BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE FILED STATE OF CALIFORNIA 5-01-17 04:59 PM Order Instituting Rulemaking on the ) Commission’s Own Motion to Adopt Reporting ) R.92-08-008 Requirements for Electric, Gas, and Telephone ) (Filed August 11, 1992) Utilities Regarding Their Affiliate Transactions. ) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that, pursuant to the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, I have this day served a true copy of 2016 ANNUAL REPORT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY (U 338 E) ON SUBSIDIARY, AFFILIATE, AND HOLDING COMPANY TRANSACTIONS IN COMPLIANCE WITH R.92-08-008, ORDERING PARAGRAPH NO. 2 on all parties identified on the attached service list R.92-08-008. Service was effected by one or more means indicated below: ☒ Transmitting the copies via e-mail to all parties who have provided an e-mail address. ☒ Placing the copies in sealed envelopes and causing such envelopes to be delivered by hand or by overnight courier to the offices of the Assigned ALJ(s), or by U.S. mail to other addressee(s). Executed May 1, 2017, at Rosemead, California. /s/Jorge Martinez JORGE MARTINEZ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue Post Office Box 800 Rosemead, California 91770 1 ************ SERVICE LIST *********** Last Updated on 09-MAR-2015 by: JVG R9208008 NOPOST ************** PARTIES ************** Margaret D.B. Brown Attorney At Law Jeffrey F. Beck PACIFIC BELL BECK & ACKERMAN 140 NEW MONTGOMERY ST., RM 1320 4 EMBARCADERO CENTER, SUITE 760 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 (415) 545-9424 (415) 263-7300
[email protected] David A.