DECLASSIFIED ", ," .~. .If 1_ !!~ ... I COMMAND CHRONOLOGY' I I ! R>R THE PERIOD, I , ' i I I 01000lH THROUGH ,)02400H APRIL 1969 . $11 .". SIC AlES 89 298 ., ·f· copy NO./ OF '7 OO"gt4-,~ 0/5- -rIc COl Yfj '-- .1 of.. 9..r",)~~:3 ;. 1.,-III S,.. ...,. i L ..... U't!1t,t2 ftIM. _.:. S ,'/Y"'.Ie DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED HEADQUARTERS • 3rd Ba.ttalion, 5th Marines ~ 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF FPO San ,Francisco, California. 96602: -' 3/FSW/tjr .!!!I'! (Wlclassified upon removal 01' 005750 Encla SUI'e (1) 5 May 1969 From; Commanding Officor To: Commanding General, 1st M~):i.:'1.e Di-lI'ision Vi a.: Commanding Officer, 5th Marines Subj: Command Ohronology for the period of OlG001H to. 302400H April 1969. Ret: (a) MCO 5750.8A- (b) FMFPacO 5750.8A (0) DivO 5750.2C ...- . Enel: J(l) 3rd Battalion; 5th Marines Command Chronology 1. In accordance with the provisions of references (a.), (b) and (c), Enclosure (1) is hereby submittod. ·/j -' /' .. ~~ AF. vi. SAUCIER . : By direction •• .1'........ e I!' DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED . ,.,"1 ~.. ' . • HEADQUARTERS • 3rd Battalion, 5th Morin0f.i 1st Harine Division (Rein);> ?'.YIF FPO San Francisco, C;8.J.:u·01:<r.:i13.96602 B i[ (:CiJ!i.?.3iD U:~lf::CI''J:":' LO cry" OlOOUJj:-li',.. ) 3G?!.c~;()F:: Ep:r>~~> 1969 ...... ro1JlN GR;J)l:ID AT ~) YErC;{ I l\TT ERV 1.1,8 DECLi:.SSIFI;:ED }:Ji''l'i;;l1 J.2 YEARS DOD DR 5200~:!,O ENCLOSURE (1) .TN?E' DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED PART I • ORGAlUZATIONAL DKfA• 1. DESIGI{ATION ·.~Q!.~~Al!p'.~! 3ra Battalion, Sth Marines ':','1:.;001 H. E. ATKINSON Company H&S lstLt fio E .. OVERl'ON Comp OIly I ndi a Gupt H. A. BEELER 08pt l'~ !'r "~... , HOCK p Cr:q,t J c ",c ,J P AI:CHAK IT' Comp any Ni:::d Oapt .1.. ...; P BURNS' 2. ~pCATIOH",) 5[·1 Bo.t'l.io.lion, 5tih Har·:1.nes pnrticipa.ted in 0:"' ._ L~·~.~on MtSYl.':" ~;?:; :'~EADOP ;•. ">1 the :L1orthwe~teX'n portion o~ tho 3/5 AO. Th81 now continue to con.3.uct Search and Clear operations wi thin the 3/~; AO n::''l0 provide f'or the security of the 1m Hoa Comba.t Bas:;. in the Ct;)nng Nam Province of RVN. 3v STAFF OlilFICERS RAocO WIs.j.):.' Ro L. VOGT To 3APR69 }!ajor Ft. w. SAUel ER Fr 4APR69 S-l lstLt w. G. BINES Su2 lstLt K. J .• SALAMON 8-,3 ~-1ajor R. t. VOGT 8-4 lstLt A. B. BENZ S-s 1 stLt D. W. JAMIESON To 6APH69 lstLt w. R. PHILIPS Fr 7Al'R69 Supp:J..yO lstLt Go c. FERREE CommO lstLt Do w. RODDY MID lstJ...st D. W. JAMIESON !l.'o 6APR69 latLt vi" R. PHILIPS Fr 1APR69 Chapla1n Lt ~" N. LOCKARD , . DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED SLS£ilii • Lt B. Ao KROPSKY J..It H. A 0 BENLER G.9p t ;f 0 P. NOESON FAC Cap lj M. J 8 LUCCI ALO To 24Ai:'R6s­ Capt; J ~ E. SOWERS JI' :F:r 25APR69 4. Average Monthly Stre!H~ll; USMC DS}T OF'F OYF ENL .~ 37 . 3 57 UNCUSSIJDlf ENCLOSURE (1) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • P ART .II • NARRAT!VE SUMMlIRY , 1. The Battalion's Officer shortages are one Captin 0302 and one Lt 6708. The Battalion's Ehlistied shortages are two GySgtts 0)69, 14 SSgt r s 0369, and 46Sgt t sCH ~ '.i:he Battalion has 100% of its M/L str'ength in Lt Is 03~ 39% of i tfl M/L strength in SSgt's 03 and 45% of its MIL strengt:':, LJ ,~gt' s 03, ~ 2. The 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines cont'inues to conduct offensive operations in the souther!l port~,o:':l of the 5th ~[at'ines AO. They ol so provide for the secw;'i ty of. the An Hq a Combat Base and the Liberty Bridge Road" Op-eration ~FJSXOG-BE ~m_:'l..DOW" held during the month~ W[~S conducted to protect i}ie"t~nWlleSE:'J j!Ta':;ionals in col­ lecting ril}El during hnrvAst seagon and '1;0 -eeny i'oGd supply to va/WI A in the al:'eao Periodical.dO extonSiOl1f; were used in order to clear suspected enemy p003itions iJ.nd forcos outside the 3/5 AO. ~~' ~~ ENCLO SURE (1) ~jjf6iili' DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED !!.LM • P ART III xmCLASSIJ'lD! SEgUENTIAL LISTINGS OF SIGNIFICANT EVElIfTS ........-....~ .. ~.------.. ~ 1. Topics A. Personnel and Administ~~t.:::-..Q.g 1. StrenK~~o The. B,J..i:;tr:'~l.i.uE bega.J:l the month wi th an on board strongth of 3, Marine O.ffic~rs, 1,173 Narine Enlisted, 3 Navy Officers and 54 Navy «..lists':.. The current on board strength of the Battalion is 36 Jlnrine Of'!.'icers, 1,138 Marine EnJ.i stedM 3 Navy Officers and 56 K>.l.vy E;:lJ5,"tede 20 Di sipl.ine2 L(n~ a.'tld LE)j-I.,J... Dm"'Sng the reporting period of l~;;>rilp 3rd ~8.li"on.<· ")th·~M2.l'ines hel.d tw·:) General Courts ~1a;;."'iji ol and OJ'.O Sp ec:t a}, 00 u.:r'~ }lU::...,t~.:(I. 0 There iv-ere three investi gat;i.ons l;.eld. 3. Morale o Morale and fighting spirit continued to be exce11ent-.----- 4. Postal. Postal service continued at the same degree of excellence. 5. Awards. There were f:i.ve Bronze Stars" eight Na.vy Commendation Metals, six Navy Achievement ]~eta1sS' three Viet­ namese Crosses of Gallantry and lL!.1 Pu!'ple Hearts awarded to personnel of the .3rd Battalion,. Slh MD1~ines this month. 6" Interior Managomen.t... Admini stl:' ation proceduros and proficency ~ontinued to be excellent. Bo EnerilL,-.. )Jeather and Terre.in 1. Jfu6m.ilo During tl:fl reporting period onEmY acti vi ty oonsisted of small scale attacks against friendly units, harnss­ ment of! friendly uni to through ·Ghe use of mortars and rockets, continued use of mines and booby··trap s, and reerui mont and indoctrination of the 10ca.1 populace. 2. !ieather. ae Rainfall: Negative b. Temp. era ture g 1 II Avg high: 93 2~ Avg low: 77 c. Light: 1. Avg sunrise: 0620 2. Avg sunset~ 1910 3. Terrain. During the reporting pGI'iod, flat lowlands and rice paddies were the predom:tnont terrain. features. y..l ENCLOSURE (l) . S;FJPTF DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • ' • c. 1'.[i ssion. 1. Continuo Scarch.and Cleat~ operations in our seotor of the 5th Marinos AD. Block all onemy i:1:.filtra.tion r1utoa 1~ the An Hoa ~oa, and oontinue to pro7ide for the soourity of the An Ho,a Combat Buso. D. ~pgisticse fL...- .. ~t·o.l·It ,,,.() <:1 S4·"T.QS 01'" 1 • ~~• ..L·tf.'..>· .. J.The o· ..\/ ·er"" CI. •• .....:, .t·,J',....""" 0"'" "'~ •.t.1 ).' U...,... ...: t...1. ,j,.. tho Bo.t.- talion i,'3 satisfactory at the prel'le::.1'c ti!t1 r-lr The Battalion S-4.. has resupplied tho Battalion :L-l tIE: field c:::. a daily basis. K'" ~ 1 (I. ;: nun,dl . :;r,o KIA 5 NBC 11 WIAE 25 NED 2 WIANE 22. DO vi 2 11 VC/INA KIA BNR F. §brmi fi c @t Enem;z: 0 rc1p.9c"lc.~i CuQ.t ...1.J' Cl,g, 1 US Carbino G. Significant Muni tionfl Oepturod/Foun.d and Destroyod 7 ChiCo:m grenades 1800 AK;"47 I'o unds 1 60rrlm. mo r t 0;1:' ro und 80 300aliber rounds 1 2.5 roclwt round 24 SIrD! s found 15 Blasting cups 12,000 pOlUlds rice 200 pounds potatoes ,30 pounds misoelleaneous VC!NVA 782 gear 10 pounds documents Io ~ignific::m.L.Enemy Caves, Buildings and ;roJ:itifient1ons Destl"o;ved, 2 Bunkers 4 Fighting holes ENCLOSURE (1) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED T.raining• • 1. Regimental Indoctrination Sohool. During the re­ porting period all new personnel reporting to the 3~ Battalion, ,th Marines attendod Troop Indoctrination School held by the Sth Marine Rog:iment_ Thel'e were six schools holc.\ during April. 2~ Division Schools. P:)~.'dOIU'l.el at'tended the f'ollow.Lng Division Schools during tho month ot April. NCO 300001 Orficer Leadership School SNCO Lea.dership School Embarkation School Land Mino Warfare, Demolitions nnd 3ooby'Tr~ Training Ki '. Oorson Scout Orientation Course K. SBP;eorting l!~ 1. Kit Carson scouts. The' Battalion is presently employing Boven Kit Carson Scouts who have participated in 40 patrols conducted by"this Battalion.• 2. Interpreters. The Battalion is presently employing three interpr,eters. e 3. &lginoors. Co~a.ny B, 1st Engineor Ba.tta.l1on supported J/S during the month Q..:r;' April. 4. Shore Party (HST). EST's Wel'e provided by Company B, 1st 'Shore Par'by Battalion•. L. COp!llunicationso The primary mesns of oOlDllunications during the month were the AN/PRC-25, AN/PRC-88. fJ'f/PRO-77 and the KY-38. The AN/PRC-4l Dl'ld AlI/PRG-47 were also used. M. Cival Affairs 1. Mad Caps. There were four Med Caps held during the month. 562 people were treated and 32 were ovacuated to the Germ·~JQ. Hospital. ,2. Contributions. 20 pounds of soap and 50 pounds of candy were aistributed throughou~ the local vill~cc~~ N. ~~9rting ~8 1. Ai!'. During the repol"'ting period the First Marine Air Wing proviaed support .for the .3rd Battalion, 5th Marines as tollows: , ... ." ~!OLOstm:s (1) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED A.- Helicopters flew 44 Medivac missions to evacuate 38 Emergenoy, 29 Priorty and 33 Routine Casualties. B. Helicopter support was used in one t~oop lift and tw Huey Gunship strikes on the 28th of May.
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