
Franklin D. Roosevelt- "The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945

Series 2: " You have nothing to fear but fear itself:" FOR and the

File No. 835


Jackson Day Dinner Address IUDIIO COPT


lta~ n .ztd urr1tol'1al poueuloll.l aM e•et~ on board thlp11

hearty rnet111p. r.- t .. happy to etand hen tonltbt and~ d.aele.n to

you that the rn.l ~before tbe united 8t .\toe 1e tho&

e.tld e. happier llfe, that e u the e ... h-'WI, -ore tbe.A one

tbt .... h.III\Wlge .. lf t nn a441'eee1Qfl: I• e ~bUUA

e aather 1na of tu,aalna••ell or e. rath11'1J'II of n r kere or of

I aot apply to e1't:'J' o1then. in ne 110\U\trJ' t10 &&tter whet I b lc: or bel' pol1Uoel ti'f111eUgna -Y be. I a 1a tr.a tb&t " ,..rloaM ht... • found. party e.J ••/ ..( or&anll•tiou to be U&erul, ~ neoe•MrJ, 111 t~•

nr:r•talllu.tlon of oplnlon and 1n the lit~~~oUoatlon or luu.. .

ou or our snat paru... It h ne.. nthela .. tNa that 111 the 10n.. • qo.JttUou that c:=ontro1'1l the unuM ltat .. toda.J

tbe Aaerlo.at~ pOint or ..uw .

beOOIUI t he 1yabol ot certAin srt a ~ 1\lU.ll. 1 Ute be•t to

r\lllllu4ntallJ unlleretc>od.. To the .....e. or bil countr)'llen

b1• "11 beeaue• they unde re~ h1& ..u -- hh paadon

ror 3u.Uoe, hle cu.ploneb!p or the C&U&II or the u plolted.

I b ' • &..HI or ollgarohlo a&e:r•nlon.

,,.loll ud. hll aoUon.t, the people lo1'14 bt& tor 1t the ~ l'MT realh..S t'

relent:l.cn ht.Uac!.. '1'Uo bl'lnetlc1ar111 ot U:.e ab\1811 \0 -.bleb be

put en 1nd. pun\11'111 !11& y1tb all the vhlence t hat pe:>U t1oal

bad. Mlq..S to otbr pazt1'* O:' beloQ,ged. to 1:0 party at aU,

~•• Jaot- wu cocpell..S to ttpt aYir1 l:i'!J'or""t. !deale

.ln. o.,.nhdaJ.na propor tion ot the 11.1tulll. po"r of the COl.llltr)'

ct 1111on.at1on ami the &OIIldlllf ot pubUo opinion t oU&ht hill.,

tr.UUnc !!~:- at bia. h "eud. tbt ••au... all _,..

ecuut hta- ~ -bu.t the~· ot the UDt\.14 s~ .., ... Bta\dt hhtory.., often rtpt&U 1Utlf, let el

414&• wchaa any .u.nln 0\ll' btetor y to lnCl'l&at, on the

lD tbdr IOluUon, J'c!lOwi:IB the r~nt&ll or JtftiUO:Q

tbt &'ltr'l:t ot ~·-.auld. be-n lfl'•&tly end.u::tne:e

~, and. helpful ~~the nadol:l• t'Un cl.tolelont li&d.t by ••11

"IP"r.tl or the eleotor• te ropren ntln,g tfl&ll or epectal

ole••"•'nd.onO:.~· ;r1t h great &41'1U\t&f!C• or eoctll or eoonoll.lo

ponr .

h, like Jtffutol:l,.. !ace~ wl\4 tbt P"' 41ffli:'Uty

OQIIPelltd. to ooabl.t tpU biU, gentrallU", s 1trtp r"tntat1o~

anc1. tht tuppr.. t i on of !acta by tha proot" ot U k1118 hh

1Uppor ttrl anc11ncl.ti!!d 1 all C\tl:tft1 1 to COftlltltuU t~lllY..

tnto tntorll&l oo..tttl" t or the purpou ot o'b\atntua: the ll probably •ar that cood old J.okto:a. 110 doubt J"talht4 ttat tv~:rr

0111 an,..,,.. • • .. rtblltn, Jaokton rot hlt ldtc.• an4 hlt ld.ealt aorou, not throuetr. &I1Y lur.~:louao pro))l8an4• but 'bloa\lae t ht Kill on tht ttrttt and. the IIII.Q ou the tar~~ belle.. 4 111 hll Ueu, hh

t bt taot that tbh yeu - ue to ban • nat! or:al tlt:~t~cn. ao.. u .... at u~e ol.,a e of • 4Q 1 11.1 to • yeolt that the latt naUonal eltoUon CNtt have been held. lL d..oa:tn yeo.:n aao - t o

•\loh ..a ttr hat r= Wl4er t he tr1qe , 10 MIIJ l'fltt evtnU in J..r- o= hhtory have oecurred. tlnoe thtn. Atl4 r•~,_ th1rt:r-toUl'

.ant1:t, 1111 tl:l.I.D. three yeart, ht.l't CO::Io" b)' tlDCt lf&:r'cb, 1933.

tht :r'lblrttr. ot tht tnttreat an4 \llllltrstand.11\1 ot a great liOaiMt o! the De..,o::-a.tlc Pal't)' - aD4 I u told that a

COn.YtnUon. it ~ bt held. to dllcl"'- tht.. .o.. n.tou1 que11Ucra - tht batlc l ..ut •111 b~"~h:'f!flntlon. ot popular a<~vt:Mitftt - - - A an ltl~ trau,sM once r::;o:rt with tht d1!t1cult probl• o!

oppotltlon btnt en bldlne; UM! dlttor H.~ t.cta.

Jm../ ftat~~~~--:rpniu.tlell, not p&r\J' o:rcuhatloa

~dldelllt,lttotuentlal ,

that it why, in addition to orpnhaUon, I .Ue

\ be.. !aou abroao!, each a:l4 t1'U7 ona o! )'OU b~craated ln

fOIU'I'Itl! a com~1 tt ea o! one , To lio thla you nate!. no pa:rc:l:went ro act u wcm 1. co=.tttee of oat 10\1 riU aeed

ollly YO\U' own appoltltMDt, an appolii\IM!It ..tl1cb. ourlt1 with

H -• effort, loet obl1g&t1oll 011 10IU' put t o ou1')' ou.t U1t

t 11k you M.Yt 1111gned to 10Ul'.. lf . Yo11 will baY& ~ :tW'I down

1\at.. tntl Milt ~ yo\1 b7 o tlltl'l whtoh 70\1 ..,. btlitYt to bt

falce. Yo\1 will toetd to an.J.yu t bt .othtl or tboce wbo

aali:t uwtrtlo~ to :;ou, to aall:e an 1.~";"entor1 1 11. YO\I.J' oa

~ty , 111 o~:r that yo\1 _,. check an4 :r~htct f o r )"0\IJ'ttlt

aDd. thtl'lbY bt in a pollt1011 to &nl.. l' tl"OII who bll.Yt btell

altlH o r tbolt who wo\lld dlltad.

Tdday eunlne, I :rece 1••~ Qn7 appreolat he letten and

Ult£1'U:I f ro- all 01'81' tla O

lntt:reu 10\1 to lr.no• tba.t w1tb.1D a ::-ew bo\11'11 l Hcthld .OI'e

ot thut tb.~ at~ U.e tlDOt the or1t1o1Ll d.a71 of tb.t

8pr1QC of li33, 1 baYe carefully l't&4 tllou ltttnt ~

ttltgr.. • an4 !OW'>d two facta wbloh an WOI'thy of repeatlca

to 10\1 tontaht . me ftut 11 that a vuy lar e• n~J~tblr ..u

"nt to .e 'by f ..n t a• who evidently htud •Y lteuaee while

a~d to••·n:.•r in ";."e fe,cUy b.OOM, "11:7 •lfl and 1 ~ t yo\1

to }r;~w how -b." appreciate" eto, -or "Tbt Jon•• !..tl y, l the 'lb1te llouee , t ha•c the d.ehnUo tleUna: that what I ha':e

1&14 about the gred probl- that taoe ~ u a Jr.Uon

antnr 1>:1 tbe bo~• of klrl<::~a. thh MUll a lot to 111 .

T'tll r t et of their ceu~~,ge t.o • • h th11.t they appreciate and.

lllployen of ~~ lfaUon llllr. DO 1peol&l l41'&nt1C1; tMy llek

~~#<· only an 1qu.r.l opportunity~ e,.&rl 111. thl• ~n.efltl lllld t hlt,...... ,... obl1sauoo• or ro.,.rnment . II I &II natW"a.lly gratetv.l tor th11 aupport and. ~t• tln1tt4 Stat.. uekt to c h t the• • tquut U&l u:4. a

'XtUJ' dt&l- uelte to protect th-~ )to tt.Yt t~ fr011 bt1n; plonc1 W'l4n by the ~1 111nority ot budun •tll

111 1t anc1 tte knoele4....,cce they ha't'e ot 1 u poUo\tt•

.l SOYU"nMnt e&n be 110 bt UU tbtn the P\'bllc

optnlol\ t l\l'.t euetatnc U .

Court t..c claJ'• 1160· 1 O&JmO' r tnd.tr eftbul(l Jw:!oMnt

w1tbo\lt ttu411JI&, eHh the '-lt.ott oue, uo of th4t .ott - "" .• ..,-..">._, IL ~--.>;-- -~~wue opllllont uer retw1tred ln a caet be tore t he 11

of the lansuea• ot t hen op1nioTUJ till profound.ly a!ftct

the Une of Amerlc'-l't for yOU'll to coco. lt 111 tnougl'l to

tillY that the attain•... nt of jWJtlCII MCI pJ'OIJ>IIJ'lty tor

cbJ•otlYI of~ ....,.lntttrat1o11. Juet u J'ackao;~ :rouafl\ tb41 people h \helr ~ant~ dut1t1 aa ott!nna, 110 JN,U the laadantll p of tMt era 4o He ut&Qat t o enCO\IJ'"81 Md. ...,.bin 1fidflllprtad l nurut l rr. public atraln. Tha:tt na &Ollla thlne; of thl atem&l youth ln the eplrlt of J ackRD. tbedaUlnyotyouth bec.., t he4eaUJl1 of ~rloa,

tu:b bze41ataly betor a ue are u uduou u the

CODq'Jelta of t he frontier a bundred yean atO· TIM OAUoa

11 l Ull YOW18, aUll tp'orin,;, atlll conaolo"' of lb bl&):l

.t.a I undentand the t e.per of Ule peopl e , p&rtiO\ll&rlJ the te.,er of routh, DO party of reaotlon, no ~dld.at" of reaotlon cell tulfil tbt> bope t.ft4 faith Cl! that aplrl\, U 11 Ule eaered 4uty of ue 111:1:) are Ye.ted e tth the roeponalbillty o! leadn-ehlp to jutlfy the

u~ou.uou oi n.a young MD. a.nd .o~n of A&Mrloa,

:re ue a t peace a1th t he world; bl.lt the flaM

con on. O'.tT f ronU ara of to4a1 ua aoono:ll.lo, not aeographio.

O'.u- enett.J." an tt>• for~• of prhllege •4 a:re•4 wU.b1n ' { IA ~'- ~1 a 11oubl• pOJ'tl?o o! 014 K1oko:ry•• ,.•p1TU 'J•


J.!r. Chalman, 111 tr1enda:

On our dinner C:fU'Iia t onight l e a medallion nor-

trait or a nan who gave a memornble toast, •The Federal

!!.!!!.Q.n, 1t 111uat be preserved.•

Th1a meeting t oni&ht, in the City or Waahlngton,

ia one or ll.flny hundreds being held throughout our torty-

eight Statu and terri torial pouetal one and even on board

ehlpa at eea, in honor or the 111emo ry or a great General ,

(and) a great President, Andrew Jac:l::eon. (Applause) To

all or you I extend my 11ost ainc:ere and (heartr) heart!el t


I aa happy to stand here tonight and declare to

you that the real i uue before the United State• la the

right or the average man a nd WOI!Ian to lead a tlner, a bet­

ter and a happier ll!e. (Appla uae) And that waa the &al:le

laaue more than (one} .! hundred years aso, that confronted

Andrew Jac:uon .

I apeak tonight to thla Democratic lle&t1f'l8, .!g_

theae D8111oorat1c t:leetlnra throughout the Nation, ln the Frantl1n D. JtooeeYell LIDl'SI"} Thh h a tran1cr!pt <dl by the lbite Hou•• ltenor.e:-b!tr r~~ hh •borthlmd not•• t.Utn e'c .~e t.u thl tpeechwa• •ede. Underl1n:rl$ ir.~tcoto• •ord.l u te•JXlrU::t'<'''::yw• to · · II J:·or1ol\lllJ preparld rer.• .n,; ..,,... ••J ~. • >r

It l a t:rue that we Americana have round party or61lnl:r.at1ona to be useful., {it not) and indeed neeeuary, ln the eryata.lll:r.atlon of opinion and ln the de:u.n:at1on or luuee. I t 1a true that I have received many honors at the hands or one or our great parties. It la neverthe­ le.. true that ln the crave quut1ons that confront the

United States (today) at thte hour, I, aa Prealdent or the

United States, must and wlll oonalder our comllon problema

t1r1t, rore~:~oat and preeminently trollll the kaerican point ot view. (Applauae) 'l'o aoat or ua Andrew J ackson appropriately haa

beoome the a)'!!'lbol or certain great ideals. I like beat to

think or him aa a man whom the a verare Aaer1oan deepl y and

fundamentally understood. 'l'o the =aaaea ot hla countr;y!len

hla purpose• and hla character were an open book. They - .-

loved hlm well because the1 underatood hi• well - - hh pa.adon for Juat1ce, bla chaaplonahlp of the cauee of

the exploited and the downtrodden, hla ardent and nam­

i ng patrlo tlec.

Jackson aought social. Juatlce, (and) JAckson

fought for human rlghtll in hh man1 battles to protect

the people agalnat autocr atic or ollgarchl c aggr easl on.

And, if at t l aea his paulonate devot1on t o

thla cause of the average cltl:en lent an amazing r.eal

to hla thoughte, ,!2 hla apeeoh and !2 hla actlona, the

people loved hlm for 1 t the !lore, They reall:ted the in­

tensity or the a t tacks made by hla ene::al ea, by those who ,

throat fro::! po•er and posl tlon, puraued hi• wl th rel ent-

leu hatred. '!'he benetlcl ariea of the ahusea to whleh

he put an end pursued h i m wl th all the viol ence t hat

poll tical paul ona can generate. But t he peopl e or hi s

day were not deceived. !'hey l oved hi ll for the ene111es

he had aade. (Applause)

Backed not o nly by hh party but by thoueands

who had belonged to other parties or bel onged to no party

at all, Andrew Jackson waa cocpelled to fight e•ery i nch

or the wax f o r the !deale and .!hJ: policies or the Democra tic -.-

Republic (in which he bel1evod) thnt was hie ideal. An overwhelming proportion ot the material. power of the

(country) lf11.t1on was a rrayed agalnat h1a. The great

•ecUa tor the 41ue::~lnat1on or lnroraa.tton and the •ould­ lng or public opinion fought hh. Haughty, (and) eterlle lntelleotuallam opposed hlr.l. (Applause) And mu1ty roao­

tlon disapproved him. (Applause) Hollow, (and) outworn

tradltlonalhll ahook a treobl1ng ringer at him. (Applause)

Yea, lt aeeoed that aooet1clea all were agalnat him - -all but the people ot the United Statu. (Applause)

Beo•uee history eo often repeats ltaelt, (laughtel)

let me analyze rurther. Andren Jackson stands out in the

centurr and a halt ot our independent hlatorr, (aa a great

A::l.erlcan) not mer ely becauae he wae two- !leted, (and} .!!2]:

oerelY beoa.uee he !ought tor the people' s rlghtl, but be-

cause, through his career, he did as auch as any man ln

our history to increase, on the part of the voters, kno'll'l­

edge of public problema and .!.!! interest in their solution.

FolloWing the fundaclent&ls of Jefferson he adhered to the

broad philosophy that decisions made by the average of the

voters wou14 be more greaUy enduring tor, and helpful to,

the Nation than dec1a1ons made by sr.la.ll aeg:nenta of the - 5- electorate repreeentlng sru.ll or epeel al olanee endowed wl th sreat adTan ;&gee of eoclal or eeonOIIIle power. Ke, lllte J efferaon, raced with the grave dlttl­ oulty or dlaeet~lnatlng facta to the electorate, to t he voters ae a -.hole, waa co::~pelled to Cotllbat epltheta, gen­ eralltlea, • larepreeentatlon and the auppreeelon or fact a b7 the proceu of aaklng hla supporters, and indeed all oltlz.ene, to oona tltute th e~:~aelvea into lnfomal CO!IILllt- teea tor the 1)U1'"J)Oae of obt aining the fact• and of apr ead­ lng the:~~ abroad among t heir trl enda, t heir auoolat ea and their tello• - worker a . I am aware that some wl ae-cracklng columnist

(laughter) will probably say that good ol d Jackaon no doubt reall:r;ed that every rod- bl ooded k.erlcan ol then

(conaldored) ooneldera hloeelt a oomr.!lttee or one any­ wa.y. (Laughte r, applause) Neverthel ese, J Aekeon got hi e ldeae and hie idea.ls Acrou, not throtJ611 an7 luxuri­ oue propaganda (laughter) but because t he aan o n the

etreet a nd the man on the farm believed 1n hie ideas,

believed in hlt ideals and hie honeety, went out and

dug up the fact• and s pr ead th• abroad throughout t!le

land. - .-

Hi story repeats -- am I am becoming d llll:y conacloua or the tact the. t thla :rear •• are to have a national el ecti on. (La ughter) Yet, aoaetlmea at the

ol en or a day I say to cyselt that the last nati onal

election aust have been held a do~en years ago - - so much water has run under the bridge, eo Mny great

events ln our history have occurred alnce then. And

yet M t hirty-tour ~aontha, len than three years, have

a:one by alnce Karch, 1933.

Hiatory repeau - - ln (theae) .!h2!! crowded

months, as i n the days or Jackson, two great achieve-

aenta ato.nd tort h -- t he rebirth ot the lnteroat and

understanding or a great cltlunry ln the problern ot

the llat1on and an eetabllahed government which by poal-

tl ve action has proved 1 t s devotion t o the r ecovery and

well- being or that citizenry . (Applause)

'ilhatever •ttY be the Platten:~, Woever IDaJ' be

the nominee of the De:110erat1c Party (la~ter, apol aua e) - ­

a nd I a.c told by the Chdnnan that a Conve ntion 11 t o b e

hel d to decide theee momentoua queotions (laught er) --

the baalc laaue, n.y f r i e nda, Will be inevitablY the re­

t entlon or popular gov er Ment -- an 1uue fraught once - 7 -

110re with the d1tt1cult proble•.! or d!eaemlnatlng raote and yet :aore tacta , ln the race of an op?Qd t1on bent on hldlng and dl atortlng tacte.

~ that, mY trlenda, 111 why organlzatton, not

party organlz.atlon alone -- l •portant aa t hat l a - - but

(an) organization among all thou, r egardleaa ot party,

who believe ln retaining progrua and !deale, l a (ao)

.!!! euentlal.

That l a why, ln addition to organlzatlon, I aaka

thla epeeltlc r eoommendat1on - - that each and every one

ot you who are interested ln obtaining the fact a a nd ln

~~preadlng those facta abroad, each and every one ot you

interested tn getting at the truth that llea toaewhere

behind the amokeeoreen or chargee and oounteroharsea or

a national car.tpalgn, constitute yourself a ooMlttoe or

one . (Applause) To do thlt you need no parchment cer­

t1t1cate, to do thla you need no title. '!'o do this you

need only your own convlctlon, :rour own lntelllgence and

your own bel1et ln the hlghut duty or t he Ar.le rlcan cl t-


fo act as such a con:al ttee ot one you wlll need

only your own appolntaent, an appolnt.r:lent which carri es - 8 - w1 th tt eoae etrort, some obllptlon on your part to cart'y out the taelt you have aoelgned to yourself. You will have to run down etateraente ude to you by other• which you a&Y believe t o be talee. You will need to analyu the 1a0t1vee or those who sake aaaertlone to you, rou will need to make an inventory in your O'lt'n cor.l.Ciunlty, ln order that you may

check and N-oheck tor youraelt ll.nd thereby be ln a poa1-

t1on to answer those who have been o18l~ or those who would mialead.

Attar ~ Annual l!euage to the Congress last frl- day evening, I received aany apprecln.tlve lettere and tele-

grams from all over the country and I thlntt lt Wlll inte r­

eat you to know that w1 thin a few hours I reoel ved EJore or

these than at any time elnoe the orl tical dar• or the

Spring or 1933. ( Applauee) I have carefully read those letters and t elegrtlf!ls a nd ! found two racta (which) ~

I think are worthy or repeating to you tonight. The t1rst

1e that out or the DanY, J!UlnY hundreds a very large nWiber

were aent to ae by tam111ea, .li1!!!1M who ev1dentl1 heard ay Yenage while grouped together 1n the ra.o1ly ho11e. •J,Ly

w1te and I want you to know how much we appreciate•, .!!rul

eo forth (et cetera) -- or •the Jones trua1ly, gathered to- - 9 - night wl th our friends, a ends you th\8 11euage ot oontl­ dence.• In other word8, as great11 and perhaps even •ore greatly t han on any other occasion alnce I have been ln the lhlte Hou&e, I have the detlnlte feeling that what I have aald about the great proble1u that race ua as a Na- tlon received a responelve, an appreciative and an under­ at&ndlng ann·er ln the homes ot k:lerlca. (Cheers, applause)

And I need not tell you that thla 1:1eana a lot to me. Th e other lntereetlng tact about these letters and telegra1:u la the vert great nuober ot the• that 00111e troa buslnesscen, !rom storekeepers, ~ bankers and ..t!::Q£! manutaoturera. The gist or their meua.gee to mo 111 that they {appreciate and) are grateful, (tor) that theY appre­

~ my statement that 1t ls but a minority (in) .Q1. bual­ ne .. and nnance that would 'gang up' against the people' a liberties. (Applause) I r elter11te thnt auertlon tonight.

By tar the greater part ot the bu11nea~cn, lnduatrlall•ts, and other employer• or the Nation •eek no 8pec1al advan­

tage ; they seek only D.n equal opportunlty t o shar e ln the cornon benetlta, the com::1on rea-oon•lb111t1e• and the .2!E=

.E!Q.D obligation• ot .!h.!!!: governaent.

~ I u naturally gratetul tor thie support and - 10 - tor the unl!eretandlng on thelr part that the goverment ot the United State• ueks to glve the:~ a equar. deal and a better deal -- ueke to protect them, (and) .l!,!, to aave the11 tro::1 belng plowed under by the emal.l m1nor1 ty ot bus­ lneumen and t1nanclers, against whoa YOU and I (ehall) will oontlnue to .age war. (Applause, eheere)

We can be thankful that (people) men and wo::~en ln all walks ot llte reallu more and core that government la .1!.lli a 11v1ng torce ln their llvca. TheJ understand that the value or thelr goverment depends on the interest whlch they dleplay 1n 1 t and the knowledge theY have or

1 ta pol1c1es.

A goveiTII:IIent can be no better than the public oolnlon (that) .!!!!£h sustains lt. (Applause) I know tht\t you wlll not be surprlsed by lack

or co11111ent on cy part tonight on the recent deoldon (by)

.2! the SU!)re:te Court. (two daya qo) I cannot ~

.n2l; render offhAnd JudgDent w1 thout etudylng, w1 th the

utmost care, two or the moat moment ous op1n1one, the ma­

Jor! tl oplnlon and the m1nor1 tY opinion, (applauee) t ha.t

h!.!! ever ~ rendered, (applause) that have ever been

~ l n {a) .!.& ease before the Suprc:::ae Court ot the - 11 -

United Sta t ea. '!'he u1ti~~ate r nult(e) or the language or the .. opinions Will profoundly atreot the 11•e• or Alller1- cane tor~ year• t o come. It 1e enough to eay that the attainment or Juetlce and the continuance or proeper1 ty tor M eriean agriculture re:aal.ne an i rmediate and oonstant obJective or my Admi n1strat1on. (Applnuee, cheere)

Jus t a• J ackson rouaed the peopl e to thoir run­ daoental dutiee aa citizens, eo muat the leaderah1p or thie era do lte ut!lloet to encourage and aueta1n wi despr ead interest 1n public artairs. 'there was eccethlf'l8 or the eternnl youth ln the spirit or Andrew Jaokaon. The des­ tiny or youth beca.me the deat i ny or Merica.

Taeke 12:ledlately before us are ae arduous as the conquest or the rront1er.J a (hundred ye4r e) century ago. The n~~..t1on 1e still young, s till g rowing, etlll oon­

eoioua or ita high destiny. Enthuslv.Gil an1 the intelli­ gence or t he youth or the land are n ecessary to the tul­ tlllatent or that dutiny. (Applauu)

As I understand the temper or the people, par­

ticularly the t emper or youth, no party or reaction, n o

candidates of reaction can tulflll the hope and the faith

ot t hat nerlut1ng eplrlt. (Applauae) It l e the oacred - 12 - duty or ua who are vested wtth the respons1b1l1ty or l ead­

ership to Juat1ry the expecta.tlona or the young men an4

wonen or (Merle&) the Unlted Statu. (A;:Jplau.e)

We are at peace with the world; but the tight

goes on. OUr rront1era or toda7 are econonlc, not geo-

graphic. Our enomles ~are the rorcea or prlv1lege

and greed wtthln our own bordera. (Applause)

And eo I sax to all or rou, ~:~ay a double portion

ot Old Hlctort'a herolo eplrlt be upon us tonight. (Applauae)

Uay we be lnaplred by the power and the glory and the Jus­

tice or hla rugged and rearleaa llre.

The people or A.>11erlca know the heart and know the

purpoae ot their government . 'l'her and we wlll not retreat. {Prolonged applauae) r I

1' ' '4. ' ( ~ l /,

( ~ I ,.

(, ? l '- • <.. • ' ' I{ l ~ l L ..,_ - ....

I J 1' I.~

sn,lT··n.ns riLE ::.~.c t" a'l Y· ~· .,ee

-I Fl LE

n~o-.Mdtllt'"o"• t, tobt6tll...... &t n&ue-1l&J'Dt lllltr,l:ll:rfl-r Roul, l ..llt .. -,n . e., ~-7, 1•-n &, l t3&, U'ITII t!LD DICO'nnrllt4 UNTIL~.

Rel&utoupoaUll'ftrJ, "':ptotMobo\ltlO:OOo'oloct, JI, J: ,, ~t•m::tea6&1'4Tt. .

Pl u t o u t •l\11.1'4 'Cihn ~ ,..,.. ,...!.. .,. ,

l!l't:::;.l(.:li.:.~SlLY boltUJ>t&tontory to thePrtaldnt

~ ~-u,.. ,..,ip.t, ta \UCltyetlWI.IAC\..,, h- or_..,...... uMo.._I... II.-U ~'our tort7.. 1PtSt&tu QOd t..-rltcrl&l ,..... ,..,,..- ..noo--...! &11.1,. n -. ~~-r of Ult -ryof I CJ'MI C.t... l' ~ I'NCIOUt, ~1M~.(. 'fo IU Of J0t1 I on.tld .,_'" "~""'"'tit ~" .... l•Mppy tooto.ztd "-"' 1-0IIlebt - Hola"' u,.... tboott!:e ...-1 ::~:u"!7t.. ~ ~;,.~~'=·.':.~.~~e;.. ~·l:.":. ~.:=." .ON tbalfW...-- )'tOrt l.t<>o tMt GOIII'?O~tt~ J.nd. .... o JMIOJ)II~ iiJI s&tllufll\l, & P,.C!jp'UtiYt p.tlleriiiSo Ill lJI4tptdeu p.tMrllll~tett.rtnc or butl~o•-nor • C&tboriQ& ot oorftr• o r 41 tar...ro, 'TIIeno h nothl"' th.tt 1 ·~ he"' t.-tpt tt.t 4ou -apply u ntl'J t •n 111 the country 110 """'' llbot Ill• or l>er 1 ~ ~1\:: ·~:::~ ::::.,,:...., ~~ ro~ ~tJ or.. tuuou to bt -rw a..-.aoerr , tau..e..,..talll•tta~otopt•t .. -laUot ut.. of t ...... Jt t•t,.,. l.lo&t I beunoottftd ....,.K....,..aot ,.,. loU4& of- of.,....~~ parq.. . Jt te -rtMhu ,,.. thn Ia l.,.Cftl.,.q..,.Uc.otbote4 tho 4o.,­ ti'04hll, llhh'4..,t.,.d tl-lllflpo.lrloU•. 1&okl001 •OU&ll~ tOC11l jwtl~ t ~f:~ tor 1:,_, rlshto In bt& ...... • ...,. b&Ul•• ,.... . to PJ'Ottet tM poop~ lntt ~ utoorattc or ollpzoll.ie : otu:!! ~!..:':•.!!: a:':!:~!: :~:o!~:.~~~~·:;:-...: r~=·=~ 011, , the potoplo lOYH ll.la tor 1\ Ill.& I:ICQ'"&, 1"'..&J 1'MltM4 U.. llltO,..UJ ~ tM &ttoeltt 7 bh •~u, b7 u.- - · thN&l tro. _... oa4 ,...ltl ca, _ ...4 la &1. \11 r&kaua.. lltu-.

'ftloot ta v!IJ, ta..W.It\011\0"''c-&lsaUooo,J..UU.ta .,.alfll I'H_,.a.SIIU OII •• Uwt Mel! .:Ill '"1'7 ._. of - 1~0 IN lata,.al.e.l Ia o'>talal ac U. tat\a •1 ill &)N.at~ "'- f aet a abroM , Mtb aa: ...... -; ...., ot ;ooa ''""•U~ u c-tuar " ' u.. INIII lll•t llaa ...... :..re "Mllh4 tile -IHrHa of ciiiii'IU Uld ._."""r'P' c;t: " ,..u...,at cr,.,d,.., o~:>Mtllllta rourMlr • o~UH of 1111~'\.. To~.. t!lla 7W- 110 'Mf'tl:lont U1'tlrl•~• , t o d

AfUrii:JAiuluaJ. ..._wu..~ .. laatF'I't•n•at"f:, t ,...,~ ~.,. appNeUUH lenen u4 tel....- r... ell OHr u.. ,.,.,.,. •""- t t bl11\ it vlll tateNn ,.... to IIIIOOJ tbat wtUih a r- :r::::s~~~£~1~~~~5f: ~! ~i:-r:?:!:.~!:~:!~ :.::i, .~ ?t.> .... !~. .. ,~ b:..,.: ~.!.-;-.;~;.:;-"'.. ~;.!:.:" ,!'tbt ~: .,:'!.,;!';.:."! ~... ~; , ':,:..!:OO:o~rJI~:~~" ,!'~~!!!::, l\ ..,.4• r<>u lhh ""' '~>ap ot or~ft daaN .• h olhar Ol(lr .lo, •• cNaUJ and !llfbapa '"~ ""n ,....u, t b!lll 011 any otbar oeeuloR ahoa I baH -~ Ill tlla "IIIU lieu.-, I boon t bt 4aflalta f H ll!l( t b.ot wtlat l bt" uld abo11 t tbe !,.., probt.r..o tb

1'bt otl>er llltel'el • t thH ltU.ara u4 tala~ ~~:~.'~\~~~::=~~a~~.J!:~rj:~;!~!~t; t \ -.,, • al.c>rl\7 ~ kal•• •""- u-.oa t.lo•t -.14 •pac ..,.. apJ.an Uot - 1•'• Ul•u·tt•a-.>'I notwwuot tlln •-ru.. to&l flte. IIJ' far '"" &I'Mter .,.rt o r t ha l•ul.. .._ a, ~N• trlal htl -~ ou..r­ pi_,.,. ..r tt. lfe.U» - ao a~Wl lo4-t-; 111otJ -~ l'alJ' • ~=!..:::' ~u.attr '" a llara ia tha MDi ft (lld·~~\li"UOIII of )

'Ia!l anura llJ t "'ta tlllfo rtMa~ t •4 fo rt!la...ea .-.. at&lldlllt "'Il l l>alr ~ rt t !>Al H.• .o ...... , ot tbe !J111U4 Stuu ••ltll ,. :!i!:.::: !,~J=e~=~~ :!."'t::,--.::t!'~.=.~;:~~~~t~ .. ;@ ·;a ca11 be t!Knkl'lll that ~Uttof Hfa Nalt.... MJ"a •rd .oN tbu """'"""""' 1 ~ lht ~ roroa 111 u.ttr lhu . on., Wl\larete!Oi tlll. t t'-••h• ottbtlr co"'~' ••"'"''"" thtnt..-••t ...tdl lhtJ dl,~la7 Ill "•

A,....,.,_,., UJI be 110 11-atUr t.I>M U.t pg':tlte opl11l011 - / - t•La•U~ ',• :·· ·7~-- ,_(I '1. .. ~-~::d.-::.:-!....~wort~~~,:~~r;i.~''-tY~·~~:'..::::;:.::.. "~" t!MI $1):r- Ccurt c.t tlMI l)llteO ~u.. . no \lltiat.t• """lt~ ottM1a~ _ot tliOHOJllaiOMv1llprofOND4~ afhoot tblol11"11 ot -leau !'M'JMn to oo,,.., 11 h ·~to...,.."'"' t~ •t- !~=~t!~ej::':,.:~~:~!.!~~~~~:fr~:"t!!~~ llllt u Tao~'.on rouo-.1 tr. fl'cOpl.l to tbelr Nnfuwontlll d~tiu u <>ltlamu, ooo ..,, , "" 1all4u"'IJI or nu , ... 4o '" "'••t to eeo~USC• aD1 1\l&ta!:o 1114tl)la'toe4 IM-It lA IJI;lbllo attain, ~.::..::'!!..~~~:!.!:.•::~~:.~\~•.:.:;,::~rH ~~

11 ot tM rro::~~!u:~"\~:- -;:_•:.~::":: :!,~ =~ tUU CJ'OII'l.. , tUU ~-of IU llllll .."l.a:J • 1111 ....1 .... aal Uw I•Ullic-<'• tJil. tl>e JOU~ of tr. l.uol ON --1'7 to tblo !lol­ tl~tott~tdo•tt"7• 0

.U I Dokr".n...S , ... 1-.pn" ot U•• poopll, ,_rtlo.a>'ly U..

L~~uJ]!:~~:!:r~~~:;:~T:;.\!~:~·!:.:!J:w JuftU'y tho ozpoon•ttcma or the 701'1141 ... c.t 1._ of ~ • ...£-.. a.ou-.:l\;>MOOVithtM..,rlA; Wt thri&J!tpe oo, =!;:~!~!.o~/::; , ~o::~"~~e:~;::h~ ~.~"' '1 ,o:~~;: \ :!~ ~4~~:~::!!o:,o~.:~~::rf~!~!/!~~b.,.. J1,1.111cloothh~a:.l.toouluolit. , .,/ U•ir ,,.,.~pll cr ~-uo• ''""'"tile' 11001rt C>d"tM ,....,.... or

(' .. oiUIIO;:rot..... t , '-(._.IV

t= '"''" _u,. l0:11.€':~. '" u.o cur or ,_.,,IIG\01!1, h- or •aT ...... ,..., toolac lle14 lhro-~• ...,. fort:r... IP~ StUN aH torrl~rlol _.... , ... ..,,1 "'"" .. -...! olllpo u - . 111 _,of U.o _..,.of o .,._, O.Of'Ol aad Prool4olll, .LaoiM• lu-. To oU et ,_ 1 o:rtosd -r-••lDCo.,. .... bo.,..trCI""u .DC•·

l .. boPW 1.o nu.ato.. ta>lc!ot- uu..,.. Ul,.,... 1.1>01 eo .--1 u ... wro.. ~o.ouu"""~:;t..wo h 111o rlcl>tor mo ,.....,...,._ UHI ._ to lMd • f!Mr, • bon.,. ...s • .,.,,,., uro • .,-_.~ ... •• - , ..,. , _.,. tbOa- lllllld...cl pon - · ~bo t • ..,r..onud A..U.. l.,.l<-.

I opHI< lonlc.l>t 10 t llio oo..ort.11o ••HilS lo U\O •- l""&'""P u 1t l ..rood4roul "6 •1!0"'bll0'01'1ptborlna, oPI'05J'IUI'IO,.Ibor 1nr;, u Iftdtpoo~!oo t pt!>lrl no; , osotbtrl ncorwolnu-lloro ..t t.or Ln&of •or~roor orr.,.._, , , tt.re hnot hiiiC tll.at I • ~ !101'1 tanl sht \ bU doeo ool opply to nerr dU"n I• ~~ COWJirJ no •tter Olhot lllo or ~.. polltlul•N'IlloUoiiii""'Jbo.

1t h ,,,.. t.h*t .. k>erl...,. """ toUIId partro...,...nolloiiOtotoo UIIOful,ltaot•-oo.,y,lo\bOor :roU.lll.-Uoo.otoplaJ,.NidiAt!Jio d...... ,OU ... or 1.. \>ll o U II I,_ \IIIII 1 11&'10 fOOetN MD7 bo...... l 01 tilt b&ado of,.. of .,.... uoet puUOI. It 11 Mftrtboloao tn.t U:.ot Ia tilt«"'" q,..,,..,. '"""' e hoa1 tbo Ulr.Hocl au.uo COdO:r t , oa PHoldbt of lilt t:atlocl su.u.o, -•...,. wtll .,,.,,.. ,...,. e- ,..nl- rtru, ro-•- ~I.,.DllT rr- u.o ,_,.,_ polll or.,, ... To -• or .. Aadno JoeU. oppropr1Utl7...., *- t bo .,..,.., oteu.. lo&I'IUloiM.lo . IllhbolltoU.Ioll:orlt.lau.e..,.ol:-tbl • .,...... Aoolrlcu -pl:r Md ,.__td.J.T ...Soret.ood. To ,,. ,.,_ ot lllo _t..,_,. 1111 p..,.,o•• ....a ~~~ olll.not.n wre .. 0p411 - · !',., lcr•M~wu-..otlotr...,eon t oo or uro u ...., of t!M uplol\0<1. ud u.. do.,. troddoo, lt.lo tNat L,d tl.Mil- pUtlo\1.,,

Juke001 1"'-'f;bt ueld J,..tt~• olld fou«plt ...l nf1.eV\OCirotleorol1&&reble ...... ,.~. It" tt•o bU pU iiOMt lde¥OtiiNI \0 U.lt u .... or "'" ' """'I&' t ill1111 hat u. -~~- :r.o~l 1.o lt.le tiiO\I&bw, 11.11 opeecll oM. lt.te u t1001•, tl"peopltlo'IMit.too hr Htbo_.o. !':.Orrooli""'U.. Inu•hr

I lhdltd.atoa.lTb)'bh;-11f'butb7tboiiiUIObwholud H....,.. w 0\her ,..rU_ or t..U..,..t w .a l*~tr n all, WNW Jack- ,.... CO!IP"lll'i w f1clot _,.,. tac:ll to~ !.Ill l~h &"14 p<>lielu ot u.. o-c:... uc r:e;U>Ue 11> lll>lCII be. ~~eu.....t . "'o.,.,m.. bl..rl.: ;>f"'??~Uao~ of th ..u.rW J>ON~ or U.. -try .u v~ •iAn I!Le. 'I'M ,,...t. Mdil to~ t.lle dh..,.lnlt10111 c.t lllto,.tlc.n ~ UM no>Adl.llc of p!I)Ue c.p1nl.., fo'Cbt Ill• . K1\li!tll.7 ltld •w~U• int.ellKt\lillia Clpp<>Hd bla. lt\Ut)' NICUIIII 41Npp..,..lle of U\llkiU.tod..St.aUe. l;c.,... l!ht.ory 10 ortea NPt•te U•df, let ,...... q .. turt.Mr. .u.dr.., J~eUon at.and• out u a cr"'t bcrlc:an, not IM<'ro-d ;iaUoMph:r thn c1Khl011• ~ b7 UMrte...,.ofu.e...,t.e,...... UdM_..'""u,-...nl"l..qtor,IDII Ml;rt\11 1.0, Ule .,.ttcn Ulan dec:ht-. ..sa b7 -u ees-w of thor aJ.K\ONIA NpNMntinc nall Of ~·1 dltMI ..soo-.d dt.b ....t ad....,~o!...,ielor~CJIO'"f • Be, l1U J ette.-, foetd ori.UI UK>,,.." dltflC\Iltf' of dii-Wtl.q taete"' the elKt.oNte u • ~1•, r.u ...._u..s to ooeb•t epttbat.a, ,_rutu.. , ll1•r.pn...,Utlon ..,.t tiM •unore•et... otta.eul!y theoJI"O<>eNot ..k1'111>1181,1pp<>rl.e,.., ...tlMMd•ll c ltl"nt, to contUWtoo u.n.s.lvcl lnt.o lnto.-1. -~~t.<.el for t.be purpoMofobtelntncthefaeult>Ciofepreedlll(l th•IObroood asons t.bat ~ trlllldl, t.blirauocl•t.e•andthdrtellOO"•I"'rklrl.

raaer.el'fltbet-•i"'·~••cJUrccohr.rlhtlrlllprobllbb' ~UietcoodoldJeell:acnnodo~t rMlhl

Ul\ol"7 re...,.t.a- t -~~~ d~b' -tel- of u.. he~ tlllt tid• 't.. r re eN \o ~...., e Mtl~ llKtto.. ~U-• tot tbe d.oH of a .sa;, I "'¥ t.o OQ'ae.l.t Ulet \M lalt lltiU~ ale-cUaa -t "'""-Mid • do""'7""'"110 - wllldl ~ewrbu ..,..,... !.Ill brtdfe, 10 ~ crwt """'t.a 111 ow bl•t.ory .,..,. oecw.-.d ,u.e., th•· .t.od.7etlh1M;J- tour-ths,lu•U.... UI.... 't.... ,J>.n.,_br•lA<:• ._rdo,lt3S.

HUtory ...... t.ll-illtha .. crordtd-UII,Ulntht~l of Jeell:_, 1.e0 cre•t edlln..,u •Wid rorUI - Ula rel>lrUI or the tnt.el'fllt Md ..-.darnandine ot • ,,..n clttHrol>l- ot t.b• 111tt011 ...t an ntabUIIl., ..,....m.ent .tlldl b'f potlthe oetlon hu prc.-..dlt.tdevotlont.oUioroeoveryencl""11~1"1ott.bct cHhenfl' .

'llll•te••• ~beUioPlltJ"c ..,Phoe nriU!OYbtU..noain.. of t.be O.OOC:ratlc Per~ - am!. I ""' told thlot 1 Co"""""" U to bl 11114 todecldeU..h_,t.o,..q,aenlont-U..buioln,.riUbet.be retentlcnotj10puletCO"•...,...t-aatu,.r... IICJit-»re"1Uit..,. dltttcw.l.tpi"'bl•ofdUMIC!toahldll\luoddltt.ortlrcfaet.t.

'ftl.o.t h ..tv' orpniu.U..,, not ,..., o~c-lsaU.., u- - t.scoo"""'t u Wt 11 - but - orcw.. w.oe --.: all u.-, .-.p,..u... of ,...tJ, - kl.l.... 11> Nt.&1JllaC pf"'(rHI ... lo..J.I, h 10 1uaat.1al. '!11&1 II w'lli)', U M

Tout aa aueh a c.-IUHot-)'OII•IllMad7 oU.n ..t.tch :<"".at N U l,.. 10 M tooJM . '"">.Ill ,... w a-.tne II• ..,u ..., or 111...... ,, ,_,.u.,.. to ,...., to _,..,. tn..,~ tn :rov- _u,, t• mar t t.t ,.... _,. cheek"" "~bloc'< tor _.-..u &1111 t•"trr M la a pc1UI011 to •-r ~..., .... - ••1M or u.,... ..,, -w lllal-.

an.-r ., a:.m.a.1 ·~ w u.. eoacnu ...., "''""" ·-t~~e. f ...et \91<1 •117 IPl>NC\IU... lUIIU .... Ul..,-- f..C.O all ...-.r d• •-try a..t t thl.al: h '<'ill Ia'-"" ,... eo IDI"" 111.11 •Hilla a tft llc.totl '" • nUt)' ot n Htllnt t.o ~" ttnl,tlt. 'l'bl fin\ h\11111 nryl.,....,....,. .." M D\ to•l>J t•Utuwlv>nt.S.nt l7~•NIIIIfW.I...,.,.illlaero~~pld.t.,te \!.-r 11111.­ rlllllJ boN, "I!Y ..1f t a ft:! I • 111 ro<1 t.o tDIIw 11..,.. ...~~~- .,~NCIItt " 11 oattN •• .,r "Tile 1 ~""' r... lly , flllhoiN~ lo~l~u "lth wr tri•Ddo, MD(II ,..,. thll .,... lf:l or ~~~riHnce.• I a other ~rh , u tJ'I'UlJ 11>4 ~lrhi PI ,,.~ ..,r, rrenlr t luta .., ..,, othlf occulen • l ac• I "',. '""" ID t he'"hnellouM, 1 llolnllledetlalll tlell,. t hlt llhal 1 Mn .. 1~ lbo~ l tha f.NU ~bla"" WI hH Ul &I I hllcll N• ce!M 1 n•JIO'I•h•, 1n eppreelatl,. a..t u ladar.\l!ldlll( • • - r Itt ' bi-IOf&3crlao. ThiiiiiUIIOtto ..,

1M o~ r l!lt ll'elllat fM\ 1l>ftt IMH 1n1-tr 1 •• 1-tlfOUI It U• 'tll'Y '"" a...-r of u., IIIIo\ ,.,... r...,. ••tu•-•· ""'"' lllf?ln, bolalotn ue ~ratacl,....u, n. &Itt or thtlr .,.._., t.o • tl ~~ t My lpprtCIIII IIIII IN r Ntal'lll f'or"" 1\1-\ tll.U U Ia bllt • al"'rltJ Ia kat•.. ,m t\811101 111•1 -u ·-~· &pi'"' 11.- ,...,1•' • u-..ntu. I Nlllrat.a thll •-rtl• toal p t . 117 tu lbl P"''llr )art or lllo1 bv.a!D•-•· !at•triiJitU 116 oU..r -­ pl 07'1N ~t tt. htlH- 10 1"11.11 M-IICI; IIIIo)' - t caly ... ,..,..1. ..,_, o-rpcrl, ..... lt:J' IO ibara l& thlbiMtl"lld\ha"llptl... l ot t&IDII\Iflllyrnttfllltcr tlllll..,ort • 4fo rtl>o-•r• lla..tlq 011 their part tNt thoe .....~ I ot 111.1 U.UN St at u "'h u 11.. u • ., 1 oqu..., .S.al alllfi::O.IIklaUOOn\IDUIIO"'S'''Oif.

' :1 Clll 1>1 U!OIIIltt\11 tiiU ptO'll U Ill •ltt Ot lite I'M.li:M _...,111-.. \blol..,.. .,_,, ,, unwro.... unatrlln•. '""' •dn•ua! tlllt l ilt "'h• ~f tllltr fl'l•n-t t COl 1.-.IICI'ql (II/ thoM O?iDIOIIIVilJ p-otOWidlJ' arhct tboo llu1 ot ,.....loan.tl>r)'M:'ato~ . Ulat""*"'\tll"l' ' llltt!:oat­ llj- ct JIIIUCI V.G ~ptrlt)' tOt ~rt.. a ac,rlolllt\U"il ,._,,_ n '-dian ond DO!IO t &llt ob)Ooth'l lit a:r .A

Tuot ••Joc ~eon rou.lld U• 1"11))11 to tboolr runli .....n h l. n t llt... lt t o IACo~ and. ,,..,,, ~ t tl:o ot u•l J(Kith hi the q l rU ot Ju~a . """ dt~t.,. or ,.,..,11 --'"" ot ..u.,. or ....__tu. hlb il:aKI&ttl:J Utbrto \Ia llH II ...... ae U• OO;,qOOn or tM troouu • ll=dl'et ,..... , -..,. ':'M utioa 11 ~Ill )'OW!C, •Ull vowtac. ettll co::.Ri- • th up

M I ~rt&::.d u,. ,_...or tbe pNple, ,..-ttcRl.ll:-11 tl:o u.per or :rovc11, ao po.rtr or ...... uo,, 110 ..-t

Ill .... :~.t ,_..co 1'1111 H.o I'C1'14; \l\1t 1111 tl&)ll 1011 o~ . OIU' tronUouortDII.&)'U'II1>0l>,..io1 110t a ...n.pMc . Ow •:ICI!oa U'tl tbOro...,.. otpriYilegeendV"'((•.. HhiiiOW'

1111 11 ~oubl.e ;>o:ruon or 014 mola)r:r' • o,1:ra to "poll"" t.oatcM. t;.., "' bl '""''"""' by tl'e p-.. lind thl a tor;• .no~ '!'II J... Ucooth1e~al>!.r..:-lolllllhl ,

Thepooploot~"io.':ltO't' !olt..lrt laodUiep\U'pOHot l bairpe.....,t.