Make Your Fall Wardrobe Mg
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" I . H ; FACTB FOtJKTEBf MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1915* lExttmtvi Average Daily Net:Pre8a Riii:i For the Weric Ended The Weather ' 1*^ June 16, 1956 Mambera of . tha' 8MFD will view tha paradt without obatrue- Govsmdr Ribicoff ■ December Fereoaet of,U. 8. Weether Banea AboutTown maat^M Hoaa Co. No. 2 at the Shearern Note Golden .\iiiiiver»ary Teenage Mulorisl tion. edict. Center tonight a t 7:30 to f o to As in past parados, ths judges 'Mrs. Boone seemed disappointed 12,065 . Clear, aomewhat leaa' kuniM Holmes 'Funeral Home to pay stand will b* o n ' tha grounds of the auspena'lop term lasted .for f l Held After TIhase PREVENTOL Member ot the Audit m g tonight. Low near 65, Weslneaday tlia q>aakar at the Klwahis' theh- respects to Mrs. N. Russell n the firehouse at Main and Hilliard only SO days, the judge' said* Bureau of .etteiltatlon at 12:15 atiTr>-on. sister of Thomas McKin- ,Sta. , /I .. The Vitamins For Diets partly cloudy. High between 96-86. maatlar, Thuraday Two' private cars were comman He aaid ph'e' ej^lained it Svaa Uia Country Club, will be Owen ' ney, ■ first' alarm superintendent. When the parade .disbands at , the fashion for sll teenagers to MancheMter-^A City of Village Chihm 8. Traak of the University of deered by police Saturday night to I Robertson Park, refegshmenta will get thgir licenses as soon as they I NORTH END ---------------^ ^ ^ ^ -------- Oonnacticut, College of Agricul The Auxiliarj’- o f Anderson- ■ Sid in pursuit of an East Hartford ! be served to all particib>l<ts. Ican and she was onl.v in favor of ture. Ha will speak on Uie sccom- yOL. LXXV, NO. 268 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST Shea Poet. No. 2046, VFW, will youth charged with reckless driv So far. according to Capt, Gil- j youths having drivers’ licenses " P H A R M A C Y (Claaalfled Advertleing en Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS pttahmenU of the youngsters t meet tomorrow evefiing at 7:30 a t ' ing and failin-e to obey a police : bert Parks, 31 fire companiesVltki'when they are old enough to use Uia WgaUble and fruit programs some judgment. ^ 4 DEP^SQUARE the Post home. i man's-signal. He was apprehend , as many triicks and pumpera and ' r ortha<*H[ clubs. 900 men have agreed to particl- The speeding charge was Hoflalh ~ ~ I Gpl. Robert L. Mullaney. son of ed after a half mile chase, police pate. There will be 11 bands,. 4j brought by State Patrolman Rob M ert Reimer on the first day Wil lUfUTI MAH degatea from the Auxiliary | Mr, and Mrs, Raymond J. Mul- said. drill teams, and a. horse drawn , • -C o p e fimttfot of Anderson-Shea Post. No. 2046. laney. 113 Russell St., recently Patrolman Gordon Kershaw said j unit. ■' liam had ever driven the car VFW, to the National Encamp-, took part in a field training exer- he spotted the car driven by Vin Philip Burgess aaid today tro- aloive. Mrs. Boone told Gryk. u n m o A ment being held this vreek in cise held by the 10th Infantry cent J. Felletler. 16, about 10:25 I phiea will be awarded for the best ' The judge praised her stand O L L irS : Dallas, Tex., are Florence K. Division in Germany.. p.m. as it headed north On Main I marching unit, the most men in i and aaid. "If more parents took Strsater, past department presi- St., near Bis.sell St., faster than I line, the furthest distance traveled, : this attitude, there might be less AUTO BOP^Y d«it. Mary LeDuc and Martha Members of Sunset Council. No. ; other traffic. ■'I the beat appearing unit in blouses., slaughter on Connecticut's high- it W ELDING Mansfield. ■as. Degree of Pocahontas, will i The policeman said he attempted Fthe best appearing unit in shirts.' have, an outing Friday evening at ; to stop the auto biit it kept going. the - oldest equipment, the best ★ AUTO BODY and [ lacksohviUe Joday, Merchants' Day, a num Mrs. Aides Gutzmer's cottage, i Kershaw stopped a private car and ' musical unit, junior gi'oup. FENDEIFREBAIRS ber of the Main St. stores, usually Coventry Lake. Those who desire I headed north, then east on E. Cen I^e cost', of trophies. Burges.s . Allaritie Ocean open on Mondays were closed, and transportation should contact Mrs. | ter St., but he had lost the car. j said, was underwritten by North; ★ COMPLETE CAR sevenU groups of clerks took ad- Bessie Baldwin, 33 Cornell St., o r ' End merchants to whom Burgess West Meanwhile,. Patrolman Albert j j PAINTING X swntage of the holiday for outings Mrs. Bessie Farris. 9 Durkin St. | 1 extended the thanks of the MFD. l-ACqUER and ENAMEL PaJm leech . Push • Scable.s. nearer the Center, had *Noe m Ballot aihthaBhorO'or lakes. Members will proiide their ovv'n' ! seen'Kershaw attempt to stop' the I New uniforms have 'been pur- HUM tlCAM Si box lunches. , can. He, too. jumped in a private ' chased for the MFD volunteers,, Aii.ce^tiiiONi» 8 Griswold Street Miami _ , r B£TSY^ I Golden Age Club has de- ! automobile and reported he was I Albert Venfiard., chairman of pro-; COMSOil Tel. MI-9-5025 Mdedi to postpone Its outing sched Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Foster^ ' able to keep afght of the allegedly I curement. said. TTie cost of the uni- uled for Thursday at Ocean Beach 358 Woodbridge St . and Mr. knd I fleeing car as it-turned left on Cen- ! forms will be defrayed by proceeds! Dulles Sees Convention Slate Park, New London, to a later date. Mrs. Edward L. Graham of Bristol, .^ e r St., narrmviy missing a cai;< ; from the Peach Shortcake Festival ffevena are touring the provinces of Nova' jmeaded south at the intersection, i fo be held on the firehouse grounds RANGE Favorite Sons, South Scotia and New Brunswick, Can- j i. Scabies and his volunteer chauf- i Aug. 24 beginning at 6:30 p.m. The Chicago, Aug; 14 (Ah_Here is Dr. Robert T.^ Paraon, 30 Sher ada. The trip to Nova Scotia Was | -feur followed the car north on festival will be conducted on an' rUEL OIL Solution to the program for the Democratic man St., Hartford, an executive of made on the motm- ship "Blue' Knox St. and found .it parking on "all yoti can eat" ba.<iis. There will national convention sessions to the Kennedy School of Missions, Nose" from Bar Harbor, Maine, Valley Si. He said the. car pulled be free pony rides for the children. GASOLINE day and tomorrovv (times are gave an enlightening account of to Yarmouth, N, S. qujpkly to the side of Valley St. eaatern standardi: ‘Freeze’ Their Votes his travels visiting churches along Suez Crisis and someone tiirned off its lights H A m Afternoon Session the “Gold dlbast” of West Africa in a vain attempt to avoid getting' Addresse.s- David A. Bunn of at the morning service yesterday For the past three weeks, Mr. Suspension Policy and Mrs. John F. Bausbla of An-^ caught. PUtKTO Wa.sliington, Aug. 14 Colorado, president of the Voting Chicago, Aug. 14 (i<P)—Adlai E. Stevenson’s forces appeared In the Second Oongregatlonal Felletter's case is schedided to BANTLY OIL Democratic Clubs of America; today to be engaged in a .strategic retreat away from an all- dover Lake, formerly of Msnehes-; I >MP . INC. JMIAKA DOmNICM mco Secretary of State Dulles said Church. The full choir tang under be heard in Town Court Aug. 20, Defended bv Mom K trotlK Mrs. Katie Louchheim. director the direction of Mrs. Barbara ter, have been entertaining their, today after meeting with of__ Womens..... _ ______Activities_ for the out effort,to capture the Democratic presidential nomination son. Marine Sgt. Richard C. Bau- IM •» »IH CSIflM ■I m v n - 1 !?u :i on the first ballot. Becker, and Miss Joyce C. Wether- ! Judge We.sley C. Gryk today President Eisenhower that he democratic Nationar"committee' ell, 343 Parker St., was soloist. aola, and his wife and daughter •4 F8ATT STRUT TEL MItclicll 9-4595 Cwfbbeon Seo "The former Illinois Governor found himself confronted by Michele. Sgt, Bausola recently re- Rotijte of Parade lauded the attitude of a Stafford is confident of a “ peaceful '*"** Reps. Edna f. Kelly of New enlisted for six years, having ^ Springs mothe*' who said she TEL ROCKVIILE 5-2177 .solution” of tlie Suez Canal a tightening freeze of “favorite son” and southern state dele hoped "they take away the II-1 HARTFORD The eaat roaat o f Florida from Daytona Beach soqth to Miami sourl. Grade Pfost of Idaho, gations apparently planning to scatter their votes amqnar served nine years with the Marines. Set bv Firemen was placed on watch lAug. 131 as Hurricane Betsy ripped oispu le. : . I Edith Green of Oregon, Martha They have now returned to San cense" of her teenage son. fined' , ^alf a dozen or more name.s while they waited to see which $4.1 for speeding. ' through the southern Bahamas with 110-mile-an-hour winds, con In a W hlte House statement, he : W-; Griffith o f Michigan, Coya Diego, Calif., where he is stationed tinuing her steady, rapid advance toward the U.S. mainland, t -• .vaid he was confident s formula ; Knutson of EMinnesota, Iris F. (ay the decision might go. at'thc San Diego Naval. Base. Also The line of march in }he Man Mrs. Ora Boone discussed the '■ I chester Fire Department spon would be.found at the London Suez ^ Blitch of-" Georgia and- Thrddeus ^teyenson, the party’s nominee in 1952, wa.s reported ---------------------x u u w r m x TOOMPODMDEO^ visiting from St.