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Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

6-12-1909 Las Vegas Optic, 06-12-1909 The Optic Publishing Co.

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Try On In Tha " Generally Fair Optio and Tonight And Bo Sure. Su:,v!?.y ,;,


guarantee ot $4,000 for the ty to make explorations and take- pho faithful." fulfillment of their contract tographs in the Pajarlto national park DISASTROUS 'The distance from Las Vegas to WANTS CU and among the pueblos near Santa WEST NEEDS Santa Rosa in an air line is a trifle Fe. In August, Prof. Jusbaum be- over 6Q miles, and a five mile spur gins work in the American Archaeo will he built to Anton Chico from logical museum at Santa Fe, which, Casaus. among other things, will include exs The line from this city to Romero- - WARSHIP TO PAY tavationsi on the Rio de Jos Trijoles ville will ie constructed of eastern river and tin other, places. He will cedar posts set forty to the mile, practically have charge of the scnool equipped with two gains and one 10- and museum, as he will be the only Din cross arm, two insulators and one of the faculty there the entire DEBT J' two No. 12 N. B. S. copper wires, SINKS year. , 000 poles to be set 4 feet deep. Poles to the number of 187 have r PASSENGERS ARE',.RESCUED ' been to 285 to , FROM WRECKED STEAMER shipped Rnereville, UNITE IN GI- SEVERAL TOWNS DESTROYED SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOAT SPAIN TRYING TO COLLECT FROM : ARID STATES TO Ojita, 815 ic Sulzbacher and 972 to ... ' IN GANTIC RECLAMATION IN SOUTHERN PART OF THE Rosa. are to WRECKED BLACK SEA , FORMER ISLAND Santa They be treated Horta, Azore Islands, Tune 12. The ' : ' . .' PROJECT .V REPUBLIC. with corbolineum. The contract DURING STORM. POSSESSION steerage passengers on the . Cimard .'"'' - ' price from Las Vegas to Romeroville line- steamer Slavonia, wrecked off Is' $76 per mile, from the latter place the Flores islands, have been landed. TWENTY MEN LOSE LIVES INCURRED BEFORE THE WAS WILL PETITION CONGRESS ONE' HUNDRED ARE DEAD to Santa Rosa, $68 per mile, and from The cabin passengers were .taken Casaus to Anton Chico $51 per mile aboard the Lloyd steamer Princess The entL"e line must he completed y COMMUNICATION CUT OFF AND CAPTAIN, FIRST. LIEUTENANT FORCING OF CLAIM AT THIS TIME Ire. GOVERNMENT TO BE CALLED UP not later rhan September 1, of the The resci'.e of the passengers of the - DETAILS OF CATASTROPHE AND CHIEF ENGINEER AMONG WOULD BANKRUPT STRUG-GLIN- G ON TO APPROPRIATE THIS present' year. ' Slavcnla was perhaps even more thril- VAST SUM ARE LACKING. THE VICTIMS. REPUBLIC . ling than from the Republic, where i v WOMAN MAY BE HEAD the wireless waa . being used with OF REFORM CONGRESS great effect. The Princess Irene was ITS TRIAL TRIP MAY RECALL LAX MINISTER TO BEGUN TEOOPS RUSHED TO SCENE 180 miles away when the "C. Q. D." COMPLETEjra Buffalo, June 12. A woman proba- was picked p. Immediately the big bly will be the next of the steamer about and learned the THESE WILL TAKE CHARGE OF president DOOMED VESSEL PARTICIPATING ANGRY BECAUSE AMBASSADOR p;it PLAN LAUNCHED AT GRAND JUNC- National Conference on Charities and location of the stricken ship. It then STRICKEN DISTRICTS AND DIS- IN MANEUVER3 AT TIME OF DE AYALA HAS NOT PRESSED TION, COLOUADO, HAS THIS Corrections. She is Julia Lathrop, of hasiened ta its rescue, and every soul ACCIDENT, THE CLAIM - END IN VfEW TRIBUTE FOOD. Hull House, Chicago, who h&3 been was saved. a charitable worker for years, and " one of the leaders move- 12. A 12. STOVE FACTORY COLLAPSES Grand 12. A Paris, June 12. According to the of the present St. Petersburg, June pri Havana, June It became known Junction, Colo., June ment. Another possible candidate is FOUR KILLED; MANY HURT western latest reports which reached here last vate message from Sebastopol receiv here itoday that Spain had been trying plan to unite the states and Jane Addaruv, also of Hull House. To. ed today announced the los of the to get Cuba to pay her proportion of territories in a gigantic reclamation night from southern France, the town's day'3 discussions were "devoted to Detroit, Mich., June 12. When one of national ., Incurred association, with the idea of petition- of St. Cannat and Rognes were com- "Defectives" and "Faml submarine torpedo boat Kambala;- the Spanish debt, of the floors of the Peninsula "Children," upper to $25,000,-00- 0 Spanish-America- n ing congress, appropriate ruined an lies and Neighborhoods." the Russian navy. According to the prior to ie war. stove works four em pletely hy earthquake that collapsed today, to rush to completion the various information received the Kambala the peace negotiations in Paris, ployes were killed and a visited this section last night. A During outright great reclamation projects now under- was sunk last in the Black sea number Injured, some fatalfy. A fire large proportion of the houses were BLACK HAND SPREADS night Spain endeavored to get the United way, was started here today by the while with the Black followed ths accident and the works destroyed end those left standing are maneuvering States to assume this debt, which was Grand Junction chamber of com- sea fleet. The Kambala was-o- its were badly cracked, and threaten to fall at any TO MEXICAN REPUBLIC refused. Then In gutted. merce. It is hoped 'to make the plan trial and had on board a crew of firmly Spain Three bodies have so far been re- time. trip sovereignty pver Cuba national in its scope and thus bring twenty, including the captain, first covered. One man has been located Dead Number 100 did rot specifically renounce her mon- it to the attention of the next nation Monterey, Mex., June 12. An Inves lieutenant and chief engineer All in the ruins, pinned down In, such' a Marseilles, June, 12. The . earth- etary claims., and the Spanish minis- al irrigation congress. If successful tigation by the police of the recent were drowned. The boat went to the manner as to make his rescue at pre- shocks' were most se- ter was Instructed to these for It would mean the finishing of such quake last night bomb in this and efforts to recover the press sent The floors vere In thro.vlng outrages city bottom Bake of the French bond- impossible. upper great projects as the Elephant Butte tho departments of Herault, them to believe Black the assuring were filled with the finished leads that the bodies havo so far been unsuccessful, the ministers seems product dam and reservoir in New Mexico, Jioucnes ani uu Knone. Fifteen are holders. However, of With the Hand is concerned In the affair. More owing to a rough sea Several other - the company. no'warning I reservoir dead at Lamheso, 10 at St. Cannat do to- have done this, and now the the Grand Junction and and than arrest have been made. boats narrowly escaped being floor gave way and each pf the floors twenty at thirty torpedo rurtior is rife that Minister De Ayala canal system, the Idaho Falls project Jiognesf It ifceHeyed the Following the arrest of Juan Ferrinc. sunkas th6 storm was especially vio- - below gave way iijder the burden ""of ' s hi v and numerous' others in Colorado,' total will reach one A " he, recalled because of failure - -- dea$ hundred, who. threw - Into of - -- ' .stoves- and debris. a.bomji- theofflee lent. - - v t. ;;.'. ess mano, ucan. food supply has been dispatched to " to pi this claim. It is also probable Mouiaaa, ivyommg, Leon Flores, Flores himself waa , arr New Mexico and now about the helpless people, and troops sent that the Cuban congress will cancel Arizona, rested and he is now in Jail.. A gen half aid of men to take charge of the iitnation. Most SENATB3 its agreement to buy for $300,000 the LAS VEGAN A FULL completed. t Ths t eral roundup of suspicious, characters OYEEM of the villages are cuif off from com- old Spanish, cannon left in Cuba and prominent in the development of the in the surrounding country has - munication and the newa Indicates TAFJFF E!LL claimed by, Spain.- It is aid the can- FLEQD INYENTC3 west has been enlisted and the scheme made by the police. The affair has SCQS that the situation is non are no good and not even- worth is. believed to be entirely feasible, worse than at created a sensation. first believed. removing to' Spain In case the, agree- Those interested are confident that Have Right Men In Jail, June 12. The consid C P. Adlon, a Las Vegas man, has to- Wabhlngton, ment is cancelled. The debt in ques- if the states and territories stand June 12. United eration of the free list In the tariff Just come into prominence as the re Eleveland, tion totals many millions of dollars, gether on the proposition It . can be Wm. Day said was when Senator sult of an attach r.XELL TIN EUY today bill taken up today and If Cuba were forced to make a inventing enlarging carried through at the next regular Payne-Aldric- he believe! the men iow under ar- Ihe ment for cameras. , One of Overman characterized settlement would the new purpose session' of congress. rest for recent Black Hand work are as most it bankrupt the Invention is to an attach iiraE v;c:l clip bill the Iniquitous government of the island. provide the right ones and that the gang will bill ever paaped by., congress, If It was ment Whereby large printa may 'be be broken up. He made this state- Ho .favored Senator Bailey's made upon sensitized paper from a EHYAN'S SON WILL N. M.. June 12. After fail passed. Roswell. ment after a conference with the V. income tax Amendment and declared MONDAY ANNIVERSARY small and to so construct In negative, lng to sell their wool yesterday . S. postal Inspectors. The conference he would ffer an amendment for a .. OF AMERICAN FLAG the attachment for the enlarging :;.;:;:;-.....railNHEBES- sealed bids t general competition by was the .rjsult of the arrest of ten head tax for Immigrants ' and an camera that it can be expeditiously from sixteen buyers from all parts of Italians in various parts of the state amendment empowering the president Next Monday la the anniversary of and conveniently set up and applied Milwaukee, June 12. The 4he country, five local wool" growers marriage this week, believed to be guilty of to abrogate the collection of duties the adoption of the American flag by to an ordinary camera, and as readi- of Miss Helen Berger, a former Mil sold their entire clip of 700,000 pounds v Black Hand crimes.' The postoffice on articles similar t 'hose manufac- the congress of the United States. ly and quickly removed therefrom. waukee girl, the daughter of Alex at private sale at a price said to have inspectors turnetd over scores of let- tured by any corporation which con Flag day is being more generally ob- The purchase of this Invention, it is ander Berger, well known in flour mil- been over twenty centa. It is estima- ters lncrimtnating the suspects trols 50 per cent of American output served, aoh year, and this year it said, Id now being negotiated for by to Wm. J. Jr. will ted that there Is a million of ling circles, Bryan, pounds and offers for sale abroad its goods has been made a part of the regu- one of the largest photograph supply take place at the summer home of the. iwool still unsold in this of New part POSTAL SUPERINTENDENT than in the United States. lar service of the fraternal order of houses in the country and Mr. Adlon bride at Grand Colo., on June Mexico. cheaper Lake, Is i in , PAYS VISIT TO CITY Following this set speech? the senate Elks. The day will be observed by a fair, way to make a fortune 24. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan will live in resumed thj routine discussion of ar- many Elk lodges throughout the coun- out of it. At present Mr. Adlon is Tucson, Ariz., where an elegant home TO START WORK ON C-- W. Black, division superintendent ticles on '.he free list-s- try with appropriate exercises.' living at the Buena Vista ranch on is now nearing completion. Mr. Bry- NEW TELEPHONE LINE of the Postal Telegraph company for the road to Santa Rosa. He is a an's health makes it imperative that the western division, with headquar- brother of William Adlon, or tola he 'live in the southwest. He Is a All the papers in connection with ters at (Dedver, was In Las Vegas today DR. EDGAR L. HEVETT city. lawyer by profession. The wedding at . . Vegas-Sant- a IKES the construction of the Las on business connected with the com- Grand Lak will be an" elaborate af: fife Rosa telephone line of Co- pany. He was shown about the city LAS VEGAS PLUMBERS fair. . ,1 ' lorado Telephone company were filed by Manage- - Cantrill end combined LAND LARGE CONTRACT - .! for record, in the office of the coun- business with pleasure. He leaves for VALUABLE HISTORICAL DISCOVERY CRIMINAL DOCKET DISPOSED ty clerk here at 9 o'clock this morn- El Paso thla- - evening, where he goes M. M. Sundt, the Las Vegas con OF IN DISTRICT COURT ing. ... on, 'business connected with the exten- tractor and builder, made a bid of In the district court this morning The contractorsj who will construct sion jot tho Fostal line from that city Further particulars of the ' recent tory in America and that much val- $26,?20 for the. construction, of a the criminal docket was called, some the line are R. A. Sneather and C. A. to Rowell end other Pecos valley discovery made In Spain by Dr. Ed- uable information will be obtained re- post exchange building for the gov--1 cases, dismissed and'others continued. Ahlshard ot Salt Lake City, under a points. gar L. Hewett, formerly president of garding the cliff dwellings and other eminent at Fort Wingate, N. M. How- The criminal business has been pret- the New Mexico Normal university in ruins of prehistoric, races in New ever, Otto P. Kroeger & Co., of El ty well cleaned up and the trial of ' some - , a lower and this city, who has been spending Mexico. ,: :t Paso, put bid, $24,700, civil suits will occupy the attention CLOUDBURST AT FRENCH time In the, ane'ert kingdom a xthe Prof. Hewett has Just returned to this firm vill likely be awarded "the of the court Monday morning. ' ; head of an exploration committee the United States from Spain and is contract The libel suit of Dr. M. E. Wood-lin- g representing the National Scientific now on his way to the Moonlight dis- Vogt & Lewis, of East. Las. Vegas, against El Indcendiente is set HAVOC society, proves that it is probably the trict in Utah, on the north rim of the will get the contract for the plumbing, for trial oa Monday, also the 'case of PLAYS GENERALLY most valuable archaeological find In Grand canon of the Colorado vrlver, their hid being $1,995, while the heat J. J. Jerrell, who Is charged with em- recent years. which is rich in prehistoric ruins. He ing apparatus will be put In by Whit- bezzling funds- from the Singer Man- & Dr. Hewett ha& discovered in an will take charge of a party to be ney Co., of Albuquerque. . There ufacturing company. Late yesterday afternoon a cloud-hur- st half a dozen linemen to the scene old palace in Granada, In southern headed hy Prof. Byron Cummlngs ot was but $6 difference between the A change of venue has been grant- at French, the junction point on from Las Vegas and Raton last night, Spain, 20,000 folios of hand written the' Latin and Greek department of bids ot Vo.7t & Lewis and G. A.' Kees, ed by Judge Milk from Mora county Santa Fe and Dawson and as soon as daylight came this manuscript, 400 years old, relating to the Utah university. Later, Prof. of St. Paul, Minn., on . the heating to Union county In the murder case the railroads, ' these set to work to restore of Cortez. and Coronado Hewett resume to B. Melu - caused considerable destruction to morning the time the will his explorations plant Joseph. gin. communication on this line, which Is conquests' in Mexico and Centra' Am- in Colorado Arizona and New Mexi- property, railroad and be- telegraph, the main one from El Paso to Denver. erica and lecords up to the time of co and install the working force in sides drowning many head of cattle Within a fw hours, a temporary wire the disintegration of the Spanish pos- the American School of Archaeology ACRES APPLICABLE and sheep in the. vicinity. Almost was in service, and by noon the poles sessions. ' ' in Santa Fe. He is also anxious to 270,000 without warning a wall of water sev- were replacedv'and the line working For several year's Prof. Hewett has find someone who will devote two to eral feet high swept down the Verme-J- o as usual. Reports also state that the been tracing these manuscripts, lost three yeara In studying the ancient river, usually a dry stream. The loss to livestock as a result of the to the world for centuries, and was manuscripts he found in Spats', so TO NEW HOMESTEAD LAW fianta Fe ."vacks were submerged for sudden flood was quite heavy. only able to locate them after months that their contents may be given to several hundred yards, while the Pos- Just preceding the downpour a ter- of patient work in Spain, carried on the world.' tal lost a dozen rific hail Telegraph company slorm prevailed, hail falling through the courtesy of the Spanish Jesse Nusbaum, teacher of manual Washington, June 12. Secretary of These lands which are semi-arid- , but or more its line out of to a of several Inches j . poles, putting depth at government. . training in the Normal university, the interior Ballinger has Just des- fertile if properly cultivated, must be commission temporarily. French, Mora, Watrous and other folios are said to include will j The again accompany Prof. Hewett to ignated 270,000 acres ot public land farmed acqording to dry farming The water eoon went down, and points. A heavy rain also fell yes- manuscripts and it is believed the Moonlight district of Utah to take in New Mexico, and 46,000 acres in methods. The government idea in railroad traffic was de- afternoon at Ait la only slightly terday Canyon jthat when they are read, great lifiht photographs of the finds there. Then Montana as coming within the pro- giving large farms is to make pos- Postal rushed - 320-acr- e layed. The, company Agna, will be thrown on early Spanish his Nusbaum will go with the Hewett par- visions of the homestead law. sible farming TWO r LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1909

WAGON MOUND NEWS RUNNING A TRAIN EXACTING (Special Correspondence.) SALESMAN WANTED Successful Wagon Mound, N. M., June 12. It Sinniner Rates East Gasoline Instanta- ANY CONDUCTOR io' learned that George McKellar is Light Salesman, JOB: ASK neous a improving in health. His mother went gasoline lighting thorough success no alcohol matches S3 Daily Jane 1st to Sept 30th, Inc. 1909. to Raton this week to be with him, his torch, O or time wasted. We have more sister, Mrs.. Hollenbeck, returning As a he will in Las Vegas for a few trips. Engi- 1000 conductor, probably home. new ones a C P. store light, 1hs tiaund ' neer Wm. is at the lever in his Faro For Trip begin in the freight service. His Tapp a 1000 C. P. street arc light, BOO C. stead on A baby girl has come to stay at the caboose will be a traveling office and engine 927, pulling freight P. light for commercial or home Pueblo, Colo. $1100 this and Raton. tome of R. K. Odell. more man mat, it wm carry uu me between city t use. Exclusive res- Miss Nlcolosa Roybal, accompanied territory given Colorado - ...... $13.70 gossip of the division up and down George T. iHull, district passenger Gloria Springs- by Mrs. H.' de Baca, made a trip to ponsible agents. Light the line. It may be a homely little and freight agent for the Pennsylva 402 Boulev- ...... i . her ranch. They were gone five days, Company, Washington Denver $16.60 car; but it is just as sure to be a nia lines, effice in Denver, passed ard. 111. returning home yesterday, and repor--! Chicago, T.lo ...... nomeiiKe erom iu eievuieu through th'sycity for Arizona yester Kansas Oily, J $31.30 piace. ting everything looking1 fine out there. outlook he may command a good day afternoon. WOMAN Good cook, wants . - ... Mr. Harmon, south of town, is hav place. St. Louis...... $40.30 view of ahead to the Thomas Flannery, a boilermaker at 121 Railroad avenue. 7 the, train away a well drilled. Apply and' he will be supposed to from Topeka, went to work in the ing Chicago, III' ...... $46.30 engine, Mrs. Martinez is , brake-me- n local and Epimenio visiting WANTED A to do know all the while that the shops yesterday morning ' girl housework; in the mountains. V Final return limit October 31st 1909 are attending to their duties; J. F. McDonald has been employed as good wages to: the right party. Ap- School closed here yesterday, after 1027 For information other points, a boilermakers' ply at Sixth street , tf regarding that the train is in good order, par- ' helper. term of ten months. Professor . hot-boxe- a long at ticularly that there are no s Fireman Sam Moore has come to stops overs, Ect, please enquire Ellison deserves a good rest before WANTED One horse or a team of ; smoking away and in imminent dan- grief again, this time being charged ticket office. school begins again. horses, weight about 1000 or 1200 ger of setting fire to the train and with forging a check and skipping out D. L. BATCHELOR, Some of the farmers here are anx- - pounds, not over 9 old. ' ' contents. a from Belen, to which town he was years J. - its valuable There is M. Agent. ' iouly looking for rain, and are having Ackerman, 124 Commerce St. deal of bookkeeping - to be accom- transferred from Las Vegas.' C. 28 (he blues aver' the dry spell. Oats, in that traveling office. The John Joyce, aged years, and WANTED--- plished barley and potatoes are looking well A waitress at the Mer- - conductor will receive the way bills for several years a switchman at in this of the coumtry but the chant's Cafe. , It sometimes happens that a music A woman can occasionally preserve-he- of the cars of his train and their con- Winslow, Arizona, died at the Santa part ' pasture is needing the moisture the composers' wife thinks it "is up to respect for the man by refusing and he Is held responsible for Fe hospital in Albuquerque. His Men ; tents, most, as tho grass is very short. learn barber trade her to put on a lot of airs. to marry dim. their safe deliveries to their destina- home was at Canaan, Conn. Short time Mrs. J. Stout is siill suffering required; graduate tion' or the where A carload of watermelons, the first i. earn $12 to Bar- junction points they with the rheumatism. $30 week. Moler Women Who Are Envied. nra in ho tcAvcxrai in other l!ne&. big shipment of the season, came in ' Of Interest to Farmers and Mechanics Miss Ruth Crocker returned home ber college, Los Angeles. . When he comes to the from Alabama for J. H. Stearns this Farmers and mechanics Those attractive women ,who are- passenger from her school. frequently service there will be still more book- morning'. .The "car was upavoidably FOR RENT. meet with accidents and lovely in face, form and temper are The Vorenberg Mercantile Co. are slight Injuries to confront him, and he ,will delayed several hours in transit which cause them much the envy of many, who might be like keeping a sale. The way they annoyance to a of mental at- Engineer C. C. Roberta his vacated having special FOR RENT Two room furnished them. A woman will be have be man good are one think and los of time A cut or bruise may weak, sickly the cab of 1649 for a few advertising makes there house. 921 Lincoln. tainments to handle all the many, engine days, be one-thir- d nervous and irritable. Constipation or ought to be a "circus. They have em-- cured in about the time varieties of local and through the cushioned seat being at the dis- troubles show in many extra clerks. Miss Victoria FOR .RENT Two or rooms for usually required 'by applying Cham- kidney pimples, of C. P. ply- lloyed three tickets, mileage books, passes and posal Engineer Warner, in- blotches, skin and a wretch Roybal and . Stella Maldanado are light housekeeping or 905 berlain's Liniment as soon as the eruptions other forms of transportation con- ing between this city and Albuquer- sleeping ready to wait on the customers, either Tilden. jury is received This liniment' is also ed complexion. For all such, Electric tracts that come to him, to detect que. .. ' Spanish or English. valuable for sprains, soreness of the Bitters work wonders. They regulate the good from the bad, to throw out A line up the Rio Grande on the FOR RENT Modern Miss Myers, the music teacher from house, muscles and rheumatic pains. There Is stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the the counterfeits that are constantly other side t the river to parallel the well rea- near was in town givi furnished, very desirable; no of blood an blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes, offered to him. He will have line on this side, is one of the Levy, yesterday danger poisoning from being plans lessons. sonable. Inquire Optic. injury when Chamberlain's Liniment account of Santa Fe Railroad Ing pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, to carry quite a money for the company, our Is applied before the become ' It is not yet known whether SUITE of furnished house parts lovely complexion. Many charming' cash affairs, and he knows that mis- according to a man connected with keeping inflamed and swollen. For sale all town will celebrate the glorious rooms; electric by women owe their health and beauty to taken will have to be paid for out of that road. light; bath; also dealers. , Fourth of July or not front bedroom with electric them. 50c at all druggists. his cwn pocket. A heavy rain fell at Springer yes light The newcomers here, should ask and bath, all on floor. ' All this Is only a phase of h's bus- terday, inundating the Santa Fe first 508 He's a mean father who has his ' Mr. Odell to tell them something Main avenue. A little learning Is doubly danger iness. He ia for the care tracks and three Postal telegraph ' whibkers amputated just because the responsible about this country. It is simply mar ous if it swells a man's head. and safe conduct of his train, equally poles were reported down. Traffic, bahv likes to pull them. velous Ihe way he tells it. We wonder FOR RENT One 7 room house, and in the last respect with both railroad' and telegraph, was not 5 responsible whether he expects to live always. one room house. 920 Gallinas. Chamberlain's the Best: He also receives and interrupted. A Card. Cough Remedy the engineer. ' on is M. A. This Is to that all the Market signs for the train' orders, and he Conductor Brennan and crew For Rent Seven room brick house, y certify druggists If You Are Worth $50,000 Don't Read are "I have used Chamberlain' Cough to keep in mind every de- are looking out for Conductor Chas. 811 Main St. 822 authorized to refund your money required This Inquire Douglas. and find the on tail of the train's progress over the H. Stevenson's passenger run on the if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to Remedy it best the This will not Interest you if you are E. W line. He will have his own assortment north end, while the latter Is hunting, FOR RENT A new piano cheap, call cure your cough or cold. It stops the market," says Tardy, editor of worth thousand but If fifty dollars, you Main 339. , . The Sentinel, Tenn. "Our of questions to answer at every stage fishing, plcnlcRing, etc.1, with a party cough, heals the lungs and prevents Gainsboro, are a man of moderate means and can had several of the journey, and he will b6 ex- in Colfax county. pneumonia and consumption. Con- baby colds the past winter not afford to a when FOR RENT Four room brick cot- and Chamberlain's al- pected to maintain the discipline of Conductor J. W. Wells has gone employ physician tains no opiates. The genuine is in Cough Remedy have an of tage a O. G. the railroad upon its trains. That back to braking most willingly and you attack diarrhoea, you cheap, inquire La Pension yellow package. Schaefer ways gave it relief at once and cured will be to know one or hotel. a and Red Cross Drug Co. It in, a short time. I recom- may mean in the one instance the gracefully, after having run a train pleased that always " two doses of Chamberlain's' Colic and mend It when otraortunltv presents it of a passenger who refuses out of this city for the past six I ejectment FOR RENT Furnished rooms for If you read it in The Optic It's so. sell" For sale by all dealers. .to pay his fare and still he must months; likewise Conductor Geo. S. Diarrhoea Remedy will cure it This dam- use light housekeeping; electric lights not involve the road in any big Moye, who is contented with any as remedy has been in for many ' and bath. 710 Grand ave. ", or in the subjuga- that fall to his lot. years- - and is thoroughly reliable. age suit another, signment may -- drunken loafers. Price 25 cents. For sale by all Tf S9 tion of Borne gang of Andrew Douglas, bonus clerk at Las FOR RENT Furnished rooms for real wonder it Is that so left for dealers. The of many Vegas shops, this afternoon light housekeeping. M. Howell, 721 come as near as do in which will lead Miss conductors they Raton, city he Fourth. . i ... g "Bjones Bays he ia a wo i CSTABLhSHBO 1662 to the Chesterfieldian standards. Alma Smlti to the hymeneal altar. man-hater.- " Henpecke "I can't un His associates at desks in divis FOR RENT . the derstand that. He has never been cottage, range ion foreman's office wish him and sewer connection. 414 RAILROAD NOTE8 every married." Seventh. 8 Good for imaginable joy in his new relation in Bargains Thursday, David A. Sulier, the locomotive en- life. FOR 8ALE. gineer, is in Denver under medical Rev. I. W. Williamson's Letter. George Starkweather, at one time Friday and Saturday. . treatment for a stomach trouble. Rev. W. FOR SALE station agent at Hagerman, Chaves I. Williamson, Huntington, Morgaa eUlilon, 4 ear3 Conductor Will C. Hurt has been W. old county, N. M., has been advanced to Va.', writes: "This is to certify and weighing about 1,300 iw. assigned regularly to a local freight A ONT miss this the values are general superintendent of the Pecos that I used Foley's Kidney Remedy bargain to the put chaser. Inquire opportunity genul run between ,thls city and Albuque- at & Valley line? of the Santa Fe system, for nervous exhaustion , and kidney Clay Havens'. D ne the goods fresh from the market. rque." Ros-we- will and on was a visitor at ll trouble and am free to say that tt Robert Roney has been transferred Monday FOR SALE 1000 pounds amber cane with General Manager C. W. do all that you claim for It" Foley's from Raton to this terminal for ser- seed, address P. O. Box 672. 1 Kouns, of the western lines of this Kidney Remedy has restored health vice as a clerk, in the mechanical de- company. and strength to thousands of weak, FOR SALE Five partment run down Contains no harm large red Shorthorn $1,50 Parasols, ia all shades and new hand Rio people. milch . Superintendent Myer& of the cows, fresh. Address La Conductor A. H. West has resumed ful drugs and is pleasant to take. O. x Cueva the these his passenger run on the north end, Grande division of the Santa Fe, has G. Schaeff- - and Red Cross Drug Co. Ranch Co., La Cueva n. M. les, fust thing tor warm been throwing Conductor R. Pritchett back at Engle with eight associates to look over route for a from FOR SALE as new. days. Special, $135. to the south end again. . the road There is only one thing that bores Carriage, good 1016 Master Mechanic Bean, of the Santa Engle to Elephant Butte dam site. a woman more than flattery, and that Fifth street James A. Fe shops at Clovls, passed through Engineer French met the is not to be flattered. TOR SALE Legal blanks of all d for that division point from a trip to party at Engle with automobiles and scrlptton. Notary seals and recoM Topeka yesterday afternoon. carriages. The government will clear S1.75 Waists of which we hare received a . at the office. . en- the right of way and do the grading, Optic ... Engineer F. O. McQulddy is off new hare been gine 1655, the side of the cab after which the Santa Fe railroad will assortment, put right OLD newspapers for sale at The Op being occupied by Engineer H. R. construct ai'd maintain the road and All the Gold the traffic. ' tie office. 10 cents a bundle. on sale at $1,19. Whltlock In the third district. operate HI GEORGIA Brakeman H. M. Downing has as- The big drive of half a million rail The felljw who was weighed in the serted his and privilege and re- road ties cut by the Santa Barbara right - balance an4 found wanting from further service on the Tie and Pole company from the woods Could not Buy- probably signed forget to drop a cent in the. slot. south end out of Las Vegas. in Rio Arriba county, has reached Do- Pres de Sole in all colors, worth ' petticoats B. Manntte, a locomotive carpen- mingo, after a successful passage Radius, Aattt . 190. PILES! bn sale for three local a lone- down the tortuous course of the Rio 0. ' PILES! P1LE8! $2.25 ter at the shops, is living . M. C, DsWirr A Co.. ly life at home, his wife and son hav- Grande from' Embudo, and a large Chicago, Illi. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment wtl Genflemeni days at $1.69. ing gone on a trip to San Francisco. force of lumber jacks is now at work In lStT I had sdise&uaf fheetoroae wire Blind, Bleedng and Itching Piles catching the ties from the river and and bowels, Some prrjustcient ton at U wu It absorbs the tumors, Engineer R. W Robinson, of the twHilt, wm Oonramptlon the Lanra, allays Itching ' loading them on Santa Fe cars for Mid eeneumptiofi of the Bowela, Oao at once, acts as second is on his oars wi U- -e a poultice, gives district, resting tonfdan Hid t would ad endl Sprint, shipment to the treating plant o the end for (our lonf J'muy I oxlMad on a knit Instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Santa Fe railroad In bqum moiiHot eiearte, oooterr, prawns 2 House Dress well Albuquerque. Hons and Djripepeia remediee thai flooded Ointment Is prepared tor Piles and piece tailored, in neat For lb market. I eoaid not difwt arqrtajnf of the Bold The the first time in history the I ate, and la the Spring IBOS I (tokod 0 Itching private parts. by one of your Alrnanaot a amaoiaM EOc patterns, bargain at $1.75. Spe- commercial metropolis of the country -- ptar druggists, mail and $1.00, Wit Drtpopita wreck will Tup at anrtt, end New York city is thrown open to inai Almanac Happened to do iri we urn, lams' Mfg Co., Props., Cleveland, ; ; Exceptional Iboufht a ftfy aent bottle of KODOL D cial, $1.35. tourists from the west by the Penn- OUB and the J rcelTd 0. For sals by Center Block Drug Line from that bottle ALL t,THbTOOLD M Co. Equipment sylvania Short every day during OHOROIA COULD MOT BUT. I kept ea of the California Syrup Co. and the the months of June and That laklnf tt and In two months I went back te Fig July. work, aeamechiniet. and Inthree months ry well 1 atiU scientific attainments of its chemists have line is selling first class tickets from and heart;. ue a little oo Life may be one sweet caatonelly a I find It a fine Heed punier grand, song, 35c rendered possible the production of Syrup Chicago and from St. Louis to New ad a lood tonio. but to the Veilings in all Meshes, 25c. Ion apartment house dweller it one-thir- Mar lire and prosper. of and of in all of York and return at one and d v jrou Figs Elixir Senna, its Yours Tory truly, Is written In A flat r CORNELL. excellence, by obtaining the pure medic- of the regular fare, tickets good C inal principles of plants known to act most returning in thirty days from date of CONFORMS TO NATIONAL sale and lines in the west A Thrilling Rescue. beneficially' and combining them most connecting PURE FOOD AND LAW Jus receired a new line of wash are similar tickets over the DSUQ How Bert R Lean, of belting 'skillfully, in the right proportions, with selling Cheny, Wash., Short thus afford- was saved from a death Is a 35c 20c its wholesome and refreshing Syrup of Pennsylvania Line, frightful grade. Special yd. an to visit story to thrill the world. "A hard California Figs. ing everybody opportunity the great vind wonderful city of New This is a sample of cold," he writes, "brought on a des- As there is only one genuine Syrup of only York at the lowest fares which' have the that is perate lung trouble that baffled an ex- Figs and Elixir of Senna and as the gen- great good ever been afforded. pert doctor here. Then I $ 10 to uine is manufactured by an original daily done everywhere by paid 35c Emb. Buster Brown Collars, 25c. $15 a visit to a lung in Spo- method known to the California Fig Syrup specialist Juana Jose,. a sixteen-year-ol- d Indi- who did not me. I Co. it is to the kane, help Then only, always necessary buy an girl, died at the Santa Fe Indian 1 went to California but without beneff to its beneficial effects. fi o d o genuine get school, succumbing to the effects of At last I used Dr. King's New Dlscov of above facts $1.25 Thomson & A knowledge the enables an operation for peritonitis. She had for ery which completely cured me and Royal Worcester Corset decline Dyspepsia.' now I am as well as ever." one to imitations or to return them been a pupil at the school for the past For lung and the latest $1.00. if, upon viewing the package, the full name three Her home was at Tuc- trouble, bronchitis, coughs colds, models, years. asthma, croup and it's of the California Co. is not found 7 Sold and whooping cough Fig Syrup son Hill, about miles southeast by Schaefert Pharmacy supreme EOc and $1.00. Trial hot- - I printed on the front thereof from Tucson, . Ariz. Winter's Drug Store. tie free. Guaranteed by aH druggists. TRIJOLES ARE BANNER TRY THIS FOR DRYfARSIIKG CRCP YOUR COUGH BIG REDUCTION " ' ' ''ON- - '." The Grady, New Mexico, Record, ;: urgec the farmers to plant' more fri-- Mix two ounces of glycerine with Jolea, declaring that the crop Is a a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine and a half of money maker and a sure grower. compound pure pint R:ibber Tire Vehicles Shake and The Record is in this state- straight whiskey. well, right In If take doses of a teaspoonful every ment, the experts are to be believed, V r four hours. This mixture possesses have a of for they all , recommend frijoles, or g00 va"ety Rubber - the healing, healthful properties of .the Mexican brown bean, as easy to deTire Buggies and which .a the Pines and will break a cold in 24 Surreys grow and a seller. This bean we are a ready hours and cure that Is offering at bargain. will grow with little 'moisture, any cough very curable. In this formula anu excellent results have been ob having put up, be sure that uses tained In the southwest "This coun your druggist the genuine Virgin Oil of Pine com LOOK THEM OVER ought to rival California as a try pound pure, prepared and guaranteed bean producer," remarked a man who In by the Leach Chemical Co., Clu Our s in the only has, had experience,; discussing O. " '' cinnati, ; V: i '' V matter recently. . The Record's advice to farmer Is: REPOSITORY

The farmers around . Grady have "have been ttbout corn. lalking raising ABSOHBLETS maize, millet,' and other, forage crops. But the question of a crop that can Ilfeld Co. Charles - readity be turned Into cash In the fall THE PLAZA '": of the year must be settled before the , "If at don't succeed." , farmer can make his work profitable. first you The baseball reckoned; s For this reason we musjt look about player "If at first don't succeed. for such a jroduct, Cotton, we believe, you will not make a success here. Some- You'll never get to second' Try oar Yankee Coal No soot and little ash : ; ,y . Judg thing else must take its place. ' do 'A ',. Corn and small grains well, only " 7 ". '"'.vy'? - we :i: Ere many days have vanished,- the aistanc-- to a market makes them r... 2QQO POUNDS TO THE Will TON. impractical to turn Into ready cash hear the gay mosquito call, untii1 we can get a railroad through I'm busier than the busiest bee, " And I no at all." line-Lo- west the country. , yet get praise Everything in the building prices--A we raise beans as a . . . Judge. ' Why caa't complete stock of wall paper. money crop? Everybody admltathat ' ' ' ' ' ' He (timidly) Listen! Is that your beans are abundant yielders always. father coming downstairs? PHONE MAIN grow on end as well as on old 56 They EVANGELIST E. E. VIOLETT She (in a low tone and glancing at ground, and require no cultivation. the clock) No; he won't make any The Mexican bean will make an were to field In the Arrangements completed approaching municipal noise wnen he comes down! Yonk-e-r of 900 lbs. to the acre .average yield day for the opening of the revival election. Statesman. 1n this locality. In six weeks from was the hero of GOORS meetings in the National Guard Ar "Teany the hour. LUMBER CO, the time of planting string beans can He was to 'receive' mory, beginning tomorrow night. obliged the great "I generally read the paper on my be picked, hnd in two months they are host of and for an Evangelist E. E. Violett, of national people, nearly way to and from the office," said the ripe and ready to pull. Two complete hour stood on ' the fame in evangelistic work, will con dray shaking important young man. crops can very easily be raised on hands. busy duct the meetings which are under ."I used to myself," said tie old-time- r, the same piece of land each' year, and was the auspices of the First Christian conversion brought "before I got hardened to the KELLY like the It constantly builds up GROSS, and CO. pea, about by the revival now be ." church. meeting looks of. the girl strap-hangers- the land and puts 't la superb condi- held E. . (Incorporated) Evangelist Violett recently held a ing by Evangelist E. Vio Kansas City .Times. tion for other crops. t lett, of Shelbyville, Tenn., at the har- series of meetings at Litchfield, 111., ..- The main work comes in the Christian which - and the following from the Chicago church, hasvthorough- "Have another drink, old man." WHOLESALE MERCHANTS vest, where If the work is all done ly stirred and r I Record-Heral- d his visit to the city, resulted large Is re- concerning "We've had ten. I couldn't possi- - by hand, a good deal of labor ly from the efforts, of his little andDealers In ma- that city will no doubt be of inter bly swallow another." quired, but a very little simple daughter." : j est: "Aw, be a good fellow." WOOL, HIDES and PELTS chinery will be found a great help Saloonkeeper Converted. "Then you It over me. in this. A sled can be constructed suppose pour $1,000 worth $100 Reward, $100 Will the of with a knife that can cut 10 acres 'Nearly of. whisky. that Satisfy requirements Housem high-grad- e at wine and intoxicating bev The readers of this paper will be Louisville Courier-Journa- l. day. of all kinds were out on to learn Cast Lam Vegas, N.M., N. Jiff., have been for centuries the erages poured pleased that there is at least Albuquerque, Tuoumoarl, Frljoles the streets in this in the pres one dreaded disease ..-'- Mm Mm, Peoom, Ufa Mm, N. main article of food for the Mexican. city that science has Logan, M., Trinidad, Colorado ence of thousands of as a been able to said the run out of cigarets, spectators cure in all its stages, and "Curtis," teacher, "suppose He might flour, of E. one out He result of the conversion J. that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure I had two squash pies, and cut and coffee, but never of beans. 1 DAIN of The Chief, one is the cure now Into six pieces and the' other- In WAGONS, tho Dost Farm Wagon ntado has raised them In the Irrigated, val- Teany, proprietor only positive known of the most prominent saloons of this to the medical ' Catarrh twelve pieces; which pie would you RACINE -- SATTLEY CO., Vohlolas on the plains and , on top fraternity. " ' ' leys, grassy The barrels and bottles were rather have a piece of?" of the barren mesas;, always with city.' being a constitutional disease, requires NAVAJO BLANKETS smashed from a large dray, and , the 'The one divided into twelve complete success. a constitutional treatment,, Hall's Ca conducted the smash- tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting pieces," answered Curtis. "I don't The white settler quickly took up ' - '. we- . directly upon the blood and mucuous like squash, pie." Chicago News.t the Mexican Idea, and planted garden ,."". ... AH the Protestant ministers of'';;the surface of , the system, thereby de- patches. . Tho name "claim holder" the foundation of city took a stand on the dray, and stroying the disease, "To be, in the swim, I paid four dol- very qulck'y attached itself to the and giving the Retail Prices: after the liquor had been destroyed patient strength by lars admisuon to hear that new pian- plant, for during the first years of building up the constitution and assist the vast crowd joined in hinging ist last or each hardships they were the main article lng nature in doing Its work. The pro- night." lbs., more, delivery, 20c per 100 lbs, America.' Evangelist E. E. Violett have so cur- "Well, do you it?" of food on many a, homesteader's prietors much faith in Its begrudge lbs., to 2,000 lbs., each delivery, 25c per 100 lbs, made a stirring address denouncing ative powers that they offer one hun- "Yea, I do. He turned out to be 200 to table. dred dollars for case that fails to lbs., 1,000 lbs., each delivery, 30c per 100 Ibsi each the liquor traffic and insisting that any it the fellow I complained the ,poice More acres are planted year - to cure. Send for of to 200 each the saloons be voted out of Litch- list testlmbnals. about thumping the piano all day and 50 lbs., lbs., delivery, 40c per 100 lbs. hnd it will doubtless surprise, many Address F.r J. '& Co., Toledo, Cheney all in the flat ! " Judge. Less than 50 lbs., each delivery, 50c 100 lbs. of our readers to learn that nearly Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take night next per 200 acres of the Grady plains will be Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Redd Motor are the latest. AGUA rlar.ted Into beans this year. Some eyes PURA COMPANY G01IY OF ECZEMA Greene Hadn't heard of 'em. Come men claim will put in as high The worst feature about the man and they from motoring? Harvesters, Storers Distributors of Natural Ice, the aa 40 acres. Others would put out as with one Idea ds that the Idea Is sel- and "No; the eyes bulge out from the purity lasting qualities of which have made L?as Vegaa much if were assured of a good dom big enough. V Office: 701 they head and are owned by people who famous. Douglas avenue. market. BEYOND WORDS never ride in automobiles, but who association were and A Hurry-u- p Medicine. If an organized have to be on the eternal watch to the introduced into eastern Every housekeeper recognizes the product escape run over." Yonkers ts n sure and Whole a Mass of -, need of effective remedies to be used being mat kets, steady price Body Rawj'Tor- Statesman. could be assured. A bean growers' as- Humor Hair All Fell Out in emergencies when somthing must tiring v. 5 like associations of be done away. Such a remedy sociation, other and Ears Seemed Ready to Drop riht A Baltimore teacher was to kind would do much to foster the is Perry Davis Painkiller, for sprains trying Browne & Manzanares o. the ng Would Stick to of the wor;l "re- and bruises, for strained muscles and explain the meaning industry. Flesh Death ' Bleeding Hoped for aches and pains resulting from cuperate.", she "when WHOLESALE Would End Fearful Suffering. blows and falls., Burns and cuts are "Charley," said, night GROCERS Milk In Siberia. cornea father returns home tired instantly relieved by it and helped your The people In Siberia buy their and worn out, doesn't he?" tnrJ milk and for convenience it is to healing. Its mission of mercy be- Stidi Sudn frozen, CASE SEEMED HOPELESS "Yes, assented Charley. allowed to freeae about a stick, which gan seventy years ago. It is used in ma'am," ' the "it Wool, Hides and Pelts. forma a handle to carry it by. The BUT CUTICURA CURED HER all countries and millions of bottles "Tnen," continued teacher,' or as and he tired, what . All kinds of Native Products. , milkman leaves one chunk two, are sold annually. There Is but one being night, being ' case at the houses of his does he do?" . , Grain Sacks, Hay Presses. the may be, Painkiller, Perry Davis'. ' Have you customers. The children in Irkutsk "Words cannot describe the terrible "That's ' what ma wants to know," Wholesalers of Drugs and Patent Medicines. eczema I suffered with. broke out new 35o size? , instead of for a drink of milk It seen tho large , crying on my head and kept spreading untU it said Charley. Success. v High Explosives, Fuse and Caps. cry for a bite of milk.: The people in covered my whole body. I was almost ,.'' winter time do not say "Be careful a solid mass of gores from head to foot. When a thing goes wrong the hand I looked more like a piece of raw beef In a London drawing-roo- recently not to spill the milk," but "Be careful a human The of fate generally has. a finger in the Headquarters In the for than being. pain and the hostess said to a comfortable-lookin- g Territory not to break the milk." Broken milk aeonv I endured seemed more than I pie. .... i is better than spilled milk, though, be- could bear. Blood and pus oozed from lady, the widow of a wealthy the great sore on my scalp, from under cause there is an opportunity to save Foot-Eas- Midland manufacturer who had been Allen's ; on my finger nails, ant nearly all over my Use i the pieces. A quart of frozen milk IV. touring during the winter in the sun- formidable swollen I was afraid would A powder to be shaken into the Implemehts a stick is a very weapon they break ny south: "Of course you went to pUB Agricultural in the hand of an angry man or boy, off. Every hair in my. head fell out. shoes. If you have tired, acfiing feet, I could not sit down, for my clothes Rome, dear Mrs. Rich?" i. as it Is possible to knock a person would stick to the raw try Allen's Foot-Eas- It rests the and bleeding "Rome!" the widow vaguely down with it Irkutsk people hang flesh, making me cry- out from the pain. feet and makes new or shoes replied doctor did tight their milk on hooks instead of putting My family all he could, but ' and meditatively. "Did we go to worse and worse. condition easy. Cures aching, swollen, hot, LINE OF MEXICAN it in though, of course, when I got My Rome, Ethal?" to her daughter this. fMl MICLE SOAP pans, was awful. I did not think I could live, sweating feet Relieves corns and warm spring weather cornea pans or and wanted death to come and end my "Yes, ma; you .know we did," was nails must be used, as the milk be frightful sufferings. bunions of all pain and gives rest mother-in-la- the girl's reply. "You remember to Baker's Weekly. "In thia condition my and comfort. Try it today. Sold by gins melt begged me to try the Cuticura Rem- that big place where I bought, those edies.' I said I but had no all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. would, hops lovely silk stockings." Tit-Bit- Be. ' of recovery. But oh, what blessed re- Don't accept any substitute. For Just Wanted to lief I after Cuti- experienced applying FREE trial also free sample Mollie's mother is a Christian Scien cura Ointment. It cooled the bleeding package, sense flesh Foot-Eas- e Corn-Pa- "You'd haidly expect to find a tist, and Mollie has been and itching and brought me the of the Sanitary Meet your Friends at. once. first real sleep I had had in weeks. It of humor In prison officials," says an mentally "healed" more than was as as ice to a a new Invention, address Allen S. grateful burning American on the In- Usually (fhe's pleasantly unconcerned. tongue. I would bathe with warm Olmstead, Le Roy, N. Y. representative But one day recently came rebellion water and 'Cuticura Soap, then apply ternational prison commission, "but She had been "naughty" and had not the Ointment freely. I also took Cuti- an made some cura Resolvent for the blood. In a Farming is lots of fun unless you during inspection by And mother, all un time sores mat- yet repented. short the stopped running, liv- Americans interested In penal Bar have to do it order to make a mindful for once1 of the power' of mind the flesh began to heal, and I knew I in Opera ters of a penitentiary in England one D. L. over matter, sat gazing at her daugh was to get well again. Then the hair ing. CHAMBERS, Prop. on my head began to grow, and in a of us was thus ter in plain, de- surprised. short time I was completely cured. "T observed the Ameri- spair. But Mollie interpreted that I cannot praise Cuticura enough. I A Vital Point presame,' Old & several seconds wish I could tell who has can, 'that as Taylor Bourbon Shorwood Ryo raze differently. For everybody The most delicate part of a baby is here, elsewhere, you in obvious discomfort eczema to use Cuticura. My condition Sorvod Blreot from Carrol she wriggled was so terrible that what cured me Its bowels. ailment prison officials find existence painful she up Every that it v under it Then straightened cannot fail to cure anybody of this enough.' , mother In the awful disease. If one doubts the suffers with attacks the bowels, also and looked her squarely any "'I think you may fairly say so, Billiard Hall in connection. "Now, mamma, stop it!" she truth of this letter, tell them to write endangering in most cases' the life of eye. to me. Mrs. Wm. Hunt, 135 Thomas sir,' responded the warden, with a cried, sharply. "You needn't try any N. the Infant. McGee's Baby Elixir cures St., Newark, J., Sept. 28, 1908." smll-3- , absent treatment on me! and all grim 'seeing the number of more of your Oatlmnm Sort. Otntmpnt and Rmfthrtnt (HontC diarrhoea, dysentary, derange- Las T tell you I'm bad. and I want to be ar pills) r ioirt throuhoiit the world. Fottaf ments of the stomach or bowels. Sold felons we have on our hands." 520DougIasAve E Vegas, N,M Ini Ohfm. Corp.. Sole props.. Boston. Man. bad!" Wiuiled Pre, liuat Cuucure Sua Book. by Center Block Depot Drug Co. ' DAILY JUNE 12, 1909 ' FOUR LAS VEGAS OPTIC. SATURDAY,

sale tinder a secured ranch near the city, ia the name of PERSONALS. ter's Judgment Steorns-Roger- s Manufacturing the inventor who Is on the road to by the The an Tinrt Rhodes returned from Trinidad company of Denver. W c ec ials fame fortune as result of .t h 1S7S. anij ESTABLISHES - s the Sp . Mrs. H. B. Crawford arrived at for a short. lmprovemeat to the ever popular esfcenlay. A few specials which we are offering and sanitarium last ev- . Thos. S. is over . from Clay Plaia hotel time at v vxmx camera. , Snyder nyv lash , "- PUBLISHED BY ;: Ga. ,5;. ening from Columbus, ' ton today ... , 20 years, fitted from John J. Metsler is domiciled at the Filled Case gmaranted .;.?;,;, The Optic Publishing Company A waiter who wofKed years W. D. Davis came in Topeka rrjr.Gold WALTHAM.move- - tnirty Ekiwado hotel from Newark, N, J.J E. Ul 1 17 --jeweled, ELGIN or iBOOBPOHATBO behlnd the lunch, chanter lit the old last evening. . s Li Vads worth from Pueblo,' Colo.' house in New York saved 200. H. V Whitney is here from Wagon Aetor old-tim- e reliable M. M. EDITOR Mound ,H. E. Finney, tie Silveroid with a 7 ELGIN or PADGETT...... COO, according to the press dispatches. today Gents' Case, jewel tD C. D9uel is in the tuner, has returned to this city -- 9BmBU The adage "every thing comes to city again piano WALTHAM. rvv ' oi Cueva . from a short sojourn in Santa Fe. v''' him whcwaits" was evidently true in from La ranch with either town from '..Mrs. and son-in-la- left by Ladies Gold'Filled Case, guaranteed this case: H. M. Brown came to Tyler -- for whence go ELGIN or WALTilAM movement, 9SmM9 -- s Trinidad last evening. train Watrous, tney Entered at tne Postoffl. Ewt o con Attorney Chas A. Spless boarded a to their botnJQat Roy by private WE INVITE A COBIAhlSOQFcpUK PRICES Lu Vegas, N M., an second-clas- s Thfi divorce evil In this, country, ' 4t for Raton. veyance. v. ,.f . y to those in a position night rajn J i B. TAllPEBTf Jifwelef sd aoraing - Ecklund books a the New Op Kdward G.tWedmann, of;J. jpenis J. Optician. at an alarming CE- know, is increasing n.-.- ; co"untv. went over to .Ban tic" from' Madrid, farm. Mora N. M. ) 606 . RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. rate. It Is perhaps due to the fact Las Veffas, ) Douglas Ayepue, J. W. Clay, the liveryman, visited tu Fe vesterdav. in company with J. Da'ly man confesses his love V - that many a W. Monell. $7.00 Tecolote on, business today. Per Year by Carrier.....4...... woman when in he Is - for a reality out to Gas Thos. J. Walton took the welMrav- Month1 Carrier. .65 Ed J. McWenie drove Per ...... tot guilty. to Mora accompanied 0 con on a business trip today eled road today, THROUGH Per WV $J! Carrier, Mrs. A. of LOOK THIS W. G. reached home last even hvr hla Biatcr. J. Hall, - Weekly. Whenever the idea enters your mind Ogle Get Familar With Its Contents. from a business to RatonV Kamaas City. One Year. 92.00 that a woman can't keep her mouth ing trip Attorney A. T. Rogers, Jr. went .' Capt E. Godwin-Auste- secretary Jewelers Stock at Cost While It Lasts. x Months . LOO shut, remember the telephone girl across the way to Santa Fe today. of the Cattle Sanitary Board, has Reliable Watches. Jewel MftlK; or Size. the many telephone girls. If the tel- Snaps in Any v "Weat roetstets : from fitouncll hPMi vlsitln? the Canltal City on AND B.GS. That Oklahoma, negro ephone girl should tell a fractional TRUSKS, GRIPS, Muskogee, hotli Riock matters. - All Go Cost to Close. For Casb rattle-snak- e -- he can't BiuffsSi;v; at Only. who tattled with a part of help knowing, u boy, ,o. a. uarrazoio aas--eee- Thomas R. .Stewart, supervisor of the for an is wouldn't be in it for em' (Attorney. Wf We are strong Advocates of the other hour, day there day judgment court matters. Pecos National Forest, left Santa ' : - vlsitinfanta1 Fe on the for the next Mar- barrasslng revelations. " v Old Saying. . - very likely eligible y Mrs. J. R. Llera and J. S. Fe for a ten days official trip through athon.. - m41 ., ' Jone visitors from Albuquerque the Pecos forest. j SEEING IS BELIEVING. o A few a book in are' days ago agent D. and son drove to town chll-dre- Tipton SECURITY Ten thousand New York school n Kansas City Jwas arrested on com' BROKERAGE Co. iidge Henry L. Waldo departed yesterday from the ranch neat Log are victims of the alcohol habit, plaint of sax members of the Athena Lincoln Avenue, Near Depot. this afternoon for Kansas City and Alam,s w!th two loads of native hay Bays a press dispatch. VWe don't cum. Club,; who declared that he had Chicago. for the locfJ market. , feed- doubt it if these puplla have been do- hypnotized them into giving up money MARKET BEPOSTS. steers $4.756.30; etockers and "- H.. Applegate and L.Chemls are Mr. and Mrs., Chas. Taylor are - laboratory work. -' totalling over one hundred dollars, C, ers $3.605 60; cows and heifers ing here from St Louis today, talking guests at Hotel La Pension from Guth Then are merchants right here In $2.506.25; calvea $.008.00, , business. ' "." - rie, Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. The commissioners of Jackson coun- There are merchant right here in New Yonc Money. Sheep 1,000 head; market steady. r Fuss, the miller at Mora, Wies, from ,New York. ty, Missouri, have cieated the office a princely salary to enter their em Joseph New York, June 12. Call money NNatives 3.756.10; western $3.75 r. drove acro the country to this city Geo. A. Fleming, secretary of the of stenographer to the county-corone- ploy as a collector. nominal. yearlings $6.00 7.15; lambs Commercial Club and manager of the 65; Wonder if the new official will yesterday. $5.258.25: western $5.758.20. William Salisbury drove to town yes-- ' Investment & Agency Corporation, ar- have a stiff time taking notes? A good story Is told on Chief of New York Metal Market terday from his land claim near Wa- rived at home and office from Denver Thos. MCMUlln of ' ' New June 12. Lead at $4.35 ? Police Albuquerque, ' ' York. St. Louis Spelter. gon Mound. ... today. & rail- a wo 13 52 1--2; The El Paso Southwestern It is said that a few nights4 ago 4.45; copper silver St. LouJ3, June 12. Lead, $4.J7. . T. W. Schaller and J F. Hoaglln W. D. of the forest service 5-- way made a, low rate to Cloudcroft man called the chief up by telephone Hayes spelter, $5.30. are lit the on Busi- Chap-erlt- o for the benefit of the veterans attendi- and asked him if he couldn't come Chicago people city returned to Santa Fe from the ness on where ng1 the G. A. R.rennion at Alamogor- - right out to her home and drive the today. ridge the upper Pecos, St. Louis Wool Market Ben Williams San- Chicago Provisions Market. do this we But even the old off the front Detective of the he had been engaged In planting trees then mosquitoes porch. 'They St. LouU, June 12. Wool market Chicago, June 12. 117 McMillln ta Fe Was in the city last evening the past few days. ; Wheat, July soldiers found the rather high. are awful," she complained. 1-- trip enroute southward. ; unchanged. Territory western med 4, Sept. 1.10 4 ; corn, July 73, Sept. told her that It was a "fly" cop she Otto Laage, who is not acquainted lump 24029; fine mediums 22(2)27; 70 8 ; oats, 52 .3-- 44 on a and was a mos M. G. Keenan is at the Rawlins July Sept William Hyde, who lives homey wanted, sorry, the with the Adolph Lange against whom 1-- house from R. A". Smather fine 1623. pork, July 20.40, SepC 20.60; lard, stead near Alamogordo, visited that qulto squad was not on duty. Springer; a foreclosure suit has been instituted from Salt Lake July 11.70, Sept. ribs, Ju- town a few weeks ago and paid in City. in the Mora county court, departed 11.7577; Charles Atchison and A. P. Schwarz New York Stock. ly 10.97fl, Sept 10.97. advance a year's subscription to the If keen, courageous thinking, direct, for Watrous this afternoon; also E. are travelers from Denver who are New 12. Alamogordo News. Ample evidence, convincing, address, elegant language, E. Johnson and son, Marshall. York, June Prime paper Kansas City Stock. . town and 3 Mexican Amal- that farming pays in New cultured mail' doing city today. , Mrs S. B. Warner, lessee of the dollars 44; Kansas June 12. Cattle 200 this, dry positive personality, at- ' City,. ' '' Judge Manuel C. de Baca, who is 85 Atchison 116, Mexico. f , deep convictions, are elements old Harvey mountain resort, which is gamated pfd head, including 1Q0 southerns; mar- I tending to a territorial job, has been 106; New York Central 132; Southern - y . that go to make successful speakers, regaining its former popularity under ket steady. Native steers $5.00 second-oldes- t j I visiting the again. Pacific 132 Union Pacific 193 In the announcement elsewhere In then Rev. ,T. C. Rollins, D. D., will her able management, returned to the 7.00; southern steers $4.006.00; 7-- . y steel 08 125. The Optic today of an Invention of command the highest appreciation of Dr. R. J. Blanche, a government ranch this morning after spending yes pfd southern cows $2.75 4.50; native went to Watrous this sfock-er- n enlarging attachment for cameras all who hear him at the Methodist surgeon, terday here shopping." She was accom. cows and heifers $2.756.60; s brings to light that right in our midst church tomorrow, the one day only. afternoon in the discharge of his duty. pan:ed on her return by Gilbert Mo Chisago Stock Market. $3.755.50; bulls $3.005.25; are geniuses to whom we should lend W. E. Gortner let town last night Whirter, who will spend several Chicago, Tune 12. Cattle 200 head; calves $3.757.25; western 1 steers every encouragement. C. F. Adlon, a Mrs. J. van arrived in the for Raton, where he today sold, the weeks there for rest and recupera- market steady. Beeves $5.20 7.25; $5.256.75' western cows $3.25 Hquten ' Las Vegas man, now living on a city this afternoon from Raton. Aztec mine at Elizabethtown at mas tion. Texas steers $4.606.20; western 5.50. , .

nneis $6, 50 Suits for 'The store of Boys Quality All Wool. $5,00 If - With 2 Patrs Knickerbocker Pants. MW? ' b tl N.M. A SPLENDID IDEA getting two pairs of pants instead jykwy4E. Las Vegas of one. One pair of pants as a rule was worn out before the 4 ft v r- "'J vv; coat showed signs of wear, and then there was trouble in matching. Summer Wardrobe, We show 2 styles from 9 to 16 years, a light gray striped, worsted, cuffs on coat, flaps on pockets, long graceful lapels, 1 Come an hour or two with a fancy striped lead Cashmere, correctly made and splen- r-- " "Tn ' pend didly tailored, our guarantee of L quality ...... S vAJvJff We place on sale for the next week our entire stock of 1 . us and revel in the beautiful, and 35c Swisses, on at-- . 25c yd. fluffy, summery fabrics now' - In different size dots, the quality is splendid. On Men's Pajamas at $125 in east window. display: display They come in white, pink, blue; the cloth is soisettie, a Linens, Lawns, Batistes, Mulls and also the soft lustrous fabric, resembling silk only wearing1 much better, we have size. 7 WAISTS finer silks and soft satins in the correct shades and your Tomorrow we place on sale our regular stock of Waists, styles there is no lack of variety for your choos- the sale will be for a few days. just You can Summer Wardrobe $2.00 White Waists, nicely trimmed, New ing. replenish your .1. here us Designs. Special, $1.50 and not have any two alike. Let show you. . Boys' Corduroy Pants $100 Some $3.50 White Waists, New Style, Other are able to Knickerbockers . ' departments equally supply your Tailored. Special, ,r $2.60 - - Mothers need ' wants. 7 y- not worry about having to pay $1.50 for $5.00 French Lawn or Silk, white or Waists, Charlie's pants. We sell them special next week at $1.00 brown, blue, red. Special, Dainty trimmings, Laces and" nets in profusion and style-approv- these are $3,75 splendidly made, guaranteed not to rip; roomy and $8.50 Waists, net, Taffeta, Messaline, plain or t CT accessories for every costume, -- f strong; they come in gray brown and new.- - Sr fancy, o)00 Men's fine "Emery shirts; Superba Neckwear; Boys' the new Cord, green 31,VJU(d T and Young: Men's Clothing made specially for us. Misses' s WE KNOW WE CAN PLEASE YOU. . White Dresses The Shirt You Want

- at '' t COME and S This week we show a fresh stock of our famous 14 off NEW Women's Oxfords blue Chambray- - pleated front shirts coat style, mm Suede buttons. r rm AT gray upper, pearl Patent i cuffs attached, a very neat '' . ; Colt Vamps, Millitary Heel, high -- and splendid shirt, worth arch-...... - .. r Misses' .V. . i ...... $4,0 O if- SO easily. $1.50. Count A new Blue cloth r Colored Dreses I 1 Oxford, Rep upper, Cloth, Knife Pleats. vf smoked at pearl buttons, Patent Colt Vamps, ,...... i, ...... $4,GQ Special, ' Bronzed Oxfords" of the Mil- . BBCMtSIEfl N.Y.- finest kid, - U3 off M' litary Heel, Lace, very new, . ..$4,00 $1,25 LAS VEGAS DAILY, OPTIC, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1909 FIYS

BIG JUHE SPECIALS, n FX T J 111 All through the Store we , are making big reductions for June, SanMif

I'; Li v:-'- , 92.20 full : ,. for.Iron Bed, sise,, ,,,r Q CAPITAl PA13 V $3.65 for a full size Bed, exactly ' as cut below, . Q J. M. CUNNINGHAM, President D. T. HQ&K'NS, Cashier. FRANK 8PRINGER, Vlc Prsldnt F. B. JANUARY, As1CatHer, " r Las Vegas society folk must have .is.-:.c..- wished to try the patience' "of Uie P Interest on Timi Jplposifs1 y "society editor" 6t The Optic this "Week, judging5 from the dearth of so- 7 - r - cial newsfAtfde from the whist par-t- y THERE ARE TWO WAYS at We'omMercIal club on Thurs- ;V of saving. One is to hide money up tbe chimney or In the night, whielr was r, day a delightful clock. Thieves know all such schemes and know just where o mo functioa that might be term- to look, The other way is to open an acoount with an Insti- tution like. o ed elaborate has taken place $17.95 during sltlon at Seattle, home leis for a $22.50 Brass Bed ..... the entire week., Although the "so- returning THE LAS VEGAS SAVINGS BANK urely through southern California, with 2 inch Posts. , ( editor," who dis- ' ciety enjoys that friends enroute. Thieves don't bother banks much in these of - 0 tinction name visiting $22.85 for Brass Bed days burgler- in only, has tnuseed his a. $29,50 ?roof vaults. The first way leaves the money idle and useless, hair and rubbed his eyes In an en- with 2 inch Continuous Pillar. sets it to work to earn more. Think it over. Miss Aina Ward entertained a deavor to stir up something of In- young ladies' sewing club Thursday " O terest,, socially, for the edification of Specials afternoon at her home, 403 Eighth R.ig the fair dames, matrons and maidens, $24.95 for the $29.50 Heavy 0 street ., Las Vegas Bank his , task been suc- Size 9 Savings lus anything but Axminster Smith's Rugs. OFFICE V ' WITH 0 cessful. But a calm - they say always George A. Smith, assistant postmas x 12 feet. .. a and it is the ' San Miguel NaitloneJ Bank. 0 precedes storm,' hoped will tomorrow for a visit ' '' ter, leave, Just received a swell line of . present calm may be the forerunner to his old home at 111., 0 Carbondale Couch Covers and Portiers. of a social whirlwind. ' where he will his annual vaca- ' , spend . t. ' ' tion. .' ; $10.95 a Brussels k ' for Heavy Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCulloch and POSTAL MANAGER PUTS ' Rug Size 9 x 11 , feet worth ,son went out to Harvey's today. Mrs. F. O. Blood was hostess on $15.00. OUT USEFUL BLOTTERS V r WALL PAPER WALL PAPER afternoon at home on Thursday her $10.35 for feet Miss Llda Vasse entertained a bevy Sixth street to the Round Dozen. The 9x12 Hodges Manager H. W. CantrlH, whose -- Fibre well worth J514.50. rf friends at a sewing circle yeisterf ladles spent a pleasant afternoon, at Rugs, popularity cmong Las Vegas1 business Big Reduction in Prices at men is a at- day afternoon. i the close of which dainty refreshments Is distributing a were served. tractive blotters on behalf of the com- Mrs. F. Meredith Jones and three pany. The back of the blotter bear3 Las Co. -- To-rpe- Lumber in some Information concern- Vegas daughters are visiting friends Rabbt J. S. Raisin of Congregation A. interesting - Opposite Y. M. C. and Kansas City.- Monteflore, has gone to New York ing the tariff book of the Postal com- Matched Patterns from 10c per roll op. Borders pany for 3309. The new book showi city on his summer vacation trip. He speaks for .him a most promising fu- Mrs. Lane has to Car-- 4,249 more Postal telegraph offices In the same price, excepting and varnished WrA. gone stopped off at Fort Gibson, MIs ture. His Las Vegas friends and The Ingrains on an extended .visit the United States than in 1908, and rollton, Ark., to Gotham, and tied a nuptial In : Optic In particular wish him well " :, which until fall. that this company has nearly 3,000 of- styles . may last knot good and stout. . his new location, where he is sure to fices at places not reached by any make good. v Mrs. J. Daniels, who has been vis- Mrs. Marion Lynch, mother of Mrs. other telegraph, company. In New WALL PAPER WALL PAPER friends in Las has re Mexico alone the Postal has 52 ex- iting Vegas, Chas A. Spiess, has gone to Ocean The report that Mrs. B. T. Mills had turned to fcer home In Adair, la. clusive offices, that is to offices Park, Cal., in the hope of benefiting returned from her trip to California say, ac- not reachad by any other her health at the seashore. She is gained currency from the fact that telegraph Mrs. W. N. Rosenthal went or telephone system. It is Mr. and companied to the beach by Master Mrs. B. M. Williams, sister of Mr. planning Gantaro Guarantee Shoo Cforo Tucumcarl "the of week, several Important extensions of it! to first the Charley Spiess, a grandson. Mills, and the wife of a former Las lines in the in where combined business with Al- territory the Immadiate they, arrived here from ' Vegas dentist, future. ' s pleasure. Miss Adelia Vigus, who had been buquerque, Tuesday night, the guest sojourning fn Las Vegas, the guest,of of Mrs. Johanna Vollmer. - , 5Worthmore M. and FIRST CANTALOUPES OF TniT Dr. and Mrs. J. Cunningham her brother and his Wife, Prof, and SEASON BRING EACH Miss Louise ( $5 a daughter, Cunningham, Mrs. Vigus, has returned to her home The eleventh birthday of Miss V fine Shoes for Everybody are due to arrive home from Niagara in Maine. She . made many friends Edith Wheeler, the bright and attrac- We've just got Ina Complete stock of the famous Palls, N. Y. In the Three refrigerator cars of canta " Worthmore " fine shoes made by Ellet-Kenda- ll during her stay city. tive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. of Kansas See our window and . ; loupes went east on No. 10 this after- City. unique display Wheeler, was pleasantly celebrated come in and get a Souvenir Style Book free. noon from California, being d at Mrs. R. J. Blanche has left Carls- Miss Florence Hutchison, whose when a of the little Friday, party the Las Vegas station. This is the bad N. M., for Conrad, la., where she is editor and publisher, of the miss' friends were her at' a SNAPPY STYLES father, guests first 'shipment of any consequence 15 Is the guest both of her people and Stockman, has been called in Hot canyon. "THE RED TAC ON EVERY PAIR" Springer picnic party Springs .season. . - . this For $3.50; for women, $3.00; ior childten, her- husband's folks..., ,, home from the summer Normal here Mr.' and M.-s- Wheeler the mn, ; chaperoned Two the of $2.50 to $1.00. Every shoe made on hono' every ' , cantaloupes, vanguard hoe trade-mar- k by her mother, who found life at children. 3 guaranteed the price and plainly the luscious melons from the Imper stamped on every pair. It you are looking tor the Herbert Gehring, who Is a pains- home unbearably lonesome without ... finest shoe made here it is and at a price that state ial valley, arrived in Los' Angeles the proves real economy. ., taking student at the Colorado the daughter. At a meeting of the Presbyterian other morning,, and sold for the rec university m Boulder, is at home to of Mr& J. H. ' THE League, at the residence ", .' v"""""t """ ; i Style No. 273 -- ' ord,'.price cf $5 each. "WORTHMORE" spend his acation days. Miss Jennie Mae English, of Elida, Ward 403 Eighth street, Tuesday .af--. Wortbmore' Shoes are made Rivalry among the large hotels to of the softest and most N. M.. is the summer was so- finest, attending ternoon, a eplendid time had obtain the melons was keen and durable upper leather, oak Mr! and Mrs. Chas L. Kohn are in Normal In they soles, silk ' stltchlnK, solid course at the university cially, refreshments being served. A hAAla. fttHt, hnoka - were Anally sold to the Hotel Alex cnr and Kansas City, where Mr. Kohn is un- this city. Miss English has had Incident of the was eyelets. Tbey will give more comfort and wear longer than any happy gathering andria. The price paid, $5 each, es shoe yon ever wore; la the very latest styles for both men care of a of TToo 7 der the specialist. They of , the primary department the of a souvenir spoon and women. need a wfty not today charge presentation tablished a record, as $1.50 eacU was pair will be gone several weeks. the public schools in her home town to Mrs. Cuny, treasurer okthe league, SHItU nuiw Full line of Kadiant lloslery, tbe make that the highest price ever before paid for Thla Hark wears ho Weil. ror me past, iwo years. wh for week.' Trd departs Californlajiext first arrivals. , StaiuiMdon Trj Pair ... WAISEN BLOCK, East Las H. M. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Behr, whoso fur- Vegas, from Prof. K. M. an artist of niture arrived Guadalupita yes The Baptist Young People's society Chapman, -- PERSONAL. terday, are today moving into a Veed- - was cleverly entertained Tuesday ev- note who was formerly ft member of house on 'Eleventh street; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bush at the faculty of the Normal university, er ening by Miss Lorinne Lowry has gone to 303 Grand avenue. has accompanied Attorney Frank A. H. Reingrueber Breivinil Co. their cosy home, Chapfelle on a visit for two days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Danziger and The doors were open to all who wished- Springer east v from this city. Prof. : H. W. Kolly came home last night in -to and those who chose to is engaged. in illustrating ' df Lacs child have returned .from Chicago, attend Chapman from Jiis latest business to Albu- ' ' " Veas. works Mr. Sprin- trip was consulted do so met with .cordial welcome. some scientific that - ' which city a specialist querque. . '' We are now the finest beer in the Southwest. Boost latter. mm ger and associates are publishing, to making regarding the health of the E. L. of Raton, was enroute returned during the world. are meaty volumes Fugate, and orders te ns for. either keg or Charley Hedgcock They Roswell on No. 8 this home industry , telephone your state of close have home from Mrs. M. S. Raynolds, a sl&ter of the week from the university to which years of study bottle beer. morning, i , an enjoya-bl-e Colorado, . where he has been attend; been given. ; x Jefferson Raynolda, after Mrs. Ida M. Jones, who arrived in 61 32. and his fami- ing school the past year. Before re- PHONES MAIN 67, and visit to her brother the city Y,e3terday from Denver, Is home for the summer vaca- Rev. C. M. Carter, for, twelve years In this city, left Friday for her turning 'guest of Mr. and Mrs.. F. B. Jan-nar- ly "did" Denver and Colorado church of the 'home In Canon City, Colo. tion he pastor of the First Baptist ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. spending a few days In each Muncie, Ind., passed through Las Veg- Springs, Miss Blanche Dunlap, colored, de- June as last on, No. 9, enroute to ' The Sisters of Loretto will rescue During Captain David J. Leahy and family city. evening this afternoon for Prescott, Ar- California coast With Rev. parted next In spite of the STAGE WILL LEAVE ROMERO returned on Wednesday from a visit points. in which she will change classes Monday. of Miss' Holzman, Shepp-Hamil-to- izona, city in Raton. Friends Harriet Carter was Mrs. Nellie false rerorts circulated the paat MERCANTILE CO. FOR to relatives and friend were to her name by. getting married. so- of Spokane, Wash., pleased on of Muncie's most cultured weeks, there haa been no icarte fevr They were the recipients of much Mies Griffith, daughter of W. B. learn of her marriage in that city to and matrons. Mrs. or other in the academy. cial attention while in the Gate city. charinlng young Griffith district attorney at Socorro, any disease, J. R, Black; a prominent attorney of Hamilton and Rev. Carter were met of thla are re t has come to this city W attend the Persons desiring proof Los Angelas, Cal. Mies Holzman re- Castaneda G. W. of ferred the sisters to Dr. W. R. Mlssea Mildred and Artless Browne. at the by Shepp summer term at Normal university. by rorvenir PHONE (IAIN 20 visited In , Albuquerque, the leave for cently thle city, father of Mrs. Hamilton. of 'ipton. 1 , daughters of M. W. Browne, Neu- - G. E. Leonard, superintendent guest of her sister, Mrs. Samuel She was also met by Miss Eva Mae. coast Monday. They division of the Western -- 2:00 Pacific points ' ' " the jrestera Monday, p. in. Clarence stadt. Tucker. Y San Misuel county is entitled to will visit their brother, ' Union Telegraph company, passed ...... 8:00 a. m. at-- five to the national Tuesday,... at Wash., and for El Paso on" No. 1 this af delegates lrriga; . . Browne, Spokane. Herbert W. Clark, assistant United through n . .. - MrV S. wasmng-to- Thursday,... .8:w a. m. -- Alaska-Yukon-Pacif- expo- and Mrs. James Duncan, jr., tion congress at SpoRane, district of ternoon. .. tend the States attorney for the 9 to m. who are the west on a honey- Cas--1 in session from August 14, Friday, ...... 2:00 p. New Mexico, returned during the touring M, S. Rosenthal arrived at the moon the week in- - Colorado and Is understood the county . . 8:00' m. week from Alamogordo, in which city trip, spent tsricda this afternoon from San Fran- it, ; Saturday, p. Manltou and other Colorado are desirous of appointing he attended federal court in his offi- Springs, cisco; Henry O. Beach, El Paso; C. L. resorts and left today for Salt Lake cn the delegation citizens who wiU cial capacity. Mr. Clark is making Weber, St. Joseph;. F. A. Sullivan, Returning leave Porvenir Trustworthy where will be for a surely attend the large and important an enviable reputation as a federal City, Utah, they Denver; A. Popple, Philadelphia; Wm. ' week. Postcards received by friends gathering. PHONE 5174 . E. Jacobson, .New York. methods! during the prosecutor. are a - i in this cltv say they having Attorney E. E. Veeder will return ..7:00 a. m. of our fine time. on this Monday. maiiy years Miss Teresa Long,, accomplished Incindentally trip. irom xne east ima evening, accumpayi Ernest Robinson, the i ...... Tuesday ..2:00 m. Mr. Duncan is a line on a few . - Mr. W. C. p. dealings have proven of and Mrs. E. V. getting nea Dy ms Droiner-in-iaw- , v. niwem-' son of and Mrs. Robinson, daughter Judge j. ' - - will endeavor was 2:00 m. the wisdom of trad- returned on Tuesday from To- good shows which he ple, wife, four children and a maid, of of 518 Columbia avenue, who op Thursday p. Long, . While where she is a member to book for the coming theatrical sea N. Y. Also a niece, Mrs. Os- - erated on Wednesday evening for ap- Friday. ... .7:00 a. m. . with ns. peka, Han., AlbnnVj ing son the Duncan of sanitar- . . . for a busi- of the faculty of Bethany college, an for opera house, trander of Schenectady, that state. pendicitis at St. Anthony's, Saturday. .8:00 a. m. working which he is the manager. to be along been Episcopal seminary of splendid repu- Captain W. B, Brunton, of Shoemak ium, is reported getting ness we" have ' She fWlll the summer it:- .' er, and Captain John A. Ross, of this as well as could bo expected This - tation. spend x for a repu- on news the many working her parents. Her Las Vegas ; The Commercial club was host city, returned on a night train from will be .good to ' ' vibiting Notice Is hereby glvea that owners we ha ye gain-- " to make her at its club rooms territorial G. A. R. friends of the family and to the poy's tation; friends win endeavor Thursday evening the encampment ' ' of dogs in the town of Las Vegaa will be - was so will ;. v ,ed it and it stay a pleasant one.- at a whist party, which the at Alamogordo. It likely be held playmates. must take out licenses for the can cial event of week. The first la Tucumcarl next a deal the at year, provided lne&i five upheld. Every; off within days, else the dogs - G. son of H. ; G. was awarded Mrs. W. B. G. A. R. is established there. , The city haa eight ""keep with us is a satisfac- Henry Coors, Jr., dy's prize post rarlj will be shot by the town marshal. of and second to Mrs. A. set in Hill Site - "" one of the citizens Bunker, the tbegrass" eigns up dealwe gua- - Coors, pioneer By order of the mayor. tory this left today for Clovls, where Winters, while Dr. Hess carried off All Aboard for Harvey's! park. The police department has . - city, FLORENTINO MONTOYA, rantee that. to a law 'office In the the first gentietnan's prize and W. B. Carriage goes out Saturday morn been instructed to arrest all persons he Roes open . Town Clerk, j cut-of- f. Bunker the second.' After . cards returns Leave fpund riding or walking on thegrassin thriving town on the Belen ing following Friday. Las June 12. 1909. j CO. &. Vegas, WINTERS DUDG Mr. Coors after his graduation from were laid aside, dancing was indulg- orders at 'Murphey's or O. Btwn this park, especially bicycle riders, . served as ed in. The next social function to be Co s. who are In the habit of taking a short- ' an eastern law school, city Trading Main' 3 . will cut across the lawn. Tbe is Miss Heien Nahm. of Telephone attorney and assistant district attor- given by the Commercial club penally daughter June Call Main 2 when bare a fine of $10 for violating the ord Mr. and Mrs. Nahm, left for St. BRIDGE STREET ney for San Miguel county, and his take place Thursday evening, up you any Slg - wants nance the same. Louis this cfternoon on a visit. -- these position! be- 24, when a dance will be given. news. The Optio governing TELEPHONE AND WE DELIVER succef In both it


TO OBSERVE FEAST Ettray Advertisement. - , PULPIT AND CHOIR LOFT- Notice Is hereby given to whom It may concern that the de OF C0."PUS CHHISTl e Mountaineer's following scribed estray animal was taken up by ' M. Abercrombie. Anton Chico, N. USE Pardon M...... The of Christ!, which To-wi- t: CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE feasf Corpus By John B. Canington One white mare mule. 13 CONCEPTION Adrian Rabeyrolle, is a solemi act of faith in the real, hands high, weight about. 650 or 700 lbs., 10 years old. . ; v of Jesus - Christ the B. pastor. presence in (Copyright, by J. Ldpptacott Co.) Branded v sec- I F First . mass at ? a. m.; Blessed will be observed On left LOUR Saerament, The following incident is vouched hip ( ; IT ond mass at 10 a. m. Sunday school well-know- n Louis- this year by all the Catholics of Las for by a lady of Said animal being unknown to this In English at 3 p. m., la Spanish at 4 ville, who is a niece of Board, unless claimed by owner on or In most solemn Ky., i Vegas, tomorrow, the p. m. Rosary and benediction of the Luke Blackburn of that state, during before July 1, '09, said date being .10 Gov. days after last appearance of this ad' blessed sacrament at 7:30 p. m. , manner. Notning nas been spared oy whose administration it occurred. And You Will Have was a whole-soule- vertisement, said estray will be sold Always Catechism epeakin the Rev. Paul Gilberton, and his asso- Blackburn bRiff, lor English who made such free use by this Board tor the benefit of the have kindly man, owner found. children on Tuesday 4 p. m., and en ciate priests of the clergy, to, as to con- when of his pardoning power gain CATTLE SANITARY 10 a.r m.; for speak, this manifestation of faith celebrated his BOARD, THE Saturday Spanish siderable adverse criticism from - Las N. M. 4 an with all tho pomp and solemnity pos- enemies.- as Vegas, tag children on Thursday p. m., political He appointed 1st June 10, last June '09 ' man of pub pub 21, : ' en at 9 a. m. sible, ; warden of the penitentiary a Saturday f cer- y The principal act of this demon- his own kindly instincts. On a, Estray Advertisement. a raw-bone- d BREAD. CHURCH OF OUR LADy OF SOB stration consists mostly of a great tain morning in early spring Notice Is to whom It 1QSS mountaineer hereby given ROWS, Rev. Paul Gilberton, Pastor-Fir- st procession in which take part all the young presented may concern that the following de himself at the penitentiary and asked was 6 a. m. Second mass faithful of The various scribed estray animal taken up by mass at the parish. to be shown the institution. N. M., ' through Chas, Ford, Estancia, the associations and sodalities which To-wi- 8 a. m. Sermon in English for The warden, who was rather attracted t: One. small pinto mare, Alwi Good Has No children. Hymns rendered by the count many members, men, women, to the young fellow's open face, took him weight about t50 or 700 lbs., aga Equal un- the vari- about 13 or 14 with saddle children under the direction of . the and children, with their banners through in person, explaining years old, marks. Sisters of Loretto. Third mass at furled, will head the procession ous details of prison life. When the inspection was over, the young fellow Branded Handled By All Dealers 10 a. m. Sermon in Spanish. Masses amidst singing and praying. A J A said: , . On left Lip or In to the at In Gregorian chant musis, According program posted "Hev you got anything else in this Said animal being unknown to tills rendered by a choir of mixed voices. the door of the Church of Our Lady here town, worth lookin' at?" Board, unless claimed by owner on or 10 At ,7 p. 'ml, vespers and benediction. of Sorrows the line of procession will The warden directed him to the cap. before July 1, '09, said date being be as follows: - itol, the state arsenal, and the famous days after last appearance of this ad SOCIETY f said will be sold 8L CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The procession will leave the old Frankfort cemetery,. The young vertisement, estray Smith - - this Board tor the benefit ot the MaJoney services every Sunday morn- man thanked him, shok hands, and by s Regular church at 10:30 a. m., following this owner when found. Y ev- turned away. In a. moment he came Official City Contractoi-- at It o'clock and Wednesday ;' .. SANITARY '.ng order: -- CATTLE BOARB, ' back with the 8 o'clock In O. R. C. hall, question: , Las N. M. ening at Cross and a,colytes. "What time do close here?" Vegas, you up 1st Juue 10, last pub June 21, '09 All kind of cement, sidewalk, brick and stone work. Jobi Pioneer Building. All are welcome. , The sodality of the Holy Child with "We close to visitors at five o'clock," pub plastering, attended to. All their banner, the children of the said the warden. "Come back if you Advertisement promptly Only best material used. work guarantee.. BAPTIST CHURCH J. O. Heath, - Estray school. find time." Notice is hereby given to whom It pastor.' Corner Sixth street and Main I reckon I said the The society of St. John Baptiste de "Wal, will," may concern that the following de avenue. fellow. , OFFICE AND YARD, 1020 NATIONAL AVE. PHONE OLIVE MT. ;'3 la Salle. . young scribed estray fenimal was taken up by Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Ser-mo- n A few minutes before five he ap F. Pope, Vaughn. N. M. The ladles belonging to the Car To-wi- t: ' at the warden's office. One small brown horse. at 11 a. m. Young people's ' peared private melites order. ' After some conversation very small, both hind feet white, 7 va. Sermon at 8 p. m. desultory meeting at p. The members of the Sacred Heart the warden excused himself, saying white spot in forehead, split in top All are cordially Invited to thesa of left ear. 'y? y ; ,..'. that it was time to Close up. f '' ' sodality.'' ' '".' 1 I'll Branded services. The Children of Mary with their reckon stay wth you awllile," j said the mountaineer. On left hip banner. , . FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH "You can't do my friend," said Said animal being unknown to this All the who do not be that, Meade Ervin Dutt, pastor. Services In gentlemen the warden, "this isn't a hotel," and Board, unless claimed by owner on or be-we- to eaid date 10 A. O. IT. W. hall. Eighth street long any society. he gave the young man directions as before July 1, '09, being THE LAS VEGAS BARGAIN HOUSE Children dressed In white and scat to desirable stopping-place- days after last appearance of this ad Lincoln and Douglas avenues. said will be sold JOBBERS OF tering flowers, singers, altar boys Oh, I recKon. i n stay nere," inter vertisement, estray the mountaineer: I ny this Board tor the benefit of the e St. PAUL'S MEMORIAL CHURCH, with censers and flowers. rupter "you see, IVIeirol-i&r-icil- Jim I would." owner when found. corner National avenue and The celebrant Blessed promised SANITARY General Eighth carrying the 'Who is Jim?" CATTLE BOARD, Rev. J. S. Moore, Rector. surrounded the Las Vegas, N. M. Men's, Boys' and Children's a street, Sacrament, by clergy 'Oh, he's the sheriff up our way, Clothing Specialty. First' after Trinity, June and some the 1st pub June 10, last pub June 21, '09 Sunday iay people among prom Here's my papers." Mail Orders Promptly Filled. 13 communion 7:30; Sunday inent Catholics in of can He handed the warden the Holy charge the regular Estray Advertisement. school 9:45; morning prayer and opy and lanterns. sheriff's commitment papers, which Notice is hereby given to whom it sermon 11. No evening service. As a guard to end the testified that the bearer, Bill , was concern de- proce'jslon to two may that the following Estray Advertisement, Advertisement This church Is for pri- all members of committed the penitentiary for was taken Estray open dally the the society of St. scribed estray animal up by Notice Is whom Notice Lyears for malicious (shooting. Charles N. M. hereby given to it is hereby given to whom it vate prayer and meditation. Joseph. , Yaple, Falrvlew, concern de- concern de- the "these To-wi- may that the following may, that the Why," gasped warden, t: One dun horse, about 10 or following From the church the procession will seem to be out due scribed estray animal was taken up by scribed estray animal was taken np CHURCH papers made in 12 years old, weight about 800 lbs., by FIRST PRESBYTERIAN follow x R. H. McDaniel, N. M. R. J. N. M. National ave., and at the cor- form. But tell me, when did you do blind In left eye,. Farmlngton, Nesbett, Estancia, anar ave. To-wi- t: One red cow with white To-wi- t: One unbroken Tenth Street Douglas ner of the Ike Davis store will take the shooting, and why did not the Brandexl bay horse, spot on both hind thighs, 4 years old. two white feet, small star in Rev. Norman Skinner, pastor. sheriff here in person?" On . foreheal, Pacific street, then Valencia street as bring you left hip , 13 hands 7 or 8 old. 11 o'clock annual Children's it was thiser way. yjj Branded high, years At the far as the jail, turning into New Wal, you see, Said animal being unknown to this On left" libs Branded day service, program of music and re- One night about three months ago Board, unless claimed by owner on or On Mexico ave., thence again In Nation some of us fellers a little left Jaw citation by the Sunday school and got gay before July 1, '09, eaid date being 10 al ave. In return to the church. up there in Hazlan, and got to shootin' after last appearance of this ad Ear mark Branded address by the pastor. Bible study days la 23i On left shoulder 'round permiscu's. Jim kinder butted said will be sold j school session at 9:45 a. vertisement, estray Said animal unknown to end Sunday Berthold Ilfeld-Splt- z in, and as we wuz this Board for benefit of the being this Branded Spitz, of the why. by the Board, unless claimed owner on m. Young people's society at 7 p. m. some of us took a crack at Jim. owner when found. by or On left bip Mercantile company, has been elected before July 1, '09, eaid date being li ; a most kinder had the bad luck to him. CATTLE SANITARY BOARD. The 'church, extends hearty president of the Albuqureque Com- pot days after last 'appearance of this ad- Said animal being unknnwn tn thia Of course, Jim's an old friend o' Las Vegas, N. M. m ; Invitation to all people. Strangers mercial club. mine, vertisement said estray will be sold Board, unless claimed by nvnnr nn The other offioers elec I- - 1st June 10, June 21, '09 In and I felt awful bad when found pub last puo by this Board for benefit of before July 1, '09. eaid date 10 , and sojourners the city especially ted were an follows: O. N. the the being ' ' Marron, out next mornin that I'd put a bullet owner found. days after last appearance of ad welcomed. ..'.; ;) Advertisement when this first vice G. L. his ... Jim . had a Estray said will sold president; Brooks, through leg. pretty whom CATTLE SANITARY BOARB, vertisement, estray be second vice hard time of and when I went Notice Is hereby eiven to it Las N. M. by this Board for the bannflt nf tha FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL president, and Marcus P, it, mav ennnern that the following de Vegas, round to see how he was on 1st pub June 10, last June 21, 'C owner when found. CHURCH Cor. Kelly, secrttary. O. N; Marron and scribed estrav animal was taken un bv pub National and Eighth. he tole me- - as how he was laid up CATTLE SANITARY BOARD, George L. Brooks were di Hubbard & Jackson, Farmlngton, N. Las N. M. H. Van Valkenburgh, pastor. and couldn't put in his crops, and like ' Estray Advertisement. Vegas, rectors to serve M. 1 C. for the next three 1st pub last pub June 21, '09 Rev. J. Rollins, D. D., will speak as not his wife and kids would go To-wi- Notice is hereby given to whom it Junelp year term; G. A. Kaseman One black cow. in the Methodist church of this city declining hungry before long. So I jest tole Jim Branded may concern that the following de on account of the to arrest me so as he could the fee 1 scribed animal was taken Advertisement both 'morning and evening, tomorrow. pressure get On right hip estray up by Estray of his business interests. B. outer He said he reckoned I'd have Ismael Martinez, Velarde, N. M. Notice - Spitz it is hereby given to whom it Dr. is one the unknown to To-wi- Rollins of foremost pul- come to Said animal being this t: One dun. Mexican horse,, 5 concern was unanimously elected to succeed to down Frankfort by myself unless claimed owner on or may that the following de pit orators In the west. Formerly a if he seeln' as he wuzn't fit to Board, by years old, weight about 600 lbs. scribed animal was taken him. '.The following represents the did, before July 1, '09, eaid date being 10 estray np by prominent pastor In Denver, he came travel. I tole Jim that wuz all right, Branded , , y y Kf Win. Rice, Cabezon, N. M. directorate: C. after last appearance of this ad- ' present J. Baldridge, days On left shoulder To-w- to Albuquerque some four years ago jest to fix up the papers and I would vertisement, said estray will be sold it : One black horse, about 9 ' Noa Ilfeld, W. P. Johnson, E. L. Med-- come to save tho valuable church property erlpng peaceable like. So here by this Board for the benefit of the Branded years old, broken to. drive, wtilght ler, M. W. Flournoy, A. E. Walker, O. I be." V there which at that time was stagger- owner when found. On left hip - about 700 lbs, about 14 hands high, N. Marron, B. Spitz ' and Geo L. Well," said the warden, "it looks CATTLE SANITARY BOARD, ing under an enormous indebtedness'. Said animal unknown to this solid black. Brooks. like a plain case. I reckon I'll have . Las Vegas, N. M. being His work has been l. Board, unless claimed owner on or brilliantly to lock you up." . 1st pub June 10, last pub June 21, 'OS by Branded before July 1, '09. said date being 10 - ! Pojsessed of tireless energy, Sure: that's what I come here , On left Tribute to days after last appearance ot this ad bip Explorer's Japan. . . Advertisement active mind, , fur." Estray wonderfully together London Dr. vertisement said will be sold Said animal beine unknown thi Writing in the Times, 1m vtVATI- tA hAm It estray to with the culture of the schools, wide That night the warden went over to .VaHm. s u.u . m uw.tiaoTlv o-- " Sven the celebrated Asiatic ex - .1. t.A Mm. by this Board for the benefit ot the Board, unless claimed by owner nn nr Hedin, office laid case UIV - experience and travel.he is a leader of the governor's and the limy VUUCOIU lUni luiwniat owner when found. , before plorer, says of Japan and the Japan Got. Blackburn. At con scribed animal was taken up by July 1, '09, said date being 10 men as well as a con- before the estray CATTLE SANITARY BOARD, days after last of strong, forceful, ese: "Wonderful country! Wide clusion burst out: W. J. Linwood, Raton, 'N. M. appearance this ad the governor Las Vegas, N. M. vertisement, saia will bo sold vincing preacher. His addresses are awake, lovable, Joyful people. How God! that's an honest To-wi- t: One black horse, about 12 estray ' By Warden, 1st pub June 10, last pub June 21, '09 by this Board for the benefit nf th exhausted and life is in other - brilliant and masterful. He will be in old, gray man. The state ot Kentucky can t ai- years old. owner when found. '" countries of Asia compared to that of this city only one day." ford to keep such as he locked up in Branded , Estray Advertisement CATTLE SANITARY the Land of the Sun, where BOARD, Rising.. I'll write him , M. J All. are cordially Invited to partici- the penitentiary. pn Ieft bip Notice is hereby given to whom it . Las Veeas. N. ' every man goes to work silently and '" " y r ' concern 1st June 10, pate In these services the women smile even pardon." Said animal being unknown to this may that the following de pub last pub June 21, '09 dutifully, and. The was duly written and scribed animal was taken by when rain is down in pardon Board, unless claimed by owner on or estray up the coming next moun E. E. , signed, and the day the 1, date m Rogers, E. Las Vegas, N. M. Estray Advertisement. dull before July '09, said being To-wi- streams from the gray heavens. on t: One red brlndle cow. taineer was bis way back home, days after last appearance of this ad- Notice is hereby given to whom It A people who believe in themselves, - WATER PIPE "I'm durn glad of it," he said, in vertisement said estray will be sold Branded may concern that the following de- their own greatness, their own future; , f" telling the warden good-by- "because Board for tho benefit ef the On left .. scribed estray animal was taken np a to the marrow In loy by this tiJ by STANDARD BLACK PIPE people steeped now IH get back in time to finish owner when found. ... R Nestor Herrera, Villanueva, N. M. sense of and To-wi- t: alty, duty, perseverance lookin' after Jim's crops fer him.' CATTLE SANITARY BOARB, Ear, mark , One red bull. patriotism,: a progressive and. indus Las Vegas. N. M. Branded : trious and Prices as Follows: people, awake, intelligent Operator Got Busy. 1st pub June 10, last pub June 21, '09 Said animal being unknown to this On left ribs 1' well informed in all the of life.' STANDARD PIPE ways At Washington the newspaper cor- Board, unless claimed by owner on or Branded '" ' respondents are telling the following Estray Advertisement before July 1, '09, said date being 10 On left hip New Second-Han- d Gladstone's Four Great Masters. storv about Representative . Walter Notice is hereby given to whom it days after last appearance of this ad- PER FOOT PER FOOT concern the de- Ear marks - The figure of Aristotle by the emi- Brownlow of Tennessee: Recently he may that following vertisement said estray wHl be sold in. 290 cts. - In. 2 cts. at the White scribed estray animal was taken up by by this Board for the benefit ot the nent sculptor G. Walker has recently called up somebody Said animal balnar Jin. 290 cts. 1 in. 2 cts. been in the niche House. He had a fierce time. "Central," T. P. Talle, Gallup, N. M. owner when found. cts. ia. 3 cts. placed prepared To-wi- One bay. horse, etrio in CATTLE SANITARY Board, unless claimed owner on or for it outside the south wall of the who tried to get the number for him, BOARD, by 1 ets. 1 in. 41 cts. 700 lbs., seven years old. . Las N. M. before July 1, '09, eaid date 10 residence. is the of Dean appeared to be Inexperienced or face, weight Vegas, being lVAiVL. 6Jcts. 14 in. 61 cts. It gift Lin 1st June 10, last 21, '09 days after last appearance of this ad- coln Mrs. Mr. Brownlow, ordinarily the Branded pub pub June . 14 in-- 7 cte. 11 In. 61 cts. and Wickham. The four asleep. WAPI vertisement said will be sold most of men, finally lost his On left bip H n estray 2 in, 10 cts. 2 in. 91 cts. niches .outside St Dcjniois are Intend patient Estray Advertisement Dy is aoara ror the benefit of the 1G cts. 14 Said animal beine unknown to this 2i in. 21 in. cts. ed for the figures of those four great patience. Notice is hereby given to whom it owi vhen found. 3 22 3 in. 19 -' he this Board, unless claimed br owner on or in. cts. cts. men who were regarded by Mr. Glad- "Look here!" shouted; "quit may concern that the following de- Cii'TLE SANITARY BOARB, 4 in. 31J cts. 4 in. 23 cts. me the White before 1, '09, said date being 10 T. Vnff-n- TUT stone as his chief masters Aristotle, foolishness! Either get July scribed estray animal was taken np by M 4 J . 38 cts. 33 cts. of this ad- in. ..;4Jin. St. Dante and But- House or give me some place where I days after last appearance, M. 1st pub June 10 last June 21, '09 in. 44 cts. 5 in. 40 Augustine, Bishop will be sold VIsente Villanueva, Villanueva, N. pub 6 cts. vertisement said eBtray To-wi- " ler. Three are now in all of mar at least talk to my intellectual t: One sorrel . 6 D. 57 cts. 6 in. 50 cts. position, Board for the benefit tne steer, ' them the work of Mr. Walker. It equal!" by this. oi Branded Estray Advertisement a- only owner We carry in stock full line of Well Silence tor a moment, and then over when found. ' Notice is and Galvanized BOTH remains for that of Bishop Butler to CATTLE SANITARY BOARD, On left hip hereby given to whom it Casing Pipe, be to - the wire came a good loud "Hello!" in may concern that de- new and second-hand- . given complete the set. Hawar- Lab Versa. N. M. Said animal being unknown to this the following ' voice. scribed animal was h ' den Parish Magazine. a man's '09 Board, unless claimed owner on ot estray taken nn CAS1HG GALVANIZED PIPE PIPE 1st pub June 10, last pub June 21, by C. FITTINGS Mr. Brownlow was much relieved. 1. eaid date 10 F. Spader. Bernalillo. N. M. before July '09, being To-wi- is this?" he asked. t: One brown h Twenty tons of new pipe flttinira. All In a Green Mantle. "What place days after last appearance of this ad- - Standard all sizes all "The Government for the Call Main 2 when have any said will be sold years old. pipe fittings, wood- Hospital np yon vertisement estray . Nature, waking at the song of kinds. across the came the ;' of Branded and as can Insane, river," news. The Optio wants it by this Board for the benefit the We can dip pipe in aspbaltum, if re- pearl only she weave or sr.swer. owner when found. On left hip custom wear. Down by the of JMt quired, at prices. margin Telgn, Representative Brownlow is now en CATTLE SANITARY BOARD. One brown horse, three years old. ' Pipe cut and threaded according to where she murmured through a vale to ascertain that central The Big Head Las Vegas, N. M. tsranaea dimensions. of leaves and reflected as- deavoring wakening name. He wants to have ber pro- 13 of two kind conceit and the big 1st pub' June 10, last pub June 21, '09 On left hip Pipe ready for immediate delivery, phodels bending above her brink, the for amount wish. moted.. That's what he says to the head that comes from a sick head Said animal beine unlrnnwi. t v,i any you valley was born again In a very pa- If you desire a clear complexion MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED newspaper men. Judge. ache. Does head ever like Board, unless claimed bv geant of golden green that dappled your feel Laxative for con- before . ' Adam I.o take Foley's Orlno July 1, '09, eaid date beine 10 to reach the Ptpe Work In all the gray woods, clothed branches a and brain feel loose A tieelM take Mtuita Ke Ae. ear or Pacific Unequal Mortality. gourd your liver trouble as will days after last appearance ot ad- flower-foote- d stipation and it this It.Miiff ri car at 1th. A Broadway. Auk and boughs anew, ran Twice as many widows as widowers and eore? You can cure it In no vertisement said niidaptor to let- yea eft' at Bajr St., or the stimulate these organs and thorough- estray will be sold Adam Work. over the meadow, hid nests of happy died in New York state in 1908. time by acting on your liver with by this Board for the benefit Pipe birds in dell and cleanse which is what of the .Phonest . Broadway 1264 every dingle and Ballard's Herbine. Isnt It. worth ly your system, owner when found. spread luxuriant life above the ruin Deaths Under Chloroform. trying for the absolute and certain everyone needs in the spring in or CATTLE SANITARY under chloroform av- BOARB, ADAMS PIPEC0MPANY of the year that was gone. Eden The mortality relief you'll get? Center Block De- der to feel welL O. G. Schaefer and La VwrM, N. M. "The Children of the Mist eracp one person in 10,000. Co. Co. Lou Angeles, Calif. Phllpotta, pot Drug Red Cross Drug 1st pub Juue 10, last pub June 21, 08 LAS VEQA8 DAILY OPTIC, SATURDAY, JUNE '12, 1909 SEVEN

' KEEP THE KI6NEYS WELL. ; ; Legislation Aimed at Inebriates. CONTEST' NOTICE. UlWERTMUna" PAEtLORG . NEW MEXICO NEWS Men ""visibly intoxicated" ,and con- (Serial No. 06427) THE W. M. LEWIS COMPANY. The only exclusive undertaker, in Health Is Worth Saving, and Some scious of a lingering thirst will ask Department of the Interior, United for another1 drink If I'M Vegas. East Las Vegas People Know at their peril the States Land Office", Santa Fe, N. M ftatb Phone Office i a bill and Residence' . . i 610 Lincoln Avenue C. C. Fielder has been How to Save It. Pennsylvania legislature passes April 24, 1909. A sufficient contest Attorney ap , introduced by M. Wat- , Representative pointed deputy game warden at Dem-ing- son, of Indiana county. Mr. Watson affidavit having been filed in this ; contes- JLuna county. , Many East Las Vegas people take would make the price of that partic- office by Epaphras Lee Beal, THE LOBBY RESTAURANT AND CAFE Professor W. H. Campbell, the apos their lives in their hands1 by neglect ular drink, or even the request there- tant, against homestead entry No. tle of dry farming,' will address the ing the kidneys when they know these of, $5 to $20. It is unlawful now for' 14168, made May 4, 1908, for SE 1--4, a to "vis- Short Orders and Dinners Mountainair Chautauqua on July 31 organs need help. Sick kidneys are saloonkeeper sell to a man Section 32, Township 17 north, Range Regular or to an Mesula farmers are for a vast amount of suf ibly intoxicated," habitual 21 east, N. M. P. meridian, Fran THE BEST GOODS Tte valley responsible drunkard or a but the by OBTAINABLE ALWAYS HANDLED to build warehouses at and ill there is no minor, preesnt cis J. contestee, in which planning big fering health, but law imposes all responsibility upon the Dorsey, it Las Cruces in which to store alfalfa need to suffer nor remain in danger saloonkeeper to determine the man's is alleged that Francis J. Dorsey has ' ' and other produce. when all diseases and aches and condition. Representative Watson wholly abandoned said land for more SOCIETY Eddy county has sold a $30,000 is pains due to weak kidneys can be would shift some of the responsibility than six months last past has never AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY on sue of bridge bonds to Coffin & Craw quickly and cured the the man with the thirst; also up- established a residence thereon and la permanently by on ford of Chicago, well known bond use of Doan's Pills. Here is the habitual drunkard and the not now residing upon and cultivat- Kidney minor who would ask the saloon- CHAPMAN LODGE NO. J, A. F. & A. PHYSICIANS. buyers, at a premium of $2,864. an East Las Vegas citizen's recom ing said land as required by law, said keeper to violate the , law. His bill ISilas a man sent to are to M. Regular com. Duncan, young mendation: proposes a fine of from $5 to $20 for parties herebynotlfled appear. L. HAMMOND and offer evidence munication first and DR. E. jail at Deming for peddling without a H. A. Seolinger, 307 Grand avenue, each attempt to get a drink under respond, touching broke and made his es the circumstances. third Thmsdayt-- , DENTIST license, away East Las Vegas, N. M., says: "Doan's June 24, 1909, before Robert L. M. on afternoon, etch month Visit Suite 4, Crockett Building. Both cape Tuesday although Kidney PiUs proved in my case to Ross, U. S. court commissioner, at he had chain and balls on his feet Las N. M. final - at office and residence. be a valuable preparation and from Parts and Signs of Goodness. Vegas, (and that lag brothers cordlal- phones will be held 10 o'clock a. Governor Curry, has appointed R. the good results received I can recom- If a man be gracious and courteous hearing at ur invited. Geo. H. Kinkel, W, M., m. on 6, 1909, E. of Colfax coun-ty- , to it shows he is a citizen July before) the regis- Alldredge Springer, mend (hem highly for backache or strangers and at United Caas. H. Sporleder, Secretary. DR. G. U JENKINS of the world and his is no ter receiver the States an delegate to the First American any of the trouble arising from dis that heart land office in Santa Fe, N. M.. Island cut off from other lands, but Congress of Road Builders, which ordered kidneys. No proof is as pos The said contestant having, in a NO. DENTIST a continent that joins them. If he be affidavit filed set CAS VEGAS COMMANDER convenes at Seattle, Washington, July itive and convincing as that which is proper May 4, 1909, .'. compassionate toward' the afflictions forth facts which show due 4 to S, 1909.. ' - that after Knights templar. Regular obtained through- personal experi- of others it shows that fxla heart is service of this no- Over Shoe Store Clovis is diligence personal conclave second Tuesday In Hedgcock't making big preparations ence and that is what I base my opin- like a noble tree that is wounded tice can not be made, it is hereby or- V J" eacb month at Masonic Phone Vegaa 79 for the revival meetings to be held ion on." itself when it gives the balm. If he dered and directed that "such notice and remits rem Die. 7:30 m. Jons S. Clark, there next week by Abe Mulkey, an For sale by all dealers.- Price 0 easily pardons offences it be given by due and proper publica- i. shows that his mind is above tion. Record address- of contestee: F. R. LORD, DENTI8T evangelist of wide reputation. A tent Foster-Milbur- n planted w, C, Charles Tamme, Recorder. cents. Co., Buffalo, so N. M. with a of 600 has injuries, that he cannot be shot. Watrous, (Successor to Dr. B. M. Williams) seating capacity New Tork, sole agents for the United If ha be thankful for small benefits MANUEL R. OTERO, Register. been and the will NO. ROT procured meetings States. it shows that he weighs men's minds LAS VEGAS CHAPTER 3, Office Pioneer Building, over Graad be held in this. ; V Remember the name Doan's and and not their trash. But, above all, U Arcn Masons. . . xws&uiiw Leader. Rooms 3 and 4. Phone ' CONTEST NOTICE " President Taft is casting about for take no if he have St Paul's that S eonvocstlon first Monday In 67..' other. perfection, Mala ,,- a suitable person for commissioner he could wish to be an anathema (Serial No. 06283) Masonic each month st from Christ for the salvation of his of - the United of education for Porto Rico and also A newly married man is always wil Department Interior, TemDle. 7:30 D. m. M. R. ATTORNEYS. an brethren, it shows much of a divine Laind Santa N. assistant commissioner. The ling to attaed his wife's church, but States Office, Fe, Williams. H. P.. 'has. H. nature and a kind of conformity with af- salary of "the commissioner is $4,000 - April 9, 1909 A sufficient contest he is apt to be shy about acquiring Christ himself. Bac(Jh. . . ' , GEORGE H..HUNKER porleder, Secretary. and free heme in the government the habit fidavit having been filed In this of- ' contest Attorney at Law bouse at San Juan. 'Several New Mex- fice by Ramon N. Trujillo, Model Sunday School Clss. ant, against homestead entry No. ico educators are to be ap- Could Not Be 1-- EL DORADO LODGE NO. 1 Office: Veeder Block, Las Vegas, New reported J Better. "Gallant little Wales" has hitherto 13972. made April 16, 1908, for S 3 for the Job. 1-- 1-- 2 4 3 .Town-shi- p Mexico. plicants No one has ever made a salve, oint been noted for several things, but NW S NB Section Knights of Pythias In the district court Los Lunaa 16 21 east, N. M. P. Monday at ment, lotion or balm to compare with more particularly for her chapels and north, Range meet every Herman N. Gillis, con- In CasUe Higlnlo Torres, of San Rafael, ac- Bucklen's Arnica Salve. one Sunday schools. The Tabernacle meridian, by evening GEORGE E. MORRISON Its the testee. In which it Is alleged that the Hall, Visiting Knights cused of assaulting with Intent to kill Welsh Calvlnistic Methodist church at Invited. perfect healer of cuts, corns, burns, said Herman N. Gillis has- never lived are cordially u named Juanita Dodarte. was Aberystwyth can boast of a class in Its ' girl bruises', sores, scalds, ec- - upon said land nor made any im- J. P. SACKMAN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor boils, ulcers, Sunday school which possesses a Command foun guilty of assault and battery. For sore cold provements thereon nor in any way Chancellor zema, salt rheum. eyes, unique record. Its teacher, we are in- ' homestead er. Zacarias Psdilla and six other resi sores, hands Its In complied with the law;' chapped supreme. is to ap-nea- KENNEDY. Office:. Wheeler Bldg. B. Las Vegas formed, the clerk the Cardigan- said parties are hereby notified to W n dents of San Rafael, pleaded guilty fallible for piles. Only 25 cents at all of Record and shire County council, arid among its respond, and offer evidence Keeper to assault with a dur- druggists. 10 Seal. deadly weapon members are included two Oxford uni- touching said .allegation at o'clock ing a barroom brawl. They were as versity men, two from Cambridge, one a. m. on June 7, 1909, before Robert sessed the costs. Even tha doll-face- d girl isn't sat Manchester college man, and an alum- L. M. Ross, U. S. court commissioner. N. NO. 77, FRATER- THORNHILL, Florist Colfax Is to have another isfied with sawdust breakfast food. , nus of Cardiff college. One is an M.A., at Las Vegas, San Miguel county, SALDY LODGE, J. county M. will be a second is a B.A., a third an M.D., a '(and that final hearing NAL UNION OF AMERICA mammoth irrigation project, If the ap- held at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 17. . fourth a B.Sc, and a fifth a F.R.C.O. Me-t- s of for , Sore Nipples . first and third Wednesday for Weddings, plication land under the Carey London Mail. ' 1909 before) the register and receiver Floral Designs who States' land office in each month at Fraternal Brother- Parties, - Funerals, etc. Cut act filed with the Carey act land Any mother has had experience at the United on hand. with will be Santa Fe, N. M. F. M.; Flowers always board at cSanta Fe this week is this distressing ailment a hood hall. Chas. Trambley, ap Fifty Years-- Pauper. The said contestant having, in a Wa- The was made to know that a cure be Bertha C. Thornhill, Secretary. TREES PRUNED AND GARDENING proved. application pleased may At a meeting of the East Preston proper affidavit, filed May. 4, 1909, set a known' as Board of tting members cordially invited. by corporation the Chat effected by. applying Chamberlain's (Sussex) Guardians it was forth facts which show that alter due to. re- of no- attended tel Reservoir .and . Ditch company. Salve as soon as the child is done nur reported that an aged inmate, who diligence personal service this died in the be- tice cannot be made, it is hereby or- which proposes to build five huge res- sing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth be- cently workhouse, first 1EBEKAH LODGE, L O. O. F., came chargeable to the union as a dered and directed that such notice 167. 506 Grand Ave. ervoirs on the Ocate river to reclaim fore allowing the babe to nurse. Many ana meets second and fourth Thursday Phone Main pa,uper lunatic in January, 1859, and be given by due proper publica San Miguel Bank. a' thousand acres on the Colfax-Mor- a trained 'nurses use this salve with tion. Record aaaress oi coniesiee: I. Opposite his maintenance the ' of each month at the best results. For sale all dealers. that during past ' ' evenings East Las Vegas, N.M. county line at a cost of $600,000, by 50 had cost the over Osage, Iowa. Bertha Beckw, years ratepayers MAIM U O. O. F. hall. Miss 900. London Mail. UEitj a l Ciruj, VBBiowjr. V. G.; The Territorial Board of Embalm- - . N. G.;. Mrs. Delia Pep ard, How the veteran musician does hate e Ade-len- ers organized at Roswell this week. . Mrs. F. Dailey,J Secretary; to admit that he is played out. A Wreck , CONTEST NOTICE. by electing E. L. Fugate of Raton, Hoarseness, bronchitis, and other Smith, Treasurer. Is the only fit description for the man are cured i (Serial No. 06603) pre&ioent; S. E. Pollock of 'Silver throat troubles quickly by Trouble Maker Ousted. or woman who is crippled. with rheu and Tar as It soothes epa.ment of the Interior, United City, L. F. Montenie, rheumatic twin Foley' Honey SECOND AND Whn a sufferr from stomach trouble matism. Just a few inflamed throat and . P. O. E. MEETS States Land Office Santa Fe, N. M., of Santa Fo, secretary. The other of severe and heals the takes Dr. New Life Pills he's ges may be the forerunner a tubea and the most obstin evenings each contest Mc-Arth- Kings bronchial fourth Tuesday April 24, 1909. A sufficient members in attendance were J. C. attack stop the trouble at the start Insist upon C. hall. mighty glad to see his dyspepsia and ate cough disappears. month at O. R. Visiting affidavit having been filed in this of of Santa Fe, and Clark D. with Ballard Snow Liniment Cures the s noney Invited. W. indigestion fly, but more Is he tickled all Price having genuine roiey brother are. cordially fice by Percy Lee Beal, contestant DiJley of Roswell. Nine applicants for the rheumatism and pain. and Tar. O. G. Schaefer and Red W. Con- hia fine 60c and Sold Center M. Lewis, exalted ruler; D. No. 14404, licenses were examined. The board over new, appetite, strong 25c, $1.00. by Cross Drug Co. against homestead entry all because Co. 1-- nerves, vigor, Block Depot Drug secretary. 27. for NW 4 Sec was taken for an automobile ride healthy don, made May 1908, stomach, liver and kidneys now work 17 21 to the orchards and farms near Ros- The Bred Morgan tion 33, Township north, range right 25c at all druggist v to a friend that Trotting n xT OT1B BEflTTLAR COM- - It is impossible buy mt, mt oTimn . mii.1. M east, New Mexico principal meridian well. ' Stallion, and fourth In which it This Edward F. of the te worth .'.he price. munication becond Dy peter Meyer, contestee, week, Swift, Mostvgood fellows are that way only No. 4742 evenings of each month. is that Peter Meyer hat whol great packing firm of Swift '& Co., of Mkw McOrepr "Thursday alleged away from home. 4 You Never Can Tell brothers and sisters are abandoned said land tor more than Chicago, visited a large cattle ranch American Morgan Register All visiting ly Just the cause of your rheu- Mrs. Sarah A. never es owned Mm at Sierra coun exactly 1909 cordially invited. six months last past, has by Engle, Many weak, nervous women have but know you have Do wm make the season of at Mrs. Ida is matism, you it Chaffin, worthy matron; tablished a residence thereon and ty. He was accompanied by Frank been restored to health by Foley's you know that Ballard's Snow Lini- my ranch on the upper Sapello (The cultlvafc Accord Seellnger, secretary. not now residing upon and Donnelly,' a!so of Chicago. Kidney Remedy, as it stimulates the ment will cure it? relieves the pain Fontaine ranch) at $15.00 by the sea law. on ranch and limbers the Itig said land' as required by ing to Mr, Swift, cattle the kidneys bo they will eliminate the reduces the swelling son. In case mare does not get with a-- and muscles so that you will be LODGE NO Said parties are hereby notified to are thin, a result of a scarcity of waste matter from blood. Impu- joints foal she may be returned the follow i n o. F.. LAS VEGAS the as active and well as you ever were. at respond and offer evidence grass, but nre strong on their legs. the nerves, season or money refunded at my- 4, meets every Monday evening appear, rities depress causing Prloe 25c, '50c and $; M. Center Block ing said allegation at 10 o clock There is plenty of water on the nervous exhaustion and other ail- Weighs 1200 lbs. rimtr hall in. Sixth Btreet. Ail visiv touching Depot Drug Co. y option. at-- a. m. on June 24, 1909, before, Robert ranch. Messrs. Swift and Donnelly ments. Commence today and you Golden McGregor Is full made taut brethren cordially invited to ": n. TJ. S. Commission were in the car of will soon be well. Pleasant to take. immense bone and goes high . ... v w C W. L. M. Ross, Court traveling private, Call up Main 2 when you have any horse of tend, ueorge iew", N. final former. G. Schaefer and 'Red Cross Drug with of natural J- - er at Las M., that the all round plenty McAllier V. ' G.; - Wertz, Vegas, Co. news. The Optic wants it. hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a Henry Starr, once the most notor speed. secretary; W. E. Crltes, treasurer; was sired trustee m. on July 6, 1909, before the regis ious and daring bandit in the south Golden McGregor by Bay C. V. Hedgcock, cemetery 1--4 Dr. ter and receiver at the United States west country, who was recently arres- McGregor 2:29 sire of Trultt 1-- N. M. to 16 3-- Alice McGregor 2:19 etc NO land office in Santa Fe, ted in Arizona and taken Pueblo, BROTHERHOOD, 2:24 1-- 4 19 years tviq anM having, in 8 Colo., to answer a charge of robbing Dam by Herod (at at N. .several In the list '. 102, meets every Friday night proper affidavit filed Santa Fe, a bank at Amity, Colo., a year ago, is of age), sire of v.-- n thn Schmidt building, Gall! see the little McGregors i..n M.. Mav 13. 1909, set forth facts confident of acquittal when, his trial Summer's When yon at will wish had 'west of Fountain Square, eigbt which show that after due diligence, is held. that since his next season you you cor- Siarr says o'clock. Visiting members are service of this notice cannot to an Indian at Fort one. Fall in line and breed that good res--, personal marriage girl Do You Hear It? N. Cook. ' welcome. Jas. be it is hereby ordered and fll seven ago, he has ' mare of yours. dially made, Smith, Ark., years , secretary. of tumbling-surf- : Cdent; Jas. R. Lowe, rected that such notice be given by led a straight life. He disclaims any Doesn't the waking season arouse thoughts Tours, Resp the for the due and proper publication, participation in the French express placid lakes, mountain climbing, quest Maurice. COUN- of Harry KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS' Record address of contestee, Orch robbery near Spriiiger, with which his elusive fish, the gay life of the resorts, riding, golfing, and for in No.' meets second i , connected. automobile or create a yearning indulgence CIL, 804, ard, Iowa. ' name has also been His trips; ' fourth Thursday, O. R. C. hall, Pion- MANUEL R. OTERO, wifeMs a teacher in the Chillocco In your own particular pastime? ' are ' If hear heed it. eer bldg. Visiting members Register. dian school at Chillocco, Okla. you it, THE SEED HOUSE cordially invited. W. R Tipton, "Uncle John" RItter, probably the Should You Go? S. could Where O. K.: E. P. Mackel, F. Lots of men feel that they oldest English-speakin- g resident of OF THE but V.. fill President Taft's shoes, they New Mexico, left Capitan this week . Choose from among the following: THIRD that they would also have to Kan. Mr. RIt WEST r. O. E. MEETS FIRST AND forget fof Fort Leavenworth, Colorado, California, The Grand Canyon, GREAT SOUTH at fill his waistcoat. . . ter went to Santa October 31, Tuesday evenings each month, Fe, - Yosentlte Valley, The Northwest, Visit- 1849. years aeb,v as a Write for our 150 page Illustrated Brotherhood Hall. nearly sixty Alaska-Yukon-Paci- ' Fraternal Stomach Troubles. The Exposition. FREE seed Catalog in the English s- -e invited. member of the 3rd U. S. dragoons. ing brothers cordially v stomach and language. ' E. C. Many remarkable cures of After serving his term of enlistment Spanish Jno Thornhill, president; San and Return, $37.95 troubles have been effected by Cham in Mr. Ritter became Los Angeles, Diego & Mussei Seed Om. Ward, Secretary. the dragoons, Aggelon berlala's Stomach and Liver Tablets. an in the de San Francisco, $45.00 , v 113-11- 5 N. Main St., employe quartermaster's Cal. One man who had over two was stationed at Santa For the same trip one way via Portland and Seattle, $60.00. Los Angeles, TTYVTFTM MEET IN FRATERNAL spent partment and second and thousand dollars for medicine and Fe, as forage master and corral boss, Tickets on sale May 6 to 13, inclusive; June 1 and 2; June 21 to Rmrhrhood hall every treatment was cured a few boxes at the eighth by for nearly 30 years, going to Fort 10, inclusive; and July 27 to August 6, Inclusive. fourth Thursday, sleep of tablets. Price 25 cents. Sam July wel- these Stanton In Lincoln county in 1887, Final limit October 31, 1909. Liberal stopover privileges. run. Visiting brothers always free at all drug stores pies where remained until the abandon fares on other dates the summer. come to th wigwam James R he Slightly higher during Watte H. Davis, ment of that post by the military in Lowe, sachem; Dying is the only satisfactory thing am of 1892: since 1892 he has resided at and famous meals Could any- ehlef of records and collector some ever do. Santa Fe service the by Harvey. people where he has acted In ths more be desired? ' J wampum. Capitan, thing of postmaster, or assistant to If you want to feel well, look well capacity Plan now. Read up about the country the postmaster until a few months folders issued f. E. ROSENWALD Lodge No. 645, I. and be well, take Foley's Kidney Rem and its attractions. Get free - ' ago. For several months Mr account the Elks meetings; the N. E. A.; o. n. n. Meets every first Wednes- edy. It tones up the kidneys and past been for any Colorado; the great Exposition, the Grand nf th month In the vestry the blood and re Ritter has incapacitated - 4. bladder, purifies account of infir Canyon, and elsewhere. in- 'win? N Doug and Pleasant sort of work on the room of Temple Monteflore, stores health strength. D. L. BATCHELOR, Visit- harmful mlties of age and through the efforts Agent JUO las avenue and Ninth street to take and , contains no N. of. his riends he has been admitted Las Vegas, M. brothers are cordially invited. Why not commence today T ing drugs. to Soldiers' home at Fort L.iaven sresldent; KabDi O. G. Schaefer and Red Cross Drug the Chas Greenclay, worth." - Co. , C. Rsliln. secretary- EIGHT LAS VEGA3 DAILY OPTIC, , SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1909

VERY CPECiAL LAS VEGAS' EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE OLD BUI Women 6 hose for - .$1.00 SAYING, TIL Our regular 5 pij' Leader Jlose never sold for less than For Men and pairs 'guarantee 1 $4.90, worth $5.75. Colored and white Waists, worth 75c for. 45c . 74c in :From MONNDAY until SATUR-- n C White Waists, worth $1.00 for "That a Stitch time, Saves !Q ii .. .. 84c DAY v-- r U 1.25 for.. vOtl i 1.35 for...... ?..90c A few sheets of FLY PAPER for 50 feet all complete and ready for use. Every foot is guaran- teed and if defective we Will gladly replace free of charge. Agents for Standard Patterns. well DISTRIBUTED, will ,not PHONE MAIN 379 Agents for P. N. Corsets, j catch the but the GERM AS fly, LUDVIG Vm. ILFELD, Bridge Street. WELL..C v

, , We set no to VEATHER REPORT Judgo D. R. Murray's court Jttday, wsjs Successor ,Tune 11, 1909 dismissed lt having been settled "puj.-tid- e UEtinr LEVY, Gth Street "Tznrjicfort" Temperature Maximum 87;i mini- of court' , . & N Double Shemitt for 34. 1 mum 63; range , Humidity 6 a. m. 80; 12 m. 42; 6 For Sals Nice 3 room.7cottage, 2 10 CtOm 67. G. y p. m. 50; mean lots, good location, only $700, L. Forecast Hair Calhoun, 616 Lincoln avenue. FullBox, 25 Double Shaota, for V Generally tonight k and Sunday. J. Q. Joimoen Gc:j GtSm We don't handle goods we cannot LOCAL NEWS. expect to wear up to guarantee,- Sec- urity Brokerage Co. ADINO UNDERTAKERS, The Laa Vegas Light, company has ' Goke has been confined to IGENSED EK7QALMERS The erected a new electric sign at the Henry Store That's Bnsy his room and bed illness his Always cornei "of the Agua Pura building,' in by at ' home in he has en- which it has its office. .. . Sapello, though . tVo gagements in the city this afternoon have exclusively the only white and venture out on the road. See display ad inside page of Sec- may funeral car in Las Vegas. urity Brokerage Co. ' 1 The Bifm Theatre will be opened RIGHT SERVICES at REASONABLE PRICES Order your cream from T. T. Turn Monday evening, June 14th with the best moving pictures by A. M. Dettel- - Use Our er. ,, ' bach, manager opera house, Santa Fe. Phone Ftlain G25 An. East side business establish-me- t 258. Dounlas The El iWvenlr stage took out a recently -- received ten dozen City load of passengers to 'that Gem mail boxes for offices and resi- , popular mountain resort There were dences, ami the entire invoice has today. more passengers than the stage been nearly disposed of already. Flour could conveniently hold and (therefore it was to a H. O. BROWN TRADING In Reliable watches cos- necessary press livery rig CO., Snaps at t- into DEALERS IN . no service for the trip. ) mistake. Security Brokerage Co, t ALFALFA, HAT and GRAIN, SALE VEHICLES IMPLEMENTS and WAGONS? s FOR Heavy work team, Always hot water at Nolette barber - ' Get Our Pricesbefore sound and - buying. ' young; also good family , shop. .. Bridge Street Phone Main 85 Also Hea.dquaxters for driver. Inquire H. O. Brown Tr! Co. '" The two addresses of Dr. Rollins ing All Kinds of FEED tomorrow at the Methodist church will J. W. Best Meat in be entirely different in theme and treat Schaefer, a prominent citizen the City of the has1 in Las ment, eo that if possible, you should Windy city, arrived with hie wife. Mr. at hear him ht both services, and thus Vegas and Mrs. Specials Schaefer are domiciled 8 get the largest profit from him while cozily at Main street. Mr. for ir the city. Schaefer will return east In about two weeks, while his en s wife will here Pap The civil ,case of Hubbard vs. Sel indefinitely. lers, being a suit to recover on, ac- 15 JEWEL FIRST CLASS Beef, count, which was set for hearing in Saturday Las Roller Mills RELIABLE TIME PIECES ANT Pork. Vegas MAKE - OR SIZE AT COST, ' Security Lamb, ; Phone 131, Brokerage Co. . Kid,. ;v- Dr. Rolliaa can W heard in Las Vee.1. wuQg Vegas for one day only.. He needs no sensational features to' hold his audi- Spare Ribs, ences. His strength of personality, Sausage, A Test logical thinking and beauty of lan- I Hams, " Simple guage do that. He speaks at 11 a. m. V M VcrjatoMcc'i .r;.:iJvi.,';"' ."'ri"S',tltVH " Bacon. If you want to know whether you are des- and 8 p. m. tomorrow in the Methodist :' tined to be a success or failure.financially, church. . you can easily find out. . .ft Jolm wife" Papen, Mrs. L. S. Slocum, of a Kan it Boucher's sas newspaper man, who left for her Cooi You Save GROCER AND BUTCHER. Money? home this week, after a visit in' Las can "THE COFFEE If you persistently lay aside a certain Vegas, was the' indirect cauBe of a MAN" of each week Phone 144 and 145 portion your savings pr month, serious accident which befell her hus- there is no doubt about a success you being band. Mr. Slocum had gone from his financially. home in Cirnlng, Kan., to Kansas FOR RENT Good pasture with plen Cream of the " This Bank will help you to make the test, City to meet his wife, and when in ty of good water. Mrs. Green. and furnish a safe depository for your funds, the act of boarding an electric, car Season. with interest at 4 per cent on; time deposits." for, the .Union depot, he slipped and Straight Guggenheim rye served fell, fracturing his left ankle. He over the bar at the Antler. (SEE SOUTH WINDOW,) went to the Instead of to the I hospital The First National Bank 1 J&coL train. '. REWARD THE HYGEIA OF LAS VEGAS. NEW 'MEXICO. The undersigned will pay one hu ICE dred dollars reward for information MADE FROM PURE DISTILLED WASTER SURPLUS1 CAPITAL and $130,000.00. which will identify parties who sold PRICES : three piece? of carpet on Fifth street 2,000 lbs or more each delivery 20c per hundred JEFFERSON RAYNOLDS, President. : about October A. D. 1908. to lbs. " 30c s Dear : 1,000 2,000 E. D. 'RAYNOLDS, HALLETT RAYNOLDS, friend MRS. T.'G. FARNHAM, mother. 200 to 1,000 lbs. " " 40c " When MRS. ' 44 Cashier. Ass't Cashier. it is good and FREDERICK FARHNAM, wife. 50 to 200 lbs. 50c a . hot I like class Less than 50 lbs. " " 75c , . ice-te- a ON TRIAL of better'n - I like'lemonade" be We want to loan you an electric CRYSTAL ICE CO.. McGulre & Webb cause fiat iron on 30 days' trial. Phone Main Phone Main 227 MONEY SAVED there is 206. tea in it. I like LAS VEGAS LIGHT & POWER CO. On Domestic Coal, Best Screened Raton Egg, $4.75 the color and the tea 623 Seventh street. per ton just what you want for cooking, taste. Lemon ' - Suits for Men helps f too". I am warm , MONEY AT FIVE PER CENT ' Free from Slate or Slack it We loan at 5 cent now because I money jter per If you like to wear clothes that right annum on real estate security. Long have oome from and1 D. W. CONDON just time easy payments, can be paid 'it are a little different than the-res- t, just the with a off Phone Main 21 Foot Main St grocery before maturity. Address Box 283. sack of lemons. you want to look at, and try Your 800 Acre Mountain, Ranch, $4,000 ' friend, on, some of our latest r : JACOB. If anyone in the city wants this variety, Box - write at onte to H88, Las Vegas, r- rd Suits made by You can get tea N. Mex. , . I blended to suit your VJq NO FISHING. EJquo Ct:o taste at Darf Schaffoer & llm No fishing will be allowed at my ; Sunny Brook ranch, formerly known Kansas GxJ I'zttve as Harvey's lower ranch. Ctiy T. T. TURNER. . hi of Smart new ideas ia LZtsttcn Cscf ansl IJ.SIK' these Suits will certainly please Finch's Golden Wedding Rye, aged In the wood. Direct from distillery to ' . you. .y Fine native VcalS Grocery1. you. At the Lobby, of course, "frill

r-- ?The new fabrics are exceptional- I :f I ' :. Gives us year, erdsr Are i . ... . - Buy Floirs We Tliey Cheap. ly beautifully, f r Peaks C.lain 13 r 50 dozen.. Carnations, ".. at Sweet Peas, 5Qc hundred. , Daisies, 50c hundred. : The Boston Clothing Hsiisa

Cutchero and Dstsra GR-EENBERG- Grcscrs, Las Vegas Greerhouses M. ER PERRY ONION, Prop. Phone Main 276 Copyright 909 by Hart Schiffner tc Marx Proprietor.