_ ".~ - .. -' ""; ~ . / All the News of All the Pointe$ Every Thursday Morning ~ws rosse Pointe Home of the News Complete News Coverage of A.ll the Pointes --------------------------- ----------_. -~--- ..~--~--_._----_._---._----------------------------------- VOL. 39-NO, 19 '.blilhed.s'Olt OWeeSecondat Dcl,oil,Clo.. MotterMiehllonot the GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN,.__ ~~... THURSDAY.. MAY II. 1978 $~~Oop;r.~"/:o, 32 Pages-Two Sections-Section_ One ----------------------------------------_ ...._--- , HEADLINES South High Swimmers Have Undefeated Year MaSSltVe CaplftaZ'Schools to of the , ""'"'III8IJ8IIE2-;r-::: Boost Sum WEEK IIIBIIIIIC:=;~=:;;;Improvements For Service As Compiled by the But Trustees Will Exam- Grosse Pointe Ne". ine Cost Questions Eyed by GPW in Future; Board Thursday, May 4 of Man a ge r s THE UNITED NATIONS Along with Consideration of New Fiscal Year Meeting Slated peace mission into Southern Today Lebanon has to date cost the Budget. Which Includes Two Mills for lives of eight UN soldiers. Work Throughout City, Council By Susan McDonald But the UN Security Coun- to View Adoption of "Vith time running out cil still voted yesterday to 'Decade of Progress' on local budget dead- send 2,000 )nore troops into lines, the School Board the area to keep peace be- By Roger A. Waha agreed Monday, May 8, tween the Israelis and Pales- As a part of its 1978-79 fiscal year budget pro- tine guerillas. UN Seeretary- to increase its contribu- posal, the Woods Council will consider adopting a tion to The Pointe's na- General Kurt Waldheim told two mill capital improvement levy for the new the council that Palestine tionally acclaimed Youth fiscal year and also a proposed 10-year program, Liberation Organization chief Service Division, (YSD), Yasser Arafat had "assured including the 1978-79 year, to be financed by a to a full one-quarter of me of his cooperation" in special tax levy. ---------- its total' 1978-79 budget, preventing more killings of The objective in adopting thus tentatively grantin,~ UN troops by Palestinian the total program, which will Housing the division. at least one be viewed on Monday, May forces. more y~ar of existence. 15, is to put future councils But the trustees made it • • • on record regarding the Question Friday, May 5 clear Monday they intend to plan with such councils re- take more time to examine WHOLESALE P R ICE S viewing the program each the service with an eye tll took another steep climb in Formulateel fiscal year and having the possible cutbacks and ccono- the month of April with a opportunity to shift listed mies before they agrec to 1.3 percent rise, the largest ... priorities and the amount of Woods Council to Con- pay the 30 percent - the - gain in 41 months, the Labor KIENLE, DAVE ZIMMER, PAT COYLE, TOBY money indicated for city- The South High School swimming team re- sider Propo(al for Pri- share that's proposed for the Department reported yester. cently completed its first undefeated season LINDHEIM, MARK SUTHERLAND and NICK wide improvements, said City schools in 1979-80, day, An increase in food cost since 1968. Members of the team are, in the first TROST; and fourth row, LISA COLLETTI, Administrator Chester E. Pe- mary Ballot at May coupled with a fluke - hike tersen, who calls the plan a At least one of the five row, (from left to right), JERRY COYLE and (manager), PETER DEVER, JED KUHN, STEVE 15 Meeting participating municipalities fop jewelry contributed to SODERBERG, MIKE BE~NARD, BOB CHAp. "Decade of Progress," the price increase. Govern- JEFF MEASELLEj second row, ROB WOOD, In relation to the proposal, had threatened to pull out ELLE, BOB BROWNELL, LENNY BARTOSZE- Roger ~. 'Waha of the YSD if the Board had ment analysts were unani- ACE DICKSON, BILL BRADFIELD and KEVIN Mayor Benjamin W. Pinkos By mous in their appraisal that CHOWN; third row, STEVE MAKOS, JOHN. WICZ, RANDY SINGEL YN and coach CARL said at a recent budget meet- A proposed referen- not agreed to increase its the new dose of inflationary HESSBURG, RANDY WALWORTH, STEVE SCHOESSEL. ing that the city should in. dary ballot question on contribution from the cur- pressure poses a serious dieate its commitment tow. senior citiz~ns housing in rent 20 to 25 percent of the problem. Higher wholesale · D BIN B d ard a tax effort in that direc. The Woods was drafted budget. prices are bad news for con. Drive for Marme rum., ug e etv u get tion prior to the 15th. for the council's consider- Cites Concerns sumers since they eventually Variety 01 WQrk t. t 't M d M The Shores had argued its a IOn a I s on ay, ay contribution of $13,200.82 result in higher retail price~. Corps to Partici pa te in A pproved gr~~, w~h~av;e:~l:n\~~~l p~~ 15, meeting after a ses- was too high,. because few .. .. .. C Licen.se sion between City Attor- Shores youths were actually Saturday, May 6 · IDS. In GP Park more receptive. We should ney George Catlin, City processed for crimes through THE UNEMPLOYMENT Ulld.er-way Memorla I a Y erVlce ~:~a~ ~r;:r~:::~t~~~t j~~~ : Administrator Chester E. the YSD, rate for April. has dropped --~---- piece of the program. If a Petersen, C au n c ilman The Shores is expected to to its lowest level in three Precision Group to Arrive from louisiana for May Total Needed to future council decides to Alex Bardy of Gabby's Run George Cueter and mem- stay with the YSD, no\\( tilat and a half years, 'the Labor 29 Ceremonies: Center Urges Citizens City Placed at .$3,- throw it out, it will have to bers of the Senior Citi- the schools have agreed to Department reported. yester- Circulates Petitions to to Attend Service 875,000, Which Is ::i~~er to the people," he zens Commission on Mon- the 2f> percent allocation, or day, The April rate of six Have Que'stion Placed day morning, May 8. $40,743.20, next )'(,ar, percent, surprised some gov- The annual ceremonies in memory of Pointers $425,000 Higher The proposal which runs Commission members had Trustee William Huette- ernment economists, who on Primary Ballot h th '1' . th W Id W K d Than for Current through fiscal year 1987-88, previously met on Monday, man said he was "concerned said the job situation has im- w 0 gave elr lves ln e or ars, . orea an would raise an estiml!ted $4,- April 17, to seek the coun- that The Shores ~\'ould take proved faster than they had By Roger .A. Waha Vietnam will be held on the lake side terrace and Year 225,258 over 10 years, accord. eil's assistance to place this s~ch .a ~~rrow view of the expected from looking at The owner and opera- lawn of the War Memorial on Memorial Day, Man': ing to a report prepared by matter directly on the ballot SituatIon. other econorilic figures, In tor of Gabby's Restau- day, May 29, at 11 a.m. By James J. Njaim Mr. Petersen. The focus of but the solons felt the ques- "Juvenile crime finds its Michigan, unemployment fell rant, 19299 Mack avenue, All citizens are urged to Fa.mily P~rticipation Cam- The Park Council at a planned improvements is in tiOD, as proposed, was too way to Lakeshore road, (in to 6.6 percent, down sharply I \",ho expressed an inter- attend this service, which pal.gn chaIrman ?f Grosse public hearing Monday the area of reIjef sewer and I(eneral, i.e., asking voters The Shores), sooner than from the figures of a year est in having a Class C will be held indoors in the POinte War MemOrIal's board M . ' water main work, the widen- if they favor privately-fund- som~ of our smaller, less pre. ago. In April 1977, Michi- adJ'aeent Fries Ballroom in of directors ay 8, gave lts approval ing of streets and street re- liquor license for his es- . to th 1"78 79 fl' l' d f ed housing. tentlOus neighborhoods," :\lr. gan's rate was 7.3 percent. case of rain, say Center of- e '" - s c a pair an lor resur acing. tablishment in the past, ficials. Scouts Help Out budget of $3,875,000, as It's projected over this Council members in an in. Huetteman said, *' *' *' is currently conducting a ' The service will- conclude compared to $3450 000 period that an average of formal poll indicated they The trustees also express- Sunday, May 7 petition drive for the is- The 4th Marine Aircraft with Volley, Taps and Echo for the 1977-78' Y ~ a r over $4O~,OOOwill be need.cd wouldn't be a.d v e r s e to ed apijJehension about the THE UNITED STATES suance of one additional ~inbg prum and ~Uglfe Corps and Benediction by Rev. which ends on June 30 for the Improvement.s, with placing the question on the Y~?'s !future .financing. l has denied an export license license in The Woods. IS .emg f own In or the Allan Zaun, veteran's chair- . the proposed two mdl levy ballot but requested the I hope w~ re .not s~y!ng to an Ann Arbor firm trying servIce from New Orleans, man, Grosse Pointe War T~e tax levy of 19.50 for 1978-79 raising $393,858. commission to become more here that we re Just glvmg to sell $2.8 million worth of With the drive, Alex Bar- La., and Gen, Robert S.' Memorial m111s, ($19.5~ per $1,000 For the new fiscal year, specific regarding a proposed the YSD one more, year:' earth scanning equipment to dy, who has owned and oper.
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