April 6th , 2020 May 8 th , 2020rev

A comprehensive Yamanashi Guide to Coronavirus COVID-19

What is COVID-19? What are the symptoms? How does it spread? Who is at High Risk? Can I take leave? Government issued Guidelines When should I, and how can I consult a medical professional? HELPFUL RESOURCES

April 6th , 2020 May 8 th , 2020rev

What is COVID-19?

 COVID-19 is the new respiratory disease spreading around the world and it is caused by a coronavirus. COVID-19 is short for Coronavirus Disease 2019. The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) often referred to as COVID-19 or more simply, the coronavirus is a severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) that was newley identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. Since the first cases were reported, the outbreak has rapidly spread through China and many locations worldwide. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can cause illness in both humans and animals. The illnesses brought about from the coronavirus have ranged from the common cold (ex. Respiratory syndrome, fever, cough, etc.) to more severe sicknesses such as pneumonia and severe acute respiratory syndrome .

PLEASE NOTE: The virus that causes COVID-19 and the one that caused the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003 are related to each other genetically, but the diseases they cause are quite different. SARS was more deadly but much less infectious than COVID-19, the SARS that may be caused by the coronavirus is a different strain of this so please keep this in mind.

As of April 06, 2020 there have been over 1,270,000 in at least 180 countries and territories with the highest numbers being in America, Italy, Spain, China and Germany in that order. In comparison with other countries, is relatively low on the list with only 3,654 cases, and 85 deaths. In our prefecture of Yamanashi there have only been 14 confirmed cases. April 6th , 2020 May 8 th , 2020rev

There are three parameters to understand in order to assess the magnitude of the risk posed by this novel coronavirus:

Transmission Rate (Ro) - number of newly infected people from a single case World Health Organization (WHO)'s estimated (on Jan. 23) Ro to be between 1.4 and 2.5.

Case Fatality Rate (CFR) - percent of cases t hat result in death 3.4% Mortality Rate estimate by the WHO as of March 3

Determine whether asymptomatic transmission is possible As of now it has been discovered that coronavirus can be spread from someone who carries the virus but shows no symptoms. Thus many governments across the world have decided on a two week incubation period. However, there have been outlier cases such as people who left the diamond princess cruise ship after incubation, returned home and tested positive, as well as a case where someone tested postivite in China after 27 days.

How does the virus spread?

 Droplets from coughing,sneezing and exhaling. The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or exhales. These droplets land on objects and surfaces around the person. Other people then catch COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.

People can also catch COVID-19 if they breathe in droplets from a person with COVID-19 who coughs out or exhales droplets. This is why it is important to stay more than 1 meter (3 feet) away from a person who is sick.

As of March 9 th , the World Health Organization says the virus that causes COVID-19 doesn't seem to linger in the air or be capable of spreading through the air over distances of more than about 3 feet. However, there are experts in virus transmission said it's way too April 6th , 2020 May 8 th , 2020rev soon to know that and there have been multiple advisories to increase that distance to 6 ft / 1.8 meters.

These droplets can travel only short distances through the air and either land on people or land on surfaces that people later touch. Stopping this kind of transmission is why public health officials urge people to wash hands frequently and not touch the face, because that could bring the virus into contact with the nose or mouth.

Who is at high risk?

 Everyone is at risk of getting COVID-19, but some people are at higher risk of serious illness.

Generally speaking, adults aged 65 and older and people of any age with heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes with complications (such as but not limited to kidney disease heart disease, and neuropathy) may be at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19.

What are the symptoms?

 Fever, cough and shortness of breath.

Cough , Shortness of breath and Fever ( asks citizens to take extra care if a fever of over 37.5 degrees/99.5F is developed)

Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure. Reported illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness and death for April 6th , 2020 May 8 th , 2020rev confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases.

However, it is important to note that Coronavirus symptoms are expected to remain minor (similar to that of the common cold) for 80% of those infected.

Similar to the infection prevention measures taken for a cold or during flu season, it is important for each and every person to follow the proper coughing/sneezing etiquette and to wash their hands.

When should I, and how can I consult a medical professional?

 Those with a temperature of > 37.5°C(99.5°F) and have developed respiratory symptoms (no matter how minor) and have had close contact with confirmed Coronavirus infectees should contact your local Returnee / Exposed Persons Consultation Center.  Those who fulfill the criteria suspecting them of the coronavirus will be directed to a dedicated specialist and move onto testing.

If you have been to a severely affected region (such as or Osaka), or if you have come into contact with someone who has, and have had symptoms such as coughing and fever; we ask that you make sure to wear a mask and contact a health center in advance.

In order to protect the health and lives of Yamanashi citizens in the midst of the infectious coronavirus, we believe that it is important to prevent infection by spreading accurate information to help prevent confusion and reduce anxiety amongst the people.

The Returnee / Exposed Persons Consultation Centers have been established with the intention of mitigating anxieties of any potentially infected persons who don’t know what medical facilities to go to. Essentially, first you must call your local center and explain your symptoms. If they decide that you meet the criteria to be tested they will direct you to testing center. April 6th , 2020 May 8 th , 2020rev

[List of Returnee / Exposed Persons Consultatio n Centers ]

Name; title Phone no. Region of Jursidiction

Nakakita Health Center Nirasaki-shi、Minami Alps-shi、 Kyohoku Branch(Regional 0551-23-3074 Hokuto-shi, Kai-shi、Chuo-shi、 Health Division) Shouwa-cho

Kyotoh Health Center Yamanashi-shi、-shi、Koshu- 0553-20-2752 (Regional Health Division) shi

Ichikawa-Misato、Hayakawa-cho、 Kyonan Health Center 0556-22-8158 Minobusan-cho、Nanbu-cho、 (Regional Health Division) Fujikawa-

Fujiyoshida-shi、Tsuru-shi、Otsuki- shi、-shi、Doshi-mura、 Yamanashiken Fujitobu -cho、Oshino-mura, Health Center(Regional 0555-24-9035 Health Division) -mura、Narusawa- mura、-cho、 -mura、-mura

Kofu-shi Health Center (Medical Infectious 055-237-8952 Kofu-shi Diseases Division)

During nights and holidays, an emergency contact number will be left as via voicemail.

Also, beginning from Jan.29 th 2020 a dedicated Coronavirus Consultation hotline for Yamanashi residents has been opened. Phone number:055-223-8896 Fax :055-223-1499 Hours of Operation:Weekdays 9am~5pm

April 6th , 2020 May 8 th , 2020rev

Can I take leave?

 This depends on your place of work. Make sure to carefully review your contract, and to also consult about emergency leaves. Temporary leave financial subsidies to prevent the spread of infection If you become infected or have come into close contact with an infected individual, you may be eligible for a subsidy. This system has been established to encourage those who have been infected or have come into contact with the infected to not push themselves and be able to take needed time off of work.

Those who fall under all four of the following categories are eligible. 1. Persons whose domicile is located in Yamanashi Prefecture; 2. A Worker to whom the Labor Standards Act applies or an individual business operator engaged in business activities; This term refers to people who work and self-employed who receive wages from business establishments.Part-time jobs are also eligible. 3. Infected or those who have been in close contact with the infected; Applicable to those who receive hospitalization orders or a request to refrain from going out. 4. During the period of absence from work, compensation for absence from work under the Labor Standards Act and compensation for injury and disease under the Health Insurance Act; Any other person for whom public benefits, etc. for compensation of salary or business income are not paid. Those who have not received any official compensation for their absence from work, or those who are not on paid leave. (JET ALTs will have to check with their CO/contracts if they qualify for this).

[ Here ] is the Japanese language document on this for your reference.

April 6th , 2020 May 8 th , 2020rev

Government issued Guidelines

 The following is a quick summary of information posted by multiple embassys and the Japanese Government. Please reference. Japanese Government: There have been 2178 people tested positive for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pneumonia in Japan as of April 1st announced by WHO. Please see the link for guidelines and policy updates within the country.

South African Embassy: There is no official notice posted for those in Japan. However the SA government has created a coronavirus information site linked above.

Canadian Embassy: Embaixada do Brasil: Due to ongoing concerns related to the Como medida extraordinária de prevenção spread of COVID-19, preventative contra a epidemia de coronavírus e em measures have been enacted throughout our atendimento às recomendações global network of offices. Consular services transmitidas pelas autoridades japonesas, a remain available to Canadians. Many Embaixada do Brasil em Tóquio está Government of Canada offices are funcionando, excepcionalmente, em regime encouraging clients to limit in-person visits. de teletrabalho. Para mais informações Canadians in need of assistance should como contatos de plantão dos consulados, contact the Government of Canada office acesse a página. nearest them by phone or e-mail before visiting in person. You can also contact the Emergency Watch and Response Centre. Jamacian Embassy: United States Embassy: As of April 1 st , 38 confirmed cases. No travel If you wish to return home, do so as soon as warnings yet. possible—if you do not, prepare to be unable to return to the US for an extended period of time.

April 6th , 2020 May 8 th , 2020rev

Embassy of the United Kingdom: Stay at home: Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home) If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times Wash your hands as soon as you get home Do not meet others, even friends or family. You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.

中国大使馆: Embassy of the Philippines: 4 月 3 日,日本法 务省出入国在留管理 厅公 They have posted a helpful guide so please 布在留 资格延期 /变更新规定,具体内容如 see linked above. 下: 在 3 月至 6 月内在留 资格到期的外国人,可 以在 过期日后 3 个月内申 请在留 资格变更或 在留期 间更新,持“特定活 动(出国准 备期 间)”者除外。 Đại s ứ quán vi ệt nam: 한국 대사관: 1. L ưu h ọc sinh đang ở nướ c ngoài c an 대한민국 정부는 코로나 -19 의 국내 th ự c hi ện các khuy en cáo, h ướ ng d an, đ ong 재유입 방지를 위해 3.19( 목) 0 시부터 th ờ i tuân th ủ tuy ệt đ oi quy t ac phòng, 외국에서 입국하는 모든 내·외국인을 ch ong d ịch Covid-19 củ a các c ơ quan ch ứ c 대상으로 특별입국절차를 확대 năng n ướ c s ở tại và bám sát các n ội dung 시행하기로 하였습니다 . 아울러 khuy en. 해외입국자에 대한 방역관리를 강화하기 2. Theo dõi ch ặt chẽ ke ho ạch h ọc t ập c ủ a 위해 4.1.( 수) 0 시 이후 한국에 입국하는 các c ơ sở giáo d ụ c n ướ c s ở tại đ e đảm b ảo 모든 내·외국인을 대상으로 14 일간 격리 ch ươ ng trình h ọc t ập. 의무화 조치를 시행할 예정입니다 . 3. Tr ườ ng h ợ p th ật s ự can thi et ph ải tr ở ve Vi ệt Nam, l ưu h ọc sinh ph ải trung th ự c 동 조치와 관련하여 아래와 같이 상세 th ự c hi ện các yêu c au khai báo y t e, th ự c 절차 및 자주하는 질문을 게재하오니 hi ện cách ly theo quy đ ịnh c ủ a B ộ Y t e và 한국을 방문 예정이신 내·외국민들께서는 các c ơ quan ch ứ c năng c ủ a Vi ệt Nam. 참고하시기 바랍니다 . 4. N eu c an s ự ho tr ợ , giúp đ ỡ , l ưu h ọc sinh có th e liên h ệ vớ i C ơ quan đ ại di ện Vi ệt 4 월 2 일에 국가정보원이 아주 편리한 Nam t ại n ướ c s ở tại ho ặc g ọi ngay cho 정보를 공식했습니다 . đườ ng dây nóng b ảo h ộ công dân ở nướ c 요기 보세요 . ngoài April 6th , 2020 May 8 th , 2020rev

Helpful Resources

Japanese Language information for Translated Symptoms list for most financial subsidiaries sicknesses

Apple’s COVID-19 Screening Tool WHO’s Corona Q&A Application

Foreigner Consultation Center Center for Disease Control (US) (Multilingual Support) Symptom Checker

April 6th , 2020 May 8 th , 2020rev

Coronavirus Cases in Yamanashi Japan Ministry of Health, Labour and (Multilingual) Welfare Coronavirus Q&A

April 6th , 2020 May 8 th , 2020rev

The information for this document has been gathered from: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/01/countries-confirmed-cases-coronavirus- 200125070959786.html https://www.npr.org/2020/03/28/823292062/who-reviews-available-evidence-on- coronavirus-transmission-through-air https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses https://www.pref.yamanashi.jp/koucho/info_coronavirus_english.html