Stations Provide Hours of Pumping As Crisis Grows
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mit - Sections- 26 Pages .r iQ t. *'*. serving summit since 1889 VOL. 91, NO. 9 : 28. 1979 273-4000 »7 A YEAR 15c More Discussions Scheduled Parents, Schfol Board Long Gas Lines, Long Wait Have a Second Meeting Stations Provide By Anne Cooper and gifted students, had been covered, Town Meeting n, included in the the audience voted by a show of hands to Board of Education's regular meeting continue the frank talks at the board's Hours of Pumping last Thursday night, continued the open next regular meeting July 19. discussion of parent-teacher- The first topic discussed was the administration issues, which a group of Alternate School Program, which the parents initiated two weeks ago with o&ard had agreed to discontinue earlier board cooperation. Before the evening ft the week. High School principal was over, however, it became clear that As Crisis Grows Donald Geddis told the audience that the still a third meeting would have to be concept for "an individualized learning scheduled to cover the crowded agenda. The gasoline picture remained grim Summit Texaco, pumps everyday environment" had failed on both within the Summit Area this week with from 7 to 10 a.m. Closed weekends. $8 Became regular business took up most economic and educational grounds. ever-increasing lines, short tempers and limit. Expected to'be out of gas today of Thursday's meeting, the discussion of The pilot program also often called a a sense of crisis pervading the at- and wouldn't be pumping again until issues was delayed until the end of the school within a school, sought to give mosphere. Despite the odd-even July 3, and then only if receives a evening. By 11:40 p.m. when only two students individual schedules to fit in procedure, there didn't seem to be any delivery July 2. subjects, the Alternate School concept with work study programs and lessening of lines andthewaitingtimes Gulf Service Center is out of gas and GETTING THERE -The scenery areand bnlMing.Whcfl completed, toe new tter- vocational classes but it proved to be were anywhere up to nearly three hours. won't have any for customers until July Ike CnlUs tod Lewis M to wdargefctg parking lot wiU be able to bold 425 can. expensive and, according to Geddis, A survey of area gasoline stations to 6. Hours unknown at this point, $8 limit. draattUc cbufet «l late with pllhw Coastracttoa b uU to be on schedule Celanese Gets insignificant in academic gains. find out when they pump, showed the Chevron, Fred's Service is* out of gas beta* sank tor the BOW tier-parking with grand samples being Ukeo this Questioned about students in the following: but expected a delivery soon. garage.aatfUtt rating «f the sM Radio week preliminary to placement of Site Plan OK program and their future next Sep- In Summit: In New Providence: SUM MUBftjc behind Ike site •( Ike mare pUlnga.Costof the garage is set at tember, Geddis explained that they Mobile, Brookside Friendly Service, Exxon on South street pumps from earner afMtpft street and Union place f2 million. Celanese Research Company received would have, in addition to regular pumps 1 to 3 p.m. no limit. Closed 5:30 or 6:00 a.m., depending on how long classes, a number of periods each week to Make room for a new, modern office (Judy Brick Freedman photo) approval Monday night from the weekends. the line is, until noon. Expects to have Planning Board for its Site Plan and En- with specialized teachers in related Suburban Shell, out of gas. No more enough gas until the July delivery is School Board Sets Salaries vironmental Impact Statement. instruction, the career center, math until July 1. Pumps 8 to 9:30 a.m. received. No limit. No weekend opening. skills center, reading lab and group when has gas. Closed weekends, $7 limit IContinueiion Paqf-7i Residents had objected to tree guidance. removal and were also concerned about *•dwW"" <* » proposed detention basin Parent Nancy Lewis asked htm about Herald Interviews Exxon Official at the May » hearing. Celanese revised fc nigh school's dropout rate and Administration Wages Wi Hlled that it is between »H and its plans and eliminated the basin and saved the trees. , comparing favorably with the > of « percent. In addition. Spokesman Says Shortage Up an Average af 6*8% A» • *M» benefit, the liraol . _ aMEn, P* tWmSmf ttwt , melabarWlisftoBRCw added, gave condRlgsjal approval to rind hatMrc, Summit Is gasoline would las* xor at least » fight. THat's a don't ttu* you can sug*st a celling. (CwitlmiMiirt»Me3> seeking to expand auM coordinate ways months. cording to the . conpteted. Far the ..,_ We sssSsssssisg Uss» ssJsrjss tea As to me claim that lankeniaiv being Toe allocation fade* to dealers is the baftSa^ September j, SummM prin- Week's Gifts at 91,328 held offshore, filled with crude ott which same throughout the United States. He ce saWleiwul rang* from flMO to l&jmnt iwneo&er dWrlcts for could be made into gasoline, to force the didn't know why New Jersey was so hard 'ffrflH* compatible superintendent of school price up, he denied it. "'The same hit unless it was the fact that so many Replying to questions from the floor U7WB salaries, tb* HeraW found that charges were made in 1974 about the businesses were located in the suburbs about Dr. Wander's pay rate, board Wettftetd, a district which a New Jersey Camp Fund Drive, With tankers. It was disproved then and wUl and people had to drive to get to work. president James B. Clark said, "We fed Education Association representative be now." "Everybody is getting 78 percent of He explained the harbors in this last year's allotment for June. The Summit," wifl pay Its superintendent, country can't accept some of the larger Department of Energy regulations Vandals Cancel who has five year*'experience, $5O,70O Week to Go, At $4,006 tankers as there isn't "enough draft. So establish the base period. In case of my for the coining year and will include the we have to lay the tankers off shore and company, it worked out to 78 percent. use of a car, a benefit Fiander does not New contributions totalling-$1,328.79 Grateful Family" and another for $25 in bring some oil in on a barge to lighten The total gasoline volume we are Out Railroad's receive. Hie Westfield district has 6,500 for the week, a nearrecord, brought the memory of Norman S. Max. the ship. Then they can bring the tanker producing this month is 98 percent of this students. 31st annual Summit Herald Fresh Air All contributions- received are in. It takes weeks for a tanker to get here time last year. DEP regulations say 20 percent has to be held back for certain Refurbishing The 1WM0 superintendent's salary in Camp Fund across the $4,000 mark as of acknowledged weekly in the Herald from the Middle East. We don't always Chatham Township, a K through 12 Tuesday. Among donors this week was unless otherwise specified and im- know when they will arrive. Once they (Continued on Page 2) While ConRail Is giving the Summit district with 2,000 students is $45,000. the Soroptimist Club of Summit, an mediately turned over to Family Service railroad station a new look, vandals are There are no fringe benefits for the 'annual supporter of the campaign, Association. The Association has sole So Far So Good trying to undo the process. superintendent, who has IS years ex- which contributed $863.79. There was use of the donations, makes the camp "While we were working on the perience. also a $200 donation from the Summit selections and operates the camp bathrooms, vandals broke into the men's In attempting to poll superintendents Area Chapter, American Red Cross. program. Donations received are City-Owned Vehicles Still room and set a fire in a waste basket in other comparable districts, the Donations to date now stand at deposited in Summit and Elizabeth which blackened the new piaster walls Herald found that some wanted queries $4,006.18. At this time last week when the Trust Co. and ceilings," said Donald Wallworth, in writing, others were evasive or flately drive was in its ninth week, con- Those who receive two-week superintendent of Passenger Stations. refuted to answer while soil others had tributions were at the $5,100 mark. The vacations are usually boys and girls who Supplied With Enough Gas "Windows were broken, too." not yet been allocated their 197*80 fund will officially end next week, July S. otherwise would remain in the city by Lucy Meyer March, 35 percent in April. May and Summit's station, will have repairs salaries. A total of 100 local boys and girls from during the summer because of family The rest of us may be waiting in long June. Since people have used heal continuing through the summer, not only (ComkuMi o* needy families are scheduled to attend financial difficulties. Others who are to meet the Board of Health's complaints camp this summer. , lines to get gasoline but the city has no recently only for supplying hot water. chosen come from broken or foster problem. the company has been able to "get by". Other donations in the order they were homes. ™" A contractor has promised to come in Holiday Means received this week came* from the AU departments are allowed ttie same ''I don't know how we can go into the July and put a new roof on.