Soviet and Syrian Jewry
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UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 11 Date 17/05/2006 Time 3:35:45 PM S-0881-0007-02-00001 Expanded Number S-0881-0007-02-00001 Title |tems-in-Political-Security Council Affairs (PSCA) Analysis - Human Rights: Soviet and Syrian Jewry Date Created 24/11/1970 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0881-0007: Peace-Keeping Operations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant - PSCA Analysis (Political-Security Council Affairs) Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit 70-26287 np Translated from Russian Permanent Mission of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United Nations 2k November 1970 No. 559 .The Permanent Mission of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United Nations presents its compliments to the United States Mission and has the honour to make the following' statement: On the evening of 23 November, during a motion picture showing organized for foreign diplomats at the USSR Mission, a group of hooligans belonging to the so-called "Jewish Defense League" assembled outside the Mission building and engaged in noisy disturbances and choruses of abusive shouting. A number of members of this hooligan group in an automobile tried to break through the police barrier along the sidewalk and Mission building and drove on to the sidewalk, endangering some foreign diplomats entering the Mission building. Some other members of this hostile hooligan group tried to break into the Mission building. The outrageous anH intolerable actions of these Zionist hooligans inevitably interfered with the normal functioning of the Mission and the progress of the reception for foreign diplomats. The USSR Mission to the United Nations cannot but express its profound indignation at these new acts of hostile political hooliganism on the part of the Zionists; nor can it fail to draw the most serious attention of the United States Mission to the United Nations to the fact that this hooligan nob gathered in the immediate vicinity of the Mission building, thus rendering difficult the normal diplomatic activity of the USSR Mission. In bringing these facts to the notice of the United States Mission, the USSR Mission protests against these \'/anton hooligan escapades, carried out in the presence of a police detail which took no steps to restrain the hooligans, United States Mission to the United Nations, New York t ^*"**-~** ' -T' 70-26827 np -2- and again energetically insists that the competent United Statcc authorities take all necessary measures to prevent any recurrence of such hostile actions by hoolican Zionists in the immediate vicinity of the Mission building on 67th Street between Third and Lexington Avenues, and that the USSR Mission to the United Nations be afforded normal conditions for its work. A copy of this note is being addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. IlOCTOflHHOE FIPEflCTABHTEJIbCTBO PERMANENT MISSION COK)3A COBETCKHX COU.HAJ1HCTHMECKHX OF THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST PECnyEJIHK REPUBLICS TO THE UNITED NATIONS OPFAHHSAUHH OBTiEZlHHEHHblX HAU.HW 136 East 67th Street New York, N. Y. 10021 ilOCXOilHHOe IlpeflCTaSHTejIBC TEO COK)3a COB9XCiCHX PecnycfJMiC npn OpraHHaa^HH 05i>effl«HeHHHX Hai^Mft CEKaex9jn>CT- CEOS yEaareHwe ])/&ICCMM CoeaMHeHHHx IIIxaTOB AwepMicw H WMeex CJieayjQ]«ee. 23 Hoadps BO Epejvra KMHonpocMOTpa E npeacxasHTeoitcTEe CCCP rpynna xyjuranoE na xait "jlnrw aamHXH espeeB1' codpajiaci) OXOJIQ ^iHHHJia decnopstflKHj myM w c^aHUHpoBaHwe pyraxejiBHH?: Hec.jcojo»ico HaxozcHEniMxcs E as TOMauiMHe ja-m Ha ^HCJja STO^ rpyn- HH mixajiHCb cdHTfc ycTanoBJieziHH'e nojumweS orpaseaeHMS BZIOJIB tpoxyapa y aaaHMs npeflCTaBMTejibcxEa, Ei>exaJiH Ha xpoxyap H noflEeprjiM onac- HOCTH npoxoaH^aiwx B Heci«>jiBico ffpyrwe yuacTHMiCM sxoS xyjMraECKO-BpasaetfHoM EH- npoHHrcHyTB B aztaHwe npeacxaEWTejibCTBa. •Baicwe EO3MyTMTejn»H£ie M Heaonyc THwisre saMcTSHH co CXOPOHH CMOHHCTOB,, ecxecxBesHO, He Morjct He cosaaxs, xpya- HopMajiBHOMy 4iyB^MOHHpoEaHHH> paSoxii IIpeflcxaEMxejibCXBa H npweMa SJis HHOC xpaHEBix COBHHEEHHHX DIIATOB OPrAHMSAUHM OBtEflMHEHHHX 2. CCCP npw 001! tie MO^ST He sapasHTB csoero BOSMymeHMa no nOBoaty axwx HOBHX BKTOB BpaKae qecKOro xyjiwraHCTEa co cxopOHBi CMOHHCXOB, pasHO K&K He He odpaTMTB cawoe ceptesHoe BHHManwe MMCCHH CfflA npw OOH Ha TO, *ITO yKasaHHoe xyjiwraHCKoe c5opwo?e HMeno MCCTO B HenocpeflCTBCHHoM SJIMSOCTH OT sffftHwa npeacTasMTejiBCTBa, B xpyzjHOcTH HJIH HOpnajifcHoM CCCP. J3.OBOa:H o BHflieM3JioaceHHOM zto cBeaeHHa MMCCHM CEA, npeacxaBW- XSJIBCXBO CCCP sassjiaex npoxecx npoxus axwx pasnysaaHHHX rancKws BHXOSOK B npMcyrcTBra nojinqeHCKOro napaaa, ne Mep K oSysaaHHio 3xnx xyjiwraHOB, H BHOEB pemMxejitHO nacxaHBaer Ha TOM, qxoSu co GTOpOHH KOMnexeHXHHX aMepWKaHCKMx sjiacxefl dHJiw npHHHXH see HeocJxoawMHe MepBi no HesonymeHHB snpeaB poaa EpasaeSHsax &KUHM co cxopOHH xy^rwraHcxByDmHX GWOHMCXOB B HenocpescTEeHHofi SjiMaocxH ox 3aaana IIpencxaBMxejiijcXBa Ha 67 B icsapxajie nescay TpexBeii H Jlei-ccwnrxoH ABenio n qxoSia IlpeacxaBM- CCCP nj)w OOH SBIJIH oSecneqeHH HOpMajiBHHe ycsOBWfl a-as ero Konws HacxoameM HOTH HanpasjiaexcH xaKxe ceKpexapio OOH. 1970 r. TO : The Secretary-General FROM : Jean Gazarian FOR YOUR INFORMATION •• DEC ?970 UNITED NATIONS WmS NATIONS UNIES NEW YORK CAILI ADOHISH—ADRtttUI TBLKOHAPHieUg: UNATIONS NIWYORK KFHCNCI, LE J12 USSR The enclosed translation of a communication dated 30 November 1970 is transmitted %o the Permanent Missions of the States Members of the l!|nited Nations at the request of the Permanent Representative^o—A.f the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United Nations. 1 December 1970 Translated from Russian DEPUTY MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS TO THE UNITED NATIONS New York, 50 November 1970 Sir, I have the honour to send you herewith a copy of a note from the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the United Nations, handed to the United States Mission on JO November 1970, concerning the intrusion into the building of the Permanent Mission by a group of unknown persons with the connivance of the police detachment responsible for the protection of this building. In bringing this matter to your attention, I would ask you to publish this letter, together with the attached note from the Permanent Mission addressed to the United States Mission to the United Nations, as an official United Nations document. Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration. (Signed) Y. MALIK Permanent Representative of the USSR to the United Nations His Excellency U Thant, Secretary-General of the United Nations, New York. PERMANENT MISSION OF THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS TO THE UNITED NATIONS New York, 30 November 1970 No. 571 The Permanent Mission of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United Nations presents its compliments to the United States Mission to the United Nations and has the honour to refer to the following matter: On Sunday, 29 November 1970, at 4.30 p.m. a group of eight unknown persons, taking advantage of a moment when wives and children of members of the staff of the Permanent Mission were entering the Mission building, broke into the lobby of the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the United Nations. The members of this group began to behave in a disorderly manner, raising an uproar and yelling hostile anti-Soviet slogans. Then, sitting on the floor in the lobby, they continued their disorderly behaviour in the premises of the Permanent Mission. They also stated that they were all members of Zionist organizations. In spite of insistent demands by the duty officer at the Permanent Mission that they should leave the premises, this group of Zionist hooligans continued to-remain in the building of the Permanent Mission. In this connexion, particular mention should be made of the fact that this group with obviously hostile intentions was able to break into the building of the Permanent Mission in spite of the' fact that a police detachment was on duty at the entrance. The police detachment took no steps to prevent this hostile group from entering the building of the Permanent Mission. It was only after insistent requests to the police by the duty officer at the Permanent Mission that these hooligans were removed from the Mission building. ' However, even then, the police not only failed to take any measures of coercion in regard to these United States Mission to the United Nations, New York. - 2 - Zionist hooligans, but permitted them on the contrary to cross to the opposite side of the street and continue their uproar and the shouting of hostile anti-Soviet slogans in the immediate vicinity of the building of the Permanent Mission. This group was soon joined by a large group of unknown persons vho had arrived especially, for the occasion and also took part in this hostile demonstration. It was only after a relatively long time, when a police officer describing himself as Inspector D. Fallek of the Fourth Police Division had arrived at the building of the Permanent Mission, that the participants in this demonstration were driven back from 67th Street - on which the building of the Permanent Mission is located - to the area of 3rd Avenue. The Permanent Mission of the USSR to the United Nations condemns in the strongest possible manner this unprecedented violation of the diplomatic immunity and inviolability of the premises which it occupies, and it lodges a severe protest both on this count and in connexion with the inaction of the policemen who were responsible for protecting the building of the Permanent Mission and permitted an act of this kind to occur. The Permanent Mission urgently demands of the United States Mission and the United States authorities that all necessary steps should be taken to protect the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the United Nations from similar raids by bandits and intrusions by hostile elements into the building of the Permanent Mission, and it also demands that the above-mentioned group of trespassers who forcibly b'roke into the building of the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the United Nations should be severely punished.