A Decimal Floating-point Specification Michael F. Cowlishaw, Eric M. Schwarz, Ronald M. Smith, Charles F. Webb IBM UK IBM Server Division P.O. Box 31, Birmingham Rd. 2455 South Rd., MS:P310 Warwick CV34 5JL. UK Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 USA
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract ing is required. In the fixed point formats, rounding must be explicitly applied in software rather than be- Even though decimal arithmetic is pervasive in fi- ing provided by the hardware. To address these and nancial and commercial transactions, computers are other limitations, we propose implementing a decimal stdl implementing almost all arithmetic calculations floating-point format. But what should this format be? using binary arithmetic. As chip real estate becomes This paper discusses the issues of defining a decimal cheaper it is becoming likely that more computer man- floating-point format. ufacturers will provide processors with decimal arith- First, we consider the goals of the specification. It metic engines. Programming languages and databases must be compliant with standards already in place. are expanding the decimal data types available whale One standard we consider is the ANSI X3.274-1996 there has been little change in the base hardware. As (Programming Language REXX) [l]. This standard a result, each language and application is defining a contains a definition of an integrated floating-point and different arithmetic and few have considered the efi- integer decimal arithmetic which avoids the need for ciency of hardware implementations when setting re- two distinct data types and representations. The other quirements. relevant standard is the ANSI/IEEE 854-1987 (Radix- In this paper, we propose a decimal format which Independent Floating-point Arithmetic) [a].