SIRIP Ariz., on April 27. of Elephantine Island and WESLEY'S Mr. Pingel, who has been the lovcl}l botanical gardens SIIAKS at Kitchener Island. For professional and courteous service on all your QUAKER MAID S oz. Pkg. pkg. Whole or Half AAAA vice.chairman, suc- jewelryneeds. come in and feel free to talk to us at VALENTE '1.09 ceeds Edward N. Ney, chair. The public is invited to at. FOR OVER 15 YEARS tend this program without JEWELRY,1660I East Warren ot Kensington, Detroit. 881. ICE CREAM 9 man and chief execulive of. 4800. Our customers are important to us and we aim to '/2 Gollon e'n lARGE U.S. NO.1 WEsnclAuU I~ ficer of Young and Rubicam, charge. A reception for Cin. All FlavoIJ please. May we shaw you the latest in quality jewelry for 24 SIZE '2 ! Inc., who now becomes the ema League members and Large 32 Size RESURFACING their invited guests follows. that woman in your life? We hove a wide selection of dinner ASPHALt & CONCRO! R£SURFACING chairman of the AAAA Ad- HEAD visory Council. rings, many with genuine stones. We are designers of fine ANn GONE FOREVER jewelry-since 1934. let us find you something to suit your GRAPEFRUIT Protective Coating of Existing A graduale of Michigan LETTUCE WHITE or PINK State University, Mr. Pingel The one thing wrong with personal tastes and budget requirements. VALENTEJl:WELRY Driveways or Parking Lots isopen from 9 'til 5:30 Mon. thru Sot. and FrL 'til 7:30. 642.9169 has spel)t his enlire agency this country today is the career in Detroit, including shortage of new opportun. HELPFUL HINT, 59!ach for '100 771.455' the last 18 years with Ross ities for making a killing on 5 RON GREINER Roy, Inc. a shoestring. Do not continue wearing pierced earrings if your ears are infected. .

, I .. « • ~ctr .m n. n bb > n • t n Ph b *' t b. b • • • •• • b -s«'. •• b = h • • n.• • • • •• b b. • h •• • .... e'...b . e. co Thursday, May II, 1978 GROSSE POiNTE NEWS Plge Seventeen Friends of FLEe Span The Decades To Visit Gardens Around the World Pointe 'Garden Center's Spring Lecturer to Be Mark C. Stevens: Tea Will Follow His Program May 25 Grosse Pointe Garden Center trustees invite all members and their friends who would like to become me~bers, to the Pointe Garden Center's traditional, big, complimentary spring lecture an~ membership tea in the Grosse Pointe War MemorI- WOMEN'S PAG.S al's Fries Crystal Ballroom two weeks f;:om Joday: Thursday. May 25. The program begins at 2:30 o'clock. He will be in- 2 o'clock. Mrs, James L. troduced. by Mrs. Clarence From Another Pointe Short and to Schueler general chair- E. ~aguJre, Garden Center man, ha~ asked Mark C. pr~~~~~~s from each of the Stevens, husband of trus' area garden clubs will ex- of View The Pointe t~e Serel?'a Stevens, to hibit specimen garden flow- By Janet Mueller glVe an Illustrated talk ers in the Garden Center Coast Guard Captain GER. on "Gardens Around the Room on the second floor of ALD C. HINSON, son of MR. Photo Courtesy of Clarence Wascher World." the War Memorial's Alger Well, Bon Secours Assistance League group VI and MRS. ENNIS HINSON, Friends of FLEC, a newly-formed Hands, the unique shop in Harmonie Mr. Stevens recently reo House, where Mrs. Robert C. did it again: put together a perfectly super cock- of Lakeshore road, has bcen fund-raising auxiliary, to the Family Park which stocks vintage - includ- turned from China where he Russell will be hostess. tail buffet in conjunction with the running of the promoted to his present rank Life Education Council, will span the ing some never-wom-clothes dating added to his collection of Sue Russell is chairman Kentucky Derby. while serving at Coast Guard decades at a "30's-70's Party" Satur- back to 1900, and the latest styles of exquisite, color slides taken of the Garden Center library. Headquarters, Washington, day, May 13, at 7 o'clock in Jacob- the 70's from Jacobson's. Pictured on innumerable trips. She will explain how memo And Henry Murray did it again: volunteered D.C. A 1956 alumnus of the For a number of years he bers ~ay use a~d enjoy the his Lothrop road home which is the absolutely son's St. Clair Room. Co-chairmen of with Barbara Bruno and Vicky Erik- University of Miami, Fla., the evening MRS. JAMES BRUNO, son in period costume are two of served as Thailand's Consul extensIVe ~ollechon of books perfect place for a big, beautiful happening. with a Bachelor of Arts de- (far left). and MRS. ERIK ERIK- their committee members: VIR- in Detroit. H~ is a past'pres- on gardemng. And it was GREAT!, (but isn't it always?). gree, Captain Hinson joined ident of the Grosse Pointe Judy (Mrs. Charles A.) the Coast Guard in 1956. SON, (standing), promise a fashion GINIA (Mrs. Robert) VALLEE, (far Hostesses were the members of Group VI, the Mes- show featuring styles of the past 50 right), and NANCY (Mrs. Samuel) War Memorial, the Detroit Bigelow will be tea hostess Historical Society and the and Millie (Mrs. H. Rollin) dames Addison Bartush, Charles Bayer, William • • • years courtesy of Fabulous Second ULMER. Carroll, Fred K. Cody, James Coyle, Patrick Crow' PETER M. HENNES, son Detroit Bra n c h English. Allen; one of the newest ley, Charles T. Fisher, Jr., Thomas Fitzgerald, of MR. and MRS. M. LEE Speaking Union. trustees, will create the HENNES, of Trombley road, Other committee members fer classes in Active Listen. ine a va iI a b 1e alternatives His talk is scheduled for floral centerpiece for the Robert Frear, Don T. Galvin, Jr., John B. Hastings, has been named to the Dean's are the Mesdames Ralph ing, through various com- and, as a result, develop punch and tea table. Past- Herbert G. Henchel, John L. King, Leo Kulka, Jr., List for the fall semester at Mandarino, Richard Bridge. munity organizations such as problem.solving skills of their presidents will alternate Daniel LaFerte, John Leonard, Harry J. Mack, Leo Berklee College of Music, John Jay, Michael Disser, Parent.Teacher groups and own. pouring. A. Marx, John H. Mueller, John K. Roney, Richard , Mass., where he is John Hertel and Rex Ciavola. churches, utilizing trained Current FLEC programs Pointer Bridge Mrs. Richard P. Joy, III, Schrage, Edward Shumaker and Guy Willetts. majoring in Professional The two-fold purpose of Friends of FLEC volunteers include Center Poi~t, a Med. Girls to Meet Trial Garden chairman, and They sure know how to throw a party. Music Studies. Friends of FLEC is t() raise as instructors. leal Clinic, a Legal Guidance members of her committee • • • monies to support and ex. Active Listening is a valu. Center and Dialogue Adult will be in the lakefront gar. • • • Named to Northern Mich. pand programs sponsored by able tool for everyone - Helpline. In addition, FLEC The Pointer Girls Bridge dens to answer questions and Op~ft House at Children's Home igan University's fall semes- FLEC, and to provide a va. especially parents. It helps sponsors a student Alcoh()l Club meets next Thursday provide planting information. An Open House, celebrating the 142nd birthday ter Dean's List with a grade riety of unique volunteer people learn to listen with- Awareness Program. Further May 18, at 11:30 o'clock in Visitors are advised to .note of the Children's Home of Detroit, will be held ne"t point average of 4.0, (all opportunities for members. out judging or giving advice, inf()rmati()n may be obtained Alger House of the Grosse the hillside perennials and Wednesday, May 17, between 4 and 6 o'clock at the A's), was DAVID WYBO, of Among the proposed pro- as a means of helping others by calling the FLEC office, Pointe War Memorial for new brick walk. Kenmore road. Those named grams is one which will of. explore their feelings, exam. 885.3510. luncheon followed by an af- Sending out personal in. Home in Cook road, across from University Liggett ternoon of cards. -and you're all invited. with at least a 3.5 average vitations for this very spe- were JULIANNA HOLME, ROLANDWHITTED, of East KNAUS, of Whittier road, \ road, JOAN FINLEY, of Mrs. Robert M. Brent, cial afternoon was Mrs. It began as an orphanage in 1836. It has ~e. of L 0 c h moo r boulevard, Jefferson avenue, STEVEN and JENNIFER STEELE, of Woods lane, and FRANK chairman of the month, re- George E. Rapp, who urges veloped into a residential treatment center servmg Nottingham road. More were PERKIN, of Roslyn road. quests members unable to everyone to attend and en. youngsters with emotional, social and educational MATTHEW BEER, of Allard (Continued on Page 32) attend to call 886-8422. joy it. handicaps, providing for professio~l guidance .and Miss Holley to Say VOtvs supervision 24 hours a day, social casework serviCes, recreation, special education in the on-campus Bar- Mr. and Mrs. George M. Elizabeth Ellis Holley, holds (Continued on Page 22) Holley, Jr., of Shelden Toad, a Bachelor of Arts degree have announced the engage- from Wellesley College and ment of his daughter, Mar- a Master of Arts from Bryn garet Ellis, to Charles Fred- Mawr. erick Emmons, son of Mr. Her fiance received his and Mrs. Harold H. Emmons, Bachelor of Arts degree from Jr., of Radnor circle. A June 10 wedding is planned. Columbia University and his :Miss Holley, who is also Master of Arts from Teachers the daughter of the late College. Alliance Offers Viola Concert Robert Boulay, of Paris, Germany, Switzerland and France, will present a con- Holland as well as his native cen of viola music, under France where, in Paris, he is an attraction at "Les Con- YESTERDAY SHE WAS MISS STRAIGHT sponsorship of tbe Alliance Francaise de Grosse Pointe, certs Colonne." today she Is curly looking. We helped her work out His accompanist in The I thIs kind of curliness with 8 cut and perm ..• and can at 8 o'clock Saturday eve. do ditto for you. You can be exotic, Amazon or tex- ning, May 20, in Grosse Pointe will be pianist Janet tured looking ... or any number of other pretty curly Pointe Memorial Church's Young. The program will styles. We believe In makIng waves too. third floor music rooms. consist of Marais' Suite in D minor, Vivaldi's Suite in B M. Boulay, cousin of Alli- Major, Two Pieces for Viola ance board member Marco (solo) by J.S. Bach, Bach's Nobill, is a "soliste" (solo :i BART EDMOND Andante Cantabile, Pugnani's l player) and regular member Andante, Schumann's Alleg- HAIR, SKIN AND MAKE-UP SALON of the Paris Opera. He ap- retto and Trois Visages by SHORES SHOPPING CENTER - 13 Mile pears frequently on French Milhaud. 31065 HARPERAVENUE - 296-3660 radio programs and is a pro- The performers request no fessor at the Paris Conserva. ~VENING HOURS smoking. Admission is free tory of Music" where he has to members of the Pointe taught since 1948. Alliance; a $4 donation is He has given concerts in requested of others. clearance

A group of Costumes & Dresses

up to

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a ~rOllp of short COCKTAIL DRESSES redllced You can trust your treasured furs to our expert care ...• Storage • Cleaning • Styling

~lbll~OPEN Jht shops of J SATURDAYS WaltDn..Pi~rc~ STORE HOURS: 3 Kercheval Ave. Monday Ihru Friday at Fisher Rd. 16&2&Kercheul • Grosse ,... ROBERT D. MILLER DOUGLASS A. MAY 9:30 a.m. 'Iii 5:30 p.m. (Punch and Judy Block) 2&&1 Somenet'" • Tror

, 'V. - - ~-...----~- ...------~~----.. ------.~------~--~--~-~~------~~------~-

Page Eighteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May II, 1978 Society News Gathered from the Pointes

" Engaged To Marry Betrothed July Bride Will Wed To Be Bride William Unger to Claim Bride The engagement of Terry uated from Northern Mich- Babcock and William J. Ung- igan University. Mr. Unger, er has been announced by son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Unger, of Harvard road. is Willard Babcock, of Jeddo. A an alumnus of Grosse Pointe June 3 wedding is planned, South High School and at- in Port Huron. tended Northern Michigan Miss Babcock was grad. University.

Detroit. She is a Certified from Michigan State Univer. Respiratory Therapy Tech. sity where he completed pre. nician. Med studies, and is presently Her fiance, son of Mr. and attending Wayne State Uni. Mrs. Francis P. Breen, of versity's Pharmacy School. Thorn Tree road, holds a He is a Certified Operating Bachelor of Science degree Room Technician.

I'~j ?..'.,..~..:~r~7j;;:;,:~;~ . ,I; f ., ti Remember Mom ii-all:;.; ..:.,/ jf, ?, ",,;/ A """"" ...... ~ ." .. Photo bv Paul Goth Photo bv Collingwood StudIO Photo bv Grophic Slud'05, Inc. Photo bV Cecchini with a special gift The engagement of KAR. August wedding plans are Early August wed din g A mid-July wedding is be. The engagement of MARY J 0 ANN MENDELSOHN appointment at EN ANN LARSON and Gene being made by SUSAN YER- plans are being made by ing planned by THERESA EILEEN WRIGHT and Ron. and Michael Francis Breen' Robert A r no 1d was an. KES and Michael O'Leary TRACY LEE ALLEN and MARIE GALLAGHER and aId Gary Dimick has been whose engagement has been I Matilda's. Let our Bounced by her parents, Mr. whose engagement has been Robert Michael Brady whose Leonard MacEachern whose announced by her parents, announced by her parents. artistic stylists and Mrs. Edwin V. Larson, announced by her parents, engagement has been an. engagement has been an- Mr. and Mrs. J 0 s e p h P. Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Men. create a new look, of Shoreham road, at a din. Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Yer. nounced by her parents, Mr. nounced by her parents, Mr. Wright, of Kenwood court. delsohn, of Fisher road, are give her a perm ner party in Crested Butte, kes, of Oxford road. and Mrs. H. Rollin Allen, of and Mrs. John D. Gallagher, An August 12 wedding is planning a July 14 wedding. she'll love all summer. of Lakeshore road. planned. Colo. The bride-elect is a Grosse Lakeshore lane. The bride-elect attended The bride-elect and her Pointe North High School The bride-elect is an The bride-elect, a graduate Eileen was graduated from Alma College and Macomb mati1d.a. •••• (iance, son of Mr. and Mrs. alumna and holds a Bachelor alumna of Grosse Pointe of Saint Paul High School Saint Paul High School and County Community College HA T'RDRESSERS and the University of Wind. Burlie E. Arnold, of Hamp- of Science degree from Mich. North High School, holds a holds a Bachelor of Arts de- and is presently attending .20951 MACK CDI~~~~2~~:10' ton road, are making plans igan State University, where Bachelor of Arts degree in sor, teaches at Dominican gree in Journalism from Mil. Mercy School of Nursing in for a late August wedding. she majored in Clothing and Speech from .the University High School. waukee's Marquette Univer------_ Miss Larson and Mr. Ar. Textiles and affiliated with of Michigan and is currently Her fiance, son of Mr. and sity, where she affiliated with .------., Gamma Psi Omega. I nold are both Grosse Pointe Chi Omega sorority. a Law student at Wayne Mrs. Duncan MacEachern, of State University. She expects St. Clair avenue, is a grad. She is a member of Wom- North High School gradu. Mr. O'Leary, son of Mr. uate of Saint Paul High EXPECTING? I ates. They have been em. and Mrs. Timothy McNinch, to receive her J.D. in 1000. en in Communications and I Her fiance, son of Mr. and School and the University of the Wisconsin Association of Send for our complimentary catalog. Just Baby And Me, full of ployed on Colorado's West. of Orillia, Ont., was gradu- Detroit. He is employed by em Slope since receiving ated from Wexford Collegiate Mrs. Carl Brady, of Mayfield, Bus i n e s s Communicators. the latest spring and summer maternity fashions. Clip this I Ky., holds a Bachelor of Arts Richard D, Irwin, Inc., of Chi. She works in the Corporate coupon and mail to: I their Bachelor of Arts de. Institute, , and is em. cago. grees from Western State ployed by the Ontario Health degree from Murray State Communications Department I of the Miller Brewing Com. Hudson's I College of Colorado, Gunni. Club in Scarborough, a sub- University, a Master of Arts versity and is currently en. from Western Kentucky Uni. son. urb of Toronto. rolled in a Ph,D. program in pany, Milwaukee. ~-;%--=. 1206 Woodward Ave. I Mr. Dimick, son of Mr. and ,-~" Speech Communications at Mrs. James Dimick, of WH. .,. Q. Detroit, Michigan 48226 the University of Michigan. His fraternity is Sigma Nu. loughby, 0., is an alumnus • \ A ttn: Dept. 357 of Marysville High School Name _ Fall Wedding and holds a Bachelor of Arts Address _ degree in Communications City _ DETROIT'S ONLY ETHAN ALLEN GALLERY from Eastern Michigan Uni. Date Is Made Phone _ versity. Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul Casey, He is working toward a State TRADITION HOUSE of Rathbone place and Mar. Masters degree in Marketing Zip blehead, Mass., have an. 5600 E. EIGHT MILE/MOUND RDS. 366-6512 at the University of Wiscon. nounced the engagement of sin, Milwaukee, where he is DAILY 1Q.9 • SAT. 10-6 • SUN. 12-5 their daughter, J e n n i fer Paul, to Richard Oliver employed at Napeo Graphic Schwab, son of Mrs. Oliver Arts. ETHAN ALLEN .•• M. Gale and Nelson Schwab, Jr., both of Cincinnati. A September wedding is plan- Were more ned. Miss Case)', an alumna of University Liggett School, is attending Pennsylvania State PRESENTING than justa University. She is the grand. daughter of Mrs, Charles lL .t] ~...... ' Pmkbam, Jr:; of..-Intervale', furnifure store!-- N.H., and Mrs. George M. Dee, of Marion,- Mass., and OUR GIFT It BOUTIQUE SHOP IS Palm Beach, Fla., and the great.great-granddaughter of HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS Lydia Pinkham. Her fiance was graduated Our sparkling array from Cincinnati Country Day School and Brown Univer- of decorative sity, and is presently direc. treasures from home tor of Development for Uni. versity Liggett School. He is and abroad include' . the grandson of Mrs. Nelson Schwab, of Cincinnati. historical reproduc- Mr. Casey is president of tions-candlesticks, Ex-Cell-O Corporation. The pro s pee tive bridegroom's statuary, china and father is a partner in the Cincinnati law firm of Gray. mirrors to mention don, Head and Ritchey. a few. Prices are surprisingly Seek Italian-American Girl to Reign in June reasonable. Stop in and browse around Americans of Italian origin will hold their eighth an- Convenient Terms nual Queen Contest dinner dance at the Imperial House in Fraser Sunday, June 25. Tickets are $25 per couple. D a ugh t e r s and grand. daughters of members of the AID still have time to enter; deadline for filing applica. •9 tions is Monday, May 15. All applicants must be between 16 and 23 years of age. Chairperson Marlene (Mrs. J 0 s e p h) Ventimiglia and Betty (Mrs. Salvatore) Palaz. zola, co-chairperson, may be reached at 772.5676 and 771. 3163, respectively, for fur. ther information. I fiemember.' '. "',," ,.:&....l.. -,,/& ,- ~~ ..~~~~ ~ Mother ~--" ... ~ .-:r-ooi:..fAV-'~;;,._ ~ May 14 i We invite you to meet Sheila Davlin, designer extraordinaire Friday, May 19 from 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. ~/~ IS THE CREATION ~ Good Luck She'll present her luxurious one-of-a-kind garments fashioned from ~ Kitchen Witch OF OUTDOOR SPACES. OUR QUALIFIED the world's most exotic, antique, opulent fabrics. Silks from r Aprons heirloom kimonos. appliqued panels of hand embroidery, STAFF WILL DO JUST THAT FOR Todd~Pillows quilted satins from court robes and. sometimes, surprise fastenings YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS. : Place Mats of antique ornaments ... nothing- is \vasted of whatever precious scraps i~ and Napkins have been accumulated. Her collection includes evening bags, pillows COMMERCIAL OR RESIDENTIAL ~. Brass and other luxe oddments individually fashioned by hand. The look • LANDSCAPING • DECORATIVE STONEWALLS l Candlesticks of her clothes is contemporary ... easy lines in • SPRAYING • TRIMMING • PATIOS evening separates for the woman in search of the unique and glorious. Sizes 4~14. IJJ~~~~~ imEj!EST~ GR::>SSE POINTE -V~ NURSERY SALES 19149 MACK Phone 884.8615 777-2800 Jacob SOI):S Landscape Design & Construction HOURS: 21807 MACK AVENUE AT SUNNYSIDE MOtI..Slf. SUIt MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY 14 9:30 AM-S!3O I'M 11 10 4 PM ! tt i. belw"n 1 I • Mil. Ad.

• Thursday, May I I, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS~ Page Nineteen Women's Page -by, of and for. Pointe Women Yachtswomen Patterson to Address New Detroit A.rtists Market Show to Open Meet Tonight Mayflower Descendants AAUW Is Interested in Everything An exhibition of recent The exhibit ranges frOm] Chicago and SI. Louis areas, L. Brooks Patterson will and very early works by the innocent beginnings of a came to WSU, where he.. Yachtswomen gather this speak at the spring luncheon Way n e State University's 12-year.old boy through art serve~ a~ ass.ociate pro!essoI; evening, Thursday, May 11, of the Society of Mayflower Tom Parish opens at the De. school to the developed fig.' of Pamtmg, m 1967. . • at 8 o'clock at the Great Descendants in Michigan at troit Artists Market Friday, urative painter ... and on Parish has ex h i bit e (( Lakes Yacht Club where a The Elks Club of Lansing May 12, with a 4 to 7 o'clock to several very recent works widely and is ~ncluded. i.n; member of the Macomb Saturday, May 13. "' r e c e p t ion, and will run which take an entirely new numerous collectlons. ThIS IS> County Sheriff's Patrol.Ma. The society unites descend. through the month, closing direction. his sixth one.man show. :. rine Division will speak on ants of the 23 passengers on June 3. Born in Minnesota. Parish . The Artists Market is 10" boating safety and Ray Trom. the Mayflower from whom By choosing paintings and spent most of his youth in cated in RandOlph street. bley will talk on the SI. descent has been proved. It .....1..a~, ..,.. prints from selected periods southern Wisconsin. Gallery hours are 10 to a Johns Marsh. boasts some 17,000 members, oC his life, Parish has tried He received a Bachelor of o'clock. Hostesses are Grace Janik, 650 affiliated with the Michi. ffIJ to present an overview of Fine Arts degree from the gan group. ',;",",.~'f",' / 1 C Iair e Johnston, Florence .": ~ ~ one man's work as it evolves University oC Pennsylvania BRUCE McCONACHIE. ot Westby, Dolores Shelfoon, Members of the society are in style and intent rather and a Masters degree from Lakecrest lane, has receive,ct: Laura Range and Florence invited to bring guests to ' than a retrospective survey the University of North Da. a Ph.D. degree in Theate ... Robair. the noon luncheon meeting. ;'7 . of the entire body of his kota and, after some years' and Drama from the Univer'; .;.$ work. teaching and painting in the sity of Wisconsin.Madison ... :-: • PAMPER MOM on her day ~ with her very own ... vUothek's COny . . • gLVe Bath Pillow . 15 ,/ '1 ''i Cosmetic Tray (WIth mlrror) 112.50 Electric Travel Mirror . . . 125 I ! Terry Warm-Up Suit. . . . $41 speclaQ 9lbfs bftqm ~, THE BATH SHOP JUDY LAUNS, (far right), pub- 369 Fisher Rd, licity chairman for the Grosse g-~~e~ (across from South High) Pointe Branch, American Association G 88'2-8760 of University Women, discusses plans F. Register your bride with us! for next year with chairmen of the .' RIBBON branch's four new-this'year study A. r~ , .. FRAMES groups, (seated, from left). EILEEN S\\" (5x7) . GOLD TONE ,• INITIAL r ~.d- ~.;--I\\ Beautiful The American Association members in more than 70 Cor better international un. ~ Color of University Women encom. local branches. derstanding and peace. STICKPINS, (it Assortment passes 190,000 members, col- ~~l ~ This _year, the Grosse Membership is open to any '5.00 lege.educated women from '20 Remember the nice Pointe ~ranch co~tributed woman who holds a bacca. ~ every state, the Dilltrict of ~ih;o ~~..,I ~ $10:000 In f~Uowshl~S, bo~h laureate or higher degree !It • :: razor cuts you Columbia and Guam. In age ~~.I.~~ national and mternatlonal. In from an institution on the they range from the newly. B. YACHTSWEAR Canvas Totes r~sponse t? AAUW's natio~al AAUW list of qualified in- G. TANK WATCH used to have? '12.00 (each Mono. $1.25) " ~ married, young mothers and aim: to lmprove educatlon stitutions. Further informa. ,~, lizard Strap, career women through Senior and add to the world's body tion may be obtained by con. C. YA(HTSWEAR CANVAS 2-Yr. Guarantee If you have too much bulk and Citizens. of knowledge. tacting Anita Unger, mem- (I. f Morning, afternoon and BELTS,all colors, '7.00 \ '27.50 your hair feels too thick, .. or you In local community affairs, bership chairman, 882-8471. evening study group meet. (each Monogram S1.00) when the branch recognizes ------have curly hair, a razor cut is what ings are scheduled, to accom- the need for action, memo g-wo-~(J~ you should have. modate all members' sched- bers respond individually Give your Room ules. Study' topics range from and collectively. Statewide, Call JOE at the Grosse Pointe stitchery and book discussion a AAUW offers members a Coiffures and take advantage of through such current con. chance to participate in study cerns as The Politics of ":JOIfC/, 01 C/~jj" his expertise in razor cuts. and action on today's critical Food, Women as Agents of problems and issues. With a Shade Change and Redefining the Goals of Education. . It is a coalition of woman From Cook~s 884-2090 The Grosse Pointe Branch's power for influencing state Culur. - Shapt •• - Sizt" (jro.jje poinJe IS-plus study groups cater to legislation. AA UW's. Lansing tar~t. Sl.It'('1 inn Legislative Day, held annual. 20427 a wide range of interests. nrin~ ~,,"r lalllil fur Membership is slightly over ly in the spring, provides op, ClI.lum Fi IIi"I!. MACK 400, placing thl.' branch portunities to meet with leg. COI/lurej fourth in size in Michigan, islators. which has over 8,000 AAUW "Michigan AAUW;' issued four times a year, brings Cook's news of AAUW women with. :.tampJ~aJ~; CUSTOM. MADE in the state. Regional con. GIFTS AND ACCESSORIES ferences and workshops offer 27427 Gratiot JEWELRY expert resource 'people, fine ROSE\'ILlE RlaBON speakers and stimulating dis- PH 8-4002 WALLPAPER cussionJAAUW'l\as support. FllaRICS ed 'ERA ratification' and local 399 FISHER ROAD - , 882-2224 '. 'Ii" millage elections:" '- . Through its State Legisla. HIfyou Joveg;eat plays, tive Program. AAUW in Michigan supports Human well done; there is nothing Rights and community, cul- tural, educational and world in North America to match issues. All AA UW women hold the Stratford Festival." memberships in the IFUW, Elliott NOrlon, (International Federation of Boston Herald Amencan University Women), thus To receive our free brochure containing complete linking them to federations in information on all 18 producrions in our 1978 season 54 lands in an effort to work write to: Publicity Depanment, Festival Theatre To Tour Stained Glass Stratford, Ontario, Canada N5A 6V2 In Detroi( phone And Spires of Detroit ~ (313) 964-4668 The Detroit Historical So- ciety offers a special tour of some of Detroit's spectacular historic churches, concen. Y~~n#~ trating on the stained glass and spires of Trinity Luther- an, Saint Albertus, Sweetest Heart of Mary, Old Christ Church and the David Whit. ~~~~ ney House, Saturday, May 13. Transportation will be by the Detroit Historical Mu- seum's colorful 'Historymo. ~ bile.' The tour begins at'IO in the morning and will run approximately five hours. Cost is $6 per person, in- cluding lunch. Advanced SOMERSET'S reservations are required. Further information may be obtained by calling the . a pleasant drive from the Pointes to the distinctive 8THANNUAL Detroit Historical Society, world of Drexel-Heritage fine furnishings! 833-7934. We invite you to experience a new adventure. INVITATIONAL First, browse through Forster's countless room settings reflecting 1m! .'Il0.'Il .original and arresting new decorating ideas. Then let our courteous, creative Sunda~' interior designers assist you in choosing furniture and accessories that ART SHOW 10 onr of will make your first home a beautiful beginning. And, when you fharlir'~ Suprr add your name to Forster's Bridal Gift Registry you'll receive your SliNDi\l complimentary keepsake. Why not start your new lifestyle at Forster's. where legendary lifestyles begin? You'll love the pampering MAY 11-12-13 BRLiNCHES we've been giving customers for the past 40 years . .~mrdfrom MIXED MEDIA 10 a.m .. ~ p.m.

23406 Mac~ the first of the season/the finest in the midwest at 9 Mile OpenMon. thru Sat 11.11 --~ LUNCH somerset mall and Big Beaver Road at Coolidge, Troy Thursday & Friday 10-9, Saturday 10-6 DINNER "urh morf Ihan ~rrat Dmxe~ mpfs! Heritage Parking in rear 12200 HALL ROAD (M-59) • STERLING HEIGHTS, MICHIGAN • 739-5100 778-3600 (8r I~.I"'IIVan Dyke Freeway and LakeSide Mall) Open Man. Thurs & Fn 930 10 9, Other Days 9.30 to 530 Closed SJnddY

______""".-iI • • 'rr ..",;,,--~----~. - GROSSE PO'INTE NEWS Thursday, May II. 1978 Society News Gathered from the Pointes

meeting. The James Ramges Assisting hostesses will be Miss Yalaeh Wed to .James Ramge Mrs. J. Lane Donovan and matron for her sister, and seated the guests. Mrs. O. O. Wilcoxon. The Hillcrest Country Club Is Setting for Reception bridesmaids Rhonda Lee Mrs. B. V. Goodreau, the program will feature a plant Following Early Evening Rites; Mrs. James Ritter, Pat r i cia Foster, bride's grandmother, wore a exchange and silent auction. Joyce Brown and Frances beaded gown of aqua crepe. An additional item on club Hall Attends Her Sister BonelIo wore rust polyester Her corsage was a cymbidi. frocks and carried Fuji urn orchid. members' agenda is the Gar. Planning to make their home in The Farms are d Hawal'l'anfern M R I t den Club of Michigan Flower A h mums an . rs. amge se ec ed a Show next Thursday and Mr. and Mrs. James rt ur Ramge, who vacation' Best man was Andrew beaded gown of dusty pink Friday. May 18 and 19, at ed in the Caribbean following their wedding Satur- Knowlton. Brian Manoogian, Qiana for her son's wedding. Eastland. day, March 4, in Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Thaddeus Dobek, Daniel Her corsage was also a cym. Church. ------Cohen and Salvatore Bonello bidium orchid. Detroit MACLD Meets in Mid-May at Peace Mrs. :Ramge is the for- sided were followed by are------mer Pat r i cia Claire ception at Hillcrest Country The Detroit Chapter of the abled Children. Valach, of Warren, daugh. Club. Michigan Association for Mrs. Mandel. director of YORKSHIRE ter of the late Mr: and The bride wore a gown of Children with Learning Dis- Camp Niobe in Dryden, is an TELEVISION SERVICE abilities will meet Monday experienced camp counselor Mrs. George Valaeh. Mr .. satin and Italian lace, styled evening, May 22, at 7:30 and recreation leader. She Ramge is the son of Mr. with teardrop sleeves. A 778-4050 o'clock at Peace Lutheran has taught in public and pri. and Mrs, J 0 s e p h J. J.uliet ~rown held her finge~- CUSTOM SERVICEt Ram g e of Fairholme tIp veil. Roses, stephanotIs AinEOA Church. East Warren avenue vate schools. She is also the • WARRANTY SERVICE CENTER FOR: at Balfour road, to hear Jo- parent of a learning disabled road. • I and Hawaiian fern formed anne Mandel's ideas for Sum. child and an active member The 5:30 o'clock rites at her bouquet. ZENITH. ReA. QUASAR mer Fun for Learning Dis- .of MACLD. which David Eshleman. pre. Mrs. James Hall, honor .QUALIIY IV SERVICE! LORIO-ROSS Focus on Job Opportunities 21915 MACK Between 8 & 9 Mile Rd$~ BNT.RTAINM.NT AQ.NCY Women thinking about Fee is $1, with babysitting 25 Years In This Areal versatile music to satisfy all ag~~. getting a job are invited to available at a small addi- Benefits, Weddings. Private Parties join other interested women tional fce. Further informa. for a meeting of the Job Cindy Navarro, G.P. Rep. 884-0300 Married to Mr. Ramge, son of the Joseph J. tion may be obtained by Hunting Club at Choices caming 331-0048 Monday Come and Catch the , Ramges, of Fairholme road, Saturday, March 4, Women's Center Thursday. through F rid a y, between in Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church was Give Mother Treat For May 25, from I to 3 o'clock. 9:30 in the morning and 1:30 a MOTHER'S PATRICIA CLAIRE VALACH, of Warren, A personnel representa- in the afternoon. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Valach. tive from Saint John Hospi- Choices is located in the tal and a represenative from Saint Ambrose Community DAY Detroit Retired School a local employment agency C e n t e r Building, 14920 DISCO FEVERI A FACIAL or Personnel Will Gather will answer job.related ques. Hampton. near East Jeffer. STEAM BATH tions. son avenue anct Alter. road. Join Disco Dance Classes & SWEDISH The Detroit Association of MASSAGE Retired S c h 0 0 1 Personnel meets at 1 o'clock Friday, OLD CHRIST CHVRCH with Kay Wise and May 12, at Westminster Pres- byterian Church, Hubbell at EAST JEFFERSON and CHRYSLER XWY. Chester Bennett of .Palm ::::---. West Outer drive. The Rev. Samuel S.Johnslon, D.O.• Reclor W~1ttIIr Virginia Ramsey, program, chairman, has arranged for ALL-HAYDN-MUSIC Beach Florida Studios lATHS Dr. Laura Sutherland, with. the assistance of her hus. PROF, .IIAI.COLl1.l0IJ.'\JS. CO.'WUCfOR • INCLUDES ALL CALL band Charles, to show slides . .. Tnined byJohn Tnvolta's Coach SUBURBS 259 of their recent trip around St;NDAY, ~1AY 14 WHmlER TOWERS- 415 I.fli Drill • FREE ESTIMATES • the world. AND TERMS 3520 Prelude - begins at 10:10 a.m. 822-9000 III. 15 A':: ~~m. • E. JEFFERSON Dr. Sutherland retired . See'" series of ...... r & advanced classes (couples AT MT. ELLIOTT TODAY from her position as princi. , Prof. Richard Parks - Trumpet Concerto & singles) ...... , tfn Friday, MIy IS-I'. pal in the Detroit Public Renaissance Wind Quintet - Divertimento SChools several years ago. - 1"0:30 a.m. - She is a past.president of For Information R.egarding Detroit Women School Ad. .... C'asses (Couples - Singles) ministration. i;armnttir ilas1l Former Pointers IdR. and ,Choir - Soloists - Orchestra Call KAY WISE - VA 2.2310 MRS..ERVIN J. WlLEE, now of East Tawas, have returned Jeannette Dagger (S) Eleanor Felver (A) from a 37,()()()'milecruise and Charles Fantazzi (T) Carroll Strickland (8) Enroll today & see how flight to the South Paclfic Free Parking - All Welcome - '881.4957 fantastic dancing can be. and Orient. ------,~--:~. -,...:;-~."",------...... ~~ ""J'19' ," ~ wJ4~\ '\, Yves St. Laurent Rive Gauche }~' iI-., ,- soft-tailors cotton poplin sports co-ordinates with a touch of intrigue; Quilting, reappearing on separate pieces for maximum effect. Jackets are blouson and interchange gracefully with skirt or pant. A. Slate,or olive with aubergine. B. Chestnut with teal. 6-12 sizes. From our French Import Collection. Your mother can fit inour6x~

You'll never have to worry about you get her one of our special getting mom's'size right when the Callaway area rug Mother's Day fashion you buy her is a Callaway gift certificates, she can pick the area rug, Because she can fit one style and colors she likes best in the living room to liven it up. from over 720 delightful combi- Fit one in the dining room te;> nations In her choice of three spice it up. Or fit one in the bed- sizes that fit all mothers, See room to warm it up. them now at: Draper's And when ~-----~\ . SALE ~ 4x6 $99.00 ~ 'J, ~6X9" $179.00 r 9x 12 $299.00 -----;1/)111"'1;U I! ~Ih /J/l;1Y if' 'Il ?f/JJU(/'/."(/lli/i/1I11 \1\ (}j~ fl/l__ - Callaway~ ~>~ ------by MILl'KEN~.

B Open Mon., Thurs., & =c Or Use Fri. 'tit 9 Our • Iraper'. RevolVing Other days 'til 5:30 p.m. Charge _ ..c+ - --3" ~~ ., ;3 ;':J -' \ .''I1 ~4 I -;s.~- '"------_. 23020 MACK AVE. (Ne.r 9 MU. Rd.) St. Clair Shore. JacobsoHs 778-3500 MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY 14 _ - -- -- ~~-~-.-_------~~--~-~---~-

Thursday. May II, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-One Women's Page-by, of and for Pointe Women Dance to End WSU Clinics Visitors to Don Hardhats Villagers Year Stapleton Friends 'Set Spring Benefit • • before Friday, May 12, by a campus concept, permitting Proceeds from Traditional Fashion Luncheon Will calling Rosemary Downey, community living while still The Villagers Dance Club Assist Residents of Senior Citizens Center' 882.5915. maintaining the individual ~ ends its 25th anniversary , Stapleton Center, located independence of residents . l year this Saturday, May 13, . The Friends of Stapleton Center are planning in Agnes street on Detroit's - _ with a final dinner dance of their annual spring luncheon and fashion show for east side, provides gracious the season at the Detroit . Yacht Club, where cocktails noon Thursday, May 18 in the Grosse Pointe War living for 62 retirees . • at 7 on the veranda will pre. Memorial's Fries Auditorium The center occupies a Mrs. William P Ch. . squar~ block, including a • cede New York strip steaks . . . es \ . beautlfully.landscaped court- served at 8 o'clock. te~ IS preSIdent of the fma~ce.. yard and fountain with at- Music by the Blue Note Fne~ds. Mrs. Jerry T. Pnzes are bemg collected tractive furniture. It features Quartet is set to begin at Flamgan and Mrs. Emmet by Mrs. Verne Ansel, Mrs. ------• 9;30. The evening is $25 per E. Tracy are co-chair- George Van Antwerp and . 'member couple, $35 per men of the benefit. Mrs. Fred S~hreiber. I . guest couple. Hosts are Paul '. . Also serving on the com- DtashLOns ~Ill be by Marla mittee are Mrs. Aloysius F. , . and Catie Duker, of Lincoln non, musIc by Rachael Power Mrs Joseph Flaherty : : road. Ryan ' . , . Mrs. Thomas A. Murphy, I Others assisting with ar- Mrs. Edmund Dilworth, Mrs. 1978 SCHEDULE : Regina High School rangements are Mrs. Walter Frank C. Pageau, Mrs. The- ~ 1&1 UN 010 • July 9-July 22 : To Host Father Dustin B. Fisher, modetsj Rosemary odore Clark and Mrs. Richard • July 23-August 5 Downey, reservations; Mrs. Mrowczynski. ! '" NURSING • August 6-August 19 Charles T. Fisher, decora. Tickets are $8 per person. ! . The Father Dustin and 200 boys each sessIon tions; and Mrs. Joseph Bejin, Reservations must be made 1 HOME 'Elma Show, fout hours of Fee S175 for 2 weeks fun and entertainment fea- OPERATED BY OBLATES - turing jazz banjo, a sing- Planned Parenthood League to Convene OF ST FRANCIS DE SALES AC:Cl~cMerj by Amer,ean , along and dance music, will The board of directors of The agency, which provides 0045 EAST jEFFERSO~ Camp,ng AS50c'31.on . be presented Saturday, May Last year, after their initial walk hardhats at the ready, are four Pointe Planned Parenthood League, medical family planning ser- DETROIT. MICII. WRl1f fOR BROCHURE 13, from 9 in the evening to AND rElL A FRIEND through the under - construction FRIENDS board members, MRS. Inc., has scheduled Planned vices at its three clinic loca. 821-3525 1 in the morning at Regina WALTER SEEGERS and MRS. Parenthood's 1978 annual tions in the metropolitan De- High School in Kelly roan, Wayne State University. Clinics, FRIENDS of Wayne State Univer- JAMES M. PIERCE, (standing, left meeting for next Tuesday, trait area, is a private, non. QualilY Nursing Care Camp De sales : Harper Woods. May 16, at the Grosse Pointe profit orl!anization supported 8IiA)",lyn M1ch 41()0 sity School of Medicine promised a and right), MRS. WARREN D. COU- Phon. 1511) 592-2G74 , Tickets at $3 in advance War Memorial. by contributions and patient repeat hardhat tour this spring to GER and MRS. L. MURRAY THOM- WinterlSpling - 1419) 243-5105 , may be obtained by calling AS, (seated, left and right), who met State Senator Gilbert Burs. fees. ; the Vicariate office, 8!J6.1337, check building progress. Tour II has recently to address invitations to ley and State Representative Programs include women's ; Jim Shubnell, 521-5563, or been incorporated into the FRIENDS Barbara.Rose Collins will ad. • Regina High, 526-0220. Cost annual meeting, set for Tuesday, May the event. Mrs. Thomas is FRIENDS dress the 7:30 o'clock dimier contraceptive services, infer. ; at the door will be $3.50. 23, at Scott Hall. Pictured above, president. gathering for which reserva. tility screening,_a vasectomy . tions, at $12.50 per person, clinic, counseling and refer ,. Bids to tour the new fa- may be made by calling Plan. rals, plus community educa.' , cility in the Detroit Medical ned Parenthood's administra- tion programs for teenagers . Center went to Medical Cen. tive oWces, 861-6700. and adults. @~ ter hospital auxiliaries in- @~ cluding Children's, Detroit General, Grace, Harper, Hut. ~~W~~ zel, the Rehabilitation Cen- - @ ter and the Wayne County LIGHT UP YOUR LIFEI Medical Society Auxiliary GIVE HER A and their guests. The WSU Clinics are pro- G. T. EINSTEIN second-to-none grammed for beneficial' oc- , cupancy this fall and will ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Gift Certificate be in full operation next spring. Dr. Harold Gardner, G. T. EINSTEIN DOES IT ALL! directbr of the Health Care • Wire Ranges from Institute, will be the keynote speaker. • Garage Wiring tlIIli,~atl-JJamts QIniffurrs Mrs. Thomas will conduct • Ad~ Extra Outlets (indoors or out) 20527 MACK AVENUE the annual meeting during • Add Extra Circuits which officers for 1978-79 • Replacing Unsafe Fuse Boxes with 2 Blocks South of 8 Mile will be elected. Mrs. Yvan Silva, vice-president and pro- Circuit Breakers CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY gram chairman, will intro- • Bring Homes, Business Up To Code 881-0608 or 881-1157 duce the speakers: George • We Correct Violations We'll pay you E. Gullen, Jr., WSU presi. Evening Houn, MondllY, Wednesdly, dent, and Dr. Robert D. Coye, May SDecial1 CaSH o -.'~' - • Thursday. Friday dean of the School of Medi- for your old diamond rings cine. ElEC\RICA~ OUtlET. FREE anywhere In your home or diamond jewelry Post-tour, shelTy _and box with every new, convenient and safe lunches will be served on the CIRCUIT BREAKER BOX fnsfall. Diamond Jewelry Apprais~/s Scott Hall lawn, under color- we - ful picnic umbrella tables. Replace your unsafe fuse box during In Letter Form Reservations at $5 per per. May! . .. DON'T DELAY f For Insurance Purposes son may be made through next Tuesday, May 16, by contacting Mrs. Eberhard ~ Mammen, 884-0966. POINTE TIME & JEWEL SHOP: -" Anyone interested in join- CALL 885-0822 19455 MACK AVE. - G. P. WOODS ing the FRIENDS may call 2 Blks. North of Woods Theater University Relations, 577. L.icensed Electrical Contractor, L.ic.#45 884-0164 1495,for further information. Mrs. C. Jackson France is membership chairman. Open Thursday and Friday evenings Annual Auction ;) For Methodists Unique collector's thimbles - today's ~ The annual May breakfast keepsakes and tomorrow's heirlooms. »< and auction at Grosse Pointe A. Thimble vitrine. a glass showcase If.~... ~ United Methodist Church has been scheduled by the United for up to 16 thimbles. The dome fits ~. i.i Methodist Women for Tues- snugly on walnut base, 5W'x10"H, $40. B. "Dragon Thimble" by Vista Alegre ". f; I:..';... ~~~i:sl:~datg:es: :1: of Portugal. Handpainted bone china ,~ ..? "" bring original creations, :-'. ., baked goods or "like-new" with 24K gold rim, $6. . treasures to be put up for C. Solid pewter thimble from Italy ~: sale. Auctioneer Mrs. Arthur ~" Batten will keep the bidding states "Mom's Thimble" on one side, lively, since all proceeds go three-dimensional rose on other, $7. to the Methodist Children's Village. D. English Staffordshire bone china S Hostesses for the day are thimble decorated on both sides with i: from the Samaritan Fellow- ship Group. Mrs. Gerald a favorite flower. 24K gold rim. $8, ~...: Radloff will lead devotions~ E. "Mushroom Patch" th.imble of fine Ideal for Idul for ~ Reservations may be made, Village" bisque porcelain, handpainted and Microwave Conventionll f<."'. through Friday, May 12, by by calling the church office, signed by artist Mildred Kohls, $16. PF.A.LTZG-~.A.FF~ Ovens 886-2363. Nursery care will Ovens be available. F. "Berries and Leaves". handcrafted ~:~; in France of sterling silver and. \ lined with 14K gold. $25. ~,'-:~.~ 0 Start Mom Out with a Set of Village Stone- :( G. "Heavenly Cherubs", Spode china thimble with 23K gold accents, $17. : ware. It saves time, work and space, since H. "Just Hatched", handpainted on ,. you BAKE, SERVE, AND STORE IN ONE" bisque porcelain and signed, $12. DISH.>\ I;! Should you ever need to replace an item or want to add to your Village Collection Pfaltzgraff products are open stock. They are fully warranted for your protection.

*Also available in Yorktown and Gourmet Patterns. 4, G • EngrfIVH 'ItV;tcrt;ons • ReceptiOll & RespOllse 882-3135 Cards 'be li"I, ,'e(, • Hlpkilts & Mcrtc"es ~~'PWtU f«4Id: tAl tk ~ ()#I "K~ tint f4 ~ i:~ Jacob Sons kuPr4: 9:30 to 5:30 daily, Thurs. & Fri. 'til 9 p.m.J 345 FISHER RD. MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY 14 ~:':k;:::;~~s:dated • Visa- Mast::Cha,g~I Across Fro. SOIlll HII~ 881-0200 2 HOURS FREE PARKING ... JACOBSON'S WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET Page Twenty-Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May II, 1978 \ ':Society N~ws Gathered from the Pointe Garden Tour Set in June iMP bel B f.t MOT Wortman-Grob Rites Planned Mrs. H. A. Powell, presi. Shores Garden Club, withl ay u raw to. ene I Mr. and Mrs. E-m-n-C-.-S-oc-I-'a-l-Workfrom the Uni " dent of the Grosse Pointe Mrs. Stuart Cammett, Jr., ------' town and in the Wayne State this event is that it will give Grob, of North Renaud road, versity of Michigan. She is Garden Club Council, opened Mrs. Stanley Dolega and Buses Will Make Continuous Circuit of Downtown University campus area - people who don't get down. are announcing the engage. Clinical Social Worker a her Cloverly road home for Mrs. Robert J. Krueger in and WSU Area Taverns and Restaurants; not to mention supporting town very often, for one ment of their daughter, Downriver Guidance Clinic. coffee T u e s day morning, charge. Tiekets Are $9 per Person the arts on a shoestring reason or another, exposure Sharon, to R. Donald Wort. Don, an Austin Pre ______budget. to a number of great places man, son of Mrs. Albert Schooi alumnus, studied a May 9, and Mrs. John Mal. Others handling m a j 0 r Th f' . they may never have been Wortman, formerly of Audu. Georgetown University an colm, chahman of the Coun. 1978 Garden Tour details are . e. lfst annual Pub ~rawl for the beneflt One of the most difficult to or even heard of. bon road, now of Pompano the University of Vienna and cH's June Garden Tour, and the Mesdames Diamond Phil. of MIChJgan Opera Theatre IS scheduled for Thurs' parts of planning the crawl, "It's going to enrich the Beach, Fla., and the late Mr. completed work for his Bach. her co.chairman Miss Louise lips Bernard Whitley J. day, May 18, with 13 Detroit taverns and rest- according to Roberta Stark. lives of these people as well Wortman. A July 1 wedding elors degree in History at Owen invited some special Lan'e Donovan, Henry 'Led- aurants participating. ------weather, chairperson of the as that of downtown De. is planned. the University of Michigan. guests. MOTGuild, a volunteer sup. . yard, David C. .I:0we.~. Participants will tra- World Headquarters parking port organization working trolt." Sharon was graduated In April he completed work They are the ladies whose James Gram and MISSChrIS. vel via chartered buses lot and pick up the buses for the benefit of Michigan Participating tavernowners from Our Lady Star of the for Masters degrees in Land. gardens will be featured on tine Edwards, all of whom fro~ 6 o'clock to mid~ that will be making a con. Opera Theatre and a memo have agreed to contribute a Sea High SChooland earned scape Architecture and Ur- the tour June 9 and 10, the were invited to _sip coffee night, stopping at Clem- stant circuit, stopping at ber of Opera Guilds Inter. portion of tood and bever. her Bachelors degree in Eng. [ ban Planning at the Univer- Mesdames John Stephens, Tuesday ~long with the has. entine's Kitchen Cobb's each pub approximately 10 national, is deciding which age sales Pub Crawl night lish and a Masters degree in sity of Michigan. Raymond Robbins, Earl I. tess chairmen of the gar. LeC' to 15 minutes. taverns to invite to partici. to the MOT Guild. ------Heenan, William J. Young, dens: Mrs. Clinton Hardy, Corner, . ave Res~- Once a car is parked, the Tickets at $9 per person : Frederick G. Ruffner and Mrs. Urban W. Boresch, Mrs. aurant, LmdelI. A~h1etlc pub crawler can use the bus pate. including a bus pass for un: Adrian DeWindt, and Mrs. Richard E. Noyes, Mrs. Wi). Club, New Miami, the to get to aU other stops on "Once you start compiling limited rides, a $1.50 food Richard P. Joy, III, who is Ham J. Nixon and. Mrs. Le- Old Shillelagh, Piper's the crawl. There'll be food a list of places you realize certificate, a $1.50 drink cer- ., in charge of the Trial Gar- land F. Carter. Alley, Salt Mines I and and entertainment, including therestaurantsincredibleand tavernsnumber thatof tificate and a chance to re- . den at the Grosse Pointe Purpose of the gathering II, ~ng Shop Saloon, opera singers. There'll be T. are in the downtown area ceive two tickets for next . War Memorial where reo was to cover various details TraffIC Jam & Snug, shirts emblazoned with a alone," she explains. fall's MOT production of BOOTH RENTAL '. freshments will be served on of the tour with the commit. Union Street Two and smiling bus. "Show Boat," (one pair of the terrace during tour tee and the home owners. Woodbrl'dge Tavern. The J'dea is to offer a fes. "Next year we hope to tickets per tavern), are avail. . hours branch out to places in other able 0 t 11 rti' . .. . Ticket information may be Pub crawlers may park tive way to meet new people areas of the city. But we tave nsn wtha aM pa. HclpattngII bo at The refreshments will be obtained by calling 882"""'"""AI, their cars at any of the above and dl'scover the wealth of think the taverns participat. offl'r, de th USICP ah dx . handled by the Grosse Pointe 882-0857 or 885-3133. locations or at Burroughs night spots available down. ing this year represent a Judyce Theatrean . e unc an ., good variety of the kinds of A portion of the ticket DAVID F. DAVID ,.'. places Detroit has to offer." price may be used as a tax '.'• Christopher Jaszczak, co- credit for a charitable dona. • owner and co-manager of the tion. SALON d'ELEGANCE " Punch and Judy Theatre and Further information may chairperson of the first an. be obtained by calling MOT, nual Pub Crawl, believes 963-3717, or the Punch and 20902 Mack Avenue "one of the best things about Judy Theatre, 343-0016. Grosse Pointe Woods I From Another Pointe of View 886-3050 ~ (Continued from Page 17) nard Center and transitional programs in the Grosse ~lte,eM3 ~ 6)(1Jne Pointe School System, along with aftercare and g20956 MACK give special programs for parents. mom &1a(}ke/ It is a voluntary, non-profit social agency 11.' ------!: 881-4567 censed by the State of Michigan and governed by the 21016 MACK 35 members of a board chaired by men Thurber, unusual who took office for a two-year tenn in January. 881-WINE All of which is words ••. and tbere's nothing Combine Needle Arts and Gourmet Goodies from like seeing for yourseU. The board of tnlstees ex- MvYI1ER'S D\Y tends an open invitation to everyone to tour the 1h , Needles and Knots and The Cheese and Wine Basket facility, enjoy an audio-visual presentation, meet ","Y14 ORDER TODAYI the board and staff •and take• tea* next Wednesday.. Back to Balics PRESERVED JOSEF'S ••• Once upon.a time, the Grosse Pointe "convent FERNS need no light nor water. ~\C¥- girls" wore white uniforms for special occasions, ~~gtr!~lo~ Specializing in beautiful The foliage has been blue serge oxfords for everyday. They marched ..: blk" norl~ 01 Morass - 885.9400 and chemically treated I wedding cakes. Dreads silently, in ranks, from class to class. They played to remain' as supple "cache-cache" instead of hide-and-seek. They curt- pastries • tortes and beautiful as a MOTHER'S DAY sied a lot. ~rowing fern. No, it isn't IIWhat Happened at Miss Minchin's" ltIJlY 14 in mid-Victorian England. It's wkat happened at the this week's special 4vailabl .. i,¥~~~? drlf~....(;r;U[l; Give Mom A Hand Made' Gift: Academy of the ~Sacred Heart in Lakeshore road in MOTHER'S DAY CAKES mid-20th century Michigan. It's what .happened to SMALL 14.95 LARG~ Decoupage or Hand. Painted me. - . , " S '.9.95 For my high school graduation, I got to wear a Purses (Continued on Page 32) . Stained Glass Sun Catchers JOSEF'S POTTED Gift Certificates Available Jrench PUj/"" Shop Southeast Hospital PIANOS WANTED ROSES Auxiliaries to Meet GRANDS, SPINETS, Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 10 to 5 881-5710 • Hybrid Teas 211 SOMACK COISOLES, 8•• U UPRIGHTS Thurs. Eve. 7 to 9 The annual meeting and TOP PRICES PAID luncheon of the Southeast • Florabundas District, Michigan Associa. VE 7.0508 Get Ready for Summer! tion of Hospital Auxiliaries, • Climbing will be held next Tuesday, Wide Variety! May 16, at noon at the David Wella • Zotos • Uni Perms Whitney House of the Wayne Luscious Colors! County Medical Society in $2250 Complete! Antietam street, Detroit. Guest speaker S. J. Behr- man, M.D., of William Beau- mont HospiW, will talk on 'IJ~ NURSERY SALES Ai,.:1aJ'ionJ t" S/,ir!e" "The Menopause-An Enig- 21028 Mack ma." He will include some Landscape Design & Construction Grosse Pointe ytoods 884-0330 discussion of the widespread use of hormones to treat 717.~800 21.01 MACK AVENUE menopause symptoms; this. •• Sunn,.lde has recently become a de. belw .. n ••• Mil. Rd. ~_~~~21331 MACK batable issue in the medical ' CEl. ~1Je fJ.:I-''''' VIIR' Gr::::::e. prOfession. A brief, post-l u n c h eon business meeting will include DuMouchelle Art Galleries in conjunction with 886-2352 We DelIver.. . . . installation of new officers, ,, conducted by Mrs. Raymond Meadow Brook Estate to benefit the preservation . . • Cheese Trays Ross, of Birmingham, state and maintenance fund of Meadow Brook Estate... • Gift Baskets • Wine Baskets . president of MAHA. The slate of officers is Give "Mom /I Something headed by Pointer :Mrs. announces an ANTIQUE Fresh On Her Day Ralph Quinones as presi- Horn .0 Plenly overllowing wilh frvil' & dent, and includes Mrs. grope, onlo a large Iroy ond lopped wllh .Robert Hegler, of Warren, a bonle of flOe Imporled wine. president-elect; Mrs. Avon $23.95 Am, of Detroit, first vice. president: Mrs. Robert Way. of Detroit, second vice.presi. AUCTION IN TH E RIDING RING dent; Mrs. Alex Fuller, of Detroit, recording secretary; Mrs, Glen Honsberger, of at Meadow Brook-Oakland University Roc h est e r, .corresponding Friday, May 12th, at 7 p.m. Saturday, May 13th at 11 a.m. FAMILY • s e c re t a ry; Mrs. Edward Proctor. Jr., of Binningham, Sunday, May 14th at 12 noon Monday, May 15th at 11 a.m. RESTAURANT & plUG treasurer; and Pointer Mrs. John Barlow, financial sec. I. r~.Aacti.. : 20745 MACK AVE. & 8' MILE (VERNIER) GROSSE POINTE WOODS retary. 1910 CADilLAC Members of all area hos- 5.'lun'lf pital auxiliaries are Invited Tlirll' CIf, to allend. Reservations may farRIer!, ••• "A GOOD SQUARE MEAL" be made through Mrs. Hons. DWlIf. berger.731.1724. Monday thru Thursdoy 4 PM to 1 AM • OPEN 7 DAYS • 15 MINUTE A WEEK Friday and Saturdoy 4 PM to 4 AM PICK-UP Sunday Noon to 1 AM SERVICE CARRY our AND DELIVERY 882.1600 AuctionIncludes, fine Gallery paintings. magnificentOriental Rugs. Also an EMFautomobile (1912) and much more. Objects are from vanous estates and BeST -IN- TOWN Grosse Pointe Award Wir1ning Individualowners, either on consignment or donated. Objects of Meadow Brookare NOT InCluded.Catalog available,$3 at auction or our galleries. $4 Barbecu." postpaid. Plenty of parking. SPARE RIBS PillA Auction 10 be conducted by wilh French Friel, Col. Slow, Bread Baske' Round or Square ... delicious' DuMouchelle ART GALLERIES co. 409 E. Jeff,",. • Dwelt • P.D •• 963-0248 Dr 963-6255 TRY OUR FAB(JLO(JS SALIlD BIlR! Lawrence F. DuMouchelle Joan Walker Ernest J. Dumouchelle } t,% Diuount to Senior Citizens Plenty Free, tighted Parking Art and Estefs Auctioneers end Appreisers

'. ------...... _ ...... -111'- __ ...... _ .... _ ...... ••_,_, >=_, •__ - ...... _-...... --

Thursday, May II, 1978 GROSSE P9.!NTE NEWS Page Twenty-Three .~Women'sPage-by, of and for Pointe Women North Mothers Lunch at Lochmoor Park Garden Garden Club For Chrysler Women Meet May 16 Club Convenes Field Trip Set May flowers will bloom at Alpha Mu Chapter of Lochmroor Club Saturday, A field trip program will The Grosse Pointe North Mrs. Kenneth Patton and Delta Kappa Gamma inter. May 13, when the Northfield Mrs. Frederick Gould served national society for women replace the Woods Garden High School Mothers Dis. Chrysler Women's Club, 157 Club's first Tuesday of the cussion Group's final meet. as hostesses for the Grosse in education will hold its members strong in its second Pointe Park Garden Club'- Founders Day luncheon this month luncheon and business I' ing of the year is scheduled year of existence, gathers for meeting format this month, for Tuesday, May 16 at 1 Monday, May 8, when memo Saturday, May 13, at the its annual luncheon and bers joined Deeplands Gar- Grosse Pointe Hunt Club. with members scheduled to o'clock in the North High fashion show. faculty dining room. den Club for luncheon and a Initiation of new members leave The Pointe at 10:45 Pointer Sanda Duer is talk by Gwen Frostic at the at 11 o'clock precedes instal. o'clock next Thursday morn. Bonnie Garr will introduce president of the group which Grosse Pointe War Memorial. lation of officers for 1978-80. ing, May 18, .' the group to the Career Re- has embarked on an ambi- Highlight of the program A visit to a Birmingham ,.' source Center. AU North tious program to assist less Beta Xi OKG's Slate will be the recognition of wildflower garden will fol. High mothers are invited to fortunate persons. Among re- Alpha Mu's "Woman of Dis- low luncheon at Kingsley Inn. attend. Further information cent projects was an Ice Fol- Salad Supper Tonight tinction"-who also happens Anyone needing a ride may may be obtained by calling lies excursion for youngsters to be the choice for Michigan call Mrs. Frank Dettmer, 885- Jean Schwartz, 886-1939, or from the Children's Home Rita Richards will open her Alpha Iota State's "Woman 4511, BEFORE Monday, May Sandy Caputo, 882-7446. and the Christ Child Society home this evening, Thursday, of Distinction." 15. School. May 11, at 6 o'clock to mem- ~4' April's meeting featured a -PA.ILY~LI •• ATMO.PH.R. -. ~~ delicious luncheon prepared Funds raised at Saturday's bers of Delta Kappa Gamma's Beta Xi Chapter who will in- • by North High's Commercial party will be divided between 40 10'1'8 a GIRLS .. 15 '. Foods Department and guest the Michigan Cancer Foun- stall ofiicers for the coming CAMP1-7 W.. k. Slalll.4SEQUOIAVarlad Prog,am .~_.' year following their annual Horsemanship Indian lore ... speakers Dr. William Coats. dation and Leader Dogs for Heated SWim Pool Tents & Cabfns . ;; Superintendent of Schools the Blind, Rochester. Pointer salad supper. Emphasis On 'ndividua' Ability Assisting the hostess with Mr. & MI'. Ro~rt Welke ;_ Bruce Feighner, North High Anne Momeyer, volunteer ac. 3415H"me. Ad,lan. III 4.221 p r i n c i pal, and Kathleen tivities chairman, will be ac- arrangements for the eve- 23

.' The invocation at the lunch- Ensemble of the Finney High Chapter, and Isabelle Gilbert, -.' eon, held in mid-April at the School Mixed Choir, under council membership chair . .' Grosse Pointe War Memorial; the direction of Dr. DeWard man and Beta Theta Chapter .', was given by Florence MH. Johnson. president. ~ ler, of Alpha Mu Chapter. " Sister Mary Wallenta, of Zeta More than 200 women at- Reservations were handled ~. tended the program, arrang. by Norma Stevenson, Beta ", R es. 1e~~ 3'f3-06/0 Chapter, introduced Judge ,. Barsamian. The theme of her ed by Ms. Downs, who is also Xi president and current .' speech coincided with DKG's a past-president of Alpha Mu council treasurer. •..' 1978 theme: From Challenge ,.. to Achievement. A Entertainment was Music "- . for Spring by the Madrigal HAR.VEYts .- - • Si9ma Kappa Alumnae Compleat Traveler •. Meet May 17 in Troy 345 Fisher Rd. Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe Alumnae of 1 blk. From East Jefferson Sigma Kappa will travel to 881'-0200 Maureen Barry's Troy home Wednesday evening, May 17, where a meeting at which officers will be installed is sclleduled to begin at 7:30 Httri Do You Dol o'clock. MIlT A tmW ID.A PROM Those wishing to attend may contact the hostess at 649.2688 or Mrs. John Horn, 884-3018, for further infor. mation.

GET ACQUAINTED AT 250/0 OFFI --..-- In the presence of their 21" UprfQIIt WITH WHEELS immediate families Saturday, ~twlldwlth April 29, Mrs. Philip Chap- ZIpper. Reg. ".60 man Gibbs and Daniel Hodg. man exchanged marriage NOW ONLY vows. The ceremony in the cham. '85.49 bers of Judge Stan C. Kazue was followed by a reception 21" ReguIar1y $48.50 in the former Mrs. Gibbs' . NOWOfILY home in Neff road. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgman *36.49 NORTHLAND EASTLAND will make their home in the Across the streel from 18000 Vernier Highwa~' Berkshire Apartments in Ver. Northland Inn 371-8410 21100 Northwestern Highway nier road. • 569-0262

Phi Mu to Feature SlOuffer's. American E:o..pre$... othef ma,.,r credit t:ards hllllOrt'd. Project Hope Week The De t ro i t Alumnae Chapter of Phi Mu sorority has des ig n ate d May 15 through 19 Project Hope . Week. • Activities begin :Monday, • OUTDOOR when members donate Hope "- books to area libraries. John ~;. Warren, director of the re- . gional Hope office, will pre. .-. LIGHTING sent the film "There There . Is Hope" Tuesday evening, ". at Gail Highland's Bloom- ... field Hills home. SPECIAL!! Kathey Cleveland, 882-. 8243, is accepting reserva- tions for the 7:30 o'clock meeting. Infant seats for malnour. Full size ished children will be shipped Wednesday, to El Paso, Tex., Hope headquarters, and a benefit luneheon is sched- 16 inch uled for noon Thursday at the Rochester home of An. nette Yasin. Outdoor Luncheon reservations may be made by contacting Elly Crosby, 651.4243. Wall The week concludes with an art show and sale cock- tail party a week from to- morrow, at 8 o'clock at the Reg. lantern Thomas Highlands' Bloom. field Hills home. Mrs. High. $19.45 land is accepting advance reservations at 642-5941. long lasting block die The luncheon will cost ap- ... NOW cost aluminum with proximately $3. Admission break resistant to the art show.sale is $2. Limit Acrylic Panels. 6" AII during the week, cook- 2 per -.. 95 square, 16" high . books featuring Detroit area Customer $9 Phi Mu recipes will be sotd, . with proceeds going to Hope, - the non.profit organization WITH THIS AD Expires May 27, J978 dedicated to Health Oppor- .. tunity for People Every- where. 'AtRrIA.'IA TermlnallS Ultpanese SpUfge) T"" 1ll.. 1..-rmlntnt ..,.,gr_ground c"" .. pl1 nl to 9'ow ,n wnny ..... n H INdy IOCOlionl ...... gr'. fib, G.OW1 II .. on ".t of Iboul 8 inch ... l'llnl 6 irK .... lpo.l. 25-$5.95 ROSEVILLE 500$9,50; 1OO-S 17.95: 500-$63,95 21311 Gratiot AwtitVt l00Q.S110.00 finln qUlhlV stock, 80.m,.5p,m.' Doily. Pon..-Id Ind expertlV pocked. GUI" . VISA 'Ti19 p.m . (North of 11 Mile RoeHl) I~oed to Irv. Of .. 111 'oploc. up 10 . Mon and F,; 1 VN'. P,ompl Itllpmenl. Send for [Z1 plont ,. 771.221l Iold •• :~ PEEKSKILL NURSERIES 80> 6. Sh,ubOlk. N.Y. 10588 • A Fashion Store intheVilloge torYourWolls

- -~ ---~~---_..-'..-.-_------~---~._-~------' --

Page Twenty-Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May I I, 1978

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l-L£GAL NOTICE 2B-TUTORING AND I4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 4C-HOUSE SITTING GENERAL SERVICE THE ANNUAL REPORT I EDUCATION I GENERAL ~ENERAL GENERAL GENERAL REFINED Florida retired OF THE l'UT0!t~NG in your home b~': MAINTENANCE MAN, ex. NORTH OAKLAND County SALESPEOPLE EXPERIENCED waitresses FULL TIME dental assist. DENISE FOUNDATION I certified teacher. Elemen.: perienced and dependable, Girl's camp desires general CAREER MINDED wanted. Full or part time. couple seek house.silting ani wanted in Harper for summer months. Excel. _ ll,./o 1 Stratford Place, Grosse I tal)' students only. 885- $4 per hour. Cadieux.Har. counselors from age 18; REAL ESTATE SALES Call 886-6855 or VA 1.9296. Woods area. Call LA 1. lent references, 881.9141. Pointe, Michigan 48230) is I 8422. per. 886.2502. assistant water front coun. WE OFFER 40 OFFICES SALESMEN for small ma. 1764. 1 selor from age 19 with BONUS PLAN available for inspection be. I THE READING rine retail store, some ex- S-SITUATION tween 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., WSI; assistant camp direc. Plus 30% interoffice bonus. TYPIST, medical dictaphone, GAS STATION perience necessary. Must WANTED tor from age 21 with prior NATION WIDE REFERRAL experience, full time. 5 by any citizen on request I RAI LROAD ATTENDANTS have car. 24200 Jefferson. within 180 da~'s of this I A READl:'\G Impro,'ement camp experience. Send GUARANTEED days, flexible hours. Send Open 7 days. PRIVATE NURSING publication. i Center. Professional r~ul. WANTED resume if available. Write SALESPLAN resume to P. O. Box 687, Around the Clock COMPUTER SERVICE St. Clair Shores, Mich. M. L. DENISE. PRESIDE:'\T :1: ty. Enroll no\\'. Full or part time. Knowledge Camp Director, 926 Club- SEVERAL summer positions In home, nospital or nursing Individual training program. 48080. THE DENISE 886 0750 of light auto repalr. No ex- view, Fremont, Mich. 49412. available for girls 17 and home. RN's, LPN's, Aides FOUNDATIOl'O I Be successiul, go with the over, good in math. Call companions, male attend: perience necessary. helpful people. HANDYMAN wanted. Need i PRI\-ATE TUTORING TYPIST-AT HOME Bob-Lo 962.9627. man (retiree preferred) to ants, live.ins. Screened and 1~-PERSONAlS I in ,'our own home. An sub. APPLY IN PERSON Local company needs home EARL KEIM REALTY bonded, 24 hour service. SHORES, INC. GRASS maintenance fore. spend approximately 10 to NEEDLEP01l'OT and crewel t jects; all levels. Adults and typist, able to type 60 wpm, 15 hours each week keep. Licensed nurses for insur. 9-MILE JEFFERSON 774-4060 man, must be experienced, pillows blocked and ~. children. ~rtified teachers. use dictating equipment ing exterior of our home ance cases. SHELL Call Bruno Tabbi . to work in Grosse Pointe ed. Also needlepoint in. DETROIT and SUBURBAN and prepare own corre. looking sharp. Must have POINTE AREA NURSES o n non-commercial a c . stl1lction. TU 1.7073, TU 6- TUTORING SERVICE spondence. College degree green thumb, like dogs, TU 4.3180 YOUNG MARRIED couple to SUMMER counts. Year round em. 6318, 356{)()99 helpful. Please send letter and be able to handle mi. caretake and cook at mod. PART TIME NEED SOMETHING moved, -- o f recommendation t 0 ployment. $4.50 an hour to nor repairs. We are look. LEARNING PROBLEMS em summer home on Mature person preferred. delivered or disposed of? Grosse Pointe News, Box start. 881.2333. ing for person who will Remember Mother's Day- Local State Certified Lake Huron June.Septem. The Little Store. 882-3135. Two Pointe residents will SURPRISE! SURPRISE! LEARNING DISABILITIES ber for Detroit lawyer and G.5. Equal opportunity em. SECRETARY/Bookkeeper - take pride in being reo ployer. Male/female. move or remove large or We'll sing your message TEACHER his family. Wonderful op- MANAGEMENT trainee with Flexible hours. G r 0 sse sponsible for "best look. recent marketing degree. ing" house in the neigh~ small quantities of furni- to anyone, anyplace, an)" Now accepting students. portunity for right 'couple Pointe office. 882.3886. ture, appliances or what Excellent opportunity to borhood, Mr. Mills. time, an~'where. Call us. 886-3178 to spend summer in beau. RESPIRATORY have you. Ca(l for free esti. enter the medical-surgical BAR PERSON nee d e d 5 886.9349 237-0012. tiful surroundings. 881- mate. 343.0481. ____ . QUALIFIED Remedial Read. THERAPIST business with a growing nights per week. Marge's 6562. 3-11 p.m. FISH CUTTER, full time. PUppy SITTER service - ing teacher now accepting firm. Send res u m e to Bar, 15300 Mack, comer of Apply at 16901 Harper. THREE TEEN-AGE Experi~'nced, small dogs students for summer tutor- HAIRDRESSER with clientele CERTIFIED Grosse Pointe News, Box Beaconsfield, Grosse Pte. only, !J.O tinkler:;. Refer. ing. Call 886-1514 after 4 or reasonable chair rental. (Or Certification Eligible) B.2. Park. Apply Thursday be. DRIVERS full and part time, BROTHERS enc:es. $3.50 a day includ. p.m. 884-0330. Immediate full time position tween 12.2 p.m. will train, all shifts, 3531 Lawn jobs - new modern 2 HAIR STYLISTS with clio equipment, three 21" Lawn: ing portions of 1st and last 2F-SCHOOL$ available. Barham. TU 5.5555. DENTAL ASSISTANT - APPLY IN PERSON entele. 772-8621. DETROIT Boat Club. now Boy power mowers - 1 day. VE 9.1385. GROSSE POINTE hiring summer help for DENT A L ASSISTANT - power edger (4 wheel). Grosse Pointe office. Ex. PERSONEL DEPARTMENT GENERAL LABORS needed perience preferred. Call docks and kitchen. Must Young intelligent girl high Years of experience. Out. PSYCHIC INSTITUTE OF COTTAGE for Three C's Landscaping. Past. present,. future. Clair. MUSIC 882-2820. be at least 18. Call Wednes. school graduate. Experi. standing references. Con. ~ HOSPITAL Full time, minimum wage. day thru Sunday 1 to 5 ence not necessary but scientious and dependable. vorant readings by a pro. 757-5330. fessional psychic. Co s t s • REGISTER NOW • NEEDED LANDSCAPE gen. 159 KERCHEVAL p.m. 331-0020. desirable. Grosse Pointe Spring Clean-Up. only $15 for a half hour Pnvate or. Class Instru~tion eral laborers. Minimum GROSSE POINTE FARMS CHURCH CUSTODIAN, ap- area. 886-1558 or 886-3750. wage. 45 hours or more. Equal Opportunity Employer WE 00 GOOD WORK session. 559-0848. Ask for MUS~C-pI~no, ~oice, stnngs. proximately 35 hours per CASHIER POSITION Please .call for FREE 757-5330. COUPLE WANTED for care- Barbara gwtar. wmd mstl1lments. week. Prefer someone who AVAILABLE ESTIMATE - 886-2737 . ART-Drawing and painting In well known downtown takers of 12.unit excep- SALES can also make minor re- tionally clean apartment at WANTED-Boarding Home, in various media. T H'REE C'S Landscaping Perman'ent full and part time restaurant. A p p lie ant s RETIRED Master Electrican, . foreman needed to operate pairs. Females encouraged East side city limits off with fenced yard, for 2 Distinguished Faculty positions for mature indio please call John at 962- licensed, violations, service . lawn maintenance crew. to apply. Call 881-9210 for Jefferson... fine tenants, Airedales, fa mil y pets, TU 2-4963 viduals with some sales an interview. 6735, increased, also small jobs. " Must have ex~rience -as full building. Apartment TU 5.2966. while family travels. 293. GROSSE POINTE PRE- foreman in related field. experience in our new PREFERABLY youngsters utilities, salary. 882.0610. Renaissance . Center and FASHION MODELS 6465. KINDERGARTEN Call for interview. 757. 10 to 14 to pass handbills downtown stores. Men 5'8" or taller. 5'2" or COUNTER CLERK. cashier ALL CARE CUSTOM LEATHER and 17150 Maumee 5330. Saturday, 10 a.m. Chicken NURSES REGISTRY Applicants must be able to taller needed for commer- to work in deli and party sheepskin handmade ap- Located in the Unitarian Delight 881.9390. A medical pool. Private duty MEDICAL Assistant for east. work daytime hours, no cial, fashion and product shop. Apply in person, parel and accessories. Men Church is having an open advertising. Mademoiselle, nursing, 24 hour service. ' side Detroit clinics. Exper. evenings or Sundays. SWITCHBOARD 0 per a tor 14200 East Jefferson. and women. 822-6804 eve- house Wednesday, May 17, 968.3232. Hospital, Home, Nursing ience preferred. 821-1133. nings. 1:15-2:15 p.m. Please call Good starting salary and ex. and. secretary. ~tart im. MAN WANTED to plant and Home and Insurance Cases, for information 886-4747 or cellent emoloyee benefits ACCOUNTING mediately. All .frIDges. Ap. care for small garden 885- LPN's, RN's, Aides, Medi. I WOULD like to thank all 881-1948. EASTSIDE OFFICE including liberal purchase ply W. D. Gall, 6400 Mt. 6055 employees of Jacobson's COORDINATOR CLERK Elliott, Detroit. 921-4030. . cal Technologists, Physical discounts. To arrange an Therapist, Emergency Vis. ' that were concerned of my OPEN HOUSE and registra. One person office for non. 2 years college accounting PERS'ON 18 or over to cut interview call Mrs. R. iUng Nurses. State licensed absence, while I was ill. I tion for Jack &; Jill Nurs. profit service organization. courses. New building in CONTROLLER, $24 million lawns for small landscape Percy 833-6906. and bonded. Operated by do appreciate the concern ery, 1175 Lakepointe, cor. Office skills--typing, tele- downtown Detroit (Wood. yearly construction firm. company. Must be willing and 1 wish every mother ner of Kercheval, Grosse WINKELMANS ward and Congress). Sub- Good salary and fringes. to work. 884-7013. Patricia Zevallos, 821-4058. phoning. Ability to work Equal Opportunity Employer of the Grosse Pointe area Pointe Park (annex of well with people. 30 hour stantial fringes. Nearby Apply W. D. Gail, 6400 Mt. Grace Church) Friday May Elliott Detroit 921.5811. REGISTERED X.Ray Tech- BOOKKEEPING - Payroll ~n a Happy Mother's Day! week, liberal benefits,begin ORDER DESK paid parking. 12. 12:00-2:00, Thursday, ,. nician for East Side clinic. my home. Experienced. Re. Ray Woodruff of Jacob- June 1. Send confidential Pro fi ci e n t in math, me- DETROIT FEDERAL son's Department Store, May 18 9-11, Friday, May S~YJr,-G&",1.~ COLLEGE students and .high. Mondays through Fri~s; . liable. 885M34 .. 19, 11:30.1:00. 886-2089 or resume to 14920 Hampton, chanical and blueprint, of. ISchool~hgr~~~,at;.sr. :n~!l-~d i 9-5, 37!';4{lMOT2.', \lOt' Detroit, 'Mi. 48215 by May fice, overhead crane or reo . 961-1600;. Ext. 1-7 INTRODUCING a new dat- 822-0046. Equal Op~rtunity Empt~yer ~~~~ummer' ~~mting. 886- 2 RECEPTrONISTS ]. cle!,k; ~~~~n~~~~C:;~1:6:~~::,: ing publication for serious 15th. placement parts. Experi. I .. ' ." .• " for indoor tennis club, 4 Very reliable. Experienced. minded adults. Call for OPEN HOUS~Faith' -Co-op enced. Send resume to DEPENDABLE loving wom. free brochure. 872-4449. Nursery, 897 Philip. (cor- Experienced N 0 rt her n Eingineering SUMMER JOBS, high school p.m. to midnight,. 2 or 3 884-7186. an to care for newborn and and college. Bartenders - nights weekly. Opportunity ner Jefferson). Come look Corp, prepare evening meal be. SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Waiters - Waitresses - for mature college or grad. PRECISION lawn mainte. ,- us over! Meet our teachers. Beauty Operator 210 Chene ginning June 1st. Live.in We'll sing your message to see our program. 3 year Cashiers - Bus Boys - uate students who can also nance. Raking, fertilizing,' with or without following Detroit, Mich. 48207 or out. Call 823.2999. anyone, anyplace, anytime, class Thursday, May 18, 9 AU: W. Cohron Dishwashers, Top pay. 822- study on job. 886-2944. landscaping, gardening, anywhere, as long as it's to 11 a.m., 4-year class, needed at mowing, edging. Excellent Grosse Pointe CLERK for bookstore. Apply 3253. NEW D I S COin Grosse harpy. Call us. 237-0012. Wednesday, May 17 or Fri. SPRING in person please. Merit Grosse Pointe references.': day, May 19th, 9 to 11 a.m. Coiffures EARN $2 to $3 per hour. Pointe area needs attrae. Bill - 885.5166. BECOME A statistic . . . or Book Center, 14321 Harper Deliver flyers. Call 885- tive barmaids, waitresses For more information, call 884-2090 MANUFACTURER near Chalmers. protect yourself today, the 882-2032 We need people to learn the 4790 after 4 p.m. and hostess, no experience ('hoice is yours, Always necessary. Phone 885-0570 EUROPEAN operation and set.up of our MATURE person to handle PROFESSIONAL Alert A I arm Company BOO K K E E PER - Full THE GIVING TREE TO THE PROFESSIONAL machines. Excellent oppor- medical records, and large GARDE.'reR.LANDSCAPER wireless burglar, fire sys. charge thru trial balance. LANI?SCAPING POSITI

Thursday. ~ay 1I, 1978 Page Twenty-Five GROSSE POINTE NEWS ------5-SITUATION 6-FOR RENT 6-FOR RENT 6D-V ACATION 6D-VACATION 8-ARTICLES FORSALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE I-ARTICLES FORSALE WANTED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED RENTALS RENTALS SMALL SOFA, cut velvet up. ELECTRIC Dishwasher, $125. RELIABLE college student EFFICIENCY apartment DESIRABLE studio apart. MAINE For tun e s Rocks HEATED POOL holstery. Excellent condi. 839.1282. desires summer lawn jobs dinette, kitchen, living Household and ment now available, mod. beach. 3 bedrooms. Near 18 HOLE GOLF COURSE tion, $250. 881-2566. MUSIC CONSOLE, Grundig Yea r s experience, best room and bath. $145. East erate rent, excellent build. Kennebunkport. 882-2214. Sandy beach, spring.fed pond. equipment, reasonable. 884- Side, 882.'1781. Estate Sales ..ALMOST NEW" a p par e 1 Majestic, made in Ger. 'ing. Call 882.7613 between Petoskey area chalet, sleeps 9.515. ------SANIBELL ISLAND, Florida 6-18. Dishwasher, TV. 647. accessories, furs and an. many. Radio. record player GROSSE POINTE PARK _ 11-7 p.m. , D&G Walk right out your door 7233. of Grosse Pointe tiques at a fraction of the and tape recorder, 5 ft. TONY VIVIANO Upper 5, appliances, no 5 ROOM upper. No children onto the beach from this original cost. long black walnut, Black Handyman pets $175. 884-4529. or pets. $190. 885-8503. Gulf front condominium SAN DIEGO FREE We Buy Furs Forest finish, excellent with pool and tennis. Business requiring summer. Consignments Welcome condition. Will sacrafice- Carpenter Work REFINED LADY, 3 rooms, FINE ROOM in Grosse Pte. Sleeps six. $225 per week ing in Detroit. Desire to and t ran s p 0 r t a tion, Outer CONSULTATION LEE'S $300.00. 779-3682. Adults, no pets. $165. Ga. before December 15th. swap my home in San Di. MuceHaneous Drive-Mack, $150 a month. rage $15. Available June 1. 20 years experience. We buy 20339 Mack 881-8082 R.C.A. COLOT TV 21" pic- 882-6062. $365 per week after. Call ego for your home in Repairs 1-824-4402. 216-255-7778. Grosse Pointe. For details your household or sell DRIED and silk flower ar. ture. Excellent condition. 881-2093 LOWER 5 rooms, new car. contact: C. M. Hardman at same for you. 886-2415 rangements and weddings Beautiful French Provin- ONE BEDROOM apartment. 2 BEDROOM lakefron! cot- anytime. after 5 p.m. peting and appliances, nat. Kitchen and living room, 7l4-459~278. expertly done by former cial cabinet 36" long. $200. tage, Port Austin Heights. florist in home. Very rea. 779.3882. ural fireplace, separate downstairs bedroom and PAPER CUTTER--$I,250 QUALITY HEALTH CARE in utilities. Devonshire near Season only. See John Pow- 6E-GARAGE FORRENT sonable. 839-6434. you%"home or hospital by bath upstairs. Close to Bon e'll, 1036 Port Austin road, INSTANT COPIES 10c BLACK Naughyde 3 cushion Warren, $250, plus secur- THRE~.CAR garage for rent Professional Registered Secours. Available after weekends or call (313) 233. ARTISTS--PMT STATS sofa. Excellent condition. ity. Married couple. 885. June 1st. Can after 5 p.m. $15. 1.624-4402. SCRATCH PADS. 40c lb. KATHRYN of the Nurse, Licensed PraoUcal 4559. 4223 after 5 during week. 861-1484. 885.Q695. WEDDING INVITATIONS POINTES Nurse, Nurse Aide or com. 3 CAR GARAGE for rent. Open Mon. thru Sat. 9-5 p.m. experienced Service GOODIES! 2 white vinyl reo panion sitter. 24 hour servo HARCOURT - 2 bedrooms, I BOYNE COUNTRY. Com. Hi24-4402. 6A-FOR RENT pletely furnished, all elec. cliners with foot stools, $50 ,ice, 7 days a week. Phone family room or third bed. FURNISHEP ECONOMEE IN 882-6640, Medical Person. room, 1J,2 baths. Can tric, 2 tier Chalet. Upper 6F-SHARE LIVING PRINTING HOUSEHOLD SALES, each set. One black leather nel. Pool for more infor. Thursday evening aiter 5 CHANDLER.OUTER DRIVE tier-4 bedrooms, 2 baths, QUARTERS ESTATE LIQUIDATIONS chair, $75. Two twin bed mation, p.m. 331-8444. section. Lower 5 - room kitchen, living room with SERVICE AND APPRAISALS box springs with bed brick, new carpeting, furn. fireplace. Lower tier - 3 SMALL furnished house in 15201 Kercheval Free Consultations frames. $30 each set. One Harper Woods. Single stu. WILLING TO help elderly TWO BEDROOM apartment, ished $210. 881-3221. bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen, at Lakepointe 775-0366 pair brass andirons, $20. person, days, light house 11 Mile and Jefferson. Ap- living room with fireplace. dent, mid 20's preferred, Grosse Pointe VA 2-7100 Anytime One gold metal wall sculp. $135. Evenings. 882-8793. work. 343.0988. pliances, pool, bus line. 68-ROOMS TO RENT Tiers inter-connected if de. If no answer call after 5 p,m. ture of birds, $20. One $290 including heat. No sired .. Private 6 hole put. HUGE GARAGE Sale - Sat- ROSSE POINTE vicinity. CAN YOU use $1,500 to white French chaise lounge BOOKKEEPING Service - pets. No children. Immedi- G ting green. Summer reser. urday, Sunday only. 10 to "ALMOST-NEW" APPAREL Experienced bookkeeper Room for young lady, pri. $2,000 a year tax free? upholstered in red velvet, ate possession. 1186-6766. vations now being taken. 4. Everything must sell. accessories. furs and an. will keep your reords up vate bath, kitchen. 822-7100. Employed senior citizen. $100. Call 886.2673. 425-8933. 917 Westchester. tiques at a fraction of the to date, accurately, small GROSSE POINTE PARK - male, needs room and bath RIDE MOWER-5 HP Yard. FURNISHED room for rent. in private home, some priv- original cost. accounts accepted, my Maryland near Kercheval. CHALET on Lake near Char- TREE'S FURNITURE man Mustang, pull start. All privileges, Alter Road, ileges. After 4:30, 885-7393 WAREHOUSE SALE We Buy Furs home. Reasonable. 8B6- Lower 2 bedroom, appli. levoix. Swimming, fishing, About 6-7 years old. Good just south of Jefferson. 50%.70% Off Consignments Welcome 8058. ances, Park privileges, no color TV, fireplace, phone, 6G-STORE OR OFFICE condition. $195. 882-9806. pets. $225 plus utilities. Working or retired lady. boat included. 884-Q431, 100 pieces of fine furniture LEE'S TWO POINTE gentlemen Tel. 331.5068 or 821-2290. RENTAL drastically reduced. Must 20339 Mack 881-8062 SACRIFICE - Crystal chan- looking for work. Services 821-5448. Call before 9 a.m. 778-4055. GROSSE POINTE PARK- be sold at once. Items for delier, mirrors, prints, bird include painting, general or after 9 p.m. I ROOM AND board for el. MOVING SALE - Friday LAKE HURON cottage, 2 area. all rooms. Tree's Furniture baths. concrete g a I'd e n house and boat mainte- derly lady, good food and Reasonable, vacant, only. 10.5 p.m. 10970 Craft, FIVE ROOM Oat in Grosse miles west Port Austin, 2 any type business. 881-1452 Warehouse, 11371 East vases. 882.1105. nance. Pointe references. Pointe. Adults. No pets care. Gratiot and 7 Mile. bedrooms, goo d san d y State Fair, 521.2300. Sun- Detroit, between Whittier Free estimates. 823.1703 or $165. Garage $15. 1-624- 371-3342. beach, no pets. 2 weeks SMALL AREA in Fisher day, 12-5, Monday through and Outer Drive off of SPRING CLEANING - Ga. 822-4885. 4402. I $300. 886-9149. Mews, contact Maier and Friday 10-9; Tuesday, Wed- Lighthill. rage Sale. Wood lathe, 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT Werner, 373 Fisher Road. electric motors, shoe buf. LAWN CUTTING, gardening nesday, Saturday 10-8. STAINLESS STEEL - Good MACK-8Sh Mile, St. Clair LOG COTTAGE on Otsego 882-8240. fers, intercoms, tires, girl's done by dependable stu- quality service for 10. Plus Shores off Avalon, 3 bed. OFFICE FOR LEASE Lake, Gaylord, Michigan. TINY original paintings for bike, boat equipment, win- dent, reasonable rates. own serving pieces. Card table, room, ISh bath Ranch full J efferson near Ten Mile. 2 For information call after RETAIL STORE for rent. doll house, $2.50-$5.00. dow shutters, drapes, men's equipment. Eric. 882-6361 basement available, June I, metal folding table. Must private offices,. reception 6 p.m. 886-0088 or 882. 886'()302. After 4 :'1d weekends. VA and women's clothing. bar 3 year lease required, $350 go. 886.2273. SWIMMING POOLS cleaned area. Carpet, paneled, ,pri- 6872. 2.1674. glasses. much more. Satur. per month. 886-2767. vate lav., central air, util. 7-WANTED TO RENT by experienced high school HIDE AWA Y RESORT --- day, May 13, 10 a.mA p.m. ities included. Parking. 800 BUYING SWORDS, Japan. 1930 DISHES, 22 karat gold student. Contact Scott, 885- 357 ST. CLAIR upper flat MANITOULIN ISLAND, ONE BEDROOM apartment rimmed, 6 piece place set. No early sales. 3933 Cad- square feet, $400 a month. ese, German, American. 8847. just off East Jefferson, 5 ONTARIO in North East and Grosse ting, service for 10. Plus ieux. 774-8180. Pointe area. Middle age, Also guns, daggers. Collec- YOUNG LADY wishes baby- rooms, sun room, and en- Fully equipped apartments serving dishes. Best offer, trance hall, completely car- professional. 882-9846 after tor. 774-9651. FURNITU.RE GALORE! Kids sitting. Day~2-1489. 2 ROOM office in Hampton and cabins. Beautiful safe must sell. 886-2273. peted, 2 window air condi- 2 p.m. clothes, household stuff. Square 'Building, 22811 beach, excellent fishing. AIR CONDITIONERS (220 tioners, refrigerator, very SILVER PLATE 192O--Clas. bikes. Thursday, Friday. COLLEGE STUDENT inter. Mack Avenue. Furnished Call (705) 282.2538 or FLAT. Duplex or Carriage volt) and gas furnaces, clean and modem, fire- sic pattern. Service for 6. 1577 Blairmoor, Woods. ested in spring odd jobs, reli. or unfurnished. 884-1154. write Hide Away Resort, house, unfurnished. July both removed because cen- able. Dan 822-5217. place, garage, $375 per ! Kagawong Manitoulin Is. Best offer. 886-2273. or August. Caring tenant tral air was installed in 3 SCHWINN girl's bikes. One month,881.oooo. land, Ontario. GUTTERS CLEANED and ST. CLAIR SHORES, 27631 references. 885-8067. apartment building. Call KARASTAN Wool carpeting 24", 2 20", 886-5028 be. Jefferson, 8 offices; ideal Oushed out. 343'()105 or TWO BEDROOM lower - SUMMER COTTAGE - Wal. 961-7411 15'x25' spring green. Like tween 10 a.m.-3 p.m. accountant, attorney, DOCTOR, spouse, infant de. 881.5112. Houston - Whittier area, for loon Lake near Petoskey, new. 885:2499. rep.; sire two bedroom house or SEVEN PANELS with FRENCH antique 9 piece $215 plus utilities, security manufacturers 2000 4 bedrooms, screened LADY DESIRES g e n e I' a 1 duplex June 25th. Even- screen, size 75x50" suitable BASEMENT SALE - Wed. deposit and references re- square feet,. fireplace in porch, paneled living room, dining room set, $400. 882- housework, own transpor- quired. 885-3330. conference room, 881-3266. ings 575-9612 or 553-2843. for porch, $15. Some furni- nesday thru Saturday, 1920 7205. fireplace, dock, boat. 881. ture and dishes. 4667 Hav- tation, references. Call 778- 1256. Coal and wood stove with 8159. FLAT-3 bedrooms. No pets. GROSSE POINTE FARMS- RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE erhill. 885-7472. warming oven completely A.1 NIKON FTN body, case, 1113 Beaconsfield, Grosse , 1 to 3 offices available at wish to rent nice home. $250. A-I Canon FTB, COTTAGE for rent near GARAGE SALE, May 13, 11- revived. Mahogany rolled DO YOU NEED any sewing Fte Park. $125 each. Ideal for CPA, Charlevoix. 3 bedrooms, Will take excellent care of top and captain's desk, 'body, case, $125. 882-6004 done? Hand or machine? your property. 3 teenagers. 5, 20711 Hut Club. manufacturers rep or med- golfing, fishing, etc. 550 ft. hand earved buffet, an- after 7 p.m. ExcelJent work. Call 884- NEFF ROAD - Newly deco- ical. Central air. Common water frontage. By month Under $300. 822-1489. tique brass wall clock, 6736. rated 3 bedroom upper. LAWN SPREADER, trimmer CHARLES KLINGENSMITH Updated kitchen, appli. waiting room. or season. 839-7499. and edger; hand mover, maple hutch, oak bookcase, JILL WILLIAMS 'HIGBIE MAXON MATURE WOMAN wishes to HIGH SCHOOL senior seeks ances, screened and glassed 28" bike, butler door, pictures, tables, antique LAUREN CHAPMAN 886-3400 KEY LARGO, Florida. 2 bed. rent 1 bedroom Oat or employment, filing and porch, garage. 2 year lease room new deluxe Town- apartment, in the Grosse youth golf clubs and bag, I' 0 eke r, silver, pewter, Invite you to visit their sl1tlp. china. 250 Mt. Vernon, car- clerical, limited t y p 1n g. required. $350 month. 884- EXECUTIVE Suite available house. Beach, marina. large Pointe area. Good refer. size 6 golf shoes, 15th., gal- HOUSEHOLD rier of Charlevoix, Farms. Call 884-6736 after 2. 0600. ' for lease, 23000 Mack, 77],. recreation ,h a 1i, tennis, ences" ~408. lon peer keg" manual type- LIQUIDATION SALES )OHNSTONE'1e '-885'c1'5'Tlf'" U',",' ':' . 6900 or 886-9349. pool, fly week; "month or wttter, 14", tire'wd",wbee1, Every Thursday from 10 a:rrl. SA-SITUATION' .,~;_.JOHNSTONE PROFESSIONAL MALE de- 15x80 steel grill work, 21h. to 2 p.m ..at the Ray Smith season. Summer rates. For DINING ROOM set - $350. sires furnished or unfur. gallon fire extinguisher. 2 Building, 15115 Charlevoix, . DOMESTIC" NEW'DELUXE m-RISE STOP PAYING RENT. 'In. reservation call -~231, Stereo, $150. Bed, $25. Bus. nished carriage house, du- Grosse Pointe. Selected LADY DESIRES light house- 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS vest in your own building. Dely Travel, between 9- Rattan chairs. 886-6957. iness desk and chair, $125. 7-year-old executive office 5:30 plex or apartment in. items taken on consign. work, ironing. VA 4-2011. TV SECURITY p.m. 886-4381. building for sale with pro- Grosse Pointe, excellent YARDMAN power lawn ment. Estate Appraisals. Many More Features HARBOR SPRINGS area - LADY wants Mon. an d Fri . Lake St. Clair Area Metro 1-94 fessional tenants and space references. 881-0704 or 881. mower, reel type, $160 CALIFORNIA Moving Sale- Beautiful antiques. New Good worker and refer- 296-2320 463-5857 557-0770 available for user/owner. sleeps 6, fireplace, over- 0703. Yardman hand mower, $15. shipment just arrived in, looking Lake Michigan. Everything goes, 6 full ence. Call after 6. 893-0358. All suites are deluxe and 881-0030 81;ter 5 p.m. rooms, basement and ga. cluding magnificent break, Private access to beach. MATURE Grosse Pointe resi- front. C her r y dropleaf COLLEGE GIRL h f MT. CLEMENS - Spacious, have private. ~~hen and FREEZER, upright 20 foot, rage full of good buys - • ome or new, luxury 2 bedroom bedroom facUlties. 23000 779-3585. dents need 2 or 3 bedroom table, marble top coffee I apartment or duplex about perfect eondition, service Round oak table and summer 1~ ne~d of weekIr Townhouse, appliances, table. Lovely Oriental rug Mack. 771-8900 or 886- FORT MYERS BEACH July 1. Call 882-5266. contract. Candelabra wall chairs, glass book case, housekeepmg lobs. Expe.l'l- carpeted, car ports, conve- and Portuguese rug, 2 an- 9349. FLORIDA sconces, electric. 884-3736 overstuffed c au chand enced, references a vall. nient !50 cent door to door tique rockers. 2 antique EAST SIDE GULF front can d <> m i n i - WANTED - Executive home chair, childs roll top desk able. Call 343-0423. Dial-A-Ride bus service pie crust tables, dry sink, KELLY north of 8 Mile 2800 um, sleeps 6. Dishwasher, to lease for four years. UPHOLSTERED chair with and chair, 9 drawer mahog. SC-CATERING within City. 1-468-5495 or sq. ft. •. linens, pool, golf, tennis, Requirements, 3 bedrooms, loose foam cushions. Pair any desk, tools, toys, Duncan Phyfe mahogany 961-7411. 2 baths, formal dining wood frame, olive velvet, dining room table and buf. KELLY near 8Sh Mile. 1780 $150 a ~eek. Call r~fund- clothes (childrens), beds, ROSELUND room, go.od sized living .$25 each; rust wing chai~ fet, 8 dining room Chip- Catering for all occasions. 3 BEDROOM Townhouse! sq. ft., medical. able WIth rental. HU3- chests and lots more. One room, fenced yard. Call $40; Soft green tuxedo, day only. Saturday May 13, pendale chairs. Please call 331-2919 or 882- Duplex. ISh bath, fireplace, NINE MILE near Hayes, 1840 463-2914. $30; desk, swivel olive nau- Janet McConkey at Tap. from 10 till 4. No presales. 2601. etc. 736 Trombly, G.P.P. sq. ft. plus' apartment, CHALET near Petoskey-3 GREAT LAKES Navigational pen & Associates. 884- gahyde, $20; large table 10400 Roxbury, south of Call Lee, 979-5000 days, parking. Best for 3 doctors. bedrooms, llh baths, heat- lamps 35", $10, 39", $35 charts, mostly 2 years or 6-FOR RENT 6200. Whittier, between 1-94 and ~972 evenings. FOR SALE. ed pool, spring-fed pond, 881-3365. older. Lakes Huron, Georg. UNFURNISHED Kelly. ian Bay, Superior, Erie and NEFF ROAD FLAT HARPER at 9'12 Mile. Brand Sauna, playground, golfing. GROSSE POINTE AREA- new 3800 sq. ft. ready in 778-4824. Mature w 0 r king couple FRENCH Provencial sofa - Michigan. 884.0026. GROSSE POINTE City, cus- FOR LEASE beige tones and caned REFRIGERATOR, frostless, tom built 2 bedroom lower 60 days. wishes flat. Excellent ref. double door, freezer below. Lower flat on Neff, between CHESTERFIELD TWP. 23 DELRAY BEACH, Florida, ends. Twin bed with dou- on Neff RoaeL New carpet- St. Paul and Maumee. erences. 771-9175. 881-7540 Evenings. weekends. $75. USED BOOKS - Bought, Mile near Gratiot. Brand luxurious condo, 2 bed- after 4:30. ble dresser. Drop leaf din- ing, appliances and extras. Three bedrooms, I i v i n g ing table with 3 extra 882-0901. sold. Fiction, non.fiction, Immaculate condition. Not new. Suites 800-9700 sq. ft. rooms, 2 baths, full kitch- hardcover. paperback - room with natural fire- WHITTIER between I-94-Kel. en, tennis, pool, etc., on EXECUTIVE NEEDS 2 or 3 leaves and 4 chairs (fruit. RED UPRIGHT piano, keys suitable for children or place, formal dining room, noon 'til 7 p.m. Tues thru }y. 1700 sq. ft., mostly golf course. 5 mintues from bedroom furnished home wood). 10x12 beige plush exposed hehind glass. Col- pets. Married couple. $400 well planned kitchen with in Grosse Pointe or sur. carpet. Round hardwood Sat. BOOKTIQUE, 15243 month. 886-1825. open. FOR SALE. ocean available June 1 ored, black lighted; great Mack Ave., between Lake. dishwasher, disposal, reo rQunding area, June, July, maple coffee table, book. for rec. room, Stedie paint. friierator and stove. .June Call Virginia S. .Jeffries, through November 30. 362- case, table linens (banquet pointe and Beaconsfield. BEAUTIFUL Seaway Island, Realtor 882-0899 3669 between 3 and 5 p.m. August. Call 886-8432. ing easels, 2 Bear bows. 1st occupancy. $475 month. and dinner with napkins). 885-2265. Harrison Township, execu- 884-7969. tive 3 bedroom Ranch CANADA RESPONSIBLE employed la- Paintings by Claude Ma- 882-5200. 2 ROOM OFFICE suite. 18514 dy ~th 2 daughters needs with huge Florida room Ontario net.Venice. 778-1018 after HOUSE SALE - Some fur. GROSSE POINTE PARK, Mack, Grosse Pointe Farms. house to Hopefully Fine mahogany van i t y overlooking Lake St. Clair. VIAMEDE RESORT HOTEL rent. 4:00 p.m. niture, furs, clothes, ob. Traveling Salesman 49, Will divide. Ideal for man- on Stoney Lake with long term lease. Pre- jects de art, appliances. bench, 3 mirrors. $45. Ele- Appliances included. Ap- wants to share expenses ufacturers representative. STATIONARY exercise bi- 358 miles from Detroit ferably St. Matthews area. Friday, Saturday, 9 to 2. proximately 1,900 square on apartment. Maryland & Available immediately. 885- cycle, poker table, G.E. 16 gant breakfront - deli. feet, 1 year lease required. May 13 to October Excellent references. Se. 971 Vernier, in rear. Jefferson. Must have some 4576. curity deposit gladly fur. inch portable black and cate lines - mint condi- $1,000 per month. Can Pickerel, Muskelunge, Bass white television. Golf, I, 3, furniture. 886-9352. '20225 MACK-High traffic, nished. 886-6938. GENERAL ELECTRIC 40 tion. $400 or. best offer. Chamberlain Realtors. 294- fishing. Boa t s, motors, 4 and 5, Gorman woods. -D-UP-L-E-X-,-V-e-rn-I-'e-r-ro-a-d-i-ngood area in Grosse Pointe inch stove. 2 ovens excel. We~kdays 225.9565, Eve- 9510. s w i m m i n g, waterskiing, 8-ARTICLES FOR SAL.E 884.5473. Grosse Pointe Woods, cen. Woods, 14x14. Perfect for tennis, sailing, sandy beach. lent condition, $80. 889. nings. week.ends 886-2374. GROSSE POINTE area, mod. tral air, 2 bedrooms, living at tor n e y s, accountants, Excellent food. Rates in- CLEANING OUT? Call OP. FRENCH Provencial furni. 0386. ern lower 5 room Oat, new room, eat in kitchen, fam- real estate, manufacturer clude 3 meals a day. Ac- ERATION LINC, 331.6700. ture. Bedroom set, $750; carpeting throughout and ily room with .fireplace, representative. Reasonable commodations in m a i n We help charitable organi. coffee table, $215; pair of drapes, paid heat. $225 private garage, full private rent includes central air, lodg~ and cottages. zations. Donations tax de. loveseats. $425; 81" sofa, month plus security. Mar. basement. 777-7644 for ap- carpeting and all utilities. For folder write to Bill ductible. You drop of( or $160; large primitive kit. ried couple preferred. Call UNIQUE HOUSEHOLD SALE pointment. 1 __ A_v_a_i_Ia_b_Ie_J_un_e_I_884__ -5_3_3_7. and Bea Ianson, Viamede, we pick up. chen hutch, $185; old win- after 5, weekdays. 882- Woodview P.O. Ontario, dow shutters. $700 each; 24 7708. UPPER one bedroom, din. 6D-VACATION KOL 3EO; or phone 705 ROTO SPADE your garden. foot aluminum ladder, $15; black office typewriter, Excellent clothing, sizes 8-12. Toys, bedroom BEDFORD.WARREN attrac- ing, living, bath, kitchen. RENTALS 654-3344. - AAA. S t u den t will roto-spade $55; large picture frame; linens, greenhouse plants, paper backs and tive 3 bedroom lower, fire- Stove, refrigerator. $160 T-O-R-E-N-T-,-v-a-c-at-io-n-p-ro-pe-rt-y, your garden. up to 1,000 plus deposit. 882-1961. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, swim. WALLOON LAKE square feet, $20. 823.1821. old oak hand rails, $25; vases. Many, many more household items. place, carpeting, drapes, room air conditioner, $75; stove, refrigerator, dish. 3 bed I ming pool, tennis court, LITTLE TRAVERSE BAY 379 NEFF RD. - room, Mio.Fairview area, June I AREA WANTED ANTIQUE jewel- sheet metal wood stove, washer, garage. 882-0389 ry, diamonds, pre c i 0 u s $15. 4416 Chatsworth, TU Friday and Saturday, May 12, 13 or 331-8227. IIh bath, 2 car garage. to September 30. By the From our historic and taste. $425. Crane Realty, 884- month or week. $300 per fully remodeled 2-3 BED. stones, old watches, pearls, 5.()152. Georgian and Victorian 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. FLA T for rent - Ashland, 0700. I week, $3,500 for season. ROOM, 2 BATH summer silver. Highest prices. FURS WANTED half block from Jefferson, CLEAN 2 bedroom lower Everything furnished. 885- home, ENJOY the breath- 15530 Windmil! Pointe Dr. 4 rooms, clean, well. taking sun set s of this Prompt payment. Transac- Consignment or Buy income, carpeted, stove, I 8059. maintained $110 plus utili- "Hemingway" region, while tions confidential. Charter- LEE'S Grosse Pointe Park refrigerator, washer, dry. MAGNIFICENT COTTAGE ties. Security deposit. 885. you sit on its lakefront house & Co., 16835 Ker- 2r039 Mack 881-8082 2352. er, drapes, fireplace, mod. - available for rent in Hal'- veranda. Savor the aroma cheval. 885-1232. ern kitchen and bath. bor Springs on Little Tra. ORIENTAL Rugs wanted. We of your favorite Nick RUMMAGE SALE-Glasses, TROMBLY ROAD - 2 bed. Philip near Chandler Park verse Bay. July I.August pay more for Oriental rugs. rooms, living room, kit- Adams' stories from its dishes, furniture, misc. Fri. Dr. $175 month. Utilities 18. Seven bedrooms. ex- spacious 40' living room Col1ector. 1-482-5427. chen, dining room, library, not included. Security de. pansive porch, fabulous day, Saturday. 9 to 4. No to its freshly equipped 1112 bath, sun porch. No posit. References. Working view. Contact Graham pre.sale. 12197 Duchess, BARN SIDING - Authentic WANTED modern kitchen (b I' and pets. No children. Security people. 886.3733. Real Estate, Andy Bow. Detroit. 1" weathered, hand hewn, deposit required. Call af. new dishwasher and elcc. natural timber. 1-463.2179. 5 ROOM lower, heated, $185. I man. 616-526-2106. by ,ter 7 p.m. 331-6444. tric stove). Other amen- FIREWOOD - Get ready LA 1-8427. DELRA Y BEACH condom in. ities: all rooms newly car- with northern Michigan Household Sales GROSSE POINTE PARK - EASTLAND area _ 24575 I ium. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, peted, special wood panel. seasoned hardwood, de. Estate liquidations. appraisals Upper 6 rooms, $250, se. Ing throughout, just. in. DuMouchelle's Kelly Road, East Detroit. 1,500 square feet, designed livered. 293-3949. POINTE curity deposit. No chilo by Carl Luckenbach. One stalled electric baseboard Oriental Rugs • Antiques. Fine Paintings. Jewelry Cavalier Manor. Large lux. of eight units in distin- SERVICE dren. No pets. Can after 6 heat, plus new dock. EN. 6J-HALLS FOR RENT AR • Fine Furniture • Crystal • Sterling • China p.m. 821.9549. ury 2 bedroom townhouses, ~uished building lh block JOY this private WAL- INTEGRITY ... EXPERTISE new appliances carpet, from beach. $79,500. 644. LOON LAKE idyl (June 1. ESTABLISHED 7 YEARS Complete ESTATES or Singh' Items GROSSE POINTE area-Mo. central air, $325 with car October 15) at $2.500 per HALL FOR RENT by port. 772-3649 or 961.7411'1 0600. AIR CONDITIONED INSTANT CASH or on consignment ross.Mack corner, 5 room month, or seasonal dis. Donna Alexander, 886.0559 lower, 2 bedrooms, paneled MOBILE HOME, 10x55, 2 count. NO pets. Adults pre. Amvets Post #57 and sunporch, carpeting, close 5253 EASTLA WN, Detroit, 5 bedrooms, cabana, summer Phone Us At ferred. Photos available. • All Occasions Jeanne Roddewig, 881.7518 to transportation, churches, room upper income. 2 bed. lake lot. Lakeport. 884- PHONE 312-251-5666. Call • CATERING FREE CONSULTATION 963-6256 or 963-0248 shopping. $245 month plus roo m s, hea',-refrigerator. 3736. alter 6 p.m. Holl MonoQer. 71~.'\~5 Please call after 5:00 p.m. utilities. Adults. 881.1753. Slove furnished. 977.7463. ------Page Twenty.Six G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S Thursday, May II, 1978 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALEII-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE ''-OFFICI ll-CARS FOR SALE 'l1-CARS FOR SALE HIDE.A.BED. Early Amer. CLOTHES, s hoe s, ankle YARD SALE - Household MOVING SALE, Saturday, GARAGE SALE-household EQUIPMENT 1977 PLYMOUTH Vol are 1969 SAAB Sonnet V-4, fi- ican. Good condition, $150. straps, platforms. 9 x 12 items, clothes, storms and May 13, 10 to 4 - Dining items, reel tape and player, STEEL CASE Station Wagon, with V-8. berglass body, new shocks, 885.7931. carpets, box s p r i n g S , screens, car parts. Friday, table set, furniture, house. almost new lighting fix- Credenza's, desks, files and Good condition. Ideal lam. exhaust, clutch, brakes, dishes, TVs, riding boots, Saturday, 9 a.m.'? 666 hold, books, etc. 114 Maple. tures and many Interesting more. Previously owned. ify car. Weekdays 8:30.5 needs transmission; low SWIMMING POOL SLIDE. music, place setting silver Lincoln. ton. treasures. Friday, 1().4. Sat. AMERICAN p.m. 776-3666. mileage, excellent body Excellent condition. Ask. plates, interior door. 881- urday. 23381 Robert John. PREVIOUSLY OWNED MARK IV 1976 Landau. Low and interior, $1,850. 751- . $175 8867637 2 MATCHING couches 70" GARAGE SALE-Furniture mg . '. 9262. long, traditional, no~ered, collectables, portable type. BLACK oriental buffet 35hx 772-7990 miles, loaded. Best offer. 2576. STEREO 8.track turntable. PROVINCIAL dining table, $150. 881-8665. writer, toys, stroller, chilo 60lx17w, silver drawer, $85. 9-ARTICLES WANTED 939'()38&, '75 MONARCH - Air, AM. Mediterranean c 3. bin e t, 2 leaves. 4 chairs, $75. De dren's and women's clothes. Call after 6 p.m. 778-3639. E It. b 11 d 1976 CUTLASS Supreme, ex. FM stereo, sunroof, rust. used very little. Was $500. humidifiers, wine crusher RCA COLOR TV Console, Much misc. 348 McMillan, WANT D: so. pIn a an cellent condition. Stereo, proofe.d, automatic, 6, 26" Asking $300. 293.5369 after 886-4862. $200. Frigidaire electric Thursday, Friday, Satur. DIAMOND engagement ring, gambling machines. Old radio, power windows, seat, 000 mlles, $2,950. 885-8332. 6 and weekends. CARPET, sculptured green ~~r~r5 gl~~~~hi;~::S~e~~~~ day. ~~~~:~:~rve~ifi:at~;~ti ~~"n:~~:;~:s g~~e~~~~: deluxe interior, $4,200. MERc'URY Grand Marquis GARAGE' SALE. Saturday, Masland. 4 rooms. approx TV Odessey game, $40. All GARAGE SALE - Furni. quality given by Charter. ment parks. Old Coca.Cola 881-6880. '76, 4 door, medium gold: May 13, 9-4. 4475 Radner. 100 yds. Excellent condi in excellent condition. 886- tUle, I awn equipment, house Jewelry. After 6 p.m. advertising items and ad. 1973 98 OLDS. Good condi. nice condition, $3,900. 884- 3 horsepower Scott At. tion. $350. 779-3882. 2209. clothes, dishes and misc. 372'{}108. vertising items from beer tion. Loaded. $1,800. 882. 2276. water motorcycle parts, May 13.14, 9 to 5 p.m. 2080 and pop companies. Music plants, car rack, boating FEDDERS air conditioner, GENERAL ELECTRIC built. Norwood. WALL MIRROR, 44 inches boxes and electric pianos. 0356. 1976 PINTO Hatchback MPG equipment, clothes, misc. 12.000 BTU, $110. Uphol in dishwasher, 7 years old by 66 inches; also 1 pair Call after 6 p.m. 882-8692. 1975 CUTLASS Supreme, 350 - Automatic, air, under- ing stered chair, $20. Call 885 but works well, ready to CONCERT gar den edges, swinging cafe doors. Call coat, sport wheels. Excel. House hold and sport 8 3 6 PRIVATE Collector wants cubic inch/4 barrel, Cop- items to Kheim pump. 2930. take away. Call 822-6898. curved, straight and cor. 82. 61 . per, air, 40 channel CB lellt condition. 885.3851 aft Farberware electric broil. ners, $50 each. 88;)-4372. old clocks (pocket and ter 6:30 p.m. ler, $20. Used twice. IDEAL GIFT - MOTHER'S MOVING? Purchase or rent SNOW SKIS Kneissl free. wrist watches) any condi. with sideband plus power DAY, ANY DAY _ Beau packing boxes, 21x15. De. GARAGE SALE - 4 piece style Slalom, 444 bind- tion. Old music boxes, in. mike, PA system, digital 1973 FIAT 124 sport, good tiful full length fully let tails, 527.5313. Bassett bedroom set, other ings, Cabes boots, Scott cluding.player piano's. Jute clock, radar detector (Su. condition, $1,500. 5 PIECE mahogany bed.' out female black diamond furniture, 1 awn mower, poles. 886-9127. boxes, pump organs and per Snooper), AM/FM cas. 1977 NOVA, 6 cylinder, like room, good condition, $400_ BENEFIT GARAGE SALE F kl' . k d d ranch mink coat, originally FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS ran m stove, nun ye COLLECTOR's plates, Danish phonographs, anything' reo sette with power booster new, 12,000 miles, $3,400. 882.2861. $3,500. Also, lady's black muskrat coat, odds and k lated to music. )\lso any rear speakers, electric an. 775.0600. By members of Alpha Chi d 20028 W d t roc er, Delft coal scuttle, cashmere coat, originally ens. 00 mon , chal'n lamp. 777 A585. type of slot machines. Call tenna for both radios, air REFRIGERATOR. Wards 14- Omega, Friday, 10 a.m to 'ioU d d th S d ... horn, Cibie driving lights 1976 CHEVROLET Landau cubic foot. $50. 824-6300. $200. And. Sears canister ',e nes ay ru un ay. anytime. 884-8987. vacuum plus attachments 4 p.m. Saturday. 9 a.m. to 881-3505. DINF,;TIE SET, 0 c tag 0 n air shocks, steel belted Impala Coupe (Caprice DINING ROOM set, Duncan originally $160. All pur 5 p.m. 733 Loraine, Grosse wrought iron, formica, avo- SHOTGUNS an d n'fl es wan.t radials, 2 Kelly Spring- trim). White vinyl, dark Pointe City. Cash sales COUCH, 3 chairs, glass end d P k F S 'th blue trim, dark blue metal. Phyfe. Mahogany, perfC'Ct chased for late wife. Top I tables, misc. Excellent con- cado, 4 swivel high back e. ar er, ox, ml, field snow tires, mechan. offers take. Mr. Bishop on y. 'chairs, small glass door Winchester and others. Pri. ically perfect, excellent lia, side moldings, full condition. 884-1081. . dition. 778.0949. 886-3927. LAWNMOWER, Bolens 18" cabinet, unusual decorative vate collector. 478.5315. body. Can after 6, ask for wheel covers, white side. DINING ROOM, mahogany, mulcher, $55. Black and ALUMINUM glass door.walls hanging mirror. 881.5106. Mike. $3,950. 821.9621. walls (3 new), light pack- breakfront, crown glass, WANTED ANTIQUE Decker deluxe edger, $25. with screens. 885-1142. age with vanity mirror, tilt credenza. 886'()571. ESTATE SALE JEWELRY FIREBIRD '74 Espirit, clean Entire contents of a large Both in excellent condi. TWO ITALIAN Provencial wheel, cruise control, air, lion. 623-0610. GARAGE SALE - Misc. and chairs, old Westminster Diamonds, precious stones, air, power steering/brakes: lint glass, A.M. rear speak. YARD SALE - Saturday estate has been removed old watches, pearls, Geor- AM.FM stereo, rustproofed. to our store for immediate children's clothing. Thurs. mantel clock, old records, er, dual horns, 47,000 only 10-4 p.m. 410 Rivard. SMALL kitchen tab Ie, 2 day and Friday. 20049 78's and LP's; four Mark gian and Victorian silver. $2,900. 979.0742 after I> miles. One owner. Avail- sale. Includes: extensive Highest prices. Prompt p.m. GARAGE SALE-Give away collection of FOSTORIA, chairs, 36 diameter with Fairway. 9-4. III 15" wheel covers, four able 3-4 weeks. Excellent leaves. White formica top, Ford wheels, tires and cov- payment. Transactions con. condition, $3,000. No deal. prices. 34 Beverly Rd., 1 2 sets of CHINA, ROYAL GOLD VELVET love seat, fidential. Charterhouse & 1977 PLYMOUTH Sport block east of Fisher off DOULTON figurines, yellow wrought iron trim, ers GR 14" 32 volt DC mo- Fury, 318 m.D. Triple ers. Phone 885-1081. $75. Before 2 p.m., 886. $75. 2 walnut traditional tor, new; leather coats, Co., 16835 Kercheval. 885- Grosse Pte Blvd. Saturday, DRESDEN, SILVER, dress. end tables, both $75. Port. black, fully equipped, 19. 2964. suits, sport coats sizes 42- 1232. 1969 MERCEDES - dark er sets, paperweights, and able dishwasher, chopping 000 miles. $3,900. 774-1176. green, 260SE, 4 door, good , May 13, 9 a.m ..12 p.m. No CRYSTAL decanters. 44. 771-3143. WANTED-Furniture, glass- pre sales. Brass bed, Hi.Fi, SUPER SATURDA Y garage block top. Call after 5. condition, leather - lined, Also, luggage, stainless flat ware, knick.knacks, dishes, 1977 FIREBIRD - Brown sports equipment, antiques, sale. Colonial day bed, arm 862-1797. MAGIC CHEF Deluxe, upper T.Top, AM.FM radio, pow: $5,000. TU 5-8508. ware and serving pieces, household items, odds and , kitchen equipment, humid. chair, household items, top oven, rotisserie, copper. and much more in crystal WHEELCHAIRS, hospital ends (paperback books and er steering, automatic, 1972 VOLKSWAGEN Bus, , iriers, tables, chairs, lamps, condition. 3506 Audubon, tone, like new. 264-2289. sport wheels, sport mir- and china. beds, walkers, a X y g e n old dolls. 774-7142. clean, good mileage, runs garden equipment, 31h h.p. 9 to 5. rors, excellent condition. MINK Jacket and stole and rental and sales, medicare lA-MUSICAL very good, $1,400. 331-3392 outboard, luggage, duck WA'NTED: Used child's ta- 839-8505. Call after ~. FOX stoles. DINING ROOM table, 60x40, accepted. 774.3440. INSTRUMENTS decoys and 100 other misc. 3 leaves, 4 chairs, pecan ble and chairs, record items. Don't forget 9 to Also OIL PAINTINGS '& player, 10" tricycle, potty AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE wood, $150. 862-5843 after LAWN BOY lawnmower, 1 PIANOS WANTED 1976 GRANADA Ghia, 17,000 12 only. as low as $33.15 for 6 TAPESTRIES and ORI- 6 p.m. y.ear old,. excellent condi- GRANDS, Spinets, Consoles chair and toddler toys. 886- miles, air, FM stereo, ENTALS including: Soap- 8906. months. Call Chesney wur. $3,700. Clean. 885.5552 or . 6 FOOT Colonial sofa bed; tlOn, bag mcluded, $125 or and Small Uprights. stone, CLOISONNE, and BUNK BEDS, complete, ex- best offer. 881-5092 after, TOP PRICES PAID 'ance Agency lor your over 779-1739. contemporary radio and IVORY. Unusual pair of STATIONAY bicycle exer. the phone quotation, 884. record player, $50 each or cellent condition, $110. 6 p.m. Ask for Mark. VE 7-0506 Ivory intricately carved ciser. Call after 6 p.m. TU 5337. 1966 MUSTANG, 289 engine, best offer. Orange vinyl Basketball backboard with candlesticks and I a r g e mounting brackets, $15. W. J. SLOANE sofa bed; cus. 1.9178. 3.speed manual, excellent bar stools, $5 each. 885- PLAYER PIANO rebuilt and AUTOMOBILE OWNERS As Ivory snuff bottle. 885-8981. tom lined draperies, gold mechanical condition, orig. 6392. refinished, excellent condit LAWNMOWER selfpropelled .low as $22 quarterly buys inal owner, $500, 884-5573 LEE'S with ivory sheers; Ethan tion. After 6. 293-4733. with grass catcher. 881. Compulsory No Fault In. ADMIRAL refrigerator, like 20339 Mack 881-8082 GARAGE SALE - Saturday Allen h a r ve s t table; 2 after 5 p.m. 10 to 4. 16824 Cranford. wheel training bike; six GUITAR, 885.1049 after 5 0475. surance. 881.2376. new, also washer and Mon..Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1975 GRAND Prix loaded, apartment size stove. 882. Children's clothes, etc. pair of sheer curtains, cus. p.m. WAN TED: • leaded glass 1975 PACER - D.L. auto. ANTIQUE CHEST, refinish. low mileage, 773.5239. I 5681. SOFA Hide.a.bed, $100. Ken. tom lined draperies pat- doors and WIndows. Marble matic, air, AM.FM stereo ed could be used for bar, more top loader portable tern, traverse rods. Call BABY GRAND - Good con. top tables, dressers and excellent condition 526~ 1977 DODGE Aspen, 19,000 : WORCESTER porcelain stereo, etc., $125. Japan. dition, $500. ~123. commodes. Vie tor I a n 1018 - . dishwasher, $50. 822'()664. 886-1821 after 6:30. miles, AM-FM stereo, buc- t him b I e, Staffordshire ese doll in glass case, $65. couches, ladies and gentle- . ket seats, power steering, transfer ware, Bee Hive Professional hair drYer, CARVED oak dining room 40" FRIDGIDARE do ubI e GUITAR. Magpum. Les Paul men chairs. Old oil and 1976 HONDA Civic CVCC- many extras, rust.proofed. signed Royal Vie n n a. $50. Antique Singer cab. set, (table 60" x 43"), plus oven electric range, $100. copy, do ubi e pick.up, leather glass lamps, cut 28,000 miles, rust proofed Must sell this week, best Royal Bayreuth, Cape Cod inet with black iron base, 3 leaves, china cabinet, Imperial dishmaster, $35. black, with case, 2 months crystal. Silver pieces, pic. stereo, good condition' offer. 775.0877. luncheon set, child's rock. $50. A pair of electric cry- buffet, 2 arm chairs, 4 side Kenmore 2 cycle woodtop old, $150. 527-5343. ture frames and oriental $2,300. 882.2937. ' er, occupied Japan, depres- stal hurricane lamps, $40. chairs, $800. 882-2684. dishwasher, $150. 886.3982. ANTIQUE SHOW and Sale. rugs. Consider anything 1975 OLDS Cutlass Supreme sion glass and much more. A king size blue floral Oakland Mall, Troy, Mich. from V i c tor i a n period. CA~RO LT '74, 8 cylinder, four door, air, power steel"! We buy and sell. Colonial bedspread, $15. Queen size HEAVY DUTY paper bike RIDING TRACTOR, SimpHc- igan, May 18.21 during Evenings. 882-8692. Blr, AM.FM stereo, power Jng and brakes. $2,900 or Shop, 25701 Jefferson near blue and green floral bed. and Reynolds cornet. Con. ity 711, 36" grass blade Mall hours. TOP $$ PAID for color TV's steering/brakes, low mile. offer. 824-1295. 10 Mile. Hours Monday spreads, $10. Call after tact Scott 8815-8847. with snow plow, good run. age. Mint condition. $3,000. thru Saturday, 11 to 6 p.m. LOVELY'lJ.Kimball-1Whitney needing repair. 774-9380. 5:30, 885-4597. "ning condition, well.ma~- _884-4497 ••••,. - /!~:, I 1974 BUICK LeSabre Luxury i 772-0430. 1 FOUR FAMILY Garage "Sale. fL. tained, and assorted gar. . Spinet.; Excellent -condition ANTiQUES and" oldtiques ""'4 -doo'f loaded, - all new PATIO BLOCKS, green, red, '77 FORD Granad~, - auto. Michelin tires, new brakes, : WE ARE MOVING to a Bar refrigerator, 2 glass d e ~ too 1s. L ik e new $700~Lqv7-6874 or 886-4634. wanted. We buy estate and matic, power steenng, pow. shocks, exhaust system, smaller house. Must un- black, white, 30 blocks 24x lamps, car radios, chfl. -Sch\viiln exercycIe. Bed- furs. load! 24, 64 blocks 12x24. Must dren's toys and clothing, spread, like new, make II-ANTIQUES er brakes, air, AM.FM and more. 885-7800, ask for sell all or none, $150. Call household i t ems. 20307 offer. 823-6928. LEE'S stereo, buckets, console Sam. HUGE GARAGE SALE FOR SALE 20339 Mack 881-8082 ONE DAY ONLY! after 5:30, 885-4597. Mauer, near a.Harper area, tinted glass, deluxe inte: BLACK antique secretary 1977 COUPE de VILLE - SATURDAY 9-4 P.M. Thursday, Friday, 9 to 4 BASEMENT SALE - SERIOUS local collector will rior, deluxe wheel COVers MEN'S 10 SPEED French p.m. Clothes, dishes, linens, old Loaded, show room condi- 16 LAKESIDE CT. three-drawer desk, side purchase all signed Tiffany lh vinyl roof. $5,000 0; Motobecane bike, excellent records, household items, tion. Must see to appreci. (between Cadieux and bookcase, 63Hx15Wx34L, lamps; Handel, Pairpoint, best offer. 881.7669 or condition. Asking $145. SHAG CARPET, gold/or- jewelry, ide a I mother's ate, 18,000 miles. $7,900. Notre Dame, south of Jef. $400. Call after 6 p.m. 778- Jefferson and Moe Bridges 965-7130. Ask for Helen. Call 886-3428. ange, 12x28, $100. One 12 day gifts. Friday, May 12 3639. lamps. All transactiops 286-3055 weekdays. 881. ferson). Antiques, G.E. reo 1977 CORVETI'E - 3,800 footer thermo. pane door. _ Saturday, May .13, 10 strictly confidential. Please 4048 evenings and Sun- frigerator, $300, lots of MICRO.WAVE Amana, new, OAK curved glass china cab- actual loaded. 884- wall, $250. 822.6970 after a.m ..6 p.m. No 'pre.sales. call after 6 p.m. 886-2612. miles, days. , furniture, very nice for. $275. 886.2767. inet, $500. Child's roll-top 7102. mica dinette set and 4 6 p.m. 20466 Fleetwood, Harper desk, $150. Both refinished. WANTED wrought iron rail. 1976 CADILLAC Sedan de BUY MOTHER an unique , Woods. chairs, $235, arm chairs, $556 ANTIQUE white desk, 778-8996. 1974 CAMARO-Candy apple Ville, Firemist blue, fully gift. Treasures from many ings, gates, or fence.,881- end tables, bOOkshelves, recently purchased, sell M G A C 0 LOR television, 1071. red, power brakes, power loaded. $5,950. 791-2171. lamps, ottoman, chest, mir. lands. , Africa, South for $300. 881.2252. Nesco electric r 0 a s t e r , TWO orientai rugs. One 9x12 steering, AM-FM, air, wom. rors, framed prints, 6 ft. America, Haiti, China and GARAG temperature control, older Karastan, one 12x15 Wilt OLD FISHING rods, shot. an owner, 36,000 miles. 1972 CHEVY wagon, 59,000 white Roman shade for a so forth. A personal' col. E SALE - Bikes, model, older Ironrite iron. ton. Excellent condition. guns wanted by collect.or. $2,600. 884-0786. miles, air, stereo, rack doorwall, 4 "Cutlass" lection of jewelry, wood toys, h 0 use h old items, VE 5-8264 evenings. clothing, books, miscel. er, belt massager, stand up Will pay cash at your hitch, rust, $550. 821-4238. wheels, golf bag, designer carvings, paintings, molas, 1975 CORDOBA with every- aneous. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. model, hair dryer, brass home. 885-1677. clothes, jewelry, children's tapestrys, some antiques, ANTIQUE hand carved solid thing .. 884-5328. . 19771,2 FIAT X-19, 4'speed, Friday, May 12th-Saturday, wall scounces, 1 decorator American walnut bedroom things, books, decorative spinet piano, antique pump chair, celery color, Sun. WANTED used dining room air conditioning, 12 weeks accessories, h 0 use h 0 I d organ, etc. Saturday at 9 May 13th. 595 Saddle Lane, set, twin beds, 5 piece set of excellent make and 1964 CORVAIR 500 - Very old, 4,500 miles, Ziebarted. Grosse Pointe Woods, cor- beam electric knife, men's condition. Contemporary. good condition, $600 for items Much, much a.m. Sunday from 1 p.m. vanity, chest of drawers Mint condition. Still under ner of Cook Rd. clothing, size 42-44. 372- with mirror. Very good 557.1223. this honey. 886-0857. more. NO PRE.SALES, 794 Loraine. 889'()417 8350. warranty (12 months) new. PLEASE. condition, $1,700. 372-3934 Bring Mother. WANTED _ Royal Douton I CHEVROLET Beauville, load- $6,100. Asking firm $5,492. PUBLIC AUCTION of an or 839.8761. estate, Wednesday, May CAMPAIGN style bedroom Royal Worcester, I1ummei ed. 882.5645 evenings. Les 881.5336. GARAGE SALE, Saturday, KENNEL, 40 ft. chain link May 13th, 10 to 5 p.m. lOth at 7:30 p.m. Located set (7 piece), antique blue ANTIQUE French Regency fence plus gate, post, and fig.urines. T?by mugs, fine 1975 PLYMOUTH, 9 passen. 1974 VEGA GT-AM.FM T~ys, tools, clothing, books. at .Emperial House An. finish, good for child or steel and brass day bed, supports. $50. 885'()918. chlDta'l stgerhdng~cutI glaSrts, ger wagon. Air, power, stereo, 4-speed, good con- miscellaneous household tiques, 26020 Groesbeck. guest room, includes mat. newly upholstered. 885- crys a, ao Jewe ry, a brakes and steering f 0 dition, $650. 886-4487. items. 51 Radnor Circle. GARAGE SALE-4 families, Warren. Large 9 piece din. tresses and box springs. 2499. pottery, Wedgwood and old racks, 6 tires, inclu'd:: 2 ing room set; King size Asking $300 or best offer. furniture, household items postcards. 884-4620. new snows, new battery, 1971 FORD wagon - Air, MISCELLANEOUS and an. EMPIRE Davenport, circa 304 University, Friday and bedroom set; 1971 Ford 882-9211. stereo, new radials, full tiques. sl!veral clocks and 1890, good condition. 881. lOA-MOTORCYCLES good condition. 50,000 Saturday, 9-4 p.m. LTD car; large assortment SALE - Furniture, lamps, power, very good condi. watches. No pre.sales. Sat. 4964. FOR SALE miles. $2,700. 881-1309. of china, glassware and mirrors, pictures, kitchen tion. 889-0015. urday, May 13th only. BLUE Danish modern chair, tools. George A. Younes set, drapes, washer and OLD FARM cupboard, But. 1970 SPORTSTER XL CH _ '72 PINT? station wagon, 15142 Charles R., corner white lamp, picture, fire Auctioneer. For informa. dryer and miscellaneous. ternut, glass doors, 1827; Custom paint, hog wheel, automahe, radio, heater, 1977 VW Rabbit-white 2 of Dale, East Detroit. place screen, excellent con tion call 772-4110. Saturday, May 13, 9 to 5. cherry dresser, 1850; farm 32,000 miles. $700. 881- door Hatchback, air condi. dition. 884-6645. ~!~s,.!~8oo. 884-()~0. 5506. tioning, phone 886-1007. DAVENPORT - 3 pie c e 21124 Vernier, one block table, spool legs with china GARAGE SALE - Fantastic East of 1.94. castors. 885-1212 after 5:00 1975 SUZUKI GT 550, 2 curved sectional, excellent INFRARED gas barbeque collection of old and new. stroke, 3 cylinder, new 1976 PONTIAC Astra, Safari 1975 DODGE COLT-white grill rotisserie, leatherette pm. condition. 885-6134. Bikes. loads of old and new MOVING t" smaller home. rear tire and brake, lug- wagon, power steering, with a blue denim top, cover, $40. 681.2419. low mileage, AM.FM, good HOTPOINTE white electric books, clay pots, Pinto Dining roo m, 9 pie c e s, WANTED ANTIQUE gage rack, and back rest power brakes, Al\I-Fl\I cas. condition. 886-1363 after 6. range, $25_ 881-8186. GARAGE SALE May 13, 9 tires, 9x12 gold bond oval light mapll' and mahogany JEWELRY with pad, 2 helmets, $925. sette stereo, air, luggage rug, boy's and women's with new I y upholstered Diamonds, precious stones, 882-1842. rack, tan with wood trim a.mA p.m., 1177 Balfour 1971 MERCEDES 300SEL, WHIRLPOOL electric dryer, clothing, ski equipment. chairs, (ncw (ost $2,aOO), old watches, pearls, Geor. corner house on Kercheval '1975 HONDACB750: metal. 28,000 miles. 882-4089 afte; power windows, doors, $50. Wooden highchair, toys, handyman's delight, now $800. gian and Victorian silver. - Clothing, sports equip lic red, windjammer fair. 1 p.m. $6,500. Call 886-5107. $10. 885-5469. etc., etc., etc. Everything Dinette set like new (cost Highest prices. Prompt ment, household items. ing, many extras, excellent 1968 KARMANN Ghia con. cheap. 180 Moran. Friday $500) now $200. payment: Transactions con. 1973 CAPRICE Estate Chev- MOVING - Tools, furniture, condition, 1,000 miles. 882. vertible, good condition 8 GARAGE and home furnish and Saturday only, 9-2. fidential. Charterhouse & rolet wagon, air, full pow. curtains. boo k s, house. Florida room fancy table and 4089 after 1 p.m. track, $1,100 or best offer. ing sale, Saturday only, all chairs, (cost $500), now Co., 16835 Kercheval. 885- er, clean, $1,150. 881-8659. wares, misc. Cash only. day. 28801 Rockwood, St HAND FORGED pot hang. 1232. -HONDA~ 1975,- CB 360: 3.000 Great mechanical condi. 5264 Hillcrest, Mack.7 Mile. ers, 14'f.! inch half circle; $150. Fancy dining room Clair Shores, 12 Mile.Little light fixture (cost $200), miles, back rest, luggage tion. 882.9371 or 886-{)368. 1973 PONTIAC Catalina - Thursday, Friday. Satur. Mack area. 779'()798. fireplace tools, c u s tom KENNARY Kage Antiques. rack and helmets, $1)50. Vinyl top, rally wheels, day. 10 to 5. made iron work. 886-2995. new $50. Candelabra living Hours: Wednesday.Friday, 772-8876. '72 CHEVY wagon, full pow. room table lamp (cost air, AM/FM stereo, 40,000 MEN'S right hand Spaulding 12-4, Saturday 9.5. Cadieux ;77-suzukI,- 380,--GT,-- 1800 er, runs excellent, has new miles. Excellent condition. COLLAPSIBLE bike, seldom used, 88]-1690, best offer SOFA, 88", burnt orangc. $250). now $50. Magnavox at Warren. 882.4396. brakes, battery, tune.up, used, $60. 26" Boy Schwinn 881.1690, best offer. down filled cushions, round stereo, radio and record miles. Like new. $999_ 881- needs new gas tank. Best $1,895. 771.1604 after 6 Varsity 10 speed. excellent coffee table. 46" table playl'r. French Provl'llcial. ABLE TO PAY top doJlar 6787 after 6, ask for Bob. offer. 882-6105 after 6. p.m. like new (cost $700) now condition, $80. Call after 84" SOFA, excellent condit lamp. 884.3657. for used Oriental rugs, -1969 HONDA-.-CL i75:-Good 1976 CUTLASS Salon, man. tion, print, loose cushions $125) .. 884-2562. :>45.4483. 3. 885-8947. condition, $150. After 6 1975 DODGE Sport V-8 AM. ual transmission, 5th gear contemporary style, can be BASEMENT SALF~Clothes. FM, air conditi~ning', ex. 3 LIVING ROOM chairs, 1 p.m. 822.7252. II economy, air, AM/F.M MAPLE HUTCH. $125. Ma. used with blue or gold, shoes, misc. h 0 use h 0 I d FURNITURE refinishecl re. cc cnt condition. 882-6283. pie bookcase, $40_ Genuine $125. 881-6908. items, 10-5 Thursdav-Satur. go1

... ------~---~--~-~------~-~-~~--~~~~---~--~ .~.. .< ...... --~- --- ~ ~ ~ ------._- -- -- ~ - -- -- Thursday, May II, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Seven l1-CARS FOR SALE l1-tARS FOR SALE l1B-CAItS WANTED 11G-MOBILE HOMES 13-REAL ESTATE I3-RIAL ESTATE 1kREAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE TO BUY FOR SALE PONTIAC '72 Grand Safari 1977 CUTLASS Supreme-4 1974 24 foot Concord Motor FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE - Dark green, V-8, air, door, Excellent car, low VOLKSWAGENS Home - Like new, extras, OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 GROSSE POINTE PARK ROCHESTER power, AM/FM, tinted milage, air, am/fm radio. sleeps eight, $11,000. 881- ROCHESTER Cape Cod on Audubon be. Don't miss this 3 bedroom CUSTOM. BUILT 4-bedroom Custom built ranch. 1 acre glass, rack, radials. Many $5,050. 882.3617. WANTED 2114. tween Mack and Warren. aluminum bungalow, con. ranch. P r i vat e, secluded wooded and private. 1949. new parts. Best offer over Highest Prices Paid 5 bedrooms, living room veniently located n ear 1.6 a c res in prestigious 1977 CORDOBA - LOADED 12B-VACATION Ask for Carlene McKechie $995. 962.0674, Apt. 712 WOOD MOTORS V.W. with fir e pia c e, dining shopping and transporta. area. C a II Carlene Mc. for appointment, mornings 5,500 MILES - $5,000 PROPERTY 1-651.3910. Gerards, Inc., Gratiot at B Mile 372.2600 room, built.in appliances, tion. Extras include nat. Kechnie 651.3910. Girardot or leave message at desk. 881.1480 Realtor. 1-651-5005. MOBIL HOME - 10x55, ca. breakfast room, screened ural fireplace, gas heat and Inc. Realtors 651-5005. WILL BUY your AMC Jeep porch, natural fireplace in garage. $23,900. TWO BEDROOM bungalow. 1974 NOVA Custom V-8, au. CONTINENTAL, 19774 door, bana, summer lake lot, ALLARD AVENUE, Grosse or car. Call Art. 885-8000. basement. 884-6896. Rec room, new gas furnace tomatic, air conditioning, gray. 12 factory options, Lakeport. Also trailer, 8x HELEN BROWN Pointe Woods. 3 bedroom Grosse Pointe AMC.Jeep with central air, family power s tee r i n g, power Ziebart, alarm, clean, $8,- 35. Both 2 bedrooms, full brick colonial. New alumi. 743 BERKSHIRE - English REALTOR 939-4800 room, aluminum.dad win. brakes, 30,000 miles. 886. 450. 644.2593. USED VW Beetle, automatic, baths, rent or sale. 884. num gutters and trim, I1h Tudor - Open Sunday 2-5. dows and trim. Two car ga- 8943 after 4. 1974 or newer. 881.2893. 3736. This house features 4 bed. BY OWNER - Condo unit, baUI. Professionally decor- CUTLASS SUPREME-Vinyl Cadieux near Warren. 1 ated with new carpeting rage with electric opener. 1974 MUSTANG II Ghia - WANTED -19"7torl972 12C-FARMS FOR SALE rooms, 3 full baths, two roof, 1973, power steering, large bedroom, air condi. throughout. Fireplace, new Price mid.forties. No ago Automatic, 4 cylinder, rear Oldsmobile, 9 passenger, half baths, sun room plus ents. By appointment. 884- power brakes, air, low TENNESSEE INVESTMENT family room, large living tioning, carpeting, freshly kitchen with solarium floor window defogger, 27,000 Vista Cruiser Stationwagon. 0632. mileage. 884-5182. Will pay top dollar for ex. 260 acres, fast growing room and formal dining painted, new light fixtures, and finished basement. 21h miles. 824-4260 or 775-4119. stove, refrigerator. garbage cellent condition. 886-4955. Barkley Lake area. Paved room. Mutschler kitchen car garage. Really sharp. disposal, roo m y closets, 2 - BEDROOM i n com e in 1974 MONTE CARLO Lan- 1973 CHEVELLE Malibu. road frontage. Tim b e r, and breakfast room with Buyers only. $59,900. 886- STOP,'nO'N;f Junkth~t-'car near several churches. Call Grosse Pointe Park, high dau, Grosse pte car, well Good condition, 307 en. good hunting, year round sliding glass door to raised 2088. By appointment. or truck.' Call Bill for esti. TU 4-4107 after 12:00 noon. 30's. 822.3363. cared for, excellent condi. gine, no rust, 55,000 miles, spring and well. $295 an wooden deck patio with $11,000. 821-4010. mate. 885.2221. acre. 779-5235. tion. Full power, 52,000 double gas grill. 2 car at- CONDO - BY owner near HARPER WOODS NOW OFFERED for below miles. 886.1135. tached garage. Call for ap- appraised value, sup e r 1973 CAPRI-6 cylinder, AM. 11 C-BOATS AND 12D-LAKE AND Lakeside Mall. 2-bedroom Spacious 2 bedroom, llh bath MOTORS pointment. 1-652-1348. townhouses, professionally custom brick ranch on 100 c I e an, 3 bedrooms, I1J2 MARK IV - '74, like new, FM, sun roof, Ziebart. RIVER PROPERTY decorated, central air, all baths, full basement, fire- low mileage. $4,475. Load. very good condition, one ft. x 170 ft. lot. Extra large 1964 40 HORSEPOWER Evin. INVESTMENT appliances i n c Iud e d, as- place, 2-ear garage, $21,- ed, tape. 886-6766. owner, sharp, $1,650. Serio ALGONAC Summer home finished rec-room with fire. rude with an alternator. sum a b I e mortgage. 286. 400. All terms. Chamber. ous. Call 882.7908 or 773. with boat house on ship- OPPORTUNITY place in basement. Large $225.49. Call 8 a.m .. 2 p.m. 2864. lain Realty. 751-2200. 1972 CATALINA, 4 door, au- 7477. ping channel, finest view GRATIOT BETWEEN paneled family room with tomatic, air, power brakes, Ask for Tom. 884-6073. on Island. Large lot,S bed. 9 and 10 MILE brick wall fireplace, elec- GRAYLING - AU SABLE power steering, AM/FM. rooms, 2 baths, fireplace, 689 PEACHTREE - 3-bed- , tronic air £ilter, 2',,, car at. 1970 OLDSMOBILE 2 door, 8' FIBERGLASS Dinghy. 4 commercial 3 apartments. HILLS, 10 rolling acres, Clean. $1,050. 884.3140. enclosed porch, furnished, room, 21h bath, I a r g e tached garage. Much stor- runs like new, looks like Good condition. $80. 882. All leased. $26,500 to as. 1977 energy efficient, cus- all utilities. Private 45 foot sume $45,000 mortgage of family room, 2 fireplaces. age space. No brokers. 371. '75 FIAT XI/9, low miles, new, $800. 881.3221. 0215. $98,500. 882-1943. tom, 4-bedroom, 2-story, 2- dock. $51,500 firm. 343. 7% with (22%) $5,900 net 1954. bath home. 36x36 garage, Al\I/FlIf cassette, PireIlis, 1974 CADILLAC Sedan de NOVA CLASSIC 25 ft., 1974, 0959 or 961-1666. return on investment. Call mechanically sound, excep. 2.BEDROOM home located at county road, school bus, Ville. Comple1e power, 245 OMC. Immaculate con. before 8:30 a.m. or after 1799 Anita. 881-9564. Open 1st OFFERING tionally maintained. Ask. IDEAL year.round vacation ST. CLAIR SHORES Au Sable river access. $99," AM/FM stereo tape deck, dition, full canvas, swim 5 p.m. 776-0403. Sunday 2.5. 000. Cal Don, (517) 348- ing $3,000. 823.3778. or retirement home on 20619 Gaukler_ 2 bedroom low mileage. Excellent con. platform, $8,900. Call be- 5660 or (313) 725-7368. Mus keg 0 n River near GROSSE POINTE SHORES GROSSE POINTE Lakepoint asbestos ranch with natural '71 OLDS 98, 4 door, air, dition, $4,300. 823-4264 tween 10 and 5 p.m. 474- Evart. Rustic beamed ceil. Spacious 4 bedroom 3~ bath -Handy mans special - 2 fireplace, formal dining power windows, seats. $675. evenings, 224.5239 days. 6750. 379 NEFF RD. - lh of dup- ing, Franklin stove, many ranch. Lib r a r y, family houses on one lot. Gas heat room, first floor laundry, 884.8723. . room, living room, dining lex, 3.bedroom, Ilh bath, 1978 FIREBIRDV-6, auto., SAILBOAT winches and han- extras, 3 hours from De- in both. A real money 80x110 lot. $31,800. 2.car garage. $55,000. . dles, brand new, cheap. troit. $28,500. 881-6268. room, kitchen and mud maker. To be sold as it. .970 MAVERICK, new tires, AM.FM stereo, tape, 9,600 room. Beautifully carpet. 886-1190 CRANE REALTY - 884-0700 884-2268 or 881-6842. $18,900. Terms. new battery, vinyl top, re- miles. Like new. Call fJr FA WN ISLAND, S1. Clair ed, drllped and landscaped. cent brakes, and tune up, details after 6 p.m. or SLICKCRAFT, 28' 1970, River, 70x175 foot on 50 Builders own home. Many GROSSE POINTE Maryland some rust, 52,000 miles. weekend, 886-7013. $4,750. loaded, mint condition, low foot canal, sea wall, water, more unique features. Ap- -5-5 flat, modem kitch. $300. 885.7754 - 881-4705. electricity. 885-8726. pointment only. 886-1339. ens and bath, 2 furnaces, KATHRYN '75 CADILLAC Coupe de hours. Days-554-3480 af- ter 6 689-7751. 2 car garage. Very sharp. '77 DELTA 88 Royale, load- Ville, 29,230 miles, fully LAKE MICHA YWE n ear HOMEOWNERS INSUR- Only $27,900. ed, 13,000 miles, excellent equipped, one owner. TU Gaylord - Wooded golf of the POINTES 1967 35 FT. CRIS CRAFT ANCE Policy for your elos- GROSSE POINTE PARK - condition. 886-1859. course lot No. 1074 Year 2-8253. Corinthian twiri 210's, ful- ing. Call Chesney Insur. Single, 6 rooms, modern EXPERI ENCED SERVICE IN 'round recreation. After 6 ance Agency. 884-5337 for ly equipped. Extras. $14,' kitchen, bath, carpeting, 1970 CADILLAC Convertible, COLLECTORS ITEM - 1966 p.m. 338-2661. your quotation. CONDUCTING $1,100. 1969 VW converti. 500. 774-1176. fireplace. Price reduced. Corvair Monza - model , HOUSEHOLD MOVING AND ESTATE SALES ble, $300. or offer. 881- 110. One. owner. Yellow, GAYLORD - Guthrie Lake GROSSE POINTE WOODS- Only $18,500. Terms. 20' PACES HIP, sleeps 2, 3334. 54,000 miles, power steer- 2 adjacent lake lots, 100' 3 bedrooms, llh bat h, BUSINESS IS STILL GOOD FREE CONSULTATJON equipped, clean, $2,700. each on beautiful spring brick ranch. Formal dining ing, radio. 885.3244. WE CAN SELL YOUR 776-2196 ANYTIME: 1976 MAVERICK, automatic 774-9115 or 777-6058. fed lake. Paved roads room, 10'xlS' kitchen, cen. HOME transmission, power steer- If no answer please call after 5 p.m. 1977 CAPRICE Coupe, Motor Area clubhouse with in- tral air, jalousie porch, fin. CALL US NOW FOR A ::ag/brakes, air, AM/FM, 1961 CHRIS CRAFT, 32 foot Trend's ideal Spec's, load: door/outdoor heated pool ished basement, near _ QUICK SALE new tires, brakes, battery, Connie Hard.top. Fully ed. 882-4599. Swimming, fishing, hunt- schools, Star of the Sea undercoated. $2,800. 884- Found. Twin 185 H.P. en- ing, skiing, snowmobiling parish. Many extras. No CROWN VA 1-6500 7125 after 5 p.m. '73 PINTO Wagon, new gines overhauled and Call 882-6823. Brokers. 884-3464. TOM McDONALD & SON 67 OXFORD RD. Michelein tires, brakes, clutches replaced. $10,900. '77 BLAZER - Cheyenne shocks, muffler. Call 774- 259'()440 days, 861.2191 af. GROSSE POINTE SHORES package, plow, excellent ter 6 p.m. ST. CLAIR 695 LINCOLN condition; $7,500. 6823. SpaciOl's farm colonial home Well maintained family bome - 4 bedrooms, 21h 7 Bedrooms Luxury house. Large Landscaped Garden. 1974 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 24 FT. SEARA Y - 1969. on 170 feet of the St. Clair '75 MUSTANG II Hatchback baths, panelled family room, kitehen with built. Air conditioned. Many extras. By appointment only. custom paint, sunroof, real 4 cylinder automatic, red Twins, trailer, well equip. River. Four separate in ins. Recently decorated. dean. $1,900. 824-6565 ask with, black interior, 19,000 ped. $6,500. 755-9005. com~ dwellings are situ. for Roger. ated on the property. En. OWNER 885-1639 LAFAYETTE 846-0052 miles. $2,300. After 5 p.m. BARGAIN - Transferred, 885-6585. joy water front living SUNDAY 1-4 P.M. 1975 CORDOBA, air, stereo, must sell fiberglass boat, rental income and tax ad very clean, new tires, much all controls, 1976 Mercury, MONDAY.FRIDAY 9-5 1972 CHEVROLET Sedan, vantages all in one paCk: I more. 526.()639 after 3 p.m. 115 H.P. Shoreline trailer. age. $139,000. . No Brokers Please automatic, V-8, power, AMI HOMEOWNER INSURANCE $2,500. 771-5143. Charming two story home l '75 DODGE VAN, B.l00, ex- FM. $625. 527-7470. May I offer you a and coverage quotation for situated on 80 x 600 foot cost cellent condition. 771-4439. your new home. Policies prepared.in time f{:r CA7Al,J:ARAN - 16' prin- lot fronting on the St. 1970 FORD Torino F'alcon, your closing! .'7fL t,.TP, .~ DOOR. power, oJ:l,ginal owner, $225. 886- dle (sail #326) "With Trail- Clair- River, ,Steel sea wall, . . .air,. AM/FMi $2,000. :.885- 8199. lex trailer. ~celle/lt con- ~ound' bo'at doclC''With cov. 884-5337 640 UNIVERSITY dition. $2,200. 885-4710. 1897. .' , ,\,1' . ered well and noist. 'Beau DAVID J. CHESNEY '66' D'bDGE - Good brakes OPEN HOUSE 21' LUGER sailboat 1971, ex- tifully landscaped grounds, H,I-I GRAND TORINO, all and rubber. Best offer. private settinj{. $91,500. CHESNEY INSURANCE AGENCY power, air conditioning, 881-4897. cellent condition. well WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY 4 - 7 equipped, fully prepped, Several choice building lots 20225 MACK mag wheels. Excellent con. in the St. Clair area. Wide 1968 PLYMOUTH Fury II- ready to sail. 886-6794 or Policies Quoted with Must be seen to be appreciated. All new kitchen, dition. 881-4288. range of prices and sizes Automatic, good transporta. 928.1968. Citizens Insurance Co. of America bath and carpeting. Large spacious rooms, 4 !\l1!.RCEDES, 1972, 280 SEt tion. $500. 2!M-2848. MAC GLASHAN bedrooms, 2~ baths, also breakfast room, 4.5, loaded, leather. J;lest '71 WINDSLIGHT, used one screened porch, ree room with fireplace, $89,000. 1976 MERCURY Monarch, summer, like new, $250 or COMPANY offer over $6,000. Eve- Across from St. Clair Inn nings, 886-1224. white, 4 door, AM/FM best offer. 773-2329 or 771- 882.5467 stereo. heater, power steer- 3065 begore 3. 329.2294 19773,4 MUSTANG Cobra II, ing/brakes, air, rear de. power s tee r i n g, power .froster, 12,000 mil e s. 17.FOOT Lynman 45 horse 12E-COMMERCIAL WANTED brakes, stereo, V-6, 4 $3,700. Call after 4 p.m. power Chrysler. Good con. PROPERTY dition, $475. 886-ii746. by speed. Must sell. $4,675 or 779-3711. GROSSE POINTE commer. best offer. 527-0441. 1977 SPORT CRUISER 19. cial property, 6 units, in. 1m OLDS Omega Brougham foot 105 outboard with cluding store. Apprmu- 1973 CHEVY Impala, 4 door 4 door, power. steering, DuMouchelle's Grosse Pointe Real Estate trailer, $4,900. 777.1475 mately 45 x 100 with park. hardtop, loaded, l-owner, AM/FM. 772.3349. steel tires. $950. 1958 weekends after 6 p.m. ing. A money maker. Land Oriental Rugs • Antiques • Fine Paintings • Jewelry '76 GRAND PRIX - Loaded, contract terms. • Fine Furniture • Crystal • Sterling • China co. '.' ..,:~ Chevy Impala, low mile- llD-BOAT REPAIR "tC'm,attached garage. you'll have to see to believe. $185,000. 882-0087 steering/brakes. tilt wheel, ------__ Sea wall and sanely beach. Gorgeous vicw on the cruise control AM.FM cas. 1975 TRIUMPH Spitfire. 27,' ' South Channel, Wat('h the ships go by. Land con. sette stereo, 'undercoated. 000 miles. $2,795. 882'()898. : tract availal>l~. $86.900. For Appointment Grosse Pointe Real Estate $5,600. 886-8548. '73 GREMLlN.X air AMI i ------"I REAL ESTATE ONE 881-8718 co. '74 PLYMOUTH Wagon - I FM, automatic, new snow: Loa d c d, 9 passenger. I tires, 4,800 miles, ver~': 1.794-9393 Thc Community Builders $1,800. 885.8758. clean. $/,195. 882-3151. i r-'

I I GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May II, 1978 Page Twenty-Eight -----'----- 21G-ROOFING 21.I-PAINTING, Zl.I-PAINTING 210-CEMENT AND 13-REAL ESTATE r J6-PETS fOR SALE 121C-:t:~lcRJCAL 210-eEMENT AND SERVICE DECORATING _ DECORATING BRICK WORK BRICK WORK FOR SALE FREE TO GOOD HOMES I ------Mixed Collie puppies. 6 AIR CON D I T ION E R S, ALL ROOFS MIKE'S PAINTING CHAMPION PAINTING -R~-L.'~-STR-EMERSCH BRICl\. REPAIRS. W 0 r k CENTER ENTRANCE Colo-' weeks. 775.8081. Stoves, Dryers, Doorbells, Interior, exterIor, wallpaper- Interior - Exterior guaranteed. Porches, chim- ing, minor repairs, patch- CEMENT CONTRACTOR nial S oxford Rd. 3 bed. d Service Increased, Viola . ALUMINUM Free Estimates Cement neys, sidewalks, basement l , s . 21h baths paneled HANDSOME CAT nee s tions Corrected, Genera GUTTERS ing, plastering. Free esti. James R. Champion Brickwork teaks and cracks. Tuck room, , I b home, is lonely. Call after Wiring. Reasonable. Small NEW and REPAIR mates. Reasonable and hon. 884.8938 rec. room. For ~a e Y 8 823-6078 No charge. Jobs Welcome. Sentry Elec- Basement Waterproofing Pointing. Free estimate. Owner. By appomtment p.m. tric. 331.6950. All work Gutters Cleaned est. References. Call any. Tuck Pointing 779.4245. only. TU 4.()771. SWEET gentle good natured guaranteed. Slate Repair time. European. GROSSE PO INTE Free Estimates ------housebroken 2.year.old Jack D. Totty 758-2846 GRAZIO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS SPECIAL ON SMALL Cement driveways, floors, OPEN SUNDAY 1.4 male Doberman Pincher, Free Estimates 885.6026 CUSTOM PAINTING AND GR~SSE POINTE'S ONLY 720 NEFF RD., G r 0 sse Loves children. FREE to WHITEY'S JOBS AND REPAIR patios of any des i g n , PROFESSIONAL gutter servo WALLPAPERING Pointe, cheerful 3-bedroom only the kindest home. • Wall Papering EXPERT ANTIQUING WORK porches. new steps, old Colonial, beautiful wood- 821-5888. HOOVER ice. Reasonable. Reliable. • Interior Painting 886.1541 886.8541 garages raised and reo work and floors. 2 fire- 95: and up per foot. I do • Reasonable Prices 885-8155 ------paired, new garage doors, FACTORY AUTHORIZED FREE ESTIMATES places, large lot. Priced in PURE WHITE g e n u i n e my own work. • Good Work LUIGI F. new garages custom built, SERVICE INSURED the 50's. 884.6207. Shepherd puppies. Puppy ~ Cal1- no job too small Licensed and insured. POINTE VACUUM JOHN WILLIAMS Michael Satmary Jr. CEMENT CO. ------=-~=I shots, wormed, removal of FREE PICKUP AND 885-5813 526-9987 774-3020 772- 1771 HARVARD 4410. Detroit's dewclaws. Parents are ex. PAINTING professional. In. Specialists in residential DELIVERY ALL TYPE brick, stone, fin est area. 3.bedroom cellent ground dogs. Call terior and exterior. Fritch work, garages raised, drive. NEW REBUILT PARTS ROOFS and DECKS GROSSE PO INTE block, concrete, driveways, brick colonial. Den extra's. 777-2120 after 6 p.m. GUTIERS AND Bros. Free estimates. Call ways. patios. sidewalks, $31,500 assumes 63~% , porches and patios, water. TU 1-0700 DOWN SPOUTS PAINTERS, INC. 882.2649. porches and steps. Brick proofing, new and repairs. mortgage. 882.9569. 5 BEAUTIFUL healthy kit. I 21002 MACK Gutters cleaned and flushed Painting interior • exterior, repair. paperhanging and panel. DeSender. 822.1201. ------tens free to a good home. New and Rrpair Work 21J-WAlL WASHING . 294-6449 ANNE PARKER, TU 4.~15 Call evenings. 773-0950. HARBOR ELECTRIC Licen~ed avd Insured ing. Free estimates cheer- BRICK WORK offers a 5/5 on Neff .w.lth I =-=-::-:-::: K . MAINTENANCE Com. Violations Corrected ADVANCE M \INTENANCE fully given. BRICK BLOCK NEW TUCK POINTING unusually gracious hVlng 20-GENERAL SERVICE 882.9234 pany, wall washing, floor areas. Fireplaces, extras" FREE ESTIMATES 884.9512 cleaning and waxing. Free OR REPAIRS PORCHES AND CHIMNEYS REBUILT certified. Firm but terms. REPAIR NOW on East side. ROOFING and repairs. Alu. PROF'ESSIONAL Floor Sand. estimates. 882.0688. 882-9420 ing and finishing. Special. 25 YEARS IN AND REPAIRED ------I Old clocks, music boxe~, Licensed and insured con. minum trim and aluminum ---- izing in dark staining. SHORES Maintenance. Wall POINTES Advance Maintenance CAN'T FIND II' hat you I pump organs, player pl. tractor, residential, com. gutters. Free estimates. washing, special machine 884.9512 want? B u i I d your own anos, phonographs. ~nd "Supply own power." Call BOB DeMEYER mercial and industrial. Call Bob or Doug. 526- washed. Also carpet clean- home. Vacant 40' lot. Haw- slot machines includmg for free estimate. W. Abra- 0666 - 371.1971. ing. Also painting. Free VA 4-0193 thorne West Mack. Cash. restoration. Experienced 21 E-STORMS ANP ham, 979-3502. CHAS. F. JEFFREY estimates. 778.0164. MASON CONTRACTOR Kilcline Realty, 886.5595 workmanship. Call 884. SCREENS HEDEMARK ROOFING CO. LICENSED. INSURED GARAGE - GARAGE FIREMAN will do window R. R. CODDENS or 885-6134. 8987. REPAIRS - RE.ROOFING • Brick • Block • Stone EASTVIEW Two car garage, oil or latex and wall washing. 821.2984. Specializing in Hot Tar base paints, $149.95. Caulk- Cement Contractor • Cement Work SELLING YOUR • PLUl\mING Family Business for 52 Years ALUMINUM, INC. Insured ing. puttying and all prep A-I WALL WASHING. By • Waterproofing OWN HOME • PLASTERING • New and repair work 15UilO Houston.Whittier 839-8505 work included. Mitchell hand. Free estimates. Also • Tuck Pointing Call 881-2044 today to find • PAINTING LICENSED • INSURED • No job too small • Patios of any kind out about the services pro- A-M Painting Co. Monday. lawn care. 778-3342. ., • CARPENTRY ALCOA PRODUCTS 21H-CARPET • Driveways and porches PORCHES A SPECIALTY" vided by the Grosse pointe • MASONRY Storms, Screens, Siding, Roof_ Friday, 8:30.5:30. 881.5105., 21 K-WI N DOW our specialty 882.1800 "House for Sale" newslet. CLEANING • VIOLATIONS ing, Awnings, White seam. • Patios ter. Join the dozens of I NICK KAROUTSOS WASHING CORRECTED less gutters, Vinyl storm • Chimneys CEMENT WORK G.P. homesellers who have K-CARPET • NOTHING TOO ~tALL d 0 0 r s, windows, siding, Contractor WINDOW CLEANING. Carl, • Waterproofing Palios, Porches, Sidewalks, used our successful adver. CLEANING Painting 'and Decorating after 6:30 p.m. 886-5203. • Violations Repaired Driveways. G e n era Ire. tising plan. Flat fee $35.00. GUY DE BOER I Wrought Iron, Porch en. Interior - Exterior COMPANY CALL ANY TIME pairs. No job too big or Call before May 12 to be 776.3708' 885-4624, closures. 885.3594 K.WINDOW Cleaning Com. too small. Call John 372. part of next issue. 5IEL REPAIRS those small storm and screen. 839-4311, •... at affordable prices C- THRU WINDOW 882.1800 things around the house 521.5810. 882.0688 Free estimates. 881'()505. Mack. 871-1622. FLOOR SANDING. All fin- CLEAN ING CO. Basemen f 'Yia terproofing now. Call 882-1649 - 838. • BALLANTYNE deep steam; ishes. dark staining our Wall Washing and Gutter Underpin footings FOR SALE by owner, 156 4092. 21F-HOME Cleaning HAROLD • Cracked or caved,in walls IMPROVEMENT also chairs and couches, specialty, 3rd generation. Ridgemont. Extremely at. 293-0362 CHAUVIN • References tractive and unusual 4-bed- reasonable rates. 17901 E. Licenses. '371-D830. 20A-CARPET LAYING FOR REPAIRS to almost CEMENT CONTRACTOR Licensed Insurt!d room home, large living I Warren. 882.5076. A-QK Window Cleaners. Ser. anything a r 0 u n d your SUMMER'S COMING, so call ALL TYPE OF room, and dining room. N vice on storms and screens. CARPET LAYl G home call Sy at 882.6417 CARPET Cleaning, 10c sq. The Painting Brothers. In- CEMENT WORK J. W. KLEINER Many extras. Call owner, NEW AND OLD Free estimates. Monthly foot. $30 minimum, couch, terior, Exterior. 8 year's Basement Waterproofing 886-6235. Stairs Carpeted Shifted or 884-1753. rates. 52]-2459. • Walks • Drives • Porches $30, chairs $15, velvets, - experience. Reasonable - • Patios • Waterproofing All Work Guaranteed Repairs of All Types HANDYMAN. 526-8462. Fin- whites. bleeders, couches Free Estimates. After 6:00 LICENSED 2-TO-3 BEDROOM aluminum G.OLMIN • Pre. Cast Steps ALSO ished carpentry, formica $35, chairs $17, love seat Rick - 521-7730, Tom - home, enclosed side porch. WINDOW CLEANING • Tuck Pointing TU 2-0717 CARPETING, VINYL, kitchen and baths, paint. $30. 778.1680. 52~.2552. Basement, 2 - car garage SERVICE • Chimncy Repair HARDWOOD ing and papering. General No job too small. CODDENS On Neff Rd. in Detroit Samples Shown in home repair. Quality. Hon- 21-I-PAINTING. INTERIORS by Don and FREE ESTIMATES $19,500. By owner. 882 WE ARE INSURED Free Estimates. CONSTRUCTION Your Home I est work. DECORATING Lynn - husband - wife Licensed 6075. BOB TRUDEL ESTABLISHED 1924 team. Paintihg, wallpaper 372-3022 17 Years in Pointe. 294-5896 M J. K. MAINTENANCE QUALITY PAINTING ing. 20 years experience. All types of basement water- BRICK 5/4 INCOME, 21h 779-8427 882.1473 proofing. 7 years guaran- ! and home improvements. SERVICE Perfectionists. 527-5560. WINDOW WASHING .and garage, s 0 m e furniture 20C-CHIMNEY AND Set your worrys aside, con. I tee. References. 886-5565. INTERIOR- gutters c 1e a n e d. FIrm. PORCHES, patios, new or re Nottingham in Detroit 881 FIREPLACE tact us to do all your main- INTERIOR and exterior - Priced by phone. Reason- built, tuck pointing, brick- 1089. REPAIR tenance needs for home or EXTERIOR painting and paper hang 21Q-PlASTER WORK. able. Satisfaction guaran. replacement, c a u 1kin g business. Painting, plumb- 20 years professional ing. Reasonable rates, 30 , teed. 886-9649. joint sealcr with Hi-Tex SPEl"'1ALIZING in repairs 1205 CADIEUX. G r 0 sse NOW'S THE TiME to rid ing, car pen try, light experience years experience. Ray Bar , Pointe Park, 2-bedroom, 1 fo!, 18 years. Cracks elimi- your chimne~ of highly amounts of electrical and MATT FLETCHER nowsky. 371-2384 after G chimney repair and rebuilt , bath, Ph-car at t a c h e d 21 N-ASPHAL T WORK ,basement waterpfoofin nated. Clean. Jim Blal;k- flammable soot and creo- more. Interior and exter. 4151 Buckingham TU 6-6102 p.m. g garage, finished breezeway , well. VA 1.7051. sote .t\~pp~t~._J:or ~t:event~ iol'.'. 885.1839 •. ' ......


a 7 72 OOs 0 SO $ Thursday. May II. 1978 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Page Twenty-Nine 215-CARPENTER2-1Z---U-N-D-.S.....C-A-P-IN-G------SERVICE Check Dates For Freshness ULS Retains Net Crown Cottage Given AHA Award F-RAN--K-»-.-W-I-L-U-A-M-S-,-u-. POINTER If h 'b --sl---"G-r-ou-nd beef "and chl'cken M' h" be----d-d-l d' h f'ts -t'-'---f --t-' f )'Ou aven teen u ng IC Igan s num r one an E se For WIt three Because 0 I can lDulngI OMnaIon program or more censed builder. Specializ- LANDSCAPING the reeommended last date should be used within two ranked high school tennisl and Lapeer High School efforts toward containing than 10 years. It is one of ing i~ home Up-dj ating ~nd of sale marked on many food days after purchase," Zeh- team, the Universi~y Uggett finished last with one point. costs and monitoring pro. 3,000 health care institutions aU mmor or ma or repaIrs. • Sprl'ng Clean Up k be ner sa"s. "If not, they should School (ULS) K ght c d t"t C tt H't 1 h' h rt" t . th pr k d 1 pac ages, you may over. J , ,Dl . S, su: Liggett had seven individ. uc IVIy, 0 age aspI a w IC pa lClpa e 1D e 0- Sma e elector a arms in. • Thatching Iooking a valuable s1topping be frozen for later use." cessfully defended Its InvI- ual winners and Norlh and was recently awardel a Cer. gram of sharing cost and stalled, doors adjusted, • Fertilizing tool. Eggs, when properly reo tational Championship on South each had two. tificate of Recognition by the productivity data as a means bookshelves installed, pan. • Weekly Lawn Care In the past, shoppers had frigerated, will maintain qual- Saturday, May 6, by outscor- .. ., American Hospital Ass'n., of evaluating their own cost eling, new counter tops, • Bed Work no choice but to «amble on ity for two or three weeks ing seven Class A opponents. The mdlvldual wmners for (AHA), according to a news effectiveness. vanities. Code violations • Bushes Trimmed the freshness of prepackaged after the last date of sale. ULS were Paul Van Walleg- 1 f C tt corrected. For courteous • 10 Years EXr\Arience In matches played at the hem, Kris Robbins, Gar re ease rom 0 age. "The program provides the Z"~ perishable products. Opening "Bakery products have dif- expert assistance in im- • Sodding f d f t t' d d campus, 1045 Cook road, Knight, Jeff Logan, John "With so much emphasis type of data I require to u' your home I'n allY • LI'censed a package of spoiled 00 eren storage lmes, epen - ULS (a Cl D h 1) H t. H b H b . 1 d provlD.. h d bt . d . th du t A k ' ass sc 00, as mgs. er agermoser emg p ace On cost con. formulate management de- area, please call me at • Insured as no ou rume more Ing on e pro c. ca e scored 15 points compared and Tom Smith. tainment by hospitals, you .7776 • Free Estl'mates than one meal plan - and should be used in one to two to 11 b b th N rlh d cisions," says Mr. Wilgarde. 882 't d B d k t .y 0 0 ~n Indl'vl'dual win n e r s for sh.ould d.isplay this award Design and Construction more than one appetIe. ays. rea may eep wo South High Schools who tied . . With pride," J. Alexander "We not only receive infor- Our Specialty Now, however, the odds to 15 days, packaged cookies for second. Norlh High. were. Bdl Wal-j McMahon, AHA president, mation based on our internal R. BERARD CO, INC. that these foods will be fresh from two weeks to three d k d B 11 T S th CUSTOMCABINET MAKER are in the consumer's favor. months - depending on how The rest ~f the field fin-' H~ch' an. d.1 'd rllPP.. ou wrotte RtolChoLttagwe'lAdminis. operation but also are able DAV E BARLOW t d Carpentry Kitchens 885-1900 A new Michigan regulation airtight the package is." ished with Ann Arbor Pio- Ig s ID IVI ~a wmners ra or a p . I gar e. to participate in comparisons baths and recreation rooms. requires that prepackaged Consumers should be mind- neer with eight points, South were Todd SImonds and Cottage has participated I with other hospitals of the Licensed and insured. MICHEL PILORGET Land. meat, fish, seafood, poultry, ful also of the difference be. Lake with four, Dearborn Mike McBrearly. in the AHA management in. same size." 271-8683 scaping, complete service, eggs, bakery products and tween "expiration" dates and ------planting, custom built flag- other perishable foods not the "recommended last date ,...-:::: -~~~~:---::'---~------...... HARRY SMITH stone patios. 823-6662. BUILDING CO. mendedbe sold lastwithoutdatea ofrecom.sale of"Thesale." expiration date is GROSSE POINTE REALESTt\[E (}OARD Established in THREE C's marked clearly and conspic- more accurately called the Grosse Pointe Area Since 1931 uously on the package. suggested last day the prod. BUYING OR SELLING REAL ESTATE - MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE WITH A MEMBER Reaidential "nd Commercial LANDSCAPING Certain perishable products uct should be eaten," ex- 'G:r-=.=.". BROKER _ VISIT OR CALL HIM FOR PROMPT, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ~==~ Remodeling Commercial • Residential are exempt from the new reg- plains Zehner. It usually ~ A1te.'ations and Maintenance We are now estimating ulation. These include fresh appears' on nonrefrigerated New Construction spring work fruits and vegetables, frozen foods having a shelf1ife of lI85-39OO 885-7013• Spring Clean-Up foods and smoked fish. more than 90 days, such as • Fertilizing Program How does this recommend- cereals, cake and dessert FIRST OFFERING - 503 St. Clair, remodeled 1914 • Attics • Porch Enclosure, • Weekly Lawn Maintenance ed last date of sale help food mixes and baking powder. • Additions • Kitchens • Landscaping Design and HIGBIE MAXON" farm house, unspoiled natural woodwork and shoppers? According to Mich- Products with expiration hardwood floors. 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, large • Commercial Building. Construction igan State University food dates are usually marked 1ST OFFERONG - Harcourt - 2 family flat built in 1951. 2 bedrooms in each unit. Divided base- kitchen. Priced to sell at $49,900. JIM SUTTON This season we have expand. marketing specialist Mary "Best if used before (date)." 1677 Brys Drive ed our garden Maintenance Zehner, the date is to help Products with a last day ment with a separate furnace for each unit. 3 FIRST OFFERING - First floor bedrooms are so TU ,~ TV 2.2436 Department to maintain shoppers determine the fresh. of sale might read "Sell by car garage. Land contract terms. convenient and a mid forties price is so attrac- quality, price and especial- ness of products. (date)," "Sell before (date)," 1ST OFFERING - Spacious English Tudor on Bal- tive. This redecorated brick bungalow with QUALITY WORK by carpen- ly welcome additional cus- "But these dates are a "Recommended last date of aluminum trim may be just for you, ready for tomers. Sincerely, four Road. Library and Florida room. 4 bedrooms, ter with over 20 years ex, goide, not an assurance of sale (date)" ... or the date 2~ baths plus 2 maids rooms and baths. Forced immediate occupancy, could be a real problem perience in Grosse Pointe. OWNERS freshness," she says. "If alone may appear without an air heat. 2 car attached garage. $94,500. solver. ltitclleu remodeled, baa. products are not properly explanation. Gerald J. Christ and INCOME PROPERTY. Present owner occupant is mea.tI paneled, room addi. Clement A. Chargot handled through the market- "To protect both consumer RENAUD ROAD - Between Lake Shore and Morn. tions, etc. Conscientious. interested in a sale and lease back arrangement, 757-5330 ing channels or by the can. and retailer interests, if a ingside on 95x 220 lot, this lovely Southern Small jobs acceptable. 882- Colonial offers a library, a family room, a maids this opporlunity offers a good net return for the sumer, they may lose quality product is on the shelf be- serious investor. 1004. BLAKE'S and even spoil before the yond the recommended last room and 1~ baths on 1st floor. 4 bedrooms, 2 date on the package." date of sale and is not speci- baths on 2nd. Rec. room with lav. in basement. A NEWER FOUR BEDROOM COLONIAL NEAR CUSTOM LANDSCAP ING Zehner warns that a prod- ficalIy identified, shoppers 2 car attached garage with greenhouse. Hurry THE LAKE. 4 bedrooms, 3'h baths, kitchen with HOME REPAIR • Spring Clean-Up uct will remain fresh until should point it out to the before it's too late . built.in appliances, family room with wet bar, RemodeUng, repairs of any • Power Raking the last day of sale only if department manager," ad- central air conditioning, large double closets in kind, work alone, no job • Fertilizing WAYBURN - 2 family flat with separate basements the package is unopened. vises Zehner. and furnaces. 3 bedrooms in lower. 2 bedrooms all bedrooms. Call today to see t~ special house. too big or small, rotten • Lawn Cutting "Once a perishable prod. "If it appears that depart- window cords, window sills, • Shrub and Hedge in upper. Shows good return on investment or NEFF ROAD FLAT - FOR LEASE - Lower flat uct is opened, it will not stay ment personnel are not con. would be ideal for owner occupancy. Priced at jambs, doors, porches, Trimming on Neff, between 8t. Paul and Maumee. Three basements, attics. Call Bill, fresh any longer than usual. cerned about it or are not $33,500. • Sodding and Seeding If a package of luncheon doing anything about it, con- bedrooms, living room with natural fireplace, 889-6298. formal dining room, well planned kitchen with • Commercial and meat is opened February 1, sumers should check with the LAKE SHORE - Beautiful Colonial residence over- Residential for example, and the recom- t looking Lake Shore Road and the water on a dishwasher, disposal, refrigerator and stove. June LETQ super 135x 850 foot lot with pool and greenhouse. 1st occupancy. $475 month. BUILDING COMPANY mended last date of sale is s ore manager. 368-4610 "If The living room, the library, the dining room, the Sinee 1911 marked February 14, don't out-of-date merchandise Custom Blli1diDg assume it will remain fresh is a consistent problem which 2nd floor sitting room and 4 of the 5 bedrooms William R. McBrearty William G. Adlhoch until February 14." has already been reported overlook Lake Shore. Many other amenities. Call Family room. out ,pecill1ty. MELDRUM James P. Fabick Katherine H. Stephenson alteratiODS,kitdlens. It would be a tremendous to the store manager, con- for particulars. John D. Hoben, Jr. M. Lee Hennes TV %-3222 waste of food and dollars to sumers should file a com. WESTBURY, Saint Clair Shores - 3 bedroom, 1'h Julie Doelle LANDSCAPING prohibit retailers from sell- plaint in their district with "A Name in Landscaping bath ranch. Finished basement. Central air con- 21T-PLUMBING & lng products after the recom. the Food Inspection Division ditioning. Swimming pool. 2 car attached garage. HEATING For Over 50 Years" mended last day of sale, so of the Michigan Department BUSH AND BED CARE retailers may sell the foods of Agriculture," FOR PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE IN. SELLING ELECTRIC SEWER cleaning. GRADING SODDING _ as long as they are still ----- OR BUYING A GROSSE POINTE PROPERTY, No footage charge. Tele- PLANTING PATIOS wholesome and clearly iden. CALL OR STOP IN OUR OFFICE AND DISCUSS YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS WITH ONE OF phone price. 20 years of SPRING CLEAN UP t,ified by the retailer as A Complete Lawn GPT Members OUR FULL TIME SALES ASSOCIATES. experience. can Roemer products offered for sale af- Plumbing. TU 2-3150. Maintenance Service ter the recommended date B82'()287 882.7201 Pray in Canada has passed. . BOB DUBE Consumers may be able to mD~"t PLUMBING and HEATING Members of the Grosse SPRI NG CLEAN-UP get price breaks when food Pointe Theatre, -.iGPT), are J Licensed Master Plumber • Poiter raking lawns stores offer special prices on SEWER CLEANING, playing""leading TOles ,in the ~ ~"Malc"ing People 16&45 KERCHEVAL, in The Vmoge • Power rolling lawns products approaching or past Windsor, Ont.' Community SPRINKLER REPAIR, etc. • Pre emergencc crab grass and Howes • • • Groase Pointe Woods the last date of sale. The ate r' s presentation of .. 886-3897 control But before taking advan. ''No Sex PIease--We're Brit. With Imagination" 882-5200 • Lawn fertilizer program tase of such specials, shop- ish," a two.act play about a BIGBIE W.lUpport • Dormal foliage spraying pers should first consider newlywed couple that has its ALL PLUMBING • Quality lawn cutting :':n~.":;... 's 83 Kercheval NO SERVICE CHARGE when they plan to use the share of humorous situations. BlICf.A-THON FREE ESTIMATES ~R.,.. 886-3400 Small or larIe jobs, electric IlrGducts. Members of the cast are ---___Mml 5ync1rOme. sewer .cleaning. Private SHOREWOOD Aden Russell, who plays a plumber. Small home re- call girl, spilling the beans pairs. Electrical, carpentry, LANDSCAPING CO. State Rewards on Peter Brown, the banker ~IWIAn 313/889-0800 furnace cleaning. Reason. 773-282.8 boyfriend. Others in the play ~I 11'-'11'111" 100 Kercheval Good Students I~ ... ~.~ lie. Grosse Pointe Fanns. able. 886-3537. . are Lois Bendler, the mother, U ~...... Michigan 48236 LAWN Maintenance, experi • Cathy Diodati, the young LICENSED MASTER enced, knowledgeable and Seven Pointe high school wife, and Bill Clyne, the reliable. Call Tony for free seniors will be receiving young husband. PURDY & TOLES A FINE FIRST OFFERING PLUMBER estimates. 775-8189. FRANK R. WEIR $1,000 scholarships recog- All but Miss Diodati are DOUBLE OPPORTUNITY - Well located near This -classic center entrance Colonial could be the ROTO-SPADE your garden nizing their outsta~ding ~ca- GPT members. Another GPT Grosse Pointe - Storage frontage on Warren answer to your home hunting prayers. It offers TU 5-7711 S t u den t will rota-spade demic reco~s. thIS SP~1Dgmember in the cast is Jon Avenue with a spectacular 1 bedroom apartment 3 bedrooms, 2'h baths, a family room, 2 fireplaces, Steam, hot water, gas and oil your garden, up to 1,000 under the MIchIgan LeglSla- Hart and the play is directed above - has modem kitchen and bath - Living and an attached 2 car garage. It is a quality heal Garbage Disposals, square feet, $20. 823-1821 tive Merit Award Program. 1 by GPT member, Glenda room and dining area is sensational - Carpeting home built by Walter Mast, available immedi. Electric Sewer Cleaning. The award is based on the Morgan.Brown: and drapes included. ately. Don't hesitate, call today. HOT WATER HEATERS, PO INTE LIQU ID students' scores on the Amer- The play runs Friday and For the truly discriminating buyer, we are offering additional bathroom and FERTILIZING CO. ican College ~est .with~ut Saturday, May 12 to 13 and 'THE VILLAGE' - Location, location, location! Just fixture r e p I ace men t. • Pre-emergence crab grass regard to theIr fmanclal May 19 to 20 at 8:30 p.m. a four bedroom Colonial in one of the best loca- off Kercheval on Notre Dame - Has 90 front tions in the Farms. If you have ever longed to SPRINKLER .R E P A I R, needs. ., in Windsor. Tickets are $3 feet - Backs up to the N.B.D. Regional Qffice - VIOLATIONS corrected. control South .students ":IDDlng and $2.50 for students and have a fireplace in your master bedroom, this • Liquid lawn fertilizer scholarshIps were Lisa M. senior citizens with half price Plenty of 'off.street' parking - Remodeling build. home could satisfy that longing. If your family Since 1925 ing with 3 suites - 4 car garage. Personalized Service • Liquid weed control _ Colletti of Tro~bley road on opening night if a tea bag likes fireplaces it offers a handsome fireplace in 381 Kercheval, G. P. Farms • Dormant spray with ferti and Sara J. CartmIll o.fTo~r- is brought For ticket infor- the 'family room as well as the living room. The lizer for shrubs, ever ai.ne road. From Umverslty mation, cail Lois Bendler at GROSSE POINTE PARK - Offering a very nice 3 many extras are too numerous to mention but ELMER'S PLUMBING greens and trees. LIggett School, Mary M. Mc- 222-2380 bedroom, 1'h bath Colonial with a magnificent one telephone call will tell all. • Lawn cutting Brian of Colonial road was _. _ family room, 2 car attached garage, full base- & HEATING • Power raking chosen. ment and divided - AU for only $59,500.00 - If you've been wondering what to get mother on her TU 4-4422 • Power lawn rolling Others s e lee t e d were Oh! it's a newer house. day, here is a present she will never forget, and PLUMBING repairs, faucets • Power lawn airating Shawn P. Lakin of North Burglar Visits incident:y father and the family will also enjoy and fixtures replaced. Elec. FREE ESTIMATES Rosedale road, John P. Wil- the present of this home. Located a few. steps UNUSUAL BUILDING OPPORTUNITY - Extra from the lake, it is on one of the most popular tric sink cleaning. Licensed 886-4194 lison of Heather lane and Home in Park large vacant lot on Three Mile Drive in the Daniel P. Connors of Country streets in the Shores. You'll find this 4 bedroom Master Plumber. Work my COMPLETE lawn care. Pow. Park. 100x 250 ft. between Jefferson and St. self. TU 4-2824. Club road . A burglar or burglars en. Colonial in move in condition. One bedroom with er raking, lawn mainten Paul. Included in the sale is one of the finest bath is on the first floor. See the beautiful mag- tered the residence of the swimming pools in Grosse Pointe - Almost 21W-DRESSMAKING ance,' fertilizing, garden - Richard Parks of Balfour nolia tree in full bloom as you look out to the & TAILORING ing. Reasonable rates. Call Runners Raise road and escaped with two Olympic sized - Build your house around it - Jake. Unfortunately, this present can only be 778-6285. tel e vis ion sets, a small A dream! offered to one lucky mother. SEAMSTRESS- All ladies $600 for Trip amount of cash and some apparel. Mrs. S. Deeb. Call DAN'S dependable lawn serv GROSSE POINTE FARMS - Getting desperate? If you are looking for a smashing family room with ice. Commercial and resi . jewelry, accordin~ to are. after 4 p.m. 885-9373. !lort ma1e to ParI< police Super offering - Executive Colonial with much an attached farm Colonial, look no further. With dential. Low rates. 573 Forty-four youths from very little imagination, you will be able to picture DRESS MAKING and altera. Grosse Pointe Woods Presby- on Tuesday, April 25. to offer - Close to the Country Club of Detroit. 6062. 6 family bedrooms, 4 family baths, garden room your family sitting around the huge brick fire- tions. Reasonably priced. terian Church's Lea r n i n g Mrs. Parks told investi- place popping corn and laughing at winter. With 776-8920. TRIMMING, removal, spray . Center participated in the and family room (both with fireplaces) on the :rating officers that she left 1st floor (so's the utility room). Call for more the family room 'a1so included are 4 bedrooms, ing, feeding and stump re Montana Marathon Sunday, home at about 12:40 p.m. 21Z-LANDSCAPING movaI. F r e e estimates April 30, running 723 laps information - Too much for here - Priced at 3'h baths, a den, attached 2 car garage located 1 and returned at 1:30 p.m. to $250,000.00. near excellent schools in the Farms. Complete tree service. Ca around the perimeter of the find her gara~e door wide Fleming Tree Service. 774 church grounds in one hour, open. She said that before A pleasant home on Pleasant Street in St. Clair Free Fertilizing 6460. for a total of 72.3 miles. she left the h 0 use, the Clayton C. Purdy, Jr. C. Wallace Toles Shores. This 3 bedroom brick ranch offers a with every Power Raking THOMAS LANDSCAPING The Marathon raised $600 garage door wa,; shut. Suzanne Megowen Adelberg William E. Keane, Jr. family room with a natural fireplace. For sum. Company. Our tenth year in pledges which will be con. Mary F. Schlaff Ann W. Sales mer living it offers a patio with built in gas S&L lawn cutting, seeding, top tributed to the Senior High Entry into the house by Bar-B-Que. Even the price is pleasant. LANDSCAPING lressing, weeding and cuI Youth Forum of the church the intruder was made by Mary F. Ferber .Mary Alice Mite-hell tivating, ferlilizing, weed to support the Senior High's breakin~ the glass of a base- Lois M. Toles Julie B. Waterfall For a new lease on life - try this rental. Located Also control, trimming, plant - work-camp trip to the Black- ment window. A mailman on Trombley, this spacious 3 bedroom 2 bath ing. Our crew leaders have foot Indian Reservation in who made his del i v e r i e s upper flat also includes a family room. Adults • Lawn & Garden early in the day told police without young children or pets preferred. One Services more than 10 years exper- northwestern Montana. that when he placed letters ience. 881.()292. The Learning Center is year lease at $5OO/month. Security deposit and composed of youth in kinder. in the mailbox, everything -'1STm-U.S.A. references are required. 839-5061 LET THE GRASS ROOTS garten through sixth grade. was normal. 521-1011 breathe, for a better lawn The young people meet every Missing from th(' house, have it power raked. Free Sunday morning at 11 a.m. Mrs. Parks said. was a 19. MEMBER estimates. Also Roto Till for worship and informal inch and a 15.inch color National InstItute of Real E.tate Brokers 313/889-0800 Grosse Pointe Real Eslote Boord ~IWIAn your garden. 777-4754. Christian cducation explora. television set, bcsides thc Detro,t Soard of Realtors ~IIIVII'III" 100 Kercheval PATIOS ARE OUR tions. The program is di. money and the jewelry. NotlOnJI Assoc,ation of Realtor. I~ "'eAll~ II(. Grosse Pointe Farms. SUPERIOR rected by Pat Bakeman. U ~...... Michigan 48236 The matter was referred ONLY BUSI NESS! EXTERIORS CO. to officers of the detective Professional Lawn Care. 21Z-LANDSCAPING bureau for further investi. PURDY & TOLES ASK ABOUT OUR Complete Top Quality. Ilation. Landscaping. ROTOTILLING with a Troy ANTIQUED BRICK Reasonable Rates. built rototillcr. Call after ASSOCIATES, INC. 779~ 77~3338 3:30 or weekends. 52~2755. MINI RATIONS w. suppoot Turn To Next PATIO MAGIC TOM'S Grounds Mainten DEPENDABLE lawn service, The greatest objection to I ~tt REAL ESTATE ,... Gr . complete lawn care. Lawn I . Point. Joy . Ihc. ance seasonal lawn care the kitchenette seems to be 8IICf.A-THON Page For More shrubbery trimming and cut tin g and trimming. that there seldom is any., ~: 889-0500 fot R.,.•• 776.3338 779-6864 garden work done. Call Starling from $9 and up. thing but mealets prepared II 'J Syndrom •. after 6. Tom, 77Hl297. 778.0164. in them. ~ . Listings!

0 eM," .. _ rnn nn a 0 a t m nn- F 4 4 a a • 4 • : c 4


GROSSEPOINTE REAL ESTATE TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES CHAMPION ., (' ,'_,M w•• upport BOARD MEMBERS '~:o' lhe Groll. BY APPOINTMENT 'oint. Jay ... '. chweitze . , II KE.". t HON Purdy & Toles REAL ESTATE INC. \ for •• y.. Borland McBrearty, ~- \ Syndrom •. FIRST OFFERING ~ Realtors Wm. W. Queen Luxury Ranch - 25' Family room overlooks beautiful patio and back yard. This spacious 2 FIRST OFFERING - This beautiful custom built Wm. J. Champion Schweitzer bedroom Ranch also has library, spectacular home is located on one of the most sought after & Co. recreation room with fireplace and two car at. Open Sunday, 2.5 streets of Grosse Pointe, offering numerous lux- Real Estate; Inc. tached garage. ury features: Ideal floor plan. excellent for 807 ROSLYN. Very attractive two.bedroom Danaher, Boer, entertaining; exquisite sunken living room; dining Scully & FIRST OFFERING brick ranch with CENTRAL AIR, a lovely room; gracious family room with stone fireplace; Wilson and Stroh, Inc. 16681 Rossini. Detroit - Excellent condition - large screened terrace, newer furnace and large kitchen including all appliances and break- Hendrie; ~nc. roof. Priced in the moderate range. three bedroom Brick Bungalow. Living room with fast area; first floor bedroom and bath plus 5 R. G. Edgar & Shorewood natural fireplace. Large lot. enclosed porch, Walk 886-5800 ing generous rooms, gorgeous kitchen. library to shopping and transportation. Associates E. R. Brown 1458 HAMPTON. Roomy brick bungalow with appointment only. HARCOURT two large bedrooms and sitting room up- Goodman Pierce In~. Realty, Inc. stairs, generous bedroom on the first floor. FIRST OFFERING - UNIQUE CHARM AND PRI. Better than ",ew luxurious Two Family Flat. VACY are present in this custom built Cape Cod. Strongman, Built in 1954. Completely remodeled to perfec. There's also a family room. patio, nice kitchen and fenced yard. See this one An excellent Farms location is enhanced by a Higbie Moxon Kelly & Assoc. tion. A beautiful home to live in and a choice professionally landscaped lot. 4 bedrooms, a location for rentals. $130.000. Sunday! library plus a garden room. You will be impressed Johnstone & Tappan &.,:' ' 886-4200 with the decor and condition of this home. Call GROSSE POINTE PARK now for your personal appointment. Johnstone, Inc.. A'SSQCI~.~ ,.$, ' Wayburn - Two Family Flat - 5 and 5 - 1450 HAMPTON. Brick story.and.a.ha1f with three bedrooms, upstairs study, and a fam. McBrearty & Adlhoc,-'h ,'".;.,,'.',,{~if;.' Living room with alcove, Good investment. FIRST OFFERING - EXCELLENT LOCATION - , '. Youn '~ .,," Priced to sell at $24,900. ily room. with natural fireplace. Freshly I :f R

E.~, ~~ ~eatt,~ FIRST OFFERING

"WHERE SALES AND FRIENDS ARE MADE" 1414 BEDFORD - Located in Grosse Pointe Park, (TWO FIRST OFFERINGS) this center entrance Colonial features a newly OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 5 constructed 20 x 12.6 family room, an updated kitchen, living room with natural fireplace, first 31360 FAIRFIELD. WARREN - Where else but in floor bedroom or den, and a full bath. Upstairs Warren can you find a tri.level built in 1963 you will find 3 spacious bedrooms, generous featuring a large living room, 1 and Ih baths, 3 closets, and another full bath. Extra insulation good sized bedrooms, family room and Florida keeps heating bills to a minimum. There is also room. first floor laundry, new above ground a 2 car garage and a completely fenced yard. heated swimming pool, 2 and Vi car garage for Priced in the low 60's. only $54.000? Located in the 13 Mile - Schonherr GROSSE POINTE SHORES - Custom built Brick area. Ranch with 2 and 1flcar attached garage, walking 39106 CIRCLE DRIVE HARRISON TWP. - Situated distance to Star of the Sea. Features include on a double lot with 106' of water property is large slate foyer, 18x 25 living room, formal this immaculately decorated 2 l:iedroomsprawling dining room, large kitchen with all built ins, ranch built in 1963. This home features a large large family room with fireplace, two bedrooms, living room with two way fireplace to the kitchen and a library which could be the third bedroom. area where featured are built.in oven. range. Two full baths. Full basement with recreation center work island and also the refrigerator and room, bar and lavatory. All new carpeting. dishwasher stay. The family room measures 12x Central air. Call for your personal inspection, 14 overlooking the water. Master bedroom has its own private bath with stall shower. A two BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE car ~arage with electric door and best of all. 2052-54 VERNIER - 1st offering. A terrific invest. there is an assumable land contract at 8% avail- ment opportunity to own your own duplex in able. Call for more details on this lovely property. Grosse Pointe Woods. Both units consist of Attractively priced. living room, dining and kitchen, two bedrooms, full basement, central air conditioning, and have 432 MAmSON - Reduced to $52.000. This English a 1% car garage. One unit also has a family room. 1 and 1fl story is one of the few homes left in New gutters and new aluminum trim. Priced the low 50's. Consists of living room. formal dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms on first to sell. floor. a large bedroom on second floor, two full 22111-17 MARTER ROAD - 1st offering. Another Location - Charm - Value baths, full basement - one car garage. Good excellent investment opportunity in St. Clair ( Farms) assumption on this home. Payment of $350 per Shores, We offer this 2 bedroom duplex. Living month including taxes. room/dining room combination together with Rarely can one. find the ideal combioation of aU three. kitchen w/eating space, individual full basements, This outstanding custom-built, one owner home has a • BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE 2 and % car garages with separate drives. Newly total of 6 bedrooms, 4!h baths, library, garden room, decorated. For your inspection. 425 ROLAND, GROSSE POINTE FARMS - Now games room, etc .... even a master bedroom (24.6'x 14) • available lor immediate possession. This custom with fireplace. The perfect home for those who wish to built, center entrance Colonial features large live in one of those "One-of.a,Kind" homes. For the • living room w/nfp, formal dining room, break. fast room adjacent to kitchen. Three spacious SHOREWOOD serious buyer, call Borland'McBrearty, Realtors for bedrooms, 1 and Ih baths, panelled recreation further details and arrangements for a private showing room w/nfp, natural woodwork, marble sills, E. R. BROWN REALTY, INC. next week. carpet throughout, maintenance free brick wi aluminus trim, mint condition. Three car garage 20431 MACK AVENUE - see today. Mid seventies. 23331 S. COLONIAL CT., ST. CLAIR SHORES. GROSSE POINTE WOODS, Ml 48236 nothing else in its class available in this location GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE - a hard to find spacious 4 bedroom Colonial with first floor laundry room, central air, 2 car 886-8710 attached garage and covered patio. This home al~o features a family room with fireplace and a formal dining room, All this and more awaits Members of The Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board 395 FISHERROAD TU 6-3800 your inspection. MEMBERS OF GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE BOARD POiNTE Pege Tnirty-One

TRY THIS FOR SIZE BOARD MEMBERS George L. Palms One of the nicest two family apartments we have seen in many years. Large, spacious, sunny rooms. Borland McBrearty, Purdy & Toles 886-4444 Each Unit has two bedrooms 15x 16 and 13x 16, Realtors two bathrooms; 115x 22 Living room with fire. Wm. W. Queen National Association oC Independent Fee Appraisers place, 15x 16 Florida room, kitchen 14x 15, Wm. J. Champion Schweitzer Member Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board 15x 14 dining room and a three car detached A Family Business For Over A Century. garage. Large separate basement rooms. Making Dreams Reality & Co. Real Estate, 'nc.' Member National Home Relocations Service , HIGH ON A HILL Danaher, Baer, Scully & For Executive Transfers Situated on the only Hill in Grosse Pointe amidst a Wilson and Stroh, Inc. Hendrie, Inc. IBREALTOR' natural wooded setting that makes you feel you are in Northern Michigan woods. William Kess- R. G. Edgar & Shorewood ler, AlA, took brilliant advantage of the setting Associates E. R. Brown' for this elegant, custom-built contemporary. Every room has a view of woods or gardens. Goodman Pierce Inc. Realty, Inc. The Homes Listed The tri-leveillving area has a living room, dining Str,ongman, room, sitting room and music room. The master Higbie Maxon suite has a library with fireplace, study and Kelly & Assoc. On These -Pages walk-in dressing room. An atrium leads to the Johnstone & . guest or children's wing with 3 bedrooms and 2 Tappan & baths. There is a maid's bedroom and bath, large Johnstone, Inc. Represent Just Some activities room and first floor utility room. Associates Originally built at a cost considerably more than McBrea rty & Adf~och Of the Many Available the current offering price, the architect and Youngblood' . builder spared no expense in their meticulous 76 KERCHEVAL George Palms Reatty~ inc. " Through Member Brokers attention to detail. ABOVE MARGARET RICE " -/ NEW ENGLAND CHARM OPEN SUNDAY 2:30.5:00 885-7000 Members Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board 45 BEVERLY, In the FARMS, classic New England Colonial, complete with white picket fence sur. rounding a charming five bedroom home with three baths. There is a fireplace in the living .~ w. supper! '" .~ ,he 0-.. room and in the family room. This home also Point. Jayc .... features dining room, breakfast room, pantry and , r IlKI.A. THON ferbyel first floor uUlity room. Possession can be very . Synd_. soon. Priced at $125,000. Convenient location. ~

THREE GROSSE POINTE OFFICES TO SERVE YOU THE ULTIMATE IN CONDOMINIUM LIVING will be yours in this special 2 bedroom. 2 bath unit in a most desirable Grosse Pointe location. The outstanding accomodations include a 27.9x 17.3 living room with THE- LAKE IS THE BACKDROP for fireplace and parquet floor, den with wet bar, a large kitchen with all convenience built.ins - and your front yard and the view from most all magnificen~ly appointed throughout. Call today for exciting details. 881-4200. ' of the important rooms in your next HAWTHORNE ROAD - FACE BRICK BUNGALOW with 2 bedrooms on 1st, large expansion space on 2nd, dining room, cozy fireplace, 2 car garage and all well maintained. Low 50's. 881~OO. house. A privatet brick-paveo street IN THE FARMS - A gracious 3 bedroom, 2;.i bath brick Contemporary on Edgemere. Paneled library, glassed leads to this impressive mini mansion and screened terrace and beautiful games room with' stone fireplace. A special offering at $83,900.884-0600. on the shore of Lake S1. Ciair. Three of UNIVERSITY PLACE - Impressive GEORGIAN COLONIAL of mini-mansion proportions, with 6 family bed- the four family bedrooms have fire- rooms. guest and servant's quarters, library, music and morning rooms, 2 huge terraces, terrific kitchen with built.ins and almost 9/10 acre site. 881~00. places and private baths. There are GROSSE POINTE PARK not far from the lake and an attractive brick and fieldstone FARM COLONIAL other bedrooms for live-in help, rela- offering 4 bedrooms and 21,2 baths. Large paneled family room, kitchen built.ins and nice large bed. tives and whatever. The living room, rooms at a "good buy" price of $79,500. 884-0600. dining room and gard~n room all front BEAUTIFUL LAKESHORE in the Shores and an outstanding 5 bedroom, 4~ bath newer custom built COLO. NIAL. Also included is a, large paneled family room with fireplace, paneled, ~Q~, kitchen built-ins, on the'lake. The Swimming pool will large breakfast room and attached garage. Complete in every way it is carpeted throughout and is I ,~ interest you if summer ever comes, but situated on a beautiful professionally landscaped and gardened site. 884-0600. FOR THOSE WHO TRAVEL FIRST CLASS - Gracious 3-4 bedroom ENGLISH overlooking Country Club it is there and waiting. fairways, with family room, library, ultra-modern kitchen. terrace, games room, servant's quarters and lovely 200x 296 site. $198.500. 881~00. , KENWOOD COURT - A spacious 3 bedroom. 2\02 bath brick COLONIAL with large family room, master suite with adjoining bath and dressing room plus additional bedroom and bath on 3rd. $97,500. 884-0600. BORDERING GROSSE POINTE WOODS in st. Clair Shores - The much sought but hard to find FIVE BEDROOM 1965 Colonial, with family room, plus den, kitchen built'ins, handy 1st floor laundry, 2-car attached garage and lovely patio with barbeque. $98,500. 881-6300.

" (,,r"'", IMPORTANT SERVICE __~-----(_l.k_'J-?~ FOR TRANSFEREES: ;5\. nIl!!! Me' ~



GROSSE POI NTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GROSSE POI NTE WOODS 82 KerchevoI 884-0600 16610 Mock 881-4200 19790 Mock 881-6300 C7rosse l?ointe ~evvs MAIL SUBSCRIBERS change of address?

To ensure C'0:"ltinued delivery of the Grosse Pointe News to your NEW ADDRESS, please attach label from your wrapper and print in your new address on form below. You can Love Spectacular Views? mail it or bring it in to the Grosse Pointe

When the architect was commissioned to design this News office. distinctive residence, his primary objective must have .... been to creat a functional home affording the benefits ------..------of luxurious living ... and to permit a continuous ap- preciation of natures surrounding beauty. Especially appropriate for those who appreciate long graceful ATTACH LABEL HERE rooms . . . 3 family bedrooms plus a' private 3 room wing. 3 car attached garage. Over an acre of stimu- lating property . . . One calf to Borland-McBreorty, Realtors will provide further detail. and arrangements for a private showing. MAIL TO: GROSSE POINTE NEWS, 99 KERCHEVAL AVE. GROSSE POINTE, 48238

ORl'AND STREET II • HEARTY New ~ (IlHlAIIlIIl\~ J Address ".. CITY


t Page Thirty-Two GROSSE POiNTE NEWS Thursday, May II, 1978 * * * * Feature Page * * * * Pointer of Interest Shortandto From Another Pointe of View I f/J,(Jtnte (Continued from Page 22) the Pointe laurel wreath with my white uniform and-need you ask?-white gloves. A touch rococo, but. , , Counter Points (Continued from Page 17) whoopee! Named to Kalamazoo Col. Find A Gift For Mother ... in all departments lege's Dean's List for the * • * Actually, we knew we were weird, (and com- at Walton-Pierce. Lovely robes, gowns and slips fall quarter were Pointers pensated in our free time by trying to prove the > PAMELA L. A B BOT T, in the Lingerie Department. Smart separates ... weirdness was not OF us but UPON us), b.ut that blouses, skirts and pants in Sportswear . . . new JAMES A, BONNER, LAU. RIE J. LOOTENS, DAVID very weirdness, (and the compensation times), wicker handbags plus canvas with leather in ac- i A. THOMAS, JEFFREY created a bond. ....~. cessories. There's a great new selection of short VAN GELDEREN and So when Andy Bachle Fisher, who lives in and long dresses. Of course, a Walton.Pierce gift SHERYL L. KURZE, all certificate would give Mother her own fashion Petoskey, sent out a letter asking what the Class freshmen. More were sopho- of '53 thought of a reunion, the thought was: choice. There are very "in" straw hats that can be mores CAT HER I N E M. ! hand painted. You can add to her collection of 14k TOURNEY, DIANE L. DU. "Let's GO!" gold stick pins. In the Gift Department there is a PUIS, ERNEST T. CHIODO * '" • whimsical ceramic turtle trirruned with flowers on and KAT H R Y N A. Me- Reunion Week was the first week in May. EDNROE. GAY GILEZAN, a his back. Hand painted Cantonware porcelain com- Rendezvous point was the Fishers' cottage on Wal- junior, and JAMES R. FOX, loon Lake. Husbands and children were NOT in- bined with pewter. A handsome jewelry case is a senior, also were named. covered with a blue, white and green marine print. vited. You could come for a day, several days or Lots of colorful patterned glassware with coordi- for the week. . nating ice buckets, , . also a contemporary silver Set Lawyers Sixteen out of a class of 23, (including some plated ice bucket and chafing dish, Mother will "honoraries;" we were too small a group to let ex- love a gift from Walton-Pierce and you'll enjoy the Wive.~'Lunch classmates get away easily), showed up .. friendly personal service when you shop for her Two, Marcia Byrnes Clements and Cynthia Grosse Pointe Lawyers there. Wives gather Wednesday, LaFond Kelly, came from Florida. Frankee Bauer May 17, at noon for a lunch- Bishop flew in from California. Mary' Kay Tracy * * * Photo by Wendy K, ,Settle Farley, who gave a dinner at The Pier, combined Your kitchen can be as attractive as any room MRS. ORVILLE T. THOMPSON, OF CHALFONTE AVENUE eon meeting at the Grosse the reunion with a trip. from Greenwich, Conn., to in your home. The experts at Mutschler Kitchens, Pointe Yacht Club where By Janet Mueller Shirley Williams, president do a bit of preliminary work prior to opening the Inc. can show you Wood-Mode, Coopes, Rutt and awning on the terrace at the It's always spring at Barbara Thompson's home. of the Michigan Lawyers Farleys' summer cottage at Harbor Pointe. Poggenpohl cabinets in a variety of woods, finishes rear of her home, pointing Bright colors-yellows, oranges-predominate, and Wives, will install Pointe and colors. See them today and discover how beau- out a mallard at rest on a Jessie Zimmerman Hitchens drove up from Barbara herself is bright: a live and lively lady. Lawyers Wives 1978.79 offi. tiful your kitchen can be, 20227 Mack Ave., 884- spring puddle-pond in a tree. eers. Traverse City for a day and ended by staying the She and Celia (Mrs. Allen M.) Lomax and Mary rimmed depression on the night. Jo-Ann Sharkey Burnham drove in from 3700. ProjeCt funds will be dis. Lou (Mrs. J. Crawford, Jr.) Frost are co-chairing golf course. Grand Rapids. • • • A May Party, the Episcopal Church Women of bursed to three guests, rep. "I've enjoyed doing this," resenting FLEC, (the Fam. A Grosse Pointe-based car with Judy Joyce Delightful, radiant France .•. air only Christ Church, Grosse Pointe's spring "event," set she says. "I've especially en. or land options to Paris or perhaps a fly AT~ ily Life Education Council), Bartsch at the wheel, Pat Grobbel Kemp and Sheila a.n' for next Tuesday, May 16, from 10 to 3 o'clock at joyed the opportunity to drive to do as you choose. Travelwise Travel. of Grosse Pointe, the Wayne Galvin Roney as passengers, stopped at I.75's Big meet and work with so many ers always ask for Mr. Q ••• 886.0500. the church in Grosse Pointe boulevard. County Juvenile Court and Beaver exit to pick up Birmingham-ite Ann Meilink . I different people, bee a use • • * Their responsibilities are I Grosse Pointe Youth Serv- Stephens -and her, (our!), Sunday -dinner ham. equal. So is their enthusiasm the Grosse Pointe War Mem. Christ Church, Grosse Pointe, ices. Mother Day gifts ideas are bounti- is such a large, diversified * * • . ful at the Squirrerls Nest, 198~9 Mack. "I'm the New One," Bar- orial Members, guests and pros- bara says. "We've only been So. .. next logical ques. parish." Joan FitzSimons Smith hitched a ride with her . •:- Remember her on her day Sunday, pective members are in..ited . in Grosse Pointe seven years. lion: "Do you speak it .very She's No stranger Reservations may be made husband, flying north' on business, and came for an • May 14th. She's new at top-of-the-pyra- ..vell?" She's no stranger to the by calling 886-7748 before afternoon, Other P.ointers who made it were Mary * * • mid chairing, too, which is Typically honest Barbara world of church women. All Saturday, May 13. Conlisk Bruce, Ann Labadie Sullivan: and Nancy Malizewski Carpeting are continuing their one reason she likes being Thompson answer: "No." Saints in Saugatuck and the Kottenstette Kornmeier, whose Harbor Cove con- great sale on Lee's Carpeting ... there is a great part of a top-of.the.pyramid But she does enjoy the les. Church of the Good Shep- dominium provided sleeping quarters for half the. selection oJ styles and colors so stop by 21435 Mack triumvirate. sons and the language. herd in Allegan were par. Schedllie May group; the rest stayed with Andy at Walloon Lake. Another reason is that she Has Many Activities ishes she worked for on the Evelyn Schrage Sylvain was already there. She or call 776-5510. west side of the state. Mystery T~ip • • • likes working with - just She belongs to the Grosse and Jim manage Harbor Cove where, prior to a Why settle for the ordinary? Bijouterie won't! Exciting plain likes - Mary Lou and Pointe Farm and Garden She keeps in touch with super dinner at the Beach House, everyone gather- Celia. Club, the Wednesday Bridge western Michigan. "When I Members of the Grand new stick pins and mountingll for Mother's Day. May 14th. moved to Allegan I met de- Marais Chapter of Questers ed for a Class Picture, Dad can borrow her stickpin for his tie or give him one Always An Indian Group at the Country Club lightful people, and since leave at 9 o'clock tomorrow too for Father's Day ... 19860 Mack Avenue at Hunting. "I've always been an In. and plays tennis at East- '" '" '" ton, Grosse Pointe Woods. Open every day 10 to 5:30. closed dian, never a chief." What's pointe Racquet Club. Allegan's not that far from morning, Friday, May 12, for Lynne Hennecke Miranda planned to fly in Holland, I kept all my Hal. their annual mystery trip. Monday. it like in the top tepee? Recently, Tommy Thomp- from New York, (she's working on an advanced "Well ... (a smile, the hint ~on has begun to play tennis. land friends." Now she's ad. The group will gather in degree in Clinical Psychology), but had to cancel at * • * of a chuckle) .. , It's confus. He and Barbara have always ded a new Grosse Pointe the parking lot of the Grosse the last minute. • Ron Ruel says ... new permanent wave con- ing!" enjoyed golf together. group to her collection. Pointe Con g reg a t ion a I The others who couldn't come-Mitzi Thurber cepts are for you. If ever there was a season for Also interesting, reward. They like to escape to Del. "I do like to get back." Church in Chalfonte avenue Archibald, who lives in Pittsfield, Me., Mary Fitz- curly tops, it's spring of '78. Not everyone is blessed ing, exciting ,- and just ray Beach for a few winter How about a visit to Hol.- to receive directions and simmons Kirchner, of Hilton Head, S.C., Sally with naturally curly hair and there are those who land at Tulip Time? "NOT at plans for the day. Reserva. plain fun. weeks. They went to Hawaii Mitchell von Henn~erg, of Cambridge, Mass., and want a soft romantic look. Perms have come a long Like life. Barbara came to for their seventh wedding Tulip Tim~" B~bara Thomp- tions were accepted by Mrs. son lived Tulip Time in Hal. Stanley C. Smith, program Pointers Janet Faber Rogers and Dorothy Littley way in recent years. There is no need to feat' a Grosse Pointe as a brIde. anniversary, and a few years Lilly-sent letters or tel~phoned. head full of unmanageable hair. Ron can give you "We looked at apartments, ago Tommy. who is pure land for quite a few years, chairman, and it was grand, and it was ------* * • a "Pyrametric" design cut and the degree of curli- but we couldn't bear not be. Norwegian, took his wife on The only "must" on everyone's agenda was the ness you want. Call 886-4130 for an appointment. ing on grounds of our own." a trip to Scandinavia. colorful, and it was pictur. Verne C. Hampton and Mrs. esque . . . Charles Kinnaird. Tuesday morning memorial mass for Mary Ann Ron is now at Robert's Place located above Walton. Their Chalfonte avenue Barbara loved that. Travel Beattie. Pierce in the Village. home is a doll's house, per. is a when-we.have-more.time And it was hectic. If she's Mrs. John P. DeWald is in feet for two people plus Sam, top priority. "And I would planning a trip for friend. charge of the fashion show. For the rest, it was talking, and walking, and * • • a schnauzer who barks but love to build a winter house ship, she'll plan it not to co- The Decorative Plant Sale is talking, and tennis-if-you.want-it, and talking, and Remember Mother on May 14th, her day, with wouldn't know how to bite. in Delray; we own a lot incide with a festival. under the aegis of Mrs. talking, talking ... and munching M&M's at mid. a box of Russell Stover candies from Notre Dame The Country Club golf course there ... " Post.May Party, she is Frederick Kross, Mrs. Robert night, and talking .•. Pharmacy ... sweets for tlte sweetest. is an extension of their back. She is very happy-in Grosse planning a trip. "I'm going C. Webber and Mrs. Joseph What it was was an old-fashioned Girls' Slum- • • * yard. Pointe. "I love living here. to St. Louis to visit an old F. Maycock. ber Party. Surprise Mother with a gift certificate for prescription Take out the clubs, put in It's very much a 'village' at- friend from Holland who's Refreshments are the re- And, as it has ever been with Girls' Slumber sun glasses, a lovely little extravagance she would not the casserole, put on the golf mosphere, and I have always moved back there." sponsibility of Mrs. David Parties, what was talked about the world will never buy for herself. She will not only see better but look bet. shoes, play, "make a nice loved small towns, villages Have Many Helpers Easlick. The luncheon is be- know. ter and she'll thank you. Woods Optical Studio, 19599 Mack circle" and by the time you're ... I used to visit here, with Honorary chairman of A ing arranged by Mrs. Kin. Avenue between 7 and 8 Mile Roads, 882.9711. home again it's time for a another girl from Holland, May Party is Mrs. Robert F. naird. drink before dinner. when Christ Church had its McGregor, wife of Christ In charge of Paris Table DelaSalle Auxiliary Set to 'Think Pink' • • • Church, Grosse Pointe's rec- Treasures is Mrs. Clyde M. Did You Know .•. Perini's is open at 11 a.m. Born in Pennsylvania fair, and I always thought it DeLaSalle C h r i s t i an DeLaSalle Collegiate gym. Barbara is originally from was a delightful place." tor. Adams. Mrs. Ralph Burton Sundays? A delicious full course meal is only $3.75. Secretary Itreasurer of the presides over the Smocked Brothers Auxiliary will pre- Refreshments and prizes Altoona, Pa., where her Impression Reinforced sent "Think Pink" cards and will be featured. Tickets at You'll enjoy so many good things at Perini's such father was an ear, nose and She's not been disenchant- day is Mrs. C. Porter Struth- Dresses department. Mrs. as home-made bread served hot at all times. Perini's er. Treasurer until the party Roger Fitch and Mrs. Gerald fashions n ext Wednesday, $2.50 per person will be throat specialist. When she ed. Life as a resident has re- May 17, at 7 o'clock in the available at the door. is open until midnight Friday and Saturday, For was just about all grown up inforced her visitor's impres- is Mrs. Harold Lee. Ellsworth have amassed a that late lun$=h, served from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., you the family moved to Florida. sion. Mrs. Charles Begg is han- charming collection of Hand. may choose from th~ $3.25 menu. Those popular Marriage took her to Mich. But she never thought, vis. dUng publicity. Mrs. J. Jen. made Puppets. Kentucky Hot Browns are $3.25 ... the mini version igan, first to Holland, then iting the Christ Church, ness Newcomb is collecting Staging chairman is Mrs. is $2.25. There is convenient parking ... 10721 to Allegan. Grosse Pointe, Fair, that supplies. Mrs. Ray m 0 n d B. Frederick Guertler. She has two sons. Stephen some day she'd be co-ehair. Dempsey and Mrs. William And that's it ... except for Whittier. Call 371-2484. Gard are responsible for the Mrs. George Reindel, In, a [1lJ:j Gold is currently in Mexico. ing the Christ Church, Grosse * * * Timothy is in Hawaii, pre. Pointe, May Party. publicity art work. Very Important Lady whose Hair-Cutting for everyone! Special tours for special people ... art paring to continue his cir. It's something new, a The Co u n try Kitchen, job, literally, defies descrip- of gourmet cooking, dining, wine tasting .Ii cumnavigation of the globe. "first" for the Christ Church (another old fair friend), tion. ('0/0' _jl;IUi'i~1io~ 1/..,,,,,,/ !S.J fJ"m, course ... 18 day tour of France. Call Con- Timothy sailed a 60.foot ECW. It's not a fair, although with its homemade delect- Mrs. Reindel is chairman y dor Travel for details .. , 881-3747. " schooner from San Francisco it incorporates elements that ables, is chaired by Mrs. - don't you love it? - of "" '/II",/, j",/", -1..;.... .1.. f,. _7;,/, .. /.!.I, •(/-''',/)oio', 88,;-:l111/ * • • to Hawaii last year. The have traditionally been as- R i c h a r d Bachman, Mrs. "Loose Ends." Don't forget Mom . . . a gift of cheese will next leg of the journey will sociated with the pre.Christ. make her smile . . . new items in "Squeakies" take him south, through the mas fairs the Christ Church Garage Sale Benefit Slated This Weekend direct to the Merry Mouse, where else. Kercheval New Hebrides, Pago Pago et Women, for years, staged and Notre Dame. aI., to New Zealand. every other year, alternating The Cystic Fibrosis Foun. into two groups: an after- MOTHER'S DAYSPECIALS Barbara also has two step- with the Women of Grosse dation will benefit from an noon group, under the lead. * * * children, Susan Tripp Swan. Pointe Memorial Church. Eastside Alumnae of Alpha ership of Marion (Mrs. r------~----~-i Bright Idea ... give mother a lovely little lamp ey and William Sayre Tripp, The Paris Table, with its Chi Omega garage sale, set Thomas) Maurer, and an eve. for her desk or dressing table from Wright's Gift with whom she remains very treasures, was always a high. for Friday, May 12, from 10 ning group, under the direc. and Lamp Shop. Lots of other useful gifts and close. Widowed, she was va. light of the Christ Church to 4 o'clock, and Saturday, tion of Mrs. Tock. ! DAISIES SI~!"i I While They Last! , beautiful cards are to be found at 18650 Mack. cationing in Florida when she Fair. It will be a highlight of May 13, from 9 to 5 at the The Cystic Fibrosis Foun- '" met Tommy Thompson, vice- the Christ Church May Party. home of Donna (Mrs. Ar- dation Is a national altruism I With Coupon Expires 5/)4/78 '. . . of the sorority. In the De. Remember Mother with something of impor- president of Kurtz Steel. He The smocked children's thur) Weinle, 733 Loraine was from Birmingham. dresses that were snapped road. troit area, Alpha Chi Omega ~-~------~--~------~ tance from The Sign Of The Lion in Grosse Pointe Acquires More Family up by mothers and - espec. Chairing the cvent are helps in the foundation of- ~---~------~---~-----~I I or Birmingham. "And so I came to the east ial1y - grandmothers within Carol (Mrs. Bruce) Toek and fice, provides materials for • • • side of the state," Chalfontc minutes when the fair doors Joan (Mrs. R.A.) Armbrus. the Respiratory Disease Clin. -I ORCHID CORSAGES $2 88 I Nino at Robert's Place says . feel the difference avenue has been the Thomp. opened will be available at ter. A special preview for ie at Children's Hospital, as- I Reg. $3.99. . . . . • I with cut, color and conditioner. An individualized pre. sons' headquarters since the the May Party. Alpha Chi Omega and Cystic sists at the annual children's I With Coupon Expires 5/14/78 I cision cut covered with exciting high lights with resulting beginning of their marriage. Different Atmosphere Fibrosis families is planned Christmas party, sells Christ. LI ~ ~ I luminous shine. Call Nino at 886.4130 for an appointment. With Tommy, Barbara ae. But the atmosphere will be for this evening. mas cards and works on the • • • quircd two more stepsons, differ~nt: brighter, lighter, Betty (Mrs. Nelson) Fro. Tennis Auction Ball, sched. For only 95 cents you can now buy the Sunday Trenton and Jim, "Every. May mstead of ~ove~ber. lund, assisted by Margaret uled for Friday. May 19, at New York Times at the Copy Cat, 630 St. Clair, bod~'s very friendly." Therc Flats of plants, (Impatiens, (Mrs George) Hawthorne the Pontiac Silverdome. The sorority has raised Mother's Day Plonts '2.88 while enjoying your choice of Sunday's menu are nine grandehildren to beg~nia), will line the walk' JudY' (Mrs. Manfred) Mussei -AND UP date: one Gold, six Trippl leadlDg up to the church. and Diane (Mrs. Robert) funds for the local Cystie served from 9 to 3. Fibrosis Chapter through art Swaney and two Thompson. It ~ure beats ~now. Dawson, heads the telephone Hundreds to choose Irom • • '" Barbara also acquired Sam. . InSIde, at .11 m the .morn. committee. auctions and fashion show Escape to the island of St. Maarten .. , (,~' She'd had dogs before - lab. lng and agam at 1:30 m the . benefits. Judy (Mrs. John) sun, sand, snorkling, shopping and qam- (' ,.' .:::.\ radors. poodles _ but never afternoon, sprinl( and sum. In ~harge of thc collechon Dawson, an Alpha Chi Omega LADY BETTYChocolates, bars and boxes bling. Island hopping available to Saba, , ~. - i a schnauzer. "Sam came with mer stylcs from Martha's commIttee are Donna (M.rs. member, serves as a lcgisla. Tommy. Now _ naturally! _ Closet will be modelled. James) Johnston and A1Jcc tive key contact person for 60«10$3.00 Sint Eustatuis, S1. Barths and A ngllilla. _,::; I think schnauzers are best." There'll be lunch and punch (Mrs: ~ougla~) Jaek:on. . the local foundation. Mrs. Call Dely Travel 884-6231. Barbara Thompson enjoys and cookies. Pncmg of Items WIllbe dl. Krato serve~ on the board of Open Mothe,'s Day 8:30 • 6:00 • * '" tennis and golf and bridge It's the sort of May party reeted by Jane (Mrs. Thorn. directors. Martha of Martha's Closet sUl(gests that the perfect and ~ardening. "And I've al. Barbara Thompson might as) Woodruff and Pat (Mrs. Cystic Fihrosis is a genetic girt for mother Is the classic Tanner cardigan in lovely ways taken Frcneh lessons." plan herself, gathering guests David) Smith, Darlene (Mrs. disorder affecting the exoc. pastels ... perfe<.t for daytime or after 5 . , . or perhaps Shc's still takin~ French, at I together under the yellow John) Krato is in charge of rine glands, causing maHunc- mother would prefer Martha's timeless washable cable. _, .. . publicity. tion of tht' lllngs and dig('s- stitched cardigan in white, navy, green, yellow or straw. FOR GROSSE POINTE TEENAGERS THIS Other committee .mcmbers live syst('m, It is usually dis- berry. When purchasing your Mothers Day gift check a Allemon Florist .' I h A arc Pat (Mrs. Daniel) Man. covered in childhood. Due to weekend special of all weather coats, marked down to an •SUMMER . .. Eco logy campmg tnp t lroug mer- the A (M N ) ., t Y Il SF' J Il C ,nn rs. orman advances in research, many attractive pricf' at Martha's Closet, 375 Fisher Road. lca s wes: ; owstone" ,an ranClseo, ~we ave I Dodge. Judy (Mrs. James) of its victims arc living into . . '" al/d more. l' or further tnformatwn wnte to The Livingston and Barbara (Mrs. adulthood. on E.Warren "CHUSADE FOR SAFETY" is a short film on United States Summer Academy, 333 Hillcrest I Richard) Finch. The foundation is :llso in. burglary and fire prevention. For FREE presenta- Road, Grosge Pointe Farms, Michigan or ca!1 774-1 Alpha Chi Omega's East. volved in other respiratory 17931 East Warren TU 4-6120 tion and sr'curity check-286-4865 evenings. 5050. r.iue Alumnac are divided discase research.