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PUBLICATIONS D'HISTOIRE DE L'ART ET D'ARCHEOLOGIE DE L'UNIVERSITE CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN LIX NUMISMATICA LOVANIENSIA 10 KRAAY. MZRKI_IOLM trSSAYS NUMISMATIC STUDIES IN MEMORY OF C.M. KRAAY AND O. MORKHOLM Eorteo nv Gaoncns LE RIDBR, KertNeru JENKINS, NeNcv WAGGONER euo Ur-r.a WESTERMARK LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE INSTITUT SUPERIEUR D'ARCHEOLOGIE ET D'HISTOIRE DE L'ART SEMINAIRE DE NUMISMATIQUE MARCEL HOC 1989 THE ROYAL SELEUCID MII\T OF SELEUCIA ON THE CALYCADNUS Arthur HoucuroN (Plates XXIII-XXVIII) Abbreuiations Babelon E. Ba.sor-oN, Catalogue des monnaies grecques de Ia Bibliothique Nationale. Zes Rois de Sgrie, d'Arminie et de Commagine, Paris, 1890. Bellinger A. R. BerI-rNcnr., A Seleucid Mint at Elaeusa Sebaste, rn ANSMN, 3' 1948, p.27-30' B)IC P. GanoNnn, Calalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, The Seleucid Kings of Sgria, London, 1878. CSE A. Houcnrou, Coins of the Seleuciit Empire (Ancient Coins in Norlh American Collections,4) New York,1983. De Clercq G. LE Rrorn and H. Snvnrc, Objels de la collection Louis De Clercq, in fiN, s. 6, 21,1979, p.7-53. ]Iallus A. HoucnroN , The Seleucid Mint of Mallus and the Cult Figure of Alhena Magarsia, in Sludles in Honor of Leo Mildenberg, p.91-110. Hunter 3 G. MacooNer-o, Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection, Yo1.3, Further Asla, Nor- thern Africa, Western Europe, Glasgow, 1905. \[orkholm, Clllcfa O. Monr<nor-u, Seleucid Coins from Cilicia, ca. 220-150 8.C., in ANSMN, 11, 1964' p. 53-62. Sevrig, ?rlsors H.
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