New Orleans' Jews Fight Election Law Rebukes Opponents of Zionism Israel Blasts UN Scopus Report
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Te~pl e B:th El 10 70 Orchard Ave, Providence , R. I. Only Anglo-Jewish Rhode Island's Newspoper Greatest In Independent Rhode Island Weekly VOL. XLII, No. 17 FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1958 12 PAGES Extremists Picket White House Golf Tourney Held Over One Week Israel Blasts UN Scopus Report JERUSALEM - The Israel For village, whence the firing on Is In Anti-Israel Demonstration Because of the vacation peri od, the Hera ld Golf Tourna- eign Ministry last week loosed a rael police came on May 26, was WASHINGTON - Some 250 concern the tendency of some Jew- ment will be postponed for one blast at the report on the May 26 originally in the Israel sector of J ewish r eligious extremists under ish organizations and their leaders week. The golf coupon appears Israel-Jordan conflict on Mt. Seo the height a nd should only have pus in which United Nations ob the aegis of the so-called World to allow purely internal Israeli I on page 7 for the convenience held 10 unarmed inhabitants. Union of Orthodox J ewish Com issues to become thrust into the of anyone who still wishes to server Lt. Col. George A. Flint a nd 2. Stating that the Mt. Scopus four Israeli policemen lost their boundary dispute was due to each munities picketed the White House American scene.") I register. Drawings will be pub- in a demonstration against Israel N . H. Levinson. president of the lished next week. lives. Observers here believe th at side using a different m a p, but the report, submitted by UN t ruce that was described as shameful by Rabbinical Council of Washington failing to note that the m ap to curious observers. a nd of the Religious Zionist Or- - chief Ca rl C. von Horn to Secre which Israel adheres was sign ed tary General Dag Ha mma rskjold by J ordan, Israel and the UN, Arriving from New York on ganization of Washington, said in a nd by him passed on to the while the Jordanian version never buses, the pickets converged on a statement that the picketing Security Council, will further com was signed by Israel. the White House, bearing abusive group "represents only a very New Orleans' Jews plicate attempts ease tension 3. Incorrectly stating that Israel signs denouncing the Government small minority in this country and to around the Mt. Seo pus issue. expanded its patrolling activities of Israel for what they called in Israe l. " on Mt . Scopus. "religious persecution" and accus Fight Election Law The van Horn report. released at the United Na tions the pre 4. Fa iling to note that Arabs ing the Israeli police of brutalitv. NEW ORLEANS-An emergency vious day. was scored for failing from Issawia had been using with The demonstration was an up Premier of Ghana committee of board members of to mention unequivocally Jordan's out authority a road through shot of the drive the religious responsibility for the five deaths, Israel-held territory-a fact which extremists have been waging Supports Nasser the J ewish Federation of New Orleans, headed by Label A. K a tz, though Jordan officially admitted the UN recognized eight years ago. against Israel and its government having started the fighting. The Meanwhile, Andrew Cordier , over the planned construction of a UNITED NATIONS Dr. president of the J ewish Welfare Kwame Nkrumah. Prime Minister Fund, began an uphill fi ght for report said Col Flint, chairman Hammarskjold's executive assist private swimming pool in Jeru of the Israel Jordan Mixed Arm ant, held another inconclusive salem with facilities to both sexes. of Ghana. has agreed with Presi repeal of a new state law requiring dent Gamel Abdel Nasser of the the holding of all state primary istice Commission was "probably" meeting with Israel Foreign Min Leaders of the group headed by United Arab Republic that the two elections on Sa turday. The meas shot by a bullet from Jordan-held istry officials last week. He then a Rabbi Wurzberger, phoned the countries will continue to support ure was passed by both houses of territory. The report was also left for ta lk in Amman and a Israeli Embassy, shouting denunci the principles of the Afro-Asian the Louisiana legislature without criticized for : trip to Beirut to report to Ha m ations. But when a spokesman for countries. adopted at Bandung, fanfare a nd signed immediately by 1. Failing to sta te that Issawia marskjold. the Embassy offered them an Indonesia, in April, 1955. as well Gov. Earl K . Lon g. appropriate meeting site, they spurned the suggestion . as to urge "a just solution of the It was not until a fter the Gover Palestine question," according to a nor signed the measure into law Inquiry to determine the rela Scopus Report States Flint statement issued by the UAR dele tha t the Jewish community be tionship between the so-called gation. came aware of it. R abbis and lay World Union of Orthodox Jewish leaders protested without success. 'Probably' Shot By Jordan Communities and the United Dr. Nkrumah and Col. Nasser, the delegation stated , issued their In a letter signed by Nat Friedler, Council fo r Religious Freedom in UNITED NATIONS, N.Y . - Lt . investigating team . The r eport statement at the conclusion of the president of the F ederation , to I Israel met a stone wall. The former Col. George A. Flint, ch a irm a n of does not m ention that the J ordan Ohania n Prime Minister's state Gov. Long, it was pointed out th at organization claimed affiliation the Jorda n-Israel Mixed Armistice ians h ad refused to guarantee the Saturday was a religious holiday with the latter, but the United visit to Cairo. The two leaders commission, who was killed during safety of Israelis who might be "expressed anew their deep con to J ews and to "Christian citizens Council denied sponsorship of the fi ghting between Israelis a nd Jar- called to give on-the-spot testi cern over the question of Pales who are members of the Seventh W ashington de mons tration. danians atop Mt. Scopus on May many. One of the sources of the tine, which is a disturbing factor Day Adventists ch urch." 26, was "probably shot by a bullet difficulty involving the Mt. Seo of world peace a nd security." The The letter asked for new legisla fired from Jordanian controlled pus disagreement between Israel joint statement also "reaffirms <In New York City, the Syna tion either to change t he day of territory," according to a formal a nd Jorda n is the fact th at each adherence and support" of the gogue Council of America, through primary elections, "or to grant the report from Secretary General side uses a different m ap, and principles adopted at Ba ndung. At its president. Rabbi Theodore L. privilege of a dvance absentee vot Dag Hammarskjold to the United each side insists that its m ap is that parley. a resolution was Adams, deplored the demonstra ing by persons whose religious con Na tions Security Council. the accurate one. tion, declaring that the Synagogue adopted supporting the position of victions require them to refrain The report, sent to Ha mma rsk- In a brief summary of his r e- Council "views with increasing the Arab states as against Israel. from voting on the Sabbath or on jold by Maj. G en . Carl C. van port, van Horn declares, "Peace a religious holiday." Horn, UN truce chief in Pa lestine, ful co-existen ce between the Arab In his reply, Gov. Long denied implies however, that the Israelis villagers and police 9n Mt. Seo Rebukes Opponents Of Zionism any intent to discriminate and may have been responsible for pus is possible as long as contacts said the bill had been motivated starting the shooting which result- a nd conflict are a voided." Haw NEW YORK- In a sharp rebuke in the upbuilding of the J ewish by a desire to expedite voting by ed not only in the death of Flint ever, h e declared, "pa trolling by to the opponents of Zionism both commonwealth in Israel. rural residents who could best go but also in the death of four I s- the Israeli police in areas inhabi in Israel and in this country, Rabbi The head of the America n Zion to the polls on a day they did not raelis a nd the wounding of two ted or cultivated by the Arabs h as Irving Miller, chairman of the ist Council lashed out against th e spend in the fields. Most Louisi other I sraelis. resulted in contacts a nd conflicts. American Zionist Council, reaf detractors of Zionism who. he ana farmers bring their produce According to van Horn's r eport, Such patrolling is not ordered by firmed the "immense vitality of said , "in their destructive way, to market on Saturday. the bullet that killed Flint was t he UN commander." Zionism'' as a living organism of argued that there is no further fired by a sniper on the Jorda n- the American Jewish community. need for a Zionist movement and SUPPORTS LEBANON ia n side who continued shooting Film Stars Form Addressing a dinner in behalf of individual Zionist organizations in TEL AVIV - Israel is interested long after the J ordanlans h ad ac- the United J ewish Appeal, under the United States." in seeing Lebanon survive, Dr. cepted the United Na tions request Frank Foundation for a cease-fire. Von Horn report the auspices of the West Side "The American J ewish commu Giora Josephthal, secretary gen LOS ANGELES - An Anne District of the Zionist Organiza tion nity'' - he said - "is not a mono eral of the Ma pai, Israel's largest ed that the first complaint about firing was received from the Frank Memoria l Foundation has of America, in honor of Jacob lith, but a living organism.