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AJ A ) o 2019 VP 3 6 0 11 "E"E 0 )JOTAF'A! Rs.' B{TRY Ho. ..s.?..ttr FROM 26 74, aATE 93. .:.t&.mH fr. [],'r I I I Affidavi to be filed bv the candidate alonq with nomin ation paper before the returninq rce r for election to Maharas htra State I Leq islative Assemb v from 52- Naqpur South-WestLe islative Assem bly Constituencv. Maharashtra I PART-A

I l, Devendra Gangadharrao Fadnavis son of Gangadharrao Kashirao Fadnavis Aged about 49 years, Resident of 276, Near Trikoni park, Dharampeth, Nagpur_10 ! At present resident t of Varsha banglow, Malabar Hills, Mumbai a candidatJat the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:_ 1) I am candidate set up by Bhartiya I 2) My name is enrolled in 56- West Legislative Assembly Constituency Maharashtra at Serial No.353 in part No. 253 I 3) My contact telephone number is - 022-2363040g Aa- My email lD is - [email protected] I and my social media accounts are- \ 1) Facebook: - @devendra.fad navis 2) Twitter: - @Dev_Fadnavis I 3) lnstagram: - @devendra_fad navis t 4) Website: I. - www.devendrafadnavis,in ) I No. 2510 IY T!r. I an tr,'lu D I -.t

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,. iie ' (4) Details of Permanent Account Number (pAN) and status of filling of lncome Tax return.

Sr. Names PAN The financial year Total lncome shown in No. for which the last income-tax return (in lncome-tax return Rupees) for the last has been filed five financial years completed as on 31"t March 2014-2015 1,24,647.00 Self 2015-2016 2 50 298.00 1 AAEPF.3,I24E Devendra Gangadharrao Fadnavis 2016-2017 12,73,673.0O 2017-2018 25 81 't 25.00 2018-2019 25 46,047.00

2014-20't5 18 27 021.00 Spouse 2015-2016 22,69,859.00 2 AGKPR-3249Q Mrs. Amruta Devendra Fadnavis 2016-2017 30 93 25't.00 2017-2018 41,66 296.00 2018-2019 50 31 818.00 2014-2015 NOT APPLICABLE 2015-2016 NOT NOT APPLICABLE UF 2016-2017 APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE 2017-2018 NOT APPLICABLE 2018-2019 NOT APPLICABLE 2014-2015 NOT APPLICABLE 2015-2016 NOT NOT APPLICABLE dent - 1 2016-2017 APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE 2017-2018 NOT APPLICABLE 2018-2019 NOT APPLICABLE 2014-2015 NOT APPLICABLE 2015-2016 NOT NOT APPLICABLE 5 Dependent - 2 2016-2017 APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE 2017-2018 NOT APPLICABLE 2018-2019 NOT APPLICABLE 2014-2015 NOT APPLICABLE 2015-2016 NOT NOT APPLICABLE 6 Dependent - 3 APPLICABLE 2016-2017 NOT APPLICABLE 2017-2018 NOT APPLICABLE 2018-2019 NOT APPLICABLE t" fr{

{)f ,,; l (5) Pending Criminal cases i) }d@imii€f€ase-agaiflts-me, (Tick alternative if there is no cdminal case pending against the candidate and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (ij) below) OR

r/ iil The following criminal cases are pending against me:- (if there are pending cases against the candadale, then tick this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details ofall pending cases in the Table below)

FIR No. With name 1) Criminal writ Petition No. 734/2019 2) Criminal Writ Petition No. 983/2016 and address of Mohanish Jabalpure vs State of Satish Ukey police Station Maharashtra & Others Vs concerned (a) Returning Officer & Others

Case No. with Name Criminal Writ Petition No. 734/2019 Criminal Writ Petition No. 983/2016 (b) of the Court pending before the Nagpur Bench of Pending before The Nagpur Bench of The Bombay High Court Bomba H h Court Section(s) of Section 13( t ) (DXii) & (iii) of the 1254 of the Representation of Peoples concerned Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 Act. Acts/Godes Section 195, 18'l,'182,199,200 of lndian (;, involved (give No. Penal Code of the s{&tion e.g. :iT'""N'" Brief desc pti of The petitioner has filed a criminal writ The above writ petition is filed by the offence Petition before the Hon'ble High Court petitioner against the returning officer and * alleging that I have favored my wife, district election officer, Nagpur seeking (d) who works in AXIS Bank, by using my direction against him to decide the official position, directed opening of complaint dated 0211U2014 fited by the bank accou nts of government petitioner to take action against me for employees in AXIS Bank. non discloser of two pending criminal cases in the election form. Whether c[7rges lEl have been framed NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE (mention Yes or No) lf answer against(e) above is YES then (f) give the date on NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE which charges were framed Whether any appeal/Application for revision has (s) been filed against NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE the proceedings (Mention Yes or No). .1,

! $t,r Ji

to) No. With 3) Criminal revision application No. 4) Private Criminal Complainant Misc. name and 310t14 Criminal Complaint No. 3550/2014 (a) address of police Station concerned

Case No. with Satish Ukey Misc. Criminal Complaint No. Name of the Court Vs 3550/2014 Devnedra Fadnavis Satish Ukey (ril Before ADHOC-2 Court Nagpur Vs Devnedra Fadnavis J.M.F.C. No. 6 Nagpur

Section(s) of 420,406,4'17,418 of lndian Penal Code Under Section 125A of Representation concerned of peoples Act. Acts/Codes (c) involved (give No. of the section e.g. section...... of IPC etc) Brief description Complaint No. 3513/,l4 filed by Complainant alleges that l, non of offence complainant, was dismissed by ACJM applicant, have not disclosed two Nagpur on 1511212014. Against this criminal cases pending against me. complainant, preferred revision before Hence he filed case for taking action ADHOC-2 Court Nagpur. Notices came against me. to be issued on 2410712018. (d) Complainant alleged that by not mentioning the details of two cases in 4 my affidavit I have committed offence under section 406, 417,418 & 42O oI * tPc

Charqes are not framed in this matter. Whether i.(rges have beef framed (e, No (mention Yes or No No) lf answer against(e) above is YES then give (0 NOT APPLICABLE the date on which NOT APPLICABLE charges were framed Whether any Complaint No. 3513/14 filed by a ppea l/A p p licatio complainant was dismissed by ACJM Yes n for revision has Nagpur on 'l5l'1212014. Against this SLP was been filed against complainant preferred revision filed by complainant against the order the proceedings before ADHOC-2 Court Nagpur of Hon'ble High Court Dismissing the complaint (g) (Mention Yes or Notices issued on 2410712018. and the Hon'ble Supreme Court No). complainant alleged that by not has set aside the order of High Court mentioning the details of two cases and Directed the Learned in my affidavit I have committed J.M.F.C to Proceed with the case, offence under section 406, 4'17,418 & 420 of IPC r!

(6) Cases of conviction

/ (i) I declare that I have not been convicted for any criminal offence :- (Tick this alternative it the candidate has not been convicled and w.ite NOT APPLICABLE aginst alternative (ii) below) OR (ii) I have been convicted for the offences mentioned below - NOT APPLICABLE (if the candidate has been convicled, then tick alternative and score off alternative(i) above, and give details in lhe table below)


(a) Case No. NOT NOT NOT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE (b) Name of the Court NOT NOT NOT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE (c) Section of Acts/Codes NOT NOT NOT involved (hive No. of the APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE Section E.g. Section...... of lPC, etc) (d) Brief description of offence NOT NOT NOT for which convicted APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE (e) Dates of orders of conviction NOT NOT NOT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE (0 Punishment imposed NOT NOT NOT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE (s) Whether any appeal has been NOT NOT NOT filed against conviction order APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE (Mention YES or NO) lf answer to (g) above if YES NOT NOT NOT . give details and present APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE \ \tatus of appeal

(6A) given full and up{o-date information political party about all pending al cases against me and about all cases nviction as given in paragraphs (5) and (6) :- Copy of lnformation is attached.

candidates to whom this item is not applicable should clearly write NOT APPLICABLE lN VIEW OF ENTRIES lN 5(i) AND 6(i) above)

Notes:- 1. Details should be entered clearly and legibly in BOLD letters. 2. Details to be given separately for each case under different columns against each item 3. Details should be given in reverse chronological order i.e. the latest case to be mentioned first and backwards in the order of dates for the other cases 4. Additional sheet may be added if requires 5. Candidate is responsible for supplying all information in compliance of Hon. Supreme Court's

judgment in W.P.(C) No. 536 of 201 1 'ili

q 5 Ni

dt zi,l',/:,

I ) 't (r) hat l slvo horeln b.low tho d6t ll. of lh. ....t. (mov. bl. .nd Immov.ble etc) of myself, my .pouse and all d€pendent! ^ Dot ll. of mov.bl.....t Xot l At!.tl ln Jolnt n.m. lndlc.ilng tho o(.nt of Jolnt ownarth lp *lll rl.o heva to ba given Note l=,n c.3. ol d.po.lt , lnve.tment, tho dot ll.lncludlng !ed.l Number, Amount, drte ofdeposit, the rcheme, amc oftho Bank t ln.tltltlon.nd 8r.nch.r. to bo glv.n Noto 3: V.lu. of Bond./Shrro Dabonturcr.! por curr.nt m.rt.t vrlu€ ln rtocl erch:nge ln r€3pectol lilted comp.nio!.nd.r psr book! ln c..€ of non-llrtod comp.nlor ihould b.glv€n Notc 4:'Oepcndanf moen. p.r€ntt,3on(r), d.ugh!..(.) olth. c.ndld.b orrpoure.nd any othcr por3on related to th€ c.ndid.tc Bhothor by blood or m.nl.g€, who h.ve no rop.r.t. moan. of l^com..nd who.r. cloDond€nt on th€ c.ndidate for thel. livelihood. Note 5 : Deteil. including rmount l! to b. glv.n !.p.r.toly In rcrpGct ot..ch invstrnent Noto 6 : Datrilr.hould lncluda the lntereat ln orownerahip ol offrho.e.!ret! Erpl.natlon ' For tho purpo.. ol thl. Fom, the sxpretllon -otr3hors .rrett- lncluder, det ilr of all deposit or inveltment! ln Forolgn B.nt. rnd.ny oth.r body or


17500.00 12500.00 NOr NOT NOT Oet ilr of Oopo.it in B.nl account3 lFDR., f.rm D.po!it!.nd all othortypG! of depo.it! i.cluding t.ving.ccount!, O€po.it! with Financi.l lnititutlonr, on Brnllng Fln.ncl.l Comp.nia. and Co-oporativo 3ociotioa and th€ amount ln each.uch depo!it BANX OF BARODA, DHARAMPETH BRANCH, I{AGPUR t{oT t{oT NOT NOI 15't329.45 NIL sB-a/c. t{o.045501 0000252'l APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE SBI, MADAME CAMA ROAO BRANCH, MUMBAI NOT NOT NOT NOT 577233,11 NIL sB-4./c. No.10768197828 APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLICAELE



k per Share. & Mutulfund! list O€tail. of lnvo.tmcnt ln Bonds,dobonturoa/aharaa rnd unlt! ln NOT NOT NOT NOT (iiil NIL .ttached (Annexure come.nio./MufK.nd othorrnd tho.mount APPLICAgLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE A) R3. 23335308.38 t{oT t{oT NOT I'lOT NIL 23336308.38 \,*, APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICAALE

(iv) NSS, I lavingr, lnsuranc€ Policier and inveltmont In.ny lnrtrum8ntt in Polt Offlce o. unt sBt. MAoaME daMA R]bao #NcH. MUMBAT IOT IoT ItoT 650319_00 NIL NIL ppr uc ro *oeoenlsz. ll APPLICAET E APPL ICABT E APPLICABLE NOT NOf NOT rcrcr pRU *EALTH po.cy No.20914026 500000.00 NIL NIL {oulflr APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOf NOT tctct pRUwE LTHWER, poLrcy No.209'9017 2s0000.00 NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT lClcl ACE Policy No. l39l5Sa5 (Per ye.r Premium, NIL NIL 800000.00 APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE t{oT NOT NOT MATELTFE TNSURANCE POLTCY NO. 1200900762816-2009 NIL 135000.00 NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT Life ln3urance Polacy No. 971519405 NIL 82076.00 NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT Lifc lnru.ence Policy t{o. 97513815'l NIL 168558.00 NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT itoT Lifo ln.uranco Policy No. 976138162 NIL 206973.00 NIL APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE NOT t{oT l,loT 14003't9.00 592507.00 400000 00 APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICAALE Peraonal loa.3 / adv.nco given to .ny pe.!on or ontity including NOT NOT NOT firm, company, Trust etc. and other rcceiv.ble. lrom debto13 NIL 6200000.00 NIL , APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICAALE

MotorVehlclot /Alrcr.fr3/ Y.chtr/ Shlp3 (Det.il. ot m.ko, 169lrir.tion number etc. y€ar ol purchale and amount NOT NOT NOT NOT 1) Malo-M.hindr. xUv-500-MH"31-EA-4700 (MFG Yo.r 2012) 600000.00 NIL (vi) APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT 2) Make - Moto. Cyclo MH-31-K-s 7000.00 NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICAELE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT 607000.00 NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE Jowollory, bullion and v.lu.bl6 thingr(.) (givo details ot weight

NOT t{oT NOT NOT Gold Ornamantr G.. !\,1. - 450 gram! 1740150.00 NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE {vii) NOT NOT NOT NOT Gold O.nament3 Gr. wt - 900 grams NIL 3480300.00 APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT t{oT Total 1740150.00 3460300.00 APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT Any Othor .3leata auch il valuor ol ClalmarlntorGtt NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT i/oT 4594634.90 33958741.00 800000.00 i,r) APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE f,ist li

fir ql 2afti Bl Detrll. of lmmovrbl. At&t : Noto I :- Propertie! ln joint owner.hip Indic.ting tho o ont ofjoirt ownar.hip will .lro hav. to be indlcrtod Note 2 ! Erch l.nd or building or.p.nment should b3 montioned .epar.toly in thi! form.t h

SR. oEscRtPtroN SELF HUF Oep€nd€nt'2 Oopendent-3 NO,

Mll.g. Ko!.mbl \,lllage Sangam T.h. MulDi!t. Tah. Hingna Dirt. NOT NOT NOT NOT Agrlcultural Land. Location(!) and Survoy numb€r (!) ChandIapur Servey APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE No 20'l s.38s Acres, 1/3 2.19 Acre!, 1/3 NOT NOT NOT NOT Are. (totalmearurem€.t in .cre!) Sh..e 0.73 Acre3 APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE

NOT NOT t{oT NOT Whotho. inherited property (Ye3 or No) APPLICASLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICAgLE NOT NOT NOT NOT O:t. ot purcha3. ln c..o of relf-ecqulrod p.operq NIL 25t'10t2011 APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE 5453000.00 (1/3 NOT NOT NOT t/oT Cost of Land (in ca3e of pu.ch.se) .t the time of purcha3e NIL Share 2151000.00) APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICAALE NOT NOT NOT NOT Any lnvGrtment on tha land by way of d€velopment,con rtruction NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE t{oT NOT NOT NOr App.oxlmate Curent Marlet Valuo i 1350000.00 4396000.00 APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE

Vill.ge MulTah. Mul (Khurd)Tah. DlBt. NOT NOT NOT NOT Agrlcultur.l Land. Loc.tion(r) and Survoy number Dist. Chandr.pur lB) Nagpur Servey No. APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE Survey No.625 49 1.754 Acres 1/3 NOT NOT OT NOT Aro. (total mea3urement in aar€r) Share 0.5E5 acres APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT Whather inherited propsrty (Yes o. No) APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT Dats ot purchase in caie ofself-acquired property l{L 1211012007 APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT Co.t of Lind (in c..o ol purch.re) .t tho time ot purch.!o NIL 500000.00 APPLICABLE APPLIC BLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT Any lnve8tnent on tha land by way of davolopment.construction NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT approrim.te vetue :. 702000.00 2023000.00 cE.(ket APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE Mll.ga MulTah. Mul NOT NOT NOT NOT onn",n,.., su,v.y numbc' (.) Oirt. Chandr.pur NIL -"0. APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE :N, Survoy llo.439

6.743 Acre! 1/3 NOT NOT NOT NOT a,o. (t.t r .""! NIL u,'.i.{I\*ll Sharc 2-245 acrer APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT wrretrcr i nherid-proped, iY;rr' lr., NIL (D APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT l{oT NOT i,i. o*.n*" .y' d4,cqurred proport NIL NIL " " APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT r,rr.."i(D-1f(.3e).t th. trmo or purch..c NIL NIL "..,.t.""0 APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE IOT NOT NOT NOT XV lntczvner,t oi ty{na by wly ol d.v.lopm€nl,conttTuction NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPIICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT Approrimatc Cursnt Marlet Valu6 : 1460000_00 NIL APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE Mllag. MulTah. Mul NOT NOT NOT OT Agricultural L!nd. Loc.tion(s) .nd Survey number (s) Di.t. Ch.ndrepur NIL APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE Survcy No.515

65.039 Acres 1/! NOT NOT NOT NOT Arsa (tot.l measuromont in acr6) NIL Share 1-580 acres APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT Whether inherited prop€rty (Yes or No) NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLTCABLF NOI NOT NOT NOT o.to ol purch.!e in c.!e of.elf-.cquir€d property NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT Cort of Land (in caso of purchase) at the time of purchare NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPI.ICABLE NOT iloT NOT iloT Any lnva.tment on tho land by way ot d.velopment,conltruction NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT TOT OT Approrimate Current Mark€t Value :- 1512000.00 NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE

Mllage MulTah. Mul NOT NOT NOT NOT AgriculturalLand. Location(3) and Survey number (r) Oi!t. Chandrapur NIL APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE Suruey No.518

2.717 NOT NOT NOT t{oT Ar€. in .cre!) NIL {totalmearurement Shrro 0.906^.rc.113 acre! APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLrcAALE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT whethar inherited propery (Ye! or o) NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT l,roT NOT NOT D.to of purch.3e in c..G ol.clf-.cquirod proper, NIL NIL APPL!CAALE APPLrcAALE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE

NOT NOT NOT NOT co.t of Land (in c.!! of purchale) .t ths time of purch..e NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE

NOT NOT NOT NOT Any invertment on tho l.nd by way of dcvolopment,conltruction NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT Approrimate Current Marlet Value :- 616000.00 NIL APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NI 5l *

2rnl NOT NOT t{oT NOT NIL NIL No. Asricullural Land Loc.tion(!) Surysy number {s) APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLrcAALE NOT NOt NOT NOT NIL NIL Area (totalma.turemsnt in !q.n.) APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT NIL NIL Whcther lnhoritod propedy lyor or no) APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT property NIL NIL 1i0 Oat€ of purch.lc ln case of3elf'acqulrcd APPLICAALE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT NIL NIL CortofL.nd (in c.r. ot pur.h..o,.t th. tlme o, PUrch.t. APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT l{oT NOT NIL NIL Any lnvartmont on the land by w.y ot dav.lopent, conltruction APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT NIL NIL Approxim.te currcnt market v.luo APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICAALE



Tot l Plot arer 55oo NOT xoT NOT NOT 733.00 Sq. Ft It.) Sq. Ft. 113 Sh.re APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE 183a So-ft NOT NOT NOT NOT In rq. fi.) Under Construction 733.00 Sq. Ft Buil!up Are. o"qdF APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPI ICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT r no) APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT NIL 24110t2007 Dat€ ol purchrt. in ..;Qp/f -rcc,r-a n,'n"rv APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT (in .t the timo or purch.!e NIL 600000.00 Colt ot Prop.rty '+r>/y'"'^") APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NO-r NOT NOT NOT 12000000.00 NIL anVin""rt*ntont\Jtd by w.y ofdevelopent, con!truction APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT t{oT NOT ,.(.ppror.) 27589000.00 3518000.00 Cu rrent Mrrrot V.luo APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE (iv)

No. 267 Plot NOT NOT NOT NOT NIL APPLICAELE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICAELE NOT NOT NOT NOT House No.510/D NIL Survey/door number (3) APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICAgLE Sq.l/l2th Shirs Plot Aro. 600 Sq. ft NOT NOT NOT NOT .nd buill up .re.- NIL Area (Tolrl mo.ruremont in.q.tt.) APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLrcAALE APPLICAALE 250 Sq.n ln th€ !.id P.op.fty NOT NOT t{oT NOT property no) NIL whether inhoritad ly€t or APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT r{oT NOT purchaie in case of self -acquired property NIL NIL oate of APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT (in purch..s) the tims of purchato NIL NIL Cost ol Property c.36 of :t APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT w.y con.tructlon NIL NIL Any inveltm.nt on the l.nd by otdcvclopent, APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICAALE NOT NOr NOf NOT (approx) 1t400000 00 NIL Cu.rent M.rkct vrlue APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT interesr in property) NIL NIL lv) lolhen(!ucha. APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOI (v) !7829000.00 9939000.00 (vi) Total of Curent marlet Value of li) to .bove APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE ot zgn:iJl (t) I giv. h.r.ln below th. dotrils of ll.bilit€/d u.. to public n n.ncl.l inltltutlont .nd gov.m€ni :- Noto E9!e... glve .opar.to dotail. ot n.m. ot bank, ln.titution, €ntlty or indivldu.l .nd emount befor. ..ch ltcm) Sr.No Self HUF Oepondont-l Oep€ndont-2 Dspond€nt-3 Loan or Duo. to Bink/l]n.nclal institutions. Name of the Bank NOT NOT NOT NOT NIL NIL o. financial in.titution. Amount outltandinq, N.ture ot Loan. APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE Lo.n o.du.. to.ny other individual./sntlty other thrn NOT NOT NOf NOT NIL NIL m.ntlon.d.bov.. Nameli!. Amount out.t..dino. n.tur. of loan APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT Ml'. Amrutr Davendra Fadnavi. (Hand Lo.n) 5200000.00 NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT NIL NIL (i) APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT t{oT NOT NOT NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLIC BLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE AFPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOI NOT NOT NOT NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT Iotal 6200000 00 NIL ilor APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE Govomemsnt duo! : (A) Har the D€ponent baon In occup.llon ol.ccommod.tion provldod YES Ou33 to dsp.rtmont! ds.ling with govom.msnt .ccomod.Uon by thc Gov.mment at.nytime during tho l.!tt€n ye.r. boforc lh. d.to ofnotitic.tion oftho cu.rGnt electlon ? B) lf.n.rverto (A) abov.l. YES, the following docl...tion may bo turni.h€d namcly:- i)The eddrett of tne Govomment .ccomod.tion :- Va6ha banglow, Malabar Hills, Mumbai il) Th€re it no due. p.y.blo in re3poct ol ebovo Govornment eccomod.tlon, toward. - ii) (.) rcnt (b)oloctricity ch.19e3 (c) water ch.rge., and ld) telephono ch.rge. r. on 18109/2019 (thc dato.hould bo tho l..tdate oftho thlrd month prlorto tho month ln which th. ol.ction i. notlned or.ny d.t6thero.ft€r) Note - No Ouer CertiUcato'lrom thc egancb. concernsd in r6pect of rcnt, electricity charger, w.ter charger and telephono charge! fortha l{o Duo! Ccrtillcats Enclosed above Govornelnent accomodation !hould bo BUbmittEd Duo3 to depe.tment doellng with Govornoment tr.!npoA t{oT NOT NOT NOT ii0 NIL NIL llncludinq rlrcraft3 and hollcopteE) APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE IOT t{oT NOT NOT lv) NIL NIL APPLICAALE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICAALE NOT NOT NOT NOT GST Due3 NIL NIL APPLICAALE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICAgLE NOT ltoT NOT NOT vi) MunicipeuProportyt du.r NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPI=ICASLE NOT NOT NOT NOT vi0 lnf otlrer auer NIL NIL \ APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT viii) Grand total of all NIL NIL o.,N, APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICAALE whether.ny other li&ilitio\e in di.puto. if !o, mention the NOT NOT NOT NOT NIL NIL amount involved rtE$e rutlrity bororo which It ir p€nding APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE Details of Profe.sion oaC&Etion NOT NOT (.) solr NIL Student Ior 9 .'1^ ll APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE t{oT NOT NOT NOT (b) Spouse tvll NIL Banting ServicG APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE Oetailr ofsource (s) NOT NOT t{oT NOT (.) selr NIL v APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE S.l.ry, Capitrl g.ln on Shar€., NOT NOT NOT OT (b)spouss NIL Dlvidend,.nd APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLrcAALE APPLICABLE

NOT t{oT NOT NOT (c ) Sourcc ol income, if any, of dependent. NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE 9A ContracE with aDo.ooriato Governmont.nd anv Dublic comDanv or comoanie! NOT NOT NOl NOT (a, detail. ol cotrtracts entered by the candid.te NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT NOT NOT {b) detailB ofcontract! entored into by.pouso NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICAALE APPLICABLE APPI.ICAALE NOT NOT NOT NOT (c ) details of cont.acts entered into by dependents NIL NIL APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE (d)d€t ilt ofcontractr €nt€od into by lil.rdu Undividod Family NOT NOT t{oT NOT in whlch th€ candldete o. !pou.o or dependGnt! h.ve NIL NIL ortrult APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABTE APPLICABLE (e) detailr of contracb, antered into by Pannership Firms in NOT NOT NOT NOT NIL NIL which cnadidato or spoule or dependentl are partner' APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLlcAALE APPLICAALE (0 oetailr ol contract! sntsrod into by private comp.nis! in NOT iloT NOT NOT NIL NIL which candidate orlDou.o or deoendent! hav€ lharo APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE 10 My Education.l Oualification i. as Undor

y.ar in whlch th. couE. w.t compl€t d) S.r3rw.ti Vidyal.y., t{.gpur Second.ry School I Xth St nd.rd P.33 Ye.r of paslin9 1985 Shanla. Nagar, Nigpur Board Dharampeth M.P. Oao Nagpur Higher S€condary Ye.r of pa3sing 1987 2 Xllth Standa.d Pasg Memorial Scicnce Colloge, Schoolaoard Amb.z.rl. Naoour Or. Baba3ahob Ambodhar 3 L.L.A. s Year! Cour5e Patr Year ot passing l9g2 Colleg€ ot Law, Amr.vati RSTM Nagpur UniveBity Ro.d N.dour M.n.gement Oiplom. in Mothods and technique! ot Projoct Ye.r ot pas!ing 1998 Berlin O.S.E. Bedi. q. Dist.

6 2t/ I OF

.d ''- PART - B 11 ABSTRACT OF TIIE OETAILS GIVEN {1) TO (10) OF PARr - A 1 Nrme ofthe Candidate DEVENORA GANGADHARRAO 2 Full Poit lAddr€33 Rsldent of275, e.r Trikoni P.rk, Oh.r.mpeth, agpur-i0 At prGrent r€rtdont ofV.r.ha b.ngtow,

3 Number.nd Nam€ oftho Con.tituencv and Srate RSO TAT Name olthe Political perty which !€t up rho c.ndi.t.t. ABARTIYA JANATA PARTY (othenii!o wrlto indeDendent) rotil numbor of r'endinq criminal caret Total number ot case. in which convictGd Year for whlch lart lncomo PAN Of rotal lncome Shown T.r Return Flled Self 1 AAEPF.3124E 201E-2019 Oevendra Ga noadha.rao Fad navis 2545047.00 Spoure 2 AGXPR.3249Q Mr3. Amruta Devendr. F.dnavi3 2018-2019 5031818.00 3 NOT APPLICABLE Oiviia Oevendre Fidnavis NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE

8 Liabilities in R Self Depond€nt Devendr. Gangadhar.o Fadnavi. Amrutr Dovend.. F.dn.vir DlYr. o€vondr. Fadn.vt3 Moveable Assets tTotal value) 4594634.89 33958741.00 800000 00 B lmmoyablo A!iet Purchase Price of Self-acquired immoveabte orooeftv NIL 325't000.00 NIL OovalopmonUCon.truction co.t of immov.ble prop.rt.fror pur.ha3e (lf .ppllc.bl€) 12000000.00 NIL NIL iil ApprociDate current markGt price ot {a) Self-acquired assets (Toitl valuo} NIL 9939000.00 NIL (b) lnherited assets (Iotalvalue) 37829000.00 NIL NIL Self 9 Liabilities Depsndsnt OevGnd.. G.ngadh..r.o F.dn.vit Amruti Oevendra Fadnavig Davij. Devendr. F.dnavis (i) Government Duer (Tot.l) NIL NIL NIL (ii) Loan3 from Bltnk Financial lnltitution and Others (Totat) 5200000.00 NIL NIL

10 Li.bilitie. thrt rre Unde. di!pute NIL NIL NIL

Oo!cription Solf Dcpendont Dev€ndrt Gang.dh.rr.o Fadn.vtr Amrut Dcvondr.F.dnavlg Olvija Dcvsnda Fadnavi! Governmenl (Totall til ouei NIL NIL NIL from {ii) Lorns B.nk Fininclal lnltitution.nd Other! (Totat) NIL NIL NIL

1t Hlgh€rt ed school/Unlv.r.lty educ.tion montioning ths fullform ottho ceniflc.te/diplom./degrec courto, n.mo ottho Schoot/C ollege/ University and the - a. SchooU Univ..3ity S.l.rw.tl Vidy.l.y., Shak.r t{.g.r, Nagpur ti.H.S.S.C. 1 Xtlr Strnara frrr \ Year ofpa!sin919E5 \ t l{agpur Ohr.empsth M.P. 2 Irrtn srrndrrd iur I* Year of p.!!ing 1987 Oao Memo/iatScionce Co[egG, Amb.zart, Dr. BabaBaheb 3 L.L-8.5 Year3 Cou {!!,1 I Yoar of pa3!ing '1992 Ambedkar Cottego of Law, Road, M:n.gement Oip .nd technique. of Proiect Y€.r of passing 19!8 D.S.E. Bedin

Pl.ce: l{AGPUR NENT Date ! 03/10/2019

YEBIEICAI1OX l, the deponent, above named, do hereby verify ahd declare that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and part belief and no of it is false and nothing material has been concealed there from. I lurther dectare that:- There is no case of pending a) conviction or case against me other than those mentioned in item 5 and 6 of part A and B above: b) l, my spouse, or my dependents do not have any assets or liability, othe. than those mentioned in items 7 and E ot part A and items 8,9 and 10 of Part B above. Verified at NAPUR this the 3rd day ot October 2019

Pl.ca: NAGPUR OE ENT oare ! 03/t0/2019

Note : pM 1 Aflidavi t should be filed latest by 3.OO on the I ast day of filing nominations. 2 : Affidavit should be swoan before 'rote and Oath Com missioner or Magistrate of the First Class or before a Notary Public ll* 3 : All columns should be tired up and no corumn to be reft rf brank. there is no information to furnish in respect of any item, either ,,NtL', or t',t applicable" , as the case may be, should be mentioned Note 4 : The Afridavit should be either typed or written legibly and nealy Note 5 : Each Pags of the Affidavit should be signed by the deponent and the lffidavit should bear on each page the stamp of the Notary or oath Commissloner or Maqistrate beforc whom the Afiidavit is suorn- i


r' grsrrbofore rrdt tt -"a3':4 ffifffilkffi* *,o' X"gpu'"no:"t*Y*

Ey Shri,Smt' -""" Advocab, Nag9ur' r.l t\ t q, |.oT 5J 1*tso"" h;rn ilo' w, rl 75 1 0 rrt I tra !! 8 I

$r, c, >j Annexure - A . l-tt ' Du,"il. ofinvestment in Bonds, debentures/shares and units in companies/lVlutual funds and other and the amount (Market Rate in Stock Exchange as on 2310912019) s.\ D.p.rd.rt-l Sclf Spous. (s) Shrr.s / Unils Diviir Frdnrvis, D.vcndrr Grngrdhr Frdnrvis Mr!. Amrutr D.v.ndrr Frdnrvit Stud.trt (Mrrk.t V!lu.) I Adani Ports and Special Fronomic zonc Limited EQ NIL 28,553.00 NIL New Rs 2-shares -75 no Inrtial Invcstmcnt 6,600.00 2 Ashok kyland Limitcd New FV NIL 118,400.00 NIL R€ I shares-2000 Initial lnvcstmenl - 2648100 l Axis Bahk Limited. EQ NE FV NIL 34.018.00 NII, Rs.2 Shares-so Inilial lnvestment-1592 76 ,1 Biocon Limitcd-EQ shares- 600 NII, 116,830.00 Nlt- Initial Investrnent-2o,500.m 5 Birla Po\r€r Solutions Limitcd - CEO ew FV Re I Shares 12000 NIL I,080 00 Nll- social lnvcstment - 35000m 6 Brrla Sofi Share 200 lnilial lnvestm€nl NIL 14,950.00 7 Ceniury Textilcs And indusries Limiled EO Shares 150 NII- 142,898.00 NIL Jantar)rnvcstment - 7000000 8 Bank ofBaroda{Dena Bank Margcr ) NIL 6,620 00 NII, EO Shares{620 lnitial Investmcnt-16.200 9 DLf Limited - EQ Ncw FV Rs 2 Shares-|o NIL 1,68100 NII, Inrtial lnveshent:r, t @.oo l0 canesh Housing Corporation Limited NIL 3,t76.00 NIL EQ shares-7s Initial lnveslment - 2030600 lt NRE Coke Limited Class B EQ N€w NPP Rs NIL 80 00 NIL l0 Sharcs 84 Initial lnvestment-2,636 16 t2 Gujarat NRE Coke Limitcd-EQ Shares- l0 NIL 900 NII- Initial Invcstmenl-l lJ 85 ll GVK PoBer & Infrastn cturc Limrtcd-EQ Ncw Re I Shares NIL 4,t 50 00 NIL

I 000 lnitial lnvestmenr- I 2.02 I .00

1.1 HDFC Bank Limitcd-EQ Neu RS.l Sharcs- 510 NIL 6l l.?96 00 NIL lnitial lnvcstment-2o,ooo 00 l5 ITC l-imited-EQ Ne\! Fe Rc I Shares-I5 NII, 3,571 00 NIL lnitial lnveslmenrT0?,67.00 l6 shares' 42 i:l liTi:,Hssl'#"$EQ NII- 1,415 00 NIL t7 I..PIl L,n,rcd-Ed1i$.Rs 2 Shares-200 no NIL 18,140 00 NII- tn,r,at tnvrsrmeni-t t)h oo l8 i;:#[*,fi:hH&t"***" NlL 3,322.00 NIL l9 Mahrndra l-ifcsoalcbtrlboers Lid-EQ NIL 38,835 00 NIL strares t oo -i.qiriJh,cslfenr-a7,120.00 20 Rs ro sharcs lffi,l [i:,'J]ffi;w NIL 7,40t 00 NIL 2l MolL Limrred-Edlt6, Fv Rs l0 sharca 68 NIL 8,269 00 NIL lnitial lnvcshcnrarj04 22 Nagarluna Fenil#rs And Chemicals Limrtcd EQ NIL 2,090.00 NII- New t'V Re I Shares-550 Initial Invcstmenlj.l9 23 Nagarjuna Orl Refinery Limrrcd EQ Sharcs-soo NIL 100 00 NIL Initial lnv€slmen1452l.8l 1.1 NTrc Limited(NCDIEQ Shares 642 NII- 8,481 00 NIL Initial lnvestment-lt,t00 25 Oil and Natural Gas corporation l.'td Shares 540 Nll. 12.144.0O Nlt- Inilail InYestm€nl 42?50 26 NTrc Limited-EQ Shares 770 NIL 92,285 00 NII- (Spill from NTrc NCD) 27 Pelron Engineering Construction Limited - NIL 750 00 NII- EO Shares - 100 Ininal lnvcstmcnl- l 8.800 28 Petronct LNC t-imitcd-EQ I Sharcs-600 NIL 159,870 00 NIL lnrrral Inveshenl-l?,000 29 Piramal Enlerprises I.imrted - EQ New fV Rs 2 Sharcs 248 NIL 458,416 00 NIL lnrtlal Investment 4285294 30 Piramal Ph)locare Lrmiled - EQ Shares-24 NIL 600 00 N[. In ilral Inveslm€nt 4, I 4?.06 l^; ;

NI q

rarl: Provotue (lndis) Limited EQ New Fv Re l- Shares ll Nll. t20.00 NII- 200 Initid lnvest ncnt-3000 12 TProzonc Caprtal ShoppinB 1,660 00 NIL lcentrcs Lrmrtcd - EQ ' Sharcs 200 NII, friiral lnv.stment - 1000 t3 Punjab National BlItl EQ Shares 880 NL 57,8)6.00 NIL lnitial lnvestmcnt{7,000 34 Rcliance Communicalions Limiled-EQ-Sharcs- I 00 NII- 80 00 NIL lnitral lnvcstmcnt-ll,&0 t5 Relianc€ Indurtrics Limited-EQ Sharcs-264 NII- ll1,148 00 NIL lnitial Investrnent{7,ooo 36 Reliancc Powrr Limited - EQ New Rs I Gshares 25 NII, ?l 00 Nll. Initial Investmen{,8t0.00 31 Shiv -vani Oil & Gas Explomtion ScNic.s Ltd-EQ Sharcs l0 NII. 100 00 NII- lnitial lnvcst ncnt 444 44 l8 siemcns Limited EQ New FV Rs 2-shares-32 NII- 42.488.00 Nll. Initial lnvcstment 1550000 l9 SREI lnfrastruclure Finance Limiled Eoshares l0 NII- 108 00 NII- lnitial Inv.stment 177 78 t0 SvC Supcrchem Limired - EQ sharcs-1000 N . I,910.00 NII- lnnial investmenl-7.039.00 ,11 Tara Consultancy Services Limited-EQ New Fv Re I NII- 561,802.00 Ntr, Sharee272 Inirial lnvestrncn!270oo 42 Tata Telescrvicea (Maharashtm) Lrd-EQ Share-272 NIL 1,896.00 NIL Inilial anvcslmcnt 12000 43 Unircd Breweries Holdin8 Limrted - EQ New Sha.es t00 NIL I ,000 00 NIL Initial Invcstmenl-20584 44 Wclspun Corp Limited EQ New FV R5 5 NIL I3,27i 00 NIL sharcs 100 lnitial Invcstme l-26782.t6 45 welspun Enterprises Limited NII- 5.95E 00 NIL EQShares60 Inirial lnvestmenl lll9 14 .16 AxtS Uank-Sllrcr- I 1400 NL 9,404,120.00 NI. tnnrat tnucsrmiNg6ato zl 41 i"?li,lli:l;:l*!R Nlt. 40.22100 NIL 48 DLF Limiled - NlL I1,90 ! 00 NIL Sharcs 190 lnflEY.r,,,,* 49 Gutaral NRE Coke NIL 17t 90 NII- Sharcs ' Sl0lnrrral rs.'fl::,.*,,- 50 iil;I1,'Ii,1ff/fi 1,",,, N[_ 225,144.O0 NIL 5I Perron EnBs sha( ry N[- 67s 00 NII- rnrrrar rnvcstmer|il{tb 52 Powergnd Lrd-Slt(s-296 NIL 56,565.00 NIL ln'rral lnvcsrmc([25160 5l Shiv Vani Oil & Gas Exploration Servrces Ld- EQ Shares 890 NIL r,958.00 NIL lnitral Investmenr'19555 56 54 Montacarlo Fashion LTD Shares 23 NIL 5,915 00 NII, 55 Neo.rop Sharcs 7950 NIL 12,084 50 NIL 56 Gammon Intia Proiects Sharcs 1650 NII, 1.204.50 NII, 57 Galr I-TD Shares 420 NII, 22,008 00 NII, 5ii SREI In frastructure l-rnancc Limited i\_lt- 1.678.50 NIL EQ Shares-150 lnrlral invcstment 13222.22 59 Hero Motocorp Ltd Share 60 Intial lnvestncnt NII- t60,779.00 NII, 194 t 00 60 Maruli Suzuki Ltd Share 15lnitial Investment NII- 100.329.75 105300 NIL 6l Housing Dcvelopment Finace Corporation Shares NII- 196,670.00 100 lnitial lnvestment 175880 N[. 62 L&T LTd shares I00 lnitial lnvestment I 146l l NII- 1,16.905.00 6l Gail(lndia LTD Shares t00lnitial Invcstrnc NIL r48150 107.280.00 Nll-

Toirl 13,s39,761.15 Disl. IEI (x.s.)sr 64 Rchance Tax Saver t-und GroMh Plan CroMh Option NIL 153,.130.46 NIL Units 3009 054 lnitial lnvestmcn!10000 lndia Smalle. FLrnd GroMh NIL 248.06,1.00 NIL Units 5000 Initial Invesrment-50000 66 IDFC Classic Equity Fund CroMh{ReBular Plan) Units NIL 127.068.96 NIL 2871561 Initial lnvestmcnt 30000 67 IIDFC Equity Fund4rowlh Units - 254 292 NIL 163,432.20 NIL Initial Investrnent 50Om 68 III{Fl- tJnrts- 500 lnrtrsl Inv€stmcnt-500000 NIL 500.000 00 NIL 69 DSP Ultr. Shon Rcg.c No Unils 436 59lnitial NIL 1,102,733.29 NIL Investmcnt 1000000 10 FBnklin lndia Liquid Sup€r INST- Gro*,th Units 595.77 NIL t,717.600.97 NII- lnilial Inveslmcnt- I 527290.65 1t l2T Liquid 6 Unils 214.91 Inilial Investmcnt NIL 619,411.75 NIL 552763 20 12 ICICI Pru- Liquide -G Units 75t.2 Intial investment NIL 2,236,220.19 NIL 2099999 94 1) Reliancc brgc CaFG Un iE 29627 .29 lnitial NII, 996,r 13.90 NIL Invesuncnt 900000 '74 ICICI Pru- Multi Cap Unia 1735.39lnlial inveslment NII- 1,058,346.61 NIL 999999.92 75 Franklin India Smaller Companles Fund Unils l?618 48 Inrrial Investmenl 999999 98 NIL 871,r01.88 NIL

'tolal 9.796.52{.21

Crrnd Toral {Shrres/t nirlr) 2J,.l16,30E..lri

4\ *