§ JFD <CJ:>~§ <CJ:> ]R_ § JE-3.[ JIJFD TayportF.C. is indebted to the advertisersin this programme and at the Canniepoirt.The club is also indebted to its main sponsors. WIMPEY -SHIRTSPONSORS - TRACKSUITS BOOTS _[iii MATCH ,c LEUCHARS POSTERS GLAZING - HAIRDRESSING SUPPLIES And to those firms and individualswho sponsor matches and match balls throughoutthe season. Interestedin sponsorship?Please conloct Secrelory, Treasureror any member of the committee. Manager Dave Baikie f lanked by coach Ronnie Robb (left) and Wimpey Senior Contracts manager Ian i Mathers disp lay the TAYSIDEJUNlOR f.A. l League Flag. CHAMPlOMS LEAGUEDlV ONE 1991• 92 TAYPORTF.C. T~ Front cover pie: Team captain Andy Sommerville holds aloft the Division One Championship shield. oo~~ CountySports BEARING& (Perth)Ltd. TRANSMISSION Sports& LeisureSpecialists CO. 8-14 St. JohnStreet Perth PH1 5SP tfttJJlimt-p/alt [iJem•i19'a✓Ut Tel:26331 SPONSORS OF .!Lbwn· ,<?i•a12,rmiMtiJ/1., ..lfotl\ 0ytttJ 11ze11,t, arut J'UjJ}ol'ter,r,,&f' Suppliers to TayportF.C. JIMMY HUNTER ~ " g;yJon> PT (J. and many other clubs on ., . LOUNGE BAR and . ·: ·:_·•. South Tay Street, Dundee . BILLY COVENTRY ' "Enterprise House", ,;,,.,,Mllll; Tayside. · ·. ' . Telephone 271~1 i 25 Hawkhill, ~ Generousdiscounts 1-- ·-· _;F,..;;;a.;.;;bu_;lo_;us_F."7'ood'.'""-_L:=u:::nc;:;he;::s=:and:--E_ve_ni__ng'.'""M_ea_ls ___ _ ,., . , - ··--·""" ™= j DUNDEE DD 1 SDL ·,.'.: . :· TEL (0382) 26314/7 ~ available- ~ . ~1-: __ • ,.j J FAX (0382) 202262 ~ ask for Ian Duff , ,, I. 1•1 • .,.' \ ,. ,, ;,!4, . t' · :;·34 Commercial Street, Dundee ·, .. • . , -Telephone 200296 ' Pool,'Darts and Dominoesplus a GreatSefection_ of Beers. ' -~-ELECrRIC : ~ Roomavailable for Smokers. FunctionSuite . • .,~,R:;\811tk -~' :.:~-: .~.. : • '. .~-. ::...:, -p-;_; Forall Domestic-Commerc1al - . ::~ir.::_:.,. _-. '. : . '/·i ' ':;:•\i_,h'.?"{f'; .IndustrialInstallations. · .J\ls9}lU_RGLARALA~MS ,,:.: ·• ... ,~.. ,,; . ,~~,.,-- installedfor as little as £299, .' •~:-,,.;'\.. ~ :_: ·;, ·: _.,i_' ' . ",'.\\'"'.'. '.;,:·,' ''. ,•.:_, t raveraae2/3 bedroombousek, .:- SECURITYLIGHTIN .Gf .ROM . :. :'£60. ", 32 HarbourRoad, -_ Tavport.,_ PROMOTIONSLIMITED :•·.:;_,'•'i~~ll;· STRATHMIGLOFIFE KY14 7QL TWO TAYPORT STARS BUT, Tel: TEL: 03376 205 MY, HAVEN'T THEY CHANGED! 0382 552426,:(-/~ THEIR NAMES? SEE BESIDE FAX: 03376 699 Oistan~~:~:~!.lli\ j.,, "'";· · ,,;¥,{ QUIZ ANSWERS. 1 RAMSAY'S TODAY'S GAME 7~ 'l'his aft ern oo n "s \Jame has bee n various ly described as ' &.tt l e o f Lhe Giant s ', 'Game of the Seaso n' etc . WhaLeve r way th at th e \Jame has been de sc ribed, th ere MINI-SKIPS is no doubt that it i s the biy (Jes t football Jl'atch ever sta\Jed in 'l'ayport. 111e CALL RAMSAY'S DIRECT ON ~~g'~ fa c t that it is a Sco ttish Junior Cup Quarter Final ensures it of that label. VODAFONE (0831) 263781 But th e re is more to it th an that. Ixiwnfield , for so l ony th e kin\Jpins on Taysid e , have seen th e ir cro wn usurped by Tay port. 'J'ayport manaye r Dave (Premium Rate Charges Apply) Castle Street, Baikie was son-ethin\J o f a l ~ Jencl at Ixi1mfielcl Park and it \/as in the t11i 1 i\Jht of his career th er e thaL he first dabbled in coachin\J und e r th e Gr i er brothers before crossin\J th e river to take the reins her e at 1'aypo rt. 1'he re s t, as th ey Tayport say, is hist ory. Previous 1reetin\JS betll ee n the sides hav e al11ays bee n c l ose 11ith r.eve r oore Traditional Fish 'n' than one \Joa l sepa ratin \J the s id es in seven n-eetin \JS . 111is seaso n" s on ly n-eeti ng to date follm1ed that pattern llith a Kev in Lynch \Joa ! all that separat ed Chips to take away the sides here on th e Canniepairt on 17th October. Sin ce that day Ixiwnf ielcl have embarked on a 20 game unbeat en run dur i n\J whi ch th ey ' ve never fail ed to DAILY, WEE~LY OR and sitting room. find their oppon ents' net. CONTRACT HIRE With Tayport also on d ,ioo d run, the sce ne i s ce rt ainly se t for a titani c Open 6 days Strll \J\Jl e. "The Biggest Mini Skip on Tayside" (closed Tuesdays). Also Mini Coach Hire Ixillnfield's 9 \Jame passa \Je t o th e last ei \Jht has bee n r e l aLiv ely kind llith Lunchtime 11.30 a.m. - 1 p.m. only Hi 11 O' Beath a110ng th e ir oppo nents havi rt\J any so rt o f pedi9ree. ll m1ever 30 Nelson Street, Tayport Ixi1mfie l d sho\/ecl the ir qualiti es in matchin\J and finally bedtin\J the lla11s over three \James, albeit in a penalty shoot-out. Dundee DD6 9DR Teatime 4 p.m. - 11.30 p.m. 'l'o add spice to the occasion, if any \/ere r.eedecl, seve n of th e 'J'ayport Tel. 553047 camp, as \/ell as Dave Baiki e , hav e \/Orn th e Spid ers' co l ours at some Lime in (0382) 552037 th e ir r es pective ca r ee rs - Ronnie Robb, Mel Ir ons , Mark Spalclin \J, Jitrmy Hunt e r, Kevin 'l~lOJILS, Andy Sonvrervill e and Gary l a non t. -·--· ----- • - ·. -➔ • .- • • ·-·-··-··--- -- - -- -i NltEPR(tE FORGE TOD AY'S MATCH SPONSORS Suppliers*ii o tl'"Discount V Sports FABRICATIONS Tayport F.C. l s <lel J\JhLed t o have ttd s afl e tn00n "s c up tie spo nso r ed by the TSB BANK SCOJ'LAND pie and . ~J.n f )I and Leisurewear to Tayport JAMES OONALDSON & SONS LIM ITED . We tru s t th at lh e 1r repr ese ntativ es , ,1ho are our \Juests he r e toddy, have ' F.C. an enjoyab le time and w1tness a cracki n\J mat c h. Always in stock - trackand 'l'he TSB has been th e c lu b's bankers for Jl'an}' years ancl spon so r ed th e club's hll \Jely su cces sful internati onal anldteu r football t o11rnamen L her e in th e 1980 ' s. shell suits, trainers,football The name JAMES OONAl.DSON& SONS, TIMBER MERCIIAN'l'S, for many years domin il t ecl much I I ' I I It of 11orkin9 life in 1'ayport. Times chan,ie, howeve r, ancl Donald so ns noved with boots,. shin guards, the tines , movinq fr om 1'c1yport Lo ope n up a purpo se-b uilt Hom,? Impr ovement Centre and Depot- al Wes t Pi tk e rr o in Dundee from whe r e th ey co nLinu e to serv i c e sportsbags. their very rn3ny customers in North Fife ancl Tayside . Outerwear including;ackets ■ ROLLER SHUTTERS ■ 1'ayport Footbi,111 Club is \Jrateful for thE: co nti nuecl suppo rt of the 1'SB & OONAlJ)SON' s. Speedo and Arena swimwear GATES ■ GENERAL James Donaldson & Sons Limited -- - - ·- Established 1860 ------­ All at the keenestprices FABRICATIONS ■ A wol'ld of choke Unn~ I, 2 & 3, Wt• !>I PIII..C'11u Ind. (st.ilt:-, Dund ee . around. TEL: 24 hrs (0382) 814030 TSBBank Scotland pie Tel: 10382) 7Jb 7l1 fd >: 10)821 73b700 Mike McKenzie TEAMKITS SUPPLIED .. ··-······-···•··- - -- Unit 16 98High Street, Lochee Alexander Street, Dundee _:~ _SIJPPOR'I' OUR ADVER T l SE RS • • 'J'aypo rt r'.C. is \1rate ful t.o a ll our adve rti se rs for tdkin \J spac e in our ma t chclay proqranrr>2 and \Je 110111d urs1e you to \Jive the se c1dverL i se rs support. 11; ffiiti dli PRESS il•lt89i51 COMMENT 'Citize11 " .... the defending champions \o/Onat a canter \olith a five goal tally that which could easi "ly have been doubled " - Fife Herald (19/3/93) Lochee United... O Tayport 5 " ..• • it is the first tiire a Tayside club hav~ ever headed our betting for the Junior Cup" - West of Scotland bookrnakers -M & S Racing's spokesman on Tayport-Courier(l6/3) ••• "Shettleston piled on the pressure only to be stunned when Mackay and Reilly hit a late double for Tayport " - Sunday Mail (7/3/93) Tayport 3 Shettleston 1 ••• " Tayport rarely looked comfortable throughout the 90 minutes •••. " TENNENTS LAGER/ - Fife Herald (12/3/93) Tayport 3 Shettleston 1 ••• "Tayport's evergrowing travelling support was not to know it, but the opening quarter of the match was to be about as good as they would get on this chilly BELHAVEN BEER afternoon " - Fife Herald (26/3/93) Fraserburgh... United O Tayport 3 Pool Table/ JukeBox "Tayside clash of the Titans .... " - Sporting Post(27/3/93) on today's match. ••• SATELLITET.V . " ••. a Dundee FC official has been in touch with the Canniepairt side to ask them to switch the gaire to Sunday to avoid the'Dee's ireeting with Partick" - Sporting Post (27/3/93) . 32 Tay Street, Tayport. ••• "When you see the anount of work they put in, we've got to do our bit" - Tayport official discussing his club's managerial and coaching staff Tel: 552011 in April edition of 'Team Talk' Football Magazine • ••• "Tayport turned on the style and noved into the Perthshire Advertiser Cup (Prop. R. BRUCE) Final with plenty to spare" - Sunday Mail (28/3/93) Carnoustie Panmure O Tayport 4 . ••• ■ "The Baker's Bit" I'd like to extend a warm welcome to the Port support and the players and officials ,· of our visitors to the \:anniepairt this afternoon. Today's quarter final tie will be our 18th Scottish tie since joinin9 the Junior ranks in 1990/91.
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