", ," .~. .If

1_ !!~ ... I COMMAND CHRONOLOGY' I I ! R>R THE PERIOD, I , ' i I I 01000lH THROUGH ,)02400H APRIL 1969 .

$11 .". SIC AlES 89 298 ., ·f· copy NO./ OF '7

OO"gt4-,~ 0/5- -rIc COl Yfj '-- .1 of.. 9..r",)~~:3 ;. 1.,-III S,.. ...,. i L ..... U't!1t,t2 ftIM. . . _.:. S ,'/Y"'.Ie


HEADQUARTERS • 3rd Ba.ttalion, 5th Marines ~ 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF FPO San ,Francisco, California. 96602: -' 3/FSW/tjr .!!!I'! (Wlclassified upon removal 01' 005750 Encla SUI'e (1) 5 May 1969

From; Commanding Officor To: Commanding General, 1st M~):i.:'1.e Di-lI'ision Vi a.: Commanding Officer, 5th Marines Subj: Command Ohronology for the period of OlG001H to. 302400H April 1969. Ret: (a) MCO 5750.8A- (b) FMFPacO 5750.8A (0) DivO 5750.2C ...- . Enel: J(l) 3rd Battalion; 5th Marines Command Chronology 1. In accordance with the provisions of references (a.), (b) and (c), Enclosure (1) is hereby submittod.

·/j -' /' ..

. ~~ AF. vi. SAUCIER . : By direction

•• .1'......

e I!'


. ,.,"1 ~.. ' .

• HEADQUARTERS • 3rd Battalion, 5th Morin0f.i 1st Harine Division (Rein);> ?'.YIF FPO San Francisco, C;8.J.:u·01:

B i[

(:CiJ!i.?.3iD U:~lf::CI''J:":' LO cry" OlOOUJj:-li',.. ) 3G?!.c~;()F:: Ep:r>~~> 1969


ro1JlN GR;J)l:ID AT ~) YErC;{ I l\TT ERV 1.1,8 DECLi:.SSIFI;:ED }:Ji''l'i;;l1 J.2 YEARS DOD DR 5200~:!,O




1. DESIGI{ATION ·.~Q!.~~Al!p'.~! 3ra Battalion, Sth Marines ':','1:.;001 H. E. ATKINSON

Company H&S lstLt fio E .. OVERl'ON

Comp OIly I ndi a Gupt H. A. BEELER

08pt l'~ !'r "~... , HOCK

p Cr:q,t J c ",c ,J P AI:CHAK

IT' Comp any Ni:::d Oapt .1.. ...; P BURNS'

2. ~pCATIOH",) 5[·1 Bo.t', 5tih Har·:1.nes pnrticipa.ted in 0:"' ._ L~·~.~on MtSYl.':" ~;?:; :'~EADOP ;•. ">1 the :L1orthwe~teX'n portion o~ tho 3/5 AO. Th81 now continue to con.3.uct Search and Clear operations wi thin the 3/~; AO n::''l0 provide f'or the security of the 1m Hoa Comba.t Bas:;. in the Ct;)nng Nam Province of RVN. 3v STAFF OlilFICERS

RAocO WIs.j.):.' Ro L. VOGT To 3APR69 }!ajor Ft. w. SAUel ER Fr 4APR69 S-l lstLt w. G. BINES Su2 lstLt K. J .• SALAMON

8-,3 ~-1ajor R. t. VOGT 8-4 lstLt A. B. BENZ S-s 1 stLt D. W. JAMIESON To 6APH69 lstLt w. R. PHILIPS Fr 7Al'R69 Supp:J..yO lstLt Go c. FERREE CommO lstLt Do w. RODDY MID D. W. JAMIESON !l.'o 6APR69 latLt vi" R. PHILIPS Fr 1APR69

Chapla1n Lt ~" N. LOCKARD

, .




G.9p t ;f 0 P. NOESON FAC Cap lj M. J 8 LUCCI ALO To 24Ai:'R6s­ Capt; J ~ E. SOWERS JI' :F:r 25APR69

4. Average Monthly Stre!H~ll; USMC DS}T

OF'F OYF ENL .~ 37 . 3 57




• P ART .II • NARRAT!VE SUMMlIRY , 1. The Battalion's Officer shortages are one Captin 0302 and one Lt 6708. The Battalion's Ehlistied shortages are two GySgtts 0)69, 14 SSgt r s 0369, and 46Sgt t sCH ~ '.i:he Battalion has 100% of its M/L str'ength in Lt Is 03~ 39% of i tfl M/L strength in SSgt's 03 and 45% of its MIL strengt:':, LJ ,~gt' s 03, ~

2. The 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines cont'inues to conduct offensive operations in the souther!l port~,o:':l of the 5th ~[at'ines AO. They ol so provide for the secw;'i ty of. the An Hq a Combat Base and the Liberty Bridge Road" Op-eration ~FJSXOG-BE ~m_:'l..DOW" held during the month~ W[~S conducted to protect i}ie"t~nWlleSE:'J j!Ta':;ionals in col­ lecting ril}El during hnrvAst seagon and '1;0 -eeny i'oGd supply to va/WI A in the al:'eao Periodical.dO extonSiOl1f; were used in order to clear suspected enemy p003itions iJ.nd forcos outside the 3/5 AO.

~~' ~~ ENCLO SURE (1)




...... -....~ .. ~.------.. ~

1. Topics

A. Personnel and Administ~~t.:::-..Q.g

1. StrenK~~o The. B,J..i:;tr:'~l.i.uE bega.J:l the month wi th an on board strongth of 3, Marine O.ffic~rs, 1,173 Narine Enlisted, 3 Navy Officers and 54 Navy «..lists':.. The current on board strength of the Battalion is 36 Jlnrine Of'!.'icers, 1,138 Marine EnJ.i stedM 3 Navy Officers and 56 K>.l.vy E;:lJ5,"tede

20 Di sipl.ine2 L(n~ a.'tld LE)j-I.,J... Dm"'Sng the reporting period of l~;;>rilp 3rd"on.<· ")th·~M2.l'ines hel.d tw·:) General Courts ~1a;;."'iji ol and OJ'.O Sp ec:t a}, 00 u.:r'~ }lU::...,t~.:(I. 0 There iv-ere three investi gat;i.ons l;.eld.

3. Morale o Morale and fighting spirit continued to be exce11ent-.----- 4. Postal. Postal service continued at the same degree of excellence. 5. Awards. There were Bronze Stars" eight Na.vy Commendation Metals, six Navy Achievement ]~eta1sS' three Viet­ namese Crosses of Gallantry and lL!.1 Pu!'ple Hearts awarded to personnel of the .3rd Battalion,. Slh MD1~ines this month.

6" Interior Managomen.t... Admini stl:' ation proceduros and proficency ~ontinued to be excellent.

Bo EnerilL,-.. )Jeather and

1. Jfu6m.ilo During tl:fl reporting period onEmY acti vi ty oonsisted of small scale attacks against friendly units, harnss­ ment of! friendly uni to through ·Ghe use of mortars and rockets, continued use of mines and booby··trap s, and reerui mont and indoctrination of the 10ca.1 populace. 2. !ieather. ae Rainfall: Negative b. Temp. era ture g 1 II Avg high: 93 2~ Avg low: 77 c. Light: 1. Avg sunrise: 0620 2. Avg sunset~ 1910 3. Terrain. During the reporting pGI'iod, flat lowlands and rice paddies were the predom:tnont terrain. features. y..l ENCLOSURE (l) . S;FJPTF


1. Continuo Scarch.and Cleat~ operations in our seotor of the 5th Marinos AD. Block all onemy i:1:.filtra.tion r1utoa 1~ the An Hoa ~oa, and oontinue to pro7ide for the soourity of the An Ho,a Combat Buso.

D. ~pgisticse

fL...- .. ~t·o.l·It ,,,.() <:1 S4·"T.QS 01'" 1 • ~~• ..L·tf.'..>· .. J.The o· ..\/ ·er"" CI. •• .....:, .t·,J',....""" 0"'" "'~ •.t.1 ).' U...,...... : t...1. ,j,.. tho Bo.t.- talion i,'3 satisfactory at the prel'le::.1'c ti!t1 r-lr The Battalion S-4.. has resupplied tho Battalion :L-l tIE: field c:::. a daily basis.

K'" ~ 1 (I. ;: nun,dl . :;r,o KIA 5 NBC 11 WIAE 25 NED 2 WIANE 22. DO vi 2


F. §brmi fi c @t Enem;z: 0 rc1p.9c"lc.~i CuQ.t ...1.J' Cl,g,

1 US Carbino

G. Significant Muni tionfl Oepturod/Foun.d and Destroyod

7 ChiCo:m 1800 AK;"47 I'o unds 1 60rrlm. mo r t 0;1:' ro und 80 300aliber rounds 1 2.5 roclwt round 24 SIrD! s found 15 Blasting cups

12,000 pOlUlds rice 200 pounds potatoes ,30 pounds misoelleaneous VC!NVA 782 gear 10 pounds documents

Io ~ignific::m.L.Enemy Caves, Buildings and ;roJ:itifient1ons Destl"o;ved, 2 Bunkers 4 Fighting holes



T.raining• • 1. Regimental Indoctrination Sohool. During the re­ porting period all new personnel reporting to the 3~ Battalion, ,th Marines attendod Troop Indoctrination School held by the Sth Marine Rog:iment_ Thel'e were six schools holc.\ during April.

2~ Division Schools. P:)~.'dOIU'l.el at'tended the f'ollow.Lng Division Schools during tho month ot April.

NCO 300001 Orficer Leadership School SNCO Lea.dership School Embarkation School Land Mino Warfare, Demolitions nnd 3ooby'Tr~ Training Ki '. Oorson Scout Orientation Course

K. SBP;eorting l!~ 1. Kit Carson scouts. The' Battalion is presently employing Boven Kit Carson Scouts who have participated in 40 patrols conducted by"this Battalion.• 2. Interpreters. The Battalion is presently employing three interpr,eters. e 3. &lginoors. Co~a.ny B, 1st Engineor Ba.tta.l1on supported J/S during the month Q..:r;' April.

4. Shore Party (HST). EST's Wel'e provided by Company B, 1st 'Shore Par'by Battalion•. L. COp!llunicationso The primary mesns of oOlDllunications during the month were the AN/PRC-25, AN/PRC-88. fJ'f/PRO-77 and the KY-38. The AN/PRC-4l Dl'ld AlI/PRG-47 were also used. M. Cival Affairs 1. Mad Caps. There were four Med Caps held during the month. 562 people were treated and 32 were ovacuated to the Germ·~JQ. Hospital. ,2. Contributions. 20 pounds of soap and 50 pounds of candy were aistributed throughou~ the local vill~cc~~

N. ~~9rting ~8 1. Ai!'. During the repol"'ting period the First Marine Air Wing proviaed support .for the .3rd Battalion, 5th Marines as tollows:

, ... ." ~!OLOstm:s (1)


A.- Helicopters flew 44 Medivac missions to evacuate 38 Emergenoy, 29 Priorty and 33 Routine Casualties.

B. Helicopter support was used in one t~oop lift and tw Huey Gunship strikes on the 28th of May.

C. Fixed wing air support was used in seven taotical air strikes whioh WOI'e TACA oontrolled.

D. 32 aorial observation ~1ssions were flown during the month. E. Fixed wing support was also utilized through the use of two Flareships and two Spooky Gunships. 1. ,!rtil1erz A. DurinB the reporting period 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines derived artillery support from 2nd Battalion, 11th lic.r1noc. Artillery personnel came from 'Ii" Battery 2/11. B. A total of 99 missions wore fired. 97 were observed and two unobserved. Only two· of th·oac WOl'O oontll.ct mi ssions. A total of' 1,480 were fired., 1,234 wore HE, 149 Wl and 97 IlIum. .1nation. . C. A total of approximately 1,,00 additional rounds were fired for H&I's. D. 8lmm mortars fired a total of 2,920. Of these 1,722 were HE, 273 WP and 925 Illumination.

2. Entries A. See Tab 'A' to Enclosure (1) (statt Journal for the period of OlOOOlH through J02400H April 1969)


SUU$ ~.

DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • P AnT IV j SUPPORTING DOC1J£lIEI1TS 1. Tab 'A' t9 Enclosure (1), (Staff Journal tor the period ot 01000~H through .302400H April 1969) Rol~f Ii" e,~~~~.~1"'''V.

ENCLOSURE (1) ~... gl E ~

DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED •• JOURITAL s-3, 3rd :C1n, 5th N ar, 1 s·~ l,l2.J:' D:i. V PLACE An :::::0 a, HVN FROiVI TO OIOOOlR .


Ol1030H 1 M (S&D) at (AT889480) Fbund miscellaneous cal gear and took nine detainees. Results: ne detainees and medic al gear captured 8-P Ol1750H 2 M (S&O) at (AT897500) Received 25-30 rounds f small arms f'ire. Returned fire wi th small s. Results: 2 USMC WIANE S-F 012000H 3 M (S&D) at (AT900504) While sending out recei vad fi va incomming Chi Com grenad e s. eturned small .arms and Blooper. Results: Neg s-p


DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED - S .,rQ3 3'" ;.::>n , 5th Har, 1 st i.laL' D:i. v PLACE I -"'Ano::.:::....;::.;E:~.::-o~.;;::a~,...;;l:=:rV;..,::l",-"~ ______• \ FROM TO I 02000lH I +------,--~-·--..-.;------.....:.:=;.....:;.-'---'I +------~~------~~----: .1i, DTG I,'

022045H 1 Co I (8&0) at (AT895495) Received small anns fire and approximately 8-10 incomming 60mm rounds. Retirned fire with 60-8lmm mortars. Results: 1 USMC WIAE

,lit e '3 .oW __._,..,...


J01JRFAL S -,rQ3 3"" .on, 5th :Har, 1 st E8!' Di V PLACE An :::::0 a, HVN FROl"i TO

-i--______-.- ______...;0:..3::.,:0::.=0;,.;:0;,::1H==- ____..::::o .. a=240=o:..:;H=---..::.:t;E::...R=-.-o.=....'- 9.<...... __ .

DTG rLCIDJ.!.!trrs, EE3Sk+BS, OHDERS . AC(rIO~:~'

030835H 1'1 Co I (S&D) at (AT895498) Found one M-l Carbine i wrapped in plastic. Results: One M-l Carbine ! S-F 030850H 2 Co I (8&0) at (AT895500) Fbund one booby-trap 1 will destroy in place. Results: One booby-trap I blol'm in l>l ace S-F 031l00H 3 00 I· (8&0) at (AT895499) Fbund miscellaneous documents. Results: Will forward to 8-2 8-F 031130H 4 Co I (S&D) at (AT896498) Fbund ammo and documents Results: Will blow ammo and forward documents S-F 03l345H 5 Co I (8&0) at (AT888497) Spotted two armed VC and. opened fire with small arms. Results: Neg S-F 03l300H 6 Co I (S&D) at (AT891504) Found 782 gear and ammo Results: One 2.75 Rocket round, 3 us gas masks, one M-16 magazine and a helmet liner captured S-F 031315H 7 Co I (S&D) at (AT89150l) Found one mor~ar position with fresh foot prints. Results: Neg S-F e 03l515H 8 00 M (8&D) at (AT912488) Received approximately 20-25 rounds of smaJ.l arms f1re. Ret~ned 1'1re with 81's. Results: Neg S-F 031745H 9 00 I (8&0) at (AT894504) Found ammo boxes filled wi th medical gear. Resu1 ts: Documents and gear f'orwarded to rear. S-F 031 840H 10 CO I (S&D) at (AT891$04) Found large amount 01' small anna ammo. Results: 80 30caliber rounds, 200 5.56 rounds, 200 $.62 rounds, 50 M-l rounds S-F 031845B 11 Co I (3&0) at (AT898490) ~otted ~proximate1y .I seven NVA running into a treeline. Received sniper fire. Called in Air. Results: Neg 8-F 12 Co I (Night Po 8i ttions)at ( AT899507) Received three incomming OhiOom grenades. Pulled back to prep treeline~ Results: Neg S-F

.~ .


~:;.r-~-"";;;';;;~"""';"'------":""----- • .. S .. 3 ,rQ3' ',,,.:~m, 5th Nar, 1 s-G 1.;e.r Dj.v PLACE I An EOA.t--=H.!:.!V~r:....l _------..1 FRON TO

+--______...--_'-- ______.....;0;.;;4L;0;...;::0..;;.O.;;;IH:;;;...;._---.,;;.....-.---.,;0::.::424=::.::.0..;.OH;;;;.....-.:.AP~R:.....::: 6:...t.9_ I T------~~------~_~_---i, DTG ii'J Il':CIDmrrs, hESSAGJ];S, OHDERS . ACTIon 1 040 850H '1 Co I (8&0) at (AT896503) Received automatic weapons tire. Returned fire with smal.I arms. Results: Neg I 8-F 041220H 2 Co I (Night Positions) at (AT889505) Found ODe 60mm booby-trap with trip'£orwire and one OhlhOom gI'enade. Results: Both blown in yla.ce 0413l5H 3 00 I (Night Positions) at (AT890502) Found 782 gear and ammo. Usefull gear will be turned in and the rest destroyed. R~sults: 782 gear and 10 AK rounds captured i-F· . 041320H 4 00 I (Night Positions) at (AT888505) Found 01 one 155mm booby-trap with trip wire. Will blow in place. Results: Negative S-P 5 00 I (8&0) at (AT890505) Captured one VCS where I India was hit last night. Turned man over to ITr~ Results: One detainee 8-F 041640H 6 Co I (8&0) at (AT890505) Found one 10$mm booby- tap with trip wire attache.d. Results: Blown in place S-F 04l955H 7 Co I ('8&0) at (AT898499) Received four rj)unds of 60mm mortar tire. Called in 81 1 s and Arty. Re­ sults: Negative S-F 042125Ii 8 Co I (8&0) at (AT892496) Received one inoomming 'i ChiCom gI'enade and sniper fire. Results: 1 USMC ; WIAE I

J I j



JOURroAL --'DIil if 0;:( SDJ'rr 0 1; s-3, 3rd Sn, 5'ch N al't ]. S"C lcol2l' Dt v PLAOE

.An Eo a., RiJ~T FR01Vi TO 05000lH o5240 OH


050710H 1 Co I (3&0) at (AT889505) Received five rounds of; AK fire. Returned fire wi th M-79' s and small . I arms. Rseults: Neg S-p I 05l030B 2 Co M (8&0) at (AT874460) Found three males. 0 didnt have papers so company forwarded one detainee to Battalion FOPWBra. Rsults: One I, male detainee S-F 051530H 3 Co I (3&0) at (AT893495) Found one 60mm mortar round, 300 .AI\. rounds, one magazine drum, f'i ve ammo boxes with oleaning gear. Results: Gear captured will be destroyed S-F I 0$l645H 4 Co 1(3&0) at (AT897494) Fbund 248 30 caliber ,I rounds and two bloody battle dressings. Reslts Will destroy in place S-F I 051700H 5 Co I (3&0) at (AT898499) Found one large crock of rice. Results: One large crock of rice S-F 051700H 6 Co L (S&O) at (AT92l493) Found one 250 pound bomb. Results: Will blow in place S-F 052000H 7 Co I (Ambush) at (AT898498) Opened fire on vo. Enemy returned fire with six OhiOom grenad s Resn1ts: 3 USMC WlAE, 1 VC KIA/BNE 3-F


JOUR1:-AL 5th Nar, , st 1.;ar Di v PLACE

.An £.. 0&, llVN FRON TO 06000lH o 62400H APR 69 ~------~------DTG I LCIDjjJj.'J'rS, r'LESSAG;I;S, ORDERS ACTIO;:;-

0609S0H 11 Co M (OP) at (AT913489) Received 10 AK rounds. i Results: Negative S-F o61015H . 2 Co M (8&0) at (AT914S03) Tripped one ChiCom i with trip wire. Results: 1 USMC WIAE S-F 061200H 3 Co M (8&0) at (AT925493) Apprehenoed tive detainees. Results: Five detainees (4 famales, 1 male) . S-F 061200H 4 Co I (S&D) at (AT899495) Dug up a large amount ot ammo and 782 gear. Results: 1 175 round, 3 ChiCom grenades, I bottle of , 10 M-16 magazines with rounds, 1 pair jungle boots, 1 NVA belt, 1 pouncho, misceileaneous documents 061230H 5 Co I (S&D) at (AT895498) Dug up ammo and one box of documents including a map of Danang. Results Will destroy, documents will be forwarded on I 3-F 061445H 6 Co I (S&D) at (AT89l495) Dug up ammo and docu- ments. Results: Will blow axmno SJll d forward documents S-F a 61740H 7 CO I (S&D) at (AT89S497) Dug tIp ammo, medical gear, ·documents. Results: Ammo blown and documents forwarded S-F 062015H 8 Co I (Night Positions) at (AT891496) Received two incomming 60mm mortars. Returned tire with 81's and Arty. Results: Negative S-F

--~. __ .- ....

_. ~ .~-


JOURlTAL - -- e, S.,rQ 3 3' '.~Dn, 5th liar, 1st; I,lax' D:i.v PLACE :o;~o •. , lWN TO I

~ ______~ ______~_~O~~~ ______O~~~ __~~~ __ I

./:. DTG )/

071045H 1 (8&0) at (AT897488) Tripped one ChiCom boo with trip wire. Results: 1 USMC WIAE .. 1 WIANE S-F 071130H 2 (S&D) at(AT897487) Found one booby-trapped 2mm mortar round. Will blow in place. Results: 3-F o71400H 3 L (S&D) at (AT892498) Tripped one 60mm mortar by-trap causing a secondary explosion of the ~ines M-79 ro:unds. Results: 1 USMC WIAE S-F 071605H 4 L (s&D) at (AT885499~ Found one home made an el'sonnel mine. Blown in place. Results: Neg S-F o72050H 5 L (S&D) at (AT888488) Received one round of per fmre •. Returned fire. Results: Neg S-F


... .,., . . .. . ~.~.:-~ ., DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • -- 5th Ear, 1 st liar Div PLACE An Faa. HVN FRON TO


0808l0H 1 Co L (S&D( at (AT905506) Received sniper fire. esults: Neg 08l050H 2 Co L (8&0) at (AT894506) Apprehended four det ees and fGund miscelleaneous gear. Results: detainees and miscelleaneous gear captured S-F OBl050H L ,(8&D) at (ATB94506) Found miscelleaneous A 782 gear and ammo. Results: Neg S-F OBll20H 4 Co L (S&D) at (AT89B507) Found approximately 000 pounds of rice. Results: 1000 pounds of ce captured S-F 08l349H K (8&1)) at b{ AT916488) Found two booby-traps. esults: One 60mm and one anti-personnel mines estroyed 8-F 08l430H I (S&D) at (AT ) Apprehended two detain- ees. Results: Two detainees S-F 08l450H K (8&D) at (AT915490) Found one dud 8 inch urn round. ResuJ.ts: Neg S-F o81500H L (s&D) at (AT900509) Found approxim,ately ne ton of rice. Results: One ton of rice capt B*F 08l500H K (S&D) at (AT915500) Found one l55mm round. own in ~lace. Results: Neg S-P 081545H L (S&O) at (AT898504) Tripped one 8lmm mortar by-trap. Rsults: 3 USMC KIA. 1 USMC WIAE S;..p 08l605H . K (S&D) at (AT918497) Found one M-33 type by-trap. Blown in place. ResuJ. ts: Neg S-F


"(nrn:' on Sjjp;l'IOl.;· S-3; 3rd E~n, 5th Nar, Is';:; }!.ar Div

·MUSKO GEE MEADOW PLACE ~An~:=So~a~.~R~V~N~ ______FROM TO .09000lH 092400H APR 69 ._.

DTG '1';i~ , AC'l'IOli' 090845H 1 Co L (S&D) at (AT898508) Captured VC suspect, i ~esul ts·:. 1 VCS ! S-F 090945H 2 Co L (S&D) at (AT899516) Found one 105mm round'f ~esu).ts: Blew in pla.ce. S-F 091 745H 3 Co K {S&D} at (AT905505) Tripped one M-26 press e ievice booby trap. Results: 1 USMC WIAE S-F 091930H 4 Co L (S&D) at( AT897517) Received four rounds oOmm mortars, five rounds M-79, and 100, rounds . small arms fire.. Return fire with small arms and M-79. Results: 3 USMC WIAE S-F 091930H 5 Co L (8&0) at (AT894465) Received four rounds pOmm mortars, five rounds 1-1-79, and 100 rounds ~all arms fire. Results: 6 USMC WIA S-F 092250H 6 Co Y (Night Position) at (AT894465) Enemy trippe~ ~ne trip .flare. Open fire with small arms. Results: Neg S-F


- ··mUT OH SIDJ'frOn-- 5th Nar, 1 S·C 1,..21' Di V PLACE . MUSKO GEE ME.ADO W An- ...t:.oa, HVN FR01'v1 TO 100001H 1

DTG S&D at (AT923493) Spotted two enemy. er shot one than saw three more run from t ine. Persued physically. Results: 1 VC BNR S-F 161020H Co K (S&O) at (AT925495> Tripped 105mm round by trap detonated by M-26. Reatilts: 1 USMC AE S-F 101215H Co L· (S&D) at (AT907505) Discovered 1800 pounds f rice and picked up two detainees. Results: VCS, 1800 LBS RICE S-F 101)15H Co K (S&O) at (AT924494) Found eight inch dud, wo 10$mm. dud rounds, and gear. Resu1 ts: Blew dud .. " brought in gear. (1 USMC PONCHO LINER & VC

..' '" USERS) S-F l013l6H Co K (S&D) at (AT930497) Spotted. enemy wi th weapons, sho t and saw two drop. Results: 2 VC S-F e 101345H Co K (S&D) at (AT924494) Found five personnel thout ID cards. Results: 5 FEMALE DETAINEES S-F 1014l0H Co L (S&D) at (AT896489) Tripped booby. trap home e pressure detonated fire mechaniSm. Results: rl~ USMC WI AE S-F 10l800H Co K (S&D) at (AT931494) Found 2100 pounds of' ce and 10 items of 782 gear with assol'ted edical supplies. Results: 2100 LBS RICE, 782 EAR, AND MEDICAL SUPPLIES S-F 101BoOH Co K (S&D) at (AT93l494) Pic~ed up two detainees Results: 2 DETAINEES (~ mother, 1 baby) S-F 102010H Co L (Night Position) at'r~894492) Received ur incoming 60mm mortar· rounds. Friendly aJIlb ...-.·.... "'-'-ved 10 rounds small arms fire. Results: Neg S-F


MUSKO GEE MEADOW PLACE ! . An..J2a" HVl:l FRmfi TO 110001H 11 2400H APR 69

DTG ll1300H 1 Co M (3&0) at (AT858456) Found suspected mortar; site. Results: BLEW SITE ' S-F ll1330H 2 Co K (S&D) at (AT924494) Sniper saw three enemy in treeline, fired and saw them drop_ Results: 3 VC BNR 111430H 3 Co I (Strong Point) at (AT873463) Caught PF trying to smuggle gear out gate. Sent to CI in ' An Hoa. Results: ~10 BOX, 3 M-26 GRENADES, 2 I USMC PONCHOS, and some C-RATIONS S-F 11l7QOH 4 Co K (S&D) at '(AT9l7483) Found native personnel I carrying body .HRe sul ts: 2 vas S-F I I ,I ! e , :

DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED - •• S - 3 ,roo 3 ' ..Dn, ~ 5th :Ear, 1 st La!' D"lv . PLACE MUSKO GEE MEADO W An Eoa, HVlJ FHOl"l TO 12000lH I 22400H

DTG 120155H I Co L S&D at AT 17 Found one dud llumination canister. Results: Blew in place S-F 121130H 2 Co K (S&D) at (AT901498) Spotted enemy in tree nee Pursued physicall1. Results: Neg S-F l21230H 3 Co K (S&O) at (AT90l498) While interrigating etainees received sniper fire. Results: 2 Viet­ e se women KI A S-F 121245H 4 Co K (S&D) at .( AT897483) Set off pressure rele 26 booby trap. Results: 2 USMC WIAE S-F 12l100H 5 Co K (S&O) at (AT924500) Took one male detainee. suI ts: 1 DETAINEE S-F


....~ "- - UIfD~ 0:1 •SlDJ '1'10 n 8-3, 3rd 3n, 5th liar! 1 s·c };ar D5.v PLACE An Foa. aVE MUSKOGEE MEADOW ~~~~-~~------FROlvl TO 13~OOlH 132400H APR 69 __ .


130730H 1 Co I (3&D) at (AT850448) Observed two vietnames~ digging up what appeared to be a mortar tube than rebury it 50 meters away. Unable toccheck out I because. it is out or AO • Results: Neg . I 8-F 130830H 2 Co M (S&D) at (AT850448) Tripped M-26 ~I'ip:.wfure j type .booby trap. Results: 1 USMC WIAE S-F l30945H 3 Co I (3&D) at (AT850447) Found male detainee without 18 card. Results: 1 ves S-F 131700H 4 Co K (8&0) at (AT899498) Found three ramales wi thout ID cards. Villagers say the females know 20mething about ve. Results: 3 Detainees and baby;, S-F


i I

• ! , ,




I i


! ,! !



FRmll TO

DTG 140945H 1 Co K at ) While moving to set up security for down chopper received small fi moved in and set up security and directed gunshi on enemy. Results: Neg S-F 2 Co K (S&O) at (AT896488) ~otted nine enemy in the open. Opened fire with small arms. ResuLts: Negatine . S-F 141200H 3 Co M (S&D) at.(9l5ij86) Apperhended four Results: Neg 'S-F 141 720H 4 Co M (S&D) at.( AT926475) Opened tire on one enemy. Results: Neg S-F l4l955H 5 Co K as&D) at (AT893506) Received small ~s fire while moving. Results: Neg S-F


J"OURFAL - ,(;1:i1';; O~:1 SDJTIOL S -,ro,3 3 ~ .an,'" MUSKO GEE MEADe W PLACE' An :::::oa, HVN FROH TO OOlli


lSo845H (S&O) at (AT897~87) Spotted 40 VN civilians. ent fire team to check it out. Four people ran fire team shot over thier heads, one continue run so team opened fire. Results: 1 VN KIA S~F l,50930H 1'4 (3&0) at (AT939499) Received small arms fir returned small arms fire. Results: Neg S-F lSlOOOH L (S&D) at (AT908494) Tripped one pre~sure e booby-trap. Results: 1 USMC WIAE S-F l5l000H K (S&O) at (AT891499) Found one 500 pound • Results: Blown in plaoe . S-F l,5lll5H K (8&0) at (AT89lS0l) Found miscelleaneous 782 gera and one OhiOom grenade. Results: sent to rear and grenade detonated 8-F l5l350H K (8&0) at (AT889507) Found ammo box with Com grenades and miscelleaneous NYA gear. esults: Gear sent to rear and. ChiComs destroyrd S-F e l5ll50H M (S&O) at (AT895466) Apprenended one VCS. esults: 1 VCS 8-F l5l200H K (8&0) at (AT889507) Marine detonated a ressure type lO5Imn booby-trap. Results: 2 USMC A, 4 USMC WIAE S-F 15l700H K (3&0) at (AT890504) Found one 500 pound pressure type. Results: Blown·in plaoe S-F l5l800H .K (8&0) at (AT898498) Apperhended one male etainee. Results: I male Detainee S.. F


JOUmTAL - -- S "Ira3 3"·~ .un, 5th Nar, 1 st h8l' Di v MUSKOGEE MEADOW PLACE


16l040H 1 00 K (S&D) at (AT881500) Tripped one M-26 type booby-trap wi th trip wire. Results: 1 USMO WI 1 USMC WlANE S-F l6l2l0B 2 00 K (S&D) at (AT880498) Found one lO$mm round. Rsults: 1 lO5mm round S-F l6l630H 3 Co M(S&D) at (AT966492) Found one new type round. Results: Blown in place S.F




170700H 1 Co 1'1 (8&O) at (AT953499) Found one new type muni tion. Rasul ts: Blown in place S-F 170800H 2 Co M (8&0) at (AT943497) Found. one lO5Mm round. Results: Blown in place S~;F 170940H 3 Co M (8&0) at (AT907498) Tripped one lO5mm boo trap' and found one 60mm booby-trap. Results: 60mm boob7-trap blown in place, 2 USMC WIAE S-F l71750H 4 Co M (8&0) at (AT903495) Blew one 82mm mortar booby-trap. Results: Negative l71850H 5 Co M (8&D) at (AT90)49$) Found one M-26 type booby-trap. Results: Blown in ~~ace S-F l71955H 6 Co M (Night Positions) at (ATeQ4495) Received automatic weapons fire and semi-automatic weapon fire. Returned small arms and grenades. Result Negative S-F


JOURFAL - "UHI~ oa s~'rIO~:j 8 .. 3. 3rd r'n. 5th Nar, Is·;; La!' Div ~mSKOGEE MEADOW e,' PLACE

.}.Xl. :f,:o 8., HVN FROIvi TO

180001H lU£:Ll.luUJ:l.


1809.30H 1 Co M (S&O) at (AT9054B.3) Found one J;1ome made ChiCom grenade. Results: Blown in place S-F 181100H 2 00 M (S&D) at (ATB9 5500) Found two heavy blood trails and miscelleaneous 7B2 gear. Results: Cheeked out area and forwarded gear to rear S-F 181810H .3 Co M(S&D) at (ATB87485) Pound one tomato can booby-trap. Results: Blown in place S-F



i S -.ro3 3'". .:.::>n, 5JGh JYI at' ; 1 s·c l.i ar D5. v j PLACE I ..!!,;~~R:""'oi::.:.:;:~o~a:=:,,-'~H.~V.::.:.N_--T-O------'I

+-______'--- ______190001H..::...-..;...;...;~ ____..;;;;,.:..=~ 192400H _ ___:;=~.t..__'!APR 69 I

DTG n:CIDEHTS, liESSA(+j~, OHDEH3 AGTIOl;' j I 19074511 i 1 Co I (S&D) at (AT880437) Found one M-26 grenade , in a tree. Results: Blown in place : 3-F I 190900H 2 Co I (8&D) at (AT876437) Stopped 30 wood cutters I I two females didnt have ID cards, forwarded to i rear. ResUl. ts: two ves I S-F I 190915H 3 Co M ,(S&O) at (AT879495) Apprehended two male ! civilian because of improper ID cards. Resu1ts:' Two detainees S-F m9l14~ 4 Co K (s&D) at tAT910490) Spotted 10 VC earring weapons. Sniper opened fire. Results: 3 ve I ~IA BNR S-F i 191200H 5 Co I (S&O) at (AT885443) Tripper one homade [booby-tr~ pressure type. Results: 1 USMC WIAE S-F I 191231H 6 Co M (S&O) at (AT878507) Opened fire on 11 VC I groBsing river. Fired with 60mm mortars and ! i small arms. Results: 6 VC KIA Confirmed I 8-P ,! e 191245H 7 Co K (S&O) at (AT910490) Sniper fired at six VC. Results: 1 VC KIA BNR S-F .: 191600H 8 Co K (S&O) at (AT923494) Apprehended taO vCS. Results: 2 vcs 8-P 191700H 9 Co L (3&D) at (AT867453) Received automatic and sma11 arms fire from unkniwn enemy. Rseults: j Negative 8-F ! 191715H 10 CO,M (3&0) at (AT874500) Started a brush fire I which set off two booby-traps. Results: NegatiVE S.P : I . .I i i I i I i I i I I ! i , I




FROM. TO i I 20000LH


200800H 1 Co M (3&0) at (AT890506) ~otted four VC but were unable to fire. Results: Negative 8-F 200845H . 2 Co I (S&O) at (AT920472) Opened fire on one VC carring a SKS. Results: Negative S-F 200930H 3 Co M (8&0) at (AT490506) Spotted three VC but were. Wlable to shoot. Results: Negative 8-F 20l0l0H 4 Co M (8&0) at( AT87450S) Found one l7~ booby-­ trap that was pressure detonated. Results: Blown in place. 20l430H 5 Co L (S&D) at (AT865445) Apprehended four male detainees carring a 250 pound bomb. Results: Four detainees S-F 20l6l5H 6 Co I (S&D) at (AT913448) Called in 81 1 s on two VC in cave and observed 10 secondary explosions. Results: Search area


,....-~~c===~,. __~ ______~ _____"! J"OURlTAL -- - 1 I MUSKOGEE MEAPOW 8-3, 3rd ::~~n, 5th Nar, 1 st'l' D:t v I e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·i

....t:n!.!!L\.,..Ai:J.:.~:.ld..:.aall~Hc!:.-'V!...:!:l~:!.....! ______J FROlvi TO

21000lH . 21 ..... uulI.J:1 APR 69

_Ii. DTG "il" D:CIDE!l:JTS,. N.ESSAG·:SS, OHDEl1.S ACirIO;~j'

2ll0l0H 1 Co M (8&0) at (AT891499) Tripped one l55Mm booby-trap. Results: 1 USMC KIA, 3 USNC WIAE, \ 1 USN WIAE S-F I 2110l5H 2 Co I (S&O) at (AT927446) Found fighting holes and bunkers. Results: Holes and bunkers de­ I stzaoyed S-F ! 2lll00H 3 Co M (S&D) at (AT89l499) Found three ammo cans filled w.i.jh vd cloths and gear. Results: Gear lias burned S-F 211135H 4 Co M (S&O) at (AT90l492) Set a fire to broSh which set off two 10.5mm booby-traps and one 8amm booby-trap. Results: Negative S-F 2ll655H 5 Co M (S&O) at (AT89l499) Found fishing leader used for trip wire. Results: Destroyed in I place . S-F ! I 2l1700H 6 Co M (S&O) at (AT901498) Set a fire causing ! e multiple explosions of hidden booby-traps. i Results: Negative S-F I 211945H 7 Co M (S&D) at (AT897494) Opened fire on two ve. Results: Negative S-F

i : i

I : , I


i. I, I

I, I i i

i i \


JOURHAL UriT:C 0 ;:1 Sl1Trr 0 n 3-3, 3rd Dn, 5th liar, 1st; i.

FROM TO 220001H

DTG 22l645H 1 Co I (3&0) at (lT9l2492) Received small arms fire and returned small arms fire. Results: Negative S-F 222045H 2 Co M (S&D) at (A.T850450) Spotted enemy firing at airerat't. Called in artillery_ Results: Neg 3-F


J,~~!!f~~~~"~-"----..,.;~1~1~ ___~~~1~8~--~--"" J'OUR:LAL

PLACE jill l:oa, HVH FROiVl TO

~ ______~ __~_. ______~2~3~O~O~01H~ ______~2~3~24~O~O~H~~AP~R~6~9 __

DTG ',,'.Ii. ILCIDEN'1'S, l'iE3SA'...i'ji;S, OHDERS • ACTIOi.;"

231120H 1 Co K (3&0) at (A'r920498) Found papers bilried in 1 treeline. Results: Forwarded to rear ! S-F 231110H 2 Co K (3&0) at (AT9l6498) Detonated one .-26 typel booby-tr~. Results:2 USMC WIANE I 8-F 23081Sli 3 Co I (S&:D) at (AT865443) Observed raunds being I tired and hitting An Hoa. Checked out area. Results: Negative . S-F 230930H 4 Co K (3&0) at (AT9l8494) Found 500 pounds of rice. Results: Negative 3-F 231030H 5 Co K (3&0) at (AT918496) Found 660 pounds of rice6 200 pOWlds of patatoes and four PRC/25 ba:bteries S-F 231130H 6 Co L (3&D) at (AT905459) Apprehended one male VCS, Results: 1 Male VCS S-F 23121511 7 Co M (S&O) at (AT860453) Found one 60mm booby­ trap with trip wire. Results: Blown in place 8-F e 231!315H 8 Co K (3&0) at (AT9l8494) Apprehended two male vas. Results: 2 Male vcs S-F


JOUHlTAL - • 3-3, 3rd :;~n, 5th Har, 1st liar Div .; ~~~~~~~~~~~------! PLACE , .An Eo a. HVl~ FROIVI TO


241230H 1 Co L (S&O) at (AT93l455) Fbund tunnel complex wi th numerous fighting holes and bunkers and one 50caliber position. Results: Positions destroyed S-F 241840H 2 Co L (S&O) at (AT939459) Found one tomato type booby-tr~. Results: Destroyed in place S-F 24191511 3 . Co


1 s-c 1.l2.r Di V PLACE

~An~=EY_o~a~,~l~~~ll~i ______" FROl"1 TO

r-______~ ____~------.------250001H 2$?400H AJ'R 69 _I +------r-,.....------.;.....-.,---i, DTG D:CIDrrtrrs, hESSAGJ:;S, OHDERS . AcrrIon I

25l000H 1 Co I (S&O) at (AT909482) Apprehended one male ; VCS buring grenades. Results: Turned over to ~ 1ft I ~F 2 Co L (S&D) at (AT93l50$) Spotted 8-12 enemy I and opened fire with small arms and called in .Arty. Unable to observe due to terrain. Re- I sults: Ne~ative . S-F 25l400H 3 Co K (S&D) at (AT900498) Apprehended three female vests while searching villiage. Results: 3 female vas I 5 turned over to ITT SOF 2$1700H 4 Co I (S&O) at (AT916484) Apprehended one detain­ ee. Results: One detainee sent to ITT S-F


JOURrAL - S_., 3 3ro..' ':':,1.n,-' .... 5th lIar, 1 st Ear Di v , PLACE


I ~------~---"-,------~~~------~~~~~~~~-

DTG k Ir:OIDillrrs, ~!lE8SAGj];S, OHDERS

26l845H 1 00 K (8&0) at (AT885490) Found onelO5mm pressure' type booby-trap along a trail. Results: Blown in p1ace S-F 26l850H 2 00 I (8&0) at (AT873446) Galled in Arty on suspected rocket launching site. Results: Neg S~F 262040H .3 00 I (s&D) at (AT907447) Received small arms fire and returned axnall arms tire. Results: Negative S-F 261700H 4 Go L (S&D) at (AT957429) Received small arms f1 and returned small arms and called tor air and arty. Results: 1 USMC WIANE S-F


..- • '/' .•. ~. r



.£l:An~;~:::o,.....!a~,.,~H~V-=.::N______~ .. FRON TO

~ ______...o..--.--_--";;:,:,,;,,,:;,,,:,,=:~------:=,:,,,::~~-~=~!---! 27000lH 272400H APR 69 , • ,I;~ DTG 'ii"oi D!CIDRtTrS, IciESSAGjI;S, ORDEHS • ACTIOli I 270335H 1 Co L (Night Posi tions) at (AT950437) Receiued I ! fi ve incomming GhiCom. grenades. Returned 1 i small arms and M-79 1 s. Results: 1 USMC WIANE S-F 1 I 27lfllOH 2 Co K (8&D) at (AT885490) FOund one booby-trappe4 ! 106,rmund. Results: Blown in place I S-F : 271630H 3 Co K (S&D) at (AT876492) Apprehended ons male . I detainee. Results: 1 male VCS S-F I 271710H 4 Co I (3&0) at ,(SP Delta) Explosion occured in a ammo bunker. Results: 1 USMC KIA S-F I 271715H 5 Co K (S&D) at (887494) Found assorted ammo and I gear. Results: 1$0 rounds of 30c811 ber, three ! battery cells and one PRC/25 battery S-F I 2717$OH 6 Co L (S&O) at (AT947443) Opened tire on 10 enemj wi th 6Omm. mortars and called in AO. Results: Negative S-F I e 272105H 7 Co L (Night Positions) at (AT947443) OP reportee enem~ m.ovement. 'OP was told to pull back to friendly lines when a small tire tight occured. Results: Negative 8-F 272230H 8 Co L (Night Positions) at (AT947443) Spotted five enemy. Spooky sprayed area. Results: Neg S-F

I ;



; ! i I ! I i ! i i i ,

! ;


mJI'f on S£TIOL 3-3, 3rd 3n, . 5th Har, 1 st har Div PLACE

FROM TO 280001H 28


2816)OH 1 Co I (S&O) at (898487AT) Detonated one 165mm SF.D. Results: Negative S-F

c:..,-:-;+C! "7' ? -ry .J:!IE~-"iiV • .m~,,-


JOURI'AL ' ',., S -;1'0.3 3 xm, 5th h aX', 1 s -t 1-.l ar Di v PLACE .A11. ;:":0 a. RVIJ FRON TO 290001H

DTG 1> ILCIDEt~'i'S, lYiESSA0Li:!S, ORDERS 29ll00H 1 Go I (S&D) at (AT88850S) Found one 60mm booby- trap. Results: Blown in place S-F 29l30BH 2 Go M (S&O) at (AT954422) Recieved small arms fire and returned same. Results: Negative S-F 29l500H .3 Go M (S&O) at (AT95642,3) Found i'our huts and two twmels. Results: Negative S-F 291900H 4 Go I (8&0) at (AT887495) Spotted six va with acks. Openedi'ire with small al'mS. Results' ative S.F

- I r


Joum::!L (iTfI TOIl. S:J)J '1'1 C 1;'

~An~=E~o~a~,~R~V~1~T ______FRON TO t--______.....--_~_~ _ __.:3~O_O_O_O_lB______::;3:...0_24.....:._0_0H _ _:::AP::...:R~6:.....9:...._....i ~------~~------~r_-----J DTG I LCIDEN'I'S, ORDERS .1, ACTIOli j

; 300700H 1 Co I (S&D) at (AT89l493) Found fighting holes ! t an8 trench line. Results: Destroyed same S-F , 300920H 2 Co L (S&:D) at (AT911493) Found one 81mm IlIum 11 round booby-trapped. Results: Blown in place I B-P 301045H 3 Co I (S&:D) at (AT900487) Detained one 30 year old woman. Results: 1 female detainee I S-F I I


.' Hi;i;iWQUARTERS 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine• s 1st :barine Division (Reil1) 1;r;IF HO San Franci seo, Califol"'ni 8. 96602 3/RJO/rh 3121 . 23 /ij:)i"i1 1969

From: Corrn:nendil1g Cfti:;er Tc~ Comm.andil1.g Officer~ 5th hi::l.rines

Subj: Cornbat After· Action Repo~:>":

R6f~ {a) DtvO 3b.8o.L', (b> _[:'ifth 1':8:::,ilw Fra,gO 1}1-69 (c) .i.:'ii'·ch ~arine Area of Ope:L'a"bicn5 Overlay

1. Name 0.f....Qpera.'i:;ion: Op~ration l

2. Dates of' _O~0,;mation: 090700E April to 212400H Apl"lil 1969'

3. Location: Du.c Duc bistrict~ I:"U2.l1,:; EaJ,"rl. Province

4,) CODtl~pJ. Ol'_S)ll'!Ji·)·and H0ad.2.'2:artal's: 5th J:'.i.arine Regiment 5. RepoJ:'tin.s. Officer: LtCol A'I1GiiSON

6. Task 01"ganization: 3rd .Battalion~ 5th harines LtC01 A'l'KIi~SON

H8cS Co lstLt H. B. OV.::;iH'lQN

Det, Btr:y- 111 , 2nd 3n. 11 th }larines De t, Comp f))J.Y C, 1 s t Eng. Bn. Det, Oompany jJ~ 1st Shore Party Bn.

Co I Cap t R. A. BEELER

Det, X'D~S 3/5 5TH rv1AR S!C FILES DGt,Dtry F', 2nd ]3n. 11th Harines Det, Camp any C, 1st ){;ng. En. Dat, Comp ccny :::3" 1st [:;.llOre Party Bn. 69 2l> 0 Co K Capt Ie. L. EO OK Det, H&S, 3/5 Det, Btry i?, 2nd Bn. 11th Harines Det, Comp 8l1Y C, 1st Eng. Bn. Det, C01'i'!:pany :3~ 1st Shore l' al"ty Bn. pOVVNGBADEDAT 3 YEAn n:"f'ErrV.Jjtf~§. DECLASSIFIED .AFTER 12 i"EAHS, 007i -bCf o/s StL . DOD D1.Q '5200.10'

COPYfj . I:{. of (-4 .. CO'PTF;g

DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • -Co L Capt J. F. P ALCHiuC Det, FH;S 3/5 Det, :stry F, 2nd Dn. 11th l-'ia.:r·ines Dat, Compal1J" C, 1st Eng. Bn. Det, Co:o.];) any 3, Is t ShOl... S Party Dn.

Co !Ii C Fro tIl'. P. 3DTUm

Det, IJ..:~;S 3/5 Det, E'cry P, 2nd Bn. 11 th NartneB Det, Company C, 1st Eng .. Ena De t, Comp (my D, 1 s t Sho!' e Party Bn.

'QPOi"-'·]' 7 • SU~~ __ It .... L.L;1...-'1~ ·jl'o·"'ces·1..l ",.

A'.,.!.411e· ... '~·r a. ill lJ..!. ..!...i.!.. (1) Dt1.1"ing this operation, 2nd r.',;talion, 11th Marines providsd art:Ll1ery support.

(2) Ii. 'eotal of 2$ obsm"'ved "Dnd five l..ll1.observed missions were fired: 1350 :!:,ounds of HE, 65 rOill:1ds of itJP I and 25 rounds of Illul1linatlon.

b. Air

(1) Uegative troop lifts (2) A to'Ga,l of three fixed wing 1I1is3ions were floH11., all 'llACA cOD.trolled.

(3) }:

(a) Missions- 31 (b) P ersorme1 r,ledevaced

17 ililergencies

20 Pl"'iOl"i ty 19 Routine 8. Intell. ir.;;ence. a. D1..D:,ing Operation liUSKO CLi;E IIEADOlv., 3rd Do.'t;talion, 5th IJlal"ines held slcrch and destroy missions for' the purpose of rice d eni al. ~Ch_e Dattalion pI'oveded rapid Yil0vement of de'cainees to collection points as re~uired. .


b. Collection and Dissemination J.• • • (1) During the reporting period, 3rd battalion, 5th ~larines had 32 detaineos. 22 Hore L:.ccent civilians llhile the o"i:ihel" 10 'treJ.'>o civil defande:o:cs.

(2) C8pt~:!.:;:"ed doc'xnent;,s :'ncll_'.ded: L~ note book -vlith poems Q)."ld songs, p e:esonal l.. d:,,;tel."'8; 8.i1d lJJ.'O::' ; pcp ers.

a. O:ponarwe- 14 8)-"D, O~'lS 8lrill'~. lYiortar :co'und, a.nd thrc:;; ChiGod ~::i:'0n~~CiG is.

IJa Ga.p·cursa equiprnent- six ::T1iA packs, six IrCVA gas :mash:s .. fiv8 rC1.l:1c'S 782 gdar, five !)o'.:t:.ld::; J:!VA clothi.r.~·;, p"nd two potU1d~ ':""8c:u;n~ r:,;uar.

~" L.iooiori

Cond'1c't; 0po:t'ations to pro'GElct Viotn2J;';woJEl H8.tional,:] in collectL'1;:; I'ico during harVE)f·t SG 8.son, assi at in 1"'ico x'e~.LOv2.1 from VC ~cJ.1·::a"'()).led/coIlte8tGd'.8 to he placed in sectU'o storage ~-:'[;.cD.i·Cies in ordor to deny food to VC/1JVA aad aggl'lj.vate enemy lOS:Luticat pro1Jlems.

10. Concept of operations ---.... ~ .... --...... ~ ...... Uri gin8..11:;r :,:.:. (~LC ,l-,i:.i£ Nl~::{L)O d involved one ri1'le comp any and cne rifle COTI1P anJ (._) t;c e.ct as a sot'u0TIing force to provide security [vI' ·~'L.;\:;.lariil.Gvd:'[J L~li:;he Phu :;··,r::1JaIl area. however once tLe O},0:;'at:l.o:n hHd~'J:>;t'n. ~Vr)t s nLis;:,ion was ii10dified such that a coreen ":[88 e Si:;[,": .. i shae LroU:tld the l"'ice harves ters rather thall Q SCrO(;l:':J ·itt"~·~.J..' .. lC ." i·'>_. .'_~·~>.J'~'~'J ... ~...... >.ili: ".. ,;(...... ,' were condL'.C'l:.r::Q ~7 plaL~oL. ;:,:1 ..,;.0' units.

(l~: At; 090E45H Lima 3/5 at coord. ATU98598. Capt1.lr0d VC st'l.spec'G tI'iod to excape. ,vas apprehended and brought back to be tUI'nod over to I 'lIT. Resu:::.ts: 1 ves

(2) At 0909L.5H Lima 3/';) a':; cuord. ATG9951.6. While sai.:;tin:.::; in blocking posi tion, fou.nd one 105m:m round. Will destroy in 'Place prior to loavin(!. a.r0a.


DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • (3) At 09l745H Kilo 3/~ at 'coord. ~T905505. While moving to night position, point element tripped one M-26 pressure device booby trap. Galled in inedevac. Results: 1 USlJIC ~lU~ (4) At 091930H Lima 3/5 at coord. AT897S03. vJhile setting in night po si tion received four x'ound s 60mIi1 mortars, five r01..mds M-79, and 100 rounds small arms fire. Heturned . fire with si.uall arms and N-?9. Results: 3 USl'iC WIA (5) At 091930H Lima 3/5 at coordQ AT894465. Received four rounds 60m111 i:,!.ortars, five rounds 11'1-79, and 100 rounds small arms fire. Searched entire area at first light wi th . negative results. Results: 6 USiv'(C vITA

(6) At 092250H Yanltee 3/5 at coord. AT894465. &emy tripped onG trip flaI'e. Upened fi1"8 ..Ii th small arms. Hesul ts: Negative.

b • 10 .I\e,EJ.l_19 6 9 (1) At 100945R Kilo 3/5 at coord. AT923493. Sniper spotted two vi si tors, one wi th a weapon a.nd one without weapon. Sniper saw the visitor '.-lith a weapon drop and the other onG run. J:hree Hlore 7i si tors ran' from tJ:'ee line. Sent squad out to search for }Jody. By-uad was una;)le ::;0 find body. Resv"l ts: 1 VC B.NH

(2) At lOl020RKilo 3/5 at coo:i:'d. AT92549 5. ~ihile moving hD.l'ine ~~tepped on suspected l05Glil:.round detonated by N-26~ li'ound· frag pin inhale. Results: 1 USl,'iC ~n:A·

(3) At l012l5H Lima j/5 at coord. AT90750'.irihile searching a.rea diElCoverad·1800 Ibs of rice. ficked up t·wo detainees. Hice iSf'~';oing in along with detainees. Hesults; 2 VGS, 1800 Ibs of rice·

/(4) At 101315H Kilo 3/5 at coor'd. ~I.T924494. IiJhile 1:I18ki11(,; a sW8ep of· vilhlge fo' 8. inch dud, two 105r:Uil rounds, and c~ear. ·3low I'ourlds in place, . bringing in gear. (5) At l013l6HKilo 315 at coord. AT930497. Snipers spotted visitors Hith weapons. Shot and 8a1v t\vO drop_ Out of our AO. Unable to send squacl out to Ch3Ck aroa.· Hesul'bs: 2 VC BNR

(6) At l01345E Kilo 3/5 at coord. AT924494.4hile sweepingvillccgef'c tll1d five personnel · ID cards. Detainees WtH'e question 8l'ld sen-iJ to IT'1J. Besul ts: 5 Ferllalo Detainees. .

(7) At l01410H L\ima 3/5 at coord. AT096489. ,Jhile on sweep man tripped one booby trap homemade pressul'e detonated f'ire mechsnism. n,esl,llts: 41}3lYtC dIA 4


(8) At• 101800H Kilo 3/5 at coord.• AT93l494. dhile sweeping village found approximat01y 2100 Ibs of rice. Rico was hidden in groU:.J.d behind hooch. Also :~'cund items of 782 gear and ulGdica1 SUT'f1ies, all anti-biotics. HicG will be bagged and sont to .An fIoa along wi th :~oar and medical suppli0se Results': 2100 Ibs rice, 782 gear, and medical suprlioB.

(9) At 101800H Kilo 3/5 at cGord. AT93l494. While on ~;weep picked up one mother and at tho above coord. Sent the detainees in to I'f'f.

(10) At 102010H Lima 3/5 at coord. AT894492. ';~b.ilo in night po si tion r6Goi vod four incomin;; 60mmftlortar round s Friendly 2!"llbu::;hbot1A1(30n Lima's po si tio,n eJ'ld the enemy attomp ted to move towards onomy. Received n.ppro.:dr,l(o,tcly 10 rounds AK-47 fire. .Alilbush withdrew ,after firing claj::noro. A.rtillery r.!.ission called wi th no:;ati vo results. dill SG ,::x'ch [:.rea at first lisht. Re suI ts: (C; :sf,ti vo

c. 11 April 1969

(1) At 111300H Hike 3/5 at coord. AT358465. While on patrol fOl-md a suspected mortal" 81 toshapod similar to a figure oiC)::tt. Holo is two v!t)el;:s old. DOi::,tl'oyod hol0 and searching 0 ut 8.1"'00... Results: Neg2.ti VG

". (2) At 111330H Kilo 3/5 at coord ~, AT92!~~94.While preparing to mOV0 l:1eard fire''''ight in AO and snipers noticed one onemy:intree lino,.shot arid saw'1i,i·~ldr,?p.'Saw twor(loro, shot S8.vl tb.oYrl· drop." . Leaving platoon, 0.8' blocking fo"ree· for swoop;, .' H0L'"llts: 3 VCBNR :." . ,.:

(3) At l114JOH: India 3/5 at coord~ ATo7346J. Ohe p.p vJasleaving corapCitmd! c arryirigan ammo 'box, . gentry stopped PF a.."ld se8.rcl:1od box. 3 H-26 gronades"wJ.:"G fOlmd covered by two Um'IC ponco linoi:"s c..Dd 8onle;C"':Hations.' Hauis bvl.rlg sent: to CI at .An Eoa . .

('4) At 111700H Kilo 3/5 at coord. ATb96494. In r0:r:'u:r.:mce to .spa t Ruport il'lj30H )' negc1tive res'~'!lts.· ' _J-, \' (S)At 111700HKiTo 3/5e,t cooY'd. AT917483 •. ~mi10 on search bf' throbbodi0s found native p3r.sol1l101 carrying" a. body.· S":'2 iT.l.terl"ogJ.todwQunded P0l"f:iOIl.YJ.t:Jlifho clairils to be di sChaI's'0d,j{'nr soldier. ".', Ral sing susp:L sion bocauseof area found in :3nCl :

d. 12 A~ril 1969

(1) At ,1207"n Lima 3/5 at cool"d:. AT897477. 4~'hile lTIoving fOlU'1d"ol1odud, 8lrnIl1 mOrta.!" l"ound Illumination' canistor. ~/ill· detoDat;o in place. 5


...... •~-- • (2) At 12l130H Kilo 3/5 at ccord. A'f..' 901498. ·;,Jllilo initiD.ting day acts spotted encl"my in " approximatoly 500 raetel"'S ·to northwest. Sent two EHiUG.d~ out to search area they recci vod slual1 arras fire, teok onomy under pursui t. Results: }:'Jo~:ati va {3} At 121230H Kilo 3/5 at coord. AT90l498. Hhile inttll"rigating four vietnax"flofo:e 1!>Jomen, po f;l t~ion reaci ved sniper firs. Two 1IJOt':;,en killed, other civiliaJ.1 flod o.rea. ;'fill S'VH30P area. from. ~vb.ere fire was received. ROf!l..... ltis: Two ifietnar.lose women KIA

(4) At 12l245H Kilo 3/5 at coo~('d. AT897L!.B.3. ~~hilo moving wi thin p eritneter SGt off rrossul"'e X'Glease lVi.-26. Results: 2 US1:JlC i.IlIA (5) At 121700R Kilo 3/5 at coord. AT924500. Found one male dotainee. he was near a holo wi th shrapnel in it that a.ppoG.J:-,ed to b0 at ona time a booby trap. Datainoe said it was incominG that made the: holo. Ro;.;.u1te: 1 Detainee e. 13 April 1969

(1) At 130730H India. 3/5 ~l,:G coord. AT850448. At too abovo grid :i'.oticod two vietnronose di:;sing up what appeared to bG Do ·::o.ol'",to.r tube. Then rebury it 50 i.l1otors away" ~:ben proceod dOi

(2) At l30830h t'i.ilro 3/5 at coord. AT850448. Nan tripped lVI-26 tiJTp0 booby trap-trip wiro. R':)E,ul ts: 1 USMC ~VIA

(3) At 1309~.5E India 3/5 at coor'd. A'r8504.h7. On the above date found "( detainee ·.lit:.otl"G ID card. Nan is 35 YOtH'S old. Sent 1i1['tXl in at 140840E to n:T. Results: 1 ves

(4) At J.3l700R Kilo 3/5 at ccc:i,,"d. AT899498. ~,fuile sweeping village ronnd thro~ fmn8.1es vdthout ID cards. Vill~lgors say tbe fclTlw.les Imow something about VC. Detainees arc being deli verea toI'J:1lf 8.t tbi s time. ;:lesuJ.:cs: 3 fomale det<..,inees

fo ~).;~pril 1969

(1) At lL~09~5 Kilo 3/5 at coord. AT69250,. 'vfuile on pfltrol was dis-cro.cted to provide security for a dovffi CH 46. '~fuon moving to the bird r0ceived small <,.rlllS fire from northwost. l"J.ovod in 8.l1d socurod'the bird. Directed "clio [5UllShip on the enemy. Hos1.",lts: :r/egative

" 6 .-."- -"... "~-


. .." "'" ...... • ~~-o'... "~ (2) At• 141045H Kilo 3/$ at coord.• AT896488. Saw about nine visitors crossing open area. Shot.over their heads; and they didn't stop so opened fire on them with M-16 and 60mm mortars. Sent squad out with four men and found nothing. Results: Negative

(3) At l4l200H :Hike 3/5 at coord. AT9l5486. While on patrol detained four male civilians. 'rhey have IDtS but KCS believes they may be VC" Patrol will bring detainees to road at vicinity of 910486 to be packed up by vehicle. Results: Four Detainees.

(4) At 141720H Mike .3/5 at coord" AT936475. ifuilo on patrol point man spotted one man in brovm uniform. Man saw patrol first then started running. Opened firo with small affI1S and searched areu fo possible results. Results: Negative.

(5) At 14l955H Kilo 3/5 at coord. AT893506. While moving to night po 8i tion rocei ved approximately 10 rounds AK-47 fire from southwest 150 meters away with negative results. Return fire with small arms fire and continued to night position. Results: Negative

(1) At 150930H Nike 3/5 at coor~~L AT939499. Rec8i ired automatic fire from two l-Jeapons fi.... om tr~Bline 500 metGrs away. Return firo with 1'1-16. ResulCis: Negative

(2) At 15l000H Lima 3/5 at coord. AT908494. ~1hile providing flank SGcurity tor road sweep Marine tripped one prossure t ype booby trap possible 8lmm mortar round or lO,5mm artillery rCWld. Results: 1 USHC WIA

(3) At 151000H Kilo 3/5 at coord. 891499. J:i'ound 500 lb. bomb in village stripped of explosivGse Cloarod village of all ci vili uns. Bomb will be blown in pl ace.

(4) At 151115H Kilo 3/5 at coord. AT89l50l. While moving found six gas masks" six INA packs~ assorted clothing ond one ChiOom grenade. ChiCom will be detonated in place and the other gear will be sent to roar. Resul ts: 6 gas masks,

6 NV A P acks 9 and a8sorted clothing.

(5) At 151150H Mike 3/5 at coord. AT945490. 'Nhilo searching villago fcund and apprehondedone young male. Ho had no ID cord Dnd vwrann in hoech" holp pull him out claiming him to be VC. KCS are convinced man is VC. Took detainee to OP along ro ad for vehicle pick up. Results: 1 VCF



-"-'.-. .. "., ~~ " ,,' -' (6) At 151200H Kilo 3/5 at coord~ •AT889507. While setting in £1-60• hit booby trap. Booby trap located on ed1ge of bomb crator. Thero Was a way around it but it was buried flO no one could see it. Booby trap was lo5~:!:i round pressure detonated. rrhore vIas a marker about 200 meters from booby trap what road Cera .Ai. Results: 2 US·Ie KIA, 4 USMC WlA (7) At 15l350H Kilo 3/5 at coord. AT889507. \

(8) At 151700H Kilo 3/5 at coord. 1\.T890504a 1r.lhile setting in f'ound one 500 lb. pl'essuro type dotonatod bomb o Bomb was destroyod. (9) At 151800H Kilo 3/5 at coord. AT89 8498. Whilo searching vill ago found one vietnamese male wi thout ID card. Dotainee is about Lt.O-45 yoars old. Results: 1 Hale Detainee

h. 16 ~ri11969 {I) At l6l040H Kilo 3/5 at coord. AT88l500. While on patrol tripped one N-26 trip wire detonated booby trap. Results: 2 USl.viC K[A

(2) .At 161210H Kilo 3/5 at coord. AT8801.4-98. hlhil0 on patrol found ono 105mm I'our... J. Destroyod in place.

(3) At 161630H lJliko 3/5 at coord. fl T966492. Found exp10si Ve part to improved conventional tv-supan of d thor artillery or nir typ o. BlOlI1' in plaeo.

i. !.1 @ril .1969. (1) At l70700H Fiik,e 3/5 at coord. AT953494.While prep aring to move f'ound port of improvod conventional weapon muni tion.! Dest:ecyed in place.

(2) At 1'(1800H l~ike 3/5 at coord. AT943497. vfuile on dnytime swoep found l05mm round. Blew in place.

(3) At:i. 70940H lVlike 3/5 at coord. AT907498.~lIh11e on sweep to road set off l05mm round trip wire booby tr~. lLlse fOll..'l1d a 6Orr.:m. booby trap at 906498. Destroyod 6Qir'1l round. Resul ts: 2 U~1C 1~IA

(4) . At 171750H Nike 315 at coord. I.T90.3495. While searching orea. found 82mm mortal' round roady to be sot in. Has n trip wire booby trap nose and tail assembly was gono. Wire was loading out of the tnil section. It had a Russian type . Destroyed round.

-- .. 8 .-.. . ".. .,' . - ".. -


...... ~ • • (5) At 171850H Mike 3/5 at coor~. AT903495. Found one M"'26 gronade booby trap when detonated large explosion as if l05mm round was under it. Booby trap was destJ..... oyed. (6) At 17195511 Mike 3/5 at coord. AT904495. \Vhile in night position as night activity was moving out it received fire from Goven automatic and semi-autom.atic weapons. Returned fire with grenades smull arms and called Qrtillory missmon. Resluts: Negativo

j. 18 Imril 19ft2

(1) At 180930H Mike 3/5 at coord~ AT905483. While sweeping Ql"oa foul1.d booby trap locked V.ko pouncing betty. It waS ovor size homemade CbiCom. Placed on paddy dH;:e where someone could set i t off, had pressure typo release. Destroyed in place.

(2) At 181100H Hike 3/5 at coord. AT89550o. While searching urea found two heavy blood trails at 902497. Villagers said VC C[]}'l1O fr'om the north. Villagers bave hostile utti tude. Found one grey khold NV Ii. 11.niform, one hammock, Dnd two shirts in ron.InO cons hidden in at 894505 olso found two Uffi1C steol pots,

(3) At 181810H Hike 3/5 at cocl"d. AT887485. While m"reeping aroa fOUc"1d tomatoe cem boob;y- trap hidden in woeds. Fuze wns cut. Booby trap wns destroyed. k. 19 April 1909

(1) At 190745 India 3/5 at coord. AT880437. \Vhile checking out TilOY01Uent reportod by LP last night found one M-26 grenade .in the fork of 0. trae 1,.li th tho pin ~strnigb.tened. Heard Viotn81noso moving off hill as they approached. Belioves they scared th0J.l1 off bofore thoy could at;t; the trip wire. Dostroyed the gronad o. (2) llt 190900H India 3/5 at coord. AT876437. 'i'lliiIe on swinger stepped 30 wood cutters. Two females had no ID cards. \vill send the two in on resupply Chopper. Results: 2 VCS (3) At 1909l5H :Hike 3/5 at coord. AT829495. While on sweep found two young r.lule civiliru1.s. Had ID card but no picture on them. -~lI'ill send them in on i"irst available bird. Results: 2VCS

_ (4) At191145H Ki10 3/5 at coord. ,{~'l'CJI0490. Ifu110 6n"r~iberty~ridgeBoad spotted :Lo va running across 1'iold all carrying viGapons. Snipors shot lll"ld got, '"three ·kil·J.:.s. ~. Will - search uroa cOlllplcltoly.L, Results:9 3 VC BNR. ___.. _" _

DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • (5) At 19l200H I'ndi.a 3/, at coord. AT88,443. Whilo moving hit a homemade pressure device bqoby tl"O,"p. Results: 1 USlvr.C WIA

(6) At 19123lH Nike 3/5 at coord. AT878507. While on sweep saw olo'·on rl.L2.l0n~oro:jQil1g !'.ivor'·with four boats. Attempted to have them. cross river to this side but instea.d they ron. Fired Slilall arms Qnd bOmm aort8X's. Called in artillery mission, unable tu cress riv~r:: AO called in to choe}f aroa. Results: 6 VC ccnfirraed

(7) At 191245H Kilo 3/5 U"C coord. AT910490. ~fuile on OF "6, spotted six VC in open carrying weapons. Snipers shot and got one vwunded Dn.d one killed. Searched area wi th nflgo.tivEJ rosults" Resul'cs: 1 VC BUR

(8) At 191600H Kilo 3/5 ut coorc1 o ii.T923494. Found two l05mm rounds in frcnt of hooch. Two detainees in hooch. One wi thout ID ond one with but looked suspicious. Blew rounds in place arid will sond detainoes in to I'llT. Results: 2 VCS

(9) At 191700H Lima 3/5 at coord. AT867453. lnJhi1e manufacturing to night position took eight-ten rounds of small . arIl18 ,i'ire. Was ,-mabIe to pinpo: origin of' firo. Suspect FF's fr.i:.:. firing in o.roa. Resul s: Nogati 'l'J8

(16) At 19I715H Mike 3/5 at cocrd, AT874500. ~vhile on daytime sweop set fire toiJrush. Set of'i' two booby traps. Ono at 874500 was a. 1<1-26 booby trap, the socond one at 869500 was a 155rmll booby trap.. Results: liIegati va

1. 20 April I_~

(1) l.t 2008o0H Hike 3/5 at coord. 11.T890508. OP spotted four ve, threo werG carrying weapons and one Was carrying a bag. One 'ivaEl woo.ring blaclt: trousers, whi to shirt other threo wor~ shorts and ~I wore Rtra.vJ h'ltS.. Tho VC were moving in a nOl~thK{js-t:;orn dLc'oction. Continuing to obsorve area not able to get a clear Bhot.

(2) At 200845H Indio. 3/5 at coord. AT920472. While conduc ting patrol SaloT one ViotnOlnoso male dress0d in bl ackshirt wi thp urpl 0 "l:irousers '::.:'.rrying aSKS Ivenrillg a cartridge bel t. fiIan pan in northerly direction. Open fire nnd searching aroa.

(3) At 200930H ~iiko 3/5 at coord. AT890506. Spottod three VC moving in a. north by north west direction. One was carrying D. ri flee Unable to get ClOD.!' shot •

.. "~? C ~ ~.. ~!\i'~ , 10 ,~-~ ..


F:PPBr 01f\:. J'I: i" «t~r~;tOi '" Ii ~~~\"l;fF' i UWu l~%.:lI?~ (J w: uU (4) At• 201010H Mike 3/5 at coord.• AT8745Q~. Whilo on patro'l found ono l75mra round booby trap.. Pr.88sl.l.r~ Qeto;ns,.tod· found on old trail. Destroyed in plnoe.

(5) ~t 20l430H Lima 3/5 at coord. AT865445. FOW1d tour Vietnm-'lese Gales between 50 ['.,nC. 60 ca.:::'rying ::me 250 11:>. bomb in basket. Called EOD to cJestrcy bomb and sent detainees to rear. 4 male detainees.

(6) At 201615H indio.. 3/5 at; cooreto AT7:L3ttl~8. Spotted two Vietnamese entel:' cave carrying rifles. Five minutos later spotted two more Vietnameso outside the cave caI'x'ying what loo1r.ecJ liko 0. tube and two w,Slt:Jr bll:Lls. Cf1~Ued in Blrim mortar mission~ sc:H 10 succndary (O)xplosic!ls with blnG~;: fltrlokoo Searching al:'ei.:.. "

(JJ .il.t 211010H ~J[ilu 3/5 aG cocl"'d, AT89 1499 • 1rfuile on d ny p ntirol td. -c Gno 155rnm booby trap. TrOJ.:l v!as pros :::ure roleased and ir.rU8 located on trail near ditch. Resultf;: 1 USMC KIf.;. 3 tJ.3i:IC ~\1I1~

(2) ii.t 2L1J1l5H Indj,8. 3/5 'It r.oord~ Il.T9271!46. ,soarchod al:c,? one LnU1.d ruins., hunko!'G,; fighting h(lss. Lool{od to be about six I'!.cnths old. The 2'uins lool-cod IJ.ll:8 they Wel:'e French. Destruyocl bunkers, fighting b(:lIJso Cl'.r1 :euinso

l.3) At 2J.1100'8: l-'Liko 3/5 at coord. A'T'891499. liJhilo on PQtrc~. f>::.un(~ thl~OG .'Jl1'JIrlC cans filled 'tilth VC gonr. Found 200 meters i'rOl:l booby trap. Dostroyod gear.

(L~) At 211135H ~Nike 3/5 at coord. AT901492. tVhile on p at!'ol sot .f:i.!,r::. to tl"'Geli~1G. Tho firo ~ot of'£, two lO5mm r:lU':!.?S boob;)· tr'aps dnd .j11.0 .82mm h()Gby trap. Continued on tdth fill. [:tS~.O~lo

(,5) L.t 2 .ib55H Niko 3/5 at 000rcL i~T89l499. Fire set of'i':~hroo bc·::1:;y 4:;,'~QPS. 'l'wc 155rn:;:n rCW1ds Cll1.d ono 8lrom rQund. fuse fcunc1 {i,T 0 o:r.C fishing lc;ader usod i'or trip wire on booby trap i:l. D'')str(:~TG::;' wire.

,>, ?1170r:FT Wi·'! .. r> . 1 ""~9nI4qR (6) 1:.... !,; ._. _ .,_. ..i, J..~.I (. 3/'[:'.:J ,.• ; ....II ,... 00 ru...... \"i. ." '" ,-L."1""-,....;; lJ v* sotting f:tro set 01'1' the follovdng-one l75mm c['.sing and 1'uze, tlJVC l05m!'t1 p.~;1).n~1s possible booby tra-ps prossure type release, 0110 1,1-26 gr'eD.nde sb.ort fuze J two 60li'D.U rOW1d s were set off , o.n~ one 60mm Ill1...TCI:.J.:J.ation round. fil so fou..Del one six gallon c an full of C-4.1 onu rocket :p~::>o jectilGJI tHO sm f1l1 tomato e cans i of oAJ?10 8i VUJ~ ono hOm8IilGde bom ), it was E~ juice cun filled l...rith 0-4 and h:ld a blasting cap a'ijtachod to it. \"'ill destroy nIl booby traps foUnd. .., n[O·jn!til" '. U~

DECLASSIFIED .,. ..DECLASSIFIED (7) At .211945H lUke 3/5 at coord. 1..T897494. Two va appro [lched fIIllbush po 8i tion and op ened fire wi th smnll anna •. Returned fire and moving 8lnbush. Results: Negative

12. Results;;. a. Enemy

(1) Personnel 0 16 VC ENE, 32 dotainoes

(2) Matori ale

(a) Rifles: NOD.I)

(b) lunmo: lLt S17D,: s, 1 81mrn. round, 3 ChiC0!11 gl~en[tdo 2

(c) Equipment: 6 NV A P acks~ 6 NY A gas masks, 5 Ibs 7052 gear, 5 IbsNVA clothing 2 Ibs modiccW. goar b. Frienc11;y:

') (1) KIA -" ( 2) 0011)" 1

(3) WIllE 1;;

( ~J 'fATI liNE 9

( 5) NBCE 1

130"'ativo Matt~

3... R08t.1l~o The Battaliurl vms rosU:.l?pliod from:the LSA at An Hoa. RosLl1?ply was accompli shed by holicopterr e];id .vehicle.

b 0 l~aintona.r.':.2.2.. 'l'horo w'el"'O no major problems in maintonance. c. ::Q,r0atmont of Cusuolttes, Evacuation and Hospitalization. Casualty evacuntion was accomplished with minimum loss of time.

do 1:F1l-i'1S12ortatiol1" There:. vJ'ere no m2.jOl' problems in traha...

portatiomJ but insufficient working hours with helicopters cause dolQY in T

e <> COlil111Ul'li c Gtion G

(1) Supported 0pel"'ation prJ.rna.rily l-ri th AN/PRC-25 FM communico.tions. The AlT/PRC-77 and KY-38 was used on the Regimental tactical net. Friendly interference was heavy due to closoness of oJ.l frequencies c,ssigned to the Battalion. Company freqencias were changed from tim/) to time to cOl11ponsntG for the friendly 1nter.f'crence.

' ...... ,.. 12 .--.'.'."'"'". ...,. '.,


('2) 1'.N/PRC-25, s, AN/PRC-93' s and •AlVPRC-41 ' s were used by the TACP and FAe teams for coordination of AO I a, Tactical oil', Spookies, Flore Ships, and Medevacs.

(3) Extensive wire communications tiGrO employed within the Battalion Cornm.and Post dOlffi to mid including local sccuri ty. Switchboard facilities were located at the Battalien Command Post Forlvard a..'1.d Rear wi th numerous tl"'unk linea. HOrtars were supported by Gun Loops.

(~.) FeuI' AN/PRC-l! s ~.;ere employed at the Battalion Command Post to increase the effoctivnoss of the local sccuri ty of the Battalion Command Post ..

14. .~ecia1 Eguipri).ent ond Tf:3chnigues. Ther'e were no special equipment or special techniques used duringOperution MUSKOGEE MRA,IXJW.

15. CO!illnnnd~r '8. !U1alysi s.

a. In operations of this nature extensive laison is nec­ essary betl..reen Harine Units and PF and RF Forces.

b. In conjlllction vJi th direct liaison D.t BnttOlion lovol wi th indigenous personnel .. physical lini ec·J:::l- botiwoon"Narino Un! ta and local Indigenous Units is also necessary. This li~ison she uld manifest itself in the form of interpreters and/or llIl16ric an Advi sors 0 16. ReC01TImendations. None

::lit. !Jr/L;/JW H. E. A1XINSON .Dy direction


3rd Battalion, 5th Harines Quang Nom Province 081710H l~ril 1969

,Frag Order #1-69 Operation 1'1 USIW GEE HEADOW Ref: (a) Map Vietnam 1:50,000 AMS Series L7014 Sheet 6640 IV 1. SITUATION n.' Enemy. No Change b. Friend1x. No Change 2. 1n 3310 N• No Change


a. Concept., tlilth one company lU'1d ono ,company {-} provide securi ty for Vietnamese harvesting rice in vicini ty AT8950. b. Indl u Co_. No Chnnge

c. Kilo Co. Wi th ccmp any (-) cinduct night movement ond establish screen from 900,17 to southeast to 903500. With one platoon ccntinue present missioni

d. Lima COe dith one comp'~Y estub1ich serven from 890510 / to 900517. Establish eOOl'ti1n',:'i;ioll '·'::'.. ':::~:~0. / / /' e. IVIiko Co. No Change- Battalion Hasorvo

f. lOb's Pl~o Direct support as required.

g. 531 r s 'P1 te Direct support us required.

h. Cccrc1inc,ting Instruct5.cns

(,1) D-Dc;y 09 April 1969.t H-Hour 0600-1800

(2) ~~Jvi scry te8Ill frcm District will effect liaison wi th Lime. Co.

(3) linintdn ccmmunicntions with Forgery.

(4) l;ny ri C8 caches oi scoverea will bo retrograded to 1ln Hou. 4. ,ADMIN/LOGISTICS. No Change

5. COMML CNn!~. no Ch ange

... .. ~ -- ,. '" ~ ~- lL ~ ,,,,,:,• .f-~


o •

3rd Bo.f'~alicn. 5th Marinos \ ~uang• NQtI1 Province ll1330H April 1969

Frag Order #2-69 Operaticn'MUSKOGEE r<;~;JJ)()W

Ref: (a) Map Vietnf~ 1:50,000 x~iS Serios L70l4 Sheet 6640 IV


b. lfri end 1][. No Changtd

2. :t-'iI SSlQ.!. No Change

3. --EX:iwurrON.... ------. a. Conoel2...t. Ccmp a.l1ies rotate to respective AO I s. b. India Co. Nove to An Hca and as[)urne Mike Co. mission. Provide Battalion roserve as necessv.ry.

o. Kilo Co. Move west acre ss whi to line and assume Lima. Co 0 1ni 8 sIan.---

d. Lima Co. Hove to Battalion OP 10 cation and ussume Indi'), 00. mission. Coordinate l'ITith Yankee (6) upon reaching this destinQtion,

e. Hike Co. Assume Kilo Cc. mission in oastol'n portion of Battalion -p£) to ensure the ccveraBo of area viCinity 884438.

f. Yc.nkee Co 0 No Chango

g. CoordinQting Instructions

(1) D-Day 12 f.pri1 1969

(2) Limo. will cccrdinate wi th India prior to Lima mov:tng to Bo:l:;tolLn CP.

(3) Hiko c(;ordinate with India. prior to India moving to {m Boa.

4. ji.DNIN/LOGIS~.ICS. No Change 5. COI>'IT'1/_C.Q!ViN. No Chongo



3rd Mn1iCn, 5th Marinos Quang N?un P:rocvinco 160355H 1!pril 1969

F:rong OrdG!> #3 ... 69 Ope:roation NUSKOGEE )V;:~~j'J)Oi'l7

Ref: (a) 1Vlap V:l.GtnBIll 1:50,000 111'13 Bartos L70l4 Shoot 6640 IV

1 ~ SITU .nj,TIO}~ n. EnemX. No Change b. .RE:J.0nd1X. Nc Change

:3. ~c;g;cUT!

a. COn9G'Qt~ Ccmpanies will rotn.te to new AO I S

b. !.!Ls.i.g Co.. On D-Do.y assume M.ike Coo mis~ion in southeast

nnel east P01-t;i.c'.i.l of Battalicn AO 0

c e [il0 C9~o On D-Day move tc Battalion OF location and assume Limn Go. current mission.

d. ~i~~ro. Cq." r,10v€J to An HOD. and o.SS1..lIn0 India Co. current m5. esion,

e. l-'iih:o Co 0 Nevo to western portion of Battalion AO and

assume Kilo Co 0 cU!':roent mi ssion.

(1) D-Loy L7 Jpril 106~

,( 2) COlir.. ~. o.11i8 S "lilCving to CP and lin Hon coordinnte as necessary. (.3) Ru10s cf ongagC;)raent remain the same.

4. j1DNIN/LOGLjlrI CS. 1\[0 Change

50 CO¥llJlj!.. No Ch anga