§ JFD ]R_ § JE-3.[ JIJFD TayportF.C. is indebted to the advertisersin this programme and at the Canniepoirt.The club is also indebted to its main sponsors. WIMPEY -SHIRTSPONSORS - TRACKSUITS


_[iii MATCH ,c LEUCHARS POSTERS GLAZING - HAIRDRESSING SUPPLIES And to those firms and individualswho sponsor matches and match balls throughoutthe season. Interestedin sponsorship?Please conloct Secrelory, Treasureror any member of the committee.

Manager Dave Baikie f lanked by coach Ronnie Robb (left) and Wimpey Senior Contracts manager Ian i Mathers disp lay the TAYSIDEJUNlOR f.A. l League Flag. CHAMPlOMS LEAGUEDlV ONE 1991• 92 TAYPORTF.C. T~ Front cover pie: Team captain Andy Sommerville holds aloft the Division One Championship shield. oo~~ CountySports BEARING& (Perth)Ltd. TRANSMISSION Sports& LeisureSpecialists CO. 8-14 St. JohnStreet Perth PH1 5SP tfttJJlimt-p/alt [iJem•i19'a✓Ut Tel:26331 SPONSORS OF .!Lbwn· , PT (J. and many other clubs on ., . LOUNGE BAR and . ·: ·:_·•. South Tay Street, Dundee . BILLY COVENTRY ' "Enterprise House", ,;,,.,,Mllll; Tayside. · ·. ' . Telephone 271~1 i 25 , ~ Generousdiscounts 1-- ·-· _;F,..;;;a.;.;;bu_;lo_;us_F."7'ood'.'""-_L:=u:::nc;:;he;::s=:and:--E_ve_ni__ng'.'""M_ea_ls ___ _ ,., . , - ··--·""" ™= j DUNDEE DD 1 SDL ·,.'.: . :· TEL (0382) 26314/7 ~ available- . ~1-: __~ • ,.j J FAX (0382) 202262 ~ ask for Ian Duff , ,, I. 1•1 • .,.' \ ,. ,, ;,!4, . t' · :;·34 Commercial Street, Dundee ·, .. • . , -Telephone 200296 ' Pool,'Darts and Dominoesplus a GreatSefection_ of Beers. ' -~-ELECrRIC : ~ Roomavailable for Smokers. FunctionSuite . • .,~,R:;\811tk -~' :.:~-: .~.. : • '. .~-. ::...:, -p-;_; Forall Domestic-Commerc1al - . ::~ir.::_:.,. _-. '. . : . . '/·i ' ':;:•\i_,h'.?"{f'; .IndustrialInstallations. · .J\ls9}lU_RGLARALA~MS ,,:.: ·• ... ,~.. ,,; . ,~~,.,-- installedfor as little as £299, .' •~:-,,.;'\.. ~ :_: ·;, ·: _.,i_' ' . ",'.\\'"'.'. . '.;,:·,' ''. . ,•.:_, t raveraae2/3 bedroombousek, .:- SECURITYLIGHTIN .Gf .ROM . :. :'£60. ", 32 HarbourRoad, -_ Tavport.,_ PROMOTIONSLIMITED :•·.:;_,'•'i~~ll;· STRATHMIGLOFIFE KY14 7QL TWO TAYPORT STARS BUT, Tel: TEL: 03376 205 MY, HAVEN'T THEY CHANGED! 0382 552426,:(-/~ THEIR NAMES? SEE BESIDE FAX: 03376 699 Oistan~~:~:~!.lli\ j.,, "'";· · ,,;¥,{ QUIZ ANSWERS. 1 RAMSAY'S TODAY'S GAME 7~ 'l'his aft ern oo n "s \Jame has bee n various ly described as ' &.tt l e o f Lhe Giant s ', 'Game of the Seaso n' etc . . WhaLeve r way th at th e \Jame has been de sc ribed, th ere MINI-SKIPS is no doubt that it i s the biy (Jes t football Jl'atch ever sta\Jed in 'l'ayport. 111e CALL RAMSAY'S DIRECT ON ~~g'~ fa c t that it is a Sco ttish Junior Cup Quarter Final ensures it of that label. VODAFONE (0831) 263781 But th e re is more to it th an that. Ixiwnfield , for so l ony th e kin\Jpins on Taysid e , have seen th e ir cro wn usurped by Tay port. 'J'ayport manaye r Dave (Premium Rate Charges Apply) Castle Street, Baikie was son-ethin\J o f a l ~ Jencl at Ixi1mfielcl Park and it \/as in the t11i 1 i\Jht of his career th er e thaL he first dabbled in coachin\J und e r th e Gr i er brothers before crossin\J th e river to take the reins her e at 1'aypo rt. 1'he re s t, as th ey Tayport say, is hist ory. Previous 1reetin\JS betll ee n the sides hav e al11ays bee n c l ose 11ith r.eve r oore Traditional Fish 'n' than one \Joa l sepa ratin \J the s id es in seven n-eetin \JS . 111is seaso n" s on ly n-eeti ng to date follm1ed that pattern llith a Kev in Lynch \Joa ! all that separat ed Chips to take away the sides here on th e Canniepairt on 17th October. Sin ce that day Ixiwnf ielcl have embarked on a 20 game unbeat en run dur i n\J whi ch th ey ' ve never fail ed to DAILY, WEE~LY OR and sitting room. find their oppon ents' net. CONTRACT HIRE With Tayport also on d ,ioo d run, the sce ne i s ce rt ainly se t for a titani c Open 6 days Strll \J\Jl e. "The Biggest Mini Skip on Tayside" (closed Tuesdays). Also Mini Coach Hire Ixillnfield's 9 \Jame passa \Je t o th e last ei \Jht has bee n r e l aLiv ely kind llith Lunchtime 11.30 a.m. - 1 p.m. only Hi 11 O' Beath a110ng th e ir oppo nents havi rt\J any so rt o f pedi9ree. ll m1ever 30 Nelson Street, Tayport Ixi1mfie l d sho\/ecl the ir qualiti es in matchin\J and finally bedtin\J the lla11s over three \James, albeit in a penalty shoot-out. Dundee DD6 9DR Teatime 4 p.m. - 11.30 p.m. 'l'o add spice to the occasion, if any \/ere r.eedecl, seve n of th e 'J'ayport Tel. 553047 camp, as \/ell as Dave Baiki e , hav e \/Orn th e Spid ers' co l ours at some Lime in (0382) 552037 th e ir r es pective ca r ee rs - Ronnie Robb, Mel Ir ons , Mark Spalclin \J, Jitrmy Hunt e r, Kevin 'l~lOJILS, Andy Sonvrervill e and Gary l a non t.

-·--· ----- • - ·. -➔ • .- • • ·-·-··-··------i NltEPR(tE FORGE TOD AY'S MATCH SPONSORS Suppliers*ii o tl'"Discount V Sports FABRICATIONS Tayport F.C. l s

shell suits, trainers,football The name JAMES OONAl.DSON& SONS, TIMBER MERCIIAN'l'S, for many years domin il t ecl much I I ' I I It of 11orkin9 life in 1'ayport. Times chan,ie, howeve r, ancl Donald so ns noved with boots,. shin guards, the tines , movinq fr om 1'c1yport Lo ope n up a purpo se-b uilt Hom,? Impr ovement Centre and Depot- al Wes t Pi tk e rr o in Dundee from whe r e th ey co nLinu e to serv i c e sportsbags. their very rn3ny customers in North Fife ancl Tayside .

Outerwear including;ackets ■ ROLLER SHUTTERS ■ 1'ayport Footbi,111 Club is \Jrateful for thE: co nti nuecl suppo rt of the 1'SB & OONAlJ)SON' s. Speedo and Arena swimwear GATES ■ GENERAL James Donaldson & Sons Limited -- - - ·- Established 1860 ------­ All at the keenestprices FABRICATIONS ■ A wol'ld of choke Unn~ I, 2 & 3, Wt• !>I PIII..C'11u Ind. (st.ilt:-, Dund ee . around. TEL: 24 hrs (0382) 814030 TSBBank pie Tel: 10382) 7Jb 7l1 fd >: 10)821 73b700 Mike McKenzie TEAMKITS SUPPLIED .. ··-······-···•··- - -- Unit 16 98High Street, Lochee Alexander Street, Dundee _:~ _SIJPPOR'I' OUR ADVER T l SE RS • • 'J'aypo rt r'.C. is \1rate ful t.o a ll our adve rti se rs for tdkin \J spac e in our ma t chclay proqranrr>2 and \Je 110111d urs1e you to \Jive the se c1dverL i se rs support. 11; ffiiti dli

PRESS il•lt89i51 COMMENT 'Citize11

" .... the defending champions \o/Onat a canter \olith a five goal tally that which could easi "ly have been doubled " - Fife Herald (19/3/93) Lochee United... O Tayport 5 " ..• • it is the first tiire a Tayside club hav~ ever headed our betting for the Junior Cup" - West of Scotland bookrnakers -M & S Racing's spokesman on Tayport-Courier(l6/3) ••• "Shettleston piled on the pressure only to be stunned when Mackay and Reilly hit a late double for Tayport " - Sunday Mail (7/3/93) Tayport 3 Shettleston 1 ••• " Tayport rarely looked comfortable throughout the 90 minutes •••. " TENNENTS LAGER/ - Fife Herald (12/3/93) Tayport 3 Shettleston 1 ••• "Tayport's evergrowing travelling support was not to know it, but the opening quarter of the match was to be about as good as they would get on this chilly BELHAVEN BEER afternoon " - Fife Herald (26/3/93) Fraserburgh... United O Tayport 3 Pool Table/ JukeBox "Tayside clash of the Titans .... " - Sporting Post(27/3/93) on today's match. ••• SATELLITET.V . " ••. a Dundee FC official has been in touch with the Canniepairt side to ask them to switch the gaire to Sunday to avoid the'Dee's ireeting with Partick" - Sporting Post (27/3/93) . 32 Tay Street, Tayport. ••• "When you see the anount of work they put in, we've got to do our bit" - Tayport official discussing his club's managerial and coaching staff Tel: 552011 in April edition of 'Team Talk' Football Magazine • ••• "Tayport turned on the style and noved into the Perthshire Advertiser Cup (Prop. R. BRUCE) Final with plenty to spare" - Sunday Mail (28/3/93) Carnoustie Panmure O Tayport 4 . ••• ■ "The Baker's Bit" I'd like to extend a warm welcome to the Port support and the players and officials ,· of our visitors to the \:anniepairt this afternoon. Today's quarter final tie will be our 18th Scottish tie since joinin9 the Junior ranks in 1990/91. Only two clubs in Scotland have played more in that period - Auchinleck Talbot and Glenafton, last season's finalists. Before I 9ive my thou9hts on today's encounter, I'd like to talk briefly on the four games which have come and gone since the last -issue of the Port Pr09, which of course, was our 3-1 victory in the 5th round over the Central Premier Division's Shettleston. I know and our players know, that we didn't fire on all cylinders that day. We played below the standards which we've set a9ainst, I must say, a very 900d side. But, at the end of the day, we scored three very well worked goals to their sole penalty counter which, incidentally, is the only ,1oal we've conceded in the past six games, scoring 24 in the process. We tend to struggle to lift ourselves the week after a Scottish tie but, after a sticky first twenty minutes, we ran out comfortable winners in the league fixture away to lochee United, winning 5-0 and gaining two valuable points. The following week we faced the unenviable journey to Fraserburgh in the Zamoyski Cup. I felt that we played exceptionally well for fifteen minutes, went 2-0 up then stopped. We eventually scored again with ten minutes remaining to make it 3-0 but I felt a bit frustrated and disappointed that we didn't carry on the standard we set early in the 9ame. However, we're through and, I believe, blessed with a home tie in the quarter finals versus Kirrie Thistle. Last week was much more pleasin11- The standard much better and the reward is a cup final place at McDiarmid Park thanks to a 4-0 win at Carnoustie and, of course, I don't have to remind our fans of the last time we were at the home of St Johnstone. But I will anyway ! A 2-0 win over Jeanfield SWifts brln9in9 the first of the nine trophies we've brou9ht back to the Canniepairt since. It was a proud moment for me to see Geor9e Malone pick up our first trophy and probably for him too, something he thou11ht he would never do a9ain. Great Stuff! And of Forget the rest - course to see our players piped on and off the park. Happy memories indeed. So,311 in all, it hasn't been a bad month and to see Frank l))lan and Kevin ,. Thoms back in a Tayport jersey was really heartenin9. Great for them and the Club. Our players need no introduction to our opponents today and they know, as well as I do, we will have to play to the required standard to overcome them. But thay also know, as I do, we have the talent and the ability. I tell our players now - produce the form and attitude :y.ou•ve shown many times this season, then we'll be in the last four. I've no doubts in my mind whatsoever about that.

Support The Port, Dave Baikie. ******* GROUNDDEVELOPMENTS Tayport fans will have noticed the improvements which have 9radua11y been re-shaping Main Street, BARRY. the Canniepairt these past few months. A new terracin9 has been constructed on the south side of the 9round. New Gents' l (temporary) toilet accommodation has been provided next to that terracin\J• The area just inside the entrance 9ate, previously always muddy, has been re-surfaced Telephone: and thin9s are movin9 a9ain as far as the pavilion extension is concerned. This extension, when finished will provide state of the art,(as far as football grounds are concerned, anyway ) public toilets and a refreshment facility . Carnoustie (0241) 59838 With no grants available for this project, there will be a steady drain on the club's resources. Any assistance in terms of labour, materials etc. would be much appreciated. Already we are very grateful to local firms and individuals who have given their assistance to this project and,for this,we thank them very much. ■ • TODAY'S OPPONENTS DOWNFIELD _Mitchell has enjoyed a rich vein of goalscorinsJ since signing from Lochee United four seasons a90. capped by Junior Scotland, there was a considerable GROUND: Downfield Park, Dundee COLOURS: Black & ~1ite Hoops. surprise expressed when his hat-trick a9ainst Bellshill in the last round FOUNDED:1904 NICKNAME:The Spiders LEAGUE: Tayside Division One fa~led to s~ him ~in back his place in the Scotland team. Mind you, Davie Rellly and bisi Hamish wereri.'.t quoted either ! The team's top scorer with 26 CO-MANAGERS:Geor,Je & Willie Grier PHYSIO: Larry leonard to his credit. Ronnie Fraser was a renowned marksman for SS Peter & Paul in SCOTTISHCUP RECORD: Semi-finalists 1985. Quarter-finalists 1986. the amateurs for many seasons before joininsi Downfield this term. STEVE ttINTOSH completes the pool for today's garre. A striker, Steve is also in his MAJORHONOURS: Zam::iyski Trophy 1989/90,1990/91. Tayside Champions 1988-89-90. first season with the club havinsJ previously seen service with North End. PRESIDENJ': Toomy Allan. SECRETARY-:Mel Goodwin. Not in contention today are John Ruddie (injured), Gre,;1Mceill (cup tied) and What can you say about our visitors today that the fans here don't know Paul Yule. already? Packed with experience, the wily Grier brothers at the helm, extrerely generous odds from the bookies, living the shadow of ourselves since 1990, been over the course before, long unbeaten run etc. etc. THE P.P.Q. Joint managers Willie and his brother George have been in charge at Downfield 1. Na~ the Italian ~rie A teams sponsored by (a) TAMOIL and (b) r-urJ'A (2) for the past nine seasons. Previously with Lochee United, the Griers had been 2. Which current Premier Leasiue sioalkeeper 1,as sisined up from Tranent Juniors (l) out of the game for nine nonths when they were persuaded to launch a rescue bid 3. F~om which Italian side did Rangers si,J11 Trevor Francis (1) at Downfield in APril 1984 when relegation was starinsJ the Spiders in the face. 4. Mick »=earthy left Celtic for which French club (I) They were unable to J'revent the team droppinsJ down a division but built 5. Whi~h country has wo~ the ~st European Football Trophies (all three comps) (I) virtually from scratch the following season. Amongst the players they recruited 6. Ju~ior club Dunfermline Jubllee have recently changed their narre to what (!) for that re-building job were a certain D.Baikie and G.Irons. An other was 7. Which English l.easiue club are nicknamed 'The Terriers' (I) 'keeper Grant Clark while, another two Grier signings at that tire and 8. Which local Junior side was beaten 4-2 by Craisimark Burntonians in this currently playin9 Senior ,were Gordon Winter (Forfar Ath) and 01arlie Adam season's OVDScottish Junior Cup (I) (Arbroath). Since then the Spiders have annexed three championships and 9. Who was the oldest player to make his debut for Scotland (I) been title runners-up on five occasions as well as pickinsJ up twelve cups. JO. Narre two club sides that hail from Dublin (2) (Answers near back) Many may have cons idered that the Downfield bubble had burst when they made .,, 'I- '1-'l-'I- 'I- '1- a stutteri nsJ start to the season. The nore shrewd observer, however, could see Action here on _th~ can~iepairt next Saturday(notwithstanding a draw today) that the lapse was only temporary and so it transpired with the Spiders s1ettin9 w~en we f~ce Kirrie Thistle in a Zam::iyski Trophy tie. Please note that the their act together in the autumn, their last defeat bein9 here on the canniepairt kick off IS at 2.30pm. ******* on 17th October. .------·- --·- ·------In goal for Downfield will be 32 year old 9oalkeeper GRANTCLARK , the holder I'll bet you wondered where we unearthed this one from! Three weel kent faces of 5 Scottish caps. Affectionally knmm as 'Loco', Grant is in Tayside football circles appear tasJether for St Johnstone on a pre-season tour. a regular in the Tayside Select team and is currently enjoyin9 a Testinonial year. Full back JIM »=MULKINis another Tayside reuular. The 28 year old is in his fourth season with the club having been signed from Blalr siowrie. Likely at left back today wi 11 be SI'UART CASSIDY who gave 9ood service to Stobs11ell and Elrnwoodbefore joins1 up at Bal,Jowan Avenue three seasons a,10. In central defence wi 11 be KENNYJONES and ROYPRICE. The lanky Jones was capped at amateur level whilst with Dousilas Amateurs from whomhe joined Downfield. 26 year old Price went Senior with Montrose but his stay at Links Park was short and he was soon back in the hoops of Downfield. Ex-Broughty Athletic, Roy was the Spiders' player of the year last season. 'Grant Clark~ In midfi eld will be the industrious GRANTNISBET who has been five seasons at Downfield since si9ning from Lochee United. Another ce rtain starter today will be club captain JOHNYOUJ',K;. The hard tacklinsi 25 year old joined up four seasons asio from Elmwood. Others in contention for a midfield berth are PAULBLAIR, who was fix ed up last close season from de-throned champions, Forfar West End, ex-St Johnstone MARTINDUFFY 11ho care this season from North End and 17 year old ANDYCARGILL . Cargill, a stocky midfielder, was sisined just last week on a delayed transfer from Dundee United as the Griers loo ked to stren,Jthen their pool for the cup. Up front Dmmfie ld 11ill look to the tri ckery and speed of the veteran DAVIE ANDERSON and proli fie marksmen DEREKMITCHElJ. , and RONNIEFRASER. Anderson was alr eady on the wron9 si de of thirty 1/hen he sisined from Tirex Amateurs with whomhe was capped for the Scottish Amateurs . Willie Brown, Kevin Thoms and Charlie Adam in action at Newcastle United's training ground in 1986 MATCH STATISTICS GOALSCORERS 1992/93 (pr ev. se asons in brackets) TODAY'S TEAMS D. Reill \' ...... 31 (82) H.Mac'{;:iy ...... 28 ( 9) W.Coventry ...... 10 (28) J.Devin e ...... 12 (28) OVD SCOTTISHS.TU,OA> JUNIOR 3'D CUPA>m QUARTER'993 FINAL •~ f') I.Harris ...... 10 ( -) ® (") wn ' TAYPORT v DOWNFIELD • . A.Somnerville .. , . .... 9 (17) AT THE CANNIEPAIRT . N "" • en K.Lynch ...... 7 ( -) ~.J\ KICK OFF 3P~ • . G.lamont ...... 6 (29) '---1ffl..,/ PORT PROG '92-93 No.9 P.Rei lly ...... 2 ( 2) TAYPORT M.Spalding ...... 2 ( 5) DOWNFIELD J.Hunter ...... 2 ( 4) from from • • • a, G.Paterson ...... ( 3) FRASER MANN GRANT CLARK N • fl(/) 00,tt ii .fc •• K.Thoms...... - (63) ,- G.Malone ...... - ( 1) PAUL REILLY -tl • • • fl: fl fl • • • JIM McMULKIN N G.Cushnie ...... •. - (18) GRANT PATERSON STUART CASSIDY '°N -tr •ticnttUJ• fl: ii•• G.Irons ...... - (11) SEAN WILKIE tn S.Wilkle ...... - ( 1) ROY PRICE MATCHBALL : Nit •••••• •co• ilUl F .Dolan ...... - ( 2) <3' ANDY SOMMERVILLE KENNY JONES N• •••tn•• •cn-tr flt: (") F.Mann (Shutouts) .. .. 15(29) MARKSPALDING N 4r ilflflilUJU> JOHN YOUNG ••-t: •• THIS SEASON'SRESULTS N JIMMY HUNTER GRANT NISBET N ,ti •fl««cn« •ii• •• .... 27/7 H v Balbe,19le (F) W 9-0 GRANT CUSHNIE Nil •••UJUl• flitU1 «« PAUL BLAIR 1/8 H v Shettleston (F) W 1-0 0 HAMISH MACKAY RONNIE FRASER Nil itUlil••• -ti-tr-tr -tttr 5/8 H v loch,Jelly (F) W 8-0 Today 's Match Ball has 8/8 A v Wivenhoe Tn,(F) W 2-1 DAVE REILLY DEREK MITCHELL been kindly donated by "'...... (/) . .. .. 9/8 A v Broomfield (F) W 5-2 D.M.Black a, BILLY COVENTRY DAVIE ANDERSON ...... 15/8 A v Kirrie This.(L) W 2-1 KEVIN LYNCH Chemist en• en•• 19/8 A v Jeanfield Sw(L) W 1-0 MARTIN DUFFY ••• . . 22/8 H v East Craigie(L) W 2-1 GARY LAMONT ANDY CARGILL '°...... •• .. en• • 14/11 A v Forfar WE (P) W 1-0 "' • .. • .. • (I) • • ...... • • • 21/11 H v carnoustie (L) W 5-3 ******* lO ...... oo ...... en• • 28/11 H v Benburb (S) W 3-0 TAYSIDEMcEWAN'S LAGER LEAGUE "-1' ...... 00 .oo .. m .. .. en•• 12/12 H v Kirrie This.(L) W 4-0 DIVISIONONE DIVISION'lliO M .. Ul 41 -tt • ...... (I) -tt .... Ul .. -fl U) .. ,tr 28/12 A v carnoustie (L) D 2-2 N ...... Ul .. Uliltt: Ultt: .. EE .e. li Q 1 .L l! .P. f !:!.Q !! f ~ f 9/ 1 H v Aberdeen (S) W 2-0 TAYPORT 21 18 2 I 68 16 38 A.'IBROATH VJCS. 14 12 1 1 57 15 25 rl • • • .. . . • • .. • • • 0000 .. rnoocnUJ• •cn 16/ 1 H v Jeanfield Sw(L) W 2-0 FORFARWE 21 15 3 3 48 21 33 BRECHINV JCS. 19 10 4 5 46 33 24 23/ 1 A v Kinnoull (Z) W 11-1 ARBROATHSC 23 13 3 7 55 36 29 BROUGffff A'.rl. 14 10 3 1 36 12 23 30/ 1 H v lochee Harp (L) W 2-1 FORFARALBION 22 11 6 5 43 32 28 ST JOSE?HS 12 9 3 0 53 9 21 6/ 2 A v Cumnock (S) W 4-1 KINNOUI,L 23 11 5 7 43 43 27 MONTROSE'LEA 14 8 1 5 37 23 17 13/ 2 A v Arbroath V. (P) W 5-3 DOWNFIELD 19 11 3 5 49 20 25 ELMl'IOOD 15 6 2 7 36 30 14 20/ 2 A v Arbroath SC iL) W 5-0 NORTHEND 20 11 3 6 42 35 25 BANKFOO'i' 14 5 4 5 29 27 14 27/ 2 A v East Craigie(L) W 4-0 JEANFIELD 21 10 4 7 44 32 24 BALBEGGIE 15 6 2 7 25 35 ·14 6/ 3 H v Shettleston (S) W 3-1 CARNOUSTIE 23 7 7 9 46 46 21 BLAIRGOWRIE 17 5 4 8 23 36 14 13/ 3 A v lochee Utd (L) W 5-0 lOCHEEHARP 22 6 5 11 32 42 17 SCONETHISTLE 19 5 1 13 32 56 11 20/ 3 A v Fraserburgh (Z) W 3-0 lOCHEEUNITED 22 4 4 14 30 62 12 COUPARANGUS 19 3 3 13 25 71 9 27/ 3 A v carnou stle (P) W 4-0 VIOLET 18 3 3 12 21 53 9 LUNCARTY 18 1 2 15 17 66 4 KIRRIE THIS. 23 1 5 17 37 73 7 EASTCRAIGIE 21 1 3 18 22 69 5 ------· ---- ·"'··- ·•·-- ·-··-···-···~-·------· -··- - ..... •··· ----··-··--·---·------OVD SCOTTISH JUNIOR CUP QUARTER FINAL PREVIEW MARK SPALDING Rarely can the Scottish Junior Cup Quarter Finals have captured the imagination AGE: 29 STAY IN: Dunde.~. ~?: N6. OCCUPATION: Lorry Driver as they have done this season - and not just on Tayside. It's definitely a mini bean time for the Juniors with cup gates very healthy. Who can blame SCHOOISATTENDED: St Columba 's Primary, lawside Academy the punter for turnin9 his or her back on the Seniors at this stage of the TEAMSPlAYED FOR: Gillburn Boys, Fairnruir B.C., season when he or she is asked to pay £7 for an often meaningless league Fairmuir Social Club, Downfielcl & School teams. \Jame when a slice of the Junior Cup action can be had for thirty bob . . Did you notice the cro11cl at the Meado11bank v Co11denbeath first division \Jame the FAVOURITEGROUND: Do1mfielcl Park. other week? It was 179. We took as many to Fraserburgh for our Zarnoyski tie. LEAST FAVOURITEGROUND: Craigie Park. With St Josephs facin,J the attractive Glenafton at Fairfield Park and our BEST FOOTBALLMEMJRY: Life's been full of them! own game here on the Canniepairt, the football fan in Dundee and North Fife is The Scottish win at Arthurlie and the home win spoilt for choice this holiday weekend. over Blackburn United must be two of the best. Glenafton, last season's beaten finalists, have roved to the top of the WORSTFOOTBAI.J. , MEMJRY:Losing to Pollok at Dens Ayrshire league in recent weeks and have shown once again that any possible with Downfielcl in the Scottish semi final. weaknesses in their line-up can be quickly stren ,Jthened by making a si,Jnin\J or two from the Seniors. Most recent captures are Andy Brayshaw from Killie I-DST DIFFICULT OPPONENT: Bi9 Davie Scctt via Australia and ex-Hearts and Partick striker Gerry McCoy. who plays for Forfar West Encl always seems to give me problems. St Josephs, too, haven't been slo11 to produce the cheque book in their bid to get to the top. Quickly assessing that their original pool, while maybe SENIOR TEAMFOIJ.DWED: Both Dundee sides. managin \J to \Jet the better of m::ist second division sides, wasn't ,Join9 to live IF YOUCOULD CHANGE OR INTRODOCEA RULE IN with the bi9 ,JUfls, Joeys raided the Seniors with Gus Malone, Phil Smith, FOOTBALL,WHAT WOULD IT BE: I would re-introduce the passback rule. Steve O'Hanlon ·and Tony McAuley all arriving at Fairfield Park with all Tayside transfer records bein,J broken in the process. POST MATCHREFRESHMENT: Pint of lager. St Josephs have needed a lot of hard graft to ,Jet to this sta,Je and their FAVOURITEPUB or NIGI-ITCLUB: Pub - Taybrid \Je Bar. Nightclub - Buddies ( I nose the reward is a visit from bi,J Rou,Jhie's side which ended our challen 1Je at this the head doorman ! ) sta ,Je last season. Jt won't be easy for Joeys but, given the breaks, the tie FAVOURITEWAY OF REIAXING: Havin \J a lie-in. can go their way. They will want to finish thin,Js at the first attempt. A visit to the less than salubrious New Cumnock holds few attractions . HOBBIES - Holidays. lAST HOLIDAYSPOT: Cyprus. in Springburn 11ill be bulgin,J at the seams for the visit FAVOURITETV PRCXiRAMME:40 Minutes. FAVOURITEFOOD: Curries . of holders Auchi nleck. The Peasi es are havi n,J a good season with ex-Brechi n FAVOURITEACTOR: The Marx Broth e rs. FAVOURITEACTRESS: Demi 1'1:xlre. City striker Paul Sexton 11ell to the fore as they challen \Je stron\Jly for the Reebok Central Championship. Talbot recognised that their side required FAVOURITEFILM: Midnight Expre s s. TASTES IN MUSIC: Anythin \J except heavy stren ,Jthening and in the last couple of 11eeks have plun ,1ed into the transfer rock . market to fix up Kevin Hetherin ,1ton from Queen of the South and ex-Dundee lAST BOOKREAD: Sc lon \J a90, I can ' t remember. NEWSPAPER:Courier. United player Raymond Walsh from Albion Rovers. Talbot have had one or two FIRST RECORDBOUGHT: Bohemian Rhapsody. fri,Jhts alon\J the cup trail this season and the Peasies could \Jive them their bimJest fright yet. FAVOURITERESTAURANT: The Amalfi in Paphos, Cyprus (I can't get very often, thou hJ 9 lesmahagow take on Kilbirnie in the other tie and this promises to be WHATANNOYS •ME MOST? Stupid Drivers . another cracker. Kilbirnie were rocked last week when their 'keeper, ex­ Rangers' Dave r-t::Kellar, 11ho doubled up as assistant manager, 11alkecl out followin\J his side's 2- 1 defeat by Cumnock - apparently because of criticism THE ROAD TO THE QUARTER FINALS of his performan ce in that game. Kilbirnie will look to prolific scorer Tom TAYPORT DOWNFIELD McKenzie to take them through while lesmahagow, the defendin \J Central lea\JUe Champions, might include Paul Ande rson, their new si\jnin g from Berwick Ran\Jers, fil W 7-1 (H) v Ctunbernauld United Rl D 1-1 (H) v Wisha11 (Young) (Mack ay 3, D.Reilly 2, Devine, lam::int) to counter -act McKenzie's threat . A point to ponder - in each of the last four Rlr W 2-0 (A) v Wishaw (Duffy, Nisbet) seasons the team that has beaten lesmaha ,Jow has \Jone on to appear in the final. R2 W 3-0 (H) v Benburb fil W 6-2 (H) v Maud (Mitchell, Young, (Somner v ille, D. Reilly 2) Jones, McIntosh, Blair, Duffy) R3 W 2- 0 (H) v Aberdeen East Encl BJ D 2-2 (A) v Hill 0' Beath ** Diel you spot Mr Ro11botham, our referee toclay,on television last week? He was (D.Reilly, Sontnerville) (Jones, McIntosh) one of the linesmen at the Rangers v Dundee \Jame at Jbro x. After runnin\j the R4 W 4-1 (A) v Cumnock R3r at Downfielcl - Abandoned at 1-1. line in front of 40,000 baying teddy bears, today's occasion will be quiet in (D.Re illy 2, Mackay, Coventr y ) !Ll.£ D 1-1 (H) v Hill 0° Beath (Younq) comparison. Mr Ro11botham will also be rec(l\Jnised as the man in the middle for R3srD 2-2 (N) v Hill 0° Beath (Fraser 2) our t110 \James a\Jainst Arthurli e last season. RS W 3- 1 (HJ v Shettlest on at Jeanfield. Downfield won on pens. l (I) . Reill y 2, Mackay) R4 W 5-J (A) v Lochee United ** The final of th e Pe rth shire Adve rtiser Cup is s cheduled for ltDiarmJd Park 1 _ on Tuesday 27th April. Tayport"s opponent s are ei t he r Downfi e ld or North End . ! (Mitch e ll 3 , Fra s er, Anderson) I RS W 3-0 (HJ v Bellshi!l (Mitchell 3) FAN PROFILE ' Tooling for Industry NAME: IAIN DICKSON AGE: 25 Today! (Happy Birthday,Iain) .Status: Eli\1ible! 'The HARBOUR PIACEof RESIDENCE: Tayport. I've stayed th ere all my days. FOOTBALLTRACK RECORD: Tayport Thistle BC, Ferryport and SHOP Poncly pub teams. I've also trained twice with the Amateurs (Under new ownership) this season! EARLIESTFOOTBALL MEMORY: Playing on the Mill Pitch. BROAD STREET,TAYPORT SENIORTEAM FOlJOWED: Celtic. For your Groceries, bread, E.P. WHATCONVERTED YOU TO SUPPORTTHE 'PORT: Cheap, good cigarettes, sweets, ice quality entertaining football. cream, soft drinks, greetings BEST EVERTAYPORT PERFORMANCE: Away to Arthurlie '91/92. cards. EngineeringCo. BESTTAYPORT GOAL SEEN: Kevin Thoms v Blackburn United. Hqt drinks & pies, filled FAVOURITETAYPORT PlAYER: Jinmy Hunter. rolls, toys & convenience WHAT'STHE BESTTHIN:; ABOUTBEIi% A TAYPORTFAN: Good (Dundee)Ltd. football and the opportw1ity to visit all those different goods, Sunday papers, pubs. Xmas club. BESTJUNIOR GRCXJND VISITED: Newlandsfield Park, Pollok. 1-K>RSTJUNIOR GROUND VISITED: Crai11ie Park. FREEDELIVERY PRECISION ENGINEERS SCHOOLSATTENDED: Tayport P.S. and Madras Coll~1e, St Andrews. Units 14-15, Peddie Street, AMBITIONWHilsr AT SCHOOL: Just to have a good laugh ! (bet that went down well - Ed.) TO SENIOR Dundee. OCCUPATION:Fork lift driver with Scott & Fyfe . Tel (0382) 643174-5 PRE": IOUS OCCUPATIONS:landscape Gardener, Machine Operator, Mechanic. CITIZENS Fax(0382)641965 MATCHSNACK: Cup of tea. FAVOURITEFOOD/MEAL: Curries . FAVOURITEPUB: Pondy. lAST YEAR'SHOLIDAY SPOT: Santa Penza (Majorca). lAST B'.XlKREAD: Two Tone Story. FAVOURITEl'OVIE STAR: Norman Wisdom. MYIDEA OF PARADISE:Parkhead. SCO'JTDEMPSTER HOBBIES:Football and modellin\1 for Government Health Warnin11posters. D.M.BLACK 'ESSENGAEL' IF YOUMOVED AWAY WHAT 'IHREE THINGS OOUl.D YOU MISS ABOUT TAYPORT:Annoying Eck Beat, Tayport FC and Eck & Ella (parents) . ,: CHE .MIS;T .·•· ;.:·~;- 12 NAUGHTONROAD, AMBITIONIN LIFE: To be happy and have lots of laughs . WORMIT WHATIMPROVEMENTS OOUI.D YOU LIKE TO SEE AT THE CLUB: To see a Social Club established. .PRESCRIPTIONS WHATGETS ON YOUR NERVES : Bad Referees. IF YOUHAD A DREAM.. Tayport to win Scottish. Tel WormitS41374 or t •.., DISPENSED· ..:· ******* ' c:osMETICS,TOILETRIES Newport S426S0. . DEVELOPING& PRINTING FacingBrickwork ' BABYCARE · F'areplaces:: ,_:32 CASTLE STREET (- Slabbingand .,··. . .: ',: ·; -•:; . Extensions, . TAYPORTDD69AF • etc. TEL:0382'552247 ,y~:~ ,~..._.&.._..JL,-J-.J-715BRICKLAYER ·, Action fr om Tayport v Dmmfield on the Canniepairt last season TAYPORT JUNIORS - THE CLUB RECORDS

BIGGESTWIN - ll-1 v Kinnoull 10/10/92 (L) at Tayport 11-1 v Kinnoull 23/1/ 93 (Zarnoyski cup) at Kinnoull BIGGESTDEFEAT 1-4 v Pollok 9/3/ 91 (Scottish CUp) at Tayport BIGGESTAWAY DEFEAT- 1-3 v Glenafton 28/ 3/92 (Scottish CUp) at New Cumnock BJGGESTSCOTTISH CUF - WIN at(Home)- 7-1 v Blackburn( 2/2/91), Cumbernauld(31/10/92 BIGGESTSCCYITISH CUP WIN (Away)- 5-0 v lewis United at Aberdeen 30/ll/91 BIGGESTLEAGUE DEFEAT (DIVISION ONE) - 2-3 (a) v Jeanfield SWifts 1991/92 1-2 (a) v Forfar West End 1991/92 0-1 (h) v For,far Albion 1992/93 BIGGESTLEAGUE WIN (DIVISION ONE) ll-1 {h) v Kinnoull 1992/93 6-0 (a) v Bankfoot 1991/92 tJfP.f a «IOH<«lj~Q/lte (Q 6-0 (a) v East Craigie 1991/92 BIGGESTLEAGUE DEFEAT (DIVISION 'll/0) 2- 3 (h) v Kirrie This. 1990/91 1- 2 (h) v Arbroath Vics1990/91 1-2 (a) v Kirrie This. 1990/91 BIGGESTLEAGUE WIN (DIVISION 'll/0) 9-0 (h) v St Joseph's 1990/91 .fo/1/Qt"(if.f QfbQth, tehtf .f befot"erwl , 7-1 (a) v Balbeggie 1990/91 LONGESTWINNING SEQUENCE 12 GAMES 30/11/91 - 29/2/92 LONGESTWINNING SEQUENCE (LEAGUE) - ll GAMES 8/ 2/91 - 8/6/91 LONGESTLOSING SEQUENCE 2 GAMES 9/3/91 - 16/3/91 LONGESTLOSING SEQUENCE (LEAGUE) 1 GAME lDOOESTUNBEATEN RUN 25 GAMESlo/ 9/92 - LONGESTRUN WITHOllr WIN 3 GAMES 19/8/91 - 24/8/91 BAR LUNCHES "'SERVED LONGESTSEQUENCE OF SCORING 58 GAMES 15/8/90 - 19/8/91 LONGESTSEQUENCE OF SCORING( LEAGUE) 25 GAMES 15/8/90 - 19/ 8/91 LONGESTSEQUENCE OF FAILIOO TO SCORE GAME SEVEN DAYS LONGESTSEQUENCE WITHOUT lOSING GOAL 5 GAMES 4/4/92 - 29/4/92 & 1/2/92 - 29/2/9 2 LONGESTSEQUENCE WITHOllr WSING GOAL(L) 7 GAMES14/1 2/91 - 25/4/92

BAR' ·l SUPPERS·. . >' . ' MOSTGOALS IN ONEGAME DAVEREilJ.,Y 4 v BALBEl3GIE1990/91 (L) HAMISHMACKAY 4 v HARP 1992/93 {L) PLAYERSWHO HAVE SCORED HAT-TRICKS - DAVEREILLY 8 antiSA.TU.-. ·--· KEVINTHOM.5 4 HAMISHMACKAY 5 JACKIE DEVINE 3 IAN HARRIS 2 JUKEBOX, POOL TABLE, ------·------.. ---- ··-- ---, Heard in the Murraygate on the Monday norning following the Shettleston tie - SATELLITE- T.V. " see that Hamish Mackeh's goal? E've no seen wan like that since Gilzean was at Dens" ";:======--=--:.-...·- -·--·--·-- ·-.. TAYPORT ARMS AND LOUNGE BAR ANSWERSTO P,P.Q, J. Nelson Street, Tayport:Tef: 553202 lUoore'I l3eD ~ (lJa1) aufAacI ai~oer a3e s3ale1d l3odAe~ a4,1 •• •3aqwaw aallJUIIIOo e 1-0 ,3apids, e X1qeqo.J9 v- z•3e1n6a3 a1es 1ooq 3eo e L-S ·.saUfJ s,l30d, aq. Jo auo Zt-8 (Prop.Mrs D. Mouat) ·sueiwaqoa 30 s3aAoa ~==ttS•·q.v s,~OJ31Ed 1s ·ot uosdwis uoa ' 6 af6fe3J 1S1!3 ' 8 UM.o~p1arJs3appnH 'L uo11ea3oaa q.lsoa ·9 pue16ua ·s uol~ ·v e.ue1e1v 'E ·u113ew uqor · z uet!W' J'V (q) e1uere1v (e) · t

... - --····------·-· - ·





The above are just some of the Company Representative ways in which you can become 1 1 Pitreavie Place - ~S~ involved in helping the club. Dundee Also, we are striving to Tel 0382-89991 (home) 'fJ""GROUP develop the Ground and Pavilion s and any assistance or ideas of 0382-200230 (office) DOUGLAS DEAR RIBA ARIAS MAPM, FERRY PORT STUDIO, BROAD STREET, TAYPORT, any kind would be much FIFE DD6 9AJ TEL + FAX 0382 552345 appreciated. t(Jt~/4Ta,;()~t Fea MICHAEL RASMUSSEN DA RIAS RIBA MAPM, DEESIDE STUDIOS, THE SQUARE, ABOUNE, Any person interested should ABERDl::ENSHIRE AB34 5HX TEL+ FAX 03398 86965 contact the secretary or any RALPH TILSTON Barch. (Hons) ARIAS, RALPH TILSTON STUDIO, PILMOUR LINKS, ST. member of the committee for J'a.eeu,~/a.fJ'eaJ'{}lf ANDREWS, FIFE KY I 6 9JG . TEL 0334 7630 I FAX 0334 76502 further details Members of Lautro & lmro

The IAIN M.C. .t~ .. AULD HOOSE LUMSDEN ..... Public Bar and Lounge 18 CASTLE STREET, DUND~~ 1 WHITENHILL E\1,~~JjU(l- TAYPORT TAYPORT TEL: 552580 1 ITel: 552359 BUTCHER AND .,'fbc11 ;oridal1p1r1s' Pirieales, wines and POULTERER Wesell Fir st Class Beef,Pork and Lamb WishTayport F.C. a verysuccessful season spirits andalso supply the Finest Quality Meat s Openall day forDeep Freeze to customersown FLYDRIVEHOLIDAYS FROM £288 - FromGlasgow requirements. Whynot try our Speciality Situatedin theheart of the Sausagesand Burgers -ideal for Barbecues CHILDRENALWAYS HALF PRICE -or forcri sp summersalad s, comein and town.Why not call in for choosefrom our selection of freshly cooked Hotelfrom £25 per night (sleep4) yourpre-match and post meats. Apartments£275 per week (sleep 6) QUALITYis ourmotto and matchpint SATISFACTIONis always our aim. PhoneJackie Noble on Dundee 26031 ;; 44-48EastOocK Street The Coach Shop TAYBRIDGE STRANGEWAYS Dundee0013JS 93Commercial Street BAR PUBLICHOUSE TAYSIDETel.(0382) 201121 Dundee 129 PERTH 24 GEORGE STREET TAYSIDEPUBLIC TRANSPORT CO.LTD. Fax (0382) 201997 Tel (0382) 20112l ROAD PERTH

We'rebelier lhan all !he resl wilh our Premier Public DUNDEE Tel (0738) 28866 t PUBUCTRANSPORT t Transporl Service andTaybus Passes

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t UK& EUROPEAN COACHTOURS t Dayand Half Day Tours arealso popular Mcfli)flM•s

' ' t PRIVATcCOACH HIREt Wehave aSuperior Standard ofCoaches MEIROBflit BOOKER 77 Rosebank ProfessionalCarsand Chauffeurs ofthe Highesl Quality for SECURITIES t CHAUffEURDRIVfNCARS I Street, 29 MINTO PLACE WEDDINGS· EXECUTIVE TRANSPORT · DUNDEEDD2 lBR Dundee Telephone 0382 643349


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